Communication support for distributed collaborative applications
Message Passing versus Distributed Objects
The message-passing paradigm is a natural model for distributed computing, in the sense that it mimics interhuman communications. It is an appropriate paradigm for network services where processes interact with each other through the exchanges of messages.
Compared to the message-passing paradigm, which is data-oriented, the distributed objects paradigm is actionoriented: the focus is on the invocation of the operations, while the data passed takes on a secondary role. Although less intuitive to human-beings, the distributedobject paradigm is more natural to objectoriented software development.
Host A
Host B
client process
method call
object state data item object operation a distributed object
The benefit of network is that it can transmit information rapidly and easily among widely separated people; people can share hardware and software resources on the network; a computer network can also provide high reliability by having alternative source of supply.
communication 通信 located in … 位于,坐落于 exchange
交换, 互换, 交流
adv 比方说,例如
Similarly, at a local level within, say, a single building or establishment, distributed communities of computer-based workstations use local communication networks to access expensive shared resources--for example, printers, copiers, disks, tapes, etc.--that are also managed by computers.
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专业英语 缩写翻译
ABI 应用二进制接口(Application Binary Interface)ACSI 国家信息化咨询委员会(advisory committee for state informatization)ADSL 非对称数字用户线路(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)AI 人工智能(artificial intelligence)AMPS 高级移动电话系统(Advanced Mobile Phone System)API 应用程序接口(Application Programming Interface)ASIC 特定用途集成电路(Application Specific Integrated Circuit)ASTM 美国试验材料学会(American Society for Testing Material)AT&T 美国电话电报公司(American Telephone and Telegraph Company)ATM 异步传输模式(Asynchronous Transfer Mode)ATOS Origin 源讯公司Auto-ID 自动识别(Auto-ID)AWS 美国航空气象处(Air Weather Service);BAP 基本汇编程序(Basic Assembler Program)BGA 集成电路采用有机载板的一种封装法BOINC 伯克利开放式网络计算 (Berkeley Open Infrastructure For Network Computing ) BSP 板级支持包(Board Support Package)Business Processing 业务处理流程CaaS 通信即服务(communication as a Service)CAN 控制器局域网络(Controller Area Network)CAS 中国科学院(Chinese Academy of SciencesCCTV 中国中央电视台(China Central Television)CDMA2000 电信移动通信系统CIP 预编目录(cataloging in publication)CITYNET 城市间合作网络CMU 卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)CN 通信网络(Communicating Net)CPU 中央处理机(Central Processing Unit)CRA 应答验证 (challenge-response authentication)DARPA 美国国防部高级研究计划局(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)DARPA 研究计划署(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)DASH7Data mining 数据挖掘技术(即指从资料中发掘资讯或知识)DDoS 分布式拒绝服务(Distributed Denial of Service)DG INFSO 媒体总司DG INFSO/D4 欧盟委员会DGINFSO‐D4DMM 分布式内存多处理器(distributed memory multiprocessor)DNS 域名服务器(Domain Name Server)DoD 美国国防部(Department of Defense of the United States)DRAM 动态随机存取存储器(Dynamic Random Access Memory)DSL 数字用户线路(Digital Subscriber Line)DSP 数字信号处理器(Digital Signal Processor)DSS 决策支持系统(Decision Support Systems)DynDNS 动态DNSEAN 欧洲商品编码(Europ Article Number)EAS 电子防窃系统(Electronic Article Surveillance)ECMA 欧洲电脑制造商协会(European Computer Manufactures Association)EPC 电子产品代码(Electronic Product Code)EPCglobal 国际物品编码协会EAN和美国统一代码委员会( UCC )的一个合资公司ERP 企业资源计划(Enterprise Resource Planning)ETSI 欧洲电信标准协会(European Telecommunication Standards Institute)EU-funded CASAGRAS1 coordination 欧盟资助CASAGRAS1协调FAT 文件分配表(File Allocation Table)FP7 欧盟第七框架计划(Framework Program 7)FreeOTFE 免费实时加密FSTC 金融服务技术联盟(Financial Services Technology Consortium)FTP 文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol)GM 通用汽车公司(General Motors)GMSA 全球移动通信系统协会(global system for mobile communications association) GPRS 通用分组无线业务(General Packet Radio Service)GPS 全球定位系统(Global Position System)GSM 全球移动通信系统(Global System for Mobile Communications)GUI-based 图形用户界面HP 惠普公司HTML5 HTML5是HTML下一个的主要修订版本,现在仍处于发展阶段HTTP 超文本传输协议(Hyper Text Transport Protocol)HTTPS 安全超文本传输协议(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)I²C 两线式串行总线(Inter-Integrated Circuit)IaaS 架构即服务(Infrastructure As A Service)IATA 国际航空运输协会(International Air Transport Association)ICC 集成电路卡(integrated circuit card)ICT 集成电路计算机遥测技术(Integrated Computer Telemetry)iDA 资讯通信发展管理局(infocomm Development Authority)IEC 国际电工技术委员会(International Electrotechnical Commission)IEEE 电气与电子工程师协会(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)IETF Internet工程任务组(Internet Engineering Task Force)IMT-2000 国际移动电话系统-2000(International Mobile Telecom System-2000)IOT 物联网(Internet Of Things)IPSec 网际协议安全(Internet Protocol Security)IPSO 因特网协议安全选件(Internet protocol security option )IPv4 IPv4,是互联网协议(Internet Protocol,IP)的第四版IR 指令寄存器(instruction register)ISA 工业标准总线(Industry Standard Architecture)ISM 美国供应管理协会(the Institute for Supply Management , ISM)ISO 国际标准化组织(International Standardization Organization)ISTAG IST咨询集团(IST advisory group)IT 信息技术(Information Technology)ITSO_LtdITU 国际电信联盟(International Telecommunication Union)KAEC 阿卜杜拉国王经济城(King Abdullah Economic City)KVM 基于内核的虚拟机(K Virtual Machine)LAN 局域网(local area network)LCD 液晶显示屏(liquid crystal display)LR-WPAN 低速率无线个人区域网络(Low Rate-Wireless Personal Area Network)LSI 大规模集成电路(Large Scale Integrated circuit)MAC 多路存取计算机(Multi-Access Computer)MAN 城域网(Metropolitan Area Network)MASDAR 马斯达尔MEMS 微电子机械系统(Micro-electromechanical Systems)METI 日本经济贸易产业省(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)MIC 部门内部事务和通讯(the ministry of internal affairs and communications) MIT 麻省理工学院(Massachu-setts Institute of Technology);MPP 大量信息并行处理机,大规模并行处理机(Massively Parallel Processor)MRI 核磁共振成像(Magnatic Resonance Imaging);MSI 中规模集成电路(medium-scale integration)MVNO AdicaNaaS 网络即服务(Network As A Service)NASA 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)NetBSD 一个免费的,具有高度移植性的UNIX-like操作系统NFC 近场通讯(Near Field Communication)NFCIPNIC 网络接口卡(Network Interface Card)NMT 北欧移动电话(Nordic Mobile Telephone)NSF (美国)国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)NTT DoCoMo 移动通信网公司NYU 纽约大学(New York University)OLED 有机发光二极管(Organic Light Emitting Diode)ONS 国家统计局(Office For National Statistics)P2P 点对点技术(peer-to-peer);PaaS 平台即服务(Platform As A Service)PARC 帕洛阿尔托研究中心(Palo Alto Research Center)PC 个人电脑(Personal Computer);PCI 外部控制器接口(Peripheral Component Interconnect)PHY 物理层协议(Physical Layer)PKI 公钥基础设施(Public Key Infrastructure)POTS 普通老式电话服务(Plain Old Telephone Service)QNX 嵌入式实时操作系统(Quick Unix )R&D 研发(Research & Development)RACO 德国雷科resPONDER 响应器RFID 无线射频识别(radio frequency identification devices)RISC 精简指令集计算机(Reduced Instruction-Set Computer)ROM 只读存储器(read only memory)RS-232 串行数据通信的接口标准RTOS 实时操作系统(Real Time Operating System)SaaS 软件即服务(Software as a Service)SAP SAP是目前全世界排名第一的ERP软件SAVVIS 维斯公司SCADA 监测控制和数据采集(supervisory control and data acquisition)SIM 用户身份识别卡(subscriber identity module)SIMD 单指令多数据(Single Instruction Multiple Data)SIMIT 中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所SMP 对称多处理机(SymmetricalMulti-Processing)SOC 片上系统(System on a Chip)SPOM 自动程序单芯片微处理(Self Programmable One Chip Microprocessor)SPT 季票 (season parking ticket)SRI 斯坦福研究院(Stanford Research Institute)SSE 单指令多数据流式扩展 ( streaming SIMD extensions)SSI 小规模集成(电路)(Small Scale Integration);SSO 单点登录(single sign-on)T2TITTACS 全接入通信系统(Total Access Communication System)TCB 可信计算基(Trusted Computing Base)TCP/IP 传输控制/网络通讯协定(Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol)TD-SCDMA 即时分同步的码分多址技术(Time Division-Synchronization Code Division Multiple Access)TEDS 传感器电子数据表(Transducer Electronic Data Sheet)TLS/SSL SSL(Secure Sockets Layer,安全套接层)TPANSmitterTRON 实时操作系统核心程序(The Realtime Operating System Nucleus)U.S.Department of Defence 美国国防部UCC 统一编码委员会(uniform code council inc)UCLA 加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California at Los Angeles)UHF 超高频(Ultra High Frequency)UML 统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language)UNL 无处不在的网络实验室(ubiquitous networking laboratory)USAID 美国国际开发署(United States Agency for International Development)USB 通用串行总线(Universal Serial Bus)USDA 美国农业部(United States Department of Agriculture)VLSI 超大规模积体电路(Very Large Scale Integrated Circuites)VNP-VNOWAN 广域网(Wide Area Network)WCDMA 宽带码分多址移动通信系统(Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)Wi-Fi 无线上网技术WROM 一次写/读很多内存(write once/read many memory)WSN 无线传感网络(wireless sensor network)。
关于聊天的英语文章Chatting has become an integral part of our daily lives in the digital age. Whether it's catching up with friends, discussing work-related matters, or simply passing the time, the ability to engage in real-time conversations through various communication platforms has profoundly impacted the way we interact with one another. In this essay, we will explore the significance of chatting and its multifaceted role in our modern society.One of the primary benefits of chatting is its ability to foster and maintain social connections. In a world where physical distance can often hinder face-to-face interactions, chatting provides a convenient and accessible means of staying in touch with loved ones, friends, and colleagues. Through text-based conversations, users can share their thoughts, experiences, and emotions, creating a sense of closeness and community even when physically apart. This connectivity can be particularly valuable for individuals who may have limited opportunities for in-person socializing, such as those living in remote areas or those with mobility challenges.Moreover, chatting has become an essential tool for professional communication. In the modern workplace, where remote work and virtual collaboration have become increasingly common, the ability to engage in real-time discussions through chat platforms has become crucial for effective team coordination, problem-solving, and decision-making. Colleagues can quickly share updates, ask questions, and brainstorm ideas, facilitating efficient and productive workflows. This level of ongoing communication can help to bridge the gap created by physical distance and foster a sense of cohesion within distributed teams.Beyond its social and professional applications, chatting has also emerged as a valuable resource for information sharing and knowledge exchange. Online chat forums and discussion boards have become hubs for individuals with shared interests or expertise to connect, share insights, and learn from one another. Whether it's seeking advice on a specific topic, troubleshooting a technical issue, or engaging in intellectual discourse, these chat-based communities can provide a wealth of valuable information and diverse perspectives that can enrich the user's understanding and personal growth.Furthermore, the rise of chatbots and virtual assistants has introduced a new dimension to the world of chatting. These AI-powered conversational agents can engage in natural languageinteractions, providing users with a wide range of services, from customer support and scheduling assistance to personalized recommendations and even emotional support. While these chatbots may not fully replicate the depth and nuance of human-to-human communication, they can offer a convenient and accessible way for users to obtain information, complete tasks, and even explore new ideas and perspectives.However, it is important to acknowledge the potential drawbacks and challenges associated with chatting. One significant concern is the impact of excessive or compulsive chatting on mental health and well-being. The constant need to respond to messages, the fear of missing out, and the potential for online harassment or cyberbullying can contribute to feelings of anxiety, stress, and social isolation. It is crucial for individuals to maintain a healthy balance between their online and offline lives, setting boundaries and practicing self-care to avoid the negative consequences of excessive chatting.Additionally, the reliance on technology for communication can also raise concerns about privacy and data security. The personal information shared through chat platforms can be vulnerable to data breaches or misuse, and users must be vigilant in protecting their digital privacy and maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information. Responsible use of chatting technologies, coupled with strong security measures and ethical data practices, is essential tomitigate these risks.Despite these challenges, the overall impact of chatting on our lives has been predominantly positive. By facilitating social connections, enabling efficient communication, and fostering knowledge sharing, chatting has become an integral part of our modern way of life. As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that the role and capabilities of chatting will continue to expand, presenting both opportunities and challenges that we must navigate with care and consideration.In conclusion, chatting is a multifaceted phenomenon that has transformed the way we interact with one another in the digital age. From maintaining social bonds to enhancing professional collaboration and facilitating information exchange, the ability to engage in real-time conversations has become a fundamental aspect of our daily lives. While we must be mindful of the potential drawbacks and ensure responsible use, the benefits of chatting far outweigh the challenges, making it an indispensable tool in our increasingly connected world.。
NEC UNIVERGE SV9500通信服务器说明书
