Pel 102 103 电子计量仪说明书
BOUTON MARCHE / ARRÊT :-Mise en marche : branchez le cordon d’alimentation sur une prise secteur.-Arrêt : débranchez le cordon d’alimentation de la prise secteur et appuyez sur le bouton Marche / Arrêt pendant plus de 2 s. REMARQUE : L ’appareil ne peut pas être arrêté lorsqu’il est branché sur le secteur ou qu’un enregistrement est en cours.Entrées de tensionEmplacement des pions de couleur Cordon secteur Logement Carte SD ConnexionUSB Ethernet RJ 45Entrées de courantPEL 103(PEL 103 uniquement) :Permet de parcourir et de sélectionner l’affichage des données.BOUTON SÉLECTION :Met en marche ou arrête la session d’enregistrement et active ou désactive la liaison Bluetooth.La fonction s’obtient par un appui de 2 s sur le bouton SÉLECTION , ce qui allume successivement le voyant REC pendant 3 s, puis le voyant Bluetooth.VOYANT REC (DÉCLENCHEMENT / ARRÊT)-Le relâchement du bouton lorsque le voyant est allumé lance l’enregistrement (s’il était arrêté) -Le relâchement du bouton lorsque le voyant est éteint arrête l’enregistrement (s’il était en cours)VOYANT BLUETOOTH (MARCHE / ARRÊT)-Le relâchement du bouton lorsque le voyant est allumé active Bluetooth (s’il était désactivé)-Le relâchement du bouton lorsque le voyant est éteint désactive Bluetooth (s’il était activé)754321698Installation de DataView ®NE CONNECTEZ PAS L’INSTRUMENT AU PC AVANT D’AVOIR INSTALLÉ LES LOGICIELS ET LES PILOTES.1.Branchez le CD dans son lecteur.Si l’exécution automatique est activée, le programme démarre automatiquement dans votre navigateur. Si l’exé-cution automatique n’est pas activée, sélectionnez Start.html dans D:\SETUP (si votre lecteur de CD-ROM est le lecteur D ; sinon, remplacez D par la lettre de lecteur appropriée).2. Sélectionnez votre langue et cliquez sur ENTRÉE . Autorisez votre navigateur à ouvrir le fichier.3. Sélectionnez la colonne Logiciel.4.Sélectionnez DataView ou PEL Transfer si vous ne souhaitez installer que PEL Transfer.5. Téléchargez le fichier et décompressez-le.6. Sélectionnez Setup.exe et suivez les instructions.REMARQUE : Pour des instructions d’installation complètes, reportez-vous au manuel fourni sur le CD-ROM.Carte SDIntroduisez la carte SD fournie dans le PEL.Le PEL prend en charge les cartes SD (jusqu’à 2 Go) et SDHC (entre 4 et 32 Go).• Une carte de 2 Go peut contenir 4 semaines d’enregistrements si vous n’enregistrez pas les harmoniques.• Lorsque la carte SD est dans l’appareil, il est possible de la formater, dans certaines conditions, lorsquevous êtes connecté à Dataview ®.• Un formatage est possible sans restriction si la carte est inséréedans un PC en utilisant le lecteur de carte fourni.• L’extraction à chaud est possible si aucun enregistrementn’est en cours.Ouverture de PEL Transfer• Branchez le cordon d’alimentation sur une prise secteur.L’appareil se met en marche.• Raccordez le PEL au PC avec le câble USB fourni. Attendez queles pilotes aient fini de s’installer avant de continuer.• Double-cliquez sur l’icône du PEL sur le bureau pour ouvrirPEL Transfer.• Sélectionnez l’icône Ajouter un appareil dans la barred’outil ou dans le menu principal Appareil .• Suivez les instructions de l’assistant Ajouter un appareil . SiPEL Transfer ne détecte pas l’appareil dans la liste déroulante, cliquez sur le bouton Actualiser ou débranchez, puis rebranchez le câble USB.• Lorsque la connexion avec l’appareil est établie, le nom de cedernier doit s’afficher sur le côté gauche de la fenêtre dans la branche Réseau PEL de l’arborescence.Configuration de l’appareilPour configurer votre PEL, sélectionnez l’appareil dans le répertoire Réseau PEL.Ouvrez la boîte de dialogue Configurer l’appareil en cliquant sur l’icône Configurer dans la barre d’outils,dans le menuAppareil ou dans la zone État .Cette boîte de dialogue comporte cinq onglets :• Général : Comporte des champs permettant d’attribuer des libellés à l’appareil, des options de commanded’arrêt automatique, de commande de l’afficheur LCD, de boutons de fonctionnement, de réglage de l’horloge et de formatage de la carte SD.• Communication : Options relatives à la liaison Bluetooth et au réseau LAN.• Mesure : Sélection du système de distribution, rapport des tensions, sélection de la fréquence et réglagedes capteurs de courant.• Enregistrement :Options de sélection des paramètres d’enregistrement.• Compteurs : Réinitialisation des compteurs et options de réinitialisation des compteurs d’énergie partielle.Cliquez sur le boutonpour transférer sur l’appareil la nouvelle configuration.Exemple de répertoire Réseau PELInstallation des sondes et des capteurs de courantDouze jeux de bagues et de pions de couleurs sont fournis avec l’appareil. Utilisez-les pour identifier les sondes et les bornes d’entrée.• Détachez les pions et placez-les dans les trous sous les bornes (les grands pour les bornes de courant, les petits pour les bornes de tension).• Clipsez une bague de la même couleur à l’extrémité de la sonde qui sera branchée sur la borne.• Mesure du courant : connecteurs 4 points I1, I2, I3• Mesure de la tension : bornes V1, V2, V3 et NLes sondes de mesure doivent être connectées au circuit à surveiller selon le schéma de branchement sélectionné. N’oubliez pas de définir le rapport de transformation lorsque nécessaire.MontageLe PEL comporte des aimants incorporés qui permettent de le fixer sur une surface magnétique.Lancement d’un enregistrement (Marche / Arrêt)Pour lancer un enregistrement, procédez de l’une des manières suivantes :• Dans PEL Transfer : Sélectionnez l’option appropriée dans l’onglet Enregistrement de la boîte de dialogue Configuration. L’appareil peut être configuré pour déclencher un enregistrement soit à une date et une heure future, soit immédiatement après écriture de la configuration sur l’appareil.• Sur l’appareil : Appuyez sur le bouton SÉLECTION et maintenez-le appuyé jusqu’à ce que le voyant vert s’allume, puis relâchez-le. L’appareil démarre l’enregistrement selon les réglages de configuration précédents. Pour arrêter un enregistrement, procédez de l’une des manières suivantes :• Dans PEL Transfer : Dans le menu, sélectionnez Appareil > Arrêter l’enregistrement .• Sur l’appareil : Appuyez sur le bouton SÉLECTION et maintenez-le enfoncé jusqu’à ce que le voyant vert s’allume, puis relâchez-le.Affichage de l’enregistrementLes données enregistrées peuvent être transférées de deux manières sur le PC pour y être affichées et pour générer des rapports :• La carte SD peut être retirée de l’appareil et branchée sur le PC via le lecteur de carte SD fourni. Lancez PEL Transfer, sélectionnez la commande Ouvrir dans le menu Fichier, pointez le fichier ICP portant le numéro de session souhaité sur la carte SD et sélectionnez Ouvrir.• Connexion directe entre le PC et le PEL (USB, réseau ou Bluetooth). Lancez PEL Transfer, ouvrez une connexion vers l’appareil, sélectionnez-le (veillez à ce qu’il soit connecté) dans l’arborescence, puis sélectionnez Sessions enregistrées. Double-cliquez sur la session d’enregistrement souhaitée.Le téléchargement terminé, sélectionnez le test téléchargé et cliquez sur le bouton Ouvrir dans la boîte de dialogue Téléchargement. Dans les deux cas, la session s’ajoute à Mes sessions ouvertes dans l’arborescence. Les données peuvent alors être affichées.09 - 2012Code 693779A01 - Ed. 1。
Radio ControlsSingle Knob RadioTwo Knobs RadioRadio On/OffRadio On/OffSelect Zone and ChannelSelect Zone and ChannelReceiving and Transmitting•On – Press and hold the MFK until the displaylights up.•Off – Press and hold the MFK until you see Poweroff?, then press Menu Select button below Yes.•On – Rotate the On/Off/Volume Control Knobclockwise until you hear a click.•Off – Rotate the On/Off/ Volume Control Knobcounterclockwise until you hear a click.1Press the MFK to see on the screen.2Turn the MFK to scroll to desired zone or channel.3Press MFK to select the desired zone or channeland exit Mode Change.1Rotate the preprogrammed 16-Position SelectKnob to the desired channel.1Select zone/channel.MOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS and theStylized M logo are trademarks or registered trademarks ofMotorola Trademark Holdings, LLC and are used underlicense. All other trademarks are the property of theirrespective owners.©2014 and 2015 by Motorola Solutions, Inc. All RightsReserved.1303 East Algonquin Road, Schaumburg, Illinois 60196,U.S.A.06/15m ASTRO® APX™ 1000 Model 2 Digital Portable Radios Quick Reference CardRF Energy Exposure and Product Safety Guide for Portable Two-Way RadiosATTENTION!This radio is restricted to Occupational use only. Before using the radio, read the RF Energy Exposure and Product Safety Guide for PortableTwo-Way Radios which contains important operating instructions for safe usage and RF energy awareness and control for Compliance withapplicable standards and Regulations.*PMLN6812B*PMLN6812BEnglishMenu Navigation < or > to Menu Entry.{, |, or } directly below Menu Entry to select.H to exit.U or D to scroll through sub-list. {, |, or } directly below Menu Entry to select.Sending an Emergency Alarm* Default timer of Emergency button press to activate Emergency is 50 milliseconds. This timer is programmable, see Emergency Operation in the user guide for details.To exit emergency at any time, press and hold the Emergency button.Sending an Emergency CallSending a Silent Emergency Call Display Status Icons2Listen for a transmission.ORPress and hold Volume Set button.ORPress Monitor button and listen for activity.3Adjust volume, if necessary.4Press the PTT button to transmit; release to receive.1Press and hold the Emergency button*.2The display shows Emergency and the current zone/channel. Radio sounds a short, medium-pitched tone, and the LED blinks red momentarily. 3When acknowledgment is received, you hear four beeps; alarm ends; and radio exits emergency.4Press and hold the Emergency button to exit emergency.1Press the Emergency button.2Press and hold the PTT button. Speak clearly into the microphone.3Release the PTT button to end call.4Press and hold Emergency button to exit emergency.1Press the Emergency button. 2The display does not change; the LED does notlight up, and there is no tone.3Silent emergency continues until you:Press and hold the Emergency button to exitemergency state.ORPress and release the PTT button to exit theSilent Emergency Alarm mode and enter regulardispatch or Emergency Call mode.MFK is in Mode Change feature.MFK is in Volume Change feature.Receiving a call or data.Transmitting a call or data.Blinks when the battery is low.The more stripes, the stronger the signalstrength for the current site (trunking only).Direct radio to radio communication orconnected through a repeater.On = DirectOff = RepeaterThis channel is being monitored.L = Radio is set at Low power.H = Radio is set at High power.ut8vOMH OR .Scanning a scan list.Blinking dot = Detects activity on thePriority-One Channel duringscan.Steady dot = Detects activity on thePriority-Two Channel duringscan.The vote scan feature is enabled.On = User is currently associated with theradio.Off = User is currently not associated withthe radio.Blinking = Device registration or userregistration with the server failed due to aninvalid username or pin.Data activity is present.On = Secure operation.Off = Clear operation.Blinking = Receiving an encrypted voicecall.ijknom。
三相多功能电力仪表说明书英文版Instruction Manual for Three-Phase Multi-function Electric MeterI. IntroductionThis instruction manual is designed to provide users with a comprehensive understanding of the three-phasemulti-function electric meter. This meter offers advanced features for accurate and reliable measurement of electrical parameters, making it an ideal choice for various industrial and commercial applications.II. Features and Functionsa.Three-phase Measurement: The meter is capable ofmeasuring voltage, current, power, energy, and otherelectrical parameters in three-phase systems.b.Multi-function Display: It features a clear andeasy-to-read display that shows real-time measurements, historical data, and other relevant information.c.Accuracy and Reliability: The meter ensures highaccuracy and reliability in measuring electrical parameters, thanks to its advanced metering technology.munication Interface: It supports various communication interfaces, allowing for remote data access and monitoring.III. Operating Instructionsa.Installation: Please follow the installation instructions carefully to ensure proper installation of the meter. Make sure to connect the meter to the correct phase wires and ensure that the power supply is within the specified range.b.Power On: After installation, turn on the power supply to activate the meter. The display should show the real-time electrical parameters.c.Display Navigation: Use the buttons or touchscreen (if applicable) to navigate through the display and access different functions and settings.d.Data Reading: The meter provides real-time data readings for voltage, current, power, and other parameters. You can also view historical data and perform calculations as needed.IV. Safety Precautionsa.Electrical Safety: Always ensure that the meter isproperly installed and connected to the correct phase wires.Avoid touching any exposed electrical parts to preventelectric shock.b.Operating Environment: Keep the meter in a dry,dust-free, and well-ventilated environment to ensureoptimal performance and prevent damage.c.Maintenance: Do not attempt to open or modify themeter's internal components. Contact qualified personnel for any maintenance or repair work.V. TroubleshootingIf you encounter any issues with the meter, please refer to the troubleshooting guide provided in this manual. Common issues and their solutions are listed for easy reference.VI. Contact InformationFor further assistance or queries related to yourthree-phase multi-function electric meter, please feel free to contact our customer support team at [contact email or phone number]. We are committed to providing prompt and efficient service to our customers.Thank you for choosing our three-phase multi-function electric meter! We hope this manual will help you fully utilize its features and functions for accurate and reliable electrical measurements.。
仪器使用说明书基本英文范文**Introduction**This instrument user manual provides detailed instructions for the operation, maintenance, and safety precautions of the [Instrument Name]. It is essential for operators to familiarize themselves with this manual to ensure safe and effective use of the instrument.**Operating Instructions**1. **Powering On**: Ensure that the instrument is connected to a stable power source before turning on the power switch.2. **Instrument Initialization**: After power-on, allow the instrument to initialize completely before performing any measurements.3. **SamplePreparation**: Follow the recommended sample preparation procedures outlined in the manual. Incorrect sample preparation may affect measurement accuracy. 4.**Measurement Procedure**: Place the sample in the designated area and initiate the measurement using the appropriate controls. 5. **Reading the Results**: Interpret the results according to the instrument's display and theprovided reference data. 6. **Powering Off**: When finished, turn off the power switch and disconnect the instrumentfrom the power source.**Maintenance and Troubleshooting**Regular maintenance is crucial for the instrument's longevity and accurate performance. Clean the exterior surface regularly with a soft cloth. Check the cables and connections for any damage or looseness. If any issues arise, refer to the troubleshooting section in the manualor contact the manufacturer for assistance.**Safety Precautions**1. The instrument should only be operated by trained personnel.2. Avoid exposure to moisture and dust.3. Donot attempt to repair the instrument internally unless specifically trained and qualified. 4. Disconnect the instrument from the power source before cleaning or performing any maintenance.**Conclusion**By following the instructions outlined in this manual, operators can ensure safe, effective, and accurate use ofthe [Instrument Name]. It is recommended to keep this manual in a readily accessible location for easy reference. **仪器使用说明书基本英文范文****引言**本仪器使用说明书为[仪器名称]的操作、维护和安全预防措施提供了详细的说明。
