资料范本本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载逆变器用户使用手册地点:__________________时间:__________________说明:本资料适用于约定双方经过谈判,协商而共同承认,共同遵守的责任与义务,仅供参考,文档可直接下载或修改,不需要的部分可直接删除,使用时请详细阅读内容GDLYEC-PV-3~270/500光伏并网逆变器用户使用手册版本2.0国电龙源电气有限公司目录TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278738" 1关于本手册 PAGEREF _Toc327278738 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278739" 1.1 前言 PAGEREF_Toc327278739 \h 4HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278740" 1.2 内容简介 PAGEREF_Toc327278740 \h 4HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278741" 1.3 面向读者 PAGEREF_Toc327278741 \h 4HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278742" 1.4 手册使用 PAGEREF_Toc327278742 \h 4HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278743" 2 安全须知 PAGEREF_Toc327278743 \h 5HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278744" 2.1 警示符号说明 PAGEREF_Toc327278744 \h 6HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278745" 2.2 安全提示 PAGEREF_Toc327278745 \h 7HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278746" 2.3 操作中的注意事项 PAGEREF _Toc327278746 \h 9HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278747" 3 产品简介 PAGEREF_Toc327278747 \h 10HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278748" 3.1 光伏并网系统 PAGEREF_Toc327278748 \h 11HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278749" 3.2 产品特点 PAGEREF_Toc327278749 \h 11HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278750" 3.3 电气原理 PAGEREF_Toc327278750 \h 12HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278751" 3.4 产品外观 PAGEREF_Toc327278751 \h 14HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278752" 4 产品功能与LCD操作指南PAGEREF _Toc327278752 \h 17HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278753" 4.1 GDLYEC-PV-3~270/500主要功能 PAGEREF _Toc327278753 \h 18HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278754" 4.1.1 并网发电 PAGEREF_Toc327278754 \h 18HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278755" 4.1.2 MPPT功能 PAGEREF_Toc327278755 \h 18HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278756" 4.1.3低电压穿越功能 PAGEREF _Toc327278756 \h 18HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278757" 4.1.4 保护功能 PAGEREF_Toc327278757 \h 19HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278758" 4.1.5 远程控制功能 PAGEREF _Toc327278758 \h 20HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278759" 4.1.6自动开关机功能 PAGEREF _Toc327278759 \h 20HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278760" 4.2 GDLYEC-PV-3~270/500运行模式 PAGEREF _Toc327278760 \h 20HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278761" 4.3 GDLYEC-PV-3~270/500 LCD操作指南 PAGEREF _Toc327278761 \h 22HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278762" 4.3.1 LCD主界面 PAGEREF_Toc327278762 \h 22HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278763" 4.3.2 LCD控制指令发送 PAGEREF _Toc327278763 \h 24HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278764" 5 产品安装 PAGEREF_Toc327278764 \h 30HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278765" 5.1 注意事项 PAGEREF_Toc327278765 \h 31HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278766" 5.2 机械尺寸 PAGEREF_Toc327278766 \h 31HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278767" 5.3 放置与移动 PAGEREF_Toc327278767 \h 31HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278768" 5.4 直流输入线缆连接 PAGEREF _Toc327278768 \h 32HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278769" 5.4.1 直流输入电气参数规格PAGEREF _Toc327278769 \h 32HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278770" 5.4.2 直流输入线缆要求 PAGEREF _Toc327278770 \h 33HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278771" 5.4.3 线缆连接 PAGEREF_Toc327278771 \h 33HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278772" 5.5 交流输出线缆连接 PAGEREF _Toc327278772 \h 36HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278773" 5.5.1 交流输出电气规格 PAGEREF _Toc327278773 \h 36HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278774" 5.5.2 交流输出线缆要求 PAGEREF _Toc327278774 \h 36HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278775" 5.5.3 线缆连接 PAGEREF_Toc327278775 \h 36HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278776" 5.6 系统地线连接 PAGEREF_Toc327278776 \h 38HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278777" 5.6.1 地线线缆要求 PAGEREF _Toc327278777 \h 38HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278778" 5.7 远程监控通信线连接 PAGEREF _Toc327278778 \h 38HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278779" 6 产品运行指南 PAGEREF _Toc327278779 \h 40HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278780" 6.1 启动 PAGEREF_Toc327278780 \h 41HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278781" 6.2 关机 PAGEREF_Toc327278781 \h 42HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327278782" 7 电气特性 PAGEREF_Toc327278782 \h 431关于本手册关于本章本章介绍了本手册的主要内容、面向的读者、手册使用须知以及手册所使用的符号定义,帮助用户更好的阅读本手册内容。
用户指南KHF系列1~3KVA并联逆变器()深圳市科奥信电源技巧有限公司Shenzhen Keaoxin PowerSupply Technology Co.,Ltd.本手册为1~3KVA功率等级的KHF逆变器供给须要的装配,操纵和保护技巧信息.请务必在操纵KHF机械之前浏览此手册,并请妥当保手册予备用.手册分为两个部分:第一部分—KHF逆变器介绍这部分介绍单相逆变器KHF系列,包含体系概述.内部构成.选型描写,及体系规格. 第二部分—典范运用此部分分离介绍单机体系.单相并机体系.三相并机组合体系的解释及设置装备摆设第三部分—装配和操纵此部分介绍KHF逆变器的装配和操纵信息,包含体系的总的描写,其构成部分,及其功效,指导掌握器的功效描写;以及在正常.应急和保护操纵前提下的操纵次序. 声明:因为产品和技巧的不竭更新.完美,本资估中的内容可能与现实产品不完整相符,敬请原谅.如需查询产品的更新情形,请接洽厂商.目录第一部分 KHF逆变器介绍11.4 重要技巧参数21.5.2 数字化LCD (液晶)显示41. 6 后面板掌握51.7 机械规格81.7.1 重量81.7.2 构造尺寸81.8 情形前提111.8.1 工作温度111.8.2 非工作温度111.8.4 运行高度111.8.5 噪声111.8.6 冷却11第二部分…典范运用122.1 单机体系122.2 单相并机体系132.3 三相组合体系15第三部分…装配解释及操纵173.0 简介173.1 吸收173.2 储存173.3 装配前预备173.4 装配173.4.1 地位选择173.4.2 情形温度173.4.3 冷却173.4.4 固定和线的地位选择173.4.5 接地173.4.6 逆变器衔接183.5 逆变器运行18第一部分 KHF逆变器介绍正弦波逆变器经由过程直流输入电源供给稳固的.无掉真的交换电;在贸易用电停电的场合为必须工作的迟钝装备供给可选输出电压和频率的电压.经由过程一个静态开关,逆变器也可以或许构成一个靠得住的和经济型的在线式或后备式不间断电源(UPS),也可以构成机能靠得住的应急电源(EPS).该机型为19英寸,23英寸或者25英寸的机柜设计,此系列产品均已模块化,配用简略灵巧.例:KHF 3000 B W 2KHF:产品系列型号(高频逆变系列)3000:标称容量(VA)B:直流输入电压等级(V)A:48V B:220V C:110V D:540VW:机箱构造类型W:卧式 L:立式2:整机工作类型1:纯逆变 2:后备式 3:在线式 4:在线式,后备式可设,输出电压.频率可设(单机) 5:逆变放电一体(单机)1.4 重要技巧参数表1-2:逆变器重要技巧参数项目名称技巧指标模块额定输出功率1~3KVA最大并联模块数目12个直流输入额定电压(VDC)48/110/220/540电压许可规模(VDC)40~60/95~135/190~270/460~670旁路旁路转换时光电子式≤4mS机械式≤10mS 输入交换电压许可规模(VAC)132~264交流输出额定电压(VAC)220额定频率(Hz)50/60功率因数0.8~负载调剂率<1%频率精度<0.1%峰值因数3:1波形掉真度阻性满载<3%,非线形满载<5%效力(额定输入电压,阻性满载)>80%动态响应(负载0↔100%)电压瞬变规模<5%,瞬变响应恢复时光≤60mS 并联不均流度<5%额定电流有用值过载才能负载电流<105%,中断工作负载电流105~125%,中断10min负载电流125~150%,中断1min负载电流>150%,60mS关机环境条件绝缘强度2KVac,1min噪音(1m)<55dB工作情形温度0~45℃运输与存储温度-40~70℃湿度0~90%,无冷凝海拔(m)≤3000,1500~3000m每升高100m输出降额1% 呵护功效输入接反呵护,输入欠压.过压呵护,输出过载呵护,输出短路呵护,过温呵护1.5前面板掌握逆变器的前面板KHF逆变器的前面板如图1所示.全部前面板掌握部分如图2所示薄膜开关通风口拉环固定孔液晶显示图1 KHF逆变器的前面板图2KHF逆变器的掌握面板左边是滚动开关.按下向上开关,上一个不合的读数将显示出来.按下向下开关显示屏将向相反的偏向滚动以显示不合的读数.面板右边是加减开关,这两个开关用于设置变量的增减调节.还有印有“ON/OFF”, “ESCAPE” , “SILENCE”和“ENTER”字样的按键:.是“开/关机”键,用于开或关逆变器(此按键只用于单机,不必于并机)是“撤消”键,用于退出设置界面是“消音”键,用于停滞蜂鸣器鸣叫是“确认”键,肯定所作设置1.5.2数字化LCD(液晶)显示此系列产品都配有自力的LCD液晶显示器件,LCD可以显示两行20个字符,显示两种信息:体系状况或检测量.体系状况默以为运行,接下来是体系故障或关机.每行包含三列,分离暗示:1) 电源类型;2)电源模式;3)电源状况.电源模式界说如下:"INV."暗示逆变模块,"BYP"暗示旁路装配,为维修旁路继电器或者静态传输开关.至于电源模式和电源状况信息,以及响应的LED状况显示器的色彩,拜见表1-3.第一列第二列第三列电源模式/状况第一行INV ON NORMAL 体系由逆变向负载供电第一行INV OFF DCFLT 直流输入超出正常规模第二行BYP ON NORMAL 体系由旁路向负载供电第二行BYP OFF BYPFLT 交换输入超出正常规模负载电压(伏) 负载百分比(有功功率与视在功率之间取大者)旁路电压(伏) 频率(赫兹) 直流输入电压(伏) 负载有功负载电流(安培)状况代码(0000H ):16进制数,用于故障诊断 要显示检测值,请按上移或下移按键.1. 6后面板掌握KHF 系列中220V 和110V 输入的逆变器的后面板图如图3所示模块的不和设有开关,对于并机体系,用于设置模块地址. 拨码开关设置如下所示(拨到ON 暗示1,反之,暗示0): a.地址拨码的设置请求介入并联的模块必须设置两两不合的地址,假如地址雷同,则模块会发出声光报警,无法并联.通风口航空插座旌旗灯号线接口拨码开关并机线接口 图3 KHF 逆变器的后面板总共可以设置12个地址,正当的地址规模为0~11,假如超出此规模,模块也会发出声光报警.b.若何设置地址拨码如上图所示,拨码开关的第1位对应二进制的低位,第4位对应二进制的高位.拨到ON暗示1,反之,暗示0.例如,在上图中,二进制0101B,则设置的模块地址为5.假如是构成三相体系,则A相模块的地址必须设置在0~3规模内,B相模块的地址必须设置在4~7规模内,C相模块的地址必须设置在8~11规模内.解释:更改拨码设置时必须从新上电设置才有用.单个逆变模块经由过程航空插与托架上的线路相连,托架上的航空插不和正视图如下图4所示:图4 航空插不和正视图航空插孔号色彩接线解释3 蓝N线(市电N和输出N共接)4 黄市电旁路输入L26 黑直流输入负27 红直流输入正28 蓝N线(市电N和输出N共接)29 黄逆变模块输出L线KHF485接通风口交换输出接口口图5 48V输入单机逆变器的后面板图解释:拨码设置与前述拨码设置雷同.1.7 机械规格1.7.1 重量2KVA 9KG1.7.2构造尺寸KHF逆变器的构造尺寸是:高:89mm宽:490mm深:390mm 直流输入市电输入拨码KHF面板外形及开孔尺寸图机箱箱体底面与前面板下边平齐图6 KHF逆变器的外形及开孔尺寸图注:此尺寸专门针对我公司的机柜构造,假如客户本身组屏,建议依据上图中的模块尺寸来设计开孔,以免消失误差.1.8情形前提1.8.1 工作温度此系列机型中断过载125%运行最高50摄氏度,.-10 to +50摄氏度之间满载输出到过载125%以及输出短路30秒.+50 and +70摄氏度线形降额到0.1.8.2 非工作温度运输温度-40~+75摄氏度,但不推举存储.推举存储前提见3.工作湿度0 到90%相对湿度,无冷凝.1.8.4 运行高度海拔10,000英尺.海拔3300英尺以上,最高情形温度从50摄氏度每升高1000英尺减小3摄氏度(10,000英尺处30摄氏度最高).1.8.5 噪声小于60 dBA.per Type 2, IEC and ANSI SI.4, 1981尺度,在55 dBA情形中距离随意率性概况4英尺处测量.1.8.6 冷却风冷.进风口在前面板,出风口在柜体外侧.图2.1 逆变模块框图第二部分…典范运用单机体系我公司的每一个逆变模块都是一个自力的交换电源,可以或许单独地为负载供给所需的交换电,所以只需一个模块就可以很便利地构成一个交换供电体系.如图2.2所示,只要将相符前提的直流电压送到逆变模块的输入端,模块中的逆变器就可以输出相符用户请求的高质量的恒压恒频交换电压.别的逆变模块中还专门设置了旁路单元,所以只要将市电引入到逆变模块的旁路输入端,供电体系就可以依据用户须要以及体系的现实运行状况使得体系的交换输出在逆变电压与市电之间进行切换,最大程度地包管了对用户的不间断供电.也就是说逆变模块的交换输出端供给运用户的既可所以电网电压,也可所以高质量的逆变电压.本供电体系有逆变输出优先和旁路输出优先两种工作模式,用户可以依据本身的现实须要选择.用户也可以依据本身的现实须要来选择是否将市电引入模块:引入市电,逆变模块既可以输出电网电压,也可以输出高质量的逆变电压;不引入市电,则逆变模块只输出逆变电压.单相并机体系因为单个逆变模块容量有限,并且不具备冗余才能,使得供电体系的靠得住性不高,并且不便利用户治理和维修.为了增大供电体系的容量,同时进步体系的靠得住性,往往采取多个模块构成高靠得住度的并联冗余体系.图中所示的就是由n 个逆变模块并联构成的单相供电体系,个中各模块既可图2.2 单个逆变模块供电体系交流输出直流输入逆变模块市电输入以共用同一路直流输入,也可以分离采取单独的直流输入电源供电.如许体系的总容量就为单个逆变模块容量的n倍,使得体系供电才能大增.别的,假如个中一个或某几个模块故障,只需将它们拔出,换上新的模块即可,而不须要将体系输出断电,不会造成用户供电的中止.与单个逆变模块构成的供电系同一样,只要将市电引入到逆变模块的旁路输入端,供电体系就可以依据用户须要以及体系的现实运行状况使得体系的交换输出在逆变电压与市电之间进行切换,最大程度地包管了对用户的不间断供电.也就是说逆变模块的交换输出端供给运用户的既可所以电网电压,也可所以高质量的逆变电压.本供电体系有逆变输出优先和旁路输出优先两种工作模式,用户可以依据本身的现实须要选择.