Little Known Characteristics of Phase Noise




From the wuxu reform
革命是新儒学的萌 芽阶段。
为康有为、梁启超 等人日趋成熟的托 古改制的社会改良 思想,即用儒学来 解释改良思想。
movement to the revolution is new Confucianism embryonic stage This one phase mainly for the modification by kang youwei's and liang qichao's people mature of the reform of the "social improvement ideas, which is the Confucianism thought to explain the improvement.
击之下被动接受西方文明的一些内容以求自 强。
“Chinese learning “中学为体,
西学为用 ”
是这一阶段的代 表思想。
for the essence, western learning for practical use”
is the representative thought of this stage.
After the cultural
后是新儒学的恢复 和发展阶段。
revolution is new Confucianism rehabilitation and development stage.
The main characteristics
核心,以“穷理”为精髓,以“存天理,去人欲”、“主 静”、“居敬”为存养工夫,以“修身、齐家、治国、平 天下”为实质,以“为圣”为目的。



GAO Jian LIU Xi-bin SHI Zhi-xin 'PangangGroupResearchInstituteCo. !Ltd. !Panzhihua617000!Sichuan!China)
Abstract:ThecharacteristicsonphasetransformationandVanadium migrationofvanadiumslaginsodium oxidation roasting were studied by means of MLA650 mineral analyzer. The results showed that vanadium slag had begun to oxidize before 328 C , and the fayalite phase was completely decomposed at about 452 C , the product was iron oxide, acmite, albite and other silicates. At about 619 C , vanadium-iron spinel wasdecomposedcompletely!theproductwasironoxide!pseudobrookiteandsodiumvanadate.Inroasting process!the content of iron oxide and sodium vanadate increased gradual y!and the content of vanadiumironspinelandfayalitedecreasedsignificantly.Vanadium mainlytransportedfromvanadium-ironspinelto sodiumvanadate!someenteredintoironoxide!acmiteandothersilicatesintheprocess. Key words:vanadium slag& sodium oxidation roasting& characteristics of phase transformation& characteristicsofvanadium migration

ANALOG DEVICES高速信号处理 产品说明书

ANALOG DEVICES高速信号处理 产品说明书

高速信号处理产品参考手册目录高速模数转换器(ADC) (2)多通道ADC与集成解决方案 (4)高速数模转换器(DAC) (6)高速放大器 (8)时钟发生与分配 (10)直接数字频率合成器(DDS)与正交数字上变频器(QDUC) (12)成像、高级电视与平板显示器接口 (14)收发器(TRX) (16)配套器件 (18)设计与评估工具 (20)应用笔记与文章 (21)转换器性能指标 (22)/everywhere高速单通道模数转换器(ADC)除非特别标注,表中给出的均为典型值1为中频(IF)采样(第二奈奎斯特区或以上)应用推荐的转换器。



3多通道ADC除非特别标注,表中给出的均为典型值 1为中频(IF)采样(第二奈奎斯特区或以上)应用推荐的转换器。



多通道ADC 与集成解决方案4用于超声的混合信号前端1千片订量报价,美元离岸价。


时钟发生与分配RRUCDR 时钟结合多个时钟IC 提供完整的时序解决方案,以满足系统需求。


由缓冲器得到的干净的信号通过SERDES 逆流返回。

这个时钟平台非常适合在多个无线标准(WiMAX 、W-CDMA 、CDMA2000、CDMA)下将信号进行数字化。


其中许多产品可在单芯片上提供多个LVPECL、LVDS 与CMOS逻辑输出,允许方便的分配至系统的不同单元(ADC、DAC、DUC/DDC、PLL、FPGA等)。



















Measurement of a power system nominal voltage, frequency and voltage flicker parametersA.M. Alkandari a, S.A. Soliman b,*a b s t r a c t:We present, in this paper, an approach for identifying the frequency and amplitude of voltage flicker signal that imposed on the nominal voltage signal, as well as the amplitude and frequency of the nominal signal itself. The proposed algorithm performs the estimation in two steps; in the first step the original voltage signal is shifted forward and backward by an integer number of sample, one sample in this paper.The new generated signals from such a shift together with the original one is used to estimate the amplitude of the original signal voltage that composed of the nominal voltage and flicker voltage. The average of this amplitude gives the amplitude of the nominal voltage; this amplitude is subtracted from the original identified signal amplitude to obtain the samples of the flicker voltage. In the second step, the argument of the signal is calculated by simply dividing the magnitude of signal sample with the estimated amplitude in the first step. Calculating the arccosine of the argument, the frequency of the nominal signal as well as the phase angle can be computing using the least error square estimation algorithm. Simulation examples are given within the text to show the features of the proposed approach.Keywords: Power quality Nominal frequency and amplitude measurements Voltage flicker Frequency and amplitude estimation Forward and backward difference1.IntroductionV oltage flicker and harmonics are introduced to power system as a result of arc furnace operation, and power utilities are concern about their effects. As such an accurate model for the voltage flicker is needed. The definition of voltage flicker in IEEE standards is the ‘‘impression of fluctuating brightness or color, when the frequency observed variation lies between a few hertz and the fusion frequency of image” [1]. The flicker phenomenon may be divided into two general categories, cyclic flicker and non-cyclic flicker. Cyclic flicker is repetitive one and is caused by periodic voltage fluctuations due to the operation of loads such as spot welders, compressors, or arc welders. Non-cyclic flicker corresponds to occasional voltage fluctuations, such as starting of large motors, some of loads will cause both cyclic andnon-cyclic flicker, such as arc furnace, welder, and ac choppers.Over the past three decades, many digital algorithms have been developed and tested to measure power system frequency and rate of change of frequency. Ref. [2] presents the application of the continuous Wavelet transform for power quality analysis. The transform appears to be reliable for detecting and measuring voltage sags, flicker and transients in power quality analysis. Ref. [3] pays attention to the fast Fourier transform and its pitfalls. A low filter is used, and the effects of system voltage deviation on the voltage - flicker measurements by direct FFT are studied. The DC component leakage effect on the flicker components in the spectrum analysis of the effective value of the voltage and the windowing effect on the data acquisition of the voltage signal are discussed as well.A digital flicker meter is proposed in Ref. [6] based on forward and inverse FFT and on filtering, in the frequency domain, for the implementation of the functional blocks of simulation of lamp–eye–brain response. Refs. [5–7] propose a method based on Kalman filtering algorithms to measure the low frequency modulation of the 50/60 Hz signal. The method used, in these references, allows for random and deterministic variation of the modulation. The approach utilizes a combination of linear and non-linear Kalman filter modes.Ref. [8] presents a method for direct calculation of flicker level from digital measurements of voltage waveforms. The direct digital implementation uses Fast Fourier transform (FFT) as the first step in computation. A pruned FFT, customized for the flicker level computation, is also proposed. Presented in Ref. [9] is a static state estimation algorithm based on least absolute value error (LA V) for measurement of voltage flicker level. The waveform for the voltage signal is assumed to have, for simplicity, one flicker component. This algorithm estimates accurately the nominal voltage waveform and the voltage flicker component. An application of continuous wavelet transform (CWT) for analysis of voltage flicker-generated signals is proposed in Ref. [10] With the time-frequency localization characteristics embedded in the wavelets, the time and frequency information of a waveform can be integrally presentedRef. [11] presents an arc furnace model that implemented in the Simulink environment by using chaotic and deterministic elements. This model is obtained by solving the corresponding differential equation, which yields dynamic and multivalued v i characteristics of the arc furnace load. In order to evaluate the flicker in the simulated arc furnace voltage, the IEC flicker meter is implemented based on the IEC 1000-4-15 standard in Matlab environment.Ref. [12] presents an approach to estimate voltage flicker components magnitudes and frequencies, based on Lp norms (p = 1,2 and 1) and Taylor’s’ series linearization. It has been found that it is possible to design an Lp estimator to identify flicker frequency and amplitude from time series measurements. The Teager energy operator (TEO) and the Hilbert transform (HT) are introduced in Ref. [13] as effective approaches for tracking the voltage flicker levels. It has been found that TEO and HT are capable of tracking the amplitude variations of the voltage flicker and supply frequency in industrial systems with an average error 3%.Ref. [14] presents a control technique for flicker mitigation. This technique is based on the instantaneous tracking of the measured voltage envelope. The ADALINE (ADAptive LINear) neuron algorithm and the Recursive Least Square (RLS) algorithm are introduced for the flicker envelope tracking. In Ref. [15], an algorithm for tracking the voltage envelope based on calculating the energy operator of a sinusoidal waveform is presented. It is assumed that the frequency of the sinusoidal waveform is known and a lead-lag network with unity gain is used. Ref. [16] develops an enhanced method for estimating the voltage fluctuation (DV10) of the electric arc furnace (EAF). The method proposed considers the reactive power variation and also the active power variation in calculating DV10 value of ac and dc LEAFsControl and protection of power systems requires accurate measurement of system frequency. A system operates at nominal frequency, 50/60 Hz means a balance in the active power, i.e. The power generated equals the demand power plus losses. Imbalance in the active power causes the frequency to change. A frequency less than the nominal frequency means that the demand load plus losses are greater than the power generated, but a frequency greater than nominal frequency means that the system generation is greater than the load demand plus losses. As such, frequency can be used as a measure of system power balance.Ref. [17] presents a numerical differentiation-based algorithm for high-accuracy, wide-range frequency estimation of power systems. The signal, using this algorithm, includes up to 31st-order harmonic components. Ref. [18] presents a method for estimation of power frequency and its rate of change. The proposed methodaccommodates the inherent non-linearity of the frequency estimation problem. The estimator is based on a quadrature phase-look loop concept.An approach for designing a digital algorithm for local system frequency estimation is presented in Ref. [19]. The algorithm is derived using the maximum likelihood method. A recursive Newtontype algorithm suitable for various measurement applications in power system is developed in Ref. [20] and is used for power system frequency and spectra estimation. A precise digital algorithm based on discrete Fourier transforms (DFT) to estimate the frequency of a sinusoid with harmonics in real-time is proposed in Ref. [21]. This algorithm is called smart discrete Fourier transform (SDFT) that avoids the errors due to frequency deviation and keeps all the advantages of the DFT.Ref. [22] presents an algorithm for frequency estimation from distorted signals. The proposed algorithm is based on the extended complex Kalman filter, which uses discrete values of a three-phase voltage that are transformed into the well-known ab-transform Using such a transformation a non-linear state space formulation is obtained for the extended Kalman filter. This algorithm is iterative and complex and needs much computing time and uses the three-phase voltage measurements, to calculate the power system voltage frequency.Ref. [23] describes design, computational aspect, and implementation aspects of a digital signal processing technique for measuring the operating frequency of a power system. It is suggested this technique produces correct and noise-free estimates for near nominal, nominal and off-nominal frequencies in about 25 ms, and it requires modest computation. The proposed technique uses per-phase digitized voltage samples and applies orthogonal FIR digital filters with the least errors square (LES) algorithm to extract the system frequency.Ref. [24] presents an iterative technique for measuring power system frequency to a resolution of 0.01–0.02 Hz for near nominal, nominal and off-nominal frequencies in about 20 ms. The algorithm in this reference uses per-phase digitized voltage samples together with a FIR filter and the LES algorithm to extract iteratively the signal frequency.This algorithm has beneficial features including fixed sampling rate, fixed data window size and easy implementationRefs. [25,26] present a new pair of orthogonal filters for phasor computation; the technique proposed extracts accurately the fundamental component of fault voltageand current signal. Ref. [27] describes an algorithm for power system frequency estimation. The algorithm, applies orthogonal signal component obtained with use of two orthogonal FIR filters. The essential property of the algorithm proposed is outstanding immunity to both signals orthogonal component magnitudes and FIR filter gain variations. Again this algorithm uses the per-phase digitized voltage samples.Ref. [28] presents a method of measuring the power system frequency, based on digital filtering and Prony’s estimation. The discrete Fourier transform with a variable data window is used to filter out the noise and harmonics associated with the signal. The results obtained using this algorithm are more accurate than when applying the method based on the measurement of angular velocity of the rotating voltage phasor. The response time of the proposed method equals to three to four periods of the fundamental components. This method uses also per phase digitized voltage samples to compute the system frequency from harmonics polluted voltage signal. Ref. [29] implements a digital technique for the evaluation of power system frequency. The algorithm is suitable for microprocessor implementation and uses only standard hardware. The algorithm works with any relative phase of the input signal and produces a new frequency estimate for every new input sample. This algorithm uses the orthogonal sine and cosine- filtering algorithm..A frequency relay, which is capable of under/over frequency and rate of change of frequency measurements using an instantaneous frequency-measuring algorithm, is presented in Ref. [30]. It has been shown that filtering the relay input signal could adversely affect the dynamic frequency evaluation response. Misleading frequency behavior is observed in this method, and an algorithm has been developed to improve this behavior. The under/over frequency function of the relay will cause it to operate within 30 ms.Digital state estimation is implemented to estimate the power system voltage amplitude and normal frequency and its rate of change. The techniques employed for static state estimation are least errors square technique [31–33], least absolute value technique [34–36]. While linear and non-linear Kalman filtering algorithms are implemented for tracking the system operating frequency, rate of change of frequency and power system voltage magnitude from a harmonic polluted environment of the system voltage at the relay location. Most of these techniques use the per-phasedigitized voltage samples, and assume that the three-phase voltages are balanced and contain the same noise and harmonics, which is not the case in real-time, especially in the distribution systems, where different single phase loads are supplied from different phases.An approach for identifying the frequency and amplitude of flicker signal that imposed on the nominal voltage signal, as well as the amplitude and frequency of the nominal signal itself is presented in this text. The proposed algorithm performs the estimation in two steps. While, in the first step the original signal is shifted forward and backward by an integer number of sample, one sample in this paper. The generated signals from such shift together with the original one are used to estimate the amplitude of the original voltage signal that composed of the nominal voltage and the flicker voltage, the average of this amplitude gives the amplitude of the nominal voltage. This amplitude is subtracted from the original identified amplitude to obtain the samples of the flicker voltage. In the second step, the argument of the signal is calculated by simply dividing the magnitude of signal sample with the estimated amplitude in step one. Computing the arccosine of the argument, the frequency of the nominal signal as well as the phase angle can be calculated using the least error square estimation algorithm. Simulation examples are given within the text to show the features of the proposed approach.2. Flicker voltage identificationGenerally speaking, the voltage during the time of flicker can be expressed as [2]:where AO is the amplitude of the nominal power system voltage, xO is the nominal power frequency, and /O is the nominal phase angle. Furthermore, Ai is the amplitude of the flicker voltage, xfi its frequency, and /fi its phase angle and M is the expected number of flicker voltage signal in the voltage waveform. This type of voltage signal is called amplitude modulated (AM) signal.2.1. Signal amplitude measurement::The first bracket in Eq. (1) is the amplitude of the signal, A(t) which can be written as:As such Eq. (1) can be rewritten asAssume that the signal is given forward and backward shift by an angle equals an integral number of the sampling angle. Then Eq. (3) can be written in the forward direction as:While for the backward direction, it can be written as:where h is the shift angle and is given byN is the number of samples required for the shift, fO is the signal frequency and m is the total number of samples over the data window size. Using Eqs. (4)–(6), one obtainsThe recursive equation for the amplitude A(k) is given by:Having identified the amplitude A(k), the amplitude of the nominal voltage signal of frequency x O can be calculated, just by taking the average over complete data window size as:Having identified the power signal amplitude AO, then the flicker voltage components can be determined by;This voltage flicker signal can be written as;where DT is the sampling time that is the reciprocal of the sampling frequency.2.2. Measurement of flicker frequencyWithout loss of generality, we assume that the voltage flicker signal has only one component given by, i = 1To determine the flicker amplitude Vf1(k) and the frequency xf1 from the available m samples, we may use the algorithm explained in Ref. [9]. The frequency is calculated fromWhile the amplitude can be calculated as:In the above equations v0 are the fist and second derivative of the flicker signal, they can be calculated, using the central forward and backward difference [9] as:2.3. Nominal voltage signal frequency and phase angleThe signal argument can be calculated fromwhere AR(k) is given byIn the above equation W0, u are the two parameters to be estimated from the available m samples of the argument AR(k). At least two samples are required for such a linear estimation.Eq. (17) can be written, for m samples, asIn vector form, Eq. (19) can be written as:where Z is m 1 measurements vector for the argument samples, H is m 2 measurements matrix the element of this matrix depend on the sampling time, sampling frequency, X is the 2 1 parameters vector to be estimated and f is m 1 error vector to be minimized. The minimum of f based on least error squares occurs when:The above two equations give directly the frequency and phase angle, in closed forms, for the signal under study. To have a practical approach those formulas should not be sensitive to noise and harmonics. One way to reduce those sensitivities is to use of least error squares algorithm, as we explained in Eq. (21), for the frequency estimation in the paper. In the following section we offer examples from the area of power system voltage flickers that can be considered as amplitude modulated signals.puter experimentsThe above algorithm is tested using amplitude modulated signal with one voltage flicker signal given by;The signal is sampled at 10000 Hz and is giving a forward shift and backward shift by one sample, h = 7.2 and 1000 samples are used. The power system voltage, 50 Hz signal, amplitude is estimated using the algorithm explained earlier, using Eqs. (8) and (9), and it has been found to that the proposed algorithm is succeeded in estimating this amplitude with great accuracy and is found be AO = 1.0. Fig. 1 gives the actualvoltage signal, the tracked signal and the voltage signal amplitude. Examining this figure reveals the following:The power voltage signal amplitude, 50 Hz, is almost 1 p.u., the average value of A(t), as that calculated using Eq. (9).The proposed technique tracked the actual signal exactly.The flicker signal frequency is estimated using 200 samples only with Eq. (13). Fig. 2 gives the estimated flicker voltage frequency at each sampling step. Examining this figure reveals that the proposed algorithm estimates the flicker frequency with great accuracy. The spikes, in these curves, are due to the value of the voltage flicker signal at this time of sampling which is very small, and looking to Eq. (13) one can notice that to calculate the frequency we divide by this value ceeded to estimate the flicker amplitude, except at the points of spikes, as we explained earlier in the frequency estimation.Another example has been solved, where the voltage signal has two flicker signals with different amplitude and frequency. The voltage signal in this case is given by The signal is sampled at 500 Hz and is giving a forward shift and backward shift by one sample, h = 7.2 and 500 samples are used. The voltage nominal amplitude is estimated using the technique explained earlier and has found to be one per unit, and the tracking voltage, using this technique, tracks the signal exactly as shown in Fig. 4.4.ConclusionsAn approach for identifying the frequency and amplitude of flicker signal that imposed on the nominal voltage signal, as well as the amplitude and frequency of the nominal signal itself is presented in this paper. The proposed algorithm performs the estimation in two steps; in the first step the original signal is shifted forward and backward by an integer number of sample, at least one sample. The new generated signals from such a shift together with the original one is used to estimate the amplitude of the original voltage signal that composed of the nominal voltage and theflicker voltage. The average of this amplitude gives the amplitude of the nominal voltage; this amplitude is subtracted from the original identified amplitude to obtain the samples of the flicker voltage. The frequency of the flicker voltage is calculated using the forward and backward difference for the first and second derivatives for the voltage flicker signal.In the second step, the argument of the signal is calculated by simply dividing the magnitude of signal sample with the estimated amplitude in step one. Calculating the arccosine of the argument, the frequency of the nominal signal as well as the phase angle can be calculated using the least error square estimation algorithm. Simulation examples are given. It has been shown that the proposed algorithm is succeeded in estimating the voltage flicker frequency and amplitude as well as the amplitude and frequency of the power voltage signal.The proposed algorithm can be used off-line as well as on-line. In the on-line mode we recommend the usage of a digital lead- lag circuit. Wile in the off-line mode; just shift the registration counter on sample in the backward direction and another on in the forward direction to obtain the required sample of the data window size.电力系统的额定电压,频率和电压闪变参数的测量摘要我们提出,在本文中,用于识别施加于标称电压信号电压闪变信号,以及标称信号本身的振幅和频率的频率和幅度的方法。



