四川省营山县回龙中学2014-2015学年高二6月阶段测试数学试题word版 含答案

四川省营山县回龙中学2015-2016学年下期高一6月检测数学试卷注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)一、选择题:共12题每题5分共60分1.已知全集U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7},M={3,4,5},N={1,3,6},则集合{2,7}=A. B. C. D.【答案】B【解析】本题考查集合的基本运算.因为U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, M={3,4,5},N={1,3,6},所以,, 所以{2,7}.选B.【备注】集合的基本运算为高考常考题型,要求熟练掌握.2.设全集U=则B等于A.{3}B.{2,3}C.D.{0,1,2,3}【答案】B【解析】本题主要考查集合的基本运算.全集U=,则,则B3.已知,则的值为A. B. C. D.【答案】B【解析】本题主要考查同角三角函数关系式.因为,所以4.已知函数的图象上关于轴对称的点至少有3对,则实数的取值范围是A. B. C. D.【答案】D【解析】本题主要考查函数的图象与性质以及零点.当a>1时,显然不成立;当0<a<1时,作出函数的图象,再作出关于y轴的对称图象,观察图象可知,解得.5.下列函数中,既是奇函数又是增函数的为A. B. C. D.【答案】D【解析】本题主要考查函数的性质.因为函数是奇函数,所以排除A、C,又因为函数是增函数,所以排除B,故选D.6.下列函数中,在区间(0,+∞)上存在最小值的是A. B. C. D.【答案】A【解析】本题考查函数的最值.因为,在(0,+∞)上取不到最小值,排除B,C,D;A中在处取得最小值0.选A.7.f(x)=是定义在上是减函数,则的取值范围是A.[B.[0,]C.(0,)D.(-【答案】A【解析】本题主要考查函数的性质,考查了分析问题与解决问题的能力.因为f(x)是定义在上是减函数,所以,解得8.在直角坐标系中, 如果两点在函数的图象上,那么称为函数的一组关于原点的中心对称点(与看作一组).函数关于原点的中心对称点的组数为A.1B.2C.3D.4【答案】B【解析】本题主要考查自定义问题以及函数的图象与性质,考查了问题与解决问题的能力.如图所示,作出函数的图象,根据题意,观察图象可知,函数关于原点的中心对称点的组数为2.9.已知奇函数在上单调递增,且,则不等式的解集是A. B.C. D.【答案】C【解析】本题主要考查函数的奇偶性、单调性以及抽象函数的性质以及函数图象的平移变换,考查了分析问题与解决问题的能力.因为奇函数在上单调递增,且,所以x>2或—2<x<0时,;x<—2或0<x<2时,.所以的解为,因为函数的图象向右平移1个单位长度可得到函数的图象,所以的解是,因此答案为C.10.将两个数交换,使,下面语句正确的一组是A. B. C. D.【答案】B【解析】本题主要考查利用算法交换两个数的位置.根据题意,答案为B.【备注】在交换两个数的位置时,首先用一个字母储存其中一个数,然后将另一个数储存到第一个字母中,再将储存的数储存到第二个字母中即可11.用秦九韶算法求多项式的值时,A.-3B.4C.-8D.-5【答案】C【解析】本题主要考查秦九韶算法.==,根据秦九韶算法可得:,,,,,故选C.12.已知,则的大小关系为A.c<b<aB.c<a<bC.D.【答案】A【解析】本题考查指数函数与对数函数的性质.第II卷(非选择题)二、填空题:共4题每题5分共20分13.已知函数,则_______;若关于的方程有4个不同的实数根,则的取值范围是_______.【答案】1,【解析】本题主要考查函数的图象与性质、求值、零点,考查了分析问题与解决问题的能力.由题意可得,;设t=,则,由图象可得,当m=时,t有两个解;当m时,t有一个解;当m0时,t有三个解; 当m>0时,t有两个解;当m时,t=最多有两个根;当m=时,t=有两个实根;当时,,当时,判别式小于等于0,最多有一个解,因此有四个根;当时,判别式大于0,有六个根;当m>0时,即t>0,t=有四个不同的实根,综上可得,m的取值范围是14.函数的单调增区间为,值域为 .【答案】,【解析】本题主要考查函数的性质以及对数函数的性质.因为,所以2<x<3,根据复合函数的单调性可得函数的单调增区间为,又因为,则值域为15.计算: = .【答案】【解析】本题考查指数、对数的运算..16.若函数的最小值为2,则函数的最小值为.【答案】2【解析】本题主要考查函数的性质以及函数图象的平移变换.因为函数的图象可以由函数的图象向右平移2015个单位得到,又因为函数的最小值为2, 则函数的最小值为2.三、解答题:共6题每题12分共72分17.已知函数.(1)当时,化简的解析式并求的对称轴和对称中心;(2)当时,求函数的值域.【答案】(1)当时,令,即即函数的对称轴方程为;令,即;即函数的对称中心为此时,,则则值域为.【解析】本题主要考查三角函数的同角三角函数关系式、和差角公式以及三角函数的性质,考查了分析问题与解决问题的能力.(1)利用同角三角函数的关系化简可得,再根据角的范围与和差角公式可得,根据正弦函数的对称性求解即可;(2)根据角的范围化简可得,再利用三角函数的性质求值域.18.已知二次函数).(1)若写出函数的单调递减区间;(2)若,若存在实数b使得函数在区间(0,2)内有两个不同的零点,求实数b的取值范围.【答案】解:(1)的单调递减区间是,(2),.【解析】本题考查函数的性质,函数与方程.19.已知函数的一系列对应值如下表:(1)根据表格提供的数据求函数的一个解析式;(2)根据(1)的结果,若函数周期为,当时,方程恰有两个不同的解,求实数的取值范围.【答案】(1)设的最小正周期为,得,又,解得.令,即,解得,∴.(2)∵函数的周期为,又,∴,令,∵,∴,如图,在上有两个不同的解,则,∴方程在时恰好有两个不同的解,则,即实数的取值范围是【解析】本题主要考查三角函数的图象与性质,考查了分析问题与解决问题的能力.(1)根据表格提供的数据可以求得周期、A、B的值,进而可以求出的值,即可求得函数的一个解析式;(2) 函数的周期为,即可求得k的值,再作出函数的图象,观察图象即可求得实数的取值范围.20.某服装厂生产一种服装,每件服装的成本为40元,出厂单价定为60元,该厂为鼓励销售商订购,决定当一次订购量超过100件时,每多订购一件,订购的全部服装的出厂单价就降低0.02元,根据市场调查,销售商一次订购量不会超过500件.(1)设一次订购量为x件,服装的实际出厂单价为y元,写出函数的表达式;(2)当销售商一次订购了450件服装时,该服装厂获得的利润是多少元?(服装厂售出一件服装的利润=实际出厂单价-成本)【答案】①当0<x≤100时y=60;当100<x≤500时y=60-0.02(x-100)=62-所以y=f(x)=(x∈N*)②设销售商一次订购x件时,工厂获得的利润为L元,则L=(y-40)x=(x∈N*)当x=450时,L=5850因此,当销售商一次订购450件服装时,该厂获得的利润是5850元【解析】本题主要考查函数模型的建造以及函数的性质.(1)根据蛱可知,当0<x≤100时y=60;当100<x≤500时y=60-0.02(x-100),即可求得解析式;(2) 设销售商一次订购x件时,工厂获得的利润为L元,则L=(y-40)x,由x=450时即可求出结果.21.已知函数(),相邻两对称轴之间的距离为.(1)求函数的解析式;(2)把函数的图象向右平移个单位,再纵坐标不变横坐标缩短到原来的后得到函数的图象,当时,求函数的单调递增区间.【答案】(1)因为相邻两对称轴之间的距离为,所以,所以(2)由题意可得:,则令,解之得:因为,所以的单调递增区间是和【解析】本题主要考查三角函数的对称性、周期性、单调性以及和差角公式与二倍角公式的应用,考查了图象的平移与伸缩变换,考查了分析问题与解决问题的能力.(1)利用二倍角公式与和差角公式化简可得,由相邻两对称轴之间的距离为即可求出函数周期,进而求出的值,即可得到函数解析式;(2)根据图象的平移与伸缩变换方法可得函数的解析式,再由三角函数的单调性即可求解.22.已知函数在其定义域.(1)求的值;(2)讨论函数在其定义域上的单调性;(3)解不等式.【答案】(1)因为所以(2)在上是增函数(3)因为所以因为在上是增函数所以,即所以所以不等式的解集为【解析】本题考查抽象函数求值、函数的单调性、一元二次不等式的解法,意在考查考生的运算求解能力及推理论证能力.(1)因为所以.(2)在上是增函数.(3)因为,所以因为在上是增函数从而得从而求得不等式的解集.。

四川省营山县回龙中学2015-2016学年下期高一6月检测数学试卷注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)一、选择题:共12题每题5分共60分1.已知全集U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7},M={3,4,5},N={1,3,6},则集合{2,7}=A. B. C. D.【答案】B【解析】本题考查集合的基本运算.因为U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, M={3,4,5},N={1,3,6},所以,, 所以{2,7}.选B.【备注】集合的基本运算为高考常考题型,要求熟练掌握.2.设全集U=则B等于A.{3}B.{2,3}C.D.{0,1,2,3}【答案】B【解析】本题主要考查集合的基本运算.全集U=,则,则B3.已知,则的值为A. B. C. D.【答案】B【解析】本题主要考查同角三角函数关系式.因为,所以4.已知函数的图象上关于轴对称的点至少有3对,则实数的取值范围是A. B. C. D.【答案】D【解析】本题主要考查函数的图象与性质以及零点.当a>1时,显然不成立;当0<a<1时,作出函数的图象,再作出关于y轴的对称图象,观察图象可知,解得.5.下列函数中,既是奇函数又是增函数的为A. B. C. D.【答案】D【解析】本题主要考查函数的性质.因为函数是奇函数,所以排除A、C,又因为函数是增函数,所以排除B,故选D.6.下列函数中,在区间(0,+∞)上存在最小值的是A. B. C. D.【答案】A【解析】本题考查函数的最值.因为,在(0,+∞)上取不到最小值,排除B,C,D;A中在处取得最小值0.选A.7.f(x)=是定义在上是减函数,则的取值范围是A.[B.[0,]C.(0,)D.(-【答案】A【解析】本题主要考查函数的性质,考查了分析问题与解决问题的能力.因为f(x)是定义在上是减函数,所以,解得8.在直角坐标系中, 如果两点在函数的图象上,那么称为函数的一组关于原点的中心对称点(与看作一组).函数关于原点的中心对称点的组数为A.1B.2C.3D.4【答案】B【解析】本题主要考查自定义问题以及函数的图象与性质,考查了问题与解决问题的能力.如图所示,作出函数的图象,根据题意,观察图象可知,函数关于原点的中心对称点的组数为2.9.已知奇函数在上单调递增,且,则不等式的解集是A. B.C. D.【答案】C【解析】本题主要考查函数的奇偶性、单调性以及抽象函数的性质以及函数图象的平移变换,考查了分析问题与解决问题的能力.因为奇函数在上单调递增,且,所以x>2或—2<x<0时,;x<—2或0<x<2时,.所以的解为,因为函数的图象向右平移1个单位长度可得到函数的图象,所以的解是,因此答案为C.10.将两个数交换,使,下面语句正确的一组是A. B. C. D.【答案】B【解析】本题主要考查利用算法交换两个数的位置.根据题意,答案为B.【备注】在交换两个数的位置时,首先用一个字母储存其中一个数,然后将另一个数储存到第一个字母中,再将储存的数储存到第二个字母中即可11.用秦九韶算法求多项式的值时,A.-3B.4C.-8D.-5【答案】C【解析】本题主要考查秦九韶算法.==,根据秦九韶算法可得:,,,,,故选C.12.已知,则的大小关系为A.c<b<aB.c<a<bC.D.【答案】A【解析】本题考查指数函数与对数函数的性质.第II卷(非选择题)二、填空题:共4题每题5分共20分13.已知函数,则 _______;若关于的方程有4个不同的实数根,则的取值范围是_______.【答案】1,【解析】本题主要考查函数的图象与性质、求值、零点,考查了分析问题与解决问题的能力.由题意可得,;设t=,则,由图象可得,当m=时,t有两个解;当m时,t有一个解;当m0时,t有三个解; 当m>0时,t有两个解;当m时,t=最多有两个根;当m=时,t=有两个实根;当时,,当时,判别式小于等于0,最多有一个解,因此有四个根;当时,判别式大于0,有六个根;当m>0时,即t>0,t=有四个不同的实根,综上可得,m的取值范围是14.函数的单调增区间为 ,值域为.【答案】,【解析】本题主要考查函数的性质以及对数函数的性质.因为,所以2<x<3,根据复合函数的单调性可得函数的单调增区间为,又因为,则值域为15.计算: = .【答案】【解析】本题考查指数、对数的运算..16.若函数的最小值为2,则函数的最小值为 .【答案】2【解析】本题主要考查函数的性质以及函数图象的平移变换.因为函数的图象可以由函数的图象向右平移2015个单位得到,又因为函数的最小值为2, 则函数的最小值为2.三、解答题:共6题每题12分共72分17.已知函数.(1)当时,化简的解析式并求的对称轴和对称中心;(2)当时,求函数的值域.【答案】(1)当时,令,即即函数的对称轴方程为;令,即;即函数的对称中心为(2)当时,此时,,则则值域为.【解析】本题主要考查三角函数的同角三角函数关系式、和差角公式以及三角函数的性质,考查了分析问题与解决问题的能力.(1)利用同角三角函数的关系化简可得,再根据角的范围与和差角公式可得,根据正弦函数的对称性求解即可;(2)根据角的范围化简可得,再利用三角函数的性质求值域.18.已知二次函数).(1)若写出函数的单调递减区间;(2)若,若存在实数b使得函数在区间(0,2)内有两个不同的零点,求实数b的取值范围.【答案】解:(1)的单调递减区间是,(2),.【解析】本题考查函数的性质,函数与方程.19.已知函数的一系列对应值如下表:(1)根据表格提供的数据求函数的一个解析式;(2)根据(1)的结果,若函数周期为,当时,方程恰有两个不同的解,求实数的取值范围.【答案】(1)设的最小正周期为,得,由,得,又,解得.令,即,解得,∴.(2)∵函数的周期为,又,∴,令,∵,∴,如图,在上有两个不同的解,则,∴方程在时恰好有两个不同的解,则,即实数的取值范围是【解析】本题主要考查三角函数的图象与性质,考查了分析问题与解决问题的能力.(1)根据表格提供的数据可以求得周期、A、B的值,进而可以求出的值,即可求得函数的一个解析式;(2) 函数的周期为,即可求得k的值,再作出函数的图象,观察图象即可求得实数的取值范围.20.某服装厂生产一种服装,每件服装的成本为40元,出厂单价定为60元,该厂为鼓励销售商订购,决定当一次订购量超过100件时,每多订购一件,订购的全部服装的出厂单价就降低0.02元,根据市场调查,销售商一次订购量不会超过500件.(1)设一次订购量为x件,服装的实际出厂单价为y元,写出函数的表达式;(2)当销售商一次订购了450件服装时,该服装厂获得的利润是多少元?(服装厂售出一件服装的利润=实际出厂单价-成本)【答案】①当0<x≤100时y=60;当100<x≤500时y=60-0.02(x-100)=62-所以y=f(x)=(x∈N*)②设销售商一次订购x件时,工厂获得的利润为L元,则L=(y-40)x=(x∈N*)当x=450时,L=5850因此,当销售商一次订购450件服装时,该厂获得的利润是5850元【解析】本题主要考查函数模型的建造以及函数的性质.(1)根据蛱可知,当0<x≤100时y=60;当100<x≤500时y=60-0.02(x-100),即可求得解析式;(2) 设销售商一次订购x件时,工厂获得的利润为L元,则L=(y-40)x,由x=450时即可求出结果.21.已知函数(),相邻两对称轴之间的距离为.(1)求函数的解析式;(2)把函数的图象向右平移个单位,再纵坐标不变横坐标缩短到原来的后得到函数的图象,当时,求函数的单调递增区间.【答案】(1)因为相邻两对称轴之间的距离为,所以,所以(2)由题意可得:,则令,解之得:因为,所以的单调递增区间是和【解析】本题主要考查三角函数的对称性、周期性、单调性以及和差角公式与二倍角公式的应用,考查了图象的平移与伸缩变换,考查了分析问题与解决问题的能力.(1)利用二倍角公式与和差角公式化简可得,由相邻两对称轴之间的距离为即可求出函数周期,进而求出的值,即可得到函数解析式;(2)根据图象的平移与伸缩变换方法可得函数的解析式,再由三角函数的单调性即可求解.22.已知函数在其定义域.(1)求的值;(2)讨论函数在其定义域上的单调性;(3)解不等式.【答案】(1)因为所以(2)在上是增函数(3)因为所以因为在上是增函数所以,即所以所以不等式的解集为【解析】本题考查抽象函数求值、函数的单调性、一元二次不等式的解法,意在考查考生的运算求解能力及推理论证能力.(1)因为所以.(2)在上是增函数.(3)因为,所以因为在上是增函数从而得从而求得不等式的解集.。
四川省营山县回龙中学2014-2015学年高二6月阶段测试物理试卷 (Word版