在逆变模块并联供电体系中,假如并联的模块超出3个,则体系额定输出电流较大,假如用户须要体系输出在市电与逆变电压之间切换,体系最好配备专门的旁路模块,以包管体系的供电安然.如图2.4所示.本供电体系有逆变输出优先和旁路输出优先两种工作模式,用户可以依据本身的现实须要,经由过程旁路模块很便利地对供电体系工作模式进行设置.假如不设置,则体系默以为旁路优先工作模式.在配备了旁路模块的体系中,逆变模块无需引入市电.(1为用户供给交换电.用户可依据本身的须要选择逆变模块的数目,并且今后还可以经由过程增长模块个数来很便利地实现供电体系的扩容.用户也可以依据本身的现实须要来选择是否将市电引入模块:引入市电,逆变模块既可以输出电网电压,也可以输出高质量的逆变电压;不引入市电,则逆变模块只输出逆变电压.(2)旁路模块即静态旁路切换开关,实现供电体系逆变供电和旁路供电两种工作模式的切换.单相体系设置装备摆设单相旁路模块,内置有2对双向可控硅.假如供电体系只须要逆变输出或者并联逆变模块不超出3个,则可以不须要设置装备摆设旁路模块,对于3个模块以上的并接洽统,假如对切换时光没有很高的请求,也可以不配旁路模块.为了包管全部供电体系的切换安然,建议并接洽统设置装备摆设旁路模块.(3)监控体系显示体系以及所有模块的工作状况.工作参数.本体系可以选配我公司的有PMS-ⅢD触摸屏监控;用户也可以依据我们供给的通信协定来本身设计监控体系;假如供电体系不配备监控,则体系也能正常工作,只是各模块只能显示本机的运行状况及运行参数.三相组合体系我公司逆变模块还有一个优势是能很便利地构成三相供电体系,以知足请求三相供电体系场合的须要,例如给三相电机供电.图 2.5中所示的就是由多个逆变模块组合而成的三相逆变供电体系,个中各模块既可以共用同一路直流输入,也可以分离采取单独的直流输入电源供电.体系中A.B.C 三相的输出电压大小相等,但各相的相位则互差120°,即B 相滞后A 相120°,C 相滞后B 相120°,从而构成了一个真正的三相供电体系.而在各相中,既可以由单个逆变模块供电,也可以采取多个模块构成靠得住性较高的并联冗余体系并增大体系的容量.三相组合逆变供电体系还有一个平常凸起的长处,就是带三相不服衡和非线性负载才能强.因为各相的模块单独掌握,彼此之间不受影响,如许只要所带负载不超出正常规模,即使是100%不服衡负载,也不会造成三相输出电压的不服衡和畸变,从而包管了全部供电体系优秀的输出特征,可以知足各类不合的三相负载请求.与单相供电系同一样,只要将电网的三相电压分离引入到各相逆变模块的旁路输入端,供电体系就可以依据用户须要以及体系的现实运行状况使得体系的交换输出在逆变电压与市电之间进行切换,最大程度地包管了对用户的不间断供电.也就是说逆变模块的交换输出端供给运用户的既可所以电网电压,也可所以高质量的逆变电压.本供电体系有逆变输出优先和旁路输出优先两种工作模式,用户可以依据本身的现实须要选择.用户可依据本身的须要选择逆变模块的数目,并且今后还可以经由过程增长模块个数来很便利地实现供电体系的扩容.假如用户请求三相容量相等,则每一相的逆变模块数必须雷同,即全部供电体系的逆变模块数为3的倍数.留意:电网的三相电压必须准确地引入到各相逆变模块的旁路输入端,即A 相电网电压接到A 相逆变模块的旁路输入端,B 相电网电压接到B 相逆变模块的旁路输入端,C 相电网电压接到C 相逆变模块的旁路输入端A相交流输出B相交流输出C相交流输出图2.5 三相组合逆变供电体系在逆变模块三相组合供电体系中,假如单相并联的模块超出1个,则体系额定输出电流较大,假如用户须要体系输出在市电与逆变电压之间切换,体系最好配备专门的旁路模块,以包管体系的供电安然.本供电体系有逆变输出优先和旁路输出优先两种工作模式,用户可以依据本身的现实须要,经由过程旁路模块很便利地对供电体系工作模式进行设置.假如不设置,则体系默以为旁路优先工作模式.在配备了旁路模块的体系中,逆变模块无需引入市电.(1为用户供给交换电.用户可依据本身的须要选择逆变模块的数目,并且今后还可以经由过程增长模块个数来很便利地实现供电体系的扩容.假如用户请求三相容量相等,则每一相的逆变模块数必须雷同,即全部供电体系的逆变模块数为3的倍数.用户也可以依据本身的现实须要来选择是否将市电引入模块:引入市电,逆变模块既可以输出电网电压,也可以输出高质量的逆变电压;不引入市电,则逆变模块只输出逆变电压.(2)旁路模块即静态旁路切换开关,实现供电体系逆变供电和旁路供电两种工作模式的切换.三相体系设置装备摆设单相旁路模块,内置有2组6对双向可控硅.假如三相组合供电体系只须要逆变输出或者逆变模块不超出3个,则可以不须要设置装备摆设旁路模块,对于3个模块以上的并联组合体系,假如对切换时光没有很高的请求,也可以不配旁路模块.为了包管全部供电体系的切换安然,建议并接洽统设置装备摆设旁路模块.(3)监控体系显示体系以及所有模块的工作状况.工作参数.本体系可以选配我公司的有PMS-ⅢD触摸屏监控;用户也可以依据我们供给的通信协定来本身设计监控体系;假如供电体系不配备监控,则体系也能正常工作,只是各模块只能显示本机的运行状况及运行参数.第三部分…装配解释及操纵3.0 简介此部分介绍KHF系列逆变器的吸收.储存以及装配解释.3.1 吸收因为运输进程可能造成仪器破坏,请在吸收货运公司方承运的货色时,检讨货色包装是否破坏.若有破坏迹象,请在吸收单上注明.3.2储存假如仪器须要储存,请置于阴凉.湿润.通风处,并且远离雨水,腐化性化学成品.请用油布或塑料包装将仪器包裹好以防尘土.污垢.油垢等外来物资.3.3装配前预备成功的装配KHF须要卖力的预备和选址.装配逆变器必须由具有丰硕的大功率电子装备经验的专业电子工程师来完成.3.4装配逆变器可以装配在19英寸,23英寸,25英寸柜中,具体装配方法取决于装配地位.3.4.1 地位选择此仪器必须装配在优越的工作情形处.重要的斟酌身分有:通风.周边情形.易操纵.细心选择装配地位有助于仪器的正常工作.请将仪器装配在干净.湿润.通风顺畅的地位.3.4.2 情形温度KHF系列的逆变器必须工作于50℃以下的情形温度.3.4.3冷却为了确保仪器优越工作,当仪器装配在机柜内时,请确保如下的通风间距:顶部和底部:0.25英寸(6.3mm)前后以及正面:11.50英寸(38.1mm)3.4.4固定和线的地位选择逆变器可以装配在19英寸.23英寸.25英寸机柜内.装配前请肯定好输入和输出线的地位.逆变器放在机柜后,请将模块两正面的螺丝锁上,使之固定.3.4.5接地为了安然和机械的正常工作,以及减小电磁干扰,准确的接地是必须的.有一个单独的大地接地线必须就近接地(GND).大地的接线端子应当尽可能的接近仪器.3.4.6逆变器衔接3.4.6.1直流输入线衔接请确保电池的正极衔接到BAT+接线端子,电池的负极衔接到BAT-接线端子.交换输出线衔接交换输出端子运用的标识为:“OUT_L”和“OUT_N”.请确保输出的N线衔接到OUT_N接线端子,输出的L线连衔接到OUT_L接线端子.旁路输入线衔接当全部体系须要旁路时,请将电网的L线衔接到LINE_L接线端子,电网的N线衔接到LINE_N接线端子.(纯逆变不须要)3.5逆变器运行1. 请参照1.6后面板掌握中的微型开关设置模块地址.2. 在模块开机接线前,先测量输入电压和主电是否是开机电压规模内.3. 接线:直流从BAT正负端接入,主电电压从旁路的L,N端接入.4.模块通电后,设置模块前面板监控地址:单机体系,地址固定为00,无需别的设置;并机体系,对应于1中本模块后面板上微型开关设置好的模块地址,前面板监控的地址必须与之保持一致,不然监控将不克不及显示模块的工作状况及参数.具体操纵是在主页面下按“确认”键,监控将显示“设置”菜单,再按“确认”键,将进入地址设置菜单,地址为2位10进制数,经由过程“+”或“-”键使之与后面板上微型开关设置好的4位16进制模块地址相等,设置完成后按“↓”键,监控将显示“保管”选项,再按下“确认”键,保管地址设置,并且监控主动返回主页面.5. 监控进入主页面,显示模块的工作状况及参数,具体显示请拜见1.5.2,可经由过程前面板上左边的“向上”键或“向下”键显示不合的读数.6. 按下前面板上的“开/关机”键,再按下“肯定”键,逆变器开机.在已开机的情形下按下前面板上的“开/关机”键,再按下“肯定”键,则会封闭逆变器,但此时假如旁路电压正常则模块将由旁路中断供电.需留意的是模块刚上电时默以为开机状况,即模块上电后会主动开机,只到手动关机.7. 开机正常后,前面板旌旗灯号灯为绿色并闪耀,标明模块已有输出.经由过程前面板的液晶显示屏可以读取模块的运行状况以及各参数.8. 假如前面板旌旗灯号灯为红色并闪耀,标明模块消失平常状况无输出.蜂鸣器短鸣,使显示屏移到“状况代码”显示项,假如四位16进制数为0001标明是直流输入电压平常,0008标明是交换输入电压平常,0009则标明两者都平常,0002标明模块过温呵护,0040标明是模块过载关机呵护.蜂鸣器长鸣则断开直流输入与交换输入后再从新上电,假如现象仍然一样则标明模块消失故障,请与厂家接洽.解释:在所有菜单中,V暗示电压,A暗示电流,%暗示百分比,0000H暗示16进制代码. 填补:立式构造图模块尺寸:为尺度5U高模块,长*宽*高:400mm *210mm *222mm。
Dongguan Sheng Yang Industrial Co., Ltd.SY-GWV300/500W Grid Tie InverterUser ManualThis data is a copyright of DongguanShengYang Industrial Co.Ltd.Without the written permission of the copyright holder, any unit or individual shall not be duplicate, disclosed to others orused,or we will be held liable in liability. This guide and the latest information maybe have someerror, but we will improve on time. If no prior notice changes, but incorporated into the new usermanual, Dongguan Sheng Yang Industrial Co., Ltd. has the final say.Tel:+86-0769-********/85372132/85372133Fax:+86-0769-********/85099281Website:Address:NO.1Shang Xin Road, Xin Rong Cun, Xin’an Community,Chang’an Town,Dong Guan City,Guang Dong ProvinceProduct picturesSystem Function●Power line carrier-current communication(Follow-up perfect)By using electric power as a carrier of AC alternating current, can modulate high-frequency software-processa ble (60KHz) in AC wire transmission and can achieve the communication/ newsletter between inverters or between inverter and computer. And it can transfer the power data and the brightness date of the sunshine in the real-time. Also monitor all functions of inverter.1、Carrier frequency:60KHZ(Frequency customizable)2、Interface way:TTL level serial interface3、Carrier rate:300BPS4、Serial rate:9600BPS(Can customize according to customer's request)5、Modulation mode:FSK+DSSS6、Newsletter distance:2Km●Display function1、AC voltage display2、Outage display3、Power shows4、AC frequency display5、DC over-voltage display6、DC under- voltage display7、Power adjust display●12-grade power searchIn overcast weather,the solar battery’s output current is extremely tiny, then inverter will automatic open 12-grade power search function.1、The program can automatically open power adjustment for 12 times.2、The current direction can adjust from the maximum to the minimum.3、In automatic adjustment process, we will see the LOW light flashing.And the power will keep as a starting point,from 0 to the maximum output power, and it will restart at most for 12 times, then locked in the maximum power, the ST lamp long bright.4、It need 10 minutes for 12-grade power search.●Wide voltage input(15-60VDC)Achieve wide voltage input.1、DC voltage input:15-60VDC2、Second level power variable voltage conversion●High-frequency two-way and one-way grid function1、High frequency direct modulation, AC half wave synthesis2、Two-way grid means: Load consume directly. And can reverse AC current transmission.3、One-way grid means: Load consume directly. And banned reverse AC current transmission.●Kinds of frequency output function.It can apply to 50Hz and 60Hz frequency of AC.Frequency range: 45Hz ~ 63Hz●directly connected to the solar panels (do not need to connect the battery)Using precise Dynamic differential pressure type MPPT function, APL functions, the inverter automatically adjust the solar panels of maximum output power,simply connect the solar panel to the grid inverters. Do not need to connect the battery.1、Differential pressure type MPPT: 0.1 V accuracy2、Power lock: 10W (AC output)●AC 0 angle with high precision auto-detectionAC phase angle of 0 through isolation amplifier then input to the MCU for high-precision detection and analysis.The phase shift rate is less than 1%, thus achieve high-precision with phase modulation AC output together.1、AC phase shift: < 1%2、Over-zero protection: 0.2 V AC3、AC switching: 50Hz / 60HzSynchronous High-frequency ModulationIn the process of the grid, usually adapt the same phase angle in parallel. (ie, When the two-phase alternating current total is equal to e switch to combination the two AC fusion) and the product is rectified AC half-frequency AC to 100Hz first, then the machine use the high frequency current in the circuit and semi-100Hz frequency alternating current generated combination, to achieve high-frequency modulation.1、Modulation synthesis: half wave and full-bridge modulation synthesis (100Hz / 120Hz)2、Synthetic way: MOSFET full-bridge3、High frequency: 50KHzPure Sine Wave OutputUse SPWM directly to make pure sine wave output.1、Output waveform: Adopt complementary PWM to push-pull pure sine wave.2、Generate means: enhancement-mode SPWM●Automatic Sensing Function Solar LuminosityUse the latest luminosity perception operation technology. The different illuminate angle and intensity of the solar panel will produce different current output. Use advanced CPU to operate the different illuminance and the data can be directly displayed on the LCD. Then you can visually see the sense of the strength of the sun unit.Used more convenient.1、Luminosity sampling point :power sampling point2、High precision AD sampling: integral AD sampling methodPower Automatically Locked (APL)In different current fluctuations, we should use the MPPT function. When the MPPT function adjusted to the maximum power point, the product automatically powers locked in maximum power point, then made the output power more stable.1、Power lock: The biggest sampling point of MPPT.Automatically Adapt To Different Load Power FactorAdapt to any of the power load.●Constant Current, Constant PowerThis product is constant current, constant output power, without any overload, over-current phenomenon.