Metal-insulator transition in spatially-correlated random magnetic field system
我们的方法结合了太赫兹(即低频)范围内的温度依赖性、偏振定向(PO)拉曼散射、第一性原理模拟和单晶x射线衍射(SC-XRD)来研究[1]苯并噻吩[3,2 - b]苯并噻吩(BTBT)半导体晶体及其衍生物的结构动力学(表1)。
在下面,我们首先描述了BTBT 作为母体分子的结构动力学随温度的演变。
正如预期的那样,与无机固体(β ~ 10-6-10-5 K-1)相比,我们获得的热膨胀系数相对较大(β ~ 10-4 K-1),(50)证实了它们的软和非谐波性质。
对 称两种 形态 嫁接在 …起 ,这种结合 方式在 其他 材料领 域也 P MMA旋涂 在硅 、石 墨等 基片上 ,利用 E BL制 备出带有所 有 推广价值 。 设 计结构 的 P MMA模板 ;再镀 一层 厚度 大于 P MMA厚度 的
研 究 人 员 表 示 , 目 前 ,大 部 分 M OF 使 用 石 油 化 工 材 料 金属 层 , 金属层 粘到另 外一 块硅 片上;从 P s 将 MMA上揭下 金 制 作 而 成 , 既 昂 贵 又 耗 时 。 而 新 研 发 材 料 的 主 要 成 分 是 纯 天 属层 并将剩 余 的 PMMA清洗 掉 ,就得 到所需 的金属 纳米结 然 的 玉 米 淀 粉 分 子 , 制 造 简 单 , 而 且 环 保 可 再 生 。 该 材 料 吃 构 。利 用 此 方 法 制 备 的 银 纳 米 结 构 的 表 面 粗 糙 度 达 到 0 5 ~ .5
面等离激 元(u f c ls n p lrtn ,S P 的深入 研 喷雾 干燥 等多套 先进 设备 及技 术 专利 。据悉 , 公司通 过校 s ra e p a mo oa io s P ) 该 究 ,人 们发现利用对 S P的操控 可 以实现 亚波长光 子学器件 企合作 , 用特殊工 艺制备 的高纯纳 米氧化铝 粉体 , P 采 晶粒尺寸 和 集成 ,有 望带来新 一代信息 技术微 型化和光 子集 成 的革 命 2 0至 3 米 , 经 任 何 物 理 化 学 处 理 便 可 形 成 稳 定 、均 一 的 0纳 不
利用这种 方法可 以获得低 的传输损 耗和高 的反 射率 , 并可 以
贵州纳 米导 电氧化锌 中试 通过鉴 定
获得非常小 的 S P纳 米腔模体积 和总体积 ,可望在很 多领域 P
磁性金纳米杂化物将帮助抗击癌症NUST MISIS的科学家团队以及来自俄罗斯和德国的同事对磁铁矿-金纳米杂化物进行了详细研究。
为了提高准确性,可以将具有磁性的特殊造影剂注入患者体内,通过特殊选择的参数,该试剂将'强调“恶性细胞”,NUST MISIS 生物医学纳米材料实验室负责人Maxim Abakumov说。
”来自NUST MISIS的团队多年来一直在开发基于磁铁矿(Fe3O4)的用于诊断学的磁性纳米颗粒(诊断和治疗的结合)。
其次,在沸腾时,氧化铁纳米颗粒逐渐变成八面体在恒定的纳米颗粒体积下,温度从240°C升至280°C”,杜伊斯堡埃森大学研究参与者和副教授Ulf Widwald说道。
3 . C o H e g e o f C h e mi s t r y a n d Mo l e c u l e S c i e n c e , Wu h a n U n i v e si r t y , Wu h a n 4 3 0 0 7 2 , C h i n a )
郑 冬云 ,刘晓 军 ,朱珊 莹 ,曹汇敏 ,陈亚光 , 胡胜 水
( ( 1 . 中 南 民 族大 学 生 物 医学 工 程 学 院 。 湖北 武汉 4 3 0 0 7 4 ;
2 . 中南民族大学 脑认知国家民委重点实验室 , 湖北 武汉 4 3 0 0 7 4 :
3 . 武汉 大学 化 学 与 分 子 科 学 学 院 , 湖北 武汉 4 3 0 0 7 2 )
MW NT s — AC B w a t e r d i s p e r s i o n o n g o l d e l e c t r o d e s u r f a c e a n d d i r e d u n d e r a n i n f r a r e d l a mp .Vo h a mme t i r c
2 . Ke y La b o r a t o r y o f Br a i n a n d Co g n i t i v e S t a t e Et h n i c Af fa i s r Co mmi s s i o n, Wu h a n 4 3 0 0 7 4, Ch i n a ;
中图分类号 :O6 5 7 . 1 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1 0 0 0 - - 9 7 8 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 1 - 0 0 8 6 - 0 3
El e c t r o c he l l e mi c a l s e ns o r o t DA J _ , A b a s e d 0 n g o l d e l e c t r o d e mo d i ie f d wi t h CNTs _ l 。 S
表面技术第53卷第4期金属材料表面纳米化研究与进展杨庆,徐文文,周伟,刘璐华,赖朝彬*(江西理工大学 材料冶金化学学部,江西 赣州 341000)摘要:大多数金属材料的失效都是从其表面开始的,进而影响整个材料的整体性能。
关键词:金属材料;表面纳米化;梯度纳米结构;纳米化机理;表面性能中图分类号:TG178 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2024)04-0020-14DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2024.04.002Research and Progress on Surface Nanocrystallizationof Metallic MaterialsYANG Qing, XU Wenwen, ZHOU Wei, LIU Luhua, LAI Chaobin*(Department of Materials Metallurgy and Chemistry, Jiangxi University ofTechnology, Jiangxi Ganzhou 341000, China)ABSTRACT: It is well known that the failure of most metallic materials starts from their surfaces, which in turn affects the overall performance of the whole material. Numerous studies have shown that the preparation of nanocrystals on the surface of metallic materials, i.e., surface nanosizing, can enhance the surface properties of materials and extend their service life. Surface nanosizing of metallic materials makes use of repeated violent plastic deformation to make the surface coarse grains gradually收稿日期:2023-02-23;修订日期:2023-06-29Received:2023-02-23;Revised:2023-06-29基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(52174316,51974139);国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFC2905200,2022YFC2905205);江西省自然科学基金项目(20212ACB204008)Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(52174316, 51974139); National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFC2905200, 2022YFC2905205); Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province (20212ACB204008)引文格式:杨庆, 徐文文, 周伟, 等. 金属材料表面纳米化研究与进展[J]. 表面技术, 2024, 53(4): 20-33.YANG Qing, XU Wenwen, ZHOU Wei, et al. Research and Progress on Surface Nanocrystallization of Metallic Materials[J]. Surface Technology, 2024, 53(4): 20-33.