Absorption of Gases
本文节选部分技术内容供大家参考!5.1 General BATconclusions for the refining of mineral oil and gas (石油及天然气炼制工业最佳可行技术汇总)Theprocess-specific BAT conclusions included in Sections 5.2 to 5.19 apply inaddition to the general BAT conclusions mentioned in this section.5.1.1Environmental management systems(环境管理体系)BAT1. In order to improve the overall environmental performance of plants for the refining of mineral oil and gas, BAT is to implement and adhere to anenvironmental management system (EMS) that incorporates all of the followingfeatures:(为提升石油及天然气加工厂整体的环境,最佳可行技术将被实施,并遵循包含以下要求的环境管理体系)i. commitment ofthe management, including senior management;ii. definitionof an environmental policy that includes the continuous improvement for theinstallation by the management;iii. planningand establishing the necessary procedures, objectives and targets, inconjunction with financial planning and investment;iv.implementation of the procedures paying particular attention to:(a) structureand responsibility(b) training,awareness and competence(c)communication(d) employeeinvolvement(e)documentation(f) efficientprocess control(g) maintenanceprogrammes(h) emergencypreparedness and response(i)safeguarding compliance with environmental legislation.v.checking performance and taking corrective action, paying particular attentionto:(a) monitoringand measurement (see also the reference document on the General Principles ofMonitoring)(b) correctiveand preventive action(c) maintenanceof records(d)independent (where practicable) internal and external auditing in order todetermine whether or not the EMS conforms to planned arrangements and has beenproperly implemented and maintained;vi. review of theEMS and its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness by seniormanagement;vii. followingthe development of cleaner technologies;viii.consideration for the environmental impacts from the eventual decommissioningof the installation at the stage of designing a new plant, and throughout itsoperating life;ix.application of sectoral benchmarking on a regular basis.ApplicabilityThe scope (e.g. level of detail) and nature of the EMS (e.g. standardised ornon-standardised) will generally be related to the nature, scale and complexityof the installation, and the range of environmental impacts it may have.5.1.2 Energy efficiency(能源效率)BAT2. In order to use energy efficiently, BAT is to use an appropriate combination of the techniques given below:(为有效使用能源,以下技术将被适当的组合使用)5.1.3 Solidmaterials storage and handling(固体物料的储存和转运)BAT3. In order to prevent or, where that is not practicable, to reduce duste missions from the storage and handling of dusty materials, BAT is to use one or a combination of the techniques given below:(为阻止或减少粉尘在储存和转运过程中的排放,将采用以下一种或多种组合技术)i. store bulkpowder materials in enclosed silos equipped with a dust abatement system(e.g.fabric filter);ii. store finematerials in enclosed containers or sealed bags;iii. keepstockpiles of coarse dusty material wetted, stabilise the surface with crustingagents, or store under cover in stockpiles;e road cleaning vehicles.5.1.4 Monitoringof emissions to air and key process parameters(对大气污染物排放和重要参数进出监测)BAT4. BAT is to monitor emissions to air by using the monitoring techniques with at least the minimum frequency given below and in accordance with EN standards.If EN standards are not available, BAT is to use ISO, national or otherinternational standards that ensure the provision of data of an equivalentscientific quality.(废气监测)BAT 5.BAT is to monitor the relevant process parameters linked to pollutant emissions, at catalytic cracking and combustion units by using appropriate techniques and with at least the frequency given below. (与污染相关参数监测)BAT 6.BAT is to monitor diffuse VOC emissions to air from the entire site by using all of the following techniques:(VOC监测)i. sniffing methods associated with correlation curvesfor key equipment;ii. optical gas imaging techniques;iii. calculationsof chronic emissions based on emissions factors periodically (e.g. once everytwo years) validated by measurements.The screening andquantification of site emissions by periodic campaigns with opticalabsorption-based techniques, such as differential absorption light detectionand ranging (DIAL) or solar occultation flux (SOF) is a useful complementarytechnique.DescriptionSee Section Operation of waste gas treatment systems(废气处理系统操作)BAT7. In order to prevent or reduce emissions to air, BAT is to operate the acidgas removal units, sulphur recovery units and all other waste gas treatmentsystems with a high availability and at optimal capacity.DescriptionSpecial procedurescan be defined for specific operating conditions, in particular:i. during start-up and shutdown operations;ii. during other circumstances that could affect theproper functioning of the systems (e.g. regular and extraordinary maintenancework and cleaning operations of the units and/or of the waste gas treatmentsystem);iii. in case ofinsufficient waste gas flow or temperature which prevents the use of the wastegas treatment system at full capacity.BAT 8.In order to prevent and reduce ammonia (NH3)emissions to air when applying selective catalytic reduction (SCR) or selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) techniques, BAT is to maintain suitable operating conditions of the SCR or SNCR waste gas treatment systems, with the aim of limiting emissions of unreacted NH3.(维持适宜SCR和NSCR适宜的操作条件,避免氨逃逸)BAT-associatedemission levels: See Table 5.2.Table 5.2:BAT-associated emission levels for ammonia (NH3)emissions to air for a combustion or process unit where SCR or SNCR techniquesare usedBAT 9.In order to prevent and reduce emissions to air when using a sour water steamst ripping unit, BAT is to route the acid off-gases from this unit to an SRU or any equivalent gas treatment system.(为减少酸性水气提装置废气排放,气提废气将被引至其他单元或废气治理系统)It is not BAT to directly incinerate the untreated sour water stripping gases.5.1.6 Monitoringof emissions to waterBAT10. BAT is to monitor emissions to water by using the monitoring techniqueswith at least the frequency given in Table 5.3 and in accordance with ENstandards. If EN standards are not available, BAT is to use ISO, national orother international standards that ensure the provision of data of anequivalent scientific quality.5.1.7 Emissionsto water(水质监测)BAT 11.In order to reduce water consumption and the volume of contaminated water, BAT is to use all of the techniques given below.BAT 12.In order to reduce the emission load of pollutants in the waste water discharge to the receiving water body, BAT is to remove insoluble and soluble polluting substances by using all of the techniques given below.BAT-associated emission levels: SeeTable5.3.BAT 13.When further removal of organic substances or nitrogen is needed, BAT is to usean additional treatment step as described in Section 5.21.2.Table 5.3:BAT-associated emission levels for direct waste water discharges from therefining of mineral oil and gas and monitoring frequencies associated with BAT(1)5.1.8 Waste generation and management(废物产生及管理)BAT14. In order to prevent or, where that is not practicable, to reduce wastegeneration, BAT is to adopt and implement a waste management plan that, inorder of priority, ensures that waste is prepared for reuse, recycling,recovery or disposal.BAT15. In order to reduce the amount of sludge to be treated or disposed of, BATis to use one or a combination of the techniques given below.BAT 16.In order to reduce the generation of spent solid catalyst waste, BAT is to useone or a combination of the techniques given below.5.1.9 Noise(噪音)BAT17. In order to prevent or reduce noise, BAT is to use one or a combination ofthetechniques given below:i. make anenvironmental noise assessment and formulate a noise management plan as appropriateto the local environment;ii. enclosenoisy equipment/operation in a separate structure/unit;iii. useembankments to screen the source of noise;e noise protection walls.5.1.10 BATconclusions for integrated refinery management(炼油厂综合管理技术)BAT18. In order to prevent or reduce diffuse VOC emissions, BAT is to apply the techniques given below.(为阻止或减小VOC无组织排放,适宜采用以下技术)BAT 52.In order to prevent or reduce VOC emissions to air from loading and unloading operations of volatile liquid hydrocarbon compounds, BAT is to use one or acombination of the techniques given below to achieve a recovery rate of at least 95 %.(为减少VOC在装卸过程中的排放,采用以下一种或多种技术组合能实现95%的回收率)PS:关注公众号可在后台下载BTA原文件欢迎大家进入环保大讲坛交流群和专家老师进行交流广告来啦!欢迎咨询我司“智慧环保管控系统”,通过数字系统对污水、废气、固废、电力等进行全面监控,用大数据、信息化管理环保!同时我司提供环保软件定制开发技术服务。
习题:13.42 13.43
2.2 Mass Diffusion 传质 2.2.1 Fick’s Law Items we will discuss here:
2.2.2 Mass Diffusion Coefficient
The flow of a commodity is always in the direction of decreasing concentration (diffusion process)
EXAMPLE Effective Emissivity of Combustion Gases
A cylindrical furnace whose height and diameter are 5 m contains combustion gases at 1200 K and a total pressure of 2 atm. The composition of the combustion gases is determined by volumetric analysis to be 80 percent N2, 8 percent H2O, 7 percent O2, and 5 percent CO2. Determine the effective emissivity of the combustion gases . If the wall temperature is 600K then determine the heat transfer rate between the gas and the wall.
RADIATION EXCHANGE WITH EMITTING AND ABSORBING GASES(吸收性气体的辐射换热) Gases with asymmetric molecules such as H2O, CO2, CO, SO2, and hydrocarbons HnCm may participate in the radiation process by absorption at moderate temperatures, and by absorption and emission at high temperatures such as those encountered in combustion chambers. 气体辐射特征: •throughout its entire volume(射线的吸收概率) •at a number of narrow wavelength bands(光带性) •depends on the temperature, pressure, and composition of the gas mixture(确定了吸收性和发射性物质数量的多少)
25. Figure S15. IAST selectivities of CO2 over N2 in 1a at different mixture composition at 273 K (a) and 298 K (b). 26.Figure S16. IAST selectivites of CO2 over H2 in 1a at different mixture compositions as a function of total pressure at 273 K (a) and 298 K (b). 27. Figure S17. Gas cycling experiment for 1a under a mixed CO2–N2 (15:85 v/v) flow and a pure N2 flow at a constant temperature of 303 K for 35 cycles. 28. Figure S18. An enlargment of five cycles―TG-DSC curves from cycle 5th to cycle 9th. 29. Figure S19. The IR spectra of the as-synthesized sample (a) and acetoneexchanged one (b). 30. Table S10. The weight change for the special cycle in the gas cycling experiment. 31. Table S11. High-pressure excess sorption and total sorption data of 1a.