●Automatically Shut Down When The Power Output Of a FaultWhen the city power system is in failure, the inverter will automatically turn off the output.Current Limit ProtectionCurrent limit●Stack Multiple Machines●Multiple small power inverters in parallel can achieve large output power.●High-Frequency High Conversion RateAdapt high frequency converter, the output more efficient.Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)Because the current intensity and the voltage changes at any time, if there is no power point tracking, there will be a lot of problems. In the past time, usually adopt a solar controller, but this product uses high-precision MPPT operation power, automatic and immediate adjust the solar panels output power at the maximum output point, then achieve a stable output purposes.MPPT is for short of " Maximum Power Point Tracking". It means the controller can sense the voltage of the solar panels on time, and can track the highest voltage and current (VI).Then made the inverter discharge to power grid with the highest efficiency.The peak voltage (Vpp) of the solar panels is about 19.5V when it in factory. And the environment temperature is 25 ° C. The reason of setting this temperature(interestingly, different from the subjective imagination, we ordinary people the conclusion may let us surprised) is that when the weather is very hot, solar panels’ peak voltage will fall to about 17.5 V while in cold weather, the peak voltage can achieve 20.8 V.Now we back to contrast the difference of MPPT solar energy grid inverter and traditional inverter. The traditional solar inverter is a bit like the manual gearbox. When the engine speed increase, while the gearbox gear don't increase at the same time, it will definitely affect the speed of the car. For traditional inverter speaking, the parameter output power is been set in factory. It likes a car have been fixed set on fixed 1 gears, no matter how powerfully you trample accelerator, the speed of a car is limited. While have the MPPT function it will be different, it is automatically. It will automatically adjust the gears according to the engine’ speed, so it can make cars in the most gears in a reasonable efficiency standard operation. It means the MPPT controller can track the maximum power point of solar panels in real-time then express the biggest efficiency of solar panels. The higher the voltage, the more power can be output through the MPPT. Thus improve the charging efficiency.Theoretically speaking, using MPPT, the efficiency can be increased by 50% compared with the traditional inverter. But due to environmental impact and various around energy loss, the ultimate efficiency can improve20%-30% according to our actual testing.Parameter TableKD-WVC Grid-series models300Watt 500Watt Recommend use solar panels400Wp 600WpDC MAX input current 20A 40AAC MAX output power 300Watt 500WattDC MAX Open-circuit input-voltage 100VDCDC input voltage range 15~60VDCMAX output power factor 0.99DC input Reverse voltage protection FUSEAC output voltage range (120V versions:90~160VAC)(230V versions:190~260VAC)AC frequency range 45~63HzOutput current total harmonic distortion THDIAC <5%AC Phase <0.5%Islanding protection V AC;f ACOutput short circuit protection Current-limitingShow LED mode:power instruction;voltage instruction;AC frequency instruction;over-voltage instructionCommunication way 60KHz modulation,power line carrier-current communication Standby Power <1WNight Power <1WAmbient temperature range -25 ℃~60℃Humidity 0~99%(Indoor Type Design) Waterproof Indoor Type Design Electromagnetic Compatibility EN50081.part1 EN50082.part1 Power System Disturbance EN61000-3-2 EN62109 Network test DIN VDE 1026 Certificate CEPacking and weightNet weight 1.3kg(200—600W) 2.0kg(800—1000W) G weight 2.0kg(200—600W) 2.7kg(800—1000W) Size (L x W x H) 21 x 16.5 x5.3cm 31 x 16.5 x5.5cmPackage (L x W x H) Inner box:34x25x15.5CMBig box:51x37x33CMInner box :43x25x15.5CBig box:52x45x33CMInstallation Wall hanging AC power cord length 1.8m Cooling FanUser Guide1、Installation Connection1、Red terminal: Connect DC positive, black terminal: Connect DC negative. Show in Figure 1.Figure 12、AC socket: Connect to the mains. Put the side of the AC cord which has holes into the inverter with 3 footoutlet and the other side of the AC cord to home 3PIN AC outlet. Show in Figure 2.Figure 2 Figure 33、Switch: Connect the connections in right way, then turn on the switch. The inverter starts to work.2、Grid tied inverter used in the wind and solar street lights.Use this product, do not need to add solar panel controller, battery.Connection Method 1 (Figure 4 below): Connection method 2 (Figure 5 below): Figure 4 Figure 5Connection Method 1: Wind energy, solar energy can supply to the grid at the same time, then achieve the highest efficiency. First consider this connection method. Figure 5Connection method 2: Use a large power generation capacity first. The other capacity is in added. Wind and solar capacity complement each other with moderate efficiency.3、Stack usingIn order to achieve higher power use requirements, this product can be stacked, such as: 4 grid inverter1000W stacking can achieve 4000W.And the number of the stacking is unlimited. Used as shown in Figure 6:Figure 64、Input and output1、DC input limit✧Input voltage range: 14V to 60VSolar Panel: Recommend using the power more than 30W and the standard voltage of 36V PV panels.Recommend using multiple solar panels. Solar panel in series will result in high-input voltage which will exceed the working voltage range of the inverter.Wind turbine system: Rated voltage 24VDC, maximum voltage 48VDC.2、AC output:✧V oltage range of the inverter whose output is 220V AC.: 170V - 260V,50HZ✧V oltage range of the inverter whose output is 110V AC.: 90V - 160V,60HZ5、LED Indicator:1、Red LED:1、Low-voltage protection (input DC voltage is less than 14VDC).2、Over-voltage protection (Input DC voltage is greater than 60VDC).3、Over-temperature protection (when the chassis temperature is above 75℃,the temperature dropped about 2-10 minutes to restart automatically after cooling).4、Fault Protection (when 110V AC or 220V AC power outage or shutdown).5、Islanding protection: When the electric supply stop, the inverter automatically shut down output.2、Green LED:1、Green LED flashing: The inverter is adjusting power output. MPPT is in working condition.2、Green LED long in time: The inverter is in working condition with the maximum output power. Notes---Non-professionals do not disassemble. Only qualified personnel may repair this product.---Please install inverter in the low humidity and well-ventilated place to avoid the inverter over-heating, and clear around the inflammable and explosive materials.---When using this product, avoid children touching, playing, to avoid electric shock.---Recommended Maximum DC input 4AWG cable capable of handling more than 50A of the cable size.---Optimal length of the DC input line 8M or less, long cable will allow solar panels to the inverterDC voltage drop caused by wear and tear.---Connected to a power outlet to provide AC.---Connected solar panels, battery or wind generators DC input DC power supply cable. ---Proposed wind power plant with its own charge controller and load dump. Accessories for productOne standard AC wireOne warranty cardOne user manualOne certificate of quality。
英普纯正正弦波逆变器(12V 24V 48V)用户手册说明书
POWER INVERTERRoHSPromote green energyModified Sine Wave Pure Sine WaveUSERUSER MANUALStatement: there are some differences between the image and the real object, please subject to real objects; Products are being updated constantly,if you need to learn more,Do not open inverter without permission!Universal Australia France&Germany I talySmall Europe Type South Africa UK USAAustralia Europe&USA&Japan France Germany60006000W12000W12/24/48VPure sine wave or Modified sine waveThank you for purchasing our Power Inverter.lt is a compact and highly portable power inverter Which has an excellent track record in the field of high frequency inverter. From the 12V/24V/48V DC outlet in your vehicle or boat, or directly from a dedicated 12V/24V/48V DC battery,this inverter can efficiently and reliably power a wide variety of house hold AC products,such as TV, Computers,Air-conditioner etc. Please read this guide before installing or using the Due to our continuous work to upgrade and improve our products, we may change or revise the contents of this manual instructions or any part of it without giving any further notice.Pure sine wave or Modified sine wave600W 1200W800800W 1600W12/24/48V 12/24/48VType:TypeA,TypeB,TypeC,TypeD,TypeE,TypeF,TypeG;75W,100W,150W,200W,300W,500W,600W,800W,1000W,1200W,1500W,2000W,2500W,3000W,4000W,5000W,6000W,8000W,10000W,1205,2405,1210,2410,1215,2415,1220,2420,1230,2430,1250,2450,M:Modified sine wave inverterSY:Movable solar power system;Pure sine wave or Modified sine wave25002500W 5000W30003000W 6000W12/24/48V 12/24/48V………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12-3456677-889-1011-151617-2122-24SOLUTIONShorten the wire or use widercable. Charge the battery.Make the inverter get cooler.Improve ventilation around the inverter. Place the inverter at a cool place.Feed the load according to e bigger power Check the connection and ower a s a n ormal h ousehold f an o r v ent o penings. 