



在有些领域,由于物品或服务的购买者 并不是最终消费者,或者由于物品或服 务太过于复杂,消费者往往缺乏足够的 信息来评价物品或服务的质量
第一类是通过非营利活动牟取个人和团体的 私利,如金钱、地位、荣誉和权力;
该分类体系由美国民间组织-“独立部门”的分支 机构慈善统计中心设计,包括25大类非营利组织, 每类又分为很多小项。这25大类是:教育;保健; 精神保健;特殊病症保健;医学研究;犯罪与法律; 就业;食品与营养;住房与收容;公共安全与灾难 防御;休闲与运动;青少年辅导;社会服务;文化 艺术;环境保护;与动物有关的组织;国际组织; 民权与推促;社区改造;慈善事业;科学研究;社 会科学研究;其他公益活动;宗教相关活动;互惠 组织。
第一章 非营利组织概述

第二章 非营利组织领导

第三章 非营利组织战略
体 系
第四章 非营利组织营销

第五章 非营利组织募款

第六章 志愿者管理
第七章 非营利组织评估
课堂参与与考勤 (40%)
1.非营利组织在社会中的地位越来越 突出 2.以往的管理着重于企业管理,不重 视非营利组织 3.应该有为非营利组织量身定做的管 理理论



Listen and interpret the following conversation alternatively into English and Chinese:A: 罗伯茨先生,很高兴再次见到您。

有什么需要我做的吗? I'm so happy to see you again , Mr. Roberts. May 1 help you in some way?B: Hi , Miss Chen, it's been ten months since 1 left China.1 would like to discuss with you the possibilities of establishing a joint venture with your company to manufacture cordless(无电线的)phones and mobile phones.A: 好极了。




That's great. Your investment proposal(提议;建议;求婚)is a very wise decision. Our company is also seeking foreign investment in a manufacturing company for cordless and mobile phones. Your initiative is most welcome. 1 remember talking to you about the matter of foreign investment in China a year ago, Mr.Roberts.B: Yes, you did a good job. The whole idea of my investing in a joint enterprise with your company is the direct result of your wonderful lecture(演讲). Your answers were direct and honest. And your, explanations were sincere and persuasive.May 1 get on China's economic express train and share your economic gains? 是的,那次你谈得很好。


翻译标准中首要问题。它对原作的风格、内容、语言应有全面的照顾。 在翻译中,忠实与通顺是一个矛盾统一体的两个方面。二者相辅相成,不可割 裂。 忠实是翻译的首要问题,因而是矛盾的主要方面,在翻译中要首先解决好。 通顺是矛盾的次要方面,是第二位的,但在实践中决不可只顾忠实而忽视了通 顺,二者必须“统筹兼顾”。 首先,要正确处理忠实于通顺的关系。 第二,要正确处理内容与形式的关系。 第三,要正确处理克己意识和创造意识的关系。
又是检验翻译理论正确与否的标准。科学的翻译理论是前人翻译 实践的总结,掌握这些理论有助于我们进行翻译实践。因此,我 们既要重视翻译实践,又不可忽视翻译理论。
2)翻译活动的范围很广,种类很多。按涉及到的语言来分,有 本族语译成外语和外语译成本族语两种;按工作方式来分,有口 译和笔译两种;按翻译材料来分,有科技材料的翻译,文学作品 的翻译,政论作品的翻译及其应用文的翻译;按处理方式来分, 有全译、摘译和编译。不同类型的翻译有着不同的要求,学习时 应注意它们的共性和个性。搞好翻译,大量的翻译实践是根本前 提,必须亲自动手,在实践中摸索和积累自己的经验。更要借鉴 别人总结出的、经实践经验是正确的翻译理论,从中受到启迪。
2. 风格的理解 A: how much did you suffer?你吃了多少苦? B: plenty 一言难尽 “I didn’t mean any particular harm, but so long as rebukes are going, I might say it wasn’t quite your affair to jump to the conclusion that we couldn’t change any note that you might happen to be carrying around. On the contrary, we can.” “我可没有什么恶意,可是你要开口教训人的话,那我倒要告诉你, 像你这样凭空武断,认为我们找不开你身边可能带着的什么大钞 票,那未免是瞎操心。恰恰相反,我们换得开!

