



2009年5月人事部三级笔译真题第一部分英译汉Last Friday an advisory panel to the European Environment Agency issued an extraordinary scientific opinion: The European union should suspend its goal of having 10 percent of transportation fuel made from biofuel by 2020.The European Union's biofuel targets were increased and extended from 5.75 percent by 2010 to 10 percent by 2020 just last year. Still, Europe's well-meaning rush to biofuels, the scientists concluded, had produced a slew of harmful ripple effects- from deforestation in Southeast Asia to higher prices for grain.In a recommendation released last weekend, the 20-member panel, made up of some of Europe's most distinguished climate scientists, called the 10-percent target "overambitious" and an "experiment" whose "unintended effects are difficult to predict and difficult to control.""The idea was that we felt we needed to slow down, to analyze the issue carefully and then come back at the problem," Laszlo Somlyody, the panel's chairman and a professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, said in a telephone interview.He said that part of the problem was that when it set the target, the European Union was trying desperately to solve the problem of rising transportation emissions "in isolation," without adequately studying the effects of other sectors like land use and food supply."The starting point was correct: I'm happy that the European Union took the lead in cutting greenhouse gases and we need to control traffic emissions," Somlyody said. "But the basic problem is it thought of transport alone, without considering all these other effects. And we don't understand those very well yet."The panel's advice is not binding and it is not clear whether the European Commission will follow the recommendation.It has become increasingly clear that the global pursuit of biofuels--encouraged by a rash of targets and subsidies in both Europe and the United States - has not produced the desired effect.Investigations have shown, for example, rain forests and swamps are being cleared to make way for biofuel plantations, a process that produces more emissions than the biofuels can save.Meanwhile, land needed to produce food for people to eat is planted with more profitable biofuel crops, and water is diverted from the drinking supply.In Europe and the United States, food prices for items like pizza and bread have increased significantly as grain stores shrink and wheat prices rise.The prices of wheat and rice are double those of a year ago, and corn is a third higher, the Food and Agriculture Organization said this week."Food price inflation hits the poor hardest, as the share of food in their total expenditures is much higher than that of wealthier populations," said Henri Josserand of the Food and Agriculture Organization.Biofuels are not, of course, the only reason for high food prices. Fuel used to transport food is more expensive, and there have been unexpected droughts this year as well.Should we conclude that all biofuels are bad?No. But motivated by the obvious problems now emerging, scientists have begun to take a harder look at their benefits.For example, the European Environment Agency advisory panel suggests that the best use of plant biomass is not for transport fuel but to heat homes and generate electricity.To be useful for vehicles, plant matter must be distilled to a fuel and often transported long distances. To heat a home, it can often be used raw or with minimal processing, and moved just a short distance away.第二部分汉译英作为一个国际商业中心,上海拥有繁忙的港口,亚洲最重要的证券交易所之一,以及世界500强都不能忽视的巨大市场。























2009年5月国家职业资格三级秘书真题(附参考答案)第一部分职业道德(第1—25题,共25题)一.单项选择(第1—8题)1.“笑破不笑补,三补又一新”体现( B )的思想。

A、勤劳 B、节俭 C、仁义 D、忠孝2.社会主义法制的核心是( B)A、有法可依 B、有法必依 C、执法必严 D、违法必究3、下列不属于企业文化功能的是( C )A、整合功能 B、激励功能 C、强制功能 D、自律功能4、社会主义道德建设的基本要求是(C )A、社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德B、爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义C、爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义D、有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律5、“三人行必有我师”说明了( C )的道理 A、执政为民 B、团结和睦 C、互相学习 D、助人为乐6、下列关于道德的说法正确的是(B )A、道德是处理人与人之间关系的强制性规范B、道德是人区别于动物的根本标志C、道德对于人的要求高于法律D、道德从来没有阶级性7、市场经济催生了一些新的观念,你认为不属于其中的是(B )A、自主性道德观念B、重利轻义的道德观念C、竞争的道德观念D、学习创新的道德观念8、在我们的社会生活中,经济条件比较好的人和经济条件比较差的人交往,前者不能带着优越感看不起后者,后者也不能带有自卑感,感到低人一头。

