X-ray intensity-hardness correlation in Cyg X-1




Initiating Event (cont.)
• An electron of kinetic energy T > 69.5 keV can do likewise by ejecting a K-shell electron in a hard collision • Notice that the electron is not required to have an incident energy exceeding twice the binding energy to accomplish this, even though an electron is conventionally supposed to be able to give no more than half its energy to another electron
X-Ray Production and Quality I
Production Unfiltered Energy Spectrum
• The word “quality” as applied to an x-ray beam ordinarily may be taken as synonymous with “hardness”, i.e., penetrating ability • In the earlier days of radiotherapy, before megavolt x- or γray beams became generally available, the effectiveness of x-ray treatment of deep-seated tumors depended upon the ability of the orthovoltage (<300-kV) x-rays to penetrate to the tumor while limiting the dose to overlying tissues. • For that application, the more strongly penetrating the beam, the higher its quality


I I0e- μ x , I I0e- μm xm
解: 0.1I0 = I0e-x e-x = 0.1
x = ln10 / = 2.30 / 200
= 1.1510-2(cm)
4.连续X射线谱的特点。 5.短波极限公式的应用。 ★作业:P289:13-1、13-2 ★预习: 280-285页(X射线衰减微观机制不
(1)产生机制 高速电子
内层电子 e
轨道有空位 外层电子填补
En- Ek =h
1 2
x x1/
1 2
xm xm1/
I=I0e- x x1/2 = ln2 /
I = I e-(ln2/x1/2) x 0
= I e(-ln2)•( x / x1/2) 0
1 2
(6)连续X射线的衰减规律 理论上:
II01e- μ1x I02e- μ2 x • • •
3.工作 原理
管电压 管电流
4.降低阳极靶温 度的方法
●钨靶镶嵌 在铜柱上
●实际焦点 A

§ X射线的物理学

§ X射线的物理学
ln 2


m Z
a 3
⑴ Z↑——吸收本领↑ 是X射线医学诊断的物理基础.人体肌肉组织的 主要成分H、C、O,骨骼的主要成分Ca3(PO4)2, 因此骨骼的m大.
铅(82)——很好的防护材料 人工造影——消化道,硫酸钡(钡56)
⑵↑——容易被衰减 放射治疗——高能X射线
物理意义:物质对X射线衰减的强弱程度. 质量衰减系数
同种物质,↑→ ↑但m不变——更便于比较不 同物质(分子构成)对X射线的衰减.
半价层就是使X 射线强度减弱一半的吸收体厚度 (或质量厚度). 半价层与吸收系数之间的关系式
半价层和吸收系数成反比,它标志着该射线对物 质的贯穿本领。铅对X射线的半价层约为0.1mm。 1.5mm厚的铅板将把射线强度减少215分之一或 30,000分之一。

轫致辐射 h
连续谱特性 ⑴ 不同管电压作用下的连续谱不同; ⑵ 存在短波极限min; ⑶ U↑→ 峰值和min向短波方向移动.

钨靶在较低 管电压下产生 的连续X射线谱

hc min
eU E h max
hc 1 1.242 nm e U U kV

2. 特征X射线谱 对于钨靶,管电压在70kV以上产生的X射线谱
产生机制 高速运动的电子与阳极靶内某个原子的内层电 子作用,靶原子的内层轨道电子吸收能量从靶原 子中逸出,在原子的内层电子中出现空位;外层 电子向空位跃迁,并在跃迁过程中放出一个光子, 光子能量为电子跃迁前后的能级差.



学术论著[11][12][13][14][15]杜亚楠,邹立秋,刘水清,等.MR弹性成像与超声实时剪切波弹性成像评估兔肝纤维化的对比研究[J].中华放射学杂志,2022,56(6):678-683.陈君耀,黎才洋,官宏勇.超声弹性成像及彩超血流成像与超声造影在鉴别原发性及转移性肝癌的价值[J].中国医学装备,2022,19(5):86-90.Wildeboer RR,Mannaerts CK,van Sloun RJG,et al.Automated multiparametric localization of prostate cancer based on B-mode,shear-wave elastography,and contrast-enhanced ultrasound radiomics[J].Eur Radiol,2020,30(2):806-815.张浩,常建东,陈小燕.超声弹性成像结合血清学指标诊断慢性乙型肝炎患者肝纤维化价值评价[J].实用肝脏病杂志,2020,23(5):642-645.柳刚,贺军,申学舟,等.多模态超声弹性成像技术联合血清学指标对慢性乙型肝炎肝纤维化程度的诊断价值[J].中西医结合肝病杂志,2021,31(4):335-337,348.收稿日期:2022-11-07[16][17][18][19]韩羽,虞华瑾,王雷,等.实时组织弹性成像与MSCT对肝硬化合并食管静脉曲张诊断价值比较[J].医学影像学杂志,2022,32(3):453-456.Shen M,Bi K,Cong Y,et al.Applicationof Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound in the Differential Diagnosis of Benign and Malignant Subpleural Pulmonary Lesions[J].J Ultrasound Med,2022,41(5):1147-1157.方玲,周晓东,孟欣,等.实时组织弹性成像在评价肝肿瘤中的应用价值[J].中华超声影像学杂志,2010,19(6):492-494.Strobel D,Jung EM,Ziesch M,et al.Real-lifeassessment of standardized contrast-enhanced ultrasound(CEUS) and CEUS algorithms(CEUS LI-RADS ®/ESCULAP) in hepatic nodules in cirrhotic patients-a prospective multicenter study[J].Eur Radiol,2021,31(10):7614-7625.中国医学装备2023年11月第20卷第11期 China Medical Equipment 2023 November V ol.20 No.11*基金项目:海南省卫生健康行业科研项目(20A200087)“剪切波弹性成像对乳腺良恶性病变的鉴别诊断”①琼海市人民医院超声科 海南 琼海 571400 作者简介:伍丽媛,女,(1990- ),本科学历,主治医师,从事腹部浅表超声诊断及研究工作。

射线法 金属薄膜厚度

射线法 金属薄膜厚度

射线法金属薄膜厚度英文回答:X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a versatile non-destructive technique for characterizing the structure and properties of materials, including the thickness of metal films. XRD works by directing a beam of X-rays at the sample and measuring the intensity and pattern of the diffracted X-rays. The thickness of the metal film can be determined by analyzing the intensity of the diffracted X-rays at specific angles.The basic principle behind XRD is Bragg's law, which states that when X-rays interact with a crystalline material, they are diffracted at specific angles that are determined by the wavelength of the X-rays and the spacing between the atoms in the crystal. In the case of a thin metal film, the diffracted X-rays will interfere with each other, producing a pattern of peaks and valleys in the intensity of the diffracted X-rays.The thickness of the metal film can be determined by measuring the distance between the peaks in the diffraction pattern. The distance between the peaks is related to the spacing between the atoms in the metal film, which in turn is related to the thickness of the film.XRD is a highly accurate and precise technique for measuring the thickness of metal films. It is non-destructive, so it does not damage the sample, and it can be used to measure the thickness of films on a variety of substrates.中文回答:射线法测量金属薄膜厚度。


第一节 X射线的产生
一、 X射线的的产生装置
1. X射线产生方法
同步辐射 受激辐射
受阻辐射产生X射线必须具备的两个基本条件: (1) 有高速运动的电子流; (2) 有阻止电子运动的障碍物—阳极靶;
2. X射线产生装置原理图:
(1)X射线管; (2)整流电路; (3)低压电源; (4)高压直流电源;
m KZ 3 , 3.5
(3)物质的原子系数愈大,对X射线的吸收本领愈强. (4)X射线的波长愈长, 愈容易被吸收。
5. X射线的滤过和硬化
固有滤过: 过滤窗 附加滤过: 总强度减小, 软X射线被吸收较多,短波成 分相对增加,平均硬度提高,波长范围变窄,波长分布 均匀化, 强度分布均匀化, 能量更有效, 线质变硬了.
氯个新离的子波源, 向 入C外 射l辐 的射X 与射 钠线 电同 磁离频 波子率 ,的 称 为N散a+射波。
X 射X线射 线
晶体包点括阵 中的面每中一点阵阵 点 个可 新散看 的射波作 波干一源涉, 向外辐和射与 入射面的间X点阵射 线 电同 磁散频 波射波率 ,干的 称涉 为散射波。
4. 光化学作用(感光作用): X射线照射胶片后能使胶片的感光乳剂中的溴化
银变成感光的溴化银, 经显影剂的化学处理后还原成 黑色的银, 构成了X线影像. 这样在X线片上就显示出 黑白影像,达到诊断目的.
5. 穿透本领: 波长短, 能量大, 对物质具有很强的穿透 能力; 透视、摄影和X-CT;
第四节 物质对X射线的衰减规律
低能粒子产生的X射线与物质相互作用的 主要形式为



第53卷第1期表面技术2024年1月SURFACE TECHNOLOGY·153·表面强化技术航空齿轮钢强化工艺与表面完整性关联规律研究吴吉展,朱才朝,魏沛堂*,刘怀举,吴少杰(重庆大学 机械传动国家重点实验室,重庆 400044)摘要:目的探究不同加工工艺与表面完整性的关联规律。

