Distributed Perimeter Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks




LOW-FREQUENCY ACTIVE TOWED SONAR (LFATS)LFATS is a full-feature, long-range,low-frequency variable depth sonarDeveloped for active sonar operation against modern dieselelectric submarines, LFATS has demonstrated consistent detection performance in shallow and deep water. LFATS also provides a passive mode and includes a full set of passive tools and features.COMPACT SIZELFATS is a small, lightweight, air-transportable, ruggedized system designed specifically for easy installation on small vessels. CONFIGURABLELFATS can operate in a stand-alone configuration or be easily integrated into the ship’s combat system.TACTICAL BISTATIC AND MULTISTATIC CAPABILITYA robust infrastructure permits interoperability with the HELRAS helicopter dipping sonar and all key sonobuoys.HIGHLY MANEUVERABLEOwn-ship noise reduction processing algorithms, coupled with compact twin line receivers, enable short-scope towing for efficient maneuvering, fast deployment and unencumbered operation in shallow water.COMPACT WINCH AND HANDLING SYSTEMAn ultrastable structure assures safe, reliable operation in heavy seas and permits manual or console-controlled deployment, retrieval and depth-keeping. FULL 360° COVERAGEA dual parallel array configuration and advanced signal processing achieve instantaneous, unambiguous left/right target discrimination.SPACE-SAVING TRANSMITTERTOW-BODY CONFIGURATIONInnovative technology achievesomnidirectional, large aperture acousticperformance in a compact, sleek tow-body assembly.REVERBERATION SUPRESSIONThe unique transmitter design enablesforward, aft, port and starboarddirectional transmission. This capabilitydiverts energy concentration away fromshorelines and landmasses, minimizingreverb and optimizing target detection.SONAR PERFORMANCE PREDICTIONA key ingredient to mission planning,LFATS computes and displays systemdetection capability based on modeled ormeasured environmental data.Key Features>Wide-area search>Target detection, localization andclassification>T racking and attack>Embedded trainingSonar Processing>Active processing: State-of-the-art signal processing offers acomprehensive range of single- andmulti-pulse, FM and CW processingfor detection and tracking. Targetdetection, localization andclassification>P assive processing: LFATS featuresfull 100-to-2,000 Hz continuouswideband coverage. Broadband,DEMON and narrowband analyzers,torpedo alert and extendedtracking functions constitute asuite of passive tools to track andanalyze targets.>Playback mode: Playback isseamlessly integrated intopassive and active operation,enabling postanalysis of pre-recorded mission data and is a keycomponent to operator training.>Built-in test: Power-up, continuousbackground and operator-initiatedtest modes combine to boostsystem availability and accelerateoperational readiness.UNIQUE EXTENSION/RETRACTIONMECHANISM TRANSFORMS COMPACTTOW-BODY CONFIGURATION TO ALARGE-APERTURE MULTIDIRECTIONALTRANSMITTERDISPLAYS AND OPERATOR INTERFACES>State-of-the-art workstation-based operator machineinterface: Trackball, point-and-click control, pull-down menu function and parameter selection allows easy access to key information. >Displays: A strategic balance of multifunction displays,built on a modern OpenGL framework, offer flexible search, classification and geographic formats. Ground-stabilized, high-resolution color monitors capture details in the real-time processed sonar data. > B uilt-in operator aids: To simplify operation, LFATS provides recommended mode/parameter settings, automated range-of-day estimation and data history recall. >COTS hardware: LFATS incorporates a modular, expandable open architecture to accommodate future technology.L3Harrissellsht_LFATS© 2022 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. | 09/2022NON-EXPORT CONTROLLED - These item(s)/data have been reviewed in accordance with the InternationalTraffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 22 CFR part 120.33, and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 15 CFR 734(3)(b)(3), and may be released without export restrictions.L3Harris Technologies is an agile global aerospace and defense technology innovator, delivering end-to-endsolutions that meet customers’ mission-critical needs. The company provides advanced defense and commercial technologies across air, land, sea, space and cyber domains.t 818 367 0111 | f 818 364 2491 *******************WINCH AND HANDLINGSYSTEMSHIP ELECTRONICSTOWED SUBSYSTEMSONAR OPERATORCONSOLETRANSMIT POWERAMPLIFIER 1025 W. NASA Boulevard Melbourne, FL 32919SPECIFICATIONSOperating Modes Active, passive, test, playback, multi-staticSource Level 219 dB Omnidirectional, 222 dB Sector Steered Projector Elements 16 in 4 stavesTransmission Omnidirectional or by sector Operating Depth 15-to-300 m Survival Speed 30 knotsSize Winch & Handling Subsystem:180 in. x 138 in. x 84 in.(4.5 m x 3.5 m x 2.2 m)Sonar Operator Console:60 in. x 26 in. x 68 in.(1.52 m x 0.66 m x 1.73 m)Transmit Power Amplifier:42 in. x 28 in. x 68 in.(1.07 m x 0.71 m x 1.73 m)Weight Winch & Handling: 3,954 kg (8,717 lb.)Towed Subsystem: 678 kg (1,495 lb.)Ship Electronics: 928 kg (2,045 lb.)Platforms Frigates, corvettes, small patrol boats Receive ArrayConfiguration: Twin-lineNumber of channels: 48 per lineLength: 26.5 m (86.9 ft.)Array directivity: >18 dB @ 1,380 HzLFATS PROCESSINGActiveActive Band 1,200-to-1,00 HzProcessing CW, FM, wavetrain, multi-pulse matched filtering Pulse Lengths Range-dependent, .039 to 10 sec. max.FM Bandwidth 50, 100 and 300 HzTracking 20 auto and operator-initiated Displays PPI, bearing range, Doppler range, FM A-scan, geographic overlayRange Scale5, 10, 20, 40, and 80 kyd PassivePassive Band Continuous 100-to-2,000 HzProcessing Broadband, narrowband, ALI, DEMON and tracking Displays BTR, BFI, NALI, DEMON and LOFAR Tracking 20 auto and operator-initiatedCommonOwn-ship noise reduction, doppler nullification, directional audio。


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由图可以清楚的看出观测时间对检测性能的影响非常大 ,观测
时间越大 ,检测性能越好 ,在本次毕设技术指标中 ,要求当检
, 也就是谱级信噪比
时 ,检测

五 、宽带能量检测
能量检测是通过时间域的积分处理 , 使得目标辐射噪声的 能量从背景噪声中显现出来 , 以实现对声纳目标的正确检测。
由图可以看出当信噪比一定时 , 不同的虚警概 率对能量检测器检测概率的影响 , 虚警概率越大, 检测器的检测性能越好。
由图可以看出 , 当观测时间不同时 , 能量检测器的检测性能也
不同 。基于本实验的技术指标要求 ,检测距离
FIR滤 波 器
高斯白噪声经过FIR滤波器得到宽带噪声 , 如下图所示。
单频线谱加上宽带噪声谱就是所要模拟的舰船辐射 噪声谱 , 如下图所示。
4 、海洋环境噪声
由于海洋环境噪声模型比较复杂 ,通常将海洋环境 噪声看作是遍历 、平稳的高斯白噪声。
积分 一
假设圆心处的信号为 的信号为
, 则第 个基元所接收到 y
i= 1,2,...,12
图中给出了均匀加权时一个12元均匀圆阵的波束图 , 该
响应中有多个瓣 ,其中响应的理论基础



AbstractCompressive sensing and sparse inversion methods have gained a significant amount of attention in recent years due to their capability to accurately reconstruct signals from measurements with significantly less data than previously possible. In this paper, a modified Gaussian frequency domain compressive sensing and sparse inversion method is proposed, which leverages the proven strengths of the traditional method to enhance its accuracy and performance. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve a higher signal-to- noise ratio and a better reconstruction quality than its traditional counterpart, while also reducing the computational complexity of the inversion procedure.IntroductionCompressive sensing (CS) is an emerging field that has garnered significant interest in recent years because it leverages the sparsity of signals to reduce the number of measurements required to accurately reconstruct the signal. This has many advantages over traditional signal processing methods, including faster data acquisition times, reduced power consumption, and lower data storage requirements. CS has been successfully applied to a wide range of fields, including medical imaging, wireless communications, and surveillance.One of the most commonly used methods in compressive sensing is the Gaussian frequency domain compressive sensing and sparse inversion (GFD-CS) method. In this method, compressive measurements are acquired by multiplying the original signal with a randomly generated sensing matrix. The measurements are then transformed into the frequency domain using the Fourier transform, and the sparse signal is reconstructed using a sparsity promoting algorithm.In recent years, researchers have made numerous improvementsto the GFD-CS method, with the goal of improving its reconstruction accuracy, reducing its computational complexity, and enhancing its robustness to noise. In this paper, we propose a modified GFD-CS method that combines several techniques to achieve these objectives.Proposed MethodThe proposed method builds upon the well-established GFD-CS method, with several key modifications. The first modification is the use of a hierarchical sparsity-promoting algorithm, which promotes sparsity at both the signal level and the transform level. This is achieved by applying the hierarchical thresholding technique to the coefficients corresponding to the higher frequency components of the transformed signal.The second modification is the use of a novel error feedback mechanism, which reduces the impact of measurement noise on the reconstructed signal. Specifically, the proposed method utilizes an iterative algorithm that updates the measurement error based on the difference between the reconstructed signal and the measured signal. This feedback mechanism effectively increases the signal-to-noise ratio of the reconstructed signal, improving its accuracy and robustness to noise.The third modification is the use of a low-rank approximation method, which reduces the computational complexity of the inversion algorithm while maintaining reconstruction accuracy. This is achieved by decomposing the sensing matrix into a product of two lower dimensional matrices, which can be subsequently inverted using a more efficient algorithm.Simulation ResultsTo evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conducted simulations using synthetic data sets. Three different signal types were considered: a sinusoidal signal, a pulse signal, and an image signal. The results of the simulations were compared to those obtained using the traditional GFD-CS method.The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the traditional GFD-CS method in terms of signal-to-noise ratio and reconstruction quality. Specifically, the proposed method achieves a higher signal-to-noise ratio and lower mean squared error for all three types of signals considered. Furthermore, the proposed method achieves these results with a reduced computational complexity compared to the traditional method.ConclusionThe results of our simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in enhancing the accuracy and performance of the GFD-CS method. The combination of sparsity promotion, error feedback, and low-rank approximation techniques significantly improves the signal-to-noise ratio and reconstruction quality, while reducing thecomputational complexity of the inversion procedure. Our proposed method has potential applications in a wide range of fields, including medical imaging, wireless communications, and surveillance.。