这是人际交往中( A )A、平等原则的要求B、互助原则的要求C、功利原则的要求D、谦让原则的要求(二)多项选择9、遵守职业纪律,要求从业人员( ABD )A、履行岗位职责B、执行操作规程C、可以不遵守那些自己认为不合理的规则D、处理好上下级关系10、下列关于诚实守信的说法,你认为正确的有(ABC )A、诚实守信是企业的无形资本B、诚实守信是社会主义市场经济的内在要求C、诚实守信的企业最终能取信于社会D、诚实守信任何时候都与企业发展目标相冲突11、从业人员举止得体的要求是( ABCD )A、态度恭敬,对顾客尊重和有礼貌B、表情从容,按部就班,不慌不忙的接待服务对象C、行为大度,为了国格,表现出应有的大国气势和风范D、形象庄重,表情严肃,不轻浮随便,不鬼鬼祟祟12、关于从业人员做到诚实守信,不准确的理解是( AC )?A、诚实守信的前提是看对方是否诚实守信B、不做对不起朋友的事,是诚实守信的根本体现C、不管许诺什么,只要兑现了就是诚实守信D、获得手段是否正当是检验一个人是否诚实守信的标准之一13、以下关于职业技能的说法正确的是(AD )ABDA、职业技能是人们履行职业责任的手段B、职业技能的提高靠经验积累C、职业技能高低取决于个人体质强弱D、人的先天生理条件对职业技能的形成有一定影响14、关于职业责任,下列说法中正确的是(CD )ACA、是否具有职业责任是从业人员道德水平高低的体现B、职业责任与物质利益存在直接关系C、社会和企事业运用法律和纪律手段保障职业责任和义务履行D、职业责任是个中性概念,并不涉及道德问题15、对从业人员来说,劳动合同( AD )A、是从业者的“护身符”B、在任何情况下都不可以变更C、是从业者的“卖身契”D、是权利和义务统一的体现16、下列说法正确的是( BC )A、办事公道是对企业上司的职业道德要求,与普通职工关系不大B、诚实守信是每一个职业劳动者都应具有的品质C、诚实守信可以带来经济效应D、在激烈的市场竞争中,信守承诺者往往吃亏二、职业道德个人表现部分17、有些单位会偶尔利用一定业余时间让员工义务为社区做一些事情,例如打扫卫生、植树。


































2009年5月国家职业资格三级秘书真题及答案第一部分职业道德(第1—25题,共25题)一.单项选择(第1—8题)1.“笑破不笑补,三补又一新”体现( B )的思想。

A、勤劳B、节俭C、仁义D、忠孝2.社会主义法制的核心是(B )A、有法可依B、有法必依C、执法必严D、违法必究3、下列属于企业文化功能的是( C )A、整合功能B、激励功能C、强制功能D、自律功能4、社会主义道德建设的基本要求是( C)A、社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德B、爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义C、爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义D、有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律5、“三人行必有我师”说明了( C)的道理A、执政为民B、团结和睦C、互相学习D、助人为乐6、下列关于道德的说法正确的是( B )A、道德是处理人与人之间关系的强制性规范B、道德是人区别于动物的根本标志C、道德对于人的要求高于法律D、道德从来没有阶级性7、市场经济催生了一些新的观念,你认为不属于其中的是( B )moral ethics, conduct, devotion, there is as. The "four about four" and I said "four consciousness", "four-line" as well as standards of good cadre of 20 characters, "three-three", "four iron", loyalty, such as clean as required is the same. Learning education, each of the party members and cadres in order to measure and examine themselves, true ruler qualified party member stood up, put the pioneer trees. Four, focus on co-ordinating, pays special attention to education in order to promote economic and social development, or awareness, or stick to the bottom line, with the ultimate aim is to carry out the work of the economic and social development. Empty talks jeopardize national interests, work and prosperous. If there is no spirit of hard work, no effort on one step at a time, and ambitious development goals cannot be achieved, then a better blueprint for development can only be a castle in the air. "Despite you not not; things are small, not as fragmentation", we must have a strong sense of responsibility, to be responsible, aggressive and decided things, be sure to do a good job, step by step, 1.1 implementation, until you catch the results. What is the most important, is to adapt and to lead the economic development of the new norm, implementation of the "five" concept, completing five tasks. (A) to grasp the characteristics and trends of economic development, better adapted and to lead the economic development of the new normal. China's economic development has entered a newState and party Central Committee's comprehensive analysis of the world economy long-period and developing stage characteristics of great judgment and their interactions. In May 2014, General Secretary in Henan during the visit clearly, China's economic development has entered a new normal, and should adapt to the new normal, conservation strategies on the normal state of mind. After General Secretary on a number of occasions, multiple sessions on the new normal was systematic and profound interpretations. July 2014 Conference today, the main work is reviewed in recent years, the County's technology innovation and talent, scheduled deployment next steps task, mobilizing the County and work together to promote scientific and technological progress, promote technology and personnel support capacities, promoting economic and social development to a new level of Dongping. In recognition of scientific and technological innovation and talent advanced units and advanced individuals in the work, here, on behalf of the County, the County Government expressed warm congratulations to the advanced units and individuals, to science and technology and talent of the County workers to extend my sincere regards and highest respect! XX group, power supply companies, Farm Bureau, Dong Ping Street, introduces in technology innovation and talent of good experiences and practices, hope that the units of the departments at all levels in particular, enterprises should seriously learn from. In recent years, the County implemented "innovation" and "talents" strategy, launched the "platform of year" "year of cooperation in science andA、自主性道德观念B、重利轻义的道德观念C、竞争的道德观念D、学习创新的道德观念8、在我们的社会生活中,经济条件比较好的人和经济条件比较差的人交往,前者不能带着优越感看不起后者,后者也不能带有自卑感,感到低人一头。

