方法对渗碳航空齿轮钢AISI9310 进行常规喷丸、二次喷丸、微粒喷丸、滚磨光整、喷丸光整等齿轮高表面完整性强化加工工艺处理,使用白光干涉仪、X 射线衍射应力仪和显微硬度计对不同工艺状态下的试件进行表面形貌、表面粗糙度、残余应力和显微硬度等表面完整性表征。

结果喷丸能使得航空齿轮钢的表面粗糙度S a值由磨削状态的0.68 μm增加到0.96 μm,而光整处理后,S a下降到0.2 μm以下;微粒喷丸使表面残余压应力提升到–1 300 MPa,相比于常规喷丸和磨削状态,其幅值分别增加了450、800 MPa;滚磨光整使得表面残余压应力幅值进一步增加到1 400 MPa 以上;二次喷丸及喷丸光整能显著提升表面硬度,相比磨削状态的645HV分别提升到718HV、721HV。


关键词:滚动接触疲劳;二次喷丸;微粒喷丸;滚磨光整;表面完整性中图分类号:TG176 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2024)01-0153-16DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2024.01.015Correlation between Strengthening Process andSurface Integrity of Aviation Gear SteelWU Jizhan, ZHU Caichao, WEI Peitang*, LIU Huaiju, WU Shaojie(State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China)ABSTRACT: High surface integrity plays a key role in determining the service performance of basic components such as gears.How to obtain components with high surface integrity has become a focus of engineering and academic research. In this study, the carburizing aviation gear steel AISI9310 was treated by conventional shot peening, dual shot peening, fine particle peening, barrel finishing, barrel finishing after shot peening and other gear high surface integrity strengthening processes. For the conventional shot peening, a total of 3 groups of shot peening process were subject to different peening intensity, which were set to 0.2, 0.35, 0.5 mmA. Dual shot peening equipment was adopted for conventional shot peening atshot diameter of 0.6 mm, shot peening coverage of 200%, shot peening intensity of 0.35 mmA, and thendual shot peening at shot diameter 0.4 mm, shot收稿日期:2022-12-26;修订日期:2023-04-24Received:2022-12-26;Revised:2023-04-24基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFB3402801);中央高校基本科研业务费项目(2023CDJXY-021)Fund:The National Science and Technology Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2022YFB3402801); The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2023CDJXY-021)引文格式:吴吉展, 朱才朝, 魏沛堂, 等. 航空齿轮钢强化工艺与表面完整性关联规律研究[J]. 表面技术, 2024, 53(1): 153-168.WU Jizhan, ZHU Caichao, WEI Peitang, et al. Correlation between Strengthening Process and Surface Integrity of Aviation Gear Steel[J]. Surface Technology, 2024, 53(1): 153-168.*通信作者(Corresponding author)·154·表面技术 2024年1月peening coverage of 200%, shot peening intensity of 0.2 mmA. In addition, for the fine particle peening, the material of the shot was cast steel with an average shot diameter of 0.05 mm. Shot peening intensity was 0.1 mmN, shot peening coverage was 200%. As for the barrel finishing, the XL 400 vertical swirl finishing machine was used to carry out the finishing process test.The spindle speed was 147 r/min and the drum speed was 47 r/min. The positive and negative rotation time of the spindle was the same for 30 min in the whole process, and the embedded depth of the parts was 150 mm. The abrasive was made of TP3×3 white corundum, the loading amount of the barrel grinding block was 80%, and the grinding agent was HA-PC (3% concentration). The grinding agent was mainly used for black metal finishing, which could prevent the generation of sludge and had good dispersion function. The pH value was 8.3, which played a role in corrosion prevention and cleaning. And it was expected to give an active anti fatigue design method. White light interferometer, X-ray diffraction stress meter and micro-hardness tester were used to characterize the surface integrity such as surface morphology, surface roughness, residual stress and micro-hardness of specimens under different processing conditions, and to explore the relationship between different processing parameters and surface integrity. The results showed that conventional shot peening increased the surface roughness Sa value from 0.68 μm to 0.96 μm in the grinding state, while it decreased to below 0.2 μm after barrel finishing, which would effectively avoid micro pitting, near surface peeling, scuffing and other failures. The residual compressive stress on the surface of particle shot peening was –1 300 MPa, which was 450 MPa and 800 MPa higher than that of conventional shot peening and grinding, respectively. Barrel finishing further increased the surface residual compressive stress amplitude to above -1 400 MPa.Dual shot peening and conventional shot peening could significantly improve the surface hardness, compared with the grinding state of 645HV increased to 718HV, 721HV. Double shot peening, fine particle shot peening, barrel finishing and other processes affect the service performance such as lubrication state, stress state, stress concentration, and failure risk through surface integrity, thus directly affecting the service performance of gears.KEY WORDS: rolling contact fatigue; dual shot peening; fine particle peening; barrel finishing; surface integrity航空、航天、新能源汽车、舰艇等高端装备对齿轮的传动性能、服役状态及疲劳寿命提出了苛刻要求。



第二章电离辐射基本知识一、基本概念•1. 原子结构•(1)原子核:质子、中子•(2)核外电子2. 放射性•某些物质的原子核不稳定,会自发地发生变化,同时发射出各种射线的现象。


3. 同位素•(1)核素:某种原子具有一定特征的名称。

质子数、中子数、能态可不同,如1H(氕)、2H (氘)、3H(氚);Te m•(2)同位素:不同中子数或不同能态的核素。

(3)同质异能素:是同位素的一种特殊类型4. 放射性核素和核衰变•(1)稳定性同位素和放射性同位素:•能自发地转变为别的原子核或自发地发生核能态变化,变化时伴有射线的发射——放射性同位素•(2)核衰变方式:• a.α 衰变:α 射线为氦(He)• b.ß-衰变: ß-射线为电子(e-)• c.ß+衰变: ß+射线为正电子(e+)• c.γ 衰变:γ 射线为光子(3)半衰期(half-life)•某种放射性核因发生自发性核衰变而减少到原来核数的一半所需的时间。

•是放射性核素的一个特征常数•T1/2 = 0.693/λ(λ:衰变常数)•N = N0e-λT1/2(4)放射性活度(radioactivity)•指单位时间内放射性核的衰变数,即衰变率,单位 Bq• 1 Bq = 1dps• 1 Ci = 3.7×1010Bq = 2.22 ×1012dpm二、电离辐射的种类1. X 线•(1)X 线的特征• a. 基本特征•X 射线在电磁辐射中的特点属于频率高、波长短、能量大的射线•X 射线的频率约在 3×1016~3×1020 Hz之间,波长约在10~10-3 nm之间•X 线诊断常用的 X 线波长范围为 0.008~0.031 nm(40~150 kV)b. X 射线的波粒二象性•X 射线同时具有波动性和微粒性,统称为波粒二象性。



