SOA 锁模2
l鲁 0 z)i (一j Ⅳ △
式 ( ) △ J 调 制 S A 的 每一 小 段 的长 度 , ¨ 5 中 ,是 O P 一
输 出端输 出重 复频 率 为 的稳 定 的 锁 模 光 脉 冲 。
工作具 有 一定 的指 导意义 。
1 实验 模型
图 1给 出了主动 锁模 环行 光纤激 光器 的结构 示
源 , 可 以输 出高重 复 频 率 的近 变 换 极 限 的超 短 光 它 脉冲 -1 13。通常 一个 主动 锁模 光纤激 光器 主 要是 由 强 度调 制器 、 增益 介 质 及 滤 波 器 构成 。然 而一 般 的
第 1 2卷
第1 9期
2 1 7月 0 2年
V 1 1 No 1 J 1 01 o. 2 .9 u .2 2
1 7 — 1 1 ( 01 1 — 6 7 0 6 1 8 5 2 2) 9 4 4 — 4
S e c c n l g nd En i e i g cin e Te h o o y a gne rn
2 1 Si eh E gg 0 2 e. c . nr. T
基 于 S A的主 动 锁模 环 行 光 纤 O 激 光 器 的数 值 研 究
杨 文艳 董晓龙 唐海燕
( 庆 科 技 学 院 数 理 学 院 , 庆 4 13 ) 重 重 0 3 1
要 对基于 S A的主动锁模 环行光纤激光器模 型进 行 了研 究, 虑 了半 导体光 放大器 的材料增 益谱 、 O 考 载流子 的 空间分
5 (暨南大学光子技术研究所,广州,510632) 摘要: 本文主要是对傅里叶锁模光纤激光器进行实验研究, 重点研究了激光腔内 Fabry-Perot 滤波器的工作状态对激光器输出性能的影响, 本实验得出调节滤波器驱动信号的直流偏置可 以调节激光器的中心波长, 调节扫描幅度的大小可以调节激光器波长扫描范围在几个 nm 到 一百多个 nm 之间变化;同时还研究了频偏对激光器输出性能的影响,正频偏主要影响光脉 冲的后沿,负频偏主要影响光脉冲的前沿。 关键词:傅里叶锁模;光纤激光器;实验研究 中图分类号:TN248
-2-出光脉冲的前向扫描和后向扫描能否分离开; 而扫描频率是否跟腔基 频匹配将直接关系到该激光器能否达到傅里叶域锁模。 本实验主要是研究驱动信号扫描幅度 和扫描频率对激光器输出性能的影响,以及探索激光器三次谐波锁模时的输出性能。 80
0 前言
傅里叶域锁模技术( Fourier Domain Mode Locking, FDML)是R.Huber等人于2006年提 出的一种全新的扫频激光振荡机制[1]。傅里叶域锁模可看作是激光器第三类稳态运行模式, 具有丰富的物理内涵和很多独特的性质。 基于傅里叶域锁模技术的光纤激光器具有高扫描速 度、宽扫描范围、窄瞬时线宽等独特的特点,是光学相干层析成像( Optical Coherence Tomography, OCT)的理想光源,对提高光学相干层析成像的性能起到了关键作用。此外,傅 里叶域锁模光纤激光器在光谱学、光纤通信系统以及光纤传感等领域也有潜在的应用[2-6]。 傅里叶域锁模光纤激光器技术主要是针对OCT应用而提出的[7-11],后来有人将其应用扩 展到光纤传感等领域[12-15]。 已报道的文献均主要集中在其应用方面, 很少有关于傅里叶域锁 模光纤激光器本身的研究工作。 事实上, 傅里叶域锁模技术作为一种具有丰富物理内涵的新 兴技术,具有很大的发展和应用潜力,对其运行机制、内在机理及输出特性进行深入细致的 研究,不仅具有一定应用价值,而且也具有非常重要的科学意义。 本文主要对傅里叶域锁模光纤激光器进行了深入的实验研究, 基于丰富的实验结果对其 输出特性进行了分析,重点分析了激光腔内 Fabry-Perot 滤波器的工作状态以及频率偏移对 激光器输出特性的影响, 为透彻理解傅里叶域锁模光纤激光器运行机制以及其性能优化提供 了有效依据。 文章首先介绍了本实验中傅里叶域锁模光纤激光器的实验装置及工作原理, 然 后是实验结果及对其输出特性的分析与讨论,并得出一些结论,最后对全文进行了总结。
若丹明 6G
GaAlAs (0.85m)
InGaAsP (1.55m)
2×10-13~3×10-14 10-13
3×10-14 0.5~30×10-12 4~50×10-12
I (t)
sin2 (2N sin2
t 2
t 2
振幅随时 间而变化
光强随时 间而变化
E0 (
eiqt )ei0t
in[1 (2N 1)t 2 sin 1 (t)
A(t )ei0t
E ei(qtq q
那么激光器输出的光波电场 是N个纵模电场的和,即
E (t)
E ei(qtq ) q
E ei(qtq q
E (t)
E ei(qtq ) q
设光信号在t1时刻通过调制器,并且δ(t1)=0,则在(t1+T0)时刻此信号将再次无 损地通过调制器。对于t2时刻通过调制器的光信号而言,若δ(t2)≠0,则每次经过 调制器时都要损失一部分能量。这就意味着只有在损耗为零的时刻通过调制 器的那部分光信号能形成振荡,而光信号的其余部分因损耗大而被抑制,因此 形成周期为2L/c的窄脉冲输出。
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markov分枝过程 kerr效应 hplc-dad-spe-cryonmr-ms heck反应 dmf cuo薄膜 co掺杂zno cdte@fe3o4纳米粒子 cdte 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
科研热词 衰荡特性 第一性原理 电子结构 气体浓度 掺铒光纤放大器 在线测量 可调光衰减器 光学性质 二氧化钛 三阶光学非线性 高脂饮食 颜色稳定性 非线性过程 非线性折射率 非线性 阿拉伯文明 防霉 铁磁性 量子点 迷迭香 载流子俘获 薄膜 荧光共振能量转移 苯并噻唑 肺腺癌 肠吸收 聚噻吩衍生物 缝线材料 结构鉴定 细胞增殖 细胞周期 纳米晶 竹材 稀磁半导体 稀土配合物 科学信息本体结构 科学信息传播 磁性质 磁性荧光特性 磁性复合功能 硫辛酸 百年翻译运动 电子动力学 生物传感器 生态修复 牙齿移动 溶胶-凝胶 水蒸气吸收 水稻 氮素积累 氮素利用 欧洲中世纪科学著作翻译
2008年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
推荐指数 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2010年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
2008年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
科研热词 推荐指数 非线性偏振旋转 1 掺铒光纤激光器 1 导波与光纤光学 1 多波长可转换光纤激光器 1 多波长光纤激光器 1 多模光纤光栅 1 双包层光纤 1 偏振烧孔 1
2009年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
科研热词 推荐指数 激光器 2 多波长激光器 2 受激布里渊散射 2 光纤激光器 2 光纤光学 2 频谱展宽 1 频率上转换 1 非线性光纤环镜 1 非线性偏振旋转 1 锁模 1 运算时间 1 超连续光源 1 超快光学 1 被动锁相 1 紫外飞秒激光 1 移频反馈 1 相干组束 1 激光技术 1 慢光 1 差频产生 1 多波长输出 1 多波长光纤激光器 1 多波长中红外 1 多波长 1 半导体光放大器 1 分析精度 1 准相位匹配 1 光纤激光 1 光纤布里渊放大器 1 光纤光栅法布里-珀罗腔特性 1 光生微波信号 1 光子晶体光纤激光器 1 v-i传输矩阵法 1
