The UK 最新
《The UK》My Country and English-speaking Count
Come here! 到这里来!Here is the flag of China.这里是中国的国旗。I live here.我住在这里。Here you are.给你。
Capital city
red and yellow
the U.S.
Washington, D.C.
the U.K.
red, white and blue
Talk and write.
What’s the capital city of…?What do they speak in…?What colour is the flag of…?
red and white
Red, white and blue
Unit 2 My Country and English-speaking Countries
Lesson 10 The U.K.
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Constitutional monarchy
The "Glorious Revolution" which happened in Britain in 1688 is a historical event of great influence.
The first Constitutional monarchy came from England. Now the monarch actually has no real power. The monarch's power are limited by law and Parliament. Two primary tasks can be identified during the king/queen's reign.One is essentially a representativetask:that is,to symbolize the unity and tradition of the nation.The second is to fulfill certain political function.
Constitutional monarchy
. Constitutional monarchy(君主立宪制) is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the parameters of a written,unwritten constitution(不成文宪法). It differs from absolute monarchy in that an absolute monarch serves as the sole source of political power in the state and is not legally bound by any constitution. A constitutional monarchy, limited monarchy, parliamentary monarchy or crowned republic, is a form of monarchy where the governing powers of the monarch are restricted by the terms of a constitution
Breaking a mirror will give you seven years of misfortune
Scotch Whisky
Alcohol by volume:40%--94.8%
Teddy Bear
Thank you
Group leader: Michelle(20091601315) Group members: Nina(20091601335), Jennifer(20091601317), Miro(20081601203)
Three “Can’t” In Everyday Life
You can’t jump the queue
You can’t ask women’s names
No bargaining
Horseshoes were originally made of iron, and the iron was supposed to protect against devils.
Origin: Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Date : as early as March 22 or as late as April 25 Symbol: Bunny——A symbol of fertility.
Eggs——A symbol oad Luck
People in Britain enjoy many holidays each year. Most of the holidays are related to religion. British people give importance to New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day,Good Friday,April Fool’s Day, Christmas Day, Easter, Holloween.
The UK资料
• 官方语言
– 英语
• 货
– 英镑
• 国家领袖
– 女王:伊丽莎白二世、首相:特蕾莎· 梅[3]
• 英国是位于西欧的一个岛国,是由大不列颠岛上 英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士以及爱尔兰岛东北部的 北爱尔兰共同组成的一个联邦制岛国。 • 英国被北海、英吉利海峡、凯尔特海、爱尔兰海 和大西洋包围。东临北海,面对比利时、荷兰、 德国、丹麦和挪威等国;西邻爱尔兰,横隔大西 洋与美国、加拿大遥遥相对;北过大西洋可达冰 岛;南穿英吉利海峡行33公里即为法国。国土面 积24.41万平方公里(包括内陆水域)。其中英格 兰地区13.04万平方公里,苏格兰7.88万平方公里, 威尔士2.08万平方公里,北爱尔兰1.41万平方公 里。
• 首都 英国首都伦敦位于英格兰东南部的平原上,跨泰晤士河,距离泰晤士河入海 口88公里。早在3000多年前,伦敦地区就是当时英国人居住的地方。公元前 54年,罗马帝国入侵大不列颠岛,公元前43年,伦敦曾是罗马人的主要兵站 并修建了第一座横跨泰晤士河的木桥。当时伦敦被称为“伦底纽姆”。随着 英 国资本主义的兴起,伦敦的规模迅速扩大。公元1500年,伦敦的人口不过5 万,1600年人口增至20万,1700年增至70万,18—19世纪,伦敦已成为世 界上最大的金融和贸易中心。1900年,伦敦的人口增加到200万。20世纪60 年代伦敦人口曾达到800多万,2001年伦敦人口为718.8万。2011年伦敦人 口为820万。最热月份为7月,一般气温在13-22℃;最冷月份为1月,一般 气温在2-6℃。
• 国花 • 玫瑰。在玫瑰战争中,当时代表Lancaster 皇室的是红玫瑰,代表York皇室的是白玫 瑰。York皇室的政权被Lancaster皇室击败 后瓦解,但是双方在战后通过联姻而和解, 所以这两个皇室的代表物,这二种玫瑰合 而为一,成为白蕊的红玫瑰。于是,白心 红玫瑰成为了英格兰的象征,也逐渐成为 了英国的象征。
Differences between UK and China on the skills employers want
Differences on the Skills Employers Want Between UK and ChinaLadies and Gentlemen,Good morning! First I would like to thank Mr. Chairman for his gracious introduction. I am very glad to have this opportunity of sharing with you our view on the differences between UK and China on the skills employers want. Universities in China are facing similar demands to improve the employability of their graduates as those in the UK. The Chinese government issued a circular earlier this year urging universities and colleges to strengthen their efforts in preparing students for the workplace, While in Britain, the government set up its own internship scheme to help graduates find work during the recession.But what are the skills employers want and how much do they differ between the two nations? This is the question we set out to answer through our involvement in one of partnerships between institutions in UK and China. The partnerships are funded by the government through the British Council for international education. In this scheme, universities are encouraged to exchange ideas and develop programs aimed at improving the employability of graduates.The University of Cambridge and our partner Shandong University are working to determine the skills most likely to lead to employability and successful careers. Staff at both universities have conducted face-to-face and telephone interviews with local employers of graduates in three areas, marketing, human resources and finance-accounting.A draft of a report to be published later this year shows marketing executives in both countries put a high emphasis on good communication skills. In the UK they chose communication - including written and verbal communication, networking skills and foreign language ability - as the top priority followed by the ability to work in a team.The Chinese employers said the person who could complete a job and get things done was highly prized. Next they sought creativity - an attribute of growing importance in the dynamic, developing market in China that requires people to be good at thinking and puttingtheir ideas and insights into action.Graduates seeking work in finance and accountancy should have a good level of commercial awareness and be able to demonstrate a breadth of knowledge outside their academic field, said UK employers. Second on their list of desirable attributes is the ability to demonstrate a disposition towards customer-related activity.Perhaps