
















REN Da n —d a n 一, Z HANG Ha i — U , W ANG Xi —t o n g , XUE Li n g — y u n , W U We n — z h o n g 2
( 1 . C o l l e g e o f F o o d S c i e n c e a n d E n g i n e e r i n g , D a l i a n O c e a n U n i v e r s i t y , D a l i a n 1 1 6 0 2 3 , C h i n a ;
活性。通过建立 I C R 小 鼠体 内 乙醇氧 化 损 伤 模 型 , 考察 叶黄 素 和 玉米 黄 质 在 体 内的 协 同抗氧 化 活性 。 结 果 表 明 : 叶黄 素 与 玉米 黄 质 以 1 : 2 比例 存 在 时体 外协 同抗 氧 化 效 果 最佳 , 2 : l 效 果 较 差 。叶 黄 素/ 玉 米黄 质 ( 1 : 2 ) 组 在 各 个 指 标 上 显
便 摹譬
S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g r 0 j F o o d I n d u s t r y
营 养 与僳 博
叶黄素与玉米黄质 协 同抗氧化活性的研究
任 丹丹 , 张海丽 ’ , 王惜童 ’ , 薛凌 云 , 吴文 忠
比例 的 叶黄 素 和 玉 米黄 质 在 体 内和 体 外 的 抗 氧化 活性 , 探 讨 其 协 同抗 氧化 活性 , 为复 合 类 胡 萝 卜紊产 品 的 开 发 提 供 理
论依 据。通过 D P P H 自由基清除体 系、 F R A P法和 O R A C法三种方法探 讨 了叶黄 素和 玉米黄质之 间的体外协 同抗氧化



黄 素 和 p胡 萝 卜 。 方 法: 用 D vls U 色谱 柱 (5 l x . f, I , 动相 A 为 乙腈 : 一 素 应 ee iC G ol 20mt 46r l m) 流 l n 5x 甲醇 ( 积 比 体 6 4 ) 流 动 相 B为 甲基叔 丁基 醚 , 度 洗脱 。 流速 1 L mn 检 测 波 长 40D , 样 量 2 , 温 2 0:0 , 梯 / i, m 5 i 进 n 0 柱 5℃ 。 内 标 物
为全反式- 一 阿扑一 胡萝 卜 。结果: 8- 醛 血清 叶黄素 、 玉米黄 素和 B胡 萝 卜 的分离效果 良好 , 留时间分别 为 9 9 一 素 保 . a n 1 . i ri、03rn和 2 . i , a 12m n 日内相对标准差分别 为 32 % 、. 1 .2 3 8 %和 16 % 。血清 叶黄 素、 一 .0 8胡萝 卜素在 00 25~ .1 1. / r 09 95 r 0 997 , 2 5mgL( = .9 、= .9 ) 玉米黄素在 0 05— . / ( = ) .0 5 0mgL r 1 范围内呈 良好线性关系。5 8名正 常老年人 ( 年龄 >5 0岁) 血清叶黄素 、 玉米黄素和 B胡萝 卜 的平均浓度 分别为 04 0I lL、.5 m lL和 0 18I o 一 素 .1 mo 0 04 I o x / x / .2 m l x /
t g a hy o rp
HUANG Ya g mu,YAN S a — n ,MA L ,Z h — o g,XU Xi n r n n— h of g a e OU Z iy n a —o g,XI n,W ANG Xu AO Xi n,HUAN F ifi G e —e ,