四川省营山县回龙中学2014-2015学年高二6月阶段测试物理试卷一、单选题(36分)1.如图所示,纵坐标表示两个分子间引力、斥力的大小,横坐标表示两个分子间的距离,图中两条曲线分别表示两分子间引力、斥力的大小随分子间距离的变化关系,e为两曲线的交点,则下列说法正确的是A.ab为斥力曲线,cd为引力曲线,e点横坐标的数量级为10-10 mB.ab为引力曲线,cd为斥力曲线,e点横坐标的数量级为10-10 mC.若两个分子间距离大于e点的横坐标,则分子间作用力表现为斥力D.若两个分子距离越来越大,则分子势能亦越来越大【答案】B在图象中,随着距离的增大斥力比引力变化的快,所以ab为引力曲线,cd为斥力曲线,当分子间的距离等于分子直径数量级时,引力等于斥力.所以e点的横坐标可能为10-10m.故A错误,B正确;若两个分子间距离大于e点的横坐标,则分子间作用力的合力表现为引力.故C错误;另一分子从无穷远向O运动过程中,它先受到引力的作用,引力做正功;后受到斥力的作用,斥力做负功,故分子势能先减小后增大.故D错误。

2014-2015学年第二学期期中测试高二文科数学本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共4页,第Ⅰ卷为1-12题,共60分,第Ⅱ卷为13-22题,共90分. 全卷共计150分. 考试时间为120分钟. 注意事项:1、答第一卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上.2、每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑. 如需改动用橡皮擦干净后,再涂其它答案,不能答在试题卷上.3、考试结束,监考人员将答题卡收回. 附:(1)回归直线方程:y a b x ∧∧∧=+ ;(2)回归系数:1221ni ii ni i x y nx yb x nx∧==-=-∑∑,a y b x ∧∧=-,11n i i x x n ==∑ ,11ni i y y n ==∑.第I 卷 (本卷共计60 分)一、选择题:(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,满分60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.若p ⌝是q ⌝的必要不充分条件,则p 是q 的 ( ) A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件 C.充分且必要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件2.下列函数中,定义域是R 且为增函数的是 ( )A .xy e-= B .3y x = C . y lnx = D .y x = 3.有一段“三段论”推理是这样的:对于可导函数()f x ,如果0()0f x '=,那么0x x =是函数()f x 的极值点,因为函数3()f x x =在0x =处的导数值(0)0f '=,所以,0x =是函数3()f x x =的极值点。
以上推理中 ( )A .结论正确B .大前提错误C .小前提错误D .推理形式错误4.若复数21(1)()z a a i a R =-++ ∈是纯虚数,则1z a+的虚部为 ( ) A .25- B .25i - C .25 D .25i5.定义集合运算:{}|,,A B z z xy x A y B *==∈∈.设{}{}1,2,0,2A B ==,则集合A B *的所有元素之和为 ( ) A .0 B .2 C .3 D .66.函数243,[0,3]y x x x =-+∈的值域为 ( ) A. [0,3] B. [1,0]- C. [1,3]- D. [0,2]7.如图所示,圆O 的直径6AB =,C 为圆周上一点, 3BC =过C 作圆的切线l , 过A 作l 的垂线AD ,垂足为D ,则DAC ∠ =( )A.15︒B.30︒C.45︒D.60︒8.已知()f x 、()g x 均为[]1,3-上连续不断的曲线,根据下表能判断方程()()f x g x =有实数解的区间是 ( )A. (-C . (0,1)D .(2,3)9.直线12(t )2x ty t=+⎧⎨=+⎩是参数被圆229x y +=截得的弦长等于( )A.125 B. C. 5 10.若,{1,0,1,2}a b ∈-,则函数2()2f x ax x b =++有零点的概率为 ( )A .316B .78C .34D .5811.若32()33(2)1f x x ax a x =++++有极大值和极小值,则a 的取值范围是 ( )A .12a -<<B .2a >或1a <-C .2a ≥或1a ≤-D .12a a ><-或12. 已知()f x 是定义在R 上周期为4的奇函数,当(0,2]x ∈时,2()2log xf x x =+,则(2015)f = ( )A .2-B .21C .2D .5第II 卷 (本卷共计90 分)注意事项:请用黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡...上作答,在试题卷上答题无效. 二、填空题:(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,满分20分)13.在极坐标系中,点()20P ,与点Q关于直线2sin θ=对称,则PQ = . 14.已知复数122,34,z m i z i =+=-若12z z 为实数,则实数m 的值为 。
四川省南充市营山县双河中学2014-2015学年高二下学期质检化学试卷(6月份) Word版含解析.pdf