低压每相电阻英语一、单词1. resistance- 英语释义:the act of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with; a force that opposes the flow of electrical current.- 用法:作为名词,可用于描述物体对电流的阻碍作用等。

例如“Resistance in the circuit is very important.”(电路中的电阻非常重要。

)- 双语例句:The resistance of this wire is too high.(这根电线的电阻太高了。

)2. phase- 英语释义:a stage in a process of change or development; one of the three or more electrical voltages in an alternating - current system that are out of step with one another.- 用法:作名词,可表示相(如三相电中的相),也可表示阶段等意思。

例如“In a three - phase system, each phase has its own characteristics.”(在三相系统中,每一相都有自己的特性。

) - 双语例句:The power is distributed among the three phases evenly.(电力在三相之间均匀分配。

)3. low - voltage- 英语释义:having a voltage below a certain standard, usually less than 1000 volts for alternating current in power systems.- 用法:作为形容词短语,用来修饰名词,表示低电压的。

新视野大学英语第三版第二册第三单元-SectionA-Journey through the odyssey years

新视野大学英语第三版第二册第三单元-SectionA-Journey through the odyssey years

The essentials of the journey are not only outward struggles against tremendous difficulties, but, more importantly, inward struggles leading to personal growth. His journey is the one of selfdiscovery and of combating his own arrogance and pride from his young rebellious heart. It makes sense to borrow The Odyssey from Greek mythology to describe the rebellious years young people usually go through.
Warminቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ-up activities
Pre-reading activities
Cultural background
1. What is the ideal university like in your eyes?
• • • •
Knowledgeable professors, nice living condition Excellent condition for teaching and learning Pleasant academic atmosphere Well-equipped library and abundant online resources
Discovery of a new life stage



中学和大学的生活英语作文Life in high school and college can be quite different, each offering unique experiences and challenges. While both play a crucial role in shaping our education and personal development, the environments, responsibilities, and social dynamics vary significantly.In high school, students typically follow a structured schedule with fixed classes and teachers. The curriculum is often designed to provide a broad foundation of knowledge across various subjects. Students have less freedom in choosing their courses and usually have a close-knit community where they interact with the same classmates daily. Extracurricular activities, such as sports, music, and clubs, are popular and help build friendships and teamwork skills.On the other hand, college life is characterized by greater independence and flexibility. Students have the freedom to choose their majors and select courses that align with their interests. This autonomy allows for a more personalized education experience. However,with this freedom comes the responsibility to manage time effectively and balance academic commitments with social activities. College students often have to juggle classes, assignments, part-time jobs, and social events, which can be both exciting and overwhelming.Socially, the dynamics in college are also different. Students come from diverse backgrounds and cultures, leading to a richer exchange of ideas and experiences. While high school friendships are often formed based on proximity and shared classes, college friendships are typically built around common interests and goals. This diversity can enhance personal growth and broaden one's perspective.In conclusion, both high school and college are essential stages in life, each with its own unique characteristics. High school provides a structured environment that fosters foundational skills, while college offers independence and opportunities for personal exploration. Embracing the challenges and experiences of each phase can lead to a rewarding educational journey.中文翻译:中学和大学的生活有很大不同,各自提供独特的经历和挑战。



Primary Scientific InquiryActions:?classify, combine, decrease, increase, alter, respond, freeze, melt, boil prevent, contract, expand, separate, mix, thaw, change, produce, grow, explore, create, sort, add, subtract, attempt, definite, imprint, magnify,map, shareAppearance:?rough, appearance, color, combination, luster, shape size, smooth, texture, circle, circular, dull, rectangle, characteristics, shiny, surface,soft, straight, triangleBehavior:?made up of, characteristics, composition, gas, liquid, solid, temperature, heat, rust, cold, float, hot, magnetic, sink, slide, stronger,warm, weaker, observeDirection:?east, left, north, right, south, west, backward, direction, down,up, zigzag, across, back, angle, far, farther, forward, in front, through Position:?high, position, around, behind, outside, between, center, over, under, east, inside, left, location, north, below, above, right, south, west,away, bottom, close, closer, front, low, middle, near, next to, topProperties:?gas, liquid, solid, takes up space, mass, phase, property, science, material, matter, mixture, object, substance, volume, made up ofThe Scientific Method:?graph, record data, relationship, sequence, tally chart, compare, observe, test, measure, scientific method, bar graph, analyze, control, data, experiment, hypothesize, observation, variable, makeconclusions, describe, investigate, science, teamwork, communicate, identify, imagine , pattern , predict, problem, trialsPrimary MatterThe Changes in Matter:?alter, boil, evaporate, condense, freeze, melt, separate, combine, change, condensation, evaporation, phase, physical change, vibrate, dissolve, matterThe Properties of Matter:?appearance, atom, color, dull, light, made up of, physical property, shiny, smooth, weight, takes up space, solid, shine, mixture, mass, liquid, hot, definite, cold, characteristics, composition,luster, matter, mix, property, rough, sink, size, texture, volumePrimary EnergyEnergy Resources:?coal, fossil, gasoline, nonrenewable, plastic, resource , rubber, renewable , wind energy, fossil fuel, natural gas, energy, gas,recycle, reduce, reuse, rust, wood, batteryLight & Heat: absorb, heat, reflect, solar energy, temperature, light, light waves, refract, electricityPrimary MotionDirection Words:?east, left , north, right, south, west, distance, across, direction, farther, backward, circular, forward, straight, through, up,zigzag, downForce:?attract, friction, horseshoe magnet, magnet, magnetism, movement, position, repel, away, force, iron, magnetic, metal, nonmagnetic, pull, ring magnet, bar magnet, gravity, location, magnetic field, motion, nonmetal, push Position Words:?east, left, north, right, south, west, inside, near, outside, above, location words, around, back, between, close, far, front, high, middle, under, behind, below, in front, bottom, center, closer, low, next to, over,topSimple Machines:?fixed point, inclined plane, level, rod, simple machine, wedge, fulcrum, machine, pulley, ramp, screw, wheel and axle, workPrimary Space ScienceThe Moon:?mass, gravity, motion, orbit, surface, calendar, waning, waxing, moon, beaming, first quarter moon, full moon, lunar, new moon, phase, reflect, shimmer, third quarter moonThe Planet Earth:?mass, gravity, surface, gas, earth, environment, equator, sky, south pole, north pole, motion, orbit, revolve, night, poles, spaceship, time, autumn, seasons, day, fall, month, spring, summer, sunshine, winterThe Sun:?mass, gas, heat energy, hot, light energy, light waves, shiny, Milky Way Galaxy, sun, revolve, heat, energy, light ray, galaxy, shine, solar system, space, star, sunlight, universeThe Universe:?galaxy, light waves, Milky Way Galaxy, orbit, planets, star, sunlight, surface, time, universePrimary Earth ScienceHistory of the Earth:?earth, equator, expand, fossil, glacier, melt, movement, oxygen, rain, waterResources:?air pollution, garbage , heat energy, nonrenewable, nutrients, renewable , resource, oil, reuse, gas, fossil fuel, smog, water, wind energy, oxygenStructures:?core, flood, land, lava, mineral, movement, ocean, rock, stream, weathering, crust, earth, erosion, landform, mantle, mining, nonmetal, oil,sand, valley, cycle, earthquake, fossil fuels, glacier, lake, landslide,metal, mountain, river, volcanoThe Water Cycle:?water, cloud, melt, accumulation, condensation, evaporate, evaporation, water cycleThe Weather:?air, cloud, heat, precipitation, sunshine, storm, sun, weather patterns, flood, hail, hot, rain, temperature, thaw, tropical climate,weather, melt, snow, sleet, sunlight, windPrimary Life ScienceAnimal Body Parts:?claw, fin, flipper, fur, gills, paw, scale, tailAnimal Types:?animal, zoology, amphibian, fish, mammal, reptile, bird, insect Birds:?beak, bird, egg, feather, fly, hatch, wing, talonBody Functions:?backbone, breathe, see, hear, jaw, lungs, feel, sense, skin Ecosystems:?conservation, ecosystem, endangered, location, nutrients, shelter, sunlight, pond, habitat, desert, forest, grassland, lake, ocean, river Metamorphosis:?wing, butterfly, caterpillar, chrysalis, pupa, larva, metamorphosisPlants:?fruit, plant, seedling, soil, sprout, sunlightResources:?conservation, environment, pollution, recover, resource, farm, recycle, air pollution, reduce, reuse, water, water cycle, water pollution,nutrientThe Environment:?community, forest, ocean, pond, population, river, sand, land The Food Chain:?carnivore, consumer, energy, herbivore, predator, prey, producer, food chainThe Life Cycle:?organism, growth, inherit, offspring, parent, life cycle, life form, traitThe Needs of Living Things:?basic needs, oxygen, nutrients, water, living, nonliving, energyThe Parts of a Plant:?flower, leaves, root, seed, stem, treeThe Weather:?rain, water, water cycle, sunlight, climate, cloud, cold, wind。











3、消失矩在实际中,对基本小波往往不仅要求满足容许条件,对还要施加所谓的消失矩(Vanishing Moments)条件,使尽量多的小波系数为零或者产生尽量少的非零小波系数,这样有利于数据压缩和消除噪声。









Product/process design in the product development process is orientated to the four phases of the planning cycle of product quality (planning, realizing, analyzing, improving). Interdisciplinary cooperation and consistent action at all phases of product development are the precondition for the realization of all requirements for the series start of a product. At the start of the product development process, all customer requirements, market trends, standards and legislation must be known and, under consideration of changes during the product development period, consistently included in the main and supporting processes. Within the framework of reviews, the compliance and maintenance of established processes and targets are to be monitored at set regular intervals. Nonconformities and required changes often also result in changed targets. The correct and consistent use of risk analyses and evaluation methods in the product development process gives timely knowledge of nonconformities and necessary corrective actions. They represent an essential factor in cost optimization and limitation. All employees involved in the project are subject to high qualification and performance requirements. Their consistent performance at all phases of the product development is the precondition for fulfilling all customer requirements and for a high quality niveau at series start.