because of the fast growth of China's economy which has required updating of law and regulation, Chinese employers in the financial area value graduates with the ability to continuously update their knowledge. One Chinese bank executive said, they not only care about what the new staff have learned, but also whether the new person can autonomously learn in the future.Employers in both countries valued the personal skills of graduates seeking work in human resources. UK employers viewed the most important attribute as time management and good organization. Personal skills, including being approachable, confident, emotionally strong, empathetic and patient, was the second most important requirement.The Chinese HR managers stressed the importance of a new recruit being ethically strong and possessing high moral principles followed by good communication skills.To conclude, we found employers in both countries put a great emphasis on leadership qualities and initiative - things that are learned through the activities students engage in and the responsibilities they take on during their time at university. However, there are some clear differences in the emphasis put on different attributes, such as the value placed by the Chinese on 'guanxi'. For those wanting to work in the public service, guanxi is likely to include connections with the Communist Party, but more generally it includes family and friends and links with people working in other companies, voluntary organizations, or leisure activities. The Chinese also tend to take more time building up relationships with people before getting down to business.Thank you for your attention.。
3. One of the key issues in late 19th century British politics was a campaign in parliament for what was called “home rule” --Irish political control of Irish affairs.
3) Then it came under threat from Germanic peoples --- the Angles, and the Saxon; king Arthur and his Excalibur; roundtable knights;
4) From the late 8th century on, raiders from Scandinavia, the ferocious Vikings threatened Britain’s shores; King Alfred the great turned in the tide in the south against the Vikings;
5)The next invaders were the Normans, from northern France, who were descendants of Vikings;William the Conqueror in 1066 crossed the English Channel, and became William the First of england; the Tower of London;
6. In 1707 Scotland joined the Union, which was followed by two rebellions in 1715 and 1745, and Scottish highland clan culture was effectively destroyed at this time.
专有名词+the一般有两种情况:1、组合国名、缩写国名和复数形式的国家名前加the,如the Netherlands荷兰、the UK英国;2、非营利性的大型组织、机构等前面都是要加定冠词the,包括一些使用缩写的机构,比如:the Commonwealth、the Fed。
Open the door.
He is the tallest boy in the class.
My uncle has a son and a daughter.The son is a teacher and the daughter is a doctor.
The united kingdom英国简介
•Queen Anne died in 1714, and the Elector of Hanover, George Louis, became king as George I (1714–27). He paid more attention to Hanover and surrounded himself with Germans, making him an unpopular king, However he did build up the army and created a more stable political system in Britain and helped bring peace to northern Europe
Northern Ireland nion
The united kingdom of Great Britain came into being on 1 May 1707, as a result of the political union of the Kingdom of England (which included Wales) and the Kingdom of Scotland. The terms of the union had been agreed in the Treaty of Union that was negotiated the previous year and then ratified by the parliaments of Scotland and England each approving Acts of Union.
•In 1776 the Patriots expelled royal officials and declared the independence of the United States of America. After capturing a British invasion army in 1777, the U.S. formed an alliance with France (and in turn Spain aided France), evening out the military balance. The British army controlled only a handful of coastal cities. 1780-81 was a and low point for Britain. Taxes and deficits were • During the 1760s 1770s, relations between the Thirteen high, government corruption was pervasive, and the war in primarily Colonies and Britain became increasingly strained, America was entering its sixth year with no apparent end in sight. to because of opposition to Parliament's repeated attempts The Gordon Riots erupted in London during the spring of 1781, tax American colonists without to their consent. Disagreement in response to increased concessions Catholics by Parliament. turned to violence in 1775 the American Revolutionary In October 1781 Lordand Cornwallis surrendered his army at Yorktown, Virginia. The Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783, War began. terminating the war and recognising the independence of • formally the United States.
【归纳】 ① for (the sake of) convenience 为了方便
起见 ② at one’s convenience 在某人方便时 ③ for the convenience of 为了方便…… ④ to one’s convenience 对某人方便(合适)
【拓展】 ① convenient adj. 方便的; 便利的
not attract visitors. 语 法 过去分词作宾语补足语
(一) 基本单词 1. __c_la_r_i_fy_____ vt. 澄清; 阐明 2. _a_c_c_o_m_p_l_is_h__ vt. 完成; 到达; 实现 3. __co_n_f_l_ic_t____ n. 矛盾; 冲突 4. __co_n_s_i_s_t ____ vi. 组成; 在于; 一致 5. __p_l_u_s______ prep. 加上; 和
I'm _s_ee_k_i_n_g__c_la_r_i_fi_c_a_ti_o_n_o_f_/_o_n___ the
2. conflict n.&vi. 斗争; 冲突
(课文原句) Happily this was accomplished without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well. 翻译:令人庆幸的是,当英格兰的詹姆 斯国王成为英格兰和威尔士的国王时, 这三个国家和平的实现了联合。
选用上述词汇完成下列情景。 Yesterday I received a letter from my former teacher. He asked me if it would be _c_o_n_v_e_n_ie_n_t___ for him to come to my home this weekend. Of course I replied to him quickly that he could come at his _c_o_n_v_e_n_ie_n_c_e__. Besides, I told him that if _c_o_n_v_e_n_ie_n_t__, I’d like to pay him a visit because it was really _c_o_n_v_e_n_ie_n_t_ to go to Beijing nowadays.