Achieve the Smart EnterpriseThe Smart Enterprise innovates by leveraging the best and most current information technologies,tools, and products. With NEC’s UNIVERGE SV9500 Communications Server, smart enterprisesare empowered by technologies which optimize business practices, drive workforce engagement,and create a competitive advantage.®Power for Large BusinessesThe UNIVERGE SV9500 is a powerful communications solution that is designed toprovide competitive businesses with the high-e ciency, easy-to-deploy technology that they require. Reliable, scalable, adaptable, andeasy-to-manage, the SV9500 is built on cutting-edge technology that supports Voice, Uni ed Communications (UC)and Collaboration, Uni ed Messaging, and Mobility out-of-the-box, all the while remaining easy to manage.This robust, feature-rich system is ideal for geographically distributed businesses and enterprises.It is designed to help solve today’s communications challenges and o ers easy integration with NEC’s unique vertical solutions.®Communication ServerMG (SIP)UG50UNIVERGE SV9500® UNIVERGE SV9500,®UNIVERGE SV9500®IP PhoneSoft Phone DECT PhoneUC DesktopSmart DeviceThe UNIVERGE SV9500 o ers:Premier IP uni ed communicationsVoice/UC/UM delivered as an integrated solutionSimpli ed user licensingComprehensive contact center suiteBroad range of mobility applications and devicesVertical market-speci c solutionsWide-range of end-pointsSingle point con guration and managementMulti-Line SIP client, multi-carrier supportVirtualization supportDelivery on NEC’s green initiativesThailand Uni ed CommunicationsVendor of The Year 2015UNIVERGE ®SV9500 – Empowering the Smart WorkforceInnovation that Fits your IT ArchitectureMaintain IT more e cientlyThe user-friendly management interface streamlines system adminis-tration, giving your IT department one personalized portal to administer the entire communications system – Voice, Uni edCommunications, and Voicemail – all from one central location. The SV9300 meets all the needs of today’s IT manager for operational e ciency, security and IT governance.No one wants a communications system that’s di cult to use and even harder to maintain and protect. That’s why NEC’s SV9500 is one of the easiest to con gure Uni ed-Communications-capable systems on the market. The SV9500 easily integrates with existing IT technology as a fully interoperable digital or IP system.Working seamlessly in data centers and cloud environments, SV9500 aligns with IT strategies to virtualize communication and collaboration services - whether deployed in a data center, spread across an organiza-tion’s di erent sites or hosted in the cloud.Data Center readyVirtualize your environmentThe SV9500 gives you the option of a fully virtualized communica-tions solution. By doing so you can deploy applications faster,increase performance and availability, and automate operations — resulting in IT that’s easier to implement and less costly to own and maintain.Make collaborating easier with Uni ed CommunicationsNEC’s SV9500 UC suite of applications gives you the communication tools you need to streamline communications and information delivery. With this powerful, manageable solution, your information is centralized and messages uni ed,so your employees can e ciently manage day-to-day business and communications easily.Users are able to dictate and manage how, when, and where he/she wants to bereached via the desktop and mobile clients. And with the help and inclusion of single number reach, an integrated softphone, call forwarding,and voice/video conferencing and collabo-ration you can ensure that your customers are able to reach whomever they need to, when they need to. SV9500 UC provides you with the option of using the desktop client as a standalone application or integrated with your Microsoft® O ce Outlook® client.Your employees retain ownership of their communications. They set their schedule, and their phone rings accordingly.They launch a meeting or customer service session, and then manage it directly fromtheir desktop.Making Calling ExcitingFreedom of choice and personalization ensurea smart work environmentCall from your desk phoneFor those interested in keeping handsetsstationary: NEC’s innovative desktop endpoint design is intended to deliver maximumdeployment exibility, while a wide range of choices allow for multiple combinations that t any and all business niches or personaliza-tion requirements.UNIVERGE Desktop Telephones make o ce life better®Enabling communication and access to informationin real timeSP350 SoftPhone embeds voice communication into establishedbusiness processes to bring employees the instant communication and information they require. This versatile communications tool o ers an extensive array of high-quality video, audio, voice and text features.The SP350 SoftPhone is a multimedia IP phone installed on a personal computer or laptop. It delivers high-quality voice communication using a USB-connected headset/handset. Employees can use itas a primary desktop telephone, as a supplemental desktop telephone or as a remote/telecommuting device.UC for Enterprise Attendant &NEC’s UT880 takes it to the next levelBusinesses need a cost-e ective attendant console that makes their workers more e cient while improving their customer service. NEC’s UCE Attendant was designed speci cally to optimize business performance and boost abusiness’s standard of service.Optimal call management through a customizable, intuitive user interface Presence-enabled directorythat seamlessly integrates with corporate directory data Screen-pops provide valuable customer information even before a call is answeredSkills-based directory search to quickly nd the person most suitable to assist the callerA cost-e ective way to increase attendant productivity Intuitive on screen call control with exible routingSeamless integration of presence-enabled directory with click to call, e-mail, SMS and IMOptional threat recording, 911 alerts, on-call schedules, message taking and procedure managementIntegrates with popular contact and CRM applicationsas well as Microsoft Outlook®®Wide range of choices – choose from IP or digital, 2-line keys to32+ or DESI-less, grayscale, color or touch-screen display, custom keypads, plus moreCustomizable function keys – can be adapted to the exact individual requirements of your business User-friendly interface – little or no sta training requiredBluetooth connection adapter – enables users to receive and place calls through either theirsmart device or desktop telephoneA full seven-inch color display with four- nger multi-touch capabilitiesUNIVERGE Multi-Line client that emulates any NEC telephoneOpen interface for application development Supports SV9500 platform voice functionality and hands-free speakerphone Integrated Bluetooth capabilityBuilt-in camera for video conferencing Multiple login support USB portAdvanced FeaturesUNIVERGE Softphone : SP350®The SV9500 meets allyour communications needsBusiness boosting applications – Extend your communicationDECT Phone DT400 / DT800 : Digital Phone & IP PhoneNEC Corporation (Thailand) Ltd. (Head O ce)3 Rajnakarn Building, 22nd . and 29th .South Sathorn Road, Yannawa, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120https://Email:*************.th。
算术逻辑单元 模拟用户线单元 调幅 管理模块 隔位标志翻转 接入网 美国国家标准学会 美国国家标准协会 全光网络指信号仅在进出网络时才进行电/光和光/电的变 All Optical Network 换,而在网络中传输和交换的过程中始终以光的形式存在。 Automatic Protection Switching 自动保护倒换 Access and Remote Control 接入和遥控 Automati Slope Control 自动斜率控制 American standard code for information interchange 美国信息交换标准码 Application-Specific Integrated Circuits 专用集成电路 Advanced Technology Attachment 高级技术附加装置 pulse code 脉冲码 Analogue Trunk Unit 模拟中继单元 Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步传输模式 异步转移模式。将话音、图像、数据、视频等多种业务数字 Asynchronous Transfer Mode 化后转换成长度相同的分组(信元),包括信息域和元头, 根据元头的信息进行传送。 Asynchrous Transfer Mode 异步传送方式 Administration Unit 管理单元 AU Pointer Positive Justification 管理单元正指针调整 Administrative Unit Alarm Indication SignalAU 告警指示信号 Administration Unit Group 管理单元组 Loss of Administrative Unit Pointer AU指针丢失 AU Pointer Negative Justification 管理单元负指针调整 Administration Unit Pointer 管理单元指针 audio visual 声视,视听 Auchio &Video Control Device 音像控制装置 American Wire Gauge 美国线缆规格 Bridge Amplifier 桥接放大器 Building Automation & Control net 建筑物自动化和控制网络
(1)1. Each of these areas has developed a deep DSP technology, with its own algorithms, mathematics, and specialized techniques. This combination of breath and depth makes it impossible for any one individual to master all of the DSP technology that has been developed.译文:每个研究领域都在它自身特有的算法、数学和技术的基础上更深入的开发DSP技术,从而使DSP技术在广度和深度两个方面都得到拓展,因此,任何人都不可能掌握所有现存的DSP技术。
2. The development of digital signal processing dates from the 1960’s with the u se of mainframe digital computers for number-crunching applications such as the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), which allows the frequency spectrum of a signal to be computed rapidly.译文:数字信号处理技术源于20 世纪60 年代,彼时,大型计算机开始用于处理计算量较大运算,例如可以快速获得信号的频谱的快速傅立叶变换(FFT)等。
在本句中,The development of digital signal processing是主语,dates from 是谓语,意思是起源于历史上的某一年代。
后面以which 引导的定语从句用于修饰FFT。
3. Without it, they would be lost in the technological world.译文:没有基本的电路设计的背景(经验),他们将会被技术界淘汰4. Note that the acronym DSP can variously mean Digital Signal Processing, the term usedfor a wide range of techniques for processing signals digitally, or Digital Signal Processor, a specialized type of microprocessor chip.译文:需要注意的是,缩写DSP有多种含义,它既可以解释为“数字信号处理”,也可以解释为“数字信号处理器”,前者表示一种目前被广泛采用的数字信号处理技术,后者则表示一种专用的微处理器芯片。
随着形势的发展,IEC 61850标准的应用已经超出变电站的范围,所以IEC 61850标准第2版.标准的名称已由“变电站通信网络和系统”改为“电力企业白动化的通信网络和系统( Communication networks and systems for power utility automation)”。IEC 61850标准不仅用于电力系统,还由IEC TC65采用用于以太网的测量控制系统(IEC 65 306A 基于ISO/IEC 8802.3 的通信网测量和控制实时应用数字数据通信网的协议集),在更广泛的工业控制系统中应用。在我们国家的十一五期间将要逐步试验推广IEC 61850标准,为此正在制定“DL/T860系列标准工程化实施技术规范”。
IEC61850变电站通信网络和系统国际标准是从1994开始启动的,1998年确定以美国电科院的UCA2.0作为制定标准的基础,至2004年全部出版。IEC61850标准为通信网络和系统标准,不仅局限于通信协议。1999年11月我国在由中电联电力电力标准化处主持下,在全国电力系统管理及其信息交换标准技术委员(SAC/TC82)内成立变电站自动化工作组,对IEC61850标准进行跟踪、消化,将其转换为我国的电力行业标准,并派员参与 IEC TC57第10、11、12工作组(2004年IEC61850全部标准出版后仅保留第10工作组,此工作组更名为“电力系统IED通信及数据模型”)的标准制定工作。2004~2007年,IEC61850标准的14个分册被转换成我国电力行业标准出版,2005~2007年在国调中心的主持下共进行了6次IEC61850标准互操作试验。
为了避免多重的数据转换,IEC TC57 专门成立第19工作组协调IEC 61850 标准和IEC61970 301 标准的数据模型(IEC 61870--能量管理系统应用程序接口),这样将变电站内的数据模型和控制中心的调度自动化系统的数据模型协调一致起来。EC采取这么多措施,制定这么多标准就是要使IEC 61850标准成为电力系统无缝通信系统的标准。如果目前在变电站内按IEC 61850标准实现了自动化,但是变电站和控制中心之间可能还在采用IEC 6O870—5—101/104标准进行通信,国际电工委员会正在制定IEC61850—80--1( Guideline to exchange information from a CDC based data model using IEC 60870—5—101/104)实现IEC 61850标准到IEC 60870—5—101/104标准数据的映射,以便将变电站内的信息传送到控制中心或者反方向传送。
小学上册英语第三单元测验卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.We can ___ a movie together. (watch)2.What do we call the time of day when we go to sleep?A. MorningB. EveningC. NightD. Afternoon3.What is the capital of Finland?A. HelsinkiB. OsloC. StockholmD. Tallinn4.What do you call the protective outer covering of animals?A. SkinB. FurC. ShellD. ScalesA5.The ________ was a significant period in the history of political thought.6.My uncle is a good ____ (painter).7. A __________ (实验室测试) ensures product safety and effectiveness.8.This boy, ______ (这个男孩), loves to ride his bike.9.The fireflies are ______ (glowing) at night.10.The ocean is very ________.11.The ______ is a part of a plant that holds the leaves.12.What is the capital of Kazakhstan?A. AlmatyB. Nur-SultanC. ShymkentD. Karaganda13.I like to play ______ (视频游戏).14.What do we call the process of a plant growing from a seed?A. GerminationB. PhotosynthesisC. PropagationD. CultivationA15.This __________ (玩具名) is made of __________ (材料).16. A goldfish can recognize its own _______ (影子).17. A __________ is a crack in the Earth's surface.18.The process of heating a substance to remove water is called _______.19. A _______ is a solution with a low concentration of solute.20.We have math class at ___. (ten)21.The largest land animal is the ______.22.What fruit is yellow and curved?A. AppleB. BananaC. OrangeD. Grape23.The flowers are ______ in the garden. (blooming)24.The squirrel collects ______ (坚果) in autumn.25.I enjoy playing ______ (排球) at the beach during summer vacations.26. A ________ (草原) is open and spacious.27.What do you call the time when people celebrate a new year?A. GraduationB. CelebrationC. New Year’s EveD. PartyC28.My favorite game is ________.29.I enjoy ______ (与同事们合作).30.The __________ can provide important insights into Earth's history.31.My grandma loves to cook ____ (soups).32.Which sport uses a net and a ball?A. SoccerB. TennisC. BaseballD. GolfB33.What do you call a place where you can borrow books?A. SchoolB. LibraryC. StoreD. ParkB34.Every morning, I wake up at _____ (时间) and get ready for school. I usually have _______ (食物) for breakfast. After that, I take my _______ (交通工具) to school.35. A chemical property describes how a substance _____ with others.36. A _______ is a mixture where the components are evenly distributed.37.I enjoy cooking ______ for my family.38.What is the opposite of large?A. SmallB. TinyC. MiniatureD. All of the aboveD39.She _____ (plays/played) piano well.40.I love to watch ________ (足球赛) on TV.41.The sun sets in the ___ (west).42.What is the capital of the Turks and Caicos Islands?A. Grand TurkB. ProvidencialesC. South CaicosD. North CaicosA43.ssance artist Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the ______ (西斯廷教堂). The Rena44.Which insect makes a web?A. AntB. FlyC. SpiderD. BeeC45. A flamingo stands in shallow ________________ (水).46.The boiling point of water is higher at ______ altitude.47.My dad takes care of the ________ in our backyard.48.The ______ has a long tongue.49.What is the name of the famous explorer who discovered America?A. Christopher ColumbusB. Marco PoloC. Ferdinand MagellanD. Vasco da GamaA50. A kitten can be very ______ (调皮).51. A __________ is formed through the action of water on rock.52.The ______ (树) is very tall.53.The ________ can change its color.54.The capital of the Solomon Islands is _______.55.I like to share my ____ with my friends. (玩具名称)56.中国的________ (history) 充满了勇敢和智慧的故事。
中国联通China Unicom中国移动China Mobile网络容量network capacity交换容量exchange capacity扩容Capacity Expansion平滑升级smooth upgrade射频Radio Frequencies接收灵敏度Receive Sensitivity:数据Data Options传输速率Data Rate电源部分Power supply数据接口Data Interface天线接口Antenna Interface传输速率Baud Rate用户交互界面User Interface认证Certifications网络数据传输数率net data transfer rate 联通无限U-Max旗下subordinate]品牌trademarkU-Info 互动视界U-Magic 神奇宝典U-Net 掌中宽带U-Mail 彩eU-Map 定位之星U-Sms 联通在信应用服务Application Service产业价值链industrial value chain战略目标strategic objective渠道channel转型transition/Transformation推广extension针对aim at电信telecommunication整合conformity市场渗透率market penetration factor 微观的microcosmic科学技术science and technology地理环境geographic environment宏观的macroscopical供应链supply chain产品种类product variety价格水平price level销售方式modes of sale 客户client敏感sensitivity营业场所business ground or office投诉complaintelecom operators 电信运营商指标index第二手资料secondary source data第一手材料the first-hand material/first-hand data分销商distributor管理者administrative supervisor增值value increment副总经理deputy general manager交通枢纽traffic hub渤海Bohai Sea华北平原North China Plain人力资源human resources奖惩rewards and punishment长江三角洲the Yangtze Delta珠江三角洲Pearl River Delta经济圈economic circle经济一体化economic integration地形terrain地貌topographic feature海岸线coast line造纸paper making胶片film化工chemical industry]矿产minerals可支配收入disposable income良性循环virtuous circles生产总值total output value人均国内生产总值per capita GDP消费性支出nonproductive expenditure衣、食、住、行basic life necessities of clothing, food, shelter and weans of travel产业结构industrial structure结构优化optimum structure改革开放reform and opening翻两番quadruple可持续发展sustainable development城市化urbanizationActuator 执行器A:Amplifier 放大器A:Attendance员工考勤A:Attenuation衰减AA:Antenna amplifier 开线放大器AA:Architectural Acoustics建筑声学AC:Analogue Controller 模拟控制器ACD:Automatic Call Distribution 自动分配话务ACS:Access Control System出入控制系统AD:Addressable Detector地址探测器ADM:Add/Drop Multiplexer分插复用器ADPCM:Adaptive Differential ulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉冲编码调制AF:Acoustic Feedback 声反馈AFR:Amplitude /Frequency Response 幅频响应AGC:Automati Gain Control自动增益控制AHU:Air Handling Unit 空气处理机组A-I:Auto-iris自动光圈AIS:Alarm Indication Signal 告警指示信号AITS:Acknowledged Information Transfer Service确认操作ALC:Automati Level Control 自动平衡控制ALS:Alarm Seconds 告警秒ALU:Analogue Lines Unit 模拟用户线单元AM:Administration Module管理模块AN:Access Network 接入网ANSI:American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会APS:Automatic Protection Switching 自动保护倒换ASC:Automati Slope Control 自动斜率控制ATH:Analogue Trunk Unit 模拟中继单元ATM:Asynchrous Transfer Mode 异步传送方式AU- PPJE:AU Pointer Positive Justification 管理单元正指针调整AU:Administration Unit 管理单元AU-AIS:Administrative Unit Alarm Indication SignalAU告警指示信号AUG:Administration Unit Group 管理单元组AU-LOP:Loss of Administrative Unit Pointer AU指针丢失AU-NPJE:AU Pointer Negative Justification 管理单元负指针调整AUP:Administration Unit Pointer管理单元指针A VCD:Auchio &Video Control Device 音像控制装置AWG:American Wire Gauge美国线缆规格BA:Bridge Amplifier桥接放大器BAC:Building Automation & Control net建筑物自动化和控制网络BAM:Background Administration Module后管理模块BBER:Background Block Error Ratio背景块误码比BCC:B-channel Connect ControlB通路连接控制BD:Building DistributorBEF:Buiding Entrance Facilities 建筑物入口设施BFOC:Bayonet Fibre Optic Connector大口式光纤连接器BGN:Background Noise背景噪声BGS: Background Sound 背景音响BIP-N:Bit Interleaved Parity N code 比特间插奇偶校验N位码B-ISDN:Brand band ISDN 宽带综合业务数字网B-ISDN:Broad band -Integrated Services Digital Network 宽带综合业务数字网BMC:Burst Mode Controller 突发模式控制器BMS:Building Management System 智能建筑管理系统BRI:Basic Rate ISDN 基本速率的综合业务数字网BS:Base Station基站BSC:Base Station Controller基站控制器BUL:Back up lighting备用照明C/S: Client/Server客户机/服务器C:Combines 混合器C:Container 容器CA:Call Accounting电话自动计费系统CA TV:Cable Television 有线电视CC:Call Control 呼叫控制CC:Coax cable 同轴电缆CCD:Charge coupled devices 电荷耦合器件CCF:Cluster Contril Function 簇控制功能CD:Campus Distributor 建筑群配线架CD:Combination detector 感温,感烟复合探测器CDCA:Continuous Dynamic Channel Assign 连续的动态信道分配CDDI:Copper Distributed Data 合同缆分布式数据接口CDES:Carbon dioxide extinguisbing