托福听力tpo54 section1 对话讲座原文+题目+答案+译文

托福听力tpo54 section1 对话讲座原文+题目+答案+译文

托福听力tpo54section1对话讲座原文+题目+答案+译文Conversation1 (1)原文 (1)题目 (3)答案 (5)译文 (5)Lecture1 (6)原文 (6)题目 (9)答案 (11)译文 (11)Lecture2 (13)原文 (13)题目 (15)答案 (17)译文 (17)Conversation1原文NARRATOR:Listen to a conversation between a student and the professor of her theater class.FEMALE STUDENT:So,Professor Baker…about our next assignment you talked about in.MALE PROFESSOR:Yes,this time you'll be in groups of three.Each of you will have a chance to direct the other two in a short scene from a play you've chosen yourself…FEMALE STUDENT:Right,and,well…I've been reading about story theatre,and…MALE PROFESSOR:Ah,story theatre.Tell me about what.FEMALE STUDENT:Well…it's a form of theater where folk-or fairy tales are acted out.It was,uh…introduced by the director Paul Sills,in the1960s.In Sills's approach, an actor both narrates and acts out a tale.So,like,someone will appear on stage, and then they'll start narrating a tale about,say,a king.And then the same person will immediately switch to and start acting out the role of the king.With no props or scenery.MALE PROFESSOR:Sills.Y'know,I actually saw his first story theatre production,in 1968.He did the fairy tale"The Blue Light."FEMALE STUDENT:Really?So…whatever gave him the idea to produce that?MALE PROFESSOR:Well…As you know,back in the late1960s lots of people in the United States were disillusioned with the government.Sills was grappling with how to produce theater that was…relevant in such times.Then he happened to read"The Blue Light,"and he realized it had just the message he wanted.See,in the story,a man who's lost all hope as a result of the unfortunate events in his life completely turns his life around…with the help of a magical blue light.So,the blue light in the story symbolizes a way out of seemingly unsolvable human problems. And for Sills,that light symbolized an answer to the political turmoil in the U.S.FEMALE STUDENT:But weren't you…um,audiences…bothered that the actors were performing on a bare stage?MALE PROFESSOR:Well,story theatre is a departure from traditional dramatic theater…with its realistic,elaborate props and scenery.But Sills could make us "see"…say,a big,tall mountain…through the facial expressions and body movements of the actors—and their telling of the story.We were all swept up,energized by such an innovative approach to theater—even if one or two of the critics weren't as enthusiastic.FEMALE STUDENT:Cool.So,uh,anyway…What I really wanted to ask…I'd love to try doing story theatre for my project,instead of just a scene from a traditional play.MALE PROFESSOR:Hmmm…That's possible—a-a short tale can be about the same length as a single scene…Which fairy tale would you do?FEMALE STUDENT:Actually,I was reading about another director of story theatre? Rex You know—he produces plays based on folk tales as well.Maybe I could direct one of those?MALE PROFESSOR:Ohhhhkay,yes—Rex Stephenson.Now,Stephenson's style of story theatre is a little different from Sills's—He'll use simple props…a chair will represent a mountain…but the significant difference is with the narrator…the narrator will play only that role.Let's talk about why…题目1.Why does the student go to see the professor?A.To learn about the background of a director who was discussed in classB.To ask permission to use a specific type of theater for her class assignmentC.To discuss the symbolism in a play she wants to use for her assignmentD.To find out what scenery she is allowed to use in presenting her assignment2.Why does the professor discuss the political environment in the United States in the1960s?A.To compare events at that time to events that occurred in one of Stephenson's playsB.To suggest that the woman do additional research on that period of United StateshistoryC.To point out why political themes are common in folk and fairy talesD.To explain Sills's inspiration for his first story theatre production3.According to the professor,what does the blue light in the fairy tale called The Blue Light represent?A.A plan that is impossible to followB.A conflict between two opposing forcesC.A solution to complex problemsD.A question that has no clear answer4.What is the professor's opinion about Sills's production of The Blue Light?A.He thinks that it was an inventive and powerful performance.B.He believes that the use of some props would have enhanced the performance.C.He thinks that the theme is even more relevant today than it was in the1960s.D.He believes that it was less effective stylistically than some of Stephenson's plays.5.According to the professor,what is the most important difference between Stephenson's and Sills's style of story theatre?A.The actor who plays the role of the narrator plays only that role in Stephenson's productions.B.The actors wear elaborate costumes in Stephenson's productions.C.The stage settings are realistic in Stephenson's productions.D.Political themes are avoided in Stephenson's productions.答案B DC A A译文旁白:请听一段学生和教授关于戏剧课的对话。



