
针对这一需求,以下是我推荐的一些会计专硕院校:1. 香港大学香港大学有一流的会计系,培养了无数优秀的会计师和金融从业者。
2. 纽约大学纽约大学 (NYU) 的会计硕士课程是由著名的斯特恩商学院提供的。
3. 曼彻斯特大学曼彻斯特大学MSc会计和金融课程是英国最有声誉的会计硕士课程之一。
4. 新加坡国立大学新加坡国立大学 (NUS) 由全球知名的会计专家提供的会计硕士课程,是新加坡金融行业的主要培养基地之一。
5. 悉尼大学悉尼大学的商学硕士课程是澳大利亚最受欢迎的会计硕士课程之一。

16 上交安泰 MAYG 经验分享首先感谢各位亲们在重阳节有耐心听我来絮絮叨叨哈,再感谢雪狐群主提供了这么个机会让我把女儿读书以来各阶段的往事重温了一遍。
1、女儿的基本情况:女儿初中、高中均就学于成都实验外国语学校,高考成绩687(理科),省排名91~101 之间,被上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院经济学类专业录取。

● 美国财富500强企业【伊士曼化工公司】:负责培训中心运营管理,重组内部培训讲师队伍,参与重大项目的管理与支持,如上汽大众、奥迪等项目,为车厂附件销售提供培训、咨询解决方案,深受车厂欢迎,连续3年被评为上汽大众的金奖服务商,成为上汽大众颇受欢迎老师。

• 培养具有全球视野、创新能力的经济管理人才 • 推动经济管理学科的发展和创新
• 提供高质量的教育和培训 • 开展有影响的科学研究和社会服务
• 经济学、金融学、会计学、市场营销等 • 涵盖经济学、管理学、金融学等多个学科领域
• 时任院长为著名经济学家厉以宁教授 • 是中国较早成立的经济管理学院之一
• 成为国内首批获得博士授权的经济管理学院 • 为培养高层次经济管理人才奠定了基础
• 涵盖经济学、管理学、金融学等多个学科领域 • 注重理论研究与实证研究相结合
• 取得国家级课题和省部级课题多项 • 在国内外学术期刊发表多篇论文
• 与企业、政府部门等开展合作项目 • 促进科研成果的转化和应用
• 参加国际学术会议和交流活动 • 与国内外高校、研究机构建立合作关系
• 成为未来领导者的摇篮和发源地 • 为社会进步、国家繁荣做出更大贡献
• 采用讲授、讨论、实验等多种教学方式 • 培养学生的自主学习能力和创新能力


2017年1月,交大安泰MBA项目在2017年度英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)全球MBA排名中名列34位,实现“四连扬”,再度代表中国商学院挺进全球50强,创历史新高。

