1.报警终端(红外对射及防区扩展模块)前端水库周边配:主动红外对射,及总线地址模块2.管理中心a. 中心配备管理电脑1台;b. 报警通讯控制主机1台;c. 中心接警管理软件1套;(可选)3.信号分离及中继如果信号传输距离过长(超过1.2公里)需要增加中继器。
5. 报警通知a探测到报情的探测器立即发出报警信号到报警管理中心,报警管理中心通过电子地(GIS)识别报警区域确切位置;b报警管理中心发出语音、警笛、警灯提示;翻越区域现场报警,发出语音、警笛、警灯、警告;夜间与周界探照灯联动,报警时,警情发生区域的探照灯自动打开。
AL-7416E 16路继电器模块使用报警联动视频监控简介说明一般情况下,DVR都带有I/O卡,用于采集开关信号的输入和控制联动输出。
AL-7418E 16路联动指示灯模块使用1.与总线报警主机连接使用说明接线说明:如果和报警主机共用电源,将“红、绿、黄、黑” 4芯线分别与总线主机的“红、绿、黄、黑” 4端子相连;如果和报警主机不共用电源,将“绿、黄、黑” 3芯线分别与主机的“绿、黄、黑” 3端子相连,将“红、黑” 2芯线与自己的电源正、负极相连(建议单独使用电源)。
AL-7418E 灯光电子地图的制作1.制作地图图样a.选择被防范对象(小区或商场)的平面图:如小区地图、楼层建筑平面图或效果图b.对选好的图样进行处理,可请专业美工对图面进行修饰处理,并用点或圈(1CM)表明报警点(防区位置)、可进一步在该位置处标明说明文字:例如防区编号、某某围墙等c.根据用户要求或现场实际情况对图尺寸进行限定:如90*60cm等(可用PHOTOSHOP等图形处理软件直接设置图面大小)d.处理好的图纸存为*.JPG 文件格式(图精度选择100 dpi或72 dpi)e.送喷绘公司进行图样喷绘2.制作地图a.衬板选择:8-10mm的KT光面泡沫板或木板b.将喷好的图纸裱贴到衬板上(可请喷绘公司制作),等晾干后可进行下一步c.对地图板进行包边,可加强地图板的强度、防止磨损、并可起到装饰作用d.灯孔制作:可用手电钻在在各定位孔处打孔(孔直径1CM),注意防止破坏喷图e.将LED等装在打好的的孔上,并用热溶胶加固f.接线:LED的长脚接红线或正极、短脚接黑线或负极;配套提供的插头线用红、黑线区分正、负极,线不够长度时,可根据实际情况加长h.LED的连接插头接到AL-7418E的相应插座即可,注意顺序,防区从低到高与7418E 上的序号一一对应i.完成所有接线后,将固定在地图图板背面,并将所有线用捆扎条进行捆扎整理3.AL-7418E联动模块与报警主机连接使用说明接线说明:如果和报警主机共用电源,将“红、绿、黄、黑” 4芯线分别与主机的“红、绿、黄、黑” 4端子相连;如果和报警主机不共用电源,将“绿、黄、黑” 3芯线分别与主机的“绿、黄、黑” 3端子相连,将“红、黑” 2芯线与自己的电源正、负极相连(建议单独使用电源)。
包括:主密码、8组用户密码●分别可以存储50条的报警和操作纪录,掉电保存2.电性能指标●输入电源DC11-30V●主机板静态耗电300mA●报警状态850mA●报警输出口DC12V 1A●外观尺寸270 x 195 x 70mm●单个通讯端口总线总长度不得大于1200m一、系统配置及连线说明1. AL-7416接线端口说明2. AL-7416与电源的连接AL-7416可以承受直流11-30V 电源,电源从电源输入接口的红黑端输入。
注意:常用的蓄电池的额定工作电压为12V 、18V 和24V ,所以给蓄电池的充电电压最好选择是蓄电池电压的1.1-1.2倍之间,例如:12V 蓄电池的充电电压一般选择13.8V 。
3. AL-7416与警号的连接作为就地报警的主要设备-—警号,AL-7416也为其留有接口,因为采用继电器控制,可接大功率的警号。
警号的(+)极与+12V 电源的(+)级连接,(-)级与AL-7416的“输出”的其中一根线连接,同时将“输出”的另外一根线与电源地(-)连接。
4. AL-7416支持的防区类型及说明屏蔽防区: 此防区无效, 无论在什么情况下触发该防区,都不会报警。
工程量清单2 室内高清高速球型网络摄像机图像传感器 1/3" CMOS总像素约130万像素水平解析度≥800TVL视频制式PAL/NTSC最低照度彩色: 0.05LUX @ (F1.4,AGC ON)黑白: 0.005LUX @( F1.4,AGCON)0Lux(红外灯开启)增益控制自动/手动信噪比大于50dB白平衡自动/自动跟踪/室内/室外/室外自动/钠灯模式/一次白平衡/手动数字降噪支持电子快门1/25 - 1/100000s数字变倍 12x(最大216x)日夜模式滤光片彩转黑镜头焦距4.3mm - 86.0mm光学变倍 20倍光圈值 F1.4 - F3.2视场角 55.2°- 3.2°功能红外灯控制自动/近灯/远灯/关闭红外灯距离≥100米旋转范围水平:0°~360°连续旋转垂直:-10°~90°自动翻转180°后连续监视旋转速度键控:水平0.1°~160°/秒;垂直0.1°~120°/秒预置点:水平240°/秒; 垂直200°/秒预置点 255个自动模式支持8条自动巡航、5条自动巡迹、5条自动线扫云台功能支持空闲动作,支持三维定位,支持人性化的焦距/速度自动匹配功能视频压缩H.264/M-JPEG图像分辨率主码流(1280*960、1280*720)辅码流(D1)音频压缩G.711/PCM语音对讲支持网络协议TCP/IP,HTTP,DDNS,DHCP,NTP,PPPoE,FTP,SMTP,RTSP,RTP多码流支持SD卡支持用户管理最大支持10个用户,多级用户权限管理故障检测网络断开检测,IP冲突检测,编码器状态检测,存储卡状态检测,存储空间检测输入/输出模拟视频输出1.0Vpp/75Ω,NTSC或PAL,BNC接口网络接口 1路10/100BaseT以太网,RJ45接口报警接口 7路输入/2路输出,报警时可联动预置点/自动巡航/自动巡迹/开关量输出控制接口 RS485,支持云台控制和在线升级一般规范电源 AC 24V/2.2A(±10%)(含红外控制电路)功耗 17W/ 35W(红外灯、加热器同时开启)提供产品彩页原件(原厂盖章)扫描件,原件备查。
关键词:温度传感器;I2C接口;模数转换;AD7416AD7416 digital temperature sensor and its applicationAbstract: AD7416 is Analog Devices Corporation (ADI) produced a single-chip digital temperature sensors, on-chip register can be set high / low temperature threshold, and through the I2C interface to the internal register read / write. The paper introduced the basic characteristics of the AD7416, pin functions and working principles, and gives the typical application circuit.Key words: Temperature Sensor I2C interface analog-digital conversion AD7416AD7416是美国模拟器件公司(ADI)出品的单片温度监控系统集成电路。
激光对射应用-周界入侵报警系统设计方案设计方案书2018年01月01日目录一、广州艾礼富电子企业简介及荣誉资质二、防盗系统的应用三、设计原则四、设计规范与依据五、广州艾礼富电子总线设备功能特点六、广州艾礼富电子总线报警系统组成七、广州艾礼富电子总线报警系统工作原理八、广州艾礼富电子周界防范系统可实现的功能九、激光对射周界入侵报警系统设备清单十、广州艾礼富电子激光对射入侵报警系统项目应用案例一、广州市艾礼富电子企业简介及荣誉资质1.1 公司简介广州市艾礼富电子科技有限公司成立于2003年,是中国早期从事主动红外及激光入侵探测器、报警控制系统等研发、生产、销售一体的民营高科技企业之一;公司立足于安防行业,坚持持续发展的战略方针,历经15年沉淀和发展,已经成为中国安防行业-防盗报警领域的领军品牌企业!钻石品质,五星安全!是本公司一贯坚持的质量目标,公司严格按照ISO国际质量管理体系的要求,在每个环节,严把质量关,确保不合格的材料不进门,不合格的产品不出门,让客户买的放心,让用户用的安心!广州市艾礼富电子自成立以来,坚持自主研发、生产、销售本公司系列品牌之:激光入侵探测器、主动式红外对射探测器、被动式红外探测器、脉冲电子围栏,双鉴电子围栏、各种环境探测器以及分线、总线、IP、大型及超大型防盗报警控制系统等;产品广泛应用于工厂、机关、学校、文博、经融、军警单位、边境线及国家重点大型项目等,公司坚持以“百年品牌”为经营目标,以“高科技,平民化”为产品市场导向,立志于和广大的合作伙伴一起,将质优价平的安防产品带进千家万户。
激光对射入侵探测器是广州市艾礼富电子的高端自主品牌产品,已通过3C强制性认证,CE 认证,I类安全激光认证,该系列产品经过多年来不断改进创新,已经成功升级至第四代;并且已经成功应用于众多国家级重点项目的安全防护,油田、机场、国防边境线、别墅、学校、桥梁、管廊等安全防护项目,广州市艾礼富电子维安达斯系列激光对射入侵探测器已经成为国内激光入侵探测器领导品牌!1.2 企业资质荣誉广州市艾礼富电子自成立以来艰苦创业,励精图治,坚持实业报国的梦想和“诚信、高效、团结、拼搏”的企业精神,公司率先通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证,目前公司已经获得40多项产品技术专利及著作权等知识产权保护证书,全部系列产品通过国家检测或3C认证,由于稳定可靠的产品质量以及优质贴心的服务赢得广大用户的高度认可,十五年来广州艾礼富电子不断荣获行业和国家各项荣誉:“广东省重合同守信用企业”“中国安防品牌”“中国安防行业品牌”“中国安防行业诚信企业”“中国安防行业优质供应商30强”“中国安防行业影响力品牌”“百家诚信品牌供应商”“中国安防受关注品牌企业”“第16届上海安博会十大创新产品奖”“2016中国安防品牌创新产品奖”等,广州市艾礼富电子系列安防产品已经成为国内众多大中型项目的首选品牌。
9 方形
6 方形
61 方形
3.2 安装方法
2).取出 ACXE 系列仪表,取下固定夹。
3.3 接线端子功能说明:
Ia* Ia
Ib* Ib
Ic* Ic
Ic* Ic
上排:电源和功能输出(10 芯)
其中 P>0,累计的有功电能是有功电能吸收,P<0,累计的有功电能是有功电能释 放;Q>0,累计的无功电能是无功电能感性,Q<0,累计的无功电能是无功电能容性。
仪表通电 时,默认 显示界 面。
按一下右 键,显示 界面
按一下右 键,显示 界面
说明 分别显示电压 Ua、Ub、 Uc(三相四线)和 Uab、 Ubc、Uca(三相三线), 单位为 V,在 k 亮的情 况 下 为 kV 。 左 图 中 Ua=220.0V 、Ub=220.0V 、 Uc=220.0V。
Garmin GPSMAP 7410 Series 产品说明书
OWNER’S GUIDE & I NSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSFollow the precautions below for optimalproduct performance and to reduce the risk of property damage, personal injury, and/or death.WARNING : A High-Performance Fairing must be installed following the installation instructions that accompany the fairing. A High-Performance Fairing requires an anti-rotation bolt to keep the fairing from turning while the boat is underway.WARNING : Always wear safety goggles and a dust mask when installing.WARNING : Immediately check for leaks when the boat is placed in the water. Do not leave the boat unchecked for more than three hours. Even a small leak may allow considerable water to accumulate.CAUTION : CHIRP transducer —Always operate the transducer in water. Operating in air will allow the transducer to overheat resulting in failure.CAUTION : Bronze transducer —Never mount in a metal hull, because electrolytic corrosion will occur.CAUTION : Stainless steel housing in a metal hull requires using a Fairing Kit to isolate the stainless steel transducer from the metal hull. Failure to do so will cause electrolytic corrosion.CAUTION : Never install a metal transducer on a vessel with a positive ground system.CAUTION : Never pull, carry, or hold the transducer by the cable as this may sever internal connections.CAUTION : Never strike the transducer.CAUTION : Never use solvents. Cleaner, fuel, sealant, paint, and other products may contain solvents that can damage plastic parts, especially the transducer’s face.IMPORTANT : Read the instructions completely before proceeding with the installation. Theseinstructions supersede any other instructions in your instrument manual if they differ.17-008-05 r e v . 