大连外国语大学翻译专业本科毕业论文(翻译实践报告类)写作规范2016年12月修订目录一、毕业论文的全套材料 (3)二、毕业论文的基本结构 (3)三、论文的字体和字号要求 (3)四、纸张打印格式 (4)五、论文前置部分的格式要求 (4)六、论文主体部分的格式要求 (5)七、英语封面样本 (7)八、英语摘要样本 (9)九、汉语摘要样本 (11)十、英语致谢样本 (1) (2) (12)十一、英语提纲样本 (14)十二、论文的标题标注样本 [含参考文献样本(1)(2)] (16)十三、网上参考文献格式说明 (27)十四、中文参考文献格式说明 (34)十五、MLA论文写作规范简略说明 (36)十六、附录样本 (53)一、毕业论文的全套材料1.论文袋2.《大连外国语大学本科毕业论文(设计)指导手册》(学生用,用黑色签字笔填写)3.表1 中期检查表(教师用,打印签字版)4.表2 指导教师评语表(教师用,打印签字版)5.表3 评阅人评语表(教师用,打印签字版)6.表4答辩记录表(教师用,打印签字版,表格中评语及以下部分用黑色签字笔填写)7.论文打印文本(一式一份,左侧装订)二、毕业论文的基本结构1.前置部分(按以下顺序排列):中文封面、诚信承诺书、英文封面、英语摘要、汉语摘要、英语致谢、英语目录(以上各项均单独成页)。
三、论文的字体和字号要求1.英语的字体为Times New Roman, 汉语的字体为宋体。
低分子溶液剂---糖浆剂 低分子溶液剂 糖浆剂
三、糖浆剂(syrups) 糖浆剂( )
(一)概述(药物或芳香物质的浓蔗糖水溶液) 概述(药物或芳香物质的浓蔗糖水溶液) 浓蔗糖水溶液
单糖浆:纯蔗糖的近饱和水溶液 浓度85%(g/ml)或 64.7%(g/g ) 糖浆剂含糖量不低于65% 澄清、不变质 防腐剂: 苯甲酸类< 0.3% 尼泊金类<0.05% 1、单糖浆 2、矫味糖浆 3、药用糖浆
Company name
低分子溶液剂---芳香水剂 低分子溶液剂 芳香水剂
(三)举例:薄荷水的制备(peppermint water) 举例: ) 【处方】薄荷油0.1ml 滑石粉0.75g 蒸馏水 加至50ml 【制法】 取滑石粉,滴入薄荷油,研匀 加少量蒸馏水研成糊状,继续 加水研匀,转入量杯中加足量水, 过滤,自滤器上加水至全量。 【注意】滑石粉作分散剂有助滤作用 【用途】芳香祛风药, 可用于治疗胃肠胀气
Company name
低分子溶液剂---糖浆剂 低分子溶液剂 糖浆剂
(二)制法 1、 溶解法 (1)热溶法 (对热稳定的药物、有色糖浆) 溶解速度快,杀死微生物,注意温度和时间控制 (2)冷溶法(对热不稳定、挥发性药物) 2、混合法(含药糖浆) 含药溶液与单糖浆均匀混合。 注意防腐
Company name
低分子溶液剂---醑剂 低分子溶液剂 醑剂
四、醑剂(spirit) 醑剂( ) 概述(挥发性药物的浓乙醇溶液) (一)概述
醑剂中药物浓度一般为5~10%,乙醇浓度一般为60~90%。 作芳香矫味剂应用:复方橙皮醑、薄荷醑。 治疗用:樟脑醑。 密闭保存,不宜久储。
Company name
我们建议,如果您缺乏一定的英文写作经验,或者驾驭英文的能力有限,请务必严格按照此要求书写英文摘要,不宜写过分冗长的句子或使用过分复杂的句型;8.部分英文单词有美式和英式之分,例如作为动词的“分析”一词,英式为“analyse”,美式为“analyze”,但凡碰到此种情况,一律按照美式英语进行书写;9.英文摘要使用过去时态为主,以描述采用的方法和计算、分析的过程等,基本结论和科学意义使用现在时或完成时;10.请您对本专业的相关专业词汇进行必要的核对,以便英文摘要校对能够更好更快地进行,以保证论文更加可靠和专业;如若使用富有中国特色的词语或词组,例如:“退耕还林”,“小康”,“上海合作组织”,“搁置争议,共同开发”,等等,请查阅我国政府网站公开发表的相关英文文件或参考《 China Daily 》;11.如果您没有英文书写经验,请尽量找相关英语专业人士一同书写英文摘要,切勿直接使用“金山快译”和其他网络翻译工具直接进行翻译;12.英文摘要校对稿反馈以后,如果您还有异议,请与编辑部联系。
1. 论文组成部分排列顺序●∙封面(Cover)●∙谢辞(Acknowledgements)●∙目录(Contents)●∙正文(Mainbody)标题(Title)、副标题(Subtitle)作者(Author)摘要(Abstract)关键词(Key words)正文内容(Text)●∙注释(Endnotes)●∙参考文献(References)以上六部分均另页开始。
☒Acknowledgements☒,☒Contents☒字样字体为Arial 14pt,加粗,居中。
☒Endnotes☒、☒References☒字样字体为 Arial 14pt,加粗,居左。
�对齐:节标题左对齐(left alignment),正文使用两端对齐。
�英文:Times New Roman 12 pt,中文部分使用宋体小四号(即12 pt)。
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�引语段(block quotation)、参考文献著录条目:单倍行距。
毕业论文的结构1.前置部分(Front Matter):中文封面(Cover, in Chinese)英文题名页(Title Page, in English)郑重声明论文使用授权说明目录(Contents)英文摘要、关键词页(Abstract and Key Words, in English)中文摘要、关键词页(Abstract and Key Words, in Chinese)2.正文部分(Body):引言(Introduction)主体(Body)结论(Conclusion)3.文尾部分(Back Matter):参考文献(Works Cited)致谢(Acknowledgements)附录(Appendix)封底(Back Cover)论文标题1. 论文的标题应具备以下特征:1)准确。
2. 英文标题四种结构1)名词性词组(包括动名词) Sister Carrie’s Broken Dream2)介词词组On the theme of Young Goodman Brown by Hawthorne3)名词词组+介词词组A comparison between a Teacher-Centered Class and aStudents-Centered Class4)疑问式How to Use a Computer in Managing an English Class (学术论文不建议使用此标题方式)有的标题由两部分组成,用冒号( :)隔开。
大连外国语大学翻译专业本科毕业论文(翻译实践报告类)写作规范2016年12月修订目录一、毕业论文的全套材料 (3)二、毕业论文的基本结构 (3)三、论文的字体和字号要求 (3)四、纸张打印格式 (4)五、论文前置部分的格式要求 (4)六、论文主体部分的格式要求 (5)七、英语封面样本 (7)八、英语摘要样本 (9)九、汉语摘要样本 (11)十、英语致谢样本(1) (2) (12)十一、英语提纲样本 (14)十二、论文的标题标注样本[含参考文献样本(1)(2)] (16)十三、网上参考文献格式说明 (27)十四、中文参考文献格式说明 (34)十五、MLA论文写作规范简略说明 (36)十六、附录样本 (53)一、毕业论文的全套材料1.论文袋2.《大连外国语大学本科毕业论文(设计)指导手册》(学生用,用黑色签字笔填写)3.表1 中期检查表(教师用,打印签字版)4.表2 指导教师评语表(教师用,打印签字版)5.表3 评阅人评语表(教师用,打印签字版)6.表4答辩记录表(教师用,打印签字版,表格中评语及以下部分用黑色签字笔填写)7.论文打印文本(一式一份,左侧装订)二、毕业论文的基本结构1.前置部分(按以下顺序排列):中文封面、诚信承诺书、英文封面、英语摘要、汉语摘要、英语致谢、英语目录(以上各项均单独成页)。
三、论文的字体和字号要求1.英语的字体为Times New Roman, 汉语的字体为宋体。
contents命令的基本语法如下:SAScontents data=dataset;其中,dataset是指已导入的数据集的名称。
它包含以下内容:- 变量名称:数据集中每个变量的名称。
- 变量类型:变量的数据类型,如字符型、数值型等。
- 变量长度:变量所占的字节数。
- 格式:应用于变量的格式,用于定义变量的外观显示方式。
- 标签:变量的标签,用于提供关于变量含义的描述。
- 输入格式:用于读取变量的输入格式。
- 缺失值:变量中存在的缺失值的定义。
- 输出格式:用于将变量写入输出数据集的格式。
它包括以下内容:- 数据集中每个变量的最小值、最大值和中位数。
- 数据集中每个变量的缺失值和非缺失值的数量。
- 每个变量的唯一值数量。
1 总要求(General Requirements)1、用英文撰写、字数要求学士论文长度为 4000 字,以能清楚、充分地论证某一论题或描写、解释某一发现为最低限度。
2、格式要求论文一般由以下部分组成,并按此顺序排列:1. 英文标题页(English title page)2. 学位论文原创性声明(答辩时另发)3. 英文提要(Abstract)4. 中文提要(Chinese abstract)5. 目录(Contents)6. 正文(Text)7. 注释(Notes 非必须)8.参引文献(References,见附录)9. 致谢(Acknowledgements)(2)字体和字号:正文中大标题采用Times New Roman 小四号加粗(Introduction和Conclusion两词四号加粗,次标题以下采用 Times New Roman 小四号加粗,正文采用 Times New Roman 小四号字。
(3)行距:一律 1.5 行距。