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1.In the United States, the capital share of GDP is about 50%, the average growth in totaloutput is 3% per year, the depreciate rate is 5% per year, the capital-output ratio is 4.Suppose that the production function is Cobb-Douglas, so that the capital share ofoutput is constant, and the United States has been in a steady state. (10points)a)What must the saving rate be in the initial steady state?△Y/Y = 0.03 => n = 0.03sf(k) = (n +δ)ks = (n +δ)k/f(k)= (0.03 + 0.05)* 4 = 0.32b)What is the marginal product of capital in the initial steady state?MPK * K/Y = 0.5=> MPK = 0.5/(K/Y) = 0.5/4 = 0.125c)What will the capital-output ratio be at the Golden Rule steady state?MPK = (n +δ) = 0.03 +0.05 = 0.08MPK * K/Y = 0.5=> K/Y = 0.5/0.08 = 6.25d)What must the saving rate be to reach the Golden Rate steady state?sf(k) = (n +δ)ks = (n +δ)k/f(k) = 0.08 *6.25 = 0.52.Prove each of the following statements about the steady state of the Solow model withpopulation growth and technological progress. (10 points)a)The capital-output ratio is constantIn the steady state, we know that sy = (+ n + g)k. This implies that k/y = s/( + n + g).Since s, δ, n, and g are constant, this means that the ratio k/y is also constant. Since k/y = [K/(L* E)]/[Y/(L* E)] = K/Y, we can conclude that in the steady state, thecapital-output ratio is constantb)Capital and labor each earn a constant share of an economy’s income.We know that capital’s share of income =MPK (K/Y). In the steady state, we know from part (a) that the capital-output ratio K/Y is constant. We also know that the MPK is a function of k, which is constant in the steady state; therefore the MPK itself must be constant. Thus, capital’s share of income is constant. Labor’s share of income is 1 -[capital’s share]. Hence, if capital’s share is constant, we see that labor’s share ofincome is also constantc)Total capital income and total labor income both grow at the rate of populationgrowth plus the rate of technological progress, n + g.We know that in the steady state, total income grows at n + g--the rate of population growth plus the rate of technological change. In part (b) we showed that labor’s and capital’s share of income is constant. If the shares are constant, and total incomegrows at the rate n + g, then labor income and capital income must also grow at the rate n + g.d)The real rental price of capital is constant, and the real wage grows at the rate oftechnological progress g.Define the real rental price of capital R as:R = Total Capital Income/Capital Stock= (MPK *K)/K= MPK.We know that in the steady state, the MPK is constant because capital per effective worker k is constant. Therefore, we can conclude that the real rental price of capital is constant in the steady state.Output is divided between capital income and labor income. Therefore, the wage per efficiency unit of labor can be expressed as:w = f(k) –MPK • k.In the steady state, f(k), MPK and k are all constant numbers because capital per effective worker k is constant. Therefore, the wage per efficiency unit of labor is constant. The wage per unit of labor is related to the wage per efficiency unit of labor by the equationWage per Unit of L = wE.Thus, the growth rate of real wage equals the growth rate of E, g.3.The country of Leverett is a small open economy. Suddenly, a change in world fashionsmakes the exports of Leverett unpopular. (10 points)a)What happens in Leverett to saving, investment, net exports, the interest rate, and theexchange rate?When Le verett’s exports become less popular, its domestic saving Y – C – G does not change. This is because we assume that Y is determined by the amount of capital and labor, consumption depends only on disposable income, and government spending is a fixed exogenous variable. Investment also does not change, since investment depends on the interest rate, and Leverett is a small open economy that takes the world interest rate as given. Because neither saving nor investment changes, net exports, which equal S – I, do not change either. This is shown in the Figure as the unmoving S – I curve.The decreased popularity of Leverett’s exports leads to a shift inward of the net exports curve, as shown in the Figure. At the new equilibrium, net exports are unchanged but the currency has depreciated.Even though Leverett’s exports are less popular, its trade balance has remained the same. The reason for this is that the depreciated currency provides a stimulus to net exports, which overcomes the unpopularity of its exports by making them cheaper.b)The citizens of Leverett like to travel abroad. How will this change in the exchangerate affect them?Leverett’s currency now buys less foreign currency, so traveling abroad is more expensive. This is an example of the fact that imports (including foreign travel) have become more expensive—as required to keep net exports unchanged in the face of decreased demand for exports.c)The fiscal policymakers of Leverett want to adjust taxes to maintain the exchange rateat its previous level. What should they do? If they do this, what are the overall effects on saving, investment, net exports, and the interest rate?If the government reduces taxes, then disposable income and consumption rise. Hence, saving falls so that net exports also fall. This fall in net exports puts upward pressure on the exchange rate that offsets the decreased world demand. Investment and the interest rate would be unaffected by this policy since Leverett takes the world interest rate as given.4.Consider an economy with the following Cobb-Douglas production function:Y=K1/3L2/3The economy has 1000 units of capital and a labor force of 1000 workers.a)Derive the equation describing labor demand in this economy as a function of the realwage and the capital stockThe demand for labor is determined by the amount of labor that profit-maximizing firm wants to hire at a given real wage. The profit-maximizing condition is that the firm hire labor until the marginal product of labor equals the real wage,MPL = W/PThe marginal product of labor is found by differentiating the production functionwith respect to laborMPL=dY=d(K1/3L2/3)=2K1/3L−1/3In order to solve for labor demand, we set the MPL equal to the real wage and solve for L:2 3K1/3L−1/3=WP=>L=827K(WP)−3Notice that this expression has the intuitively desirable feature that increases in the real wage reduce the demand for labor.b)If the real wage can adjust to equilibrate labor supply and labor demand, what is thereal wage? In this equilibrium, what are employment, output, and the total amountearned by workers?We assume that the 1,000 units of capital and the 1,000 units of labor are supplied inelastically (i.e., they will work at any price). In this case we know that all 1,000 units of each will be used in equilibrium, so we can substitute them into the above labor demand function and solve for W/P.1000=8271000(WP)−3→WP=23In equilibrium, employment will be 1,000, and multiplying this by 2/3 we find that the workers earn 667 units of output. The total output is given by the production function:Y=K1/3L2/3=10001/310002/3=1000Notice that workers get two-thirds of output, which is consistent with what we know about the Cobb–Douglas production function from the appendix to Chapter 3.c)Now suppose that Congress, concerned about the welfare of the working class, passes alaw requiring firms to pay worker a real wage of 1 unit of output. How does this wage compare to the equilibrium wage?The congressionally mandated wage of 1 unit of output is above the equilibrium wage of 2/3 units of output.d)Congress cannot dictate how many workers firms hire at the mandated wage. Given thisfact, what are the effects of this law? Specifically, what happens to employment, output, and the total amount earned by workers?Firms will use their labor demand function to decide how many workers to hire at the given real wage of 1 and capital stock of 1,000: L=(8/27)1000(1)-3=296, so 296 workers will be hired for a total compensation of 296 units of output.e)Will Congress succeed in its goal of helping the working class? Explain.The policy redistributes output from the 704 workers who become involuntarilyunemployed to the 296 workers who get paid more than before. The lucky workersbenefit less than the losers lose as the total compensation to the working class falls from 667 to 296 units of output.5.Suppose we know that workers tend to receive 70% of all the income earned inGermany, that the German depreciation rate is 10%, and that there is no populationgrowth or technological progress. Suppose we CANNOT assume the productionfunction in Germany takes the convenient Cobb-Douglas form, but we can assume that whatever the production function is, it has constant returns to scale, that the only two factors of production are capital and labor, that markets are competitive, and that firms maximize profits. Using just this information, compute what saving rate Germanyshould try to have, if it wants to enjoy the maximum amount of consumption per person in steady state (that is, to achieve the golden rule)As the optimal point, the solution must satisfy the golden rule condition: MPK = δ.(1) Second, as a steady state, it must satisfy: sy* = δk*. (2) Also, using Euler’s theorem we know the share of income going to capital is1 – 0.70 = 0.30This is useful, because this share may be written as: MPK * K / Y So we know a third condition here: MPK(k*/y)= 0.30 (3) Combining conditions (1) and (2): s = MPK k*/y*And then using condition (3): s = 0.3。