高 效 液 相 色谱 法测 定 血 清 叶 黄 素 和玉 米 黄 素





地址:272001 山东省济宁市市中区北湖新区荷花路16号


















Nutritional Manipulation of Primate Retinas,III:Effects of Lutein or Zeaxanthin Supplementation on Adipose Tissue and Retina of Xanthophyll-Free MonkeysElizabeth J.Johnson,1Martha Neuringer,2,3,4Robert M.Russell,1Wolfgang Schalch,5and D.Max Snodderly6,7,8P URPOSE.Macular pigment(MP)is composed of the xantho-phylls lutein(L)and zeaxanthin(Z)and may help to prevent age-related macular degeneration or retard its progression.In this study the effects of L or Z supplementation on carotenoid levels was examined in serum,adipose tissue,and retina in rhesus monkeys with no previous intake of xanthophylls.M ETHODS.From birth to7to16years of age,18rhesus mon-keys were fed semipurified diets containing all essential nutri-ents but no xanthophylls.Six were supplemented with pure L and6with pure Z at3.9␮mol/kg per day for24to101weeks. At baseline and at4-to12-week intervals,carotenoids in adi-pose tissue were measured by HPLC.At study completion, carotenoids in serum and retina(central4mm,8-mm annulus, and the periphery)were determined.Results were compared with data from control monkeys fed a standard laboratory diet. R ESULTS.Monkeys fed xanthophyll-free diets had no L or Z in serum or tissues.After L or Z supplementation,serum and adipose tissue concentrations significantly increased in the supplemented groups.Both L and3R,3ЈS-Z(RSZ or meso-Z,not present in the diet)were incorporated into retinas of monkeys supplemented with L,with RSZ present only in the macula (central4mm).All-trans Z,but no RSZ,accumulated in retinas of monkeys supplemented with Z.C ONCLUSIONS.L is the precursor of RSZ,a major component of macular pigment.Xanthophyll-free monkeys can accumulate retinal xanthophylls and provide a valuable model for examin-ing their uptake and conversion.(Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2005;46:692–702)DOI:10.1167/iovs.02-1192L utein(L)and zeaxanthin(Z)are xanthophylls(carotenoids that contain one or more polar functional groups)that selectively accumulate in the retina and are particularly dense in the foveal region,or macula,where they are the main components of the macular pigment.1L and Z are known to function as antioxidants2,3and blue-lightfilters and thereby may protect the macular retina and retinal pigment epithelium from light-initiated oxidative damage.4Recent studies in quail exposed to bright light provide evidence that long-term zeax-anthin supplementation leads to increased retinal zeaxanthin and reduced photoreceptor death.5,6Bone et al.7have studied the retinal distribution of L and Z in human retina.The L-to-Z ratio increased from an average of ϳ1:2.4in the central macula(0–0.25mm eccentricity)toϾ2:1 in the periphery(8.7–12.2mm eccentricity).7,8These investi-gators have shown the components of human macular pigment to be L[(3R,3ЈR,6ЈR)-␤,⑀-carotene-3,3Јdiol];Z[3R,3ЈR)-␤,␤car-otene-3,3Јdiol or RRZ];and RSZ or meso-Z,3R,3ЈS-Z[(3R,3ЈS)-␤♦␤-carotene-3,3Јdiol].9RSZ is primarily located in the center of the macula,where it is found to be in an approximate ratio of 1:1with RRZ.RSZ is not generally present in the diet,but probably results from chemical processes occurring within the eye.9,10Some investigators have speculated that the origin of RSZ is dietary L.9,10However,until now,proving this sugges-tion was difficult,given the lack of both an appropriate animal model(i.e.,primates with no macular pigment)and sufficient quantities of pure L and Z for controlled feeding studies.There is epidemiologic evidence that intake of foods high in L and/or Z,as well as high serum levels of LϩZ,are related to reduced risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD)(SanGiovanni JP,et al.IOVS2004;45:ARVO E-abstract 2242).11,12Thisfinding has raised the question of whether supplemental intake of L and Z may be effective in reducing the risk for AMD or slowing its progression.12–14However, there are many gaps in the knowledge about the uptake and metabolism of dietary L and Z and their effectiveness in raising macular pigment levels.The present study was made possible by the existence of a group of xanthophyll-free adult rhesus monkeys.These animals were fed semipurified xanthophyll-free diets from birth and therefore had no detectable xanthophylls in serum and little or no macular pigment,as measured with an in vivo photographic method.15Thus,the effect of dietary supplementation with individual pure carotenoids could readily be followed.We examined the effects of dietary supplementation of these xan-thophyll-free animals with pure L or pure Z.Pure sources of these two carotenoids were made available to us by DSM Nutritional Products,Ltd.(formerly Roche Vitamins,Ltd., Basel,Switzerland)to allow comparisons between the retinalFrom the1Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center onAging at Tufts University,Boston,Massachusetts;the2Division ofNeuroscience,Oregon National Primate Research Center and Depart-ments of3Medicine and4Ophthalmology,Oregon Health and ScienceUniversity,Portland,Oregon;5DSM Nutrition Ltd.(formerly RocheVitamins Ltd.),Basel,Switzerland;and6Schepens Eye Research Insti-tute,Department of Ophthalmology and7Program in Neuroscience,Harvard Medical School,Boston,Massachusetts.8Present affiliation:Department of Ophthalmology,Medical Col-lege of Georgia,Augusta,Georgia.Any opinion,findings,conclusions,or recommendations ex-pressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not neces-sarily reflect the view of the U.S.Department of Agriculture.Supported by DSM Nutritional Products,Ltd.(formerly RocheVitamins Ltd.,Basel,Switzerland);Grant581950-9-001from the U.S.Department of Agriculture;Grant DK-29930from the Institute ofDiabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases(MN);Grant RR-00163from the Division of Research Resources,National Institutes of Health;and a grant from The Foundation Fighting Blindness(MN).Submitted for publication November21,2002;revised July1,2003and January26and October6,2004;accepted October18,2004.Disclosure:E.J.Johnson,DSM Nutritional Products,Ltd.(F);M.Neuringer,DSM Nutritional Products,Ltd.(F);R.M.Russell,DSMNutritional Products,Ltd.(F);W.Schalch,DSM Nutritional Products,Ltd.(E,F);D.M.Snodderly,DSM Nutritional Products,Ltd.(F)The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by pagecharge payment.This article must therefore be marked“advertise-ment”in accordance with18U.S.C.§1734solely to indicate this fact.Corresponding author:Elizabeth J.Johnson,Jean Mayer USDAHuman Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University,711Washington Street,Boston,MA02111;elizabeth.johnson@.Investigative Ophthalmology&Visual Science,February2005,Vol.46,No.2 692Copyright©Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmologyresponse to L and to Z.Two prior papers in this series describe the time course of increases in serum xanthophylls and macu-lar pigment optical density in vivo,15morphologic changes in the retinal pigment epithelium,16and the effects of acute blue-light exposure.In the present paper,we report longitu-dinal measures of adipose tissue xanthophylls and the analysis of serum and retinal carotenoids at the end of supplementa-tion,including the levels of L and Z and their metabolites in the macula and periphery.This study provided a unique opportu-nity to determine the effectiveness of pure L and Z in increas-ing macular pigment and to identify the dietary origin of RSZ. M ETHODSAnimals and DietsAll procedures were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the Oregon National Primate Research Center and con-formed to NIH guidelines and the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research.Eighteen rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)were reared on one of two semipurified diets,both of which contained adequate levels of all known nutrients,including vitamin A(as vitamin A acetate)and␣-tocopherol,but no detectable xanthophylls,as analyzed by our laboratory.As described in more detail in Neuringer et al.,15the two diets differed only in their fat sources and therefore in fatty acid composition,with one containing low levels and one adequate levels of n-3fatty acids in the form of ␣-linolenic acid.Because no differences related to fatty acid status were found in any of the analyses reported herein,the data for these two diet groups were in this article.The animals also received limited amounts of very low xanthophyll foods such as wheat or rice cereals,white rice, sweetened drinks,gelatin,pineapple,and banana.Beginning at7to16years of age,the diets of six of these monkeys were supplemented with pure L and six with pure Z,at3.9␮mol/kg per day(2.2mg/kg per day).This dose represented7.7times the average daily xanthophyll intake from the standard laboratory diet (described later).The L and Z supplements were purified or synthe-sized by DSM Nutritional Products,Ltd.(formerly Roche Vitamins Ltd., Basel,Switzerland)and formulated into gelatin beadlets.Doses of beadlets were determined for each animal based on our analysis of xanthophyll content and current body weight.The supplements were inserted into marshmallows,sweetened gelatin,or small pieces of fruit. Beadlets and individual supplement doses were stored at4°C in the dark.Supplements were provided daily for4to12months and,due to limited supply of the pure xanthophylls,four times per week thereafter until the conclusion of the study.The duration of daily supplementa-tion varied within each group but was matched between the two groups.However,because L had to be specially purified,its supply was more limited,resulting in a shorter duration of supplementation at four times per week for the L-fed group(3Ϯ1month compared to7Ϯ2 months for the Z-fed group).The L-and Z-fed groups were balanced to the extent possible based on sex,n-3diet group,and body weight.The remaining six animals continued on their semipurified diets but re-ceived no xanthophyll supplements(xanthophyll-free).Two L-fed and two Z-fed animals were killed after6to8months of supplementation, two from each group at13to14months and two from each group each at15to24months(see Table1for details).Data from the L-and Z-fed monkeys were compared with data from normal control monkeys fed a standard stock diet(Purina5047Mon-key Chow;Ralston Purina,Richmond,IN)providing a daily carotenoid intake of0.26␮mol/kg per day L,0.24␮mol/kg per day Z,and0.035␮mol/kg per day␤-carotene(means of four analyses).These animals also received supplemental fruits and vegetables(typically,one fourth to one half an apple,or one half a carrot approximately three times per week),which contributed an estimated maximum additional daily average ofϳ3nmol/kg of L plus Z orϽ1%of the intake from the stock diet.17They were housed under the same conditions as the experi-mental diet groups.Tissues analyzed from control monkeys included 17serum samples and10adipose tissue samples.Retinal tissue was analyzed from14control monkeys(2male,12female)including7for 4-mm macular samples,11for8-mm annular samples,and8for pe-ripheral samples(see description of retinal tissue dissection in the next section).T ABLE1.Characteristics of MonkeysGroup,Animal ID Sex Age(y)Body wt(kg)*Supplement†n-3Fatty AcidStatusXanthophyll-freeMean2M,4F13.77.504,lowSEM 1.60.602,adequateZeaxanthin-fed642F9.07.114(12,2)Low567F10.97.914(12,2)Low224F18.37.624(10,14)Low217F18.4 6.924(10,14)Adequate586M11.612.78(4,4)Low398M15.411.18(4,4)AdequateMean13.98.911(9,3)SEM 1.6 1.02(2,1)Lutein-fed602F10.0 6.713(12,1)Low585F10.5 5.313(12,1)Low362F15.0 6.815(10,5)Low397F14.68.615(10,5)Adequate636M10.211.56(4,2)Low463M13.812.06(4,2)AdequateMean12.48.515(9,7)SEM 1.0 1.13(2,2)Control2M,12FMean13.87.00AdequateSEM 1.60.70*Body weight at study’s end.