封面(空两行;页边距为2cm)(Please write the English title of your thesis here)(Arial 一号加粗居中)(Please write the Chinese title of your thesis here)(宋体一号加粗居中)(空两行)Submitted by (Please write your name here) (Arial 三号加粗居中)Student number ( Please write your ID here ) (Arial 三号加粗居中)Supervised by (Please write the name of your tutor here) (Arial 三号加粗居中)(空两行)Foreign Languages College(Arial 小三号加粗居中)Jiangxi Normal University(Arial 小三号加粗居中)(Insert Month here) (Insert Year here) (Arial 小三号加粗居中)Title of the thesis(Times New Roman 三号粗体居中)(空一行)Abstract(Times New Roman 小四号加粗):正文(Times New Roman 小四号)………………………………………………………………………………………………………(空一行)Key words(Times New Roman 小四号加粗):正文(Times New Roman 小四号)…………………………………………………………………………………………摘要之后另起一行,给出论文的关键词3-5个(关键词要用分号“;” 分隔,结束不用句号,关键词不能超过5个)中文题目(宋体三号粗体居中)(空一行)摘要(宋体小四号加粗):正文(宋体小四号)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(空一行)关键词(宋体小四号加粗):正文(宋体小四号)………………………………………………………………………………………………(用分号“;”分隔,结束不用句号,)(空一行)提要格式要求:1、中文、英文摘要分页打印2、A4纸打印3、页边距:2cm4、行距:1.5倍行距Contents (Times New Roman 三号粗体居中)(空两行)Abstract (i)摘要 (ii)Introduction (1)1. ……………………………………………………………………………………1.1 ……………………………………………………………………………………1.2 …………………………………………………………………………………..2. ……………………………………………………………………………………..2.1 …………………………………………………………………………………..2.2 …………………………………………………………………………………..2.3 ……………………………………………………………………………………3. …………………………………………………………………………………….…Notes………………………………………………………………………………………….. Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………. Acknowledgements……………………………………………………………………………目录格式要求:目录要自动生成!!所有标题都设为一级标题并顶格排列1、字体要求:Times New Roman 小四号粗体2、A4纸打印3、页边距:2cm4、行距:1.5倍行距5、论文内容排序:封面—声明—Abstract—摘要—Contents—正文—尾注—参考文献—致谢(空一行)Introduction (Times New Roman 四号加粗居中)(空一行)(5spaces) 正文……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(空一行)1 (Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1.1(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1.1.1(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1.1.2(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1.2(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1.2.1(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1.2.2(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2 (Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2.1(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2.1.1(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2.1.2(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2.2(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2.2.1(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2.2.2(Times New Roman小四号加粗)(5spaces) 正文……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3 (Times New Roman小四号加粗)4 (Times New Roman小四号加粗)…Conclusion(Times New Roman 四号加粗居中)(5spaces) 正文………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(另起一页)Notes(Times New Roman 四号加粗居中)正文(Times New Roman 小四号)[1]作者,书名(英文书名格式为Times New Roman小四号斜体;中文书名格式为《宋体小四号》),出版社,出版时间:页码.(有一实心点作为句号)[2]如出处同上一个注释,则标为ibid(空一格)(页码).[3]……(另起一页)Bibliography(Times New Roman 四号加粗居中)英文参考书目(按首写字母顺序排列)网络参考资料中文参考书目(按汉语拼音顺序排列)参考文献写作规范1.说明(1)文献目录应另页书写,外文文献排前,中文文献排后。
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“Abstract:”格式:首行缩进2字符,Times New Roman,小四,加粗。
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Contents iChinese abstract...........................................................................ii English abstract (iii)1. Introduction .......................................错误!未定义书签。
2. Three sources of knowledge .........................错误!未定义书签。
2.1 Experience .......................................错误!未定义书签。
2.2 Reasoning ........................................错误!未定义书签。
2.3 Research .........................................错误!未定义书签。
3. Four types of study ................................错误!未定义书签。
3.1 Receptive study ..................................错误!未定义书签。
3.2 Productive study .................................错误!未定义书签。
3.3 Critical study ...................................错误!未定义书签。
3.4 Creative study ...................................错误!未定义书签。
4. Promoting dynamic interplay between study and research 错误!未定义书签。
英文文章摘要范文An abstract is a concise summary of a research paper, thesis, review, conference proceeding, or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose. Abstracts highlight the main ideas and core information outlined in a longer piece of writing. They allow readers to survey the contents of a paper and decide whether it is relevant to their own research or interests. A well-crafted abstract can determine whether an audience will want to read the entire work.When writing an abstract, it is important to include the essential elements that will provide the reader with a clear, concise understanding of the paper's content. These key components typically include the paper's purpose, methods, results, and conclusions. The abstract should accurately represent what is discussed in the greater body of the work without