1-4. Do not under any circumstance, connect the inverter to AC power.1-5. The inverter housing may become uncomfortably warm, reaching 140F(60℃)under extended high power opeartion. Ensure at least 2 inches (5cm) of air space is maintained on all sides of the inverter.During operation, keep away from materials that 1-6. Do not use the inverter in the presence of flammable fumes or gases, such as in the bilge of a gasoline powered boat,or near a propane tanks. Do not use the inverter inSOLUTIONmodified sine wave real effective value to get the accurate Charge the battery or change batteryan enclosure containing automotive-type, lead-acid batteries.These batteries, unlike sealed batteries,emit explosive hy-drogenation which can be ignited by sparks from electrical tlets.T h e in verter w ill be 1-8. Do not expose the inverter to temperatures exceeding 104F(40℃).CAUTION! Do not use the inverter with the following equipment;1-9. Small battery operated products such as rechargeable falshlights,some rechargeabl shavers, and nightlights that are plugged directly into an AC receptacle to recharge.1-10. Certain battery chargers for battery packs used in hand powered tools. These chargers will have warning labels stating that dangerous voltages are present at the 1-11. Note DC voltage of battery should be similar to input DC voltage of power inverter (for example DC12V of battery should be connected with input voltage 12V of the inverter).SOLUTIONUse appliances havingpower below the inverter ′s Since the peak power of the electric appliances exceeds the peak power of the inverter, use an appliance with a peak power consistant with the inverterThe electric appliances does not work,and the red FAULT indicator of the inverter lights.The inverter come in two types; pure sine wave power type and modified sine wave type. In the pure sine wave power inverter, the 240V AC output harmonically follows a smooth sine wave and is almost identical to normal mains electricity. As a result, the pure sine wave output would be A Graphic Comparison of Modified Sine Wave and Pure Sine Wave is shown belew:Pure Sine WaveOverload protection / Over voltage protection / Short Circuit protection / Over、Sand bl a st M achine、Scanning Machine etc.Lamp or LED、SewingFreezer、 Coffemaker、For safe and optimum performance,install the inverter in a location that is:3-1-2. Cool - Operate only in ambient temperatures between 32F (0℃) and 104F ). Keep away from heating vents or other heat producing equipment.3-1-3. Safe - Do not install inverter in a compartment with batteries or flammable 3-1-4. Well ventilated - Allow at least 2 inches(5cm)clearance above and on all sides 3-1-5. Clean and free of dust and dirt- This is especially important if the inverterSOLUTIONReplace the battery or usebattery charger to charge yourSwitch off the inverter and let itget cooled for 15 minutes. Clearobjectes around the fan and theinverter. Place the inverter at acool place.Reduce loadaccording to requirements.Check the working state of thecharging system. Make sure theoutput voltage of the battery iswithin the proper voltageAC appliances do not work, and the green power indicator does not light.SOLUTIONCheck the battery, replace it ifcorrect the connection to battery,the inverter may be damaged.Replace the fuse inside inverter(outside warranty cover)Check the cables and theconnection, screw tight thewiring terminal-14-The Sketch of InverterModified sine wave800W-2000W,Pure sine wave800W-2000WOutputs connectionTips :48V a nd 2 4V i n verters a re c onnected i n s imilar w ays,b ut t h e b atteries i n s eries.AC OutletsGround Connection nutUSB DC 5VBattery Connection Red+Battery Connection Black-Battery connecting cablesFanThe inverter works in two stages. During the first stage, the DC to DC converter increases the DC input voltage from the power source (eg.A 12V battery) to 300V DC In the second stage, the high voltage DC is converted to the watts you need (AC) using advanced power MOSFET tran-sistors or IGBT technology in a full bridge configuration The result is excellent overload capability and the capacity to operate difficult reactive loads 3-3-1.Attach the ring type connector marked with redto the positive (+) DC terminal on the inverter and attach the ring connector marked with black to the negative (-) DC A reverse polarity connection (positive to negative) may damage the inverter (Fuse)Damage caused by a reverse polarity connection would probably invalidate your warrantyWARNING: Sparking may occur when connecting the unit to the battery, makesure no flammable fumes are present before making any connections.3-5-1. When a 12V/24V/48V DC outlet or battery properly connected to the inverter,turn on the ON/OFF, the green Power indicator will light, and it deliver AC power to the 3-5-2. Plug the AC appliances you wish to operated into the AC outlet (s) and switch NOTICE: When connect to the appliances,remember to turn on the inverter 3-5-3. If the audible alarm be ignored the inverter may be automatically shut down when the battery voltage drops to 9.8-10.2V / 19.6-20.4V / 39.2-40.8V. in order to 3-5-4. If the AC appliances rated power is higher than inverters rating(or the appliance draws excessive surge power),the inverter will shut down. The red FAULT indicator will light. 3-5.5. If the inverter exceeds a safe operating temperature, due to insufficient.ventilation or a high surrounding temperature , it will automatically shut down. The red FAULT indicator will light and the audio warning alarm will sound.3-3-2. Tighten the nut on each DC terminal by hand until it is snug. If the power more 3-3-3. When the inverter is not in use , unplug it from the 12V/ 24V /48V DC 3-5-6. If a defective battery charge system has caused the battery voltage to rise to a dangerously high level, the inverter will automatically shut down.3-5-7. The cooling fan is designed to operate only when the temperature goes up or CAUTION: Before using the inverter,please provide a ground connection wire. On the rear panel of the inverter is at erminal fitted with a nut for connecting to the inverter and to the earth terminal of the AC output socket. Please choose heavy duty, insulated green/yellow wire. Drive into the ground to a depth of 1-2m or more. In a vehicle,connect the inverter to the chassis of the vehicle. In a boat, connect to the boat ˋs We advise that please use deep cycle battery. If you hear the low voltage alarm, please stop the inverter immediately. When the battery is fully charged, the inverter can be used again. If you use the inverter in a car, then it would be necessary to run the engine of your car after each time you use the inverter. You can run the engine for 10 minutes or so to recharge the -13-Modified sine wave3000W-6000W,Pure sine wave3000W-6000WLight Indicators Power (Green) and Fault (Red)Ground Connection nutFanBattery Connectiong LinesUSB DC 5VON/OFF SwitchAC OutletsBattery Connection,Red+, Black-CAUTION: Although the inverter incorporates the protection function against over-voltage, there would be still the possibility of getting the unit damaged Modified sine wave150W-600W,Pure sine wave150W-600WCrocodile Clip linesUSB DC 5VON/OFFSwitchAC OutletsCigarette Lighter FanBattery Connection,Red+, Black-。
48V/1500W正弦波逆变器一体机说明书Sine wave all-in-one inverter specification 一、概述Introduction本逆变器使用本公司专为逆变器研发的纯正正弦波芯片,具有非常完善的保护功能(包括过载保护,过流保护,高温保护,短路保护,电池高、低压保护)和机器运行LCD状态指示功能。
极低的传导辐射干扰,完善的EMC电路,通过FCC CLASS B级认证,在敏感的设备上不会造成高频干扰,是这种机器的一大特点。
华创HCON系列1KW 2KW 48VDC风光混合充电控制器使用手册说明书
User Manual Wind and Solar Hybrid Charge ControllerHCON Series1KW / 2KW 48VDCDear Customer,Thank you very much for choosing our product. This manual contains important information about the installation and operation of your wind and solar charge controller. Please read this manual carefully before installing and using the product.Any work should follow the required safety standards and applicable regulations. The product should be handled and installed by professionals or appropriately qualified persons. Suitable precautions and safety measures should be taken in all cases.1. Product overviewThis controller has been designed to charge 48V lead acid battery banks from wind turbines and solar panels. The controller can be used with either a wind turbine alone, or a solar array alone, or wind + solar combined charging one battery bank at the same time.Warning! The “nominal” voltage of your wind turbine and the solar array should match the battery bank voltage 48V. This controller is only suitable for:- 48V wind turbines (3-phase AC 50-65V output)- 48V solar arrays (maximum power voltage 64-80V, open circuit voltage 80-100V).The controller comes packaged with a separate dump load unit which is required for unloading and protecting the battery whenit is fully charged.Features●Intelligent and powerful technology ensures a high level ofproduct reliability●Simple structure with a modular design guarantees astable performance●PWM charging mode for optimal charge acceptance by thebattery bank● A range of protection functions (overcharging, overvoltage,reverse polarity, load short circuit, lightning, current limiting, automatic brake etc)●Inbuilt temperature sensor for temperature