《国际政治概论》教学大纲==========================第三讲国际政治的行为主体三、民族主义与当前国际政治1、混乱的定义2、民族主义的含义3、民族主义的演变4、国内的民族主义研究5、全球化时代的民族主义3:3a 混乱的定义有人说,民族主义是只大象,每个研究者摸到的都只是它的一个部分而不是全部。

19世纪的政论家白哲特(Walter Bagehot)在谈到“民族是什么”时讲道:你要是不问,我们都知道它是什么;但要马上对它作出解释或定义,却是不能。



约翰·哈钦森(John Hutchinson)和安东尼·史密斯(Anthony D.Smith)认为:首先,民族主义现象所涵盖的范围是广泛的和多侧面的,它包括民族和民族国家的发展,也包括族裔特性和社群的发展。




3:3b 早期的研究维也纳体系使欧洲退回到了“民族主义以前的时代”。



正是在这一时期,出现了民族主义意识的第一批表述者和思想家,如雅恩(Friedrich Ludwig Jahn)、阿恩特(Ernest Moritz Arndt)、费希特、赫尔德、施莱尔马歇,如希腊独立运动的精神导师科拉伊斯(A.Korais)和“青年意大利”运动的领袖马志尼,还有黑格尔——他在精神上继承了18世纪启蒙思想家们的世界主义情怀,但民族主义哲学和理论也在他的国家学说中得到了表达。

Lecture 3词类转换

Lecture 3词类转换

• 有些英语被动句中的动词可 以译成“遭(受、得)到…+ 名词”、“加(予)以…+名 词”这类结构。
• Satellites, however, must be closely watched, for they are constantly being tugged at by the gravitational attraction of the sun, the moon and the earth. • 由于经常受到太阳、月亮以及地球引力的 影响,卫星活动必须加以密切的观察。
• 这篇发言清楚明白、心平气和地说明了 总统希望开始中美对话的原因。
This is sheer nonsense. 这完全是胡说。 Buckley was in a clear minority. 巴克利显然属于少数。 We must make full use of the technical equipment. • 我们必须充分利用现有的技术设备。 • • • • •
• 英语与汉语相比,使用介词较多, 而且有一些英语介词本身就是由动 词演变而来。因此,在翻译时,英 语中的介词或介词短语常译成动词 。
• "Coming!“Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch. • "来啦!"她转身蹦跳着跑了,越过草 地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过凉台 ,进了门廊。 • w
1967年联合国文件要求在以色列撤出所占的土 地以及阿拉伯承认以色列的生存权利的基础上 来解决中东冲突。

American History 美国历史

American History 美国历史

Detail from a painting by American artist Benjamin West , which depicts William Penn's treaty with the Native Americans living where he founded the colony of Pennsylvania as a haven for Quakers and others seeking religious freedom. (Courtesy The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts)
pilgrim father