推荐指数 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2014年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2014年 科研热词 激光器 多波长 马赫-曾德尔型滤波器 锁模 被动锁模 数字微镜器件 掺铒光纤放大器 可调谐激光器 单壁碳纳米管 全光纤 光纤激光器 推荐指数 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
基于SOA的主动锁模环行光纤激光器的数值研究杨文艳;董晓龙;唐海燕【摘要】An actively mode-locked fiber ring laser with SOAs Is presented. The materal gain profile, spatial distribution of carriers and the broad-band spontaneous noise emission are considered in the model. The result of theoretical study and numerical simulations reveals that 7. 5 ps stable mode-locked pulse trains at repetition rate of 20 GHz can be obtained, and the pulse trains are constant over a 40 nm tuning range.%对基于SOA的主动锁模环行光纤激光器模型进行了研究,考虑了半导体光放大器的材料增益谱、载流子的空间分布、带宽放大自发辐射等因素,通过理论分析和数值模拟,得出结论:调节激光器的注入脉冲,可以输出重复频率为20 GHz,脉宽(FWHM)约为7.5ps的稳定锁模光脉冲序列,其波长可调谐范围超过40 nm.【期刊名称】《科学技术与工程》【年(卷),期】2012(012)019【总页数】4页(P4647-4650)【关键词】半导体光放大器;锁模脉冲序列;重复频率;交叉增益调制【作者】杨文艳;董晓龙;唐海燕【作者单位】重庆科技学院数理学院,重庆401331;重庆科技学院数理学院,重庆401331;重庆科技学院数理学院,重庆401331【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN248.35高重复频率、波长可调谐的超短光脉冲源是高速率光纤通信系统、全光处理、全光网络中的重要组成部分。
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光信号处理 偏振态位移键控 偏振复用/解复用 偏振合束器 偏振主态 交叉偏振调制 中间跨度谱反转 wigner分布 soa理论模型 mueller矩阵方法 mach-zehnder(m-z)干涉仪 l-波段
推荐指数 15 9 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2010年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
2011年 科研热词 推荐指数 序号 半导体光放大器 9 1 四波混频 2 2 半导体光放大器的噪声分析 2 3 全光缓存器 2 4 全光波长转换器 2 5 高速传输系统 1 6 非线性光学 1 7 近简并四波混频 1 8 转换效率 1 9 超宽带信号 1 10 色散补偿 1 11 色度色散补偿 1 12 色度色散 1 13 移频反馈 1 14 码型效应 1 15 瞬时交叉相位调制 1 16 激光技术 1 17 消光比 1 18 波长变换 1 19 扫频光源 1 20 开关键控 1 21 多波长激光器 1 22 可调谐激光器 取样光栅分布bragg反射镜(sg-dbr) 1 单片集成 23 半导体光放大器(soa 半导体光放大器(soa) 1 24 动态色散 1 25 动态延迟范围 1 26 全光码型转换器 1 27 全光时钟提取 fabry-perot(f-p)滤波器 1 交叉相位调制(xpm) 28 自增益调制(sgm) 全光包交换 1 29 全光分组交换 1 30 光频移键控 1 31 光通信 组播 半导体光放大器(soa) 1 交叉增益调制(xgm) 32 光通信 1 光谱优化 1 光网络 1 光纤布拉格光栅 1 光纤光学 1 光栅解调 1 偏振移位键控 1 信号损伤 1 交叉相位调制 1 交叉增益调制 1
湿度 流注脉冲平均频率 流注脉冲平均幅值 流体模型 气压 气体火花开关 正直流电晕 有机玻璃 数值模拟 掺钛蓝宝石激光器 引发率 大测绘带成像 多脉冲 多波长激光器 多发多收 复合加工 固态开关 固体传输线 周期量级脉冲 合成孔径雷达 可饱和脉冲变压器 半导体技术 半导体可饱和吸收体 半导体光放大器(soa) 化学刻蚀 加速器 全息存储 光通信 光致聚合物 串联谐振 x射线衍射 pulser/sustainer技术 ns脉冲 nd1.85ce0.15cuo4薄膜 mach-zehnder(m-z)干涉仪 l-波段
推荐指数 5 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2009年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
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时钟分频 无预电离 掺铒光纤激光器 拉曼光谱 感应叠加 快速恢复高压二极管 微图案刻划 孤子锁模 声光调q 增益开关 基因转移 固态调制器 呼吸脉冲锁模 受激拉曼散射 半导体激光器 医用光学与生物技术 功率驱动 分子调制受激拉曼散射 全光纤结构 光电半导体开关 光注入 光时分复用 光子晶体光纤飞秒激光放大器 光参量振荡器 倍频 亚飞秒脉冲 主振荡功率放大 nd:yag双波长激光器 1319 nm/1338 nm双波长 "8"字腔
锁模激光器的工作原理及其特性摘要: 本文主要介绍了锁模的基本原理和实现方法,并简单介绍了锁模激光器。
每个纵模输出的电场分量可用下式表示])-([),(q q z t i q q e E t z E ϕυω+= (2.1)式中,q E 、q ω、q ϕ为第q 个模式的振幅、角频率及初相位。
各个模式的初相位q ϕ无确定关系,各个模式互不相干,因而激光输出是它们的无规叠加的结果,输出强度随时间无规则起伏。
假设只有相邻两纵模振荡,它们的角频率差Ω='=L cq q πωω1-- (2.2)它们的初相位始终相等,并有01-==q q ϕϕ。
为分析简单起见,假设二模振幅相等,二模的行波光强I I I q q ==1-。
现在来讨论在激光束的某一位置(设为0=z )处激光场随时间的变化规律。
不难看出,在0=t 时,二纵模的电场均为最大值,合成行波光强是二模振幅和的平方。
由于二模初相位固定不变,所以每经过一定的时间0T 后,相邻模相位差便增加了π2,即πωω2-01-0=T T q q (2.3)因此当0mT t =时(m 为正整数),二模式电场又一次同时达到最大值,再一次发生二模间的干涉增强。