无线传感器网络中的分布式随机感知理论研究随着科技的不断发展,无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)作为一种新兴的网络通信技术也被广泛应用于多个领域中,如环境监测、智能交通、医疗保健等。

在无线传感器网络中,分布式随机感知(Distributed Random Sensing,DRS)技术的应用及研究已成为当前热点领域。

一、Distributed Random Sensing技术概述Distributed Random Sensing技术是一种利用多个分布式传感器节点随机感知环境中的信息,并将采集的信息进行整合、分析和传输的技术。





二、Distributed Random Sensing算法研究当前,DRS算法的研究重点主要集中在两个方面:一是感知信息的采集,包括节点选择和感知范围的确定;二是数据处理和传输,包括节点数据的处理和整合、协议设计等。









Signal Processing in Cognitive Radio

Signal Processing in Cognitive Radio

Signal Processing in Cognitive RadioTo share frequencies without interfering,cognitive radio systems need to constantly monitor for the presence of licensed users and to continuously adjust the spectrum of their transmitted signal.By Jun Ma,Geoffrey Ye Li,Fellow IEEE,and Biing Hwang(Fred)Juang,Fellow IEEEABSTRACT|Cognitive radio allows for usage of licensed frequency bands by unlicensed users.However,these unli-censed(cognitive)users need to monitor the spectrum continuously to avoid possible interference with the licensed (primary)users.Apart from this,cognitive radio is expected to learn from its surroundings and perform functions that best serve its users.Such an adaptive technology naturally presents unique signal-processing challenges.In this paper,we describe the fundamental signal-processing aspects involved in devel-oping a fully functional cognitive radio network,including spectrum sensing and spectrum sculpting.KEYWORDS|Cyclostationary detection;energy detection; matched filter detection;spectrum sculpting;spectrum sensingI.INTRODUCTIONThe recent rapid growth of wireless communications has made the problem of spectrum utilization ever more critical.On one hand,the increasing diversity(voice,short message,Web,and multimedia)and demand of high quality-of-service(QoS)applications have resulted in overcrowding of the allocated(officially sanctioned) spectrum bands,leading to significantly reduced levels of user satisfaction.The problem is particularly serious in communication-intensive situations such as after a ball-game or in a massive emergency(e.g.,the9/11attacks).On the other hand,major licensed bands,such as those allocated for television broadcasting,amateur radio,and paging,have been found to be grossly underutilized, resulting in spectrum wastage.For example,recent studies by the Federal Communications Commission(FCC)show that the spectrum utilization in the0–6GHz band varies from15%to85%[1].This has prompted the FCC to propose the opening of licensed bands to unlicensed users and given birth to cognitive radio[2].The IEEE has formed a working group(IEEE802.22)to develop an air interface for opportunistic secondary access to the TV spectrum via the cognitive radio technology.The guiding philosophy of cognitive radio is to allow universal maximization of the spectrum utilization insofar as the unlicensed users do not cause degradation of service upon the original license holders.In practice,the unlicensed users,also called the cognitive users,need to monitor the spectrum activities continuously to find a suitable spectrum band for possible utilization and to avoid possible interference to the licensed users,also called the primary users.Since the primary users have the priority of service,the above spectrum sensing by cognitive users includes detection of possible collision when a primary user becomes active in the spectrum momentarily occupied by a cognitive user and relocation of the communication channels.Given geographical constraints,how accurately can the cognitive users detect the presence of the licensed user?Also,how should the cognitive users prioritize the potential bands for utilization so as to minimize the need of channel relocation,or to maximize the usage time between channel relocation,in response to potential positive detection of a primary user activity?There are many challenges that need to be resolved before a fully functional cognitive radio network can be implemented.In fact,any cognitive radio(CR)network that can be deployed in practice needs to have the following minimal features.•A unified cross-layer cognitive network architec-ture equipped to handle diverse QoS requirements.Manuscript received November5,2008.First published April24,2009;current version published May1,2009.This work was supported in part by theNational Science Foundation under Grant0721580and Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.,under a Research Gift.The authors are with School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Georgia Instituteof Technology,Atlanta,GA30308USA(e-mail:biing.juang@;liye@;junma@).Digital Object Identifier:10.1109/JPROC.2009.2015707Vol.97,No.5,May2009|Proceedings of the IEEE805 0018-9219/$25.00Ó2009IEEE•Efficient spectrum sensing techniques that provide continuous monitoring of the presence of multi-carriers in the CR network.•Dynamic spectrum access methods that adapt to the fluctuating nature of the CR network andallocate bandwidth accordingly.•Adaptive spectrum sculpting at the transmitter end that causes minimal or no interference to theprimary users occupying adjacent bands.To build a highly adaptive radio technology that learns from the environment to best serve its users,novel signa-processing techniques that are channel-aware and cogni-tive need to be developed.In[3],fundamental issues specific to cognitive radio,including radio-scene analysis, channel-state estimation and predictive modeling,transmit-power control,and dynamic spectrum management,have been first investigated,presenting a big picture of cognitive radio.In[4],signal-processing issues in the context of spectrum sensing implementation in CR networks have been investigated.In this paper,we focus on the signal processing aspects demanded of each of the above-mentioned features in CR networks.More precisely,we investigate spectrum sensing and spectrum sculpting in the context of cognitive radio.The rest of this paper is organized as follows.In Section II,we formulate the problem of spectrum sensing in CR networks and describe the basic techniques that may be employed for detection of the primary signal.These techniques require a different amount of knowledge of the primary signal characteristics and are applicable to different scenarios.In order that the primary signal is detected as quickly as possible,it is sometimes necessary to employ more than one cognitive detector for cooperative spectrum sensing.In Section III,we describe cooperative detection techniques to boost the overall detection capability of a CR network.In Section IV,we discuss the problem of adaptive spectrum sculpting that is a necessary functionality in operational CR networks.In particular,we investigate the multicarrier techniques and transform-domain communication system(TDCS)that can be used in the physical layer to accomplish this objective.We conclude this paper with a summary in Section V.II.SPECTRUM SENSING:BASIC TECHNIQUESAs secondary users,CR operators are allowed to utilize a licensed band only when they do not cause interference to the primary users.Spectrum sensing aims at monitoring the usage and characteristics of the covered spectral band(s)and is thus required by CR users both before and during the use of licensed spectrum bands.In this section,we first formulate the problem of spectrum sensing in CR and then describe the basic spectrum sensing techniques,including energy detection,cyclostationary detection,pilot-based coherent detection,and some other detection techniques.A.Spectrum HolesCR is designed to identify and scavenge the spectrum holes in the licensed spectrum bands.A spectrum hole is defined as a licensed spectrum band that can be used by CR users without interfering the primary or licensed users. Generally spectrum holes can be broadly divided into two categories:temporal spectrum holes and spatial spectrum holes,which are shown in Fig.1(a)and1(b),respectively.A temporal spectrum hole means that there is no primary transmission over the spectrum band of interest during the time of sensing(over a reasonable period); hence,this band can be utilized by CR users in the current time slot.For the temporal spectrum holes,as indicated in Fig.1(a),the secondary users are located in the coverage area of the primary transmission.Consequently,it is relatively easy to detect the presence or absence of the primary user activity since CR users only need to have a similar detection sensitivity as regular primary receivers and,more importantly,identifying the presence of a primary signal is much easier than demodulating and decoding it.Therefore,spectrum sensing in this case does not pose a onerous demand on signal processing.A spatial spectrum hole exists when the spectrum band of interest is occupied by the primary transmission only in a restricted area;hence,this band can be utilized by CR users well outside this area[5].1In contrast with the utilization of temporal spectrum holes,secondary users utilizing spatial spectrum holes work outside the coverage of the primary transmission,as indicated in Fig.1(b).Since there are no primary receivers outside the coverage area,secondary communication over the licensed band is allowed if only the secondary transmit-ter does not interfere with the primary transmission and reception within the coverage area.To accomplish this, the secondary transmitter has to successfully detect the presence of the primary signal at any location where the secondary transmission may cause intolerable interfer-ence to the possible nearby primary receiver.Since the secondary users fall outside the coverage area of the primary transmission,detection of the primary signal in this case is a challenging task.Here we elaborate the stringent signal processing requirements for detection of spatial spectrum holes from a geographic perspective as in[6]and[7].Denote P p and P s as the transmit powers of the primary and the secondary transmitters,respectively,P n as the noise power at the primary and the secondary receivers,R as the maximum distance between the primary transmitter and the coverage edge,and D as the minimum distance between the secondary transmitter and the coverage edge.Further defineÀmin as the lowest signal-to-noise ratio(SNR)level at the primary receiver that guarantees successful primary signal reception.In order for the 1In theory,the area is defined not necessarily in the geographical sense but in the communication sense;a covered area or coverage is where the link between a receiver and the target transmitter is sustainable.Ma et al.:Signal Processing in Cognitive Radio806Proceedings of the IEEE|Vol.97,No.5,May2009primary receivers located the furthest from the primary transmitter to be able to detect the primary signal,we must haveP p L ðR ÞP n!Àmin (1)where L ðÁÞdenotes the power loss for a given distance,including the path loss,shadowing,and multipath fading.Define¼P p L ðR ÞP n Àmin(2)which is the power margin factor of the primary system.Under the worst case that the primary receiver lies on the coverage edge,the furthest ðR Þfrom the primary transmitter,and the nearest ðD Þfrom the secondary transmitter,as indicated in Fig.1(b),the received SNR at the primary receiver is given by¼P p L ðR ÞP s L ðD ÞþP n:(3)For to be above Àmin ,it is required thatD !D min¼L À1P p L ðR ÞP s Àmin ÀP nP s ¼L À1ð À1ÞP nP s(4)Fig.1.Spectrum holes for secondary communication.(a)Temporal spectrum holes and (b)spatial spectrum holes.Ma et al.:Signal Processing in Cognitive RadioVol.97,No.5,May 2009|Proceedings of the IEEE807where LÀ1ðÁÞdenotes the inverse function of LðÁÞ. According to(4),D min increases with the transmit power of the secondary transmitter P s and decreases with the power margin factor of the primary system .Equation(4) also indicates that,to avoid intolerable interference with the primary transmission,any secondary transmitter with transmit power P s must successfully detect the presence of primary signal when it is RþD min away from the primary transmitter.In other words,there exists a protection area for the primary transmission in which the presence of primary signal must be successfully detected by secondary transmitters to avoid interfering with the primary trans-mission.As indicated in Fig.1(b),the protection area of primary transmission contains and is larger than the primary transmission coverage.Since the secondary users are required to detect the presence of primary signal well outside the primary transmission coverage,the detection of spatial spectrum holes entails advanced spectrum sensing techniques.Generally,secondary users utilizing spatial spectrum holes must have a much higher detection sensitivity than regular primary receivers.B.Primary Signal DetectionWhether for the detection of temporal or spatial spectrum holes,spectrum sensing in CR involves deciding whether the primary signal is present or not from the observed signals.It can be formulated as the following two hypotheses:yðtÞ¼iðtÞþwðtÞ;H0sðtÞþiðtÞþwðtÞ;H1&(5)where yðtÞis the received signal at the CR user,sðtÞis the primary signal,iðtÞis interference,2and wðtÞis the additive white Gaussian noise(AWGN).In(5),H0and H1denote the hypotheses corresponding to the absence and presence of the primary signal,respectively.Thus from the observa-tion yðtÞ,the CR user needs to decide between H0and H1.For different licensed band(s),primary signals have different characteristics.The802.22wireless regional-area network(WRAN)is developed to work in licensed TV bands; therefore the primary signal is the Advanced Television Systems Committee(ATSC)digital TV signal or the wireless microphone signal.For CR networks to utilize the temporally idle spectrum bands allocated to the3G cellular mobile communication system,the primary signal may be direct spread code-division multiple access(DS-CDMA) signal or orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)signal for its long-term evaluation(LTE)version. In this paper,we do not restrict the primary signal to any waveform.Instead,we exploit the characteristics of the primary signal that are generally known to the public for spectrum sensing.Up to now,various spectrum sensing techniques have been proposed to utilize the characteristics or the a priori knowledge of the primary signal.In the rest of this section,we will focus on the basic spectrum sensing techniques that can be implemented at an individual CR user.Cooperative spectrum sensing techni-ques will be addressed in the next section.C.Energy DetectionEnergy detection[8]is the simplest spectrum sensing technique,which is shown in Fig.2.An energy detector (ED)simply treats the primary signal as noise and decides on the presence or absence of the primary signal based on the energy of the observed signal.Since it does not need any a priori knowledge of the primary signal,the ED is robust to the variation of the primary signal.Moreover,the ED does not involve complicated signal processing and has low complexity.In practice,energy detection is especially suitable for wide-band spectrum sensing.In this case,the simulta-neous sensing of a number of subbands can be realized by simply scanning the power spectral density(PSD)of the received wide-band signal.In practice,it is advisable to complete wide-band spectrum sensing via two stages.In the first stage,low-complexity energy detection is applied to search for possible idle subbands;in the second stage, more advanced spectrum sensing techniques with a higher detection sensitivity and