Background of Blood Gas Analysis
• Blood gas analysis was first introduced in the early 20th century as a tool to assess the respiratory function of patients with respiratory diseases Since then, it has become an essential diagnostic test in critical care settings, emergency departments, and operating rooms The development of blood gas analysis has significantly improved the management and outcomes of patients with respiratory and other critical conditions
exits during respiration
Acid based balance
The pH of blood is properly regulated to maintain homeostasis Respiratory compensation and residual excess are the main mechanisms for maintaining
中考自然环境教育英语阅读理解20题1<背景文章>Forests are of great importance to our ecological environment. They are often called the lungs of the earth. Forests play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of nature.Forests help to purify the air. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which is essential for all living beings. Without forests, the air we breathe would be much less clean.Forests also play a key role in regulating the climate. They help to control temperature and precipitation. By absorbing and storing water, forests can prevent floods and droughts.In addition, forests are home to a wide variety of plants and animals. Many species depend on forests for their survival. Forests provide food, shelter, and breeding grounds for countless organisms.Protecting forests is essential for the future of our planet. We should take measures to prevent deforestation and promote reforestation. Only by protecting forests can we ensure a sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.1. Forests are called the lungs of the earth because they ______.A. are very beautifulB. absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygenC. are home to many animalsD. regulate the climate答案:B。
Mach–Zehnder interferometerIn physics, the Mach–Zehnder interferometer is a device used to determine the relative phase shift variations between two collimated beams derived by splitting light from a single source. The interferometer has been used, among other things, to measure phase shifts between the two beams caused by a sample or a change in length of one of the paths. The apparatus is named after the physicists Ludwig Mach (the son of Ernst Mach) and Ludwig Zehnder: Zehnder's proposal in an 1891 article[1] was refined by Mach in an 1892 article.[2]IntroductionThe Mach–Zehnder interferometer is a highly configurable instrument. In contrast to the well-known Michelson interferometer, each of the well-separated light paths is traversed only once.If it is decided to produce fringes in white light, then, since white light has a limited coherence length, on the order of micrometers, great care must be taken to simultaneously equalize the optical paths over all wavelengths or no fringes will be visible. As seen in Fig. 1, a compensating cell made of the same type of glass as the test cell (so as to have equal optical dispersion) would be placed in the path of the reference beam to match the test cell. Note also the precise orientation of the beam splitters. The reflecting surfaces of the beam splitters would be oriented so that the test and reference beams pass through an equal amount of glass. In this orientation, the test and reference beams each experience two front-surface reflections, resulting in the same number of phase inversions. The result is that light traveling an equal optical path length in the test and reference beams produces a white light fringe of constructive interference.[3][4]Figure 2. Localized fringes result when an extended source is used in a 迈克尔逊interferometer. By appropriately adjusting the mirrors and beam splitters, the fringes can be localized in any desired plane.Collimated sources result in a nonlocalized fringe pattern. Localized fringes result when an extended source is used. In Fig. 2, we see that the fringes can be adjusted so that they are localized in any desired plane.[5]:18 In most cases, the fringes would be adjusted to lie in the same plane as the test object, so that fringes and test object can be photographed together.The Mach–Zehnder interferometer's relatively large and freely accessible working space, and its flexibility in locating the fringes has made it the interferometer of choice for visualizing flow in wind tunnels[6][7] and for flow visualization studies in general. It is frequently used in the fields of aerodynamics, plasma physics and heat transfer to measure pressure, density, and temperature changes in gases.[5]:18,93–95Mach–Zehnder interferometers are used in electro-optic modulators, electronic devices used in various fibre-optic communications applications. 迈克尔逊modulators are incorporated in monolithic integrated circuits and offer well-behaved, high-bandwidth electro-optic amplitude and phase responses over a multiple GHz frequency range.Mach–Zehnder interferometers are also used to study one of the most counterintuitive predictions of quantum mechanics, the phenomenon known as quantum entanglement.[8][9]The possibility to easily control the features of the light in the reference channel without disturbing the light in the object channel popularized the Mach–Zehnder configuration in holographic interferometry. In particular, optical heterodyne detection with an off-axis, frequency-shifted reference beam ensures good experimental conditions for shot-noise limited holography with video-rate cameras,[10] vibrometry,[11] and laser Doppler imaging of blood flow.[12]How it worksSet-upA collimated beam is split by a half-silvered mirror. The two resulting beams (the "sample beam" and the "reference beam") are each reflected by a mirror. The two beams then pass a second half-silvered mirror and enter two detectors.PropertiesThe Fresnel equations for reflection and transmission of a wave at a dielectric imply that there is a phase change for a reflection when a wave reflects off a change from low to high refractive index but not when it reflects off a change from high to low.A 180 degree phase shift occurs upon reflection from the front of a mirror, since the medium behind the mirror (glass) has a higher refractive index than the medium the light is traveling in (air). No phase shift accompanies a rear surface reflection, since the medium behind the mirror (air) has a lower refractive index than the medium the light is traveling in (glass).Figure 3.Effect of a sample on the phase of the output beams in a Mach–Zehnder interferometer. The speed of light is slower in media with an index of refraction greater than that of a vacuum, which is 1. Specifically, its speed is: v = c/n, where c is the speed of light in vacuum and n is the index of refraction. This causes a phase shift increase proportional to (n − 1) × length traveled. If k is the constant phase shift incurred by passing through a glass plate on which a mirror resides, a total of 2k phase shift occurs when reflecting off the rear of a mirror. This is because light traveling toward the rear of a mirror will enter the glass plate, incurring k phase shift, and then reflect off the mirror with no additional phase shift since only air is now behind the mirror, and travel again back through the glass plate incurring an additional k phase shift.The rule about phase shifts applies to beamsplitters constructed with a dielectric coating, and must be modified if a metallic coating is used, or when different polarizations are taken into account. Also, in real interferometers, the thicknesses of the beamsplitters may differ, and the path lengths are not necessarily equal. Regardless, in the absence of absorption, conservation of energy guarantees that the two paths must differ by a half wavelength phase shift. Also note thatbeamsplitters that are not 50/50 are frequently employed to improve the interferometer's performance in certain types of measurement.[3]Observing the effect of a sampleIn Fig. 3, in the absence of a sample, both the sample beam SB and the reference beam RB will arrive in phase at detector 1, yielding constructive interference. Both SB and RB will have undergone a phase shift of (1×wavelength + k) due to two front-surface reflections and one transmission through a glass plate.At detector 2, in the absence of a sample, the sample beam and reference beam will arrive with a phase difference of half a wavelength, yielding complete destructive interference. The RB arriving at detector 2 will have undergone a phase shift of (0.5×wavelength + 2k) due to one front-surface reflection and two transmissions. The SB arriving at detector 2 will have undergone a (1×wavelength + 2k) phase shift due to two front-surface reflections and one rear-surface reflection. Therefore, when there is no sample, only detector 1 receives light.If a sample is placed in the path of the sample beam, the intensities of the beams entering the two detectors will change, allowing the calculation of the phase shift caused by the sample.ApplicationsThe versatility of the Mach–Zehnder configuration has led to its being used in a wide range of fundamental research topics in quantum mechanics, including studies on counterfactual definiteness, quantum entanglement, quantum computation, quantum cryptography, quantum logic, Elitzur-Vaidman bomb tester, the quantum eraser experiment, the quantum Zeno effect, and neutron diffraction. In optical telecommunications it is used as an electro-optic modulator for phase as well as amplitude modulation of light.迈克尔逊干涉仪在物理学中,迈克尔逊干涉仪是用于确定通过分离来自单个光源的光而得到的两个准直光束之间的相对相移变化的装置。
Unit 5.Force of nature. ppt
Louis Pasteur Some of his works are: separation of mirror image molecules and effect of polarized light identification of the parasite that was killing silkworms James Maxwell He is known for the "Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism" published in 1873. Maxwell independently developed the "Maxwell-Boltzmann kinetic theory of gases". Edwin Hubble "Hubble's Law" stated that galaxies move away from each other at a speed determined by the distance that separated them. He classified galaxies as per their distance, shape, brightness patterns and content. Paul Dirac He received a Nobel prize in 1933 for the work on antiparticles. The "Dirac equation" was a version of the Schrodinger's equation.
Barbara Goldsmith is a noted author, historian. Her best-selling books include The Straw Man, Little Gloria…Happy at Last, Johnson v. Johnson, and Other Powers: The Age of Suffrage, Spiritualism, and the Scandalous Victoria Woodhull (soon to be a major motion picture produced by Kathleen Kennedy for Universal Studios) and Obsessive Genius: The Inner World of Marie Curie. Barbara Goldsmith has long been at the forefront of the effort to preserve our written heritage. She is the donor of the Goldsmith Conservation and Preservation Laboratories at the New Yse Divisions were recently named in her honor.