Please click on your question below to find the answer 请点击以下您的问题寻找相应解答News updates 最新新闻British Embassy Beijing no longer accepts faxes英国大使馆不再接收任何传真UK Government will introduce a limit on non- European immigration英国政府将限制非欧盟移民Customers who have lost their Identity Card for Foreign Nationals (ICFN) 丢失外国人身份卡 (ICFN)的旅客New visa customer service standards签证客户服务新标准Changes to student visa applications from February 2010自2010 年 2月起,学生签证申请将有变化。
Pearson Test of English Academic学术英语测试(PTE)Fuzhou, Guangzhou and Shenzhen temporary suspension福州,广州和深圳暂时停用Prior to applying for a UK Visa签证申请之前奏General information on Visas for the United Kingdom 赴英签证的基本信息How to apply for a visa in China如何在中国申请签证How to apply for a visa in Mongolia如何在蒙古国申请签证Do I need a visa?我需要签证吗?Which visa application form should I use?我应该用哪种申请表格?How do I complete the Visa Application Form?我该如何完整填写签证申请表格?Can I submit my Visa Application by post?我可否以邮递的方式递交签证申请How do I book an appointment to attend the visa application centre using the online application system?我如何使用在线申请系统在签证申请中心预约?Do I need to submit original documentation with my application?我需要随申请递交资料的原件吗?Translations of documents - How should the documents be translated文件的翻译-文件该如何翻译What documents do I need to submit with my student visa application?递交学生签证申请时我需要递交哪些文件What is a Property Inspection Report and how can I get one?什么是房产查验报告?我如何获取该文件?Do I need to submit my old passport showing my previous travel history, with my visa application?我需要随申请一起递交旧护照从而显示我的出入境历史吗?Do I have to have a physical examination when applying for a UK Visa?我申请英国签证时是否需要体检证明?How long does it take for a visa to be processed?签证受理需要多长时间?Can I transit the UK without a visa?没有签证我能过境英国吗?Do I need a visa to transit the UK en route to the Republic of Ireland?我需要签证在英国过境前往爱尔兰共和国吗?Where can I find more information about the Points Based System Tier 4?在哪里我可以找到有关计点积分制第4阶段的更多相关信息?Is there a student visa application booking system?有学生签证申请预约系统吗?My British spouse and I wish to settle permanently in the UK. What visa do I need?我和我的英国配偶希望永久定居英国,我需要哪种签证?Information on a Settlement Visa & Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK有关定居签证和在英国无限期停留的相关信息Duration of Visit Visas访问签证的期限Guidance on Child-Minding by family visitors以照顾小孩为目的的探亲签证How far in advance can my Points Based System (PBS) visa be issued? 我的记点记分制签证会提前多长时间被签发?Where can I get more information & guidance on visas?我在哪里可以找到关于签证的更多信息和指南?Further information on visa categories有关您的签证类别的详尽信息I have an enquiry about my outstanding application/ how do I check what's happening with my Visa application?我想咨询关于我的没有定论的申请/ 我如何查询我的签证申请进度I have been waiting over 3 weeks for my visa, where is it?就签证结果,我已经等了三周了,现在我的申请在哪里?I need to borrow my passport. Can you send it back to me?我需要借出我的护照,你们能寄给我吗?I want to make an appointment for a visa interview我想预约签证面谈I want to change my interview date and time我想变更面谈日期和时间I am not the applicant, can you tell me what is happening with a visa application?我不是申请人,你能告诉我签证结果吗?Can I get a refund?我可以得到退款吗?My education provider's licence is suspended - what can I do?我的教育机构提供方的许可被暂停-我应该怎么办?Can I submit more documents after I have submitted my visa application? 我能否在递交签证申请后补交材料?If I am refused a visa, what can I do now? Can I appeal against the decision? 如果我被拒签,我现在应该做什么?我可以上诉吗?I have a limited right of appeal – what can I do?我拥有有限的上诉权-我该怎么做?Have you received my appeal/administrative review?您收到我的上诉/行政复议了吗?What is happening to my appeal/administrative review?我的上诉和行政复议审理的状况如何?Appeal (sent to IAFT) process time上述案件(递送至AIT)审理时间Who can I contact in the UK regarding the progress of my Appeal?我可以和英国何处联系了解我的上诉进程My appeal has been allowed by the Immigration Judge, what do I do now?移民法官已获准我的上诉,我该怎样做?More information regarding Appeals and Administrative Review有关上诉和行政复议的更多信息I have been issued a student visa but now I would like to go to another college/university, can I use my existing visa?我已经获得学生签证,但是现在我希望前往另一家学院或大学就读,我可以使用我现有的学生签证吗?I have a valid UK visa but now wish to travel to the UK for another purpose. Can I use the same visa if it is still valid?我持有英国签证,但是希望以另外一个目的访问英国。
The UK