thereby higher complexity,such as cyclostationary detection,are applied to the subband candidates to determine whether they are actually available for secondary usage.Performance Analysis:As indicated in Fig.2,the spectral component on each spectrum subband of interest is obtained from the fast Fourier transform(FFT)of the sampled received signal.Then the test statistics of the ED is obtained as the observed energy summation within M consecutive segments,i.e.,3Y¼P Mm¼1WðmÞj j2;H0P Mm¼1SðmÞþWðmÞj j2;H1&(6)where SðmÞand WðmÞdenote the spectral components of the received primary signal and the white noise on the subband2The difference between interference and noise is that interference is undesired man-made colored signal while noise is white and statistically Gaussian.When interference from various sources in the environment approximates Gaussian and white,it is regarded asnoise.Fig.2.Schematic representation of the energy detector over a spectrum subband of interest.3To facilitate analysis,here we ignore the interference component in the received signal.Ma et al.:Signal Processing in Cognitive Radio808Proceedings of the IEEE|Vol.97,No.5,May2009of interest in the m th segment,respectively.The decision of the ED regarding the subband of interest is given by^¼H 1;if Y >H 0;if Y G&(7)where the threshold is chosen to satisfy a target false-alarm probability.4Without loss of generality,we assume the noise W ðm Þis white complex Gaussian with zero mean and variance two.Define the instantaneous SNR of the received primary signal within the current M segments as¼12M X M m ¼1S ðm Þj j 2:(8)Then the test statistics of the ED Y follows a central chi-square distribution with 2M degrees of freedom under H 0,and a noncentral chi-square distribution with 2M degrees of freedom and a noncentrality parameter ¼P Mm ¼1j S ðm Þj 2¼2M H 1,i.e.,f Y ðY Þ$ 22M ;H 0 22M ð Þ;H 1&(9)where f Y ðY Þdenotes the probability density function (pdf)of Y and 2M and 2M ð Þdenote a central and noncentral chi-square distribution,respectively.Thus the false-alarm probability P F ¼P ðY > jH 0Þcan be expressed as [9]P F ¼ÀM ; 2ÀÁÀðM Þ(10)where ÀðÁÞand ÀðÁ;ÁÞdenote the gamma function and the upper incomplete gamma function [10],respectively.Given the target false-alarm probability,the threshold can be uniquely determined based on (10).Once is determined,the detection probability P D ¼P ðY > jH 1Þcan be obtained by [9]P D ¼Z þ10P ðY > jH 1; Þf ð Þd ¼Z þ10Q M ðffiffiffi p ;ffiffiffip Þf ð Þd(11)where Q M ðÁ;ÁÞis the generalized Marcum Q -function and f ð Þis the pdf of .In [9],a closed-form expression of the detection probability of the ED over general Nakagami fading channel has been derived.Advanced Power Spectrum Estimation Techniques:As indicated in Fig.2,energy-detection-based wide-band spectrum sensing can monitor multiple subbands simulta-neously by scanning the estimated power spectrum of the received wide-band signal.5Obviously,an accurate power spectrum estimate is vital to successful detection of idle subbands.Over a wide spectrum band of interest,some subbands may be occupied by licensed services with significantly different transmit powers and the others may be unoccupied and filled with random noise only.As a result,the power spectrum estimator must have a high spectral dynamic range (SDR),which is defined as the ratio of the maximum and the minimum spectral powers that are distinguishable by this estimator [11].The ED shown in Fig.2applies the simplest periodogram spectral estimator [12].In the following,we will investigate more advanced nonparametric power spectrum estimation techniques that can be applied to improve the performance of energy detection.Here we refer to [11]and investigate power spectral estimation from the perspective of filter bank.The principle of filter bank power spectrum estimation is shown in Fig.3.Suppose there are altogether N subbands in the whole spectrum band of interest.As indicated in the figure,the i th ð0 i N À1Þsubfilter of the filter bank h i ðn Þ¼h ðn Þe j 2 f i n is utilized to extract the spectral component of the received signal over the i th subband with the normalized center frequency f i ¼i =N ,where h ðn Þ,the low-pass filter used to realize the zeroth subband,is called the prototype filter of the filter bank.Obviously,the selection of the prototype filter determines the accuracy of spectral estimation.More specifically,the magnitude of the side lobes of the prototype filter determines the amount of power leakage from the neighboring subbands to the subband of interest and,hence,determines the SDR of the power spectrum estimator.Therefore,in order to improve the performance of power spectrum estimation,the side lobes of the prototype filter should be reduced.4The threshold defines an operating point on the B receiver operating curve [over two performance parameters V the false-alarm probability and the missed detection probability.Here,the false-alarm probability is customarily chosen as the primary operating specification.5Generally speaking,the received stochastic signal at the CR user is nonstationary,i.e.,its statistics varies with time.In practice,the received signal is usually sectioned and analyzed burst by burst,with each burst short enough to ensure pseudostationary and yet long enough to produce an accurate spectral estimate [3].For the classical periodogram spectral estimator,the signal energy on the i th subband is estimated by^Sðfi Þ¼X NÀ1n¼0yðnÞwðnÞeÀj2 f i n2¼X NÀ1n¼0wðnÞe j2 f i n yðNÀ1ÀnÞ2(12)where wðnÞdenotes a symmetric window function, i.e.,wðnÞ¼wðNÀ1ÀnÞ,0n NÀ1.Equation(12) indicates that the periodogram spectral estimator is actually a filter-bank-based one with the prototype filter being the window function wðnÞ.For the simple FFT-based power spectrum estimator in Fig.2,a rectangular window is implied, which,as the prototype filter,has large side lobes and therefore inevitably results in a limited SDR of the estimator.To improve the performance of periodogram spectral estimator,various window functions with small side lobes have been proposed[13]to preprocess the received signal before FFT operation,and this is called tapering in the literature.Though tapering effectively reduces the bias of the power spectrum estimate of a stochastic signal,it unfortu-nately increases its variance because of the information loss caused by the truncation of the time-domain windowing.To mitigate such information loss,it has been proposed to utilize multiple tapers,or prototype filters,in power spectrum estimation so as to reduce the variance of the estimate.This is called multitaper spectral estimation[14].In the multitaper method,a special family of sequences known as the Slepian sequences are usually applied as the tapers for spectral estimation.The Slepian sequences have two basic character-istics:first,their Fourier transforms have the maximal energy concentration in the main lobe,which means the least power leakage when applied for spectral estimation;secondly,they are orthogonal to each other,which means that the estimate outputs of different estimation entities employing different tapers are uncorrelated if only the variation of the signal spectrum over each subband is negligible.As a result, averaging these estimates will result in a minimum variance. Due to the two characteristics of the Slepian sequences,the multitaper spectral estimation has been shown nearly optimal in the sense that it almost achieves the Cramer–Rao bound for a nonparametric spectral estimator[15].Therefore,the multitaper spectral estimation has been recommended by Haykin in[3]as a promising power spectrum estimation technique for energy-detection-based wide-band spectrum sensing.Although the multitaper spectral estimation has nearly optimal performance,it involves high implementation complexity.Recently,filter bank multicarrier communica-tion techniques,including the OFDM offset quadrature amplitude modulation(OQAM),cosine modulated multi-tone(CMT),and filtered multitone(FMT),have been proposed for the physical layer of CR systems[16].Thesefilter bank multicarrier techniques provide a high flexibility in adapting the spectrum shape of the transmitted signal in accordance with the available licensed bands and,at the same time,can better mitigate the mutual interference between the primary and secondary users than the conventional OFDM technique,as will be discussed in detail in Section IV. Since the prototype filters of these filter bank multicarrier techniques have small side lobes,these filter banks can be utilized for accurate power spectral estimation in wide-band spectrum sensing.It has been shown in[11]that such filter bank power spectrum estimators can achieve a similar SDR as the multitaper method with a lower complexity.More importantly,since the filter bank has already been exploited as the physical layer of CR systems for multicarrier communication,it can be utilized for spectrum sensing without any additional cost.Limitations of Energy Detection:So far,we have assumed that the noise power is exactly known for the ED.However, this assumption may be invalid under certain environments. The noise usually consists of the local thermal noise and the environment noise.In practice,the local thermal noise changes over time because of temperature variations at the receiver;the environment noise,which is an aggregation of random signals from various sources in the environment,also varies with time.As a result,though the central limit theorem is invoked to justify the Gaussian nature of noise,it is practically impossible to know the current noise power exactly.Moreover,the existence of variable in-band interference makes the situation even worse.As a result, such noise and interference power uncertainty severely degrades the performance of energy detection.Denote 2n and 2e to be the actual noise and interference power and its estimate,respectively.Suppose there is an x dB uncertainty in the noise and interference power estimation. Then 2e may take any value between 2n10Àðx=10Þand 2n10x=10,i.e., 2e2½10Àðx=10Þ 2n;10x=10 2n .Therefore,the primary signal can be always detected only when the power of the received signal is greater than the threshold 2T¼10x=10 2e.Under the worst case that 2e¼10x=10 2n,2T¼102x=10 2n,and,as a result,the ED will fail to detect the presence of the primary signal if the power of the received primary signal is smaller thanð 2TÀ 2nÞ.That is,there is an SNR wall for the ED given byw¼2TÀ 2n2n¼102x10À1:(13)In other words,for all received SNRs smaller than w,there exists a possibility that the ED is not able to distinguish between the two hypotheses H0and H1,no matter how many samples the ED utilizes.In[17],bounds on the SNR wall of general detectors based on the2k th moments have been pre-sented for a slightly more general noise uncertainty model.Ma et al.:Signal Processing in Cognitive Radio810Proceedings of the IEEE|Vol.97,No.5,May2009Even if the actual noise and interference power is known exactly,the performance of energy detection is still limited by its inability to differentiate the primary signal from the interference and noise,especially when it comes to low-power primary signals such as spread spectrum signals.While the ED is a good option when the CR user knows nothing about the primary signal or when complex-ity is the main concern,more complicated and accurate spectrum sensing techniques that exploit the primary signal characteristics should be employed to achieve a better detection performance.This is particularly meaningful in CR networks since the primary signal has certain signatures,such as modulation,coding,and pilot symbols, that can be extracted to improve the detection capability.In the rest of this section,we will investigate various spectrum sensing techniques that utilize different characteristics of the primary signal and are able to differentiate the primary signal from the interference and noise.D.Cyclostationary DetectionMan-made signals are generally nonstationary.Some of them are cyclostationary,i.e.,their statistics exhibit period-icity,which may be caused by modulation and coding or even be intentionally produced to aid channel estimation and synchronization.Such periodicity can be utilized for detection of a random signal with a particular modulation type in a background of noise and other modulated signals. This is called cyclostationary detection.Mathematically, cyclostationary detection is realized by analyzing the cyclic autocorrelation function(CAF)[18]of the received signal, or,equivalently,its two-dimensional spectrum correlation function(SCF)[19]since the spectrum redundancy caused by periodicity in the modulated signal results in correlation between widely separated frequency components[19],[20].As a spectrum sensing scheme in CR,cyclostationary detection is especially appealing because it is capable of differentiating the primary signal from the interference and noise.Due to its noise rejection property,cyclosta-tionary detection works even in very low SNR region, where the traditional signal detection method,such as the ED,fails.In[4],cyclostationary detectors have been demonstrated to enhance the detection capability,espe-cially in the presence of noise power uncertainty.In[21], joint cyclostationary detection and optimal data fusion has been considered to improve the overall detection perfor-mance of CR networks.The FCC has suggested cyclosta-tionary detectors as a useful alternative to enhance the detection sensitivity in CR networks[1].Consider a typical digitally modulated signal of the form sðtÞ¼XnaðnÞgðtÀnT0Àt0Þ(14)where T0is the symbol period,t0is an unknown timing offset,and gðtÞis the shaping pulse.For simplicity,assume that the sequence aðnÞis stationary with zero mean and variance 2a;then the time-varying autocorrelation func-tion(TVAF)of sðtÞis defined asR sðt; Þ¼E sðtþ ÞsÃðtÞf g¼Xn2agðtþ ÀnT0Àt0ÞgÃðtÀnT0Àt0Þ¼X¼k=T0R ð Þe j2 t(15) whereR ð Þ¼2a e j2 t0T0ÂRGÃðfþ ÞGðfÞe j2 f df; ¼kT00;otherwise8<:(16)and GðfÞis the Fourier transform of gðtÞ.The function R ð Þis called the cyclic autocorrelation function and is called cyclic frequency.As indicated in (16),the CAF at a given cyclic frequency determines the correlation between spectral components of the signal separated in frequency by an amount of .In general[19], the CAF of cyclostationary signals is nonzero only for integer multiples of a fundamental cyclic frequency 0. For the signal model given in(14), 0¼1=T0.Thus,given T0,the CAF can be utilized to determine the presence or absence of the primary signal by evaluating the values of R ð Þat corresponding cyclic frequencies.In practice,cyclostationary detection can be imple-mented in discrete time domain.Let yðnÞ,0n NÀ1, denote the sampled received signal at the CR user;then the discrete-time CAF of the received signal at a cyclic frequency can be estimated as[18]b R ½l ¼1NÀlXNÀlÀ1n¼0yðnþlÞyÃðnÞeÀj2 n;0l LÀ1(17)where L is the number of lags.Then a vector is constructed asb r¼Re b R ð1ÞÈÉ;Re b R ð2ÞÈÉ;...;Re b R ðLÞÈÉÂIm b R ð1ÞÈÉ;Im b R ð2ÞÈÉ;...;Im b R ðLÞÈÉÃ(18)where Re f:g and Im f:g refer to the real and imaginary parts of a complex number,respectively.In[18],the statistical characteristics of b r under H0and H1for a sufficiently large N have been investigated;based on that, an algorithm has been developed to perform CAF-based cyclostationary detection.Ma et al.:Signal Processing in Cognitive Radio Vol.97,No.5,May2009|Proceedings of the IEEE811。