每小题只有一个最恰当的答案,请在答题卡上将所选答案的相应字母涂黑)26、个人理财规划要解决的首要问题是( )。

(A)财务预算 (B)收支相抵 (C)财务安全 (D)财务自由27、在表示收入与支出的坐标轴中,当( )位于支出线的上方时,我们说该客户实现了财务安全。

(A)总收入 (B)投资收入 (C)工资收入 (D)其他收入28、理财规划师进行任何理财规划前首先考虑和重点安排的目标是( )。

(A)投资规划 (B)养老保障 (C)教育保障 (D)现金保障29、应对客户家族的亲友出现生产、生活、教育、疾病等重大事件需要的紧急支援储备属于( )。

(A)日常生活覆盖储备 (B)意外现金储备 (C)投资资金储备 (D)风险覆盖储备30、会计信息的目的在于使用,只有清楚地反映经济活动的各种比例关系,反映经济业务的来龙去脉,才能有助于会计信息使用者获得必要的会计信息,所以关于会计信息质量要求,必须坚持( )。

(A)真实性原则 (B)相关性原则 (C)明晰性原则 (D)可比性原则3l、对会计要素中资产理解正确的是( )。

(A)资产只能是预期可以为企业带来经济利益的资源 (B)未来交易或事项可能形成的资产应当予以确认(C)企业对其资产负债表中的所有资产都拥有所有权 (D)不能用货币计量的人力资源也应当作为企业资产入账32、一定时期内商品或产品销售收入净额与应收账款平均余额的比值是指企业财务比率分析中的( )。

(A)应收账款周转天数 (B)应收账款周转率 (C)总资产周转率 (D)存货周转天数33、在企业财务比率分析中,不属于反映偿债能力指标的是( )。




A.在形成过程上,道德规范总是相对落后于法律规范 B.在实际内容上,道德规范与法律规范不存在任何关联C.在作用发生上,道德规范比法律规范具有事前性的特点 D.在调节主体上,道德规范和法律规范都是国家意志的代表2.中国传统道德中的“见利忘义、以义取利”的基本含义是()。

A.大义凛然、视死如归 B.毫不利己、专门利人 C.君子获利、取之有道 D.两肋插刀、义不容辞3.马克思主义指导思想、中国特色社会主义共同理想、以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神、社会主义荣辱观共同构成了()。

A.社会主义和谐社会理论体系 B.社会主义核心价值体系 C.社会主义精神文明建设体系 D.社会主义发展道路体系4.“忠诚、审慎、勤勉”是职业活动的()。

A.内在道德准则 B.基本原则 C.外在舆论要求 D.行为规范5.根据职业道德理论,实施职业化管理将更加注重员工职业活动的()。

A.非个性化规范 B.去过程性转化 C.无流程化改造 D.反标准化建设6.在我国,正确处理不同利益矛盾之间的关系应该坚持的基本原则是()。

A.个人主义 B.和谐观念 C.爱国主义 D.集体主义7.古人所谓在无他人监督的情况下,个人依然能够按照道德的规划和要求做人、做事的修养境界是()。

A.慎独 B.内省 C.三思 D.内敛8.有人说:“认真做事,只能把事情做对;用心做事,才能把事情做好”。


A.用心做事最重要,即使做不好也是值得肯定的 B.聪明才智是把事情做好的关键C.敬业精神是干好工作的根本前提 D.创新精神是开创事业新局面的时代要求(二)多项选择题(第9~16题)9.职业道德的基本特征包括()。