1704/06/15Thru-Hull with StemDepth Transducerwith Temperature SensorModels: B45, B258, B260, B265LH, B265LM, B271W,B275LHW, B285HW, B285M, SS258, SS260, SS270W, SS505U.S. Patent No. 7,369,45; 8,582,393. UK Patent No. 2 414 077Applications•Bronze transducer recommended for fiberglass or wood hull only.•Stainless steel transducer compatible with all hull materials.Recommended for aluminum hulls to prevent electrolytic corrosion provided the stainless steel transducer is isolated from the metal hull.Identify Your ModelThe model name is printed on the cable tag.Tools & MaterialsSafety goggles Dust mask Electric drillDrill bits and hole saws:Pilot hole 3mm or 1/8"B45, SS50522mm or 7/8"B258, B271W, B285HW, B285M, SS25830mm or 1-3/16"B260, B265LH, B265LM, B275LHW,SS260, SS270W 33mm or 1-5/16"SandpaperMild household detergent or weak solvent (such as alcohol)File (installation in a metal hull)Angle finder (installation with a fairing)Band saw (installation with a fairing)Rasp or power tool (installation with a fairing)Marine sealant (suitable for below waterline)Slip-joint pliersGrommet(s) (some installations)Cable tiesWater-based anti-fouling paint (mandatory in salt water )Installation in a cored fiberglass hull: (see page 4)Drill bits and hole saws for hull interior:B45, SS50535mm or 1-3/8"B258, B271W, SS258, B285HW, B285M 40mm, 41mm, or 1-5/8"B260, B265LH, B265LM, B275LHW,SS260, SS270W 42mm or 1-5/8"Cylinder, wax, tape, and casting epoxyAbout FairingsMost vessels have some deadrise angle at the mounting location. If the transducer is mounted directly to the hull, the sound beam will be tilted to the side at the same angle as the deadrise. A fairing is strongly recommended if the deadrise angle exceeds 10°. Made of a high-impact polymer with an integrated cutting guide, an Airmar fairing is safer and easier to cut with a band saw and shape with hand tools than custom fairings.•Orients the sound beam straight down by mounting the transducer parallel to the water surface.•Mounts the transducer deeper in the water for clean flow under the transducer’s face.•Airmar High-Performance Fairing has a long streamlined shape, directing water around the transducer to minimize drag. Performance is excellent above 15kn (18MPH). (To order see “Replacement Parts” on page 4.)Record the information found on the cable tag for future reference.Part No.________________Date___________Frequency_________kHzB45Standard High-PerformanceFairingFairingoutboard and I/OMounting LocationGuidelinesCAUTION: Do not mount in line with or near water intake or discharge openings or behind strakes, struts, fittings, or hull irregularities that will disturb the water flow.CAUTION: Do not mount the sensor where the boat may be supported during trailering, launching, hauling, or storage to avoid damaging the transducer’s face.•The water flowing under the hull must be smooth with a minimum of bubbles and turbulence (especially at high speeds).•The transducer must be continuously immersed in water.•The transducer beam must be unobstructed by the keel or propeller shaft(s).•Choose a location away from interference caused by power and radiation sources such as: the propeller(s) and shaft(s), machinery, other echosounders, and other cables. The lower the noise level, the higher the echosounder gain setting that can be used.•Choose a location with a minimal deadrise angle.•Choose an accessible spot inside the vessel with adequate space for the height of the stem and tightening the nut.•CHIRP transducer—Mount in a cool well-ventilated area away from the engine to avoid overheating.Boat Types (see Figure 1)•Displacement hull powerboat—Locate 1/3 of the way along the LWL and 150–300mm (6–12") off the centerline. The starboard side of the hull where the propeller blades are moving downward is preferred.•Planing hull powerboat—Mount well aft near the centerline and well inboard of the first set of lifting strake s to ensure that it is in contact with the water at high speeds. The starboard side of the hull where the propeller blades are moving downward is preferred.Outboard and I/O—Mount just forward and to the side of the engine(s).Inboard—Mount well ahead of the propeller(s) and shaft(s). Stepped hull—Mount just ahead of the first step.Boat capable of speeds above 25kn (29MPH)—Review transducer location and operating results of similar boats before proceeding.•Fin keel sailboat—Mount to the side of the centerline and forward of the fin keel 300–600mm (1–2').•Full keel sailboat—Locate amidships and away from the keel at the point of minimum deadrise angle.Installation: No Fairing or Standard Fairing Only IMPORTANT:If installing the transducer with NO fairing, disregard all references to a fairing and backing block.Hole DrillingCored fiberglass hull—Follow separate instructions on page 4.1.Drill a 3mm or 1/8" pilot hole perpendicular to the waterline from inside the hull (see Figure 2). If there is a rib, strut, or other hull irregularity near the selected mounting location, drill from the the appropriate size drill bit, cut a hole from outside the hull. Be sure to hold the drill plumb, so the hole will be perpendicular to the water surface.3.Sand and clean the area around the hole, inside and outside, to ensure the marine sealant will adhere properly to the hull. If there is any petroleum residue inside the hull, remove it with either a mild household detergent or a weak solvent (alcohol) before sanding. Metal hull—Remove all burrs with a file and sandpaper. Cutting the Standard FairingWARNING: High-Performance Fairing—For your safety it is mandatory to follow the Installation Instructions that come with the fairing.CAUTION: The arrow/pointed end of the fairing points forward toward the bow. Be sure to orient the fairing on the band saw, so the angle cut matches the intended side of the hull and not the mirror image.1.Measure the deadrise angle of the hull at the selected location (see Figure 2).2Figure 1.pressure waves1/3full keel sailboatdisplacement hull(6-12")fin keel sailboat150-300mmLWLBest location for the transducer(Load Waterline Length)stepped hullplaning hullshull