compensationof charging●Small current charging mode for a low battery (gentlecharging of a very low battery with only part of the available current)Optional FeaturesThe controller comes with an in-built RS485 communication port which can accept connection of various devices, such as a remote meter display, control panel, GPRS communication module etc. These devices are optional and need to be purchased / configured separately from the controller, using the appropriate RS485 to USB / RS485 to 232 converting cables.2. First use and operating procedures1) Use insulated copper or tinned copper cables of theappropriate cross-section (but in any case not smaller than6 mm2) to connect system components.2) Connect the dump load to the DUMP LOAD terminals ofthe controller.3) Connect the battery to the BATTERY terminals on thecontroller. Although the controller has reverse polarityprotection, make sure the positive and negative cablesare connected to the correct “+” and “-” terminals.4) Attach the wind turbine output cables to the WIND INPUTterminal on the unit. Please make sure the wind turbine blades are not rotating or are moving at a very slowspeed during this step of the installation.5) Finally, connect the solar panel(s)to the positive andnegative SOLAR INPUT terminals on the controller.Please keep the solar panel(s) covered during this process.Wiring diagram6) The controller comes with an On / Off switch on the frontpanel. This switch is designed for customers looking to disable battery charging and divert all energy to the dump load (e.g. when away from the system for a long period of time). When the controller is in normal operation of the battery charging, this switch should stay in the “On”position.Turning it into the “Off” position disables battery charging and activates the dump load.7) If you need to disconnect the wind turbine for a significantperiod of time, please note that for most wind turbines it is not recommended that the 3 wind turbine AC output wires remain open circuit. Typically the best method is to short all three wires and isolate them from other objects. Consult your wind turbine manufacturer or supplier for detailed guidance on this question before making a decision.3. Display informationPressing “READ” on the controller will show the battery voltage, solar charge current, wind turbine charge current and wind turbine revolutions per minute (RPM).Name DescriptionLight IndicatorVShows battery voltageI1Shows PV currentI2Shows wind turbine current r/minShows wind turbine RPMUnShows controller is unloading CHShows controller is chargingNote: Indicates that the light is illuminated.4. Fault indicationThe following fault codes might appear on the controller display.5. Mechanical dimensions6. Data and Specifications。
烟台山友电气COTEK纯正波逆变器全系列说明书 中文
150W300W逆变器型号(S150-XXX S300-XXX)输入输出完全隔离设计能快速并行启动电容、电感负载三色指示灯显示,输入电压,输出电压,负载水准和故障情形负载控制风扇冷却高级微处理控制系统设计过压/欠压/短路/过载/超温保护说明型号项目S150-112 S150-124 S150-212 S150-224 S300-112 S300-124 S300-212 S300-224 输出功率150W 300W冲击功率200W 400W输入电压12V 24V 12V 24V 12V 24V 12V 24V输入电压范围10.5-15.0 21.0-30.0 10.5-15.0 21.0-30.0 10.5-15.0 21.0-30.0 10.5-15.0 21.0-30.0 输出电压110VAC±5% 230VAC±5% 110VAC±5% 230VAC±5% 频率50/60Hz±3%瞬间效率91% 92% 90% 93% 92% 93% 91% 94% 最大效率86% 87% 85% 88% 87% 88% 86% 89% 满载效率72% 79% 72% 80% 72% 78% 72% 80% 输出电流0.18A 0.15A 0.22A 0.16A 0.26A 0.23A 0.23A 0.15A 输出波形纯正弦波(失真率<4%)可允许的功率因素cosθ-90°~cosθ+90°自动保护过压/欠压/短路/过载/超温保护远程控制外接开关远程控制安规认证UL458 EN60950EN50081-1:1992EN50082-1:1992EN55022B:1994 电磁干扰FCC Class BEN61000-4-2:1995EN61000-4-3:1996ENV50204:1995工作环境温度0℃~40℃内储温度范围-30℃to70℃冷却负载控制风扇冷却尺寸237*155*72mm/9.33*6.10*2.83英寸重量 3.5公斤/7.7磅型号(S600-XXX)纯正弦波输出(失真率<3%)输出频率、开关选择:50/60hz输入输出完全隔离设计高效率设计88~94%适应于容性、感性负载三色指示灯显示,输入电压,输出电压,负载水准和故障情形适应于冲击性负载负载控制风扇冷却高级微处理控制系统设计過壓/欠壓/短路/過載/超溫保護说明型号型号型号型号型号型号项目S600-112 S600-124 S600-148 S600-212 S600-224 S600-248 输出功率600W最大输出功率680W冲击功率800W输入电压12VDC 24VDC 48VDC 12VDC 24VDC 48VDC 输出电压100/110/120VAC+-3% 220/230/240VAC+-3% 频率50/60HZ+/-0.05%满载效率87% 90% 92% 90% 93% 94% 输出电流0.87A 0.43A 0.23A 0.83A 0.43A 0.22A 输出波形纯正弦波(失真率<3%)输出电压范围100/110/120Vrms-10%+4% 220/230/240Vrms-10%+4%输入电压范围10.5-15 21.0-30 42.0-60 10.5-15 21.0-30 42.0-60 电压,负载指示LED 红色/橙色/绿色自动保护超载,过压,欠压,超温,短路,低电池等报警保护安规认证UL458 EN60950EN50081-1:1992EN50082-1:1992EN55022B:1994EN61000-4-2:1995EN61000-4-3:1996 电磁干扰FCC Class BENV50204:1995 e-Marke13-020866 工作环境温度0~50℃℃内储温度范围-30to70℃℃冷却自动控制制冷风扇尺寸295(L)*180(W)*72(H)mm /11.61(L)*7.09(W)*2.83(H)英寸重量 2.7kgs./5.4Lbs.型号(S1500-XXX)纯正弦波输出(失真率<2%)输入输出完全隔离设计RS-232C远端电脑监控设计输入电压,负载LED指示状态自动控制制冷风扇采用微处理器控制系统设计过压/欠压/短路/过载/超温保护输出电压,频率开关选择说明型号型号型号型号型号型号项目S1500-112 S1500-124 S1500-148 S1500-212 S1500-224 S1500-248 输出功率1500W冲击功率2000W输入电压12VDC 24VDC 48VDC 12VDC 24VDC 48VDC 输出电压100/110/115/120V+—3% 200/220/230/240V+-3%频率50/60HZ+/-0.05%输出电流25A 11A满载效率85% 87% 88% 86% 89% 90% 空载损耗 1.5W Saving Mode≦输出波形纯正弦波(失真率<3%)输出电压范围100/110/115/120Vrms-10%+4% 200/220/230/240Vrms-10%+4%输入电压范围10.0-16.0 20.0-32.0 42.0-62.0 10.0-16.0 20.0-32.0 42.0-62.0 自动保护超载,过压,欠压,超温,短路,低电池等报警保护省电模式恢复时间5秒面版控制端口RS-232C远端控制器任意选择安规认证UL458 EN60950EN50081-1:1992EN50082-1:1992EN55022B:1994EN61000-4-2:1995EN61000-4-3:1996 电磁干扰FCC Class BENV50204:1995e-Marke13-020932工作环境温度0~40℃℃内储温度范围-30to70℃冷却自动控制制冷风扇尺寸390(L)*275(W)*105(H}mm/15.4(L)*10.8(W)*4.1(H)Inch 重量7.0kgs/15.5lbs.型号(SK700)纯正弦波输出(失真率<3%)输出频率、开关选择:50/60Hz输入输出完全隔离设计高效率设计89-95%适应于容性、感性负载三色指示灯显示,输入电压,输出电压,负载水准和故障情形负载控制风扇冷却高级微处理控制系统设计过压/欠压/短路/过载/超温保护说明型号型号型号型号型号型号项目SK700-112 SK700-124 SK700-148 SK700-212 SK700-224 SK700-248输出功率700W最大输出功率800W冲击功率1200W输入电压12VDC 24VDC 48VDC 12VDC 24VDC 48VDC 输出电压100/110/120VAC+-3% 220/230/240VAC+-3%频率50/60HZ+/-0.05%输出波形纯正弦波(失真率<3%)满载效率89% 91% 92% 91% 93% 94% 无负载直流损耗 1.25A 0.64A 0.31A 1.20A 0.60A 0.28A 待机直流损耗0.25A 0.15A 0.08A 0.25A 0.15A 0.08A输入电压范围10.5-15 21.0-30 42.0-60 10.5-15 21.0-30 42.0-6电压,负载指示LED 红色/橙色/绿色故障指示LED 红色自动保护超载,过压,欠压,超温,短路,低电池等报警保护安规认证UL458 EN60950EN50081-1:1992EN50082-1:1992EN55022B:1994EN61000-4-2:1995EN61000-4-3:1996 电磁干扰FCC Class BENV50204:1995 e-Mark e13-02 0866工作环境温度-10℃~50℃内储温度范围-30℃to70℃冷却负载控制冷却风扇(65℃开,45℃关)尺寸295(L)*180(W)*72(H)mm /11.61(L)*7.09(W)*2.83(H)英寸型号(SK1000)纯正弦波输出(失真率<3%)输出频率、开关选择:50/60Hz输入输出完全隔离设计高效率设计89-95%适应于容性、感性负载三色指示灯显示,输入电压,输出电压,负载水准和故障情形负载控制风扇冷却高级微处理控制系统设计过压/欠压/短路/过载/超温保护说明型号型号型号型号型号型号项目SK1000-112 SK1000-124 SK1000-148 SK1000-212 SK1000-224 SK100 0-248输出功率1000W最大输出功率1150W冲击功率2000W输入电压12VDC 24VDC 48VDC 12VDC 24VDC 48VDC 输出电压100/110/120VAC+-3% 220/230/240VAC+-3%频率50/60HZ+/-0.05%输出波形纯正弦波(失真率<3%)满载效率89% 92% 93% 91% 94% 95% 无负载直流损耗 1.43A 0.75A 0.38A 1.25A 0.65A 0.38A 待机直流损耗0.25A 0.15A 0.09A 0.25A 0.15A 0.09A输入电压范围10.5-15 21.0-30 42.0-60 10.5-15 21.0-30 42.0-6电压,负载指示LED 红色/橙色/绿色故障指示LED 红色自动保护超载,过压,欠压,超温,短路,低电池等报警保护安规认证UL458 EN60950EN50081-1:1992EN50082-1:1992EN55022B:1994EN61000-4-2:1995EN61000-4-3:1996 电磁干扰FCC Class BENV50204:1995 e-Mark e13-02 0866工作环境温度-10℃~50℃内储温度范围-30℃to70℃冷却负载控制冷却风扇(65℃开,45℃关)尺寸383(L)*182(W)*88(H)mm /15.08(L)*7.17(W)*3.46(H)英寸型号(SK1500)纯正弦波输出(失真率<3%)输出频率、开关选择:50/60Hz输入输出完全隔离设计高效率设计89-95%适应于容性、感性负载三色指示灯显示,输入电压,输出电压,负载水准和故障情形负载控制风扇冷却高级微处理控制系统设计过压/欠压/短路/过载/超温保护说明型号型号型号型号型号型号项目SK1500-112 SK1500-124 SK1500-148 SK1500-212 SK1500-224 SK150 0-248输出功率1500W最大输出功率1725W冲击功率3000W输入电压12VDC 24VDC 48VDC 12VDC 24VDC 48VDC 输出电压100/110/120VAC+-3% 220/230/240VAC+-3%频率50/60HZ+/-0.05%输出波形纯正弦波(失真率<3%)满载效率88% 91% 92% 90% 93% 94% 无负载直流损耗 1.45A 0.75A 0.40A 1.40A 0.70A 0.40A 待机直流损耗0.28A 0.15A 0.09A 0.28A 0.15A 0.09A输入电压范围10.5-15 21.0-30 42.0-60 10.5-15 21.0-30 42.0-6电压,负载指示LED 红色/橙色/绿色故障指示LED 红色自动保护超载,过压,欠压,超温,短路,低电池等报警保护安规认证UL458 EN60950EN50081-1:1992EN50082-1:1992EN55022B:1994EN61000-4-2:1995EN61000-4-3:1996 电磁干扰FCC Class BENV50204:1995 e-Mark e13-02 0866工作环境温度-10℃~50℃内储温度范围-30℃to70℃冷却负载控制冷却风扇(65℃开,45℃关)尺寸415(L)*191(W)*88(H)mm /16.34(L)*7.52(W)*3.46(H)英寸型号(SK2000)纯正弦波输出(失真率<3%)输出频率、开关选择:50/60Hz输入输出完全隔离设计高效率设计89-95%适应于容性、感性负载三色指示灯显示,输入电压,输出电压,负载水准和故障情形负载控制风扇冷却高级微处理控制系统设计过压/欠压/短路/过载/超温保护说明型号型号型号型号型号型号项目SK2000-112 SK2000-124 SK2000-148 SK2000-212 SK2000-224 SK2000 -248输出功率2000W最大输出功率2300W冲击功率4000W输入电压12VDC 24VDC 48VDC 12VDC 24VDC 48VDC 输出电压100/110/120VAC+-3% 220/230/240VAC+-3% 频率50/60HZ+/-0.05%输出波形纯正弦波(失真率<3%)满载效率89% 92% 93% 91% 94% 95% 无负载直流损耗 2.8A 1.5A 0.7A 2.8A 1.5A 0.7A 待机直流损耗0.50A 0.30A 0.16A 0.50A 0.25A 0.12A输入电压范围10.5-15 21.0-30 42.0-60 10.5-15 21.0-30 42.0-6电压,负载指示LED 红色/橙色/绿色故障指示LED 红色自动保护超载,过压,欠压,超温,短路,低电池等报警保护安规认证UL458 EN60950EN50081-1:1992EN50082-1:1992EN55022B:1994EN61000-4-2:1995EN61000-4-3:1996 电磁干扰FCC Class BENV50204:1995 e-Mark e13-02 0866工作环境温度-10℃~50℃内储温度范围-30℃to70℃冷却负载控制冷却风扇(65℃开,45℃关)尺寸422(L)*208(W)*160(H)mm /16.6(L)*8.18(W)*6.30(H)英寸型号(SK3000)纯正弦波输出(失真率<3%)输出频率、开关选择:50/60Hz输入输出完全隔离设计高效率设计89-95%适应于容性、感性负载三色指示灯显示,输入电压,输出电压,负载水准和故障情形负载控制风扇冷却高级微处理控制系统设计过压/欠压/短路/过载/超温保护说明型号型号型号型号型号型号项目SK3000-112 SK3000-124 SK3000-148 SK3000-212 SK3000-224 SK300 0-248输出功率3000W最大输出功率3450W冲击功率6000W输入电压12VDC 24VDC 48VDC 12VDC 24VDC 48VDC 输出电压100/110/120VAC+-3% 220/230/240VAC+-3%频率50/60HZ+/-0.05%输出波形纯正弦波(失真率<3%)满载效率88% 91% 92% 90% 93% 94% 无负载直流损耗 2.8A 1.5A 0.7A 2.8A 1.5A 0.7A 待机直流损耗0.55A 0.35A 0.19A 0.55A 0.35A 0.19A输入电压范围10.5-15 21.0-30 42.0-60 10.5-15 21.0-30 42.0-6电压,负载指示LED 红色/橙色/绿色故障指示LED 红色自动保护超载,过压,欠压,超温,短路,低电池等报警保护安规认证UL458 EN60950EN50081-1:1992EN50082-1:1992EN55022B:1994EN61000-4-2:1995EN61000-4-3:1996 电磁干扰FCC Class BENV50204:1995 e-Mark e13-02 0866工作环境温度-10℃~50℃内储温度范围-30℃to70℃冷却负载控制冷却风扇(65℃开,45℃关)尺寸452(L)*208(W)*166(H)mm /17.8(L)*8.18(W)*6.53(H)英寸型号(ST600-2XX□)内置10A转换开关交流电源转换灵敏适应于容性、感性负载交流电源插座和接线式双模式选择过压/欠压/短路/过载/超温保护说明型号项目ST600-212 ST600-224 输出功率600W最大输出功率680W冲击功率800W输入电压12V 24V输出电压范围、频率200/220/240V±3% 50/60Hz+/-0.05% 满载效率90.0% 93.0% 输出电流0.87A 0.43A 输出波形纯正弦波(失真率<3%)可允许的功率因素cosθ-90°~cosθ+90°输入电压范围10.5-15VDC 21.0-30VDC 电压、负载指示LED 红色/橙色/绿色电源状态LED 红色/绿色自动保护超载、过压、欠压、超温、短路、低电池等报警保护熔断电流7Amp转换开关10Amp转换时间4~8msec安规认证EN60950EN50081-1:1992EN50082-1:1992EN61000-4-3:1996 电磁干扰EN61000-4-2:1995EN55022B:1994ENV50204:1995远程控制CR-8同步交流转换工作环境温度0℃-40℃℃℃内储温度范围-30to70冷却负载控制风扇冷却尺寸11.42L*7.05W*3.15H英寸重量 3.3公斤/6.6磅正弦波逆变器安全认证机种名称安规认证编码型号:S150-*** S300-***安规认证* Meet UL458 EN60950EMC(电磁兼容)认证** FCC Class B EN50081-1:1992EN50082-1:1992EN55022B:1994EN61000-4-2:1995EN61000-4-3:1996ENV50204:1995型号:S600-*** S1500-***安规认证UL458 EN60950 EMC(电磁兼容)认证FCC Class B EN50081-1:1992e-MarkEN50082-1:1992e13-020866EN55022B:1994EN61000-4-2:1995EN61000-4-3:1996ENV50204:1995MODEL:S1000-***安规认证UL458 EN60950 EMC(电磁兼容)认证FCC Class B EN50081-1:199e-MarkEN50082-1:1992 e13-020866EN55022B:1994EN61000-4-2:1995EN61000-4-3:1996ENV50204:1995MODEL:ST600-2**EMC(电磁兼容)认证FCC Class B EN60950EN50081-1:1992EN55022B:1994EN61000-4-3:1996EN50082-1:1992EN61000-4-2:1995ENV50204:199511。
