浅析国内公示语翻译中存在的问题及对策国内公示语翻译中存在的问题主要有以下几点:1. 语言表达不准确:有些公示语的翻译内容并不准确,甚至出现了直译的情况,导致翻译后的语言表达不通顺、不准确,影响了信息的传达效果。
2. 文化差异:公示语翻译时,由于语言文化的差异,有些表达方式在另一个文化中是不合适的,甚至可能引发误解或歧义。
3. 语言风格不统一:一些公示语的翻译在语言风格上与原文有所偏差,导致了信息流失和传达不清晰的问题。
4. 缺乏专业性:一些公示语翻译人员缺乏相关的专业知识和职业素养,导致了翻译质量不高的问题。
接下来,针对上述问题,提出如下对策:1. 提高翻译人员的素质和能力:公示语的翻译需要具备较高的语言能力和翻译技巧,因此在翻译人员的选拔和培训上应该重视专业素养和语言能力的培养。
2. 强化专业性培训:针对公示语的领域特点,可以组织相关的专业翻译培训,提高翻译人员对公示语的翻译能力和专业水平。
3. 加强翻译质量管理:建立专门的翻译质量管理机制,对公示语的翻译进行严格把关,确保翻译质量的稳定和可靠。
4. 注重语言风格和文化适应性:在公示语的翻译过程中,应该注重语言风格和文化适应性的统一,避免过于直译或者歧义现象的产生。
5. 加强团队合作:公示语的翻译工作通常需要多人合作完成,因此应该加强团队协作意识,共同提高翻译质量。
6. 更多使用技术手段:在公示语翻译过程中,可以更多地利用翻译工具或者机器翻译技术,提高翻译的效率和准确性。
关键词: 汉英公示语误译分析对策一、引言随着全球经济一体化进程的不断推进,对外合作与交流步伐也日益加快。
市内公共场所很多垃圾箱上的环保性口号“保护环境从我做起”被逐字译成“Protect circumstance begin with me”,这就不符合英语表达规范。
再如,市内很多商场为体现其人性化都会在室内电梯上方悬牌“小心碰头”,有的被译为“Take care of your head”,这显然成了笑话。
其实,用“Watch your head”“Mind your head”就行了。
(二)语境与语用对等层面曾有位著名翻译家说:“The proper words should be in the proper places in the translation.If not,errors might find you.”在翻译有的公示语时,译者由于没有很好地体会原文,斟酌用词,造成词不达意,偏离原义。
如: 某家服饰店将“大减价”也译为“Sale”,改为“Special”较好,能突出“大”的意味。
对公示语翻译现状的分析及思考论文英文public signs,汉语中既可叫公示语,也可译为标记语、标示语、揭示语、警示语等等。
例如:“叠水”译为Layer after layer water(参考译文:Water Pyramid);“人民公园医疗救护点”译为People Garden Doctor Saving Place(参考译文:Clinic)等。
例如,“消夏园”译为Summer park(参考译文:Summer Garden);“水族园”译为Aquatic animal spark(参考译文:Aquatic Animals’Garden)等。
例如:“公厕”译为Hygiene(参考译文:PublicLavatory/Toilet);“儿童乐园”译为Children’s play ground(参考译文:Children’s Funfair)等。
第37卷第4期2419年8月凯里学院学报Journal of Kail-UniversityVai.37Nc.4Aua.0419-语言学研究•公示语翻译中存在的问题及对策刘小平(遵义师范学院,贵州遵义523407)摘要:公示语翻译作为当前城市文化建设和社会经济发展的重要工作之一,在实际公示语翻译工作进行的过程中,强化对公示语翻译存在问题的分析,力图促使整个公示语翻译向着精准、形象和通俗易懂的方向发展是非常必要的。
【关键词】公示语、翻译问题、语言能力培训、文化背景、技术手段、翻译团队、翻译质量、提升、未来研究、总结1. 引言1.1 翻译问题的重要性在进行公示语翻译时,翻译问题的重要性不可忽视。
1.2 研究背景随着中国与世界各国在政治、经济、文化等领域的交流与合作日益频繁,我国的公示语翻译工作也面临着前所未有的挑战和机遇。
例如,在一些公共场所中使用“no smoking”的翻译,直译可以是“不准吸烟”,但在实际场合中,这个翻译会使人觉得有些生硬。
- 242 -校园英语 /公示语翻译存在的问题及翻译策略百色学院/李涵【摘要】公示语是在公众场所向公众传递信息的特殊文体,随着中国国际地位不断提升,公示语翻译在国际交流中的地位越来越重要。
【关键词】公示语翻译 错误类别 翻译策略一、导言公示语是一种常见于公共场所的特殊文体,是指“公开和面对公众,告示、指示、提示、警示、标示与其生活、生产、生命、生态休戚相关的文字及图形信息”。
如:“来也匆匆,去也冲冲”错译为“Have to hurry ,was also chong chong to.”;“警(路)风监督电话”错译为“Police road breeze the hurl tell a telephone ”;“出租车上客点”错译为“On the taxi the guest stands forward ”;“开文明车,行平安路回幸福家”错译为“On the civilization car ,Line of road safety The hui xingfu family ”。
关键词:公示语;问题;对策;跨文化交际ABSTRACTEnglish public signs as the simplest guide are apparently essential to foreigners in China. However, the improper and nonstandard English public signs have been a pressing problem because they have defaced China’s International image and have given much trouble to the foreigners in their daily life.On the basis of many researches, the author classifies the public signs translation errors from linguistic and cultural aspects, analyses these two types of errors, illustrates the causes, and puts forward some strategies for improvements of public signs translation, from the perspective of intercultural communication.Key words:public signs; problems; strategies; intercultural communicationContents1.Introduction (51)2. An Overview of Public Signs (52)2.1 The Definition of Public Signs (52)2.2 Functions of Public Signs (53)2.3 Types of Public Signs (54)3. Intercultural Communication (56)3.1 Definition of IC (56)3.2 Language and Culture (56)3.3Application of IC to Translation of Public Signs (57)4. Problems of Public Signs C-E Translation and Analysis of Causes (59)4.1 Problems on Linguistic Level (59)4.2 Problems on Cultural Level (62)4.3 Causes Analysis (64)5. Strategies of Public Signs Translation (65)5.1Literal Translation (65)5.2 Liberal Translation (66)5.3 Addition and Omitting (67)6.Conclusion (69)Acknowledgements (70)References (71)1.IntroductionIn 2008, China held the Beijing Olympic Game successfully, and now the 2010 World Expo is being held in Shanghai. At present, more and more foreigners stream into China. They come to China to travel, study, and do business, etc. Most of them speak English instead of Chinese. Under such circumstances, English Public signs will play a very important role, because these signs will help foreigners to find their way in a new environment or get the information they want. However,the improper and nonstandard English public signs have been a pressing problem because they have defaced China’s international image and have given rise to troubles and inconvenience to the foreigners in their daily life. So it is very necessary to carry on