system 二氧化碳系统CDMA:Code Division Multiplex Access 码分多址CF:Core Function 核心功能CFM:Compounded Frequency Modulation 压扩调频繁CIS:Call Information System 呼叫信息系统CISPR:Internation Special Conmittee On Radio Interference 国际无线电干扰专门委员会CLNP:Connectionless Network Protocol 无连接模式网络层协议CLP:Cell Loss Priority信元丢失优先权CM:Communication Module 通信模块CM:Configuration Management 配置管理CM:Cross-connect Matrix交叉连接矩阵CMI:Coded Mark Inversion传号反转码CMISE:Common Management Information Service公用管理信息协议服务单元CPE:Convergence protocol entity 会聚协议实体CR/E:card reader /Encoder (Ticket reader )卡读写器/编码器CRC:Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗佘校验CRT:Cathode Ray Tabe 显示器,监视器,阴极射线管CS: Convergence service 会聚服务CS:Cableron Spectrum 旧纳档块化技术CS:Ceiling Screen 挡烟垂壁CS:Convergence Sublayer合聚子层CSC:Combined Speaker Cabinet 组合音响CSCW:Computer supported collaborative work 计算机支持的协同工作CSES:Continuius Severely Errored Second 连续严重误码秒CSF:Cell Site Function 单基站功能控制CTB:Composite Triple Beat 复合三价差拍CTD:Cable Thermal Detector 缆式线型感温探测器CTNR:carrier to noise ratio 载波比CW:Control Word 控制字D:Directional 指向性D:Distortion 失真度D:Distributive 分布式DA:Distribution Amplifier 分配的大器DBA:Database Administrator数据库管理者DBCSN:Database Control System Nucleus数据库控制系统核心DBOS:Database Organizing System 数据库组织系统DBSS:Database Security System 数据库安全系统DC:Door Contacts大门传感器DCC:Digital Communication Channel数字通信通路DCN:Data Communication Network 数据通信网DCP-I:Distributed Control Panel -Intelligent 智能型分散控制器DCS:Distributed Control System集散型控制系统DDN:Digital Data Network 数字数据网DDS:Direct Dignital Controller直接数字控制器DDW:Data Describing Word 数据描述字DECT:Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication增强数字无绳通讯DFB:Distributed Feedback 分布反馈DID:Direct Inward Dialing 直接中继方式,呼入直拨到分机用户DLC:Data Link Control Layer 数据链路层DLI:DECT Line InterfaceDODI:Direct Outward Dialing One 一次拨号音DPH:DECT PhoneDRC:Directional Response Cahracteristics 指向性响应DS:Direct Sound 直正声DSP:Digital signal Processing 数字信号处理DSS:Deiision Support System 决策支持系统DTMF:Dual Tone Multi-Frequency 双音多频DTS:Dual -Technology Sensor 双鉴传感器DWDM:Dense Wave-length Division Multiplexing 密集波分复用DXC:Digital Cross-Connect 数字交叉连接E:Emergency lighting照明设备E:Equalizer 均衡器E:Expander 扩展器EA-DFB:Electricity Absorb-Distributed Feedback 电吸收分布反馈ECC:Embedded Control Channel 嵌入或控制通道EDFA:Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier掺饵光纤放大器EDI:Electronic Data Interexchange 电子数据交换EIC:Electrical Impedance Characteristics 电阻抗特性EMC:Electro Magnetic Compatibiloty 电磁兼容性EMI:Electro Magnetic Interference 电磁干扰EMS:Electromagnetic Sensitibility 电磁敏感性EN:Equivalent Noise 等效噪声EP:Emergency Power 应急电源ES:Emergency Sooket 应急插座ES:Evacuation Sigvial疏散照明ESA:Error SecondA 误码秒类型AESB:ErrorSecondB 误码秒类型BESD:Electrostatic Discharge静电放电ESR:Errored Second Ratio 误码秒比率ETDM:Electrical Time Division Multiplexing 电时分复用ETSI:European Telecommunication Standards Institute欧洲电信标准协会F:Filter 滤波器FAB:Fire Alarm Bell 火警警铃FACU:Fire Alarm Contrlol Unit 火灾自动报警控制装置FC:Failure Count 失效次数FC:Frequency Converter 频率变换器FCC:Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统FCS:Field Control System 现场总线FCU:Favn Coil Unit风机盘管FD:Fire Door 防火门FD:Flame Detector 火焰探测器FD:Floor DistributorFD:Frequency Dirsder 分频器FDD:Frequency Division Dual 频分双工FDDI:Fiberdistributed Data Interface光纤缆分布式数据接口。
475 Field Communicator产品数据手册说明书
475Field CommunicatorProduct Data SheetJuly 2009I Full-color graphical user interfaceI Powerful field diagnostics I Bluetooth ®communication I Long-lasting Lithium-Ion power moduleIUniversal support for HART ®and F OUNDATION TM fieldbusdevices475Field CommunicatorWhat you get is the most powerful handheld available –universal,user upgradeable,intrinsically safe,rugged and reliable.Only the 475Field Communicator can deliver all this in a single handheld communicator.IntroductionThe 475Field Communicator builds on the industry-leading technology of the 375Field Communicator while adding innovative newcapabilities including color display,Bluetooth communication,and advanced field diagnostics.The 475Field Communicator is designed to support all HART and F OUNDATION fieldbus devices from all vendors.Product Data Sheet July2009Product DescriptionThe475Field Communicator is designed to simplify your work in the field.The intuitive full color user interface allows you to leverage the same practices for both HART and F OUNDATION fieldbus devices.It includes a larger touch screen than PDAsor Pocket PCs,supports HART versions5,6,and7(including WirelessHART™)devices,and allows you to upgrade your475 Field Communicator onsite using the Internet.See and Feel the Difference The touch screen display uses transflective technology,making it easy to read in both bright sunlight and normal lighting.To make sureall conditions are covered,amulti-level backlight is included,allowing bright,crisp display evenin plant areas with dim light.The touch screen display and largephysical navigation buttons providefor efficient use both on the benchand in the field.The full color graphics capability isprovided as standard with every475Field Communicator.It usespowerful EDDL technology to allowyou to read data from field devicesin a graphical manner.Charts,graphs,gauges,and productimages are just a few of the waysin which important device data canbe displayed using the475FieldCommunicator’s color LCD display.The weight of the475FieldCommunicator is evenlydistributed for comfortableone-handed operation in the field.It runs on Windows CE,a robust,real-time operating system.The475Field Communicatorhas plenty of memory to allow forfuture expansion.It has32MB ofapplication memory and1GB ofmemory on its System Card.User UpgradeableEasy Upgrade Keeps YourCommunicator CurrentThe475Field Communicator isuser upgradeable via the Internet.Avoid the time delays of sendingyour communicator to a servicecenter for upgrades.With theEasy Upgrade option,you candownload new device drivers,functionality,or licenses directlyto your475Field Communicator.Keeping your475FieldCommunicator updated is easy.New HART and F OUNDATIONfieldbus devices,as well asfunctional updates to existingdevices,are introduced continuallyby device vendors.Keepingup-to-date with the requiredDevice Descriptions(DDs)for allthe devices in your plant can bea real challenge.With Easy Upgrade,when newHART and F OUNDATION fieldbusDDs become available,you cansimply download them from theInternet and upgrade your475Field Communicator.Update atyour site,within your control,when it’s convenient for you.Designed not only for use on the bench,the475Field Communicator also enables you to do those tasks that just have to be done in the field.Page2Through Easy Upgrade ,you always have access to the latest HART and fieldbus drivers.With the 475Field Communicator,you are guaranteed universal HART and F OUNDATION fieldbus support in a single,intrinsically safe handheld communicator.Page 3Online LicensingThe Online Licensing capability provided with Easy Upgradeallows you to enable new options for your 475Field Communicator over the Internet.With Online Licensing,powerful options like F OUNDATION fieldbus can be added by simply purchasing the license and downloading it directly to your communicator.Universal –HART and F OUNDATION fieldbusWith over 1,100different HART and F OUNDATION fieldbus devices available from more than 100manufacturers,the 475Field Communicator works with all your devices to positively impact your bottom line.475FieldCommunicatorThe Easy Upgrade Utility allows you to transfer system software,DDs,and HART device configurations between the 475Field Communicator and a PC.Connect using IrDA,Bluetooth,or an SD Card Reader.((()))Easily store and print device configurations for analysis and documentation requirements.Rugged and ReliableIt’s called “Field Communicator”for a reason.Some tasks just have to be performed at thedevice in the field.The 475Field Communicator is designed for tough use in your plant or mill.Its large keys and physical navigation buttons allow forone-handed operation,even with your work gloves on.The rugged display is designed to take the knocks and shocks from normal use in the plant.The 475Field Communicator’s Protective Rubber Boot provides added protection in the field and in your toolbox.Both the rubber boot and 475housing are designed in accordance with Intrinsic Safety standards to limitIntrinsically SafeThe 475Field Communicator meets the Intrinsic Safety requirements of the listed regulatory agencies andstandards.All of the available Hazardous Locations approvals are provided in a single model option (see Ordering Information).–CENELEC/ATEX –Factory Mutual (FM)–Canadian Standards Association (CSA)–FISCO –IECExPage 4Product Data SheetJuly 2009the build up of static electrical energy.The 475Field Communicator is designed,manufactured,and tested to very demandingspecifications.It is ready to go wherever you need to go to get the jobdone.ATEXThe 475Field Communicator,with its handy carrying case,provides a single tool for configuring and diagnosing HART and F OUNDATION fieldbus devices.Even the power module is approved for installation in hazardousareas.The protective rubber boot provides added protection in the field.Page 5475FieldCommunicatorPowerful DiagnosticsInterface with AMS Device ManagerThe 475Field Communicator is fully compatible with AMS Device Manager,the industry standard for asset management software.In fact,Control Magazine readers have selected AMS Device Manager as the #1Calibration Software package for over 10years in a row.AMS Device Manager uses the intelligence from field devices to create a predictive maintenance environment.AMS Device Manager allows you to configure,calibrate,configurations in yourcommunicator or transfer them to AMS Device Manager.Together,the 475FieldCommunicator and AMS Device Manager enable you to efficiently manage all of your devices.Device Configuration ManagementUsing the Easy Upgrade Utility,you can back up hundreds of device configurations and can transfer them between your communicator and a PC.This library of device configurations is easy to view and print for analysis.document,and troubleshoot HART ,F OUNDATION fieldbus,and WirelessHART devices.Transfer device configuration data to AMS Device Manager via the IrDA port or Bluetooth interface on your 475Field Communicator and PC.Take your 475Field Communicator out to the field to configure or update one or more devices.Save up to 1,000devicePage 6Product Data SheetJuly 2009Detect power supply problems by monitoring low frequency noise on a segment.Locate incorrect terminations and faulty devices by diagnosing the communications signal level.For HART loops,the 475Field Communicator allows you to verify whether the DC voltage in the loop is correct.Diagnose Network Problems The 475Field Communicator can be used to configure all the F OUNDATION fieldbus devices in your e it to perform diagnostics for effective start-up and troubleshooting of fieldbus segments.Create a quality segment by diagnosing the network DC voltage and average noise.SpecificationsMicroprocessorI 80MHz Hitachi ®SH3Memory Internal Flash I 32MBSystem CardI 1GB secure digital card RAMI 32MB WeightI Approximately 1.65lb.(0.75kg)with battery DisplayI 1/4VGA (240by 320pixels)color,3.5in.(8.9cm)transflective display with touch screen I Anti-glare coatedKeypadI 25keys including 4action keys,12alphanumeric keys,tab key,function key,backlight key,power key,and 4cursor-control (arrow)keys;membrane design with tactile feedbackUsageI -10°C (14°F )to +50°C (122°F )I 0%to 95%RH (non-condensing)for 0°C (32°F )to +50°C (122°F )ChargeI 10°C (32°F )to +40°C (104°F )Storage With BatteriesI -20°C (-4°F )to +55°C (131°F )Storage Without BatteriesI -20°C (-4°F )to +60°C (140°F )Enclosure Rating I IP51(from front)ShockITested to survive a 1-meter drop test onto concrete UsageIPC with Internet access I CD Rom driveI IrDA port (or adapter)or Bluetooth (or adapter)I SD Card Reader (required for some upgrades)I Windows XP (SP2or SP3)or Windows Vista Business (SP1)BatteryI Rechargeable Lithium-Ion power module Battery Operating TimeI 20hours –continuous use I 40hours –typical use I 80hours –standby modeBattery Charger OptionsI Input voltage 100-240VAC,50-60Hz I Cables included with U.S.,Europe,and U.K.plugs Battery ChargerIMini DIN 6-pin jackHART and FieldbusI Three 4mm banana plugs (one common to HART and F OUNDATION fieldbus)IrDA PortI IrDA (Infrared Data Access)port supporting up to 115KbpsI ±15degrees recommended maximum angle from center lineI Approximately 18in.(45.7cm)recommended maximum distance BluetoothI Up to 32.8ft.(10m)communication distanceI Uses standard Windows drivers I FCC,IC,and CE approvals475Field Communicator Spare Parts ListRuggedized 250Ohm Load Resistor 00275-0096-0001Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Power Module00475-0002-0022Power Supply &Charger (Li-ion/NiMH)US/UK/EU connection types included 00475-0003-0022Power Supply/Charger Standard Cord Set (US/UK/EU cords)00475-0003-0002Power Supply/Charger Australia (AU)cord 00475-0003-0003Leadset with connectors 00375-0004-0001Mounting Straps00475-0005-0002Carrying Case (with straps)00475-0005-0003Magnetic Hangar 00475-0005-0004Protective Rubber Boot 00475-0005-0005Stylus (pack of 2)00475-0006-0001IrDA to USB Adapter (1)00375-0015-0002System Card (SD)Reader (with USB Interface)(2)00375-0018-0022Bluetooth Adapter (1)00475-0018-0023Stand00475-0044-0001Getting Started Guide 00475-0045-3001F OUNDATION fieldbus License Via Web 00375-0142-0002Easy Upgrade (New)License via Web(3)00375-0142-0003(3)(5)AMS Device Manager Field Communicator Interface Kit (25tags)AW7005HC00025AMS Device Manager Field Communicator Interface Kit (100Tags and above)AW7005HC20000(1)Can be used to support communication between the 475and the Easy Upgrade Programming Utility or AMS Device Manager (with Handheld Communicator Interface Kit.IrDA or Bluetooth communication is required to register the 475and use the Online Licensing system.(2)The System Card (SD)Reader allows a user to upgrade a System Card much faster than when using IrDA or Bluetooth.Due to file size constraints,major upgrades require the use of a card reader.(3)The Easy Upgrade feature allows users to add new System Application software and Device Descriptions (DDs)to the 475for a period of 3years.To upgrade without this feature,the System Card must be sent to a Service Center and the upgrade will be completed for a fee.(4)The Field Communicator Online Licensing system is available to end users but it may also be performed by an agent on the user's behalf.It is at the agent's discretion if an additional fee should apply.Any order must be accompanied by the System Card S/N.Instant notification available licenses for download can be provided to email addresses provided at time of order.For more details,see the Online Licensing procedure at (5)The ReNew option is available on System Cards where the Easy Upgrade license has been expired for less than 90days.Date of expiration can be obtained by inter facing the 475with v1.6.0(or higher)of the Easy Upgrade Programming Utility.