主讲:瑞金一中 肖聪工作室:黎川一中文丽英语工作室课件
Read and Explore
Scan the text. Focus on the techniques the writer used.
… say you leave the tap running while you brush your teeth, leave a light burning when you go out or you drop a piece of litter and can’t be bothered to pick it up.
Read and Explore
Read paragraph 2. Complete the table below.
The time of its establishment
The early 1990s
The founder
Dr. Jane Goodall
The purpose
To educate young people, from pre-schoolers to university students, so they can help to build a future that is secure and live together in peace with nature.
Unit 8 Green Living
Lesson 1 Roots and Shoots (1)
清华大学附属中学 周喆
Activate and Share
Look at the pictures. Discuss the following questions. 1. What is happening in each picture? 2. Have you ever done any of these things? 3. What would happen if everybody did the same things?
青幸教育高一英语小班第一课(公开课)主讲老师:主讲内容:必修1 第一单元Reading 阅读一、翻译训练。
ANNE’S BEST FRIENDDo you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend.Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish so she had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her family hide awayfor two years before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, “I don’t want to set downa series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.” Now read how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942.二、课堂练习Thursday 15, June, 1944 Dear kitty,I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I was here. …For example, when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn’t dare open a window. Another time some months ago, I happened to be upstairs one even ing when the window was open. I didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face……Sadly…I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced. Yours,Anne三、.快速抓住高考重点词汇1. calm / quiet / silent / still 【解释】calm 天气、水、水面(表风平浪静);指人时表示镇定自如。
初中英语北师大版八年级下册《U5 Communication Workshop》课件
Paragraph 1 2. When did it happen? 3. Where did it happen?
5. What happened? How did you feel?
Look at the questions in the mind map. Match the question number with the correct paragraph of Danny’s writing.
Language Focus
2. I told her that I would try my best to be a good son and make her happy.
make sb + adj. 使某人…… 例如: The good news made me happy. 这条好消息令我很高兴。
1. Read the passage on P60. 2. Write about your most unforgettable experience.
Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3:
Match the question number with the correct paragraph of Danny’s writing.
Match the question number with the correct paragraph of Danny’s writing.
My Unforgettable Experience
1. Why do you think Danny chose the experience to write about?
• 3.He slipped and had his leg broken.______,he will have to be away from school for two or three months.
• A.In any case
B.After all
C.As a result
D.In this way
意义,加强了与世界沟通的需要。 • 4.当堂检测
Reading Comprehention
• Read the passages about Oxford and Grenoble. Get ready to discuss: Is the town twinning relationship beneficial for Oxford? Is it beneficial for Grenoble?
临清三中 英语 张春利 刘君仁
Module 2 Cultural Corner Book 3 Town Twinning
• 1.预习目标 • 了解town twinning的真正含义 • 引申有关twinning的其他用法 • 2.预习内容 • 1)What is twin twinning? • 2) How to understand an town twinning
选修⑥ ·人教版
Unit 5
The power of nature
Section Ⅲ Using Language
Unit 5 The power of nature
Unit 5 The power of nature
Unit 5 The power of nature
2....you are rewarded not only with the sight of its clear waters,but also by the view of the other sixteen peaks that surround Tianchi.
Unit 5 The power of nature