基于D-S证据理论的加权协作频谱检测算法周亚建;刘凯;肖林【摘要】提出了一种基于 D-S 证据理论的加权协作频谱检测(DS-WCSS)算法。



%10.3969/j.issn.1000-436x.2012.12.003【期刊名称】《通信学报》【年(卷),期】2012(000)012【总页数】6页(P19-24)【关键词】认知无线电;协作频谱检测;Dempster-Shafer证据理论;可信度【作者】周亚建;刘凯;肖林【作者单位】北京邮电大学计算机学院,北京 100876; 电子信息控制重点实验室,四川成都 610036;北京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院,北京 100191;北京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院,北京 100191【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN915.011 引言传统的无线频谱管理策略给授权用户分配固定的频段使用,不过,伴随着无线通信业务的发展,这种策略造成了一些通信区域某些频段在众多用户进行大量通信业务时频谱匮乏,而另外一些通信区域中的某些频段存在大量的空闲频谱[1]。

认知无线电(CR, cognitive radio)技术通过借用空闲频谱来解决这个问题,从而提高了频谱利用率。









第 62 卷第 6 期2023 年11 月Vol.62 No.6Nov.2023中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYATSENI基于神经网络的多特征轻度认知功能障碍检测模型*王欣1,陈泽森21. 中山大学外国语学院,广东广州 5102752. 中山大学航空航天学院,广东深圳 518107摘要:轻度认知功能障是介于正常衰老和老年痴呆之间的一种中间状态,是老年痴呆诊疗的关键阶段。





关键词:轻度认知功能障碍;自然会话;神经网络模型;多特征分析;会话分析中图分类号:H030 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2097 - 0137(2023)06 - 0107 - 09A neural network-based multi-feature detection model formild cognitive impairmentWANG Xin1, CHEN Zesen21. School of Foreign Languages, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China2. School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen 518107, ChinaAbstract:Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is both an intermediate state between normal aging and Alzheimer's disease and the key stage in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, early detec‐tion and treatment for potential elderly can delay the occurrence of dementia. In this study, a neural net‐work-based multi-feature detection model for mild cognitive impairment was proposed, which exploits the characteristics of patients with obvious changes in linguistic performance. The model is based on ex‐tracting the linguistic features in natural speech and integrating the T-W matrix of the LDA model with the subject data and other multi-feature information as the input tensor of the TextCNN network. It achieved an accuracy of 0.93, a sensitivity of 1.00, a specificity of 0.8, and a precision of 0.9 on the DementiaBank dataset, which effectively improved the accuracy of cognitive impairment detection in the elderly by using natural speech.Key words:mild cognitive impairment; natural speech; neural network model; multi-feature detec‐tion; speech analysisDOI:10.13471/ki.acta.snus.2023B049*收稿日期:2023 − 07 − 18 录用日期:2023 − 07 − 30 网络首发日期:2023 − 09 − 21基金项目:教育部人文社会科学基金(22YJCZH179);中国科协科技智库青年人才计划(20220615ZZ07110400);中央高校基本科研业务费重点培育项目(23ptpy32)作者简介:王欣(1991年生),女;研究方向:应用语言学;E-mail:******************第 62 卷中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)轻度认知障碍(MCI,mild cognitive impair‐ment)是一种神经系统慢性退行性疾病,也是阿尔茨海默病(AD,Alzheimer's disease)的早期关键阶段。










在MCMC方法中,最常用的算法是马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛(Markov ChainMonte Carlo, MCMC)算法,其中最著名的算法是Metropolis-Hastings算法和Gibbs采样算法。













基于扩散策略的分布式协作频谱检测姚少林;张政保;许鑫;刘广凯【摘要】In distributed cognitive radio networks(CRN),the secondaryusers(SUs) achieve the informa-tion consensus of the whole network through exchanging the test statistic information with neighbors. For improving the convergence speed of the test statistic information over the network,a distributed cooperative spectrum detection algorithm based on diffusion strategy is proposed. The test statistic of the Maximum-Minimum Eigenvalue ( MME ) algorithm is regarded as the initial exchanging information. Adaptive and combination matrix,as the weighted factor,are introduced to update the state information of cognitive nodes to obtainthe same convergence value,which is regarded as the information to make the final decision to de-termine whether the primary user( PU) exists. Simulation results show that the algorithm can improve the converging speed and detection performance of the network compared with the consensus strategy and the non-cooperative strategy.%分布式认知网络中,认知用户通过与相邻用户交换检测量信息,达到全网一致,实现对主用户信号的检测。