详情请咨询本店客服!1、1999-2012年841经济学历年考研真题试卷(纸张,试题由考生抄写在准考证上带出,一字不差完整呈现了841试题,绝对独家!!)2、(2001-2007年)上海交通大学考研<经济学>历年真题详细解析答案(源自交大早期辅导班)(纸张);3、范里安《微观经济学:现代观点》(第六版)读书笔记和课后习题详解(第二版,电子版);4、范里安《微观经济学:现代观点》珍贵课件,有名校高分老师授课,非常珍贵,现在可以收集到的范里安《微观经济学:现代的观点》比较少,所以这份课件非常珍贵;(缺少几章内容,8月14日最新更新!)5、范里安《微观经济学:现代观点》课后习题详解(第六版)-by恩波学校;(8月14日最新更新!)6、范里安微观经济学笔记;(8月14日最新更新!)7、范里安《微观经济学:现代观点》配套习题及答案(电子版);8. 范里安《微观经济学:现代观点》知识点归纳(上海交大内部资料),英文标题,中文阐述,非常经典,高度精炼,经典,把课本重要的知识点浓缩成30页的文档,图文并茂,是一份非常好的复习资料!独家,最新更新~~~~~(电子版)9、范里安《微观经济学:现代观点》(考研指定参考书)考研复习读书笔记(2010年新版):针对范里安《微观经济学:现代观点》一书各章节,做了详细的知识点总结,被广大考研的同学奉为备考圣经,考研必备!(纸张版)10、范里安《微观经济学:现代观点》(考研指定参考书)考研复习读书笔记浓缩精华版(2010年新版):针对范里安《微观经济学:现代观点》一书做了框架式的摘要,有利于同学们对此书形成一个总体的框架体系,适用于第二轮第三轮复习使用。