原子核物理专业词汇中英文对照表absorption cross-section吸收截面activity radioactivity放射性活度activity活度adiabatic approximation浸渐近似allowed transition容许跃迁angular correlation角关联angular distribution角分布angular-momentum conservation角动量守恒anisotropy各项异性度annihilation radiation湮没辐射anomalous magnetic moment反常极矩anti neutrino反中微子antiparticle反粒子artificial radioactivity人工放射性atomic mass unit原子质量单位atomic mass原子质量atomic nucleus原子核Auger electron俄歇电子backbending回弯bag model口袋模型baryon number重子数baryon重子binary fission二分裂变binging energy结合能black hole黑洞bombarding particle轰击粒子bottom quark底夸克branching ration 分支比bremsstrahlung轫致辐射cascade radiation级联辐射cascade transition级联跃迁centrifugal barrier离心势垒chain reaction链式反应characteristic X-ray特征X射线Cherenkov counter切连科夫计数器coincidence measurement符合剂量collective model集体模型collective rotation 集体转动collective vibration集体震动color charge色荷complete fusion reaction全熔合反应complex potential复势compound-nucleus decay复合核衰变compound-nucleus model复合核模型compound nucleus复合核Compton effect康普顿效应Compton electron康普顿电子Compton scattering康普顿散射cone effect圆锥效应conservation law守恒定律controlled thermonuclear fusion受控热核聚变cosmic ray宇宙射线Coulomb barrier库仑势垒Coulomb energy库伦能Coulomb excitation库仑激发CPT theorem CPT定理critical angular momentum临界角动量critical distance临界距离critical mass临界质量critical volume临界体积daily fuel consumption 燃料日消耗量dalitz pair 达立兹对damage criteria 危害判断准则damage 损伤damped oscillations 阻尼震荡damped vibration 阻尼震荡damped wave 阻尼波damper 减震器damping factor 衰减系数damping 衰减的damp proof 防潮的damp 湿气danger coefficient 危险系数danger dose 危险剂量danger range 危险距离danger signal 危险信号dark current pulse 暗电瘤冲dark current 暗电流data acquisition and processing system 数据获得和处理系统data base 数据库data communication 数据通信data processing 数据处理data reduction equipment 数据简化设备data 数据dating 测定年代daughter atom 子体原子daughter element 子体元素daughter nuclear子核daughter nucleus 子体核daughter nuclide 子体核素daughter 蜕变产物dd reaction dd反应dd reactor dd反应器deactivation 去活化dead ash 死灰尘dead band 不灵敏区dead space 死区dead time correction 死时间校正dead time 失灵时间deaerate 除气deaeration 除气deaerator 除气器空气分离器deaquation 脱水debris activity 碎片放射性debris 碎片de broglie equation 德布罗意方程de broglie frequency 德布罗意频率de broglie relation 德布罗意方程de broglie wavelength 德布罗意波长de broglie wave 德布罗意波debuncher 散束器debye radius 德拜半径debye scherrer method 德拜谢乐法debye temperature 德拜温度decade counter tube 十进计数管decade counting circuit 十进制计数电路decade counting tube 十进管decade scaler 十进位定标器decagram 十克decalescence 相变吸热decalescent point 金属突然吸热温度decanning plant 去包壳装置decanning 去包壳decantation 倾析decanter 倾析器decanting vessel 倾析器decan 去掉外壳decarburization 脱碳decascaler 十进制定标器decatron 十进计数管decay chain衰变链decay coefficient 衰变常数decay constant 衰变常数decay constant衰变常量decay energy衰变能decay factor 衰变常数decay fraction衰变分支比decay heat removal system 衰变热去除系统decay heat 衰变热decay kinematics 衰变运动学decay out 完全衰变decay period 冷却周期decay power 衰减功率decay rate 衰变速度decay scheme衰变纲图decay series 放射系decay storage 衰变贮存decay table 衰变表decay time 衰变时间decay 衰减decelerate 减速deceleration 减速decigram 分克decimeter wave 分米波decladding plant 去包壳装置decladding 去包壳decommissioning 退役decompose 分解decomposition temperature 分解温度decomposition 化学分解decontaminability 可去污性decontamination area 去污区decontamination factor 去污因子decontamination index 去污指数decontamination plant 去污装置decontamination reagent 去污试剂decontamination room 去污室decontamination 净化decoupled band 分离带decoupling 去耦解开decrease 衰减decrement 减少率deep dose equivalent index 深部剂量当量指标deep inelastic reaction深度非弹性反应deep irradiation 深部辐照deep therapy 深部疗deep underwater nuclear counter 深水放射性计数器deep water isotopic current analyzer 深海水连位素分析器de excitation 去激发de exemption 去免除defecation 澄清defective fuel canning 破损燃料封装defective fuel element 破损元件defect level 缺陷程度defectoscope 探伤仪defect 缺陷defence 防护deficiency 不足define 定义definite 确定的definition 分辨deflagration 爆燃deflecting coil 偏转线圈deflecting electrode 偏转电极deflecting field 偏转场deflecting plate 偏转板deflecting system 偏转系统deflecting voltage 偏转电压deflection angle 偏转角deflection plate 偏转板deflection system 偏转系统deflection 负载弯曲deflector coil 偏转线圈deflector field 致偏场deflector plate 偏转板deflector 偏转装置deflocculation 解凝defoamer 去沫剂defoaming agent 去沫剂defocusing 散焦deformation bands 变形带deformation energy 变形能deformation of irradiated graphite 辐照过石墨变形deformation parameter形变参量deformation 变形deformed nucleus 变形核deformed region 变形区域deform 变形degassing 脱气degas 除气degeneracy 简并degenerate configuration 退化位形degenerate gas 简并气体degenerate level 简并能级degenerate state 简并态degeneration 简并degradation of energy 能量散逸degradation 软化degraded spectrum 软化谱degree of acidity 酸度degree of anisotropic reflectance 蛤异性反射率degree of burn up 燃耗度degree of cross linking 交联度degree of crystallinity 结晶度degree of degeneration 退化度degree of dispersion 分散度degree of dissociation 离解度degree of enrichment 浓缩度degree of freedom 自由度degree of hardness 硬度degree of ionization 电离度degree of moderation 慢化度degree of polymerization 聚合度degree of purity 纯度dehumidify 减湿dehydrating agent 脱水剂dehydration 脱水deionization rate 消电离率deionization time 消电离时间deionization 消电离dejacketing 去包壳delay circuit 延迟电路delayed alpha particles 缓发粒子delayed automatic gain control 延迟自动增益控制delayed coincidence circuit 延迟符合电路delayed coincidence counting 延迟符合计数delayed coincidence method 延迟符合法delayed coincidence unit 延迟符合单元delayed coincidence 延迟符合delayed criticality 缓发临界delayed critical 缓发临界的delayed fallout 延迟沉降物delayed fission neutron 缓发中子delayed gamma 延迟性射线delayed neutron detector 缓发中子探测器delayed neutron emitter 缓发中子发射体delayed neutron failed element monitor 缓发中子破损燃料元件监测器delayed neutron fraction 缓发中子份额delayed neutron method 缓发中子法delayed neutron monitor 缓发中子监测器delayed neutron precursor 缓发中子发射体delayed neutron 缓发中子delayed proton缓发质子delayed reactivity 缓发反应性delay line storage 延迟线存储器delay line 延迟线delay system 延迟系统delay tank 滞留槽delay time 延迟时间delay unit 延迟单元delay 延迟delineation of fall out contours 放射性沉降物轮廓图deliquescence 潮解deliquescent 潮解的delivery dosedose 引出端delta electron 电子delta metal 合金delta plutonium 钚delta ray 电子demagnetization 去磁demagnetize 去磁dematerialization 湮没demineralization of water 水软化demineralization 脱盐demonstration reactor 示范反应堆demonstration 示范dempster mass spectrograph 登普斯特质谱仪denaturalization 变性denaturant 变性剂denaturation of nuclear fuel 核燃料变性denaturation 变性denature 变性denaturize 变性denitration 脱硝dense plasma focus 稠密等离子体聚焦dense 稠密的densimeter 光密度计densimetry 密度测定densitometer 光密度计densitometry 密度计量学density analog method 密度模拟法density bottle 密度瓶density effect 密度效应density gradient instability 密度梯度不稳定性density of electrons 电子密度deoxidation 脱氧deoxidization 脱氧departure from nucleate boiling ratio 偏离泡核沸腾比departure from nucleate boiling 偏离泡核沸腾dependability 可靠性dependence 相依dependency 相依dephlegmation 分凝酌dephlegmator 分馏塔depilation dose 脱毛剂量depilation 脱毛depleted fraction 贫化馏分depleted fuel 贫化燃料depleted material 贫化材料depleted uranium shielding 贫铀屏蔽depleted uranium 贫化铀depleted water 贫化水depleted zone 贫化区域deplete uranium tail storage 贫化铀尾料储存depletion layer 耗尽层depletion 贫化;消耗depolarization 去极化depolymerization 解聚合deposit dose 地面沉降物剂量deposited activity 沉积的放射性deposition 沉积deposit 沉淀depression 减压depressurization accident 失压事故depressurizing system 降压系统depth dose 深部剂量depth gauge 测深计depth of focus 焦点深度depthometer 测深计derby 粗锭derivant 衍生物derivate 衍生物derivative 衍生物derived estimate 导出估价值derived unit 导出单位derived working limit 导出工撰限desalinization 脱盐desalting 脱盐descendant 后代desensitization 脱敏desensitizer 脱敏剂desiccation 干燥desiccator 干燥器防潮器design basis accident 设计依据事故design basis depressurization accident 设计依据卸压事故design basis earthquake 设计依据地震design dose rate 设计剂量率design of the safeguards approach 保障监督方法设计design power 设计功率design pressure 设计压力design safety limit 设计安全限design temperature rise 设计温度上升design transition temperature 设计转变温度design 设计desmotropism 稳变异构desmotropy 稳变异构desorption 解吸desquamation 脱皮destruction test 破坏性试验destructive distillation 干馏detailed balance principle细致平衡原理detailed decontamination 细部去污detectable activity 可探测的放射性detectable 可检测的detection efficiency 探测效率detection efficiency探测效率detection limit 探测限detection of neutrons from spontaneous fission 自发裂变中子探测detection of radiation 辐射线的探测detection probability 探测概率detection time 探测时间detection 探测detector 1/v 1/v探测器detector efficiency 探测僻率detector foil 探测骗detector noise 探测齐声detector shield 探测屏蔽detector tube 检波管detector with internal gas source 内气源探测器detector 探测器敏感元件detect 探测;检波detergent 洗涤剂determination 确定deterrence of diversion 转用制止detonating gas 爆鸣气detonation altitude 