Unit 5 The power of nature
重点词汇 1.anxious adj.忧虑的;不安的;渴望的;热切的
①After hearing the news,I became anxious. 听到这个消息后,我变得不安起来。 ②Peggy is anxious to show that she can cope with extra承担额外的职责。 ③They were anxious that aid should be sent there quickly. 他们盼望援助物品迅速送到那里。
Unit 5 The power of nature
First 略读主旨
没有下锅,那东西不好洗,毛绒绒的,一层夹着一层,而且,每一层里都裹着一些还没有充分消化的草沫子,几个人用两只盆子分别装了水,倒换着洗,渐渐的现出本色,便都再放一个大盆里,加许多 盐,用手揉搓,竞如洗衣裳一般。揉搓一阵子,再放清水里洗,肠肚慢慢地变得白生生的喜人,洗几次,重新换清水泡上--这里,一大锅羊汤早开了锅,掀了锅盖,撇去浮沫,加盐,八角,野茴香--院 子里墙角下有野酥子,薅两把,也加进去,满院飘香---这时,来了许多女人,都拿了盆子,有进到屋里的,有站在屋檐下的,孩子们在人群中嬉闹。队长亲自掌勺,往每一个盆子里盛肉,盛汤。女人们 都咭咭呱呱的说笑,像过年。端了肉汤,高高兴兴的离去了。只剩下一帮男人,锅里的肉汤却没了。我问队长:剩下的人吃啥呀?队长还是那笑模样,又是:以辽不大---说着便将羊下水和羊骨放到锅里, 再加上水,作料---重新熬起来,吩咐人将泡在盆子里的羊肚捞出来,切成细细的丝,去院子里拔几棵葱,也切成丝,再加盐,醋---这时,有人用羊皮从供销社换了酒来,大家便围了那盆拌好的肚丝,将 酒倾在几个粗瓷大碗里,先敬了老人。队长端起酒碗说:忙许多日子,地快锄完了,今天赶上下雨,算是给大家放个假---人们一片欢呼,拍着巴掌叫好,纷纷把酒碗高高举起碰撞,仰脖喝下去,又哈哈 大笑--吃喝一阵,锅里的羊杂煮熟了,捞出来,切好,码在盘子里,羊骨也都捞在一个盆子里,大伙便都伸手抓羊骨啃,用筷子挑了切成细丝的羊肚下酒,---渐渐的,都带了醉意。有几个贪酒的竞酩酊 大醉,用筷子敲了酒碗,用饭勺敲着锅盖,唱起来:长白山下果树成行,海蓝江畔稻花香---许多人随了歌声舞起来,满屋里一片欢乐。左道倾天 /book/105/
刘小宝只好把迈出的脚收回来,把礼物重新装好,心事重重地走出父亲的家门。bbin代理开户 我和父亲把客人送出大门外。我看见父亲望着那人的背影呆呆出神,好像想起什么事情似的。忽然一阵风呼啸而来,门前杨树上的枝条猛摇起来,只听“喀叭”一声响,有一根锄柄粗的树枝被风折 断,“吧嗒”落在墙头上,然后颤抖几下又掉到地下。
父亲伫立在门外那迷离的树影下,我看到了他他忧郁茫然的目光······ 在以后的一段时间里,电视里有时播放有些党的干部渎职、收受贿赂、贪污腐败的事例。每次看后父亲都叹息说:“一个心中没有党旗的干部,他的行为是多么可怕?”
4 父亲的一生对党的感情极为深厚,离开党,他就像丢了魂儿,生命仿佛终止;对党的忠诚犹如“着了魔”(这是引用母亲的话),那就是:在他的心中由始至终飘扬着那面鲜红的党旗!即使在弥留 之际也不例外。
从她讲述中,感觉银器,就是她们村的胎痣。银腰带、银手镯、银碗、银筷、银茶杯……一件件手工打造,一件件向我们炫耀食用银,那妙不可言功效。真人电脑端客户端下载 我理解,罗林村正被时代牵手,于世俗接轨,毕竟人都念烟火。同团人中,有的买了银梳,有的买了银杯。说实话,银价小贵,是市场价三倍。但想想,跨越几千里,只为这一见。银匠为已购银器 免费刻字,权当为罗林村代言吧! 金幡飘飘,牛粪烟淡淡,岁月长长,罗林村从旺盛的太阳中走出。在西部大开发下,渐渐成长的民俗风情旅游村,涂满银色。但愿它永葆后藏辨识度,秉持西藏DNA,用独具韵味的藏家风情,不仅 物绕魂牵。
高中英语Unit 1TEENAGE LIFE reading公开课PPT课件
We may face the same or different challenges when entering senior high for the first time, but if we stay positive, determined and confident, we can get prepared for whatever comes in our future.
courses Chinese
advanced English literature
future self development
school adviser's recommendatio n
strength interest
Do you have to choose suitable courses in your senior high school?
Adam's challenges as a freshman
topic sentence
key words
key phrases
Task3: Detailed reading Read paras 2-4 carefully to find out :
1.What challenges does Adam face? 2.How does he solve them?
1.What challenges does Adam face? 2.How does he solve them?
Challenge 1
Challenge 2
Challenge 3
choosing suitable courses
初中英语北师大版七年级上册《unit 1 communication workshop》课件
I have a big family. 开篇介绍
M外u貌m、a爱n好d Dad E爱m好ma 外an貌d、L善in于da
G爱r好an、d善m于a a爱n好d Grandpa
Steve的blog得到了很多同学的关注和跟帖。 请你也写一篇blog,介绍一下自己的家庭成员 及其喜好。
is good
like likes at
Linda short
looks likes good
food cooking
computer games
Ex.2 Read the blog again and answer the questions.
What do Dad and Mum both like? What does Emma like? They both like sports. Emma likes music.
What is Linda good at? What is grandma good at?
She is good at basketball. She is good at cooking.
北师大版 初中英语 七年级上册
Unit 1 Family Communication Workshop
Steve Yates
Family Tree
DBadig famMuimly
Emma Linda
Items Contents Definition
At work
IQ How smart you are
Get you hired
How well you use your smartness Get you promoted
Predicting future Not always / help Always /help you
you in some ways even more
Cases of high IQs High IQ and quick-witted People with low EQs
and low EQs
students end up failing exams
have a harder time surviving in life
4. “People skills” means ways /abilities of doing things. It is very important to get them improved. Better skills help you do things more easily and make you successful.