于是产生了具有一定时间间隔的一列脉冲,脉冲峰值光强为I 4,由式(2.3)可求出脉冲周期为cL T '=Ω=220π 如果二纵模初相位随机变化,则在0=z 处,合成行波光强在I 2附近无规涨落。
推荐指数 7 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2009年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
2008年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
科研热词 光纤激光器 激光技术 大模场面积光纤 光子晶体光纤 飞秒 非线性偏振旋转 锁模 高非线性光纤 饱和吸收 飞秒脉冲 非线性光纤环形镜 超连续光谱 超连续 超短脉冲激光器 超短脉冲 被动锁模 碳纳米管 激光器 消光比 波长调谐 波氏转换 掺饵光纤锁模激光器 掺铒光纤激光器 掺yb3+双包层光纤 孤子锁模 孤子分裂 孤子光纤激光器 呼吸脉冲锁模 分步傅里叶方法 全固态激光器 全固型光子带隙光纤 光纤放大器 光纤光栅 8字形腔 "8"字腔
推荐指数 13 8 7 5 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2010年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
mosfet soa解读 -回复
mosfet soa解读-回复什么是MOSFET的SOA?MOSFET,即金属-氧化物-半导体场效应晶体管(Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor),是一种常用的功率半导体器件。
SOA是指Safe Operating Area,即器件的安全工作区域,用于描述器件在一定工作条件下可靠运行的区域。
在设计电路时,理解和合理使用MOSFET 的SOA十分重要,以确保电路的可靠性和稳定性。
SOA曲线的左侧表示的是器件的连续工作区域(DC SOA),即稳定工作所需的条件下允许的最大电流和电压范围。
SOA曲线的右侧表示的是器件的脉冲工作区域(Pulse SOA),即在短时间内允许的高电流和电压范围。
在实际应用中,要遵循以下几个步骤来解读MOSFET的SOA曲线:1. 确定工作条件:首先,需要明确电路的工作条件,包括输入电源、负载特性、工作频率等。
2. 确定电流和电压范围:根据所选器件的数据手册,找到对应的SOA曲线,鉴别出DC SOA和Pulse SOA部分。
2 S h o o P y i a Co mu i t n Eet nc, nx Nom l nvri , a c ag3 0 2 , hn ; . co lf hsc n sd m nc i s lc o i  ̄ag i r a U i sy N nh n 0 2 C i ao r s e t 3 a 3 K yL b rtrfr polc o i C muiain iJa g i n h n 3 0 2 C i ; . e a oao o O teet nc o nct s n inx, ca g3 0 2 , hn y r s o Na a 4 S h lf te t s n P y ̄ , hn qn nvri , h n qn 0 04 C i ) .c o Mahmai a h s s C og i U ies C og i o c d g y t g4 0 4 , hn a Abtat ae nt lrpo ut n e r, e c nu tr t a A l e (O f e n srnaR t nl s c:B sdo es f erd ci oy aS mi d c i mpi r S A) br igl e ai a r h e- ot h o o Op c l i f i r a i o
S A dpwe fh jci -pi l inlhv etf c nt u - pi d q ai t ni rt nl amo i O a r ei et no t a s a, ae rae eto ep l a luee ul ai i a hr nc n o ot n o c g g s h e sm t z o n ao
sg a o r Nu rc td s l n iaeta e s s m aa tr,icu igte ba u rn fte mo uain in p we ̄ meia su y r ut idct tt y t p rmees n ldn i c re to d l o l l e s h h e h s h t
WDM-TDM混合PON应用RSOA中的激射问题研究作者:丁国庆周忠华来源:《电子世界》2012年第02期【摘要】介绍了反射型光放大器(RSOA)的芯片基本结构、工作原理、技术指标以及在WDM-TDM混合PON中应用,测量了RSOA不同驱动电流下的光谱;提出了几种防止RSOA 中光激射的方法。
WDO-PON的关键问题,是寻找技术指标满足要求、工程价格能承担得起的关键光电子器件和微电子器件,其中包括WDM-PON用光放大器:EDFA、半导体光放大器(SOA)——注入锁模的F-P LD、行波型SOA和RSOA[2]。
n(t )
1 2
U 0 ne3
④相移 (t) 2 ln(t) lU0ne3 33 cos t
⑤光的频移为 (t) d[(t)] lU0ne3 33 sin t
证 相位 t 0 相移 t 0
E(t) E0cos(0t 0 ) - E0Msin( 0t 0 ) cos t
1 2
t)sin(ຫໍສະໝຸດ 0t0t )]
1 2
1 2
频移 d ()
⑥频移为零时,光信号可输出形成光脉冲,频 移不为零时,光信号经频移积累,移出增益曲 线而熄灭
⑦存在两组无关的脉冲系列,对应于相移波形的 极大值与极小值,随机输出其中任意一组
U(t):驱动电光器件的 t 调制电信号
第十章 锁模技术
§1 锁模原理 一、锁模基本概念
将多纵模激光器中各纵模的初相位关系固定, 形成等时间间隔的光脉冲序列
硫化钼锁模激光器研究进展孟路平;徐慧;邹淑珍;王令武;史萌;苏富芳;张玲【摘要】新型的硫化钼(MoS2)可饱和吸收体由于具有宽带可饱和吸收特性等优点,在被动锁模激光领域具有广泛的应用.本文对硫化钼可饱和吸收体的不同制备方法和锁模的关键参数进行了总结、对基于硫化钼吸收体的锁模激光特性进行了综述,并指出其发展趋势.【期刊名称】《激光与红外》【年(卷),期】2018(048)008【总页数】6页(P939-944)【关键词】硫化钼;可饱和吸收;被动锁模;固体和光纤激光器【作者】孟路平;徐慧;邹淑珍;王令武;史萌;苏富芳;张玲【作者单位】曲阜师范大学物理工程学院,山东曲阜273165;曲阜师范大学物理工程学院,山东曲阜273165;中国科学院半导体研究所全固态光源实验室,北京100083;中国科学院半导体研究所全固态光源实验室,北京100083;曲阜师范大学物理工程学院,山东曲阜273165;曲阜师范大学物理工程学院,山东曲阜273165;中国科学院半导体研究所全固态光源实验室,北京100083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN248.11 引言随着超快激光探测应用的兴起以及对高峰值功率的追求,人们对激光光束的脉宽提出了更高的要求。