the following error research on English translation of public signs. Many essays about this research have been published on many journals. However, most essays in these journals only discuss the problem from a special perspective and there has not been a thorough and systematic study of the distribution of error frequency and the causes of the errors on C-E sign translation so far. Therefore, this thesis intends to conduct a study of the translation of public signs with the aim to explore the strategies and methods to enhance public sign translation. And it will mainly focus on the following three parts: the application of intercultural communication to public signs; the error analysis on English translation of public signs and strategies for improvement.2. An Overview of Public Signs2.1 The Definition of Public SignsWhen we discuss the definition of “public signs”, it is necessary to clarify the definition of “sign”, in the English language first. The research of public sign was started in 1959 by two scholars named Vinay and Darbelnet from western country[1]424. According to Oxford English Dictionary , “sign” refers to a characteristic device attached to, or placed in front of, an inn or a store, as a means of distinguishing it from others or direct attention to it. In Webster’s Third International Dictionary, “sign”is defined as a lettered board or other public display placed before or on a building, room, store or office to advertise business there transacted or the name of person or firm conducting it [2]. From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language,“sign” is defined as “a board, a post, or place displayed in a public place to convey information or a direction.” [3]While in China, it is in recent years that the expression of public signs comes into our view. In its literal meaning, public sign refers to the words or expression shown to the public in public places. Dai Zongxian & Lu Hefa[3] put forward the definition of “public signs” as “public display of written message bearing a designation, direction and other closely related literal and graphical information.” Prof. Lu Hefa has also classified the scope of signs in China in his dictionary A Chinese-English Dictionary on Signs[4]. According to him, public signs are very commonly used in people’s social life. In a word, the information, which is open to the public and related to their daily life, will be within the scope of researches on public signs. A public sign refers to a language-based message carrier used in public places to inform the public what they are supposed to know. The public signs are widely used in many fields and impact every aspect of our daily life. Therefore, the translation of public signs is ofgreat significance.2.2 Functions of Public SignsPublic signs are widely used and serve different functions for normal operation of the society. According to Professor Lu Hefa[5]38, public signs may fall into the following four categories in terms of function, namely directing, prompting, restricting and compelling. The different functions of the public signs directly affect the style and the mood of the translation.(1) DirectingBasically speaking, public signs serving directing function are information providers and the purpose is to give readers guidance about the service that they are entitled to. They are prevailing in a city and can be found almost everywhere. Examples as follows:问询服务Information售票处Ticket Office外卖Take Away营业时间Business Hours(2) PromptingPublic signs of prompting remind people to pay attention to them. Prompting signs are similar to the directive ones in their informative function. They are widely used on public occasions and often use brief and euphemistic words as well as different forms of sentences structures. For example:油漆未干Wet Paint向左急转弯Abrupt Turn Left减价销售On Sale道路封闭Road Closed(3) RestrictingNot as the two functions mention above, the function of restriction put constrains and restrictions to the readers. The purpose of public signs in this category is to confine the activities or actions of the related public with the special words. The languages are direct and simple, but the readers don’t feel these signs are impolite or rude. Look at the following:凭票入场Ticket Only慢速驶出Slow Out游客止步Staff Only限停车10分钟10 Minutes Parking(4) CompellingPublic signs of this type have a more tough tone than those with other three functions. They require readers to take or not to take certain actions, usually with direct tough, forceful language. And the language is supposed to bear no compromise.