工程振动名词术语大全(中英文),没见过这么全的1 振动信号的时域、频域描述振动过程 (Vibration Process)简谐振动 (Harmonic Vibration)周期振动 (Periodic Vibration)准周期振动 (Ouasi-periodic Vibration)瞬态过程 (Transient Process)随机振动过程 (Random Vibration Process)各态历经过程 (Ergodic Process)确定性过程 (Deterministic Process)振幅 (Amplitude)相位 (Phase)初相位 (Initial Phase)频率 (Frequency)角频率 (Angular Frequency)周期 (Period)复数振动 (Complex Vibration)复数振幅 (Complex Amplitude)峰值 (Peak-value)平均绝对值 (Average Absolute Value)有效值 (Effective Value,RMS Value)均值 (Mean Value,Average Value)傅里叶级数 (FS,Fourier Series)傅里叶变换 (FT,Fourier Transform)傅里叶逆变换 (IFT,Inverse Fourier Transform)离散谱 (Discrete Spectrum)连续谱 (Continuous Spectrum)傅里叶谱 (Fourier Spectrum)线性谱 (Linear Spectrum)幅值谱 (Amplitude Spectrum)相位谱 (Phase Spectrum)均方值 (Mean Square Value)方差 (Variance)协方差 (Covariance)自协方差函数 (Auto-covariance Function)互协方差函数 (Cross-covariance Function)自相关函数 (Auto-correlation Function)互相关函数 (Cross-correlation Function)标准偏差 (Standard Deviation)相对标准偏差 (Relative Standard Deviation)概率 (Probability)概率分布 (Probability Distribution)高斯概率分布 (Gaussian Probability Distribution) 概率密度 (Probability Density)集合平均 (Ensemble Average)时间平均 (Time Average)功率谱密度 (PSD,Power Spectrum Density)自功率谱密度 (Auto-spectral Density)互功率谱密度 (Cross-spectral Density)均方根谱密度 (RMS Spectral Density)能量谱密度 (ESD,Energy Spectrum Density)相干函数 (Coherence Function)帕斯瓦尔定理 (Parseval''s Theorem)维纳,辛钦公式 (Wiener-Khinchin Formula)2 振动系统的固有特性、激励与响应振动系统 (Vibration System)激励 (Excitation)响应 (Response)单自由度系统 (Single Degree-Of-Freedom System) 多自由度系统 (Multi-Degree-Of- Freedom System) 离散化系统 (Discrete System)连续体系统 (Continuous System)刚度系数 (Stiffness Coefficient)自由振动 (Free Vibration)自由响应 (Free Response)强迫振动 (Forced Vibration)强迫响应 (Forced Response)初始条件 (Initial Condition)固有频率 (Natural Frequency)阻尼比 (Damping Ratio)衰减指数 (Damping Exponent)阻尼固有频率 (Damped Natural Frequency)对数减幅系数 (Logarithmic Decrement)主频率 (Principal Frequency)无阻尼模态频率 (Undamped Modal Frequency)模态 (Mode)主振动 (Principal Vibration)振型 (Mode Shape)振型矢量 (Vector Of Mode Shape)模态矢量 (Modal Vector)正交性 (Orthogonality)展开定理 (Expansion Theorem)主质量 (Principal Mass)模态质量 (Modal Mass)主刚度 (Principal Stiffness)模态刚度 (Modal Stiffness)正则化 (Normalization)振型矩阵 (Matrix Of Modal Shape)主坐标 (Principal Coordinates)模态坐标 (Modal Coordinates)模态分析 (Modal Analysis)模态阻尼比 (Modal Damping Ratio)频响函数 (Frequency Response Function)幅频特性 (Amplitude-frequency Characteristics)相频特性 (Phase frequency Characteristics)共振 (Resonance)半功率点 (Half power Points)波德图(Bodé Plot)动力放大系数 (Dynamical Magnification Factor)单位脉冲 (Unit Impulse)冲激响应函数 (Impulse Response Function)杜哈美积分(Duhamel’s Integral)卷积积分 (Convolution Integral)卷积定理 (Convolution Theorem)特征矩阵 (Characteristic Matrix)阻抗矩阵 (Impedance Matrix)频响函数矩阵 (Matrix Of Frequency Response Function) 导纳矩阵 (Mobility Matrix)冲击响应谱 (Shock Response Spectrum)冲击激励 (Shock Excitation)冲击响应 (Shock Response)冲击初始响应谱 (Initial Shock Response Spectrum)冲击剩余响应谱 (Residual Shock Response Spectrum) 冲击最大响应谱 (Maximum Shock Response Spectrum) 冲击响应谱分析 (Shock Response Spectrum Analysis)3 模态试验分析机械阻抗 (Mechanical Impedance)位移阻抗 (Displacement Impedance)速度阻抗 (Velocity Impedance)加速度阻抗 (Acceleration Impedance)机械导纳 (Mechanical Mobility)位移导纳 (Displacement Mobility)速度导纳 (Velocity Mobility)加速度导纳 (Acceleration Mobility)驱动点导纳 (Driving Point Mobility)跨点导纳 (Cross Mobility)传递函数 (Transfer Function)拉普拉斯变换 (Laplace Transform)传递函数矩阵 (Matrix Of Transfer Function)频响函数 (FRF,Frequency Response Function)频响函数矩阵 (Matrix Of FRF)实模态 (Normal Mode)复模态 (Complex Mode)模态参数 (Modal Parameter)模态频率 (Modal Frequency)模态阻尼比 (Modal Damping Ratio)模态振型 (Modal Shape)模态质量 (Modal Mass)模态刚度 (Modal Stiffness)模态阻力系数 (Modal Damping Coefficient)模态阻抗 (Modal Impedance)模态导纳 (Modal Mobility)模态损耗因子 (Modal Loss Factor)比例粘性阻尼 (Proportional Viscous Damping)非比例粘性阻尼 (Non-proportional Viscous Damping)结构阻尼 (Structural Damping,Hysteretic Damping)复频率 (Complex Frequency)复振型 (Complex Modal Shape)留数 (Residue)极点 (Pole)零点 (Zero)复留数 (Complex Residue)随机激励 (Random Excitation)伪随机激励 (Pseudo Random Excitation)猝发随机激励 (Burst Random Excitation)稳态正弦激励 (Steady State Sine Excitation)正弦扫描激励 (Sweeping Sine Excitation)锤击激励 (Impact Excitation)频响函数的H1 估计 (FRF Estimate by H1)频响函数的H2 估计 (FRF Estimate by H2)频响函数的H3 估计 (FRF Estimate by H3)单模态曲线拟合法 (Single-mode Curve Fitting Method)多模态曲线拟合法 (Multi-mode Curve Fitting Method)模态圆 (Mode Circle)剩余模态 (Residual Mode)幅频峰值法 (Peak Value Method)实频-虚频峰值法 (Peak Real/Imaginary Method)圆拟合法 (Circle Fitting Method)加权最小二乘拟合法 (Weighting Least Squares Fitting method) 复指数拟合法 (Complex Exponential Fitting method)4 传感器测量系统传感器测量系统 (Transducer Measuring System)传感器 (Transducer)振动传感器 (Vibration Transducer)机械接收 (Mechanical Reception)机电变换 (Electro-mechanical Conversion)测量电路 (Measuring Circuit)惯性式传感器 (Inertial Transducer,Seismic Transducer) 相对式传感器 (Relative Transducer)电感式传感器 (Inductive Transducer)应变式传感器 (Strain Gauge Transducer)电动力传感器 (Electro-dynamic Transducer)压电式传感器 (Piezoelectric Transducer)压阻式传感器 (Piezoresistive Transducer)电涡流式传感器 (Eddy Current Transducer)伺服式传感器 (Servo Transducer)灵敏度 (Sensitivity)复数灵敏度 (Complex Sensitivity)分辨率 (Resolution)频率范围 (Frequency Range)线性范围 (Linear Range)频率上限 (Upper Limit Frequency)频率下限 (Lower Limit Frequency)静态响应 (Static Response)零频率响应 (Zero Frequency Response)动态范围 (Dynamic Range)幅值上限 Upper Limit Amplitude)幅值下限 (Lower Limit Amplitude)最大可测振级 (Max.Detectable Vibration Level)最小可测振级 (Min.Detectable Vibration Level)信噪比 (S/N Ratio)振动诺模图 (Vibration Nomogram)相移 (Phase Shift)波形畸变 (Wave-shape Distortion)比例相移 (Proportional Phase Shift)惯性传感器的稳态响应(Steady Response Of Inertial Transducer)惯性传感器的稳击响应 (Shock Response Of Inertial Transducer) 位移计型的频响特性(Frequency Response Characteristics Vibrometer)加速度计型的频响特性(Frequency Response Characteristics Accelerometer)幅频特性曲线 (Amplitude-frequency Curve)相频特性曲线 (Phase-frequency Curve)固定安装共振频率 (Mounted Resonance Frequency)安装刚度 (Mounted Stiffness)有限高频效应 (Effect Of Limited High Frequency)有限低频效应 (Effect Of Limited Low Frequency)电动式变换 (Electro-dynamic Conversion)磁感应强度 (Magnetic Induction, Magnetic Flux Density)磁通 (Magnetic Flux)磁隙 (Magnetic Gap)电磁力 (Electro-magnetic Force)相对式速度传 (Relative Velocity Transducer)惯性式速度传感器 (Inertial Velocity Transducer)速度灵敏度 (Velocity Sensitivity)电涡流阻尼 (Eddy-current Damping)无源微(积)分电路 (Passive Differential (Integrate) Circuit)有源微(积)分电路 (Active Differential (Integrate) Circuit)运算放大器 (Operational Amplifier)时间常数 (Time Constant)比例运算 (Scaling)积分运算 (Integration)微分运算 (Differentiation)高通滤波电路 (High-pass Filter Circuit)低通滤波电路 (Low-pass Filter Circuit)截止频率 (Cut-off Frequency)压电效应 (Piezoelectric Effect)压电陶瓷 (Piezoelectric Ceramic)压电常数 (Piezoelectric Constant)极化 (Polarization)压电式加速度传感器 (Piezoelectric Acceleration Transducer) 中心压缩式 (Center Compression Accelerometer)三角剪切式 (Delta Shear Accelerometer)压电方程 (Piezoelectric Equation)压电石英 (Piezoelectric Quartz)电荷等效电路 (Charge Equivalent Circuit)电压等效电路 (Voltage Equivalent Circuit)电荷灵敏度 (Charge Sensitivity)电压灵敏度 (Voltage Sensitivity)电荷放大器 (Charge Amplifier)适调放大环节 (Conditional Amplifier Section)归一化 (Uniformization)电荷放大器增益 (Gain Of Charge Amplifier)测量系统灵敏度 (Sensitivity Of Measuring System)底部应变灵敏度 (Base Strain Sensitivity)横向灵敏度 (Transverse Sensitivity)地回路 (Ground Loop)力传感器 (Force Transducer)力传感器灵敏度 (Sensitivity Of Force Transducer)电涡流 (Eddy Current)前置器 (Proximitor)间隙-电压曲线 (Voltage vs Gap Curve)间隙-电压灵敏度 (Voltage vs Gap Sensitivity)压阻效应 (Piezoresistive Effect)轴向压阻系数 (Axial Piezoresistive Coefficient)横向压阻系数 (Transverse Piezoresistive Coefficient)压阻常数 (Piezoresistive Constant)单晶硅 (Monocrystalline Silicon)应变灵敏度 (Strain Sensitivity)固态压阻式加速度传感器(Solid State Piezoresistive Accelerometer)体型压阻式加速度传感器(Bulk Type Piezoresistive Accelerometer)力平衡式传感器 (Force Balance Transducer)电动力常数 (Electro-dynamic Constant)机电耦合系统 (Electro-mechanical Coupling System)5 检测仪表、激励设备及校准装置时间基准信号 (Time Base Signal)李萨茹图 (Lissojous Curve)数字频率计 (Digital Frequency Meter)便携式测振表 (Portable Vibrometer)有效值电压表 (RMS Value Voltmeter)峰值电压表 (Peak-value Voltmeter)平均绝对值检波电路 (Average Absolute Value Detector)峰值检波电路 (Peak-value Detector)准有效值检波电路 (Quasi RMS Value Detector)真有效值检波电路 (True RMS Value Detector)直流数字电压表 (DVM,DC Digital Voltmeter)数字式测振表 (Digital Vibrometer)A/D 转换器 (A/D Converter)D/A 转换器 (D/A Converter)相位计 (Phase Meter)电子记录仪 (Lever Recorder)光线示波器 (Oscillograph)振子 (Galvonometer)磁带记录仪 (Magnetic Tape Recorder)DR 方式(直接记录式) (Direct Recorder)FM 方式(频率调制式) (Frequency Modulation)失真度 (Distortion)机械式激振器 (Mechanical Exciter)机械式振动台 (Mechanical Shaker)离心式激振器 (Centrifugal Exciter)电动力式振动台 (Electro-dynamic Shaker)电动力式激振器 (Electro-dynamic Exciter)液压式振动台 (Hydraulic Shaker)液压式激振器 (Hydraulic Exciter)电液放大器 (Electro-hydraulic Amplifier)磁吸式激振器 (Magnetic Pulling Exciter)涡流式激振器 (Eddy Current Exciter)压电激振片 (Piezoelectric Exciting Elements)冲击力锤 (Impact Hammer)冲击试验台 (Shock Testing Machine)激振控制技术 (Excitation Control Technique)波形再现 (Wave Reproduction)压缩技术 (Compression Technique)均衡技术 (Equalization Technique)交越频率 (Crossover Frequency)综合技术 (Synthesis Technique)校准 (Calibration)分部校准 (Calibration for Components in system) 系统校准 (Calibration for Over-all System)模拟传感器 (Simulated Transducer)静态校准 (Static Calibration)简谐激励校准 (Harmonic Excitation Calibration)绝对校准 (Absolute Calibration)相对校准 (Relative Calibration)比较校准 (Comparison Calibration)标准振动台 (Standard Vibration Exciter)读数显微镜法 (Microscope-streak Method)光栅板法 (Ronchi Ruling Method)光学干涉条纹计数法 (Optical Interferometer Fringe Counting Method)光学干涉条纹消失法(Optical Interferometer Fringe Disappearance Method)背靠背安装 (Back-to-back Mounting)互易校准法 (Reciprocity Calibration)共振梁 (Resonant Bar)冲击校准 (Impact Exciting Calibration)摆锤冲击校准 (Ballistic Pendulum Calibration)落锤冲击校准 (Drop Test Calibration)振动和冲击标准 (Vibration and Shock Standard)迈克尔逊干涉仪 (Michelson Interferometer)摩尔干涉图象 (Moire Fringe)参考传感器 (Reference Transducer)6 频率分析及数字信号处理带通滤波器 (Band-pass Filter)半功率带宽 (Half-power Bandwidth)3 dB 带宽 (3 dB Bandwidth)等效噪声带宽 (Effective Noise Bandwidth)恒带宽 (Constant Bandwidth)恒百分比带宽 (Constant Percentage Bandwidth)1/N 倍频程滤波器 (1/N Octave Filter)形状因子 (Shape Factor)截止频率 (Cut-off Frequency)中心频率 (Centre Frequency)模拟滤波器 (Analog Filter)数字滤波器 (Digital Filter)跟踪滤波器 (Tracking Filter)外差式频率分析仪 (Heterodyne Frequency Analyzer) 逐级式频率分析仪 (Stepped Frequency Analyzer)扫描式频率分析仪 (Sweeping Filter Analyzer)混频器 (Mixer)RC 平均 (RC Averaging)平均时间 (Averaging Time)扫描速度 (Sweeping Speed)滤波器响应时间 (Filter Response Time)离散傅里叶变换 (DFT,Discrete Fourier Transform) 快速傅里叶变换 (FFT,Fast Fourier Transform)抽样频率 (Sampling Frequency)抽样间隔 (Sampling Interval)抽样定理 (Sampling Theorem)抗混滤波 (Anti-aliasing Filter)泄漏 (Leakage)加窗 (Windowing)窗函数 (Window Function)截断 (Truncation)频率混淆 (Frequency Aliasing)乃奎斯特频率 (Nyquist Frequency)矩形窗 (Rectangular Window)汉宁窗 (Hanning Window)凯塞-贝塞尔窗 (Kaiser-Bessel Window)平顶窗 (Flat-top Window)平均 (Averaging)线性平均 (Linear Averaging)指数平均 (Exponential Averaging)峰值保持平均 (Peak-hold Averaging)时域平均 (Time-domain Averaging)谱平均 (Spectrum Averaging)重叠平均 (Overlap Averaging)栅栏效应 (Picket Fence Effect)吉卜斯效应 (Gibbs Effect)基带频谱分析 (Base-band Spectral Analysis)选带频谱分析 (Band Selectable Sp4ctralAnalysis)细化 (Zoom)数字移频 (Digital Frequency Shift)抽样率缩减 (Sampling Rate Reduction)功率谱估计 (Power Spectrum Estimate)相关函数估计 (Correlation Estimate)频响函数估计 (Frequency Response Function Estimate) 相干函数估计 (Coherence Function Estimate)冲激响应函数估计 (Impulse Response Function Estimate) 倒频谱 (Cepstrum)功率倒频谱 (Power Cepstrum)幅值倒频谱 (Amplitude Cepstrum)倒频率 (Quefrency)7 旋转机械的振动测试及状态监测状态监测 (Condition Monitoring)故障诊断 (Fault Diagnosis)转子 (Rotor)转手支承系统 (Rotor-Support System)振动故障 (Vibration Fault)轴振动 (Shaft Vibration)径向振动 (Radial Vibration)基频振动 (Fundamental Frequency Vibration)基频检测 (Fundamental Frequency Component Detecting) 键相信号 (Key-phase Signal)正峰相位 (+Peak Phase)高点 (High Spot)光电传感器 (Optical Transducer)同相分量 (In-phase Component)正交分量 (Quadrature Component)跟踪滤波 (Tracking Filter)波德图 (Bode Plot)极坐标图 (Polar Plot)临界转速 (Critical Speed)不平衡响应 (Unbalance Response)残余振幅 (Residual Amplitude)方位角 (Attitude Angle)轴心轨迹 (Shaft Centerline Orbit)正进动 (Forward Precession)同步正进动 (Synchronous Forward Precession)反进动 (Backward Precession)正向涡动 (Forward Whirl)反向涡动 (Backward Whirl)油膜涡动 (Oil Whirl)油膜振荡 (Oil Whip)轴心平均位置 (Average Shaft Centerline Position)复合探头 (Dual Probe)振摆信号 (Runout Signal)电学振摆 (Electrical Runout)机械振摆 (Mechanical Runout)慢滚动向量 (Slow Roll Vector)振摆补偿 (Runout Compensation)故障频率特征 (Frequency Characteristics Of Fault) 重力临界 (Gravity Critical)对中 (Alignment)双刚度转子 (Dual Stiffness Rotor)啮合频率 (Gear-mesh Frequency)间入简谐分量 (Interharmonic Component)边带振动 (Side-band Vibration)三维频谱图 (Three Dimensional Spectral Plot)瀑布图 (Waterfall Plot)级联图 (Cascade Plot)阶次跟踪 (Order Tracking)阶次跟踪倍乘器 (Order Tracking Multiplier)监测系统 (Monitoring System)适调放大器 (Conditional Amplifier)趋势分析 (Trend Analysis)倒频谱分析 (Cepstrum Analysis)直方图 (Histogram)确认矩阵 (Confirmation Matrix)通频幅值 (Over-all Amplitude)幅值谱 (Amplitude Spectrum)相位谱 (Phase Spectrum)报警限 (Alarm Level)。