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10 GHz pulses generated across a ~100 nm tuning range using a gain-shifted mode-lockedSOA ring laserW. W. Tang, M. P. Fok, and Chester ShuDepartment of Electronic Engineering and Center for Advanced Research in Photonics,The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong.ctshu@.hkAbstract: Widely-tunable picosecond pulses have been generated from aharmonically mode-locked semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) ring laserwith a center wavelength spanning from 1491 to 1588 nm. An intra-cavitybirefringence loop mirror filter is used to define a 1.6 nm comb that governsthe wavelength spacing of the tunable output pulses. The filter also serves tocontrol the spectral gain profile of the laser cavity and thus extends thetuning range. By exploiting the spectral shift of the SOA gain with differentamount of optical feedback, the output can be obtained over a widewavelength range. Applying mode-locking together with the dispersiontuning approach, 10 GHz picosecond pulses have been successfullygenerated over a tuning range of 97 nm.©2006 Optical Society of AmericaOCIS code s: (140.4050) Mode-locked lasers; (140.3600) Lasers, tunableReferences and links1.M. Y. Jeon, H. K. Lee, K. H. Kim, E.H. Lee, S. H. Yun, B. Y. Kim and Y. W. Koh, “An electronicallywavelength-tunable mode-locked fiber laser using an all-fiber acoustooptic tunable filter,” IEEE Photon.Technol. Lett. 8, 1618-1620 (1996).2.J. M. Roth, T. G. Ulmer, N. W. Spellmeyer, S. Constantine and M. E. Grein, “Wavelength-tunable 40-GHzpicosecond harmonically mode-locked fiber laser source,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 16, 2009–2011 (2004).3. A. Bergonzo, E. Gohin, J. Landreau, O. Durand, R. Brenot, G. H. Duan and J. Jacquet, “Tuning range extensionby active mode-locking of external cavity laser including a linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating,” IEEE J. Sel.Top. Quantum Electron. 9, 1118–1123 (2003).4. D. N. 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Among the different techniques to generate such pulsed source, active mode locking of a fiber ring laser provides a simple solution [1]. To define the output wavelength, the laser usually contains a wavelength selective element such as a fiber Fabry Perot (FP) filter [2], a fiber Bragg grating [3], or a FP laser diode [4]. In general, the wavelength selective elements will have a limited tuning range or gain bandwidth that restricts the tunability of the pulsed source. Hence, the bandwidth of the optical gain medium may not be fully utilized and most of the published works have tuning ranges of about 50 nm [5]. In this work, we demonstrate the generation of wavelength-tunable pulses with the dispersion tuning approach using a birefringence loop mirror filter (LMF) in a mode-locked semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) ring laser. The LMF [6] is a passive, all-fiber, and polarization-independent device that serves as a comb filter in the laser. Thus, the output wavelengths can be tuned over a wide spectral range while maintaining a fixed grid spacing. In addition, with the controllable transmission ratio of the