四川省南充市营山县双河中学2014-2015学年高二下学期质检化学试卷(6月份) 一、单选题 1.将1mol 乙酸(其中的羟基氧用 18O 标记)在浓硫酸存在下并加热与足量乙醇充分反应.下列叙述不正确的是( ) A.生成的乙酸乙酯中含有18OB.生成的水分子中含有18O C.可能生成 45g 乙酸乙酯D.不可能生成 88g 乙酸乙酯 2.鸦片具有复杂的组成,其中所含罂粟碱分子结构如图,由其分子结构可推知下列关于罂粟碱的叙述中错误的是( ) A.其分子式为C21H22O4 B.罂粟碱属芳香酯类 C.1 mol罂粟碱完全燃烧需O2量24.5 mol D.其苯环氢的一溴取代物可有8种结构 3.长效阿司匹林的结构为:,1mol该物质能与NaOH反应的物质的量是( ) A.3molB.4molC.3n molD.4n mol 4.在实验室进行下列实验,括号内的实验仪器、试剂都能用到的是( ) A.乙炔的制备(蒸馏烧瓶、温度计、分液漏斗) B.蛋白质的盐析(试管、醋酸铅溶液、鸡蛋清溶液) C.蔗糖的水解(试管、蔗糖溶液、稀硫酸) D.肥皂的制取(蒸发皿、玻璃棒、甘油) 5.下列关于物质分类的叙述正确的是( ) A.糖类、油脂、蛋白质均为高分子化合物 B.苯、邻二甲苯互为同系物 C.棉、麻、羊毛及合成纤维统称为化学纤维 D.合成聚乙烯与合成酚醛树脂的反应类型相同 6.l丁醇和乙酸在浓硫酸作用下,通过酯化反应制得乙酸丁酯,反应温度为ll5~l25℃,反应装置如图.下列对该实验的描述错误的是( ) A.不能用水浴加热 B.长玻璃管起冷凝回流作用 C.提纯乙酸丁酯需要经过水、氢氧化钠溶液洗涤 D.加入过量乙酸可以提高1丁醇的转化率 7.如图表示反应N2(g)+3H2(g)?2NH3(g);△H<0在某一时间段中反应速率与反应过程的曲线关系图.下列说法正确的是( ) A.氨气的体积分数最高的一段时间为t5t6 B.t2t3和t3t4时间段氨气的体积分数相等 C.t1时刻改变的条件是降低温度 D.t4t5时间段平衡向正反应方向移动 二、推断题 8.已知A、B、C、D、E五种元素的原子序数依次递增,A、B、C、D位于前三周期.A位于周期表的s区,其原子中电子层数和未成对电子数相同;B的基态原子中电子占据三种能量不同的原子轨道,且每种轨道中的电子总数相同;D原子的核外成对电子数是未成对电子数的3倍.同时含有A、B、D三种元素的化合物M是一种居室污染气体,其分子中所有的原子共平面.A、B两种元素组成的原子个数比为1:1的化合物N是常见的有机溶剂.E有“生物金属”之称,E4+离子和氩原子的核外电子排布相同.请回答下列问题: (1)下列叙述正确的是__________;(填字母). a.M易溶于水,是因为M与水分子间能形成氢键,且M是极性分子;N不溶于水,是因为N是非极性分子 b.M和二氧化碳分子中的中心原子均采用sp2杂化 c.N分子中含有6个σ键和3个π键 d.N分子中所有原子共面 (2)E的一种氧化物化学式为EO2,广泛用于制造高级白色油漆,也是许多反应的催化剂.工业上用含E的矿石作原料制取EO2.矿石经过硫酸溶液浸泡,生成含EO2+的溶液,再经稀释得EO2?xH2O,写出这两步反应的离子方程式__________,__________. (3)X和Y分别是B和C的氢化物,这两种氢化物都含有18电子.X和Y的化学式分别是__________、__________.两者沸点的关系为X__________Y(填“>”或“<”). 9.现有七种元素,其中A、B、C、D、E为短周期主族元素,F、G为第四周期元素,它们的原子序数依次增大.请根据下列相关信息,回答问题. A元素的核外电子数和电子层数相等,也是宇宙中最丰富的元素 B元素原子的核外p电子数比s电子数少1 C原子的第一至第四电离能分别是: I1=738kJ/mol I2=1451kJ/mol I3=7733kJ/mol I4=10540kJ/mol D原子核外所有p轨道全满或半满 E元素的主族序数与周期数的差为4 F是前四周期中电负性最小的元素 G在周期表的第七列 (1)已知BA5为离子化合物,写出其电子式__________. (2)B基态原子中能量最高的电子,其电子云在空间有__________个伸展方向,原子轨道呈__________形. (3)某同学根据上述信息,推断C基态原子的核外电子排布为,该同学所画的电子排布图违背了__________. (4)G位于__________族__________区,价电子排布式为__________. (5)DE3中心原子的杂化方式为__________. (6)C和F的第一电离能大小关系为__________(用元素符号表示) 三、综合题: 10.乙基香草醛是食品添加剂的增香原料,其香味比香草醛更浓郁. (1)乙基香草醛的同分异构体A是一种有机酸,A可发生如图变化: 已知:a.RCH2OHRCHO b.与苯环直接相连的碳原子上有氢时,此碳原子才可被酸性KMnO4溶液氧化为羧基. ①由A→C的反应方程式__________,属于__________(填反应类型). ②B的结构简式为__________. ③写出在加热条件下C与NaOH醇溶液发生反应的化学方程式__________. (2)乙基香草醛的另一种同分异构体D()是一种医药中间体,请设计合理方案用合成D.(其他原料自选,用反应流程图表示并注明必要的反应条件). 已知: a.苯酚可以发生如图反应 b.流程图示例:例如: (3)乙基香草醛的同分异构体有很多种,满足下列条件的同分异构体有__________种,其中有一种同分异构体的核磁共振氢谱中出现4组峰,吸收峰的面积之比为1:1:2:6,该同分异构体的结构简式为__________. ①能与NaHCO3溶液反应 ②遇FeCl3溶液显紫色,且能与浓溴水反应 ③苯环上有两个烃基 ④苯环上的官能团处于对位. 四、填空题 11.有机化合物A~H的转换关系如下所示: 请回答下列问题: (1)链烃A有支链且只有一个官能团,其相对分子质量在65~75之间,1mol A完全燃烧消耗7mol氧气,则A的结构简式是__________,名称是__________; (2)在特定催化剂作用下,A与等物质的量的H2反应生成E.由E转化为F的化学方程式是__________; (3)G与金属钠反应能放出气体,由G转化为H的化学方程式是__________; (4)①的反应类型是__________;③的反应类型是__________; (5)链烃B是A的同分异构体,分子中无支链,写出B的结构简式(不考虑空间异构,写4种)__________. 四川省南充市营山县双河中学2014-2015学年高二下学期质检化学试卷(6月份) 一、单选题 1.将1mol 乙酸(其中的羟基氧用 18O 标记)在浓硫酸存在下并加热与足量乙醇充分反应.下列叙述不正确的是( ) A.生成的乙酸乙酯中含有18OB.生成的水分子中含有18O C.可能生成 45g 乙酸乙酯D.不可能生成 88g 乙酸乙酯 考点:聚合反应与酯化反应. 专题:有机反应. 分析:依据有机酯化反应的实质是酸脱羟基醇脱氢的反应原理分析判断. 解答:解:将1mol乙酸(其中的氧用18O标记)在浓硫酸存在条件下与足量乙醇充分反应,化学方程式为:CH3CO18OH+HOCH2CH3CH3COOCH2CH3+H218O; A.生成的乙酸乙酯中不含有18O,故A错误; B.生成的水分子中含有18O,故B正确; C.乙酸乙酯的摩尔质量为88g/mol,1mol乙醇应反应生成1mol乙酸乙酯,但反应是可逆反应,乙酸和乙醇挥发,所以不能进行彻底,应小于88g,可能生成45g乙酸乙酯,故C正确; D.乙酸乙酯的摩尔质量为88g/mol,1mol乙醇应反应生成1mol乙酸乙酯,但反应不能进行彻底,所以应小于88g,故D正确; 故选A. 点评:本题考查了酯化反应的反应实质,关键是反应历程的应用,较简单. 2.鸦片具有复杂的组成,其中所含罂粟碱分子结构如图,由其分子结构可推知下列关于罂粟碱的叙述中错误的是( ) A.其分子式为C21H22O4 B.罂粟碱属芳香酯类 C.1 mol罂粟碱完全燃烧需O2量24.5 mol D.其苯环氢的一溴取代物可有8种结构 考点:有机物的结构和性质. 专题:有机物的化学性质及推断. 分析:由图可知,该物质的分子式为C21H22O4,根据原子守恒计算消耗的氧气,3个环中共有8种不同位置的H可以被Br原子取代,以此来解答. 解答:解:A.由结构简式可知分子式为C21H22O4,故A正确; B.分子中不含酯基,则不属于酯类,故B错误; C.分子式为C21H22O4,1 mol罂粟碱完全燃烧需O2量为(21+)mol=24.5 mol,故C正确; D.结构不对称,3个环中共有8种不同位置的H可以被Br原子取代,故D正确. 故选B. 点评:本题考查有机物的结构与性质,为高频考点,把握官能团与性质的关系为解答的关键,注意利用结构对称性判断苯环上的H的种类为易错点,题目难度不大. 3.长效阿司匹林的结构为:,1mol该物质能与NaOH反应的物质的量是( ) A.3molB.4molC.3n molD.4n mol 考点:有机物的结构和性质. 分析:有机物为高聚物,含有3n个酯基,可水解生成的羧基、酚羟基可与氢氧化钠反应,以此解答该题. 解答:解:1mol有机物可水解生成3nmol羧基和nmol酚羟基,则可与4nmolNaOH发生反应. 故选D. 点评:本题考查有机物的结构和性质,为高频考点,侧重于学生的分析能力的考查,把握羧基、酯、苯酚的性质即可解答,注重基础知识的考查,题目难度不大. 4.在实验室进行下列实验,括号内的实验仪器、试剂都能用到的是( ) A.乙炔的制备(蒸馏烧瓶、温度计、分液漏斗) B.蛋白质的盐析(试管、醋酸铅溶液、鸡蛋清溶液) C.蔗糖的水解(试管、蔗糖溶液、稀硫酸) D.肥皂的制取(蒸发皿、玻璃棒、甘油) 考点:不能加热的仪器及使用方法;直接加热的仪器及使用方法. 分析:A.乙炔的制备不需要温度计; B.醋酸铅溶液为重金属盐; C.蔗糖溶液在酸性条件下水解,需要加热; D.肥皂的制取,需要油脂和NaOH溶液. 解答:解:A.乙炔的制备不需要温度计,不用测温度,乙炔本身时气体,故A错误; B.醋酸铅溶液能使鸡蛋清中的蛋白质变性,故B错误; C.蔗糖溶液在酸性条件下水解,需要加热,可用试管直接加热,故C正确; D.肥皂的制取,需要油脂和NaOH溶液,括号内的实验用品不能制取肥皂,故D错误; 故选C. 点评:本题考查化学实验方案的评价,为高频考点,把握物质的性质及实验基本操作为解答的关键,注意操作的可行性、评价性分析,题目难度不大. 5.下列关于物质分类的叙述正确的是( ) A.糖类、油脂、蛋白质均为高分子化合物 B.苯、邻二甲苯互为同系物 C.棉、麻、羊毛及合成纤维统称为化学纤维 D.合成聚乙烯与合成酚醛树脂的反应类型相同 考点:有机高分子化合物的结构和性质;芳香烃、烃基和同系物. 分析:A.相对分子质量在1000以上的为高分子化合物; B.结构相似,在分子组成上相差1个或若干个CH2原子团的物质互称为同系物; C.化学纤维是用天然高分子化合物或人工合成的高分子化合物为原料,经过制备纺丝原液、纺丝和后处理等工序制得的具有纺织性能的纤维; D.合成聚乙烯是加成反应,合成酚醛树脂是缩聚反应. 解答:解:A.相对分子质量在1000以上的为高分子化合物,糖类中的单糖、二糖及油脂均不是高分子化合物,故A错误; B.苯、邻二甲苯结构相似,在分子组成上相差1个或若干个CH2原子团,互为同系物,故B正确; C.棉、麻、羊毛是天然纤维,故C错误; D.合成聚乙烯是加成反应,合成酚醛树脂是缩聚反应,反应类型不同,故D错误. 故选B. 点评:本题考查高分子化合物、同系物等知识,注意化学纤维是人工合成的,天然纤维是天然存在的,题目难度不大. 6.l丁醇和乙酸在浓硫酸作用下,通过酯化反应制得乙酸丁酯,反应温度为ll5~l25℃,反应装置如图.下列对该实验的描述错误的是( ) A.不能用水浴加热 B.长玻璃管起冷凝回流作用 C.提纯乙酸丁酯需要经过水、氢氧化钠溶液洗涤 D.加入过量乙酸可以提高1丁醇的转化率 考点:乙酸乙酯的制取. 专题:有机物的化学性质及推断. 分析:A.水浴,反应温度不超过100℃,该反应的温度为115~125℃; B.有机物易挥发,长导管可起冷凝作用; C.用氢氧化钠洗乙酸丁酯,会使乙酸丁酯水解; D.根据平衡移动原理解答; 解答:解:A.实验室制取乙酸丁酯,反应需要反应温度为115~125℃,而水浴加热适合温度低于100℃的反应,故A正确; B.实验室制取乙酸丁酯,原料乙酸和丁醇易挥发,当有易挥发的液体反应物时,为了避免反应物损耗和充分利用原料,要在发生装置设计冷凝回流装置,使该物质通过冷凝后由气态恢复为液态,从而回流并收集.实验室可通过在发生装置安装长玻璃管或冷凝回流管等实现,所以B说法正确,故B正确; C.提纯乙酸丁酯需使用碳酸钠溶液,吸收未反应的乙酸,溶解丁醇,降低乙酸丁酯的溶解度,如果用氢氧化钠,会使乙酸丁酯水解,故C错误; D.酯化反应为可逆反应,增加乙酸的量,可使平衡向生成酯的方向移动,从而提高1丁醇的转化率,故D正确; 故选C. 点评:本题考查了乙酸丁酯的制取,掌握乙酸丁酯的制取原理是解答的关键,题目较简单. 7.如图表示反应N2(g)+3H2(g)?2NH3(g);△H<0在某一时间段中反应速率与反应过程的曲线关系图.下列说法正确的是( ) A.氨气的体积分数最高的一段时间为t5t6 B.t2t3和t3t4时间段氨气的体积分数相等 C.t1时刻改变的条件是降低温度 D.t4t5时间段平衡向正反应方向移动 考点:化学反应速率与化学平衡图象的综合应用. 专题:化学平衡专题. 分析:该反应为气体体积减小的反应,且为放热反应,由图象可知,t1时正逆反应速率均增大,且逆反应速率大于正反应速率,则平衡逆向移动;t3时正逆反应速率同等程度的增大,t4时正逆反应速率均减小,但逆反应速率大于正反应速率,则化学平衡逆向移动,以此来解答. 解答:解:该反应为气体体积减小的反应,且为放热反应,由图象可知,t1时正逆反应速率均增大,且逆反应速率大于正反应速率,则平衡逆向移动;t3时正逆反应速率同等程度的增大,t4时正逆反应速率均减小,但逆反应速率大于正反应速率,则化学平衡逆向移动, A.由上述分析可知,t3时平衡不移动,t1、t4时改变条件反应均逆向移动,氨气的含量减少,则氨气的体积分数最高的一段时间为t0t1,故A错误; B.t2t3达到化学平衡状态,体积分数不变,t3t4时间段化学平衡不移动,所以氨气的体积分数相等,故B正确; C.t1时正逆反应速率均增大,且逆反应速率大于正反应速率,平衡逆向移动,改变条件为降低压强,而降低温度平衡正向移动,故C错误; D.t4t5时间段,逆反应速率大于正反应速率,则化学平衡逆向移动,故D错误; 故选B. 点评:本题考查化学反应速率与化学平衡图象,明确图象中反应速率的变化及大小是解答本题的关键,注意逆反应速率大,平衡逆向移动,题目难度中等. 二、推断题 8.已知A、B、C、D、E五种元素的原子序数依次递增,A、B、C、D位于前三周期.A位于周期表的s区,其原子中电子层数和未成对电子数相同;B的基态原子中电子占据三种能量不同的原子轨道,且每种轨道中的电子总数相同;D原子的核外成对电子数是未成对电子数的3倍.同时含有A、B、D三种元素的化合物M是一种居室污染气体,其分子中所有的原子共平面.A、B两种元素组成的原子个数比为1:1的化合物N是常见的有机溶剂.E有“生物金属”之称,E4+离子和氩原子的核外电子排布相同.请回答下列问题: (1)下列叙述正确的是ad;(填字母). a.M易溶于水,是因为M与水分子间能形成氢键,且M是极性分子;N不溶于水,是因为N是非极性分子 b.M和二氧化碳分子中的中心原子均采用sp2杂化 c.N分子中含有6个σ键和3个π键 d.N分子中所有原子共面 (2)E的一种氧化物化学式为EO2,广泛用于制造高级白色油漆,也是许多反应的催化剂.工业上用含E的矿石作原料制取EO2.矿石经过硫酸溶液浸泡,生成含EO2+的溶液,再经稀释得EO2?xH2O,写出这两步反应的离子方程式FeTiO3+4H+=Fe2++TiO2++2H2O,TiO2++(x+1)H2O=TiO2?XH2O+2H+. (3)X和Y分别是B和C的氢化物,这两种氢化物都含有18电子.X和Y的化学式分别是C2H6、N2H4.两者沸点的关系为X<Y(填“>”或“<”). 考点:位置结构性质的相互关系应用. 分析:A、B、C、D、E五种元素的原子序数依次递增,A、B、C、D位于前三周期,A位于周期表的s区,其原子中电子层数和和未成对电子数相同,则A为氢元素;B的基态原子中电子占据三种能量不同的原子轨道,且每种轨道中的电子总数相同,原子核外电子数排布为1s22s22p2,故B为碳元素;D原子的核外成对电子数是未成对电子数的3倍,核外电子排布为1s22s22p4,故D为氧元素;C原子序数介于碳、氧之间,故C为氮元素;A、B、D三种元素组成的一种化合物M是新装修居室中常含有的一种有害气体,该气体M为HCHO;A、B二种元素组成的原子个数比为1:1的化合物N是常见的有机溶剂,则N为苯;E有“生物金属”之称,E4+离子和氩原子的核外电子排布相同,E原子核外电子数为18+4=22,故E为Ti,据此解答. 解答:解:A、B、C、D、E五种元素的原子序数依次递增,A、B、C、D位于前三周期.A位于周期表的s区,其原子中电子层数和未成对电子数相同,则A为H元素;B的基态原子中电子占据三种能量不同的原子轨道,且每种轨道中的电子总数相同,核外电子排布为1s22s22p2,故B为碳元素; D原子的核外成对电子数是未成对电子数的3倍,核外电子排布为1s22s22p4,则D为O元素;C的原子序数介于碳、氧之间,故C为N元素;同时含有A、B、D三种元素的化合物M是一种居室污染气体,其分子中所有的原子共平面,则M为HCHO;A、B两种元素组成的原子个数比为1:1的化合物N是常见的有机溶剂,则N为C6H6;E有“生物金属”之称,E4+离子和氩原子的核外电子排布相同,E原子核外电子数为18+4=22,故E为Ti, (1)a.HCHO中O氧原子电负性很大,能与与水分子形成氢键,易溶于水,N为苯,是非极性分子,水分子为极性分子,相似相溶原理,苯难溶于水,故a正确; b.HCHO中C原子形成3个σ键,没有孤电子对,碳原子采用sp2杂化,二氧化碳分子为直线型结构,碳原子采用sp杂化,故b错误; c.苯分子中HC之间是ssp2形成的σ键,CC之间是sp2形成的σ键,苯分子中含有12个σ键和1个大π键,故c错误; d.苯为平面结构,所有原子处于同一平面,故d正确, 故选:ad; (2)工业上用含Ti的矿石作原料制取TiO2.矿石经过硫酸溶液浸泡,生成含TiO2+的溶液,再经稀释得TiO2?xH2O,这两步反应的离子方程式为:FeTiO3+4H+=Fe2++TiO2++2H2O、TiO2++(x+1)H2O=TiO2?XH2O+2H+, 故答案为:FeTiO3+4H+=Fe2++TiO2++2H2O、TiO2++(x+1)H2O=TiO2?XH2O+2H+; (3)X和Y分别是B和C的氢化物,这两种氢化物都含有18电子,则X为C2H6、Y为N2H4,N2H4分子之间存在氢键,沸点高于C2H6, 故答案为:C2H6;N2H4;<. 点评:本题是对物质结构的考查,推断元素是解题关键,需要学生具备扎实的基础,难度中等. 9.现有七种元素,其中A、B、C、D、E为短周期主族元素,F、G为第四周期元素,它们的原子序数依次增大.请根据下列相关信息,回答问题. A元素的核外电子数和电子层数相等,也是宇宙中最丰富的元素 B元素原子的核外p电子数比s电子数少1 C原子的第一至第四电离能分别是: I1=738kJ/mol I2=1451kJ/mol I3=7733kJ/mol I4=10540kJ/mol D原子核外所有p轨道全满或半满 E元素的主族序数与周期数的差为4 F是前四周期中电负性最小的元素 G在周期表的第七列 (1)已知BA5为离子化合物,写出其电子式. (2)B基态原子中能量最高的电子,其电子云在空间有3个伸展方向,原子轨道呈纺锤形. (3)某同学根据上述信息,推断C基态原子的核外电子排布为,该同学所画的电子排布图违背了泡利原理. (4)G位于ⅦB族d区,价电子排布式为3d54s2. (5)DE3中心原子的杂化方式为sp3. (6)C和F的第一电离能大小关系为Mg>K(用元素符号表示) 考点:位置结构性质的相互关系应用. 分析:A、B、C、D、E为短周期主族元素,F、G为第四周期元素,它们的原子序数依次增大,A元素的核外电子数和电子层数相等,也是宇宙中最丰富的元素,A为H元素;B元素原子的核外p电子数比s电子数少1,B有2个电子层,核外电子排布为1s22s22p3,故B为N元素;由C原子的第一至第四电离能数据可知,第三电离能剧增,故C表现+2价,处于ⅡA族,原子序数大于N元素,故C为Mg元素;D处于第三周期,D原子核外所有p轨道全满或半满,最外层排布为3s23p3,故D为P元素;E处于第三周期,E元素的主族序数与周期数的差为4,E处于第ⅦA族,故E为Cl元素;F是前四周期中电负性最小的元素,F为第四周期元素,故F为K元素;G在第四周期周期表的第7列,G为Mn元素. 解答:解:A、B、C、D、E为短周期主族元素,F、G为第四周期元素,它们的原子序数依次增大,A元素的核外电子数和电子层数相等,也是宇宙中最丰富的元素,A为H元素;B元素原子的核外p电子数比s电子数少1,B有2个电子层,核外电子排布为1s22s22p3,故B为N元素;由C原子的第一至第四电离能数据可知,第三电离能剧增,故C表现+2价,处于ⅡA族,原子序数大于N元素,故C为Mg元素;D处于第三周期,D原子核外所有p轨道全满或半满,最外层排布为3s23p3,故D为P元素;E处于第三周期,E元素的主族序数与周期数的差为4,E处于第ⅦA族,故E为Cl元素;F是前四周期中电负性最小的元素,F为第四周期元素,故F为K元素;G在第四周期周期表的第7列,G为Mn元素. (1)NH5为离子化合物,是由NH4+与H两种粒构成,电子式为, 故答案为:; (2)B为N元素,核外电子排布式为1s2ns2np3,基态原子中能量最高的电子,处于2p能级,有3个电子,其电子云在空间有3个方向,原子轨道呈纺锤形, 故答案为:3,纺锤; (3)某同学根据上述信息,推断C基态原子的核外电子排布为,该同学所画的电子排布图中3s能级,2个电子自旋方向相同,违背了泡利原理, 故答案为:泡利原理; (4)G为Mn元素,是25号元素,位于第四周期第ⅦB族,最后填充的为d电子,为d区元素,价电子排布式为3d54s2, 故答案为:ⅦB;d;3d54s2; (5)PCl3中心原子P原子成3个σ键,P原子价层电子对是为3+1=4,含有1对孤对电子对,杂化轨道数为4,杂化方式为sp3, 故答案为:sp3; (6)金属性越强,第一电离能越小,故第一电离能大小关系为 Mg>K, 故答案为:Mg>K. 点评:本题是对物质结构的考查,涉及结构性质与位置关系、核外电子排布规律、电离能、杂化轨道理论等,综合性较大,难度中等,推断元素是解题的关键,注意基础知识的掌握. 三、综合题: 10.乙基香草醛是食品添加剂的增香原料,其香味比香草醛更浓郁. (1)乙基香草醛的同分异构体A是一种有机酸,A可发生如图变化: 已知:a.RCH2OHRCHO b.与苯环直接相连的碳原子上有氢时,此碳原子才可被酸性KMnO4溶液氧化为羧基. ①由A→C的反应方程式,属于取代反应(填反应类型). ②B的结构简式为. ③写出在加热条件下C与NaOH醇溶液发生反应的化学方程式. (2)乙基香草醛的另一种同分异构体D()是一种医药中间体,请设计合理方案用合成D.(其他原料自选,用反应流程图表示并注明必要的反应条件). 已知: a.苯酚可以发生如图反应 b.流程图示例:例如: (3)乙基香草醛的同分异构体有很多种,满足下列条件的同分异构体有3种,其中有一种同分异构体的核磁共振氢谱中出现4组峰,吸收峰的面积之比为1:1:2:6,该同分异构体的结构简式为. ①能与NaHCO3溶液反应 ②遇FeCl3溶液显紫色,且能与浓溴水反应 ③苯环上有两个烃基 ④苯环上的官能团处于对位. 考点:有机物的推断. 分析:(1)乙基香草醛的同分异构体A是一种有机酸,则A中含有羧基,A被氧化后生成的B能发生银镜反应,则说明B含有醛基,A含有CH2OH,由A与C的分子式可知,A中OH被Br取代生成C,A能被酸性高锰酸钾溶液氧化生成苯甲酸,所以A是,则B为,C为,据此解答; (2)与CH3I反应保护酚羟基,再用酸性高锰酸钾溶液将苯环连接的甲基转化为COOH,然后与乙醇发生酯化反应,最后在HI条件下重新得到酚羟基; (3)乙基香草醛()的同分异构体有很多种,满足下列条件的同分异构体有:,①能与NaHCO3溶液反应,含有COOH,②遇FeCl3溶液显紫色,且能与浓溴水反应,含有酚羟基,③苯环上有两个烃基,只能为2个甲基;④苯环上的官能团处于对位,即OH与COOH处于对位,结合②中能与浓溴水反应,说明酚羟基邻位含有H原子. 解答:解:(1)乙基香草醛的同分异构体A是一种有机酸,则A中含有羧基,A被氧化后生成的B能发生银镜反应,则说明B含有醛基,A含有CH2OH,由A与C的分子式可知,A中OH被Br取代生成C,A能被酸性高锰酸钾溶液氧化生成苯甲酸,所以A是,则B为,C为. ①由A→C的反应方程式:,属于取代反应, 故答案为:;取代反应; ②B的结构简式为,故答案为:; ③在加热条件下C与NaOH醇溶液发生反应的化学方程式:, 故答案为:; (2)与CH3I反应保护酚羟基,再用酸性高锰酸钾溶液将苯环连接的甲基转化为COOH,然后与乙醇发生酯化反应。