A.主观规定性 B.形式多样性 C.相对稳定性 D.利益相关性10.下列说法中,属于世界500强企业关于优秀员工核心标准的是()。














每小题只有一个最恰当的答案,请在答题卡上将所选答案的相应字母涂黑)26、劳动力市场的客体是( ) (A)劳动力市场关系 (B)劳动者的劳动力 (C)劳动力的所有者个体 (D)使用劳动力的企业27、关于就业的说法不正确的是( )(A)就业主体必须有劳动能力 (B)就业者所从事的劳动是有酬劳动 (C)就业主体的所得不能是经济收入 (D)就业者所参加的劳动属于杜舍劳动28、关于劳动法的监督检查制度的说法不正确的是( )。

(A)它规定了劳动关系的调整规则 (B)它是实施劳动监督检查的职权划分和行为规则 (C)它规定了以何种手段实现和保证各项劳动法律制度的实施 (D)各项劳动法律制度的范围与劳动监督检查制度的范围是一致的29、劳动法律关系的构成璺素不包括( )。

(A)主体 (B)内容 (C)客体 (D)原则30、组织市场的类型不包括( )(A)垄断者市场(B)产业市场 (C)转卖者市场(D)政府市场3l、在投入期不适宜采取的营销策略是( )。

(A)快速掠取策略 (B)缓慢渗透策略 (C)快速渗透策略 (D)公益宣传策略32、满足成就需要的行为不包括( ). (A)发现和使用更好的方法完成工作(B)比竞争者更出色 (C)影响他人并改变他们的态度和行为 (D)解决一个复杂问题33、组织公正与报酬分配的原则不包括( )(A)法律公平 (B)分配公平 (C)互动公平 (D)程序公平34、( )把下属作为权变的变量,即认为下属的成熟水平是选择领导风格的依赖条件 A)参与模型 (B)领导情境理论(C)费德勒的权变模型 (D)路径-目标理论35、以下有关人力资本投资的表述错误的是( )。

(A)投资主体可以是国家或个人 (B]投资对象是人 (C)投资直接提高人的劳动生产能力 (D)是一种非生产性投资36、员工的基本特征不包括( ) (A)生理性行为与生理性需要 (B)社会性行为与社会性需要C)道德性行为与道德性斋耍 (D)自我性行为与自我性需要37、现代人力资源管理以( )为中心。