including too much extraneous information.The first sentence of an abstract should clearly introduce the topic of the paper and provide some background information. This openingstatement should concisely explain the significance or importance of the research. For example, an abstract for a paper on a new treatment for cancer might begin by stating, "This study examines the efficacy of a newly developed chemotherapy drug in treating late-stage lung cancer."Following the introductory sentence, the abstract should describe the methods or methodology used in the research. This section might cover the types of data collected, the research participants, the procedures followed, and the analytical techniques employed. Using the previous example, the methods section of the abstract could read, "A randomized, double-blind clinical trial was conducted with 500 participants diagnosed with stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer. Participants were randomly assigned to receive either the new chemotherapy drug or a placebo. Tumor size and progression were measured at regular intervals over the course of a 6-month treatment period."The results section of an abstract is critical, as it informs the reader of the key findings of the research. This part of the abstract should summarize the most important outcomes, trends, and conclusions supported by the data. In the lung cancer study example, the results might be stated as, "The results of the study showed that patients receiving the new chemotherapy drug experienced a 35% reduction in tumor size on average, compared to a 5% reduction in the placebogroup. Progression-free survival was also significantly higher in the treatment group."Finally, the abstract should conclude with a statement about the significance or implications of the research. This closing sentence or two should explain why the findings are important and what they contribute to the existing knowledge on the topic. Using the sample topic again, the concluding sentence of the abstract could read, "These findings suggest that this new chemotherapy drug could be an effective treatment option for patients with late-stage lung cancer who have exhausted other therapeutic avenues."When writing an abstract, it is essential to be as clear and concise as possible. Avoid jargon and overly technical language that may confuse or alienate the reader. The abstract should be self-contained, meaning it can be understood independently without the reader having to refer to the full paper. It is also important to accurately reflect the content and conclusions of the entire work - the abstract should not exaggerate or misrepresent the research.The length of an abstract can vary depending on the publication or assignment guidelines, but they are typically between 150 and 300 words. Some abstracts may be even shorter, ranging from a single paragraph to a maximum of 500 words. Regardless of the specific word count, the abstract should be tightly focused and provide acomprehensive overview of the key elements of the paper.In addition to succinctly summarizing the research, a well-written abstract can also serve other important functions. It allows researchers to quickly determine the relevance of a paper to their own work and decide whether they want to read the full text. Abstracts are also important for indexing and cataloging research, as they help make papers searchable and discoverable in databases and online repositories.Overall, the abstract is a critical component of a research paper or other academic work. It gives readers an at-a-glance understanding of the study's purpose, methods, findings, and significance. By following best practices for abstract writing, authors can ensure that their work is accessible, informative, and appealing to a wide audience of scholars and researchers.。
英文目录与摘要(Contents and Summaries)