四川省营山县回龙中学2015-2016学年高二12月检测数学试题一、单选题1.下列命题中的假命题是A. B.C.x,D.x,>0【答案】C【解析】本题主要考查全称命题与特称命题的真假的判断.,成立,则A正确;,成立,则B 正确;根据指数函数的性质可知D正确,因此C错误,故选C.2.若在边长为4的等边三角形的边上任取一点,则使得的概率为A. B. C. D.【答案】D【解析】本题主要考查平面向量的数量积以及几何概型的概率的求解.由题意可知∠AOB=60°,,设,则=2t,所以t,根据几何概型的概率的求解公式可得3.如图,四边形ABCD为矩形,AB=,BC=1,以A为圆心,1为半径作四分之一个圆弧DE,在∠DAB内任作射线AP,则射线AP与线段BC有公共点的概率为A. B. C. D.【答案】B【解析】本题主要考查几何概型的概率的求解.∠DAB=90°,连接A、C,根据题意,∠CAB=30°,当射线在∠CAB内时,射线AP与线段BC有公共点,所以射线AP与线段BC有公共点的概率是4.已知等比数列满足,则A. B. C. D.【答案】A【解析】本题主要考查等比数列通项公式以及性质应用.由题意可得等比数列的公比,所以,, 则5.在Δ中,若则Δ的面积是A. B.C. D.【答案】C【解析】本题主要考查同角三角函数的关系式以及三角形面积公式的应用.由三角形的性质以及可得,所以,由三角形的面积公式可得.6.定义域为的函数满足时,若时,恒成立,则实数的取值范围是A. B.C. D.【答案】D【解析】本题主要考查分段函数的最值的求法以及恒成立问题中的参数的求法.当时,;当时,,所以时,的最小值为—1.又因所以,当时,的最小值为;当时,的最小值为,因为时,恒成立,所以,则实数的取值范围是. 7.一个多面体的三视图如图所示,则该多面体的表面积为A.21+B.18+C.21D.18【答案】A【解析】本题主要空间几何体的三视图与表面积,考查了空间想象能力.观察三视图可知,该几何体是:由正方体截去一条对角线上的两个角,所以,该几何体的表面积是:8.已知正四棱锥S-ABCD的侧棱长与底面边长都相等,E是SB的中点,则AE、SD所成的角的余弦值为A. B. C. D.【答案】C【解析】本题主要考查异面直线所成的角的作法以及线面垂直判定定理的应用,考查了空间想象能力以及分析问题与解决问题的能力.如图所示,点O是AC、BD的交点,又因为E是SB的中点,所以OE∥PD,所以∠OEA是AE、SD所成的角,由线面垂直的判定定理与性质定理易证OA⊥OE,设棱长为2,则OA=,AE=,所以cos∠OAE=.9.若实数满足,则的最小值为A.-2B.-1C.1D.2【答案】B【解析】本题考查简单的线性规划问题.如图,作出不等式组表示的区域,由得;由题意知,当经过点C时,z最小,由,解得, C,此时,.选B.【备注】画出图形,一般在所围区域的端点处取得最值.10.若都是锐角,且,则A. B. C.或 D.或【答案】A【解析】本题考查同角三角函数的基本关系,差角公式.因为都是锐角,且,所以;因为,所以;所以.选A.11.如图,棱长为1的正方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1中,P为线段A1B上的动点,则下列结论错误的是A.DC1⊥D1PB.若直线l是平面ABCD内的直线,直线m是平面DD1C1C内的直线,若l与m相交,则交点一定在直线CD上C.若P为A1B上动点,则AP+PD1的最小值为D.∠PAD1最小为【答案】C【解析】本题注要考查线面垂直的判定定理与性质定理、直线与平面的位置关系、两条直线的位置关系,考查了空间想象能力以及分析问题与解决问题的能力.由线面垂直的判定定理可证得DC1⊥平面AA1B1B,利用线面垂直的性质定理可得DC1⊥D1P,则A正确;B显然正确;当点P与点A1重合时,∠PAD1最小为,则D正确,所以,选C.12.在数列中, =1,,则的值为A.99B.49C.102D.101【答案】D【解析】本题主要考查等差数列的通项公式的应用.由可知数列是公差为2的等差数列,又 =1,所以二、填空题13.已知双曲线的离心率为2,焦点与椭圆的焦点相同,那么双曲线的渐近线方程为. 【答案】【解析】本题主要考查椭圆与双曲线的性质的简单应用.由椭圆的方程可得,即椭圆的焦点坐标为(),因为双曲线的离心率是2,所以c=2a,a=2,又因为双曲线焦点和椭圆焦点相同,在双曲线方程中有c2=a2+b2,所以c=4,a=2,b=,因此双曲线的渐近线方程为.14.已知,,则的取值范围是__________.【答案】(-,)【解析】本题主要考查不等式的性质.因为,,所以,,则15.在△ABC中,若,则最大角的余弦是__________.【答案】【解析】本题考查余弦定理,考查运算求解能力.由余弦定理,得,解得.所以最大,所以.16.已知定义域为的函数满足:①对任意的实数,都有;②当时,.记函数,则函数在区间内的零点个数是_____.【答案】10【解析】本题主要考查函数的零点、分段函数的求值问题,考查了分析问题与解决问题的能力.令,所以根据可化为, 当时,;当时,;当时,;当时,;,分别作出函数与y=的图象如图所示,则函数在区间内的零点个数是10.三、解答题17.在中,内角对边的边长分别是,已知.(Ⅰ)若的面积等于,求;(Ⅱ)若,求的面积.【答案】(Ⅰ)由余弦定理及已知条件得,,又因为的面积等于,所以,得.联立方程组解得.(Ⅱ)由题意得,即,当时,,当时,得,由正弦定理得,联立方程组解得.所以的面积.【解析】本题主要考查利用余弦定理与正弦定理解三角形以及和差角公式的应用,考查了分析问题与解决问题的能力.(1)由余弦定理及已知条件得,,再利用三角形的面积公式可得,联立求解可得结果;(2) 由题意得, 即,然后分、进行讨论即可求得结果.18.已知,数列是首项为,公比也为的等比数列,记.(1)求数列的前项和;(2)若数列中每一项总小于它后面的项,求的取值范围.【答案】(1)两式作差得:所以(2)由当当所以或又,所以或【解析】本题主要考查等比数列的通项公式与前n项和公式的应用以及错位相减法求和,考查了指数与对数的性质,考查了分析问题、解决问题以及计算能力.(1)易求等比数列的通项,进而求得的通项,再利用错位相减法与等比数列前n项和公式求和;(2) 由然后分、进行讨论求解.19.已知函数(1)当时,求函数的单调区间;(2)若函数对恒成立,求实数的取值范围.【答案】(1),,(x>0)f’(x),当0<x<2时, f’(x)>0,f(x)在(0,2)单调递增;当x>2时, f’(x)<0,f(x)在单调递减;所以函数的单调递增区间是(0,2),单调递减区间是.(2)由题意得对恒成立,设,则求导得,当时,若,则,所以在单调递减成立,得;当时,,在单调递增,所以存在,使,则不成立;当时,,则在上单调递减,单调递增,则存在,有,所以不成立,综上得.【解析】本题考查导数在研究函数、不等式中的应用.(1),,(x>0),f’(x),求导可得函数的单调递增区间是(0,2),单调递减区间是.(2)由题意得对恒成立,构造函数,则求导,分类讨论可得.【备注】合理构造函数,体会分类讨论思想、化归与转化思想、函数与方程思想.20.如图,四棱锥S-ABCD中,SD底面ABCD,AB//DC,ADDC,AB=AD=1,DC=SD=2,E为棱SB上的一点,二面角D-EC-B等于90º.(Ⅰ)证明: DE⊥平面SBC;(Ⅱ)证明:SE=2EB;(Ⅲ)求二面角A-DE-C的余弦值.【答案】(Ⅰ)连接BD,取DC的中点G,连接BG,由此知即Δ为直角三角形,故.又,所以,.作,故平面EDC,内的两条相交直线都垂直.所以,DE⊥平面SBC(Ⅱ) 由,,所以,.(Ⅲ)由知又.故Δ为等腰三角形.取中点F,连接,则.连接,则.所以,是二面角的平面角.连接AG,AG= ,所以,二面角的余弦值为.【解析】本题主要考查线面与面面垂直的判定定理与性质定理、二面角的作法与求解以及空间想象能力,考查了分析问题与解决问题的能力.(1)连接BD,取DC的中点G,连接BG,由题意易得Δ为直角三角形,故,由,则有,作利用面面与线面垂直的性质定理可得再利用线面垂直的判定定理可证结论;(2)由(1)的结论可得,再利用勾股定理求解即可;(3)根据题意判断Δ为等腰三角形,取中点F,连接,则,连接,则,即可知是二面角的平面角,再利用余弦定理求解即可.21.在平面直角坐标系中,曲线与两坐标轴的交点都在圆C上.(1)求圆C的方程;(2)判断直线与圆C的位置关系.【答案】(1)由已知可知曲线与坐标轴的交点坐标为(1,0),(3,0),(0,3),且都在圆C上,由圆的性质可得圆心坐标为(2,b),则圆的半径为r,r2=(1-2)2+(0-b)2=(0-2)2+(3-b)2,解得b=2,r2=5,则圆C 的方程是:;(2)由题意可得,即直线过定点(3,1),显然定点(3,1)在圆内,所以,直线与圆相交【解析】本题主要考查圆的方程的求法、圆的性质的应用以及直线与圆的位置关系.(1)由已知可知曲线与坐标轴的交点坐标为(1,0),(3,0),(0,3),且都在圆C上,由圆的性质可得圆心坐标为(2,b),再由圆心到圆上的点的距离为半径即可求得;(2) 由题意可得,即直线过定点(3,1),显然定点(3,1)在圆内,所以,直线与圆相交22.若不等式的解集是.(1)求的值;(2)求不等式的解集.【答案】(1)依题意,可知方程的两个实数根为和2,由韦达定理得:+2=,解得:-2.(2)-2时不等式等价于即计算得所以解集为【解析】本题主要考查一元二次不等式的解与一元二次方程的根的关系以及一元二次不等式的解法.(1) 依题意,可知方程的两个实数根为和2,由韦达定理求解可得a的值;(2)利用一元二次不等式的解法求解即可.。