2009年5月三级涉外秘书资格考试英语真题A.Listening Test【注意:本试卷听力部分录音在“秘书英语听力录音三级05”中】Ⅰ. Directions: Listen to the text about the meeting and choose the best answers for the questions.(5 questions, 2 marks for each question, 10 marks)1. The saying probably take place________.(A) in the meeting room(B) at restaurant(C) in the opening ceremony of company(D) in the office2. Who should have presided over the meeting? ________.(A) The man(B) Mr. Hampton(C) Susan(D) Mr. Smith3. Why will Susan make notes?________.(A) Company will keep it(B) Mr. Hampton well get some information(C) Everyone will get a copy(D) The decision well be announced4. Everyone will be allowed _______to speak.(A) 15 minutes(B) at least 15 minutes(C) 5 minutes(D) no more than 50 minutes5. Which following statement is right? _______.(A) Only Mr. Smith will speak(B) Someone will speak(C) Everyone except Mr. Smith will speak(D) Everyone will speakⅡ. Directions: Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are True or False. Writ T for True and F for False in the brackets. (5 questions, 2 marks each question. 10 marks altogether)1. [ ] The prices are given with agreement.2. [ ] The man thinks the prices are too high.3. [ ] The woman thinks that the cost of production has been raising in recent years.4. [ ] The man will decide to order based on prices.5. [ ] The man hopes that the prices can be reduced by 3 percent.B. written testⅠ. Vocabulary and structureDirections: For each of the following blanks, four choices are given. Choose the most appropriate one (1 mark each question, 20 questions, 20marks altogether)1. The actual cost of the building was much higher than our original_______.(A) consideration(B) judgment(C) estimate(D) plan2. The girls had so ______ in common that they soon became good friends.(A) little(B) few(C) much(D) many3. What’s the matter with Harry?I don’t know, but he looks _______ this difficult math problem.(A) that(B) so that(C) as(D) as if4. The boy spent half an hour ______ this difficult math problem.(A) having worked on(B) to work on(C) on work(D) working on10. The real trouble ______ their lack of confidence in their abilities.(A) lies in(B) lies on(C) results in(D)leads to11. Many old age pensioners have no other source of income and pension levels are not adequate______.(A) living on(B) to live on it(D) living on it12. This popular sports car is now being _____ at the rate of a thousand a week.(A) turned down(B) turned out(C) turned up(D) turned on13. By then our experiment had reached ______ stage.(A) a profound(B) a best(C) a future(D) a vital15. Vicky, one of my doctoral students, had her dissertation ______ as soon as she finished _____ it.(A) to be typed, to write(B) typed, to write(C) being typed, writing(D) typed, writing16. she hadn’t seen Peter for weeks, _______.(A) nor she had telephoned(B) nor she hadn’t telephoned(C) nor hadn’t she telephoned(D) nor had she telephoned17. The patient we sent to hospital was _____ last night.(A) operated with(B) operated(D) operated at18. He _____ when he was at high school but now he is famous all over the world. (A) often played tennis(B) did like tennis very much(C) was not much of a tennis-player(D) didn’t think much of tennis19. Einstein’s theory of rela tivity seemed _____ when it was first introduced.(A) unbelievable(B) unaccountable(C) impossible(D) acceptable20. Henry looked very much _____ when he was caught cheating in the biology exam.(A) discouraged(B) embarrassed(C) disappointed(D) bewilderedⅡ. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: Read the following passage and to the multiple choice questions. (2 marks each, 10 marks altogether)Here are a few examples of business customs in foreign lands that one should be cognizant of:In Brazil, conversations can become very animated and involve physical contact and raised voices. Yet trying to dominate the conversation will meet with disapproval.In China, it’s considered impolite to reply negatively. Answers like “we sho uld discuss this further at another time” or “perhaps” are much better than a simple “no”. The details can be worked out later. When giving gifts, avoid using white or green wrapping paper as those colors are considered to be inauspicious.In Germany, it’s customary to wait to be introduced someone new by a third party. People are uncomfortable when approached by complete strangers.When dining with co-workers in Japan, always let the host pay for the meal. Be sure tonever leave your chopsticks placed vertically in a bowl of rice as this is only done at funerals. The Irish are enthusiastic conversationalists who often indulge in criticism of themselves as a people and Ireland as a country. If you’re involved in this type of conversation country will be roundly abused.Even in “close” countries like Canada, there are some differences in the way business people interact. Luckily there are many training programs available to familiarize business travelers and career people with the ins and outs of dong business the international arena. Questions:1. Which of the following is true in Brazil? Conversations can be _____.(A) very interesting with physical contact and raised voices(B) animated and anyone can dominate the conversation(C) animated and everyone likes to control it(D) very interesting yet people may disapprove to each other2. In China, colors like white or green ______ .(A) may be used in any case(B) are the colors people like very much(C) are usually not used to wrap gifts(D) are often used to wrap gifts for the foreigners3. When having dinner, the Japanese people ______.(A) let their friends pay for the meal sometimes(B) should not pay for the meal(C) do not put their chopsticks on the bowls(D) do not place their chopsticks vertically in a rice bowls4. When involving in a conversation with the Irish people who are criticizing their own countries, ______.(A) just feel free to join in their criticism and they will feel you are closer to them(B) never agree with what they are saying(C) you should criticize your own country(D) you should discuss together with them5. Even in close countries like Canada _____.(A) people do business in the same way(B) there are training programs(C) there are differences in the way business people interact(D) there are no differences between business people1. [ ] The employment interview is like a persuasive speech because the applicant wants to persuade the employer to employ him or her.2. [ ] A job applicant should be able to find certain types of information prior to the interview.3. [ ] In some cases, it is important that the applicant know his reasons for wishing to work for a particular company.4. [ ] After gathering information concerning the location of company, the applicant is ready for the interview.5. [ ] Although you may have different ideas about hairstyle and dress, many personnel directors form initial impressions from these characteristics.Ⅲ. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (4marks each, 20marks altogether)1. This is to notify members that the discussion on the working plan for the net year will be put off to next Tuesday, December 15th , at 9:30 a.m., owing to the absence of certain commission members.2. We’d like to clear up some points connected with the technical part of the contract.3. While warnings are often necessary, it isn’t clear th at they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers if a customer is injured.4. It’s just the matter of the schedule, that is, if it is convenient of you right now.5. We are really glad to see you se constructive in helping settle the problems as regards the signing of the contract.Ⅳ. WritingDirections: Below is a note provided for you to make a letter of consultation. (5 marks for the format of letter, the body of the letter is 15 marks, 20 marks altogether)You are John Roberts, Marketing Director of ENB Co. You are going to write a letter to Damien Smith of WBC Co., 34, 23rd street, New York, NY 12009, USA. about the falling of the sales. Your address is ENB Co., 3 Guangzhou Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing. The writing time is Jan. 12th, 2007.Your letter should include the following items:1. Concerned that the sales in recent months have fallen2. Ask about whether they are facing difficulties3. Offer help4. Ask for a detailed report on the situation 学习使人进步,相信能就一定能成功5. Ask for suggestions as to how to help in restoring sales。