*通信作者(Corresponding author)第53卷第4期杨庆,等:金属材料表面纳米化研究与进展·21·refine to the nanometer level, forming nanostructured layers with gradient changes of grains along the thickness direction, including surface non-woven nanocrystalline layer, submicron fine crystal layer, coarse crystal deformation layer and matrix layer, and this unique gradient nanostructure is effective for the significant improvement of surface properties of metallic materials. The process technology and related applications of nanocrystalline layers on the surface of metallic materials in China and abroad are introduced, and the research progress of high-performance gradient nanostructured materials is discussed.Starting from the classification of the preparation process of gradient nanostructured materials and combining with the research results of surface nanosizing in China and abroad, a brief overview of three methods of metal surface nanosizing, namely, surface coating or deposition, surface self-nanosizing and hybrid nanosizing, was given, the advantages and disadvantages of each were discussed and the advantages of surface self-nanosizing technology were summarized. On the basis of this, the key role of dislocations and twins in the process of surface self-nanitrification of metallic materials was analyzed, and the mechanism of surface self-nanitrification of metallic materials was inextricably linked to the material structure and the size of layer dislocation energy, and the current research status of the mechanism of surface self-nanitrification of metallic materials was summarized. Finally, the key technologies required to be overcome in the existing surface strengthening process were summarized, and future research work was prospected. It was proposed to combine surface nanosizing technology with some existing surface treatment technologies such as electroplating, vapor deposition, tack coating, spraying, chemical heat treatment, etc., to replace the high-cost manufacturing technologies and prepare inexpensive complex-phase surface layers with more excellent performance.Techniques for the preparation of gradient nanostructured materials include surface coating or deposition, surface self-nanosizing, and hybrid surface nanosizing. Surface coating or deposition technology has the advantages of precise control of grain size and chemical composition, and relatively mature process optimization, etc. However, because the coating or deposition technology adds a cover layer on the material surface, the overall size of the material increases slightly, and there is a certain boundary between the coating and the material, and there will be defects in the specific input of production applications.In addition, the thickness of the gradient layer prepared by this technology is related to the deposition rate, which takes several hours to prepare a sample. The surface self-nanitrification technique, which generates intense plastic deformation on the surface of metal materials, has the advantages of simple operation, low cost and wide application, low investment in equipment and easy realization of unique advantages. The nanocrystalline layer prepared on the surface of metal materials with the surface self-nanitrification technique has a dense structure and no chemical composition difference from the substrate, and no surface defects such as pitting and pores, but the thickness of the gradient layers and nanolayers prepared by this technique as well as the surface quality of the material vary greatly depending on the process. Hybrid surface nanosizing is a combination of the first two techniques, in which a nanocrystalline layer is firstly prepared on the surface of a metallic material by surface nanosizing technology, and then a compound with a different composition from the base layer is formed on its surface by means of chemical treatment.To realize the modern industrial application of this new surface strengthening technology, it is still necessary to clarify the strengthening mechanism and formation kinetics of surface nanosizing technology as well as the effect of process parameters, microstructure, structure and properties on the nanosizing behavior of the material. For different nanosizing technologies, the precise numerical models for nanosizing technologies need to be established and improved, and the surface self-nanosizing equipment suitable for industrial scale production needs to be developed. In the future, surface nanosizing technology will be combined with some existing surface treatment technologies (e.g. electroplating, vapor deposition, adhesion coating, spraying, chemical heat treatment, etc.) to prepare a complex phase surface layer with more excellent performance, which is expected to achieve a greater comprehensive performance improvement of the surface layer of metal materials.KEY WORDS: metal material; surface nanocrystallization; gradient nanostructures; nanocrystallization mechanism; surface properties金属材料在基建工程、航空航天中扮演着重要角色,随着当今科学技术的高速发展,传统金属材料的局限性日趋明显,开发一种综合性能优异的金属材料迫在眉睫。
