Darwins Revolution


Darwin and His Evolution

Darwin and  His Evolution

• part I (1-12) Depicting the happenings preceding "The Trial That Rocked the World". • Part II (13-29) Talking about the debate between the prosecuution and defense before the climax of the trial.
Bacause of the limitation the times, Darwin's evolution didn't explain the However, Darwin illustrated the theory of essential factors of the evolution evolution and denied the belief that God thoroughly. As part oftheory of evolution Engels considered the the modern had created the world in materialistic evolution, biologicaldiscoveries in 19th was one of the big evolution is related terms. to both "natural selection" and genes. century.
• Fundamentalists believed the Bible is God's revelation and adhered to a
literal interpretation of it.



The theory of evolution
Darwin’s theory of evolution
❖ Brief introduction ❖ Three features of evolution ❖ Influence
Darwin’s theory of evolution is also called Darwinism. It is about the idea that all plants and animals develop gradually from simpler to more complicated forms by natural selection, which is the process by which only plants and animals that are naturally suitable for life in their environment will continue to live, while all others will die.
Three feathers
❖ The Premise ——all life is related and has descended from a common ancestor
❖ Natural selection—— acts to preserve and accumulate minor advantageous genetic mutations(变异).
1882: died and buried in Westminster Abbey ,close to Newton , he was one of only five nineteenth-century non-royal personages from the United Kingdom to be honoured by a state funeral(国葬)

Darwin 达尔文介绍

Darwin  达尔文介绍
达尔文的学说 "亵渎圣灵",触犯"君权神授天理",有失人类尊严。与此相反,
以赫胥黎为代表的进步学者,积极宣传和捍卫达尔文主义。进化论轰开了人 们的思想禁锢,启发和教育人们从宗教迷信的束缚下解放出来。
O 达尔文的生物进化论作为19世纪最伟大的发现之一,为辩证唯物主义自然观 的建立,为马克思主义哲学的产生提供了坚实的自然科学基础。
O 英国植物学家 华生评价 我认为《物种起源》这本书的格调是再好也没有的,它可以感动那些对这个 问题一无所知的人们。至于达尔文的理论,我准备即使赴汤蹈火也要支持。
李卜克内西评价 达尔文在《物种起源》中的主导思想,即"自然选择",一定会被当做科学上 的确定真理而为人们所接受。它有一切伟大的自然科学真理所具有的特征,变 模糊为清晰,化复杂为简单,并且在旧有的知识上添加了很多新的东西。达尔 文是本世纪的、甚至是一切世纪的博物学中最伟大的革命者。
O 达尔文对机能主义的发展有着特殊的影响,他的进化论引导了美国机能主义 学派心理学思想的兴起,从而开启了以美国为中心的心理学新时代。
O 马克思评价 1859年成为划分科学史前后两个"世界"的界限。《物种起源》的出版使生物 学发生了一场革命,这场革命如同马克思主义登上历史舞台一样,意义重大, 影响深远。
发表《人类 起源和性选 择》 1871年
发表 《物种起源》
伦敦林奈学会 宣读达尔文和 华莱士合作的 关于进化论的 论文
1882 年
1831—1836年,他 以博物学家的身份,参 加了英国派遣的环球航 行,做了五年的科学考 察。在动植物和地质方 面进行了大量的观察和 采集,经过综合探讨, 形成了生物进化的概念。 1859年出版了震动当时 学术界的《物种起源》。



Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was an English naturalist and author. His Origin of Species (1859) and Decent of Men (1871) exerted a strong impact in the history of Western thought. 【1】
On Medicine: Body structure "design" improperly and disease.
【6 】
Social Darwinism
On Biology: Stimulate research in morphology, embryology, and paleontology to find evidence to support or refute Darwin’s views.
1. 2004/06/17 ENGLISH SQUARE 2./wiki/Charles_Darwin 3. “The Autobiography of Charles Darwin” 4./wiki/Inception_of_Darwin%27s_t heory
Returned from the survey voyage of the Beagle
(/upload/cz20 10/images/1008/10/211536042.jpg)
The Galá pagos Islands:

who was charles darwin阅读笔记

who was charles darwin阅读笔记

who was charles darwin阅读笔记英文版Who Was Charles Darwin? Reading NotesCharles Darwin is a renowned scientist who revolutionized the field of biology with his theory of evolution by natural selection. His influential work, "The Origin of Species," published in 1859, introduced the concept of natural selection as the driving force behind the diversity of life on Earth.Darwin's journey to becoming a scientist began at a young age. He showed a keen interest in natural history and spent much of his childhood collecting specimens and observing the natural world. His passion for science led him to pursue a career in medicine, but he eventually switched to natural science after developing an interest in botany and geology.Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection was based on his observations of the natural world. He noticed that species were not static but constantly changing, and that these changeswere adaptive and resulted in better survival and reproduction. Darwin proposed that species evolved over time through the process of natural selection, whereby individuals with more favorable traits were more likely to survive and pass their genes to the next generation.Darwin's theory was groundbreaking at the time and faced significant opposition from religious and scientific communities. However, his ideas gradually gained acceptance and are now widely accepted as the foundation of modern evolutionary theory.Reading about Charles Darwin's life and work has been an eye-opening experience. His dedication to science and his courage to challenge conventional wisdom have left a lasting impact on the field of biology. His theory of evolution by natural selection has not only explained the diversity of life on Earth but has also provided a framework for understanding the origins and development of all species.中文版查尔斯·达尔文是谁?阅读笔记查尔斯·达尔文是一位杰出的科学家,他的自然选择进化论彻底改变了生物学领域。


Chapter 11
1920s Imaห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ism & Ezra Pound
Different 1920s
WWI An economic boom A sudden development in technology A social moral revolution The Lost Generation迷惘的一代 Generation迷惘的一代 The “Jazz Age”爵士乐时代 Age” The Prohibition of alcohol
Face vs. petal Crowd vs. bough Stillness vs. movement Beauty vs. dirtiness
Cantos (1915)
It contains 117 poems. It is about social history, cultures and languages. He imposes order and meaning upon a meaningless world. He sees Chinese history and Confucius孔子 counteract抵消 Confucius孔子 counteract抵消 Western gloom and confusion. A chaotic inhuman and nonnonspiritual world needs saving.
In A Station of The Metro
The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough. 地铁车站 人群中这些面孔幽灵般显现; 人群中这些面孔幽灵般显现; 湿漉漉的黑枝条上朵朵花瓣。 湿漉漉的黑枝条上朵朵花瓣。

Unit1:Darwinian Evolution-Growth And Survival 达尔文进化论:生长和生存

Unit1:Darwinian Evolution-Growth And Survival 达尔文进化论:生长和生存

Clicker question
Homo sapiens male heights- genetic variation in a population
60 40
0 60 65 70
Height (inches) There are multiple genes involved in determination of high. More than 15 different chromosomal locations have been discovered that cause height variation.
Drosophila wing length
20 15
0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0
Wing Length (units)
The Forces that Drive Evolution
Natural Selection
The Voyage of the Beagle: 1831-1836
The continuation of varieties further and further from the original type-appears [to have] no definite limit….
The superior variety would then alone remain, and would have replaced the original species.”
Download “BeakSizeDirections”
Follow directions in handout and explain the data.
– C. Darwin



汤佩松是我国植物生理学奠基人之一,在植物 呼吸代谢和光合作用方面提出系统的观点,做 出了具有开创性的研究,蜚声国际植物生理学 界。他首次发现并证明高等植物体内“呼吸酶” 即细胞色素氧化酶的存在。 他的学生毕列爵说:“要准确地总结汤的科学 贡献不是任何一个人所能胜任的。……值得每 一个做科学工作的人所摹仿的是:汤所研究的 问题,在当时是全新的,他深知自己的工作在 整个植物生理学中的意义和应居的地位,以及 要用哪些方式和方法来解决和解释它。”
Science Accepted on July 18, 2008