nutmarinebacking blockFigure 2. Bedding and installing in a metal hull6–12mm (1/4–1/2")Standard Fairingfairing thicknesshull (metal)deadriseanglesealantstemaft viewslope of hullparallel towaterlinecableCopyright © 2005 - 2010 Airmar Technology Corp.Copyright © 2005 - 2015 Airmar Technology Corp.isolation sleeve(SS258 with Standard Fairing shown)transducerinboard2.Tilt the band saw table to the measured angle and secure the cutting fence (see Figure 3).3.Place the fairing on the table, so the cutting guide rests against the fence. The arrow/pointed end will be pointing toward you for installation on the starboard side of the boat or away from you for installation on the port side (see Figure 4).4.Adjust the cutting fence, so the fairing will be cut in about two equal parts (see Figure 3). The section that will become the fairing must be between 6–12mm (1/4–1/2") at its thinnest dimension (see Figure 2).5.Recheck steps 1 through 4. Then cut the fairing.6.Shape the fairing to the hull as precisely as possible with a rasp or power tool.e the remaining section of the fairing with the cutting guide for the backing block.BeddingCAUTION : Be sure all surfaces to be bedded are clean and dry.1.Remove the hull nut (see Figure 5).2.Thread the transducer cable through the fairing (if used).3.Apply a 2mm (1/16") thick layer of marine sealant to the surface of the transducer that will contact the hull/fairing and up the stem. The sealant must extend 6mm (1/4") higher than the combined thickness of the hull, fairing and backing block (if used), and the hull nut . This will ensure there is marine sealant in the threads to seal the hull and hold the hull nut securely in place.Stainless steel transducer/stem in a metal hull —Slide the isolation sleeve over the bedded transducer stem as far down as possible (see Figure 2). Apply a 2mm (1/16") thick layer of the marine sealant to the outside of the sleeve.4.Apply a 2mm (1/16") thick layer of marine sealant to the following surfaces (see Figure 5):•Fairing that will contact the hull•Backing block that will contact the hull interior •Hull nut that will contact the hull/backing block5.Standard Fairing —Seat the transducer firmly in/against the fairing with a pushing twisting motion. Be sure the button on the fairing mates with the recess in the transducer housing.Installing1.From outside the hull, thread the cable through the mounting hole. Then push the stem of the transducer through the hole using a twisting motion to squeeze out excess sealant. Take care to align the transducer with the blunt/button/arrow endfacing forward toward the bow. The long side must be parallel to the centerline of the boat (see Figure 4).Stainless steel transducer in a metal hull —Be sure theisolation sleeve is between the transducer stem and the hull (see Figure 2). However, the isolation sleeve must be below the hull nut to prevent the sleeve from interfering with tightening the nut.2.From inside the hull, slide the backing block (if installing with a fairing) and the hull nut onto the cable. Seat any backing block against the hull, being sure the arrow end faces forward toward the bow. Screw the hull nut in place and tighten it with slip-joint pliers (see Figures 4 and 5).Cored fiberglass hull —Do not over-tighten, crushing the hull.Wood hull —Allow for the wood to swell before tightening the nut.3.Remove any excess marine sealant on the outside of the hull/fairing to ensure smooth water flow under the transducer.Cable Routing & ConnectingCAUTION : If the sensor came with a connector, do not remove it to ease cable routing. If the cable must be cut and spliced, use Airmar’s splash-proof Junction Box No. 33-035 and follow the instructions supplied. Removing the waterproof connector or cutting the cable, except when using a water-tight junction box, will void the sensor warranty.1.Route the cable to the instrument being careful not to tear the cable jacket when passing it through the bulkhead(s) and other parts of the boat. Use grommet(s) to prevent chafing. To reduce electrical interference, separate the transducer cable from other electrical wiring and the engine. Coil any excess cable and secure it in place with cable ties to prevent damage.2.Refer to the instrument owner’s manual to connect the transducer to the instrument.3Figure 3. Cutting a Standard Fairingcutting guideband saw tabledeadrise anglearrow/pointed end for installation on starboard fenceB258, B271W, B285HW, B285M, SS258(arrow toward bow)marine Figure 5. Bedding and installing (B258 with Standard Fairing shown)hull nut backing fairinghullsealantstemBOW ►block Figure 4. Standard Fairing orientationBOW ►B45Copyright © 2005 - 2010 Airmar Technology Corp.Copyright © 2005, 2007 Airmar Technology Corp.Copyright © 2005- 2011 Airmar Technology Corp.cable transducer(pointed end toward bow)side of the hullF4Copyright © 2003 - 2015 Airmar Technology Corp. All rights reserved.Checking for LeaksWhen the boat is placed in the water, immediately check around the transducer for leaks. Note that very small leaks may not be readily observed. Do not leave the boat in the water for more than 3 hours before checking it again. If there is a small leak, there may be considerable bilge water accumulation after 24 hours. If a leak is observed, repeat “Bedding” and “Installing” immediately (see page 3).Installation in a Cored Fiberglass HullThe core (wood or foam) must be cut and sealed carefully. The core must be protected from water seepage, and the hull must be reinforced to prevent it from crushing under the hull nut, allowing the transducer to become loose.CAUTION : Completely seal the hull to prevent water seepage into the core.1.Drill a 3mm or 1/8" pilot hole perpendicular to the waterline from inside the hull (see Figure 6). If there is a rib, strut, or other hull irregularity near the selected mounting location, drill from the outside. (If the hole is drilled in the wrong location, drill a second hole in a better location. Apply masking tape to the outside of the hull over the incorrect hole and fill it with epoxy.)ing the appropriate size drill bit, cut a hole from outside the hull through the outer skin only. Be sure to hold the drill plumb, so the hole will be perpendicular to the water surface.3.The optimal interior hole diameter is affected by the hull’s