†Numbers in parentheses indicate duration of supplementation(in months)at7days/wk and4days/wk,respectively.IOVS,February2005,Vol.46,No.2Xanthophyll Accumulation and Transformation in Monkeys693Serum and Tissue CollectionSamples of subcutaneous adipose tissue(ϳ40mg)were taken from the subscapular region of the back under ketamine sedation(10mg/kg)at 2,4,8,12,16,20,24,36,and48weeks of supplementation.At the time of death,fasting blood samples(15mL)were drawn from the saphenous or femoral vein into foil-wrapped tubes under dim light and centrifuged at800g for15minutes to obtain serum.Animals were perfused with4%paraformaldehyde plus0.5%glu-taraldehyde for morphologic studies.16Previous studies18have shown that thefixatives have no effect on measurement of carotenoids. However,fixation prevents the reliable separation of neural retina from the retinal pigment epithelium(RPE),so the two tissues were kept attached and analyzed together.Analyses of a separate set of individual fresh neural retinas and RPE from normal stock diet-fed rhesus monkeys showed that carotenoids in the small mass of RPE cells of our single samples were below the detection limit and were there-fore negligible compared with the carotenoids in the much larger tissue mass of the retina.After hemisection of the globe,samples of three retinal areas were taken.Biopsy punches were used to dissect the central retina into a4-mm diameter circle centered on the fovea and a concentric annulus of8mm outside diameter(referred to here as the8-mm samples).Four-millimeter and8-mm retinal tissue sample weights are given in Table2.There were no significant differences in sample weight among the groups.A portion of the remaining periph-eral retina that varied in area from one animal to another also was collected for xanthophyll analysis.For comparing data across samples, values are referenced to the sample weights.All serum and tissue samples were protected from light and were stored atϪ70°C until analysis for carotenoids.Chemicals for Carotenoid AssaysHPLC grade methanol,water,hexane,and2-propanol were purchased from J.T.Baker Chemical Co.(Phillipsburg,NJ).Methyl-tert-butyl ether and ammonium acetate were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich(St.Louis, MO).Solvents were passed through a0.45-␮m membranefilter and degassed before use.Echinenone,used as an internal standard,was from Hoffmann-La Roche,Inc.(Nutley,NJ),and all-trans lutein,RRZ, and RSZ standards were a gift from DSM Nutritional Products(Roche Vitamins,Ltd.,at the time of the gift).All carotenoid standards were stored atϪ70°C.The cis isomers of xanthophylls were made by adding 2to3drops of iodine in hexane solution(5mg/100mL)to a hexane solution of xanthophylls.This was then placed under an infrared heat lamp for2hours.The solution was dried under nitrogen gas and redissolved in ethanol.The resultant solution contained cis and trans isomers of xanthophylls,as identified by absorption spectra and mass spectrometry.Analysis of Diet and Lutein andZeaxanthin SupplementsThe carotenoid concentrations of the stock diet were determined by the official method of analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists19and analyzed with the same reversed-phase HPLC system used for serum and tissue analysis.15For analysis of L and Z supple-mentation,an exact amount of the supplement beadlets(ϳ0.5mg)was dissolved in1.0mL of distilled water.This solution was extracted with 2mL of chloroform-methanol(2:1)three times.The chloroform ex-tract was evaporated to dryness under nitrogen.The residue wasredissolved in1mL of ethanol,vortexed,and sonicated for30seconds and then taken up to100mL of ethanol.A50-␮L aliquot was used for HPLC analysis.For each batch of xanthophylls the analysis was per-formed in triplicate and completed before the beadlets were fed.From batch to batch,the xanthophyll beadlets were found to contain4%to 9%of the purified carotenoid,with the content in the Z beadlets being consistently higher.The L beadlets were found to contain only all-trans L and no Z.In the Z beadlets,approximately90%was in the all-trans form,and10%was present as a cis isomer of Z;no L was detectable. The cis isomer was tentatively identified as13-cis Z based on compar-ison of absorption spectra and HPLC retention time with a known standard.The presence of cis isomer in only the Z beadlets may be explained by the different formulation processes.The L beadlets con-tained L that was specially purified in a noncommercial process that did not induce isomerization,whereas the Z beadlets were from a commercially synthesized product(DSM Nutritional Products Ltd.). The noncarotenoid portion of the beadlets was identical for the L and Z supplements.Serum and Adipose Tissue Extractionfor CarotenoidsSerum carotenoids were measured as described previously.15Adipose tissue samples(38Ϯ2mg wet weight)were lyophilized(20hours at Ϫ20°C,Ͻ100psi,29Ϯ2mg dry weight).To the sample was added 100␮L12%pyrogallol in ethanol,200␮L30%KOH,and1mL ethanol. The mixture was vortexed and incubated at37°C for2hours.After incubation,the sample was cooled to room temperature,1mL H2O was added,and the mixture was vortexed.Echinenone in ethanol(100␮L)was added as an internal standard.The mixture was extracted by using3mL ether-hexane(2:1,vol/vol).The mixture was vortexed and then centrifuged at800g at4°C for5minutes.The upper layer was removed.The extraction with ether-hexane was repeated and theupper layers combined.To the extract was added1mL H2O.The mixture was vortexed,1mL ethanol was added to make the solutionclear,and the mixture was centrifuged at800g for5minutes.The H2Olayer(lower layer)was removed and discarded.Another1mL H2O was added and removed as just described.The extract was evaporated to dryness under nitrogen.The residue from adipose tissue was redis-solved in100␮L of ethanol,vortexed,and sonicated for30seconds.A 50-␮L aliquot was used for HPLC analysis.Adipose tissue concentra-tions of carotenoids are expressed as picomoles per milligram dry weight.Retinal Extraction and General Procedurefor Determination of Lutein andZeaxanthin StereoisomersThe retinal samples(4-mm central punch,8-mm annulus,and the periphery)were weighed and ground with a glass rod while on ice.To the sample was added3mL chloroform-methanol(2:1),1mL0.85% saline and150␮L echinenone in ethanol(as the internal standard).The mixture was vortexed for30seconds and centrifuged at800g for15 minutes at4°C.The chloroform layer was removed and evaporated to dryness under nitrogen.A second extraction was performed on the mixture by using3mL hexane,and the mixture was vortexed and centrifuged as described earlier.The hexane layer was combined with thefirst extraction and evaporated to dryness under nitrogen.The residue from retina samples was redissolved in75␮L of ethanol, vortexed,and sonicated for30seconds.A60-␮L aliquot was used for HPLC analysis.The extracted samples were analyzed for carotenoids with a re-versed-phase,gradient HPLC system and method of separating L and Z that has been described.20In the reversed-phase HPLC system,RRZ and RSZ eluted in one peak.The L and Z peak samples(retention times, 7to10minutes)of each retinal sample were collected from thereversed-phase HPLC system and dried under N2and the residue redissolved in75␮L hexane.A60-␮L aliquot was injected into aT ABLE2.Retinal Sample Wet Weights4mm8mmXanthophyll-free 6.2Ϯ0.113.1Ϯ2.5Zeaxanthin-fed 5.8Ϯ0.314.7Ϯ0.6Lutein-fed 5.9Ϯ0.113.3Ϯ0.6Control 4.7Ϯ0.611.8Ϯ0.9Data are expressed as mean milligramsϮSE.694Johnson et al.IOVS,February2005,Vol.46,No.2normal-phase HPLC system to separate the Z stereoisomers(RRZ,RSZ) and L.The L and Z content of the4-mm macula,8-mm annulus,and peripheral samples were expressed as picomoles per milligram wet weight for easy comparison of the retinal regions.Reversed-Phase HPLC AnalysisThe reversed-phase,gradient HPLC system consisted of a pump(616 LC;Waters Corp.,Milford,MA),an autosampler(model717plus; Waters Corp.),a C-30column(carotenoids S-3,4.6ϫ150mm;YMC, Kyoto,Japan)and a detector(model490E;Waters Corp.).This gradi-ent method allows adequate separation of L,the cis isomer of Z, all-trans Z(RRZϩRSZ),cryptoxanthin,␣-carotene,13-cis␤-carotene, all-trans␤-carotene,and9-cis␤-carotene,as well as four geometrical isomers of lycopene(15-cis,13-cis,9-cis,and all-trans lycopene).20 Carotenoids were quantified at455nm by determining peak areas in the HPLC chromatograms calibrated against known amounts of stan-dards.Concentrations were corrected for extraction and handling losses by monitoring the recovery of the internal standards.The lower limit of detection was0.2pmol for carotenoids.A reversed-phase HPLC chromatogram of standards of L,Z,and RSZ(meso-Z)is shown in Figure1A.Normal-Phase HPLC SystemThe normal-phase HPLC system consisted of a pump and autosampler from the reversed-phase system(Waters Corp.),a column(amilose derivative coated on silica-gel,Chiralpak AD;Daicel Chemical Indus-tries,Ltd.,Tokyo,Japan)and a programmable photodiode array detec-tor(model994;Waters).The HPLC mobile phase was hexane(solvent A)and hexane-isopropanol(1:1,solvent B).The procedure began at 90%solvent A and10%solvent B at0.8mL/min for55minutes.This was followed by a1-minute gradient to100%solvent A at1.5mL/min. The system was held at100%solvent A for10minutes,followed by a 4-minute gradient to90%solvent A and10%solvent B at1.5mL/min. The system was held at this condition for15minutes followed by a 1-minute gradient to0.8mL/min.The system was held at90%solvent A and10%solvent B at0.8mL/min for10minutes for equilibration back to initial conditions.This method separated RSZ,RRZ,and L.The lower limit of detection was0.2pmol for each xanthophyll.A normal-phase HPLC chromatogram of standards for L,RRZ,and RSZ is shown in Figure1B.For retinal samples,the identifications of RRZ,RSZ,and L were confirmed by comparing absorption spectra of samples with those of known standards.Further confirmation was obtained by coelution of sample peaks from extracts of two samples from each xanthophyll-supplemented group with known standards of RRZ,RSZ,or L.In our quantitation of the retinal xanthophylls,we followed the same ratio-nale as Bone et al.21That is,no internal standard was necessary for the normal-phase system because the total quantity of Z stereoisomers was obtainable from the reversed-phase