Multifunctional, with intelligent power managementThe MultiPlus is a powerful true sine wave inverter, a sophisticated battery charger that features adaptive charge technology, and a high-speed AC transfer switch in a single compact enclosure. Next to these primary functions, the MultiPlus has several advanced features, asoutlined below.Parallel operation and three phase capabilityUp to six Multis can operate in parallel to achieve higher power output.In addition to parallel connection, three units can be configured for three-phase output.PowerControl - Dealing with limited generator, shore side or grid powerWith the Multi Control Panel a maximum generator or shore current can be set. The MultiPlus will then take account of other AC loads and use whatever is extra for charging, thus preventing the generator or shore supply from being overloaded.PowerAssist - Boosting the capacity of shore or generator powerThis feature takes the principle of PowerControl to a further dimension. It allows the MultiPlus to supplement the capacity of thealternative source. Where peak power is so often required only for a limited period, the MultiPlus will make sure that insufficient shore or generator power is immediately compensated for by power from the battery. When the load reduces, the spare power is used to recharge the battery.Four stage adaptive charger and dual bank battery chargingThe main output provides a powerful charge to the battery system by means of advanced ‘adaptive charge’ software. The software fine-tunes the three-stage automatic process to suit the condition of the battery, and adds a fourth stage for long periods of float charging. The adaptive charge process is described in more detail on the Phoenix Charger datasheet and on our website, under TechnicalInformation. In addition to this, the MultiPlus will charge a second battery using an independent trickle charge output intended for a main engine or generator starter battery.High start-up powerNeeded to start high inrush loads such as power converters for LED lamps, halogen lamps or electric tools.Search ModeWhen Search Mode is ‘on’, the power consumption of the inverter in no-load operation is decreased by approx. 70%. In this mode the Multi, when operating in inverter mode, is switched off in case of no load or very low load, and switches on every two seconds for a short period. If the output current exceeds a set level, the inverter will continue to operate. If not, the inverter will shut down again.Programmable relayBy default, the programmable relay is set as an alarm relay, i.e. the relay will de-energise in the event of an alarm or a pre-alarm (inverter almost too hot, ripple on the input almost too high, battery voltage almost too low).Remote on / off / charger on Three pole connector.On-site system configuring, monitoring and control After installation, the MultiPlus is ready to go. Some settings can be changed with DIP switches.500/800/1200VA models: remote switch / battery charge voltage / inverter frequency / search mode. 1600/2000VA models: battery charge voltage / search mode. For more settings use VE-Config or the VE.Bus Smart dongle.Remote configuring and monitoringInstall a Cerbo GX or other GX product to connect to the internet.Operational data can be stored and displayed on our VRM (Victron Remote Management) website, free of charge. When connected to the internet, systems can be accessed remotely, and settings can be changed.MultiPlus Inverter/Charger 500VA - 2000VA 12 / 24 / 48VMultiPlus500 / 800 / 1200 / 1600 VAMultiPlus 2000 VA (bottom cover removed)GX Touch and Cerbo GXProvides intuitive system control and monitoring.Besides system monitoring and control the Cerbo GX enables access to our free remote monitoring website: the VRM Online Portal.VRM PortalOur free remote monitoring website(VRM) will display all your system data in a comprehensive graphical format. System settings can be changed remotely via the portal. Alarms can be received by e-mail.PowerControl / PowerAssist No Yes Yes Yes YesThree Phase and parallel operation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Transfer switch 16 A 16 A 16 A 16 A 35 AInput voltage range 9,5 – 17 V 19 – 33 V 38– 66 VOutput Output voltage: 230VAC ± 2% Frequency: 50Hz ± 0,1% (1)Cont. output power at 25°C (3)500 VA 800 VA 1200 VA 1600 VA 2000 VA Cont. output power at 25°C 430 W 700 W 1000 W 1300 W 1600 W Cont. output power at 40°C 400 W 650 W 900 W 1100 W 1400 W Cont. output power at 65°C 300 W 400 W 600 W 800 W 1000 W Peak power 900 W 1600 W 2400 W 2800 W 3500 W Maximum efficiency 90 / 91 / 92% 92 / 93 / 94% 93 / 94 / 95% 93 / 94 / 95% 93 / 94 / 95% Zero-load power 6 / 6 / 7 W 7 / 7 / 8 W 10 / 9 / 10 W 10 / 9 / 10 W 10 / 9 / 10 W Zero-load power in search mode 2 / 2 / 3 W 2 / 2 / 3 W 3 / 3 / 3 W 3 / 3 / 3 W 3 / 3 / 3 WAC Input Input voltage range: 187-265 VAC Input frequency: 45 – 65 HzCharge voltage 'absorption' 14,4 / 28,8 / 57,6 VCharge voltage 'float' 13,8 / 27,6 / 55,2 VStorage mode 13,2 / 26,4 /52,8 VCharge current house battery (4)20 / 10 / 6 A 35 / 16 / 9 A 50 / 25 / 13 A 70 / 40 / 20 A 80 / 50/ 25 A Charge current starter battery 1A (12 V and 24 V models only)Battery temperature sensor YesProgrammable relay (5)YesProtection (2) a – gVE.Bus communication portFor parallel and three phase operation, remote monitoring and system integration(RJ45-spliter ASS030065510 needed for 500 / 800 / 1200 VA models)Remote on-off On/off/charger only On/offDIP switches Yes(6)Yes(6)Yes(6)Yes(7)Yes (7) Internal DC fuse 125 / 60 /30 A 150 / 80 / 40 A 200 / 100 / 50 A 200 / 125 / 60 A no Common Characteristics Operating temp. range: -40 to +65°C (fan assisted cooling) Humidity (non-condensing): max 95%Common Characteristics Material & Colour: Steel/ABS (blue RAL 5012) Protection category: IP 21 Steel (RAL 5012), IP22 Battery-connection 16 / 10 / 10 mm² 25 / 16 / 10 mm² 35 / 25 / 10 mm² 50 / 35 / 16 mm² M8 bolts230V AC-connection G-ST18i connector Screw Weight 4,4 kg 6,4 kg 8,2 kg 10,2 kg 15,5 kg Dimensions (h x w x d) 311 x 182 x 100 mm 360 x 240 x 100 mm 406 x 250 x 100 mm 470 x 265 x 120 mm 506 x 236 x 147 mmSafety EN-IEC 60335-1, EN-IEC 60335-2-29, EN 62109-1Emission Immunity EN 55014-1, EN 55014-2, EN-IEC 61000-3-2, EN-IEC 61000-3-3, IEC 61000-6-1, IEC 61000-6-2, IEC 61000-6-3Automotive Directive ECE R10-51) Can be adjusted to 60Hz and to 240V2) Protection:a. Output short circuitb. Overloadc. Battery voltage too highd. Battery voltage too lowe. Temperature too highf. 230VAC on inverter outputg. Input voltage ripple too high3) Non-linear load, crest factor 3:14) Up to 25°C ambient5) Programmable relay which can be set for:general alarm, DC under voltage or generator start/stop signal functionAC rating: 230V/4ADC rating: 4A up to 35VDC, 1A up to 60VDC6) Remote / battery charge voltage / inverter frequency / search mode7) Battery charge voltage / search modeBMV-712 Smart BatteryMonitorUse a smartphone or otherBluetooth enabled device to:1.customize settings,2.monitor all important dataon single screen,3.view historical data,4.update the software whennew features becomeavailable.。