英文目录与摘要(Contents and Summaries)作者:来源:《外国问题研究》2023年第02期FOREIGN HISTORY STUDIESCONTENTS(No.2,2023)East Asian Civilization StudiesThe Breaking of Diplomatic Relations to Ming Dynasty by Ashikaga Yoshimochi and the Linkageof His Internal and External Policies——A New Probe into the Cause of Diplomatic Interruptionbetween Ming and Japan in the Early 15th century Ma Yunchao(4)Russia’s Persistent Exploitation of Forest Resources in Northeast Ch ina after Completion ofMiddle East RailwayJiang Liwen and Ma Liang(16)Sun Yat sen’s Asian Imagination and JapanLv Meiling(23)Constructing the “Memory Realms” of Social Trauma——Centering on of Japanese AtrocitiesGroup against ChinaLi Guang and Yang Junli(31)Ancient Civilization StudiesOn the International System in the Near East during the Amarna AgeYuan Zhihui(38)The Rise and Fall of Carthage and Their Multicultural CharacterHe Libo(51)Justin Martyr and “Christian Philosophy” in the 2nd Century ADZhang Like(65)Europe-America StudiesThe Research on the Neo-Roman Theory of Liberty in England in the 17th CenturyJiang Jing(76)On the Relationship between Anglo-Indian Colonial Medicine and Caste System during the19th Century Chai Bin and Cheng Guanyu(86)The Rejection of Early Japanese Immigrants in the United States and Its Response (1885—1908)Shi Hui(99)The Ancient and Modern Silk Road StudiesA New Analysis of the Centennial Changes in the Regional Pattern of the Modern Middle East Huang Minxing(109)Aliyah Movement of Yemeni Jews: Evolution and MotivationYang Yulong(124)English Abstract(142)The Award Ceremony of the Third “Ri Zhi World History Prize” and the First High-level Forum onthe Development of Chinese World History Disciplines in the New Era Held Successfully in BeijingCover ⅡThe Appointment Ceremony of the Academic Committee of the “Shangshan World History ResearchFoundation” and the World History Discipline Development Seminar Held SuccessfullyCover ⅢSUMMARIES OF ARTICLESThe Breaking of Diplomatic Relations to Ming Dynasty by Ashikaga Yoshimochi and the Linkage of His Internal and External Policies——A New Probe into the Cause of Diplomatic Interruption between Ming and Japan in the Early 15th CenturyMa YunchaoAshikaga Yoshimochi(足利义持)was not determined to break the diplomatic relations with Ming Dynasty at the beginning of his succession. The opportunity to put it into practice was that Shiba Yoshimasa(斯波義将), who supported foreign trade, had died. During the period of AshikagaYoshimochi, the power structure be tween Shōgun(将军)and Shugo Daimyō(守护大名)was different from that of the previous generation, and the policy of banning Japanese pirates became difficult, which was the realistic reason why he had to stop the diplomacy with Ming Dynasty. Moreover, in order to resist the Go-nanchō Regime(后南朝), Yoshimochi tried to raise the political status of Tennōke Family(天皇家). He must avoid the problem of the relationship between the King of Japan and the Emperor caused by Ming Dynasty’s canonization. The Ming-Japan relation during Ashikaga Yoshimitsu’s(足利义满) rule was established on the basis of his autocracy, and it was achieved under unique historical conditions. However, when such conditions vanished during Ashikaga Yoshimochi’s reign, the Ashikaga shogunate was forced to restore its original status. In the period of Ashikaga Yoshinori(足利义教), the above problems were basically solved, which laid the foundation for restoration of diplomatic relations with Ming Dynasty.Russia’s Persistent Exploitation of Forest Resourc es in Northeast China after Completion of Middle East RailwayJiang Liwen and Ma LiangFrom the 19th century to the turn of the 20th century, in order to control the sphere of influence in northeastern china, czar built the Middle East Railway and the South Manchuria Railway line and the brigadier port on the basis of the unequal treaty between China and Russia and the treaty of concession and the joint eastern railway company contract. To this end, the forest resources in China along the Middle East Railway began to be harvested, consumed and plundered in huge quantities,causing serious damage to the forest ecology in northeast China. After the completion of the Middle East Railway in July 1903, the Russian side continued its frenzied exploitation and sale of forest resources on both sides of the Middle East Railway in order to continue to gain economic benefits,invoking the privileges granted by the statute of the Railway. Although the Qing government made many representations, the Middle East Railway Company renewed the Ji-tree planting contract and the Heilongjiang Railway Company logging contract with China on August 30, 1907 and April 1908, respectively.Sun Yat sen’s Asian Imaginationand JapanLv MeilingSun Yat-sen went to Hawaii from the age of thirteen and began to receive a Western-style education until he graduated from the Hong Kong School of Western Medicine at the age of twenty-six. His Western-style life, growth and learning experience formed his cognition of Western civilization, which inevitably included his understanding of its aggression. Nonetheless, the Western system and utensil civilization also became an indispensable ideological basis for Sun Yat-sen’s