爆炸高度detonation point 爆炸点detonation yield 核爆炸威力detonation 爆炸detoxifying 净化detriment 损害detted line 点线deuteride 氘化物deuterium alpha reaction 氘反应deuterium critical assembly 重水临界装置deuterium leak detector 重水检漏器deuterium moderated pile low energy 低功率重水慢化反应堆deuterium oxide moderated reactor 重水慢化反应堆deuterium oxide 重水deuterium pile 重水反应堆deuterium sodium reactor 重水钠反应堆deuterium target 氘靶deuterium tritium fuel 氘氚燃料deuterium tritium reaction 氘氚反应deuterium 重氢deuteron alpha reaction 氘核反应deuteron binding energy 氘核结合能deuteron induced fission 氘核诱发裂变deuteron neutron reaction 氘核中子反应deuteron proton reaction 氘核质子反应deuteron stripping 氘核涎deuterum moderated pile 重水反应堆deuton 氘核development of uranium mine 铀矿开发development 发展deviation from the desired value 期望值偏差deviation from the index value 给定值偏差deviation 偏差dewatering 脱水dewindtite 水磷铅铀矿dew point 露点dextro rotatory 右旋的diagnostic radiology 诊断放射学diagnostics 诊断diagram 线图dialkyl phosphoric acid process 磷酸二烷基酯萃取法dialysis 渗析dial 度盘diamagnetic effect 抗磁效应diamagnetic loop 抗磁圈diamagnetic substance 抗磁体diamagnetic susceptibility 抗磁化率diamagnetism of the plasma particles 等离子体粒子反磁性diamagnetism 反磁性diamagnet 抗磁体diameter 直径diamond 稳定区;金刚石diaphragm gauge 膜式压力计diaphragm type pressure gauge 膜式压力计diaphragm 薄膜diapositive 透谬片diascope 投影放影器投影仪diathermance 透热性diathermancy 透热性diatomic gas 双原子气体diatomic molecule 二原子分子dibaryon 双重子diderichite 水菱铀矿dido type heavy water research reactor 迪多型重水研究用反应堆dido 重水慢化反应堆dielectric after effect 电介质后效dielectric constant 介电常数dielectric hysteresis 电介质滞后dielectric polarization 电介质极化dielectric strain 电介质变形dielectric strength 绝缘强度dielectric 电介质diesel engine 柴油机diesel oil 柴油difference ionization chamber 差分电离室difference linear ratemeter 差分线性计数率计difference number 中子过剩difference of potential 电压difference scaler 差分定标器differential absorption coefficient 微分吸收系数differential absorption ratio 微分吸收系数differential albedo 微分反照率differential control rod worth 控制棒微分价值differential cross section 微分截面differential cross-section微分截面differential discriminator 单道脉冲幅度分析器differential dose albedo 微分剂量反照率differential energy flux density 微分能通量密度differential particle flux density 粒子微分通量密度differential pressure 压差differential range spectrum 射程微分谱differential reactivity 微分反应性differential recovery rate 微分恢复率differential scattering cross section 微分散射截面differentiator 微分器diffraction absorption 衍射吸收diffraction analysis 衍射分析diffraction angle 衍射角diffraction grating 衍射光栅diffraction instrument 衍射仪diffraction pattern 衍射图diffraction peak 衍射峰值diffraction scattering 衍射散射diffraction spectrometer 衍射谱仪diffraction spectrum 衍射光谱diffraction 衍射diffractometer 衍射仪diffusate 扩散物diffuse band 扩散带diffused junction semiconductor detector 扩散结半导体探测器diffused 散射的diffuseness parameter 扩散性参数diffuse reflection 漫反射diffuser 扩散器diffuse scattering 漫散射diffuse 扩散diffusion approximation 扩散近似diffusion area 扩散面积diffusion barrier 扩散膜diffusion cascade 扩散级联diffusion chamber 扩散云室diffusion coefficient for neutron flux density 中子通量密度扩散系数diffusion coefficient for neutron number density 中子数密度扩散系数diffusion coefficient 扩散系数diffusion column 扩散塔diffusion constant 扩散常数diffusion cooling effect 扩散冷却效应diffusion cooling 扩散冷却diffusion cross section 扩散截面diffusion current density 扩散淋度diffusion current 扩散电流diffusion energy 扩散能diffusion equation 扩散方程diffusion factory 扩散工厂diffusion kernel 扩散核diffusion layer 扩散层diffusion length 扩散长度diffusion length扩散长度diffusion mean free path 扩散平均自由程diffusion plant 扩散工厂diffusion pump 扩散泵diffusion rate 扩散速率diffusion stack 务马堆diffusion theory 扩散理论diffusion time 扩散时间diffusion 扩散diffusivity 扩散系数digital analog converter 数模转换器digital computer 数字计算机digital data acquisition and processing system 数字数据获取与处理系统digital data handling and display system 数字数据处理和显示系统digital recorder 数字记录器digital time converter 数字时间变换器dilation 扩胀dilatometer 膨胀计diluent 稀释剂dilute solution 稀溶液dilute 冲淡dilution analysis 稀释分析dilution effect 稀释效应dilution method 稀释法dilution ratio 稀释比dilution 稀释dimensional change 尺寸变化dimension 尺寸diminishing 衰减dimorphism 双晶现象di neutron 双中子dineutron 双中子dingot 直接铸锭dip counter tube 浸入式计数管dipelt 双重线dipole dipole interaction 偶极子与偶极子相互酌dipole layer 偶极子层dipole momentum 偶极矩dipole moment 偶极矩dipole radiation 偶极辐射dipole transition 偶极跃迁dipole 偶极子di proton 双质子dirac electron 狄拉克电子dirac equation 狄拉克方程dirac quantization 狄拉克量子化dirac theory of electron 狄拉克电子论direct and indirect energy conversion 直接和间接能量转换direct contact heat exchanger 直接接触式换热器direct conversion reactor study 直接转换反应堆研究direct conversion reactor 直接转换反应堆direct current 直流direct cycle integral boiling reactor 直接循环一体化沸水堆direct cycle reactor 直接循环反应堆direct cycle 直接循环direct digital control 直接数字控制direct energy conversion 能量直接转换direct exchange interaction 直接交换相互酌direct exposure 直接辐照direct fission yield 原始裂变产额direct interaction 直接相互酌directional correlation of successive gamma rays 连续射线方向相关directional counter 定向计数器directional distribution 方向分布directional focusing 方向聚焦directional 定向的direction 方向direct isotopic dilution analysis 直接同位素稀释分析directly ionizing particles 直接电离粒子directly ionizing radiation 直接电离辐射direct measurement 直接测量direct radiant energy 直接辐射能direct radiation proximity indicator 直接辐射接近指示器direct radiation 直接辐射direct reaction 直接反应direct reaction直接反应direct use material 直接利用物质direct voltage 直羚压direct x ray analysis 直接x射线分析dirft tube 飞行管道dirt column 尘土柱dirty bomb 脏炸弹disadvantage factor 不利因子disagreement 不一致disappearence 消失discharge chamber 放电室discharge current 放电电流discharge in vacuo 真空放电discharge potential 放电电压discharge tube 放电管discharge voltage 放电电压discharge 放电discomposition 原子位移discontinuity 非连续性discontinuous 不连续的disc operating system 磁盘操椎统discrepancy 差异discrete energy level 不连续能级discrete spectrum 不连续光谱discrete state 不连续态discrete 离散的discrimination coefficient 甄别系数discriminator 鉴别器disinfectant 杀菌剂disintegrate 蜕衰disintegration chain 放射系disintegration constant 衰变常数disintegration curve 衰变曲线disintegration energy 衰变能disintegration heat 衰变热disintegration of elementary particles 基本粒子衰变disintegration particle 衰变粒子disintegration probability 衰变概率disintegration product 蜕变产物disintegration rate 衰变速度disintegration scheme 蜕变图disintegration series 蜕变系disintegrations per minute 衰变/分disintegrations per second 衰变/秒disintegration 蜕变disk source 圆盘放射源dislocation edge 位错边缘dislocation line 位错线dislocation 位错dismantling 解体disorder scattering 无序散射disorder 无序dispersal effect 分散效应dispersal 分散disperser 分散剂dispersing agent 分散剂dispersion fuel element 弥散体燃料元件dispersion fuel 弥散体燃料dispersion 分散dispersive medium 色散媒质displacement current 位移电流displacement kernel 位移核displacement law of radionuclide 放射性核素位移定律displacement law 位移定律displacement spike 离位峰displacement 替换displace 位移;代替disposal of radioactive effluents 放射性瘤液处置disposition 配置disproportionation 不均disruption 破坏disruptive instability 破裂不稳定性disruptive voltage 哗电压dissipation of energy 能消散dissipation 耗散dissociation constant 离解常数dissociation energy 离解能dissociation pressure 离解压dissociation 离解dissociative ionization 离解电离dissolution 溶解dissolver gas 溶解气体dissolver heel 溶解泣滓dissolver 溶解器distance control 遥控distant collision 远距离碰撞distillate 蒸馏液distillation column 蒸馏塔distillation method 蒸馏法distillation tower 蒸馏塔distillation 蒸馏distilled water 蒸馏水distiller 蒸馏器distilling apparatus 蒸馏器distilling flask 蒸馏瓶distorted wave Born approximation,DWBA扭曲波波恩近似distorted wave impulse approximation 畸变波冲动近似distorted wave theory 畸变波理论distorted wave 畸变波distortionless 不失真的distortion 畸变distributed ion pump 分布式离子泵distributed processing 分布式处理distributed source 分布源distribution coefficient 分配系数distribution factor 分布因子distribution function 分布函数distribution law 分配定律distribution of dose 剂量分布distribution of radionuclides 放射性核素分布distribution of residence time 停留时间分布distribution ratio 分配系数distribution 分布distrubited constant 分布常数disturbance 扰动disturbation 扰动diuranium pentoxide 五氧化二铀divergence of ion beam 离子束发散divergence problem 发散问题divergence 发散divergent lens 发射透镜divergent reaction 发散反应diversing lens 发射透镜diversion assumption 转用假定diversion box 转换箱diversion hypothesis 转用假设diversion path 转用路径diversion strategy 转用战略diversion 转向divertor 收集器divider 分配器division of operating reactors 反应堆运行部division 刻度djalmaite 钽钛铀矿document information system 文献情报体系doerner hoskins distribution law 德尔纳霍斯金斯分配定律dollar 元domain 磁畴dome 圆顶水柱dominant mutation 显性突变donut 环形室doping control of semiconductors 半导体掺杂物第Dopper effect多普勒效应doppler averaged cross section 多普勒平均截面doppler broadening 