thickness and deadrise angle. It must be large enough in diameter to allow the core to be completely sealed.Using the appropriate size drill bit for the hull interior, cut through the inner skin and most of the core from inside the hull keeping the drill perpendicular to the hull. The core material can be very soft. Apply only light pressure to the drill bit after cutting through the inner skin to avoid accidentally cutting the outer skin.4.Remove the plug of core material so the inside of the outer skin and the inner core of the hull is fully exposed. Sand and clean the inner skin, core, and the outer skin around the hole.5.Coat a hollow or solid cylinder of the correct diameter with wax and tape it in place. Fill the gap between the cylinder and hull with casting epoxy. After the epoxy has set, remove the cylinder.6.Sand and clean the area around the hole, inside and outside, to ensure that the sealant will adhere properly to the hull. If there is any petroleum residue inside the hull, remove it with either mild household detergent or a weak solvent (alcohol) before sanding.7.Proceed with “Cutting the Standard Fairing” on page 2.Anti-fouling PaintSurfaces exposed to salt water must be coated with anti-fouling paint. Use water-based anti-fouling paint only. Never use ketone-based paint since ketones can attack many plastics possibly damaging the transducer. Reapply anti-fouling paint every 6 months or at the beginning of each boating season.Maintenance, Parts & ReplacementCleaningAquatic growth can accumulate rapidly on the transducer’ssurface reducing its performance within weeks. Clean the surface with a Scotch-Brite® scour pad and mild household detergent taking care to avoid making scratches. If the fouling is severe, lightly wet sand with fine grade wet/dry paper.Replacement Transducer & PartsThe information needed to order a replacement transducer is printed on the cable tag. Do not remove this tag. When ordering, specify the part number, date, and frequency in kHz. Forconvenient reference, record this information on the top of page 1.Lost, broken, and worn parts should be replaced immediately.Model Hull Nut Fairing Type Fairing No.B4502-031-3Standard33-351-01High-Performance33-509-01B258, B271W,B285HW, B285M 02-222-03Standard33-226-01High-Performance33-523-01B26002-036-2High-Performance 33-391-01B265LH, B265LM,B275LHW 02-036-2High-Performance 33-391-01SS25802-539-01Standard33-226-01High-Performance33-523-01SS26002-036-03High-Performance 33-391-01SS270W 02-036-03High-Performance 33-391-01SS50502-111-01High-Performance33-355-01Obtain parts from your instrument manufacturer or marine dealer.Gemeco Tel: 803-693-0777(USA)Fax:803-693-0477email:****************Airmar EMEA Tel: +33.(0), Middle East, Africa)Fax:+33.(0)*********************hull’s outer skin to hullouter skinsolid or hollowcylinderpour in casting epoxycoreinner skinFigure 6. Preparing a cored fiberglass hulldimension equal to the thickness of the ensure adequateclearanceCopyright © 2005 Airmar Technology Corp.35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613, USA•。
3. TEST 开关:执行测试之开关,内含绿色指示灯,当 DUT 通过测试时,绿色指示灯会亮。 4. MEMORY键:记忆组选择键,可以从50组记忆组之中任意选择一组执行测试验。 5. STEP键:测试步骤选择键,每个记忆组含有8个测试步骤 (STEP)。
6. LOCK键:键盘安全锁定键,详细数据请参考键盘锁定使用说明。
电流归零 (Offset)
步骤连结 (Step Connect)
电 压 数 值 ( 其 单 位 为 1 Volt/step) , 再 按 ENTER 键,将设定数值存入。 漏电电流上限值 (其单位为 0.01 mA/step),再 按 ENTER 键,将设定数值存入。 漏电电流下限值 (其单位为 0.001 mA/step), 再按 ENTER 键,将设定数值存入。 缓升时间值 (其单位为 0.1 sec/step),再按 ENTER 键,将设定数值存入。 输入测试时间值 (其单位为 0.1 sec/step),再 按 ENTER 键,将设定数值存入。 用 ENTER 键,选择切换输出频率为 50 或 60 Hz。 电弧灵敏度数值 (计有 1 ~ 9 段),再按 ENTER 键,将设定数值存入。 按 ENTER 键选择电弧侦测判定模式为 ON 或 OFF,再按∨键,存入记忆程序内
13. EXIT键:清除参数设定或退出设定状态之功能键。
华仪 7410 绝缘耐压测试仪指导书
制定部门 品保部 制定日期
第 2 页,共 9 页
14. 数字键:0 ~ 9为各种参数数字之输入键。 15. ENTER / REVIEW键:输入确认和功能设定以及检视测试记录之功能键。 16. H. V. 端子:高压输出端子。 17. RETURN端子:回路线端子。一般小电流用端子。 18. OLED DISPLAY:点矩阵式显示器,二行共二十个字。 19. BUS REMOTE指示灯:仪器在接口遥控操作模式状态的指示灯。 20. LOCK指示灯:键盘锁定状态之指示灯。 21. ARC指示灯:电弧检测结果之状态指示灯,只要电弧超过设定值,指示灯都会亮。
总线主机基本功能汇总AL-74161:如何布撤防:系统布防:[密码] + [布防]系统撤防:[密码] + [撤防]2:如何进入编程状态:3:如何退出编程状态: 按[*]键3秒后,代表退出编程模式4:忘记了密码如何恢复出厂密码1234:<1>. 断开主机的电源。
<2>. 接通编程跳线。
<3>. 接通主机的电源。
<4>. 跳开编程跳5:遥控器如何对码:1:先按“功能键”3秒,进入遥控器对码模式 2:再输入123456 按“*”号键3秒3:输入0101 之后再输入1 ,最后再按一下遥控器上的“A ”键 4:输入0103之后再输入1,最后再按一下遥控器上的“B ”键 5:按“*”号键3秒,之后再把主机断电重启就可以了6:拿到主机只需要编这一项就可以了,“系统带报警模块个数” ,有多少个模块就编多少个 其它项按照默认的就可以了。
例:先有5个模块如何编程(注:防区模块一定是从0开始拨码)1234+*号键3秒+1100+05+*号键3秒+把主机断电重启7:报警后需要和视频联动应该怎么编程: 1234+*号键3秒+2100+联动模块的个数+*号建3秒+主机断电重启(注:联动模块的拨码为160 161 162 163)8:喇叭的接法:AL-7480(7480E和7480类似)1:如何布撤防:密码(123456)+ [进入]键密码(123456)+ [退出]键2:如何进入编程状态:123456+功能键(按“退出”返回上一层)3:如何修改操作密码:(1) 修改操作密码1 修改指定键盘的用户密码LCD显示: 1. 查询A.按 [↓]键,LCD显示2. 编程B.按[进入]键,C.LCD显示按6位[编程密码]或[管理员密码]+[功能]键,输入键盘数后,按[进入]键,进入功能设置项,2.1 用户编程D.按[进入]键,LCD显示 2.1.1 修改密码E.按[进入]键,LCD显示 1 编程密码F.按[↓]键,LCD显示 2 操作密码1G.按[进入]键,LCD显示 2 操作密码1新密码:_H.按[8]、[8]、[8]、[8]、[8]、[8]、[进入]键,即完成将用户密码1修改为“888888”。
表1 主要参数图1 引脚图图2 AD7416功能框图2 器件主要组成以AD7416为例,器件功能框图如图2所示。
2.1 带隙温度传感器和10位A/D转换器传感器将温度转换成电压,再由A/D转换器转换成10位数字量送温度值寄存器。
2.2 温度值寄存器温度值寄存器是一个16位只读寄存器,它的高10位D15~D6由A/D转换器送来的数字量以补码格式储存,低6位D5~D0未用,如表3所示。
表2 引脚说明引脚名称说明GND电源地AS逻辑输入,从三个I2C地址中选其一的地址输入V DD正电源电压,2.7~5.5VSCL串行总线时钟OTI超温掉电输出(漏极开路)SDA数字I/O。
双向数据串行总线,漏极开路输出A2~A0串行总线地址可编程的低3位DIN串行数据输入SCLK串行时钟输入片选输入DOUT串行数据输出表3 温度值寄存器D15D14D13D12D11D10D9D8D7D6D5~D0B9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0未用2.3 可设点比较器它对实际测量温度与预先设定的高(TOTI )和低(THYST )门限(寄存在图2中所示的上、下限寄存器中)进行比较,并在超温指示输出端(OTI)表4 温度值寄存器输出一个指示信号。
K7416隔离型模拟量输出模块技术说明书一:概述:K7416是12位4路光电隔离型模拟量输出模块,适用于各类工业现场,用户可根据控 制对象的需要,选择电压或电流输出方式以及不同的输出量程。
串行通信接口或CAN 总线接口(定货时选定)。
二:性能技术指标:1. 输出路数: 4路(电压或电流方式每路独立可设)。
2. 输出信号范围:电压方式:0-5V ,0-10V ,±5V电流方式:0-10mA,4-20mA3. 输出阻抗: ≤2Ω(电压方式)4. 输出分辨率: 12位 0-10V :2.44mV , 4-20mA: 5µA.5. 负载能力: 5mA/每路(电压方式)≤400Ω(电流方式)6. 隔离电压: ≥1000V7. 通讯方式: RS485: 驱动距离1200米,传输速率可配置 到57600BPS(9600*) CAN 总线: 最大总线长度10KM ,传输速率5Kbps 到1Mbps(20K*).8. 外形尺寸: 150mm×90mm×25mm 塑料外壳。
9. 使用环境: 工作温度:0ºC-70ºC相对湿度:40%-60%RH存储温度:-55ºC-+85ºC10. 供电电压: 模块供电5V/450mA,12V/450mA,24V/450mA11. 电流输出外供电源: 5-12 V三:使用说明(标*号为出厂设定):1. 接口定义:注:以下端子定义中NC 表示无连接。
J1:供电电源接口 J2:RS485通讯接口 当本模块位于RS485总线终端时,将RR 与RS485B CAN 通讯接口 当模块位于CAN 总线终端时,将CR 与CANL 短接J3:4路电压输出接口 4路电流输出接口电流输出外供电源2.拨码开关及指示灯说明: SW :模块站址及波特率选择开关例:若将地址设为6,拨码开关为“00110”地址设定范围为:0~31号 波特率设定见下表1,2 拨至ON 位置为“0” 拨至OFF 位置为“1” LSB 20 MSB 27站址拨码开关 (1-5)波特率拨码开关(6-8) 1 2 3 4 5ON OFF OFF ON ON表1:RS485通讯波特率6 7 8 波特率 6 7 8 波特率0 0 0 12001 1 0 9600* 1 0 0 24000 0 1 19200 0 1 0 48001 0 1 57600 9600*为出厂设定值表2:CAN 通讯波特率 6 7 8 波特率6 7 8 波特率 0 0 0 5K0 0 1 80K 1 0 0 10K1 0 1 160K 0 1 0 20K* 0 1 1 320K1 1 0 40K1 1 1 800K 20K*为出厂设定值RUN :是运行指示灯,闪烁表示模块工作正常,停止闪烁,模块故障。