2009.5英语三级试卷及答案2009.5职业技能鉴定国家题库涉外秘书三级英语试卷(及答案) 注意事项 1、考试时间:90分钟。




A. Listening Test 【注意:本试卷听力部分录音在“秘书英语听力录音三级05”中。

】 I. Directions: Listen to the text about the meeting and choose the best answers for the questions. (5 questions, 2 marks for each question, 10 marks altogether) 1. The man announced ___________. (A) the meeting will begin (B) the meeting will be canceled (C) Mr. Hampton was ill (D) everyone should pay attention to something urgent 2. Mr. Hampton_____________. (A) is able to attend today ’s meeting (B) is able to attend tomorrow’s meeting (C) can ’t attend today ’s meeting (D) can ’t attend tomorrow ’s meeting 3. _______________ will be discussed in the meeting? (A) The draft of the next year ’s plan for the staff(B) The draft of the next year ’s plan for his company(C) The draft of the next year ’s plan for the sale(D) The draft of the next year ’s plan for the advertisement4. What is Susan responsible for? ____________(A) To make notes(B) To serve everyone in the meeting(C) To arrange the details in the meeting(D) To send the material in the meeting5. Who will talk first? ____________(A) Not mentioned(B) Mr. Smith(C) Mrs. Smith(D) Mrs. SmithII. Directions: Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are True or False. Write T forTrue and F for False in the brackets. (5 questions, 2 marks each question. 10 marks altogether.)1. [ ] The price in the list are much too high..2. [ ] According to the buyer, it is unreasonable to offer such high prices compared to others.3. [ ] The seller will reduce the price by 10% without any condition. 听力部分笔试部分总分核分人得分得分评分人得分评分人考生答题不准超过此线地区姓名单位名称准考证号4. [ ] This potential buyer is satisfied with the concession made by the seller.5. [ ] In order to have the seller adjust their prices, the potential buyer orders a large quantity. B. Written Test I. Vocabulary and structure Directions:Multiple Choice questions (1 mark for each, 20 questions, 20 marks altogether) 1. The Frenchpianist who had been praised very highly ______ to be a great disappointment. (A) turned up (B) turned down (C) turned in (D) turned out 2. They saw a car at the street _______ Irish license plates. (A) equipping (B) taking (C) bearing (D) proving 3. Please don ’t ____ __ for me, I may be late. (A) stay up (B) wake up (C) keep up (D) rise up 4. He completely ___ ___ all these facts as though they never existed. (A) disposes (B) ignores (C) fails (D) neglects 5. Discussions and debates are my __ ____ way of learning.(A) favorite (B) convinced (C) favorable (D) intended6. Read the ____ __ carefully before you switch on the engine.(A) orders (B) information(C) instructions (D) message7. Japan has ___ ___ West Germany in industrial production.(A) run over (B) overtaken(C) overthrown (D) conquered8. I can _ _____ him without reservation for the post he is seeking.(A) apply (B) approve(C) favor (D) recommend9. Father _ _____ to his study upstairs shortly after supper that evening.(A) left (B) resigned(C) relieved (D) retired10. These small white house are _____ _ of the Greek islands.(A) common (B) regular(C) characteristic (D) lovely11. To our disappointment, ____ __ turned out that the method did not work well.生答题不准超过此线地区姓名单位名称准考证号(A) it (B) as(C) what (D) so12. ______ the chance, she could have done just as well as you have.(A) To give (B) Giving(C) Gave (D) Given13. All the while he was terrified by the fear ______ he had cancer of the stomach.(A) which (B) that(C) what (D) such14. He was not very intelligent, and ______.(A) neither did he work very hard too (B) ne ither didn’t he work very hard(C) neither did he work very hard (D) neither he worked very hard15. _______ I found that nearly half of the audience had left the hall.(A) Not long before it was (B) It was not long before(C) Not long it was before (D) Not before it was long16. Some knowledge of the computer is ______ great value in this job.(A) for (B) with(C) of (D) about17. ______ he had said it he knew what a mistake he had made.(A) In the minute (B) A minute(C) To the minute (D) The minute18. Five minutes earlier, ______ we could have caught the last train.(A) and (B) but(C) or (D) nor19. Jack, ______ was expected, performed the task with success.(A) which (B) that(C) as (D) it20. I should say Henry is not ______ a writer as a reporter.(A) that much (B) much(C) as such (D) so muchII. Reading ComprehensionSection A Directions: Read the following passage and do the multiple choice questions. (2 marks each, 10 marks altogether) In some ways the employment interview is like a persuasive speech because the applicant (interviewee) seeks to persuade the employer (interviewer) to employ him or her. Several suggestions might prove helpful to the applicant as preparation is made for the actual interview.A job applicant has the responsibility for ascertaining certain types of information prior to the interview. First, the applicant should know what kind of job he wants and how that job relates to his career objective. It is important that the applicant be able to state his reasons for wishing to work for a particular company. Second, the applicant should seek as much information as possible concerning the company. Relevant information for the applicant to locate includes such items as the location of the home and regional offices, the financial status of the company, plansfor expansion, and company philosophy. Information about most major corporations is available in reference books and periodicals. After gathering information concerning the company,the applicant is ready for the interview. The in terviewer’s first impression comes from the interviewee’s appearance. For most interviews, appropria te dress for man is a conservative dark colored suit with a long sleeve white or light blue shirt and conservative tie. For women a conservative, tailored suit or dress is appropriate. Both men and women should have neat, conservative length hair. Although hairstyle and dress are matters of personal tastes, many personnel directors form initial impressions from these characteristics. For example, one recent college graduate, who felt himself qualified, interviewed for a public relations job. However, the pe rsonnel manager considered this young man’s long hair, sloppy dress, and overly casual manner unsuited for this particular position. 