利用可表现绿色荧光蛋白质之植物研究 植物根细胞分化途径。

蝴蝶兰之抗细菌基因,藉以转入植物达 成生产抗病蝴蝶兰植株。
1. 细胞的生理 形态、结构、生理功能 2. 代谢生理 物质(水分,矿物质等)、能量代谢 3. 生长发育生理 4. 逆境生理
第6章 植物体内的细胞信号转导………………………………2
第7章 植物生长物质……………………………………………4 第8章 光形态建成………………………………………………2
第9章 植物的生长生理…………………………………………2
第10章 植物的生殖生理 ………………………………………4 第11章 植物的成熟和衰老生理………………………………自学
1817年,法国的Pelletier和Carenton ——分离出绿色物质:叶绿素(Chl)。
1840年,德国的J. Ven Liebig提出“植物矿质 营养学说”——主张施矿质肥料以补充土壤营 养的消耗。 1845年,J. R. Mayer——光合作用也遵守能量 守恒定律。



机 芯 具 备 可万 便 更 换 内部 零 件 的 功 能 15 8 4年 沃 尔 瑟姆 制 表 厂的
业 务 发展 长 蒸 蒹 曰 上 生 意 范
已经 诡 布 世界 各 地 17 8 6年 附沃
尔 瑟 姆在 百 年 慈 善 展 览会 t 得 获
了 黄 金冀 章 沃 尔 瑟 蛳存 那 时生
传 至 今
融 l 到 手 表 ^
制造 出 的 表 款 流
15 9 4年
沃 尔 瑟 姆制 表 厂 固
为 战 争 而 出现 经 营 上 的 问 题 为
避 免 遭 受 战火 殃 强 沃尔牙蛔制
表 厂 决 定 迁移 到瑞 士
这 样 既避
的 手 表 转穆 到 瑞士 后 沃 尔 瑟妈 石 的 高 级 珠宝 手 表
现 在 的 沃 尔
制 表 厂 把精 力开 始 放 在 4 珠 宝 酥 姆 制 表 厂 的部 分 股 份 已 档 日本 造
手 表 上 其 著 书 杰 作 进 惑 人 收 购 目 r
备 有 1 k黄 金 款 式 选 择 8 、
15 0年 .三位 充满理 想的年 轻人爱 8 伧・ 丹尼森 { r nLDe ns n . Aa o n io ) 爱 德 华 ・候得 c d r w ! E wa dHo ar )和大 c
卫 ・ 蘸维斯 ( vdDa i Da i v s)在罗克斯
伯 建 立 了 沃 尔 瑟 姆 怀 表 制 遣 厂
( A TH w L AMj
文 ,圈 /蒋 凳霖
15 9 2年 务 成 功 转
沃 尔 瑟 螂制 造 厂 业 以制造出高品质f 勺 】