Course11.Intercultural competence is the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in intercultural situations based on one’s intercultural knowledge, _______ and attitudes.【skills】2.Intercultural competence is the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in intercultural situations based on one’s intercultural knowledge, skills and__________.【attitudes】3.Intercultural competence is the ability to communicate effectively and _____in intercultural situations based on one’s int ercultural knowledge, skills and attitudes.【appropriately】4.Some scholars classify four kinds of intercultural communication. They are ______, interethnic communication, interregional communication and interracial communication.【Intelnational communication】5.Intercultural communication involves interaction between people whose cultural and _________symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.【perception】1.Taking pictures without asking is considered as violation of privacy in a certain cultural groups.【√】2.Communication barriers are caused by the same communication having different meaning in different cultures.【√】3.International communication takes place between such groups as African Americans and Latin Americans.【×】4.Different people may have different interpretations about what we say and behave because we have different values.【√】5.Intercultural communication involves interaction between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are similar to alter the communication event.【×】Course21.A person’s culture is ___________.【learned】2.Which of the descriptions below is NOT an accurate representation of the relationship between communication and culture?【. Culture and communication are not really related to each other】3.People learn the lessons of culture through __________.【.proverbs myths mass medla all the above】4.According to Edward Tylor, which one of the following is not included by the complex term of culture?【institution】1.The SPEAKING model is a model to analyze spoken and written texts.【×】2.Culture is transmitted from generation to generation to ensure that its crucial messages and elements are passed on.【√】3.Communication can simply refer to the act and process of sending messages among people to connect and interact with other human beings.【×】4.Failure in interaction arose because people in different cultures may choose similar rules and genres to conduct the dialogue.【×】5.Culture is dynamic, which is ongoing and subject to change.【√】6.Feedback is essential to good communication.【√】Course31.In China, as in other Asian societies that have accepted the teaching of Confucius, people are believed to be basically good, yet the ________has a lot of impact on them.【environment】2.Periodic increases in yang are accompanied by corresponding decreases in yin─this followed by an __________ cycle in which yin increases while yang decreases.【opposite】3.People who have the Taoist world view hold that the universe is best seen as an infinite system of elements and_______ in balanced dynamic interaction. Further, two of the forces present in this universe are good and evil.【forces】4.In the Bible story of Adam and Eve, God threw them out of the Garden of Eden because they ate the fruit from ___________.【the tree of knowledge】5.The traditional Western belief about human nature is that human beings are basically ______________.【evil】6.According to Christian teaching, all humans have been born with ___________.【original sin】1.Westerners don’t think we can perfect our nature even if we keep on doing good things.【×】2.Much of Europe also have a good/evil approach to human nature. They believe that while we might be born evil, through learning and education we can become good.【√】3.The traditional Western belief about human nature is that human beings are basically evil.【√】Intercultural conflicts are often caused by differences in value orientations.【√】5.People who have the Taoist world view hold that the universe is best seen as an infinite system of elements and forces in balanced dynamic interaction.【√】6.British anthropologist, Florence Kluckhohn, identified five orientations, five categories of beliefs and behaviors that are universal.【×】7.Buddhism maintains that people are born evil.【×】8.As a result of the rise of humanism in the West, the basic belief has changed to one of seeing humans as a mixture of good and evil. Everybody has both good side and bad side.【×】9.Yang and yin are cyclic; they are regularly repeated; they go through natural periods of balanced increase and decrease.【√】1.Case analysis:Lucia, a Native American college student, when one of her uncles passed away during the first week of school, was expected to participate in family activities. She traveled out of state with her family to his home, helped cook and feed other family members and attended the wake and the funeral. Then her aunt became ill, and she had to care for her. Thus, she missed the first two weeks of school. Some of her professors were sympathetic; others were not. Questions: What was troubling Lucia? Why did she feel troubled?【Lucia feels almost constantly torn between the demands of her collectivistic family and the demands of the individualistic professors and adminstration.】Course41.Being-in-becoming orientation stresses the idea of【development and growth】2.The Arab proverb “The eye cannot rise above the eyebrow” demonstrates ______________attitude.【authoritarian orientation】From former president Lyndon Johnson’s speech“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose.”,we can see Americans believe that they can _____________.【control and future】4.Most Latin cultures have the view that the__________ activity is the one that matters the most.【current】5.In present-oriented societies, the past and present often exist side by side. People don’t see any contradiction in that fact. They find it easier to combine __________ and modern ideas and enjoy whatever they have.【tradition】1.In present-oriented societies, the past and present don’t often exist side by side.【错】2.Cultural orientation of controlling nature can also be seen in what is most controversial today, bioengineering and genetic programming.【对】3.The Western approach doesn’t value technology, change and science.【错】4.Many Japanese believe that humans are dominating the nature.【错】5.In Western medicine, the human body is treated as an object that can be studied and then controlled.【对】Course51.C.B. Halverson created a Cultural Context Inventory for us to understand the bigger picture of the context. There are 4 components: Association, Interaction, Temporality, and _____________.【learning】2.America is a _________ culture.【low-context】3.High context communication is communication that places values on implicit information and ___________ cues in order to understand the message. 【nonverbal】4.High context communication is communication that places values on ____________ information and nonverbal cues in order to understand the message.【implicit】5.China is a _________________ culture.【high-context】1.High context communication “Relies heavily on subtle, often non-verbal cues to convey meaning, save face, and maintain social harmony. Communic ators…discover meaning from the context in which a message is delivered.”【对】2.Networking is not important in high-context cultures.【错】3.Examples of high-context cultures include: Asian, African, Arab, Central European, and Latin American countries.【对】4.While high-context communication is a lens in which we can analyze how a message is being interpreted, we can categorize cultures according to generalizations about their communication patterns that influence their communication habits.【错】5.Intercultural communication is a type of communication that shares information across different cultures and societal groups.【对】Course61.In low-context cultures, the communication goal is the exchange of information, ideas, and opinions. When there is a disagreement, it is not _______.【personal】2.Adler & Elmhorts say low context communication “uses ______________ primarily to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas as clearly and logically as possible【language】3.The meaning of a statement in low context culture is in the __________________.【Words spoken】4.Examples of low-context cultures include: American, _______________, Scandinavian, and French.【German】5.Temporality illustrates low-context culture’s approach to time. Events and tasks are _____________and done at specific times【scheduled】6.In low-context cultures, space is compartmentalized and __________ is of the upmost importance.【privacy】7.In low-context cultures, the communication goal is the _______________ of information, ideas, and opinions. 【exchange】8.Low context communication is communicating information ____________ so the message is carried and the information is well determined.【indirectly】1.The low-context association also manifests in a task-oriented mindset where productivity relies on procedures and focusing on the end goal, as well as the identity being found in one’s self and their own accomplishments.【对】2.The meaning of a statement in low context culture is largely in the body language.【错】Course71.Most countries around the world are _______________ .【collectivistic】2.Collectivistic countries typically consist of people that can expect their relatives to look after them in exchange for _____________.【loyalty】3._______________ is the most important in a high power distance society.【respect】The fundamental issue in the Power Distance Dimension is how a society handles _____________ among people.【inequalities】5.Hofstede’s cultural dimensions represent independent preferences for one circumstance or situation over another that distinguishes _____________ from each other.【countries】1.The Power Distance Dimension expresses the degree to which the less powerful members of a society accept and expect that power to be distributed unequally.【对】2.People feel comfortable with inequality and accept the unbalanced distribution of power in a society of high distance power.【对】3.Malaysia is a low distance power culture.【错】4.In societies with lower power distance, people accept a social hierarchy in which everybody has a role to play.【错】5.The first dimension is the Power Distance Dimension.【对】Course81.In the long-term orientation versus short-term orientation dimension, the ________ the score the more emphasis the country shows for long-term orientation.【higher】2.In a masculine society, people regard ______________ as more central to one’s life.【work】3.Countries exhibiting strong Uncertainty Avoidance need ___________ rules.【formal】4.A faminine society at large is more -oriented___________.【concensus】Russia is a typical example of indulgent culture.【错】2.Many countries in Latin America are feminine societies while Spain and Portugal both are categorized as masculine societies.【错】3.Masculinity represents a preference in society for achievement, power, and possessions.【对】4.Planning everything carefully, Germans are not keen on uncertainty.【对】5.Short-term orientation does not emphasize a respect for tradition.【错】6.Indulgence stands for a society that allows relatively free gratification of basic and natural human drives related to enjoying life and having fun.【对】Course91.the four ______ of Asia(亚洲四小龙)【tigers】2.a _________ in the path/way (拦路虎)【lions】3.teach _________ to swim (班门弄斧)【fish】4.Spring up like _________(雨后春笋)【mushrooms】5.One _______ does not make a summer. (独木不成林)【seallow】6.Spend money like _________(挥金如土)【water】7.a _________ movie (黄片)【red】a _________ day (吉日)【white】9.______Fraiday(灾难的一天)【black】10.________ at one’s job (无工作经验)【red】1.Although both dove and 鸽子refer to the same bird, they connotate different meanings.【错】2.The color of red is always associated with something dangerous and threatening in the West.【对】3.猫头鹰in Chinese symbolizes wisdom.【错】4.The number of eight is taken as a lucky number in Chinese as well as English.【错】5.Verbal communication is the communication or exchange of ideas that occurs through written words.【错】6.Like Chinese people, Americans associate the moon with their home.【错】7.A word’s denotation refers to its literal or dictionary meaning.【对】8.A word’s connotation refers to its assciated meaning.【对】9.In verbal communication, we find differences at phonemic, lexical, syntactic, discourse and pragmatic levels between different cultures.【对】10.Words of the same literal meaning from different cultures always have same associated meanings.【错】Course101.The westerners tend to focus on the stages of the discourse as the most crucial __________________.【opening】2._______________ tend to look for the crucial points to occur somewhat later.【the Chinese】3.When we talk to someone who is superior to you, we tend to use______________ , because it’s more indirect and more polite.【logical pattern】4.Discourse patterns greatly depend on ___________________ .【thought pattern】5.Some factors such as ________________, social distance and weight of imposition of a request influence the choice of induction and deduction.【power distance】6.English paragraph development is characterized by _________________, directness, clarity and logic.【linearity】1.We can never take a single word as discourse.【错】2.An English paragraph typically begins with a topic statement.【对】3.Induction is a reasoning process in which particular or minor points move forwards a general or major topic.【对】4.Discourse is naturally spoken or wirtten language in context.【对】Course111.For English native speakers, an apology is necessary whenever inconvenience or offence is made with little consideration of the __________ of the people concerned.【status】2.In English the offer is mostly in the form of a/an【question】3.In Chinese, the proper use of kinship terms to address others, strangers or relatives, can show a person’s _______________, respectfulness and friendliness.【politeness】1.A Chinese name is usually arranged in the order of given name plus surname.【错】2.Some family members might call each other by their first names in English speaking countries.【对】3.The Chinese host makes the offer directly like a command or a statement.【对】1.Li Ming was a Chinese student studying in the US. He was lost on his way to the post office, so when he saw an old lady about the same age as his grandmother, he went to her for help. Li Ming: Excuse me, Granfma, could you tell me how to get to the nearest post office? The lady: Are you talking to me, young man? I’m not your grandma! Question: Was it appropriate for Li Ming to use the kinship term “grandma” as a form of addressing to the lady in this conversation?【It is not acceptable to apply a kinship term to greet a stranger in English. Li Ming made a pragmatic transfer.】Course121.Nonverbal communication is simply known as the “_________ ” language or the “hidden dimension” of communication, however you and I already know all about it!【silent】2.An American poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson, once said “What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say”. What we “do” is our ________________.【nonverbal communication】3.Ray Birdwhistell, an American anthropologist, estimates that 65 to 70 percent of the conversation is carried by ________________ communication.【nonverbalcommunication】1.Nonverbal communication can occur without the presence of words.【对】2.Body movements can include posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and other displays.【对】1.What is kinesics?正确答案:Kinesics, or body language, refers to all nonverbal codes, which are associated with body movements. Body movements can include posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and other displays.Course131.Time perceptions include: , willingness to wait, _______________ and interactions.【punctuality】2.Hall describes proxemics as having two main types of space: territory and ______________ space.【personal】1.How you are aware of time varies by culture and normative expectations of adherence to time.【对】2.M-Time cultures are typically task-oriented.【对】3.Personal space determines how we interact in the real world. Edward Hall postulates that there are 4 zones: intimate, personal, social, and public.【对】Course151.Racism is associated with oppression and power.【√】2.Most people assume that other people perceive, evaluate, and reason about the world in the same way that they do.【√】3.It is easy to get rid of cultural biases as they are bad.【×】4.People generally perceive their own experiences, which are shaped by their own cultural forces, as natural, human, and universal.【√】5.Racism is the tendency by group in control of _____________ to use it to keep members of groups who do not have access to the same kinds of power at a disadvantage.【power】6.Stereotypes are always negative.【×】7.Ethnocentrism is “the notion that the beliefs, values, norms, and practices of one’s own culture are __________ to those of others.”【正确的,最好的,superior】8.The consequence of stereotyping is that _______________ among the members of any one group may be ignored.【differences】9.Ethnocentrism tends to ____________ cultural differences.【highlight and exaggerate】10.The disadvantage of the human information processing is that it can create some ______________ to intercultural competence.【discrimination and racism obstacles】Course161.At any given moment, one has many ‘ ________ ’ that make up your identity.【facets】2.Mr. Portokalos, the father in the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding hangs a _______ flag to show the family’s tribute to their heritage.【Greek】3.Cultural differences and distinguishing characteristics can __________________ one culture from another.【differentiate】4.Developing one’s involves learning about __________________ and accepting the traditions, heritage, language, religion, ancestry, aesthetics, thinking patterns, and social structures of a culture.【cultural identity】5.The stage of cultural identity achievement is characterized by a dear, confident acceptance of _____________ and an internalization of one's cultural identity.【oneself】1.During the stage of unexamined cultural identity, one’s cultural characteristics are taken for granted.【√】During the stage of an examiner cultural identity, once cultural characteristics ar e taken for granted.2.When children notice that some of their playmates have different colored skin, they may fear or feel superior to them like adults.【×】even when children may notice that some of their places have different color sche me. as they are not aware of the significance associated with the color scheme, th ey do not fear or feel superior to them.3.In the second stage, for some individuals, there might be a turning point or crucial event leading to this stage.【√】In the second stage,cultural identity research involves a process of exploration and questioning about one's culture and not to learn more about it.And to understand the imp lications of membership in that culture for some individuals,there might be a turning point of crucial event leading to the stage.4.Cultural identity refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group.【√】or i'm American by saying that you have consciously or unconsciously formed your c ultural identity and which re fers to one sense of belonging to a particular culture or et hnic group.5.Cultural identities are static, fixed, and enduring within a changing social context.【×】Cultural identities are dynamic,so your cultural identity exists within a changing soci al context.Course171.Honeymoon phase is followed by adjustment phase when the person feels confused and uncomfortable.【×】2.Culture shock is precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse.【√】3.All through life people are confronted with new situations that require them to adjust their thinking and behavior【√】4.Adaptation is a process with ________________________ stages.【identifiable】5.When we are feeling confused, frustrated or tense because of intercultural misunderstandings, please remember that the feelings are _________________ .【only temporary】6.To adapt more successfully, we need to pay attention to differences within thenew culture: avoid making broad ________________ about everybody in the hostculture;【generalize Asians】7.To adapt more successfully, please be alert to signs of adaptation stress: health problems; loss of self-confidence; loneliness; sense of loss; severe homesickness; withdrawal from social contacts; negative feelings; behaving more_________________ than usual.【aggressively】8.The third stage of culture shock is characterized by gaining some _________________ of the new culture.【understanding】9.To adapt more successfully, please seek _____________ experiences within the new culture: if you like to watch football, watch football with people from the new culture; if you enjoy music, enjoy it with people form the new culture【positive】10.To adapt more successfully, please use your cross-cultural experience to increase your skills: Notice and ______________ the communication styles of people from the new culture【imitate】Course181.Sometimes reentry shock is even more difficult than culture shock.【√】2.When people return home to their original cultural contexts, the same processof adaptation occurs and may again involve culture shock.【√】3.Reentry shock can be depicted by the U-curve model.【×】4.The W-curve pattern suggests that when we return home, we must proceedthrough the four stages of the U-curve pattern once again.【√】5.The person who return home is the same person who left home.【×】6.There are two fundamental differences between the first and second U curves, related to issues of personal change and expectations. In the reentry phase, the sojourner has _______________ through the adaptation process.【has changed through】7.International students who return home also talk about how their friends and families expect them to be a little different (more educated) but basically the ___________________as before they went off to school.【same】8.In a new environment, one will lose all the familiar ____________ from his home culture.【similar cues from】9.Experiencing culture shock has a strong ___________________ to make people be multicultural or bicultural.【potential】10.There are two fundamental differences between the first and second U curves, related to issues of personal change and expectations. In the initial curve or phase, the sojourner is fundamentally _________________ and is experiencing new culturalcontexts.【unchanged】11.Experiencing culture shock gives the sojourners a chance to learn moreabout ___________________ and at the same time, other cultures.【themselves】12.The new environment makes demands for which one has no _________________responses.【ready-made】。