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英国人一般较喜爱的烹饪方式有:烩、烧烤、煎和油炸。对肉类、海鲜、野味的烹调均有独到的方 式;然而,他们对牛肉类方面又有特别的偏好,如烧烤牛肉(ROASTED BEEF),在食用时不仅 附上时令的蔬菜、烤土豆,还会在牛排上加上少许的芥末酱;在佐料的使用上则喜好奶油及酒类; 在香料上则喜好肉寇、肉桂等新鲜香料。 英国人对早餐非常讲究,英国餐馆中所供应的餐点种类繁多,有果汁、水果、蛋类、肉类、麦粥类、 面包、果酱及咖啡等。 时下所流行的下午茶(HIGH TEA)也是传来自于英国,其较知名的有维多 莉亚式VICTORIAN STYLE),内容可说是包罗万象,包括各式小点、松糕、水果挞(TARTE)及 三明治等。 晚餐对英国人来说也是日常生活中最重要的一部份,他们选择的用餐时间通常较晚,而 且都是边吃边喝边聊,以促进用餐人之间的情谊,可想见他们是属于极有自主性的民族,而一顿晚 餐对他们来说可能要花上好几个钟头。 烤牛排 这是英国菜中的代表作,由大块带油的生牛肉放入 约克郡布丁 烤箱中烤制而成,同煎牛排一样,在您点这道菜时,服务员会问你喜欢生一些的还是熟一些的。做 好的牛肉吃时可以沾西式芥茉酱,作为辅菜的约克郡布丁也很有名。 炸鱼及炸马铃薯条 这是英国的“麦当劳”,是一种既便宜又方便的食品。炸鱼多为鲽鱼或鳕鱼,与炸薯条一起沾着盐 或醋(不少英国人两者都用)食用,很受普通百姓欢迎。 维多利亚海绵蛋糕 维多利亚海绵蛋糕 英国社会有一个久负盛名的传统——下午茶会。维多利亚海绵蛋糕,是英国下午茶点的经典必备。 它因维多利亚女王最喜爱海绵蛋糕的吃法(一层奶油一层果酱)而得名。[31] 苦啤酒 苦啤酒是英国最具代表性的啤酒,它起源于18世纪,起初是作为英国传统麦芽酒的替代品,最大的 特点是酒精度数低,以窖藏温度供应,仅需几日便可发酵。20世纪,为享受更大的折扣优惠,很多 酒吧成为特定酒厂产品的专营店。苦啤酒以其快速的生产周期,无疑成为酒厂经营者提高啤酒供应 效率的妙方。如今,苦啤酒品质依旧,您依然走入英国酒吧,品尝一杯酒窖温度、无泡沫、低度数 的正宗苦啤酒。[31] 伊顿麦斯 伊顿麦斯是由草莓、奶油和蛋白酥皮精制而成的甜点,起源于温莎的贵族学校伊顿公学。一种说法 是1796年,伊顿公学和老对手温彻斯特首次在板球比赛狭路相逢,甜点伊顿麦斯就出现在当时比赛 的餐桌上。 另一个版本是1920年,在伊顿公学的校园开放日,一只拉布拉多犬一屁股坐在主人野 炊的毯子上,压扁了主人的草莓奶油蛋白饼,创造出了伊顿麦斯。甜点伊顿麦斯已成为英格兰夏天 的代名词。[31]
英国大学排名 最新英国大学排名 泰晤士报大学排名.doc
Harper Adams University takes the top spot in Times Higher Education'sStudent Experience Survey results for 202X, in only its second year of beingeligible for the survey.The agricultural institution is the first specialist university to top thepoll. Last year’s number one, Loughborough University, has slipped down tosecond place.The University of Sheffield, the University of Leeds and the University ofSurrey round off the top five universities in the UK, as voted for bystudents.The results are based on the responses of more than 15,000 undergraduatesrating their university across 21 measures based on a seven-point rating from“strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”. The survey was appended to YouthSight’sStudent Omnibus Surveys and all respondents were members of YouthSight’s studentpanel.This year, the presentation of the results has changed slightly.Universities are still given points for 21 separate attributes, but there arenow seven composite groups made up of up to five of the 21 attributes. The sevencomposite groups cover: academic experience, university facilities, societalexperience, student welfare, accommodation, industry connections, andsecurity.在202X年泰晤士高等教育《学生体验调查》排名中,哈珀亚当斯大学位列第一,它第二年参评就获得了如此成绩。
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,[nb 5] commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a sovereign state located off the north-western coast of continental Europe. The country includes the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that shares a land border with another sovereign state—the Republic of Ireland.[nb 6] Apart from this land border the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the English Channel and the Irish Sea.The United Kingdom is a unitary state governed under a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary system, with its seat of government in the capital city of London. It is a country in its own right[10] and consists of four countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The latter three of these are devolved administrations, each with varying powers,[11][12] based in their capital cities Belfast, Edinburgh and Cardiff respectively. Associated with the UK, but not constitutionally part of it, are three Crown Dependencies: Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man.[13] The United Kingdom has fourteen overseas territories.[14] These areremnants of the British Empire which, at its height in 1922, encompassed almost a quarter of the world's land surface and was the largest empire in history. British influence can still be observed in the language, culture and legal systems of many of its former territories.The UK is a developed country and has the world's seventh-largest economy by nominal GDP and eighth-largest economy by purchasing power parity. It was the world's first industrialised country[15] and the world's foremost power during the 19th and early 20th centuries.[16] The UK remains a great power with leading economic, cultural, military, scientific and political influence.[17] It is a recognized nuclear weapons state and its military expenditure ranks fourth in the world.[18]The UK has been a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council since its first session in 1946. It has been a member of the European Union and its predecessor the European Economic Community since 1973. It is also a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the Council of Europe, the G7, the G8, the G20, NATO, the Organization forEconomic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the World Trade Organization.。
chapter 1 (UK)Geography,people and language
The largest part of Britain. Lies in southeast of the island
Major Cities: London (伦敦)、Birmingham (伯明翰)、 Manchester(曼彻斯 特)、Liverpool(利物 浦)、Newcastle(纽卡 斯尔)
Ex1: Fill in the blanks below.