高校对应学院(专业)同济大学经济与管理学院、电子与信息工程学院、交通运输工程学院、中德学院、软件学院350华南理工大学工商管理学院、公共管理学院 350网上提供考试大纲《管理学——原理与方法》(第五版),周三多、陈传明、鲁明泓等编著,复旦大学出版社,2009年12月。
北京第二外国语学院旅游管理学院企业管理、旅游管理专业、旅游发展研究院旅游管理专业340 820管理学:《管理学--原理与方法》(第5版),周三多、陈传明、鲁明泓主编,复旦大学出版社,2009年。
东华大学旭日工商管理学院 350 《管理学原理与方法》(第五版),周三多主编,复旦大学出版社,2009年版上海海事大学经济管理学院 340 《管理学-原理与方法》周三多等复旦大学出版社(第五版)2009年上海海洋大学经济管理学院 340 《管理学—原理与方法》(第四版),周三多等编著,复旦大学出版社,2005年《管理学》(第七版),[美]罗宾斯等著,孙健敏等译,人民大学出版社,2004年说明:(1)上表仅仅是指定周三多《管理学原理与方法》教材为考研考博参考书目的部分院校,报考其他院校的学员也可以学习该课程。

花开在眼前——记录我的备考之路 1399班王朝平下定决心——攻读MBA今天是2013年6月22日。

[中国人民大学20 18金融硕士]A.格雷欣法则B.恶性通货膨胀C.特里芬难题D.米德冲突【答案】A查看答案【解析】在金银复本位制下,金、银两种金属同时被法律承认为货币金属,金、银铸币都可自由铸造,都有无限的法定支付能力。

1. 北京大学作为中国乃至亚洲地区最著名的高等学府之一,北京大学在管理学方面也有着较高的声誉。
2. 清华大学与北京大学齐名的清华大学也在管理学领域取得了显著的成就。
3. 上海交通大学上海交通大学位于中国经济最繁荣的城市之一,其管理学相关专业的发展也备受关注。
4. 浙江大学浙江大学作为全国知名的综合性大学,在管理学领域也有着杰出的表现。
5. 复旦大学复旦大学在中国享有极高的声誉,其管理学相关专业也拥有卓越的发展实力。
6. 南京大学南京大学在管理学领域也有很高的知名度。
7. 同济大学同济大学也是一所在管理学领域声誉卓著的大学。