功能码 0000 0101 0102 0103 0201 0202 功能说明 更改键盘的编程密码 键盘 1 号遥控器“布防”键无线码自学 键盘 1 号遥控器“留守布防”键无线码自学 键盘 1 号遥控器“撤防”键无线码自学 键盘 2 号遥控器“布防”键无线码自学 键盘 2 号遥控器“留守布防”键无线码自学 -7编程位数 6 1 1 1 1 1 出厂缺省值 123456 允许的编程范围 000000-999999 进入编程后,按 “键 1” , 等待无线 探测器发,触发 后,自动更新;按 “键 9” , 清除当前
2. 电性能指标
键盘端口总线总长度不得大于 1200m
AL-பைடு நூலகம்16 键盘安装指南
一、 系统配置及连线说明
1. AL-716 接线端口定义及系统基本配置
AL-716 键盘安装指南
2. AL-716 与警号的连接
作为就地报警的主要设备-—警号, AL-716 也为其留有接口, 因为采用继电器控制,可接大功率的警号。 警号的(+)极与+12V 电源的(+)级连接, (-)级与 AL-716 的“警号输出”的其中一根线连接,同时将“警号输出”的另外 一根线与电源地(-)连接。
3. AL-716 无线自学遥控器
AL-716 支持 2 个遥控器,每个遥控器可以支持“布防” 、 “留守布防” 、 “撤防”三种功能键,通过自学码 来实现每个遥控器的每个键的编码。每个遥控器的每个按键的编码都应该唯一的。无线参数为,频率 315MHz, 探测器的编码方式是 2262, 它的震荡电阻为 4.7M 欧姆。 遥控器可以通过编程来实现对主机或者任意分区的撤 布防控制。 通过编程可以更改或遥控器每个键的无线编码,具体编程请参考编程章节。
PTK-7416用户使用手册 深圳市普泰克智能科技有限公司我们非常荣幸阁下选购了我们PTK的产品,在此谨表衷心的感谢之意。
目 录一、概述- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(3)二、使用前注意事项- - - - - - - - - - - - - -(3)三、主要特点及功能- - - - - - - - - - - - - -(3)四、主要部件名称及用途说明- - - - - - - - - -(4)五、接口性能及系统连接- - - - - - - - - - - -(5)六、系统安装- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (8)七、编程项目及操作- - - - - - - - - - - - - - (10)八、PTK-7416的联动功能- - - - - - - - - - - -(23)九、PTK-7416典型应用举例- - - - - - - - - -(24)十、主要技术指标- - - - - - - - - - - - -- (25)十一、 PTK-7557 单防区报警模块使用说明- - - - (26)附:产品保修卡一、概述Ptk-7416是一种可扩展的小型总线式联网报警控制器,,可通过总线扩展模块扩展16个报警设备,最多可扩展到128个有线探测器防区,最多可接8个中文液晶编程控制键盘,中文菜单显示,编程操作方便简单,支持多个任意分区,并能对分区进行单独布撤防,总线通讯距离在可达1.2公里,距离较远时通过增加PTK-1206可使通讯距离增加到5公里二、使用前注意事项● 请仔细阅读使用说明书,注意报警主机各处的中文标记及说明,以便您全部掌握并正确使用。
EL31116CN EL31216CN EL31316CN EL31416CN 用户手册说明书
用户手册EL31116CN/EL31216CN/ EL31316CN/EL31416CN 数字无绳电话机无绳电话机欢迎欢迎购买 AT&T 产品。
在使用此 AT&T 产品前,请仔细阅读用户手册中第 53 至 54 页的重要安全信息。
产品名称: 数字无绳电话机中国专用型号:HWDCD2310(3)P/TSD企业型号: EL31116CN/EL31216CN/EL31316CN/EL31416CN© 2017-2018 伟易达通讯设备有限公司保留所有权利。
此使用手冊上所载述的 AT&T 商标及 AT&T 图标为 AT&T 拥有的商号,并在 AT&T 的品牌许可协议下授权予香港伟易达通讯设备有限公司使用。
部件清单请保管好销货收据, 以便在享受质保服务时作为相关证明。
EL31116CN/EL31216CN/EL31316CN/EL31416CN 的包装盒中包括以下物品:无绳子机充电器(EL31116不含充电器)电话线主机电源适配器AAA 镍氢可充电电池无绳子机用户手册座机保修卡电池盖用戶手冊EL31116CN/EL31216CN/ EL31316CN/EL31416CN 2.4GHz 数字无绳电话机目录安装 (1)快速使用指南.-.子机 (2)快速使用指南.-.座机 (5)座机和充电座安装 (6)安装座机 (6)安装充电座 (6)安装电池和充电 (7)电话设置 (9)无绳子机设置 (10)设置日期 / 时间 (10)铃声音量 (12)内线通话的响铃音调 (12)外线通话的铃声音调 (13)闹钟设置 (13)重命名子机 (15)按键音 (16)电池提示音 (16)待机状态下的屏幕显示 (17)自动应答 (18)重设子机 (18)座机设置(使用无绳子机) (19)铃声音量 (19)铃声音调 (19)拨号模式 (20)闪断时间 (20)IP 号码 (21)更改 PIN 码 (22)电话操作 (23)拨打电话 (23)挂机拨号(预拨号) (23)接听来电 (23)结束通话 (23)免提通话 (24)安静模式 (24)重拨上次的号码 (25)通话时的操作 (26)音量控制 (26)静音 (26)内线通话 (27)拨打内线电话 (27)转移外线通话 (28)进行三方通话 (29)电话簿 (30)容量 (30)新增电话簿记录 (30)拨号键 (31)查看电话簿记录 (32)按姓名搜索 (33)搜索电话簿 (33)拨打、编辑或删除电话.簿记录 (34)显示拨号 (34)删除一个电话簿记录 (34)编辑电话簿记录 (35)删除所有电话簿记录 (36)查看电话簿使用情况 (36)来电显示 (37)来电显示操作 (38)查看来电清单 (38)查看来电清单记录的详细信息 (38)拨打来电清单的记录 (39)删除一个来电清单记录 (39)删除所有来电清单记录 (39)储存来电显示清单号码至电话簿 (40)来电信息缺失的原因 (41)增加及登记新子机 (42)登记子机到座机 (42)解除子机登记 (43)解除子机登记 (43)屏幕图标和提示音 (44)子机屏幕图标 (44)子机提示音 (45)常见问题 (46)维护 (52)重要安全信息 (53)安全信息 (53)特别注意 (54)产品中有毒有害物质或.元素的名称及含量表 (55)产品技术参数 (57)2.4GHz FHSS军用跳频扩频数字无绳通讯技术 (57)电话操作范围 (57)安装在电话线墙壁插口和非开关控制的电源插座附近安装您的座机。
CD7416UB-OR CD收音机 USB MP3 WMA 蓝牙12V用户手册说明书
CD7416UB-ORCD RADIO / USB MP3 / WMA / Bluetooth® 12V OWNER’S MANUALContentsSafety Information ......................................... 2Contents ........................................................ 2Panel Controls ............................................... 3Operate Guide .............................................. 4Sound Setting ............................................... 5System Setting Item List ................................ 6USB MP3/WMA Overview ............................. 7Bluetooth Operations ..................................... 8Electrical Connections ................................. 10Troubleshooting ........................................... 11Specifications .............................................. 12FCC . (13)Safety InformationPrecautions• U se only in a 12-volt DC negative-ground electrical system. • D isconnect the vehicle's negative battery terminal while mounting and connecting the unit.• W hen replacing the fuse, be sure to use one with an identical amperage rating. U sing a fuse with a higher amperage rating may cause serious damage to the unit.• D O NOT attempt to disassemble the unit. Laser beams from the optical pickup are dangerous to the eyes.• M ake sure that pins or other foreign objects do not get inside the unit, they may cause malfunctions, or create safety hazards such as electrical shock or laser beam exposure.• I f you have parked the car for a long time in hot or cold weather, wait until the temperature in the car becomes normal before operating the unit.• K eep the volume at a level you can hear outside warning sounds (horns sirens, etc.).CD Notes• P laying a defective or dusty CD can cause dropouts in sound.• H old CDs as illustrated.• D o not touch the unlabeled side.• D o not attach any seal, label or data protec-tion sheet to either side of a disc.• D o not expose a CD to direct sunlight or excessive heat.• W ipe a dirty CD from the center outward with a cleaning cloth.• N ever use solvents such as benzine or alcohol.• T his unit cannot play 3-inch (8 cm) CDs.NEVER insert a 3-inch CD contained in the adapter or an irregularly shaped CD. The unit may not be able to eject it, resulting in a malfunction. • D isc can not have foreign body, the damage caused by the disc with foreign body do not belong to the warranty scope.Before Operation• D o not raise the volume level too much, as this will block outside sounds, making driving dangerous. Stop the car before performing any complicated operation.CAUTION• D O NOT open covers and do not repair you r se lf. C on su lt th e d e ale r o r an experienced technician for help.* I n addition to ordinary CDs, this unit can playback CD - R or CD - RW, MP3.Note: The system just support the Englishand number display. Not all kinds letters are compatible with the unit.1. - Disc eject2. - Rotate to adjust volume.- Radio: Mute- CD/MP3: Pause- Hold it to power off3. - Band select4. - 1-6 preset- Automatically search and save station5. - Channel 1/Play/Stop/Top6. - Channel 2/SCN7. - Channel 3/RPT8. - Channel 4/RDM9. - Channel 5/FOLDER-10. - Channel 6/FOLDER+11. - D isplay paly time and clock in the CDstate.