Chapter 1 Ship DesignLesson 1 Introduction1.1DefinitionThe term basic design refers to determination of major ship characteristics affecting cost and performance. Thus basic design includes the selection of ship dimensions, hull form, power (amount and type), preliminary arrangement of hull and machinery, and major structure. Proper selections assure the attainment of the mission requirements such as good seakeeping, performance, maneuverability, the desired speed, endurance, cargo capacity, and deadweight.Furthermore, it includes checks and modifications for achievement of required cargo handling capability, quarters, hotel services, subdivision and stability standards, freeboard and tonnage measurement; all while considering the ship as part of a profitable transportation, industrial, or service system.Basic design encompasses both concept design and preliminary design. It results in the determination of major ship characteristics, permitting the preparation of initial cost estimates. In the overall design process, basic design is followed by contract design and detail design. Contract design, as its name implies, develops plans and specifications suitable for shipyard bidding and contract award. Well prepared contract plans and specifications will be clear and in sufficient detail to avoid costly contingency items and protect bidders from obscure or inadequate description of requirements. Detail design is the shipyard’s responsibility for further developing the contract plans as required to prepare shop drawings used for the actual construction of the vessel.An understanding of the entire design sequence is essential to anyone seeking to develop a basic design. The four steps involved are illustrated in the Design Spiral, Evans (1959) as an iterative process working from mission requirements to a detail design. These steps are amplified further below:a.Concept Design. The very first effort, concept design, translates the missionrequirements into naval architectural and engineering characteristics.Essentially, it embodies technical feasibility studies to determine such fundamental elements of the proposed ship as length, beam, depth, draft, fullness, power, or alternative sets of characteristics, all of which meet the required speed, range, cargo cubic, and deadweight. It includes preliminary light-ship weight estimates usually derived from curves, formulas, or experience. Alternative designs are generally analyzed in parametric studies during this phase to determine the most economical design solution or whatever other controlling parameters are considered determinant. Theselected concept design then is used as a talking paper for obtaining approximate construction costs, which often determine whether or not to initiate the next level of development, the preliminary design.b.Preliminary Design. A ship’s preliminary design further refines the major shipcharacteristics affecting cost and performance. Certain controlling factors such as length, beam, horsepower, and deadweight would not be expected to change upon completion of this phase. Its completion provides a precise definition of a vessel that will meet the mission requirements; this provides the basis for development of contract plans and specifications.c.Contract Design.The contract design stage yields a set of plans andspecifications which form an integral part of the shipbuilding contract document. It encompasses one or more loops around the design spiral, thereby further refining the preliminary design. This stage delineates more precisely such features as hull form based on a faired set of lines, powering based on model testing, seakeeping and maneuvering characteristics, the effect of number of propellers on hull form, structural details, use of different types of steel, spacing and type of frames. Paramount, among the contract design features, is a weight and center of gravity estimate taking into account the location and weight of each major item in the ship. The final general arrangement is also developed during this stage. This fixes the overall volumes and areas of cargo, machinery, stores, fuel oil, fresh water, living and utility spaces and their interrelationship, as well as their relationship to other features such as cargo handling equipment, and machinery components.The accompanying specifications delineate quality standards of hull and outfit and the anticipated performance for each item of machinery and equipment.They describe the tests and trials that shall be performed successfully in order that the vessel will be considered acceptable.d.Detail design. The final stages of ship design is the development of detailedworking plans. These plans are the installation and construction instructions to the ship fitters, welders, outfitters, metal workers, machinery vendors, pipefitters, etc. As such, they are not considered to be a part of the basic design process. One unique element to consider in this stage of design is that up to this point, each phase of the design is passed from one engineering group to another. At this stage the interchange is from engineer to artisan, that is, the engineer’s product at this point is no longer to be interpreted, adjusted, or corrected by any other engineer. This engineering product must unequivocally define the desired end result and be producible and operable.In summary, this chapter considers basic design as that portion of the overall ship design process which commences with concept design and carries preliminary design to the point where there is reasonable assurance that the major features have been determined with sufficient dependability to allow the orderly development of contract plans and specifications. This development will form a basis to obtain shipyard prices within apredetermined price range that will result in an efficient ship with the requisite performance characteristics.1.2General AspectsThe late 1960’s and 1970’s saw a number of major new developments which in one way or another had an impact on the general basic design problem. Among the most significant was the computer. While the computer affects how basic design is performed, other changes have impacted on what constitutes the basic design problem. For example, one revolutionary development was the change form breakbulk to containerized cargos in the liner trades. Other developments in other ship types created similar new considerations. For tankers, size mushroomed; the increasing demand for petroleum and other raw materials by the industrialized nations of the world has necessitated ever larger tankers and bulk carriers to meet the enormous demand at acceptable costs.Man is looking increasingly to the sea for all major resources; offshore drilling for oil and gas has burgeoned from a small industry located mainly in the shallow areas of the Gulf of Mexico to a worldwide colossus moving into deeper water and more severe sea conditions. These developments have caused a revolution in the design of offshore supply boats, high powered towing vessels, pipe laying barges/ships, and countless other specialized craft. Future developments cannot be foretold, but it seems certain that other minerals will be sought from the sea necessitating entire new fleets of vessels designed for tasks not yet known.Thus, the difficulty of basic ship design will vary with the degree of departure from past practice. Some ship operating companies are closely tied to successful previous designs, and they will permit little variation from these baselines in the development of replacement vessel designs. If the prospective mission appears to parallel, existing operations, this may be a sound approach. Consequently, in such situations, basic design may be limited to examination of minor modifications to dimensions, powering, and arrangements.At the other extreme, totally new seagoing missions, such as the ocean transportation of liquefied natural gas (LNG), when first introduced, caused the designer to begin with a blank piece of paper and proceed through rational design with a blank piece of paper and proceed through rational design engineering with crude assumptions subject to frequent and painstaking revision and development.课外阅读Lesson 2 Ships Categorized2.1 IntroductionThe forms a ship can take are innumerable. A vessel might appear to be a sleek seagoing hotel carrying passengers along to some exotic destination; a floating fortress bristling with missile launchers; or an elongated box transporting tanks of crude oil and topped with complex pipe connections. None of these descriptions of external appearance, however, does justice to the ship system as a whole and integrated unit----self-sufficient, seaworthy, and adequately stable in its function as a secure habitat for crew and cargo. This is the concept that the naval architect keeps in mind when designing the ship and that provides the basis for subsequent discussions, not only in this chapter but throughout the entire book.In order to discuss naval architecture, it is helpful to place ships in certain categories. For purpose of this text, ships are classified according to their means of physical support and their designed purposes.2.2 Ships Typed According to Means of Physical SupportThe mode of physical support by which vessels can be categorized assumes that the vessel is operating under designed conditions. Ships are designed to operate above, on, or below the surface of the sea, so the air-sea interface will be used as the reference datum. Because the nature of the physical environment is quite different for the three regions just mentioned, the physical characteristics of ships designed to operate in those regions can be diverse.Aerostatic SupportThere are two categories of vessels that are supported above the surface of the sea on a self-induced cushion of air. These relatively lightweight vehicles are capable of high speeds, since air resistance is considerably less than water resistance, and the absence of contact with small waves combined with flexible seals reduces the effects of wave impact at high speed. Such vessels depend on lift fans to create a cushion of low-pressure air in an underbody chamber. This cushion of air must be sufficient to support the weight of the vehicle above the water surface.The first type of vessel has flexible “skirts” that entirely surround the air cushion and enable the ship to rise completely above the sea surface. This is called an air cushion vehicle (ACV), and in a limited sense it is amphibious.The other type of air-cushion craft has rigid side walls or thin hulls that extend below the surface of the water to reduce the amount of air flow required to maintain the cushion pressure. This type is called a captured-air-bubble vehicle (CAB). It requires less lift-fan power than an ACV, is more directionally stable, and can be propelled by water jets or supercavitating propellers. It is not amphibious, however, and has not yet achieved the popularity of the ACVs, which include passenger ferries,cross-channel automobile ferries, polar-exploration craft, landing craft, and riverine warface vessels.Hydrodynamic SupportThere are also two types of vessels that depend on dynamic support generated by relatively rapid forward motion of specially designed hydrodynamic shapes either on or beneath the surface of the water. A principle of physics states that any moving object that can produce an unsymmetrical flow pattern generates a lift force perpendicular to the direction of motion. Just as an airplane with (airfoil) produces lift when moving through the air, a hydrofoil, located beneath the surface and attached by means of a surface piercing strut, can dynamically support a vessel’s hull above the water.Planning hulls are hull forms characterized by relatively flat bottoms and shallow V-sections (especially forward of amidships) that produce partial to nearly full dynamic support for light displacement vessels and small craft at higher speeds. Planning craft are generally restricted in size and displacement because of the required power-to-weight ratio and the structural stresses associated with traveling at high speed in waves. Most planning craft are also restricted to operations in reasonably clam water, although some “deep V” hull forms are capable of operation in rough water.Hydrostatic SupportFinally, there is the oldest and most reliable type of support, hydrostatic support. All ships, boats, and primitive watercraft up to the twentieth century have depended upon the easily attained buoyant force of water for their operation.This hydrostatic support, commonly recognized as flotation, can be explained by a fundamental physical law that the ancient philosopher-mathematician Archimedes defined in the second century B.C. Archimedes’Principle states that a body immersed in a liquid is buoyed up (or acted upon) by a force equal to the weight of the liquid displaced. This principle applies to all vessels that float (or submerge) in water---salt or fresh. And from this statement the name of the ships in the category are derived; they are generally called displacement hulls.Although this ship type is very familiar, its subcategories warrant special discussion. For example, in some vessels reasonably high speed must be combined with the ability to carry light cargo or to move more comfortably in rough water than a planning hull. High-speed planning-hull characteristics can be modified to produce a semidisplacement hull or semiplaning hull. These compromise craft, of course not as fast as full-planing hulls but faster than conventional displacement hull, must have more power and less weight than the latter. Such types are obviously the result of “tradeoffs.”The example cited above lies between clear-cut physically defined categories----it is not a good example of a variation of a true displacement-type ship. The latter must be recognized primarily as a displacement vessel, and its variations depend primarily on the distribution of buoyant volume----the extent of the depth and breadth of thehull below the water.The most ubiquitous type of displacement ship can be generally classified as the common carrier, a seagoing vessel. It may be employed for passenger service, light cargo-carrying, fishing by trawling or for hundreds of other tasks that do not require exceptional capacity, speed, submergence, or other special performance. It is the most common and easily recognizable type of ship, with moderate displacement, moderate speeds, moderate to large lengths, and moderate capacities. It usually embodies the maximum in cruising range and seaworthiness. It is the “ship for all seasons.” It is the standard to which all other ship classifications in the displacement category may be referred.The closest relative to this standard vessel, which plays a crucial role not only in world commerce but in the survival of the industrial world as well, is the bulk, oil carrier, the tanker, or supertanker. These terminologies are common but unspecific, and in this discussion they are inadequate, for what was called a supertanker several years ago is today not a supertanker. The industry itself has created a far more explicit nomenclature. Based upon the index of 1000000 tons oil cargo capacity, the size categories are LCC (large crude carrier), VLCC (very large crude carrier), and ULCC (ultra large crude carrier). Any tanker greater than 100000 tons but less than 200000 is a LCC, those between 200000 and 400000 are VLCCs, and those over 400000 are ULCCs. The current necessity for these designations becomes clear when we realize that before 1956 there were no tankers larger than 50000 tons, and not until the early sixties were any ships built larger than 100000 tons. In 1968 the first ship over 300000 tons was built. With their bulk and enormous capacity (four football fields can be placed end to end on one of their decks), these ships are designed and built to be profit-makers, enormously long, wide, and deep, carrying thousands of tons of crude oil per voyage at the least cost. Few of these elephantine tankers have more than one propeller shaft of rudder. Their navigation bridges are nearly one quarter of a mile from their bows. Their top service speed is so low that a voyage from an Arabian oil port to a European destination normally takes two months.Such vessels belong to a category of displacement ship that has a great range of buoyant support. They have a very large and disproportionate hull volume below the surface when fully loaded. Indeed, the cargo weight far exceeds the weight of the ship itself. The draft or depth of water required for a fully loaded VLCC runs to 50 or 60 feet and the ULCC may be 80 feet. Such ships belong in the exclusive category of displacement vessels called deep displacement ships.There exists another type of displacement hull with extreme draft. However, it is similarity to the crude-oil carrier of the preceding discussion goes no further than that. This type of vessel is called the SWATH( small waterplane area twin hull). Briefly, this rather rare breed of ship is designed for relatively high speed and stable platform in moderately rough water. Its future is problematical, but the theory of placing the bulk of the displacement well below the surface and extending the support to the above-water platform or deck through the narrow waterline fins or struts is sound. Twin hulls connected by an upper platform provide the necessary operating stability. The most significant class of displacement hull for special application is the submarine, a vessel for completely submerged operation. The nature of the submarine and a description of her various operational attitudes, both static and dynamic, is covered in subsequent chapters. It is only necessary here to emphasize that submerisible vessels are specifically displacement vessels applying the theory of Archimedes’ Principle and all that it implies.Multihull VesselsThere is one other type of hull in common use that has not yet been mentioned, primarily because it fits into none of the categories described but rather can exist comfortably in any. This craft is the so-called multihull vessel----the catamaran and the trimaran. These vessels are most frequently displacement hulls in their larger sizes, such as the SWATH mentioned above, or more conventionally, ocean research vessels requiring stable platforms and protected areas for launching equipment. There are also the twin-hulled CAB vessels mentioned earlier and high-speed planning catamarans. Actually, the multihull ship is an adaptation of any of the basic hull categories to a special application that requires exceptional transverse stability and/ or the interhull working area.2.3 Other CriteriaThere are other criteria that justify the widely varied configurations of ship design. They are the result of trade-offs concerning cost, mission, speed, endurance, payload (cargo or weapons capacity), operating environment (stability, survivability, and port requirements), reliability, appearance, personal comfort and habitability, and political considerations. The relative importance of the various factors is dictated by the purpose of the vessel, which is set by the commercial firm, government, or individual who purchases the vessel. A useful classification based on purpose includes the following categories: merchant and commercial ships, naval vessels, and pleasure craft.Merchant and Commercial ShipsMerchant and commercial ships are generally bought to earn a profit. The previous discussed cargo ships are designed for the minimum (or at least competitive) “required freight rate,”which involves predicting the “life-cycle cost”of the ship, including the acquisition costs, the operating and maintenance costs, and anly salvage value remaining when the ship is sold. A “cashflow analysis”is made to establish what rate of return can be expected on the owner’s investment.New designs of all commercial vessels, including cargo ships, passenger liners, fishing boats, offshore supply vessels, and tugboats, must compete economically with similar vessels available from the many worldwide shipbuilders. Government subsidies protecting the national shipbuilding industry from foreign competition can result in lower costs to the purchase, even when the actual ship construction costs are higher. Thus, political considerations can play an important role in the economics of commercial ship design and construction.Appearance, personal comfort, and reliability are necessary for a luxury passenger liner to attract customers, whereas payload, endurance, and ability to survive a hostile sea environment are important considerations in the design of fishing vessels. Offshore supply vessels are concerned with speed for oil-rig crew transport or emergency services, but slower speeds may be acceptable when payloads such as drill pipe and drilling mud are the principal cargo. Operating environment includes both wind and wave conditions at sea and port and harbor capabilities ashore. Thus, deep-draft vessels may be excluded from certain geographic areas. Special-purpose cargo-handling devices such as the unloading ramps on roll-on/roll-off (Ro/Ro) ships may be necessary for quick turn around both at principal worldwide ports and those of underdeveloped countries. The latter ports impose other cargo-handling restrictions on the ship designer.Naval and Coast Guard VesselsNaval vessels are generally classified as combatants or auxiliaries, although there are special-purpose craft that do not fit easily into either category. For large combatant warships such as aircraft carriers, guided-missile cruisers, destroyers, and nuclear submarines, all of the previously mentioned factors become important---hence the enormous cost of such ships. Their military mission is of prime importance, but carrying out the mission depends on speed, endurance (possibly aided by at-sea replenishment for surface ships), weapons payload, and ability to operate and survive in hostile environments. Reliability under combat conditions, the appearance of military power, crew habitability that influences reenlistments, and the political importance of who becomes the prime contractor and principal weapons-system subcontractors: all these are factors that must be taken into consideration, making the construction and operation of warships very expensive for taxpayers.Naval auxiliaries are more closely related to commercial ships in appearance, but their mission may involve operating with warships, which requires compatibility in terms of speed, endurance, required payload, and the ability to conduct replenishment operations during poor sea conditions. Thus, one can expect the cost of such ships to be greater than that of their commercial counterparts. Oceanographic research vessels, Coast Guard cutters, and ice-breakers all have missions in which endurance, reliability, ability to operate in difficult environment, and habitability is important. Since smaller vessels have limited fuel capacity, there is a trade-off between speed and endurance; hence two types of power plant are frequently used to optimize both speed and endurance. The more exotic craft discussed in the previous sections generally sacrifice payload and endurance for speed.Pleasure CraftPleasure craft, both motor powered and sail powered, come in a wide variety of size and shapes to suit individual requirements and tastes. The economic tradeoffs are based on what the potential buyer can afford or thinks he can afford. Appearance, speed, personal comfort and habitability, and stability are the major criteria fordesigns that satisfy the purpose of the craft, which is the enjoyment of leisure time.Lesson 3 Principal DimensionsBefore studying in detail the various technical branches of naval architecture it is important to define various terms which will be made use of in later chapter. The purpose of this chapter is to explain these terms and to familiarize the reader with them. In the first place the dimensions by which the size of a ship is measured will be considered; they are referred to as ‘principal dimensions’. The ship, like any solid body, requires three dimensions to define its size, and these are a length, a breadth and a depth. Each of these will be considered in turn.3.1 Principal DimensionsLengthThere are various ways of defining the length of a ship, but first the length between perpendiculars will be considered. The length between perpendiculars is the distance measured parallel to the base at the level of the summer load waterline from the after perpendicular to the forward perpendicular. The after perpendicular is taken as the after side of the rudder post where there is such a post, and the forward perpendicular is the vertical line drawn through the intersection of the stem with the summer load waterline. In ships where there is no rudder post the after perpendicular is taken as the line passing through the centre line of the rudder pintles.。











3、消失矩在实际中,对基本小波往往不仅要求满足容许条件,对还要施加所谓的消失矩(Vanishing Moments)条件,使尽量多的小波系数为零或者产生尽量少的非零小波系数,这样有利于数据压缩和消除噪声。