CNC-220S User Manual VER. C-220 0266 /0268/0288/0399/ect.DOC NO:020129 Page1of 18迈维自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.CONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION (2)2. MAIN FEATURES (2)3. FRONT PANEL DESCRIPTION (3)4. PROGRAMMING WINGING PARAMETER (5)5. WINDING METHOD DESCRIPTION (6)6. WINDING EXECUTION (8)7. CONFIGURATION SETTING (9)8. INSTALLATION AND WIRING (11)9. ADJUSTMENT (14)10. MAINTAIN AND TROUBLESHOOTING (15)迈维自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.1. INTRODUCTIONCNC-220S is a series of COIL WINDING MACHINE CONTROLLERdeveloped by MAIWEI AUTOMATION . It not only retains all the features ofprevious designs, it also has a low noise level and is less sensitive to externalpower fluctuation.CNC-220S also features an integrated design: putting stepper motor driver,DC motor speed controller, brake and power supplier control circuits into onecontrol box, simultaneously achieving size reduction, high performance andlow cost.CNC-220S Series offers CNC-220S “Standard Model” and CNC -220S EXD"External Connection Model”, depending on whether a close -loop driver isprovided for various applications.2. MAIN FEATURES◆ Single chip DSP Microprocessor design, has further higher performance and higher functions; it also has less sensitive to external power fluctuation orto external electromagnetic interference.◆ Memory capacity capable storing up to 0- 1000 steps winding data, 9 winding parameters, and 5 options can be independentlyassigned for each step. Off-power memory retention without battery.◆ Winding speed can be specified using the front panel keypad, resulting ineasy programming of multi-step, multi-speed settings.◆ Guiding traverse shaft stepper motor with a constant-current driver offeringfast wire guiding speeds.◆ Power input AC100V~120V 、220V~240V 600VA(max).迈维自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.3. FRONT PANEL DESCRIPTION3.1. Power switchPower:Power supplier equipped, controls the AC power to the controller.3.2. Key pads0-9:10 key, for entering numerical values.『QTY SET』:Enter into EDIT mode.『EDIT』:Specify target production quantity.『START STEP』:Specify starting step in memory.『END STEP』:Specify ending step in memory.『DATA SEL』:Select parameter to be programmed, or to switch display mode. 『FEED DIR』:Select guiding direction for each step.『WIND DIR』:Select winding direction for each step.『EDGE STOP』:To specify whether to suspend winding when the guiding traverse moves to the two edges of the width.『AUTO HOME』:Select whether to have auto-positioning function for each step. 『AUTO START』:Select whether to have auto-starting function for each step. 『-』:Reduce step number by one, or reduce PIECE COUNTER by one.『CLR』:During programming, clear current data to zero.『COPY』:Copy the data of previous step into current step.『ENT』:Write data into memory.『RPM』:Switch display to shows PIECE COUNT or RPM.『ZERO』:Hold down this key for two seconds to reset PIECE COUNTER to zero. 『AUTO』:To switch between AUTO and NON-AUTO mode.『BRAKE』:Switch whether brake will be applied to the win spindle during stopping.迈维自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.『NEXT』:Skip current step and go to the next step.『PREV IOUS』:Discard current step and go to the previous step『RESET』:At any time, discontinues current operation and return to ready mode. 『STOP』:Pause during winding.『START』:Restart during pause, or pause during winding.←:guiding traverse moves to the left.→:guiding traverse moves to the right.:Show the current step number being wound or beingprogrammed.:During programming, in combination with LED, shows the parameter being programmed. During winding or ready mode, show thecurrent number of turns or show the guiding traverse shafts position.Shows PIECE COUNT or RPM.3.4. Status indicators□READY: lit means in READY mode, flash means PAUSE mode ,not litmeans winding or programming in progress.□RUN: lit means winding in progress; not lit means not in progress.□SLOW: during winding, lit means low speed winding; not lit means high speed winding.□MOVE: lit means guiding traverse is fixing the starting position forwinding or is returning to the home position.□O.S: lit means winding operation is over speeding, guiding traverseand winding spindle shaft are out of synchronization.□LAN: lit means currently communicating with network.□FINISH: will lit when reaching the preset piece count.□ RPM: lit means the PIECE COUNT DISPLAY shows RPM.□ QTY: lit means the PIECE COUNT DISPLAY shows the piece count.3.5. Winding parameters definitions□SHIFT : Starting position of the guiding traverse.[Setting range 0.00~ 999.99 mm].□WIDTH : The traverse of the copper wire led by the traverse duringwinding. [Setting range 0 ~999.99 mm].□PITCH : Diameter of the copper wire. [Setting range 0~ 9.999mm].□TURNS: Total number of turns to be wound.[Setting range 0.0~9999.9 or 0~99999 turns].□S.SLOW : Number of turns to be wound at low speed, when start winding.[Setting range 0~999.9 turns].□E.SLOW : Number of turns to be done at low speed prior to stopping.[Setting range 0 ~999.9 turns].□H.S.: High winding speed. [Setting range from 0~99%].□L.S. : Low winding speed. [Setting range from 0~25%].□FUN : Winding complete output signal setting.4. PROGRAMMING WINGING PARAMETER4.1. MEMORY RANGE SELECTIONCNC-220S contains 1000 memory step, By defining the region, users caneffectively manage the memory. Various winding parameter can be stored indifferent regions and can be retrieved instantaneously. After specifying theregions, programming and winding can be done in those regions; allun-selected regions will retain their original contents and unmodified. Whensetting the STEP number, the Ending step number must be larger than theStarting step number, or the winding operation will not startSpecifying starting stepIn ready mode, press to select. [Setting range 0 ~ 999].Specifying ending stepIn ready mode, press to select. [Setting range 0 ~ 999].4.2. Programming winding parameterIn “READY” mode, press invokes the programming mode. First the“START STEP” number will shows at “Procedures displayer”, the parameter indicator 『SHIFT』will lit, the starting position will shows at “Documents dispayer”. The starting position can be changed to the new position by pressing thenumerical keys followed by the key.After that the STEP number will automatically increase by one, to continue setthe starting position for next step. When the STEP number larger then the“END STEP”number, the STEP number will restore to the “START STEP”number and the indicator light will change from『SHIFT』to 『WIDTH』foruser to specifying the width for each STEP. Repeat the same procedure using numerical keys and the key, all winding parameters for each STEP canThe following functions are also available::To select guiding direction, forward or reverse.:To select winding direction, clockwise or counter-clockwise.:To specify whether to suspend winding when the guiding traversemoves to the two edges of the width.:To select whether guiding traverse returns to the starting positionautomatically or upon a manual pressing of the key.:Select whether to have auto-starting function for each step.:Clear the current value to zero.copy:Copy the content of the previous step to the current step.—:Go back to the previous programming step.:To scroll through different parameters.Each time when change the PARAMETER or OPTIONS, key mustpressed to effect the change.4.3. Guiding traverse shaft introduce settingDuring set the 『SHIFT』, 『WIDTH』and 『guiding traverse travel limit』,can use numeric keypad to set location data or can also use ,←or→keysTo leading the guiding traverse shaft location.4.4. Clear all winding parameterIn the”READY”mode, press will clear all the winding parameter inthe memory. Be cautious in using this function or all the data will be lost. 5. WINDING METHOD DESCRIPTIONPrior to winding, the general winding principles are explained below so the operators can have a better understanding of the performance of the controller and make better use of it.5.1. Counting mode(Refer to the section 7.1. Counting mode).◆Absolute counting modeWinding spindle shaft is capable of fixed-point stopping. Upon each restart,the turn count will reset only the integer portion of the turn’s to zero, with the decimal unchanged. For example, for a previous number of 100.3 turns, when restarting the next step winding, the counting will start with 0.3 turn to avoid accumulation of spindle shaft free play error from consecutive windings. This counting method may cause insufficient winding by one turn. Therefore, when starting from 0.5~0.9, the spindle will turn to the 0.0 before it starts counting.◆Relative counting modeThis counting method zeros the counter upon each restart, therefore it is easy to understand and will not cause insufficient winding.5.2. Wire-guiding mode◆Interlace wire-guidingIf the『幅宽』of the step is zero, the wire-guiding becomes interlace mode. When it begins winding, the wire-guiding will follow the wire direction to proceed two wire diameters and regress one wire diameters cyclically until the step of winding ends. This mode especially suits the inductor winding.◆Non wire-guidingSometimes, the winding device may be used to winding adhesive tapes or copper foil. When the wire-guiding is not needed, 『PITCH』may be adjusted to zero and the wire-guiding won't be move.5.3. Operation mode(Refer to the section 7.1. Operation mode).◆Single click modeWhen press the start switch, the motor start winding, and when you releasethe start switch, the motor stop winding immediately.◆Double click modeWhen press the start switch, the motor start winding, and if you want to pause the motor, you have to release the start switch then press it again.5.4. Running mode◆Continual modeBefore it begins winding, if『SHIFT』of the step set as 999.99, then the starting position, the width , the wire-guiding direction and the winding direction won't be re-read. The values are not changed, that is the wire guiding will continue guiding wires on the same position. The width and left-right margins are the same as the ones of the previous section. Both the wire-guiding and winding directions are not changed either. This mode especially suits to winding which have the multiple drawing tops in the same sets of coils.◆Edges slow modeThe winding speed will slow down before the guiding traverse reach to the two edges of the width (work with『E.SLOW』turns). After the guiding traverseCNC-220S USER MANUAL VER. Page 8 of 18迈维自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.veered, then restore to hi-speed winding. (Refer to the section 7.1. edge slow mode).◆Automatically circularly modeIf key set to on, it means Automatically circularly mode, in this modewhen finish a step of winding it will automatically get into next step and start winding without press key (work with and keys).5.5. How to Correct setting turns◆Preset methodSet the 『E.SLOW』to zero first and then set the 『TURNS』to the desired number. Set proper parameters according to copper wire, bobbin, tension, etc, then press to start winding. When finished, obtain the actual number ofturns and calculate the number of overshot turns. Go into programming modeand subtract the number of the overshot turns from the 『TURNS』to obtainthe required setting.This method has a higher throughput, however, the resulting stopping location may not be precise.◆High-Low speed methodThis method uses a combination of 『H.S.』/『L.S』and 『E.SLOW』to achieve the desired number of turns.The『L.S.』should not be too high. The number of 『E.SLOW』turns must be adequate to allow the spindle shaft to slow down to low speed before reachingthe total number of turns. This can result in precise stopping location.◆Double-brake methodAs the winding turns of the winding shaft reach the numbers of the『E.SLOW』, brake for a short period first. After the winding shaft stops, continue winding atlow speed. Therefore the numbers of the slow speed may be reduced and the efficiency of winding may be increased, (Refer to the section 7.1. braking mode).6. WINDING EXECUTION6.1. To start windingAfter set up all data items, press key,the winding process begins in accordance with the set-up content. Press key to pause winding. During winding, press the key, the winding speed can be switch between highspeed and low speed.The following key functions are available during PAUSE mode::Give up the numbers of the winding turns and regress one step.:Finish current step and proceed to next step.CNC-220S USER MANUAL VER. Page 9 of 18迈维自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.Continue winding.: Give u p winding and go back to the”READY ”mode.6.2. Change the display modeDuring winding or during PAUSE mode, press key, the“Documents displayer ” can be change the display mode between turns or guiding traverse position.6.3. Winding speed (RPM) displayPress ing key will cause the”QTY displayer ” to display the spindleshaft “RPM ” without interrupting the counting. Pressing again will change the“QTY displayer ” back to displaying the piece count.6.4. Piece counter managementUpon turning on the “POWER ”, “QTY displayer ” will showsthe number of piece produced. During wining, each time the CONTROLLERgoes from the “Stert step ” to the “End step ”, the piece counter willautomatically increase by one.◆ Preset piece counterIn “ready ” mode, press key once and key in desired values followedby the key. When the “QTY displayer ”reaches the preset value, theFINISH led will lit. [Setting range 0~99999].◆ Decrease piece counterDuring “READY ”or PAUSE mode, press the key and hold down for twoseconds the piece counter will decrease by one.◆ Reset piece counterIn any time holding down key for two seconds, it will set the piececounter to zero.7. CONFIGURATION SETTINGCNC-220s is a multi-purpose design, to meet various requirements;additional settings are configured to provide flexibility for additionalapplications.In the “READY ” mode, press the following keys combination as section[7.1.~7.8], the “Documents displayer ” will show corresponding setting value. If no change is necessary, press the key get back to “READY ” mode. Orpress key to get into change mode, then the parameter can be changed bypressing the numerical key followed by the key. 7.1. Winding mode selection 『EDIT 』 『DATA SEL 』In this function the STEP display and the DATA display will shows eight digits, representing eight winding mode selections respectively.Press numerical keys as below to set each digit.CNC-220S USER MANUAL VER. Page 10 of 18邁維自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.7 6 5 4 3 2 1 :The guiding traverse moving speed.0 represents high speed ; 1 represents low speed.2 Moving increment :The travel increment of the guiding traverse.1 represent 0.01mm (4 mm per revolution).2 represent 0.02mm (8 mm per revolution).3 represent 0.01mm (5mm per revolution).4 represent 0.04mm(16 mm per revolution. 3Counting mode :Select the counting mode of the winding spindle shaft. 0 represents with zero point and using absolute counting mode.1 represents without zero point and using relative counting mode. 4Edge slow :Slow down the winding speed before the guiding traverse reach to the two edges of the width.0 represents not slow down ; 1 represents to slow down. 5Braking mode :Select the braking mode of the winding spindle. 0 represents single brake mode ; 1 represents double brake mode. 6Counting unit :Select 0.1 or 1 turns as your count unit. 0 represents 0.1(0.0 to 9999.9 turns); 1 represents 1(0 to 99999 turns). Guiding traverse unit :Select the basic unit of guiding traverse.0 represents mm; 1 represents inch (must using lead screw in imperial). Operation mode :Select operation mode for the START switch.0 represents Single click mode ; 1 represents Double click mode.The key on the front panel always as the Double click mode.7.2. Password 『EDIT 』 『DATA SEL 』 2This password is used to protect the setting data in memory. After you set this password, you cannot change any winding parameter and configuration data in normal sequence. You have to key in four numbers of password before press the ,『ENT 』『START STEP 』,『END STEP 』,『QTY SET 』 keys. If the password has been passed once, youcan change any data in normal sequence until you turn off the power or press key. You must to remember the password or you cannot change any data.[Setting range 0000~9999]. Set 0000 means no password.7.3. Travel limit 『EDIT 』 『DATA SEL 』 3Set the maximum travel distance of guiding traverse. During winding when the guiding traverse reaches this position, the motor stop winding immediately,and the “Documents displayer ” shows error massage, then “RESET ” and goback to the“READY ” mode. [Setting range 000.00~999.99]. 999.99 Means no limit. 7.4. Fixed location 『EDIT 』 『DATA SEL 』 4To set how often, must be correct the guiding traverse location. Each time when finish this number of product pieces, the guiding traverse will moves to the home position to correct the location before moving to starting position. [Setting range 00~ 99]. Set 00 means not to do this function.7.5. Limited winding speed 『EDIT 』 『DATA SEL 』 5 This value is to limited winding speed and make sure the winding spindle shaft and guiding traverse are in synchronization. The controller uses this value to calculate with wire PITCH of current step, and then to limited maximum winding speed of current step.[Setting range 0~ 99999]. Set 0 means no limit speed.7.6. Brake holding time 『EDIT 』 『DATA SEL 』 6 To set the hold times for brake. [Setting range 0.1~9.9 sec].7.7. Acceleration times 『EDIT 』 『DATA SEL 』00 means shortest acceleration times ;99 means longest acceleration times. 7.8. Deceleration times 『EDIT 』 『00 means shortest deceleration times ;99 means longest deceleration times.8. INSTALLATION AND WIRING◆The controllers should be operated in an environment that is protected from moisture, corrosive gases, or liquid, and free from airborne dust, metallic particles, and magnetic noise.◆Do not block the intake/exhaust ports of the controller. Otherwise, a fault may occur.◆Make sure that the power source supplies the correct voltage and is capable of supplying the required current to the controllers.◆Do not connect or disconnect wires and connectors while power is applied to the controller.Make sure the machine and controllers are properly grounded. Make sure that the leads and connectors are connected correctly.