The colonists were building a new way of life in the New World. There were a number of features which would play a role in forming the American character. They were :representative of government, rule of law, respect of individual rights, religious tolerance and a strong spirit of individual enterprise.
1.Discovery of America 2.Puritanism清教,清教徒主义 3.The Pilgrim Fathers 4.The influence of Puritanism on American culture 5.The causes and major leaders of the American Revolution 6.The Declaration of Independence



分享裸看美剧必备英文词汇来源:最爱EC的日志一. 起居类分类词汇1. 卧室blanket 毛毯cushion 垫子quilt 被子cotton terry blanket 毛巾被feather quilt 羽绒被cotton quilt 棉被bedding 床上用品mosquito net 蚊帐pillow 枕头bolster 长枕pillow case 枕套tick 褥子carpet 地毯 (一般指大的整块的,铺房间的那种)rug 地毯(一般指小块的,放在沙发等边上的那种)bed frame/bed base 床架headboard 床头板sofa bed 沙发床folding guest bed 折叠床loftbed frame 架在空中的床(下面可放沙发、桌子等)bunkbed frame 上下铺的床slatted bed base 板条床sprung base 弹簧床bedspread 床罩sheet 床单mat 席子mattress 床垫 (厚的那种)mattress pad 床垫 (薄的那种)bed canopy 支在床上的篷子 (一般用于儿童床上的装饰) bedside table 床头柜2. 厨房refrigerator 冰箱automatic rice cooker 电饭锅steamer 蒸锅oven 烤箱grill 烧烤架toaster 烤面包机egg beater 打蛋器ice crusher 刨冰机food processor 食品加工机paper towel 纸巾apron 围裙tableware 餐具plate 盘子dish 碟子bowl 碗cupboard 碗橱dining table 餐桌larder 食品柜drop-leaf table 可以折叠边缘的桌子chopping board 案板cutlery tray 装餐具的容器3. 卫生间bathroom 浴室,厕所flushing system 冲水系统flush toilet 抽水马桶flush pipe 冲水管foul drainage system 排污水系统drainage 排水道ventilation shaft/pipe 通风管道toilet seat 马桶坐圈toilet lid 马桶盖squatting pot 蹲式马桶urinal 小便池toilet paper/tissue 卫生纸toilet brush 马桶刷4. 浴室bathtub 浴缸hand shower 手握式淋浴器shower nozzle 喷头tap faucet 水龙头plastic curtain 防水浴帘shower cap 浴帽bath slipper 洗澡用拖鞋bath mat 防滑垫towel hanger/holder 毛巾架towel ring 毛巾环bath towel 浴巾soap stand 肥皂盒comb 梳子soap 肥皂shampoo 洗发露conditioner 护发素dryer 吹风机razor 刮胡刀toothpaste 牙膏toothbrush 牙刷5. 桌椅tea table 茶几coffee table 咖啡台smoking set 烟具ashtray 烟灰缸thermos bottle/vacuum bottle 热水瓶door knob 门把手safety door hook 安全门钩corridor 走廊elevator 升降电梯escalator 滚梯rocking chair 摇椅hanging seat 吊椅swivel armchair 旋转扶椅footstool 凳子chaise longue 躺椅folding chair 折叠椅6. 柜子,架子wardrobe 衣柜cloth rail 挂衣服的栏杆hook 钩子wall shelf 装在墙上放东西的架子bracket 墙上突出之托架magazine file 装杂志等的架子shoe cabinet/storage 鞋柜wall cabinet 壁橱hook rack 挂钩架TV bench 电视柜bookcase 书架braked castor 装在家具脚上方便推行的轮子(如:storage unit on castors)10-drawer chest 十个抽屉的储存柜7. 电器dish drainer 晾干餐具的容器(类似铁丝筐)table cloth 桌布laundry bag 洗衣袋pail 洗衣桶ironing board 烫衣板steam and dry iron 蒸汽电熨斗electric iron 电熨斗laundry drier 烘干机spin-drier 旋转式脱水机washing machine 洗衣机radiator 暖气片electric fan 电扇stand fan 落地电扇oscillating fan 摇头电扇bed light/bed lamp 床头灯fluorescent lamp 日光灯ceiling lamp/pendant lamp 吊灯desk/table lamp 台灯wall light 壁灯floor lamp 落地灯chandelier 枝状吊灯flashlight/eletric torch 手电筒8。