英语专业八级考试TEM-8阅读理解练习册(1)(英语专业2012级)UNIT 1Text AEvery minute of every day, what ecologist生态学家James Carlton calls a global ―conveyor belt‖, redistributes ocean organisms生物.It’s planetwide biological disruption生物的破坏that scientists have barely begun to understand.Dr. Carlton —an oceanographer at Williams College in Williamstown,Mass.—explains that, at any given moment, ―There are several thousand marine species traveling… in the ballast water of ships.‖ These creatures move from coastal waters where they fit into the local web of life to places where some of them could tear that web apart. This is the larger dimension of the infamous无耻的,邪恶的invasion of fish-destroying, pipe-clogging zebra mussels有斑马纹的贻贝.Such voracious贪婪的invaders at least make their presence known. What concerns Carlton and his fellow marine ecologists is the lack of knowledge about the hundreds of alien invaders that quietly enter coastal waters around the world every day. Many of them probably just die out. Some benignly亲切地,仁慈地—or even beneficially — join the local scene. But some will make trouble.In one sense, this is an old story. Organisms have ridden ships for centuries. They have clung to hulls and come along with cargo. What’s new is the scale and speed of the migrations made possible by the massive volume of ship-ballast water压载水— taken in to provide ship stability—continuously moving around the world…Ships load up with ballast water and its inhabitants in coastal waters of one port and dump the ballast in another port that may be thousands of kilometers away. A single load can run to hundreds of gallons. Some larger ships take on as much as 40 million gallons. The creatures that come along tend to be in their larva free-floating stage. When discharged排出in alien waters they can mature into crabs, jellyfish水母, slugs鼻涕虫,蛞蝓, and many other forms.Since the problem involves coastal species, simply banning ballast dumps in coastal waters would, in theory, solve it. Coastal organisms in ballast water that is flushed into midocean would not survive. Such a ban has worked for North American Inland Waterway. But it would be hard to enforce it worldwide. Heating ballast water or straining it should also halt the species spread. But before any such worldwide regulations were imposed, scientists would need a clearer view of what is going on.The continuous shuffling洗牌of marine organisms has changed the biology of the sea on a global scale. It can have devastating effects as in the case of the American comb jellyfish that recently invaded the Black Sea. It has destroyed that sea’s anchovy鳀鱼fishery by eating anchovy eggs. It may soon spread to western and northern European waters.The maritime nations that created the biological ―conveyor belt‖ should support a coordinated international effort to find out what is going on and what should be done about it. (456 words)1.According to Dr. Carlton, ocean organism‟s are_______.A.being moved to new environmentsB.destroying the planetC.succumbing to the zebra musselD.developing alien characteristics2.Oceanographers海洋学家are concerned because_________.A.their knowledge of this phenomenon is limitedB.they believe the oceans are dyingC.they fear an invasion from outer-spaceD.they have identified thousands of alien webs3.According to marine ecologists, transplanted marinespecies____________.A.may upset the ecosystems of coastal watersB.are all compatible with one anotherC.can only survive in their home watersD.sometimes disrupt shipping lanes4.The identified cause of the problem is_______.A.the rapidity with which larvae matureB. a common practice of the shipping industryC. a centuries old speciesD.the world wide movement of ocean currents5.The article suggests that a solution to the unlikely to be identifiedB.must precede further hypothetically假设地,假想地easyD.will limit global shippingText BNew …Endangered‟ List Targets Many US RiversIt is hard to think of a major natural resource or pollution issue in North America today that does not affect rivers.Farm chemical runoff残渣, industrial waste, urban storm sewers, sewage treatment, mining, logging, grazing放牧,military bases, residential and business development, hydropower水力发电,loss of wetlands. The list goes on.Legislation like the Clean Water Act and Wild and Scenic Rivers Act have provided some protection, but threats continue.The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported yesterday that an assessment of 642,000 miles of rivers and streams showed 34 percent in less than good condition. In a major study of the Clean Water Act, the Natural Resources Defense Council last fall reported that poison runoff impairs损害more than 125,000 miles of rivers.More recently, the NRDC and Izaak Walton League warned that pollution and loss of wetlands—made worse by last year’s flooding—is degrading恶化the Mississippi River ecosystem.On Tuesday, the conservation group保护组织American Rivers issued its annual list of 10 ―endangered‖ and 20 ―threatened‖ rivers in 32 states, the District of Colombia, and Canada.At the top of the list is the Clarks Fork of the Yellowstone River, whereCanadian mining firms plan to build a 74-acre英亩reservoir水库,蓄水池as part of a gold mine less than three miles from Yellowstone National Park. The reservoir would hold the runoff from the sulfuric acid 硫酸used to extract gold from crushed rock.―In the event this tailings pond failed, the impact to th e greater Yellowstone ecosystem would be cataclysmic大变动的,灾难性的and the damage irreversible不可逆转的.‖ Sen. Max Baucus of Montana, chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, wrote to Noranda Minerals Inc., an owner of the ― New World Mine‖.Last fall, an EPA official expressed concern about the mine and its potential impact, especially the plastic-lined storage reservoir. ― I am unaware of any studies evaluating how a tailings pond尾矿池,残渣池could be maintained to ensure its structural integrity forev er,‖ said Stephen Hoffman, chief of the EPA’s Mining Waste Section. ―It is my opinion that underwater disposal of tailings at New World may present a potentially significant threat to human health and the environment.‖The results of an environmental-impact statement, now being drafted by the Forest Service and Montana Department of State Lands, could determine the mine’s future…In its recent proposal to reauthorize the Clean Water Act, the Clinton administration noted ―dramatically improved water quality since 1972,‖ when the act was passed. But it also reported that 30 percent of riverscontinue to be degraded, mainly by silt泥沙and nutrients from farm and urban runoff, combined sewer overflows, and municipal sewage城市污水. Bottom sediments沉积物are contaminated污染in more than 1,000 waterways, the administration reported in releasing its proposal in January. Between 60 and 80 percent of riparian corridors (riverbank lands) have been degraded.As with endangered species and their habitats in forests and deserts, the complexity of ecosystems is seen in rivers and the effects of development----beyond the obvious threats of industrial pollution, municipal waste, and in-stream diversions改道to slake消除the thirst of new communities in dry regions like the Southwes t…While there are many political hurdles障碍ahead, reauthorization of the Clean Water Act this year holds promise for US rivers. Rep. Norm Mineta of California, who chairs the House Committee overseeing the bill, calls it ―probably the most important env ironmental legislation this Congress will enact.‖ (553 words)6.According to the passage, the Clean Water Act______.A.has been ineffectiveB.will definitely be renewedC.has never been evaluatedD.was enacted some 30 years ago7.“Endangered” rivers are _________.A.catalogued annuallyB.less polluted than ―threatened rivers‖C.caused by floodingD.adjacent to large cities8.The “cataclysmic” event referred to in paragraph eight would be__________.A. fortuitous偶然的,意外的B. adventitious外加的,偶然的C. catastrophicD. precarious不稳定的,危险的9. The owners of the New World Mine appear to be______.A. ecologically aware of the impact of miningB. determined to construct a safe tailings pondC. indifferent to the concerns voiced by the EPAD. willing to relocate operations10. The passage conveys the impression that_______.A. Canadians are disinterested in natural resourcesB. private and public environmental groups aboundC. river banks are erodingD. the majority of US rivers are in poor conditionText CA classic series of experiments to determine the effects ofoverpopulation on communities of rats was reported in February of 1962 in an article in Scientific American. The experiments were conducted by a psychologist, John B. Calhoun and his associates. In each of these experiments, an equal number of male and female adult rats were placed in an enclosure and given an adequate supply of food, water, and other necessities. The rat populations were allowed to increase. Calhoun knew from experience approximately how many rats could live in the enclosures without experiencing stress due to overcrowding. He allowed the population to increase to approximately twice this number. Then he stabilized the population by removing offspring that were not dependent on their mothers. He and his associates then carefully observed and recorded behavior in these overpopulated communities. At the end of their experiments, Calhoun and his associates were able to conclude that overcrowding causes a breakdown in the normal social relationships among rats, a kind of social disease. The rats in the experiments did not follow the same patterns of behavior as rats would in a community without overcrowding.The females in the rat population were the most seriously affected by the high population density: They showed deviant异常的maternal behavior; they did not behave as mother rats normally do. In fact, many of the pups幼兽,幼崽, as rat babies are called, died as a result of poor maternal care. For example, mothers sometimes abandoned their pups,and, without their mothers' care, the pups died. Under normal conditions, a mother rat would not leave her pups alone to die. However, the experiments verified that in overpopulated communities, mother rats do not behave normally. Their behavior may be considered pathologically 病理上,病理学地diseased.The dominant males in the rat population were the least affected by overpopulation. Each of these strong males claimed an area of the enclosure as his own. Therefore, these individuals did not experience the overcrowding in the same way as the other rats did. The fact that the dominant males had adequate space in which to live may explain why they were not as seriously affected by overpopulation as the other rats. However, dominant males did behave pathologically at times. Their antisocial behavior consisted of attacks on weaker male,female, and immature rats. This deviant behavior showed that even though the dominant males had enough living space, they too were affected by the general overcrowding in the enclosure.Non-dominant males in the experimental rat communities also exhibited deviant social behavior. Some withdrew completely; they moved very little and ate and drank at times when the other rats were sleeping in order to avoid contact with them. Other non-dominant males were hyperactive; they were much more active than is normal, chasing other rats and fighting each other. This segment of the rat population, likeall the other parts, was affected by the overpopulation.The behavior of the non-dominant males and of the other components of the rat population has parallels in human behavior. People in densely populated areas exhibit deviant behavior similar to that of the rats in Calhoun's experiments. In large urban areas such as New York City, London, Mexican City, and Cairo, there are abandoned children. There are cruel, powerful individuals, both men and women. There are also people who withdraw and people who become hyperactive. The quantity of other forms of social pathology such as murder, rape, and robbery also frequently occur in densely populated human communities. Is the principal cause of these disorders overpopulation? Calhoun’s experiments suggest that it might be. In any case, social scientists and city planners have been influenced by the results of this series of experiments.11. Paragraph l is organized according to__________.A. reasonsB. descriptionC. examplesD. definition12.Calhoun stabilized the rat population_________.A. when it was double the number that could live in the enclosure without stressB. by removing young ratsC. at a constant number of adult rats in the enclosureD. all of the above are correct13.W hich of the following inferences CANNOT be made from theinformation inPara. 1?A. Calhoun's experiment is still considered important today.B. Overpopulation causes pathological behavior in rat populations.C. Stress does not occur in rat communities unless there is overcrowding.D. Calhoun had experimented with rats before.14. Which of the following behavior didn‟t happen in this experiment?A. All the male rats exhibited pathological behavior.B. Mother rats abandoned their pups.C. Female rats showed deviant maternal behavior.D. Mother rats left their rat babies alone.15. The main idea of the paragraph three is that __________.A. dominant males had adequate living spaceB. dominant males were not as seriously affected by overcrowding as the otherratsC. dominant males attacked weaker ratsD. the strongest males are always able to adapt to bad conditionsText DThe first mention of slavery in the statutes法令,法规of the English colonies of North America does not occur until after 1660—some forty years after the importation of the first Black people. Lest we think that existed in fact before it did in law, Oscar and Mary Handlin assure us, that the status of B lack people down to the 1660’s was that of servants. A critique批判of the Handlins’ interpretation of why legal slavery did not appear until the 1660’s suggests that assumptions about the relation between slavery and racial prejudice should be reexamined, and that explanation for the different treatment of Black slaves in North and South America should be expanded.The Handlins explain the appearance of legal slavery by arguing that, during the 1660’s, the position of white servants was improving relative to that of black servants. Thus, the Handlins contend, Black and White servants, heretofore treated alike, each attained a different status. There are, however, important objections to this argument. First, the Handlins cannot adequately demonstrate that t he White servant’s position was improving, during and after the 1660’s; several acts of the Maryland and Virginia legislatures indicate otherwise. Another flaw in the Handlins’ interpretation is their assumption that prior to the establishment of legal slavery there was no discrimination against Black people. It is true that before the 1660’s Black people were rarely called slaves. But this shouldnot overshadow evidence from the 1630’s on that points to racial discrimination without using the term slavery. Such discrimination sometimes stopped short of lifetime servitude or inherited status—the two attributes of true slavery—yet in other cases it included both. The Handlins’ argument excludes the real possibility that Black people in the English colonies were never treated as the equals of White people.The possibility has important ramifications后果,影响.If from the outset Black people were discriminated against, then legal slavery should be viewed as a reflection and an extension of racial prejudice rather than, as many historians including the Handlins have argued, the cause of prejudice. In addition, the existence of discrimination before the advent of legal slavery offers a further explanation for the harsher treatment of Black slaves in North than in South America. Freyre and Tannenbaum have rightly argued that the lack of certain traditions in North America—such as a Roman conception of slavery and a Roman Catholic emphasis on equality— explains why the treatment of Black slaves was more severe there than in the Spanish and Portuguese colonies of South America. But this cannot be the whole explanation since it is merely negative, based only on a lack of something. A more compelling令人信服的explanation is that the early and sometimes extreme racial discrimination in the English colonies helped determine the particular nature of the slavery that followed. (462 words)16. Which of the following is the most logical inference to be drawn from the passage about the effects of “several acts of the Maryland and Virginia legislatures” (Para.2) passed during and after the 1660‟s?A. The acts negatively affected the pre-1660’s position of Black as wellas of White servants.B. The acts had the effect of impairing rather than improving theposition of White servants relative to what it had been before the 1660’s.C. The acts had a different effect on the position of white servants thandid many of the acts passed during this time by the legislatures of other colonies.D. The acts, at the very least, caused the position of White servants toremain no better than it had been before the 1660’s.17. With which of the following statements regarding the status ofBlack people in the English colonies of North America before the 1660‟s would the author be LEAST likely to agree?A. Although black people were not legally considered to be slaves,they were often called slaves.B. Although subject to some discrimination, black people had a higherlegal status than they did after the 1660’s.C. Although sometimes subject to lifetime servitude, black peoplewere not legally considered to be slaves.D. Although often not treated the same as White people, black people,like many white people, possessed the legal status of servants.18. According to the passage, the Handlins have argued which of thefollowing about the relationship between racial prejudice and the institution of legal slavery in the English colonies of North America?A. Racial prejudice and the institution of slavery arose simultaneously.B. Racial prejudice most often the form of the imposition of inheritedstatus, one of the attributes of slavery.C. The source of racial prejudice was the institution of slavery.D. Because of the influence of the Roman Catholic Church, racialprejudice sometimes did not result in slavery.19. The passage suggests that the existence of a Roman conception ofslavery in Spanish and Portuguese colonies had the effect of _________.A. extending rather than causing racial prejudice in these coloniesB. hastening the legalization of slavery in these colonies.C. mitigating some of the conditions of slavery for black people in these coloniesD. delaying the introduction of slavery into the English colonies20. The author considers the explanation put forward by Freyre andTannenbaum for the treatment accorded B lack slaves in the English colonies of North America to be _____________.A. ambitious but misguidedB. valid有根据的but limitedC. popular but suspectD. anachronistic过时的,时代错误的and controversialUNIT 2Text AThe sea lay like an unbroken mirror all around the pine-girt, lonely shores of Orr’s Island. Tall, kingly spruce s wore their regal王室的crowns of cones high in air, sparkling with diamonds of clear exuded gum流出的树胶; vast old hemlocks铁杉of primeval原始的growth stood darkling in their forest shadows, their branches hung with long hoary moss久远的青苔;while feathery larches羽毛般的落叶松,turned to brilliant gold by autumn frosts, lighted up the darker shadows of the evergreens. It was one of those hazy朦胧的, calm, dissolving days of Indian summer, when everything is so quiet that the fainest kiss of the wave on the beach can be heard, and white clouds seem to faint into the blue of the sky, and soft swathing一长条bands of violet vapor make all earth look dreamy, and give to the sharp, clear-cut outlines of the northern landscape all those mysteries of light and shade which impart such tenderness to Italian scenery.The funeral was over,--- the tread鞋底的花纹/ 踏of many feet, bearing the heavy burden of two broken lives, had been to the lonely graveyard, and had come back again,--- each footstep lighter and more unconstrained不受拘束的as each one went his way from the great old tragedy of Death to the common cheerful of Life.The solemn black clock stood swaying with its eternal ―tick-tock, tick-tock,‖ in the kitchen of the brown house on Orr’s Island. There was there that sense of a stillness that can be felt,---such as settles down on a dwelling住处when any of its inmates have passed through its doors for the last time, to go whence they shall not return. The best room was shut up and darkened, with only so much light as could fall through a little heart-shaped hole in the window-shutter,---for except on solemn visits, or prayer-meetings or weddings, or funerals, that room formed no part of the daily family scenery.The kitchen was clean and ample, hearth灶台, and oven on one side, and rows of old-fashioned splint-bottomed chairs against the wall. A table scoured to snowy whiteness, and a little work-stand whereon lay the Bible, the Missionary Herald, and the Weekly Christian Mirror, before named, formed the principal furniture. One feature, however, must not be forgotten, ---a great sea-chest水手用的储物箱,which had been the companion of Zephaniah through all the countries of the earth. Old, and battered破旧的,磨损的, and unsightly难看的it looked, yet report said that there was good store within which men for the most part respect more than anything else; and, indeed it proved often when a deed of grace was to be done--- when a woman was suddenly made a widow in a coast gale大风,狂风, or a fishing-smack小渔船was run down in the fogs off the banks, leaving in some neighboring cottage a family of orphans,---in all such cases, the opening of this sea-chest was an event of good omen 预兆to the bereaved丧亲者;for Zephaniah had a large heart and a large hand, and was apt有…的倾向to take it out full of silver dollars when once it went in. So the ark of the covenant约柜could not have been looked on with more reverence崇敬than the neighbours usually showed to Captain Pennel’s sea-chest.1. The author describes Orr‟s Island in a(n)______way.A.emotionally appealing, imaginativeB.rational, logically preciseC.factually detailed, objectiveD.vague, uncertain2.According to the passage, the “best room”_____.A.has its many windows boarded upB.has had the furniture used only on formal and ceremonious the busiest room in the house3.From the description of the kitchen we can infer that thehouse belongs to people who_____.A.never have modern appliancesC.are probably religiousD.dislike housework4.The passage implies that_______.A.few people attended the is a secure vocationC.the island is densely populatedD.the house belonged to the deceased5.From the description of Zephaniah we can see thathe_________.A.was physically a very big manB.preferred the lonely life of a sailorC.always stayed at homeD.was frugal and saved a lotText BBasic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War is the country' s impressive population growth. For every three Canadians in 1945, there were over five in 1966. In September 1966 Canada's population passed the 20 million mark. Most of this surging growth came from natural increase. The depression of the 1930s and the war had held back marriages, and the catching-up process began after 1945. The baby boom continued through the decade of the 1950s, producing a population increase of nearly fifteen percent in the five years from 1951 to 1956. This rate of increase had been exceeded only once before in Canada's history, in the decade before 1911 when the prairies were being settled. Undoubtedly, the good economic conditions of the 1950s supported a growth in the population, but the expansion also derived from a trend toward earlier marriages and an increase in the average size of families; In 1957 the Canadian birth rate stood at 28 per thousand, one of the highest in the world. After the peak year of 1957, thebirth rate in Canada began to decline. It continued falling until in 1966 it stood at the lowest level in 25 years. Partly this decline reflected the low level of births during the depression and the war, but it was also caused by changes in Canadian society. Young people were staying at school longer, more women were working; young married couples were buying automobiles or houses before starting families; rising living standards were cutting down the size of families. It appeared that Canada was once more falling in step with the trend toward smaller families that had occurred all through theWestern world since the time of the Industrial Revolution. Although the growth in Canada’s population had slowed down by 1966 (the cent), another increase in the first half of the 1960s was only nine percent), another large population wave was coming over the horizon. It would be composed of the children of the children who were born during the period of the high birth rate prior to 1957.6. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. Educational changes in Canadian society.B. Canada during the Second World War.C. Population trends in postwar Canada.D. Standards of living in Canada.7. According to the passage, when did Canada's baby boom begin?A. In the decade after 1911.B. After 1945.C. During the depression of the 1930s.D. In 1966.8. The author suggests that in Canada during the 1950s____________.A. the urban population decreased rapidlyB. fewer people marriedC. economic conditions were poorD. the birth rate was very high9. When was the birth rate in Canada at its lowest postwar level?A. 1966.B. 1957.C. 1956.D. 1951.10. The author mentions all of the following as causes of declines inpopulation growth after 1957 EXCEPT_________________.A. people being better educatedB. people getting married earlierC. better standards of livingD. couples buying houses11.I t can be inferred from the passage that before the IndustrialRevolution_______________.A. families were largerB. population statistics were unreliableC. the population grew steadilyD. economic conditions were badText CI was just a boy when my father brought me to Harlem for the first time, almost 50 years ago. We stayed at the hotel Theresa, a grand brick structure at 125th Street and Seventh avenue. Once, in the hotel restaurant, my father pointed out Joe Louis. He even got Mr. Brown, the hotel manager, to introduce me to him, a bit punchy强力的but still champ焦急as fast as I was concerned.Much has changed since then. Business and real estate are booming. Some say a new renaissance is under way. Others decry责难what they see as outside forces running roughshod肆意践踏over the old Harlem. New York meant Harlem to me, and as a young man I visited it whenever I could. But many of my old haunts are gone. The Theresa shut down in 1966. National chains that once ignored Harlem now anticipate yuppie money and want pieces of this prime Manhattan real estate. So here I am on a hot August afternoon, sitting in a Starbucks that two years ago opened a block away from the Theresa, snatching抓取,攫取at memories between sips of high-priced coffee. I am about to open up a piece of the old Harlem---the New York Amsterdam News---when a tourist。