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利用时间戳的分布式蠕虫检测系统孙巍巍;任勤【摘要】高速网络中的蠕虫能以无法预料的高速率传播,因此需要设计一个高效的自动蠕虫检测系统.利用时间戳的分布式蠕虫检测系统,使用网络延时探测网络拥塞,采用分布对等式网络共享数据.该系统中各个节点能够互连平等地工作,能同步更新各个节点信息;各个节点能够自己收集信息并进行判断;各个节点能够处理其他节点的判断结果.%In high-speed network,worm can be spread in the high rate.So it is necessary to design an efficient automatic detection system.Design a distributed worm detection system,the system use many equal computers that are used to form a detection system in a network.The system uses time delay network detecting network congestion.It uses P2P sharing dates.In the system,the various nodes is able to be interconnected,each node can simultaneously update information;each node can gather information and make their own judgments;each node can judge handling the results from other nodes.【期刊名称】《河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2011(030)004【总页数】5页(P453-457)【关键词】网络蠕虫;分布式系统;网络拥塞;网络延时【作者】孙巍巍;任勤【作者单位】第二军医大学,上海200433;焦作师范高等专科学校数学系,河南焦作454000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP309.50 引言随着Sapphire蠕虫病毒的出现,网络蠕虫病毒快速扩散时代已经来临.若在蠕虫病毒爆发的初期,及时有效地识别它,会有利于阻断或减缓蠕虫病毒的快速蔓延[1].针对网络蠕虫病毒传播速度快,且扩散区域随机性的特点,设计了分布式蠕虫检测系统的方案,即利用时间戳进行自动蠕虫检测[2-4].本质上说是利用时间戳探测网络拥塞,将其作为检测蠕虫的辅助策略.利用时间戳,实质上是利用网络延时.网络延时有以下几种情况[5-8]:一是排队延时,这是延时中变化最显著的部分,它的特点是随机性较强,是我们最为关心的;二是传输延时,这种延时对于固定链路,固定大小的单个小的数据包来说变化不大,如从纽约发到旧金山的数据包会有30 ms左右的延时;三是处理延时包括路由器查找路由表等造成的延时,时间较短,对固定大小固定路由器变化不大.在上述3种延时中,排队延时是变化最大的,同时也是按照网络流通情况不断变化的.使用时间戳所探测到的主要变化就是排队延时.当排队延时与通常情况相比有显著差异,则视为网络拥塞[9].系统采用分布对等式网络共享数据,这样有两个好处:首先,采用数据共享的工作模式,减轻个体的工作负担;其次,采用分布式自组织网络,在参与用户不定的情况下,各个节点可以自组成网络,缺少一两个节点没有关系[10].1 主要消息结构如图1所示,从A到B发送的数据包所经过的每一个路由器和经过时间,经过处理后,可以得到整个网络内(图2)的每对路由器间的双向传输时间.1.1 探测数据包探测数据包指从A发到B的用来记录沿路路由器IP和经过时间的数据包(图3).这个数据包采用特定的数据包.主要考虑到,利用网络现有数据包,会有以下问题:(1)不同的包经过路由器时间不同,不同服务类型,不同大小,不同服务质量的包经过路由器的时间不同.(2)路由器如果对每一个包都作此种处理的话,将有很大的工作量.会减慢路由器的工作效率.利用特定数据包后,所有探测到的数据包都是相同的类型.而且路由器可以只对这种包进行操作.当然这样的设计也给网络带来了额外的数据流量.探测数据包利用IP头选项IPv4可选项(图4)中存在的2项:记录路由和时间标记.时间标记可以使每个路由器附上地址和时间.在IPv6中没有指出,但是,可以利用扩展头部中的站接站选项.探测数据包采用除认证加密数据以外的空白数据包,这是为了控制数据包的大小,同时减少流量.采用路由器作为关键时间点的理由是:首先,路由器与主机相比,IP地址固定;其次,由于探测数据包利用的是IP头,所以路由器与网间中继器、网桥相比,是一个必须的选择;再次,由于存在对时间同步的要求,对于时间同步网,在路由器间实现同步比在主机之间实现同步要容易得多,同时,固定IP路由器的误差固定,减少了对时间同步的要求.表1 IP=的源路由时间表Tab.1 IP= routing schedule序号时间目标路由IP166.111.172.1166.111.170.1166.111.160.1 (1)周一 00:002周一 00:103n周日23:501.2 本地路由时间表本地路由时间表记录了由时间戳计算得来的信息.此路由时间表采用IP地址作为表名称,采用时间为纵坐标,穿起不同的源路由.如表1所示,此表为IP=的源路由时间表,名称即为166.111.017.000.设时间间隔为Td, 可修改,此处用10 min.1.3 本地其他数据存储表在客户端本地还有其他的数据表,如:可用地址表:记录当前可用客户端地址.报警值缓存表,记录已经得到但尚未计算是否需要修改路由时间表的报警值.报警值日志,记录报警值细节,如时间,源地址和目标地址.路由时间表修改日志,记录路由表修改细节.时间差缓存表,暂时缓存时间差,等待时间段结束进行计算,见图5.时间差缓存表(1)记录每一对路由在一个时间段里出现的时间差,时间差微存表(2)记录每一个时间段最终得到的时间差,用于判定接收到其他客户端的报警信息.1.4 交互数据包交互数据包是指各个终端之间传递的数据包.如果有就发送,没有就不发送.交互内容为自己刚刚得到的更新的路由时间表和报警值,实现消息互通,补充终端信息.交互数据包包括路由时间表数据包(路由时间表更新值),报警信息数据包(每个终端产生的报警信息)和可用地址更新值(添加新的可用终端地址).2 本地信息处理本地信息处理的流程包括发送和接收探测数据包,同时还需要按照一定的原则来进行数据表的维护,如规定时间段内数据无变化,则视为无效数据可删除.发送探测数据包比较简单,只需在固定时间间隔,发送在IP头可选项中有特殊标志的空数据包即可.发送的目标地址查询可用地址表,分为临近部分和随机选取两部分.接收探测数据包的流程比较复杂,如图6所示.在确定接收到的数据包为探测数据包后,计算得出每对路由器间的时间差,并存于时间差缓存表(1),等到进入下一个时段时,对时间缓存表中的每一对路由器间出现的时间差取平均,将结果存入时间差缓存表(2)(图5),并与存储的路由时间表比较,如果区别不超过阈值Ti,则流程结束.如果区别大于阈值Ti,则生成报警值,同时向报警值缓存表写入数据.考虑到网络流量是不断地大体平稳地发展变化的,路由时间表需要随着时间不断更新.所以,需要根据报警值之间的分析做出判断,是否需要修改路由时间表.如果判断结果为需要,则将报警值缓存中的数据转移至报警值日志,同时记录路由表修改日志,并修改路由表,最后,向其他用户发出路由表更新信息.3 网络信息交互及处理系统采用信息共享的方式,每个客户端可以得到其他客户端的信息,从而可以用较少的工作量得到较多的网络现状.在本地信息处理中向其他客户端提出报警,以及分发路由器时间表更新值都属于网络信息交互,除此之外,还有可用信息共享等.网络共享带来便利的同时,也带来了安全问题.3.1 可用地址信息共享可用地址信息共享是指共享可用地址表,在最初的时候,有一个初始定义的可用终端地址表,新节点加入后,向已有节点广播存在,同时,可以向某一个终端请求完整数据表.旧的节点收到新信息后,也向自己已有的节点广播.同时,需要定时对无效的终端地址进行删除.3.2 报警值共享共享报警值是一个很重要的方面.共享报警值内容包括路由器IP段、发生时间、时间差、转发次数限制值、转发路径等.转发次数限制值以及转发路径是为了防止报警值无限次转发而设立的.在每次发送报警值时,需要确认次数限定值是否大于零(图7),如果小于,则丢弃,如果大于,则分发,同时将转发次数限制减1.共享报警值一旦产生,立刻发送.目标设定为相近的M个地址,头一次发送时设定出示转发次数限定.当接收到报警值时(图8),首先查询报警日志确认自己是否产生过同样的报警,如果产生过,则丢弃新得到的这个报警值.如果没有产生过,则判定是由于自己没有这个时间段的数据,还是由于自己的这个时间段的数据没有记录,如果确定自己没有这个时间段的数据,则将此报警值作为自己的报警值处理.如果自己存在这个时间段的数据但并没有产生报警,则按照相信自己的原则,丢弃报警值.3.3 路由器时间表更新值共享路由器时间表更新值共享与报警值共享类似,此处不再赘述.路由器时间表更新值共享是对报警值共享的一种补充,这两种共存,存在一定的冗余.4 系统认证4.1 身份认证索引服务器为每一个注册的节点签发一张公钥证书,节点运行时,首先使用自己的私钥对自己的ID进行签名运算,然后将ID和对ID的签名发送给索引服务器,索引服务器根据声称的ID到证书库中查询相应的公钥证书,并依据公钥对节点的签名进行验证,验证通过后,节点信息被索引服务器加入到在线节点列表中以供其他节点查询,同时节点从索引服务器上下载最新的证书撤销列表(CRL).当某节点A需要将另一节点B纳入自己的拓扑管理器时,需要向对方同时提供自己的签名和证书,节点B首先判断节点A的证书的有效性(签发者、有效期、是否被撤销等),然后根据证书中的公钥对节点A的签名进行验证,确认对方是本系统用户后将自己的蠕虫检测记录共享给对方.系统运行过程中,如果节点B发现蠕虫,将立即在本分组中进行广播(同一分组中的节点可以选择是否接收消息广播),同时向节点A发送消息,该消息经过节点B的签名,以备对方进行完整性校验.4.2 加密消息的加密可以作为选项供用户选择使用.当某节点A和另一节点B联系时,如果双方都使用了加密选项,则在消息传递前利用对方公钥加密传送一个会话密钥,然后通信双方利用会话密钥对传递的消息进行加解密.5 结论此系统的优势在于采用分布式对等消息共享模式,每个客户端以较少工作量可以掌控整个网络的拥塞情况.可以将其作为检测蠕虫的辅助手段.目前尚需解决的问题有参数Td,Ti,M,n的设定;判断怎样的报警值关系可以确定修改路由时间表等策略设定,需要进一步研究.参考文献:[1] 文伟平,卿斯汗,蒋建春,等.网络蠕虫研究与进展[J].软件学报,2004,15(8):1208-1219.[2] 张祥德,丁春燕,朱和贵.基于选择性随机扫描的蠕虫传播模型[J].东北大学学报:自然科学版,2006,27(11):1201-1203.[3] 窦永富.企业城域网防治计算机蠕虫病毒[J].计算机安全,2007(3):67-68.[4] 彭智朝.计算机蠕虫病毒检测和防御技术探讨[J].电脑知识与技术,2010,6(8):1848-1850.[5] 蒋卫国,魏寿祥.计算机网络蠕虫病毒及防治[J].甘肃科技,2006,22(5):60-62.[6] 刘启明.一个蠕虫病毒传播SIRS模型的建立与分析[J].西南师范大学学报:自然科学版,2010,35(1):168-171.[7] 贺卫红,高为民.分布式蠕虫检测与主动防御系统的研究与实现[J].计算机工程与设计,2008,29(22):5735-5738.[8] 郑辉,孙彬,郑先伟,等.大规模网络中Internet蠕虫主动防治技术研究——利用DNS服务抑制蠕虫传播[J].计算机工程与应用,2006,42(8):110-113.[9] 蔡玥.网络实验室蠕虫病毒监测系统研究[J].电脑编程技巧与维护,2010(2):108-112.。