ABSORPTION & EXTRACTION •Absorption:o when two contacting phases are a gas & a liquid o transfer of material is from a gaseous phase to a liquid phaseo involves molecular & turbulent diffusion or mass transfer of solute A through a stagnantnondiffusing gas B into a stagnant liquid C o e.g.: NH3→ H2O, SO2 from flue gases byabsorption in alkaline solutionso when a gas is pure air and liquid is pure water Æhumidification•Extraction:o one or more components of a liquid or a solid are transferred to another liquido e.g.: separation of certain components ofpetroleum-based oils by the use of acetoneoil dissolve in acetonean immiscible layer with acetone solution •Diffusion:o transfer or movement of individual molecules through a fluid by means of the random,individual movements of the molecules o involves mass transfero ammonia vapor is absorbed in water, theammonia particles or molecules must diffusethrough the gas to the surface of the liquid waterGas-Liquid Equilibrium•Gas-liquid equilibrium data: pressure, composition •Henry’s law:o The concentration of a component in a liquid solution is directly proportional to theequilibrium partial pressure of the componentover the liquid solutionp A = H.x AH = Henry’s law constant in atm/mole fractiono Henry’s law is a liquid law and is followed only under certain conditions:The concentration of a volatile component ina solution must be lowThe constant H depends ono the components of the solutiono the temperature of the solutionH value must be determined experimentallyo Example:What will be the concentration of oxygen dissolvedin water at 298 K when the solution is inequilibrium with air at 1 atm total pressure? TheHenry’s law constant is 4.38 x 104 atm/mol fraction.p O = 0.210.21 = Hx A = 4.38 x 104 x Ax A =4.80 x 10-6 mol fractionMethods of Calculation for Absorption Columns • The no of theoretical stages required for acontinuous-absorption operation can be determined by a graphical method (analogous to the McCabe-Thiele method)G m = kilogram moles of inert gas passing through 1 m 2 of cross section of the absorption tower in unit time (kg mol s -1 m -2)L m = kilogram moles of pure absorbing liquid passing through 1 m 2 of cross section of theabsorption tower in unit time (kg mol s -1 m -2)x = kilogram moles of dissolved absorbable material per kilogram mole of pure absorbing liquidy = kilogram moles of gaseous absorbable material per kilogram mole of pure inert gas• Material balance:L m (x 1 – x 2) = G m (y 1 – y 2)• Plate b:L m (x b – x a ) = G m (y c – y b )L m (∆x) = G m (∆y)∴ x G L y mm ∆=∆•Example:A bubble cape plate absorption column is to be usedto absorb ammonia in water.Gaseous mixture (bottom): 20 % NH3, 80 % airA total of 50 kg moles of gaseous NH3 enters thetower per hour4000 kg pure water enter the top of the absorptiontower per hourThe equipment is operated at atmosphere pressurewith a constant temperature of 18o CThe overall plate efficiency for the tower is 60 %Determine the actual number of bubble cap platesrequired to absorb 90 % of the entering NH3.Solution:On 1 hour basisMoles of gaseous NH3 per mole of inert gas at theentrance of the tower:y1 = 20 / 80 = 0.25Total moles of NH3 absorbed by water:(50)(0.90) = 45 kg molesMoles of absorbed NH3 per mole of water:x1 = 45 / (4000/18) = 0.202Moles of absorbed NH3 per mole of water at liquid entrance to tower:x2 = 0.00Moles of gaseous NH3 per mole of inert gas at gasexit from tower:y2 = 0.25 – (0.25 x 0.9) = 0.025Total moles of inert gases passing through tower: (80 / 20) 50 = 200111200184000.))((G L m m ==The operating line is represented by a straight line between y 1, x 1 and y 2, x 2o It can be seen that 4.4 theoretical stages arerequired to absorb 90 % of the entering NH 3under the given conditionso The overall efficiency for the absorption tower is60 % Æ the total number of plates necessary is4.4 / 0.6 = 7.33 plateso 8 actual bubble-cap platesApplication of Absorption Coefficients• the rate of absorption varies widely with differentmixtures• use of absorption coefficient to find the rate ofabsorption• absorption coefficient :N = K G A(P aG – P ai )N = rate of which component is transferred through gas film (kg mol s -1)K G = gas-film absorption coefficient (kg mol s-1 m-2 atm-1)A = surface-contact area available for mass transfer(m2)P aG = partial pressure of component in main body of the gas (atm)P ai = partial pressure of component at vapor-liquidinterface (atm)•the rate of which a component is transferred througha liquid film:N = K L A(C ai – C aL)K L = liquid-film absorption coefficient(kgmol s-1 m-2)C ai = concentration of component in liquid at vapor-liquid interface (kg mol m-3)C aL =concentration of component in main body ofliquid (kg mol m-3)•an overall absorption coefficient may be used for calculationN = K G’A(P aG – P aL)N = K L’A(C aG – C aL)K G’ = overall absorption coefficient (gas)K L’ = overall absorption coefficient (liquid)P aL = partial pressure of component if it were inequilibrium with a solution having sameconcentration as main body of liquid (atm)C aG = concentration of component if it were in a solution in equilibrium with a gas having same component as main body of gas (kg mol m -3)• gas film & liquid film represent resistances in seriesÆ the rate of material passing through each film must be the sameN = K G A(P aG – P ai ) = K L A(C ai – C aL )= K G ’A(P aG – P aL ) = K L ’A(C aG – C aL )Henry’s law:C ai = H.P aiC aL = H.P aLC aG = H.P aGLG 'G K .H K K 111+=GL 'L K H K K +=11if a = A/VV = total volume of the absorption towera = interfacial area per unit volume of the absorbing apparatusaK .H a K a K L G 'G 111+=aK H a K a K G L 'L +=11Methods of Calculation Using Overall Absorption Coefficients• only mixtures that follow the Henry’s Law will beconsideredN = K G ’aV(P aG – P aL )• If K G ’a values are available Æ the size of absorptiontower can be calculated• Example:Gas: 1 mol SO 2 for every 100 mol of inert gas is to pass through an absorption tower counter-currently to a water – sodium sulphate solutionExit gases: 0.05 mol of SO 2 per 100 mol of inert gasA total of 10,000 kg mol of inert gas is to pass per hourK G ’a = 11.3 x 10-2 kg mol s -1 m -2 atm -1The height of the tower ~ 6 mWhat is the diameter of the tower? (P = 1 atm)Solution:P = 1 atmP aG (at bottom of tower) = xPP aG = [1 / (100 + 1)] P = (1 / 101) 1 = 0.00990 atmP aG (at top of tower) = xPP aG = [0.05 / (100 + 0.05)] 1 = 0.0005 atmAccording to the available equilibrium data, the solubility of SO 2 in the liquid is so great that the pressure of SO 2 in equilibrium with the liquid ~ 0.0 at all the concentration∴ P aL (at bottom and top of tower) = 0.0 atm(P aG – P aL )logmean = ).().(log .).().(00005000099032000050000990−−−−− Æ 0.00315 atmexitaL aG bottom aL aG exit aL aG bottom aL aG mean log aL aG )P P ()P P (log .)P P ()P P ()P P (−−−−−=−32N = the rate at which the component being absorbedThe value of N corresponds to an overall logmean driving force:N = (moles of absorbable materials enteringabsorption tower per hour) – (moles of absorbable materials leaving absorption tower per hour)N = (0.01 – 0.0005)(10,000) = 95 kg mol / hN = 95 kg mol /h = 95 / 3600 kg mol / s).)(.(/)P P (K N V mean log aL aG 'G 003150110360095=−=V = 74.1 m 3Cross-sectional area of column = 74.1 / 6 = 12.35 m214 34351243512.x.))(.(R=π=R = 3.96 mMethods of Calculation for Extraction Operations (Single Extraction Stage)•Liquid-liquid extraction is often employed to separate 2 mutually soluble liquids•Case where the solvent is immiscible with one of the solution components. Example:To extract a part of acetaldehyde from a dilutesolution of acetaldehyde in tolueneWater = extracting solvent(1): acetaldehyde + water = extract(2): acetaldehyde + toluene raffinatex o = kg acetaldehyde per kg of toluene in the initial solutionS o = kg of waterH o = kg of toluene (initial solution)y1 = kg of acetaldehyde per kg of waterx1 = kg of acetaldehyde per kg of tolueneAt equilibrium conditions: the following overallmaterial balancex o H o = H o x1 + s o y1•Example:A solution of acetaldehyde (11 kg) & toluene (100kg) + water (80 kg)At equilibrium: y1 = 2.2x1y1 = kg of acetaldehyde per kg of waterx1 = kg of acetaldehyde per kg of tolueneif equilibrium is obtained between the phase in asingle (one stage) extraction process, how many kg acetaldehyde will be removed by the water?Solution:y1 = 2.2x111 = 100x1 + 80y1y1 = 0.0877 kg acetaldehyde per kg of waterTotal kg of acetaldehyde extracted by waterÆ0.0877 x 80 = 7.02 kgEVAPORATION •Example: exposing a large area of liquid area to the sun’s ray Æ to obtain salt by the evaporation ofseawater•Heat transfer in evaporators:q = UA∆Tq = rate at which heat is transferred through theheating surfaceU= overall heat-transfer coefficientA = heat-transfer area•The temperature-difference