Product ManualDC TO ACPower InverterCONTENTSSafety First1.Introduction2.Installation Guidelinesing the inverter4.Troubleshooting5.SpecificationsSafety FirstIncorrect installation or misuse of the inverter may result in danger to the user or hazardous conditions. We urge y0u to pay special attention to all CAUTION and W ARNING statements. CAUTION statements identify conditions or practices that may result in damage to other equipment. WARNING statements identify conditions that may result in personal injury or loss of life.WARNING! Shock hazard. Keep away from children.●The inverter generates the same potentially lethal AC power as a normal household walloutlet. Treat it with the same respect that you would and AC outlet.●Do not insert foreign objects into the inverter’s AC outlet, fan or vent openings.●Do not expose the inverter to water, rain, snow or spray.●Do not under any circumstances, connect the inverter to utility power AC distribution wiring. WARNING! Heated surface.●The inverter’s housing may become uncomfortably warm, reaching 140℉(60℃)underextended high power operation. Ensure at least 2 inches (5cm) of air space is maintained on all sides of the inverter. During operation, keep away from materials that may be affected by high temperatures.WARNING! Explosion hazard.●Do not use the inverter in the presence of flammable fumes or gases, such as in the bilge of agasoline powered boat, or near propane tanks. Do not use the inverter in an enclosure containing automotive-type, lead-acid batteries. These batteries, unlike sealed batteries, vent explosive hydrogen gas, which can be ignited by sparks from electrical connections.●When working on electrical equipment always ensure someone is nearby to help you in anemergency.CAUTION!●Do not connect live AC power to the inverter’s AC outlets. The inverter will be damagedeven if it is switched OFF.●Do no connect any AC load, which has its neutral conductor connected to ground, to theinverter.●Do not expose the inverter to temperatures exceeding 104℉(40℃).CAUTION! Do not use inverter with the following equipment.●Small battery operated product such as rechargeable flashlights, some rechargeable shavers,and night-lights that are plugged directly into and ac receptacle to recharge.●Certain battery chargers for battery packs used in hand powered tools. These chargers willhave warning labels stating that dangerous voltages are present at the charger’s battery terminals.●Connect inverter only to batteries with a 12/24V/48V DC nominal output. A battery with6V/12/24V nominal output will not supply enough voltage and a battery with 24V/24V/96V nominal output will DAMAGE THE INVERTER.1.IntroductionThank you for purchasing the power inverter. The inverter is a compact and highly portable power inverter, the leader in the field of high frequency inverter design. From the 12V/24V/48V DC outlet in you vehicle or boat, or directly from a dedicated 12V/24V/48V DC battery, the inverter will efficiently and reliably power a wide variety of household AC products ,such as TVs, computers, VCRs, and includes automatic safety monitoring circuitry to protect the inverter, and your battery, from inadvertent overload conditions.Read this guide before installing or using the inverter and save it for future reference.Safety FeaturesThese advanced safety features are built into the inverter:●Electronic overload protection with automatic shutdown.●Built-in internal backup DC fuse provides added safety.●Low battery voltage protection with automatic shutdown.●Over temperature protection with automatic shutdown.●Output short circuit protection.2.Installation GuidelinesSelecting a Suitable LocationFor safe and optimum performance, install the inverter in a location that is …..●Dry. Do not expose to water drip or spray.●Cool. Operate only in ambient temperatures between 32℉(0℃)and 104℉(40℃). Keepaway from furnace heating vents or other heat producing equipment.●Well ventilated. Allow at least 2 inches (5cm) clearance above and on all sides of the unit forproper cooling.●Safe. Do not install inverter in a compartment with batteries or flammable liquids, such asgasoline, or explosive vapors.●Clean and free of dust and dirt. This is especially important if the inverter is used in a workenvironment.Using the DC Cable-PlugDue to limitations in the common 12V/24V/48V DC outlet in a vehicle or boat, the inverter should only be used to supply AC power to products that require the rated continuous power or less. If you8r application requires more than the rated continuous power (but less than the rated continuous power) or has a high start-up surge, see Using the DC Cable-Clips.1.Attach the ring type connector marked with red to the positive (+) DC terminal on the inverterand attach the ring connector marked with black to the negative (-) DC terminal.CAUTION! A reverse polarity connection (positive to negative) may damage the inverter. Damage caused by a reverse polarity connection is not covered under warranty.2.Tighten the nut on each DC terminal by hand until it is snug. Do not over tighten.3.Insert the plug of this cable into the 12V/24V/48V DC outlet and switch the unit ON. SeeSection 4 if the inverter does not operate properly after being connect.4.When the inverter is not in use, unplug it from the 12V/24V/48V DC outlet to prevent slightdischarge of the Battery.Instruction of structureInstruction of operationUsing the Dc cable-ClipsBy directly connecting the inverter to a 12V/24V/48V DC battery with DC Cable-Clips, you can operate products with power requirements up to rated continuous output power. If you want to permanently connect the inverter to a battery, contact the customer service.1.Follow steps 1 and 2 above (Using the DC Cable-Plug) to attach the ring type connectors.2.Attach the black negative clip to negative (-) battery terminal.3.Attach the red positive clip to the positive (+) battery terminal. Make sure both clips aresecurely connected to the battery terminals, as a loose connection will cause excessive voltage drop and may cause the cables to overheat resulting in equipment damage or fire.4.Switch the inverter ON. See section 4 if the inverter does not operate properly after beingconnected.5.When the inverter is no in use, disconnect the DC Cable-Clips from the battery.ing the inverterThe inverter is capable of continuously powering most 110V/230V AC products that use the rated continuous output power or less. Its AC output waveform, called”modified sine wave/pure sine wave “is designed to function as wave shape of utility power or more beautiful than city electricity.The power, or “wattage”, rating of ac products is the average power they use. When many AC products are first switched on, they initially consume more power than their power rating. TVs, monitors, and electric motors are examples of products that have high “surge”requirements at start up. Although the inverter can supply momentary surge power as high as surge power, occasionally some products rated less than the rated continuous output power may exceed its surge capabilities and trigger its safety overload shutdown feature. If this problem occurs when attempting to operate several AC products at the same time ,try first switching on inverter with all AC products switched off ,then one by one switch each on, starting with the high surge product first.Indicators and Controls (See Figure 1)●The AC outlets are provided on one end of the inverter. Any combination of 110V/230V ACproduct with a total continuous power consumption of the continuous power or less may be plugged in.●The ON/OFF switch enables output AC power at the AC outlets when switched ON.●The green POWER light indicates AC power is present at the AC outlets and the inverter isoperating normally.●The red FAULT light indicates inverter shutdown caused by low or high voltage, overload orexcessive temperature.Inverter operation1.When properly connected to a 12V/24V/48V DC outlet or battery, turning the ON/OFF switchON, will illuminate the green POWER light, and AC power to the outlets.2.Plug the AC product(s) you wish to operate onto the AC outlet(s) and switch them on, one at atime.3.As the battery charge is used up, battery voltage begins to fall. When the inverter senses thatthe voltage at its DC input has dropped to 10~10.5V/20-21V/40~42V,and audible alarm sounds. This allows time for computers or other sensitive devices to be shut down.4.If the audible alarm is ignored the inverter will automatically shut down when the batteryvoltage drops to 9.8~10.2V/19.6~20.4V/39.2~40.8V. This prevents battery damage from excessive discharge. After auto shut down, the red FAULT light illuminates.IMPORTANT: Vehicle batteries are designed to provide brief periods of very high current needed for engine starting. They are not intended for constant deep discharge. Regularly operating the inverter shortens the life of the battery. Consider connecting the inverter to aseparate deep discharge type battery if you will be frequently running electrical products for extended periods of time.5.If an AC product rated higher than the rated continuous power (or which draws excessivesurge power) is connected, the inverter will shut down .The red FAULT light will turn on.6.If the inverter exceeds a safe operating temperature, due to insufficient ventilation or a hightemperature environment, it will automatically shut down. The red FAULT light will turn on and the audio warning will sound.7.Should a defective battery charging system cause the battery voltage to rise to dangerouslyhigh levels, the inverter automatically shuts down.CAUTION! Although the inverter incorporates protection against over-voltage, it may still be damaged if the input voltage exceeds 16 volts/32 volts/64volts8.The cooling fan is designed to operate only when the temperature is higher than 40℃.9.In the event of an overload, low battery voltage or overheating, the inverter will automaticallyshut down (See Section 4).Battery Operating TimeOperating time will vary depending on the charge level of the battery, its capacity and the power level drawn by the particular AC load.When using a battery as a power source, its is strongly recommended to start the vehicle every hour or two to recharge the battery before its capacity drops too low. The inverter can operate while the engine is running, but the normal voltage drop that occurs during starting may trigger the inverter’s low voltage shut down feature.Because the inverter draws less than the no load current draw with the ON/OFF switch in ON position and with no AC products connected, it has minimal impact on battery operating times.Interference with Electronic EquipmentGenerally, most AC product operate with the inverter just as they would with household AC power. Below is information concerning two possible exceptions.Buzzing Sound in Audio Systems and RadiosSome inexpensive stereo systems, “boom boxes”, and AM-FM radios have inadequate internal power supply filtering and “buzz”slightly when powered by the inverter. Generally, the only solution is an audio product with a higher quality filter.Television InterferenceThe inverter is shielded to minimize its interference with TV signal. However, with weak TV signals interference may be visible in the form of lines scrolling across the screen. The following should minimize or eliminate the problem:●Use an extension cord to increase the distance between the inverter and the TV, antenna andcables.