chromatography,and the normal-phase separation permitted measurement of their relative proportions. This procedure was carefully worked out using tissue from control monkeys.StatisticsAll data are presented as the meanϮSEM.The significance of differ-ences in serum,adipose tissue,and retinal xanthophyll levels among groups(L-fed,Z-fed,and stock-diet controls)were tested with one-way ANOVAs(␣level PϽ0.05)followed when appropriate by post hoc pair-wise Bonferroni-Dunn tests(␣level PՅ0.05for comparisons between two groups,orՅ0.017for pair-wise comparisons among three groups).Significant differences in xanthophyll concentration in serum and adipose tissue at the end of the seven-times-per week (7ϫ/wk)supplementation schedule and at the time of death were evaluated using two-way repeated-measures ANOVA followed,when appropriate,by post hoc comparisons for effect of time in each group and effect of diet at each time point.Significant differences from baseline xanthophyll concentrations in adipose tissue were evaluated with a repeated-measures ANOVA.Although the L-and Z-fed groups were balanced with respect to sex and fatty acid status,two-way ANOVAs were used to test for effects of these variables or interactions with supplement type.Linear regression was used to explore whether tissue xanthophyll concentrations were related to age,body weight(at the beginning or end of the study),or the duration of supplementation (total duration or the duration of7ϫ/wk four-times-per week[4ϫ/wk] supplementation).In addition,analyses of covariance(ANCOVAs) were used to test the effects of L versus Z supplementation after adjusting for these factors.R ESULTSSerum CarotenoidsThe serum concentrations of xanthophylls at the end of the 7ϫ/wk supplementation schedule and at the time of death are presented for comparison,with postmortem tissue concentra-tions shown in Table3.Longitudinal measures of serum xan-thophylls in these monkeys over the course of L and Z supple-mentation have been reported.15The unsupplemented xanthophyll-free monkeys had no detectable xanthophylls in serum and are not included in the table.There was a trend toward higher total xanthophyll concentrations in the L-fed group(Pϭ0.052)at the end of the7ϫ/wk supplementation period but no difference at study’s end(Pϭ0.2).In the L-fed monkeys,serum concentrations of L were significantly lower at the study’s end than at the end of the7ϫ/wk supplementation period(PϽ0.015),but in the Z-fed group there was no difference between the two time points.Serum xanthophyll concentrations at the end of the study were significantly higher in both the L-and Z-fed groups than in the stock-diet control group(PϽ0.014and PϽ0.0001,respectively).Serum L in the L-fed monkeys was entirely in the trans form.Serum Z in the Z-fed monkeys was in both the trans(72%)and cis(27%) forms.There was also a small amount of3Јdehydrolutein(1%) present in the serum of these animals.The identification of this metabolite as3Јdehydrolutein was suggested by coelution with a known standard,absorption spectra comparison with a known standard,and LC/MS(data not shown).Final serum xanthophyll concentration was not significantly related to sex or n-3fatty acid status(by two-way ANOVA)or to body weight or the duration of supplementation(by linear regression),and the difference between the Z-and L-fed groups remained non-significant when adjusted for these factors by ANCOVA.Al-though serum xanthophyll concentrations initially decreased after the reduction in the frequency of supplementation,15the duration of4ϫ/wk supplementation was not related tofinal serum xanthophyll levels(Pϭ0.366,overall;Pϭ0.857for the L-fed group and0.790for the Z-fed group).Adipose Tissue CarotenoidsThe adipose tissue concentrations of individual and total xan-thophylls at the end of the7ϫ/wk supplementation schedule and at study end are presented in Table3.Before supplemen-tation,monkeys fed the xanthophyll-free semipurified diets had no measurable L or Z in the adipose tissue.Adipose tissue carotenoid concentrations increased by2weeks of supplemen-tation but were highly variable thereafter in both groups. Therefore,there were no significant differences between the two supplement groups at any time point.However,adipose tissue concentrations of total xanthophyll were significantly greater at the end of the study than at the end of the7ϫ/wk supplementation period(Pϭ0.017overall;Pϭ0.087in the L-fed group alone,Pϭ0.038in the Z-fed group alone).By the end of the study,adipose total xanthophyll concentrations in both supplement groups had risen to the level found in normal control monkeys.Adipose total xanthophyll concentrations atIOVS,February2005,Vol.46,No.2Xanthophyll Accumulation and Transformation in Monkeys695F IGURE 1.HPLC chromatograms.(A )Standards for L,Z (RRZ),meso -Z (RSZ):reversed phase;(B )standards for L,Z (RRZ),meso -Z (RSZ):normal phase;(C )xanthophyll-free animal,4-mm retinal punch:reversed phase;(D )xanthophyll-free,4-mm retinal punch:normal phase;(E )L-fed animal,8-mm retinal punch:reversed phase;(F )L-fed,8-mm retinal punch:normal phase;(G )Z-fed,peripheral punch:reversed phase;(H )Z-fed,peripheral punch:normal phase;(I )Stock-diet control animal,4-mm retinal punch:reversed phase;and (J )stock-diet control,4-mm retinal punch:normal phase.696Johnson et al.IOVS,February 2005,Vol.46,No.2the end of the7ϫ/wk supplementation period did not corre-late significantly with the duration of this period.In addition,final concentrations did not correlate significantly with the total duration of supplementation or the duration of4-week supplementation.Final concentrations also were not signifi-cantly related to sex,body weight,or n-3fatty acid status,and the absence of a difference between the Z-and L-fed groups was not altered by adjusting for any of these factors by ANCOVA.In the L-fed group,all the L was in the all-trans form,and no Z was detected.IN the Z-fed group,81%of the total Z was all-trans,and19%was in the cis form.In addition,3Јdehydro-lutein(presumptive)was detected from12to48weeks in one or two Z-fed monkeys per time point(not always the same monkey)at concentrations of0.04Ϯ0.01nmol/g dry weight (8.1%Ϯ1.2%of the total xanthophyll,9/30adipose tissue samples).Thereafter,3Јdehydrolutein was detected in the two remaining Z-fed monkeys at86to103weeks at similar con-centrations(0.04Ϯ0.01nmol/g dry weight;3.9%Ϯ1.1%of the total xanthophyll content,5/6adipose tissue samples).In the adipose tissue biopsy specimens sampled at time of death, 3Јdehydrolutein was detected in all samples at a concentration of0.06Ϯ0.01nmol/g dry weight(3.2%Ϯ0.3%total xantho-phyll).For the control group,all the L was in the all-trans form and the Z was in the all-trans(79%of total Z)and cis(21%of total Z)forms.Retinal CarotenoidsControl Monkeys.Representative reversed-phase and nor-mal-phase chromatograms from the4-mm macular sample of a stock-diet control monkey are shown in Figures1I and1J.For control monkeys,the amount of total xanthophylls(L,RRZ, RSZ,and cis Z)in the4-mm macular sample was2.91Ϯ0.84 pmol/mg(Table4,bottom two rows).Approximately88%of this was as Z(RRZϩRSZ)with the remainder being L,result-ing in an L-to-Z ratio of0.12.Only one monkey had a small amount of detectable cis Z(0.32pmol/mg,9%of total xantho-phyll).The normal-phase HPLC results demonstrated that the ratio of RRZ to RSZ in the4-mm macular sample of the control monkeys was1.0:0.91Ϯ0.2.In the8-mm annulus samples,the total amount of xantho-phyll in the control monkeys was0.27Ϯ0.04pmol/mg(Table 4),only10%of the concentration in the4-mm macular sam-ples.Approximately63%of this was RRZ with the remainder as L,for an L-to-Z ratio of0.59.Unlike the4-mm punch,no RSZ or cis-Z was detectable in these samples.In the peripheral retina of the control monkeys,the amount of xanthophyll was0.22Ϯ0.04pmol/mg(Table4),very similar to the value for the8-mm sample.Approximately64% of the peripheral xanthophylls was L,and the remainder was RRZ(36%)and cis Z(Ͻ1%),so that the L-to-Z ratio was1.75.Xanthophyll-Free and Supplement-Fed Monkeys.In-corporation of L into the Retina.There was no detectable L or Z in retinal samples from xanthophyll-free,unsupplemented monkeys.Furthermore,there was no L in retinal samples from Z-fed monkeys.These results show that retinal L must be derived from the diet and it is not derived from Z.Supplemen-tation was very successful in inducing the incorporation of L into the retina of animals that previously had no L in the diet. The mean L content of the4-mm macular area from the L-fed animals(2.44Ϯ0.34pmol/mg)was nearly8times the amount found in control monkeys(0.31Ϯ0.08pmol/mg;PϽ0.0001). In the8-mm sample from the L-fed monkeys,the L content (0.81Ϯ0.07pmol/mg)was eight times the amount found in control monkeys(0.10Ϯ0.01pmol/mg;PϽ0.0001),and in the periphery it was nearlyfive times the amount in the control animals(0.69Ϯ0.07vs.0.14Ϯ0.03pmol/mg,Pϭ0.0001).Formation of RSZ(meso-Z)in the Retina.In the4-mm macular samples of the L-fed group,Z was present entirely in the form of RSZ.RSZ was not found outside the4mm sample in the L-fed animals,and it was not present in any samples from the Z-fed animals.Thus,in rhesus monkeys,RSZ appears to be formed from dietary L,and only in the macular region.Deriving Retinal Z Concentrations.Quantitative analysis of retinal Z data from the experimental monkeys was more complex,because an unknown peak overlapping with Z ap-peared in the reversed-phase HPLC system in all retinal extracts from animals fed the semipurified diet,including animals that were not supplemented(Fig.1C).This was unexpected be-cause no xanthophyll was detected in the diet,serum,orT ABLE3.Serum and Adipose Tissue Xanthophyll ConcentrationsControlZeaxanthin-Fed Lutein-Fed7؋/wk End Study End P7؋/wkEnd Study End PSerum(nmol/L)Lutein74Ϯ90Ϯ0*0Ϯ0*NS838Ϯ38*529Ϯ73*0.015 Zeaxanthintrans59Ϯ9391Ϯ44*†577Ϯ125*†NS0Ϯ00Ϯ0NS cis22Ϯ4263Ϯ32*†213Ϯ60*†NS0Ϯ00Ϯ0NS Total zeaxanthin81Ϯ12654Ϯ68*†791Ϯ178*†NS0Ϯ00Ϯ0NS 3ЈDehydrolutein ND10Ϯ2*†11Ϯ4*†NS ND ND NS Total xanthophyll154Ϯ20665Ϯ69*801Ϯ180*NS838Ϯ38*529Ϯ73*0.015 Adipose tissues(nmol/g dry wt)Lutein 1.18Ϯ0.440Ϯ0*0Ϯ0*NS0.44Ϯ0.17 1.89Ϯ0.820.087 Zeaxanthintrans0.57Ϯ0.130.33Ϯ0.04† 1.33Ϯ0.30*†0.0400Ϯ00Ϯ0NS cis0.15Ϯ0.040.06Ϯ0.02†0.32Ϯ0.07*†0.0380Ϯ00Ϯ0NS Total zeaxanthin0.72Ϯ0.160.39Ϯ0.06† 1.64Ϯ0.37*†0.0400Ϯ00Ϯ0NS 3ЈDehydrolutein ND0.02Ϯ0.010.06Ϯ0.000.093ND NDTotal xanthophyll 1.90Ϯ0.570.41Ϯ0.06 1.70Ϯ0.390.0380.44Ϯ0.06 1.89Ϯ0.820.087 *For each row:significantly different from control(PϽ0.05).†For each timepoint(7ϫ/wk,study end):significantly different from lutein-fed(PϽ0.05).ND,not detectable.Data were recorded at the end of the7ϫ/wk supplementation period and at time of death(study end)for lutein-fed and zeaxanthin-fed monkeys and at single time point for control monkeys fed stock diets.P is7ϫ/wk versus end of study.For control,serum groups nϭ17;For adipose tissue control group nϭ10.For adipose groups at study’s end nϭ4(Z-fed).For all other nϭ6.IOVS,February2005,Vol.46,No.2Xanthophyll Accumulation and Transformation in Monkeys697。