(6)Requires AMS Device Manager (v6.2or higher).Both AMS Device Manager and the Handheld Communicator Interface Kit are available for sale through select channels only.See for more details.Page 7475Field Communicator©2009,Emerson Process Management.The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only,and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy,they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees,express or implied,regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability.All sales are governed by our terms and conditions,which are available on request.We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of our products at any time without notice.All rights reserved.AMS is a mark of one of the Emerson Process Management group of companies.The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co.All other marks are the property of their respective owners.Emerson Process Management Asset Optimization Division 12001Technology DriveEden Prairie,MN 55344USA T 1(952)828-3206F 1(952)828-3006Product Data SheetMay 2009475Field Communicator475Field Communicator Ordering Information475Field Communicator (1)P Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Power Module Code Power Supply/Charger1Power Supply and Charger NiMH/Li-Ion (US/UK/EU connection types included)(3)9Not included (4)Code Language E English D German J Japanese R RussianCode Product CertificationsKL ATEX,FM,CSA and IECEx Intrinsically Safe (includes FISCO as applicable)NA No Approval Code Easy UpgradeU Easy Upgrade (3year)Option (5)9Not IncludedCode Standard OptionsGMGraphics (included at No Charge)(6)Device Configuration Management (included at No Charge)(7)Code Bluetooth T Bluetooth Communication (8)9No Bluetooth Communication Code Options A Spare Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Power Module (9)S Protective Rubber Boot with Stand Typical HART Model Number:475H P 1E KL U GMT Typical HART/Fieldbus Model Number:475F P 1E KL U GMT(1)Base Model 475includes Field Communicator unit with Color LCD display,System Card,leadset with connectors,carrying case,Getting Started Guide,Resource CD,stylus,and straps.(2)Must specify Easy Upgrade Option (Code U)when ordering this model option.(3)To obtain an Australia power cord,order part number 00375-0003-0003.(4)This option should only be considered if the user already has a 375or 475Power Supply/Charger.If it is a 375Power Supply /Charger,it must be the Li-Ion/NiMH version.(5)The Easy Upgrade capability allows users to add new System Application software and Device Descriptions (DDs)to the 475for a period of 3years.To upgrade without this feature,the System Card would have to be sent to a Service Center.(6)The Graphics functionality enables a user to access enhanced grapical features when using the HART or F OUNDATION fieldbus application.(7)Device Configuration Management provides the capablity to store in excess of 1,000configurations and print them.(8)Bluetooth enables communication to a PC via the Bluetooth protocol.(9)A fully charged Lithium-Ion Power Module is capable of delivering power for 20hours of typical field use.If requirements exceed this specification,a Spare Power Module (code A)should be specified.。
Research Summary
Research SummarySandeep K.S.Gupta1Research Accomplishments in Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing The combination of wireless communication infrastructure and portable computing devices has laid the foundation for a new network computing paradigm,called mobile computing,which permits access to information and collaboration with others while on the move[30].Wireless mobile networks are characterized by severe constraints on resources, such as bandwidth and battery power,and by rapidfluctuations in availability of these resources;this makes it difficult for the system software to provide guaranteed quality-of-service at levels required by many distributed and collabora-tive applications.Further,mobility adds a new dimension to the distributed computing paradigm which has implications for specification,design,verification,and implementation of both system and application software[41].A challeng-ing issue is to determine the interface and the guarantees that system software can efficiently provide to developers of both location-independent and location-dependent(context-aware)[47]applications on mobile networks[42].This has resulted in research on adaptive applications and system software which can gracefully respond to changes in oper-ating conditions[4].My current research is focused on developing adaptive solutions for resource allocation,location management,unicast and multicast routing protocols and caching schemes in wireless networks for supporting mobile computing.1.1Adaptive Unicast and Multicast Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksA mobile ad hoc network consists of mobile computing devices with radio transmission and reception capability.Two node are neighbors in the network and can communicate directly when they are within transmission range of each other and radio propagation condition in the vicinity of these nodes is munication between non-neighboring nodes requires a multi-hop routing protocol.Although mobile ad hoc networks have been mainly used in military ap-plications,they are being increasingly used for civilian applications such as virtual class rooms,wireless local area networks,and law enforcement.It is predicted that in the future such ad hoc networks in collaboration with cellular and overlay networks will provide a ubiquitous computing environment[56].Design and development of commu-nication support for distributed and collaborative applications on mobile ad hoc networks is the current emphasis of my research.The motivation for this work stems from the challenges mobile ad hoc networks pose for supporting the reliable and efficient communication services necessary for distributed computing[43,24].Mobile ad hoc networks present a different network model from the ones used for traditional communication protocol design and implementa-tion.The topology of the network changes with node movements,variations in the radio propagation conditions,and depletion of battery power of the nodes.The rate of topological changes can be different at different times,as well as in different regions of the network.The network can experience frequent network partitioning and may require reconfig-uration of partitioned subnetworks.Moreover,radio bandwidth is a comparatively precious resource and needs to be conserved.Since this dynamic network model is considerably different from that of the current static network model used for developing communication protocols,it is necessary to investigate the appropriateness of existing protocols and develop efficient,reliable,and scalable collective communication protocols for mobile ad hoc networks.In our work,we have defined a mobility-tolerant communication protocol[26]to be one which can function cor-rectly in the presence of transient failures due to mobility of hosts in the network.Development of efficient and scalable mobility-tolerant protocols for group communication is one of my major research thrust.The goal is to develop group communication protocols for one-to-many and many-to-many interaction patterns which adapt to the rate of change of mobility,distribution(spread)and size of the group,and size of the network.We are developing efficient protocolswhich maintain minimal state information,use a minimal number of control messages,react to topological changes only when necessary,and localize the reaction to the neighborhood of the topology change.We aim to provide solutions to the following questions:What guarantees/interface group communication services on mobile ad hoc networks should provide to the tra-ditional and emerging distributed and collaborative applications?How can these group communication services be efficiently implemented in a mobility-tolerant manner on mo-bile ad hoc networks using the underlying point-to-point(unicast)routing and data link layer support?How to characterize the performance of a mobility-tolerant protocol through analysis and simulation?1.1.1Adaptive Protocol for Reliable Multicast[24,28]In this work,we have developed a multicast protocol which combines the advantages of multicast protocol presented by Gerla[5]and by Pagani and Rossi[43].This protocol uses core-based tree(CBT)and incorporates mechanisms for gluing together fragments of this tree when it gets fragmented due to movement of A graph-theoretic notion of for-warding region is introduced which is used to glue together fragments of a multicast trees.The gluing process involves flooding of the forwarding region of only those nodes that witness topology change due to node mobility.Delivery of multicast messages to mobile nodes is expedited through(i)pushing of the message by witness nodes in their forward-ing regions and(ii)pulling of messages by a mobile node during(re)joining process.Hence,the protocol conserves network bandwidth by using a combination of the push-pull approach and by restrictingflooding only to the essential parts of the network that is affected by topology change.We have developed a theoretical model to compute the proba-bility of packet loss(as a function of the mobility rate)for our proposed scheme compared to the the CBT protocol;we have also evaluated the effectiveness of forwarding regions as compared to traditionalflooding.Our analysis shows that the proposed scheme significantly outperforms CBT.1.1.2Self-Stabilizing Multicast Communication Protocols[27,26,7]We are currently applying the paradigm of self-stabilization in distributed fault tolerant algorithm design to tackle the problem of topology change in mobile networks.Self-stabilizing distributed algorithms converge to a global legiti-mate state in presence of any number of intermittent faults while using only local knowledge for actions at each node. Hence,self-stabilizing protocols provide means for tolerating transient faults.However,self-stabilizing protocols pro-vide a non-masking approach to fault tolerance.The service provided by a self-stabilizing protocol may be unavailable while it is stabilizing.Further,the self-stabilizing protocols only guarantee that the protocol will eventually stabilize. Hence,providing no guarantee on how soon the service will become available after the occurrence of faults.These two features of self-stabilizing protocols present many interesting challenges in employing self-stabilizing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks;some of which are i)how can the self-stabilizing protocols be enhanced so that the service remains available while the multi-cast tree is being adapted to the new topology?and ii)how can the self-stabilization protocol be triggered in a controlled manner so as to not overwhelm the system in presence of high mobility?Efficient solutions for performing multi-casting in mobile ad hoc networks will rely on what support underlying data link layer can provide and how the network layer multi-cast protocol can exploit these facilities to intelligently control the overheads while providing desirable QoS.Our goal is to take a synergistic approach in designing the multi-cast protocols so as to make them compatible with the underlying networking layers.In our preliminary work,we have adapted two self-stabilizing protocol for maintaining multicast tree in a mobile ad hoc networks.Thefirst is based on pruning and rooting a minimum spanning tree[27,26]and the other one is based on pruning and rooting a shortest-path tree[7].This work is supported by a grant from NSF.Under this grant we will develop adaptive multi-cast protocols for mobile ad hoc networks with different performance/cost tradeoffs.1.1.3Witness-Aided Routing(WAR)Protocol[1,2]Host mobility and higher link instability are the most prominent factors which affect the performance of routing pro-tocols for ad hoc networks.Unlike proactive protocols,which attempt to reduce the effect of mobility by periodically upgrading routing information(at the expense of network resources),reactive-style protocols are more prone to routingfailures due to the lack of up to date information about network topology.Furthermore,end-to-end guarantees are more difficult to obtain as the network size increases,which hints that end-to-end error recovery may not be a feasible idea for large networks.Further,mobile ad hoc networks may exhibit unidirectional links due to the nature of wireless com-munication.Presence of unidirectional links interferes with the controlflow of many existing unicast routing protocols for such networks,which adversely effects their performance and limits their applicability.We have developed a new protocol designed to support unicast routing over both bidirectional and unidirectional links in ad hoc networks.The WAR(Witness-Aided Routing)protocol is a reactive routing protocol.It is based on the concept of witness host,whose role is to help in bypassing a unidirectional or a failed link along the path.Hence,WAR uses local error recovery as opposed to end-to-end error recovery used by other reactive protocol such as Dynamic Source Routing(DSR)protocol.We have analytically compared the effect of local error recovery vs.end-to-end error recovery in reactive protocols.Our results show that the performance of DSR degrades extremely fast as the route length increases(that is,DSR is not scalable),while WAR maintains both low latency and low resource consumption regardless of the route length.1.2Adaptive Channel Allocation for Wireless Networks[25,29,31]A problem related to efficiently performing communication in mobile networks is the problem of channel(bandwidth) allocation.Channel allocation is needed for supporting connection-oriented traffic.Along with Pradip Srimani,I have developed a distributed and dynamic channel allocation techniques which combines the previously known basic search and basic update scheme[25,29].We have developed another channel allocation scheme[31].This scheme combines the static and dynamic scheme to further minimize the channel allocation time as well as maintain the advantage of dis-tributed dynamic allocation.In this scheme,each node(cell)in the system continually monitors its own load(rate of request of channels)and switches back and forth between static(fixed channel allocation scheme)and dynamic(search-based or update-based)modes of allocation depending upon threshold values of loads.The threshold values are used tofine-tune the overall system performance.Each node adapts to its own load independent of other nodes in its inter-ference region.1.3Adaptive Location Management[53,54]Location management is an essential service in mobile networks.It provides mechanisms for recording and querying location of mobile units in the network.This is needed for establishing calls or delivering messages to mobile units.In personal communication service(PCS)networks,location management protocols such as IS-41and GSM use statically defined Registration Areas(RAs).Each RA consists of all the communication cells in its geographical area.Associ-ated with each RA is a database called Location Registrar.Further,each mobile unit has a pre-assigned Home Location Registrar(HLR).A mobile unit informs its location(location update operation)whenever it moves from one communi-cation cell to another.When the move results in move from one registration area to another updates are made to home location registrar.In order to locate a mobile unit the initiator of the call or(sender of the message)first contacts the HLR of the destination mobile unit to know its current location(registration area).Location Management based on statically defined registration areas is unable to adapt to changing mobility and call patterns of the users.We developed an extension to PCS location management protocol which uses dynamically overlapped registration areas.Overlapping of registration areas helps in reducing the number of location updates for afixed mobility pattern. Further,dynamically changing the registration area is used to adapt to changes in aggregate mobility and call pattern. This reduces and balances the signaling and database access load on the mobile services stations(MSS).In order to study the adaptiveness of the proposed scheme,we have simulated our scheme under various mobility and call patterns. Our simulation results show that by dynamically adapting the registration areas to aggregate