◆Normally operate under 10℃ ~ 40℃ environment ; over 40℃ should perform under good ventilation, avoid heating.8.2. Wiring diagram for CN3~CN6FOOT SWITCH Operate Switches Home Sensor Turn Counter AUX I/O邁維自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.8.3. Wiring diagram for CNC-220SAC Input DC90-180V/90-400W DC24V 12W 2Phase 6V 2ADC MOTOR BRAKE STEP MOTOR Drive STEP Motor in directlyAC Input Motor Driver DC24V 12W 2Phase 6V 2ABRAKE STEP MOTOR External connect STEP Motor driver邁維自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.AC Input Motor Driver DC24V 12W Step Motor DriverBRAKE9. ADJUSTMENT9.1. Adjustments for CNC-220SACC: Acceleration timesRotate ACC to set the accelerate times for the winding spindleCL:Output current limit.1. Connect a DC Amperes meter between terminal and DC motor as below.2. In ready mode press to make the DC motor starting rotate andthen press to holding the winding spindle.3. Rotate CL to set limited current, show on Amperes meter.( 2A for 180v DC motor、4A for 90v DC motor).(The CL have been set by factory before delivery. Only adjust it when change DC motor and replace 220-DVR driver board.)IR:Torque compensation.1. Set the winding parameter “H.S”、”L.S”. in 20, then press to change the DISPLAY shows RPM. Then press key to start winding.2. Rotate IR potentiometer to make it in same speed during the winding spindle shaft in full-load and unload. Then press key to stop winding.MAX:Maximum winding speed.3. Set the winding parameter“H.S”、”L.S”. in 99, and press key to change the DISPLAY shows RPM. Then press key to start winding.4. Rotate MAX potentiometer to make the winding speed (RPM) as you wantThen press key to stop winding.CNC-220S CNC-220S EXD9.2. Adjustments for CNC-220S EXDSpeed Mode selectionTo select the speed signal output mode for winding driver.Selected by JP1.1. Vout mode:Represents the speed signal with DC 0~10v output.2. H/L mode:Represents the speed signal with HI/LOW lever output.Hi speed with HI lever, low speed with LOW lever.Vout adjust1. Set the winding parameter “H.S”、”L.S”.in 99, and press“MAX” key to change the DISPLAY shows RPM. Then press key to start winding.2. Rotate Vout potentiometer to make the winding speed (RPM) as you want.Then press key to stop winding.3. This function only worked in Vout mode.110.MAITAIN AND TROUBLESHOOTING110.1. Periodically maintain◆Please periodically clean up the controller inner accumulate dust and dopants.◆Please periodically check the wire connection between controller and machine if have loose or bad contact.◆The following parts must be maintained or changed periodically as listbelow. If any part is found faulty, it must be changed immediately evenwhen it has not yet reached the end of its life, which depends on theoperating method and environmental condition.◆For parts replacement, please contact your sales representative.10.2. Error messageWhen a fault occurs during operation, the DATA DISPLAY shows errormassage, stop wi nding and then “RESET”go back to the “READY” mode.Err-0:The parameters or data in memory are fault.Err-1:The『SHIFT』value sets exceed the Travel Limit.Err-2:During winding, the guiding traverse to exceed the Travel Limit.Err-3:During winding, the guiding traverses reach to the Home sensor.10.3. To abort seeks the original positionAt boot and reset procedures, if because of unknown reason howeverengender the winding shaft and guiding traverse can't find out the originalposition and make the controller can't get into ready mode, can press keyto abort seeks the original position, make controller get into ready mode.10.4. TroubleshootingThis section provides information to guide the user in understanding differentfault condition and their general troubleshooting procedures, and with their possible solutions.◆Do not connect or disconnect wires and connectors while power is appliedto the controller.◆Make sure that the leads and connectors are connected correctly, beforedoing the troubleshooting procedures.◆Do not remove welded parts on the PC board without appropriate tools.CNC-220S USER MANUAL VER. Page 17 of 18邁維自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.CNC-220S USER MANUAL VER. Page 18 o18邁維自動化有限公司maiwei AUTOMATION CO.,LTD.。
U Ideal for Pneumatic Control SystemsU Zero and Span Adjustments for Field CalibrationPrinciple of OperationZero adjustment of the unit is made by turning a screw that regulates the distance between the flapper valve and the air nozzle. Span adjustment is made by varying a potentiometer, which shunts input current past the coil. An integral volume flow booster provides adequate flow capacity, resulting in fast response time and accurate control.Control Air 3-15 to 3-120 psiThe input current flows in the coil and produces a force between the coil and the flapper valve, which controls the servo pressure and theoutput pressure. U Rugged Zinc-Die Cast HousingBoth Series provide a reliable, repeatable, accurate means of converting an electrical signal into pneumatic pressure. Its force balance principle is a coil suspended in a magnetic field on a flexible mount. At the lower end of the coil is a flapper valve that operates against a precision ground nozzle to create a backpressure on the servo diaphragm of a booster relay. A “current to pressure” converter (I/P) converts an analog signal (4 to 20 mA) to a proportional linear pneumatic output (3 to 15 psig). Its purpose is to translate the analog output from a control system into a precise, repeatable pressure value to control pneumatic actuators/operators, pneumatic valves, dampers, vanes, etc. Both IP210 and IP210A are loop-powered instruments, which eliminates the need for an external power supply (except for IP210-X120).OMEGA’s IP210 and IP210A convert an analog signal (4 to 20 mA) to a proportional linear pneumatic output (3 to 15 psig). Its uncomplicated design and proven electromagnetic force balance deliver consistently high performance. 1U IP65 Sealed Case / NEMA 4 Type EnclosureCurrent to Pressure (I/P) ConverterIP210-X15IP210A -X15U Loop PoweredIP210A and IP210 S eriesLOOP-POWERED ELECTROPNEUMATIC CONTROL Dimensions: inchIP210A Unit (shown without female 43650A connector)IP210 Unit and Flow Characteristics2L To OrderMODEL NO.INPUT RANGE OUTPUT RANGE VALVES AND REGULATORS IP210-X15 4 to 20 mA 3 to 15 psig 3 to 30 psig 3 to 60 psig 3 to 120 psig 4 to 20 mA 4 to 20 mA 4 to 20 mA* IP210-X30IP210-X60IP210-X120IP210A-X15 4 to 20 mA 3 to 15 psig 3 to 120 psig IP210A-X30IP210A-X60IP210A-X1203* 3-wire system. External 24 Vdc power supply required.Comes complete with operator’s manual.Ordering Examples: IP210-X15, I/P converter, takes a 4 to 20 mA control signal and converts it into 3 to 15 psig control air.IP210 A-X60, I/P converter, takes a 4 to 20 mA control signal and converts it into 2 to 60 psig control air.SERIES IP210A Series IP210 Series IP210A and IP210 Series Specifications:MODEL NO.IP210A-X15IP210A-X30IP210A-X60IP210A-X120IP210-X15, IP210-X30, IP210-X60, IP210-X120±0.5% FS--±2.3% FS ±1.5% FS <1.0% of span <0.5% of span <2.0% of span <0.5% of span -<1.0% of span ±0.15% span per 1.5 psig 100 psi 3 psi above maximum output pressure 1/4" FNPT 1/4" FNPTDIN 43650 with screw terminals included 12 SCFM for 2-60 psi ; 24 SCFM > 60 psi DIN 43650 with screw terminals included 10 scfm ≤60 psi; 0.06 <60 psi <300 Ω<300 ΩOil-free, Clean, Dry Air Filtered to 25 μm NEMA 4 Type, Epoxy-painted Zinc Die Castings Oil-free, clean, Dry Air Filtered to 25 μm IP65 rated, Epoxy-Painted Zinc Die Castings 0.03 SCFM5 psi above maximum output pressure 10 psi above maximum output pressure 150 psi ±0.004% span per 1.0 psig 0.025% span per % supply pressure change 80 psig (for IP210-X120: 135 psi)<1.0% of span Accuracy Linearity Repeatability Hysteresis Supply Sensitivity Max Supply Pressure Air Consumption Min Supply Pressure Operating Temp Electrical Connection Pressure Port Flow Rate Media Input Resistance Housing 4 to 20 mA 4 to 20 mA 4 to 20 mA6 to 30 psig 2 to 60 psig Construction:Nitrile Diaphragms, nozzle and supply valve, integral surface mounting bracket includedFailure Mode:Upon electrical failure, the signal pressure falls to bleed pressure0.1 SCFM 0.07 SCFM -29 to 60 °C (-20 to 140 °F) -20 to 70°C (5 to 160°F)。
11ES • Controlador1 IntroducciónLe agradecemos por haber preferido un controlador Pixsys. Las versiones con display de tres y cuatro dígitos permiten emplear el instrumento en una dilatada gama de aplicacio-nes, por ejemplo con sensores de temperatura, humedad, presión, nivel o potenciómetros lineales. Las soluciones de salida disponen tanto el relé como la lógica para SSR, de todas maneras, el funcionamiento como visualizador puede configurarse para las instalaciones que no necesitan sali-das de mando o de alarma. Con el P.I.D. y el Autoajuste (Autotune) es muy sencillo adaptar a la maquinaria el mejor algoritmo de regulación, mientras que, en el caso de fun-cionamiento con potenciómetros lineales, la función LATCH ON agiliza la calibración de la máquina.Al igual que en todos los instrumentos Pixsys más recientes, están disponibles las tarjetas de memoria (Memory-card) para la configuración en serie y para el historial de las in-stalaciones. Gracias a las siguientes tablas es muy sencilloES 43Características5.1 Esquema de conexiónES89 ESES1011 ES6 Displays y teclasNormalmente visualizael proceso (ej.: temperatura sonda), pero también puede visualizar el valor de los setpoints (puntos de ajuste) Cuando papardean indican el setpoint visualizado y permiten modi fi carlo con las teclas fl echa. Cuando están encendidos con6.1 Cambio del setpointPara modifi car el valor confiparpadea, entonces es posible confi gurar un nuevo valorcon las fl echas.ES12P.I.D. a fi n de obtener una buena regulación, lo que se tra-duce en un control estable de la temperatura / proceso en el setpoint, sin fl uctuaciones, y una respuesta rápida a las desviaciones respecto al setpoint causadas por perturba-ciones externas.Para el ajuste hay que calcular y confi gurar los siguientes parámetros:• Banda proporcional (inercia del sistema en °C con temperaturas).• Tiempo integral (el tiempo empleado por el controlador para eliminar las señales fi jas de error, corresponde a la inercia del sistema en tiempo).• Tiempo derivativo (determina la intensidad de lareacción del controlador a la variación del valor medido, normalmente ¼ del tiempo integral).Durante el cálculo del autoajuste no es posible cambiar elES 14dor a otro mediante el uso de la Memory Card. Inserir la Memory Card con controlador apagado haciendo atenciòn .1Solo si en la Memory Card estan guardados valores corregidos.15 ES7.5 Memory C.243 con bateria (facultativo)Con controlador non conectado a la alimentaciòn:La memory card està dotada de bateria interna con autonomia para alrededor 1000 usos.Inserir la memory card y oprimir el botòn de programaciòn.Durante la escritura de los parametros el led se enciende rojo, al termine de la procedura se enciende verde.Es posible repetir la procedura sin particulares atenciones.2fi ca que igualmente actualizar los valores.Esta procedura permite resetear las impostaciones deΩ(pot.150 KΩTambién es posible fi jar el punto en que el instrumento “cero virtual” confi8 Carga valores de defaultES16Si se confififi jo una vez ajustado.fi gure parámetro 3.3 El proceso de ajuste comienza al salir de la confi guracióndespués de cambiar el parámetro.17 ESES 18fi(con histéresis con fiambos relés quedan abiertos; por el contrario, los relés se fiEn este modo, se inhibe el uso de la alarma de la manera tradicional (banda, desviación, etc.).relé mandorelé mando Ej.: Función Banda muerta en modo calor (HEA/HEAT en parámetro REG)11 Comunicación serialEl ATR121/141 con RS485 puede recibir y transmitir datos por vía serial mediante un protocolo MODBUS RTU.El dispositivo puede confi gurarse solamente como Slave. Esta función permite el control de varias unidades ATR121/141 conectándolas a un sistema de supervisión. La línea RS485 no debe tener resistencias de terminación LT, para evitar problemas de funcionamiento.Cada instrumento responderá a una interrogación deldebe haber otros ATR121/141 con la misma dirección en la misma línea.La dirección 255 se utiliza para comunicar con todos los equipos conectados (modo broadcast); seleccionando 0 todos los dispositivos reciben el mando, pero no se prevee la respuesta.El ATR121/141 puede introducir un retardo (en milisegun-se confialmacena el valor en la memoria EEPROM (100000 ciclos de escritura).El setpoint se almacena en la memoria EEPROM con un retardo de 10 segundos a partir de la modifi cación.P.S.: Las modifi caciones hechas a Words diferentes de las indicadas en la tabla de abajo pueden ocasionarproblemas de funcionamiento al instrumento.19 ESlas direcciones y funciones disponibles:ES204 Si vale 0 el control està deshabilitado. Si es diferente a0, es “El tiempo maximo que puede transcurrir entre dos interrogaciones sin que el controlador se coloque en Off-Line”. En Off-Line el controlador va en estado de Stop, deshabilita la salida de mando, pero mantiene las alarmasactivas.21 ESES2212 Modifi cación de los parámetros de confi guración Para acceder a la confi guración del instrumento esnecesario utilizar una contraseña, porque es una tarea bajo responsabilidad del encargado de la instalación.Dicha contraseña tiene la función de proteger losparámetros de confi guración de acciones incorrectas del operador.13 Supervisión con ATR121/141Ejemplo de sistema de control con supervisión y controla-dores ATR121-AT.Se destacan los elementos del sistema, preste atención al transformador Rs232 / Rs485 con Dir. Automático, y al tipotrenzados conforme a las normas EIA RD-485.Cable recomendado: Belden 9841.ES2425 ESES 26PT1000 -100…600 °C 0…10 V 0…20 mA 4…20 mAPotenciometro ≤ 6 K Ωfondo escala Potenciometro ≤ 150 K Ω fondo escala27 ESES281-300ciclo será 100 ms, (Default 10).29 ESES 305Normalmente abierto activo al alcance de la alarma6Normalmente cerrado activo al alcance de la alarma 6-180...+180Negativo: retardo a la salida del estado de alarma.Positivo: retardo a la entrada del estado de alarma.(Default 0) 6 Al encendido, la salida esta inhibida si el instrumento està en condiciòn de alarma. Se activa solo cuando re-entrado de la condiciòn de alarma, esta se representa.1-15Muestreo a 15Hz.(Default 10).Demotica 1: apaga el display y los leddespues de 15” de la ultima acciòn enlos botonesDemotica 2: apaga solo el displaydespues de 15” de la ultima acciòn enlos botonesDemotica 3: apaga el display (pero noel punto decimal) despues de 15” de laultima acciòn en los botones.Setpoint sencillo: el setpoint quedasempre visualizado1-254(Default 0.0)0-100Milisegundos (Default 20)1.00…5.00(Default 1.00).positivo signifi ca sobreposiciòn,(Default 0).6Alarma absoluta con(valor absoluto).Alarma absoluto concontrolador funciòn frio. (valor absoluto).Alarma absoluta referido al set de mando, con(valor absoluto).El set de mando puede ser cambiado con la presion de los botones fl echa desdeel frontal o con comandos desde la puerta serial RS485.Alarma de banda conhisteresis.P.S.: El valor de la histeresis no puede ser menor de 0.Alarma de desviaciòn supe-rior valor de setpoint alarmamayor de “0” y valor deAlarma de desviaciòn supe-rior valor de setpoint alarmamenor de “0” y valor deAlarma desviaciòn inferior (selecciònAlarma de desviaciòn inferiorvalor de setpoint alarmamayor de “0” y valor de histe-P.S.7: El valor de la histeresis no puede ser menor de 0.Alarma de desviaciòn inferiorvalor de setpoint alarmamenor de “0” y valor de histe-no puede ser menor de 0.16 Señalización de desperfectosSi se produjera un desperfecto en la instalación, el controlador activará los relés, tal como en los parámetros 12 y 21, y señalará el tipo de desperfecto encontrado. PorNotas / Actualizaciones41 ESSoftware Rev. 3.042300.10.060 - RevD 230710Antes de utilizar el dispositivo leer con atenciónlas informaciones de seguridad y set-upcontenidas en este manual.。
RIGOL DS1102CD数字示波器的使用方法
系统信息:显示示波器 系统点信击
屏幕测试:运行屏幕测 试程序
颜色测试:运行颜色测 试程序
如必要用非金属质地的改锥调整探头上的可变 电容,直到屏幕显示的波形如下图“补偿正确”。
补偿过度 补偿正确
1. 把数字探头电缆连接到混合信号示波器前面 板的D15-D0数字信号输入端。数字探头电缆 带有标识,因此只能以一个方向连接。连接 电缆时不必切断示波器电源。
将探头菜单衰减系数设定为10X,将探头上的开 关设定为10X,并将示波器探头与通道1连接。如使用 探头钩形头,应确保与探头接触紧密。将探头端部与 探头补偿器的信号输出连接器相连,基准导线夹与探 头补偿器的地线连接器相连,打开通道1,然后按 AUTO
控制打印时颜色是否反 相:
打开;关闭 设置点打击印颜色:
DS1000系列示波器支持打印功能! 编辑课件
快使用速自校校准正打开可使时示,示波器 波自器动将更根改据系统运行内时部的间校 对正通系道数的,垂直offset 进而行保快证速测校量准值。满足精度 要求。
2. 把探钩连到一条探线上,要确保连接地线。
3. 把探钩连到需要测试的电路结点。