描写蝴蝶的种类可真多总分结构的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Wondrous World of ButterfliesButterflies are one of the most fascinating creatures on our planet. As a student of nature, I've always been captivated by their delicate beauty and the incredible diversity within their species. From the vibrant colors that adorn their wings to the intricate patterns that seem to tell a story, each butterfly is a living work of art. In this essay, I'll take you on a journey through the wondrous world of butterflies, exploring their vast array of species and the remarkable structures that enable their enchanting existence.The Kaleidoscope of SpeciesWhen one thinks of butterflies, the first image that often comes to mind is the iconic Monarch butterfly, with its striking orange and black wings. However, this is merely a glimpse into the incredible spectrum of species that grace our world. Butterflies come in a dazzling array of colors, shapes, and sizes, each one a unique masterpiece crafted by nature.One of the most eye-catching varieties is the Swallowtail butterfly, characterized by its elongated hindwings that resemble tails. These graceful creatures can be found in a multitude of hues, from the vibrant yellow of the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail to the deep blue of the Pipevine Swallowtail. Their intricate patterns and intricate markings are a true feast for the eyes.Another captivating group is the Brush-footed butterflies, which include the well-known Painted Lady and Red Admiral. These butterflies are known for their bold, contrasting colors and the distinctive eye-spots on their wings, which serve as a defense mechanism against predators.The world of butterflies is not limited to the temperate regions, as there are countless species that thrive in the tropics. The Morpho butterflies, native to Central and South America, are a prime example of this tropical splendor. Their wings possess an iridescent blue hue that seems to shimmer and shift as they flutter by, a mesmerizing display of nature's artistry.Structural MarvelsWhile the beauty of butterflies is undeniable, their true wonder lies in the intricate structures that enable their extraordinary abilities. From their delicate wings to their intricatemouthparts, each component is a testament to the ingenuity of evolution.The wings of a butterfly are perhaps their most iconic feature, and their structure is nothing short of remarkable. Composed of a thin membrane reinforced by a network of veins, these wings are both lightweight and incredibly strong. The patterns and colors we admire are created by tiny scales that overlap like shingles on a roof, each one reflecting and refracting light to produce a dazzling array of hues.Equally fascinating are the mouthparts of a butterfly, which are designed for sipping nectar from flowers. Their long, coiled proboscis unfurls like a tiny straw, allowing them to access the sweet nectar deep within the blossoms. This incredible adaptation not only sustains the butterflies but also plays a crucial role in pollination, ensuring the continuation of countless plant species.The legs of a butterfly are another marvel of engineering. While they may appear delicate, these appendages are strong enough to support the butterfly's weight and provide a secure grip on various surfaces. Additionally, many species possess specialized structures on their legs that aid in the collection of pollen or the detection of potential mates.Life Cycle and MetamorphosisThe journey of a butterfly is perhaps one of the most remarkable transformations in the natural world. Beginning as a tiny egg, the butterfly undergoes a series of metamorphic stages that are nothing short of awe-inspiring.The first stage, the larva or caterpillar, is a voracious eater, consuming vast amounts of plant matter to fuel its growth. During this phase, the caterpillar sheds its skin multiple times, a process known as molting, to accommodate its rapidly expanding body.When the time is right, the caterpillar enters the pupal stage, forming a protective casing around itself known as a chrysalis. Within this seemingly lifeless shell, an extraordinary transformation takes place. The caterpillar's body breaks down, and its cells reorganize into the intricate structures of a butterfly, including wings, legs, and mouthparts.Finally, after weeks or months of metamorphosis, the adult butterfly emerges from the chrysalis, unfurling its wings and taking its first flight. This incredible journey serves as a powerful metaphor for growth, change, and the resilience of life.Ecological ImportanceButterflies are not only beautiful to behold but also play a vital role in the delicate balance of our ecosystems. As pollinators, they facilitate the reproduction of countless plant species, ensuring the continuation of diverse and thriving plant communities.Furthermore, butterflies serve as important indicators of environmental health. Their sensitivity to changes in their habitat makes them excellent barometers for detecting shifts in climate, pollution levels, and habitat degradation. By monitoring butterfly populations, scientists can gain valuable insights into the overall well-being of an ecosystem and take necessary steps to preserve and protect these fragile environments.ConclusionThe world of butterflies is a tapestry of beauty, diversity, and wonder. From the kaleidoscope of species that grace our planet to the intricate structures that enable their extraordinary abilities, these delicate creatures never cease to inspire awe and appreciation.As a student of nature, studying butterflies has taught me valuable lessons about the resilience of life, the intricate balance of ecosystems, and the importance of preserving the natural world. Each flutter of their wings reminds us of the beauty thatsurrounds us and the responsibility we hold as stewards of this incredible planet.So, the next time you encounter a butterfly, take a moment to truly appreciate its magnificence. Marvel at the vibrant colors, the delicate patterns, and the incredible journey it has undertaken to reach this fleeting moment of grace. For in that brief encounter, you will have witnessed a living masterpiece, a testament to the wonders of nature that continue to inspire and captivate us all.篇2The Wondrous World of ButterfliesAs I gaze out the window on this warm spring day, my eyes are instantly drawn to the fluttering of delicate wings in the garden. A kaleidoscope of colors dances before me - rich oranges, vivid blues, and dazzling blacks adorned with iridescent spots. The butterflies have emerged from their chrysalises, and their arrival marks the beginning of a new season of beauty and transformation in nature.Having always been fascinated by these ethereal creatures, I decided to delve deeper into the world of butterflies. Little did I know that this journey would unveil an astounding diversity ofspecies, each with its own unique characteristics and behaviors. It is a world that has captured the imagination of scientists, artists, and nature enthusiasts alike for centuries.One of the first revelations that struck me was the sheer number of butterfly species that exist on our planet. From the vast rainforests of the Amazon to the arid deserts of Africa, these winged wonders can be found in nearly every corner of the globe. According to estimates, there are approximately 20,000 different species of butterflies, with new ones still being discovered every year.Each species is a masterpiece of evolution, adapted to thrive in its specific habitat and environment. Take, for instance, the stunning Morpho butterflies of Central and South America. Their iridescent blue wings are not a result of pigmentation but rather a structural phenomenon called "photonic crystals." These microscopic structures on their wing scales reflect specific wavelengths of light, creating a mesmerizing display of color that shifts and shimmers as the butterfly moves.In contrast, the Monarch butterfly, perhaps one of the most well-known and recognizable species, is famous for its remarkable migration patterns. Every year, millions of these orange and black beauties embark on a perilous journey fromthe United States and Canada to their overwintering grounds in Mexico and California. This incredible feat, spanning thousands of miles, is a testament to the resilience and navigational prowess of these delicate creatures.As I continued my research, I couldn't help but marvel at the intricate life cycle of butterflies. From the humble beginnings as a tiny egg, they undergo a complete metamorphosis, transitioning from a voracious caterpillar to a remarkable winged adult. The process of metamorphosis itself is nothing short of miraculous, as the caterpillar essentially digests itself from the inside out, reorganizing its cells and tissues to form the butterfly we admire.One aspect that particularly fascinated me was the diversity of strategies employed by different butterfly species to ensure their survival. Some, like the Viceroy, have evolved to mimic the appearance of less palatable species, such as the Monarch, to deter predators. Others, like the Swallowtails, rely on their incredible speed and agility to evade potential threats.As I delved deeper into the world of butterflies, I couldn't help but notice the common structural elements that unite these diverse species. Despite their differences in color, size, andhabitat, all butterflies share a basic body plan that has evolved over millions of years.At the core of a butterfly's anatomy is the exoskeleton, a lightweight yet sturdy external covering that protects its internal organs and provides support for its delicate wings. This exoskeleton is composed of a series of plates, or sclerites, interconnected by flexible membranes, allowing for movement and flexibility.The wings, perhaps the most striking feature of a butterfly, are composed of two pairs – the forewings and the hindwings. Each wing is formed by a double layer of chitin, a tough, flexible material that is both lightweight and durable. Within this layer are intricate patterns of veins that provide structural support and act as channels for the hemolymph, the butterfly's circulatory fluid.Adorning the wings are the scales, tiny, overlapping structures that are responsible for the vibrant colors and patterns we associate with butterflies. These scales are essentially flattened, modified hair-like structures composed of chitin and pigments. The arrangement and composition of these scales create the mesmerizing hues and patterns that captivate our eyes.At the heart of a butterfly's anatomy lies the thorax, a robust and muscular segment that houses the powerful flight muscles. These muscles, attached to the wings via a complex system of tendons, allow the butterfly to achieve its graceful and agile flight. The abdomen, located posterior to the thorax, houses the digestive and reproductive systems, ensuring the continuation of the species.As I concluded my research, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of awe and appreciation for these delicate creatures. Butterflies serve as a reminder of the incredible diversity and complexity of life on our planet. From their intricate life cycles to their remarkable adaptations, they are living works of art, adorning our gardens and landscapes with their beauty.In many ways, the world of butterflies reflects the intricate tapestry of nature itself – a tapestry woven with threads of adaptation, resilience, and breathtaking beauty. As I continue to observe and appreciate these winged wonders, I am reminded of the importance of preserving and protecting their habitats, ensuring that future generations can experience the magic and wonder of these captivating creatures.篇3The Wondrous World of ButterfliesButterflies are one of the most fascinating creatures on our planet. As a student of nature, I've spent countless hours observing these delicate, winged beauties and marveling at the incredible diversity found within their ranks. From the vibrant colors that adorn their wings to the intricate patterns and shapes that seem to defy imagination, each butterfly species is a masterpiece in its own right.One of the most striking aspects of butterflies is the sheer number of species that exist. According to estimates, there are over 20,000 different kinds of butterflies worldwide, each with its own unique characteristics and adaptations. This staggering variety is a testament to the incredible evolutionary journey these insects have undergone, adapting to different environments and ecological niches across the globe.As I delve deeper into the study of butterflies, I've come to appreciate the remarkable structural features that enable their existence. At the heart of a butterfly's anatomy lies a comprehensive yet delicate body plan that has been fine-tuned over millions of years of evolution.Let's start with the wings – the most visually captivating aspect of these creatures. Butterfly wings are composed of a thin,membranous material called chitin, overlaid with thousands of tiny scales. These scales, arranged in intricate patterns, are responsible for the stunning array of colors and designs that adorn a butterfly's wings. The scales act as microscopic prisms, reflecting and refracting light in ways that produce the vibrant hues we see.But the wings serve a far more vital purpose than mere aesthetics. They are the key to a butterfly's ability to take flight, with each pair of wings working in synchrony to generate lift and propel the insect through the air. The structure of the wings is a marvel of engineering, with a network of veins and ridges providing both strength and flexibility.Moving beyond the wings, we encounter the butterfly's thorax – the middle section of its body. This is where the powerful flight muscles are housed, enabling the rapid beating of the wings that keeps these creatures aloft. The thorax also serves as an attachment point for the legs, which play a crucial role in perching, feeding, and other vital activities.The butterfly's abdomen, located at the rear of its body, is a hub of essential functions. It houses the digestive system, which breaks down the nectar and other plant juices that sustain these insects. The abdomen also contains the reproductive organs,ensuring the continuation of each species through the production of eggs.One of the most fascinating aspects of butterfly anatomy is the proboscis – a long, coiled tube that extends from the head. This remarkable structure allows butterflies to feed by unfurling and inserting it into flowers, sipping nectar like a straw. The proboscis is a true evolutionary marvel, perfectly adapted for extracting precious nutrients from the depths of a blossom.As I continue to study these incredible creatures, I'm constantly amazed by the sheer diversity of adaptations and specialized features found among the various butterfly species. Some, like the Monarch, undertake extraordinary migrations spanning thousands of miles, navigating using celestial cues and an innate sense of direction. Others, like the Glasswing, have evolved transparent wings that render them nearly invisible to predators.The more I learn about butterflies, the more I realize how much there is still to discover. Each species is a unique tapestry of form and function, woven together by the intricate threads of evolution. From the delicate brushfoot butterflies that grace our gardens to the massive and imposing swallowtails of the tropics,the world of these winged wonders is a kaleidoscope of beauty and biological ingenuity.As a student of nature, I feel incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to study these remarkable creatures. With every observation and every new piece of knowledge gained, my appreciation for the wondrous world of butterflies deepens. Their diversity, their structural marvels, and their vital roles within ecosystems serve as a constant reminder of the incredible richness and complexity of life on our planet.So, the next time you see a butterfly fluttering by, take a moment to truly appreciate the intricate design and evolutionary journey that has shaped this delicate creature. Marvel at the colors, patterns, and graceful movements that seem to defy the laws of physics. And remember, beneath that ephemeral beauty lies a masterpiece of nature's engineering – a testament to the incredible diversity and adaptation that exists in the world around us.。



小学下册英语第三单元真题试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the capital of Germany?A. MunichB. FrankfurtC. BerlinD. Hamburg答案: C2.The phase of matter can be solid, liquid, or ______.3.We play _____ (games/sports) in the evening.4.The chemical symbol for scandium is ______.5.The bison is very ____.6.I saw a ________ hiding in the bushes.7.The chemical formula for ethanol is ________.8.How many days are there in February during a leap year?A. 28B. 29C. 30D. 31答案:B9. A __________ is a large geological feature formed over time.10.Rainforests are known for their rich ______.11.Fermentation produces alcohol and ______.12.What is the primary purpose of a map?A. To tell timeB. To guide travelersC. To measure distancesD. To show weather答案:B.To guide travelers13.What do you wear on your feet?A. HandsB. ShoesC. HeadD. Eyes答案:B14.What do you call the main idea of a story?A. ThemeB. PlotC. ConflictD. Resolution答案:A15.I enjoy playing with my _________ (飞行器玩具) during the summer.16.The leaves are _______ (变黄) in autumn.17.My favorite color for my toy is _____.18. A _______ is a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction.19.The ancient Romans were known for their _______ and roads.20.What is the name of the famous pyramid in Egypt?A. Pyramid of GizaB. Pyramid of KhufuC. Pyramid of KhafreD. Pyramid of Djoser答案:A.Pyramid of Giza21.I feel happy when __________ because __________.22.His favorite sport is ________.23._____ (花园) can be enjoyed by everyone.24.My sister enjoys __________ (参加) school plays.25.The chemical symbol for molybdenum is __________.26.The baby is ________ in the crib.27.I have a pet ______ that is very friendly.28.The artist showcases her work at _____ (展览).29.My uncle is a skilled __________ (手工艺人).30.I can _______ my room every Saturday.31.I enjoy ______ (吃) pizza with my friends.32.The ____ has a long body and short legs, making it a great swimmer.33.My sister is a ______. She loves to create art installations.34.The process of making ice cream involves ______.35.What is the capital of Switzerland?A. ZurichB. GenevaC. BernD. Basel答案: C36.The _____ (生物技术) can improve plant characteristics.37.What is the name of the famous American singer known for her hit song "Like a Prayer"?A. MadonnaB. Janet JacksonC. Britney SpearsD. Lady Gaga答案: A38.The clock ticks _____ (slowly/quickly).39. A ____(natural resource) is something found in nature that people use.40.My teacher tells us to always be __________ (诚实的).41.What is the capital of France?A. RomeB. LondonC. ParisD. Berlin答案: C42.What do we use to cut paper?A. TapeB. GlueC. ScissorsD. Ruler答案: C. Scissors43.My sister loves to ________.44.What do we wear on our head?A. HatB. GlovesC. ShoesD. Scarf答案:A Hat45.What do we call a shape with three sides?A. QuadrilateralB. TriangleC. PentagonD. Hexagon答案: B46.The process of _______ separates mixtures based on different boiling points. (蒸馏)47.He is very _____ (机智) in conversations.48.I like to watch ______ shows on television.49.My cousin is very good at ____ (math).50.The library has many ______ (books).51.I have _____ pets at home. (two)52. A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction is called a ______.53.The process of a gas turning into a solid is called _______.54.My cat loves to curl up on my ______ (腿).55.I enjoy ________ in the summer.56.We go _____ (cycling) on weekends.57.__________ are substances that can conduct heat or electricity.58.The __________ (历史的故事情节) captivate our imagination.59.The term "combustion" refers to a reaction that produces _______.60.The _______ (金鱼) has bright scales.61.What is the name of the famous American author known for his short stories?A. Edgar Allan PoeB. Nathaniel HawthorneC. F. Scott FitzgeraldD. All of the above答案:D62. A chemical that increases the rate of a reaction is called a ______.63.We like to have ______ (picnics) in the park.64.My friend is a ______. He loves to explore new ideas.65.Which of these animals is a fish?A. SharkB. DogC. BirdD. Rabbit答案:A Shark66.I enjoy playing ______ (棋类) games with my family. It’s a great way to bond and strategize together.67.What is the name of the holiday celebrated on October 31st?A. ThanksgivingB. ChristmasC. HalloweenD. New Year答案: C68.The Earth's crust is essential for providing ______ resources.69.Wildflowers bloom in ______ (自然) settings.70.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. WarmB. CoolC. ColdD. Temperature答案:C71.I like to play with my _____ (橡胶球).72.The ______ (青蛙) has smooth skin and long legs.73.What is the name of the popular animated series about a group of superheroes?A. Justice LeagueB. The AvengersC. Teen TitansD. X-Men答案: A74.Read and choose.(看图选择。