纳米金属颗粒物原位催化 英文
纳米金属颗粒物原位催化英文In-situ Catalysis of Nanometal Particles.Nanometal particles, with their unique physicochemical properties, have emerged as promising catalysts in various chemical reactions. The concept of in-situ catalysis, which involves the utilization of these nanoparticles directly at the reaction site, offers significant advantages such as improved activity, selectivity, and efficiency. In this article, we delve into the principles, applications, and challenges associated with in-situ catalysis using nanometal particles.Principles of In-situ Catalysis.In-situ catalysis refers to the use of catalysts that are generated or activated directly within the reaction mixture, rather than being added as preformed entities. In the context of nanometal particles, this approach allowsfor a more intimate interaction between the catalyst andthe reactants, leading to enhanced catalytic activity. The small size of these nanoparticles ensures a high surface-to-volume ratio, which in turn results in a greater numberof active sites available for catalysis.The catalytic activity of nanometal particles isfurther enhanced by their unique electronic and structural properties. The quantum size effects observed in nanoparticles lead to changes in their electronic structure, which can significantly alter their catalytic behavior. Additionally, the high surface energy of nanoparticles promotes their stability and prevents sintering, even at elevated temperatures, maintaining their catalytic activity over extended periods.Applications of In-situ Catalysis.The applications of in-situ catalysis using nanometal particles are diverse and span across various fields of chemistry and engineering. Some of the key applications include:1. Organic Synthesis: Nanometal particles, especially those of platinum, palladium, and gold, have found widespread use in organic synthesis reactions such as hydrogenation, carbon-carbon bond formation, and oxidation reactions. Their use in in-situ catalysis allows for more efficient and selective transformations.2. Fuel Cells: Nanometal particles, particularly those of platinum and palladium, are key components in the electrodes of fuel cells. Their in-situ catalysis promotes the efficient oxidation of fuels such as hydrogen, leading to improved fuel cell performance.3. Photocatalysis: The combination of nanometal particles with photocatalysts such as titanium dioxide offers a powerful tool for solar-driven reactions. The in-situ generation of reactive species at the interface of these materials enhances photocatalytic activity and selectivity.Challenges and Future Directions.While the potential of in-situ catalysis using nanometal particles is immense, there are several challenges that need to be addressed. One of the key challenges is the stability of these nanoparticles under reaction conditions. The aggregation and sintering of nanoparticles can lead to a decrease in their catalytic activity. To address this, strategies such as stabilization by ligands or supports, and the use of bimetallic or core-shell structures have been explored.Another challenge lies in the scale-up of these processes for industrial applications. While laboratory-scale experiments often demonstrate promising results, translating these findings to large-scale operations can be challenging due to factors such as mass transport limitations and heat management.Future research in in-situ catalysis with nanometal particles could focus on developing more robust and stable catalyst systems. The exploration of new nanomaterials with enhanced catalytic properties, as well as the optimization of reaction conditions and reactor designs, are likely tobe key areas of interest. Additionally, the integration ofin-situ catalysis with other technologies such as microfluidics and nanoreactors could lead to more efficient and sustainable catalytic processes.In conclusion, the field of in-situ catalysis using nanometal particles offers significant potential for enhancing the efficiency and selectivity of chemical reactions. While there are still challenges to be addressed, the ongoing research in this area is likely to lead to transformative advancements in catalysis and beyond.。