mobility and call pattern of the mobile units is useful when the mobility pattern exhibit locality.For such mobility and call patterns,the proposed scheme can greatly reduce the average signaling and database access load on MSSs.Further,the cost of adapting the registration areas is shown to be low in terms of memory and communication requirements.1.4Efficient Cache Management Scheme[32,33]Caching data at the mobile hosts(MHs)in a wireless network helps alleviate problems associated with slow,limited bandwidth wireless links,by reducing latency and conserving bandwidth.Battery power is conserved by reducing the number of up-link requests.A mobile computing environment is a distributed system,thus when data at the server changes,the client hosts must be made aware of this fact in order for them to invalidate their cache otherwise the host would continue to answer queries with the cached values returning incorrect data.The nature of the physical medium coupled with the fact that disconnections from the network are very frequent in mobile computing environments de-mand a cache invalidation strategy with minimum possible overheads.We have developed a new cache maintenance scheme,called AS.The objective of the proposed scheme is to min-imize the overhead for the MHs to validate their cache upon reconnection,to allow stateless servers,and to minimize the bandwidth requirement.The general approach is i)to use asynchronous invalidation messages,and ii)to buffer invalidation messages from servers at the MH’s Home Location Cache(HLC)while the MH is disconnected from the network and re-deliver these invalidation messages to the MH when it gets reconnected to the e of asyn-chronous invalidation messages minimizes access latency,buffering of invalidation messages minimizes the overhead of validating MH’s cache after each disconnection and use of HLC off-loads the overhead of maintaining state of MH’s cache from the servers.The MH can be disconnected from the server either voluntarily(e.g.switching off the laptop) or involuntarily(e.g.wireless link failure,handoff delay);we capture the effects of both by using a single parameter s:the percentage of time a mobile host is disconnected from the network.We have demonstrated the efficiency of our scheme through simulation and performance modeling.In particular, we have shown that the average data access latency and the number of up-link requests by a MH decrease by using the proposed strategy at the cost of using buffer space at the HLC.We have compared our AS scheme with other caching schemes such as Barbara and Imilienski’s TS and AT scheme[3]in terms of performance metrics like latency,number of up-link requests etc.under both high and low rate of change of data at servers for various values of the parameter. We have also developed a mathematical model for the scheme which matches closely with the simulation results. 1.5Performance Evaluation of IEEE802.11MAC Protocol[35,36]With the standardization of IEEE802.11Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN)protocol specification,WLANs are becoming increasingly popular.The problem of hidden terminals in presence of obstacles and client mobility is unique to wireless networks and it is essential to study their effects on network performance.In this paper we investigate the performance of IEEE802.11wireless local area network(WLAN)protocol in the presence of mobile and hidden terminals.In order to study the joint effect of hidden terminals and user mobility on the performance of IEEE802.11 DCF,we have extended Tobagi and Kleinrock’s[48]hearing graph framework to model hidden terminals in a static environment.We derive a combined mobility and hidden terminal model using a Markov chain from the hearing graph of a given physical layout.The simple model uses two parameters:,which controls the number of hidden terminals in the steady state,and,which controls the rate of mobility of each terminal.By varying the values of and we can systematically generate scenario with different number of hidden terminals and different mobility rates for a particular physical layout with static obstructions.We have developed a discrete event simulator which uses the parameterized model to obtain the throughput and blocking probability behavior of an IEEE802.11based ad hoc network in the presence of certain static obstructions. Our simulations suggest that the IEEE802.11protocol is robust enough to handle moderate conditions of hidden termi-nals and mobility,but the performance may degrade under extreme conditions.Carefully selecting protocol parameters (RTS and Fragmentation Threshold)can help improve the performance even under extreme conditions.2Other Research Accomplishments2.1SSA-based Flow-Sensitive Type Analysis Technique for Object-Oriented Programs[37,38]An important step in compile-time optimization of object-oriented languages with polymorphic and virtual functions is static determination of concrete types(classes)of variables referring to objects.This information is essential for iden-tifying monomorphic call sites and hence opening opportunities for interprocedural optimizations.We have developed an SSA based interprocedural static type analysis algorithm,which combines constant propagation and type propaga-tion.This algorithm enhances Wegman and Zadeck’s[55]sparse conditional constant propagation(SCC)algorithm to perform simultaneous type analysis on a modified-SSA representation of a object-oriented program.Due to synergy between constant and types propagation,the proposed algorithm detects more constants and provides more precise type information than the case wherein the two analysis are performed separately.The worst-case behavior of this algorithm is polynomial in the number of classes declared in the program.To show empirically that our algorithm can improve the run-time performance of object-oriented programs,we have performed some experimental tests using Bench++ benchmark tool from AT&T Research Labs.These tests have shown that combined type and constant propagation is beneficial in codes with control dependent instantiations.2.2Optimizing Object-Oriented Programs for EPIC Architectures[44,45,46]The direct costs of virtual function calls in object-oriented programs is a runtime overhead incurred by the number of operations required to compute a target function address and the time to perform these operations.We have been look-ing into ways of exploiting EPIC technology to benefit object-oriented programs.This research has primarily focused on virtual function calls,and how their costs can be reduced by use of EPIC features.A number of innovative ways have been proposed that transform the dynamic dispatch sequence of a virtual function call into a stream-lined virtual function call,or into a statically-bound function call.These transformations rely on static analysis techniques such as type and constant propagation or class hierarchy analysis,along with front-end optimizations such as statically-binding virtual function calls that are monomorphic or with runtime class testing,and then using back-end optimizations that utilize control speculation,data speculation,predication and an exposed memory hierarchy.In particular we have developed two techniques:i)Predicated VFT Loading and ii)Predicated Class Testing that use an Explicit Parallel Instruction Computing(EPIC)architectural feature known as predication,to reduce the direct cost of virtual function calls.These techniques employ predication to conditionally perform cost-saving transforma-tions to the original dispatch sequence of a virtual function call in order to reduce the memory latency associated with these calls,or to transform the virtual function calls into statically-bound function calls.Predicated VFT loading is based on the possibility that the same virtual function table(VFT)will be shared between several virtual function calls, and whereby exploits this possibility by interleaving the function calls for objects whose types cannot be determined statically.Runtime class testing is a technique whereby virtual function calls are transformed into statically-bound function calls through a series of conditional branches.Through this transformation,the overhead of virtual function calls can be significantly reduced.However,the drawback of these tests is that by relying on conditional branches,the amount of instruction-level parallelism(ILP)is limited and the mispredict penalties can be relatively high.Predicated class testing improves the benefits of class testing by eliminating these drawbacks of runtime class testing.By use of the Trimaran research tool and analytical cost models,this research has successfully shown the quantitative benefits of applying EPIC technology towards object-oriented programs.This research has been performed in conjunction with the VLSI Technology Center at Hewlett-Packard.2.3Compilation and Program SynthesisMy early work was on compilation and synthesis of programs for distributed memory machines[13,12,8,9,14,10, 15,11].One of the goal of this project was to develop a tool for designing efficient algorithms for computing Fouriertransforms on different parallel machines.In this project,I worked with my Ph.D.advisors Prof.C.-H.Huang and Prof.P.Sadayappan(from Ohio State University),Prof.R.W.Johnson(from St.Cloud State University),and some other graduate students.This work resulted in a parallel programming tool called EXTENT(EXpert system for TENsor product Translation)[6].My contribution to this project was to develop program synthesis techniques for distributed-memory machines from a mathematical representation of the computation.The mathematical representation consisted of tensor product and other matrix operations.We looked at two approaches to program synthesis:i)using point-to-point communication and ii)using data redistributions.The problem of efficiently performing data redistribution is a specific case of a more general problem of how to generate communication-efficient code for array expressions in-volving distributed arrays.This problem arises in compilation of programs expressed in languages such as HPF(High-Performance Fortran).We developed compilation schemes for efficient execution of array expressions on distributed-memory machines[16,17,15].After completing my Ohio State University in1995,I continued working on the problem of program synthesis as a Post Doctoral student under the guidance of Professor Reif at Duke University.Here I worked with Prof. Reif and his Ph.D.student,Zhiyong Li,on the problem of extending my on synthesizing communication-efficient programs to synthesize I/O-efficient programs for parallel I/O system[20,39,40].In the fall of1995I joined Ohio University as a Visiting Assistant Professor.At Ohio University,I worked with Sudha Krishnamurthy,who was doing Masters under my supervision,on the problem of statically determining the data distributions which are suitable for global array in an HPF-like program.We developed an interprocedural technique which extended the work by Kennedy and Kremer[34]on intra-procedural data distribution analysis[18,19].2.4Collective Communication on K-ary N-cubesAll-to-all personalized communication pattern(plete-exchange)is the most dense communication pattern among various communication patterns which arise in the implementation of various applications on distributed mem-ory machines.I along with Yu-chee Tseng,who was my colleague at Ohio State University,developed a direct(i.e. without message combining)complete-exchange protocol for wormhole routed multidimensional torus networks.Our algorithm used optimal number of contention-free communication phases[49,50].The algorithm used the property that a2D torus network can be viewed as a cross product graph of two rings.Wefirst developed an optimal complete exchange communication schedule for a ring and then extended it to a tours network by using a notion of cross product of communication ter in collaboration with Dhableshwar Panda(a faculty at Ohio State University),we developed indirect complete exchange algorithms for wormhole routed2D and3D networks[51,52].Besides communication protocols for torus networks,I have also done some work on barrier synchronization al-gorithms for k-ary n-cubes[21]and processor allocation for torus connected multiprocessor systems[22,23]. 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专利名称:COMMUNICATION ARRANGEMENTS FOR DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEMS发明人:BEUSCHER, Hugo Jacob,BOSCO, HarryLee,HUIZINGA, Allen Henry,WILLIAMS, JohnRandolf申请号:EP83900461.1申请日:19830112公开号:EP0114822B1公开日:19870930专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:time division switching system having distributed control processors (17, 18).the distributed control processors exchange messages and cooperate in the establishment of lines of conversation between subscribers (23 - 26).each command message includes a destination address which defines the command message and is transmitted to a switch (10) to the space shared by the systemtiplexage time (13 to 16), which are representations of speech.the control messages are sent by the time shared space switch in a distribution unit (31) which controls the address.when the address defines a distributed processor which controls the time shared space switch.the distribution unit transmits the control information controls directly coupled to the processor.otherwise, if the address is one of the other processors allocated.the control unit transmits a message distribution processor command associated with the defined through the time shared space addition, each command message may include a arrangement is associated with each processor responds to the parts divided by altering response functions performed by a processor allocated.申请人:Western Electric Company, Incorporated 地址:222 Broadway New York, NY 10038 US国籍:US代理机构:Weitzel, David Stanley更多信息请下载全文后查看。
dds协议测试方法Data Distribution Service (DDS) protocol testing methodsDDS (Data Distribution Service) protocol is an important communication protocol for distributed systems. It is widely used in industrial automation, aerospace, and defense systems. Testing the DDS protocol is essential to ensure its stability, reliability, and performance.DDS协议是分布式系统中一种重要的通信协议。
Firstly, from a technical perspective, the testing of DDS protocol involves various aspects such as message queuing, data communication, and latency. Message queuing testing aims to verify the ability of the DDS protocol to handle a large number of messages concurrently. This is important in real-time systems where data needs to be processed and communicated in a timely manner.首先,从技术角度来看,DDS协议的测试涉及消息排队、数据通信和延迟等各个方面。