Tips of the argumentation
1. Subject (论题) 2. Argument sentences (论点) 3. Supporting sentences (论据) 4. Concluding sentences (论证)
Success comes with a high EQ.
Normal Ss become willing to…and
better understanding…
人教版七年级英语下册 Unit1第3课时 教学课件PPT初一公开课
Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? Section B 1a-1f初中英语七年级下册RJLearning goals1. New words: drum, piano, violin2. Expressions: play the drums, play the piano, play the violin3. Sentences: ① What can you do?② Can you sing?③ I can sing and I can play the drums.④ I can play the piano, but I can’t sing ordance.⑤ You can play the guitar!⑥ Frank, can you play the piano?Warming upDance, dance, I can dance very well. Sing, sing, she can sing very well. Swim, swim, he can swim very well. Chess, chess, we can play chess well. Soccer ball, soccer ball,Can you play soccer ball?Let’s Chant.—What can you do?—I can... and I can/but I can’t...What kind of musical instruments do you know? List as many names as you can.guit ar /gɪˈt ɑː(r)/ n .吉他play the guitarCan you play the guitar?play the pianoCan you play the piano? pi a no/piˈænəʊ/ n. 钢琴play the violin Can you play the violin?vio lin /ˌvaɪəˈlɪn / n . 小提琴Can you play the drums?dr u m/drʌm/ n. 鼓drum一般情况下用复数形式drumsGuessing gameWhat is it?21341a Draw lines to match the words with the pictures.drumspianoguitarviolin1b Listen and number the words [1-4] in the order of the sounds you hear in 1a.drums ______piano ______guitar ______violin ______2314Which of the following music do you want to listen to?What kind of sound can you hear?Do you know the name of the music?Can you play the…?Do you want to learn...?1c Ask and answer questions about the instruments. Can you play the violin?No, I can’t.Do you wantto learn?Yes, I’d love to.I can teach you.Great, that’s verykind of you.Thanks a lot.Make more conversation about these instruments.Look at this picture and answer the questions.What is the teacher doing?What club do the three students wantto join?What may the teacher say to thethree students?What may the students answer?Choose the words they may mention.music club, school show, dance, swim,jump, play the piano, climb themountain, can, play the violin, tellstories, have a walk, can’t, play theguitar, run, play the drums1d Listen and circle the words and phrases you hear.play the violin singplay the guitar danceplay the drums drawplay the piano tell storiesListen again and choose.1.What can Bill do?A. Play the violin.B. Play the guitar.C. Play the piano.2. Who can play the drums?A. Bill.B. Cindy.C. Frank. √√Listen again, how many times are these words mentioned in the conversation? Write the numbers down next to the words.sing play guitar drums piano dance can can’t Game time sing 3 play 7 guitar 2 drums 1piano 4 dance 1 can 12 can’t 31e Listen again. Fill in the chart with the words andphrases in 1d.CanCan’t Billsing CindyFrank play the guitar sing, play the drums play the piano sing or danceplay the pianoListen again and complete the sentences with “can” and “can’t”.1. A: Can you sing? B: No, I ______ But I _____ play the guitar.2. A: What can you do? B: I ______ sing and I ______ play the drums.3. A: Can you play the piano? B: No, I ______. Frank ________ play the piano.4. A: Frank, can you play the piano? B: Yeah, I_______ play the piano, but I _______sing or dance.can’t can’t can can can can’t can canTeacher : I want some students for the school concert . What can you do, Bill? Can you sing ?Bill: No, I can’t . But I can play the guitar.Teacher : You can play the guitar! Good. OK, what can you do, Cindy?Cindy : I can sing and I can play the drums .Teacher : You can! Great, Cindy. Can you play the piano ?Cindy : No, I can’t . Frank can play the piano .Teacher : Frank, can you play the piano?Frank : Yeah, I can play the piano, but I can’t sing or dance .Listen and read.学校音乐会但是;然而 表示前后意思的转折和;与 用于连接单词或句中并列部分也不;用于否定句中Role-play the conversation.Teacher: I want some students for the school concert. What can you do, Bill? Can you sing?Bill:No, I can’t. But I can play the guitar.Teacher: You can play the guitar! Good. OK, what can you do,Cindy? Cindy: I can sing and I can play the drums.Teacher: You can! Great, Cindy. Can you play the piano? Cindy: No, I can’t. Frank can play the piano.Teacher: Frank, can you play the piano?Frank: Yeah, I can play the piano, but I can’t sing or dance.1f Talk about what Bill, Cindy and Frank can and can’t do.Can Bill play theguitar?Yes, he can, but hecan’t sing.Make sentences in groups by using the following words.can, can’t, and, but, dance, swim, sing, play chess, paint, speak English, play the drums, play the piano, play the violin, play ping-pongA: What can he do?B: He can ______, but he can’t _______.C: Can he ___________?D: Yes, he can, but he can’t ______________./No, hecan’t, but he can _______________.dance sing play chess play basketball play ping-pongGame timeWrite sentences like this as many as you can in one minute.Jill can dance, but she can’t paint.Victor can speak English, and he can play the violin.