- t he LCD will display the ID3 T AG informationrecycle: file name/folder name/ID3 T AG/system time in the MP3 state.- D isplay PTY info and system time in theRadio state.12. - Menu select13. - USB connector14. - Seek+/Select the next track15. - Seek-/Select the previous track16. - Disc slot17. - S CR buttonRadioDisc(when disc is in)USB(when USB inserted)AUX IN18. - Reset hole19. - P ress to select VOL/BAS/TRE/BAL/LOUD/FAD/ AF/TA/PTY, rotate VOL knob to adjust - RADIO: Rotate to adjust radio tune- C D /MP3: Rotate to select the previous/next track20. 1-6 preset:Press to tune in a preset station.Hold for more than 2 seconds to store adesired station.21. - MicrophoneOperate GuideDisc Load / EjectEject: Press to eject the disc.Band ModePress the button to change bands:FM1 FM2 FM3 AM1 AM2 LWSRCPress the [SRC] button to switch between and select available sources, the mode as follows: TUNER->CD/MP3/USB->AUX.Auto Memory Store(Radio mode)Press the [PS/AST] button to scan the presetstations 1-6 for 10 seconds each.Hold the [PS/AST] button more than 2 seconds, the strongest available stations will be automatically saved in the memory ofpreset button 1-6 .Seek ModeEQ Loud ModePress the [TUNE] Knob and rotate to se-lect sound effect EQ OFF POP ROCKCLASSICJAZZCUSTOMP r e s s t h e [T U N E ] b u t t o n a n d p r e s s/ BAS/TRE, rotate theClock Settingif RDS clock (CT) doesn’t work, you can adjust manually the Clock time.Long press the [DISP] button to set the time.Select [CLOCK] with the search buttons./Press [TUNE] knob and rotate it to adjust the hours.Press [TUNE] knob and rotate it to adjust theminutes.Press the [TUNE] knob to exit the clock setting.System Settingto select: TA TA RETUN AF REGC TD X /L O S T /M O N O C L O C K 12/24H BEEP SWRC SET LOGIC AREA SET, and rotate the [TUNE] to setting.BEEP setting: The beep tone feature allows the selection of an audible beep tone to be heard each time the menu is accessed.SWRC setting: Rotate the [TUNE] knob to select ON or OFF.DX/LO setting: Rotate the [TUNE] knob to se-lect DX or LO.CT setting: Rotate the [TUNE] knob to select ON or OFF.REG setting: Rotate the [TUNE] knob to select ON or OFF.AF setting: Rotate the [TUNE] knob to select ON or OFF.TA RETUN setting: Rotate the [TUNE] knob to select RETUNE S or L. Setting for “L”, Auto search the TA time space for 180 sec,Setting for “S”, auto search the TA time space for 45 sec.TA setting: Rotate [TUNE] knob to select ON or OFF.AREA SEL setting: Rotate the [TUNE] knob to select USA, EUROPE, NORTH AFRICA, ASIA, JAPAN.LOGIC ON/OFF: Logic ON to limit the use of the set to one hour when the car ignition is switched off. Logic OFF to prevent the set from turning on when the car ignition is switched off.SCROLL setting(CD SRC): Rotate the [TUNE] knob to select ON or OFF.MIC SEL setting(Bluetooth SRC): Rotate the [TUNE] knob to choose Microphone EXTERNAL or INTERNAL.AUTO CON(Bluetooth SRC): To link incoming calls automatically.Operate Guide Sound SettingMP3 Track SearchCD/MP3 mode:Press the [MENU] button to select “TRACK SCH” mode, and press the [TUNE] knob to en-ter searching mode. Then rotate and press the [TUNE] knob to select a track number which you want, then press the [TUNE] knob to con-firm.RDS(PTY SEEK)Only the radio region is Europe and on the FM the PTY can be seached. Press the [MENU] button to PTY function, rotate the [TUNE] knob to display the program types, and press [TUNE] to select the desired.Note:If radio region isn’t Europe, RDS won’t display.Press the [TUNE] knob to enter sound effectsetting mode. First press shows current EQ.Rotate the [TUNE] knob to changes BEATEQ in this order:EQ OFF -> POP -> ROCK -> CLASSIC ->JAZZ -> CUSTOM/BAS-G / TRE-G: (-7)- (+7)[TUNE] knob to select a value.BALANCE: LEFT 1-7->CENTER->RIGHT1-7FADER: FRONT 1-7->CENTER->REAR 1-7LOUD: ON/OFFSystem Setting Item ListUSB MP3/WMA OverviewNote on MP3• M P3 is short for MPEG Audio Layer 3 and refers to an audio compression technology standard.• T his product allows playback of MP3 files on CD-ROM, CD-R or CD-RW discs.• T he unit can read MP3 files written in the format compliant with ISO 9660.H owever it does not support the MP3 datawritten by the method of packet write.• T he unit can not read an MP3 file that hasa file extension other than ".mp3".• I f you play a non-MP3 file that has the “.mp3" extension, you may hear some noise.• I n this manual, we refer to what are called "MP3 file" and "folder " in PC terminology as "track" and "Album," respectively.• M aximum number of directory level is 8, including the root directory. Maximum number of files and folders per disc is 256.• T he unit may not play tracks in the order of Track numbers.• T he unit plays only the audio tracks if a disc contains both audio tracks and MP3 files.• W hen playing a disc of 8kbps or VBR*, theelapsed playing time in the display windowwill not be correct and also the intro playmay not function properly. *VBR: VariableBit RateNote on creating your own CD-Rs orCD-RWs containing MP3 files• T o e n j o y h i g h q u a l i t y s o u n d,w erecommend converting to MP3 files witha sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz and afixed bit rate of 128 kbps.• D O NOT store more than 256 MP3 filesper disc.• F or ISO 9660 -compliant format, themaximum allowable depth of nestedfolders is 8, including the root directory(folder).• W hen CD-R disc is used, playback ispossible only for discs which have beenfinalized.• M ake sure that when MP3 CD-R or CD-RW is burned that it is formatted as a datadisc and NOT as an audio disc.• Y ou should not write non-MP3 files orunneeded folders along with MP3 files onthe disc otherwise it takes a long time untilthe unit starts to play MP3 files.• W ith some CD-R or CD-RW media, datamay not be properly written depending ontheir manufacturing quality.I n this case, data may not be reproducedcorrectly. High quality CD-R or CD-RW disc isrecommended.• U p to 16 characters are displayed for thename of an Album or a Track. ID3 TAGversion 1.x is required.•N ote that the unit may not play Track inthe order that you wrote them to the disc.USB NotesUSB functions (flash memory type) MP3 musicplay.(1) USB flash memory 2 in 1 support(2) FAT 12/FAT 16/FAT 32 format supported.