仪器使用说明书基本英文范文Instrument User Manuals play a crucial role in providing clear and comprehensive instructions for the proper operation and maintenance of various equipment and devices. These manuals serve as essential guides for users, ensuring safe and efficient utilization of the instrument. The following text outlines a basic English template for an Instrument User Manual that can be adapted and customized to suit the specific requirements of different products.IntroductionThe introduction section should provide a concise overview of the instrument being described. This includes the product name, model number, and a brief description of its purpose, functionality, and key features. The introduction should also highlight the importance of thoroughly reading and understanding the user manual before attempting to operate the instrument.Safety PrecautionsThe safety precautions section is of utmost importance as it outlines the necessary measures to be taken to ensure the safe use of theinstrument. This section should cover the following aspects:- General safety guidelines- Warnings and cautions regarding the use of the instrument- Potential hazards associated with the instrument and how to mitigate them- Personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements- Emergency procedures in case of malfunctions or accidentsUnpacking and InspectionThis section should provide step-by-step instructions for unpacking the instrument and inspecting it for any damage or missing components. It should also include guidance on the proper handling and storage of the instrument when not in use.Installation and SetupThe installation and setup section should offer detailed instructions for the physical installation of the instrument, including any necessary connections, power supply requirements, and environmental considerations. This section should also cover the initial configuration and calibration procedures to ensure the instrument is ready for use.OperationThe operation section is the core of the user manual, providing comprehensive instructions for the various functions and features ofthe instrument. This section should cover the following aspects: - Instrument controls and displays- Step-by-step procedures for performing common tasks- Operational modes and settings- Data input and output procedures- Troubleshooting common issuesMaintenance and CleaningThe maintenance and cleaning section should outline the recommended procedures for the regular upkeep and care of the instrument. This may include the following:- Cleaning and disinfection protocols- Preventive maintenance schedules- Replacement of consumable parts- Calibration and adjustment procedures- Troubleshooting and repair guidanceSpecificationsThe specifications section should provide detailed technical information about the instrument, including the following:- Physical dimensions and weight- Power requirements- Operating temperature and humidity ranges- Performance characteristics and capabilities- Compatibility with accessories or ancillary equipmentTroubleshooting and Error CodesThis section should address common issues that users may encounter during the operation of the instrument. It should provide step-by-step troubleshooting guidance, as well as a comprehensive list of error codes and their corresponding solutions.Replacement Parts and AccessoriesThe replacement parts and accessories section should list all the available spare parts and compatible accessories for the instrument. This information can help users obtain the necessary components for maintenance, repair, or enhancement of the instrument's functionality.Warranty and ServiceThe warranty and service section should outline the manufacturer's warranty terms and conditions, as well as the available options for obtaining technical support or repair services. This information helps users understand their rights and responsibilities regarding the instrument's performance and longevity.ConclusionThe conclusion should reiterate the importance of thoroughly reading and understanding the user manual before operating the instrument. It may also provide additional resources or contactinformation for users who require further assistance.By following this basic English template for an Instrument User Manual, manufacturers and authors can create comprehensive and user-friendly guides that effectively communicate the necessary information for the safe and efficient use of their instruments. The inclusion of all the aforementioned sections ensures that users have access to the essential details they need to maximize the performance and lifespan of the equipment.。
M-BUS集中器说明书1概述集中器带有M-BUS RS232,RS485接口分别与M-Bus仪表和抄表主站或控制器连接。
与M-BUS仪表的通讯,采用消费类仪表国际标准M-BUS(Meter-BUS EN1434-3),按照树型总线连接。
2型号介绍集中器型号包括HS1101 HS1101B,HS1102AffiHS1106B四种种型号。
2.1 HS1101A型为单路无通讯协议转换型,该型号提供M-BUS接口和RS232或RS485接口,只支持数据透传,直接通过RS232或RS485^口发送读表指令。
2.2 HS1101B型为单路支持标准MODBUS、议型,用户可发送标准MODBUS、议指令读取仪表数据。
2.3 HS1102A型为多路(最大6路)无通讯协议转换型,提供可选的1至6路,最大连接仪表数量为360块。
2.4 HS1102B型为多路(最大6路)支持标准MODBUS议型,用户可发送标准MODBUS、议指令读取仪表数据。
3性能指标3.1工作电压:12V 1A DG3.2 通讯接口:RS232/RS485接口,M-BUS 接口。
3.5工作环境:温度:-30 C ---80 C湿度:90%无结晶。
4功能特点4.1集中器带有M-BUS RS232,RS48按口分别与M-BusOZ表和抄表主站或控制器连接4.2单个集中器最多可连接M-BU寂表360台(六路通道,每路接表60台)4.3热量表与集中器的通讯连接,采用消费类仪表国际标准M-BUS(Meter-BUS EN1434-3),按照树型总线连接4.4采用普通的两芯电缆连接,同时完成数据通讯和提供通讯电源的功能,最大传输距离可达1000米。
MODELSQTC100QTC200QTC300KITAGAWA NC CONTROLLERQUINTE•ADVANCED INTEGRATED PROGRAMMING AND OPERATING SYSTEM (IPOS MODE)Direct control of Quinte seriescontrollers with host computers(CNC, NC, etc.) through RS-232CSerial Port.•M-SIGNAL MODE OPERATIONIndexing, Zero Return, etc. from the machine control with one M Signal interfaced.•POWERFUL DRIVING TORQUEA maintenance free AC Servo Motor with absolute encoder, provides powerful driving torque.•MEMORY CARD SLOTData (programs, parameters, etc.)input & output with memory Card.•PRECISE INDEXINGMinimum resolution of 0.0001˚•HIGH SPEED TABLE ROTATION High speed indexing with AC Servo Motor •FULL DIGITAL SERVO CONTROL Guarantees superb indexingaccuracy and stable performance.•DUST & WATER PROOF CONTROL BOX (IP53)•PLENTY OF PROGRAMMING SPACE Large programming capacity of max. 9,999 partitions / max. 2,000blocks per partitionITEMName of FunctionDescription of Function1Servo MotorsAC Servo Motor with Absolute Encoder2M - Signal Mode Operation Easy Interface with the Machine Control for M - SignalOperation with One M Code3Minimum Resolution 0.0001 Degrees4Max. Programmable Angle 9,999 Rotations + 360 Degree or ±359.9999 Degrees 5Number of Divisions 0 - 9,9996Program Capacity Max 9,999 Partitions / Max 2,000 Blocks per Partition 7Input Method MDI Keyboard 8Command Method Incremental (G91) / Absolute (G90)9Zero Return *Establishes both Machine and Work Origin 10Manual Feed Rapid, Fine and Step Feed 11Emergency Stop *Stops All Functions 12Feed Hold *Stops Table Rotation Temporarily 13Sub Program Command M98 / M9914Repeat Function Repeats between Programs specified 15Buffer Function Reads One Block Ahead and Operates Continuously 16G Function Dwell, Brake On/Off, etc. (G04 - G92)17Uni-directional Function Positioning from One Direction (CW or CCW) only 18Software Limit Function Setting Value of Software Limit from Machine Origin 19Stop Over-shooting Prevents Over-shooting from the Preset Position20MMC SlotData (Programs, Parameters, Etc.) Input & Output withMemory Card21Alarm No. Display Function Display Alarm Code No. & Description 22Self Diagnosis Function Displaying Current Condition of Controller 23Feed Override 1 - 200%24External Input Signal Start, Emergency Stop, Feed Hold, etc.25External Output Signal One Block Finish, Finish, Alarm Output, etc.26Display TFT Color LCD 480 x 272 Resolution27Power Input AC200-230V , 50/60HzSingle Phase or 3-Phase for Models QTC100 & QTC2003-Phase for Model QTC300KITAGAWA NC CONTROLLERQUINTEFUNCTIONS。
National Instruments CompactRIO控制器产品介绍书说明书
Have a question? Contact Us.PRODUCT FLYERCompactRIO ControllersCONTENTSCompactRIO ControllersDetailed View of cRIO-9039Heterogeneous ArchitectureIntegrated SoftwareExtensive I/ORuggednessTime Sensitive NetworkingPlatform-Based Approach to Control and MonitoringHardware ServicesCompactRIO ControllerscRIO-9063, cRIO-9064, cRIO-9065, cRIO-9066, cRIO-9067, cRIO-9068, cRIO-9030, cRIO-9031,cRIO-9032, cRIO-9033, cRIO-9034, cRIO-9035, cRIO-9036, cRIO-9037, cRIO-9038, and cRIO-9039•Modular, high-performance embedded controllers for industrial deployment•NI Linux Real-Time OS for reliability, security, and determinism•Industrial-grade processing component options from ARM, Intel, and Xilinx•Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) enabled Ethernet ports•Up to -40 °C to 70 °C temperature range, up to 50 g shock and 5 g vibration•200+ I/O modules to support a variety of sensors and signal types•LabVIEW graphical development platform eliminates the need for hardware description language (HDL) expertise to use reconfigurable FPGA hardwareBuilt for Embedded Control and MonitoringCompactRIO Controllers are modular, high-performance embedded controllers for rapid development and deployment into industrial control and monitoring applications.They feature extreme ruggedness, industry-standard certifications, modular I/O, and integrated motion, vision, industrial communication, and HMI capabilities. C Series modules deliver high-accuracy I/O with measurement-specific signal conditioning so you can connect to any sensor or device on any bus.Using the productive, integrated NI software toolchain, you can customize and reconfigure CompactRIO Controllers through software to rapidly deliver complex embedded control and monitoring systems.Table 1. NI offers CompactRIO Controllers with processors ranging from ARM Cortex-A9 to Intel Atom.cRIO-9030 1.33 GHz Dual-Core Intel Atom Kintex-7 70T 4 GB 1 GB 4 -20 ºC to 55 ºC cRIO-9031 1.33 GHz Dual-Core Intel Atom Kintex-7 70T 4 GB 1 GB 4 -40 ºC to 70 ºC cRIO-90321 1.33 GHz Dual-Core Intel Atom Kintex-7 160T 8 GB 2 GB 4 -20 ºC to 55 ºC cRIO-9033 1.33 GHz Dual-Core Intel Atom Kintex-7 160T 8 GB 2 GB 4 -40 ºC to 70 ºC cRIO-9034 1.91 GHz Quad-Core Intel Atom Kintex-7 325T 16 GB 2 GB 4 -20 ºC to 55 ºC cRIO-90352 1.33 GHz Dual-Core Intel Atom Kintex-7 70T 4 GB 1 GB 8 -20 ºC to 55 ºC cRIO-9036 1.33 GHz Dual-Core Intel Atom Kintex-7 70T 4 GB 1 GB 8 -40 ºC to 70 ºC cRIO-90371 1.33 GHz Dual-Core Intel Atom Kintex-7 160T 8 GB 2 GB 8 -20 ºC to 55 ºC cRIO-9038 1.33 GHz Dual-Core Intel Atom Kintex-7 160T 8 GB 2 GB 8 -40 ºC to 70 ºC cRIO-90392 1.91 GHz Quad-Core Intel Atom Kintex-7 325T 16 GB 2 GB 8 -20 ºC to 55 ºC cRIO-9063 667 MHz Dual-Core ARM Cortex-A9 Zynq-7000 (Z-7020) 512 MB 256 MB 4 -20 ºC to 55 ºC cRIO-9064 667 MHz Dual-Core ARM Cortex-A9 Zynq-7000 (Z-7020) 1 GB 512 MB 4 -20 ºC to 55 ºC cRIO-9065 667 MHz Dual-Core ARM Cortex-A9 Zynq-7000 (Z-7020) 1 GB 512 MB 4 -40 ºC to 70 ºC cRIO-9066 667 MHz Dual-Core ARM Cortex-A9 Zynq-7000 (Z-7020) 512 MB 256 MB 8 -20 ºC to 55 ºC cRIO-9067 667 MHz Dual-Core ARM Cortex-A9 Zynq-7000 (Z-7020) 1 GB 512 MB 8 -20 ºC to 55 ºC cRIO-9068 667 MHz Dual-Core ARM Cortex-A9 Zynq-7000 (Z-7020) 1 GB 512 MB 8 -40 ºC to 70 ºC1 Wireless2 TSN Option AvailableDetailed View of cRIO-9039Heterogeneous ArchitectureCompactRIO Controllers feature a heterogeneous architecture with two processing targets: (1) a real-time processor for communication and signal processing and (2) an FPGA for implementing high-speed control, custom timing and triggering, and signal processing directly in hardware.Figure 1. Use the CompactRIO heterogeneous architecture to meet your processing needs.ProcessorThe ARM or Intel processor runs NI Linux Real-Time, a real-time OS based on a standard kernel and designed specifically for reliable and deterministic operation in long-term deployments. It includes standard Linux features such as native support for Security-Enhanced Linux for security and reliability.FPGAThe user programmable FPGA allows you to offload time-critical processes for advanced control, signal processing, filtering, advanced timing, and other logic. NI uses the latest FPGA technology from Xilinx, with chips that contain up to 326,060 logic cells, and 840 DSP slices.Figure 2. An FPGA contains a matrix of reconfigurable gate array logic circuitry.Traditional development for FPGA-based systems requires the use of low-level software tools, HDLs, and vendor-specific FPGA implementation toolchains and constraint languages.The LabVIEW FPGA Module provides a graphical programming approach that simplifies the task of interfacing to I/O and communicating data. It also eliminates the need to think through timing constraints, I/O configuration, and place and route settings.Integrated SoftwareDefine—and redefine—the functionality of your CompactRIO system with intuitive software, and use a single toolchain for every phase of your design cycle: from modeling and simulation, to prototyping and validation, to deployment and beyond. NI software reduces risk, enhances productivity, and eliminates the need to create and maintain I/O drivers, OSs, and other middleware.Figure 3. Intuitive and Cohesive Software Programming EnvironmentReduced Development TimeFocus on solving problems, not low-level programming tasks, with built-in constructs to manage timing and memory in an intuitive programming environmentOpen Software InteroperabilityLeverage other programming approaches alongside or within LabVIEW to reuse existing IP and take advantage of existing expertise.Built-In LibrariesLabVIEW contains nearly 1,000 built-in signal processing, analysis, control, and mathematics functions to accelerate the development of embedded control and monitoring systems. User-Programmable FPGAImplement high-speed signal and image processing, custom timing and triggering, and control algorithms directly in hardwareto maximize reliability and determinism.Remote System ManagementTransfer data between systems or remotely update hundreds of controllers at once with built-in system management utilities.LabVIEW Tools NetworkExtend the capabilities of your system with a vast ecosystem of certified, application-specific add-ons.Leverage the Openness of NI Linux Real-Time: A Prebuilt, Validated RTOS Development Tool OptionsProgram the real-time processor with LabVIEW, C/C++, or textual math and reuse code from past projects to save development time.Linux EcosystemAccess thousands of open-source applications, IP, and examples and collaborate with an active community of users and developers.SecurityBoost security and reliability with native support for Security-Enhanced Linux, which delivers mandatory access control through custom policy creation.Figure 4. NI Linux Real-Time targets allow you to develop, deploy, and debug C/C++ code using Eclipse or your IDEof choice.Customize Programmable Hardware With LabVIEW FPGATake advantage of the graphical LabVIEW environment to program the onboard FPGA and unlock the incredible power of these devices—even without any knowledge of HDLs like VHDL or Verilog. LabVIEW FPGA removes not only the requirement for HDL programming but also the need to think through timing constraints, I/O configuration, and place and route settings, which are notoriously complex tasks.•Built-in language constructs to manage clocks/timing, memory, I/O, and datatransfer (DMA)•Cycle-accurate simulation anddebugging capabilities•Support for HDL code integration •Cloud compile support to reducecompile times•Access to free IP for complexmathematics, high-speed control, image processing, signal analysis, and more in the FPGA IPNet communityExtensive I/OEliminate the need for separate subsystems by connecting components – like motors, cameras, and HMIs– directly to your CompactRIO Controller with built-in I/O such as Gigabit Ethernet, serial, and USB ports and slots for up to eight I/O modules for measurement-specific signal conditioning.Table 2. Connect to any sensor on any bus with C Series I/O modules.Analog Input1Voltage 4, 8, 16,32 ±200 mV, ±1 V, ±5 V, ±10 V, ±60 V, 300V rms, 400 V rms, 800 V rms 1 MS/s/chCh-ch isolation, high-voltage bank isolation, anti-aliasing filtersCurrent 4, 8, 16 ±20 mA, 5 A rms200 kS/s Anti-aliasing filters, ch-ch isolation, built-in shuntresistorsUniversal 2, 4 V, mA, TC, RTD, strain, Ω, IEPE51.2kS/s/ch Excitation, bridge completion, anti-aliasing filters, ch-ch isolation, built-in shunt resistors,amplificationThermocouple 4, 16 J, K, T, E, N, B, R, and S types 75 S/s/ch CJC, bank isolation, amplification, filtering RTD 4 100 Ω400 S/s 50/60 Hz filteringStrain/BridgeBased 4, 8 1/4, 1/2, full bridge (120 or 350 Ω)50 kS/s/ch Excitation, bridge completion, anti-aliasing filtersAccelerationand Sound 3, 4 ±5 V, ±30 V102.4kS/s/ch IEPE, anti-aliasing filtersAnalog Output2Voltage 4, 16 ±10 V 100 kS/s/ch Ch-ch isolation, bank isolation Current 4 0 mA – 20 mA 100 kS/s/ch Open-loop detection Digital I/OInput 4, 8, 16,32 LVTTL, 5 VTTL, 12 V, 24 V, 30 V, 250VDC/VAC 55 nsCh-ch isolation, bank isolation, sinking andsourcingOutput 4, 8, 16,32 LVTTL, 5 VTTL, 12 V, 24 V, 60 V,0 V - 50 V programmable 55 nsCh-ch isolation, bank isolation, sinking andsourcingInput/Output 4, 8, 16,32 LVTTL, 5 VTTL, 12 V, 24 V 55 ns Ch-ch isolation, bank isolationRelays 4, 8 30 VDC, 60 VDC, 250 VAC,SPST and SS 1 op/sec Ch-ch isolation, bank isolation SpecialtyMotion 1, 1 Step/dir, CW/CCW, analog PWM - Stepper and servo drive signals, incrementalencoder feedbackSynchronization 1, 3 Cabled, GPS - Pulse per second (PPS) accuracy of ±100 nsfor multi-chassis synchronization1Up to 24-bit resolution2Up to 16-bit resolutionConnect directly to industrial cameras and motors to create custom image processing and motion control algorithms. Design interactive, feature-rich GUIs and connect to local, remote, or mobile HMIs for data visualization and operator interfaces.Figure 5. Simplify system design by connecting directly to cameras, motors, displays, databases, and the enterprise. Industrial CommunicationsWith native support for common industrial protocols like PROFINET, OPC UA, EtherCAT and more, CompactRIO can connect to a variety of devices, equipment, and infrastructure. Have a brownfield application that requires support for numerous protocols? CompactRIO is an ideal Industrial Internet of Things gateway that can act as the translator between any of the nearly 20 supported protocols, and even custom communication protocols through the FPGA.Figure 6. CompactRIO Controllers can connect to a variety of brownfield systems via Industrial Communicationprotocols.RuggednessContained within a compact, rugged package, CompactRIO Controllers feature operating temperature ranges as wide as -40 °C to 70 °C (-40 °F to 158 °F), up to 50 g shock and 5 g vibration ratings, redundant power supply