严禁乱扔垃圾No Littering不得进入草地Keep Off the Grass禁止酒后开车No Driving after Drinking禁酒区Alcohol Free ZoneAbove are the four functions of public signs. Chinese and English public signs have the same functions and express specific information.2.3 Types of Public SignsPublic signs can be found very easily around us. They are displayed in different places for different usages and functions. According to the places they placed, the author divides them into the following types.(1). Public Signs for Traffic and RoadTraffic and road signs are used to provide help for people and keep a good social order as well. These signs are playing a very important role in the society, especially in crowded places.(2).Public Signs for TourismMany public signs are placed at scenic spots. Some of them are used to remind the visitors to abide by some rules while others are to help them further understand the history or culture.(3).Public Signs for Service Industry and BusinessWith the development of economy, there are more and more public signs appear in the field of business and service industry. Many signs put on the window or at the door can easily attract consumers from both at home andabroad.(4). Public Signs for Environmental ProtectionNowadays, the situation of environment is getting worse and worse among the whole world. Public signs as one of the communication materials, perform not only the function of publicizing, but also a kind of “High Touch” service[6]26. That’s to say, public signs for environmental protection help to call for people to be self-discipline in protecting our environment.From the above we can see that public signs are widely used in people’s daily life. They can be found in every kind of public places. They are easy to remember and their four functions determine the language styles.3. Intercultural CommunicationIt is quite clear that C-E translation of public signs is closely related with Chinese and English. So bilingualism has always been regarded as an essential requirement for the translator. In fact, the activity of translation is a kind of intercultural communication. In Nida’s opinion, the most serious mistakes in translation are usually made not because of verbal inadequacy, but of wrong cultural assumptions[7]. Therefore, it is a must for translators to know some about intercultural communication.3.1 Definition of ICIt is clear that IC refers to the communication among people from two or more cultures. Successful IC is based on the positive feeling and beliefs we bring to the intercultural encounter and on the behavioral skills we possess. Professor Jia Yuxin[8]23thinks that the intercultural communication is the communication between people from different cultural backgrounds. Hanvey[9] believes that the sense of IC is the sensitive recognition of cultural factors between joiners during their communication.Language can not exist without culture. Naturally, in the course of intercultural communication, the participant or the translator should not only be familiar with his own language and culture, but also the language and culture of his counterpart, especially the differences between the two involved cultures[10].Only when he keeps these cultural factors in mind can he be competent in the process of intercultural communication.3.2 Language and CultureThe relationship between language and culture has been studied for many decades. Brown, H.D describes the two like this: “A language is a part of a culture and a culture is a part of a language; the two are intricately interwovenso that one cannot separate the two without losing the significance of either language or culture.”[11]56 Language is a bridge people can use to learn or understand cultural values and it is necessary to know cultural values to acquire the language to portray them. Language is a very important component of the culture. In fact, language is decided and restricted by the culture. Culture can have a great effect on the existence and development of language in many aspects.Therefore, in order to communicate effectively and competently across cultures we need to be aware of both linguistic and cultural knowledge at the same time. It is also suitable to PS translation, since this specific translation task is involved with both two different languages and cultures. If we want to have correct and idiomatic English public signs, we should not only be