数字通讯的利与弊英语作文英文回答:Advantages of Digital Communication.1. Speed and efficiency: Digital communication allows for instantaneous and efficient transmission of information over long distances. It eliminates geographical barriers and enables real-time communication.2. Increased accessibility and convenience: Digital communication platforms are widely available, making it easy to connect with individuals and groups regardless of their location or time zone. This accessibility enhances collaboration and facilitates information sharing.3. Cost-effectiveness: Digital communication is generally more cost-effective than traditional communication methods such as mail or phone calls. It eliminates the need for physical infrastructure, postage,or long-distance charges.4. Versatility and multimedia support: Digital communication allows for the transmission of text, audio, video, and images. This versatility enhances communication effectiveness by conveying information in a more engaging and comprehensive manner.5. Accessibility for individuals with disabilities: Digital communication tools such as assistive technologies and closed captions make communication accessible to individuals with disabilities, enabling them to participate fully in online interactions.Disadvantages of Digital Communication.1. Reliance on technology: Digital communication depends on reliable internet connections and devices. Any technical glitches or network outages can disrupt communication, leading to delays or missed messages.2. Security and privacy concerns: Digital communicationraises concerns about data security and privacy. Personal information shared online can be accessed by unauthorized individuals or used for unintended purposes.3. Lack of non-verbal cues: Digital communication lacks the richness of non-verbal cues present in face-to-face interactions. This can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.4. Potential for overload and distraction: The constant influx of digital messages and notifications can lead to information overload and distraction. This can affect focus and productivity.5. Digital divide: Access to digital communication technologies is not evenly distributed. Individuals in underserved areas or with economic disadvantages may face barriers to participating in digital society.中文回答:数字通信的优点。
了解英语校本课程开设情况高中英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Understanding the Situation of English School-based Curriculum Development in High SchoolsIntroductionEnglish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and is considered a global language. Therefore, it is crucial for students to have a strong foundation in English language skills. In recent years, many high schools have implemented school-based curriculum development for English courses to better cater to students' needs and interests. In this article, we will explore the current situation of English school-based curriculum development in high schools.Development of School-based CurriculumSchool-based curriculum development allows schools to tailor their English courses to meet the needs of their students. Schools can design their own curriculum, teaching materials, and assessments based on the interests, abilities, and learning styles of their students. This approach provides more flexibility andautonomy for teachers to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences for their students.Many high schools have started to develop school-based English curricula to enhance students' language skills and improve their overall academic performance. These curricula often focus on developing students' language proficiency, critical thinking skills, and cultural awareness. Schools may also incorporate elements of project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, and real-world tasks to make the learning experience more interactive and relevant to students' lives.Implementation of School-based CurriculumThe implementation of school-based English curriculum varies from school to school. Some schools have fully integrated school-based curriculum into their English courses, while others may still rely on textbooks and standardized materials. Schools may allocate resources for teacher training, curriculum development, and materials production to support the implementation of school-based curriculum.Teachers play a crucial role in implementing school-based English curriculum. They need to be well-trained in designing and delivering engaging lessons that meet the learning needs of their students. Teachers may collaborate with colleagues,conduct research, and attend professional development programs to enhance their teaching practices and better support their students' language learning.Evaluation of School-based CurriculumEvaluating the effectiveness of school-based English curriculum is essential to ensure that students are making progress and achieving the intended learning outcomes. Schools may use a variety of assessment methods, such as tests, projects, portfolios, and presentations, to measure students' language proficiency, critical thinking skills, and overall performance.Schools may also gather feedback from students, parents, and teachers to assess the impact of school-based curriculum on students' learning experiences. This feedback can help schools identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to the curriculum. Continuous evaluation and monitoring of the school-based curriculum are essential to ensure that students receive high-quality English education.ConclusionIn conclusion, school-based curriculum development in high school English courses is a positive trend that allows schools to provide tailored and engaging learning experiences for students.By designing and implementing school-based English curriculum, schools can better meet the diverse needs of their students and enhance their language skills, critical thinking abilities, and cultural awareness. Continuous evaluation and improvement of school-based curriculum are essential to ensure that students receive a high-quality English education that prepares them for success in the globalized world.篇2Understanding the Establishment of English Curriculum in High SchoolsIntroductionEnglish is a global language that plays a crucial role in communication, education, and business. In order to equip students with the necessary language skills, many high schools have established English curriculum. In this essay, we will explore the significance of English curriculum in high schools and analyze the current situation of its implementation.Importance of English Curriculum in High SchoolsEnglish is not just a subject in school; it is a gateway to opportunities and success in the future. With the increasing global interconnectedness, proficiency in English has become avaluable asset for students. By studying English in high school, students can improve their language skills, enhance their critical thinking abilities, and broaden their perspectives through exposure to different cultures and ideas.Furthermore, English curriculum in high schools provides students with the foundation they need to pursue higher education and excel in their careers. Many universities and employers require proficiency in English, making it essential for students to develop strong language skills during their formative years. By ensuring that students receive a comprehensive education in English, high schools can prepare them for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.Current Situation of English Curriculum in High SchoolsDespite the importance of English curriculum, the implementation of the program varies among high schools. Some schools have well-established English departments with qualified teachers, modern teaching resources, and effective teaching methods. These schools offer a comprehensive English curriculum that covers various aspects of the language, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking.On the other hand, there are schools that face challenges in implementing English curriculum due to limited resources,inadequate teacher training, and outdated teaching materials. As a result, students in these schools may not receive the same level of education in English as their peers in more privileged institutions. This disparity in educational opportunities can have long-term consequences for students, affecting their academic performance and future prospects.Recommendations for Improving English Curriculum in High SchoolsIn order to ensure that all students receive a quality education in English, it is essential for high schools to take proactive measures to improve their curriculum. Some recommendations for enhancing the English curriculum in high schools include:1. Providing professional development opportunities for English teachers to improve their teaching skills and stay updated on the latest teaching methods.2. Investing in modern teaching resources and technology to create an engaging and interactive learning environment for students.3. Collaborating with educational institutions and organizations to exchange best practices and resources for teaching English.4. Offering additional support and resources for students who may need extra help in mastering the English language.By implementing these recommendations, high schools can enhance the quality of their English curriculum and ensure that all students have the opportunity to develop their language skills effectively.ConclusionIn conclusion, English curriculum in high schools plays a vital role in preparing students for the challenges of the future. By providing students with a comprehensive education in English, high schools can equip them with the language skills they need to succeed in their academic and professional endeavors. It is essential for all high schools to prioritize the implementation of English curriculum and take steps to improve the quality of education in the language. Only by doing so can we ensure that all students have the opportunity to realize their full potential and achieve success in the globalized world.篇3Understanding the situation of English School-based Curriculum Development in High SchoolWith the advancement of education reform in China, more and more emphasis has been placed on the development of school-based curriculum, aiming to cater to the diverse needs of students and enhance the effectiveness of teaching. As one of the core subjects in high school, English plays a crucial role in cultivating students' communication skills and promoting cross-cultural understanding. Therefore, it is essential to understand the current situation of English school-based curriculum development in high schools.First of all, the implementation of school-based English curriculum varies from school to school. Some high schools have fully integrated school-based curriculum into their English teaching, allowing teachers to design personalized teaching plans and activities based on students' interests and abilities. In these schools, students have more opportunities to participate in interactive and immersive English learning experiences, such as role-playing, group discussions, and project-based learning. This not only enhances students' motivation and engagement in learning but also enables them to apply English in real-life situations.On the other hand, there are still high schools that rely heavily on standardized textbooks and examinations in their English teaching. In these schools, teachers may have limited freedom and flexibility in designing their teaching materials and methods, leading to a lack of innovation and creativity in English education. As a result, students may find it challenging to develop their language proficiency and communication skills effectively.Moreover, the resources and support for Englishschool-based curriculum development in high schools are also unevenly distributed. Some schools have invested in training teachers on implementing school-based curriculum and providing them with the necessary teaching materials and technologies. These schools may have established English clubs, language corners, and extracurricular activities to create a language-rich environment for students. In contrast, other schools may lack the necessary support and guidance, hindering the implementation of school-based curriculum and limiting the quality of English education.In conclusion, understanding the situation of English school-based curriculum development in high schools is essential for promoting the quality of English education andfostering students' language proficiency and communication skills. By recognizing the strengths and challenges of school-based curriculum implementation, educators can work together to create a more effective and engaging English learning environment for students. It is hoped that with continuous efforts and improvements, more high schools will embrace school-based curriculum development and provide students with a holistic and dynamic English education experience.。
第32卷第11期 光电工程V ol.32, No.11 2005年11月 Opto-Electronic Engineering Nov, 2005文章编号:1003-501X(2005)11-0049-05Novel direct-detection scheme for measuring energy distributionof laser spots in outfieldZHU Zhen1,WANG Yong-zhou2,YI Ya-xing1,ZHANG Wen-pan1,FENG Liang1(1. No. 63892 Unit of People’s Liberation Army, Luoyang 471003, China;2. No. 63888 Unit of People’s Liberation Army, Luoyang 471003, China)Abstract:Measurement of the energy distribution of laser spots is an effective way in characterizing and diagnosing laser beam quality. After comparing conventional direct-detection and indirect-detection methods, a novel direct-detection scheme, which is based on detector-array controlled by single-chip microprocessors, is proposed. On the basis of analyzing key technologies such as data transmission and optical-electrical conversion, a block diagram of the system is proposed. In this system, a distributed structure was adopted which was composed of a host PC, a main microprocessor and lower microprocessors. This system is capable of measuring the parameters of laser beam in outfield such as size and shape of the spot, the energy of pulse and its distribution etc. It is suitable for most of lasers with repetition rate ranging from single pulse to several hundred per second and different energy up to moderate-high level. The system is more accurate than any former systems.Key words:Laser spot;Outfield;Direct detection;Single-chip microprocessor一种新型的激光远场光斑直接测量技术朱震1,王永州2,易亚星1,张文攀1,冯亮1(1. 中国人民解放军63892部队,河南洛阳 471003;2. 中国人民解放军63888部队,河南洛阳 471003)摘要:激光远场光斑测量对描述激光束的远场性能,评价激光器以及系统的实际工作性能具有重要意义。
委外物料发放与收货流程As a company, it is essential to have a solid and efficient process for outsourcing material distribution and receipt. This ensures a smooth and organized flow of materials, which is crucial for the overall operation and success of the business.作为一家公司,具备一个稳健且高效的物料委外分发和接收流程至关重要。
One of the key aspects of the outsourcing material distribution and receipt process is the need for clear and detailed communication between the company and the outsourcing partner. This includes clearly conveying the specific requirements for the materials to be distributed, as well as the expectations for the receipt and verification process. Effective communication helps to avoid misunderstandings and ensures that the correct materials are distributed and received in a timely manner.物料委外分发和接受流程的关键之一是公司与外包合作伙伴之间需要清晰、详细的沟通。
交流加强合作英语作文Title: Strengthening Communication for Enhanced Collaboration。