高2013级高二(下)半期考试数学试题考试时间:120分钟 试题满分:150分一.选择题(本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)1.已知双曲线的方程2214x y -=,则双曲线的渐近线方程为( ) A.2xy =± B. 2y x =± C. y x =± D. 5y x =±2. i 是虚数单位,复数ii+12的实部为( )A .2B .2-C .1D .1- 3.函数)(x f 的定义域为开区间),(b a , 导函数)(x f '在),(b a 内的图象如图所示,则函数)(x f 在开区间),(b a 内有极小值点( )A .1个B .2个C .3个D . 4个4.已知命题p :x ∀∈R ,2x=5,则⌝p 为( ) (A )x ∀∉R,2x=5(B )x ∀∈R,2x ≠5(C )0x ∃∈R ,20x=5(D )0x ∃∈R ,2x ≠55.(理) 已知)2,0,1(-=a ,),0,2(t b =且b a //,则t 的值为( )A.4-B.4C.21 D. 21- (文)已知 ),2(),2,1(t b a =-=ρρ且b a //,则t 的值为( )A.4-B.4C.21D. 21-6.函数y =12x 2-ln x 的单调递减区间为( )A .(-1,1]B .(0,1]C .[1,+∞)D .(0,+∞)7. 一个几何体的三视图如图所示,其中俯视图与左视图均为半径是2的圆,则这个几何体的表面积是(球体的表面积公式S=24R π)( ) A .14π B .16π C .12π D .8π 8.下列结论错误..的是( ) A.命题“若2340x x --=,则4x =”的逆否命题为“若24,340x x x ≠--≠则”B.“4x =”是“2340x x --=”的充分条件C. 命题:[0,1],1xp x e ∀∈≥,命题2:,10,q x R x x ∃∈++<则p q ∨为假D.命题“若220m n +=,则00m n ==且”的否命题是“若220.00m n m n +≠≠≠则或”9.已知O 为坐标原点,直线=+y x a 与圆+=224x y 分别交于A,B 两点.若⋅=-u u r u u r2OA OB ,则实数a 的值为( ).A .1B .2C .1±D .2± 10. 已知抛物线x y 42=的焦点为F ,准线为l ,点P 为抛物线上一点,且在第一象限,l PA ⊥,垂足为A ,4PF =,则直线AF 的倾斜角等于( ) A .712π B. 23π C .34π D. 56π11.设曲线sin y x =上任一点(,)x y 处切线斜率为()g x ,则函数2()y x g x =的部分图象可以为( ).abxy)(x f y ?=O12.(理)已知定义在()+∞,0上的单调函数)(x f ,对()+∞∈∀,0x ,都有[]3log )(2=-x x f f ,则方程2)(')(=-x f x f 的解所在的区间是( )A.⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛21,0B. ()3,2C. ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛1,21 D. ()2,1(文)已知函数)(x f 的定义域为R ,其导函数为)('x f ,且()'()0f x xf x +<恒成立,则三个数(1),(1),3(3)f f f --的大小关系为( )A .(1)(1)3(3)f f f --<<B .(1)(1)3(3)f f f <--<C .(1)3(3)(1)f f f --<<D .3(3)(1)(1)f f f <<--二.填空题(本大题共4个小题,每小题5分,共20分)13.若z 为复数12z i =+(其中i 为虚数单位)的共轭复数,则z z ⋅=____________. 14.已知函数2()1f x x x =+-,则函数()f x 在点M (1,f (1))处的切线方程是______ 15.(理)如图在平行六面体ABCD A B C D ''''-中,4,3,5,90AB AD AA BAD '===∠=o ,60BAA DAA ''∠=∠=o ,则AC '的长是(文)下图是一个算法的流程图,则输出S 的值是 .16.过双曲线的左焦点F (﹣c ,0)(c >0)作圆x 2+y 2=a 2的切线,切点为E ,延长FE 交抛物线y 2=4cx 于点P .若E 为FP 的中点,则双曲线的离心率为三.解答题(本大题共6个小题,共70分,解答应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或者推演步骤.) 17. (本题满分10分)设复数)(,23)1(2R a i a a i Z ∈++--= (1)若Z 为纯虚数,求a 的值;(2)若复平面内复数Z 对应的点在直线x y =上,求a 的值。
四川省营山县回龙中学2014-2015学年高一9月月考物理试题 Word版含答案

四川省营山县回龙中学2014-2015学年高一9月月考物理试卷考试时间:90分钟;满分100分注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)一、选择题:共10题每题6分共60分(1-6为单选题,7-10为多选题)1.关于位移和路程下列说法中,正确的是A.质点做直线运动时,其位移的大小和路程一定相等B.质点做曲线运动时,位移的大小一定小于路程C.两个位移相同的质点,它们所通过的路程一定相等D.两个质点通过相同的路程,它们的位移大小一定相等2.下列说法中正确的是A.变速直线运动的加速度是变化的B.平均速度即为一段时间内初末速度的平均值C.平均速度的大小就是平均速率D.瞬时速度可看作时间趋于无穷小时的平均速度3.某质点的位移随时间的变化规律的关系是,x与t的单位分别是m和s,则质点的初速度与加速度分别为A.4m/s和4m/s2B.0和4m/s2C.1m/s和4m/s2D.4m/s和04.作匀加速直线运动的物体,先后经过A、B两点时,其速度分别为v和7v,从A到B的时间为t,则不正确说法是A.经A、B中点时速度为5vB.经A、B中点时速度为4vC.A到B过程的中间时刻的速度为4vD.在后一半时间所通过的位移比前一半时间通过的位移多vt5.如图所示为一质点的v-t图象,下列对质点运动的描述正确的是A.该质点做曲线运动B.该质点在t1时间内的平均速度是C.该质点的加速度逐渐增大D.该质点的加速度逐渐减小6.在2004年雅典奥运会百米预赛中出现了富有戏剧性的一幕,第10小组仅有甲、乙、丙三名运动员参赛.当裁判员发令枪打响时,甲由于过度紧张抢跑在先,乙瞬时启动,丙由于大意启动滞后(俗称“墩住”),但比赛结果却恰好相反,丙第一、乙第二、甲第三,若甲、乙、丙三人的运动均视为匀速直线运动,则能够大致反映甲、乙、丙三名运动员的位移图象的是下图中的7.云台山是全球首批世界地质公园,青龙峡景点有“中原第一峡谷”美誉,这里气候独特,水源丰富,植被原始完整,是生态旅游的好去处,乘坐索道缆车观赏怡人的风景以外,还能感觉悬挂在高空的刺激感.对于正在乘坐索道缆车观光的某游客来说,以下说法正确的是A.以自己为参考系,看到对面的山迎面走来B.以对面的山为参考系,自己静止不动C.以自己为参考系,看到同一缆车里的人向对面的山不断靠近D.以所乘坐的缆车为参考系,看到两边的青山绿树向身后走去8.一质点沿一条直线运动,初速度大小为2m/s,经过2s时间速度大小为6m/s,则A.加速度一定等于2m/s2B.加速度可能大于2m/s2C.位移可能大于6mD.位移不可能小于6m9.由图的图像中可以判断物体做的是匀变速直线运动的是10.图为P、Q两物体沿同一直线作直线运动的s-t图,下列说法中正确的有A.t1前,P在Q的前面B.0~t1,Q的路程比P的大C.0~t1,P、Q的平均速度大小相等,方向相同D.P做匀变速直线运动,Q做非匀变速直线运动第II卷(非选择题)二、实验题:共1题每题12分共12分11.如图所示,是某同学由打点计时器得到的表示小车运动过程的一条清晰纸带,纸带上两相邻计数点间还有四个点没有画出(相邻记数点时间为t),打点计时器打点的时间间隔0.02 s,其中x1=7.05 cm、x2=7.68 cm、x3=8.33 cm、x4=8.95 cm、x5=9.61 cm、x6=10.26 cm。
四川省营山县回龙中学2014-2015学年高一6月阶段测试英语试卷 (Word版