B 词与词替换(同义词或者反义词替换) 比如:interesting = stimulating;fascinating;exciting;not boring You can take your time. 不着急。 There's no rush. What's the rush?
◇听前: 1 快速阅读选项; 2 预测内容和题型 ◇听中: 1 理解大意,抓住主题; 2 注意小词和短语 ◇听后: 1 选择相近的选项; 2 争取去找对立的选项
Lecture 八种常见题型 1、小故事题型 主要类型:幽默故事、奇闻轶事 三个考点: (1)首三句 :交待故事背景以及主人公遇到什么问题 (2)主人公做出了什么样的计划决定以及原因 (3)故事往往会以非常生动的结局收尾,通常主人公做了出人意料的举动或说了 意味深 长的话,假设学生走进英语国家的大学课堂,你是否能听懂 真正的外国教授的英文授课,这种题型的设计更加接近于托福考试中的lecture, 命题设计也和托福考试十分相似,其出题点在于: 1.段首段尾句:任何一个篇章第一句话往往是重点 2.设问句:一般疑问听升调,特殊疑问听特殊疑问词(5w+1h) 3.总结性质的词汇:in brief, in particular, in short, all in all, generally speaking, conclude, conclusion, in a word, so , you see, in fact, we can say, ok, anyway
【题型解读】 新六级的讲座/讲话听力素材来源比较复杂,有的来自托福原题,有的来自 VOA或者BBC等国外新闻媒体,最长的原文字数将近达到了450词。 讲座/讲话听力题型的内容往往会比较专业,但是在形式上,由于是演讲内容, 很多时候更偏向于口语表达。这类题型同样有着特定的行文方式和风格,考生 需要靠日常多积累,多练习,方能轻松应对。



英汉对比与翻译: 1.包惠南、包昂《中国文化与汉英翻译》,外文2004. 2.陈定安《英汉比较与翻译》,中国对外翻译2006. 3.陈文伯《英汉成语对比与翻译》,世界知识2005. 4.何善芬《英汉语言对比研究》,上海外教社2002. 5.金惠康《跨文化交际翻译》,中国对外翻译2005. 6.李定坤《汉英辞格对比与翻译》,华中师大1994. 7.连淑能《英汉对比研究》,高等教育1993. 8.刘宓庆《新编汉英对比与翻译》,中国对外翻译2006. 9.潘文国《汉英语对比纲要》,北京语言大学2004. 10.彭宣维《英汉语篇综合对比》,上海外教社2000. 11.王德春《汉英谚语与文化》,上海外教社2001. 12.王菊泉、郑立信主编《英汉语言文化对比研究(1995-2003)》,上海外教社2004. 13.汪福祥《英美文化与英汉翻译》,外文2006. 14.王逢鑫《英汉比较语义学》,外文2001. 15.魏志成《英汉语比较导论》,上海外教社2003. 16.萧立明《英汉比较研究与翻译》,上海外教社2002. 17.熊文华,《汉英应用对比概论》,北京语言大学,1997. 18.杨丰宁《英汉语言比较与翻译》,天津大学2006. 19.张良军、王庆华、王蕾《实用英汉语言对比教程》,黑龙江人民2006. 20.赵世开主编《汉英对比语法论集》,上海外教社1999. 21.周志培《汉英对比与翻译中的转换》,华东理工2003. 22.朱永生、郑立信、苗兴伟《英汉语篇衔接手段对比研究》,上海外教社2001.
Hale Waihona Puke Lecture 1 Introduction
1.What is translation? 2.What is the function of translation? 3.Translation standards? 4.Translation methods? 5.The purposes of translation?