driving force Æ∆T ∆T = the difference in temperature between thecondensing steam and the boiling solution at theliquid-vapor interface•In the majority of cases in evaporation, the thermal properties of the solution may differ from those ofwater (dilute solution) Æ boiling-point rise due tomaterial (solutes) in the solutionThe boiling-point rise (BPR) = actual surfacetemperature of the mixture minus the temperature of the pure solvent if it is exerted the same vaporpressure as the mixture•Usually cannot be predicted•Use of Dühring’s RuleDühring’s Rule•Useful empirical law•To determine the boiling-point rise due to material in solution• A plot of the temperature of a constant-concentration solution vs the temperature of a reference substance, where the reference substance and the solution exert the same pressure results in a straight line•Pure water is often used as reference material •Example:30 % by weight NaOH in waterUse the steam-table temperature of waterThe boiling point of water at 25.6 kPa is 65.6o CFor 65.6o C and 30 % NaOH, the boiling point of the NaOH solution is 79.5o CThe boiling-point rise = 79.5 – 65.6 = 13.9o C Standard Overall Coefficient•To calculate the standard overall coefficient (U) Æthe general equation of heat transfer is used:Q = UA∆T∆T is called a standard temperature difference Æequals to the apparente temperature difference minus the BPR due to material in solution:∆T = ∆T a – BPR•Example:30 % NaOH in waterpressure in the evaporator vapor space is 3.718 lb/in2 absolutesteam chest pressure is 25 lb/in2the actual BPR due to material in solution = 25o FFrom the steam-table temperature, for saturatedwater vapor:3.718 → 150o F25 → 20o F∆T = 240 – (150+25) or∆T = (240 – 150) – 25 = ∆T a – BPRHeat and Material Balance for Evaporators•The basic equation for solving the capacity of a single-effect evaporator:q = UA∆T•The feed to the evaporator: F kg/h Æ solids content of x F mole fraction, temperature T F and the enthalpyh F J/kg•Coming out: liquid, L kg/h Æ a solids content of x L, temperature T1 and enthalpy h L•Vapor V kg/h Æ pure solvent having solids content of y V = 0, T1 and H v•Saturated steam entering: S kg/h, T S, H S•The condensed steam Æ T S, h S•Heat from steam Æ latent heat (λ)λ = H S – h S•Total material balance:F = L + V•Total material balance on solids:F.x F = L.x L•Heat balance: total heat entering = total heat leaving heat in feed + heat in steam = heat in liquid + heat in vapor + heat in steam•Assume no heat lost by radiation or convectionF.h F + S.H S = L.h L + V.H V + S.h SF.h F + S. λ = L.h L + V.H V•The heat q transferred in the evaporator:Q = S(H S – h S) = Sλ•Approximation:o The latent heat of evaporation of 1 kg mass of the water from the aqueous solution can beobtained from the steam tables using T1 o The heat capacities of liquid feed (C pF) & the product (C pL) can be used to calculate theenthalpiesBoiling Point Rise of Solutions•In the majority of cases in evaporation, the thermal properties of the solution may differ from those ofwater (dilute solution)•The high concentration of the solutions Æ heat capacity & boiling point ≠ water•Usually cannot be predicted•Use of Dühring’s RuleDühring’s Rule•Useful empirical law•To determine the boiling-point rise due to material in solution• A straight line – boiling point of a solution (o C or o F) vs boiling point of pure water at the same pressurefor a given concentration at different pressures• A different straight line for each given concentration •Dühring line chart•Example:The pressure in an evaporator is given as 25.6 kPa(3.72 psi) and a solution of 30 % NaOH is beingboiled. Determine the boiling temperature of theNaOH solution and the boiling-point rise BPR of the solution over that of water at the same pressure.Solution:Use the steam-table temperature of waterÆ the boiling point of water at 25.6 kPa is 65.6o CFrom Dühring line chart for aqueous solutions ofNaOHÆ for 65.6o C (150o F) and 30 % NaOH, the boiling point of the NaOH solution is 79.5o C, the boiling-point of the NaOH solution is 79o C (175o F).The boiling-point rise isBPR = 79.5 – 65.6 = 13.9o C (25o F)Standard Overall Coefficient•To calculate the standard overall coefficient (U) Æthe general equation of heat transfer is used:Q = UA∆T = UA(T S – T1)T S = temperature of the condensing steam in K (o F) T1 = boiling point of the liquid in K (o F)∆T is also called a standard temperature difference ∆T = ∆T a – BPRwith T a = temperature between the heat source and vapor in evaporator•Example:30 % NaOH in waterPressure in the evaporator vapor space is 3.718 lb/in2 Steam chest pressure is 25 lb/in2The BPR due to material (NaOH) in solution = 25o F From the Steam Table, temperature for saturatedwater vapor: 3.718 → 150o F25 → 240o F∆T = (240 – 150) – 25 = 65o F。
For example: NH3~H2O , HCl ~H2O 而:
∵ H/ kL<< 1/kG ,
KG = k
1 1 H = + KG kG kL
This result indicates that the gas-film resistance controls the rate of absorption. 实验表明:易溶气体,气膜阻力可占到80~90%。 ∴ 属于气膜控制
Solubility at equilibrium
Solubility at equilibrium ~平衡溶解度
⑴ ffection of temperature 分析相图Fig. 8-3, For example: at pA= 20 kPa, T=30℃, xA*= 0.12; T=60℃, xA*= 0.045. T↑→ xA*↓ 温度愈低,愈有利于吸收。 ∴
Gas absorption
---Principles of Chemical Engineering
Gas absorption
1. Introduction
This chapter deals with the mass-transfer operations
known as gas absorption and stripping or desorption.
3.Equation of rate for mass transfer with convection 二.For solubility of the gas is very low~难溶气体
基于卫星遥感的甲醛和乙二醛监测与应用综述王雅鹏1,2,3,陶金花1*,余超1,程良晓1,2,顾坚斌1,范萌1,张莹1,胡斯勒图1,陈良富1,2(1.中国科学院空天信息创新研究院遥感科学国家重点实验室,北京100094;2.中国科学院大学,北京100049;3.中国气象局国家卫星气象中心,北京100081)摘要:甲醛(HCHO )和乙二醛(CHOCHO )是大气中大多数VOCs (volatile organic compounds )的氧化中间产物,可作为快速检测VOC 的化学指示,对空气质量监测有重要的意义。
基于卫星遥感手段能获得全球范围、长时间序列的HCHO 和CHOCHO 数据集,对研究空气质量变化起到积极的作用。
但HCHO 和CHOCHO 光学吸收特征弱,易受干扰成分的影响,导致卫星遥感反演结果存在较大的不确定性。
本文综述可用于HCHO 和CHOCHO 监测的传感器发展现状、HCHO 与CHOCHO 遥感反演算法进展及产品现状,以及基于卫星观测的HCHO 和CHOCHO 产品集的应用。
重点介绍国内学者针对国际载荷的甲醛和乙二醛产品所做的优化和改进,以及针对国产载荷-大气痕量气体差分吸收光谱仪(environmental trace gases Monitoring Instrument ,EMI )的HCHO 反演算法研发的突破,阐述其对提升国产载荷应用潜力的重要意义。
最后,本文讨论并总结了HCHO 和CHOCHO 卫星遥感反演及应用研究需要进一步关注的问题,指出降低HCHO 和CHOCHO 产品不确定性对应用研究的重要作用,为临近空间创新研发,建立低轨卫星环保数据产业链提供技术支撑。
压缩机专业词汇Absolute pressure绝对压力Absolute temperature绝对温度Adiabatic compression绝热压缩过程Air padding(压缩)空气(填充)输送Aluminalkyle烷基铝Ammonia synthesis合成氨Antisurge protection防喘振(保护)Areas and circumferences of circles圆的面积和周长Asphalt production沥青生产Atmospheric pressure and barometric readings at altitudes海拔高度大气压力和气压表读数Autofrettage自增强Barrel compressor(见垂直剖分型压缩机Vertically split compressor)筒形压缩机Bearing轴承Circular圆形Compliant su**ce顺性表面Cryogenic深冷Damper阻尼Elastohydrodynamic弹性流体动压Elliptical椭圆形Film thickness膜厚Flow流量Fluid film流体膜Gas气体Hydrostatic流体静压Journal轴颈Liner衬套Materials材料Magnetic磁力Multipad多瓦块Rolling element滚动Tapered land斜平面Temperature温度Three—lobe三叶Thrust止推Tilt pad可倾瓦Benedict-webb-rubin-starling模型(model)Capacity排气量Capacity control排气量调节Bypass旁路Clearance pocket余隙(补助)容积Finger unloader指式卸荷器Port unloader孔卸荷器Screw compressor slide螺杆压缩机滑片Variable speed变速Centrifugal compressor离心式压缩机Balance piston平衡鼓Casing机壳Coupling联轴器Diaphragm隔板Diffuser扩压器Discharge nozzle排气接管Discharge volute排气蜗壳Electrical system电气系统Foundations基础Guide vane导叶Impeller叶轮Intercooling中间冷却器Inlet nozzle进气(接)管Inlet volute进气蜗壳Multistage多级Off design operation非设计工况操作Oil system密封油系统Performance性能Slope倾斜Splitter vane分流叶片Thrust bearing止推轴承Choking阻塞(工况)Clearance volume余隙容积CNG codes and standards CNG规范和标准CNG station CNG加气站CNG pressure vessel CNG[wiki]压力容器[/wiki] CNG compressor CNG压缩机Blow down gas recovery排放气体回收Crankcase曲轴箱Lubrication润滑Sealing密封CNG dispenser CNG售气机CNG fill system CNG加气系统Coatings涂层Fluorocarbon碳氟化合物Nickel镍Compressibility压缩性(系数)Compressibility factor压缩性系数Compression ratio压缩比Conversion factors换算系数Critical speed临界转速Cracking裂化Crosshead十字头Auxiliary辅助Connection连接形式Guide导轨Pin load reversal活塞杆(销)载荷反向度Cylinder气缸Autofrettage自增强Construction结构Elastic simulation弹性模拟Fatigue tests疲劳试验Finish光洁度Heavy walled厚壁Hypercompressor超高压压缩机Materials材料Stress distribution应力分布Tie rods拉杆Damped systems阻尼系统Dewhirl vanes破涡片Diaphragm compressor隔膜式压缩机Accessories附件Applications应用Cleaning and testing清扫和测试Head assembly缸头组件Limitations局限性Operation操作Pressures压力Discharge of air through an orifice空气通过孔板的流量Displacement压缩机汽缸工作流量Double flow compressor双吸压缩机Effective head有效能头Efficiency效率Compression(adiabatic)压缩(绝热)Compressor(polytropic,hydraulic,stage)压缩机(多变效率,流动效率,级效率)Delivery排气Isentropic等熵Mechanical[wiki]机械[/wiki]Volumetric容积Emissions control泄露控制Energy equation能量方程Entering sleeve导入套筒Euler equation欧拉方程Finite element method有限元方法Fixed clearance固定余隙Flow流量Coefficient系数Subsonic亚音速Foundations基础Anchor bolts地脚螺栓Grout灌浆Materials材料Pile cap桩平台Reinforcing密布(钢筋)Repair改造Skid mounted/packaged撬装/整体式Soil frequency/vibration土壤频率/振动Table top台板Types形式Frame load机身力Free air大气Friction coefficient摩擦系数Gas booster气体增压器Applications应用Construction结构Cooling冷却Drive驱动Flow