LMF, the SOA gain can be spectrally shifted to extend the wavelength tuning range of the laser. By applying the technique of dispersion tuning [7, 8], electrical tuning of 10 GHz mode-locked pulses has been achieved across a range of 97nm. 2. ExperimentThe experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1(a). A pigtailed SOA with a maximum small-signal gain of 25 dB is used to provide the cavity gain. The SOA is biased at 102.5 mA. The optical output is then connected to a birefringence LMF through a 90:10 coupler and an isolator. The LMF is constructed with a 5-m polarization-maintaining fiber (PMF) connected to the output ports of a 3 dB coupler. A polarization controller is placed in the loop filter and acts as a polarization state rotator for both the clockwise and the counter-clockwise propagating branches. The transmission characteristic of the LMF is shown in Fig. 1(b). An output comb with a spacing of ~1.6nm is obtained near 1550 nm. Another isolator is connected to the output port of the loop filter to block the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) of the SOA from entering the loop in the opposite direction. The ring cavity is completed by connecting the isolator to the SOA through a dispersion compensating fiber (DCF), a polarization controller, and a LiNbO 3 Mach-Zehnder intensity modulator. The 25-m DCF provides a dispersion of -2 ps/nm at 1550 nm. The modulator is sinusoidally driven by a 27-dBm electrical signal at about 10 GHz. The modulator provides periodic loss modulation with a modulation depth of 94% to 96% throughout the tuning range. The fundamental frequency of the laser is 4.57 MHz and harmonic mode-locking is obtained near 10 GHz.Fig. 1. (a) Experimental setup of the wavelength tunable, harmonically mode-locked SOA ring laser that contains an intracavity birefringence loop mirror filter (LMF). DCF: dispersion compensating fiber; PC: polarization controller; PMF: polarization-maintaining fiber; SOA: semiconductor optical amplifier. (b) Measured transmission function of a 5-m LMF near 1550 nm.(a) (b) -90-80-70-60-50-40155015511552155315541555Wavelength (nm)I n t e n s i t yI n t e n s i t y (d B m ) #9534 - $15.00 USD Received 15 November 2005; revised 16 January 2006; accepted 2 March 2006(C) 2006 OSA 20 March 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 6 / OPTICS EXPRESS 21593. PrincipleThe key to achieve widely wavelength-tunable pulses using our dispersion tuning approach is the use of a LMF to shift the spectral gain of the SOA. The LMF defines a comb such that the output wavelength of the fiber laser can be tuned across a pre-determined wavelength grid. The working principle of the LMF is described as the following. The input light is split into two counter-propagating branches at the 3 dB coupler. After traveling through the fiber loop, the two branches will recombine again and interfere at the coupler. By controlling the polarization controller (PC) in the fiber loop, the counter-propagating branches are set to have a 90° polarization difference during their transit in the PMF. The light intensity that couples back to the cavity depends on the phase difference between the two interfering