(3)F ile name:64byte/dir name:64byte/tagname: 30 byte.(4) Tag (id3 tag ver 2.0)- title/artist/album: 32 byte support.(5) U SB 1.1 support, USB 2.0 support (For 2.0,speed performance is as USB 1.1)(6) N ot all USB devices are compatible withthe unit.(7) U SB connector is support maximum workpower with 500 mA.The Bluetooth allows you to utilize your car’s built-in audio system for wireless mobile phone or music handsfree communication. Some Bluetooth mobile phones have the audio features, and some portable audio players support Bluetooth feature. This system can play audio data stored in a Bluetooth audio device. The car stereo with Bluetooth will be able to retrieve phonebook contacts, received call, dialed call, missed call, incoming calls, outgoing call and listen to music.Notes:• D o not leave the microphone of Bluetooth handsfree in the places with wind passing such as air outlet of the air conditioner, etc. This may cause a malfunction.• I f leave it in the places subjected to direct sun, high temperature can cause distortion, discoloration which may result in a malfunction.• T his system will not operate or may operate improperly with some Bluetooth audio players.• C annot guarantee the compatibility of all mobile phones together with unit.• A udio playback will be set to the same volume level as set during telephone call. This might cause problems, if extreme volume level is set during telephone call.Handsfree OperationsPairing1. T urn on Bluetooth function of your mobile phone.2. E nter mobile phone’s Bluetooth setup menu.3. S earch for new Bluetooth devices.4. S elect Bluetooth devices from the pairing list on the mobile phone.5. Enter“1234” as the password (The password default setting is “ 1234 ”).6. A fter pairing successfully, BT and HPF icons will light up.A2D P i c o n w i l l l i g h t u p a f t e r A2D P connected.Making a callOperation from Bluetooth menuPress the [SRC] button to switch the source to “BT MUSIC”. When display "A2DP" press the [MENU / ] button to switch to “DIAL NUM”.• Dial Number1. P ress the [TUNE] knob on the front panel to confirm to dial number.2. R otate the [TUNE] knob to select a number, press the knob to confirm, and continue to input the next digit. Repeat above until all numbers inputted.3. P ress the [BAND / ] button to dial.4. P ress the [MENU / ]button to terminate call.• Dialled/Missed/ ReceivedYou can search any Dialled/Missed/Received.1. R o t a t e t h e[T U N E]k n o b t o s e l e c t “DIALLED”, “MISSED”, “RECEIVED”.Bluetooth Operations2.P ress the [TUNE] knob to enter the selectedcall history.3. R otate the [TUNE] knob to scroll the contacts.4. W hen the contact name or mobile phone displayed, press the [BAND / ] button tocall the mobile phone No. of that contact.* P ress the [MENU/ ] button to end the call.• Call from PhonebookUser can search the contact name in thephonebook and make call.1.R otate the [TUNE] knob to select “USERPBK”.2.P ress the[TUNE] knob to enter the selectedphonebook.3. R otate the [TUNE] knob to scroll the contacts.4. T he phone number and the name to scrolldisplay.When the contact name is displayed,press the [BAND / ] knob to call the mobilephone No. of that contact.*P ress the[MENU / ] button to end thecall.Note:• S ome mobile phones may not be able totransfer data of Phonebook.• Transfer CallYou can switch handsfree call and mobile phonecall. Press the [BAND / ] button during call.• Answering a callYou can answer an incoming call by pressing the [BAND / ] button.*P ress the[MENU / ] button to reject an incoming call.Audio Streaming OperationsWhat is audio streaming?Audio streaming is a technique for transferring audio data such that it can be processed as a steady and continuous stream. Users can stream music from their external audio player to their car stereo wirelessly and listen to the tracks through the car’s speakers. Please consult your nearest dealer for more information on the product of wireless audio streaming transmitter phone while audio streaming as this may cause noise or sound choppy on the song playback.Audio streaming may or may not resume a f t e r t e l e p h o n e i n t e r r u p t a s t h i s i s dependent on mobile phone.System will always return to Radio mode if audio streaming is disconnected.Note:Be sure to read the chapter “Pairing” before proceeding.Play / Pause a track1. P ush the [ 1 ] button to pause audio playback.2. T o resume audio playback, push the [ 1 ] button again.Selecting a trackTrack-up P ressthe button to move to the beginning P ress the button to move to the beginning Note:audio depends on the duration of playback.During music streaming playback, “A2DP and HFP ” will be shown on the display. When A2DP device is disconnected, “DISCONN ” will be shown on the display Some Bluetooth audio players may not have play / pause synchronized with this unit. Please make sure both device and main unit are in the same play / pause status in BT MUSIC mode.Bluetooth OperationsElectrical ConnectionsWiring DiagramTroubleshootingIf you suspect something is wrong, immediately switch power off. Do not use the unit in abnormal condition, for example without sound, or with smoke or foul smell, can cause fire or electric shock. Immediately stop using it and call the store where you purchased it. Never try to repair the unit yourself because it is dangerous to do so.SpecificationsGeneralPower supply: 12 V DC negative ground Maximum power output: 41 W x 4 channels (4 ) Suitable speaker impedance: 4ESP: 10 s (CD-DA)/40 s (MP3) Dimensions(WxDxH): 178x161x50 mm Weight: 1.33 kgNote: For different bit-rate MP3, ESP time are different;40 seconds only for the bit-rate MP3 file of the 128Kbps FM Stereo RadioFrequency range: 87.5-108.0 MHz Usable sensitivity: < 14 dBμFrequency response: 50 Hz - 10 KHzStereo separation: ≥ 22 dB (1 KHz)Image response ratio: ≥ 40 dBIF response ratio: ≥ 60 dBSignal/noise ratio: ≥ 50 dBAM(MW) RadioFrequency range: 522-1620 KHzUsable sensitivity(S/N=20dB): < 35 dBμDisc PlayerSystem: Disc digital audio system Frequency response: 20 Hz - 20 KHzSignal/noise ratio: > 72 dB (dBA)Total harmonic distortion: Less than 1% (1 KHz) Channel separation: > 55 dB Note: Specifications and the design are subject to change without notice due to improvements in technology.NORTHAFRICAJAPAN531- 1602KHz153 - 252KHzFCC STATEMENT1. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.2. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.FCC Radiation Exposure StatementThis equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your bodyFCCContinental Trading GmbH。