chart流动曲线Pressure ratio压力比Storage tant储罐Valves阀Gas laws气体定律Gas reinjection天然气回注Gas sampling气体采样分析Gas transportation天然气输送Hans Hoerbiger汉斯贺尔碧格Hans Mayer汉斯梅尔Heat transfer热传递,热交换Horizontally split compressor水平剖分型压缩机(壳)Horsepower功率,马力Air indicated空气指示功率Brake(shaft)制动功率(轴功率)Theoretical(polytropic)理**率(多变压缩过程)Hypercompressor超级压缩机Hyper packing高压填料Impeller叶轮Backward leaning后弯Discharge section出口截面Forward leaning前弯Inlet section进口截面Manufacturing制造Overhung外悬臂Radial径向Thrust止推力Incidence冲(击)角Indicator card示功图Intercooling中间冷却Isentropic compression(见绝热压缩过程Adiabatic compression)等熵压缩过程Isentropic head等熵能头Isentropic temperature exponent温度等熵指数Isothermal compression等温压缩过程Liquids液体In gas stream气流(工艺气体)Liquefaction液化Load factor载荷系数Loss of air pressure due to pipe friction管道摩擦产生的空气压力损失Loss of pressure through pipe fittings通过连接管件的压力损失Lubricant production润滑剂生产Lubrication润滑Additives添加剂Feed rate注油速度Gas absorption气体吸收Hydrocarbon dilution烃稀释Low flow sensor低流量传感器Lubricators注油器Oil ring油环Pre-post lube预润滑—停机后润滑Removal除(油)Synthetic合成Viscosity粘度Mach number马赫数Methanol synthesis甲醇(合成)Mollier chart mollier图(焓—熵图)Myhlestad—prohl calculation Myhlestad—prohl数值计算法N value and properties of gases气体N值和特性Non—lube compressor无润滑压缩机Oxygen compression氧气压缩机Packaging compressor撬装式压缩机Base design底座设计Cooler design冷却器设计Line sizing管道设计Pressure relief valve安全阀Pulsation bottle design缓冲罐设计Scrubber design分离器设计Packin填料Breaker rings减压环Cooling冷却Cup stress填料盒应力Distance piece venting隔离是排气Emissions control控制排放(填料函缓冲气控制)Friction摩擦Heat generation热量产生High pressure高压Leakage泄露Lubrication润滑Partition隔板Purged清洗Nomenclature术语Rod size effects活塞杆尺寸影响Seal rings密封环Static sealing静密封Thermal effects热效应Wiper刮油环Partial pressure of water vapor in air空气中水蒸气分压Piping管道Acoustics声学特性Flow straightener整流器Velocity profile速度分布Pipeling compressor管道压缩机Piston ring活塞环Friction摩擦Leakage泄露Instantaneous pressure瞬时压力Rider rings支承环Polyethylene[wiki]聚乙烯[/wiki]High density(HDPE)高密度(HDPE)Low density(LDPE)低密度(LDPE)Safety aspects安全状况Polymer buildup聚合物堆积Polytropic compression多变压缩过程Polytropic head多变能头Pressure distribution压力分布Pressure drop压降Contour叶型。
High–Efficiency Absorption of High NOx Concentration in Water or PEG Using Capillary Pneumatic Nebulizer Packed with an ExpandedGraphite FilterDengxin Li*, Penghui Shi, Jianbo Wang, Jiebing Li, Ruijing Su College of Environment Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, PR China*Corresponding author: Tel: +86 21 67792541, Fax: +86 21 67792522E-mail address: lidengxin@ (Dengxin Li)ABSTRACT: Nitrogen oxide (NOx) absorption in water is more difficult compared with other exhausted gases such as SO2, CO2, and NH3 because NOx has low water solubility and nitrous acid is easily decomposed. We developed a NOx absorption equipment with a capillary pneumatic nebulizer equipped with an expanded graphite demister. The key parameters of the pneumatic atomizing absorption system were optimized. The selected parameters related to the high absorbent amount of NOx are as follows: diameter of the spray liquid pipe of 0.5 mm to 1.1 mm, inlet gas pipe of 0.5 mm to 1.1 mm diameter ratio of the gas–liquid pipe of 0.8 to 1.3, 0.740 m of the spray height, MSP (minimum spray pressure) of 3 to 4, and R (gas–liquid mass flow ratio) of 300. With the optimal parameters, NOx removal efficiency and absorbent amount are highly relative to the absorbent, absorbent temperature, and absorbent time. A high feed NOx gas concentration results in high NOx removal efficiency because the surface area per water, nitric acid or polyethylene glycol (PEG) droplet volume was higher than that of the common gas–liquid surface. For the verification test, a high NOx gas concentration (200,000 ppm) was treated with a series of absorption experiments and a NOx removal efficiency of 99.1% was attained. Furthermore, using PEG instead of water as an absorbent resulted in a larger absorbent amount at the same absorbent time and complete NOx removal in the gas.INTRODUCTIONExhaust gases from automobiles and boilers contain low nitrogen oxide (NOx) concentrations. In manufacturing nitric acid and metal finishing and in dissolution processes, the wasted gases contain large amounts and high concentrations of NOx. Both the amount and concentration of NOx in waste gases must be restricted to low levels because NOx gas is toxic for human beings and can cause acid rain.1–3 The major NOx components generated byfuel combustion are NO and NO2, although equilibrium small amounts of N2O4and N2O3 exist. The low solubility of NO that accounts for more than 90% of all NOx and NO2 in water compared with other waste gases, such as CO2, SO2and NH3is a problem because low solubility results in the high mass transfer resistance of water.4–6 Therefore, a gas absorption system using alkaline solution or oxidants6–8 is usually adopted to decrease NOx concentration in waste gases. These approaches are divided into absorption–oxidation process9–14 and oxidation–absorption process.15–20 In the absorption–oxidation process, liquid oxidants with strong oxidability are used as absorbents, such as HNO3, sodium chlorite,10–12 hydrogen peroxide,13and potassium permanganate.14Although strong oxidizing agents can improve NOx removal efficiency, certain drawbacks exist such as the expensive cost of oxidizing agents14and disposal problems of the absorption solution.21In the oxidation–absorption process, gas phase oxidants, such as hydrogen peroxide14,15and ozone8,17–21, are first injected into the flue gas to oxidize NO to NO2, which is highly soluble in water. NO2 and SO2 can then be removed simultaneously via wet removal process. Ozone is an efficient gas phase oxidant with advantages of selectivity, high oxidation efficiency, fast oxidation speed, and non-polluting decomposition products, among others.8,17–21 With respect to the liquid phase absorption of the oxidized flue gas, NOx removal efficiency can reach more than 80% regardless of the alkali liquor8,18,19 or reducing Na2S20,21 used.A new absorption equipment combined with alkaline solutions or oxidants was developed to achieve a high NOx removal efficiency. Masahiro Yasuda2studied NOx absorption in water, and a new glass fiber unit with high porosity and low-pressure drop was developed. High NOx absorption efficiencies with ozone-saturated water as absorbent water can beattained at a high inlet NOx concentration.The liquid atomizing method22–29 increases the contact area formed between the absorption solution droplet and the waste gas and enhances the absorption efficiency. Thus, the gas resistance and the absorbent equipment volume are greatly lowered. An efficient defogger was set-up in the systems, which solves the problem of water removal from the absorbent solution by the gas. In addition, the liquid absorption solution can be recycled or reutilized. Therefore, this kind of absorbent device without wastewater absorption from basic production is widely used.30–36The major purpose of the present work is to investigate a pneumatic atomizing absorption device, which is a newly developed absorption equipment for NOx high–efficiency absorption through NOx waste gas pneumatic atomizing. Experimental studies were carried out with an atomizing stream gas-liquid reactor designed by Duan30,37 with water ,nitric acid or polyethylene glycol (PEG) as the absorbent. The performance of the device was satisfactory. The structure of the device is simple, and it is convenient to operate and maintain. The device has a number of advantages such as high efficiency and low hydraulic resistance, among others.MATERIALS AND METHODSChemicals and Gases. Allochroic silica gel, sodium nitrite, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, PEG, phenolphthalein, NaCl and NaOH were purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co. Ltd. (Shanghai, China). All reagents were of the highest grade and used without purification. Ion exchange water was used as the water phase.Gas Absorption Process System.The flowchart for the NOx gas absorption processsystem using absorbent water, nitric acid, or PEG is shown in Figure 1. A pneumatic atomizing absorption device comprises of prepared NOx, a buffer tank, a silica gel drier, a diaphragm compressor, a pressure gauge, a temperature control meter, a heater band, a tail gas absorption bottle, and an absorption device. The absorption device is 1.2 m long, has a smaller upper part and a larger lower part, and is equipped with a defogger, a gas ejector port, a liquid spray hole, an imbibition hole, an air outlet, a thermowell, and a sampling port. The gas ejector pipe/liquid spray pipe is composed of sharp pipes with different air blast apertures and lengths, and is connected with the air blast port of the absorption device via the silica gel plug gas ejector pipe and with the liquid spray hole and the imbibition hole via a silica