(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请(10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 202011440929.8(22)申请日 2020.12.10(71)申请人 浙江艾兰得生物科技有限公司地址 314400 浙江省嘉兴市海宁市长安镇城南路399号(72)发明人 包亚君 汪嘉伟 张燕 陈双双 傅炳铁 (74)专利代理机构 浙江永航联科专利代理有限公司 33304代理人 侯兰玉(51)Int.Cl.G01N 30/02(2006.01)G01N 30/06(2006.01)G01N 30/86(2006.01)(54)发明名称一种叶黄素、玉米黄素含量的高效液相色谱检测方法(57)摘要本发明公开了一种叶黄素、玉米黄素含量的高效液相色谱检测方法,以二氯甲烷溶解样品,可以实现较好的溶解叶黄素、玉米黄素,只需简短的超声处理就能使样品中叶黄素、玉米黄素一次性彻底溶解出来,再用二氯甲烷定容至刻度即可,从而缩短了样品处理时间;可对各种结构的叶黄素、玉米黄素进行有效的分离,分离度均在1.5以上;通过运用高效液相色谱法测定叶黄素、玉米黄素含量的方法,对样品处理过程以及色谱条件的选择,最终达到简便而准确地对单一组分以及复杂组分样品中叶黄素、玉米黄素含量的测定。