In today's interconnected world, effective communication plays a pivotal role in fosteringcollaboration and achieving common goals. Whether in professional settings or personal relationships, theability to communicate clearly and efficiently is paramount. This essay delves into the importance of communication in enhancing cooperation and provides insights into strategies to strengthen communication for improved collaboration.First and foremost, effective communication lays the foundation for understanding. When individuals or groups communicate openly and transparently, they can articulate their ideas, share perspectives, and clarify expectations. This clarity minimizes misunderstandings and alignseveryone towards a shared vision. For instance, in a workplace environment, clear communication ensures thattasks are delegated appropriately, deadlines are understood, and progress is tracked effectively.Moreover, communication cultivates trust and rapport among collaborators. When individuals feel heard and valued, they are more likely to engage actively and contribute meaningfully. Trust forms the cornerstone of successful collaborations, enabling team members to rely on eachother's expertise and support. Furthermore, open communication fosters a culture of accountability, where individuals feel responsible for their actions and commitments.In addition to fostering understanding and trust, effective communication facilitates innovation and problem-solving. When diverse perspectives converge through open dialogue, it sparks creativity and encourages out-of-the-box thinking. Collaborators can leverage each other's strengths, brainstorm ideas, and overcome challenges collectively. By encouraging a free exchange of ideas, communication transforms obstacles into opportunities for growth and development.To strengthen communication for enhanced collaboration, organizations and individuals can adopt several strategies:1. Active Listening: Encourage active listening by attentively focusing on what others are saying without interruption. This practice demonstrates respect and ensures that everyone's viewpoints are considered.2. Clear and Concise Messaging: Communicate ideas in a clear and concise manner, avoiding jargon or ambiguous language. Clarity minimizes confusion and ensures that information is effectively conveyed.3. Regular Feedback Mechanisms: Establish regular feedback mechanisms to solicit input and address concerns promptly. Feedback loops enable continuous improvement and strengthen relationships by demonstrating a commitment to growth and development.4. Utilize Technology: Embrace communication technologies such as video conferencing, instant messaging,and collaboration platforms to facilitate seamless communication, especially in remote or distributed teams.5. Cultural Sensitivity: Recognize and respect cultural differences in communication styles and preferences. Being culturally sensitive fosters inclusivity and ensures that everyone feels valued and understood.6. Conflict Resolution Skills: Develop conflict resolution skills to address disagreements constructively and prevent conflicts from escalating. Effective communication enables collaborators to navigate conflicts and reach mutually beneficial resolutions.7. Team Building Activities: Engage in team-building activities to foster camaraderie and strengthen interpersonal relationships. Building a sense of community enhances collaboration and encourages collaboration beyond formal work settings.In conclusion, effective communication is the cornerstone of successful collaboration. By fosteringunderstanding, trust, and innovation, communication enables individuals and organizations to achieve common goals and navigate challenges effectively. By adopting strategies such as active listening, clear messaging, and cultural sensitivity, collaborators can strengthen communication and unlock the full potential of collaboration. Together, through enhanced communication, we can create a more interconnected and prosperous future.。
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Communication Support for Distributed Collaborative ApplicationsRaj Yavatkar and kshmanDepartment of Computer ScienceUniversity of Kentucky,Lexington,KY40506-0027raj,lakshman@To appear in the ACM/Springer V erlag Journal on Multimedia Systems,V ol.2,No.2,1994.July19,1994AbstractThe Development of distributed,multimedia,collaborative applications requires resolution of com-munication issues such as concurrency control,and temporal and causal synchronization of traffic overrelated data streams.Existing transport and/or session layer protocols do not include desired supportfor multi-stream,multipoint communication.In this paper,we propose new communication abstractionsand mechanisms that facilitate implementation of the necessary coordination and concurrency controlsemantics in a collaborative application.We also propose a protocol suite called MCP(Multi-FlowConversation Protocol)for realization of these abstractions and describe its prototype implementation inan internetwork of workstations.The paper also describes our experience with the prototype and resultsof a performance evaluation.KEYWORDS:multimedia communication,distributed collaboration,temporal and causal synchroniza-tion,Unix networking.1Introduction1.1MotivationDistributed collaborative systems allow a geographically dispersed group of users or applications to use computers and multiple media(text,audio,video,and images)to solve problems together.An example of such an application is a collaborative,software engineering environment[SFB87,AEHL88].In such an environment,a group of designers located at different sites collaborate on a design document(or a program) using interactive tools to edit and test parts of the design under development.Interaction may involve a group editor(based on shared windows),an image display(that displays resulting design),and a voice(and video)channel that allows them to view,discuss,and edit the suggestions made by each other.Moreover, the interaction may not necessarily involve human users,but may also involve cooperative programs that work together in automating a particular task[DL87].Development of such collaborative tools requires research in several areas including user interfaces, communication infrastructure,collaboration paradigms,group toolkits,and shared object systems[PD93].In this paper,we focus only on the communication aspects of distributed collaborative mu-nication in such applications involves several,related,multipoint streams.Each stream carries data specific to a particular medium and is shared among several geographically dispersed participants.Because several participants share one or more streams,some form of concurrency control is desired.In addition,data sent over separate streams are typically related in time and context,and such relationships must be preserved in delivery of data at each recipient.Thus,distributed collaboration using multiple media requires resolution of coordination and control issues such as concurrency control,and temporal and causal synchronization of traffic over related data streams.Currently,conventional transport and session layer protocols do not include desired support for multi-stream,multipoint communication.Instead,collaborative application designers must build their own mechanisms to achieve desired semantics.This approach has several disadvantages.First,lack of suitable abstractions requires designers to concentrate on low-level communication aspects instead of focusing their attention on investigating higher-level issues such as collaboration paradigms,flexible toolkits,and user interfaces.Second,application layer solutions for coordination and control must use an existing transport protocol such as TCP(transmission control protocol)or UDP(user datagram protocol)designed only for asingle communication stream between two parties.Therefore,application layer implementations are not efficient and require duplication of some of the transport and session layer functions includingflow and error control,buffer management,asynchronous event handling,and timer management.Third,lack of standard interfaces and abstractions leads to collaborative systems that are not inter-operable.In contrast,distributed applications based on traditional client-server model utilize well-defined com-munication abstractions designed for two-party communication.Necessary semantics are efficiently im-plemented in transport and session layer protocols allowing application designers to concentrate on higher level issues.Clearly,there is a need for similar functionality and support from communication protocols to facilitate development of collaborative multimedia applications.1.2Our ContributionsIn this paper,we investigate design and implementation of suitable communication abstractions and mecha-nisms to allow realization of the necessary coordination and control semantics in a collaborative application. In particular,we have designed a new protocol called Multi-Flow Conversation Protocol(MCP)that provides two communication abstractions:First,MCP includes a token-based mechanism for concurrency control among participants of a multipoint connection.The degree of concurrency control achieved varies from a strict“floor-based”control at one extreme to no control at the other extreme.Second,MCP provides a communication abstraction called a multi-flow conversation to allow temporal and causal synchronization among traffic over multiple, independent streams.A conversation may consist of one or more(two-party or multipoint)connections and provides both temporal and causal synchronization in delivery of messages sent over participant connections. Temporal and causal ordering in a conversation is restricted based on a notion of delay-constrained or∆-causality that takes into account the deadlines on delivery of multimedia data.Additional features of MCP include an out-of-band signaling channel for exchanging control information and an asynchronous interface that allows an application to specify event-triggered actions to facilitate fast processing of periodic data and changes to the status of multipoint connections.MCP is an upper level protocol designed to support a wide variety of collaborative applications.We have implemented it on top of both a connectionless inter-network layer(IP)as well as over a connection-oriented internet protocol(Co-IP).We have conducted a systematic performance evaluation of the MCP kernel implementation and have also compared the performance of user applications with and without MCP. Our experience with MCP has revealed the utility of its abstractions in implementing collaborative software. It also demonstrates the performance gains achieved by designing a new protocol instead of implementing the MCP functionality at the application layer.The rest of this paper is organized as follows.Section2presents the background motivation for our research.In Section3,we describe the proposed communication abstractions.A protocol framework for implementation of the abstractions is proposed in Section4.Section5describes a prototype implementation and Section6presents the results of a performance evaluation.In Section7,we compare our work against other relevant research,andfinally,Section8concludes the paper.2Coordination and Control ProblemIn the design of multimedia collaborative systems,one must address three coordination and control issues:Concurrency Control:Multimedia collaboration typically involves one or more multipointflows1.Each flow involves several participants.Each participant may either be an application program(such as a design tool component)or a human user(e.g.a voice conferee).When several participants may concurrently transmit data over a sharedflow,the need for concurrency control arises to ensure consistent views and smooth interactions.Examples of such control include avoiding interruptions and crosstalk in a multipoint voice channel[Sch92,CLSF93],or maintaining consistency of a shared text document or an image[Dew90]in a collaborative application.As explained in Section2.1below,the desired degree of concurrency control varies over a wide range depending on the application or the context.Temporal Synchronization:A multimedia application needs to synchronize traffic over multipleflows, where eachflow carries traffic from a different medium(text,voice,video,or image).A collabo-rative,software development group effort described earlier(in section1.1)is an example of such an interaction.For such an application,the communication software must allow related streams to begrouped together,recognize the order and sequencing of messages sent over them,and preserve such ordering in delivering messages to each participant.For example,when a participant in a group editor scrolls through an image browser(or a shared editor window)and says,“look at the middle of the display”,the statement should be heard at the same time (or just after)the scrolling is completed.Such temporal relationships must be captured in the delivery of traffic over related streams.Another example of such a synchronization is“lip-synching”when voice and video are transmitted over separateflows in a network.Causal Synchronization:When collaboration involves multiple participants communicating either over a singleflow or using multipleflows,causal relationships among messages sent over theflow(s)must be maintained to preserve the context in which a message is sent.Consider the case of a voice conference where a singleflow is shared among multiple participants.When a participant B responds with message2after hearing message1from another participant A,a third participant C must receive and interpret messages1and2in the proper causal order to make perfect sense.Maintenance of such causality is especially important when interaction involves programs(rather than human users)updating a shared document or image.Moreover,in collaboration involving multiple media,such causal relationships exist among messages sent over separateflows.Consider a collaborative design editor involving twoflows:an imageflow to carry messages containing drawings and updates of shared images,and a voiceflow for conversation among participants.In such an interaction,if a participant scrolls through or modifies the shared image(resulting in a message update over the imageflow)in response to a voice message from another participant,then a causal relationship exists among messages sent over two differentflows.Again,as explained below,the desired degree of causality varies depending on the media involved and the application.2.1Degree of CoordinationIn the following,we describe how different applications and contexts require a varying degree of concurrency control and temporal/causal synchronization.Concurrency Control:The degree of concurrency control needed varies from one application to another.In addition,an application may go through several phases of interaction and each phase may need different degree of concurrency control.At one extreme is the case of a shared window package[SFB87,AEHL88]where a single window is displayed on the display screens of multiple users,and each user gets an identical image of the window.Many shared window systems provide no concurrency control for simultaneous actions, allow users to constantly see the actions of other users who are responsible for manually ensuring that there are no conflicts.At the other extreme lie teleconferencing systems where interference is avoided by strict control based on the notion of a“floor”,where only the current“speaker”that has thefloor is allowed to“speak”(or transmit data)at any time.Both the extremes have their limitations.On one hand,lack of any concurrency control puts additional responsibility on application designers to resolve conflicts.On the other hand,strictfloor-based control does not allow applications to exploit inherent concurrency and may sometimes unnecessarily increase latency due to the waiting involved.Needs of some applications may lie between the two extremes.For instance,users in a conferencing system may sometimes decide to enter smaller discussion groups that may separately hold concurrent conversations[SFB87].An interaction based on the“chalkboard”metaphor[SFB87]in a coop-erative environment is another example where less stringent coordination is appropriate.In the case of a group editor,strict coordination is not necessary when one user is browsing through a part of the shared text while another user is annotating a different part of the text.Thus,aflexible concurrency control mechanism is necessary to allow a wide range of semantics. Causal Synchronization:Problem of causal delivery has been addressed before in the case of distributed systems[BJ87,PBS89].When collaboration only involves shared text or still images,enforcement of strict causality is similar to the previous work in distributed systems because there are no real-time constraints on message