多普勒展宽doppler coefficient 多普勒系数doppler effect 多普勒效应doppler free laser spectroscopy 无多普勒激光光谱学doppler shift method 多普勒频移法doppler width 多普勒宽度dosage measurement 剂量测定dosage meter 剂量计dosage 剂量dose albedo 剂量反照率dose build up factor 剂量积累因子dose commitment 剂量负担dose effect curve 剂量效应曲线dose effect relationship 剂量效应关系dose equivalent commitment 剂量当量负担dose equivalent index 剂量当量指标dose equivalent limit 剂量当量极限dose equivalent rate 剂量当量率dose equivalent 剂量当量dose equivalent剂量当量dose fractionation 剂量分割dose limit 剂量极限dose measurement 剂量测量dose meter 剂量计dose modifying factor 剂量改变系数dose of an isotope 同位素用量dose prediction technique 剂量预报技术dose protraction 剂量迁延dose rate meter 剂量率测量计dose ratemeter 剂量率表dose rate 剂量率dose reduction factor 剂量减低系数dose response correlation 剂量响应相关dose unit 剂量单位dose 剂量dosifilm 胶片剂量计dosimeter charger 剂量计充电器dosimeter 剂量计dosimetry applications research facility 剂量测定法应用研究设施dosimetry 剂量测定法dotted line 点线double beam 双射束double beta decay 双衰变double bond 双键double charged 双电荷的double clad vessel 双层覆盖容器double compton scattering 双康普顿散射double container 双层容器double contingency principle 双偶然性原理double decomposition 复分解double differential cross section 二重微分截面double focusing mass spectrometer 双聚焦质谱仪double focusing 双聚焦double-humped barrier双峰势垒double ionization chamber 双电离室double precision 双倍精度double probe 双探针double pulse 双脉冲double resonance spectroscopy 双共振光谱学double resonance 双共振double scattering method 双散射法doublet splitting 双重线分裂doublet 电子对double walled heat exchanger 双层壁换热器doubling dose 加倍剂量doubling time meter 倍增时间测量计doubling time 燃料倍增时间doubly charged 双电荷的doubly closed shell nuclei 双闭合壳层核doughnut 环形室downcomer 下降管down quark下夸克down time 停机时间downwards coolant flow 下行冷却剂流downwind fall out 下风放射性沉降物draft 通风drain tank 排水槽draught 通风drell ratio 多列尔比dressing of uranium ore 铀矿石选矿dressing 选矿drier 干燥器drift instability 漂移不稳定性drift mobility 漂移率drift speed 漂移速度drift transistor 漂移晶体管drift velocity 漂移速度driven magnetic fusion reactor 从动磁核聚变反应堆driver fuel 驱动燃料drive voltage 控制电压drop reaction 点滴反应drop 点滴dry active waste 干放射性废物dry analysis 干法分析dry box 干箱dry criticality 干临界dry distillation 干馏dryer 干燥器dry friction 干摩擦dry ice 干冰drying oil 干性油drying oven 烘干炉drying 干燥dry out 烧干dry reprocessing 干法再处理dry way process 干法过程dry well 干井dt fuel cycle dt燃料循环dt reactor dt反应堆dual cycle boiling water reactor system 双循环沸水反应堆系统dual cycle reactor 双循环反应堆dual decay 双重放射性衰变dual energy use system 能量双重利用系统duality 二重性dual purpose nuclear power station 两用核电站dual purpose reactor 两用反应堆dual temperature exchange separation process 双温度交换分离法dual temperature exchange 双温度交换duant d形盒ductile brittle transition temperature 延性脆性转变温度ductility 延伸性duct 管dummy load 仿真负载dumontite 水磷铀铅矿dump condenser 事故凝汽器dump tank 接受槽dump valve 事故排放阀dump 烧毁元件存放处dunkometer 燃料元件包壳破损探测器duplet 电子对duration of a scintillation 闪烁持续时间duration 持续时间dust chamber 集尘室dust cloud 尘埃云dust collector 集尘器dust cooled reactor 粉尘冷却反应堆dust monitor 灰尘监测器dust sampler 灰尘取样器dust trap 集尘器dye laser 染料激光器dynamical friction 动摩擦dynamic behaviour 动态dynamic characteristic 动特性dynamic equilibrium ratio 动态平衡比dynamic equilibrium 动态平衡dynamic pressure 动压dynamic process inventory determination 动态过程投料量测定dynamic stabilization 动力稳定dynamic viscosity 动力粘滞系数dynamitron 地那米加速器并激式高频高压加速器dynamometer 测力计dynamo 发电机dyne 达因dynode 倍增电极dysprosium 镝dystectic mixture 高熔点混合物elastic scattering cross-section弹性散射截面elastic scattering弹性散射electronic stopping电子阻止elementary particle基本粒子EMC effect EMC效应endothermic reaction吸能反应energy conservation能量守恒energy loss能量损失energy resolution能量分辨率evaporation model蒸发模型even-even nucleus偶偶核exchange force交换力excitation curve激发曲线excitation function 激发函数excited state激发态exothermic reaction放能反应experimental Q-wave实验Q值exposure照射量fabrication 制造facility attachment 设施附属文件facility practice 设施实行facility safeguards approach 设施的保障监督方法facility 设施factor of porosity 孔隙率factor of stress concentration 应力集中因数factor 系数fading 阻尼failed can detection 破损燃料探测failed element indicator 破损元件指示器failed element monitor 破损元件监测器failed element 破损元件failed fuel detection and location 破损燃料探测和定位failed fuel detection 破损燃料探测failed fuel detector 破损燃料探测器fail safe instrument 故障时安全运行的仪器fail safe operation 安全运行failsafe 故障自动保险的failure checking 故障检查failure free operation 无故障运行failure mode 故障种类failure of parity conservation 宇称守恒的破坏failure prediction 故障预测fall back 回落falling stream method 降哩fallout density 放射性沉降物密度fallout monitoring 沉降物监测fallout particle 沉降粒子fallout pattern 沉降物分布型式fallout radioactive material 放射性沉降物fallout sampling network 沉降物取样网fallout shelter 沉降物掩蔽所fall out 放射性沉降fall time 下降时间false alarm probability 假报警几率false curvature 假曲率false scram 错误信号紧急停堆family 系fano's theorem 法诺定理faraday cage 法拉第笼faraday constant 法拉第常数faraday cup 法拉第笼farad 法拉far field 远场far infra red radiation 远红外辐射far ultraviolet radiation 远紫外辐射farvitron 线振质谱仪fast acting control rod 快动棕制棒fast advantage factor 快中子有利因子fast amplifier 宽频带放大器fast and thermal reactor burnup computer code 快和热反应堆燃耗计算机代码fast breeder reactor 快中子增殖反应堆fast breeder 快中子增殖反应堆fast burst reactor facility 快中子脉冲反应堆装置fast burst reactor 快中子脉冲反应堆fast ceramic reactor 陶瓷燃料快堆fast chamber 快速电离室fast chopper 快中子选择器fast coincidence unit 快符合单元fast coincidence 快符合fast compression cloud chamber 快压缩云室fast conversion 快中子转换fast cosmic ray neutron 宇宙射线的快中子fast critical assembly 快中子临界装置fast cross section 快中子截面fast detector 快速探测器fast effect 快中子倍增效应fast electron 快电子fast exponential experiment 快中子指数实验装置fast fissionability 快中子致裂变性fast fission effect factor 快中子裂变效应系数fast fission region 快中子裂变区fast fission 快中子裂变fast flux test facility 快中子通量试验装置fast flux 快中子通量fast fragment 快碎片fast killing dose 快速杀伤剂量fast leakage factor 快中子泄漏因子fast mean free path 快中子平均自由程fast medium 快中子介质fast multiplication effect 快中子倍增效应fast multiplication factor 快中子倍增因子fast neutron activation method 快中子活化法fast neutron breeder reactor 快中子增殖反应堆fast neutron breeding 快中子增殖fast neutron calibration 快中子刻度fast neutron collimator 快中子准直器fast neutron counter tube 快中子计数管fast neutron cycle 快中子增殖循环fast neutron detector 快中子探测器fast neutron diffusion length 快中子扩散长度fast neutron dose equivalent 快中子剂量当量fast neutron dosimeter 快中子剂量计fast neutron fission cross section 快中子裂变截面fast neutron fission increase rate 快中子裂变增加率fast neutron fluence 快中子积分通量fast neutron generator 快中子发生器fast neutron non leakage probability 快中子不泄漏几率fast neutron range 快中子区fast neutron reaction 快中子反应fast neutron reactor 快中子裂变反应堆fast neutron selector 快中子选择器fast neutron spectrometer 快中子谱仪fast neutron 快中子fast plutonium reactor 快中子钚反应堆fast radiochemistry 快速放射化学fast reaction 快速核反应fast reactor core test facility 快堆堆芯试验装置fast reactor physics 快速反应堆物理学fast reactor test assembly 快堆试验装置fast reactor thermal engineering facility 快堆热工程研究设施fast reactor 快中子裂变反应堆fast region 快中子区fast setback 迅速下降fast slow coincidence circuit 快慢符合电路fast sub critical assembly 快中子次临界装置fast test reactor 快中子试验反应堆fast thermal coupled reactor 快热耦合反应堆fast zero power reactor 快中子零功率反应堆fatal dose 致命剂量fatalities 死亡事故fatigue fracture 疲劳断裂fatigue limit 疲劳极限fatigue test 疲劳试验fatigue 疲劳faulted condition 损伤状态faulty fuel assembly 破损燃料组件fault 故障favorable geometry 有利几何条件fb 快中子增殖反应堆fcc 核燃料循环成本fcf 核燃料循环设施feather analysis 费塞分析feather's empirical formula 费瑟经验公式feather's rule 费瑟规则feed adjustment tank 进料蝶槽feedback circuit 反馈回路feedback control 反馈控制feedback loop 反馈回路feedback ratio 反馈比feedback signal 反馈信号feedback 反馈feed end 加料端feed material 给料物质feed plant 核燃料生产工厂feed pump 给水泵feed stage 给料段feed water control system 给水控制系统feedwater equipment 给水设备feedwater flow control 给水量控制feed water 给水feed 供给ferganite 水钒铀矿fermat's principle 费马原理fermi acceleration 费米加速fermi age equation 费米年龄方程fermi age theory 费米年龄理论fermi age 费米年龄fermi beta decay theory 费米衰变理论fermi characteristic energy level 费米能级fermi constant 费米常数fermi dirac gas 费米狄拉克气体fermi dirac statistics 费米狄拉克统计学fermi distribution function 费米狄拉克分布函数fermi distribution 费米分布fermi energy 费米能级fermi function 费米函数Fermi function费米函数fermi gas model 费米气体模型fermi gas 费米气体Fermi interaction F相互作用fermi interaction 费米相互酌fermi intercept 散射长度fermi level 费米能级fermi limit 费米能级fermion 费米子fermi particle 费米子fermi perturbation 费米微扰fermi plot 费米线图fermi potential 费米势fermi reactor 费米中子反应堆fermi resonance 费米共振fermi selection rules 费米选择定则fermi's golden rule 费米黄金法则fermi spectrum 费米谱fermi statistics 费米统计fermi surface 费米面fermi temperature 费米温度fermi theory of cosmic ray acceleration 费米宇宙射线加速理论fermi transition 费米跃迁fermium 镄fermi 费米。