bilingual, but also be bicultural.3.3Application of IC to Translation of Public SignsPublic signs translation is an activity of intercultural communication, that’s to say the intercultural awareness is a must for translators when translating public signs into English. Just as Nida has put: to be bilingual, one has to be bicultural[12]. Cultural approaches consider translation as a communicative process which appears between cultures[13]27. Concerning public signs translation, the translators should focus on differences between the characteristic of Chinese and English language. It is true that cultural discrepancy is an important factor in the course of C-E translation of public signs.In addition, public signs translators should take readers’response as an important criterion in the assessment of translated version. Since these readers are mainly foreign visitors and tourists who know little about the history and culture of about China. It is true that many problems and errors in public signs translation are caused by the insufficient intercultural awareness. Some translators are deeply influenced by their mother tongue, which is a big problem when translating Chinese public signs into English. To solve the problem, public sign translators should correctly express the meanings of Chinese PSs in accordance with the idiomatic expressions of the target language when doing PStranslation. In this way, our translated versions can be better and more easily understood by target readers. It is evident that failure of IC in this specific translation task will undoubtedly lead to the occurrences of many mistaken and obscure English versions of Chinese PSs.4. Problems of Public Signs C-E Translation andAnalysis of CausesNowadays, a variety of international events are held in China, with an increasing number of foreigners coming here. English as the universal language of the world, becomes the most convenient tool of our communication. Although experts have called for more attention on the translation of public signs, and the present situation is far from being satisfactory. Ni Chuanbin and Liu Zhi[14]19published the paper Translation Principles for Public Signs and Example Analysis in which the authors put forward five principles. After that, there are many papers about translation of public signs appearing in some journals, but most of them didn’t form syste matical research. On the next part we will discuss the problems on the translation of public signs from linguistic and cultural aspect, and then analyse the causes.4.1 Problems on Linguistic LevelThe errors of linguistic translation are often due to deficiencies in the translator’s source or target competence. He Ziran ever explained that by making linguistic errors, the translators or interpreters fail to conform to the target language structure, instead they casually translate the source text in their own language structures.4.1.1 MisspellingThe most commonly encountered problems in the C-E translation of public signs are undoubtedly the spelling mistakes or misspelling. Errors of this kind are easily noticeable, but they are intolerable to English readers because they leave a bad impression to foreigners on the English proficiency of Chinese people. Such mistakes can be found everywhere, for example:(1) Ants and Crafts(工艺品)You may feel confused by this phrase if you are not on the spot and see the real objects with your own eye. It is put before the arts and crafts department in a sale stall in Nanjing Airport. It should be Arts and Crafts.(2) We may be surprised to see such an expression “Read End Collision”on a super highway, with the original meaning “追尾危险”. This public sign is very common and essential on super highways to warn drivers against accidents and keep the traffic order. However, the word “Rear” is mistaken for “Read”, and with no doubt it loses the intended meaning.In real life, spelling mistakes take up a lot in the overall translation problems of public signs. We may think that the translators should be responsible for them. Some may lack professional competence or may be because of their carelessness. Also the printers or makers of the public signs should be responsible for the problems.4.1.2 Grammatical ErrorsSentences in a good translation should, at least conform to the grammatical rules or conversations of target language. And it is particularly true for the translation of public signs. However, a lot of grammatical problems can be found in