四川省营山县回龙中学2014-2015学年高一6月阶段测试英语试卷考试时间:120分钟;满分:150分第I卷(选择题)一、单项选择:共15题每题1分共15分1.The Spring Festival is _____ time when Chinese people get together to eat, drink and have _____ fun with each other.A.a; /B.a; theC.the; aD.the; /2.______ more than half of us were against the new plan, he still decided to carry it out.A.AsB.SinceC.UnlessD.While3.---I hear Tony ______as a lawyer. Why did he quit teaching?---Who knows? Maybe he just wants to experience a totally different life.A.workedB.is workingC.was workingD.will have worked 4.---Are you satisfied with the result ?---Not at all. ______.A.I must be betterB.It can’t be betterC.I could have been betterD.It couldn’t be worse5.Mary is giving me English lessons__________my teaching her Chinese.A.exchange forB.exchangeC.in exchange forD.to exchange for 6.He got up late and hurried to his office, ___________ the breakfast _________.A.left; untouchedB.to leave; untouchingC.leaving; untouchedD.having left; untouching7.In the dark forests, some large enough to hold several English towns.A.do many lakes layB.lie many lakesC.do many lakes lieD.many lakes lay 8.The two books are _______ same size, and similar _______ content.A.of; inB.in the; toC.of the; inD.in; of9.The food in this restaurant can't ____ everyone, for different people have different tastes. A.agree to B.agree on C.agree with D.agree10.As a poet, Hai Zi used to write many romantic poems ______ people usually attach positive and hopeful meanings.A.on whichB.to whichC.with whichD.in which11.Nowadays good things _____ to save wildlife in Tibet and many other places with the joint efforts of the government and society.A.have doneB.are being doneC.are doingD.will be done 12.Perhaps I’m not quite fit for the jo b, but ________, please let me have a try.A.somehowB.anywayC.thereforeD.though13.The poor children are looking forward to _____ a Christmas present that day.A.giveB.be givenC.givingD.being given 14.—Why did the police _____ the crowd?—Because th e president’s car ____ in the street.A.break down;broke downB.break up;broke upC.break down;broke upD.break up;broke down15.Since 1949, the people’s living standard _______, causing a big _______ in population.A.has been raised; riseB.has been rose; raiseC.has raised; riseD.has raised; rose二、完形填空:共20题每题2分共40分With his leg lame(瘸的)and his teeth uneven, the boy almost thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world. He 16played with his classmates, and when asked to answer questions, he always 17his head without a word.One spring, his father brought home some saplings(树苗). 18of his children would plant a sapling and he promised, "Whoever 19his sapling best shall get a favorite gift." The boy certainly wanted to get the gift. 20seeing his brothers and sisters watering the trees, an idea 21him: he hoped the tree he planted would die soon. So after watering it once or twice, he never 22it. A few days later, he was 23to find it not only didn't die, but also grew some fresh 24. Compared with those of his brothers and sisters, his appeared greener. His father kept his 25, bought the little boy a gift and said he would surely become an outstanding 26when he grew up.From then on, the little boy slowly became 27and confident. One night, he suddenly 28 his biology teacher once said that plants 29grow at night. Why not go to see his tree? When he came to the courtyard, he found his father was working near his tree with a ladle(长柄勺). All of a sudden, he 30: his father had been secretly 31his small tree! He returned to his room, tears 32his eyes.Decades passed. The little boy didn't become a botanist. 33, he was elected President of the United States. His name was Franklin Roosevelt. 34is the best nourishment (滋养品)of life. 35it is just a bucket of water, it can make the tree of life grow well.16.A.ever B.seldom C.still D.often17.A.held B.raised C.lowered D.covered18.A.Both B.None C.One D.Each19.A.likes B.protects C.grows D.watches20.A.And B.So C.Before D.But21.A.cared for B.got rid of C.occurred to D.put forward22.A.appealed to B.took care of C.adapted to D.turned to23.A.surprised B.frightened C.disappointed D.amused24.A.roots B.leaves C.branches D.seeds25.A.word B.balance C.agreement D.opinion26.A.teacher B.gardener C.president D.botanist27.A.satisfied B.certain C.optimistic D.independent28.A.believed B.recalled C.repeated D.knew29.A.generally B.hardly C.recently D.voluntarily30.A.remembered B.understood C.wondered D.admitted31.A.cutting B.decorating C.watering D.fertilizing32.A.filling B.falling C.dropping D.crying33.A.Therefore B.Besides C.Moreover D.Instead34.A.Love B.Water C.Disability D.Father35.A.So long as B.If only C.Now that D.Even though三、阅读理解:共20题每题2分共40分Ad. 1April fool’s p artyOn Friday, April 1, Inner Affair goes back to the days of funk! Classic Tunes from the 70’s and 80’s by DJs Den & Sion. 9pm till late.Tickets: Free entrance for those in costume, otherwise 50 yuan (US$6)Time/date: 9 pm, April 1Place: Inner Affair, 1/F Qiankun Dasha, 6 Sanlitun Xiliujie, Chaoyang DistrictTel: 8454 0321Ad. 2Language in useEnjoy free in house coffee, tea and beer as well as music and dancing. Practice your Chinese, make friends and have fun.Time/date: 7 to 9 pm, March 25Place: Language In Use Club, 2/F, Science Fortune Center, 8 Xueqing Lu, north of Xueyuan Lu, Haidian DistrictAd. 3The “worst” partyOrganized by Ozone Productions, the party is set to be “the worst ever”, with the lamest music from the 60s, 70s and 80s. Special prizes will be awarded to the worst dressed or for bad fashion sense.Tickets: Free entranceTime/date: 9 pm, April 1Place: Pula Pula, Tianze Lu, Oriental Seven Colours Plaza, Chaoyang DistrictTel: 64668575Ad. 4La Nuit FrancaiseAgain on the 2nd Thursday of the month La Nuit Francaise will be held at Le Rendezvous. The monthly event is an opportunity for all French people and everyone interested in France or speaking French to gather together.The evening features three glasses of wine and canapes for participants and a special exhibition. Time/date: 7 to 10 pm, April 14Place: Le Rendezvous, 3 Gongti Beilu, across from the Pacific Century Plaza, Chaoyang District Tel: 64629110Ad. 5Marco VDutch DJ Marco V drops by Banana for a gig which is supported by Hong Kong’s DJ Spark. Marco V has been around for many years, as an inventive, style blending deejay and a successful and devoted producer. His spinning is energetic, crowd pleasing and never sees an empty dance floor. He was ranked No. 15 in this year’s international DJ MAG DJ Top100.Tickets: 40 yuan (US$4.80) in advance, 50 yuan (US$6) at the door, both include a free drink Time/date: 10 pm to 4 am, March 31, April 1Place: Banana, in the lobby of the Scitech Hotel, 22 Jianwai Dajie, Chaoyang DistrictTel: 6528363636.Which of the following is NOT true of Ad. 1 and Ad. 3?A.The two parties will be held on the same day.B.The two parties will be held at the same time.C.The entrance fees of the two parties will not be charged.D.Some old music will be played at the parties.37.Which of the following is intended for the Chinese learners?A.Marco V. Nuit Francaise.nguage in use.D.The “worst” party.38.We can infer that______.A.Marco V is a newly established band Nuit Francaise may be French wordsC.the “worst” party will attract a lot of college studentsD.you will enjoy free drink at April fool’s partyBy the time we finished, herring(鲱鱼)covered the bottom of the boat as deep as my calves(腿肚子). For the first time in days, my father seemed happy as a herring choker(捕鲱鱼的人). Then he looked at the western sky, and his smile faded. The storms were sweeping out of Canada hard and fast. No one could predict their arrival. All fishermen feared them.“We’re going back,” my father said. He pulled th e cord and started the motor.We were only two miles out, but the shoreline looked to me as far away as the moon. Over the distant hills, black clouds ran toward us like wild horses. We made it only halfway home before we met the storm.The wind came first. It lifted the lake in whitecaps. The weight of the herring made us ride low in the water, and the waves broke over our bow. My father struggled to hold us on course. I’d put on my raincoat, but I had no life jacket.Then the rain fell so hard we couldn’t see the land. The boat was filling with water. I was scared, but I saw my father sitting straight, holding the boat steady into the wind, and I felt hopeful. He didn’t look hurt at all.I was starting to think we were going to make it. That’s when the mot or died. My father pulled the cord hard, but the motor wouldn’t catch. We would go down in no time.“Grab an oar(浆),” he cried above the wind. He always carried two oars for just such a moment. We began to pull hard. My father grunted, from pain or effort I couldn’t tell. He dug his oar into the violent lake and bowed into the wind again. With all my strength, I pulled on my own oar. The wind pushed hard against us. Ws seemed to be fighting the anger of the whole lake. I was tired. My arms felt heavy and on fire. I didn’t know how much longer I could push that oar through the water.As if he heard my thin king, my father called to me, “I need you, Karl. Only a little longer.”So I kept rowing.Just when I thought I had no more strength, I heard it. The sound of waves breaking against the shore. We moved into the shelter of our small cove and rode the swells toward the landing.My mother rushed through the rain to greet us. “I’ve been so worried,” she said. She hugged me and then my father.“Nothing to worry about,” he assured her. He put his hand on my shoulder. “You did well, son. How do you feel?”Tired as I was, I managed a smile. “I feel like a herring choker.”39.The author’s father decided to go back because______.A.the motor didn’t work wellB.they couldn’t catch more herringsC.the storm would arrive at any timeD.it was too cold for them to stay any longer40.The author created a picture of ______ with the underlined sentence in Para.8.A.a rare chanceB.a violent struggleC.an exciting tripD.an amazing experience41.According to the passage, what was the main reason Karl kept rowing even though he was very tired?A.He did not want to lose all the fish.B.He knew the storm was about to end.C.He knew his mother was waiting on shore.D.He did not want to disappoint his father. 42.We can learn from the passage the author felt ______ after arriving home safe.A.he were a real manB.he needed his father’s praiseC.he shouldn’t have gone out to the lakeD.he would be a herring choker when he grew upGroup–buying in ChinaModeled after US hot website , group buying websites are now popular in China. These websites use the power of group buying to get competitive discounts (打折)for a daily deal on some best stuff to do, see, eat and buy in the cities across China. Discounts are available within just one click. Zhao lei, a software engineer in Beijing, loves the one-hour lunch break at noon, as it is the be st time for him to check “today’s special” at his favorite group buying websites .Sometimes he searches for great deals at directory sites devoted to the new shopping space. Zhao spends around 800 yuan ($117.65) on group buying every month, mostly to buy food coupons (优惠劵)for eating at some nice restaurants and occasionally to find something fun to do. ‘‘I love group buying. In addition to the competitive discounts it offers, it helps me get something fun, exciting and new, and such surprises give me a reason to try som ething new,” he said. When he finds a really good bargain, he will send the link to friends or colleagues through MSN,QQ, ore-mail, or share the information at some social networking websites. In doing so, he often gets a certain cut off the price. At some sites, buyers are invited to leave notes about what they want to buy and the website will consider it if similar applications(申请)reach a certain number. That is how Zuo got her digital camera after waiting for two months. “It is cool. I want to buy a new digital camera for my trip to Switzerland this winter, but I never expected such cheap prices!”Zuo said.43.We can learn from the passage that________.A.China is the first country to start group buyingB.the price of group buying depends on the marketC.you can’t get the best you need through group buyingD.group buying is becoming popular in China44.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Zhao Lei has to spend about 800 yuan on group buying per month.B.Zhao Lei never surfs at other directory sites for group buying.C.Zhao Lei finds it easy to do group buying.D.Zhao Lei can’t buy food coupons to eat at a nice restaurant.45.What is the passage mainly about?A.Zhao Lei’s online purchasing life.B.Group buyingC.The US hot websitesD.A new digital camera46.Zhao Lei succeeded in getting a certain cut off the price by__________.A.bargaining face to faceB.discussing with the sellersC.providing the link to othersD.inviting others to talk about the priceGood health is the most valuable thing a person can have, but one cannot take good health for granted. It is important to remember that the body needs proper care in order to be healthy. There are three things that a person can do to help stay in good shape: eat right food, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly.Proper nutrition is important for good health. Your body cannot work well unless it receives the proper kind of “fuel”(燃料).Don't eat too much food with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of foods high in protein, like meat, fish, eggs and nuts. Vegetables and fruits are very important because they provide necessary vitamins and minerals. However, don't overeat. It is not helpful to be overweight.Getting the proper amount of sleep is also important. If you don't get enough sleep, you feel tired and easily get angry. You have no energy. Over a long period of time a little amount of sleep may even result in a change of personality .Be sure to allow yourself from seven to nine hours of sleep each night. If you do, your body will feel strong and refreshed, and your mind will be sharp. Finally, get plenty of exercise. Exercise firms the body, strengthens the muscles, and prevents you from gaining weight. It also improves your heart and lungs. If you follow a regular exercise program, you will probably increase your life-span (寿命).Any kind of exercise is good. Most sports are excellent for keeping the body in good shapes: basketball, swimming, bicycling, running and so on are good examples. Sports are not only good for your body, but they are enjoyable and interesting, too.If everybody were to eat the right foods, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly, the world would be a happier and healthier place. We would all live to be much older and wiser. 47.According to the passage,_________.A.we should always keep fitB.if we were healthy, we could spend our days in doing things with less sleepC.one can eat a lot to stay in good shapeD.one needn't take any exercise if he is healthy48.In order to keep good health, ___________ .A.we should eat a lot of sweetsB.one needs a large amount of fatC.people should eat according to the foods nutritionD.we must try to sleep now and then49.Eating more and sleeping less________.A.can keep healthyB.is no good for youC.gets you more energyD.will keep your personality50.The writer explains ________in this passage.A.how to eatB.the importance of doing exerciseC.how to keep healthyD.what to eat51.The title of the article should be___________ .A.Eating and ExercisingB.How Vitamins Work in Man's BodyC.Staying HealthyD.Sleeping WellMr. Johnson, aged twenty-three, battled for half an hour to escape from his trapped car yesterday when it landed upside down in three feet of water. Mr. Johnson took the only escape route—through the boot (行李箱).Mr. Johnson’s car had finished up in a ditch (沟渠) at Romney Marsin, Kent after skidding on ice and hitting a bank. “Fortunately, the water began to come in only slowly,” Mr. Johnson said, “I couldn’t force the doors because they were jammed against the walls of the ditch and dared not open the windows because I knew water would come flooding in.”Mr. Johnson, a sweet salesman of Sitting Home, Kent, first tried to attract the attention of other motorists by sounding the horn and hammering on the roof and boot (汽车行李箱). Then he began his struggle to escape.Later he said, “It was really a half penny that saved my life. It was the only coin I had i n my pocket and I used it to unscrew(拧开…的螺丝) the back seat to get into the boot. I hammered desperately with a hammer trying to make someone hear, but no help came.”It took ten minutes to unscrew the seat, and a further five minutes to clear the sweet samples from the boot. Then Mr. Johnson found a wrench(扳钳) and began to work on the boot lock. Fifteen minutes passed by. “It was the only chance I had. Finally it gave, but as soon as I moved the boot lid, the water and mud poured in. I forced the lid down into the mud and scrambled (move with difficulty) as the car filled up.”His hands and arms were cut and bruised (擦伤). Mr. Johnson got to Beckett Farm nearby, where he was looked after by the farmer’s wife, Mrs. Lucy Bates. Huddled in a blanket, he said, “T he thirty minutes seemed like hours.” Only the tips of the car wheels were visible(can be seen), police said last night. The vehicle had sunk into two feet of mud at the bottom of the ditch.52.What is the best title for this newspaper article?A.The Story of Mr. Johnson, A Sweet SalesmanB.Car Boot Serve As The Best Escape RouteC.Driver Escaped Through Car BootD.The Driver Survived A Terrible Car Accident53.Which of the following objects is the most important to Mr. Johnson?A.The hammer.B.The coin.C.The screw.D.The horn. 54.“Finally it gave”(Paragraph 5) means that ________.A.luckily the door was torn away in the endB.at last the wrench went brokenC.the lock came open after all his effortsD.the chance was lost at the last minute55.It may be inferred from the passage that __________.A.the ditch was along a quiet country roadB.the accident happened on a rainy cold dayC.Mr. Johnson’s car stood on its boot as it fell downD.the police helped Mr. Johnson get out of the ditch四、七选五:共5题每题2分共10分In the world nothing is more important than health. If people took away our money, houses, cars, or even our clothes, we could still survive. 56Then how can we keep healthy?First of all, we should eat healthily. I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies, which are junk food. 57I only eat little meat. 58It helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy. In addition, I think friends are an important part of one’s health. 59I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. It is good to stay with my friends.By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. 60A. What’s more, taking exercise is very important.B. Some people appear fat because they often eat too much.C. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep fit.D. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruits which are full of vitamins.E. There are some people who like staying alone, but they keep healthy.F. But if our health were taken away, we could surely die.G. Many studies show that people with few friends often get sick.第II卷(非选择题)五、语法填空:共10题每题1分共10分Isalella: Mathew, do you know much about body language in countries around the world? Mathew: Sure. I’ve picke d up a few things from travelling around 61business. What’s up? Isalella: Well, I had a meeting today with a woman from Japan and she wouldn’t stop 62______(bow)! I didn’t know what to do.Mathew: Do you bow back?Isalella: No, I tried to shake her hands, but her hand was so limp(无力的).Mathew: Well, Japanese typically(典型地))bow 63(greet) each other. She might 64_______ (offend) by your strong hand-shake.Isalella: But she was in America! Shouldn’t she have known that strong handshakes in America show 65_______ (confident) and respect?Mathew: Things are different in Japan. You know, in some countries, making eye contact with others 66_______ (consider) rude.Isalella: Is that why she wouldn’t look at me in the meeting?Mathew: I think it’s 67(high) possible.Isalella: The meeting really didn’t go down well at all. I think I need to study intercultural communication(跨文化交流)) 68I have another meeting with someone from 69_______ country.Matthew: That’s a good idea. When you don’t know much abo ut other cultures, even the 70 (simple) thing can offend someone.Isalella: That’s so true. It’s great that we see eye to eye on this.六、书面表达:共35分71.感恩,是我们生活中永恒的话题。
四川省营山县回龙中学2014-2015学年高一6月阶段测试数学试卷 (Word版

四川省营山县回龙中学2014-2015学年高一6月阶段测试数学试卷考试时间:120分钟;满分:150分第I卷一、选择题1. 若,且.则下列结论正确的是( )A.B.C.D.2. 在,将它沿着对角线折起,使成60°角,则的长度为()A.2 B.2或C.D.3. 函数则函数是()A.奇函数但不是偶函数B.偶函数但不是奇函数C.既是奇函数又是偶函数D.既不是奇函数又不是偶函数4. 已知直线和直线,抛物线上一动点到直线和直线的距离之和的最小值是()A.B.2 C.D.35. 已知向量, , ,若为实数,,则的值为()A.B.C.D.6. 设点是区域内的随机点,函数在区间上是增函数的概率为 ( )A.B.C.D.7. 将直线绕原点逆时针旋转,再向右平移1个单位,所得到的直线为()A.B.C.D.8. 设、是定点,且均不在平面上,动点在平面上,且,则点的轨迹为()A.圆或椭圆B.抛物线或双曲线 C.椭圆或双曲线 D.以上均有可能9. 如图,四面体的三条棱两两垂直,, ,为四面体外一点.给出下列命题.①不存在点,使四面体有三个面是直角三角形;②不存在点,使四面体是正三棱锥;③存在点,使与垂直并且相等;④存在无数个点,使点在四面体的外接球面上.A ②③B ①③C ①④ D③④10. 已知△中,以为直径的圆交于,则的长为()A.B.C.D.11. 球O的半径为1,该球的一小圆O 1 上两点A、B的球面距离为,则=()A.B.C. D.12.直线的斜率和截距分别是()A.B.C.D.第II卷二、填空题13.已知四棱椎的底面是边长为6 的正方形,侧棱底面,且,则该四棱椎的体积是 .14.已知过球面上A 、 B 、C 三点的截面和球心的距离是球直径的,且,,则球面的面积为.15.求圆上的点到直线的距离的最小值.16.下列命题中正确的是 .①若△ABC在平面α外,它的三条边所在的直线分别交平面α于P,Q,R,则P,Q,R三点共线;②若三条直线a,b,c互相平行且分别交直线l于A,B,C三点,则这四条直线共面;③空间中不共面的五个点一定能确定10个平面;④若a不平行于平面α,且aα,则α内的所有直线与a异面.三、解答题17. (本小题满分12分)如图,四边形ABCD为正方形,四边形BDEF为矩形,AB=2BF,E平面ABCD,G为EF中点.(1)求证:CF//平面(2) 求证:平面ASG平面CDG;(3)求二面角CFGB的余弦值.18. (满分12分)如图,在正方体中,E、F、G分别为、、的中点,O为与的交点,(1)证明:面(2)求直线与平面所成角的正弦值.19. 某超市在节日期间进行有奖促销,凡在该超市购物满400元的顾客,将获得一次摸奖机会,规则如下:奖盒中放有除颜色外完全相同的1个红球,1个黄球,1个白球和1个黑球.顾客不放回的每次摸出1个球,若摸到黑球则停止摸奖,否则就继续摸球.规定摸到红球奖励20元,摸到白球或黄球奖励10元,摸到黑球不奖励.(1)求1名顾客摸球2次停止摸奖的概率;(2)记为1名顾客摸奖获得的奖金数额,求随机变量的分布律和数学期望.20. 对于函数,若在定义域存在实数,满足,则称为“局部奇函数”.(1)已知二次函数,试判断是否为“局部奇函数”?并说明理由;(2)设是定义在上的“局部奇函数”,求实数的取值范围.21. 已知抛物线.(1)若圆心在抛物线上的动圆,大小随位置而变化,但总是与直线相切,求所有的圆都经过的定点坐标;(2)抛物线的焦点为,若过点的直线与抛物线相交于两点,若,求直线的斜率;(3)若过正半轴上点的直线与该抛物线交于两点, 为抛物线上异于的任意一点,记连线的斜率为试求满足成等差数列的充要条件.22. 设等差数列的公差为,且.若设是从开始的前项数列的和,即,,如此下去,其中数列是从第开始到第)项为止的数列的和,即.(1)若数列,试找出一组满足条件的,使得:;(2)试证明对于数列,一定可通过适当的划分,使所得的数列中的各数都为平方数;(3)若等差数列中.试探索该数列中是否存在无穷整数数列,使得为等比数列,如存在,就求出数列;如不存在,则说明理由.参考答案一、选择题1、 DBABA 6-10 AADDD 11-12 BA二、填空题13、 9014、1215、16、①②三、解答题17、 (1)18、(1)证明:因为,,所以从而在中故从而即………2分又因为,∥所以………4分又因为故又因为所以………6分(2)解:如右图,连接由(1)知,故即为直线与平面所成角………8分设正方体的棱长为1 ,则,在Rt 中,有故= = ………10分所以………12分19、20、21、22、。
四川省营山县回龙中学2014-2015学年高一6月阶段测试化学试卷 Word版含答案.pdf