gel plug and a pipe. The buffer tank is 70 cm high, with an inside diameter of 24 cm, and resemblesa cylinder. In the gas absorption equipment, the liquid is supplied by a liquid spray pipe. The gas is supplied at right angles to the liquid flow, which forces the absorbing medium (water, nitric acid, or PEG) through a specially designed gas ejector that produces a micro-fine mist. The gas and liquid are effectively mixed and then separated by a defogger with the absorbent material (expanded graphite) before the tail gas is discharged from the pneumatic atomizing absorption device.Figure 1 NOx Gas Absorption Process SystemTest of gas injection mass flow. The device for gas injection mass flow (Figure 1) was initially installed. The flow meter was set to maximum, the compressor was opened, and the valve was adjusted to constant pressure in a specific value for 1 min to obtain the gas injection mass flow at the specified pressure. The changes in the inlet pressure results in variation of g as injection mass flow , which can be detected by changing the inlet pressure and the ejector pipe diameter.Test of liquid spray mass flow. Figure 1 shows the test diagram of the liquid spray mass flow.Before testing, the device for the liquid spray mass flow was installed (Figure 1). As shown in Figure 1, the gas ejector is perpendicular to the liquid spray pipe, and their mouths are close to each other. The other side of the spray pipe was placed in a graduated cylinder with an absorbent liquid for liquid spray mass flow detection. The flow meter was then set to maximum, the compressor was opened, and the valve was adjusted to constant pressure in a specific value for 5 min to obtain the liquid spray mass flow by decreasing the absorbentliquid at the specified pressure. The changes in the gas inlet pressure results in varied gas injection mass flows and different liquid spray mass flows, which can be detected by changing the gas inlet pressure and the liquid spray pipe diameter.The minimum spray pressure (MSP). The device for MSP (Figure 1) was first installed. The gas ejector was perpendicular to the liquid spray pipe, and their mouths were close to each other. The pneumatic atomizing absorption device was filled with the absorbent liquid. The flow meter then set to maximum, the compressor was opened, and the valve was adjusted to the minimum pressure for 1 min to detect the spray patterns. When the inlet pressure was very low, no fog was created. The pneumatic atomizing device can spray when the pressure is increased. The gas inlet pressure is set at MSP, where the pneumatic atomizing device was just beginning to spray. The gas injection pressure varied; thus, different MSPs can be obtained by changing the ejector pipe diameter.Calculation of gas-liquid mass flow ratio (R). The gas-liquid ratio was calculated as follows: EQ (1):错误!未找到引用源。
使澄清石灰水吸收更多气体的方法For better absorption of gases in clear lime water, there are a few methods to consider. One method is to increase the temperature of the lime water. When the temperature is increased, the solubility of gases in the water also increases, allowing for more efficient absorption. Another method is to increase the pressure of the lime water. By increasing the pressure, the gases are forced into the water at a higher rate, leading to greater absorption.为了使澄清石灰水吸收更多气体,有几种方法可以考虑。
In addition, increasing the surface area of the lime water can also enhance the absorption of gases. This can be achieved by introducing a stirring mechanism, which increases the contact between the water and the gases, allowing for more thorough absorption. Furthermore, using a catalyst can also improve the absorption of gases in lime water. A catalyst can help facilitate thereaction between the gases and the water, leading to increased absorption.此外,增大石灰水的表面积也可以增强对气体的吸收。
温室气体加剧英语作文Title: The Escalation of Greenhouse Gases: A Global Concern。
In recent decades, the escalation of greenhouse gases has emerged as a pressing global issue, posing significant challenges to environmental sustainability and human well-being. This essay delves into the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to this critical problem.Firstly, it is imperative to comprehend the sources of greenhouse gases. Human activities such as burning fossil fuels for energy, deforestation, industrial processes, and agricultural practices are the primary contributors. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and fluorinated gases are the major greenhouse gases responsible for trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to the greenhouse effect and subsequent climate change.The consequences of escalating greenhouse gases are multifaceted and far-reaching. One of the most significant impacts is global warming, resulting in rising temperatures, melting glaciers, and disrupted weather patterns. This phenomenon exacerbates natural disasters such as hurricanes, droughts, and floods, posing grave risks to human lives, ecosystems, and economies. Furthermore, ocean acidification, caused by the absorption of excess CO2, threatens marine biodiversity and food security, as well as jeopardizingcoral reefs and shellfish populations.Addressing the escalation of greenhouse gases necessitates collective action on both individual and societal levels. Adopting renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power can significantly reduce carbon emissions from electricity generation. Enhancing energy efficiency in buildings, transportation, and industries is crucial for curbing greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, reforestation and afforestationefforts can sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, mitigating its adverse effects.Policy measures play a pivotal role in combating the escalation of greenhouse gases. Implementing carbon pricing mechanisms such as carbon taxes or cap-and-trade systems incentivizes businesses and consumers to reduce their carbon footprint. Strengthening regulations on emissions standards for vehicles, power plants, and factories is essential for enforcing environmental protection measures. Additionally, international cooperation and agreements like the Paris Agreement are vital for fostering globalsolidarity and coordination in addressing climate change.Education and awareness-raising campaigns are indispensable for fostering a culture of sustainability and environmental stewardship. Educating individuals about the impacts of greenhouse gases and empowering them to adopt eco-friendly behaviors can catalyze positive societal change. Encouraging sustainable consumption patterns, reducing food waste, and promoting public transportation and cycling are effective strategies for minimizing carbon emissions in daily life.In conclusion, the escalation of greenhouse gases posesa formidable challenge that demands urgent and concerted action from individuals, communities, governments, and international organizations. By embracing renewable energy, enhancing energy efficiency, implementing robust policies, and fostering environmental awareness, we can mitigate the impacts of climate change and safeguard the planet for future generations. Only through collective efforts can we address this existential threat and build a sustainable and resilient future for all.。
acetate 醋酸盐acid 酸Actinium(Ac) 锕aldehyde 醛alkali 碱,强碱alkalinity 碱性alkalinization 碱化alkaloid 生物碱alloy 合金Aluminium(Al) 铝Americium(Am) 镅ammonia 氨analysis 分解anhydride 酐anion 阴离子anode 阳极,正极Antimony(Sb) 锑apparatus 设备aqua fortis 王水Argon(Ar) 氩Arsenic(As) 砷asphalt 沥青Astatine(At) 砹atom 原子atomic mass 原子质量atomic number 原子数atomic weight 原子量Barium(Ba) 钡base 碱benzene 苯Berkelium(Bk) 锫Beryllium(Be) 铍Bismuth(Bi) 铋bivalent 二价body 物体bond 原子的聚合Boron(B) 硼Bromine(Br) 溴Bunsen burner 本生灯burette 滴定管butane 丁烷Cadmium(Cd) 镉Caesium(Cs) 铯Calcium(Ca) 钙Californium(Cf) 锎Carbon(C) 碳catalysis 催化作用catalyst 催化剂cathode 阴极,负极cation 阳离子caustic potash 苛性钾caustic soda 苛性钠Cerium(Ce) 铈chemical fiber 化学纤维Chlorine(Cl) 氯Chromium(Cr) 铬Cobalt(Co) 钴combination 合成作用combustion 燃烧compound 合成物compound 化合物Copper(Cu) 铜cracking 裂化crucible pot, melting pot 坩埚crude oil, crude 原油cupel 烤钵Curium(Cm) 锔derivative 衍生物dissolution 分解distillation column 分裂蒸馏塔distillation 蒸馏Dysprosium(Dy) 镝Einsteinium(Es) 锿electrode 电极electrolysis 电解electrolyte 电解质electron 电子element 元素endothermic reaction 吸热反应Erbium(Er) 铒ester 酯Europium(Eu) 铕exothermic reaction 放热反应fatty acid 脂肪酸fermentation 发酵Fermium(Fm) 镄filter 滤管flask 烧瓶Fluorine(F) 氟fractional distillation 分馏fractionating tower 分馏塔fractionation 分馏Francium(Fr) 钫fuel 燃料fusion, melting 熔解Gadolinium(Gd) 钆Gallium(Ga) 镓gas oil 柴油gel 凝胶体Germanium(Ge) 锗Gold(Au) 金graduate, graduated flask 量筒,量杯gram atom 克原子Hafnium(Hf) 铪halogen 成盐元素Helium(He) 氦high-grade petrol, high-octane petrol 高级汽油,高辛烷值汽油Holmium(Ho) 钬hydracid 氢酸hydrate 