…一、根据图片写单词12345____________________________________________________________piano chess violin guitar drums12345Exercises二、单项选择1.(云南中考) Nowadays, some robots are very human-like. They can walk ______ dance. A. and B. but C. or D. except2.Frank can play the piano, ______ he can’t sing ______ dance. A. and, but B. but, and C. and, or D. but, or3.My brother plays basketball well but he doesn’t play piano well. A. the; the B. /; / C. the; / D. /; the D A D1.I can play chess. (改为一般疑问句)________________________________2.Mr. Green can play the guitar. (改为否定句)________________________________3.Bill can swim well. (对画线部分提问)________________________________4.They can play the drums. (对画线部分提问)________________________________Can you play chess?Mr. Green can’t play the guitar.Who can swim well?What can they do?三、句型转换play the drums, play the piano, play the violinUseful expressions SentencesKey words drum, piano, violin4.Frank can play the piano.3.You can play the guitar!2.—What can you do?—I can sing and I can play the drums./I can play the piano, but I can’t sing or dance.1.Can you sing?SummaryMake a surveyWork in groups of 4 and ask and answer what they can doand what they can’t do. Then write down the results. Pay attention to the use of “and” “or” and “but”.Homework谢谢观看 Thank You。
bedroom 卧室
study 书房
dining room 餐厅
living room 客厅
bathroom 浴室
kitchen 厨房
bedroom 卧室
study 书房
dining room 餐厅
living room
kitchen 厨房
bedroom 卧室
study 书房
Fill in the blanks with "is/are". 1. There ______ is a pen in my hand. 2. There ______ is some juice in the glass. 3. There _____ are two apples on the desk. 4. There _____ are some books on the shelf. 5. There _____ is a girl and three boys in the
Where is the ball? It's under ______ the desk. under 在......之下
Where is the ball? It's ______ in the desk. in 在......之内
It's in the bedroom.
bedroom 卧室 study n. n. 书房 bathroom n. 浴室,洗手间 kitchen n. 厨房 living dining room room 客厅,起居室 餐厅 [ˈbedru:m] [ˈstʌdi] [ˈbɑ:θru:m][ˈbæθru:m] [ˈkɪtʃɪn]
这里的基本句型包括简单句的五 个基本句型和there be句型。
所谓简单句就是由一个主语(包括 并列主语) 和一个谓语(包括并列谓语) 组成的句子, 即一个主谓关系的句子。
典Hale Waihona Puke 例句主+谓He studies very hard.他学习非常努力。
1. David was seven years old.
合并成文:When David was seven years old, he dreamed of flying in the sky. Having finished his homework, he made himself a paper plane to play with. On his way to school, there was a plane flying in the sky. So his father encouraged him to be a pilot in the future. It was by working hard that he made his dream come true eighteen years later.
10. 我是唯一的女孩。(主系表) 10. I was the only girl.
11. 我们中午到达山顶。(主谓宾) 11. We got to the top of the maintain at noon.
12. 我们很累但很高兴。(主系表) 12. We felt tired but happy.
Today some classmates and I went to climb the West Hill. When we got there by taxi at about 8 o’clock in the morning, there had been many tourists climbing. We were so excited that we began our climb without any delay, during which our monitor, Xiao Ming, offered me, the only girl, a lot of help. After we got to the top at noon, tired but happy, the boys asked me to dance to music and my performance made them forget their tiredness.
Linda: Yes, I can. When will your party begin? Lee: At 7:00.
Linda: Who else is going to your party? Lee: Some other friends of mine.
Linda: Can we play games together? Lee: No problem.
Hale Waihona Puke Linda: What’s your telephone number? Lee: It’s 1820463868.
Linda: Ok, thank you for inviting me to your party. Goodbye! Lee: Bye.
What do you learn from this story? Talk with your friends.
He is calling his friend, Linda. He wants to invite her to his birthday party.
Linda: Hello! Lee: Hi, Linda. This is Lee. How are you doing?
Linda: I’m great, what’s up? Lee: I’m going to hold a birthday party this Saturday in my home. Can you come?
老师将单词卡片按照随意 顺序摆好,学生记忆, 之后老师随意打 乱顺序,学生根 据记忆将单词还原。
1.Remember these new words. 2.Read the dialogue to your parents.