branches, and is related to the product of the modal birefringence and the length of the PMF. The transmission function is a wavelength dependent sinusoidal function given by()⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛Δ−=λπλnL T 2cos 15.0 (1) The PMF defines the comb spacing (Δλ) given bynLλλΔ=Δ2(2) where Δn and L are the birefringence and the length of the PMF, respectively. In our work, a 5-m PMF with a birefringence of 3x10-4 is used, resulting in a wavelength spacing of 1.6nm at around 1550nm.The gain peak position of the SOA ring laser is dependent on the amount of the optical power in the cavity. A strong optical feedback tends to saturate the SOA, leading to gain compression and a shift of the gain peak towards a longer wavelength [9, 10]. The transmission ratio of the LMF is also tunable through adjustment of the PC. The function of adjusting the PC is to change the transmission ratio of the LMF and hence switch the gain band of the SOA between the short and the long wavelength region. The ring laser will oscillate in short wavelength band if the transmission ratio is low. Hence, the amount of cavity feedback power is controllable and the gain peak of the SOA can be tuned. Figure 2 shows the spectra of a continuous wave output that is generated by the SOA ring laser under different levels of the optical feedback. Figure 2(a) shows that the laser oscillates in the short wavelength region centered at 1513 nm when there is a large cavity loss. By adjusting the PC inside the LMF, a stronger feedback power can be obtained to support oscillation in the long wavelength region centered at 1582 nm, as shown in Fig. 2(b). The study shows that the output wave band can simply be tuned by adjusting the PC inside the LMF.Fig. 2. Output spectra of the SOA cw ring laser with (a) weak optical feedback, laser output centered at 1513 nm. (b) strong optical feedback, laser output centered at 1582 nm.(b)(a) R e l a t i v e I n t e n s i t y (5d B /d i v .)Wavelength (nm) 14801540 1600 R e l a t i v e I n t e n s i t y (5d B /d i v .)Wavelength (nm) 1480 15401600 #9534 - $15.00 USD Received 15 November 2005; revised 16 January 2006; accepted 2 March 2006(C) 2006 OSA 20 March 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 6 / OPTICS EXPRESS 2160Wavelength selection of the output pulses is performed by dispersion tuning [7]. The dispersion inside the cavity is provided by the 25-m DCF. As different wavelengths propagate at different group velocities in the DCF, adjustment of the modulation frequency will result in a corresponding tuning of the center mode-locked wavelength. Electrical tuning of the wavelength can be achieved by slightly varying the frequency applied to the modulator. The tuning relation can be expressed asDLF NF 2−≅δδλ (3)where D is the dispersion coefficient of the fiber, F is the mode-locking frequency, L is the length of propagation and N is the harmonic order. Since D is negative for a fiber providing a normal dispersion , a slight increase in the modulation frequency at a given harmonic will favor lasing at a longer wavelength. The pulsed output is coupled out of the cavity via a 90:10 coupler and is monitored using a 40GHz photo-detector and a 40GHz digital sampling oscilloscope. The spectral characteristic is measured with an optical spectrum analyzer with a 0.01 nm resolution. 