inputs, and a variety of international safety, Hazloc, and environmental certifications and ratings for operation in harsh industrial environments.Figure 7. CompactRIO Controllers are certified for use in hazardous locations and multiple countries.Time Sensitive NetworkingTime Sensitive Networking (TSN) is the evolution of standard Ethernet to include time-based synchronization, traffic scheduling, and system configuration. Traffic scheduling and system configuration enable deterministic communication over Ethernet by allowing users to schedule time-critical data across a network.Figure 8. Three key IEEE 802.1 projects being added to standard EthernetTSN is a key enhancement for industrial applications such as process and machine control, for which low communication latency and minimal jitter are critical to meeting closed-loop control requirements. With the ability to schedule traffic across an Ethernet network via system configuration software, you can reliably send both deterministic data and best effort data across a shared Ethernet cable. Time-based synchronization over Ethernet also minimizes the cabling traditionally found in physical systems test and monitoring applications to offer a cleaner and more cost-effective solution.Take advantage of TSN today with three released TSN-enabled NI products: CompactRIO Controller with TSN, Ethernet CompactDAQ Chassis with TSN, and the Industrial Controller with TSN. Find these TSN enabled products by looking for the “Synchronization” attribute in Shop.Figure 9. TSN-Enabled Products From NI and Technology PartnersPlatform-Based Approach to Control and MonitoringWhat is the CompactRIO Platform?Every CompactRIO device is built on three pillars: productive software, reconfigurable hardware, and an expansive ecosystem. This results in a hardware platform that allows your business to standardize, customize, and accelerate productivity.NI’s integrated run-time software, development environments, IP libraries, drivers, middleware, and enterprise and systems management tools, along with high-quality hardware and global services and support, provide the capabilities to meet your business needs.Monetize Your EffortsFocus on the core expertise of your business while leaving the foundational elements of your embedded design to NI. Spend time delivering innovation, competitive differentiation, and value add features to your customers by customizing a pre-built, pre-validated embedded system from NI. Get your equipment or machines shipping faster, with less engineering expense and risk, and more features©2017 National Instruments. All rights reserved. CompactRIO, LabVIEW, National Instruments, NI, , and NI CompactDAQ are trademarks of National Instruments. The registered trademark Linux® is used pursuant to a sublicense from LMI, the exclusive licensee of Linus Torvalds, owner of the mark on a worldwide basis. Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. The contents of this Site could contain technical inaccuracies, typographical errors, or out-of-date information. Information may be updated or changed at any time, without notice. Visit /manuals for the latest information.27 December 2017 Page 11 | | CompactRIO Controllers Hardware ServicesAll NI hardware includes a one-year warranty for basic repair coverage, and calibration in adherence to NI specifications prior to shipment. PXI systems also include basic assembly and a functional test. NI offers additional entitlements to improve uptime and lower maintenance costs with service programs for hardware. Learn more at /services/hardware .Program Duration 1, 3, or 5 years 1, 3, or 5 years Length of service programExtended Repair Coverage ● ● NI restores your device’s functionality and includes firmware updates and factory calibration.System Configuration, Assembly, and Test 1 ● ● NI technicians assemble, install software in, and test your system per your custom configuration prior to shipment.Advanced Replacement 2 ● NI stocks replacement hardware that can be shipped immediately if a repair is needed.System Return Material Authorization (RMA)1 ● NI accepts the delivery of fully assembled systems when performing repair services.Calibration Plan (Optional)Standard Expedited 3 NI performs the requested level of calibration at the specified calibration interval for the duration of the service program. 1This option is only available for PXI, CompactRIO, and CompactDAQ systems. 2This option is not available for all products in all countries. Contact your local NI sales engineer to confirm availability. 3Expedited calibration only includes traceable levels.PremiumPlus Service Program NI can customize the offerings listed above, or offer additional entitlements such as on-site calibration, custom sparing, and life-cycle services through a PremiumPlus Service Program. Contact your NI sales representative to learn more.Technical Support Every NI system includes a 30-day trial for phone and e-mail support from NI engineers, which can be extended through a Software Service Program (SSP) membership. NI has more than 400 support engineers available around the globe to provide local support in more than 30 languages. Additionally, take advantage of NI’s award winning online resources and communities .。
for Valve TypesP-H-M-V-W-D-AThe SPORLAN Level-Master Control is a positive liq-uid level control device suitable for application to all flooded evaporators.The LMC is a standard thermostatic expansion valve equipped with a Level-Master Element. The combina-tion provides a simple, economical and highly effective liquid level control. The bulb of the conventional ther-mostatic element has been modified to an insert type of bulb which incorporates a low wattage heater. A 15 watt heater is supplied as standard. For applications below -60°F evaporating temperature specify a spe-cial 25 watt heater.The insert bulb is installed in the accumulator or surge drum at the point of the desired liquid level. As the level at the insert bulb drops, the electrically added heat in-creases the pressure within the thermostatic element and opens the valve. As the liquid level at the bulb rises, the electrical input is balanced by the heat transfer from the bulb to the liquid refrigerant and the LMC either modulates or eventually shuts off. The evaporator pres-sure and spring assist in providing a positive closure.The Level-Master control can be applied on any system that has been specifically designed for flooded operation.Sporlan is not responsible for system design and, there-fore is not liable for any damage arising from faulty de-sign or improper piping, or for misapplication of its prod-ucts. Figures 2 through 8 are piping schematics only to illustrate possible methods of applying the LMC valves.If these valves are applied in any manner other than as described in this bulletin, the Sporlan warranty is void. The system piping should be designed to protect the compressor at all times. This includes protection against overheating, slugging with liquid refrigerant,and trapping oil in various system locations. Sporlan recommends that recognized piping references, such as equipment manufacturers’ literature and the ASHRAE Handbooks be consulted for assistance.The valve is usually connected to feed into the surge drum above the liquid level. It can also feed into the liquid leg or coil header.The insert bulb can be installed directly in the shell, surge drum or liquid leg on new or existing installations. Existing float systems can be easily converted by install-ing the LMC insert bulb in the float chamber.The Level-Master Control may be installed at any ambi-ent temperature. A thermostatic switch in the heater assembly protects the element from the excessive tem-perature created by the heater.The insert bulb should be installed at the point where the liquid level is to be maintained. The bulb must be in contact with the refrigerant, i.e., NOT installed in a well. If the insert bulb is projected directly into the surge drum, it should be shielded from possible splash from either the valve feed or the return from the coil. While generally in-stalled in a horizontal position, see Figure 1, it will operate effectively at any angle or vertical position.Minor adjustments in liquid level can be made with the expansion valve adjustment stem. The insert bulb assem-bly is provided with a lock ring and gasket joint so the bulb can be removed without breaking the pipe joint.GeneralInsert BulbDESCRIPTION and OPERATIONFOR USE ON REFRIGERATION and/or AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS ONLYThe heater comes with a two wire neoprene covered cord two feet in length. It runs through a moisture-proof grommet and a 1/2” male conduit connection af-fixed to the insert bulb assembly, see Figure 2.On installations where the valve is isolated from the surge drum by a hand valve, and a 2 to 3 pound pressure drop from the valve outlet to the bulb location is likely, we recommend using an externally equalized valve.General - All reciprocating compressors allow some oil to pass into the discharge line along with the dis-charge gas. Mechanical oil separators are used exten-sively; however, they are never completely effective. The untrapped oil passes through the condenser, liquid line, expansion device and finally into the evaporator. In a properly designed direct expansion system, the refrigerant velocity in the evaporator tubes, and in the suction line, is high enough to insure a continuous re-turn of oil to the compressor crankcase. But, this is not characteristic of flooded systems. Here we purposely design the surge drum for a relatively low vapor veloc-ity to prevent entrainment of liquid refrigerant droplets and consequent carry over into the suction line. This design prevents oil from returning to the low side in the normal manner.If oil is allowed to concentrate at the insert bulb loca-tion of the Sporlan Level-Master Control, overfeeding with possible floodback can occur. The tendency tooverfeed is caused by the fact that oil does not convey the heat from the low wattage heater element away from the bulb as rapidly as does pure liquid refrigerant. The bulb pressure is higher than normal and the valve remains in the open or partially open position. Oil and Ammonia Systems - Liquid ammonia For flooded chillers that do not use a surge drum, a sump with a drain valve is usually provided at the bot-tom of the chiller shell.The above methods are quite satisfactory, except on some low temperature systems, where the drain leg or sump generally has to be warmed prior to attempting to draw off the oil since the trapped oil becomes quite viscous at lower temperatures.Electrical ConnectionsHand ValvesOil ReturnFigure 4TYPICAL INSTALLATIONPAGE 2If oil is not drained from a flooded ammonia system a reduction in the evaporator heat transfer rate can oc-cur due to an increase in the refrigerant film resistance. Difficulty in maintaining the proper liquid level with any type of flooded control can also be expected.With a float valve you can expect the liquid level in the evaporator to increase with high concentration of oil in a remote float chamber.If a Sporlan Level-Master Control is used with the inset bulb installed in a remote chamber, oil concentration at the bulb can cause overfeeding with possible flood-back. The lower or liquid balance line must be free of traps and must be free draining into the surge drum or chiller as shown in Figure 4. The oil drain leg or sump must be located at the lowest point in the low side. Oil and HFC/HCFC Systems - With HFC and HCFC systems - Refrigerants 134a, 22, 507, etc, the oil and refrigerant are miscible under certain conditions. Mineral oil is partially miscible in liquid R-22 and POE lubricant tends to be more miscible in R-134a and R-507 and other HFC refrigerants. In R-22 systems, a 5% (by weight) of napthenic mineral oil in liquid refriger-ant will remain in solution to approximately 0°F. But at temperatures below 0°F a liquid phase separation occurs. An oil rich solution will appear at the top and a refrigerant rich solution will lie at the bottom of any relatively placid remote bulb chamber. Keep in mind miscibility data for systems using R-22 and HFC refrig-erants depends on the oil used and the percentage of oil present in the refrigerant.In HFC systems, the miscibility of the POE oil depends on the oil approved for the system. Different POE oils will yield different results. POE oils formulated with low-er molecular weight alcohols tend to be more miscible than those with higher molecular weights. Depending on the system,the POE lubricant and refrigerant can be completely miscible at all temperatures normally en-countered, or some liquid phase separation could exist for a particular POE oil/ refrigerant combination.Oil in flooded evaporator applications can produce many effects. Oil as a contaminant will raise the boiling point of the liquid refrigerant if it exists in significant quantity in the evaporator. Oil can change the heat transfer properties with a consequent loss in system capacity. In addition, oil can affect the liquid level con-trol and produce “foaming”, potentially carrying liquid into the suction line.With a float valve you can normally expect the liquid level in the evaporator to decrease with increasing concentration of oil in the float chamber. This is due to the difference in density between the lighter oil in the chamber and lower balance leg, and the heavier refrig-erant/oil mixture in the evaporator. A lower column of dense mixture in the evaporator will balance a higher column of oil in the remote chamber and piping, in a manner similar to a “U” tube manometer with a differ-ent liquid in each leg.With the Sporlan level Master Control the heat trans-fer rate at the bulb is decreased producing overfeed-ing and possible flood back. In order to minimize that, we must keep the oil concentration as low as possible in the evaporator, surge drum, and remote insert bulb chamber - if one is used. With HFC/POE oil systems, the oil/refrigerant mixture is likely homogenous (but not necessarily) and you can drain from almost any lo-cation in the chiller,surge drum, or remote chamber that is below the liquid level. With R-22 or a possible HCFC/POE oil mixture that is not homogenous, the drain must be located at, or slightly below the surface of the liquid since the oil rich layer is at the top. There are many types of oil return devices:1. Direct drain into the suction line.2. Drain through a high pressure liquid warmedheat exchanger.3. Drain through a heat exchanger with the heat sup-plied by an electric heater.The following Figures 5, 6, 7, and 8 are representative of these three methods.Draining directly into the suction line, as shown in Fig-ure 5, is the simplest method but the hazard of possible floodback to the compressor remains.DIRECT DRAIN - of oil to the suction line isone of three ways to recover oil in flooded sys-tems. Heat from the environment or a liquid-suc-tion heat exchanger is required to vaporize theliquid refrigerant so drained. Vapor velocitycarries oil back to the compressor.Draining through a heat exchanger as indicated in Figure 6, is a popular method since liquid refrigerant floodback problems are minimized by using the warm liquid to vaporize the liquid refrigerant in the oil/re-frigerant mixture.The use of a heat exchanger with an insert electric heater, as shown in Figure 7, is a variation of the pre-ceding method.In all of the oil return arrangement discussed a solenoid valve should be installed in the drain line and arranged to close when the compressor is not in operation. Oth-erwise liquid refrigerant could drain from the low sideinto the compressor crankcase during the off cycle.PAGE 3PAGE 4OIL RETURN - by draining oil-refrigerant mix-ture through a heat exchanger is illustrated here. Heat in incoming liquid vaporizes refrigerant to prevent return of liquid to compressor. Liquid feed is controlled by a hand expansion valve.If the insert bulb is installed directly into the surge drum or chiller, then oil return from this point only is necessary. However, if the insert bulb is located in a remote chamber which is tied to the surge drum or chiller with liquid and gas balance lines then oil return should be made from both locations as shown in Fig-ures 5, 6, and 8.ELECTRIC HEATER - may also be used to sepa-rate oil and refrigerant. This system is similar to that of Figure 6 except that heat required for vaporization is added electrically.Conclusions - The problem of returning oil from a flooded system is not highly complex and there are undoubtedly other methods in use today that are com-parable to those outlined above. Regardless of how it is accomplished, oil return must be provided , for proper operation of any flooded system – not only with the Sporlan Level-Master Control but with a float or other type of level control device.Manual CrankcaseFigure 7Figure 8SD-28-705© Copyright 2005 Parker Hannifin Corporation, Washington, Missouri。
Thermo King 电子控制器指南说明书
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Controlador en cabina de las unidades de transmisión directa
Borrado de las alarmas
En primer lugar, debe corregirse la condición de alarma en la unidad. Tras borrar la condición de alarma, pulse y suelte la tecla SELECCIÓN para eliminar los códigos de ALARMA existentes. Aparecerá la pantalla estándar una vez que se hayan borrado los códigos de ALARMA.