political revolution. At the same time, his understanding of the West and his dissatisfaction with the reality of China led him to think about China’s survival and future development. Under such a life and thought trajectory, Sun Yat-sen had almost nothing to do with Japan in the early days. However, Japan and the Japanese have played a crucial role in the revolutionary process of his life.Among them,The imagination of Asia played a certain role in the connection between Sun Yat-sen and Japan.Constructing the “MemoryRealms” of Social Trauma——Centering on of Japanese Atrocities Group against ChinaLi Guang and Yang JunliDuring the Japanese invasion of China, the Japanese invaders carried out a series of atrocious battlefield atrocities in China, such as the Holocaust, bacterial warfare, chemical warfare and forced conscription of comfort women, leaving a large number of documents, cultural relics,audio and video and other historical materials that can confirm and expose the crimes of Japan,which can be called the historical materials group of Japanese atrocities in China.These historical materials are not only the powerful evidence of the Japanese aggressors’ flagrant provocation of the war and atrocities on the battlefield, but also the concrete carrier of constructing the traumatic memories of Chinese society. Therefore, it is necessary to make full use of historical materials group of Japanese atrocities against China,construct a “memory Realms” of Chinese panoramic social trauma through literalization, audiovisual and intellectual approaches in multilingual literature,space and ceremony, textbooks and courses, and deconstruct the historical nihilism of Japanese right-wing forces in their attempt to deny Japanese atrocities against China. And a misplaced memory that turns the “perpetrator” into the“victim” and makes it a shared memory for human society to reflect on the war.Russia’s Persistent Exploitation of Forest Resources in Northeast China after Completion of Middle East RailwayJiang Liwen and Ma LiangFrom the 19th century to the turn of the 20th century, in order to control the sphere of influence in northeastern china, czar built the Middle East Railway and the South Manchuria Railway line and the brigadier port on the basis of the unequal treaty between China and Russia and the treaty of concession and the joint eastern railway company contract. To this end, the forest resources in China along the Middle East Railway began to be harvested, consumed and plundered in huge quantities,causing serious damage to the forest ecology in northeast China. After the completion of the Middle East Railway in July 1903, the Russian side continued its frenzied exploitation and sale of forest resources on both sides of the Middle East Railway in order to continue to gain economic benefits,invoking the privileges granted by the statute of the Railway. Although the Qing government made many representations, the Middle East Railway Company renewed the Ji-tree planting contract and the Heilongjiang Railway Company logging contract with China on August 30, 1907 and April 1908, respectively.Sun Yat sen’s Asian Imaginationand JapanLv MeilingSun Yat-sen went to Hawaii from the age of thirteen and began to receive a Western-style education until he graduated from the Hong Kong School of Western Medicine at the age of twenty-six. His Western-style life, growth and learning experience formed his cognition of Western civilization, which inevitably included his understanding of its aggression. Nonetheless, the Western system and utensil civilization also became an indispensable ideological basis for Sun Yat-sen’s political revolution. At the same time, his understanding of the West and his dissatisfaction with the reality of China led him to think about China’s survival and future developm ent. Under such a life and thought trajectory, Sun Yat-sen had almost nothing to do with Japan in the early days. However, Japan and the Japanese have played a crucial role in the revolutionary process of his life. Among them,The imagination of Asia played a certain role in the connection between Sun Yat-sen and Japan.Constructing the “MemoryRealms” of Social Trauma——Centering on of Japanese Atrocities Group against ChinaLi Guang and Yang JunliDuring the Japanese invasion of China, the Japanese invaders carried out a series of atrocious battlefield atrocities in China, such as the Holocaust, bacterial warfare, chemical warfare and forced conscription of comfort women, leaving a large number of