权利要求书1页 说明书6页CN 112578047 A 2021.03.30C N 112578047A1.一种叶黄素、玉米黄素含量的高效液相色谱检测方法,其特征在于,包括以下步骤:(1)对照品溶液的配制:①标准品储备液溶液:精密称取125.0mg叶黄素或者玉米黄素对照品于50mL 容量瓶中,加30mL二氯甲烷,超声使之溶解,再用二氯甲烷稀释至刻度;②标准工作曲线的绘制:取标准品储备液0.2ml、1.0ml、2.0ml、3.0ml、4.0ml至50ml容量瓶,用30ppmBHT乙酸乙酯溶液作为稀释剂进行稀释,配制成5个不同浓度的标准工作溶液,经滤膜过滤后注入HPLC中;(2)样品处理:称取相当于曲线中间点浓度的样品置于100ml容量瓶,加适量二氯甲烷超声溶解,用二氯甲烷定容至刻度,取上述所得溶液于50ml离心管中离心处理;精密5.0ml上清液于50ml容量瓶中,用30ppmBHT乙酸乙酯溶液稀释至刻度,混匀;经滤膜过滤后注入HPLC中;(3)液相色谱检测:分别吸取标准品溶液、样品溶液注入高效液相色谱系统中进行检测标准曲线的测定系数R 2≥0.999;(4)检测结果计算:分别根据叶黄素、玉米黄素的标准曲线计算分别得到样品中叶黄素、玉米黄素的浓度。



(1. Chenguang Biotech Group Co. Ltd.,Handan 057250; 2. Hebei Province Natural Pigment Industry Technology Research Institute,Handan 057250)
Abstract :Objective of this paper is to establish the determination method of lutein and zeaxanthin in lutein microcapsule powder. Pre-treatment method :weigh 0.05g sample to 100 mL volumetric flask,add 5 mL water, dissolve in ultrasound,add 10 mL methanol to the volumetric flask,shake well,add 50 mL mobile phase to the volumetric flask,shake it well,fix volume of 10% anhydrous sodium sulfate solution,shake it for 1 min(200times/ min),and leave it at rest for 15 min ;Liquid chromatographic conditions :Welch Ultimate SiO2,4.6 mm×250 mm,particle size 5 ms,mobile phase :hexane :ethyl acetate =70 ∶ 30,column temperature :28℃,flow rate of mobile phase :1.5 mL/min,Injection quantity :20 mul,detection wavelength :446 nm. Method validation :the linear relationship of lutein was good within the range of 0.3166 ~ 10.1320 μg/mL,and the correlation coefficient R2=0.9998. Zeaxanthin had a good linear relationship within the range of 0.6175 ~ 9.8795 μg/mL,and the correlation



























叶黄素中的玉米黄质含量 -回复

叶黄素中的玉米黄质含量 -回复

































测定结果在食 品质量控制中 的应用
测定结果在食 品营养成分标 注中的应用
测定结果在食 品科学研究中 的应用稳定性高来自测定结果重复性01
重复性测试:对同一样品 进行多次测定,比较结果 一致性
结果准确性:与标准方法 进行比较,评估测定结果 的准确性
果蔬食品中叶黄 素、玉米黄质、 隐黄质和胡萝卜 素的含量分析
原理:利用叶黄素、玉米黄质、 隐黄质和胡萝卜素在紫外光区具 有吸收特性,通过测定吸光度值
样品处理:将果蔬食品样品进行 提取、净化、浓缩等处理,得到
测定步骤:将待测样品溶液放入 紫外分光光度计中,选择合适的 波长进行扫描,记录吸光度值,
原理:利用叶黄素、玉米黄质、隐黄 质和胡萝卜素在紫外光激发下发出荧 光的特性进行测定
优点:灵敏度高、选择性好、操作 简便、快速
缺点:易受样品中其他荧光物质的干 扰,需要选择合适的激发波长和发射 波长
应用:广泛应用于果蔬食品中叶黄素、 玉米黄质、隐黄质和胡萝卜素的测定
样品预处理:将 果蔬食品洗净、 去皮、切碎、烘 干
01. 测定方法 02. 样品处理 03. 结果分析
高效液相色谱法是一种常用的测定果蔬食品中 叶黄素、玉米黄质、隐黄质和胡萝卜素的方法。


1.3.1 叶黄素标准溶液的配制 以丙酮为溶剂配成质量浓度为 0.200mg/mL 叶黄素、
0.108mg/mL玉米黄质和0.024mg/mL隐黄质的混合对照品 贮备液,使用时分别稀释成系列质量浓度( 以叶黄素质 量浓度计):0. 15、0.07、0. 05、0.02、0. 005mg /mL。
1.3.2 分配系数的测定[10] 按相应的上下相溶液体积比配制一定量的溶剂系
not thoroughly separate the trans and cis isomers of xanthophylls and zeaxanthin, although the technique succeeded in separating
the two compounds.
Key words:corn gluten meal;xanthophylls;extraction;alcalase hydrolysis;HSCCC;purification



HPLC同时测定万寿菊花中叶黄素及玉米黄素的含量李宁;张雪霞;崔彦;刘刚叁;李晓露;陈书红;李岳【期刊名称】《中国新药杂志》【年(卷),期】2006(15)16【摘要】目的:建立一种同时测定万寿菊花中叶黄素及玉米黄素含量的HPLC方法.方法:采用Develosil C30色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),流动相为甲醇-乙腈(49∶51),内含0.05%三乙胺,流速1.0 mL·min-1,检测波长450 nm.结果:叶黄素和玉米黄素分别在5.0~80.0和2.0~32.0μg·mL-1的浓度内峰面积呈良好的线性关系(r分别为0.9998,0.9997),平均回收率分别为99.25%(RSD=2.1%,n=9)和99.41%(RSD=2.3%,n=9).结论:本法简便准确、重现性好,可用于万寿菊花中叶黄素及玉米黄素的含量测定.【总页数】2页(P1381-1382)【作者】李宁;张雪霞;崔彦;刘刚叁;李晓露;陈书红;李岳【作者单位】华北制药集团新药研究开发有限责任公司,石家庄,050015;华北制药集团新药研究开发有限责任公司,石家庄,050015;华北制药集团新药研究开发有限责任公司,石家庄,050015;华北制药集团新药研究开发有限责任公司,石家庄,050015;华北制药集团新药研究开发有限责任公司,石家庄,050015;华北制药集团新药研究开发有限责任公司,石家庄,050015;华北制药集团新药研究开发有限责任公司,石家庄,050015【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R927.2【相关文献】1.HPLC法测定万寿菊茎中叶黄素的含量 [J], 曹洪昭;聂传平;李红玉2.HPLC测定万寿菊干花和万寿菊颗粒中叶黄素含量 [J], 赵洁;尹俊涛;李超鹏;陈文3.HPLC法测定叶黄素越橘软胶囊中的叶黄素含量 [J], 韦月早;崔相辉;杨世联4.不同品系万寿菊花中叶黄素和叶黄素酯含量的测定 [J], 李大婧;刘春泉;方桂珍5.欧盟评估万寿菊叶黄素和叶黄素/玉米黄素提取物作为家禽饲料添加剂的安全性和有效性 [J],因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



【摘要】选用色谱柱Innoval ODS-2(4.6 mm×250 mm,5µm),以0.05%三乙胺-乙腈为流动相,流速为0.8 mL/min,柱温为28℃,在450 nm波长处测定样品。