W09DIGITAL ELECTRONIC THERMO-CONTROLLER WITH DEFROSTINGFUNCTIONOPERATING INSTRUCTIONSVr. 02 (ENG) - 04/12 - cod.: ISTR-MW09-ENG02 ASCON TECNOLOGIC S.r.l.VIA INDIPENDENZA 5627029 VIGEVANO (PV) ITALYTEL.: +39 0381 69871FAX: +39 0381 698730http:\\FOREWORDThis manual contains the informationnecessary for the product to be installedcorrectly and also instructions for itsmaintenance and use; we therefore recommendthat the utmost attention is paid to the followinginstructions and to save it.This document is the exclusive property of ASCON TECNOLOGIC which forbids any reproduction and divulgation , even in part, of the document, unless expressly authorized. ASCONT ECNOLOGIC reserves the right to make any formal or functional changes at any moment and without any notice. Whenever a failure or a malfunction of the device may cause dangerous situations for persons, thing or animals, please remember that the plant has to be equipped with additional devices which will guarantee safety.ASCON TECNOLOGIC and its legal representatives do not assume any responsibility for any damage to people, things or animals deriving from violation, wrong or improper use or in any case not in compliance with the instrument’s features.INDEXINSTRUMENT ORDERING CODE7.5FUNCTIONAL DATA7.4MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS AND MOUNTING7.3MECHANICAL DATA7.2ELECTRICAL DATA7.1TECHNICAL DATA7GUARANTEE AND REPAIRS6.3CLEANING6.2SIGNALLING6.1PROBLEMS , MAINTENANCE AND GUARANTEE 6PROGRAMMABLE PARAMETERS TABLE5PARAMETERS CONFIGURATION BY “A01”4.7TEMPERATURE ALARMS4.6.1ALARM FUNCTIONS4.6DEFROST DISPLAY LOCK4.5.2MANUAL DEFROST4.5.1DEFROST CONTROL4.5COMPRESSOR PROTECTION FUNCTION AND DELAYAT POWER-ON4.4TEMPERATURE CONTROL4.3MEASURING AND VISUALIZATION4.2ON / STAND-BY FUNCTION4.1FUNCTIONS4ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM3.4ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS3.3MECHANICAL MOUNTING3.2PERMITTED USE3.1INFORMATION ON INSTALLATION AND USE 3KEYBOARD LOCK FUNCTION2.6RESET PARAMETERS TO DEFAULT VALUE/LEVEL2.5CUSTOMIZED MODE PARAMETER PROGRAMMING(PARAMETERS PROGRAMMING LEVEL)2.4PARAMETER PROTECTION USING THE PASSWORD2.3STANDARD MODE PARAMETERS PROGRAMMING2.2FAST PROGRAMMING OF SET POINT2.1PROGRAMMING2FRONT PANEL DESCRIPTION1.2GENERAL DESCRIPTION1.1INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION11 - INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION1.1 - GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe model W09 is a digital electronic thermocontroller that is typically used in cooling applications that have temperature control with ON/OFF mode and defrosting control with intervals time by stopping compressor.The instrument has one relay output and one input for PTC or NTC temperature probes, in addition can be equipped with an internal buzzer that is the sound system for alarms.In programming mode is used to enter in parameters edit mode and confirm the values.In programming mode it can be used together with the UP key to change the programming level of the parameters.2 - Key DOWN values to be set and for selecting the parameters.3 - Key UP/DEFROST manual defrosting (hold pressed for 5 sec.).and for selecting the parameters.parameters level.unlock4 - Key U : variables (measured temperatures etc.) .(hold for 2 sec.).It can also be programmed via the parameter “t.UF”In normal mode and if par. “t.UF” = 4 it can be used to turning on and off (stand-by) the device (hold pressed for 1 sec.)5 - Led SET : In normal mode it serves to indicate when a key is pressed.In programming mode indicates the programming level of the parameters.6 - Led OUT - COOL : Indicates the output status (compressor or temperature control device) when the istrument is programmed for cooling operation; on (on), off (off) or inhibited (flashing).7 - Led OUT - HEAT : Indicates the output status (compressor or temperature control device) when the istrument is programmed for heating operation; on (on), off (off) or inhibited (flashing).When the desired value is set press the key P to exit from Set Point programming mode.Exiting the Set mode is achieved by pressing the P key or automatically if no key is pressed for 10 seconds. After that time the display returns to the normal function mode.2.2 - STANDARD MODE PARAMETERS PROGRAMMINGTo access the instrument’s function parameters when password protection is disable, press the key P and keep it pressed for about 5 seconds, after which the display will visualised the code that identifies the first parameter.Using the UP and DOWN keys, the desired parameter can be selected and pressing the P key, the display will alternately show the parameter code and its setting that can be changed with the UP and DOWN keys.Once the desired value has been set, press the key P again: the new value will be memorised and the display will show only the code of the selected parameter.Pressing the UP and DOWN keys, it is possible to select another parameter and change it as described.To exit the programming mode, do not press any key for about 30seconds, or keep the U key pressed for 2 sec. until it exits the programming mode.2.3 - PARAMETER PROTECTION USING THE PASSWORDThe instrument has a parameter protection function using a password that can be personalised, through the “t.PP” parameter.If one wishes to have this protection, set the password number desired in the parameter “t.PP”.When the protection is activate, press the P key to access the parameters and keep it press for about 5 seconds, after which the display will show “r.P” .At this point press P, the display show “0”, using the UP and DOWN keys, set the password number programmed and press the key P.If the password is correct, the display will visualise the code that identifies the first parameter and it will be possible to program the instrument in the same ways described in the previous section.pressed for 5 seconds.In this way it’s possible to have access to all the parameters, verify and modify the par. “t.PP”.2.4 - CUSTOMIZED MODE PARAMETER PROGRAMMING (PARAMETERS PROGRAMMING LEVEL)The password protection hides all the configuration parameters behind a factory set password to avoid unwanted changes being made to the programming of the controller.To make a parameter accessible without having to enter the password when “t.PP” password protection is activate follows this procedure.Enter the programming using the Password “t.PP” and select the parameter which is desired to be accessible with no password protection.Once the parameter has been selected, if the SET led is blinking,this means that the parameter is programmable by entering the password (it’s then “protected”) if it’s instead on, this means the parameter is programmable without password (not protected).If you want to change the accessibility of the parameter push P key, keep it pressed and press together also the key UP.The led SET will change its state indicating the new access level of the parameter (on = not protected; blinking = protected by password).In case some parameters are not protected, when one tries to have access at the programming, the display will show all theparameters not protected and the par. “r.P” (through which will beprogrammed in factory as default.To restore to the values of default the parameters set the value -48to “r.P” password request.Once confirmed the password with the key P the display it shows "---" for 2 sec. therefore the instrument effects the parameters reset2.6 - KEYBOARD LOCK FUNCTIONOn the instrument it’s possibile to lock completely the keyboard. This function is particularly useful when the regulator is reachable by the users and it’s desired to avoid any modification.To activate the keyboard lock it’s enough program the par. “t.Lo”to a different value to oF.The value program to this parameter it is the time of inactivity of the keys afterwhich the keyboard will be locked.Remember that the end user must periodically checks and verify the thermometers in compliance with standard EN 13486.The installer must ensure that EMC rules are respected, also after the instrument installation, if necessary using proper filters.Whenever a failure or a malfunction of the device may cause dangerous situations for persons, thing or animals, pleaseremember that the plant has to be equipped with additional devicesor plant with permanent connection inside, it is not equipped with either switches or internal devices to protect against overload of current: the installation will include an overload protection and a two-phase circuit-breaker, placed as near as possible to the instrument, and located in a position that can easily be reached by the user and marked as instrument disconnecting device which interrupts the power supply to the equipment. It is also recommended that the supply of all the electrical circuits connected to the instrument must be protect properly, using devices (ex.fuses) proportionate to the circulating currents (see Tech. Data for details). It is strongly recommended that cables with proper insulation, according to the working voltages and temperatures, be used. Furthermore, the input cable of the probe has to be kept separate from line voltage wiring. If the input cable of the probe is The instrument, once powered up, can assume 2 different conditions:- ON : means that the controller uses the control functions.- STAND-BY : means that the controller does not use any control function and the display is turned off except for the led Stand-by.If there is no power, and then power returns, the system always sets itself in the condition it was in before the black-out.The ON/Stand-by function can be selected using the key U if the parameter "t.UF" = 4.Pressing the key U for at least 1 sec., it is possible to switch the instrument from the ON status to Stand-by status and vice versa.4.2 - MEASURING AND VISUALIZATIONVia the parameter “i.SE” it is possible to select the type of probes that one wishes to use and which can be: thermistores PTC KTY81-121 (Pt ) or NTC 103AT-2 (nt ).Via the parameter “i.uP”, it is possible to select the temperature unit of measurement the desired measurement resolution (C0=°C /1° ; C1=°C / 0.1° ; F0= °F / 1°; F1= °F / 0.1°).The instrument allows the measuring to be calibrated, that can beneeds, through the parameters “i.C1”.Using the parameter “i.Ft”, time).U.The display will alternately show:“Lt” and the lowest peak temperature “Ht ” and the highest peak temperature“Pr1” and the instant measured temperaturefor the time “r.t1”, then deactivates it for the time “r.t2” and so on whilst the error remains.Programming “r.t1” = oF the output in probe error condition will remain switched off.Programming instead “r.t1” to any value and “r.t2” = oF the output in probe error condition will remain switched on.Remember that the temperature regulation function can be conditioned by the “Compressor Protections”, “Delay at power on”and “Desfrost” functions.4.4 - COMPRESSOR PROTECTION FUNCTION AND DELAY AT POWER-ONThe function “Compressor Protection” aims to avoid close start ups of the compressor controlled by the instrument in cooling applications.This function foresees 3 time controls on the switching on of the output associated with the temperature regulation request.The protection consists of preventing the output being switched on during the times set in the parameters “P.P1”, “P.P2” and “P.P3”and therefore that any activation occurs only after all the times has finished.4.5 - DEFROST CONTROLThe automatic control of defrost, that is by stopping compressor, occours by interval timesThe automatic defrost function is activate when at the parameter “d.di” is set the defrost interval time.The first defrost after swiching on can be set by par. “d.Sd”This allows to perform the first defrost to a different interval from "d.di." time.If it is desired that to every instrument power on a defrost cycle is realized program the par. "d.Sd" = oF.Instead= "d.di."Automatic defrost function is disable when “d.di” = oF.“d.dE”power on)4.5.1 - MANUAL DEFROSTdefrost and keep it pressed for about 5 seconds.4.5.2 - DEFROST DISPLAY LOCKThrough par. “d.dL” and “A.dA”behaviour during defrost.last temperature reading (“d.dL” =on par. "A.dA".Or it permits only the visualization of label “dEF”during the defrost cycle and, after the defrost, of label par. "A.dA".The display will otherwise (“d.dL”=4.6 - ALARM FUNCTIONSThe alarm conditions of the instrument are:- Probe errors “E1” , “-E1”- temperature alarms “Hi” and “Lo”The alarm functions of the instrument work on the led ALARM and on the internal buzzer, if present and configured via the parameter “o.bu”,The possible selections of the parameter “o.bu” are:= oF - Buzzer always disable= 1 - Buzzer signal active alarms only= 2 - Buzzer signal key pressed only (no alarm)= 3 - Buzzer signal active alarms and key pressedAny active alarm is shown on the instrument display with the lighting up of the ALARM led, the silenced alarm status is shown by the ALARM led flashing .The buzzer (if “o.bu” = 1 or 3) is activated in alarm and can be disabled (alarm silencing) manually by pressing any key of the instrument .4.6.1 - TEMPERATURE ALARMSmeasurement, the type of alarm set in the parameter alarm thresholds set in parameters “A.HA”“” (minimum alarm) and the relative differential absolute (“A.Ay”=1) or relative to the Set Point (“A.Ay”=2).enablement and the intervention of these alarms.These parameters are:“A.PA”switched on.time "A.PA" it is not considered.“A.dA”defrosting“A.At” - is the temperature alarm delay activation timeThe temperature alarm is enabled at the end of exclusion time and is enabled after the “A.At” time when the temperature measured bythe probe exceeds or goes below the respective maximum and minimum alarm thresholds.The alarm thresholds will be the same as those set on the by setting the relative parameters "A.HA" and "" = oF.4.7 - PARAMETERS CONFIGURATION BY “A01”The instrument is equipped with a connector that allows the trans-fer from and toward the instrument of the functioning parameters through the device A01 with 5 poles connector.This device it’s mainly useable for the serial programming of the instruments which need to have the same parameters configuration or to keep a copy of the programming of an instrument and allow its rapid retransmission.The same device A01 allows the USB connection to a PC and through the "TECNOLOGIC UniversalConf" configuration software it is possible to program all the instrument parameters.To access the connector it is necessary to remove power supply,remove the 2 screws on the upper side of the instrument and therefore remove the plastic cover.We recommends to supply A01 and the instrument by the provided power adaptor and DO NOT supply the instrument when the cover has been removed because there are live accessible parts at main voltage.Here below is a description of all the parameters available on the instrument. Some of them may not be present because depend on the model/type of instrument.oF oF/ 0.01 ÷ 9.59(min.sec ) ÷Out delay between switching-on P.P318oFoF/ 0.01 ÷ 9.59(min.sec ) ÷99.5(min.sec.x10)Out delay after switch off P.P217oF oF/ 0.01 ÷ 9.59(min.sec ) ÷ 99.5(min.sec.x10)Out delay at switch on P.P116P. parameters relative to compressor protection and power on delay oFoF - on - Lb Defrost display Lock oF= display freeon = Lock ontemperature Pr1before defrostLb = Lock on label“dEF” (duringdefrosting) and “PdF”(during post-defrosting)d.dL 15oFoF/ 0.01 ÷ 9.59(min.sec ) ÷ 99.5(min.sec.x10)Lenght of defrost cycle d.dE 14oFoF/ 0.01 ÷ 9.59(min.sec ) ÷ 99.5(min.sec.x10)Delay first defrost after power-on (oF = Defrost at power-on)d.Sd 13oFoF/ 0.01 ÷ 9.59(hrs.min. ) ÷99.5(hrs.min.x10)Defrosting interval d.di 12 d. - parameters relative to defrosting controlCH - C Output operating mode H= Heating C= Coolingr.HC 11oFoF/ 0.01 ÷ 9.59(min.sec ) ÷99.5(min.sec.x10)Output deactivation time for probe error r.t210oFoF/ 0.01 ÷ 9.59(min.sec ) ÷99.5(min.sec.x10)Output activation time for probe error r.t19 2.00.0 ÷ 30.0°C/°FDifferential(Hysteresis)r.d 8r. - parameters relative to temperature control0.0-30.0 ÷ 30.0°C/°FProbe Calibration i.C17 2.0oF ÷ 20.0secMeasurement filter i.Ft 6C1C0 / F0 / C1 /F1Unit of measurement and resolution (decimal point)C0 = °C with 1° res.F0 = °F with 1° res.C1 =°C with 0,1° res.F1 = °F with 0,1° res.i.uP 5nt Pt / nt Probes Type i.SE 4 i. -parameters relative to inputs0.0LS ÷ HS Set PointSP 399.9LS ÷ 999Maximum Set Point S.HS 2-50.0-99.9 ÷ HS Minimum Set Point S.LS 1 S. - parameters relative to Set PointNoteDef.Range Description Par.oFoF ÷ 999Access Password to parameter functionst.PP 30oFoF/ 0.01 ÷ 9.59(min.sec ) ÷30.0(min.sec.x10)Keyboard lock function delay t.Lo 29oFoF / 4(1 / 2 / 3 =don’t use)Function mode key U oF= No function 4= Switch on/Switch off (Stand-by)t.UF 28t. - parameters relative to configuration of the keyboard 3oF / 1 / 2 / 3 Buzzer function mode oF = disable1 = active alarms only2 = key pressed only3 = active alarms and key pressedo.bu 27o. -parameters relative to buzzer1.00oF/ 0.01 ÷ 9.59(hrs.min. ) ÷99.5(hrs.min.x10)Temperature Alarms delay and unlock display delay after defrost A.dA 26 2.00oF/ 0.01 ÷ 9.59(hrs.min. ) ÷99.5(hrs.min.x10)Temperature Alarms delay at power on A.PA 25oFoF/ 0.01 ÷ 9.59(min.sec ) ÷99.5(min.sec.x10)Temperature Alarms delay A.At 24 1.00.0 ÷ 30.0°C/°FTemperature Alarms Differential A.Ad 23oFoF / -99.9 ÷999 °C/°FLow temperature Alarm threshold 22oFoF / -99.9 ÷999 °C/°FHigh temperature Alarm threshold A.HA 2111 / 2(/ 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 /7 / 8 = don’t use)Temperature alarms Type:1 = Absolute 2 =Relative to Set A.Ay 20 A. - parameters relative to alarmsoFoF/ 0.01 ÷ 9.59(min.sec ) ÷99.5(min.sec.x10)Delay at power on P.od 1999.5(min.sec.x10)6.1 - SIGNALLINGReplace the instrument or ship to factory forrepairFatal memory error ErrPress key P Internal EEPROM memory error EPr Check the correct connection of the probe with the instrument and check the probe works correctly The probe may be interrupted (E) or in short circuit (-E), or may measure a value outside the range allowed E1-E1Action Reason Error Other Signalling:Minimum temperature alarm in progress LoMaximum temperature alarm in progress HiPost-defrosting in progress with “d.dL”=Lb PdFDefrosting in progress with “d.dL”=Lb dEF Keyboard lock Ln Delay at power-on in progress od ReasonMessageOperating temperature: 0 T 50 °COperating humidity: < 95 RH% without condensation Storage temperature: -25 T 60 °C Display resolution: 1 ° or 0,1° (range -99.9 ...99.9 °)Overall accuracy: +/- (0,5 % fs + 1 digit)Sampling rate: 130 ms.Display: 3 Digit Red (or Blue as option) h 15,5 mmSoftware class and structure : Class ACompliance: Directive 2004/108/CE (EN55022: class B; EN61000-4-2: 8KV air, 4KV cont.; EN61000-4-3: 10V/m; EN61000-4-4: 2KV supply and relay outputs, 1KV inputs; EN61000-4-5: supply 2KV com. mode, 1 KV\ diff. mode; EN61000-4-6: 3V);Directive 2006/95/CE (EN 60730-1, EN 60730-2-9).Regulation 37/2005/CE (EN13485 air, S, A, 2,- 50°C +90°C with probe NTC 103AT11).7.5 - INSTRUMENT ORDERING CODE W09- a b c d e f g h ii jja : POWER SUPPLYH = Supply 100..240 VACb : OUTR = Out Relay SPDT 8A-AC1c : BUZZER- = (No)B = Buzzerd, e, f, g, h : INTERNAL CODESii, jj : SPECIAL CODES。
DP25-TH Series Starts at
ߜ Thermistor Input (8 Types)
ߜ 4-Digit Display ߜ °C/°F Switchable ߜ Peak and Valley Recall ߜ Dual Programmable
45.00 + 0.61/-0.00 (1.772 + 0.024/-0.000
ON-404-PP, $140.
ON-405-PP, $70.
ON-408-PP, $156.
ON-409-PP, $62.
OMEGA® 400 Series thermistor probes sold separately. See page D-21.
96.0 (3.78)
See page G-44
for panel punches.
48.0 (1.89)
Outputs: 2 form “C” (SPDT) relays, rated 5 A, 250 Vac; programmable for active high/low alarms with latching/ non-latching relays
DP25-TH, $245, shown larger than actual size.