基于高阶统计量的压缩宽带频谱盲检测方法曹开田;陈晓思;朱文俊【摘要】针对认知无线网络中宽带频谱感知受到高速模数转换器(ADC)器件的技术限制,利用压缩感知理论(CS),采用压缩信号处理技术,直接对压缩观测数据进行分析,推导出宽带频谱检测的高阶判决统计量的概率分布特性,并在此基础上提出了一种基于高阶统计量的压缩宽带频谱盲检测算法(HOS-CWSBD).该算法无需任何有关主用户(PU)信号的先验知识、也无需事先重构出原信号就能实现宽带频谱检测.理论分析和仿真结果均表明,与传统的基于压缩感知理论且需要信号重构的压缩频谱感知算法以及基于Nyquist采样数据的非压缩宽带频谱感知算法相比,该算法具有计算复杂度低、感知性能稳定等优点.【期刊名称】《计算机应用》【年(卷),期】2015(035)011【总页数】5页(P3261-3264,3296)【关键词】高阶统计量;压缩采样;压缩信号处理;盲检测【作者】曹开田;陈晓思;朱文俊【作者单位】南京邮电大学通信与信息工程学院,南京210003;南京邮电大学宽带无线通信与传感网技术教育部重点实验室,南京210003;南京邮电大学通信与信息工程学院,南京210003;南京邮电大学海外教育学院,南京210023【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN920 引言目前,认知无线电(Cognitive Radio,CR)技术已被人们广泛认为是一种解决无线频谱资源稀缺与利用率低下之间矛盾的非常有效的解决方案[1]。

CR通过动态频谱接入的方式,允许认知用户(或次用户)(Secondary User,SU)使用未被授权主用户(Primary User,PU)占用的频谱进行通信。


因此,宽带频谱感知是认知无线电网络(Cognitive Radio Network,CRN)技术能否实现机会频谱接入的前提[2],是CRN技术重要的组成部分和关键技术之一[3]。



多任务群智频谱感知算法吕鑫鑫;朱琦【摘要】频谱感知是认知无线电系统中的关键技术.本文将群智感知的激励机制与协作频谱感知有效结合,提出了一种基于多任务群智感知的协作频谱感知算法.该算法考虑检测概率和感知时间建立了参与感知的次用户效用函数,次用户通过优化感知时间得出次用户的最优效用并确定感知的信道,通过贪婪算法在有限预算限制下来选取参与感知的次用户,在次用户感知完成后发放一定的报酬,以激励次用户参与频谱感知的积极性.仿真结果表明,该算法可以获得优于对比算法的检测性能.该算法可以同时感知多个信道,通过激励提高了次用户的参与度,使得协作频谱检测概率得到有效的提升.%A core technology of cognitive radio is spectrum sensing.In this paper,we combine the incentive mechanism of crowd-sensing with cooperative spectrum sensing effectively,and put forward an cooperative spectrum sensing algorithm based on multi-task incentive mechanism.This algorithm considers about the detection probability and recognition time.The algorithm establishes utility functions of secondary users (SUs) who take part in the sensing.SUs get the optimal utilities by optimizing the recognition time,and determine which channel to sense by comparing the utilities from different channel.Under the budget constraint,the base station chooses the SUs to take part in the sensing with greedy algorithm.SUs will get some reward after they finish the sensing.The simulation results show that this algorithm can get an outstanding detection performance,which is superior to the algorithms compared.SUs can get large rewards.Hence,this algorithm can get multiple channelssensed,and promotes the cooperative detection probability effectively by stimulating the involvement of SUs.【期刊名称】《信号处理》【年(卷),期】2018(034)004【总页数】8页(P486-493)【关键词】认知无线电;频谱感知;群智感知;数据质量【作者】吕鑫鑫;朱琦【作者单位】南京邮电大学江苏省无线通信重点实验室,江苏南京 210003;南京邮电大学江苏省无线通信重点实验室,江苏南京 210003【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN929.5311 引言为了提升无线频谱的利用效率,认知无线电技术被广泛使用于无线通信技术中。



【摘要】为了解决粒子滤波(PF)的无线传感器目标跟踪中样本贫化导致的精度较低的问题,提出了改进布谷鸟粒子滤波的WSN目标跟踪方法;通过改进布谷鸟算法的滤波算法取代粒子滤波重采样过程,主要通过改进布谷鸟算法中的搜索步长值α和发现外来鸟卵的物种的概率p_(i)的自适应调节,同时在步长更新方程中实时引入函数值的变化趋势,引导粒子整体上向较高的随机区域移动,有效调整全局探索和局部探索适应能力、改善粒子贫化和局部极值问题,增加粒子群多样化从而提高跟踪性能;实验结果表明,改进布谷鸟粒子滤波算法重采样方法可以防止粒子的退化,增加粒子的多样性,减少跟踪误差,可以减少算法的运行时间,实时追踪性能大幅提高;与CS-PF算法和PF算法相比较,ICS-PF算法的计算时间是最短的,ICS-PF算法的位置和速度的平均平方根误差最小(位置0.0306、0.0213、速度0.0253、0.0102),PF 算法的跟踪精度是最低的,而ICS-PF跟踪精度较高,具有良好的跟踪性能。