小学下册英语第六单元真题试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I want to learn how to ______ (游泳) this summer. It looks like so much ______ (乐趣).2.What is 20 ÷ 4?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 63.Some _______ are known for their unique characteristics.4. A turtle has a hard __________ for protection.5.What do you call a place where you can borrow books?A. BookstoreB. LibraryC. ClassroomD. Office6.We have a ______ (特别的) event coming up.7.The capital of Hungary is ________.8.What is the name of the famous wizard in Harry Potter?A. DumbledoreB. VoldemortC. HarryD. RonC9.What do we call the area of land that receives little rainfall?A. ForestB. DesertC. WetlandD. GrasslandB10.The process of mixing an acid and a base produces ______.11.Which planet is known for its rings?A. EarthB. MarsC. SaturnD. VenusC12.An __________ is a substance that donates protons in a reaction.13. A rabbit is known for its long ______.14.How many months are in a year?A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 13C15.My favorite childhood toy is a ____ from my grandma. (玩具名称)16.The ______ provides shelter for many animals.17.The chemical symbol for rubidium is __________.18.I like to play ______ (吉他).19.The skunk sprays a ________________ (气味) when threatened.20.I like to wear my __________ during winter. (外套)21.The chemical structure of a compound determines its ______.22.My friend is a _____ (艺术家) who draws cartoons.23.What is the name of the famous Indian festival of lights?A. HoliB. DiwaliC. EidD. ChristmasB24.We are going to ________ a movie.25.The bee helps _______ (授粉) flowers.26.The teacher is _____ (explaining/reading) the lesson.27.We celebrate __________ Day with family. (节日)28.Which of these animals can fly?A. ElephantB. DogC. ParrotD. Frog29.The ________ was a critical juncture in the history of gender equality.30. A ______ is a steep cliff or slope.31.Chemical reactions are often represented by ________ equations.32. A mixture that appears uniform but can settle is called a ______.33.I want to _____ (see) the stars.34.The _______ (小海鸥) flies above the beach.35.The ______ is where the sun's light is the strongest.36.The chemical symbol for yttrium is _______.37.The ________ (博物馆) showcases local history.38.What do we call the period of one hundred years?A. DecadeB. CenturyC. MillenniumD. EraB39.I like to draw pictures of my __________ (玩具名).40. A __________ is a depression in the earth's surface.41.I have a ________ that keeps me company.42.We have ______ (许多) different cultures in our city.43.What is the name of the famous rock formation in Australia?A. UluruB. Ayers RockC. Great Barrier ReefD. DaintreeForestA Uluru44.What is the name of the famous scientist who developed the theory of relativity?A. Isaac NewtonB. Albert EinsteinC. Galileo GalileiD. Charles Darwin45.The _____ (植物美学) can enhance our surroundings.46.My pet _____ loves to chase its tail.47. A bee flies from flower to _______ collecting sweet nectar.48.He is a _____ (工程师) who builds bridges.49.I want to learn to ________ (制作视频).50.What do we call a small, sweet dessert?A. CakeB. CookieC. PieD. All of the above51.What is the name of the famous novel by Mark Twain?A. Moby DickB. The Great GatsbyC. Huckleberry FinnD. To Kill a Mockingbird52.The __________ is known for its diverse ecosystems. (热带地区)53. A _____ (植物教学) can engage students in science.54.What is the capital of Japan?A. BeijingB. SeoulC. TokyoD. Bangkok55.Insects can damage ______ (植物).56.My ________ (玩具名称) has moving parts that I can operate.57.The __________ (历史展览) showcase artifacts and stories.58. A ________ (袋鼠) can jump very high and carries its baby in a pouch.59._____ (城市绿化) initiatives improve air quality.60.What is the capital of Turkey?A. IstanbulB. AnkaraC. IzmirD. Bursa61.The ______ is a type of reptile.62.The __________ (历史的联系) underlines unity.63.What is a synonym for "fast"?A. QuickB. SlowC. SteadyD. LazyA Quick64.My friend is very __________ (好奇的) about the world.65.What do you call the natural satellite of Earth?A. StarB. MoonC. PlanetD. Comet66.The sunflowers turn towards the ______.67.What is the name of the tree that produces acorns?A. PineB. OakC. BirchD. Maple68.My dad _____ a new car last week. (bought)69.Which of these is a type of measurement?A. LengthB. ColorC. ShapeD. Size70.The __________ is a significant feature of coastal regions.71.What is the capital of Russia?A. MoscowB. St. PetersburgC. KievD. MinskA Moscow72.I see a _____ (car/bike) on the road.73.The chemical formula for sodium hydrogen carbonate is _____.74.What color are strawberries?A. BlueB. GreenC. RedD. YellowC75.I can’t wait to try out my new __________ (玩具名).76.What do we call a small, sweet fruit?A. BerryB. PeachC. AppleD. Banana77. A chemical equation must be _______ to show that mass is conserved.78.What color is the sky on a clear day?A. GreenB. BlueC. YellowD. Red79.The phase change from gas to liquid is called ______.80. A _______ needs nutrients from the soil.81.What is the primary diet of a panda?A. FishB. BambooC. FruitsD. MeatB82.The sun is ______ in the afternoon sky. (shining)83.Every morning, I listen to _______ (音乐类型) while getting ready. It makes me feel _______ (形容词).84.What is the term for a young horse?A. CalfB. FoalC. CubD. KidB85., it gets very ______ (潮湿) in the summer. Sometime86.The _______ (马) gallops in the field.87.What is the name of the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci?A. The Starry NightB. Mona LisaC. The Last SupperD. The Creation of AdamB88.What do we call the person who takes care of a garden?A. GardenerB. PainterC. BuilderD. Cook89. A solution that is neutral has a pH of _______.90.The __________ is a famous beach destination in Florida. (迈阿密)91.I enjoy making art with my toy ____. (玩具名称)92.The main gas produced during aerobic respiration is ______.93.We are going _____ the zoo tomorrow. (to)94.在中国历史上,________ (unification) 是一个重要的主题。



小学上册英语第五单元期中试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.My teacher is very __________ (和蔼可亲).2.In a chemical reaction, reactants are transformed into _______.3.The _______ (鸽子) coos softly in the park.4.I enjoy ________ (晨跑) in the park.5.What do bees make?A. MilkB. HoneyC. SilkD. WaxB6.What is the opposite of 'early'?A. LateB. PromptC. TimelyD. On timeA7.What do you call the study of weather?A. BiologyB. MeteorologyC. GeographyD. AstronomyB8. A pulley can help lift heavy ______ (loads).9.The main gas produced during photosynthesis is __________.10.The puppy is _____ (cute/ugly).11.Which fruit is yellow and curved?A. AppleB. BananaC. GrapeD. Cherry12.I enjoy spending time with my ______ during the weekends.13.What is the opposite of sad?A. HappyB. JoyfulC. CheerfulD. All of the aboveD14.The _____ (fennel) plant is used in cooking.15.Which shape has four equal sides?A. RectangleB. SquareC. TriangleD. Circle16.What is the name of the story about a boy who never grows up?A. Peter PanB. Harry PotterC. The Little PrinceD. Alice in WonderlandA17.They are playing _____ the park. (in)18.The chemical properties of a substance describe its _____ (reactivity).19.At the park, I saw many ______ (花). They are colorful and smell very ______ (好闻).20. A snake sheds its skin as it ________________ (成长).21.My cat loves to play with _______ (纸球).22.The __________ is a well-known tourist attraction.23.The atmosphere is made up of gases including nitrogen and ______.24.The __________ can be very warm during summer. (天气)25.My dog enjoys _______ (散步) with me.26.The sunflower is bright and ______.27.The _____ (鸟) sings in the morning.28.What is the opposite of "love"?A. HateB. LikeC. CareD. EnjoyA29.Some _______ can change colors throughout the year.30.My sister loves her _______ (我妹妹爱她的_______).31.The Earth’s ______ is made up of solid rock and is where we live.32.My favorite holiday is ________ (圣诞节). I like to decorate the ________ (圣诞树).33.I enjoy cooking healthy meals to fuel my __________.34.My friend is a _____ (摄影师) who captures special moments.35.What do we call a series of steps to solve a problem?A. StrategyB. PlanC. MethodD. EquationA36.The pig loves to roll in ______ (泥).37.What is the opposite of 'safe'?A. DangerousB. SecureC. ProtectedD. RiskyA38.I enjoy hiking in the mountains to see stunning ______ (风景).39. (Columbus) Exchange refers to the trade between the Americas and Europe. The ____40.I like to ___ with my friends. (hang out)41.What is the color of an orange?A. GreenB. YellowC. OrangeD. RedC42. A __________ (分子生物学技术) can revolutionize healthcare and agriculture.43.How many days are in a week?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. EightC44.My brother likes to learn about ____ (history).45.My teacher is very __________ (细心).46.The _______ (Titanic) sank after hitting an iceberg in the North Atlantic.47.I like to ___ (explore/hike) in the forest.48.Which is the fastest land animal?A. HorseB. CheetahC. LionD. GazelleB49.The ________ (城市绿化) improves air quality.50.The boy plays the ________.51.The capital of Laos is _______.52.I believe in supporting my community by __________.53.How many months are there in a year?A. TenB. TwelveC. ElevenD. Thirteen54.What is the capital of the Turks and Caicos Islands?A. Grand TurkB. ProvidencialesC. South CaicosD. North CaicosA55.Hydrogen bonds are weak attractions between _____ (polar molecules).56.My toy ________ has big wheels.57.The parakeet has a playful _______ (个性).58.The ____ has a bright orange color and is often seen in the wild.59.What is the name of our galaxy?A. Milky WayB. AndromedaC. OrionD. TriangulumA60.I love to watch birds in my backyard. They are so ________ (美丽) and graceful.61.I can _____ my bed every morning. (make)62.What is the hardest natural substance on Earth?A. GoldB. IronC. DiamondD. SilverC63.What do we call a scientist who studies the characteristics of living organisms?A. BiologistB. EcologistC. Environmental ScientistD. Geneticist64.The law of conservation of mass states that mass is neither __________ (创造) nor destroyed.65.What do you call the season after summer?A. WinterB. SpringC. FallD. Autumn66.What is the color of a typical pumpkin?A. OrangeB. YellowC. GreenD. Red67.The phase change from gas to liquid is called _______.68.My favorite pet is a ______ (狗) that enjoys going for walks.69.She likes to eat ___ (apples/rocks).70.The capital of Samoa is _______.71.What type of energy do we get from the sun?A. NuclearB. SolarC. WindD. GeothermalB72. A ______ is a type of bond formed by the attraction of opposite charges.73.What do we call a person who studies human behavior?A. PsychologistB. SociologistC. AnthropologistD. Philosopher74.What is the term for an animal that hunts other animals for food?A. PredatorB. PreyC. ScavengerD. HerbivoreA Predator75.The chemical symbol for indium is _____.76.What is 2 + 3?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 777.I believe in the power of friendship. Friends support each other and share good times. I feel lucky to have a friend like __________ who always makes me smile.78. A ____ is a playful animal that loves to swim in the water.79.What do we call the natural home of an animal or plant?A. HabitatB. EnvironmentC. EcosystemD. BiomeA80.What do we call a person who collects stamps?A. PhilatelistB. NumismatistC. CollectorD. DealerA81.What is the largest mammal in the ocean?A. SharkB. DolphinC. WhaleD. Seal82.What is the name of the famous American singer known for "Billie Jean"?A. Michael JacksonB. PrinceC. Elvis PresleyD. Justin TimberlakeA83. A _____ (水培) system allows plants to grow without soil.84.Mr. Smith is a ______. He repairs cars.85.The __________ is known for its significant wildlife population. (非洲)86.The ______ is a skilled writer and editor.87.I read a _____ (story) before bed.88.小鹦鹉) mimics my voice. The ___89.Which food do we usually eat for breakfast?A. PizzaB. CerealC. HamburgerD. PastaB90. A zebra's stripes are like a ________________ (指纹).91.The ______ is very inspiring.92.My favorite sport is _____. (basketball)93. A suspension is a mixture where particles are ______ in a liquid.94.What shape is a stop sign?A. CircleB. TriangleC. SquareD. Octagon95.The __________ (二战) involved many countries.96.What do you call a person who plays music?A. ArtistB. MusicianC. ActorD. Dancer97.temperate) zone experiences four distinct seasons. The ____98.The process of photosynthesis occurs in the ______ (叶子).99.I like to collect ______.100.What do we call a person who studies ancient artifacts?A. ArchaeologistB. HistorianC. AnthropologistD. CuratorA。

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Little Known Characteristics of Phase Noise
by Paul Smith
INTRODUCTION There is a wealth of information available on the topic of phase noise, its characteristics1, how it can be measured2, and how it affects system performance3. It is well known that phase noise in oscillators and clocks becomes one of the limiting degradations in modern radio systems. However, most of the traditional analyses concentrate on degradations to sine wave signals in single carrier radio systems. The effects of phase noise on multicarrier receivers, wideband systems, or digital radios are very rarely discussed. This application note will address some of the rarely discussed issues related to phase noise in sampled data systems. It will focus primarily on multicarrier radios, wideband signals, and undersampled radio architectures. PHASE JITTER IN SAMPLED DATA SYSTEMS The easiest way to calculate the SNR degradations incurred by phase noise in a sampled data system is to convert phase noise to phase jitter. This is most easily accomplished by recognizing that a time delay is the same as a phase delay at a given frequency. Extending this concept and writing it in terms of noise power yields Equation 1.
In addition, using the differentiation theorem of the Fourier transform, which states that the Fourier transform of a derivative is just the Fourier transform of the original function multiplied by iω , as shown below,
2 2 4π 2fO σt
SNR sig =
, for a single carrier system.
Many modern radio systems don’t use narrow-band carriers. Modulated data often occupies a fairly wide spectrum. In order to determine how click jitter effects the SNR for such systems, it is convenient to assume the data has zero mean and a flat spectrum uniformly distributed between fL and fH , fL < fH as shown in Figure 2. When squared and integrated over its bandwidth, the total signal power σ 2 out is obtained.
{ E {ν'
E ν out (t ) = power in ν out (t ) =
2 2 out
} (t )} = power in ν'
A2 2 2 ω2 OA out (t ) = 2
REV. 0
Using Equation 3,
SNRsig si
A2 1 1 1 = 2 22 2 = 2 2 σt ω O A σt ω O 2
+∞ 2 ∫ |ν(t )| dt = +∞ 1 +∞ 2 2 ∫ |g (ω )| dω = ∫ |g (f )| df 2π – ∞ –∞
{ E {ν'
E ν out (t )
2 2 out
} A (ω (t )} =
nA 2 = 2
where |g (f )|2 is the power spectral density in Watt / Hz .
where σ 2 t is in (rms seconds)
From this it is seen that the noise power is a function of the jitter power and the power in the signal derivative. The SNR of a signal sampled with a jittery clock is defined as
2 2 σ2 θ = ω clk σt , where σ θ = phase noise in rms radians σt = phase jitter in rms seconds ω clk = clock frequency in radians /sec
∆ν TIME ∆τ
Figure 1. Traditional sampled data SNR analyses use Figure 1 as an aid to determine how noise on a clock generates an error in the sampled data. From this it is seen that ∆ν( t ) = ∆t × ν'out ( t )
σout fH – fH
This is the standard SNR equation for a single sine wave sampled by a clock with jitter and can be found in many publications5. Intuitively what is happening is that higher frequency signals have larger slew rates. This results in larger voltage changes as the sample time changes. It should be remembered that quantization noise and thermal noise must also be added to this to obtain the total noise out of a data converter. Extending this to a multicarrier signal is a simple matter. Using the same procedure as before with out defined as a summation of n equal amplitude sine waves,
SNR sig =
1 E ν out t σ
2 t 2 out
{ E {ν'
( )} (t )}
For example, in a single sine wave,
SNR clk (dB ) = –10 log
( )
σ2 θ
sin ω Ot
2 1
2 + ω2 2 + ...ω n
SNR sig
nA 2 1 = 2 2 2 22 = σ t A ω 1 + ω 2 + ...ω 2 n
ℑ ν' (t ) = i ωℑ ν(t )
[ ]
[ ]
2 1 n n = 2 2 2 2 2 2 σ t ω 1 + ω 2 + ...ω n 4 π σ t ∑ f i2
power in signal power in noise σ2 out σ
2 err
That is, for a given jitter error, a higher frequency signal will have more phase error. The term σ θ is the total integrated phase noise of the clock4 and defines the clock SNR by