1. In the United States, the capital share of GDP is about 50%, the average growth in totaloutput is 3% per year, the depreciate rate is 5% per year, the capital-output ratio is 4.Suppose that the production function is Cobb-Douglas, so that the capital share ofoutput is constant, and the United States has been in a steady state. (10points)a) What must the saving rate be in the initial steady state?△Y/Y = 0.03 => n = 0.03sf(k) = (n + s = (n + ®k/f(k)= (0.03 + 0.05)* 4 = 0.32b) What is the marginal product of capital in the initial steady state?MPK * K/Y = 0.5=> MPK = 0.5/(K/Y) = 0.5/4 = 0.125c) What will the capital-output ratio be at the Golden Rule steady state?MPK = (n + © = 0.03 +0.05 = 0.08MPK * K/Y = 0.5=> K/Y = 0.5/0.08 = 6.25d) What must the saving rate be to reach the Golden Rate steady state?sf(k) = (n + ©)ks = (n +©)k/f(k) = 0.08 *6.25 = 0.52. Prove each of the following statements about the steady state of the Solow model withpopulation growth and technological progress. (10 points)a) The capital-output ratio is constantIn the steady state, we know that sy = (+ n + g)k. This implies that k/y = s/( + n + g).Since s, ©, n, and g are constant, this means that the ratio k/y is also constant. Since k/y = [K/(L* E)]/[Y/(L* E)] = K/Y, we can conclude that in the steady state, the capital-output ratio is constantb) Capital and labor each earn a constant sharoef an economy 's income.We know that capital's share of income =MPK (K/Y). In the steady state, we knowfrom part (a) that the capital-output ratio K/Y is constant. We also know that the MPK is a function of k, which is constant in the steady state; therefore the MPK itself must be constant. Thus, capita'ls share of income is constant. Labo'rs share of income is 1 - [capital's share]. Hence, if capita'ls share is constant, we see that lab'osr share ofincome is also constantc) Total capital income and total labor income both grow at the rate of population growthplus the rate of technological progress, n + g.We know that in the steady state, total income grows at n + g--the rate of population growth plus the rate of technological change. In part (b) we showed that labo'sr and capital's share of income is constant. If the shares are constant, and total incomegrows at the rate n + g, then labor income and capital income must also grow at the rate n + g.d) The real rental price of capital is constant, and the real wage grows at the rate oftechnological progress g.Define the real rental price of capital R as:R = Total Capital Income/Capital Stock= (MPK *K)/K= MPK.We know that in the steady state, the MPK is constant becausecapital per effective worker k is constant. Therefore, we can conclude that the real rental price of capital is constant in the steady state.Output is divided between capital income and labor income. Therefore, the wage per efficiency unit of labor can be expressed as:w = f(k) -MPK ? k.In the steady state, f(k), MPK and k are all constant numbers because capital pereffective worker k is constant. Therefore, the wage per efficiency unit of labor isconstant. The wage per unit of labor is related to the wage per efficiency unit of labor by the equationWage per Unit of L = wE.Thus, the growth rate of real wage equals the growth rate of E, g.3. The country of Leverett is a small open economy. Suddenly, a change in world fashionsmakes the exports of Leverett unpopular. (10 points)a) What happens in Leverett to saving, investment, net exports, the interest rate, and theexchange rate?When Leverett ' s exports become less popular, its domestic savingrG does not -change. This is because we assume that Y is determined by the amount of capital and labor, consumption depends only on disposable income, and government spending is a fixed exogenous variable. Investment also does not change, since investment depends on the interest rate, and Leverett is a small open economy that takes the world interest rate as given. Because neither saving nor investment changes, net exports, which equal S T, do not cha nge either. This is show n in the Figure as the unmoving —I curve.The decreased popularity of Leverett ' s exports leads to a shifti n wetaerdxpoofr t hsecurve, as shown in the Figure. At the new equilibrium, net exports are unchanged but the currency has depreciated.Even though Leverett ' s exports are less popular, its trade balarnecmeahinaesd the same. The reason for this is that the depreciated currency provides a stimulus to net exports, which overcomes the unpopularity of its exports by making them cheaper.b) The citizens of Leverett like to travel abroad. How will this change in the exchange rateaffect them?Leverett 'cusrrency now buys less foreign currency, so traveling abroad is moreexpensive. This is an example of the fact that imports (including foreign travel) have become