1)The British Isles –a geographic term which includes two large islands, Great Britain andIreland island , and 5,000 small islands.
The smallest of the four regions,
both in population and in area. 人口和领土都是最小的. 1/6
Traditional language: 盖尔语 Gaelic 10%
Mostly rural主要是农村 low hills低山丘陵 , beautiful lake in the
扬神威,张天网, 保王室,歼敌人, 一鼓涤荡。 破阴谋,灭奸党, 把乱盟一扫光; 让我们齐仰望, 天佑女王
National bird:
redbreast /robin 知更鸟
National flower:
British dollar: pound
• 1人民币元=0.1049英镑 1英镑=9.5297人民币元
P2. Para2.
• Lake District lies in the north-west England and North Wales.
The UK
Yes! It´s west and a little north of China.
What do they speak in the U.K.?
That´s easy ! English!
In the U.K.
Lesson13:The U.K.
A map of the U.K.
Do you know what country this is,Liming?
你知道这是什么国家吗,李明? 我知道!它是英国
Yes!It ´s the U.K.!
That´s right! It’s the United Kingdom or U.K.
Do you know the capital city of the U.K.?
你知道英国的首都 城市是什么吗?
Yes,I know! It´London.
Is the U.K.south of China,LiMing?
No!The west of China.
Kings and queens live in palaces. This is Buckingham Palace in London.
Here′s the U.K. ′s flag. What colour is it?
It′s red,white and blue. It′s the same colour as the U.S.flag!
最新冀教版五年级英语上册教案:Lesson 10 The UK
冀教版五年级上册Lesson 10 The U.K.教学目标设计1. 知识与技能目标:(1)学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写以下词汇:here(2)学生能认读、理解并运用下列句子:Here is…(3)学生能介绍有关英国的基本信息,知道英国的重要景点,在地图上能够找到英国的位置。
2. 情感目标:创设学习情境,激发学生学习的热情和兴趣,提高学生学习的积极性和主动性。
3. 文化意识:(1)要求学生学会分享对世界的看法,并比较和对比中国和英国生活方面的不同。
教学过程Class Opening1. Greetings2. Warming upSay the names of the countries quickly.New Concept1. Talk about the map【设计意图:通过师生交流,辅以多媒体课件,让学生更有兴趣,且记忆深刻。
】This is a map of the U.K..2. Ask a question.What is the capital city of the U.K.?Do you know about London?【设计意图:给学生机会请他们谈谈自己所了解的London。
】3. Listen and answer the questions.(1) What country is it?(2) What do they speak?(3) What is the capital city of the U.K.?(4) What colour is the map of the U.K.?4.Introduction.How to say it in English? Do you want to know?the U.K.'s flag, Big Ben, kings and queens of the U.K. , Buckingham Palace, ect.课件呈现the U.K..'s flag, Big Ben, kings and queens of the U.K., Buckingham Palace, ect.【设计意图:学生们对英国很好奇,很向往,利用这一契机,教给他们这些地方的英文,提高他们的学习积极性,同时扩大了学生的知识面。
UK Shortage Occupation ListUK list: SOC code and description Job titles included on the UK Shortage Occupation List and further criteriaProduction managers and directors in mining and energy (1123) ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· The following jobs in the decommissioning and waste management areas of the nuclear industry: - managing director- programme director- site director· The following jobs in the electricity transmission and distribution industry:- project manager- site manager2112 Biological scientists and biochemists ONLY the following job in this occupation code:· clinical neurophysiologist2113 Physical Scientists ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· the following jobs in the construction-related ground engineering industry:- engineering geologist- hydrogeologist- geophysicist· the following jobs in the oil and gas industry:- geophysicist- geoscientist- geologist- geochemist· technical services manager in the decommissioning and waste areas of the nuclear industry· nuclear medicine scientist· radiotherapy physicist· senior resource geologist and staff geologist in the mining sector2119 Natural and social science professionals not elsewhere classified ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code: · informatician· bio-informatician• the following jobs in the construction-related ground engineering industry:- geotechnical engineer- tunnelling engineer• the following jobs in the oil and gas industry:- petroleum engineer- drilling engineer- completions engineer- fluids engineer- reservoir engineer- offshore and subsea engineer- control and instrument engineer- process safety engineer- wells engineer• senior mining engineer in the mining sector2122 Mechanical engineers ONLY the following job in this occupation code:· mechanical engineer in the oil and gas industry2123 Electrical engineers ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· electrical engineer in the oil and gas industry· thefollowing jobs in the electricity transmission and distribution industry:- power system engineer- controlengineer- protection engineer· the following jobs in the aerospace industry:- electrical machine designengineer- power electronics engineer• the following jobs in the railway industry:- signalling design manager- signalling design engineer- signalling principles designer- senior signalling design checker- signalling design checker- signalling systems engineer• specialist electronics engineer in the automotive manufacturing and design industry2126 Design and development engineers ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· design engineer in the electricity transmission and distribution industry· the following jobs in the automotive design and manufacturing industry:- product development engineer- product design engineer· the following jobs in the electronics system industry:- integrated circuit design engineer- integrated circuit test engineer2127 Production and process engineers ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· chemical engineer· manufacturing engineer (process planning) in the aerospace industry· technical services representative in the decommissioning and waste areas of the nuclear industryelsewhere classified · the following jobs in the electricity transmission and distribution industry:- project engineer- proposals engineer· the following jobs in the aerospace industry:- aerothermal engineer- stress engineer- chief of engineering- advance tool and fixturing engineer· the following jobs in the decommissioning and waste management areas of the civil nuclear industry:- operations manager- decommissioning specialist manager- project/planning engineer- radioactive waste manager- radiological protection advisor· The following jobs in the civil nuclear industry:- nuclear safety case engineer- mechanical design engineer (pressure vehicles)- piping design engineer- mechanical design engineer (stress)- thermofluids/process engineer2135 IT Business analysts, architects and systems designers ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· systems engineer in visual effects and 2D/3D computer animation for the film, television or video games sectors2136 Programmers and software development professionals ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· the following jobs in visual effects and 2D/3D computer animation for the film, television or video games sectors:- software