四川省营山县回龙中学2014-2015学年高一6月阶段测试 化学试卷 考试时间:50分钟;满分:100分 第I卷(选择题) 1.化学与社会、生活和生产息息相关,以下叙述错误的是 A.科学家们正在研究利用蓝绿藻等低等植物和微生物在阳光作用下使水分解产生氢气 B.贮氢金属在一定温度和压强下可以吸附氢气,如镧镍合金(LaNi5)可以吸附氢气形成LaNi5H6,其中H元素仍以H2分子形式存在 C.生活垃圾送入焚烧炉产生的热量可发电、供暖,焚烧炉产生的气体不可直接排放 D.2013年3月底,H7N9型禽流感在上海和安徽两地率先发现。
要杀死禽流感病毒可通过消毒剂杀菌,通过加热煮沸杀菌,也可用紫外线照射杀菌 2.短周期主族元素A、B、C、D、E的原子序数依次递增,A、B两元素相邻,B、C、E原子的最外层电子数之和为13,E原子最外层电子数是B原子内层电子数的3倍或者C原子最外层电子数的3倍,B、D原子最外层电子数之和等于C、E原子最外层电子数之和。
下列说法正确的是 A.元素A所形成的氧化物只有一种 B.元素B的最高价氧化物对应的水化物为强酸 C.元素C、D、E的最高价氧化物对应的水化物两两之间可发生反应 D.氢化物的稳定性:A>B 3.具有下列电子层结构的原子,其第一电离能由大到小排列正确的是 3p轨道上只有一对成对电子的原子;外围电子构型为3s23p6的原子; 其3p轨道为半满的原子;正三价的阳离子结构与氖相同的原子。
A.B.③①②④C.②③①④D.②④①③ 4.膦(PH3)又称磷化氢,在常温下是一种无色有大蒜臭味的有毒气体。
关于PH3的叙述不正确的是A.PH3的VSEPR模型为四面体形B.PH3分子中P原子采取sp2杂化C.PH3分子中P原子上有1个孤电子对D.PH3分子的立体构型是三角锥形 5.下列关于煤、石油、天然气等资源的说法正确的是A.石油裂解得到的汽油是纯净物B.煤的气化是物理变化C.天然气是一种清洁的化石燃料D.水煤气是通过煤的液化得到的气体燃料 6.下列属于加成反应的是 A.己烯使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色 B.将苯滴入溴水中,振荡后水层接近无色 C.乙烯使溴水褪色 D.甲烷与氯气混合光照一段时间后黄绿色消失 7.已知A、B、C、D的原子序数都不超过18,它们的离子aA(n+1)+、bBn+、cC(n+1)-、dDn-具有相同的电子层结构,则下列说法正确的是 A.原子序数:a>b>c>d B.离子半径:A(n+1)+>Bn+>C(n+1)->Dn- C.离子还原性:A(n+1)+>Bn+ ,离子氧化性:C(n+1)->Dn- D.单质还原性:B>A,单质氧化性:D>C ? 第II卷(非选择题) 8.已知:A是石油裂解气的主要成份,A的产量通常用来衡量一个国家的石油化工水平;2CH3CHO+O22CH3COOH。


营山中学2014—2015学年度上期高二第一次月考数学(文科)(考试时间120分钟 满分150分)第I 卷(选择题,共50分)一.选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分 1.直线1x =的倾斜角和斜率分别是A.45°,1B.135,1︒-C.90°,不存在D.180°,不存在2.直线134x y+=在x 轴上的截距为A.3B.4C.3-D.4- 3.已知点(,0),(,0)A a B b 则A,B 两点间的距离为A.a b -B.b a -C.||a b -D.22a b + 4.过点(1,3)P -且平行于直线230x y -+=的直线方程为 A.210x y +-= B.250x y +-= C.250x y +-= D.270x y -+=5.设变量,x y 满足约束条件1133x y x y x y --⎧⎪+⎨⎪-⎩≥≥≤,则目标函数4z x y =+的最大值为A.4B.11C.12D.14 6.直线3460x y -+=与圆22(2)(3)4x y -+-=的位置关系是A.相离B.相切C.相交且过圆心D.相交但不过圆心7.225204x y kx y k ++-+=所表示的曲线是圆,则k 的取值范围是A.114k <<B.114k k <>或C.114k k ==或 D.k R ∈ 8.圆4)1()3(:221=++-y x C 关于直线y x =对称的圆2C 的方程为A. 4)1()3(22=-++y xB. 4)1()3(22=++-y xC. 4)3()1(22=-++y xD. 4)3()1(22=++-y x9.在圆22240x y x y ++-=内,过点(0,1)的最短弦所在直线的倾斜角是 A.4π B.6π C.3π D.34π10.若圆22()()4x a y a -+-=上,总存在不同两点到原点的距离等于1,则实数a 的取值范围是 A.232(,)22 B.322(,)22-- C.322232(,)(,)2222--⋃ D.22(,)22-第II 卷(非选择题,共100分)二.填空:本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分11.若直线1:(1)30,l ax a y +--=与2:(1)(23)20l a x a y -++-=互相垂直,则a =________. 12.圆221:2880C x y x y +++-=和圆222:4420C x y x y +---=公共弦所在的直线方程为___________.13.设x ,y 满足约束条件310x y y x y +⎧⎪-⎨⎪⎩≤≤≥,则22(1)(1)z x y =-+-的最小值是_______.14.已知两点(2,0),(0,2)A B -,点C 是圆2220x y x +-=上的任意一点,则△ABC 的面积最小值是__________.15.已知,m R γ∈,直线21:(1)4l mx m y m -+=,2:(13)(12)(25)0l x y γγγ+++-+= 和圆221:16C x y +=,圆222:(2)(1)13C x y +++=给出下列四种说法:①直线1l 斜率的取值范围是11,22⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦;②无论γ取何值时,直线2l 恒过一定点; ③存在实数m ,使得直线1l 与圆1C 相切;④无论γ取何值时,直线2l 与圆2C 总有两个公共点.其中说法正确的是_______________.(写出所有正确说法的代号)三.解答题:本大题共6小题,共75分,解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤 16.(本小题满分12分)已知△ABC 的三个顶点(4,6),(4,0),(1,4)A B C ---,求: (I )AC 边上的高BD 所在直线的方程;(II )设AB 边的中点为M ,求中线CM 所在直线的方程.17.(本小题满分12分) 求满足下列条件的圆的方程:(I )圆心为点(5,3),M -且过点(8,1)A --; (II )过三点(2,4),(1,3),(2,6)A B C --.18.(本小题满分12分)已知实数,x y 满足不等式组8001x y x y y +-⎧⎪-⎨⎪⎩≤≥≥,(I )直线2x =将不等式表示的平面区域分成两部分,求较小部分的面积; (II )求1yu x =+的取值范围. 19.(本小题满分12分)已知动点M 到点A (2,0)的距离是它到点B (8,0)的距离的一半, 求动点M 的轨迹方程,并指出轨迹是什么曲线.20.(本小题满分13分)已知点()3,1M ,直线:40l ax y -+=及圆22:(1)(2)4N x y -+-=. (I )求过M 点的圆的切线方程; (II )若直线l 与圆N 相切,求a 的值.21.(本小题满分14分)已知圆M 的圆心M 在x 轴上,半径为1,直线41:=32l y x -,被圆M 所截的弦长为3,且圆心M 在直线l 的下方.(I )求圆M 的方程;(II )设(0,),(0,6)(52)A t B t t +--≤≤,若圆M 是ABC ∆的内切圆,求ABC ∆的面积S 的最大值和最小值. .营山中学2014—2015学年度上期高二第一次月考文 科 数 学 答 题 卷(考试时间120分钟 满分150分)总 分 栏题号 二 三总分16 17 18 19 20 21 得分二、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分)11._________________ 12._________________ 13._________________ 14._________________ 15._________________三、解答题本大题共6小题,共75分,解答应写出必要的文字说明、演算步骤. 16.(本小题满分12分)17.(本小题满分12分)18.(本小题满分12分)市\区 学校 班级 姓名 考号………………………密…………封…………线…………内……………不……………要……………答……………题…………………………19.(本小题满分12分)21.(本小题满分14分)20.(本小题满分13分)。