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Analytical,Nutritional and Clinical MethodsApplication of HPLC coupled with DAD,APcI-MS and NMR tothe analysis of lutein and zeaxanthin stereoisomers inthermally processed vegetablesRobert Aman a ,Jan Biehl a ,Reinhold Carle a ,Ju ¨rgen Conrad b ,Uwe Beifuss b ,Andreas Schieber a,*a Section Plant FoodstuffTechnology,Institute of Food Technology,Hohenheim University,August-von-Hartmann-Strasse 3,D-70599Stuttgart,GermanybSection Bioorganic Chemistry,Institute of Chemistry,Hohenheim University,Garbenstrasse 30,D-70599Stuttgart,GermanyReceived 21February 2004;received in revised form 18October 2004;accepted 18October 2004AbstractA method for the simultaneous determination of lutein and zeaxanthin stereoisomers by HPLC-DAD was developed.For this purpose,(Z )-isomers of lutein and zeaxanthin were prepared by iodine-catalyzed photoisomerization and their structures elucidated by 1D-and 2D-LC-NMR spectroscopy,by APcI-MS in the positive mode,and by UV/Vis spectroscopy.Near base-line separation was achieved for (13-Z )-lutein,(130-Z )-lutein,(all -E )-lutein,(9-Z )-lutein,(90-Z )-lutein,(13-Z )-zeaxanthin,(all -E )-zeaxanthin,and (9-Z )-zeaxanthin.The influence of selected thermal treatments on degradation and isomerization of lutein and zeaxanthin was assessed.Sweet corn and spinach were sterilized (T max =121°C,F =5)and blanched (t =2min,steam),respec-tively.Heating resulted in decreases in total lutein content in sweet corn by 26%and in spinach by 17%.Total zeaxanthin content in sweet corn decreased by 29%.The amount of (Z )-isomers of lutein and zeaxanthin increased in sweet corn from 12%to 30%and 7%to 25%,respectively,whereas in fresh spinach a decrease in lutein (Z )-stereoisomers from 21%to 14%was observed.Ó2004Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Lutein;Zeaxanthin;Stereoisomers;Identification;Sweet corn;Spinach;Sterilization;Blanching1.IntroductionNumerous epidemiological studies suggest that con-sumption of carotenoids is associated with a lower risk for several types of degenerative diseases in human beings (Schu ¨nemann et al.,2002).Carotenoids may protect humans against certain types of cancer,cardio-vascular and other diseases associated with ageing(Michaud et al.,2000;Slattery et al.,2000).The dihy-droxy carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin have been iden-tified as the major constituents of the macular pigment of the human retina (Snodderly,1995).The detection of oxidation products of lutein and zeaxanthin in the hu-man retina supports the hypothesis that dietary lutein and zeaxanthin may act as antioxidants in the macular region (Khachik,Bernstein,&Garland,1997).Thus,protective activity against the two common eye diseases of ageing,cataract and age-related macular degenera-tion (AMD),is exhibited (Snodderly,1995).Evidence has been provided that supplementation with lutein esters results in an increment of lutein in0308-8146/$-see front matter Ó2004Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2004.10.031*Corresponding author.Tel.:+4907114593125;fax:+4907114594110.E-mail address:schieber@uni-hohenheim.de (A.Schieber)./locate/foodchemFood Chemistry 92(2005)753–763Food Chemistryhuman serum and of optical density in the retina, respectively(Landrum,Bone,&Kilburn,1997).Fur-thermore,visual function in patients with age-related cataracts who received lutein supplements improved. This suggests that a higher intake of lutein,through lu-tein-rich fruit and vegetables or supplements,may have beneficial effects on the visual performance of people with age-related cataracts(Olmedilla,Granado,Blanco, &Vaquero,2003).While green leafy vegetables(e.g.,spinach,lettuce, kale)are the most important dietary sources of lutein, zeaxanthin is mainly ingested with sweet corn and or-ange paprika(Holden et al.,1999;Sommerburg,Keu-nen,Bird,&van Kuijk,1998).Naturally occurring xanthophylls are usually present in their(all-E)-config-uration.Except for minimally processed salads and fruits,most of the edible plants are thermally pro-cessed prior to consumption.During processing of food such as drying,microwave heating,canning,bak-ing,and cooking,(all-E)-carotenoids are partially con-verted into their(Z)-isomers(Chen,Peng,&Chen, 1995;Marx,Schieber,&Carle,2000,2002;Pott, Marx,Neidhart,Mu¨hlbauer,&Carle,2002;van den Berg et al.,2000).Furthermore,storage time and stor-age conditions,such as temperature and light,facili-tate the formation of(Z)-isomers(Chen,Peng,& Chen,1996;Tang&Chen,2000).The nutritional con-sequences of E/Z isomerization are changes in bio-availability and physiological activity(Bo¨hm, Puspitasari-Nienaber,Ferruzzi,&Schwartz,2002; Castenmiller&West,1998;Erdmann et al.,1998). Literature data also suggest that each carotenoid shows an individual pattern of absorption,plasma transport,and metabolism.Investigating the effects of processing on carotenoid stability is therefore of great interest.Despite numerous studies,a complete separation of lutein and zeaxanthin stereoisomers in a single HPLC chromatographic run has not yet been realized(Sander, Sharpless,&Pursch,2000).Therefore,the objective of the present study was to establish a method for separat-ing the major stereoisomers of lutein and zeaxanthin by HPLC suitable for routine analysis.Unambiguous eluci-dation of the key stereoisomers by NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and UV/Vis spectra was a further aim of the study.Since the C30stationary phase used in the present study has successfully been applied to the determination of carotene stereoisomers from carrot juices and for the simultaneous quantification of carotenes and tocophe-rols from vitamin supplemented drinks(Marx et al., 2000,Marx,Schieber,&Carle,2002;Schieber,Marx, &Carle,2002),this analytical system was adapted to the separation of geometrical stereoisomers of lutein and zeaxanthin,and the sample preparation was modi-fied for vegetables.2.Materials and methods2.1.MaterialsAll chemicals used were purchased from VWR (Darmstadt,Germany)and were of reagent grade. HPLC solvents were of gradient grade.(All-E,3R, 30R,60R)-b,e-carotene-3,30-diol((all-E)-lutein)and(all-E,3R,30R)-b,b-carotene-3,30-diol((all-E)-zeaxanthin) were supplied by Hoffmann-La Roche(Basel,Switzer-land).(Z)-Isomers were obtained by iodine-catalyzed photoisomerization of the(all-E)-carotenoids(Zechmei-ster,1962).To avoid degradation and isomerization,am-ber glass ware was used and processing was developed under dim light conditions.Spinach(Spinacia oleracea L.)and sweet corn(Zea mays L.)were purchased froma local market in Stuttgart,Germany.2.2.Preparation of standards(All-E)-lutein and(all-E)-zeaxanthin was treated sep-arately by iodine-catalyzed photoisomerization until equilibria mixtures of stereoisomers were obtained. After5mg(8.8l mol)of(all-E)-carotenoid was weighed into a50mLflask and dissolved in a few drops of tolu-ene,5mL of iodine in hexane(c=40l mol/L)were added(final iodine concentration about1–2%(w/w)of the carotenoid).The solution was exposed tofluorescent light(polychrome;onefluorescent lamp:L58W/25uni-versal white and fourfluorescent lamps:L36W/76nat-ure de luxe(Osram,Munich,Germany))for30min at 20°C.The illumination intensity(3900lx)was deter-mined with a luxmeter(Mavolux-digital,Gossen, Nuernberg,Germany).After washing the solution twice with Na2S2O3solution(1mol/L),an aliquot of5mL was transferred to anotherflask for the analytical sepa-ration.Bothflasks were evaporated in vacuo (T<30°C).The residue used for the analytical separa-tion was dissolved in2-propanol and made up to a vol-ume of5mL,the residue used for the preparative separation was dissolved in acetone and made up to a volume of25mL.2.3.Chromatography2.3.1.Analytical chromatographyThe HPLC system(Shimadzu Corporation,Kyoto, Japan)was equipped with a system controller SCL-10Avp,an auto injector SIL-10ADvp,a solvent delivery module LC-10Avp with a low pressure mixing valve FCV-10ALvp,a column oven CTO-10Avp,a degasser GT-154,and a diode array detector SPD-10Avp.All data were processed using software Class VP(Version 5.03).The chromatographic analysis was performed using an analytical scale C30reversed phase column754R.Aman et al./Food Chemistry92(2005)753–763(250mm·4.6mm i.d.)with a particle size of5l m (YMC,Wilmington,MA,USA). system1.Xanthophylls were eluted iso-cratically with acetone/water(82/18,v/v)at a column temperature of20°C for45min.Theflow rate was set at1mL/min. system2.Eluent A consisted of metha-nol/tert-butyl methyl ether(MTBE)/water(92:4:4,v/v), eluent B was prepared by mixing MTBE/methanol/ water(90:6:4,v/v).Separation was performed at a col-umn temperature of20°C using a linear gradient from 100%A to6%B within80min at aflow rate of1mL/ min.Aliquots of20l L were used for HPLC.2.3.2.Preparative chromatographySample enrichment was carried out on a semiprepar-ative C30reversed phase column(250mm·10mm i.d.). The particle size was5l m(YMC,Wilmington,MA, USA).The HPLC system(Bischoff,Leonberg,Ger-many)consisted of a system controller LC-CaDI22-14,two solvent delivery modules HPLC compact pump 2250,and a UV–VIS detector SPD-10AVvp(Shimadzu Corporation,Kyoto,Japan).The software McDAcq32 Control(Version 2.0)was from Bischoff(Leonberg, Germany).Chromatographic runs were monitored at 445nm.350l L of the solution of isomerized carotenoids was used for HPLC.Main xanthophyll isomers were eluted isocratically with acetone/water(89:11,v/v)at ambient temperature for25min.Theflow rate was set at4mL/ min.2.4.NMR spectroscopyLC-NMR measurements were performed on a Varian Unity Inova500MHz NMR spectrometer(Darmstadt, Germany)equipped with an ID-PFG probe with aflow cell of65l L active volume.Solvent suppression was carried out by WET(Smallcombe,Patt,&Keifer, 1995).The HPLC system consisted of a Varian9012 pump and a Varian9050UV detector.Chromato-graphic runs were optimized for the best compromise between resolution and maximum signal intensity to-gether with a small peak width which is essential for 2D NMR experiments.Thus,isocratic systems consist-ing of acetone and varying ratios of D2O(between8% and15%,v/v),depending on the retention times of the individual isomers,were used.The system was operated at ambient temperature with aflow rate of0.8mL/min. Monitoring was performed at445nm.LC-1H-NMR spectra were recorded in the stop-flow mode with 1000–2000transients per1H-NMR spectrum.WETG-COSY spectra were acquired using48–160repetitions for128or256increments and2K data points with a spectral width of9000Hz in both dimensions and a relaxation delay(d1)of1s.1H chemical shifts were ref-erenced to the residual solvent signal at d=2.05ppm (acetone)relative to TMS.2.5.HPLC–APcI–MS couplingLC-MS analyses were performed on an HP1100 HPLC system(Hewlett Packard,Waldbronn,Germany) coupled to a Micromass VG platform II quadrupole mass spectrometer equipped with an APcI interface (Manchester,UK).The HPLC system was equipped with a HP1100autosampler,a HP1100thermoregula-tor,and a HP1100diode array detector module.MS parameters:APcI+,temperature150°C,probe tempera-ture400°C,capillary3.6kV,HV lens0.5kV.The system was operated in full scan mode(m/z200–800,cone35V). The chromatographic conditions corresponded to those of the analytical separation using solvent system2.2.6.QuantificationQuantification was performed by UV/Vis spectral analysis using published specific absorption coefficients ðA1%1cmÞfor(all-E)-lutein[2550at445nm(ethanol)]and (all-E)-zeaxanthin[2540at450nm(ethanol)](Britton, 1995;Schiedt&Liaaen-Jensen,1995).Linear calibration graphs based on serial dilutions of stock solutions of (all-E)-lutein and(all-E)-zeaxanthin.E/Z-Isomer con-centrations were calculated using corresponding(all-E)-standard curves.2.7.Food processing2.7.1.Sweet cornKernels were cut offfrom the cob with a knife.Silk, husk and extraneous plant material were removed and portions of240g of the obtained kernels werefilled in lacquered tinplate cans(430mL)(Schmalbach-Lubeca, Ratingen,Germany).The brine consisted of40mL of distilled water containing sodium chloride(1 g/100mL),sucrose(0.5g/100mL)and calcium chloride (160mg/L).The cans were sealed under nitrogen atmo-sphere with a vacuum sealing machine(VCV357,Clem-ens&Vogl,Braunschweig,Germany).The cans were immediately sterilized(T max=121°C,F=5)in a rotary retort(Rotopilot5,Stock,Neumuenster,Germany). Temperature was measured in the center of the cans. For measuring the effective temperature kernels were speared on the sensors.Sterilized samples were stored in a refrigerator(8°C)until analysis.2.7.2.SpinachFresh spinach was washed with water and non-edible parts were cut offwith a knife.Portions of200g were blanched with vapor(T=$100°C)over a coveredR.Aman et al./Food Chemistry92(2005)753–763755water bath(MX22,Braun,Frankfurt a.M.,Germany) for2min.For cooling,the spinach was immediately transferred to an ice bath.Inactivation of peroxidase was confirmed by the guaiacol test(data not shown). The spinach was vacuum packed(R25,Boss,Fried-richsdorf,Germany)and the samples were stored in the dark atÀ18°C.2.8.Preparation of samples2.8.1.Sweet cornFor homogenization150g of chilled sample(8°C) and300mg of pyrogallol as stabilizer were mixed in a blender for1min.50g of the homogenized sampleand100g of potassium hydroxide solution(10g in 100mL water/methanol,50:50,v/v)were mixed in an ice-cooled beaker with an ultra-turrax for2min.Ali-quots of15g were transferred to a100mLflask.After addition of25mL of potassium hydroxide solution (10g in100mL water/methanol,50:50,v/v)for saponi-fication and60mL of light petroleum(40–60°C)with butylated hydroxytoluene(BHT)(100mg/L)and butyl-ated hydroxyanisole(BHA)(100mg/L),theflask was flushed with nitrogen.It was sealed tightly and agitated with a magnetic stir bar for1h.The content was once washed in an amber glass separatory funnel with 50mL of sodium chloride solution(10g/100mL)and twice with50mL of water to remove alkali.The aque-ous layer was reextracted with ethyl acetate until it was colorless.The pooled organic phases were dried with sodium sulfate,evaporated in vacuo(T<30°C), and the residue dissolved in2-propanol and made up to a volume of10mL.2.8.2.Spinach50g of chilled spinach(8°C),100mL