developer- shader writer- games designer· the following jobs in the electronics system industry:- driver developer- embedded communications engineer· the following jobs in the construction-related ground engineering industry:- contaminated land specialist- geoenvironmental specialist- landfill engineer2211 Medical practitioners ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:• consultant in the following specialities:- emergency medicine- haematology- old age psychiatry• non-consultant, non-training, medical staff post in the following specialities:- anaesthetics- general medicine specialities delivering acute care services (intensive care medicine, general internalmedicine (acute), emergency medicine (including specialist doctors working in accident andemergency))- rehabilitation medicine- psychiatry2217 Medical Radiographers ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· HPC registered diagnostic radiographer· HPC registered therapeutic radiographer· sonographerSponsors must retain evidence of the individual's HPC registration and provide this to the UK BorderAgency on request. (Registration may need to be done after the individual has entered the UnitedKingdom but must be done before starting work).2231 Nurses ONLY the following job in this occupation code:· specialist nurse working in neonatal intensive care unitsSponsors must retain evidence of the individual's provisional / full NMC registration and provide this tothe UK Border Agency on request.2314 Secondary education teaching professionals ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:• secondary education teachers in the subjects of maths and science (chemistry and physics only)2442 Social workers ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· social worker working in children’s and family services2461 Quality control and planning engineers ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· the following jobs in the electricity transmission and distribution industry: - planning / development engineer- quality, health, safety and environment (QHSE) engineer3113 Engineering technicians ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· the following jobs in the electricity transmission and distribution industry:- commissioning engineer- substation electrical engineer3218 Medical and dental technicians ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code: • nuclear medicine technologist • radiotherapytechnologist3411 Artist ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· Animator in visual effects and 2D/3D computer animation for the film, television or video gamessectors3414 Dancers and choreographers ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:• skilled classical ballet dancers who meet the standard required by internationally recognised UnitedKingdom ballet companies (e.g. Birmingham Royal Ballet, English National Ballet, Northern BalletTheatre, The Royal Ballet and Scottish Ballet). The company must either:- have performed at or been invited to perform at venues of the calibre of the Royal Opera House,Sadler’s Wells or Barbican, either in the United Kingdom or overseas; or- attract dancers and/or choreographers and other artists from other countries; or- be endorsed as being internationally recognised by a United Kingdom industry body such as the ArtsCouncils (of England, Scotland and/or Wales)• skilled contemporary dancers who meet the standard required by internationally recognised UnitedKingdom contemporary dance companies (e.g. Shobana Jeyasingh Dance Company, Scottish DanceTheatre and Rambert Dance Company). The company must either:- have performed at or been invited to perform at venues of the calibre of Sadler’s Wells, theSouthbank Centre or The Place, either in the United Kingdom or overseas; or- attract dancers and/or choreographers and other artists from all over the world; or- be endorsed as being internationally recognised by a United Kingdom industry body such as the ArtsCouncils (of England, Scotland and/or Wales)3415 Musicians ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· skilled orchestral musicians who are leaders, principals, sub-principals or numbered string positions,and who meet the standard required by internationally recognised UK orchestras (including LondonSymphony Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Philharmonia Orchestra and RoyalPhilharmonic Orchestra)3416 Arts officers, producers and directors ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· the following jobs in visual effects and 2D/3D computer animation for the film, television or video games sectors:- 2D supervisor- 3D supervisor- computer graphics supervisor- producer- production manager- technical director- visual effects supervisor3421 Graphic designers ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· the following jobs in visual effects and 2D/3D computer animation for the film, television or videogames sectors:- compositing artist- matte painter- modeller- rigger- stereo artist- texture artist3541 Buyers and purchasing officers ONLY the following job in this occupation code:· manufacturing engineer (purchasing) in the aerospace industry5215 Welding trades ONLY the following job in this occupation code: • high integrity pipe welder where the job requires threeor more years’ related on-the-job experience Sponsors must retain references from the individual’s pastemployer(s) detailing three or more years’ related on-the-job experience and provide these to the UKBorder Agency on request. Sponsors must also retain relevant evidence to enable them to justify thefollowing: 1) - Why does the job require someone with three or more years’ related on-the-jobexperience? What elements of the job require this experience and why? 2) - Why could the job not becarried out to the required standard by someone with less experience? 