X射线的种类及应用摘要:Like many imperishable discoveries,X-rays’s invention or discovery was accidental. 1895 at Wurzburg, Wilhelm Rontgen discovered X-rays (Rontgen rays). After all these years, the technology of the X-rays has not only got extensivedevelopment in industry, also play a more and more important role in medical science. It is mainly used for the human body perspective and check injury. While scientists explore the essence of,they found the phenomenon of diffraction of X-rays and opened the gate of the crystal structure. With the widely use of x-ray both in micro fields and macro fields, it have brought great gospel to human.引言:自1895年X射线被发现,X射线已被广泛应用到医疗卫生、军事、科学及工农业各方面,为人类社会的发展做出了巨大贡献。




X-ray Crystallography(X射线晶体衍射)

X-ray Crystallography(X射线晶体衍射)

Image from Biomolecular Crystallography by Bernhard Rupp
X-ray crystallography
Most widely used method for determining 3D structures of macromolecules
• Typically: single-crystal, single X-ray wavelength • Multiple crystals = powder diffraction; multiple-wavelength = Laue diffraction
See a com pl ete l i st ofw i nners at i ucr. org/ peopl e/ nobel -pri ze
Li nus Paul i ng
Al pha-hel i cal structure of protei ns,nature of chem i calbonds
Difference between this...
Nuclear RNA export factor 2 is believed to interact with NTF2-related export protein
...and this.
PDB code: 3nv0 1.84 Å resolution
Electron Microscopy Size limitations > 120 kDa, signal/noise (improvements) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Size limitations < 25 kDa, protein labeling X-ray crystallography Requires crystals



专利名称:X-RAY DETECTION OF X-RAY INCIDENTFRINGE PATTERN IN PHASE-CONTRASTAND/OR DARK-FIELD X-RAY IMAGING发明人:ROGER STEADMAN BOOKER,EWALDROESSL,WALTER RUETTEN申请号:US16335819申请日:20180803公开号:US20190219713A1公开日:20190718专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:In a conventional phase-contrast X-ray imaging system, a source grating Ggenerates an array of partially coherent line sources which illuminate an object and thereafter phase grating G. The periodicity in the phase grating is self-imaged at certain instances further away from the X-ray source and sampled by a mechanically movable third absorptive analyzer grating G before the demodulated fringe intensity is detected by a conventional X-5 ray detector. This application proposes to directly demodulate the fringe intensity using a structured scintillator having a plurality of slabs in alignment with sub-pixels of an optical detector layer, in combination with electronic signal read-out approaches. Therefore, a mechanically movable third absorptive analyzer grating G can be omitted from a phase-contrast X-ray imaging system.申请人:KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS N.V.地址:EINDHOVEN NL国籍:NL更多信息请下载全文后查看。



物理名词解释1. rigid body (刚体):一个物体在外力的作用下,它的各个部分之间的距离都保持不变,或它的形状和大小都不发生变化,则这个物体叫做物体。

2. angular momentum(角动量):质点在圆周上某一点的动量与径矢的乘积叫做质点对圆心的角动量。

3. stream line (流线):在流体中假设画出一些曲线,这些曲线每一点的切线方向与流体质点在该点的速度方向一致,这种曲线称为流线。

4. ideal fluid (理想流体):绝对不可压缩、完全没有内摩擦力的流体。

5. steady flow (定常流动):流体运动时,流体中各质点的速度、压强和密度都不随时间变化,则这种流动称为稳定流动或定常流动。

6. continuity equation(连续性方程) :质量守恒定律在流体力学中的具体表述形式。

S1v1p1=S2v2p27.viscous force (粘滞力):由于流体的各流层的流速不同,相邻流层间有相对运动,便在接触面上产生一种相互作用的剪切力,这个力叫做流体的内摩擦力,也称为粘滞力。

8. ideal gas (理想气体) :忽略气体分子的自身体积,将分子看成是质点;假设分子间没有相互作用,分子之间及分子与器壁之间发生的碰撞是完全弹性的,不造成动能损失。


9. surface tension (表面张力):液体表面存在着一种沿液体表面、使液体表面具有收缩倾向的力存在,这种力叫液体的表面张力。

10.additional pressure(附加压强):表面张力的合力使液体受到一个额外的压强,这个压强称为附加压强。

11. internal energy(内能):物体或系统内分子的各种运动的动能和势能的总和,叫做物体或系统的内能。

12. electric field (电场):自然界中的基本场之一,是电磁场的一个组成部分,以电场强度E与电通密度D来表征,具体表现为对每单位试验电荷的电动力。


•The atom positions determine the peak intensities, and vice versa
样品制备 (Sample preparation)
定性 1~5µ 定量 0.1~2µ
The total number of spherical particles in a cylindrical specimen 10mm In diameter and 0.1mm deep as a function of particle size assuming close Packing of the spheres. D-Diameter, h-specimen depth and d- particle diameter
Grinding and mechanical mill
Infinite number of possible orientation of the particles Powder mounting to avoid ore holders
• 理论基础 • 卡片 • 索引 • 定性分析的步骤 • 定性分析的注意事项
衍射仪的工作方式 步进扫描, 步长(步宽)表示每步扫描的角度,停留时 间改变调节扫描速度的快慢。 无滞后和平滑效应。峰位准确分辨力好。
Recording the XRD pattern with…
x-ray diffraction pattern
Unit cell
Line positions
Atomic positions
Line intensities
•The unit cell size and shape determine positions of diffraction peaks, and vice versa


1劳91厄2年提劳出厄:用提X出射方线案照,射由晶弗体里应德能里观希察、到尼干平涉进现行象实。 验布,拉用格晶父体子衍(W射.H法.B证ra明gg了,、XW射.L线.B具r有ag波g,)动用性X,射从线而晶揭体 示分了光X仪射,线测的定本了质X。射线的衍射角,给出衍射公式,
1 θC
提高X射线硬度的方法是:增大管电压 医学上常用管电压的千伏数(kV)表示X射线的硬度。
表13-1 X射线按硬度的分类
管电压kV 最短波长(nm) 主要用途
极软X射线 5~20 软X射线 20~100 硬X射线 100~250 极硬X射线 250以上
0.25~0.062 0.062~0.012 0.012~0.005 0.005以下
伦琴的发现轰动了欧美,美 国《生活》杂志于1896年发表 的一幅漫画,着实渲染了X射 线穿透一切的威力 。
X射线发现以 后,很快就被应 用于医学,成为 现代医学诊断、 治疗和研究的重 要手段。
第一节 X射线的产生
1、产生条件是: ①有高速运动的电子流
则单色X射线的衰减规律:I =I0 e-μm Xm
Xm =ρx 称为质量厚度 Xm等于单位面积、厚度为x的吸收层的质量, Xm常用单位为:g·cm-2 。
③半价层(half value layer):X射线在物质中强
度被减小一半时对应的厚度称为物质的半价层, 用X1/2表示:
∵I =I0/2 = I0 e-μX1/2



透视和 摄影
硬X射线 100~250 0.012~0.005
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极硬X射线 250以上 0.005以下

第二节 X 射 线 谱
将X射线的强度按 照波长的顺序排列开来 的图谱, 称为X射线谱 (x-ray spectra )。
X射线谱包含两个部分: K
Lγ Lβ Lα
利用微区分 析技术鉴定 元素成分。
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Kγ Kβ