4. Results and discussionWith the LMF, the output wavelength can be electrically tuned in steps of 1.6-nm. Figure 3(a) and (b) show some samples of the 10-GHz mode-locked pulses obtained at different center wavelengths within the 97-nm tuning range along with the corresponding optical spectrum. It is noted that the ground floor of the optical pulses is raised when the pulses are generated near the tuning edge at the short wavelength side. The observation is mainly caused by the incomplete suppression of the non-lasing modes.Fig. 3. Characteristics of the output at different wavelengths. (a) Pulse trains (Arrows indicatethe ground level). (b) Corresponding optical spectraIn Fig. 3(b), it is interesting to note the appearance of small peaks located at ~50 nm away from the output wavelength. The peaks are more pronounced when the output wavelength is near the edges of the tuning range. The observation is explained by simultaneous mode-Time (50ps/ div.)S i g n a lWavelength (nm)I n t e n s i t y (10 d B /d i v .)1490 1510 1530 1550 1570 1590(a) (b)#9534 - $15.00 USDReceived 15 November 2005; revised 16 January 2006; accepted 2 March 2006(C) 2006 OSA 20 March 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 6 / OPTICS EXPRESS 2161locking of two different center wavelengths in the ring laser [11]. The repetition rate of the output pulses is about 10 GHz, corresponding to a period of 100 ps. In principle, in order to obtain mode-locked output at only one center wavelength within the tuning range of 97nm, the amount of cavity dispersion should be less than 1.03ps/nm. However, the 25-m DCF provides a dispersion of ~2.0 ps/nm and thus dual-wavelength operation can be supported in our setup. Fortunately, by adjusting the LMF, the gain peak of the SOA can be arbitrarily shifted to the desired range to suppress one of the output wavelengths. Therefore, a single center mode-locked wavelength can be obtained throughout the whole tuning range.149015101530155015701590W avelength (nm)R e l a t i v e I n t e n s i t y (10d B /d i v .)Fig. 4. The superimposed optical spectra of the output pulses throughout the 97-nm tuning range.Figure 4 shows the superimposed optical spectra of the output pulses within the 97-nm tuning range from 1491.1 nm to 1587.7 nm. The wavelength spacing of neighboring outputs is 1.6 nm. The variations of the peak power and the pulse width at different output wavelengths are plotted in Fig. 5. The power varies between 0.4 and 2 mW, whereas the deconvolved pulse width spans the range of 18.6-26.4 ps. The time-bandwidth product of the output pulses varies between 0.53 and 1.00. The degradation of the output peak power near the edges of the tuning range is caused by the finite gain bandwidth of the SOA. The SOA in our setup has a gain peak at 1520 nm and a 3-dB bandwidth of ~45 nm. With the use of LMF to shift the gain peak of the SOA, the mode-locked laser can oscillate at 1587.7 nm that is about 68 nm away from the original gain peak. However, near the short wavelength region, the LMF will have no