documents, cultural relics,audio and video and other historical materials that can confirm and expose the crimes of Japan,which can be called the historical materials group of Japanese atrocities in China.These historical materials are not only the powerful evidence of the Japanese aggressors’ flagra nt provocation of the war and atrocities on the battlefield, but also the concrete carrier of constructing the traumatic memories of Chinese society. Therefore, it is necessary to make full use of historical materials group of Japanese atrocities against China,construct a “memory Realms” of Chinese panoramic social trauma through literalization, audiovisual and intellectual approaches in multilingual literature,space and ceremony, textbooks and courses, and deconstruct the historical nihilism of Japanese right-wing forces in their attempt to deny Japanese atrocities against China. And a misplaced memory that turns the “perpetrator” into the “victim” and makes it a shared memory for human society to reflect on the war.Russia’s Persistent Exploitati on of Forest Resources in Northeast China after Completion of Middle East RailwayJiang Liwen and Ma LiangFrom the 19th century to the turn of the 20th century, in order to control the sphere of influence in northeastern china, czar built the Middle East Railway and the South Manchuria Railway line and the brigadier port on the basis of the unequal treaty between China and Russia and the treaty of concession and the joint eastern railway company contract. To this end, the forest resources in China along the Middle East Railway began to be harvested, consumed and plundered in huge quantities,causing serious damage to the forest ecology in northeast China. After the completion of the Middle East Railway in July 1903, the Russian side continued its frenzied exploitation and sale of forest resources on both sides of the Middle East Railway in order to continue to gain economic benefits,invoking the privileges granted by the statute of the Railway. Although the Qing government made many representations, the Middle East Railway Company renewed the Ji-tree planting contract andthe Heilongjiang Railway Company logging contract with China on August 30, 1907 and April 1908, respectively.Sun Yat sen’s Asian Imaginationand JapanLv MeilingSun Yat-sen went to Hawaii from the age of thirteen and began to receive a Western-style education until he graduated from the Hong Kong School of Western Medicine at the age of twenty-six. His Western-style life, growth and learning experience formed his cognition of Western civilization, which inevitably included his understanding of its aggression. Nonetheless, the Western system and utensil civilization also became an indispensable ideological basis for Sun Yat-sen’s political revolution. At the same time, his understanding of the West and his dissatisfaction with the reality of China led him to think about China’s survival and future development. Under such a life and thought trajectory, Sun Yat-sen had almost nothing to do with Japan in the early days. However, Japan and the Japanese have played a crucial role in the revolutionary process of his life. Among them,The imagination of Asia played a certain role in the connection between Sun Yat-sen and Japan.Constructing the “MemoryRealms” of Social Tra uma——Centering on of Japanese Atrocities Group against ChinaLi Guang and Yang JunliDuring the Japanese invasion of China, the Japanese invaders carried out a series of atrocious battlefield atrocities in China, such as the Holocaust, bacterial warfare, chemical warfare and forced conscription of comfort women, leaving a large number of documents, cultural relics,audio and video and other historical materials that can confirm and expose the crimes of Japan,which can be called the historical materials group of Japanese atrocities in China.These historical materials are not only the powerful evidence of the Japanese aggressors’ flagrant provocation of the war and atrocities on the battlefield, but also the concrete carrier of constructing the traumatic memories of Chinese society. Therefore, it is necessary to make full use of historical materials group of Japanese atrocities against China,construct a “memory Realms” of Chinese panoramic social trauma through literalization, audiovisual and intellectual approaches in multilingual literature,space and ceremony, textbooks and courses, and deconstruct the historical nihilism of Japanese right-wing forces in their attempt to deny Japanese atrocities against China. And