英⽂测距仪说明书Instruction For Digital Measuring WheelMain Features and Range1.Up to 999,999.9/Feet/Yards/Meters2.Measuring Accuracy: 99.9%3.Control panel on handle (reading without bending)4.Shown in a backlight function (for reading in darkness )5."Smart Wheel" (automatically includes wheel diometer for accurate wall-to-wall measurements)6.Area or Volume can be automatic computed by calculator in sets7.Units conversion: Meter/Foot/Yard; square meter/square yard/square acres; cubic meter/cubic foot/cubic yard8.Auto power off after 3 minutes of idleness9.Wheel size: circumference: 1m (39-3/8” ); diameter: 0.318m (12-9/16” )10.Maximum measuring speed: 13km/h11.Power: Four AAA 1.5V Duracell batteries12.Operating Temperature: -10~60 oC (14~140 o.F)13.Display Type: LCD display; 7 digits(0~ 999,999.9),Instructions for Buttons1. ON/OFF: power switch, press ON/OFF for turning on or turning off power,2. START/STOP: press START/STOP to set zero and it shows “ 0 m” for beginning measurement. Aftermeasuring ,Press this button and the data will be kept for reading.3. UNITS: measurement unit conversion4. L, W, H: L, W, H for keeping data and reading. When measuring, press L, W or H to keep data. L, W , H willbe shown on the LCD display. Before restarting, other data can not be kept. Press START /STOP to stop measuring for reading the stored data and L, W or H on LCD display will twinkle. Press again START/STOP to restart the measuring and new data can be kept.5. L*W: When data for L and W is stored, press START/STOP to stop measuring and read the measured area.6. L*W*H: When data for L,W, H is stored, press START/STOP to stop measuring and read the measuredvolume.7. HOLD: While measuring , press HOLD to keep the data. Press HOLD again it will quit.8. +D: The wheel diameter will be added to the measured value9. RESET: Delete the data for L, W and H. When it’s restarted , “0 m” will be displayed and ready for measuring.10. LIGHT: Press this button to turn on the backlight for reading in darkness. It will be off in 3 seconds.Attentions1. Don’t cleanse this precision device with organic solvent. Keep away from water and corrosive.2. While using, it will shut down if its button is not pressed in 3 minutes in order to save power. When the screen isnot bright or doesn’t work, it shows the batter is flat. Replace with 4 AAA 1.5V batteries. Take out the batteries if it’s not used for a long time in order to avoid the leakage of battery liquid.3. Keep this device indoors in -30 oC~+65 oC and relative humidity < 90%.。
TCR1102全站仪实用操作简明指导China ARSC (HK) Limited目录内容页码1. 一个测站的基本操作程序 1 2.常用操作方法2~7 3. 系统配置方法7~12 4.常用固定功能键13~15 5.几个实用程序15~24TCR1102全站仪实用操作方法1.一个测站基本操作程序:第一步:安置三角架,使脚架高度和角度适宜,顶面接近水平,中心接近点位;第二步:安置基座,调整脚螺旋,使光学或激光对中器中心对准测站中心,调整脚架,使圆水准器气泡居中;第三步:安置仪器并开机;第四步:使用电子水准器精确整平仪器,并检查和微调使仪器精确对中;第五步:建立测量文件(Meas.Job 记录测量数据),一般要求按如下命名规则建立文件:×××MMDD.GSI其中:×××为CADD作业员或观测员姓名缩写,MM为两位数字月份,DD为两位数字日期。
第六步:建立或选择数据文件(Data.Job 包含控制点坐标的数据文件);第七步:选择EDM测距方式和反射棱镜方式:第八步:设置测站和定向;第九步:输入记录点号、编码和目标高度;第十步:测量和记录。
2.常用操作方法:2·1 开机on关机◎←+ ◎on ——F62·2 退出操作:分步返回前一显示菜单:ESC一步退回到主菜单:SHIFT + F62·3 照明设置:视窗下方面板白色操作区域第二个按钮,打开显示照明设置菜单(可随时调用)F2 ——显示板照明开关(DISP- 为开,DISP+ 为关)F4 ——十字丝照明开关(RETI- 为开,RETI+ 为关)F6 ——测距红激光开关(REDL- 为开,REDL+ 为关)F3 ——不要用F1 (OK)选择结束确认。
2·4 对中整平:1)如果使用光学对中器的基座,按正常操作进行。
2)如果使用激光对中器对中,操作步骤如下:开启对中整平设置面板F5 打开对中激光(L.PL+ 为关,L.PL-为开)先使基座大致对中后,打开激光对中整平设置显示界面,调整脚螺旋,使红激光小斑点对准标志中心,然后升降脚架,使电子整平图标中游动气泡(小圆)尽可能位于十字中心,使Tilt L和Tilt T值为最小。
IntroductionDear Customer,Thank you for purchasing our products. If you’re the first time using this product, please read the instruction, will help you skilled use of the instrument.Our aim is to constantly improve the company's products, so the product you use might be has a little difference from operation instruction. If there are changes to be made, we will use the attached way to inform you, please understanding! You have not clear place, please contact with the company the after-sale service, we will meet your requirements.Due to the input/output terminal, test column are possible with voltage, when you plug test line, power supply socket, will produce the spark, be careful to avoid electric shock, shock hazard, pay attention to safety!DisclaimerThis manual according to the existing information production, its contents are subject to change without prior notice. The company in writing the handbook of time already do our best to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the content, but the company do not take the responsibility of this manual wrong omission, inaccurate or false cause loss and damage to assume responsibility.ReadersThis manual reader’s object for this test instrument test technical personnel, as well as the configuration and the instrument of the test panel of administrator.Content introductionThis manual introduces in detail the installation of the product, measurement, use, maintenance, etc.GuaranteeOur company’s produces, in delivery within one month of the date, such as produ ct appear defect, a replacement. One year if the product appears defects, a free maintenance. More than one year if the product appear defects, shall be paid for the lifelong maintenance.Safety requirementsPlease read the following safety matters needing attention, in order to avoid personal injury, and to prevent the product or connected with any other products damaged. In order toavoid the possibility of danger, this product can only be within the prescribed scope of use.Only qualified technical personnel to implement maintenance.To prevent fire or personal injury:Use appropriate power cord. Can only use this product special, and accord with the product specifications of the power cord.Connected correctly and disconnect. When the test wire and charged terminal connection, please do not optional connect or disconnect test conductor.Product ground. This product in addition to through the power line earthed conductor earthed outside, product shell grounding column must be grounded. In order to prevent electric shock, the grounding conductor must be connected with the ground. With this product input or output terminal connection before, should ensure that the product has the correct ground.Notice that all terminal rating. In order to prevent fire or shock hazard, please note that this product all rating and mark. Before connection please read the product specification, in order to further understand the rating information.Please do not operations in an instrument cover. Such as cover or panel has been discharged, do not operate this product.Use appropriate fuse. Only can use with this product regulation type and rating of the fuse.Avoid contact with bare circuit and charged metal. Products are electric; do not touch bare contact and parts.In a suspicious failure, do not operate. If suspect the products are damaged, please the company maintenance personnel for inspection, do not continue to operate.Please do not in wet environment operation.Please do not in explosive environment operation.Keep product surface cleaning and drying.NoticeShould there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.The English version is for reference only.The manufacturer reserves the final interpretation right.CONTENTSⅠ. PRODUCT INTRODUCTION (1)Ⅱ. FEATURES (1)Ⅲ. PANEL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (2)Ⅳ. MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERS (3)Ⅴ. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (3)Ⅵ. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (5)Ⅶ. PRINT INSTRUCTIONS (8)Ⅷ. INTRODUCTIONS (9)Ⅸ. SERVICE CONDITIONS (10)Ⅹ. BRIEF TROUBLE SHOOTING (10)XI. NOTICE (10)XII. MAINTENANCE (11)XIII. TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE (11)XIV. UNPACKING AND INSPECTION (12)XV.OTHER (12)Ⅰ. Product IntroductionIt is the latest industry according to the national standard of testing and design of the test equipment, the safe and reliable, powerful, easy to use, simple maintenance, mainly used for all kinds of electrical appliances, electrical components, insulation materials by voltage of the dielectric strength test, evaluation of product insulation level, found that the test object insulation defects, measure overvoltage ability, is the electric power operation related departments, electrician electrical appliance manufacturing enterprise, metallurgy, coal mine, electrification railway related departments, scientific research units and institutions of higher learning should withstand voltage test equipment preferred products.Ⅱ. Features●V oltage, current, time, state information and prompt information data 4.7 feet daimio liquid crystal display, clear reading and directly;●All Chinese interfaces, the operation is simple and clear, can adapt to a variety of applications;●Light touching the key operation, all functions are controlled through the key setting, improved the security and reliability of products;●Full digital calibration mode, abandoned old potentiometer adjustment, field use is very convenient, easy to control the accuracy (this function with password protection);●Key directly set test transformer (this function with password protection), the connection of different voltage levels of tester, application freely and truly a console with many sets of transformer matched use;●State remind function, all Chinese conductive operation, even in the absence of instructions cases can be well-trained operation;●Test process, the screen on the twinkling high pressure symbol display, constantly remind operators pay attention to safety;●Test results show that function, can automatic judgment test results (test through or test failure), and reliable record test product over current, flashover or breakdown of voltage;●Test results voice alarm function, test through or test failure, the equipment will producedifferent alarm sounds, test personnel can directly by the alarm sound identification test results;●Stop function, automatic control, this function can be realized at any point to step up or step down suspension, and pause time by test personnel mastering, convenient observation test product state;●Automatic timer function. Automatic control, when automatic voltage rise to set value, automatic equipment at the beginning of time, when the time to time, showing test results, the equipment to be automatic back to zero;●Manual timing function, manual control, the timer can be manual start, when the pressure time, equipment, automatic back to zero (only desktop devices have this function);●Manual control mode, the model similar to the traditional electric liters/dropping way, increase/decrease the button control, equipment, automatic judgment/lower limit position, overvoltage protection;●Booster speed intelligent control, when the voltage to achieve target voltage 80%, booster speed will be slow down, when achieve voltage 90%, booster speed slow further;●The hardware and software anti-interference technologies, stable performance, strong anti-jamming.Ⅲ. Panel schematic diagramFigure 3-1 panel schematic diagram(Tiny chromatic aberration, takes material object as the standard)Ⅳ. Main technical parameters1. Rated capacity (General Parameters)1kV A、2kV A、3kV A、5kV A、10kV A、15kV A、20kV A、30kV A、50kV A、100kV A、150kV A、200kV A、300kV A、500kV A2. The following is 5 kV A technology parameters● Low voltage current: 22.7A●Low voltage: 0 ~ 220V●High-voltage current: 0~ 1000mA●High voltage: 0 ~ 50kV●V oltage measurement accuracy:1.0 %FS ±3d●Current measurement accuracy:1.0%FS ±3 d●Time length:0 ~999 S(Special model can be used to work long hours)●Supply voltage:AC220V ±10%, 60Hz±1 Hz● Environmental conditions:ambient temperature 0~50 ℃RH ≤85 RHⅤ. Operating instructionsFigure 5-1 keyBooster button, manual control mode, press ↑, high voltage will con tinue to step up, loosen the stop booster, if already to upper limit will no longer booster.Decompression button, manual control mode, press ↓, high voltage will continue to decompression, loosen the stop dropping, if already to lower limit will no longer decompression.Pause button, whenpress this button, the voltage regulatorwill stop booster and decompression. This function is particularly suitable for automatic control mode, when the voltage in the automatic rise, push down this button, the equipment will be suspended booster, again according to the button, the voltage will continue to rise to a set voltage. Users can use this button to agile, let the automatic control process become more perfect.Manual timing button, when work in manual mode, press this button, can activate pressure time.Figure 5-2 operation key panelReset key: used for program reset.Function key: can confirm change setting; Can sequential transformation parameters set items.Shift key: change in setting for mobile is set a; Used for switching voltage value of the ac, dc display mode (in measuring state).Reduce the key: change set, used to reduce was set to a value; Used to switch display the measurement process of voltage and current peak (in measuring state).Increase the key: change set, used to increase was set to a value; Used for peak keep function whether start (in measuring state).Multiply keyReduce keyShift keyFunction keyReset keyRSTSETⅥ. Operating instructions1.The boot screenOpen the equipment power switch, the equipment into the boot screen, in the boot screen, it will show manufacturer's information.The boot screen2. Main menuBoot after waiting for a few seconds, the equipment into the main menu, as the chartMain menupressor ,Can choose the function of the need ,press Can enter thecorresponding interface.SET Company Name:********MAIN MENU1>AC WITHSTAND TEST (AUTO)2>AC WITHSTAND TEST (MANUAL)3>SETTINGS1> AC test - automaticallySettings interface 1According to the cursor :Press the parameters can be switch between each other ; Press will quit setup interface, return to the main interface.Press can move the cursor position;When “ TO START,”RST ”TO ESCAPE ” turns to “ ”Can start test ;press and , can increase or decrease the cursor the correspondingdata ;Settings interface2According to the test process ,Equipment will stop test, automatic back to zero.SET RSTHV PRESENTAC TEST VOL 0.0kV LOAD CURRENT : 0mA TEST TIME : 0 secPRESS KEY TO END TESTAC WITHSTANDS TEST (AUTO)AC TEST VOL 00.0kV OVERCUR TRIP 0mADWELL TIME 000secNote: pressure time to, but not happened current, flashover, breakdown and abnormal phenomena, equipment, automatic display "test through the" interface; If the booster or pressure in the process, and happened current, flashover, breakdown and abnormal phenomena, equipment, automatic display "test failure" interface.2> AC test - manualSettings interface 1press can move the cursor position;When “" turns topresscan start testWorking interfaceHV PRESENTAC TEST VOL 0.0kVLOAD CURRENT: 0mATEST TIME: 0 sec↑/↓TO RAISE/LOWER VOLPRESS KEY TO END TESTAC WITHSTANDS TEST (AUTO)Connect Water Resistance!OVERCUR TRIP 011 mADWELL TIME 000secPress ,High voltage will continue to step up, loosen the stop booster, and if already to upper limit will no longer booster.Press ,High voltage will continue to decompression, loosen the stop dropping, if already to lower limit will no longer decompression.According to the test process press ,Equipment will stop test, automatic back to zero.NOTICE :Before starting the please restore pause key position, test process like the discovery.Start after test indicates that the data without any reaction or in the test ,process test voltage did not arrive at set voltage, please timely check pause key position.Ⅶ. Print instructionsAccording to the test after completion press key into print programNotice :Enter data printing, only to the current results are printed. The user before the test directly into print state print, at this time the printed data is zero.Print style as below:Input Numbers of Test 000000Ⅷ. Introductions1. According to related regulations set good site, then good equipment attachment, conditional area should be especially responsible for security personnel present direction. The controller on the ground end and earth screen is linked together, will transformer grounding end and earth screen is linked together, to ensure that the two-ground end of reliable connection in the same earth screen.2. Connect the power cord. Turn on the power switch, the power indicator light is lit. If it is not zero, the system will automatically return to zero.3. Press“”key ,main contactor suction close, voltage regulator began to work.4. When the voltage to set value, the timer will automatically timing, when time-to-time, voltage regulator to be automatic back to zero, and disconnect main contractor. Screen shows "test through the" interface, test object qualified.5. In the test process ,press “”key ,the system will stop working, automatic back to zero.6. In the booster or pressure in the process, such as short-circuit, flashover, breakdown and over current protection, system startup, main contactor disconnect instantly, voltage regulator to be automatic back to zero. Screen shows "test failure" interface, test object is unqualified.AC WITHSTAND TEST PRODUCT NUMBERS : 0000000000 TEST NUMBERS :0000000 OPERATOR NUMBERS :000000 TEST VOLTAGE :0.0 kVLOAD CURRENT ;0 mADWELL TIME: 000 secⅨ. Service conditionsAmbient temperature:-10--40℃Altitude:<1000MRH:<85%Using the facilities shall be no serious influence of the insulation gas, steam, chemical dust and it explosive and corrosive medium.