从金属布线到波长转换膜 日本大学的创新产品
图1:利用常温的印刷工艺也能实现跟金属块相近的导电性日本冈山大学的金原等开发的金/银纳米油墨(a)、NI MS采用这种油墨印刷的约1mm见方的TFT(b)、金属块与印刷后油墨的电阻率的比较(c)。
基于金纳米粒子局域表面等离子体共振吸收检测卡托普利X许 丹(西南大学化学化工学院,重庆 400715) 摘 要:柠檬酸根稳定的金胶在一定盐浓度下由于盐的电荷屏蔽效应而发生聚集。
加入一定浓度的卡托普利后,由于卡托普利分子中含有巯基和羧基,其分子中的巯基可以通过Au -S 键连在金纳米粒子表面,同时,在pH9.91的条件下,其分子中的羧基去质子化形成-COO -,导致金胶表面负电荷增多,纳米粒子之间的静电排斥力增大,金胶的聚集得到了抑制。
该方法的线性范围为0.04~1.2L M ,检出限为20nM 。
关键词:金纳米粒子;卡托普利;表面等离子体共振吸收 中图分类号:T Q460.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006—7981(2012)03—0006—03 卡托普利(1-[(2S )-2-甲基-3-巯基-1-氧化丙基]-L -脯氨酸,Cap,结构如下图所示)是一种人工合成的血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂,目前广泛应用于治疗高血压及心力衰竭等疾病。
图1 实验原理图近年来,金纳米粒子由于其独特的表面等离子体共振吸收性质被广泛用于色度传感。
13nm 柠檬酸根包被的金胶呈现酒红色,一旦发生聚集则呈现紫色或蓝色[4]。
金胶在一定浓度的NaCl 溶液中发生聚集,在本研究中,我们发现当体系中同时存在卡托普利后,金胶的聚集能得到抑制,基于此现象,建立了一种金胶由聚集到分散的状态来高灵敏检测卡托普利的新方法。
1.二维半导体过渡金属硫化物的逻辑集成器件 [J], 李卫胜;周健;王瀚宸;汪树贤;于
2.二维过渡金属硫化物硫化铼材料的表面增强拉曼散射效应 [J],
3.二维过渡金属硫化物二次谐波:材料表征、信号调控及增强 [J], 曾周晓松;王笑;
4.中科院探明新型金属硫化物二维半导体材料性质 [J], 无
5.二维过渡金属硫化物热电材料的研究进展 [J], 柏祖志;郭勇;刘聪聪
采 用 水 热 法 合 成 钙 钛 矿 结 构 钛 酸 铅 ( b i ̄ 纳 米 线 . 热 温 度 对 产 物 的 形 貌 有 较 大 的 影 响 , P T( ) 1  ̄2 m. 温 R ma b O 纳 0 0n 变 a n光谱 研 究 表 明 , 着 温 度 的升 高 , 于 6 0c 随 位 0 m 以上 声 子 的 振动频率变化不大 , 而位 于低 频 的振 动 峰发 生 了 红移 或 消 失 ;B O 纳 米 线 在 23℃ 发 生 正 交一 四 方 的 结 构 P Ti。 8 转 变 , 在 4 5℃ 附 近 对 应 于 P Ti。 米 线 的 四方 一 立 方 转 变 . 而 3 b O 纳 关键词 钛酸铅 ; 米线 ; 纳 四方 性 ; 电相 变 铁 TB 4 3 文献标志码 A
第 3 卷笫 1 3 期
21 年 3 01 月
湖北大学学报( 自然 科 学 版 )
J u n l fH u e Unv r i ( tr l ce c ) o r a o b i ie st Na u a in e y S
Vo . 3 No 13 .1
M a ..2O1 r l
中 图分 类 号
钙 钛矿 结构 铁 电体 ( 式为 AB 。 是一 类非 常重 要 的铁 电体 , 酸 铅 ( b O。 是一 种 典 型 的钙钛 通 O) 钛 P Ti ) 矿型结 构铁 电材 料 , 有居 里温 度高 、 向 比率 大 、 电耦 合 系数 高 、 电常数 小 等特 点 , 为 电子 元 器 具 轴 机 介 作 件 材料 的基本 组元 , b Os 以提 高器件 的居 里温 度 , 一种 应用 十分 广泛 的铁 电压 电材料 口 . P Ti 可 是 ] 自上个 世 纪 以来 , b O 材 料 在 理 论 和 实 验 上 分 别 进 行 了广 泛 的 研 究 , 利 用 X 射 线 衍 射 、 电 温 谱 和 P Ti 。 如 介 Ra n散射技 术研 究 P T O。 ma b i 的相变 行为 l ; _ 采用 S l e、 属有机 化学 气相 沉积 ( 2 o— l金 g MOC VD) r’ 、, 反应 磁控 溅射 等方 法制备 取 向和外 延 的 P Ti 。 膜 , 究其 介 电 、 电和压 电特 性 l ; 用 L n a b O 薄 研 铁 _ 利 6 a d u理论 、 Abiio统计 力 学 以及第 一 性 原理 等研 究 P T O。 米颗 粒 和薄 膜 的铁 电相 变 、 t ni bi 纳 晶格 动力学 和 压 电特 性 , 探讨 了 P Ti 薄膜 中铁 电性起 源 等 基 础性 问题 [ . 并 b Os 9 此外 , 。 有关 P Ti 。 薄 膜 中的 畴结 构 、 b O 超 铁
Metal-Insulator Transition (Scaling Theory)
j (r)j = exp(jr ? r j= )
The parameter is called the localization length. It appears that the character of localization is strongly dependent on dimensionality. It can be rigorously shown that in 1D all states are already localized in the arbitrary weak disorder. The existence of extended states in 2D is the question that is not completely resolved at present. The picture is more transparent in the 3D case. De nitely in the limit of strong disorder all states are localized. But what happens in case of the intermediate disorder? Anderson considered the simple model Hamiltonian for the impurity band with one orbital 1]: X X (2) H = nay an + V ay am n n Here n are the single site energies that are assigned at random, and V is the hopping matrix element between nearest-neighbour sites. This model allows us to understand how the localization-delocalization transition can occur 4]. Let's assume that the site energies are distributed uniformly over interval W . When W = 0, we have that all sites have the same energy that corresponds to the ordered crystal and unscattered Bloch states. But when V = 0, there is no connection between sites and consequently there is no transport at all. This means that in the limit V = 0 all states are localized. From the other side when W is rather large and 2
L UO n - i Qig we ,RAN qa IF n - u IYig n n ,HONG o gc o A—in ,L e gh a ,L n - a S n -h l一,F AN a -u Zh n g o
( . Sh o o Maeis&Meaug Notes r iesy h n agl0 1 1 colf t a rl tlry, r aenUnvrt,S eyn 1 89,Chn ; l h t i ia 2 Istt o p yiae g ema,Km aku iesyo t h oo , yn ag DP KORE ntue f h s l ni e g i Che nvrt fe nlg P og n , R i c n i c y y A)
Ab ta t E i xa S T 0 ti l r rp rdb tlogncd p s in ( OD ) meh da u rl e o sr c : pt il r i a hn fmsweepe ae ymea ra i e oio i t M to sb 雎 a rfr y
层 . 以 乙 酸 锶 、钛 酸 丁 酯 为 前 驱 物 配 制 了 s 离 子 浓 度 为 0 1 5t l L 的 STO r .2 o ・ o ri 前 驱 溶 液Hale Waihona Puke . 研 究 了 90o 5 C下