a misplaced memory that turns the “perpetrator” into the “victim” and makes it a shared memory for human society to reflect on the war.Russia’s Persistent Exploitation of Forest Resources in Northeast China after Completion of Middle East RailwayJiang Liwen and Ma LiangFrom the 19th century to the turn of the 20th century, in order to control the sphere of influence in northeastern china, czar built the Middle East Railway and the South Manchuria Railway line and the brigadier port on the basis of the unequal treaty between China and Russia and the treaty ofconcession and the joint eastern railway company contract. To this end, the forest resources in China along the Middle East Railway began to be harvested, consumed and plundered in huge quantities,causing serious damage to the forest ecology in northeast China. After the completion of the Middle East Railway in July 1903, the Russian side continued its frenzied exploitation and sale of forest resources on both sides of the Middle East Railway in order to continue to gain economic benefits,invoking the privileges granted by the statute of the Railway. Although the Qing government made many representations, the Middle East Railway Company renewed the Ji-tree planting contract and the Heilongjiang Railway Company logging contract with China on August 30, 1907 and April 1908, respectively.Sun Yat sen’s Asian Imaginationand JapanLv MeilingSun Yat-sen went to Hawaii from the age of thirteen and began to receive a Western-style education until he graduated from the Hong Kong School of Western Medicine at the age of twenty-six. His Western-style life, growth and learning experience formed his cognition of Western civilization, which inevitably included his understanding of its aggression. Nonetheless, the Western system and utensil civilization also became an indispensable ideological basis for Sun Yat-sen’s political revolution. At the same time, his understanding of the West and his dissatisfaction with the reality of China led him to think about China’s survival and future development. Under such a life and thought trajectory, Sun Yat-sen had almost nothing to do with Japan in the early days. However, Japan and the Japanese have played a crucial role in the revolutionary process of his life. Among them,The imagination of Asia played a certain role in the connection between Sun Yat-sen and Japan.Constructing the “MemoryRealms” of Social Trauma——Centering on of Japanese Atrocities Group against ChinaLi Guang and Yang JunliDuring the Japanese invasion of China, the Japanese invaders carried out a series of atrocious battlefield atrocities in China, such as the Holocaust, bacterial warfare, chemical warfare and forced conscription of comfort women, leaving a large number of documents, cultural relics,audio and video and other historical materials that can confirm and expose the crimes of Japan,which can be called the historical materials group of Japanese atrocities in China.These historical materials are not only the powerful evidence of the Japanes e aggressors’ flagrant provocation of the war and atrocities on the battlefield, but also the concrete carrier of constructing the traumatic memories of Chinese society. Therefore, it is necessary to make full use of historical materials group of Japanese atrocities against China,construct a “memory Realms” of Chinese panoramic social trauma through literalization, audiovisual and intellectual approaches in multilingual literature,space and ceremony, textbooks and courses, and deconstruct the historical nihilism of Japanese right-wing forces in their attempt to deny Japanese atrocities against China. And a misplaced memory that turns the “perpetrator” into the “victim” and makes it a shared memory for human society to reflect on the war.Russia’s P ersistent Exploitation of Forest Resources in Northeast China after Completion of Middle East RailwayJiang Liwen and Ma LiangFrom the 19th century to the turn of the 20th century, in order to control the sphere of influence in northeastern china, czar built the Middle East Railway and the South Manchuria Railway line and the brigadier port on the basis of the unequal treaty between China and Russia and the treaty of concession and the joint eastern railway company contract. To this end, the forest resources in China along the Middle East Railway began to be harvested, consumed and plundered in huge quantities,causing serious damage to the forest ecology in northeast China. After the completion of the Middle East Railway in July 