达尔文的成功英文作文Title: The Success of Darwin: A Journey through Evolutionary Triumph。

Charles Darwin, a name synonymous with the theory of evolution, stands as one of the most influential figures in the history of science. His groundbreaking work laid the foundation for modern biology and revolutionized our understanding of the natural world. In this essay, we delve into the factors that contributed to Darwin's success and explore the lasting impact of his contributions.First and foremost, Darwin's insatiable curiosity and keen observation skills were instrumental in his success. As a young naturalist aboard the HMS Beagle, Darwin embarked on a five-year voyage around the world, during which he meticulously documented his observations of the diverse flora and fauna he encountered. His keen eye for detail and his ability to discern patterns in nature allowed him to gather a wealth of data that would laterform the basis of his theories.Furthermore, Darwin's willingness to challenge prevailing dogma and question established beliefs was crucial in shaping his revolutionary ideas. In an era dominated by religious orthodoxy and the concept of divine creation, Darwin dared to propose a theory that posited a natural explanation for the diversity of life on Earth. Despite facing fierce opposition from religious and scientific communities alike, Darwin remained steadfast in his commitment to the truth and continued to refine his ideas based on empirical evidence.Another key factor in Darwin's success was his ability to communicate his ideas effectively. In his seminal work, "On the Origin of Species," Darwin presented a compelling argument for the theory of evolution through natural selection, marshaling evidence from diverse fields such as paleontology, embryology, and biogeography. His clear and concise writing style, coupled with his logical reasoning and persuasive arguments, helped to win over many skeptics and cement his place in scientific history.Moreover, Darwin's success can also be attributed to the collaborative nature of scientific inquiry. Throughout his career, Darwin corresponded with a network of fellow scientists and scholars, exchanging ideas, sharing data, and engaging in spirited debates. This collaborative approach not only enriched Darwin's own thinking but also facilitated the dissemination of his ideas to a wider audience, ensuring their lasting impact on the scientific community.Finally, Darwin's success can be measured by the enduring legacy of his ideas. More than a century after the publication of "On the Origin of Species," the theory of evolution remains the cornerstone of modern biology, providing a unifying framework for understanding the diversity of life on Earth. Darwin's emphasis on the importance of variation, adaptation, and natural selection continues to shape our understanding of how species evolve and interact with their environments.In conclusion, the success of Charles Darwin can beattributed to a combination of factors, including his curiosity, his willingness to challenge conventional wisdom, his effective communication skills, his collaborativespirit, and the enduring legacy of his ideas. By daring to question the status quo and pursuing his scientificinquiries with rigor and determination, Darwin forever changed the way we view the natural world and our place within it.。



英语达尔文读后感After reading "The Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin, I was captivated by the depth and significance of his ideas. Darwin's groundbreaking work revolutionized our understanding of the natural world and continues to shape the field of biology to this day.Darwin's central concept, natural selection, is a powerful and elegant explanation for the diversity of life on Earth. He observed that individuals within a species vary in their traits, and those with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce. Over time, this leads to the accumulation of beneficial traits in a population, resulting in the evolution of new species. This idea challenged the prevailing belief in the fixity of species and provided a mechanism for how life could adapt and change over time.One of the most compelling aspects of Darwin's theory is its ability to explain the intricate adaptations found in organisms. From the long neck of a giraffe to the camouflage of a chameleon, natural selection offers a compelling explanation for the diversity and complexity of life. By favoring traits that enhance an organism's survival and reproductive success, nature acts as a selective force, shaping the characteristics of species over generations.Moreover, Darwin's theory provides a framework for understanding the unity of life. By proposing that all species share a common ancestor, he established a unifying principle that connects every living organism on Earth. This concept has profound implications for our understanding of our place in the natural world and our relationship with other species.Darwin's work also sheds light on the processes that have shaped the Earth's biodiversity over millions of years. Through his observations of the Galapagos Islands, he discovered that different islands had distinct species of finches, each adapted to their specific environments. This led him to propose that geographic isolation and subsequent adaptation were driving forces behind the formation of new species. This concept, known as speciation, provides a mechanism for how new species arise and diversify.Furthermore, Darwin's theory of evolution has far-reaching implications beyond the realm of biology. It has profound implications for our understanding of human nature, our place in the natural world, and even our own origins. By recognizing our shared ancestry with other species, we are compelled to consider the ethical implications of our actions towards the environment and the preservation of biodiversity.In conclusion, Charles Darwin's "The Origin of Species" is a seminal work that has forever changed our understanding of the natural world. His theory of evolution through natural selection provides a powerful explanation for the diversity, complexity, and unity of life on Earth. By challenging the prevailing beliefs of his time, Darwin revolutionized the field of biology and laid the foundation for modern evolutionary theory. His ideas continue to inspire and shape scientific inquiry, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all living organisms and the importance of preserving the natural world.。