不同烧结时间 ( 0 2 、10mi)对在 双轴 织构的 N —W (0 )金属基带 上沉积 S O外 延薄膜 晶体取 向 9 、10 5 n i 20 T 和微 观形貌的影响.结果表 明 ,在 9 0o 5 C氲氢混合气 氛 ( r 4 A 一 %H )下适宜 于 S O薄膜外延生长 的最佳烧 T 结 时间为 10mn T 2 i;S O缓冲层薄膜表面平整致 密 ,无裂纹和T N ,具有 良好取 向 ,可作为 Y aC L B uO 一涂层
第 39 卷第 4 期2024 年 4 月Vol.39 No.4Apr. 2024液晶与显示Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays高迁移率金属氧化物半导体薄膜晶体管的研究进展李强,葛春桥*,陈露,钟威平,梁齐莹,柳春锡,丁金铎(中山智隆新材料科技有限公司,广东中山 528459)摘要:基于金属氧化物半导体(MOS)的薄膜晶体管(TFT)由于较高的场效应迁移率(μFE)、极低的关断漏电流和大面积电性均匀等特点,已成为助推平板显示或柔性显示产业发展的一项关键技术。
然而,为了同时满足显示产业对更高生产效益、更佳显示性能(如高分辨率、高刷新率等)和更低功耗等多元升级要求,需要迁移率更高的MOS TFTs技术。
本文从固体物理学的角度,系统综述了MOS TFTs通过多元MOS材料实现高迁移率特性的研究进展,并讨论了迁移率与器件稳定性之间的关系。
最后,总结展望了MOS TFTs的现状和发展趋势。
关键词:金属氧化物半导体;薄膜晶体管;场效应迁移率;偏压稳定性中图分类号:TN321+.5 文献标识码:A doi:10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0032Research progress of high mobility metal oxide semiconductorthin film transistorsLI Qiang,GE Chunqiao*,CHEN Lu,ZHONG Weiping,LIANG Qiying,LIU Chunxi,DING Jinduo (Zhongshan Zhilong New Material Technology Co. Ltd., Zhongshan 528459, China)Abstract:Thin-film transistor (TFT)based on metal oxide semiconductor (MOS)has become a key technology to boost the development of the flat panel display or flexible display industry due to their high field-effect mobility (μFE), extremely low cut-off leakage current and good large-area electrical uniformity. After more than 30 years of research,amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide (a-IGZO)is the first to be popularized in TFT by replacing the amorphous silicon (a-Si). However, in order to simultaneously meet the multiple upgrade requirements of the display industry for higher productivity,better display performance (such as high resolution, high refresh rate,etc.) and lower power consumption, MOS TFTs technology with higher mobility is required.From the perspective of solid-state physics,this paper reviews the research progress of MOS TFTs to achieve high mobility characteristics through multi-component MOS materials, and discusses the relationship between mobility and device stability. Finally, the status quo and development trend of MOS TFTs are summarized and prospected.文章编号:1007-2780(2024)04-0447-19收稿日期:2024-01-23;修订日期:2024-02-14.基金项目:中山市科技计划(No.LJ2021006,No.CXTD2022005,No.2022A1009)Supported by Zhongshan Science and Technology Development Plan(No.LJ2021006,No.CXTD2022005,No.2022A1009)*通信联系人,E-mail:gechunqiao@zhilong.pro第 39 卷液晶与显示Key words: metal oxide semiconductor; thin-film transistor; field-effect mobility; bias stability1 引言在各类消费电子和工业设备显示中,薄膜晶体管(TFT)驱动背板是保障显示屏幕稳定运行的核心部件。
e c ohmi lm e ac c ocp ( I ) n yl ot me y c .tdsoe dS D clehbt eo asa "o t l t c e c p dnes t soy ES adcc cvl m t ( v) I i vr O a x i dxp k t bu er ai e p r i a r c e l ir e a
0 1 V n - . 5 n te mo ie lcrd . e rd cin D a urn a iert h c n ig rt 1 te rn e o . 4 — . 5 a d0 0 V o h df d ee t eTh e u t e k c r tW l a o te sa nn ae i h a g f0 0 i o o e s n 1
结果表明,在苯酚进水浓度为20 mg/L, 进水TOC=18 mg/L,进水PMS浓度为6.51 mM,背景Na2SO4为0.05 M,电流密度为2.75 mA/cm2,进水pH 2.87,停留时间10 min以及常温的条件下,通过FTC电活化PMS,PMS的分解率达到了71.9%。
可 制作 构造 简 单 的 驱 动 元 件 。这 种 驱 动 元 件 的单 位 体积做功远 比 P Z T等 其 它材 料 的驱 动元 件 大 ,但 是
制 造 这种材 料 必 须 经过 复杂 的塑 性 加 工 和热 处 理 的 组 合 工艺 ,是 该 材 料 的 缺 点 之 一 。 日本 富 士菲 尔 特 工业 公 司和 全泽 工 业 大 学 的研 究 人 员 采 用 镀 镍 的纯 钛 丝 ,制 成 三维 形 状 元 件 后 进 行 扩 散 热 处 理 ,得 到 新 开 发 的元件 ,并评 价 了该 元件 的性 能 。 这种 三 维形 状 T i N i 合 金 元 件 的制 造 方 法 是 :在 直径 1 0 0 t x m 的纯 钛丝 表 面镀 镍 ( 镀层厚度 1 2 I x m) , 然 后缠 绕在 陶 瓷 卷筒 上 加 工 成 圆筒 形 状 ,再 在 真 空
然而 ,当裂纹 穿 过 外 面 的 反 应 层 ,就 为元 素 提 供 一 个 了限制性 的扩 散 通 道 ,从 而促 进 有 害元 素 向 内层
渗入 。
黄朝 文译 自(  ̄ J o u na r l o f Ma t e i r a l s P r o c e s s i n g T e c h n o l o g y }
经 过锻 造后 ,试 样 孔双 锥 体 试 样 显 微 组 织 中 的 初 生
O / 相 在9 5 0℃ 、较 高 的应变 速 率 ( 0 . 0 1 、0 . 1 、1 s ) 时发 生 破 碎 ,这 与 有 限 元 模 拟 结 果 具 有 很 好 的 一
用 镀 镍 钛 丝 制作 形 状 记忆 元 件
该研究首先探讨了SPR的基本原理,并介绍了如何调控SPR 的具体步骤。
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a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /9901019v 1 [c o n d -m a t .d i s -n n ] 4 J a n 1999Metal-insulator transition in spatially-correlated random magnetic field systemD.N.Sheng,Z.Y.WengTexas Center for Superconductivity,University of Houston,Houston,TX 77204-5506We reexamine the problem of delocalization of two-dimensional electrons in the presence of random magnetic field.By introducing spatial correlations among random fluxes,a well-defined metal-insulator transition characterized by a two-branch scaling of conductance has been demonstrated numerically.Critical conductance is found non-universal with a value around e 2/h .Interest-ing connections of this system with the recently observed B =0two-dimensional metallic phase (Kravchenko et al.,Phys.Rev.B 50,8039(1994))are also discussed.71.30.