1903, the Russian side continued its frenzied exploitation and sale of forest resources on both sides of the Middle East Railway in order to continue to gain economic benefits,invoking the privileges granted by the statute of the Railway. Although the Qing government made many representations, the Middle East Railway Company renewed the Ji-tree planting contract and the Heilongjiang Railway Company logging contract with China on August 30, 1907 and April 1908, respectively.Sun Yat sen’s Asian Imaginationand JapanLv M eilingSun Yat-sen went to Hawaii from the age of thirteen and began to receive a Western-style education until he graduated from the Hong Kong School of Western Medicine at the age of twenty-six. His Western-style life, growth and learning experience formed his cognition of Western civilization, which inevitably included his understanding of its aggression. Nonetheless, the Western system and utensil civilization also became an indispensable ideological basis for Sun Yat-sen’s political revolution. At the same time, his understanding of the West and his dissatisfaction with the reality of China led him to think about China’s survival and future development. Under such a life and thought trajectory, Sun Yat-sen had almost nothing to do with Japan in the early days. However, Japan and the Japanese have played a crucial role in the revolutionary process of his life. Among them,The imagination of Asia played a certain role in the connection between Sun Yat-sen and Japan.Constructing the “MemoryRealms” of Social Trauma——Centering on of Japanese Atrocities Group against ChinaLi Guang and Yang JunliDuring the Japanese invasion of China, the Japanese invaders carried out a series of atrocious battlefield atrocities in China, such as the Holocaust, bacterial warfare, chemical warfare and forced conscription of comfort women, leaving a large number of documents, cultural relics,audio and video and other historical materials that can confirm and expose the crimes of Japan,which can be called the historical materials group of Japanese atrocities in China.These historical materials are not only the powerful evidence of the Japanese aggressors’ flagrant provocation of the war and atrocities on the battlefield, but also the concrete carrier of constructing the traumatic memories of Chinese society. Therefore, it is necessary to make full use of historical materials groupof Japanese atrocities against China,construct a “memory Realms” of Chinese panoramic social trauma through literalization, audiovisual and intellectual approaches in multilingual literature,space and ceremony, textbooks and courses, and deconstruct the historical nihilism of Japanese right-wing forces in their attempt to deny Japanese atrocities against China. And a misplaced memory that turns the “perpetrator” into the “victim” and makes it a shared memory for human society to reflect on the war.。
下面是关于“contents”的一些例句:1、Please check the contents of the package before signing for it.请在签收包裹前检查其内容。
2、The table of contents lists the chapters and sections of the book.目录表格列出了书的章节和部分。
3、I scanned the contents of the folder and found nothing important.我扫描了文件夹的内容,发现没有什么重要东西。
4、The website's contents are divided into several categories.该网站的内容被分为几个类别。
5、Please confirm the contents of your luggage before checking in.请在办理登机手续前确认您的行李内容。
6、The book's contents are designed to help readers improve their skills.书籍的内容旨在帮助读者提高技能。
7、The manufacturer provides a list of contents for each product.制造商为每个产品提供了内容清单。
8、The contents of the meeting were confidential and required a password to access.会议的内容是机密的,需要密码才能访问。
9、She reviewed the contents of the email before sending it.在发送电子邮件之前,她查看了邮件的内容。
英语学术写作英语的学术的提纲以及要点都是同学们关心的问题,那么怎样的写法才符合的标准呢?XX英语学术写作XX格式Title(标题)XXAbstract(摘要)Keywords(关键词)XXTable of contents()XXNomenclature(术语表)Introduction(引言)Method(方法)Results(结果)XXDiscussion(讨论)Conclusion(结论)Acknowledgement(致谢)Reference()Appendix(附录)XX其中Title,Abstract,Introduction,Method,Result,Discu ssion,Conclusion,Reference等八项内容是必不可少的(其他内容根据具体需要而定)。
在这八项内容中,读者最多的是Title,Abstr act和Introduction部分,读者会根据这些内容来决定是否阅读全文。
6.1 标题的长度标题单词总数名词数介词数形容词等XX1) Fire ResistantSteels for Construction:Design,Properties and Microchemistry9 6 122) Damping Capacity of Shape Mery Alloy 6 51 03)Microelectroc Assembly and Packaging Technology:Ba rriers and Needs 8 5 0 3XX14) Solid Oxide Fuel Cell:A Survey6 40 25) Progress on Fuel Cell and Its Materials7 4 1 2XX6) puter S**lation and Experimental Study onCold Sh ut Duringld Filling 11 5 2 4XX英语科技中,标题不宜过长,大多为812个单词左右。