American culture美国文化 全

American culture美国文化  全

It was officially admitted by American congress as American national symbol ter Uncle Sam was used to be on half of America or American government, it was widely used in press.
战后,政治漫画里开始出现一个名叫“山 姆大叔”的人物。他的原型是一个早期漫 画人物,名叫乔纳森大哥,此人在美国独 立战争时期非常出名。很快,山姆大叔就 取代了乔纳森大哥,成了最受美国人欢迎 的象征。
The most enduring(a. 持 久的,耐久的) portrait (n. 画像) of Uncle Sam was created by artist James Montgomery Flagg in his famous army recruiting posters(征兵海报) of World Wars I and II.
The Statue of Liberty which is also called Liberty Enlightening the World is a gift given to the United States by France in honor of 100 anniversary(n. 纪念日) of American independence, standing on Liberty Island in New York .
Uncle Sam
The appearance of Uncle Sam
• Uncle Sam, a figure symbolizing the United States, is portrayed(v. 刻画,描绘) as a tall, white-haired man with a goatee(n. 山羊胡子). He is often dressed in red, white, and blue, and wears a top hat. • 山姆叔叔是象征着美国人物, 被描绘成一个高大的、白头 发与一个山羊胡子的男子。 他经常穿着红色、白色和蓝 色衣服,戴着一顶大礼帽。

lecture 3 美国政治

lecture 3 美国政治

The President(1)
The President is the effective head of the executive branch of government as well as head of state. In November each leap year (1800,1900,1976,1980…) a President is elected to serve for exactly 4 years from a fixed day in the following January. The 4year rhythm has never been broken. With the President, a Vice-President is elected, & if the President dies the VicePresident becomes President for the unexpired part of the 4 year.
Political Parties
2 parties, Democrats & Republicans, dominate the political scene. All elections must be looked at in terms of party, & party influences the whole process of government. But the 2 parties are very complex in their aims & in their basis of popular support, though they do provide means of keeping government close to the people.












oration的用法 -回复

oration的用法 -回复



第一步:定义和词源1. oration的定义是什么?Oration是一个名词,指的是正式演讲或长篇演说。


2. 这个词的词源是什么?Oration一词源于拉丁语的“oratio”,意为“演讲”或“说话”。


第二步:常见搭配1. oration常常与哪些词或短语搭配使用?- Deliver/give/deliver an oration: 发表/进行/发表演说- Perfect an oration: 完善演说- Powerful/memorable/persuasive oration: 有力的/难忘的/有说服力的演说- Commencement/presidential/independence day oration: 毕业典礼/总统/独立日演说2. oration有哪些近义词?- Speech: 演讲- Address: 演说,致辞- Discourse: 论述,演讲- Sermon: 布道,讲道- Lecture: 讲座- Homily: 讲道,说教第三步:用法示例1. 请举一个用oration的句子例子。

- The president's commencement oration inspired the graduating class to seize the opportunities that lie ahead.(总统的毕业典礼演说激励毕业班学生抓住前方的机遇。

)2. oration只用于英语中吗?- 严格来说,oration作为一个名词最初源自拉丁语,但随着时间的推移,它已被广泛接受并使用于许多其他语言中,尤其是受到英语文化的影响。