+h,73.20.Fz,73.20.JcWhether two-dimensional (2D)electrons can become delocalized in the presence of random magnetic field (RMF)is still controversial.This is a very important issue related to many interesting systems,like half-filled quantum Hall effect (QHE)[1,2],gauge-field descrip-tion [3]of high-T c superconductor and so on.By us-ing the standard transfer-matrix method [4],a number of numerical calculations [5–7]have been performed for a non-interacting 2D electron system subject to spatially-uncorrelated RMF.The results indicate that electrons are always localized near the band edge,while there is a dra-matic enhancement of localization length as one moves towards the band center.However,the interpretation of the latter is rather conflicting,ranging from that all states are still localized [5,7]with an extremely large lo-calization length close to the band center to the exis-tence of a critical region [6]with divergent localization length.Even if a critical region characterized by wave-functions with fractional dimensionality [8]could exist here,a metallic phase seems being ruled out by those nu-merical calculations since a two-branch scaling as a hall-mark for metal-insulator transition (MIT)has never been found.Analytically,while the study based on a pertur-bative nonlinear sigma model approach pointed [9]to the localization of all states,the existence of extended states was shown [10]possible in the presence of a long-range logarithmic interaction of the topological density (due to fluctuating Hall conductance [11]),which is supported by direct numerical calculations [12,13]of topological Chern number for the case of spatially-uncorrelated RMF with reduced field strength.In contrast to spatially-uncorrelated RMF,however,magnetic flux fluctuations in realistic systems [1–3]may be much more smooth with finite-range spatial correla-tions.Such a smoothness can significantly reduce the random scattering effects while still retain the delocal-ization effect [10–13]introduced by magnetic fluxes.In this paper,we demonstrate numerically for the first time the existence of MIT which is characterized by a two-branch scaling of conductance in the presence of spatially-correlated RMF.The critical conductance itself is non-universal,with its value around e 2/h which gen-erally increases as the Fermi energy shifts towards the band center.With much reduced error bar,the present numerical algorithm is also applied to an uncorrelated (white noise limit)RMF case and the results unambigu-ously show that all states are localized without a critical region at strong strength of RMF.Possible connections of the present RMF system to the zero-magnetic-field (B=0)2D metal [14]are also discussed at the end of the paper.We consider a tight-binding lattice model of noninter-acting electrons under RMF.The Hamiltonian is defined as follows:H =−<ij>e ia ij c +i c j + iw i c +i c i(1)Here c +i is a fermionic creation operator,and <ij >refers to two nearest neighboring sites.w i is an uncorre-lated random potential (white noise limit)with strength |w i |≤W .A magnetic flux per plaquette is given as φ(k )= 2a ij ,where the summation runs over four links around a plaquette labeled by k.We are interested in the case where φ(k )at different k’s is correlated which can be generated in the following way:φ(k )=h 0bar is significantly reduced in our results(about1.5%). In most of earlier numerical calculations,finite-size local-ization length has been computed where the statistical fluctuation is usually quite big(especially near the band center)as compared to a direct calculation of thefinite-size longitudinal conductance in the present algorithm. As a test,we havefirst re-studied the case in which thefluxφ(k)is randomly distributed between−πtoπwithout spatial correlations–the situation investigated previously[5–7]as mentioned at the beginning of the pa-per.Wefind that G xx monotonically decreases with the sample size L at all strengths of the on-site disorders: from W=0to W=4,and is extrapolated to zero at large sample-size limit as shown in Fig.1at afixed Fermi energy E f=−1.In the insert of Fig.1,G xx is shown as a function of the