水合物hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物,羟hydrocarbon 烃,碳氢化合物hydrochloric acid 盐酸hydrogen sulfide 氢化硫Hydrogen(H) 氢hydrolysis 水解hydrosulphuric acid 氢硫酸hydroxide 氢氧化物,羟化物Indium(In) 铟inorganic chemistry 无机化学Iodine(I) 碘ion 离子Iridium(Ir) 铱Iron(Fe) 铁isomer 同分异物现象isomerism, isomery 同分异物现象isotope 同位素kerosene, karaffin oil 煤油Krypton(Kr) 氪Lanthanum(La) 镧Lawrencium(Lr) 铹Lead(Pb) 铅Lithium(Li) 锂litmus paper 石蕊试纸litmus 石蕊LNG, liquefied natural gas 液化天然气LPG, liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气lubricating oil 润滑油Lutetium(Lu) 镥Magnesium(Mg) 镁Manganese(Mn) 锰matrass 卵形瓶Mendelevium(Md) 钔Mercury(Hg) 汞metal 金属metalloid 非金属methane 甲烷,沼气mixture 混合molecule 分子Molybdenum(Mo) 钼monovalent 单价natural gas 天然气Neodymium(Nd) 钕Neon(Ne) 氖Neptunium(Np) 镎Nickel(Ni) 镍Niobium(Nb) 铌nitric acid 硝酸Nitrogen(N) 氮Nobelium(No) 锘Nuclear Fusion 核聚变octane number 辛烷数,辛烷值olefin 烯烃organic acid 有机酸organic chemistry 有机化学Osmium(Os) 锇oxide 氧化物oxidization, oxidation 氧化Oxygen(O) 氧Palladium(Pd) 钯paraffin 石蜡petrol 汽油(美作:gasoline)PH indicator PH值指示剂,氢离子(浓度的)负指数指示剂phosphate 磷酸盐Phosphorus(P) 磷pipette 吸液管plastic 塑料Platinum(Pt) 铂Plutonium(Pu) 钚Polonium(Po) 钋polymer 聚合物polymerizing, polymerization 聚合potassium carbonate 碳酸钾Potassium(K) 钾Praseodymium(Pr) 镨precipitation 沉淀product 产物electrochemical analysis 电化学分析on-line analysis 在线分析macro analysis 常量分析characteristic 表征micro analysis 微量分析deformation analysis 形态分析semimicro analysis 半微量分析systematical error 系统误差routine analysis 常规分析random error 偶然误差arbitration analysis 仲裁分析gross error 过失误差normal distribution 正态分布accuracy 准确度deviation偏差precision 精密度relative standard deviation 相对标准偏差(RSD)coefficient variation 变异系数(CV)confidence level 置信水平confidence interval 置信区间significant test 显著性检验significant figure 有效数字standard solution 标准溶液titration 滴定stoichiometric point 化学计量点end point滴定终点titration error 滴定误差primary standard 基准物质amount of substance 物质的量standardization 标定chemical reaction 化学反应concentration浓度chemical equilibrium 化学平衡titer 滴定度general equation for a chemical reaction化学反应的通式proton theory of acid-base 酸碱质子理论acid-base titration 酸碱滴定法dissociation constant 解离常数conjugate acid-base pair 共轭酸碱对acetic acid 乙酸hydronium ion水合氢离子electrolyte 电解质ion-product constant of water 水的离子积ionization 电离proton condition 质子平衡zero level零水准buffer solution缓冲溶液methyl orange 甲基橙acid-base indicator 酸碱指示剂phenolphthalein 酚酞coordination compound 配位化合物center ion 中心离子cumulative stability constant 累积稳定常数alpha coefficient 酸效应系数overall stability constant 总稳定常数ligand 配位体ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid 乙二胺四乙酸side reaction coefficient 副反应系数coordination atom 配位原子coordination number 配位数lone pair electron 孤对电子chelate compound 螯合物metal indicator 金属指示剂chelating agent 螯合剂masking 掩蔽demasking 解蔽electron 电子catalysis 催化oxidation氧化catalyst 催化剂reduction 还原catalytic reaction 催化反应reaction rate 反应速率electrode potential 电极电势activation energy 反应的活化能redox couple 氧化还原电对potassium permanganate 高锰酸钾iodimetry碘量法potassium dichromate 重铬酸钾cerimetry 铈量法redox indicator 氧化还原指示oxygen consuming 耗氧量(OC)chemical oxygen demanded 化学需氧量(COD) dissolved oxygen 溶解氧(DO)precipitation 沉淀反应argentimetry 银量法heterogeneous equilibrium of ions 多相离子平衡aging 陈化postprecipitation 继沉淀coprecipitation 共沉淀ignition 灼烧fitration 过滤decantation 倾泻法chemical factor 化学因数spectrophotometry 分光光度法colorimetry 比色分析transmittance 透光率absorptivity 吸光率calibration curve 校正曲线standard curve 标准曲线monochromator 单色器source 光源wavelength dispersion 色散absorption cell吸收池detector 检测系统bathochromic shift 红移Molar absorptivity 摩尔吸光系数hypochromic shift 紫移acetylene 乙炔ethylene 乙烯acetylating agent 乙酰化剂acetic acid 乙酸adiethyl ether 乙醚ethyl alcohol 乙醇acetaldehtde 乙醛β-dicarbontl compound β–二羰基化合物bimolecular elimination 双分子消除反应bimolecular nucleophilic substitution 双分子亲核取代反应open chain compound 开链族化合物molecular orbital theory 分子轨道理论chiral molecule 手性分子tautomerism 互变异构现象reaction mechanism 反应历程chemical shift 化学位移Walden inversio 瓦尔登反转nEnantiomorph 对映体addition rea ction 加成反应dextro- 右旋levo- 左旋stereochemistry 立体化学stereo isomer 立体异构体Lucas reagent 卢卡斯试剂covalent bond 共价键conjugated diene 共轭二烯烃conjugated double bond 共轭双键conjugated system 共轭体系conjugated effect 共轭效应isomer 同分异构体isomerism 同分异构现象organic chemistry 有机化学hybridization 杂化hybrid orbital 杂化轨道heterocyclic compound 杂环化合物peroxide effect 过氧化物效应tvalence bond theory 价键理论sequence rule 次序规则electron-attracting grou p 吸电子基Huckel rule 休克尔规则Hinsberg test 兴斯堡试验infrared spectrum 红外光谱Michael reacton 麦克尔反应halogenated hydrocarbon 卤代烃haloform reaction 卤仿反应systematic nomenclatur 系统命名法eNewman projection 纽曼投影式aromatic compound 芳香族化合物aromatic character 芳香性rClaisen condensation reaction克莱森酯缩合反应Claisen rearrangement 克莱森重排Diels-Alder reation 狄尔斯-阿尔得反应Clemmensen reduction 克莱门森还原Cannizzaro reaction 坎尼扎罗反应positional isomers 位置异构体unimolecular elimination reaction 单分子消除反应unimolecular nucleophilic substitution 单分子亲核取代反应benzene 苯functional grou 官能团pconfiguration 构型conformation 构象confomational isome 构象异构体electrophilic addition 亲电加成electrophilic reagent 亲电试剂nucleophilic addition 亲核加成nucleophilic reagent 亲核试剂nucleophilic substitution reaction亲核取代反应active intermediate 活性中间体Saytzeff rule 查依采夫规则cis-trans isomerism 顺反异构inductive effect 诱导效应tFehling’s reagent 费林试剂phase transfer catalysis 相转移催化作用aliphatic compound 脂肪族化合物elimination reaction 消除反应Grignard reagent 格利雅试剂nuclear magnetic resonance 核磁共振alkene 烯烃allyl cation 烯丙基正离子leaving group 离去基团optical activity 旋光性boat confomation 船型构象silver mirror reaction 银镜反应Fischer projection 菲舍尔投影式Kekule structure 凯库勒结构式Friedel-Crafts reaction 傅列德尔-克拉夫茨反应Ketone 酮carboxylic acid 羧酸carboxylic acid derivative 羧酸衍生物hydroboration 硼氢化反应bond oength 键长bond energy 键能bond angle 键角carbohydrate 碳水化合物carbocation 碳正离子carbanion 碳负离子alcohol 醇Gofmann rule 霍夫曼规则Aldehyde 醛Ether 醚Polymer 聚合物product 化学反应产物Promethium(Pm) 钷Protactinium(Pa) 镤purification 净化qualitative analysis 定性分析quantitative analysis 定量分析chemical analysis 化学分析instrumental analysis 仪器分析titrimetry 滴定分析gravimetric analysis 重量分析法regent 试剂chromatographic analysis 色谱分析radical 基Radium(Ra) 镭Radon(Rn) 氡reagent 试剂reducer 还原剂refinery 炼油厂refining 炼油reforming 重整retort 曲颈甑reversible 可逆的Rhenium(Re) 铼Rhodium(Rh) 铑Rubidium(Rb) 铷Ruthenium(Ru) 钌salt 盐Samarium(Sm) 钐Scandium(Sc) 钪Selenium(Se) 硒separation 分离series 系列Silicon(Si) 硅Silver(Ag) 银soda 苏打sodium carbonate 碳酸钠Sodium(Na) 钠solution 溶解solvent 溶剂still 蒸馏釜stirring rod 搅拌棒Strontium(Sr) 锶structural formula 分子式Sulphur(S) 锍sulphuric acid 硫酸symbol 复合synthesis 合成synthetic rubber 合成橡胶Tantalum(Ta) 钽Technetium(Tc) 锝Tellurium(Te) 碲Terbium(Tb) 铽test tube 试管Thallium(Tl) 铊Thorium(Th) 钍Thulium(Tm) 铥Tin(Sn) 锡Titanium(Ti) 钛to calcine 煅烧to dehydrate 脱水to distil, to distill 蒸馏to hydrate 水合,水化to hydrogenate 氢化to neutralize 中和to oxidize 氧化to oxygenate, to oxidize 脱氧,氧化to precipitate 沉淀Tungsten(W) 钨Uranium(U) 铀valence, valency 价Vanadium(V) 钒vaseline 凡士林Xenon(Xe) 氙Ytterbium(Yb) 镱Yttrium(Y) 钇Zinc(Zn) 锌Zirconium(Zr) 锆理想气体状态方程Partial Pressures 分压Real Gases: Deviation from Ideal Behavior 真实气体:对理想气体行为的偏离The van der Waals Equation 范德华方程System and Surroundings 系统与环境State and State Functions 状态与状态函数Process 过程Phase 相The First Law of Thermodynamics 热力学第一定律Heat and Work 热与功Endothermic and Exothermic Processes 吸热与发热过程Enthalpies of Reactions 反应热Hess’s Law 盖斯定律Enthalpies of Formation 生成焓Reaction Rates 反应速率Reaction Order 反应级数Rate Constants 速率常数Activation Energy 活化能The Arrhenius Equation 阿累尼乌斯方程Reaction Mechanisms 反应机理Homogeneous Catalysis 均相催化剂Heterogeneous Catalysis 非均相催化剂Enzymes 酶The Equilibrium Constant 平衡常数the Direction of Reaction 反应方向Le Chatelier’s Principle 列·沙特列原理Effects of V olume, Pressure, Temperature Changes and Catalysts 体积,压力,温度变化以及催化剂的影响Spontaneous Processes 自发过程Entropy (Standard Entropy) 熵(标准熵)The Second Law of Thermodynamics 热力学第二定律Entropy Changes 熵变Standard Free-Energy Changes 标准自由能变Acid-Bases 酸碱The Dissociation of Water 水离解The Proton in Water 水合质子The pH Scales pH值Bronsted-Lowry Acids and Bases Bronsted-Lowry 酸和碱Proton-Transfer Reactions 质子转移反应Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs 共轭酸碱对Relative Strength of Acids and Bases 酸碱的相对强度Lewis Acids and Bases 路易斯酸碱Hydrolysis of Metal Ions 金属离子的水解Buffer Solutions 缓冲溶液The Common-Ion Effects 同离子效应Buffer Capacity 缓冲容量Formation of Complex Ions 配离子的形成Solubility 溶解度The Solubility-Product Constant Ksp 溶度积常数Precipitation and separation of Ions 离子的沉淀与分离Selective Precipitation of Ions 离子的选择沉淀Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 氧化还原反应Oxidation Number 氧化数Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Equations 氧化还原反应方程的配平Half-Reaction 半反应Galvani Cell 原电池V oltaic Cell 伏特电池Cell EMF 电池电动势Standard Electrode Potentials 标准电极电势Oxidizing and Reducing Agents 氧化剂和还原剂The Nernst Equation 能斯特方程Electrolysis 电解The Wave Behavior of Electrons 电子的波动性Bohr’s Model of The Hydrogen Atom 氢原子的波尔模型Line Spectra 线光谱Quantum Numbers 量子数Electron Spin 电子自旋Atomic Orbital 原子轨道The s (p, d, f) Orbital s(p,d,f)轨道Many-Electron Atoms 多电子原子Energies of Orbital 