3) - How would you expect asettled worker to gain this experience before being appointed to the post?5235 Aircraft maintenance and related trades ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· licensed and military certifying engineer/inspector technician5249 Line repairers and cable jointers ONLY the following job in this occupation code:· overhead linesworker, working on high voltage lines that carry at least 275,000 volts5434 Chefs ONLY the following job in this occupation code:• skilled chef where:- the pay is at least £29,570 per year after deductions for accommodation, meals etc; and- the job requires five or more years relevant experience in a role of at least equivalent status to theone they are entering; and- the job is not in either a fast food outlet, a standard fare outlet, or an establishment which provides atake-away service; and- the job is in one of the following roles:o executive chef – limited to one per establishmento head chef – limited to one per establishmento sous chef – limited to one for every four kitchen staff per establishmento specialist chef – limited to one per speciality per establishmentA fast food outlet is one where food is prepared in bulk for speed of service, rather than to individualorder.A standard fare outlet is one where the menu is designed centrally for outlets in a chain / franchise,rather than by a chef or chefs in the individual restaurant. Standard fare outlets also include thosewhere dishes and / or cooking sauces are bought in ready-made, rather than prepared from fresh / rawingredients.Sponsors must retain references from the individual’s past employer(s) detailing five or more years’relevant experience in a role of at least equivalent status and provide these to the UK Border Agencyon request.Sponsors must also retain relevant evidence to enable them to justify the following:1) - Why does the job require someone with at least five years' previous experience in a role of at leastequivalent status? What elements of the job require this experience and why?2) - Why could the job not be carried out to the required standard by someone with less experience?3) - How would you expect a settled worker to gain this experience before being appointed to the post?Job titles included on the Scotland Shortage Occupation List and further criteriaScotland list: SOC code anddescriptionN/A ALL job titles and occupations on the UK shortage occupation list2113 Physical scientists ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· jobs on the UK Shortage Occupation List· staff working in diagnostics radiology (including magnetic resonance imaging)2211 Medical practitioners ONLY the following jobs in this occupation code:· jobs on the UK Shortage Occupation List· ST3, ST4, ST5 and ST6 trainees in paediatrics or anaesthetics· SAS staff doctors in paediatrics or anaesthetics· consultants in paediatrics or anaesthetics· non-consultant, non-training doctors in the specialty obstetrics and gynaecology。
The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of independent countries, nearly all of which were once British territories(or colonies). It was founded in 1931.There are 53 members including the United Kingdom, which co-operate in the common interests of their people.The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato)is an alliance of 26 countries from Europe and North America, formed in 1949. Nato's aim is to safeguard the freedom and security of its member countries, by political and military means. It now plays an important role in peacekeeping, crisis management and fighting terrorism.The European Union (EU) is a partnership of 27 democratic countries, working together for the benefit of all their citizens. It aims to promote social and economic progress among its members, common foreign and security positions, police and judicial co-operation in criminal matters, and European citizenship.The European Union(EU) is a political and economic union of twenty-seven member states, located primarily in Europe. It was established by the Treaty of Maastricht in 1993 upon the foundations of the pre-existing European Economic Community. With almost 500 million citizens, the EU combined generates an estimated 30% share of the world's nominal gross domestic product (US$16.8 trillion in 2007).The 1957 Rome Treaty created the European Economic Community.The European Union was formally established when the Maastricht Treaty came into force on 1 November 1993.The EU has developed a single market through a standardised system of laws which apply in all member states, guaranteeing the freedom of movement of people, goods, services and capital.[4] It maintains a common trade policy,[5]agricultural and fisheries policies,[6] and a regional development policy.[7]Fifteen member states have adopted a common currency, the euro. It has developed a role in foreign policy, representing its members in the World Trade Organisation, at G8summits and at the United Nations. Twenty-one EU countries are members of NATO. It has developed a role in justice and home affairs, including the abolition of passport control between many member states under the Schengen Agreement.[8]The EU operates through a hybrid system of intergovernmentalism and supranationalism. In certain areas it depends upon agreement between the member states. However, it also has supranational bodies, able to make decisions without the agreement of all national governments. Important institutions and bodies of the EU include the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the EuropeanCouncil, the European Court of Justice and the European Central Bank. EU citizens elect the Parliament every five years.The EU traces its origins to the European Coal and Steel Community formed among six countries in 1951 and the Treaty of Rome in 1957. Since then the EU has grown in size through the accession of new member states and has increased its powers by the addition of new policy areas to its remit.The United Nations (UN)is an international organisation created in 1945, after the end of World War II.The UK and 50 other countries signed the UN Charter - a commitment to preserve peace through international co-operation. Nearly every nation in the world now belongs to the UN, with 192 member countries.All countries in the UN are represented in the General Assembly - a 'parliament of nations' which meets to consider the world's most pressing problems.Each member state has one vote. The type of issues that may be discussed include globalisation, AIDS, conflict in Africa and how to help new democracies.Decisions on key areas such as peace and security, admitting new members and the UN budget need a two-thirds majority, while other matters only need a simple majority (the largest share of the votes).The most powerful part of the United Nations is the Security Council, with responsibility for maintaining peace and international security. The Council can meet at any time, whenever peace is threatened.There are 15 Council members. Five of these - the UK, China, France, Russia and the United States - are permanent members. The other 10 members are elected by the General Assembly for a two-year term.British GovernmentThe United Kingdom is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch. A king or queen is the head of state, and a prime minister is the head of