disorder strength W at different sam-ple sizes:L=24,80,and200,which shows that even at W=0the conductance monotonically decreases with the increase of L,indicating that the dominant role of the randomflux here is similar to the random potential in causing localization of electrons.The one-parameter scaling of G xx can be obtained by choosing a scaling vari-ableξat each random potential W.As plotted in Fig. 2,all data can be then collapsed onto a single curve of L/ξ,in whichξis given in the insert of Fig.2.Clearly ξis alwaysfinite although it becomes extremely large at weak disorder limit.This is consistent with the conclu-sion[5,7]that electrons are all localized and excludes the possibility of a critical region[6]as the error bar in our calculation is much less than the variation of the con-ductance itself.Notice that in weak-disorder limitξmay no longer be interpreted as localization length[7]which characterizes an exponential decay of conductance with sample size at strong localized region.Now let us focus on RMF with smooth spatial corre-lations as defined in(2).With the correlation length λf=5.0(the lattice constant as the unit)andflux strength h0=1,G xx as a function of disorder strength W is computed at a given Fermi energy E f=−1as shown in Fig.3.Curves at different sample sizes(L=16–200)all cross at afixed-point W=W c,which is independent of lattice size L within the statistical error bars.It is qual-itatively different from the behavior of G xx in spatially-uncorrelated RMF case discussed above.At W>W c, G xx continuously decreases with the increase of the sam-ple size,which can be extrapolated to zero at large L limit,corresponding to insulating phase.On the other hand,at W<W c,G xx monotonically increases with lat-tice sizes like a typical metallic behavior.The insert of Fig.3shows the critical conductance G c(corresponding to W=W c)at different Fermi energies and h0’s.The data of G xx in Fig.3can be collapsed onto a two-branch curve as a function of scaling variable L/ξas shown in Fig.4for W>W c and W<W c,respectively.The insert of Fig.4shows the scaling variableξvs.W which diverges at the critical point W c.In the metallic phaseat W<W c,G xx can be approximatelyfitted by the fol-lowing form:G xx=G s−c0∗exp(−L/ξ0).Here G s is the saturated conductance at L→∞,which is non-universal and depends on the disorder strength W as well as the correlation lengthλf of randomfluxes.The introduction of spatial correlations in random fluxes is crucial for such a metal-insulator transition.We also found a well-defined MIT at an even shorter cor-relation length:λf=2.0.But the largerλf is,the stronger the metallic behavior becomes with a larger saturated conductance.The previously discussed RMF in white noise limit may only belong to a very special case in which the localization effect of strong random-ness offluxes overwrites the delocalization effect of the samefluxes.We would like to point out that even in such an uncorrelated randomflux case,the delocaliza-tion may be still enhanced if one reduces the strength of RMF.Earlier topological Chern number calculations[12] clearly indicates a delocalization transition as the max-imum strength ofφ(k)is reduced to aroundπ/2.We have computed the conductance in this case using the present method at much larger sample sizes and indeed found a slight increase of the conductance with sample size at W<W c,which is opposite to strong random flux limit where conductance always decreases with the increase of sample size(Fig.1),although a two-branch scaling curves here is not as clear-cut as in the spatially-correlated RMF case shown in Fig.4.As mentioned above,the critical conductance G c varies from0.5e2/h to around2e2/h as the Fermi energy shifts from the band edge towards band center(the insert of Fig.3).It is interesting to note that G c obtained here is in the same range as the experimental data found in recent B=02D MIT system[14].In the following, we would like to point out a possible deeper connection between the two systems.In a recent experiment[16]in p-type GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure,the evolution of delocalized states was studied continuously from the QHE regime at strong magneticfield to zerofield limit where the B=0MIT is recovered.The authors found that the critical den-sity of the lowest extended level in QHE regimeflattens