the translation of public signs. Most of these errors are not that visible as misspelling, but they also show the poor proficiency of the translator and their irresponsible attitude.Example 1: The International Building in Guangzhou, which is the tallest in China and also the symbol of Guangzhou city. It should stand for China’s international image. However, one of the signs on the International Building goes like: “加强国际交流合作,让世界了解广州”. The translation is: “International Exchange and Cooperation Facilitate Development of Guangzhou into International Metropolis!”It’s quite difficult for foreigners to understand. Due to the grammar problems, this sign could hardly play the role of building up an international city image. It is suggested to be translated as: “Facility the Development of Guangzhou into an International Metropolis through International Exchange and Cooperation!”Example 2: “通往下层” is translated into “To the below floor” on a certain street in Nanjing. The English version is grammatically wrong because the word “below” is a preposition instead of an adjective. Therefore, the English version should be “To the lower floor”.Example 3: “请保护环境卫生” is translated into “Please keep environment sanitation”, which has big grammatical problems. In terms of the sentencestructure, it is obvious that the word of “environment” is the object of the verb of “keep” and the word of “sanitation” is the object complement. According to English grammar, there exists a logical subject-predicate relationship between the object and its complement. So this sentence should be translated into “Please keep the place clean and tidy.”4.1.3 Words Improperly UsedA famous translator ever said that the proper words should be in the proper places in the translation. If not, errors might happen. The so-called “using improper words” shows that the translator does not fully understand the original public signs, and just makes a literal translation, which makes people puzzled.Example 1: 敬老院——Old Man’ HouseTo respect the aged and love the young are always the traditional virtues of China. In western countries, people do not like somebody else to say that they are old. So this pubic sign should be translated into “Senior Citizens’ House”.Example 2: 客户服务中心——Client Ministrant Centre“Ministrant”, as an adjective, is very formal and seldom used, meaning serving attendance. So it is not proper here, and we can use a very simple word “service” to replace it. It can be translated into “Customer Service Centre”.Example 3: 请勿停车使用——No Occupying While StablingThe revised English version should be No Occupying While Stationary. We can always find the above example on the toilet doors on trains. Here the word “stabling” is misused for it means “space in stables (a building for keeping and feeding horses in)”.In the translation of public signs, poor choice of words can be easily found. It is a very serious problem to choose wrong words. It shows the poor capability of the translators. Each word, when used in a new context, is a new word [15]251.A word is the smallest unit of language on its own, and the meaning is the most essential aspect of a word. So words should be chosen on the basis of accurate understanding of them.4.2 Problems on Cultural LevelApart from mistakes on the linguistic level, the mistranslation concerning culture also needs attentive study. Translation involves the transfer of two cultures as well as that of two languages, and that translation is regarded as a cultural communication to transplant the source culture. It is not an easy task to translate between Chinese and English because the two languages belong to entirely different cultural traditions. So translation is the intercultural communication between the western and Chinese cultures.To some extent, linguistic mistranslation is more tolerable to target readers in comparison to the mistranslation on the cultural level. Translation mistakes on the cultural level may make foreigners feel they are offended in such fields as customs, beliefs and faith. Therefore, mistranslation resulting from cultural ignorance is a problem that needs urgent solution, otherwise, China will be regarded as a country in the lack of cultural respect to others.Generally speaking, mistranslation from the perspective of culture can be classified into two categories: Chinglish and Inappropriate tone.4.2.1 ChinglishChinglish translations always come from the word-for-word translation method, which results