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Distributed Perimeter Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks Fernando Martincic Loren SchwiebertDepartment of Computer Science Department of Computer Science Wayne State University Wayne State UniversityDetroit MI(USA)Detroit MI(USA)fernando@ loren@July2,2004AbstractThis paper introduces a distributed localized algorithm where sensor nodes deter-mine if they are located along the perimeter of a wireless sensor network.The algorithmworks correctly in sufficiently dense wireless sensor networks with a minimal requisitedegree of ing1-hop and2-hop neighbour information,nodes determineif they are surrounded by neighbouring nodes,and consequently,if they are locatedwithin the interior of the wireless sensor network.The algorithm requires minimal com-munication between nodes-a desirable property since energy reserves are generallylimited and non-renewable.keywords:wireless sensor network,distributed algorithms,perimeter detection1IntroductionAdvances in miniaturization and low-cost/low-power design have led to active researchin large scale deployment of wireless sensor networks.These networks may consist ofhundreds,and possibly thousands,of inexpensive disposable sensor nodes capable ofsensing their environment and communicating with each other via wireless channels.Although individually nodes possess limited functionality,inter-node cooperation and coordination makes applications such as monitoring of large areas viable[1,2].Areas affected by large-scale phenomena such as seismic disturbances,contaminantflows,and other ecological or environmental disasters can be tracked.In particular,determination when such phenomenon breaches the perimeter of the area monitored bythe wireless sensor network is useful.Similarly,directed diffusion[5]is a novel data-centric communications paradigm that allows nodes in a wireless sensor network toperform distributed sensing of environmental phenomena.However,to work correctly,the perimeter of the wireless sensor network must be known a priori.This paper introduces a distributed localized algorithm whereby sensor nodes deter-mine if they are along the perimeter of the wireless sensor network.Nodes use locationneighbourhood information to determine if they are enclosed by their neighbouringnodes.Intuitively,nodes not enclosed lie along the outer edge of the wireless sensor network.The algorithm works correctly in wireless sensor networks that are sufficiently dense.In general,sensor nodes physically surrounded by other nodes do not lie along the perimeter of the wireless sensor network.However,since only local2-hop neighbour information is used,sensor nodes with few neighbours may incorrectly conclude they are located along the perimeter.Thus,while perimeter nodes correctly identify themselves as lying along the outer edge of the wireless sensor network,nodes further inside the network with few neighbours,may incorrectly reach the same conclusion.The remainder of the paper is organized as follows:Section2describes related re-search dealing with perimeter detection.Section3defines terminology used throughout this paper and describes the system model employed.Section4describes the algorithm in detail and motivates its discussion with a sample wireless sensor network topology. Limitations of the algorithm are discusses as performance metrics are established that demonstrate the algorithm’s scalability as the number of nodes and node density in-creases.Section5presents concluding arguments and outlines future work.2Related WorkChintalapudi et al.[4]examine three separate approaches to the problem of localized edge detection of a phenomenon boundary in a wireless sensor ing an event predicate,a node determines if it is part of the sub-region covered by the monitored phenomenon.Edges are defined in terms of the set of points in the spatial region that intersect with the interior and exterior areas of the phenomenon under observation.Theirfirst method is a statistical approach comprised of information gathered from neighbouring nodes,a set of statistics,Γ1,Γ2,...,Γn,that are computed based on the collected information,and a local boolean decision function,Ψ(Γ1,Γ2,...,Γn),that decides if the sensor lies on the edge of the observed phenomenon.Their second method borrows from the sizable body of knowledge found in image-processing literature.In image-processing,a high-passfilter retains the high frequencies (i.e.,abrupt changes such as edges)in the image and removes all uniformities.Such afilter is approximated and designed to work within the context of a wireless sensor network.Sensor nodes are analogous to pixels in the image,and thus,thefiltering technique is applied.However,since sensors exhibit an irregularity of placement,a weighted averaging of the neighbourhood values is utilized to compensate.Theirfinal method is a classifier-based approach as used in pattern recognition.It relies upon information received from nodes within the phenomenon’s interior region being significantly different than data gathered from exterior nodes.This bipartite data allows for classification into two distinct subsets where similar data are in one subset and dissimilar data are in another.The following steps are performed in the classifier-based approach:collect all coordinates and event predicate values within the probing radius,find a line that gives the maximal classifier score(used to partition the nodes with similar values on either side of the line),and if a node is within the radius of tolerance from the defined line,it is an edge sensor.Nowak et al.[3]also propose a technique for edge detection of a phenomenon within a wireless sensor network.They consider measurements obtained from a collection of sensor nodes distributed throughout an area and determine the boundary that lies between twofields of relatively homogeneous measurements.Their approach involves a hierarchical processing strategy where nodes collaborate to determine a non-uniform rectangular partition of the sensor field adapted to the boundaries of the phenomenon.The partitioning commences with normalization of the sensor field to a unit square with side lengths 1/√n .The field is then subdivided using recursive dyadic partitioning whereby a region is subdivided into four equal regions,and each subregion thereafter is further subdivided into four equal regions until the entire sensor domain is partitioned into n squares.Nodes collaborate to determine a pruned partition that matches the phenomenon boundary.A final approximation is transmitted to the base station.Our approach differs in that perimeter detection is independent of any observations made by the the wireless sensor network.No recorded sensor information is used in perimeter detection.Nodes attempt to discover if they lie along the outer edge of the wireless sensor network area strictly based on local neighbourhood information.3Model and DefinitionsThe wireless sensor network is represented by a connected graph G w =(V w ,E w )where vertex set V w denotes the set of all nodes in the wireless sensor network.Edge set E w contains edge e =(u,v )iffnodes u,v ∈V w communicate directly with each other.It is assumed vertices are uniquely identifiable and no two vertices share the same global coordinates.Furthermore,the following assumptions are made:(a)A large area is covered by several uniquely identifiable homogeneous sensor nodesthat utilize short range radios to communicate with each other.(b)Sensor nodes are location-aware.This is achieved using GPS,or localization tech-niques as presented in [6,7,8].(c)Communication between nodes is bidirectional with transmission over long rangesachieved via multiple hops between sensors.Nodes within transmission range are able to communicate with each other.(d)Messages may be delayed for an arbitrary amount of time,but all messages sentare eventually received and are assumed to be error-free.The algorithm presented makes use of local neighbourhood information.In partic-ular,nodes only use immediate neighbour and indirect neighbour information during computation.Definition 3.1Two nodes u,v ∈V w are immediate neighbours iff(u,v )∈E w .The set of all immediate neighbours of node u is denoted by N 1(u ).Definition 3.2Two nodes u,v ∈V w are indirect neighbours (i.e.,2-hop neighbours)iff∃u ∈V w :(u,u )∈E w ∧(u ,v )∈E w ).The set of all indirect neighbours of node u is denoted by N 2(u ).Figure 1depicts a sample wireless sensor network with 16nodes.Edges between nodes indicate a shared bidirectional communication link.Node 8has a valid enclosing cycle 6,2,5,10,14,11,9,6that forms a closed simple polygon,composed of 1-hop and 2-hop neighbours of the node,that encloses it within its bounded interior region.Figure1:Example of a Valid Enclosing Cycle(bold lines) Detection of valid enclosing cycles is the basis for ascertaining if a node is not located along the perimeter of the wireless sensor network.Its properties are as follows:Definition3.3A cycle s=u1,u2,...,u m,u1,where u i∈V W,that forms a closed simple polygon,is a valid enclosing cycle of node v,denoted VEC(v,s),if it satisfies the following criteria:(a)∀u i∈s:u i∈N1(v)∨u i∈N2(v)(b)∀u i∈s:u i∈N2(u)→(u i−1∈N1(v)∧u i+1∈N1(v))(c)(u i,u i+1)∈E w,where1≤i<m(d)(u1,u m)∈E w(e)u i.angle<v i+1.angle,where1≤i<m(f)node v is contained within the interior region of the induced polygon.Intuitively,nodes surrounded by other nodes are not on the perimeter of the wireless sensor network.These nodes are referred to as interior nodes.Nodes not enclosed by any valid enclosing cycle are perimeter nodes.Definition3.4A node v∈V w is an interior node iffthere exists a valid enclosing cycle s that contains node v within its bounded interior region.Node v is a perimeter node iffit is not an interior node.4Perimeter DetectionThis section describes the algorithm used to detect perimeter and interior nodes.Dis-cussion of the algorithm is motivated with an example.Consider the sample wireless sensor network in Figure2.Nodes are numbered with unique node IDs and randomly distributed along the grid lines of a10×10unit square grid with origin(0,0)located in the lower-left corner.Coordinates are absolute global coordinates and nodes have a transmission radius of3units.Consider node11located at coordinates(4,4).After all nodes have transmitted their location and neighbour information,Figure3represents node11’s1-hop neighbour list sorted by increasing relative angle to node11.Two nodes with the equal relative angles to node11are further sorted by their distance from the node(e.g.,node12precedes node13since it is closer to node11.)Figure2:Sample Wireless Sensor NetworkNode Location Relative Angle Number2-hop neighbours12(6,4)01013(7,4)01017(6,5)26721(5,6)63820(4,6)901019(2,6)1361016(2,5)154810(3,4)180119(3,3)22481(4,1)27064(5,2)297115(6,2)31611Figure3:1-hop Neighbour List for Node11Node11also maintains a list of its2-hop neighbours.For each entry in its1-hop neighbour list,node11maintains a list of the node’s1-hop neighbour list.Relative angles of each2-hop neighbour to node11are calculated and stored in this list.Figure 4is a partial listing the2-hop neighbour information maintained by node11.Using local1-hop and2-hop neighbour information,node11attempts to detect if a valid enclosing cycle exists that forms a closed simple polygon that encloses the node within its bounded interior region.It begins by setting thefirst node in its1-hop neighbour list,in this case node12,as an anchor node and pushes it onto a global stack variable.The(current)anchor node is the start and end node in every valid enclosing cycle.Node11then checks if node12communicates directly(or via a common2-hop neighbour)with another of its1-hop neighbours with a greater relative angle than node 12.Node12’s1-hop neighbour list is searched exhaustively,and in this case,node17 is thefirst1-hop neighbour that satisfies this criteria.Node17is pushed onto the stack and another1-hop neighbour of node11,withNode 12Loc.∠to Node 1113(7,4)017(6,5)9021(5,6)11720(4,6)13611(4,4)18010(3,4)1804(5,2)2435(6,2)2706(7,2)2977(8,2)316Node 13Loc.∠to Node 1122(9,6)2117(6,5)2621(5,6)6312(6,4)011(4,4)2704(5,2)2975(6,2)3166(7,2)3277(8,2)3348(9,2)339Node 17Loc.∠to Node 1123(8,7)3621(5,6)6320(4,6)9011(4,4)27012(6,4)05(6,2)31613(7,4)0Figure 4:Partial 2-hop Neighbour List for Node 11a greater relative angle than node 17,is found that communicates directly (or via a common 2-hop neighbour)with node 17.The first node to satisfy this criteria is node21.Node 21is pushed onto the stack and another 1-hop neighbour of node 11with a relative angle greater than node 21that satisfies similar criteria is searched.This depth-first search process continues until a cycle is detected or node 11’s 1-hop neighbour list is exhausted.Eventually,node 11detects a valid enclosing cycle composed of nodes 12,17,21,20,19,15,9,1,5,12.Since every node in a valid enclosing cycle communicates directly with the preceding and subsequent nodes,a cycle s =v 1,v 2,...,v m generates a subgraph G c =(V c ,E c ),where V c ={v 1,v 2,...,v m }consists of the the set of nodes in the cycle and edge set E c ={(v i ,v i +1)|1≤i <m } {(v m ,v 1)}consists of the set of edges that join two consecutive nodes in the cycle together.Clearly,G c ⊆G w and defines a simple closed polygon that is analyzed to see if it encloses the node.In this case it does,and consequently,node 11is an interior node.If no cycle is detected with the current anchor node,the stack is cleared,the sub-sequent node in the 1-hop neighbour list is set as the anchor node (i.e.,node 13),and the process is repeated.Only nodes with relative angles between 0and 180degrees are set as anchor nodes.This is because enclosing polygons must contain at least 3nodes where at least one node lies above the node and at least one node lies below the node.4.1Perimeter Detection AlgorithmFigure 5is the (simplified)pseudocode for the perimeter detection algorithm.A random backofftimer BackoffTime is initialized and used to help prevent nodes from broadcast-ing their location information simultaneously.Timer is the variable compared against the backofftimer to determine when the next transmission occurs.Variable NL is a listof the node’s1-hop neighbours,sorted in ascending order by relative angle to the node. OnPerimeter is a boolean variable,set to true,if the node is on the perimeter of the wireless sensor network.It is false otherwise.