Lα Lβ
标识X射线谱是原子 内层电子跃迁所发出 的。

若K层出现空位形 成的X射线即称为 K线系
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a rXiv:as tr o-ph/11371v12Nov2The Correlated Intensity and Spectral Evolution of Cyg X-1During State Transitions Linqing Wen 1,Wei Cui 1,2,and Hale V.Bradt 1ABSTRACT Using data from the All-Sky Monitor aboard the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE ),we found that the 1.5–12keV X-ray count rate of Cyg X-1is,on time scales from 90seconds to at least 10days,strongly correlated with the spectral hardness of the source in the soft state,but is weakly anti-correlated with the latter in the hard state.The correlation shows an interesting evolution during the 1996spectral state transition.The entire episode can be roughly divided into three distinct phases:(1)a 20-d transition phase from the hard state to the soft state,during which the correlation changes from being negative to positive,(2)a 50-d soft state with a steady positive correlation,and (3)a 20-d transition back to the hard state.The pointed RXTE observations confirmed the ASM results but revealed new behaviors of the source at energies beyond the ASM pass band.We discuss the implications of our findings.Subject headings:binaries:general —stars:individual (Cygnus X-1)—X-rays:stars 1.Introduction Cyg X-1is identified with a binary system of 5.6-day orbital period which contains an O9.7Iab supergiant and a compact object that is believed to be a black hole (Bolton 1972;Webster &Murdin 1972).Observations indicate that the system usually assumes one of the two states,thehard state and the soft state (Oda 1977;Liang &Nolan 1984;Tanaka &Lewin 1995).Most of the time,Cyg X-1stays in the hard state,where its soft X-ray (often 2–10keV)flux is relatively low and the X-ray spectrum is hard.Every few years,the system undergoes a transition from the hard state to the soft state,during which the soft X-ray flux increases,often by a factor of more than 4,and the X-ray spectrum softens.It remains in the soft state for weeks to months before returning to the hard state.There is a strong anti-correlation between the soft and the hard (e.g.,>20keV)X-ray flux.Consequently,the bolometric X-ray luminosity does not vary significantly (Zhang et al.1997).The transition between the two states lasts from less than a day to more than a week.A number of models have been proposed to explain the spectral evolution of Cyg X-1during the state transitions.For instance,Ichimaru(1977)suggested that the physical condition of the accreted gas near the disk outer-boundary could drive the disk into either an optically thick state or an optically thin state,which correspond to the soft and hard state respectively.Zhang,Cui, &Chen(1997)argued,based on the effects of black hole rotation,that the state transition of Cyg X-1may be caused by a temporary reversal of the disk from being retrograde(hard state) to prograde(soft state),which can occur in wind accretion systems(e.g.,Matsuda,Inoue,& Sawada,1987;Ruffert1997).In the magneticflare model(Di Matteo,Celotti,&Fabian1999), the soft(hard)state corresponds to a lower(higher)scale height of magneticflares above the accretion disk.Theflares are energized by the reconnection of magneticflux tubes rising from the accretion disk due to magnetic buoyancy instability.In the soft state,intenseflares close to the disk greatly enhance the soft photonfield which results in a soft X-ray spectrum.In the hard state,theflare is triggered high above the disk,the system is“photon starved”and thus results in a hard,Comptonized spectrum.In the framework of advection-dominated accretionflows (ADAFs),Esin et al.(1998)argued that the spectral states of Cyg X-1are uniquely determined by the mass accretion rate˙m.In the hard state,˙m is relatively low,the inner edge of the thin disk is far away from the black hole and thus the emission from the disk is weak compared to that from the large,optically thin ADAF region.In the soft state,the˙m is higher,which causes the ADAF region to shrink and the thin disk to extend closer to the black hole.Therefore,at low energies the emission from the disk dominates over that from the smaller ADAF region.More data are needed to distinguish these models.In this Letter,we report the results from a quantitative study of the correlation between the X-rayflux and the spectral properties of Cyg X-1,on time scales of90s to at least10days,in both the hard and soft states,as well as during the transition phases.2.DataThe primary data set for this investigation comes from the All-Sky Monitor(ASM)on board the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer(RXTE)(Bradt,Rothschild,&Swank1993).The ASM yields the intensities of the sources observed in units of the count rate in three energy bands(1.5–3,3–5, and5–12keV).The1.5–12keV Crab Nebulaflux is about75c/s.Typically,a source is observed for a90s exposure∼15times a day,which provides sufficient coverage for studying phenomena such as the∼90day state transition episode of Cyg X-1.A detailed description of the ASM and the light curves can be found in Levine et al.(1996)and Levine(1998).We used the ASM observations of Cyg X-1between1996March and2000April,which cover the entire90-day1996soft state including its transition phases(Cui et al.1997a;Zhang et al. 1997)and four years of the hard state.The count rate in the1.5–12keV band and two hardness ratios HR1and HR2were computed.HR1is the ratio of the count rate in the3–5keV band to that in the1.5–3keV band,and HR2is the ratio in the5–12keV band to that in the3–5keVband.The hardness ratios provide a rough measure of the X-ray spectral shape of the source.The higher-quality data from the Proportional Counter Array(PCA)(Jahoda,et al.1996) aboard RXTE(with much poorer coverage)were used to verify the ASM results and to study the flux-spectral hardness evolution over a wider energy range.We used63PCA observations of Cyg X-1,with exposure times ranging from700s to22ks(but typically3ks),obtained from1996 March26to1998April28,nineteen of which cover the1996spectral state transition.To minimize the known effects of calibration uncertainties at higher energies,we limited the spectral analyses to the energy range2.5–25keV.Also,since the number of the proportional counter units(PCUs) that were turned on varied from observation to observation,we used data only from PCU0which was active during all of the selected observations,in order to facilitate comparison of different observations.For each PCA observation,we constructed a light curve with100s time bins and an energy spectrum for each time bin using FTOOLS(v.5.0).Each spectrum was thenfit with an empirical model using XSPEC(v.10.0).For the soft state,the model consists of a broken power-law component,an iron line around6.4keV and afixed absorption(n H=5.6×1021cm−2,e.g., Ebisawa et al.1996,Cui et al.1997a).For the hard state,we replaced the broken power law with a simple power law for the continuum,except for observations near the state transition or a pronounced softflare in1997June.In the latter cases,the broken power law,sometimes an additional blackbody component,is required for obtaining an adequatefit.Variable absorbing column density is also necessary for some of the observations near superior conjunction of theX-ray source.Allfits have reducedχ2<1.5.Note that our main objective here is simply to derive the energyflux of the source and its hardness ratios,as opposed tofinding a physical model for the observed spectrum.Theflux was calculated in the2.5–25keV band,as well as in the3–5keV, 5–12keV,12–17keV,and17–25keV bands.The energy bands were chosen such that thefirst two coincide roughly with the two upper ASM bands.Here,we defined the the hardness ratios as the ratios of energyfluxes between thefirst two(5–12keV/3–5keV)and the last two(17–25 keV/12–17keV)energy bands.3.Analysis and ResultsThe ASM light curve of Cyg X-1clearly indicates long term variability on time scales ranging from90s to hundreds of days(Fig.1,see also Fig.1in Wen et al.1999).The rms variation of the light curve with a90s exposure in the1.5–12keV band is about35%in the hard state,and22% in the soft state;both are much larger than the expected uncertainties(7%and3%respectively) in the data based on counting statistics and systematic uncertainties.We quantify the correlation between the source count rate and spectral hardness by means of a non-parametric methodfirst proposed by Spearman(the Spearman ranking method;Press et al. 1992).For each data set,the value of each data point is replaced by the value of its rank amongall other data points.That is,for N data points,the smallest value would be replaced with value 1and the largest with N.If some of the data points have identical values,they were assigned the mean of the ranks they would have if they were to be slightly different.The correlation coefficient r s is defined asr s= i(R i−S)i(R i− i(S i−N−2the orbital modulation of X-rays by the stellar winds(Wen et al.1999).Both r s1and r s2(count rate vs HR2)evolve similarly during the state transition.The ASM count rate and spectral hardness in Fig.1are positively correlated in the soft state with an average r s1about+0.7,corresponding to a false alarm possibility<10−30.Significant positive correlation was also found for time bins of0.1days,1day,5days and10days.In other words,the positive correlation in the soft state holds for variability on time scales from90s up to at least10days.In the hard state,the correlation in Fig.1turns weak and negative with an average r s1about−0.2.Calculations with time bins of5.6days(to eliminate the orbital effect), 20days,and100days also show negative correlation.In both states,the coefficient r s2behaves similarly but with relatively weaker strength;about0.5for the soft state and-0.12for the hard state for90-s time bins and5.6d correlation intervals.The evolution of the correlation during the state transition is a gradual one,as shown in Fig.1.The entire episode of the1996state transition can be roughly divided into three distinct