from either the translators using such translation tools as dictionaries and translation machines or their lack of proficiency in translation. Chinese and English-speaking people have different thought patterns and accordingly different ways to express ideas. If these differences are ignored, it’s very easy to produce Chinglish.Example 1:请勿乱扔杂物——No Throws TrashThis public sign is widely used, especially in tourist attractions. But the translation is far from being satisfactory. It is apparently affected by Chinese pattern of thinking and it is typical Chinglish. The revised version is “No Littering”.Example 2: 不得在停车场内随地吐痰、大小便——Spitting, going convenient around must be prohibited.There is no such phrase as “going convenient around” in English. It might be an absurd word for word translation of “随地大小便”as in Chinese, “goaround”means “随地”and “convenient”means “方便”.Chinglish like this makes target readers who don’t speak Chinese puzzle or may laugh. A suggest version is “Spitting, urinating or defecating must be prohibited”.Example 3:一次性用品——A Time Sex ThingWhat will foreigners feel when they see signs with such filthy words? The translation is different from the original meaning. “一次性”means it can be used once only, but the translation not only twists the Chinese meaning, but also becomes an international joke. We can translate it into “Disposable Articles”.The following are more examples about Chinglish.Wrong Correct游客止步Consumers Stop Employee Only肉松Meat Pine Dried Meat Floss激情海岸Sex on the Beach Exotic Flavor买一赠一Buy one, give one Buy one, get one free英语之窗The Window of English English Service AvailableThe examples similar to those mentioned above are too numerous to show one by one. It can be said that the phenomenon of Chinglish is caused by translating Chinese according to the superficial Chinese meaning. And the translators didn’t pay attention to the differences between Chinese and English. They may impose the Chinese thinking model on the English version.4.2.2 Inappropriate ToneTo some degree, the tone decides what the additional function a public sign assumes besides the most fundamental one. Therefore, when translating public signs, we should not only translate the exact meaning but also the exact tone so that we could achieve functional equivalence in an overall way. But in most cases, equivalence in tone is always lost due to cultural misunderstanding.Example1: “青草依依,踏之何忍” can now be seen in many public places. Different from “请勿践踏草坪” which was often classified as a compelling sign in the public in the past, the former is more vivid and polite in tone because of personification used to express the meaning from the view the grass that we should protect. “Keep off the Grass”is the general translation, but the translation of “The Grass So Fair, Needs Your Care”put forward by Wu Weixiong[16]36 in 2004 is strongly recommended according to Nida’s functionalequivalence.Example 2: “请勿在此吸烟” This public sign is always translated into “No Smoking”which also violates Nida’s functional equivalence. The appropriate one is “Thank You for Not Smoking Here”From the discussion above, we can see that different cultures have different views of the same things, and errors will arise in the process of translation if those differences are overlooked by the translators. So translators should have a good command of cultural traditions of western countries.4.3 Causes AnalysisAs mentioned above, there are mainly two types of mistakes in Chinese-English public signs translation: translation errors on linguistic level and on cultural level. It may be due to translator’s carelessness such as spelling; it may also be due to translator’s low proficiency such as grammar errors. To solve those linguistic mistakes, translator needs to be both proficient and careful. In some cases, even if fully understanding the meaning of the original Chinese expressions, some translators may feel it difficult to find proper English words to replace the Chinese ones, and just use some words apparently seeming to be equivalent to the Chinese ones.For another thing, more and more new public signs appear nowadays. And these public signs have their own special characteristics. So it’s quite hard for the translator to express the English version correctly. The lack in the language competence was and still is a universal problem in the translation of pubic signs.Thirdly, with the development of science and technology, many signs are translated by computer