more expensive—as required to keep net exports unchanged in the face of decreased demand for exports.c) The fiscal policymakers of Leverett want to adjust taxes to mai ntai n the excha nge rateat its previous level. What should they do? If they do this, what are the overall effects on sav ing, inv estme nt, net exports, and the in terest rate?If the gover nment reduces taxes, the n disposable in come and con sumpti on rise. Hen ce, sav ing falls so that net exports also fall. This fall in net exports puts upwardpressure on the excha nge rate that offsets the decreased world dema nd. Inv estme nt and the in terest rate would be un affected by this policy since Leverett takes the world in terest rate as give n.4. Con sider an economy with the follow ing Cobb-Douglas product ion fun cti on:丫*忙/3The economy has 1000 units of capital and a labor force of 1000 workers.a) Derive the equatio n describ ing labor dema nd in this economy as a fun ctio n of the realwage and the capital stockThe dema nd for labor is determ ined by the amount of labor that profit-maximizi ng firm wants to hire at a given real wage. The profit-maximizing condition is that the firm hire labor un til the margi nal product of labor equals the real wage,MPL = W/PThe margi nal product of labor is found by differe ntiat ing the product ion fun cti on with respect to laborIn order to solve for labor dema nd, we set the MPL equal to the real wage and solve for L:2 1/3 1/3 W 8 W 3_K L = => ??= K(_)3 P " 27 (P)Notice that this expressi on has the in tuitively desirable feature that in creases in the realwage reduce the dema nd for labor.b) If the real wage can adjust to equilibrate labor supply and labor dema nd, what is the realwage? In this equilibrium, what are employme nt, output, and the total amount earned by workers?We assume that the 1,000 units of capital and the 1,000 units of labor are supplied inelastically (i.e., they will work at any price). I n this case we know that all 1,000 un its ofeach will be used in equilibrium, so we can substitute them into the above labor dema nd function and solve for W/P.In equilibrium, employment will be 1,000, and multiplying this by 2/3 we find that theworkers earn 667 un its of output. The total output is give n by the product ion fun cti on:Y=K 1/3L 2/3=10001/310002/3=1000Notice that workers get two-thirds of output, which is con siste nt with what we knowabout the Cobb-Douglas product ion fun cti on from the appe ndix to Chapter 3.c) Now suppose that Con gress, concerned about the welfare of the work ing class, passesa law requiring firms to pay worker a real wage of 1 unit of output. How does this wagecompare to the equilibrium wage?The con gressi on ally man dated wage of 1 unit of output is above the equilibrium wage of 2/3 un its of output.d) Con gress cannot dictate how many workers firms hire at the man dated wage. Give nthis fact, what are the effects of this law? Specifically, what happens to employment,output, and the total amount earned by workers?Firms will use their labor dema nd fun cti on to decide how many workers to hire at the3given real wage of 1 and capital stock of 1,000: L=(8/27)1000(1) =296, so 296 workerswill be hired for a total compensation of 296 units of output.1000 =8 W 刃100咋)e) Will Congress succeed in its goal of helping the working class? Explain.The policy redistributes output from the 704 workers who become involuntarilyunemployed to the 296 workers who get paid more than before. The lucky workersbenefit less than the losers lose as the total compensation to the working class falls from 667 to 296 units of output.5. Suppose we know that workers tend to receive 70% of all the income earned inGermany, that the German depreciation rate is 10%, and that there is no populationgrowth or technological progress. Suppose we CANNOT assume the production function in Germany takes the convenient Cobb-Douglas form, but we can assume that whatever the production function is, it has constant returns to scale, that the only two factors of production are capital and labor, that markets are competitive, and that firms maximize profits. Using just this information, compute what saving rate Germany should try tohave, if it wants to enjoy the maximum amount of consumption per person in steady state (that is, to achieve the golden rule)As the optimal point, the solution must satisfy the golden rule condition: MPK = 3 .(1) Second, as a steady state, it must satisfy: sy* = 3 k*. (2) Also, using Euler 's theorem we know the share of income going to capital is1 —0.70 = 0.30This is useful, because this share may be written as: So we know a third condition here:Combining conditions (1) and (2):And then using condition (3):MPK * K / Y MPK(k*/y)= 0.30 (3) s = MPK k*/y* s = 0.3。
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