达尔文的贡献英文作文Darwin's contribution to the field of biology is immense. His theory of evolution through natural selection revolutionized our understanding of the natural world. By observing the diversity of species and their adaptations to different environments, Darwin was able to propose a mechanism for how new species arise and how they change over time.Darwin's work also had a profound impact on our understanding of human origins. His theory of common descent suggests that all living organisms, including humans, share a common ancestor. This idea challenged traditional religious beliefs about the origins of life and sparked intense debate within both the scientific and religious communities.In addition to his theoretical contributions, Darwin also conducted extensive research and fieldwork to support his ideas. His famous voyage on the HMS Beagle allowed himto collect a wealth of data on the natural world, which he used to develop and refine his theory of evolution. This empirical approach to science set a new standard for biological research and laid the foundation for modern evolutionary biology.Darwin's influence extends beyond the field of biology. His ideas have had a profound impact on fields as diverse as anthropology, psychology, and even philosophy. The concept of natural selection has been used to explain not only the diversity of life on Earth, but also human behavior and cultural development.Despite the controversy and opposition he faced during his lifetime, Darwin's work has stood the test of time. His theory of evolution through natural selection remains the cornerstone of modern biology, and his contributions continue to shape our understanding of the natural world.。



Deutscher Naturalismus
• Später als in anderen europäischen Ländern • ausländische Vorbilder: Zola Ibsen Tolstoi Dostojewski
Historischer Hintergrund
• 1.die Jahrhundertwende als die Blüteziet des Politischen und wirtschaftlichen Imperialismus 154 • 2.Bismarck tritt 1890 zurück 154 • 3.Die Verstädterung und der Ausbau der Industrie machten große Fortschritte. • 4.eine langsame Abkehr vom revolutionären Marxismus innerhalb SPD • 5.Das Gebiet der Habsburgermonarchie zerfiel am Ende des Krieges in unabhängige Nationalstaaten
• Drama
• Prosa • Lyrik(nicht bekannt)
Vertreter des Dramas
• Henrik Ibsen mit seiner Dramen A Doll’s House
Vertreter des Prosa
• Zola mit seimen Buch Der Experimentalroman
• Begründer : Französischer Autor Zola
• Der Naturalismus baut auf dem Realismus auf. • Das Thema ist das moralische und wirtschaftliche Elend.






1. 达尔文主义的起源达尔文主义的起源可以追溯到查尔斯·达尔文的《物种起源》一书的出版。




2. 自然选择的关键概念达尔文主义的核心概念是自然选择。





3. 适应性和多样性达尔文主义认为,适应性是物种生存和繁衍的关键。







4. 进化的证据和支持达尔文主义的理论得到了大量的实证支持。


the french revolution阅读理解判断题

the french revolution阅读理解判断题

君主制由君主文档标题: "The French Revolution 阅读理解判断题"The French Revolution 阅读理解判断题1. The French Revolution began in 1789.●正确。