Ⅹ. Brief trouble shootingFaultphenomenonReason analysis Exclusion methods NoteBoot up without any display 1)power disconnected Power-onInsurance replacement pipeshould be replaced theinsurance tube cannot useother model instead of.2) Instrument Insurance tubenot installed or open circuitReinstall the insurance tube orchange insurance tubeOutput voltage cannot reach the rating 1)Input voltage is not consistent According to the nameplate voltage2)On display for currentindicatorWhether the display value is greaterthan the setting valueNo current voltage indicator 1)Equipment internal plug inlooseInspection equipmentDebugging2)Test loop have open circuitfaultCheck test circuit ruled out opencircuit faultXI. NoticeTo you and the safety equipment, please operate personnel carefully to read the content:1. Test cabinet must be reliable grounding.2. Test cannot be irrelevant goods piled up in the equipment panel and the surrounding.3. Before starting the please check the power supply voltage: communication 220V±10% 50Hz.4. Insurance replacement pipe and fittings. Please use and the instrument of the same type.5. The instrument note moisture proof, prevent oil pollution.6. Test please confirms measured equipments have been without electricity, and with other charged equipment off.7. Before starting the please check output knob is in the zero.XII. Maintenance1.Verify the device availabilityInstrument before use first observation instrument appearance to see if there is any breakage. After electrify inspection instrument meter have display, display is complete, for a long time without use of the instrument should also check the output part of the terminal is rust, aging phenomenon, or should be clear in time in good condition to use. When used please refer to "operation" method.2.Equipment maintenanceEvery time after the completion of the test, cleaning instrument terminal on attachment, power off, disconnect the power supply plug, cover case cover, placed in dry clean, ventilation no corrosive gas indoor.3. Insurance tube replacement methodIn the insurance holder, open spare fuse, replacement.XIII. Transportation and storage■TransportationEquipment are in need of transportation, it is suggested that the use of the company instrument packing box and the damping goods in transit, in order to avoid unnecessary damage, give you cause needless loss.Equipment in transit don't use wooden cases, are not allowed to stack emission. Use this instrument the packing cases allow the highest stacking layer number is 2.Transportation equipment on the way, panel should be up.■ StorageEquipment should be placed in dry clean, ventilation no corrosive gas indoor. There is no packed in wooden cases, are not allowed to stack emission.Equipment storage, the panel should be up. And in the bottom of the equipment mat moisture items, prevent moisture equipment.XIV. Unpacking and inspection■ Unpacking the matters needing attentionPlease make sure the equipment before opening the arrow mark should be up. When unpacking please does not force hammer, in order to avoid damage to the equipment. Unpacking take out equipment, and keep the equipment packing and shock items, which is convenient for your future in transportation and storage, use and protect the environment effect.■ Examination contentWhen unpacking the case out equipment, in accordance with the packing list inventory equipment and accessories. Such as the discovery of shortage, please immediately contact with the company, my company will provide service for you in time as soon as possible.XV.OtherThis product is the machine is guaranteed for one year, implement "3 packets", lifelong maintenance during the warranty period, the company all the equipment quality problems, provide free maintenance. Because the user improper operation or damage carelessly, provide preferential service.。
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CL02-K1 series intelligence CL02 controlleroperation instruction常州江南电力环境工程有限公司CHANGZHOU JIANGNAN ELECTRIC POWERENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CO.LTDCL02-K series intelligence CL02 controlleroperation instruction1.The instrument integrated function overview 1). This instrument suits control study clo2 generators. (Automatic/ manual)2). Input temperature probe model is PT100,the scope of measuring is during 0-100 ℃,and the resolution is 0.1℃.3). One analog quantity input is received 4--20mA or 1--5V signal to connect the residual cl(clo2) sensor(0-2.0mg/L,0-10mg/L etc)or clo2 sensor, the resolution is 0.01mg/L.4). The analog signal outputs in two way : one way outputs 4--20mA current signal to control the metrological pump(or Frequency converter) with 4--20mA input interface ; another way outpyts 1-255N/M(number/minute) pulse signal to control the working frequency of metrological pump with pulse interface, usually the pump’s accepted frequency is in 0--120 N/M, can change according to following settings, the taking empty ratio of pulse is 50%,and the pulse is switch quantity output(NPN is opened frequently ),can activate the pump directly.5) There are 4 way contact inputs such as HCL, Naclo3, heating area and pressure table, if have any a contact to break ,the equipment stops to warn ( close material measure pump power , close general entering watervalve ) and show fault number, at the same time alarm contact close. 6) Hving the sensor power source of 24 V, offer drive current 24 V/100 mA, directly supplying remaining cl probe.7) Cntroller has the switched function of automation or manual, the manual way is each to control , and the auotomatic way is running according to the setting parameter.8) Hving a function that when unused, first stop the pump of material , delay time to cut off the water .9)The pump of HCL,Naclo3 pump and the reserve ( stir generator )is controlled by relay ,220V/A; electricity heat up is by without contact firmly form relay 220 V/ 6 A ( heating working start to stop frequently ) 10)Power-down memory parameter , remember the working state before power-down, after power source resumes , resume the work state before power-down.2.connecting the wire of controller instruction 1) K1 wiring figured diagram(picture CLO2-K1)12344321DCBAElectric valve opened completelyElectric valve closed completely valve openvalve closeM132465Electric valveCOMMON COM X0X1X2X3HCL BOX LOW POSITIONCOMMONNaclo3 BOX LOW POSITIONLOW WATER-ENTERED PRESSURE ALARMREMOTE STARTING1314151617LED Show key indicatorHeating controlL N12L NY7N34PT1PT21112AC220V/10APT100 temperature signalHCL pumpNaclo3 pump Spare579Y2Y3Y4Y5Alarm output1920Y5COM2X6X7Y0Y1A2A3A5A6NCOMCOM0A4FU12AN N6810COM COMMON18A1Aviation plug JXB -6JXB -6COM COMMONFU16AL N2) k3 wiring figured diagram (picture CLO2-K3)3)Wiring terminal instructionIn picture the entered water valve of water shooter adopts electric valve ( can also adopts electromagnetism valve ), controls two measure pumps,a stirs generator , and an electrical heating pipe.3. Button function and parameter set1. Operating faceplate instruction"Power source" controls entire controller power source. The control system has" manual/ automatic" working way.By hand measure pump and reserve ( stir generator ) , electrical heating pipe and electric valve respectively correspond manual “open” “close”movement, every movement correspond a indicator lamp, lamp lights indicate working, or puts out indicate stopped.In automatic way the switch of by hand is useless, the corresponding instruction light indicate the current control working state.Alarm: has beep meanwhile shows the fault code2.Data settingShow code Function name scope OutgoingvalueUnit Reference columnCd00RetainCd 01 Delay time to alarm whenmedical box in low position andstop automatic way0-9999 5 S HCL and Naclo3 box delay atthe same timeCd 02 Delay time when medical box inhigh position and stop automaticway0-9999 5 S HCL and Naclo3 box delay atthe same timeCd 03 Delay time to alarm whenwater-entering port in lowpressure and stop automatic way0-9999 5 S Alarm in low water pressureCd 04 Delay time when reacted box inlow liquid position;Delay time when water-bathheating box unwatered;0-9999 5 S Alarm when water-bath heatingbox or reacted box unwateredCd 05 Set time of automatic agitating 0-9999 600 M =0 enter the automaticunagitating movement=9999 enter the automaticagitating openedCd 06 Delay time of closing valvewhen machine stopsautomatically0-9999 10 MCd 07 delay time of temperatureheating error judgement0-9999 120 M Controllers alarm and stop ifthe temperature does’t come tosetting value in setting timeCd 08 Temperature difference ofautomatic heating0-100 5 ℃Heat when temperature lowerthan Cd09-Cd08Cd 09 Setting temperature ofautomatic heating0-100 35 ℃Temperature output stop whenover the value in automationCd 10 Manual heating temperatureupper value0-100 50 ℃Temperature output stop whenover the value by handCd 11 Delay time when electric valve’s movement isn’t inposition 0-9999 0 S Set 0 as not detecting positionand as valve controllingCd 12 Highest temperature 0-100 80 ℃when over the value heatingstop,heating system may haveerrorCd 13 Delay time of stopping machinewhen remaining cl come toupper value0-9999 5 S when over the value ,cldetecting system may haveerrorCd14RetainCd15RetainCd16RetainCd17RetainCd 18 Delay time of error record0-9999 5 S Delay time of error signalmaintainingCd 30 Operationa period of PIDself-regulated0-9999 1 SCd 32 Remaining chlorine signal toadjust 00-9999 157 -- Remaining chlorine signal nullcalibrates and full calibratesCd 33 Remaining chlorine signalto adjust full0-9999 3260 --Cd 34 Flow signal to adjust 00-9999 157 -- Flow signal null calibrates andfull calibratesCd35Flow signal to adjust full 0-9999 3260 --Cd 36 Setting remaining cl valueautomatically0-9999 400 Mg/L Show the point positionCd 37 Measurement pump highestoutput frequency0-500 120 N/M Measurement pumpcalibration highest workfrequencyCd 38 Automatic work way 0-2 1 - 0-flow is direct proportion tooutput1-remaining cl automaticcontrol(negative feedback)2-remaining cl upper limit andlower limitCd 39 Measurement pump regulatesoutput frequency by hand0-500 100 N/M Measurement pump workfrequencyCd 40 Highest flow 0-9999 1000 T/H Biggest flow isincorrespondence withmeasurement pump biggestoutput frequencyCd 41 Show way 0-3 1 0-set frequency by hand;1-remmaining cl show2-floe show;3-measurementpump frequencyCd 42 Remaining cl show the pointposition0-3 4 2 0-Don’t show1-Show at2-Show at十位3-Show at百位4- show at千位Cd43Flow show the point position 0-3 2 2Cd 44 Highest remaining cl value 0-9999 1.000 Mg/L Alarm and stop when over thesettingCd 45 analog signal output functionselection0-3 3 - 0-temperature signal 1-remaining clsignal 2-flow signsl 3-measurementpump output frequencyCd46Output adjust to 0 0-9999 1000 %Cd47Output adjust to full 0-9999 1000 %Cd48retainCd 49 Valve open/close selection inautomatic way0-1 1 0=close1=openCd 51 In automation 1inverseproportion toregulate maxmumvalue respondscopeCd 38=1This twoparametersremainavailability,cl PIDparametersettingoption0-9999 100 Mg/LCd 52 Regulate beyondmaxmum valuerespond time inproportion0-9999 1000 秒Cd 53 Automation 2remaining cl upperlimitCd38=2This twoparametersremainavailability0-9999 0.500 Mg/L Lower than floor level startup,Higher than upper limit stopAfter starting output frequencyis setting frequency in Cd39Cd 54 Automation 2remaining cl lowerlimit0-9999 0.300 Mg/LCd 55 In automation 1measurementpump outputlower limitCd 38=1This twoparametersremainavailability0-100 100 % Adding functionCd 56 In automation 1measurementpump outputupper limit0-100 15 %Cd 70 Largetemperaturedeviation(B)TemperaturePIDparameterSettingopitionCd 79=0CD70-CD85Functionineffective0-100.0 25.0 ℃(fast regulate scope)Cd 71 Smalltemperaturedeviation(A)0-100.0 10.0 ℃(accuracy regulate scope)Cd 72 Rigid scope 1 +1.1 ℃Suggest not to change this twoparametersCd73Rigid scope 2 0.5 ℃Cd 74 Stop heatingwhen temperatureis over deviation2.0 ℃Cd 75 Deviation oftemperature fastrising0.4 ℃Cd 76 Smallest PID 5 % Function when first startmachineCd77Initial PID 30 % First output when start machineCd 78 Biggest outputtaking emptyratio100 %Cd 79 Heating PIDmode selection0-3 0 - 0-not used 1-manual2-automatic 3-all usedCd 80 Time oftemperaturerising too fast 10-255 5 秒(fast regulate scope) over thedeviation(B)Cd 81 Time oftemperaturerising too slow 10-255 6 秒(fast regulate scope) over thedeviation(B)Cd 82 Time oftemperaturerising too fast 20-255 12 秒(coarse regulate scope)deviation(B-A)Cd 83 Time oftemperaturerising too slow 20-255 16 秒(coarse regulate scope))deviation(B-A)Cd 84 Time oftemperaturerising too fast 30-255 15 秒(accuracy regulate scope) lessthan deviation(A)Cd 85 Time oftemperaturerising too slow 30-255 20 秒(accuracy regulate scope) lessthan deviation(A)Cd86Temperature fall 3.0Cd 95 Local communicate number 0-255 0 Set number of communicatingwith remote mainframeCd 90 Temperature show coefficientsetting0-999 100 % Temperature show regulationCd 91 Remaining cl show coefficientsetting0-999 100 % Signal measurement rangeselectionCd 92 Flow show coefficient setting 0-999 100 % Signal measurement rangselectionCd 96 Select function of temperaturesignal break alarm0-1 1 - 0-alarm when wire break,1- don’t alarm when wire breakCd 97 Last point of temperature showselection0-1 0 - 0-don’t show the last point1- show the last pointCd 98 Temperature adjust to 0 0-9999 510 - Temperature signal nullcalibrates and full calibratesCd99Temperature adjust to full 0-9999 5100 -Cd A0Protect time of factory equity 0-9999 -- H 0-Non-function1-Timed3.Parameters setting stepStepOperation Show Instruction1 Connect power Actualtemperatu-re2 《PRG》key、continuing 3 SCd00 Show function code3 ∧Cd01 Delay time to alarm when HCLmedical box in low position4 《SET》key,continuing 1.5S0005 Read the setting time 5S5 《∧》and 《∨》、《SET/》key0010 Change to 10S6 《SET》key ,continuing 1.5S Cd01 Make sure the setting value and storethe value, return to section setting7 《∧》key Cd02 Delay time to alarm when Naclo3medical box in low position8 《SET》key,continuing 1.5S0005 Read the setting time 5S9 《∧》and 《∨》、《SET/》key0012 Change to 12S10 《SET》key ,continuing 1.5S Cd02 Make sure the setting value and storethe value, return to section setting11 《PRG》keycontinuing 3 S ActualtemperatureFinish the setting and exit state ofsettingOther parameters can finish the operation according to function to repeat step 2-64.Temperature setting shortcutstep operation show instruction1 Connect the power Actualtemperature2 《∧》key、continuing 3S 0035 Read the setting show thesetting temperature is 35℃3 《∧》和《∨》《SET/》key0038 Change to 38℃4 《SET》keycontinuing 1.5SActualtemperatureMake sure the setting value andstore the value, return to setting4.Error show and solution5.Controller input/output signalprojectINPUT OUTPUTTempe-raturesignalLiquidlevel 、valve、AlarmsignalFlowsigna-lRemai-ningclsignalPowe-rMeasurementpumpagitatingElect-icvalveHeatingMeasurement pump control signalPulse signa-lAnalogsignalErrorcodeError reason solutionEr01 HCL box low position Add the material in HCL boxEr02 Naclo3 box low position Add the material in Naclo3 boxEr03 Low water-entered pressure Check the water source pressure、water-entered valve、pressure table whether breakEr04 Can't come to thesetting temperatureduring the setting time Check heating board whether normal work (replace the heating board)Check sensor fixed seat ,(regulate the seat),Check temperature setting value whether too big(adjust setting value),Check fuse whether disconnect(change the fuse)Er05 After action electrical valve can't reach during thesetting time Check valve action time wether too short(adjust setting value) Check valve whether having error(change valve)Er06 Alarm when temperature signal break temperature sensor damage or model does not match ( change temperature sensor )Er07 Alarm for short of materal Reacted box is short of material or water-bath heating is lack of water Er08 Liquid level waits torecoverMedical box liquid level's fluctuation waits to recoverEr09 If remaining cl outrunupper limit ,stop thecontrollerDetected remaining cl signal outrun setting value,or sensor daamagedEr0A If temperature outrun upper limit ,alarm and stop thecontroller Check upper temperature setting value wether too small(adjust to setting value),Temperature sensor damage or mode does not matchActual temperature uncontrolled ,check correlative setting parameters or contact with factoryEr0b Error contact and keepstopping machineEr0A ,Er06,Er04 generated(and keep,need to break the power to reset)power specification Rated voltage eque-cy DC12VLess thanDC36VAC220V(±10%)50Hz/60Hzblink power-down in 200ms,machine continue runningOutput protect (5Φ×20mm glass fuse)250V/2A250V/6ASensor power Less than DC12V/50mADC24V/100mA--------------Input andoutput signal voltage DC5VDC12V±10%DC24V±10%220V±10% 24V 0-20MaInput andoutput signal current ---- 7Ma/DC12V25mA/DC24V10A 1A 1A 6A <5mA0-10V〈10mAInputandoutputanswered time0.5S 200ms 1S 200ms 〈500N/M 20ms Inputand output signal form AnaloginputSwitchinput(NPNopened ofenornon-powercontactsignalAnaloginput-- Relay outputNocontactsolidstateColle-tion outputvoltagecurrentInput andoutput circuit insulati on Light coupler insulation ----Trans-formerLight coupler insulation ----Inputand output action indicate DigitalshowCorresponde-nt LEDindicateDigitalshow—LED indicate whenoutpputDigital showInput and outputpoint1 4 1 1 1 32 1 20-10V/1 point 0-20mA/1point6.Function instruction and fixed way1.Faceplate layout drawing2.Fixed sizeThe controller is enclosed with ABS plastic canister,size is 288*208,the maked hole size is 265*187.The controller is fixed at the back with fixed cantilever, is suitable to inlay assembly,as following picture.3.Wire terminal picture 1 Npower2L3 AElectric heating4 N5 A SPARE6 ANaclo3 pump7 N 8 A Hcl pu mp 9 N10 AAlarm output 220V/10A power input Control electric heatingControl Naclo3measurement pumpControl Hclmeasurem ent pumpAlarm opene d often output20 HCL low position 19 commo n 18Naclo3 low positio n17commo n16lowwater-entere d pressure15Remote starting14 Com -mon 13 PT 112 PT211CHcl box liquid level signalNaclo3 box liquid level signal water-entered pressure signal remote starting signalTemperat ure sensor signalAlarm output4.Electric valve wire-connecting figured diagram123321DCBAVALVE OPENED COMPLETELY VALVE CLOSED COMPLETELYVALVE OPENVALVE CLOSEM132465ELECTRIC VALVECOMMONAVIATION PLUGBROWN YELLOW BLUERED BLACKGREEN5.A/D wire-connecting picture 1(remaining cl equipment/remaining clprobe connection)6. A/D wire-connecting picture 2(flow signal connection)7. D/A wire-connecting picture 1(pulse measurement pump connection)8. D/A wire-connecting picture 2(4-20MA signal measurement pump connection)9.Select mode guidebookoption mode Flow remainingcl showMeasurementpump speedcontrloTemperature showheatingcontrolMeasurement pumpagitatin-g motorElectricvalveLiquidlevelalarminputCommunica-teinterfaceShowwayClo2-K1 - ※※※※※LED Clo2-K2/K5 - - ※※※- LED Clo2-K3 ※※※※※※LED Clo2-K6 ※※※※※- LCD The controller provide with communication demonstration software for special purpose,through communication cable , can direct control such as measurementpump ,heater,and meawhile can monitor the parameters such asflow,remaining cl,temperature ,can read or write all the setting parameters of system.This controler can realize data monitoring through communication interface and upper computer ,if need to related communicationagreement ,contact with our company.。