●Adjust the orientation of the inverter, television, antenna and cables.●Maximize TV signal strength by using a better antenna and use shielded antenna cable wherepossible.●Try a different TV. Different models of televisions vary considerably in their susceptibility toinverter.4.Troubleshooting5.SpecificationsAC output voltage (nominal):110V/230V ACDC input voltage range:Nominal 12V:10V-15VNominal 24V:20V-30VNominal 48V:40V-60VAC output frequency:50Hz±2Hz/60Hz±2HzAC output waveform: modified sine wave/pure sine wave Ambient operating temperature range:12℉-130℉/-20℃-65℃Low battery alarm trigger range:Nominal 12V:10V-10.4VNominal 24V:20V-21VNominal 48V:40V-42VLow battery shut down range:Nominal 12V:9.7V-10VNominal 24V:19.4V-20VNominal 48V:40V-42VHigh battery shut down range (nominal):15V/30V/60VCP: Continuous PowerSP: Surge PowerTHD: Total Harmonic DistortionNL: No load Current DrawSpecification subject to change without notice。
目录前言第一篇GEI─05K/1K/2K/3K使用说明书一、简介1.1主要特点---------------------------------------------------------11.2注意事项 --------------------------------------------------------11.3系统概述 --------------------------------------------------------21.4系统框图---------------------------------------------------------21.5原理描述---------------------------------------------------------3二、安全使用2.1敬告用户---------------------------------------------------------42.2执行标准---------------------------------------------------------4三、外观3.1外型结构与功能说明-----------------------------------------------53.2前面板示意图-----------------------------------------------------63.3后面板示意图-----------------------------------------------------7四、安装4.1拆包与检验------------------------------------------------------ 84.2安装开孔尺寸-----------------------------------------------------84.3放置要求---------------------------------------------------------8五、接线及操作程序5.1接线-------------------------------------------------------------95.2开机前准备-------------------------------------------------------105.3设备操作程序-----------------------------------------------------10六、状态输出及保护报警6.1状态输出(选配件)-----------------------------------------------116.2保护功能---------------------------------------------------------116.3过载及故障告警---------------------------------------------------11七、订货须知--------------------------------------------------------12八、服务保证--------------------------------------------------------12九、技术性能指标---------------------------------------------------13目录第二篇GEI─5K使用说明书一、简介1.1主要特点---------------------------------------------------------141.2注意事项 --------------------------------------------------------141.3系统框图及描述 --------------------------------------------------15二、外型结构及功能说明2.1电源设备立体示意图-----------------------------------------------162.2前面板示意图及功能说明-------------------------------------------172.3后面板示意图及功能说明-------------------------------------------192.4 GEI-5K卧式机箱开孔示意图----------------------------------------21三、安装及接线方法3.1安装注意事项-----------------------------------------------------213.2 GEI-5K卧式机箱接线方法------------------------------------------223.3 GEI-5K立式机箱接线方法------------------------------------------23四、操作程序4.1开机前准备-------------------------------------------------------244.2第一次开机操作程序-----------------------------------------------244.3日常开关机操作程序-----------------------------------------------26五、状况处理5.1符号代表意义如下-------------------------------------------------265.2设备运转状况显示及不正常时之处理方式-----------------------------26六、通讯界面说明--------------------------------------------------34七、订货须知-------------------------------------------------------35八、服务保证-------------------------------------------------------35九、技术指标-------------------------------------------------------36前言衷心感谢您选用我公司所生产的电源产品,希望我们的产品能使您满意。
下面表格列出电流与电缆的推荐线径: 1 . P V C绝 缘 铜 芯 线 (@ 7 0℃ ) 。 2 .环 境 温 度 不 高 于4 0℃ 。 3 .当 上 面2条 不 能 满 足 时 , 应 使 用 更 粗 的 电 缆
充电或逆变器电流 50-125A 125-180A 180-330A
8 MAX 5A
Inverter Output Protect
Charger Intput Protect
请勿将交流输入与输出接反,火线及零线接反,直流输入正负 接反!否则可能引起设备损坏;
AC Ouput
警告 请勿将交流输入与输出接反,火线及零线接反,直流输入正负 接反!否则可能引起设备损坏; 9
▲▲ ▲▲ ▲▲
在开启设备给负载供电之前应遵守如下规则: ●确保通风良好; ●确保地线连接良好; ● 确 保 设 备 面 板 开 关 和 电 池 断 路 器 开 关 都 在" O F F "位 置 ;
线长 0-1.5m 25 mm2 50 mm2 70 mm2
线 长1 . 5 - 4 m 35 mm2 70 mm2 90 mm2
外部保护装置 产品外部设备采用合适的断路器或保险丝Байду номын сангаас
工频纯正弦波逆变器说明书目录目录 (2)一.特点 (3)二.面板说明 (4)三.技术参数 (5)四.安装 (6)1.连接示意图 (6)2.使用导线平方数 (6)3.安装指南 (7)4.远程控制安装 (7)五.蓄电池类型选择 (8)六.工作原理 (9)1.充电阶段解释 (9)2.充电曲线图 (9)七.使用说明 (10)八.应用领域 (10)1.家庭娱乐 (10)2.家庭设备 (11)3.办公设备 (11)4.照明设备 (12)九.状态指示及故障对照表 (12)一.特点●安静,高效率运作●前面板LED指示灯和可调开关选择器●可选设置铅酸电池,胶体电池,或玻璃纤维隔板(AGM)电池●70A自动三阶段充电(大电流充电,吸收,和浮充)●快速开关(栅板到电池和电池栅板)的备用电源●较低的闲置电流(小于1瓦)能和发动机一致,在没有负载情况下节约能源.●在极端环境条件下具有持久的寿命●高负载能力可以承担比较大的负载,在过载情况下能稳定处理电路板形涂层可以保护他们免遭腐蚀及提高使用寿命和可靠性●持久的粉末涂层,耐腐蚀钢底盘,具有防水功能●保护功能:a)过电压和低电压保护b)高温保护c)自动过载保护d)短路保护二. 面板说明正面面板交流输出端面板 市电输入零线 市电输入火线 机器输出地线市电输入地线 机器输出零线 机器输出火线远程指示灯三. 技术参数输入波形 正弦波(实用工具或发电机)标称输入电压 120V 230V低压跳闸 90V ±4% 184V/154V ±4% 低压重启 100V ±4% 194V/164V ±4% 高压跳闸 140V ±4% 253V ±4% 高压重启 135V ±4% 243V ±4% 交流最大输入电压 150V 270V额定输入频率 50Hz/60Hz(自动检测)低频跳闸 47Hz-50Hz, 57Hz-60Hz高频跳闸 55Hz-50Hz, 65Hz-60Hz输出波形 与输入波形相同(旁路模式)过载保护 断路器短路保护 断路器转换开关额定值 30安培/40安培在线转换式转换效率 95%以上线传输时间 10ms (标准)旁路无电池连接 是旁路最大电流 30安/40安旁路过载电流 35安/45安(报警)逆变器规格/输出输出波形 纯正弦波持续输出功率 1000W 2000W 3000W 4000W 5000W 6000W 持续输出功率 1000V A 2000V A 3000V A 4000V A 5000V A 6000V A 功率因数 0.9-1.0输出电压调节 ±10% rms输出频率 50Hz ±0.3Hz 60Hz ±0.3Hz额定效率 大于88%峰值额定值 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 短路保护 是 , 故障后十秒 接蓄电池端面板 直流输入负极 直流输入正极逆变器规格/输入额定输入电压12V 24V 48V最小启动电压10V 20V 40V电瓶低电压报警10.5V 21V 42V电瓶低电压脱扣10V 20V 40V高压报警16V 32V 64V节电器启用时低于25瓦节电器远程均为开关调节充电器模式规格输入电压范围95-127VAC 194-243V AC/ 164-243V AC(W)输出电压根据电池类型充电电流35A/70A启动时电瓶初始电压0-15.7V,12V (*2,24V; *4, 48V)过充保护关断15.7V, 12V (*2,24V; *4, 48V)电瓶类型决定充电器(恒定电流四阶段)数控渐进充电四步走远程控制/RS232/USB 是,可选尺寸(mm)1000W/2000W/3000W: 442*218*179mm4000W/5000W/6000W: 598*218*179 mm 重量:1000W 2000W 3000W 4000W 5000W 6000W18kg 20kg 22kg 35kg 38kg 40kg 四.安装1.连接示意图2.使用导线平方数充电或逆变电流导线长0-1.5 米导线长1.5-4.0米3.安装指南a)将本品与蓄电池组距离尽量拉近b)保持阴凉,干燥以及良好通风c)本品放置方向无关d)无论从原厂购买1.5米长的导线,或者使用你自己的线,都要按照导线平方数表所指明的粗细以确保对直流电流足够粗。
48逆变器的正确使用方法【原创实用版5篇】目录(篇1)1.引言:介绍 48 逆变器的概念和作用2.48 逆变器的工作原理3.如何正确使用 48 逆变器4.使用 48 逆变器时的注意事项5.结论:总结 48 逆变器的使用方法及重要性正文(篇1)【引言】随着科技的发展,逆变器在我们生活中的应用越来越广泛,特别是在太阳能、风能等可再生能源领域。
48 逆变器是逆变器中的一种,它主要用于将直流电转换为交流电,以供电网使用。
掌握 48 逆变器的正确使用方法,对于确保电力系统的稳定运行和提高可再生能源的利用效率具有重要意义。
【48 逆变器的工作原理】48 逆变器主要由半导体器件、控制电路和滤波电路组成。
【如何正确使用 48 逆变器】1.选择合适的 48 逆变器:根据用电设备的功率和电压要求,选择适当容量和电压等级的 48 逆变器。
2.接线:将 48 逆变器的直流输入端与电源(如蓄电池)相连,交流输出端与用电设备相连。
3.调试:在接线完成后,进行试验性启动,检查 48 逆变器是否能正常工作。
4.运行与维护:在使用过程中,应注意观察 48 逆变器的工作状态,及时发现并排除故障。
同时,定期对 48 逆变器进行维护,确保其正常运行。
【使用 48 逆变器时的注意事项】1.确保 48 逆变器在适宜的工作环境,避免高温、潮湿、腐蚀性气体等对设备造成损害。
2.在使用过程中,不得随意拆卸和改装 48 逆变器,以免影响其性能和安全性。
3.在 48 逆变器运行过程中,不得将其输出端短路,以免造成设备损坏。
4.长期不使用 48 逆变器时,应将其断电并存放在干燥、通风的地方。
【结论】掌握 48 逆变器的正确使用方法,对于提高可再生能源的利用效率和确保电力系统的稳定运行具有重要意义。
逆变器用户手册正弦波系列目录一、操作说明 (2)二、产品功能特点 (2)三、适用范围 (3)四、安装指导 (3)五、状态说明 (3)六、技术规格表 (4)*在使用本机前,请仔细阅读本手册所要求的操作方法以及注意事项,否则会造成逆变器的损坏。
广 无(小于开机
6 压低注
长鸣 无 切到逆变后响 5 声静音 2秒1声
10 秒 3 声
直 流 输 入 电 有(有市电)
市电 无
逆 变 输 出 异 有(有市电) 8 常(输出电压
过高或过低) 无(无市电)
市电 无
3 分钟后关机
10 报警
30 秒后关机
11 过载关机
12 短路关机
逆 变 波 形 异 有(有市电)
市电 无
14 断直流
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1、逆变输出功能:在打开前面板的“逆变开关(Inverter switch)”后,逆变器即将蓄电池的直流电能转化成纯正弦波交流电,由后面板的“交流输出(AC OUTPUT)”输出。
关闭前面板的“逆变开关(Inverter switch)”,“过载”消失。
如需重新开机,则必须检查确认负载在允许范围内,然后再打开“逆变开关(Inverter switch)”,恢复逆变输出。
关闭前面板的“逆变开关(Inverter switch)”,“过载”消失。
如需重新开机,则必须检查确认输出线路正常后,再打开“逆变开关(Inverter switch)” ,恢复逆变输出。
a) 蓄电池组连接是否正确、牢固。
b) 是否按规定程序进行手动操作。
然后确认前面板的“逆变开关(Inverter switch)”处于“关(OFF)”位置,同时,检查负载是否有短路。
3、将负载与设备后面板的“交流输出(AC OUTPUT)”接线端子或“交流输出(AC OUTPUT)”插座相连接。
4、确认所有连接线完全正确后合上前面板上的“电池开关battery switch”,如果需要使用交流电源,请打开前面板的“逆变开关(Inverter switch)”,后面板的两个“交流输出(AC OUTPUT)”端子即输出正弦波交流电,同时,前面板的“电池状态”指示灯将变亮。
如果有市电切换功能,则在逆变开关开启后10秒左右,“交流输出(AC OUTPUT)”端子输出交流电。
变开关(Inverter switch)”,再重新开启“逆变
开关(Inverter switch)”即可恢复交流输出。
型号ZY-2N48S 输出额定容量2kW
DC 逆变器输入过压保护66V
DC 逆变器输入过压恢复48V
DC 蓄电池过放保护电压42V
过载能力120% 30秒,150%直至短路3秒后自动关机
包装尺寸435 ×225×280