2. The revolution was primarily a conflict between the upper and lower classes.●错误。


3. The main leaders of the revolution were Maximilien Robespierre and Napoleon Bonaparte.●正确。

Maximilien Robespierre和Napoleon Bonaparte是法国大革命期间的主要领导者。

4. The execution of King Louis XVI during the revolution was illegal.●错误。


5. The French Revolution ended in 1799.●错误。


6. The revolution significantly changed the social and political structure of France.●正确。


7. The revolution had little impact on the rest of Europe.●错误。


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Deutsch lernen und unterrichten – ArbeitsmaterialienTop-Thema mit VokabelnDarwins RevolutionSein ganzes Leben lang befasste sich Charles Darwin mit der Natur. Seine Evoluti-onstheorie stellte schließlich die Wissenschaften auf den Kopf. Darwins Erkennt-nisse sind heute noch von großer Bedeutung.Charles Darwin wurde am 12. Februar 1809 in England geboren. Er studierte Medizin und Theologie, aber am meisten interessierte er sich für die Jagd und das Reiten. Er unter-suchte mit Begeisterung Tiere und war am liebsten in der Natur. 1831 bekam er die Chance, mit dem Forschungsschiff "HMS Beagle" zu reisen. Insgesamt fünf Jahre war Darwin unterwegs und besuchte verschiedene Kontinente.Auf seiner Reise sammelte Darwin getrocknete Pflanzen, Fossilien, Insekten und Vögel. Zurück in London untersuchte er vor allem die Finken, die er auf den Galapagos-Inseln gefunden hatte. Viele von ihnen hatten einen kurzen dicken Schnabel. Damit knackten sie Nüsse und Samen. Andere hatten einen langen dünnen Schnabel, mit dem sie in Blü-ten und schmale Ritzen hineinkamen. Darwin erkannte, dass diese Finken gemeinsame Vorfahren haben mussten, aus denen sich mit der Zeit unterschiedliche Arten entwickelt hatten. Die Evolutionstheorie war geboren. Es folgten viele Jahre, in denen Darwin weiter-forschte.Als er sein Buch "Die Entstehung der Arten durch natürliche Auslese" 1859 veröffentlich-te, waren die Reaktionen sehr unterschiedlich: Lob und Begeisterung, aber auch Kritik und Empörung, vor allem bei der Kirche. Denn die biblische Schöpfungslehre besagt: Gott hat sämtliche Lebewesen – Mensch, Tiere und Pflanzen – innerhalb von sechs Tagen so erschaffen, wie sie heute aussehen. Darwin wurde als Atheist beschimpft, weil er sagte, dass alle Lebewesen sich stetig verändern und dass sie miteinander verwandt sind. Heute sind Darwins Erkenntnisse über die Entstehung der Tiere und der Menschen weit-gehend bestätigt, zum Beispiel auch seine Vermutung, dass der erste Mensch aus Afrika stammt. Er selbst verteidigte seine Thesen nie öffentlich, schrieb aber bis zu seinem Tod noch viele Bücher. Der Wissenschaftler starb am 19. April 1882 im Alter von 73 Jahren. Ihr Deutsch ist unser Auftrag!Deutsch lernen und unterrichten – ArbeitsmaterialienTop-Thema mit VokabelnGlossarEvolutionstheorie, die – die Idee von der Entwicklung der Lebewesenetwas auf den Kopf stellen – etwas stark verändernTheologie, die – die Lehre einer ReligionBegeisterung, die – die Freude; der SpaßFossil, das – sehr alte zu Stein gewordene TierskeletteFink, der – ein kleiner bunter VogelSchnabel, der – der Mund der Vögeletwas knacken – hier: öffnenSamen, der – das Korn einer Pflanze, aus dem eine neue Pflanze wachsen kann Ritze, die – ein längliches LochVorfahre, der – die Großeltern, deren Eltern und so weiternatürliche Auslese, die – die Tatsache, dass in der Natur die Lebewesen sterben, die nicht gut an ihre Umwelt angepasst sindEmpörung, die – die starke Wut; das Beleidigtseinbiblisch – bezogen auf die BibelSchöpfungslehre, die – die Lehre, wie das Leben durch einen Gott entstanden ist Atheist, der – jemand, der nicht an einen oder mehrere Götter glaubtstetig – immer, andauerndThese, die – die Idee; die VermutungIhr Deutsch ist unser Auftrag!Deutsch lernen und unterrichten – ArbeitsmaterialienTop-Thema mit VokabelnFragen zum Text1. Charles Darwin schrieb ein Buch über die Evolution, weil er …a) nicht an Gott glaubte.b) durch seine Forschung Beweise für sie gefunden hatte.c) er nicht an Finken interessiert war.2. Eine der Behauptungen der biblischen Schöpfungslehre ist, dass …a) der erste Mensch aus Afrika kamb) alle Lebewesen sich weiterentwickelnc) alle Lebewesen schon immer so waren, wie sie jetzt sind3. Das Buch, … Darwin seine Theorie erklärte, erschien 1859.a) wob) darinc) in dem4. Die Finken, … Schnäbel kurz und dick sind, können gut Nüsse knacken.a) derenb) dessenc) diese5. Das Schiff, … Darwin seine Forschungsreise unternahm, hieß "HMS Beagle".a) auf demb) wohinc) in dasArbeitsauftragJede Kultur hat ihre eigenen Geschichten über die Entstehung des Lebens und der Men-schen. Welche kennen Sie? Erzählen Sie im Kurs, welche Schöpfungsmythen es in Ihrem Heimatland gibt.Ihr Deutsch ist unser Auftrag!。