phases:(1)a15–20day transition phase from the hard state to the soft state,where r s1goes from negative to positive,(2)a∼50day soft state with a steady positive r s,and(3)a15–25 day transition phase back to the hard state.The start time of phase(1)and end time of phase (3)indicated in Fig.1were chosen to be the times when the hardness ratios are roughly at the mid-point between the mean levels of the hard and soft states.This yields a∼20day time scale for phases(1)and(3),similar to what we would get if we were to choose the start(end)time to be when the correlation coefficient just started(ended)its sharp rise(drop).We obtain roughly the same results with smaller time bins(0.1and1day),so the conclusions seem quite robust.3.2.The PCA resultsThe evolution of the two PCA hardness ratios with the energyflux is shown in Fig.2.As expected,the energyflux and spectral hardness for E<12keV(left panel)is strongly correlated in the soft state(largefilled circles)but weakly anti-correlated in the hard state(smallfilled circles).The evolution of theflux-hardness correlation between the two states is apparent during the transition phases1and3(defined in Fig.1)(open circles).These confirm the ASM results.To investigate possible orbital effects,we separated out the hard state data at phases0.2–0.8, where phase0is defined as superior conjunction of the X-ray source.The results are shown in the inset of Fig.2.The anti-correlation seems to become less pronounced at lowfluxes,indicating the importance of the orbital effects.On the other hand,the overall anti-correlation is still prominent, mostly due to the cluster of data points to the lower right,which come from observations10-60 days proceeding or following the state transition(labeled with“T”).Interestingly,one group of data points is from observations of Cyg X-1during a50-day long softflare that occurred about one year after the state transition(labeled with“F”).It is also worth noting that within the remaining two data groups the correlation is absent(or very weak).Data from the higher PCA energy bands(E>12keV)show no strong correlations in all states(right panel,Fig.2).There may be a slight anti-correlation in the hard state data,again mostly due to observations near the state transition and during the softflare.This is consistent with the fact that,within each state,the general shape of the observed spectrum above∼12keV seems insensitive to the change of theflux.4.DiscussionThe ASM results show that the transition phases lasted for about20days during the1996 state transition of Cyg X-1,as opposed to∼<7days as indicated by the change in the soft X-ray flux(see Fig.1).That is,for about20days at the beginning and near the end of the state transition episode,the system was in a transitional process even though the softflux was generally high.A similar conclusion was drawn by Cui et.al(1997a,1997b)based on the evolution of the power density spectra(PDS).We therefore suggest that the spectral states of Cyg X-1are better defined by the correlation between the soft X-rayflux and the spectral hardness of the source than by the softflux alone.The PCA results confirm ourfindings based on the ASM data.Furthermore,they reveal that the orbital effects could account for the observed negative correlations on time scales less than5.6days,for time periods sufficiently far away from the softflare or the state transition. This is consistent with the fact that there is a broad absorption-like dip in the orbital light curves obtained from the ASM data,likely caused by absorption and scattering of the X-rays by the stellar wind(e.g.,Wen et al.1999).Our best-fit model ASM orbital light curve and hardness ratios(without noise)would yield r s1to be around-0.6with a0.1day time bin in a5.6day correlation interval.The observed correlation strength is weaker(r s1∼−0.2),probably reduced by noise.On the other hand,the observed positive correlation in the soft state is the opposite to what we would expect from the orbital effect.This is consistent with our previous conclusion (Wen et al.1999)that orbital modulation is much smaller(if present at all)in the soft state.Both the ASM and the PCA data indicate the existence of theflux-hardness anti-correlation in the hard state on time scales longer than the5.6day orbital period.Moreover,the hard state data near the state transition episode and during the softflare both contribute to this observed anti-correlation in a similar fashion(Fig.2).The PCA spectralfitting indicates that these observations also share similar spectral properties,which deviate somewhat from that of typical hard state data(see data section).This seems to lend support to the notion that softflares are “failed”state transitions.Similar softflares occur randomly on time scales of months to years in the ASM light curve.We therefore conclude that the anti-correlation in the hard state on time scales longer than the orbital period is intrinsic to the source and is probably related to the mechanism that causes the state transition.Models employing a simple disk–corona geometry predict that,as the mass accretion ratethrough the disk increases,the soft X-rayflux increases,which provides more seed photons for the inverse-Comptonization process and thus cools the hot electrons in the corona.This would be manifested observationally as the“pivoting”of the energy spectrum of the source.Such spectral pivoting is known to occur in Cyg X-1during a state transition(e.g.,Liang&Nolan1984;Zhang et al.1997),and the pivoting energy is in the range of10–20keV.This may explain the observed flux-hardness anti-correlation at low energies(below the pivoting energy)for the state transition (and perhaps softflares).The same might also be true for the general long-term evolution of the source in the hard state,if the pivoting phenomenon is universal(but more pronounced during a state transition).Interestingly,this may also explain the apparent lack of correlations around 12–25keV(Fig.2),since the pivoting energy is right in this energy range.Clearly,the same scenario cannot be applied to the soft state,where the correlation is observed to be(strongly) positive,unless the pivoting energy has moved to a very low energy(below the ASM pass band). Such a reduction in the pivoting energy is not apparent in our PCA data and is inconsistent with the lack of correlations in the12–25keV band.It is,therefore,likely that different physical processes are involved in the soft state(see Zdziarski,Wen,&Paciesas2000for a follow-up investigation of possible models).Li,Feng,&Chen(1999)discovered similar correlations between the count rate and hardness for Cyg X-1,using the PCA data,but on much shorter time scales(0.01–100s)and with little coverage in the hard state.In their study,they chose two energy bands:2–6keV and13–60keV, from which the hardness ratio was derived.Such a choice of energy bands unfortunately masks the difference in the correlations between the count rate and the spectral shape above and below 12keV for the soft ing the BATSE data(20-200keV),on the other hand,Crary et al. (1996)did see a lack of correlation between the45–140keV energyflux and the photon index within both data groups of high and lowflux,which were presumed to correspond to the hard and soft states,respectively.However,they did not have the necessary soft-X-ray data to see the count rate-hardness correlation that we found.In this regards,our work bridges critical gaps in those two investigations and provides new insight into the overall spectral behavior of this system.We acknowledge useful discussions with Andrzej Zdziarski and the members of theASM/RXTE team at MIT.This work was supported in part by NASA through grantsNAS5-30612and NAG5-9098.REFERENCESBolton,C.T.1972,Nature,235,271Bradt,H.V.,Rothschild,R.E.,&Swank,J.H.1993,A&A,97,355Crary,D.J.,et al.1996,ApJ,462,L71Cui,W.,Heindl,W.A.,Rothschild,R.E.,Zhang,S.N.,Jahoda,K.,&Focke,W.1997a,ApJ, 474,L57Cui,W.,Zhang,S.N.,Focke,W.,&Swank,J.H.1997b,ApJ,484,383Di Matteo,T.,Celotti,A.&Fabian,A.C.1999,MNRAS,304,809Ebisawa,K.,Ueda,Y.,Inoue,H.,Tanaka,Y.&White,N.E.1996,ApJ,467,419Esin,A.A.,Narayan,R.,Cui,W.,Grove,J.E.and Zhang,S.1998,ApJ,505,854Ichimaru,S.1977,ApJ,214,840Jahoda,K.,Swank,J.H.,Giles,A.B.,Stark,M.J.,Strohmayer,T.,Zhang,W.&Morgan,E.H.1996,Proc.SPIE,2808,59Li,T.P.,Feng,Y.X.&Chen,L.1999,ApJ,521,789Liang,E.P.&Nolan,P.L.,1984,Space Science Reviews,38,353Levine,A.M.,Bradt,H.,Cui,W.,Jernigan,J.G.,Morgan,E.H.,Remillard,R.,Shirey,R.E.,& Smith,D.A.1996,ApJ,469,L33Levine,A.M.1998,in Nuclear Physics B(Proc.Suppl.),69/1-3,196Matsuda,T.,Inoue,M.,&Sawada,K.1987,MNRAS,226,785Oda,M.1977,Space Science Reviews,20,757Press,W.H.,Teukolsky,S.A.,Vetterling,W.T.,&Flannery,B.P.1992,Numerical Recipes, 2nd ed.(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press),569Ruffert,M.1997,A&A,317,793Tanaka,Y.&Lewin,W.H.G.1995,in X-ray Binaries,ed.Lewin,W.H.G.,Van Paradijs,J.,& Van den Heuvel,E.P.J.(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press),126Webster,B.L.,&Murdin,P.1972,Nature,235,37Wen,L.,Cui,W.,Levine,A.M.&Bradt,H.V.1999,ApJ,525,968Zdziarski,A.A.,Wen,L.&Paciesas,W.S.2000,ApJ,in preparationZhang,S.N.,Cui,W.,Harmon,B.A.,Paciesas,W.S.,Remillard,R.E.,&Van Paradijs,J.1997, ApJ,477,L95Zhang,S.N.,Cui,W.&Chen,W.1997,ApJ,482,L155Fig. 1.—Correlation coefficients of the1.5-12keV ASM count rate and the hardness ratio HR1 for90s time bins and a5.6day correlation interval(see text).Also shown are the ASM count rate and hardness ratio HR1with1-day time bins.For this time bin,the typical relative uncertainty is2%for the count rate and5%for HR1.The PCA observations are indicated with vertical lines.Fig.2.—Evolution of the two PCA spectral hardness ratios with the 2.5–25keV incident energy flux (see text).Labels “T”and “F”indicate data near the state transition and during the soft flare,respectively.The inserted window in the left panel shows the hard state data at phase 0.2–0.8(with X-axis shifted to the right by one tick mark),where phase 0is superior conjunction of the X-ray source.。