delivery.However,multimedia collaboration involves delay sensitive media such as voice and video.V oice or video communication is delay sensitive in nature in that the data must be presented at specific instants(or at specific rate)at a receiver to convey its original meaning.The delivery of data units must follow better never than late semantics and multimedia messages that are delayed beyond an upper bound are rendered useless for playback.Thus,the problem of both causal and temporal synchronization is complicated when delivery of delay-sensitive multimedia data is involved.Within an application,desired level of causality may depend on the context and the media involved,and may vary from strict causality to less strict notions of causality.The communication software must provide mechanisms that allow an application to enforce the necessary semantics.3Communication AbstractionsGiven the need forflexible coordination and synchronization mechanisms,our design is based on the principle of separation of policy and mechanism.We believe that the right way for accommodating a wide range of coordination and synchronization requirements is to provide communication mechanisms that allow specification and selection of the degree of coordination and control needed and leave the task of choosing the appropriate policy to the application designer.We propose two methods of coordination:token-based control and an abstraction called multi-flow conversation.Together,these two methods yield aflexible and adaptable coordination mechanism as discussed below.3.1Token-based Concurrency ControlWhen a multipointflow is created,a token is assigned to thatflow that acts as an authorization for data transmission.A sender must hold a token to be able to send traffic over aflow.However,token management primitives are provided so that other participants can obtain transmission privileges.Thus,applications are free to transfer,replicate,and delete tokens to govern the degree of concurrency control needed.This type of concurrency control is entirely different from the token-based synchronization provided by some session-layer protocols.The latter method of synchronization allows session participants to insert resynchronization points(or checkpoints)in the data stream to allow rollback and to reduce the amount of retransmitted data in case of a transmission error.The token mechanism allows several levels of concurrency control.For example,we describe be-low a concurrency control hierarchy derived based on the collaboration paradigms used in existing sys-tems[SFB87,AEHL88,CF89,SG85].Floor Control Real-time teleconferencing systems employ such a strict concurrency control.A single token enforces control over a multipoint connection.The token will be passed on from one speaker to another whenever thefloor is transferred.To obtain control of thefloor,a participant must explicitly request transfer of the token.Chalkboard Interaction Applications based on the“chalkboard”metaphor in a cooperative environment interact in two phases.In thefirst phase,a speaker addresses a group of listeners with no interruptions.The application may switch to the second phase any time.In the second phase,a group of questioners may address questions to the speaker.The token-based method can accommodate both types of interaction.Only the speaker may hold the token during thefirst phase,whereas the token may be replicated and distributed to the questioners during the second phase.Replicated tokens will be destroyed at the end of the second phase.Discussion Groups Some environments such as real-time conferencing systems[CF89,SG85]envisage a session breaking up into smaller discussion groups and thus holding multiple,concurrent conversa-tions.In such a system,initially only a single token would be created and passed on from one speaker to another to achieve strict“floor-based”control.However,the token can be replicated and transferred to each discussion group,and each group may then use the token independently as it seesfit.Brainstorming This form of coordination is common in shared window systems where there is no concur-rency control for simultaneous actions by multiple users.For such applications,the token is replicated and distributed to all the participants.3.2Multi-flow ConversationsTo allow temporal and causal synchronization among traffic over multipleflows,we introduce a communi-cation abstraction called a multi-flow conversation.A conversation is a logical entity and consists of one or more(two-party or multipoint)flows.An application will typicallyfirst create individualflows with appropriate performance requirements[Fer90].It will then create a conversation that includes one or more relatedflows to achieve the necessary temporal and causal synchronization.For example,Figure1shows a conversation C that consists of twoflows,1and2.If a sender1sends a message1overConversationS1S2S3(voice)Flow1Flow2(video)Control Flow Figure 1:Conversation C consists of two flows1and 2that span three participants 1,2,and 3.2and then sends another message 2over 1,all the participants should receive those messages in the same temporal order.Moreover,if the participant 2sends a message3after receiving message 2,the participant 3must “see”the correct causal order (1followed by 2followed by 3).The conversation abstraction ensures such ordering.It uses message boundaries as synchronization markers.Messages sent over flows from the same sender are assigned monotonically increasing sequence numbers and are also timestamped to capture the temporal relationships among messages sent over different flows.In the following,we describe the details of temporal and causal synchronization.3.3Temporal and Causal RelationshipsFormally,let denote the set of flows in a conversation C and let denote the set of messages sent over the constituent flows in .Definition 1.We define (“precedes”)to be a transitive relation on M,such that 12if and only if the following conditions hold:1.both 1and 2are sent by the same sender,and2.both1and2are sent overflows and(both),and3.the message1is sent before2is sent.The sequence numbers assigned to messages sent over constituentflows by the same sender capture the partial order defined by the relation in MCP.In addition,timestamps assigned to each message precisely identify the temporal relationships among related messages.However,this temporal relationship must be augmented further to provide causally ordered delivery of messages originating from multiple senders.Stricter notions of causality provided by a causal broadcast[BJ87,PBS89]achieve a global ordering of messages necessary for this purpose.Following Lamport’s definition of causality[Lam78],we define a causal dependency relation“”among messages in a conversation as:Definition2.12if and only if at least one of the following two conditions hold:1.12,or2.2is sent over someflow by sender1after receiving1over someflow,and bothThus,Definition2defines a partial order among all the messages exchanged over a conversation that captures both temporal and causal relationships.In the following,we refer to such an order simply as causal order even though it includes both causal and temporal relationships.Enforcement of such a causal order in the presence of varying delays and losses across a wide area network can cause problems for multimedia information.Delivery of a message may sometimes have to be delayed indefinitely waiting for other messages that precede it in a causal order.Such delays are not acceptable to real-timeflows involving voice or video that have better-never-than-late semantics.For instance,some real-time voiceflows typically require delivery of each sample within100milliseconds to maintain the desired playback rate at a receiver.In such cases,an application can adapt to some increases in delays,but delays of300milliseconds or more render a voice sample useless for playback.To take such delivery constraints into account,we discard strictly causal ordering in favor of a more adaptive notion of causality called∆-causality.Informally,∆-causality works as follows.Given a set offlows and a set of participants in a conversation, message delivery to an application at a recipient site is both temporally and causally ordered provided anupper bound∆on end-to-end delay is not violated for any of the related messages.In the case of example involving Figure1,the receiver3will see the proper causal order provided1and2were generated and sent in such a way that their arrival at3is not delayed beyond an upper bound∆.∆is a function of individual delay constraints forflows1and2.To take delay constraints into account,we define a∆-Causal order as:Definition3.1∆2if:1.12and2.1is sent at most∆time units before2It must be noted that our notion of real-time assumes large-grain clock synchronization among the participants.This is not an unrealistic assumption as fault-tolerant clock synchronization algorithms exist that achieve such synchronization.In the TCP/IP Internet,Network Time Protocol(NTP)achieves global clock synchronization across the country within a few milliseconds[Mil89].Thus a small upper bound (typically5-10milliseconds)on difference between clocks at any two participants can be assumed.In the following,we describe∆-Causality in more detail.3.3.1∆-CausalityWe assume that the network layer provides aflow abstraction with performance guarantees to provide predictable service needed by real-time voice or video channels[Zha89,FV90,CY89].Desired performance characteristics are specified when aflow is established.Apart from the usual packet rate and error rate parameters(not considered here),there are two delay constraints associated with eachflow:Desired delay is the maximum end-to-end delay that theflow can tolerate before quality of ser-vice deteriorates.Example of such a constraint is100milliseconds delay bound in packet voice.Ferrari[Fer90]gives several examples of delay constraints for different classes of traffic.Loss delay is an upper limit on end-to-end delay forflow traffic beyond which the delivered traffic delivery is useless.For example,packet voice or video have better-never-than-late delivery semanticsand specify such a constraint.Packet voice traffic with desired delay constraint of100ms has a loss delay constraint in the range of200to300ms.Consider a conversation C consisting offlows1with respective delay constraints’s and ’s.We compute two conversation-wide desired delay and loss delay constraints:∆11∆21Based on these two constraints,we define the causality interval∆for each conversation.∆is computed as∆1∆∆2and defines a window of causality for each message sent in a conversation.For example, if a message4is sent by a participant after receiving messages1through3over some constituent flows,4must normally be received by applications at all other sites in the correct causal order(i.e.,after 1through3are received).However,∆-causality specifies that a conversation provider at each receiving site maintain such causal relationship between4and each of its predecessors only if messages related to 4are received within interval∆.The value of∆is chosen based on the following considerations.First,∆must at least be equal to∆12 (is the maximum possible clock skew).Second,to allow someflexibility in the presence offluctuations in network conditions and delays,MCP provider may choose value of∆to be higher than∆12without compromising individualflow semantics as long as∆remains much below the upper bound∆2.The interval∆is used as follows:1.Each conversation is assigned a network-wide unique conversation identifier conv_id;each messagein a conversation is timestamped(msg_time)and is also assigned a conversation-wide unique mesg_id2.2.Whenever a participant at a site1sends a message1over one of the constituentflows of aconversation,the conversation provider at that site includes some context for that message.3.The context information included with each message is a pair<sender_id,mesg_id>foreach participant.That is,the context includes the sequence number of the last message received at1from each participant before sending1.Thus,the amount of context is bounded by the number of conversation participants.The amount of context is also bounded by the causality interval∆,because not all the context information may be current and useful if last message from some participant was not received in recent past.In particular,causality interval implies that a message received earlier at1provides no context for1if was received at time less than∆if is the time at which1is sent by 1.4.When a receiver1at another site receives message1,it checks to see whether or not it has alreadyreceived all the messages specified in the context of1.If not,it buffers1waiting for the missing messages to be delivered and notes the timestamp1for1.It may have to buffer additional messages in1’s context if they also arrive out of order.However,if the missing messages are not received within the interval∆after1,the conversation provider delivers1to its application and deallocates buffers.The parameter∆essentially acts as a tuning knob;when∆is zero a conversation only guarantees causal synchronization among messages originating from the same sender and when∆goes to infinity you get strict causality similar to causal broadcast in ISIS[BJ87].The latter is useful when dealing with non real-time (“batch”)multimedia applications such as mail or a slide presentation playback where a remote server is sending data from a multimedia storage.Note that the idea of using and preserving context information is not completely new as it has been used before in distributed systems[PBS89,BJ87].However,we have extended it in two directions.First,we use the context information across traffic over multipleflows in a conversation rather than treating it separately within each individualflow.Second,the notion of causality provided is weaker and bound by real-time traffic delivery constraints as demanded by multimedia distributed applications.4Multi-Flow Conversation Protocol FrameworkTo realize the communication abstractions proposed earlier,we have designed a MCP protocol framework and Figure2shows the proposed communication architecture based on layering in the ARPA Internet protocol suite.At the network layer,we assume a reservation-based service such as the one provided by theSessionTransportMCP TCP UDPIP COIPToken ControlConversations Flow Control(or ST-II)Figure 2:Organization of the MCP protocol framework in the ARPA Internet hierarchy.Tenet Scheme Channels [FV90,FBZ92],ST-II [LT90],and RSVP [ZDE 93].However,our current design is based on McHIP and we assume that the network layer service guarantees an upper bound on end-to-end delay for each flow.Above the network layer,the MCP functionality is subdivided into transport and session layer mech-anisms.At the transport layer,MCP needs a flow control mechanism and can use an existing transport protocol such as UDP 3.At the session layer,MCP implements the conversation abstraction,multipoint flow management,and token management.A session layer MCP provider resides at each site and interacts with its peers residing at other sites to to coordinate management of flows and conversations.Applications interact with the MCP session layer provider through a set of service primitives.4.1Flow ManagementUnder flow management,MCP provides service primitives for flow creation,flow termination,and prim-itives for sending and receiving messages.An application establishes a flow by using the service call init_flow(flow name,params,list of participants).The init_flow returns a flow identifier (a flow_id )and a token for coordinating data transfer.The user-specified (that is agreed upon in advance)“flow name”(in addition to the flow identifier)serves。