轨道能量The Pauli Exclusion Principle 泡林不相容原理Electron Configurations 电子构型The Periodic Table 周期表Row 行Group 族Isotopes, Atomic Numbers, and Mass Numbers 同位素,原子数,质量数Periodic Properties of the Elements 元素的周期律Radius of Atoms 原子半径Ionization Energy 电离能Electronegativity 电负性Effective Nuclear Charge 有效核电荷Electron Affinities 亲电性Metals 金属Nonmetals 非金属Valence Bond Theory 价键理论Covalence Bond 共价键Orbital Overlap 轨道重叠Multiple Bonds 重键Hybrid Orbital 杂化轨道The VSEPR Model 价层电子对互斥理论Molecular Geometries 分子空间构型Molecular Orbital 分子轨道Diatomic Molecules 双原子分子Bond Length 键长Bond Order 键级Bond Angles 键角Bond Enthalpies 键能Bond Polarity 键矩Dipole Moments 偶极矩Polarity Molecules 极性分子Polyatomic Molecules 多原子分子Crystal Structure 晶体结构Non-Crystal 非晶体Close Packing of Spheres 球密堆积Metallic Solids 金属晶体Metallic Bond 金属键Alloys 合金Ionic Solids 离子晶体Ion-Dipole Forces 离子偶极力Molecular Forces 分子间力Intermolecular Forces 分子间作用力Hydrogen Bonding 氢键Covalent-Network Solids 原子晶体Compounds 化合物The Nomenclature, Composition and Structure of Complexes 配合物的命名,组成和结构Charges, Coordination Numbers, and Geometries 电荷数、配位数、及几何构型Chelates 螯合物Isomerism 异构现象Structural Isomerism 结构异构Stereoisomerism 立体异构Magnetism 磁性Electron Configurations in Octahedral Complexes 八面体构型配合物的电子分布Tetrahedral and Square-planar Complexes 四面体和平面四边形配合物General Characteristics 共性s-Block Elements s区元素Alkali Metals 碱金属Alkaline Earth Metals 碱土金属Hydrides 氢化物Oxides 氧化物Peroxides and Superoxides 过氧化物和超氧化物Hydroxides 氢氧化物Salts 盐p-Block Elements p区元素Boron Group (Boron, Aluminium, Gallium, Indium, Thallium) 硼族(硼,铝,镓,铟,铊)Borane 硼烷Carbon Group (Carbon, Silicon, Germanium, Tin, Lead) 碳族(碳,硅,锗,锡,铅)Graphite, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide 石墨,一氧化碳,二氧化碳Carbonic Acid, Carbonates and Carbides 碳酸,碳酸盐,碳化物Occurrence and Preparation of Silicon 硅的存在和制备Silicic Acid,Silicates 硅酸,硅酸盐Nitrogen Group (Phosphorus, Arsenic, Antimony, and Bismuth) 氮族(磷,砷,锑,铋)Ammonia, Nitric Acid, Phosphoric Acid 氨,硝酸,磷酸Phosphorates, phosphorus Halides 磷酸盐,卤化磷Oxygen Group (Oxygen, Sulfur, Selenium, and Tellurium) 氧族元素(氧,硫,硒,碲)Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide 臭氧,过氧化氢Sulfides 硫化物Halogens (Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine) 卤素(氟,氯,溴,碘)Halides, Chloride 卤化物,氯化物The Noble Gases 稀有气体Noble-Gas Compounds 稀有气体化合物d-Block elements d区元素Transition Metals 过渡金属Potassium Dichromate 重铬酸钾Potassium Permanganate 高锰酸钾Iron Copper Zinc Mercury 铁,铜,锌,汞f-Block Elements f区元素Lanthanides 镧系元素Radioactivity 放射性Nuclear Chemistry 核化学Nuclear Fission 核裂变analytical chemistry 分析化学。
GAS, PARTICLE AND COMBINED FILTERSGas filters conform to EN 141:2000,EN 14387:2004 and EN 371:1992 and are subdivided into which correspond to a distinctive colour and letter(s), depending on the protection given.Gas Filters am produced in different classes to allow choosing the best one for any speciffic use.They are classified according to their absorption capacity: Gas Filter 1 (small), Gas Filter 2 (medium), Gas Filter 3 (large).Particle fitters protect from airborne particulates and conform to EN 143:2000, EN 12941:1998, EN 12942:1998. They are marked with the letter P and the white colour plus the number 1, 2 or 3. In case of use with turbo respirators they are marked TMP or TH P.They are at last the Combined Filters for simultaneous protection from gases and particulate mar-tter. They are marked with both gas and particle markings. E.g. an A2 is a filter with medium absorption capacity for Organic Vapours with b.p over 65℃; a P3 is a particle filter with high efficiency against liquid and solid particulates and a A2p3 is a combined filter that couples the protection give byafore said two.Combined filter conform to EN 141:2000,EN 14387:2004, EN 371:1992, EN 12941:1998 and EN 12942:1998And are also marked with a white stripe around their body in addition to the distinctive colour of the gas type.GUIDE TO THE SELECTION OF FILTER RESPIRATORSFor the selection and maintenance of respiratory protective devices and for definitions pleaserefer to European guideline document CR52g.In the use of gas filters do not exceed the following concentrations: 0,1% in vol. for class 1,0.5% for class 2 and 1% for class 3 according to EN 141:2000, EN 14387:2004 and EN 371:1992,In the use of gas filters with turbo respirators do not exceed the following concentration: 0.05%for class 1 , 0.1% for class 2 according to EN 12941:2001 and EN 12942:2000.(The limit concentration shall be the lowest between the TLV multiple and the concentration in volume)。
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• of which influences the actual rate of absorption. • Absorption process are therefore conveniently di -vided into two groups, those in which the proce -ss is solely physical and those where a chemical reaction is occurring.In considering the design of equipment to achieve gas absorption, the main requirement is that the gas be brought into intimate conduct with the liquid, and the effectiveness of the equipment will largely be determined by the success with which it promotes conduct betw -een two phases. Plate and packed tower are gen -erally used for gas absorption.
Partial pressure of solute in gas phase kPa Concentration of solute in water kg/1000kg water
Ammonia 11 50 93 160 315
sulphur dioxide 1.9 6.8 12 24.4 56
• 3. The process of gas absorption • In absorption, the feed is a gas and is introduced at the bottom of the column, and the solvent is fed to the top, as a liquid; the absorbed gas and solvent leave at the bottom, and the unabsorbed compone nts leave as gas from the top. The essential differ -ence between distillation and absorption is that in the former the vapor has to be produced in each stage by partial vaporisation of the liquid which is therefore at its boiling point, whereas in absorp -tion the liquid is well below its boiling point. In distillation there is a diffusion of molecules in bo -th directions, so that for an ideal system equimol
p A HcA (12.1)
• where pA is the partial pressure A in the gas phase, cA is the concentration of the component in the li -quid, and H is the Henry’s constant (Pa.m3)/mol . • The Henry’s law can be expresses as following form pA HxAC ExA (11.3)
• -ecular counter-diffusion exists, but in absorption gas molecules are diffusing into the liquid, and the movement in the reverse direction is negligible. • 12.2 conditions of equilibrium between liquid and gas(p557) • 1. Classification of gas mixture to be absorbed • As we have known that the gas absorption is based on deference in solubility in a solvent of each co mponent in the gas mixture.How is the solubility expressed? When two phases are brought into contact they eventually reach equilibrium. In any mixture of gases, the degree to which each gas is absorbed is determined by its partial pressure.
Absorption of Gases
12.1 introduction p546
• 1. Concept of gas absorption • In gas absorption a soluble vapor is absorbed from its mixture with an inert gas by means of a liquid in which the solute gas is more or less sol –uble, so the fundament of gas absorption is solubility in a liquid of individual components in mixture. It is the second major operation of chemical engineering that is based on the inter-phase mass transfer controlled by rates of diffusion. • Thus, acetone can be recovered from an acetone
oxygen ----0.008 0.013 0.033
1.3 6.7 13.3 26.7 66.7
• In many in • by the evolution of heat, and it is therefore necessary to fit cooler to the equipment to keep the temperature sufficiently low for an adequate degree of absorption to be obtained. • For an absorption system of binary gas mixture, th -ere are two phase, and three components, so the number of free degrees of the system in equilibri -um is:
F 3 2 2 3
• The number means the independent variables of the system in equilibrium is 3 of temperature,
• pressure, and concentration(x or y). When the pressure, temperature and the liquid(or gas) conc -entration x (or y) are fixed, the remaining variable y( or x) can not be freely changed, and must be determined base on the them. • 2 Henry’s law • For dilute concentrations of most gases(y<10% by mol fraction), and over a wide range for some gases, the equilibrium relationship is given by Henry’s law. This law can be written as:
• Three types of gases may be considered from this • aspects:(1) very soluble one(ammonia). (2)a mod -erately soluble one(sulphur dioxide), (3) and a sl -ightly soluble one(oxygen).The figures of exprement show the concentrations in kilograms per 1000kg of water that are required to develop a partial pressure of 1.3, 6.7, 13.3, 26.7, and 66.7 kN/m2 at 3030K. It is seen that a slightly soluble gas requires a much higher partial pressure of the gas in contact with the liquid to give a solution of a given concentration. • Whilst the solubility of gas is not substantially af -fected by the total pressure in the system for pre