1. What ’s the purpose of this passage? (A ) To inform the candidates of the recent interview (B ) To give some advice to an employer. (C )To inform the candidates of how to prepare for an interview (D ) T o persuade the candidates to accept his advice 2. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage ? . (A )The applicant should know the type of work and his career expectation (B )The applicant should know as much as possible about the company (C )The applicant should have the reasons a particular company has to employ him (D )The applicant should not pay too much attention to his appearance 3. According to the passage, before the interview, the applicant can obtain some information about the company he wants to work for _______. (A )on the internet (B )in reference books and periodicals (C )in the library (D )from the employees of the company business and philosophy 4. What kind of information about the company, as the author suggests, should the candidate obtain ______ ? (A )the financial status (B )company philosophy (C )plans for expansion, (D )all of the above5. From the last two paragraphs we can infer that .(A )first impression is of importance(B )public relations are important in the interview(C )self confidence is of great importance(D )personal taste is quite important in the interviewSection B Directions: Decide whether the statements are 'tru e' or 'false' based on the text, write T for ‘true’and F for ‘false’. (2 marks for each, 10 marks altogether) Here are a few examples of business customs in foreign lands that one should be cognizant of:In Brazil, conversations can become very animated and involve physical contact and raised voices. Yettrying to dominate the conversation will meet with disapproval.In China, it's considered impolite to reply negatively. Answers like "we should discuss this further at anothertime" or "perhaps" are much better than a simple "no". The details can be worked out later. When givinggifts, avoid using white or green wrapping paper as those colors are considered to be inauspicious.In Germany, it's customary to wait to be introduced to someone new by a third party. People areuncomfortable when approached by complete strangers.When dining with co-workers in Japan, always let the host pay for the meal. Be sure to never leave yourchopsticks placed vertically in a bowl of rice as this is only done at funerals.The Irish are enthusiastic conversationalists who oftenindulge in criticism of themselves as a people andIreland as a country. If you're involved in this type of conversation, never agree with what is being said oryou'll find that both yourself and your country will be roundly abused.姓单准生答题不准超过此线地区名位名称考证号Even in "close" countries like Canada, there are some differences in the way business people interact. Luckily there are many training programs available to familiarize business travelers and career people with the ins and outs of doing business in the international arena. 1. [ ] In Brazil, people usually talk animatedly, but they usually keep space distance with each other. 2. [ ] In China, people usually give a negative answer indirectly instead of the direct “No ”.3. [ ] In Germany, it ’s better not to bother to speak to a stranger if no one introduces him to you.4. [ ] Irish people tend to criticize their own country in conversation because they bear hatred to their country.5. [ ]The purpose of this article is probably to tell us that we should be aware of the different ways business people interact in different cultures and countries. III. Translation Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. (4 marks each, 20 marks altogether) 1. As you know, we value our long-established relationship with your corporation, and look forward to increasing business in the coming years. 2. Any information youcan send us about the city itself and the surrounding countryside, including places of historical interest, will be very much appreciated.3. We are offering you goods of the very highest quality on unusually generous terms and would welcome the opportunity to serveyou.4. The meanings we exchange by speaking and by writing are not given in the words and sentences along but are also constructedpartly out of what our listeners and our readers interpret them to mean.5. The fact remains that women are now free to enter any career that attracts them; the situation has improved, and the tide is notlikely to turn back.IV . WritingDirections: Here you are required to write a reply to the letter asking for price reduction (20 marks)生答题不准超过此线地区姓名单位名称准考证号Your letter should include the following items:-receive your inquiry of March 16, concerning the supply of our best automatic washing machine-enclose our price list and terms of business-requested an additional discount of 3%-but cut to absolute minimum, unable to allow you any discount-in spite of the increased cost of raw materials, …maintain present prices-look forward to hearing from you.职业技能鉴定国家题库涉外秘书(国家职业资格三级)英语试卷标准(参考)答案及评分标准A. Listening Test【注意:本试卷听力部分录音在“秘书英语听力录音三级05”中。