一、性能特点:●板内带有16路状态指示灯●支持16路继电器输出以及16路指示灯输出●支持RS485总线通讯或IP网络通讯两种模式二、规格及参数●尺寸:长x宽x高(182 x 110 x 46mm)●重量:300克●工作温度及湿度:-10℃∽ +50℃;0-95%湿度●联网功能: IP网络、RS485总线●工作电压:直流12 ∽ 15伏●工作电流:静态电流:250毫安, 每增加一个输出增加13毫安●继电器负荷参数:电压:交直流24伏以下,电流:1安培以下●指示灯灯参数:电压:直流1.5-3.0伏,电流:10-15毫安三、接线端口示意图:四、指示灯●电源指示灯L2:设备正常供电时,指示灯常亮。
●中心1状态指示灯L5:1、灯灭:中心1 IP地址为0。
六、插针(JP1、JP2和JP3)● JP1插针为模块输出方式、密码恢复选择和键盘编程选择:1、断开电源,JP1-5短接,使用键盘编程。
5. AL-7416 与总线扩展设备(报警模块,继电器,指示灯,AL7416 系列报警主机)的连接
AL-7416 安装指南
AL-7416 主机通过 RS485 扩展板的通讯接口与总线设备(AL-716 键盘、8 防区以下的报警模块、继电器模块、指示灯模块)连接。总 线设备及其探测设备的电源可以和主机共用一个电源(主机的电源),所有挂接在同一个电源上的设备的总功耗不要超过电源的额定功率。 主机也可以单独使用一个电源,将外围电源的地(负极)和扩展通讯接口的黑线(负极)联接起来。
系统布防后,若发生报警,主机液晶显示该防区发生警报。当撤防后,液晶会显示已报警过的防区。下一次布防时,主机或键盘的报 警记录也会被清除。
单防区布防: 单防区撤防:
[主密码/用户密码] + [旁路] + [防区编号] + [布防] [主密码/用户密码] + [旁路] + [防区编号] + [撤防]
跟随操作、报警并显示相关信息 l RS485 扩展通讯总线上可以带有 4 个联动设备最多 64 个输出。联动包括:防区报警联动、防区布撤防联动、防区异常联动。可
以达到电子地图、DVR 报警输入、就地报警等功能 l 多达 9 组密码。包括:主密码、8 组用户密码 l 分别可以存储 50 条的报警和操作纪录,掉电保存
2. AL-7416 与电源的连接
AL-7416 可以承受直流 11-30V 电源,电源从电源输入接口的红黑端输入。注 意:常用的蓄电池的额定工作电压为 12V、18V 和 24V,所以给蓄电池的充电电压最 好选择是蓄电池电压的 1.1-1.2 倍之间,例如:12V 蓄电池的充电电压一般选择 13.8V。
这里展示的一份由 ICL7106 A/D 转换电路组成的数字电压表电路,就是一款最通用和最基本的电路。
一、ICL7106简介1. ICL7106的性能特点(1)+7V~+15V单电源供电,可选9V叠层电池,有助于实现仪表的小型化。
2. ICL7106的工作原理ICL7106内部包括模拟电路和数字电路两大部分,二者是互相联系的。
一方面由控制逻辑产生控制信号,按规定时序将多路模拟开关接通或断开,保证A/D 转换正常进行;另一方面模拟电路中的比较器输出信号又控制着数字电路的工作状态和显示结果。
图1主要包括2.8V 基准电压源(E 0)、缓冲器(A 1)、积分器(A 2)、比较器(A 3)和模拟开关等组成。
缓冲器A 4专门用来提高COM 端带负载的能力,可谓设计数字多用表的电阻挡、二极管挡和h FE 挡提供便利条件。
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AL-7416 的 RS485 扩展板的通讯接口上通过 3 芯线引出,端口定义如下:
绿—通讯总线 A
黄--通讯总线 B
说明: ● AL-7416 主机最多可挂接 7 个 AL-716 系列从键盘,键盘地址为 129-135(AL-716 键盘地址为 128+键盘的拨码地址),分别表示 1-7 号从键盘。 ● AL-7416 主机最多可挂接 64 个报警模块、4 个联动设备。 ● 应利用拨码开关对各报警模块、指示灯模块设置不同的地址。 联动模块的地址:160、161、162、163 参照地址设置中的《拨码开关设置列表》,进行地址设置。 ● 信号线建议采用屏蔽双绞线,线经为0.5个平方毫米以上。如果接在总线上的设备过多或总线过长,在总线的中间适当增加电源, 原则上是保证在总线的所有设备尤其最末端设备能够达到它的正常工作电压。总线可以达到2x1200米,如果单边总线长度超过1200 米,要在总线上增加总线中继器来扩展总线长度。
系统布防后,若发生报警,主机液晶显示该防区发生警报。当撤防后,液晶会显示已报警过的防区。下一次布防时,主机或键盘的报 警记录也会被清除。
单防区布防: 单防区撤防:
[主密码/用户密码] + [旁路] + [防区编号] + [布防] [主密码/用户密码] + [旁路] + [防区编号] + [撤防]
5. AL-7416 与总线扩展设备(报警模块,继电器,指示灯,AL7416 系列报警主机)的连接
AL-7416 安装指南
AL-7416 主机通过 RS485 扩展板的通讯接口与总线设备(AL-716 键盘、8 防区以下的报警模块、继电器模块、指示灯模块)连接。总 线设备及其探测设备的电源可以和主机共用一个电源(主机的电源),所有挂接在同一个电源上的设备的总功耗不要超过电源的额定功率。 主机也可以单独使用一个电源,将外围电源的地(负极)和扩展通讯接口的黑线(负极)联接起来。
1. “闭锁” 键 布防 2. “开锁” 键 撤防 注:所有密码均为 4 位数字
1. 主机的布防显示灯:布防状态,灯慢闪(500 毫秒一次);撤防状态,灯灭。 2. 主机状态指示灯:正常状态,灯灭;编程状态,灯常亮;欠压状态,灯快闪(250 毫秒一次)。
三、AL-7416 编程说明
步骤 1
操作 输入主密码[x][x][x][x]
提示 只有主密码才具有编程功能。其他权限不能用于编 程 主机会显示进入了编程模式 功能码0~9输入4位数字,输入正确后,会显示以前 该项的功能值 根据不同的功能码,输入的数字位数不一样. 若设 置正确,主机提示正确; 若设置错误,主机将有错 误提示,必须重新输入编程值
屏蔽防区: 此防区无效, 无论在什么情况下触发该防区,都不会报警。 立即防区: 布防后,触发了立即防区,立即就地并向中心报警。 延时防区: 布防后,若触发了延时防区,只在所设定的进入/退出延时时间结束之后才会报警;在延时过程中进行撤防,会自动取消
报警。 24小时防区: 一直处于激活状态,不论撤布防与否,只要一触发就立即就地并向中心报警。 火警防区: 一直处于激活状态,不论撤布防与否,只要一触发就立即就地并向中心报警。 撤防后再布防防区: 此防区触发,对系统进行撤防,随后系统进入布防过程。 布防防区: 系统在撤防的状态下,此防区触发,系统进入布防过程。 撤防防区: 此防区触发,系统立即撤防。 警告防区: 一直处于激活状态,不论撤布防与否,只要一触发就主机会发出间断提示,但不上报中心。 旁路防区: 若某防区允许旁路,用户留守布防后,该防区触发无效。 说明:
2. AL-7416 与电源的连接
AL-7416 可以承受直流 11-30V 电源,电源从电源输入接口的红黑端输入。注 意:常用的蓄电池的额定工作电压为 12V、18V 和 24V,所以给蓄电池的充电电压最 好选择是蓄电池电压的 1.1-1.2 倍之间,例如:12V 蓄电池的充电电压一般选择 13.8V。
跟随操作、报警并显示相关信息 l RS485 扩展通讯总线上可以带有 4 个联动设备最多 64 个输出。联动包括:防区报警联动、防区布撤防联动、防区异常联动。可
以达到电子地图、DVR 报警输入、就地报警等功能 l 多达 9 组密码。包括:主密码、8 组用户密码 l 分别可以存储 50 条的报警和操作纪录,掉电保存
2. 电性能指标
l 输入电源
l 主机板静态耗电
l 报警状态
l 报警输出口
DC12V 1A
l 外观尺寸
270 x 195 x 70mm
l 单个通讯端口总线总长度不得大于 1200m
1. AL-7416 接线端口说明
AL-7416 安装指南
3. AL-7416 与警号的连接
作为就地报警的主要设备-—警号,AL-7416 也为其留有接口,因为 采用继电器控制,可接大功率的警号。
警号的(+)极与+12V 电源的(+)级连接,(-)级与 AL-7416 的“输 出”的其中一根线连接,同时将“输出”的另外一根线与电源地(-)连接。
4. AL-7416 支持的防区类型及说明
系统撤防:[密码] + [撤防]
输入[主密码]或[用户密码] + [撤防]键即可撤防。布防状态指示灯将熄灭,表示已进入撤防状态。若在撤防前触发了延时防区,在 进入延时期间内延时防区触发无效。
留守布防:[密码] + 按[旁路]键3秒
解除报警:[密码] + [撤防]
二、AL-7416 的键盘操作说明
AL-7416 采用多键盘控制,主机本身可以接 1 个主键盘 AL-716,可操作也可编程;还可以通过 RS485 扩展板通讯接口外接 7 个从键盘 AL-716(液晶显示),但这些从键盘只能进行撤布防操作。
1. 密码说明
1. AL-7416 接线端口说明 2. AL-7416 与电源的连接 5. AL-7416 与警号的连接
AL-7416 安装指南
概 述 ............................................................................. 2 AL-7416 主要功能及性能指标 ........................................................... 2
有效控制范围 对设备和防区都有效,但不可以开锁
只能进行撤布防操作,共 8 组
AL-7416 安装指南
系统布防:[密码] + [布防]
输入[主密码]或[用户密码] + [布防]键,在退出延时期间,蜂鸣器将鸣音。所设置的退出延时时间结束后,布防状态指示灯将持续 闪烁。
1. 主要功能 ...................................................................... 2 2.电性能指标 .................................................................... 2 一、系统配置及连线说明............................................................... 2 1. AL-7416 接线端口说明 ........................................................... 2 2. AL-7416 与电源的连接 ........................................................... 3 3. AL-7416 与警号的连接 ........................................................... 3 4. AL-7416 支持的防区类型及说明 ................................................... 3 5. AL-7416 与总线扩展设备(报警模块,继电器,指示灯,AL7416 系列报警主机)的连接....... 3 1. 密码说明 ...................................................................... 4 2.用户操作指南 .................................................................. 4 三、AL-7416 编程说明 ................................................................. 5 四、AL-7416 的联动功能 ............................................................... 9 1.联动和指示灯模块的接线说明及其地址分配 ......................................... 9 2.继电器或指示灯的数量及分配 .................................................... 9 3.联动属性说明 .................................................................. 9 4.联动手工操作 ................................................................. 10 5.撤防断开或熄灭 ............................................................... 10 6.指示灯操作编程操作说明 ....................................................... 10 五、 AL-7416 典型应用举例........................................................... 10 1、所有设备掉线 ................................................................. 12 2、部分设备掉线(离主机最远的设备的几个模块都掉线) .............................. 13 3、部分设备掉线、且很快恢复有两种情况 ............................................ 13 4. 探测设备不报警 ............................................................... 14 5.探测设备常报警 ............................................................... 14