software. In fact, it is very good to use computer as a reference. However, if we just rely on computer, the translation must have many problems.5. Strategies of Public Signs Translation5.1Literal TranslationLiteral translation is correct and must not be avoided, if it secures pragmatic equivalence to the original[17]. But literal translation is not word-for–word and one-to-one translations. Literal translation renders both the style and content of the original, and it also retains the original cultural information. Literal translation is widely used in translation of informative public signs which requires the accurate transfer of the original information.Example 1: 平等,发展,和平——Equality, Development, Peace.Example 2: 整个景区占地约8000平方米,以排云殿为中心,由排云殿、宝华殿、云锦殿、二宫门、芳辉殿、紫霄殿、德辉殿以及连通各座殿堂的游廊、配房组成(The Summer Palace)——The entire scenery area covers an area of 8000 square metres, with Paiyun Dian at the center, surrounded by Paiyun Men, Yuhua Dian, Yunjin Dian, Er Gong Men, Fanghui Dian, ZixiaoDian. Dehui Dian, all of which are linked by corridors and side halls.Information of the source texts are all maintained. Sentence orders remain unchanged in the translations. Even the target texts take the similar styles of the source text. The transfer of content must be put to priority. For informative public signs, literal translation can best reserve the original content.5.2 Liberal TranslationLiberal translation mainly conveys the meaning and spirit of the original without remaining the sentence patterns or figures of speech. Liberal translation echoes with Peter Newmark’s communicative translation. Liberal translation is the main strategy used in translation of evocative public signs. As discussed above, for evocative public signs, the focus of attention of the Chinese readers and that of the English readers are quite different. In this case, a liberal method is preferred.Example 1:…是当年慈禧到佛香阁拈香礼佛时的更衣之处(The Summer Palace)——It served as a dressing room for Empress Dowager Cixi on her way to the Tower of the Fragrant of the Buddha to pay her homage. Functionally speaking, this sentence is an informative one. Compared with “pay homage to the Buddha”, “burn incense”is less important information. The target text, although not completely transfer the original content, functions the same as the source text.Example 2:…高度体现了中国园林“虽由人作,宛自天开”的造园准则.(The Summer Palace)——…That best illustrates the guiding principle of traditional Chinese garden design: “the works of men should match the works of Heaven”.As a matter of fact, the adoption of literal and liberal translation in the C-E translation is quite flexible. Sometimes, the combination of the two methods of translation is also visible. However, just as Nord said that “ends justify means”, the actual functional purpose of a sign should always be the No 1 priority in the translation public signs. And the text type of a specific sign should also be taken into consideration.。
如:“来也匆匆,去也冲冲”错译为“Have to hurry,was also chong chong to.”;“警(路)风监督电话”错译为“Police road breeze the hurl tell a telephone”;“出租车上客点”错译为“On the taxi the guest stands forward”;“开文明车,行平安路回幸福家”错译为“On the civilization car,Line of road safety The hui xingfu family ”。
一、 我国的汉英公示语翻译现状 目前我国的公示语翻译存在诸多问题,如中英文化差异导 致信息误读、 语法错误、 译文不统一等等, 以下是这些现象的突 出表现。 (一) 文化差异导致误解 为了体现对乘客财物安全的关心, 越来越多的城市的出租 车上贴有类似的温馨提示:请勿忘随身物品” 同时在其下方有 “ , 英语译文:Don't forget your thing” “ 。但是这句话在英语中的确 切意思是提醒乘客 “别忘带走你的 ‘小弟弟’, ” 显而易见, 当外国 人看到这样的标识时,肯定是哭笑不得了。当我们乘坐火车旅 行时, 常在卫生间的门上看到这样的提示: “停车时请勿使用” , 其下方的英文翻译为 “No occupying while stabling” 。对一个不 懂中文的外国人, 他将理解为 “当将马拴进马厩时勿占用” 。这 个例子说明了由于公示语翻译的不当将会造成很荒谬的错误理 解。 (二) 译文不统一和误译 一位德国朋友逛北京的王府井大街, 他在地铁大厅的指示 牌上看到 “Wang fu jing Street” 但当他到了地铁出口却发现街上 , 的指路牌上写着 “Wang fu jing Dajie” 因此这位外国友人很茫然。 在一些城市的消防设施存放处, 其标识牌上的 “消防器材” 常被 翻译成 “fire fight” 而 , “fire fight” 在英语中为 “交火、 炮战” 之意, “消防器材” 的正确翻译应为 “fire extinguisher” 。 (三) 语用失误 上海野生动物园专门为残疾人设的厕所标示牌上写着 “Deformed man toilet” 但是在英文中, , “deformed” 是用来描述畸形 人的。 同样, 在陆家嘴地铁站出口, 残疾人电梯被翻译为 “Lift for disabled” 而 , “disabled” 意义为 “残疾, 丧失能力” 较好的翻译应 , 该是 “Lift for the underprivileged” 。 二、 公示语翻译错误或不当的原因 总结和分析我国当前的汉英公示语翻译中存在的问题, 可 以归纳为如下三类: (一) 不符合公示语的翻译标准 语气生硬、 中式英语、 可读性差、 以偏概全、 语意堆砌等都是 在公示语英语翻译中经常出现的误区。例如: “保健食品” 不应 翻译为 “health production” 而应为 , “health food” 欢迎您再次光 ; “ 临” “welcome once more the presence” “Please come again 不是 而是 soon” 。 (二) 中西方文化的差异造成部分公示语翻译的语气不协调 中文多以命令的强制性语气为主, 而根据英语国家的习惯, 这些公示语的英语译文的语气则要略显缓和。如 “禁止通车” 的 英语译文应为 “Closed to all vehicles” 禁止入内” ; “ 的对应翻译应 为 “Off limits” 。
1 研究背景
3 结束语