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2009年5月三级人力资源管理师考题2009年5 月劳动和社会保障部国家职业资格全国统一鉴定职业:企业人力资源管理师等级:国家职业资格三级卷册一:职业道德理论知识注意事项:1、考生应首先将自已的姓名、准考证号等用钢笔、圆珠笔等写在试卷册和答题卡的相应位置上,并用铅笔填涂答题卡上的相应位置处。

2 、考生同时应将本页右上角的科目代码填涂在答题卡右上角的相应位置处。

3 、本试卷册包括职业道德和理论知识两部分:第一部分,1一25 小题,为职业道德试题;第二部分,51 一125 小题,为理论知识试题。

4 、每小题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案涂黑。



5 、考试结束时,考生务必将本卷册和答题卡一并交给监考人员。

6 、考生应按要求在答题卡上作答。


地区:姓名:准考证号:第一部分职业道德(第1-25题,共25道题)一、职业道德基础理论与知识部分答题指导:u 该部分均为选择题,每题均有四个备选项,其中单项选择题只有一个选项是正确的,多项选择题有两个以上选项是正确的。

u 请根据题意的内容和要求答题。


u 错选、少选、多选、则该题均不得分。

(一)单项选择题(第1-8 题)1、<<公民道德建设实施纲要>>提出的从业人员都应该遵循的基本要求是()。









(A)职业化是提高个人和组织竞争力的必由之路(B)职业化是全球职场的通用语言和职场文化(C)职业化是新型劳动的核心内容(D)职业化要求依靠直觉和灵活应变来适应职场变化10、提高职业技能要端正态度是( )。







(A)把职业当做事业来做(B)以加班加点为工作基本要求(C)热心社会公益事业(D)对工作积极主动二、职业道德个人表现部分(第17-25题)答题指导:u 该部分均为选择题,每题均有四个备选项,您只能根据自己的实际状况选择其中一个选项作为您的答案。

u 请在答题卡上将所选答案的相应字母涂黑。



















每小题只有一个最恰当的答案,请在答题卡上将所选答案的相应字母涂黑)26、劳动力市场的客体是()(A)劳动力市场关系(B)劳动者的劳动力(C)劳动力的所有者个体(D)使用劳动力的企业27、关于就业的说法不正确的是()(A)就业主体必须有劳动能力(B)就业者所从事的劳动是有酬劳动(C)就业主体的所得不能是经济收入(D)就业者所参加的劳动属于社会劳动28、关于劳动法的监督检查制度的说法不正确的是()(A)它规定了劳动关系的调整规则(B)它是实施劳动监督检查的职权划分和行为规则(C)它规定了以何种手段实现和保证各项劳动法律制度的实施(D)各项劳动法律制度的范围与劳动监督检查制度的范围是一致的29、劳动法律关系的构成要素不包括()(A)主体(B)内容(C)客体(D)原则30、组织市场的类型不包括()(A)垄断者市场(B)产业市场(C)转卖者市(D)政府市场31、在投入期不适宜采取的营销策略是()(A)快速掠取策略(B)缓慢渗透策略(C)快速渗透策略(D)公益宣传策略32、满足成就需要的行为不包括()(A)发现和使用更好的方法完成工作(B)比竞争者更出色(C)影响他人并改变他们的态度的行为(D)解决一个复杂问题33、组织公正与报酬分配的原则不包括()(A)法律公平(B)分配公平(C)互动公平(D)程序公平34、( )把下属作为权变的变量,即认为下属的成熟水平是选择领导风格的依赖条件。