of distilled water and100mg of pyrogallol were mixed in a blender for1min.About3g of the homogenous solution, 30mL of potassium hydroxide solution(10g in 100mL water/methanol,50:50,v/v)for saponification, and60mL of light petroleum(40–60°C)with BHT (100mg/L)and BHA(100mg/L)were put into a 100mLflask.To ensure an inert atmosphere,theflask wasflushed with nitrogen.The sealedflask was agitated with a magnetic stir bar for1h.Thefiltrate obtained by vacuumfiltration was transferred to an amber glass separatory funnel.Further steps of the sample prepara-tion corresponded to those described for sweet corn.The residue was dissolved in2-propanol and made up to a volume of5mL.3.Results and discussionIn the past,C18stationary phases were used for numerous separations,and consequently also for the separation of carotenoids.During the past decade C30 stationary phases have turned out to be the best choice for the separation of carotenoids of similar structure (Sander et al.,2000).Recently,the application of a sil-ica-based nitrile-bonded column showed good results for the separation of lutein and zeaxanthin stereoisom-ers,however,this stationary phase was not able to sep-arate less polar carotenoids(Humphries&Khachik, 2003).Evident advantages of C30stationary phases in-clude enhanced shape selectivity and increased reten-tion,thus allowing the separation of(all-E)-lutein and (all-E)-zeaxanthin,differing only in the position of one double bond in the ionone ring(Fig.1).3.1.Carotenoid standardsThe identification and structural elucidation of lutein and zeaxanthin isomers was based on NMR spectra, mass spectra and UV/Vis spectra.After iodine-catalyzed photoisomerization of(all-E)-luteinfive predominant peaks were observed,while the isomerization of(all-E)-zeaxanthin resulted in three major peaks.The separa-tion of a standard mixture of lutein and zeaxanthin stereoisomers using solvent system1is shown in Fig.2. Structure elucidation of the carotenoids was performed by LC-NMR including1H and WETGCOSY.Thus, the main isomers could be assigned to(13-Z)-lutein, (130-Z)-lutein,(all-E)-lutein,(9-Z)-lutein,(90-Z)-lutein, (13-Z)-zeaxanthin,(all-E)-zeaxanthin,and(9-Z)-zea-xanthin.The NMR data obtained(Table1)were in good agreement with data from the literature(Dachtler, Glaser,Kohler,&Albert,2001;Englert et al.,1991) with the exception of the peak assignment of H-40 (d%5.54ppm)of the lutein stereoisomers in the former work.In contrast,in the LC-1H-NMR spectra of(13-Z)-,(130-Z)-,(9-Z)-and(90-Z)-lutein stereoisomers as well as in the LC-1H-NMR spectrum of the standard (all-E)-lutein no signal was detected in the region of d%5.54ppm.However,1H-1H correlation signals be-tween the partially overlapped signal at d=5.47ppm, e.g.,in the case of(9-Z)-lutein,and d=1.50ppm(Me-756R.Aman et al./Food Chemistry92(2005)753–763Table1LC-1H NMR data of the olefinic protons of lutein and zeaxanthin stereoisomers.Acetone/D2O;ref=2.05ppm(acetone);500MHz;d[ppm],mult, J[Hz]aLutein Zeaxanthin(13-Z)(130-Z)(All-E)(9-Z)(90-Z)(13-Z)(All-E)(9-Z)H-40 5.45,bs 5.46,bs 5.45,bs 5.47,bs 5.48,bsH-7 6.12,ov b 6.10,ov b 6.09,ov b 6.14,d,J=15.4 6.11,ov b 6.10,ov b 6.11,ov b 6.14,ov bH-70 5.43,dd,J=10.2,15.55.45,dd,J=10.4,14.15.43,dd,J=10.5,15.85.45,dd,J=10.3,15.35.47,ov b,dd-like6.10,ov b 6.11,ov b 6.11,ov bH-8 6.12,ov b 6.12,ov b 6.09,ov b 6.67,d,J=15.8 6.11,ov b 6.10,ov b 6.11,ov b 6.70,d,J=16.0 H-80 6.13,ov b 6.09,ov b 6.13,ov b 6.14,d,J=15.5 6.79,d,J=15.76.10,ov b 6.11,ov b 6.11,ov bH-10 6.21,d,J=11.5 6.15,ov b 6.13c,d,J%11.56.05,d,J=11.4 6.15,d,J=11.46.22,d,J=11.2 6.15,d,J=11.06.05,d,J=11.5H-100 6.12,ov b 6.20,d,J=12.16.10c,ov b 6.11,d,J%10.5 6.00,d,J=12.2 6.14,d,J=11.8 6.15,d,J=11.06.14,ov bH-11 6.66,dd,J=11.6,14.66.65,dd,J=9.7,14.56.66d,dd,J=11.4,14.36.77,dd,J=12.0,14.66.68,ov b 6.67,dd,J=11.0,15.76.68,ov b 6.77,dd,J=11.8,15.0H-110 6.61,dd,J=11.4,15.06.63,dd,J=9.7,14.76.62d,ov b 6.64,dd,J=11.3,15.16.84,dd,J=11.5,14.76,66,dd,J=11.4,14.76.68,ov b 6.67,ov bH-12 6.94,d,J=14.6 6.33,d,J=15.16.34,d,J=14.36.29,d,J=15.66.36,d,J=15.06.95,d,J=14.8 6.36,d,J=14.76.29,d,J=15.1H-120 6.33,d,J=15.0 6.94,d,J=15.16.34,d,J=14.36.34,d,J=15.16.28,d,J=14.76.34,d,J=14.8 6.36,d,J=14.76.35,d,J=15.0H-14 6.10,ov b 6.23,d,J=11.9 6.25,ov b 6.26,ov b 6.24,ov b 6.11,ov b 6.27,ov b 6.26,ov b H-140 6.23,d,J=11.4 6.10,ov b 6.25,ov b 6.26,ov b 6.24,ov b 6.24,d,J=12.2 6.27,ov b 6.26,ov b H-15 6.85,pt,J=12.7 6.57,pt,J=12.2 6.64,ov b 6.65,ov b 6.67,ov b 6.87,pt,J=13.1 6.66,ov b 6.66,ov b H-150 6.57,pt,J=12.8 6.85,pt,J=12.9 6.64,ov b 6.65,ov b 6.67,ov b 6.59,pt,J=13.0 6.66,ov b 6.66,ov ba Observed coupling constants were not averaged.Assignments based on wetgcosy.b ov:overlapped by other signals.c,d Assignments may be interchanged.180)as well as d=4.12ppm(H-30,bs)which corre-lates to further protons in the alicyclic region (d=1.71ppm,dd,J=6.1,12.2;and 1.27ppm,over-lapped;2·H-20)indicated that this proton had to be assigned as H-40.H-70was identified by its1H–1H corre-lation signals to H-80(Table1)and H-60(d=2.36ppm, bd,J=10.3).Analogous results were obtained for the remaining lutein stereoisomers.Beside the unambiguous differentiation of lutein and zeaxanthin isomers by LC-NMR(Dachtler et al.,2001),another NMR spectro-scopic feature within the(mono-Z)-lutein stereoisomers was found that may be used for the rapid assignment of an isomerization site close to the e-or b-end group un-der LC-NMR parison of the chemical shift difference of H-40and H-70(Fig.3)suggests an isomerization site close to the b-end group in the case of D d=0.02ppm and close to the e-end group in the case of D d=0.01ppm.Compared to solvent system1consisting of acetone and water(Fig.2),the separation of xanthophyll stereoi-somers using solvent system2(MeOH,TBME and water)provided satisfactory results(Fig.4),since an im-proved separation especially of(13-Z)-zeaxanthin from (all-E)-lutein was obtained.As can be seen,this analyt-ical system allowed the separation of(13-Z)-lutein, (130-Z)-lutein,(all-E)-lutein,(9-Z)-lutein,(90-Z)-lutein, (13-Z)-zeaxanthin,(all-E)-zeaxanthin,and(9-Z)-zea-xanthin within80min.Identical isomers were reported in extracts of the human retina(Khachik et al.,1997). Apart from these major stereoisomers,several com-pounds not yet identified were also detected.Although a number of methods for the separation of xanthophyll stereoisomers have been reported,the complete simulta-neous separation of E/Z isomers of lutein and zeaxan-thin has not been achieved so far(Dachtler,Kohler,& Albert,1998;Emenhiser,Sander,&Schwartz,1995; Emenhiser,Simunovic,Sander,&Schwartz,1996).In other studies some compounds were only tentatively identified(Delgado-Vargas&Paredes-Lopez,1997; Emenhiser et al.,1995).It is of particular importance that the method presented allows the separation of (13-Z)-zeaxanthin from(all-E)-lutein since(13-Z)-carot-enoids are predominantly formed by thermal treatment (Chen et al.,1995).Despite the structural similarity of lutein and zeaxan-thin,differentiation between both xanthophylls using mass spectrometry was achieved.The mass spectra of the isomers of zeaxanthin showed a base peak at m/z 569.3,corresponding to[M+H]+of lutein(Lacker, Strohschein,&Albert,1999).Due to the different posi-tion of the double bond in the ionone ring,(all-E)-lutein and its(Z)-isomers possess an allylic hydroxyl group at C-30,which can easily be eliminated,resulting in a base peak at m/z551.3[M+HÀH2O]+.All UV/Vis spectra were characteristic of lutein and zeaxanthin with respect to thefine structure(400–500 nm)(Table2).The values given were determined by photodiode-array detection in the corresponding HPLC solvents.The spectrum of(all-E)-lutein has typical absorption maxima.The absence of near-UV(about 330nm)absorbance is characteristic of the all-E arrangement of the double bonds.Both pairs of isomers, i.e.,(13-Z)-and(130-Z)-lutein,and(9-Z)-and(90-Z)-lu-tein,exhibit nearly identical absorption maxima.In gen-eral,a small hypsochromic shift is observed with the introduction of a Z-bond compared to the all-E config-uration(Zechmeister,1962).In comparison to the absorption maxima of(all-E)-lutein,(9-Z)-lutein and (90-Z)-lutein showed hypsochromic shifts of5nm and 4nm,and(13-Z)-lutein and(130-Z)-lutein showed shifts of8and6nm,respectively.Beside the differentiation based on typical absorption maxima,a distinction of(Z)-isomers is possible owing to the‘‘cis peak’’between320and380nm(Zechmeister, 1962),because absorbance around330nm generally in-creases as the position of the Z-bond approaches the center of the conjugated system.Strong absorbanceinthis region can be observed for (13-Z )-and (130-Z )-lu-tein and (13-Z )-zeaxanthin.This absorbance is reflected in the proportion of e 2/e 1which is much greater than that of the (all -E )-and (9-Z )-isomers,as reported by others (Delgado-Vargas &Paredes-Lopez,1996)(Table 2).A plausible explanation for this is the extinction coef-ficient depending on the dipole moment in the molecule,which is in turn related to the perpendicular distance be-tween the Z -bond and an imaginary line joining the ends of the carotenoid molecule (Zechmeister,1962).The findings correspond with other published data (Khachik et al.,1992).An ultimate factor for the differentiation of the fine structure is the ratio between III/II,where the peak height of the most bathochrome absorption band is des-ignated as III and that of the middle absorption band (usually k max )as II.The baseline or zero value is taken as the minimum between the two peaks.The spectral fine structure is then expressed as a percentage of the ra-tio of the peak heights III/II.Thus,(all -E )-lutein and (all -E )-zeaxanthin give %III/II values in ethanol of 60and 26,respectively (Britton,1995).An indication of the relationship between spectral fine structure and %III/II can be taken from the spectra (Table 2).In the present study the following ratios were found:65for (all -E )-lutein,67for (9-Z )-lutein,50for (90-Z )-lutein,31for (13-Z )-lutein,and 43for (130-Z)-lutein.The iso-mers of zeaxanthin followed the same pattern,i.e.,33for (all -E )-zeaxanthin and 32for (9-Z )-zeaxanthin.The smallest ratio of 10was observed for (13-Z)-zeaxanthin.Table 2Electronic absorption maxima of the predominant isomers of lutein and zeaxanthin IsomerAbsorption maxima (nm)a [e 2/e 1]b [100III/II]c (13-Z )-Lutein 330,(417),436,4630.44131(130-Z )-Lutein 331,(417),438,4650.41243(All -E )-Lutein 332,(423),444,4720.04965(9-Z )-Lutein 332,(418),439,4670.10967(90-Z )-Lutein327,(420),440,4680.14150(13-Z )-Zeaxanthin 338,(422),443,4700.49010(All -E )-Zeaxanthin 339,(428),450,4770.05933(9-Z )-Zeaxanthin338,(421),445,4720.14032Determined in the HPLC eluent (MTBE/methanol/water)employing the photodiode array detector.aValues in bold face represent the main maximum.Values in parentheses mark points of inflection.bRatio of the absorption intensity e 2at the near-UV maximum (327–339nm)to the absorption intensity e 1at the main absorption maximum (436–450nm).cPeak ratio 100III/II.R.Aman et al./Food Chemistry 92(2005)753–7637593.2.Food samplesThe analytical system was used to assess the influence of thermal processing of vegetables on the stability and E/Z isomerization of(all-E)-lutein and(all-E)-zeaxan-thin.Therefore,spinach as an important source of lutein and sweet corn as a rich source of zeaxanthin and lutein were selected.Sweet corn was canned according to the Codex standard(FAO&WHO,1981).The amount of brine used was less than20%of the total weight of the product and the cans were sealed under vacuum in a nitrogen atmosphere to avoid oxidation of carotenoids. Spinach is usually processed into frozen products.Prior to freezing,fresh spinach is blanched to inactivate dete-riorating enzymes,especially lipoxygenases.Since perox-idase is thermally more stable than lipoxygenases,the absence of peroxidase is considered an indicator for suf-ficient blanching conditions.By vapor blanching at $100°C complete peroxidase inactivation was achieved after1min,as determined by the guaiacol test.For the determination of carotenoids all samples were subjected to saponification to remove chlorophylls and lipids, respectively,which might affect chromatographic per-formance.In contrast to literature data,carotenoids were monitored at their spectral maxima in the mobile phase.The separation of lutein and zeaxanthin stereoisom-ers extracted from sterilized sweet corn and blanched spinach is shown in Figs.5and6,respectively.Apart from predominant(all-E)-lutein and(all-E)-zeaxanthin in the sweet corn extract,(9-Z)-and(13-Z)-isomers were detected,with(13-Z)-,(130-Z)-lutein and(13-Z)-zeaxan-thin being present in higher amounts(Fig.5).While in spinach(all-E)-zeaxanthin was only found in trace amounts,(all-E)-lutein was shown to be the predomi-nant xanthophyll.Consequently,only(Z)-isomers of the latter were detected in blanched spinach(Fig.6).Total lutein and total zeaxanthin of sterilized samples of sweet corn differed greatly from the corresponding unheated vegetable.Processing resulted in26%and 29%decreases in total lutein content and zeaxanthin content,pared to the control, blanched spinach showed a17%reduction in total lutein content.Considering the lower temperature and the much shorter heat exposure of blanching compared to sterilization,a substantial part of lutein was degraded.Heating exerted an additional effect on isomerization since thermal processing of sweet corn was associated with an increase in total amount of(Z)-isomers from 12%to30%and7%to25%for lutein and zeaxanthin, respectively(Table3).Remarkably,the total content of(Z)-lutein isomers in fresh spinach was relatively high (21%),but decreased after thermal treatment(14%).With respect to individual stereoisomers,thermal treatment of sweet corn caused the largest increment of contents of(13-Z)-,(130-Z)-lutein and(13-Z)-zeaxan-thin(11%,10%and21%).Since(13-Z)-carotenoids are predominantly formed by thermal treatment,thesefind-ings correspond with published data(Chen et al.,1996) and can be attributed to the canning process.In con-trast,the amount of lutein(Z)-stereoisomers of pro-cessed spinach did not increase.While the content of (9-Z)-and(9Ô-Z)-lutein decreased,(13-Z)-and(130-Z)-lutein virtually remained unaffected.Moreover,since。