公 示语功能分类及语用误译成 因
N o E n t r y 等, 这类公示语对等性较强 , 以祈使句居多。 2 .公 示语 语用 误译 成 因 公示语 的管理涉及公安 、市政、民政 、交通 、外
事 、卫 生 等多个 部 门和单位 ,是一 个 系统 工程 。 目
1 .公 示 语语 用功 能分 类
良好 的沟通和配合 ,没有形成一体化的流程 ;翻译
T e a c h i n g A f f a i r s等 。限制 性公 示语 :指对 相关 公众 缺乏 统一 的标准 ;翻译 人员 水 平不 高 ,英 语功 底 不
的行 为 提 出限 制 、约束 要 求 的公 示语 。用语 常 常直 强 ,缺 乏 翻译工 作 经验 ,不 熟 悉东 西方 社 会 的文 化
公 示语 是 指 在公 共 场所 为一 般 公众 或 特 殊群 体 f o r C h e c k、右 侧 行 使 K e e p R i g h t 、 残 疾 人 通 道
提供提醒 、警示 、告知等帮助的服务性语言标识 ,
H a n d i c a p p e d O n l y 、 凭票人场 T i c k e t O n l y 等 。强制性
人们提供信息服务为主要 内容的公示语 。其功能在 部 门 ,旅 游 景 区公 示语 归旅 游 管理 部 门 ,医 院公示 于指示服务内容 , 语境与意境相对较弱 , 对等性强 , 语归 卫 生部 门 ,各 大 型商场 和 户外 广告 公 示语 归 工 如 :问询 服务 I n f o r ma t i o n 、夜 总会 N i g h t C l u b 、售票 商部 门管理等 ,各职能管理部 门不能相互沟通 ,缺 处T i c k e t O ic f e 、教师公 用 室 C o m mo n R o o m、中文 系 乏有 效 统一 的协 调 和配 合 ;公 示语 的翻译 流程 不严
大陆桥视野·2016年第20期 265汉英公示语翻译现状及交际翻译的策略陈鑫婵 / 宁波大学科学技术学院【摘 要】本文首先对我国汉语公示语翻译的现状和问题进行分析研究,并给出了几点提高汉英公示语交际翻译质量的策略,为汉语公示语的交际翻译提供资料参考。
例如,娱乐场所常用的宾客止步,很多直接翻译成Passengers,Stop here。
和沟通方面的障碍 。
2用语 不顾 受 众感 受 .
形象 、 服务社会等突出的促销公关功能 。 我国历史悠久 , 民族文化源远流长 , 拥有丰富 的旅游资源、 广阔的市场和良好的经济基础 。 特别 是加入 W O以后 ,国际交流与合作更加频繁 , T 我 国丰富多彩的民族文化和优美的 自然风光吸引 了 大量外国人, 旅游业蓬勃发展 。 翻译得法的公示语
能够更有效地服务于改革开放、 对外交流与合作 , 促进我国语言环境 、 人文环境建设 的健康发展 , 提 升各大城市的文明形象 。
在某大学 内,无烟图书馆” “ 的标识被译为“ 0 N S oi ”属于较严厉限制性公示语 , m kn , g 若用“m k S oe Fe i a ” r Lb r 便更加符合环境 氛围 ; e ry 另外 , 某外 国
“t n ” S f O l 公示语便一 目了然 。 a t y 3 . 公示语翻译措辞繁琐 英语公示语应语汇简洁 , 措辞精确 , 只要不影
二、公 示语翻译存在 的问题
目前 , 越来越多的外 国人到我 国留学 、 经商和 旅游 , 英语的使用越来越广泛 。 翻译在我国改革开
放和对外交往中具有重要的作用,但是目前从事 翻译的人员水平不一 ,翻译质量粗劣影响到我国
ns t e ( es i ” 营业时间)“ m ,专卖店”E c s es r) (xl i t e uv o
成了“ 垄断店” M nple t e 等等 , ( ooozds r) i o 这些不规
范的公示语 ,势必会给外国朋友造成一定的交际
社会两大重要功能。为此, 商业经营场所内外设置 的公示语依据消费者类别和消费需求、 消费行为分 为引发兴趣 、 提供信息 、 加深理解 、 促进行动 、 固 巩
错译为 (1)直接写成拼音,比如把“恒美创意图文有限公司”“HENMEI CHUANGYITUWEN GONG SI”;(2)直接写成英语,中英文整齐的对号入座,比如“售票处”,原译为“SELL TICKET ROOM”;(3)中英混用。
这里建议分别改译成“Hen Mei Photo Workshop”,“Tickets Office”和“District Office”。
(二) 语法错误在翻译公示语时,常会出现一些语法错误,如词性误用、名词单复数不当、冠词遗漏、动词形式错误的等。
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7 . 面向国际合作办学需求 , 完善 国际化软件人 才培养的 管理 体制。国际班学 生留学 日本立命 馆大学 的条件 为具有 2 级 日语 能力。对 日籍 教师 的考核标 准应 与我 学 院专职 教师
综 上所 述 , 各环节 进行 有机 融合 、 有 效实 施 、 有 力推 广 , 为全国培养 国际化软件 日语人才提供指导思想 和改革依据。
赵圣花 刘艳伟 颜冰 /培养 国际化软件 日 语人才的模 式与创新
5 . 建设优质教育资源共享体 系。 1 ) 短期 国外实践项 目。根据 “ 推进 中 日教 师互 聘 , 支持
域、 专业 教师对学 生 日语 能力 的评 价和期 望 等 , 对 调查 结果
进行统计 和分析 。最终服务于课程体系 的优 化。 2 . 实施趣味性情境化 E t 语教学模式 。 1 ) 利用我们教研组 刘玉琴博 士等 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 建 设 的视 频语
生。3 月份 日 本大学 正值春假 , 我校软件学 院学生 已开学 , 让
有意愿到我院服务 的立命 馆大学 研究 生给 我们 中 日国际信 息与软件学 院的学生 上 日本文 化讲 座 , 开办 日语 角等 , 增 进 中 日国际信息与软件学 院学生对 日本 文化 的了解 , 也有 助于 跨文化交际能力 的培养 。要培养学 生具有 国际视野 , 善 于交 流与表达 、 沟通 和合 作共事的能力 、 就应 当吸引 留学 生 , 并 向 国内学生提供 国际化 的教育环境 。
6 . 面 向国际合 作办学需求 , 组建教学 研究并进 的师资队
伍 。聘请 日籍教 师 , 集 体备 课 , 共 同教学 。深 入 开展 教学 重 点难点 问题研究 。鼓励 和资助专职教师 出国学 习进 修 , 提升 教师 的专业 素质 和教学 水平。努力学习 国外教学经 验 , 精选
日本优 秀原 版教材 , 争取 建立 国际合作 项 目, 如共 同编写 I 1 ' 日语教材等 。
中 日高校间学生互换 , 课 程互选 , 学分互 认 , 支 持学 位互授 。 ” ( 高教二十五条 ) 的精神 , 在 国际交 流网站 上发布 国际交 流与
料库 , 实施情 境化 日 语 教 学模 式 。使 学生 能 够接 触 真 实语 言, 了解词语在真实语 境下 运用 的文化 含义 和状况 , 激发学 习兴趣 , 最大 限度地避免误用的产生 , 提 高学习效率。
讲 授 日语难点 、 重 点句式 、 高频词 时 , 只要 在视频语料库 输 入关 键词 , 就能看到 情境对话 片段 ( 有 中 日对应 字幕 ) , 有 助于学生的外语应 用能力 和对外 交流 能力 同时提 高 。增强 其对 日语的兴趣 , 在 轻松快 乐 的氛 围内进行 学 习, 使 同学们 感受到 日语的魅力 , 改变传统教学枯燥无味 的模式 。 2 ) 采用基 础 日语课 堂与网络 (日本动漫场景表达学 习网 站) 的混合式 教学模式 ( h t t p : / / a n i m e—m a l a g a . j p / c h i n e s e / i n - d e x . h t m] ) , 为学生提供逼 真的交 际情境 , 使学 生能 在不 同的 真实语境 中学 习语 言、 应 用语 言 , 从 而 真正 实现 语 言 习得 。 通过观看 日本原版 的动漫 , 让学 生轻松愉快地 掌握各种场 景 表达 , 培养学生交际能力和 自主学习能力 。 3 . 优化课程体系 , 建立人文 素质教学 体系。 以往 的软件
为学 生建 立国 际化 思维 提供人 文环 境与课 程 。与 日本 立命馆 大学定期 开展国际文化交流与学术研讨 , 拓展学生 国
际化专业 视野 , 促进学生 的求知欲 , 培养 自主学 习能 力 ; 聘请 国际名企的专家为学生作报告 , 培养 学生的专业 兴趣与职 业 人生规划意识 ; 加强 中 日文化 间的交 流 , 培养 学生 的跨文 化
养—— 以沈阳师范大学 国际商 学 院为例 [ J ] . 对外 经 贸 ,
2 0 1 2 (学 生参 加创 新创 业实验 项
目, 撰写 开题报告结题 报告 , 用p p t 展示项 目成果与答辩 。让
学院 日 语强化班 的教学模式 不能 全盘 复制到 中 日国际信 息
与软件学 院的教学 中。应优化 日语课程体 系。
在 日语课程设 置方 面 , 改 变< 职场 日语 = 》 和< 中级 口语 >
的课程设置和授课方式 。< 职场 日 语> 课在 国际合作办学 下 ,
原 2年级课 改为高年级就业前 的选 修课。课程 内容 为面试 、 商务礼仪 等相关 知识 , 由 日籍老师授课。< 中级 口语 > 课 中关 于 日本文 化的部分 内容 , 可让志愿到我 院服务的 日本 留学生 利用 春假 ( 3月份 ) 给 中 日国际信息 与软件 学 院学 生上 日本
实践的各种信息 。中 日国际信息 与软 件学 院 的学 生可 自愿
申报暑期 去 日本实践 的短期资助项 目, 了解 目标 语言 国家的
国情。让学生在做 中学 , 学 中做 , 一方 面检 验所 学语 言 知识 与技能的应用 , 另一方 面也 在实践 中找 出知 识 的缺失 , 促 进 后 期学习的主动性 、 针对性。 2 ) 建立 日本 大学 生 志愿 到 我院 服务 的 机 制 , 吸 引 留学
交际能力 。
【参 考 文 献 】
[ 1 ] 曲朝霞 , 栗 霞. 复合 型 日语人才培养 的模式 探讨[ J ] . 长 春
理工大学学报 , 2 0 1 1 ( 1 ) .
[ 2 ] 刘佳 , 马舒 . 浅谈 国际合作办学 中复合 型人 才外语能力 培
4 . 改革课程考核方式 , 建立 实践教学体 系。 国际班 2年