effect in extending the tuning range. In addition, since the intensity modulator cannot operate at the short wavelength side, the degradation of the peak power is more severe near the region.Figure 6(a) shows the variation of the signal-to-background suppression ratio across the tuning range. The highest value of 34.6 dB is obtained at 1533 nm. Degradation is more severe towards the edge of the tuning range in the short wavelength region, and is believed to be caused by the limited operating bandwidth of the modulator. During the 2-hour stability test, the SMSR varies less than 2.4 dB at both the short-wavelength and the long wavelength edges of the tuning curve. Moreover, less than 5% of pulse width variation is observed over the 1-hour measurement. Figure 6(b) shows the dependence of the output wavelength on the detuning of the modulating frequency. A linear plot with a slope of 10.56 nm/MHz is obtained from our experimental measurement. In our setup, the fundamental frequency is 4.57 MHz and the harmonic order is around the 2333rd. The measured slope of the tuning curve corresponds to a group velocity dispersion of 1.95ps/nm, in close agreement with the dispersion of ~2.0 ps/nm provided by the DCF. Although the frequency-varying tuning scheme has limitations in its application to communications, the source can be applied to highspeed testing of the spectral response of optical components. Alternatively, by including a#9534 - $15.00 USD Received 15 November 2005; revised 16 January 2006; accepted 2 March 2006(C) 2006 OSA 20 March 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 6 / OPTICS EXPRESS 2162variable air gap or by adoption of the compensated dispersion-tuning scheme [12], the modulation frequency can be kept unchanged during the tuning.Fig. 5. The variations of the peak power and the pulse width across the tuning range.Fig. 6(a) The signal-to-background suppression ratio of the output within the tuning range of1491.1 to 1587.7 nm. (b) The dependence of the output wavelength on the detuning of the modulating frequency.5. ConclusionWidely wavelength-tunable optical pulses have been generated in a harmonically mode-locked SOA fiber laser using the dispersion tuning approach. A birefringence loop mirror filter is used to define the grid spacing of the output wavelengths. By exploiting the controllable transmission ratio of the LMF and the spectral shift in the gain peak of the SOA, the tuning range of the output can be significantly enhanced. A tuning range of 97 nm has been successfully demonstrated. The 10 GHz optical pulses show an output signal-to-background suppression ratio as high as 34 dB. AcknowledgmentThe work described in this paper is supported by project grants from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (CUHK 4369/02E, CUHK 4196/03E)(a)(b)05101520253035401480150015201540156015801600Wavelength (nm)S u p p r e s s i o n r a t i o (10d B /d i v .)14801500152015401560158016000246810Frequency detuning (MHz)W a v e l e n g t h (n m )#9534 - $15.00 USD Received 15 November 2005; revised 16 January 2006; accepted 2 March 2006(C) 2006 OSA 20 March 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 6 / OPTICS EXPRESS 2163。