[视听说3听力原文]视听说2听力原文翻译Chapter 4 Family in the United StatesA hundred years ago, one heard the same kinds of ments about the American family that one hears today – in short, that the American family is disintegrating. Proof of this disintegration at the end of the nineteenth century included three points: the declining birth rate, a rising divorce rate, and evidence that women were not pletely content with their domestic role. It’s a little surprising to me that the same claim about the family is being made today – that it is disintegrating. And often the same points are mentioned as proof: declining birth rates, increasing divorce rates, and discontent of women with domestic roles. Now, in no way do I mean to imply that cultural, demographic, and economic conditions are the same now as they were 100 years ago. On the contrary, the very nature of the family has changed drastically in the last 50 years, not to mention the last 100 years. But I don’t think the average person’s concept of the family has changed very much over the years. A lot of people have one fixed idea of the family: a married couple where Mother stays home to care for the children and Father works. But this idea is challenged by what we see every day in the U.S. society. To be sure, the family is a very sensitive barometer for what is happening in the society, the culture, and the economy of theUnited States. To make this point clearer, we’ll take a look at how the American family has changed in the last 50 years by looking at three different time periods: there are the mid-1940s to the mid-1960s; the mid-60 to the mid-80s; and finally the present. Sociologist Barbara Dafoe Whitehead labels theses three periods the period of traditional familism, the period of individualism, and the period of the new familism. I will try for each period to show how economic, demographic, and cultural elements interact and, in turn, affect the family.一百年前,一听到关于美国家庭的意见相同种类的人听到今天–总之,美国家庭的解体。



高级综合英语写作北京化工大学答案高级综合英语写作(2020秋)讲解内容翻译注:该笔记翻自北京化工大学《高级综合英语写作》,由于自己在学习网课时会遇到看不太懂的情况,因此想把自己理解的分享出来,如果有什么错误的地方,大家一定要告诉我!让我们互相学习,共同进步,耶!Week 1:遣词造句高效地选择词语或利用好词汇的标准是什么?-复杂的范围-有效的词汇/习语的选择和使用-掌握单词的形式-使用恰当的语气Objectives(Do’s)应该做的事Lecture 1:如何准确用词:理解词义的内涵与外延1.明白单词选择的定义2.了解一个单词引申和内涵的意思可以帮助我们正确的的选择单词3.谨慎地对待不同文化背景下的单词含义Task 1:德国大亨的生活:不炫富美国大亨一旦发现自己在富豪榜排名太低便极为恼火;而换作德国富豪,一旦自己的排名高得离谱就会大发牢骚,海因茨·杜尔(Heinz Dürr) 如是说。


原来该杂志记者将杜尔在豪迈(Homag) 拥有的股份夸大了一倍。



《经济学人》2019.07文章中用五个同义词表达了“富豪”:Tycoon:在商场上成功后变得富有和有权力的人;(中性通常带有贬义)Billionaire:中性词Plutocratic:因有钱而有权力的人;(中性词或贬义词)Magnate:从特定的商业、工业赚了很多钱的人(中性词或褒义词)其它具有中性或褒义意思的词:the affluent ; the better off为什么作者用五个同义词代替“the rich”这一个词?同义词是具有相似含义的词。



tears to my eyes. All of you have some great memories of this period of your life,and so do I! Time has gone by quickly. Three years have already passed. You had valuable experiences in the past and you have bright futures ahead of you. I know all of you have your own❸ dreams. Whatever you want to be,you need to work hard to achieve❹ it. And I do think you will. Sometimes life is not easy. At times it can be very hard. No matter how high you rise, there will be times when you fall❺ down. When this happens,remember this:there is no such thing as true failure. Failure is an opportunity to try
Get Ready for the Future
Unit 10
Ms. Liu’s Speech
Lesson 58
Answer the following questions:1. Do you still remember you school life as a middle school student 2. What will you say to your classmates when you graduate



Lecture 3 当代贸易理论一、Kemp莫型--外部规模经济的贸易理论1、假定:两种商品生产中都存在规模经济〔外部经济〕;规模经济导致生产可能性线凸向原点。



图3-2〔A-F,图10-4〕贸易条件〉完全专业化生产丫时的国内价格线〔T0T1 :完全专业化生产X 〔N 点〕,按该贸易条件出口;贸易条件V完全专业化生产X时的国内价格线〔T0T2 :完全专业化生产丫〔M 点〕,按该贸易条件出口;TOT A贸易条件〉T0T2贸易方式不能确定,三种可能〔a〕完全专业化生产X,按照T0T3进行贸易,有正贸易收益;〔b〕完全专业化生产丫,按照T0T3进行贸易,有正贸易收益;〔c〕在贸易条件和PPF的切点上同时生产两种商品,按照T0T3进行贸易。