//for every node in the wireless sensor network1BackoffTime=random number>02Timer:=0;NL:={};OnPerimter:=true;GetGlobalCoordinates()3do4Timer:=Timer+15if msg received from node v then6if v/∈NL then7create node u8u.id:=v.id;u.x:=v.x;u.y:=v.y9u.angle:=CalculateAngle(u.x,u.y);NL.InsertNode(u)11fi12u:=NL.FindNode(v.id);u.CopyNeighbourList(v)14OnPerimeter:=IsPerimeterNode()15fi16if Timer>BackoffTime then17Broadcast();set new random BackoffTime;Timer:=019fi20odFigure5:Perimeter Detection AlgorithmVariables i,j,k,l,u and v represent nodes.Variable NL is the1-hop neighbour list maintained by the node.For an arbitrary node u,its ID,x-coordinate,y-coordinate,and relative angle are denoted u.id,u.x,u.y,and u.angle,respectively.The relative angle is calculated using trigonometry and the Euclidean distance between both nodes.Figure 6demonstrates the difference between upper and lower nodes.Nodes with a relative angle between0◦and180◦are upper nodes(shaded region).Conversely,nodes with a relative angle between181◦and360◦are lower nodes.Variable anchor is the1-hop neighbour node that is thefirst node in the current cycle being constructed.To ensure detected cycles begin and end with the anchor node,its relative angle is incremented by360◦,as necessary,to ensure its relative angle is greater than any lower node in the cycle.Figure6:Lower and Upper NodesGetGlobalCoordinates determines the node’s global coordinates[6,7,8].Calcu-lateAngle approximates and returns the relative angle of a node to the current node.For example,consider a node located at global coordinates(1,1).Assume it has a1-hop neighbour located at global coordinates(3,2).Thus,the relative angle returned by the function is27◦.InsertNode inserts a node into neighbour list NL so that nodes in it are sorted by increasing relative angle.FindNode returns the node with the corresponding node id passed as an argument to it.CopyNeighbourList updates the neighbour list of a node byfirst clearing out its existing neighbour list and replacing it with the neighbour list of the node passed as an argument.Finally,IsPerimeterNode determines if the node is located along the perimeter of the wireless sensor network.Thefirst few lines in the algorithm initialize the data structures perform location discovery,via the call to GetGlobalCoordinates.The algorithm then enters a loop that processes received messages from other nodes and periodically broadcasts its location and1-hop neighbour information(initially empty)to nearby sensor nodes.Upon re-ception of a broadcast message from a newly discovered neighbour,the receiving node copies the sending node’s information and neighbour list,calculates its relative angle to the node,and inserts it into neighbour list NL.If the node is already present in NL, the sending node’s1-hop neighbour list information is updated locally to reflect any changes.IsPerimeterNode(Figure7)is then invoked which returns a true value if the node lies along the perimeter of the wireless sensor network.The functionfirst ensures at least three immediate neighbours exist.It then systematically selects an upper node from NL,sets it as the current anchor node,and pushes it onto a global stack.Upper 1-hop neighbours in NL are set as anchor nodes,in turn,until a cycle is found or all upper nodes in NL are exhausted.bool IsPerimeterNode()1if|NL|<3then return truefi2for each node i∈NLwhere i.angle≤1803stack.clear()4anchor:=i5stack.push(i)6if FindCycleRec()thenreturn falsefi7rof8return trueend IsPerimeterNodebool FindCycleRec(){1node i=stack.top()2if i=anchor then3if stack.size()>3then 4if VerifyCycle()thenreturn truefi5fi6fi7if i.angle≤180◦then8Case1:(See Figure8)//1-hop neighbour witha relative angle≤180◦9else10Case2:(See Figure9)//1-hop neighbour withrelative angle>180◦11fi12return falseend FindCycleRec()(a)(b)Figure7:Functions IsPerimeterNode and FindCycleRec Recursive function FindCycleRec,where the bulk of the processing occurs,is called from IsPerimeterNode.It performs a brute-force depth-first search through the node’s 1-hop and2-hop neighbour lists to determine if a valid enclosing cycle exists.The search begins with the anchor node and continues with a counterclockwise sweep of the surrounding interconnected1-hop and2-hop neighbours until anchor node is reached again or all nodes are exhausted.If a cycle is detected(i.e.,the anchor node is reachedagain),it is verified to ensure the node is contained within the interior of the corre-sponding polygon.Clearly,a minimum of three nodes are necessary to enclose any node.Furthermore,at least one upper node and one lower node are required in every valid enclosing cycle.FindCycleRec examines the node at the top of the stack and copies it to local variable i.If node i is the anchor node and more than three nodes are in the node stack,the detected cycle is verified to determine if it is a valid enclosing cycle.If the cycle encloses the node,the function returns true and the node is an interior node.Otherwise,two cases are distinguished:node i is an upper node or node i is a lower node.If node i is an upper node(Figure8(a)),its1-hop neighbour list is searched to see if there exists a node j,with a greater relative angle than node i.Node j is not allowed to be the node trying to be enclosed,be present in the node stack,or be the anchor node(otherwise the ensuing cycle consists entirely of upper nodes).If node j is a1-hop neighbour of the(to be enclosed)node,it is pushed on the stack and FindCycleRec is recursively invoked.Otherwise,node j is a2-hop neighbour and two additional subcases are considered(Figures8(b)and(c)).If all neighbour nodes are exhausted withoutfinding a valid enclosing cycle,a false value is returned.In subcase1a(Figure8(b)),node j is a upper2-hop neighbour of the node to be enclosed.Neighbour list NL is searched tofind if there exists a1-hop neighbour node k, with a greater relative angle than node i that is connected to node j.Node k must also have a greater relative angle than node j.If a node k is found that satisfies this criteria, it is checked to ensure it is not the anchor node.This is so cycles consisting strictly of upper nodes are avoided.Node j and node k are pushed on the stack and FindCycleRec is recursively invoked.In subcase1b(Figure8(c)),node j is a lower2-hop neighbour node.Neighbour list NL is searched tofind if a node k,connected to node j,with a greater relative angle than node i and node j exists.In this case,at least one lower node is part of the cycle.Therefore,node k may be the anchor node.If a suitable node k is found,node k and node j are pushed on the stack and FindCycleRec is recursively invoked.In case2(Figure9(a)),node i is a lower1-hop neighbour node.Node i’s neighbour list is searched to ensure the node trying to be enclosed is discarded.It then checks to see if the node communicates directly with the anchor node.If it does,the anchor node is pushed onto the stack and FindCycleRec is recursively invoked,where the detected cycle will be verified(since the top node in the stack is the anchor node).Otherwise, node i’s neighbour list is searched tofind if a node j,with a greater relative angle than node i can communicate directly with node i.If a1-hop neighbour node is found that satisfies this criteria,it is pushed onto the stack and FindCycleRec is recursively invoked.Otherwise,node j is a2-hop neighbour node and a special subcase(Figure 9(b))must be considered where node j is possibly an upper node connected to the anchor node.In subcase2a(Figure9(b)),node j is a2-hop neighbour node of the node to be enclosed.If node j is an upper node,it is verified to ensure it is directly connected to the anchor node.If it is,then node j and the anchor node are pushed onto the stack and FindCycleRec is recursively invoked.Otherwise,node j is a lower2-hop neighbour node and a search is done for a node k that is a1-hop neighbour node with a greater relative angle than node i and node j.If such a node k is found,both node j and node k are pushed on the stack and FindCycleRec is recursively invoked.4.2LimitationsConsider the sample wireless sensor network depicted in Figure10.Shaded nodes represent interior nodes after the algorithm has executed.Nodes17and21have erroneously concluded they are perimeter nodes.This is an in-herent limitation of detecting valid enclosing cycles with only1-hop and2-hop neighbour information.Clearly,the simple polygon induced by cycle23,28,27,20,12,13,22,23en-closes node17within its bounded interior region and the simple polygon induced by cycle17,23,28,27,20,17encloses node21within its bounded interior region.However, the connection between node27and28is not determinable in either case based on the local information stored at either node.This limitation gives rise to the notion of a sufficiently dense wireless sensor network. Interior nodes must be positioned such that there exist at least two distinct paths from a node to its2-hop neighbours in the underlying graph of the wireless sensor network. When this condition exists,enclosing cycles are properly detected,and consequently, nodes correctly assess if they are located along the perimeter of the wireless sensor network.4.3Performance AnalysisTesting was done with a custom simulation testbed written in C++with statistical data gathered to analyze the runtime performance and scalability of the algorithm. Several parameters were varied for each set of trials.These include the size(expressed as a length and width)of the sensor area network,sensor node transmission radius (expressed as normalized units),and the total number of nodes in the wireless sensor network.For every set of parameters,ten trial runs were conducted and the results averaged.Nodes were randomly distributed along grid points throughout the sensor field with at most a single node at any grid line intersection.Thus,a sensorfield with a length of10units and a width of10units has a100sensor node capacity.This model allows for the simulation to be executed for increasingly denser wireless sensor networks. Statistical data collected from the system included the total number of1-hop and2-hop neighbours,the total number of bits transmitted and received in the system,and the total number of instructions executed by all sensor nodes in the wireless sensor network. This data was averaged and per node results were calculated.Figure11displays the average number of bits transmitted per node averaged for a transmission radius between2and4units.As the wireless sensor network density increases,there is a marked increase in the average number of bits transmitted.This is due to the increased number of1-hop and2-hop neighbours present for each node.As the wireless sensor network area increases,the average number of bits transmitted per node remains constant when the sensor node density remains constant.This is attributable to the localized and distributed characteristics of the algorithm.The results indicate the highly scalable nature of the algorithm.Figures12and13display the average number of bits received per node and the number of operations performed per node,respectively,averaged for a transmission radius between2and4units.The results are similar to the average number of bits transmitted with an marked increase in bits received and operations performed as the density of the wireless sensor network increases,and a constant number of bits received and operations performed as the area of the sensor network increases but the sensornode density remains constant.The number of bits transmitted and received give a lower bound for the amount of data relayed.In the simulation,two rounds of communication take place.In thefirst round,neighbour discovery takes place whereby nodes announce their presence and broadcast their location information.In the second round,nodes gather1-hop neigh-bour information collected in the neighbour discovery and transmit this data to their neighbours.Consequently,all nodes in the wireless sensor network have complete1-hop and2-hop neighbour information.Since it is assumed nodes within transmission radius of a broadcasting node receive all broadcast messagesflawlessly,no retransmissions are required.Broadcast messages consist of a unique16-bit node ID,16-bit global x-coordinate, 16-bit y-coordinate,and an8-bit quantity that represents the number of the trans-mitting node’s1-hop neighbours.For each immediate neighbour,its16-bit node ID, 16-bit x-coordinate,16-bit y−coordinate,and an8-bit quantity indicating the num-ber of(2-hop)neighbours it has is sent.The neighbour list of each1-hop neighbour (i.e.,2-hop neighbour information)is also transmitted with a16-bit node ID,16-bit x-coordinate,and16-bit y coordinate sent for each(2-hop)neighbour.Finally,a16-bit CRC is appended to every broadcast message for error-checking purposes.The instructions metric is an estimate of the number of operations executed during computation.Nodes increment local counters on every iteration through their data structures and whenever a comparison or calculation(i.e.,relative angle)is performed. Therefore,the results are consistent across different simulation runs and provide an indication of the amount of work done by individual sensor nodes as the parameters vary.simulation runs and provide an indication of the amount of work done by individual sensor nodes as the parameters vary.5ConclusionsA distributed localized algorithm for perimeter detection of a wireless sensor network was presented in this paper.Metrics were established and analyzed for the algorithm in order to establish its performance and scalability.The algorithm exhibits desirable characteristics well-suited to wireless sensor networks.Specifically,the highly localized and distributed nature of the algorithm minimizes the amount of data maintained locally and the quantity of data relayed between sensor nodes.This is critical in wireless sensor networks due to the inherent energy constraints present.The limitation of the algorithm where nodes incorrectly determine that they lie along the perimeter of the sensor network when neighbouring nodes are sparse is currently under research.Unfortunately,the use of centralized techniques quickly becomes infea-sible in large wireless sensor networks due to the combinatorial explosion of sensor nodes to be examined as the size of the network increases.A scalable localized distributed algorithm to correctly detect enclosing cycles in all cases is left as an open problem. References[1]I.F.Akyildiz,W.Su,Y.Sankarasubramaniam,and E.Cayirci.Wireless SensorNetworks:A puter Networks,38(4):393422,March2002.。