government.The United Kingdom doesn't have a single, written constitution (a set of rules of government). But this doesn't mean that the UK has an ‘unwritten constitution’.In fact, it is mostly written – but instead of being one formal document, the British constitution is formed from various sources including statute law, case law made by judges, and international treaties.There are also some unwritten sources, including parliamentary conventions and royal prerogatives.The UK is a parliamentary democracy. This means that:★members of the government are also members of one of the two Houses of Parliament (the House of Commons and the House of Lords)– although there are rare exceptions to this rule★government is directly accountable to Parliament – not only on a day-to-day basis (through parliamentary questions and debates on policy) but also because it owes its existence to Parliament: the governing party is only in power because it holds a majority in the House of Commons, and at any time the government can be dismissed b y the Commons through a vote of ‘no confidence’The UK Parliament is a ‘sovereign parliament’– this means that the legislative body has ‘absolute sovereignty’, in other words it is supreme to all other government institutions, including any executive or judicial bodies.This stems from there being no single written constitution, and contrasts with notions of judicial review, where, if the legislature passes a law that infringes on any of the basic rights that people enjoy under their (written) constitution, it is possible for the courts to overturn it.In the UK, it is still Parliament (and not the judges) that decides what the law is. Judges interpret the law, but they do not make the law.The UK has a unitary system of government, meaning a system where power is held in the centre, although some powers have been devolved to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.单一制政府unitary governmentThe United Kingdom is a unitary, not a federal, state. Parliament consists of the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.英国是中央集权国家,而不是联邦制国家。
THE U.K.英国
小学英语第五册Lesson13 The U.K.教学设计教学目标:知识和技能目标:1.学生能够听说读写单词U.K.2.学生能口头运用下列语言和他人谈论英国的一些情况。
What country is it? It’s the U.K.They speak _____ in ______.The U.K. is _____ of ______.The capital city of _______ is _______.情感态度目标:1.喜欢和他人谈论有关国家的话题,愿意用英语与他人交流。
教学过程:问候复习1.Sing a song: North, south, east, west可选教学活动:Game: Simon Says用以复习north, south, east, west,map利用以下短语(Simon says)point north/south/east/west/to a map.2.Game: What’s missing? 用来复习所学的国家单词及本单元其他的重点单词。
新授1.出示英国地图,上面标注有London. Do you know what it is? It’s London.(教师指着London提问学生) Follow me, please. London.设计意图:学生对London这座城市是非常熟悉的,当老师发音时,大部分学生都可以知道是哪里。
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It is generally believed that Changxing is an attractive city with many places of interest, which attracts lots of people to crowd in every year. It has a famous tea garden featured as tea culture, old gingkgo trees left by the old generations, a beautiful Ba Wangtan known for Xiang Yu. In fact, if you walk around Changxing you may find there are many places where you can learn more about its culture and history. Now, with great efforts made by the government, Changxing is a good place for people to visit with
population industrial cities settle in
Northern Ireland
to one’s credit
get/find sth done You may find Wales included You may find England, Wales joined to Scotland The united Kingdom tried to get Ireland connected You may find Northern Ireland joined with England ,Wales and Scotland
Write a short passage to introduce geography and great changes in Changxing using phrases and sentences learned in the passage.
get/find sth done You may find the road broadened. The government gets many schools moved into the city.
(buildings, hospitals, factories, railways, bus stations, bridges, library, trees and flowers, polluted river…)
The government gets economydeveloped ________(develop)
gets the environment_________(beautify) beautified
gets people’s life_________(improve) improved You may find Changxing completely _______(change) changed
The world around us is beautiful. If you are willing to appreciate it, you will find it .
Language is various. If you are willing to learn it with determination and patience, you will master it.
life style
Changxing is an ideal place for people to live in with nice environment , healthy life style and convenient transportation.
Unit 2 The United Kingdom
湖 州 市 地 图
be made up of consist of
吴兴区 南浔区
be located in /lie in
cover an area of It is convenient for sb to do sth 煤山 for convenience be divided into 雉城 attract attractive 李家巷 settle in 泗安 to one’s credit 和平 area: 260,000 square kilometers make contributions to
population: 620,000
The full name of the Unitedquiz Let’s have a Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. consist of for convenience be divided into
places of interest
attract crowd in
Changxing is an attractive city with many places of interest, which attracts lots of people to crowd in every year.
Fill in the blanks
It is generally believed that the UK has many world-famous places of interest in the world whichattract ______lots of people to ________ every year. crowd in But the greatest historical treasure of all is London _____ its museums, artcollections parks, ________, with theatres and buildings. It has the oldest port ____by the Romans, the oldest buildings begun ______ built by the Anglo-Saxons and the oldest castle __________by constructed Normans. In fact, if you walk around the UK, you may find there are still many places ______ you can learn about British history where and culture. The United Kingdom is such an _________country that you must keep your eyes attracvtive open, if you are going to make your trip to the enjoyable UK__________and______________. worthwhile
It is generally believed that … …with…which…attract…crowd in … … tea garden featured as… …gingko trees left by… …Ba Wangtan known for.. …where …learn more about history and culture … a …place for people to visit/live in with…
It is generally believed that … crowd in… The greatest historical treasure … is London
with its museums, art collections …
…the oldest port built by… …the oldest building begun by… …the oldest castle constructed by
beautiful scenery, special culture and friendly people. Changxing is also an ideal place for people to live in with nice environment , healthy life style and convenient transportation.
be featured as
gingkgo trees
Ba Wangtan
Changxing is a good place for people to visit with beautiful scenery, special culture and friendly people.