规模经济〔内部经济〕表达在给定的产出水平所需的劳动数量中,Li = a + bQiLi表任一厂商i所需劳动数量,a为常数〔由技术水平决定〕,Qi代表该厂商的产出水平,而b那么确定了产出水平与所需劳动数量之间的边际关系。


2、垄断竞争(monopolistic competition )在垄断竞争中,一个行业内有多个厂商,没有进入壁垒,长期每个厂商的利润均为零。

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Separation of Powers
At each level, in state & Union, there is a constitution which defines & limits political power, & which provides safeguards against tyranny & means for popular participation. In each state, power is divided between 3 agencies, with law-making power given to a legislature (usually of 2 houses, elected for fixed terms), an executive (the governor), & finally the judges of the State Supreme Court. The Federal government also has 3 elements--executive (the President), legislature (Congress), & judicial, & the 3 elements are checked & balanced by each other.
The President(3): a Case Study(a)
In 1973, while a Senate Committee was discovering facts about President Nixon which were leading people to talk of his possible impeachment or resignation, it was found that Vice-President Agnew was involved in another scandal. Agnew resigned, but before he did so, Nixon had informally proposed that Gerald Ford, the Republican leader in the House of Representative, should be the new Vice-President in his place, & the Senate elected Ford without a contest.
The President(2)
The founders of the Constitution thought of the President as a replacement for the English king, & did not expect any President to resign, though the old device of impeachment was available for Congress to remove a President by a special kind of political trial. A constitutional amendment of 1967 made new arrangements for the succession, so that ie dies or resigns the Senate elects a new one.
General Principles
The form of government is based on 3 main principles: federalism, the separation of powers & respect for the Constitution & the rule of law. Each American is subject to 2 governments, that of his state & that of the Union, & each has its own distinct function.
The 2 Governments
The state government has, under the Constitution, the primary functions of providing law & order, education, public health & most of the things which concern day-to-day life. The Federal government at Washington is concerned with foreign affairs & with matters of general concern to all the states including commerce between the states. In fact, the Federal government has been active in the fields of social services, education, research of many kinds, & the ordinary productive processes.
The President(3): a Case Study(b)
Then in 1974, when Nixon resigned rather than face certain impeachment, Ford automatically became President. Nominated by Ford & appointed by the Senate, Nelson Rockfeller became Vice-President.
The President(1)
The President is the effective head of the executive branch of government as well as head of state. In November each leap year (1800,1900,1976,1980…) a President is elected to serve for exactly 4 years from a fixed day in the following January. The 4year rhythm has never been broken. With the President, a Vice-President is elected, & if the President dies the VicePresident becomes President for the unexpired part of the 4 year.
So from August 1974 to January 1977 both President & Vice-President held office without having been elected, but appointed through consultation.
The Vice-President
Political Parties
2 parties, Democrats & Republicans, dominate the political scene. All elections must be looked at in terms of party, & party influences the whole process of government. But the 2 parties are very complex in their aims & in their basis of popular support, though they do provide means of keeping government close to the people.
A person elected as Vice-President expects that he will have no defined function(except to preside over the Senate) unless he happens to be thrust into the highest office through the chance of the President’s death. Some few Vice-Presidents have been given real work to do (particularly Nixon under Eisenhower in 1952-60) & most Vice-Presidents during a second term regard the office as a useful base from which to try to win their party’s next candidature for the Presidency, as Nixon did in 1960.
Some Other Facts About Presidents
Until 1951, there was no limit to the number of 4year terms for which a person could be elected as President. Up to 1940, 8 had served for 2 full terms but none for a third. (Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Roosevelt,…) In 1940 Franklin Roosevelt was elected for a third term, and in 1944 for a fourth, cut short by his death. In 1951, a constitutional amendment set a limit of 2 terms, that is, 8 years.