out,instead offloating up towards infinity,as magnetic field is reduced and can be extrapolated to the critical density of B=0MIT in such a material.Similar result has been also observed in Si-MOSFET samples[17,18].Atfirst sight,it is tempting to think that the lowest ex-tended level of QHE somehow survives at B=0,but physically it does not make much sense because QHE ex-tended states carry quantized Hall conductance known as Chern number whereas at B=0the total Hall con-ductance must be zero without time-reversal symmetry-breaking.In fact,experiments indicated[17]that be-fore B vanishes,extended levels of the QHE may al-ready merge with a different kind of extended level(called QHE/Insulator boundary in Ref,[17])which carries an 2opposite sign of Hall conductance.Theoretically,it has been previously found[19]that QHE extended states in-deed can be mixed with some boundary extended level moving down from high-energy side at strong disorder or weak magneticfield limit which carries negative Chern number in a lattice model.When those extended states with different signs of Chern numbers mix together at weak magneticfield limit,there could be two conse-quences:one is that no states will eventually carry non-zero Chern number due to the cancellation such that all of them become localized.This is what happens in non-interacting system[19];The second possibility is that individual states may still carry nonzero Chern numbers and form a delocalized region even though the average Hall conductance still vanishes at B=0.Such a system is then physically related to the RMF system where the delocalization mechanism is also due to thefluctuating Hall conductance[10–13].Below we give a heuristic ar-gument how a strong Coulomb interaction may lead to such a realization.At strong Coulomb interaction with r s≫1(here r s is the ratio of the strength of the Coulomb interaction over the Fermi energy[14]),the2D electron state is very close to a Wigner glass phase where the low-lying spin degrees of freedom may be described by an effective spin Hamiltonian H s given in Ref.[20].The low-lying charge degrees of freedom may be regarded as“defects”which can hop on the“lattice”governed by a generalized t−J like model[20,21].Based on many studies on the t−J model in high-T c problem,especially the gauge-field de-scription[3],charge carriers moving on a magnetic spin background can generally acquirefictitiousfluxes.Such kind offluxes usually can be treated as random mag-neticfields with somefinite-range spatial correlations. According to the numerical results presented above,such a system indeed can have a MIT at B=0.Of course, further model study is needed in order to fully explore this connection which is beyond the scope of the present paper.In conclusion,we have numerically demonstrated the existence of a metal-insulator transition characterized by a two-branch scaling for2D electrons in the presence of spatially-correlated random magneticfields.In contrast to usual three-dimensional metal where the conductance scales to infinity,this2D metal has a saturated non-universal conductance.The range of the critical con-ductance is very similar to that found in B=02D metal-insulator transition.We briefly discussed a possi-ble connection between a2D interacting electron system at r s≫1and the spatially-correlated random-magnetic-field problem based on both experimental and theoretical considerations.Acknowledgments-The authors would like to thank C.S.Ting,X.G.Wen,and especially S.V.Kravchenko for stimulating and helpful discussions.The present work is supported by Texas ARP grant No.3652707,a grant from Robert Welch foundation,and by the State of Texas through the Texas Center for Superconductivity at Uni-versity ofHouston.Fig. 2.The data of G xx at different L’s and W’s all collapse onto a scaling curve as a function of L/ξ.The insert:ξversus W.Fig.3G xx versus W at different sample sizes(L= 16(•),24,32,48,64,80,120,200).W c is the critical dis-order.Fermi energy is chosen at E f=−1.The insert: critical conductance G c as a function of Fermi energy E f. Fig. 4.Two branch-scaling curve of G xx as a single function of L/ξfor different L’s and W’s.The insert:ξversus W.40.1120406080100120140160180200Fig. 1LG x x0.0010.010.11101e-060.00010.011Fig. 2L /ξ101010105370123WξG x x12Fig. 3WG x x0.010.11100.00010.011100Fig. 4L /ξW c↑11010426101234WξG x x。