四川省营山县回龙中学2014—2015学年高一下期5月阶段测试数学试卷一、选择题1.设集合U={x|0<x<10,x∈N+},若A∩B={2,3},A∩(∁U B)={1,5,7},(∁U A)∩(∁U B)={9},则集合B=()A.{2,3,4}B.{2,3,4,6}C.{2,4,6,8} D.{2,3,4,6,8}[答案] D[解析]∵U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},∵A∩B={2,3},∴2∈B,3∈B.∵A∩(∁U B)={1,5,7},∴1∈A,5∈A,7∈A,1∉B,5∉B,7∉B.∵(∁U A)∩(∁U B)={9}∴9∉A,9∉B,∴A={1,2,3,5,7},B={2,3,4,6,8}.2. 用二分法求方程x-2lg 1x=3的近似解,可以取的一个区间是()A.(0,1) B.(1,2) C.(2,3) D.(3,4) [答案] C[解析]本题考查用二分法求解函数零点所在区间.设f(x)=x-2lg 1x-3=x+lg x-3,因为f(2)·f(3)=(lg2-1)×lg3<0,且函数图象在(2,3)上连续,所以可以取的一个区间是(2,3),故选C.3.已知球的两个平行截面的面积分别为5π和8π,它们位于球心的同一侧,且相距为1,那么这个球的半径是()A.4 B.3C.2 D.1[答案] B[解析]如图,设球的半径为R,两截面圆的半径分别为r1,r2,则πr21=5π,πr22=8π,∴r1=5,r2=2 2.又O1O2=1,取OO2=x,则有R2=5+(x+1)2,R2=8+x2,∴5+(x+1)2=8+x2,∴x=1,∴R=3.4.五棱柱中,不同在任何侧面且不同在任何底面的两顶点的连线称为它的对角线,那么一个五棱柱对角线的条数共有()A.20 B.15C.12 D.10[答案] D[解析]由题意五棱柱对角线一定为上底面的一个顶点和下底面的一个顶点的连线,因为不同在任何侧面内,故从一个顶点出发的对角线有2条,五棱柱对角线的条数共有2×5=10条.5.已知一个正方形的直观图是一个平行四边形,其中有一边长为4,则此正方形的面积是()A.16 B.64C.16或64 D.都不对[答案] C[解析]根据直观图的画法,平行于x轴的线段长度不变,平行于y轴的线段长度变为原来的一半,于是长为4的边如果平行于x轴,则正方形边长为4,面积为16;边长为4的边如果平行于y轴,则正方形边长为8,面积是64.6. 一个长方体去掉一个小长方体,所得几何体的主视图与左视图分别如图所示,则该几何体的俯视图为()[答案] C[解析]由主视图可以看出去掉的小长方体在主视图的左上角,从左视图可以看出去掉的小长方体在左视图的右上角,由以上各视图的描述可知,该几何体如图所示,则易知俯视图为选项C.7. 正四棱锥的顶点都在同一球面上,若该棱锥的高为4,底面边长为2,则该球的表面积为( ) A .81π4B .16πC .9πD .27π4[答案] A[解析] 本题考查空间几何体的结构特征,球的表面积运算.设球的半径是r ,根据题意可得(4-r )2+(2)2=r 2,解得r =94,所以球的表面积是S =4πr 2=4π(94)2=81π4.8. 两直线l 1:mx -y +n =0和l 2:nx -y +m =0在同一坐标系中,则正确的图形可能是( )[答案] B[解析] 首先C 不正确,否则,若l 1∥x 轴,则m =0,l 2必过原点,与图形不符.同理,l 2∥x 轴也不可能,故m ,n 均不为0.此时,l 1:y =mx +n ,l 2:y =nx +m .由图A 知,两直线在y 轴上的截距均为正,但有一直线斜率为负,不可能.由图D 知,两直线斜率均为负,但有一直线在y 轴上的截距为正,也不可能.9. P ,Q 分别为3x +4y -12=0与6x +8y +6=0上任一点,则|PQ |的最小值为( ) A .95B .185C .3D .6[答案] C[解析] |PQ |的最小值是这两条平行线间的距离.在直线3x +4y -12=0上取点(4,0),然后利用点到直线的距离公式得PQ 的最小距离为3.10. 对实数a 和b ,定义运算“⊗”:a ⊗b =⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧a ,a -b ≤1b ,a -b >1,设函数f (x )=(x 2-2)⊗(x -1),x ∈R.若函数y =f (x )-c 的图象与x 轴恰有两个公共点,则实数c 的取值范围是( ) A .(-1,1]∪(2,+∞) B .(-2,-1]∪(1,2] C .(-∞,-2)∪(1,2] D .[-2,-1][答案] B[解析] 依题意可得f (x )=⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x 2-2,-1≤x ≤2x -1,x <-1或x >2作出其示意图如图所示.由数形结合知,实数c 需有1<c ≤2或-2<c ≤-1.11. 已知函数f (x )=sin(πx -π2)-1,下列命题正确的是( )A .f (x )是周期为1的奇函数B .f (x )是周期为2的偶函数C .f (x )是周期为1的非奇非偶函数D .f (x )是周期为2的非奇非偶函数 [答案] B[解析] ∵f (x )=sin(πx -π2)-1=-cosπx -1,∴周期T =2ππ=2,又f (-x )=-cos(-πx )-1=-cos x -1=f (x ), ∴f (x )为偶函数.12. 若圆(x -a )2+(y -b )2=b 2+1始终平分圆(x +1)2+(y +1)2=4的周长,则实数a ,b 应满足的关系是( ) A .a 2-2a -2b -3=0 B .a 2+2a +2b +5=0 C .a 2+2b 2+2a +2b +1=0 D .3a 2+2b 2+2a +2b +1=0[答案] B[解析] 若要一圆始终平分另一个圆的周长,只需两圆的公共弦经过小圆的圆心即可.公共弦方程为:(x -a )2+(y -b )2-b 2-1-[(x +1)2+(y +1)2-4]=0,即:(2+2a )x +(2+2b )y -1-a 2=0,小圆圆心为(-1,-1),代入上式得a 2+2a +2b +5=0.故应选B. 二、填空题13. .已知圆锥母线与旋转轴所成的角为30°,母线的长为2,则其底面面积为________. [答案] π2[解析] 如图所示,过圆锥的旋转轴作其轴截面ABC ,设圆锥的底面半径为r .∵△ABC 为等腰三角形, ∴△ABO 为直角三角形. 又∵∠BAO =30°, ∴BO =r =12AB =22.∴底面圆O 的面积为S =πr 2=π2.14. 直线l 与直线3x -2y =6平行,且直线l 在x 轴上的截距比在y 轴上的截距大1,则直线l 的方程为________. [答案] 15x -10y -6=0[解析] 由题意知直线l 的斜率k =32,设直线l 的方程为y =32x +b .令y =0,得x =-2b3.∴-2b3-b =1,解得b =-35.∴直线l 的方程为y =32x -35,即15x -10y -6=0.15. 若实数x ,y 满足x 2+y 2-6x +8y +24=0,则x 2+y 2的最大值等于________. [答案] 36[解析] 依题意,点P (x ,y )在圆x 2+y 2-6x +8y +24=0上,即(x -3)2+(y +4)2=1,而x 2+y 2表示点P 与原点O 距离的平方.由于已知圆的圆心为C (3,-4),半径r =1. 又|OC |=5,所以点P 与原点O 距离的最大值为1+5=6,从而x 2+y 2的最大值是36. 16. 已知a 、b 、c 是三条不重合的直线,α、β、γ是三个不重合的平面. ①a ∥c ,b ∥c ⇒a ∥b ;②a ∥γ,b ∥γ⇒a ∥b ; ③a ∥c ,α∥c ⇒a ∥α;④a ∥γ,α∥γ⇒a ∥α; ⑤a α,b α,a ∥b ⇒a ∥α.其中正确的命题号是________. [答案] ①⑤[解析] 由公理4知①正确;对于②,因平行于同一个平面的两条直线不仅仅是平行,也可以相交,所以②不对;对于③当a α内时,我们不能说a ∥α,所以错误;对于④当a ∥γ,α∥γ时a ∥α或a α,所以④错误;对于⑤,由直线与平面平行的判定定理知成立.三、解答题17. 如图,两个三角形ABC和A′B′C′的对应顶点的连线AA′、BB′、CC′交于同一点O,且OAOA′=BOOB′=COOC′=23.(1)求证:A′B′∥AB,A′C′∥AC,B′C′∥BC;(2)求S△ABCS△A′B′C′的值.[解析](1)证明:∵AA′与BB′交于点O,且AOOA′=BOOB′=23,∴AB∥A′B′.同理AC∥A′C′,BC∥B′C′.(2)∵A′B′∥AB,AC∥A′C′且AB和A′B′、AC和A′C′方向相反,∴∠BAC=∠B′A′C′.∴同理∠ABC=∠A′B′C′.∴△ABC∽△A′B′C′,且ABA′B′=AOOA′=23.∴S△ABCS△A′B′C′=(23)2=49.18. 如图,在四棱锥P-ABCD中,AB∥CD,AB⊥AD,CD=2AB,平面P AD⊥底面ABCD,P A⊥AD,E和F分别是CD、PC的中点,求证:(1)P A⊥底面ABCD;(2)BE∥平面P AD;(3)平面BEF⊥平面PCD.[解析](1)因为平面P AD⊥底面ABCD,且P A垂直于这两个平面的交线AD,所以P A⊥底面ABCD.(2)因为AB∥CD,CD=2AB,E为CD的中点,所以AB∥DE,且AB=DE.所以四边形ABED为平行四边形.所以BE∥AD.又因为BE平面P AD,AD 平面P AD,所以BE∥平面P AD.(3)因为AB⊥AD,而且ABED为平行四边形,所以BE⊥CD,AD⊥CD.由(1)知P A⊥底面ABCD.所以P A⊥CD.所以CD⊥平面P AD.所以CD⊥PD.因为E和F分别是CD和PC的中点,所以PD∥EF.所以CD⊥EF,又因为CD⊥BE,BE∩EF=E,所以CD⊥平面BEF. 所以平面BEF⊥平面PCD.19. )2014年某个体企业受金融危机和国家政策调整的影响,经历了从亏损到盈利的过程,下面的二次函数图象(部分)刻画了该公司年初以来的累积利润S(万元)与时间t(月)之间的关系(即前t个月的利润总和S与t之间的关系,0≤t≤12).请根据图象提供的信息解答下列问题:(1)求累积利润S(万元)与时间t(月)之间的函数关系式;(2)截止到第几月末公司累积利润可达到9万元?(3)该企业第四季度所获利润是多少?[解析]设S(t)=at2+bt+c,将点(0,0),(6,0),(3,-3)代入得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧36a +6b =09a +3b =-3c =0,解得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧a =13b =-2c =0.∴函数关系式S (t )=13t 2-2t (0≤t ≤12).(2)令S =9即13t 2-2t =9,解得t =9或t =-3(舍),∴截止到9月末公司累积利润可达到9万元. (3)S (12)=13×144-2×12=24(万元),S (9)=13×81-2×9=9(万元),∴第四季度获利S (12)-S (9)=24-9=15(万元). 答:第四季度所获利润为15万元. 20. 设点P (x ,y )在圆x 2+(y -1)2=1上. (1)求 x -2 2+y 2的最小值; (2)求y +2x +1的最小值.[解析] (1)式子 x -2 2+y 2的几何意义是圆上的点与定点(2,0)的距离.因为圆心(0,1)与定点(2,0)的距离是22+12=5,圆的半径是1,所以 x -2 2+y 2的最小值是5-1.(2)式子y +2x +1的几何意义是点P (x ,y )与定点(-1,-2)连线的斜率.如图,当为切线l 1时,斜率最小.设y +2x +1=k ,即kx -y +k -2=0,由直线与圆相切,得|-1+k -2|k 2+1=1,解得k =43.故y +2x +1的最小值是43.21. 已知点P (2,0)及圆C :x 2+y 2-6x +4y +4=0.(1)若直线l 过点P 且与圆心C 的距离为1,求直线l 的方程.(2)设过点P 的直线l 1与圆C 交于M ,N 两点,当|MN |=4时,求以线段MN 为直径的圆Q 的方程.(3)设直线ax -y +1=0与圆C 交于A ,B 两点,是否存在实数a ,使得过点P (2,0)的直线l 2垂直平分弦AB ?若存在,求出实数a 的值;若不存在,请说明理由.[解析] (1)直线l 斜率存在时,设直线l 的斜率为k ,则方程为y -0=k (x -2),即kx -y -2k =0.又圆C 的圆心为(3,-2),半径r =3,由|3k +2-2k |k 2+1=1,解得k =-34.所以直线方程为y =-34(x -2),即3x +4y -6=0.当l 的斜率不存在时,l 的方程为x =2,经验证x =2也满足条件. 即直线l 的方程为3x +4y -6=0或x =2. (2)由于|CP |=5,而弦心距d =r 2- |MN |22=5,所以d =|CP |= 5. 所以P 恰为MN 的中点.故以MN 为直径的圆Q 的方程为(x -2)2+y 2=4.(3)把直线y =ax +1代入圆C 的方程,消去y ,整理得(a 2+1)x 2+6(a -1)x +9=0. 由于直线ax -y +1=0交圆C 于A ,B 两点, 故Δ=36(a -1)2-36(a 2+1)>0, 即-2a >0,解得a <0.则实数a 的取值范围是(-∞,0). 设符合条件的实数a 存在,由于l 2垂直平分弦AB ,故圆心C (3,-2)必在l 2上.所以l 2的斜率k PC =-2,而k AB =a =-1k PC, 所以a =12.由于12∉(-∞,0),故不存在实数a ,使得过点P (2,0)的直线l 2垂直平分弦AB . 22. 已知函数f (x )=lg(m x -2x )(0<m <1). (1)当m =12时,求f (x )的定义域;(2)试判断函数f (x )在区间(-∞,0)上的单调性并给出证明; (3)若f (x )在(-∞,-1]上恒取正值,求m 的取值范围.[解析] (1)当m =12时,要使f (x )有意义,须(12)x -2x >0,即2-x >2x ,可得:-x >x ,∴x <0∴函数f (x )的定义域为{x |x <0}.(2)设x 2<0,x 1<0,且x 2>x 1,则Δ=x 2-x 1>0令g (x )=m x -2x ,则g (x 2)-g (x 1)=m x 2-2 x 2-m x 1+2 x 1 =m x 2-m x 1+2 x 1-2 x 2 ∵0<m <1,x 1<x 2<0, ∴m x 2-m x 1<0,2 x 1-2 x 2<0 g (x 2)-g (x 1)<0,∴g (x 2)<g (x 1) ∴lg[g (x 2)]<lg[g (x 1)], ∴Δy =lg(g (x 2))-lg(g (x 1))<0, ∴f (x )在(-∞,0)上是减函数.(3)由(2)知:f (x )在(-∞,0)上是减函数, ∴f (x )在(-∞,-1]上也为减函数,∴f (x )在(-∞,-1]上的最小值为f (-1)=lg(m -1-2-1)所以要使f (x )在(-∞,-1]上恒取正值, 只需f (-1)=lg(m -1-2-1)>0,即m -1-2-1>1,∴1m >1+12=32,∵0<m <1,∴0<m <23.。

.word 格式 .四川省营山县回龙中学2014-2015学年高二6月阶段测试数学试卷一、单项选择题(60 分)1.已知全集U={0,1,2,3,4,5,6},会合A={0,1,2,3},B={3,4,5},则(?U A)∩B=A.{3}B.{4,5}C.{4,5,6}D.{0,1,2}2.以下说法正确的选项是A. “题若命,则”的否命题为“若则”B. “”是“”的必需不充足条件C.命题“”的否认是“”D.命题“若则”的逆否命题为真命题3.若,则=A.8B.7C.6D.44.曲线与曲线的A.长轴长与实轴长相等B.短轴长与虚轴长相等C.焦距相等D.离心率相等5.设是函数的导函数,将和的图象画在同一个直角坐标系中,不行能正确的选项是.word 格式 .6.若,,,则以下结论正确的选项是A. B. C. D. ,大小不定7.圆的圆心和半径分别为A.(-2 , 3),4B.(-2, 3),16C.(2, -3),4D.(4 ,-6),168.已知直线a,b 与平面α,则以下四个命题中假命题是A.假如,那么B.假如那么C. 假如,那么D.假如,那么9.天文学家经研究以为:“地球和火星在太阳系中各方面比较靠近,而地球有生命,从而认为火星上也有生命存在”,这是什么推理A.概括推理B.类比推理C.演绎推理D.反证法10 .一个空间几何体的三视图如下图,则该几何体的表面积为A.48B.48+8C.32+8D.80.word 格式 .11 .在的睁开式中的的系数为A.210B.- 210C.- 910D.28012 .函数y=+的定义域为A.[ - 4,+∞)B.(- 4,0)∪(0 ,+∞)C.(-4 ,+∞)D.[ - 4,0)∪ (0,+∞)二、填空题:( 16 分)13 .已知函数的图象分别与直线交于两点,则的最小值为。
14 ._________.15 .已知一个圆锥的母线长为 2 ,侧面睁开是半圆,则该圆锥的体积为___________.16 .M是正方体ABCD- A1 B1 C1 D1的棱 DD1的中点,给出以下四个命题:①过 M 点有且只有一条直线与直线AB,B1C1 都订交;②过 M 点有且只有一条直线与直线AB,B1C1 都垂直;③过 M 点有且只有一个平面与直线AB,B1C1 都订交;④过 M 点有且只有一个平面与直线AB,B1C1 都平行 .此中真命题是 ________..word 格式 .三、解答题 :共 74 分。

四川省回龙中学2014-2015学年高二6月阶段测试英语试卷第I卷(选择题)一、单项选择:共15题每题1分共15分1.In Singapore, people who litter or dirty the streets are most likely .A.to fineB.finedC.to be finedD.being fined2.Lucy has_____all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.A.acquiredB.finishedC.concludedD.achieved3.I’m sure you will do better in the test because you so hard this year.A.studiedB.had studiedC.will studyD.have been studying 4.—Why? Tom,your skirt is so dirty!—Mum, I my storeroom downstairs.A.cleanedB.have cleanedC.was cleaningD.have been cleaning 5.that her mother would come back soon, the girl calmed down.A.Having convincedB.Being convincedC.ConvincingD.Convinced6.He kept a little notebook, in which the names and addresses of his friends.A.wroteB.was writingC.were writtenD.was written7.The students entered the classroom,smiling and________,and ______ down to have their lessons.A.talked;satB.talking;sittingC.talking;satD.talked;sitting 8.—What on earth makes you apply for the position as a guide?—This is the job that I .A.looked forB.had looked forC.will look forD.have been looking for9.Can you show me a case this phrase is often misused by Chinese students, Mr. Brown?A.whenB.thatC.whereD.what10.The drill in Antarctica dragged on slowly because of lack of money, equipment breakdowns, environmental _____ and severe cold.A,concernsB.assumptionC.occupationsD.ignorance11.I’d prefer to my judgement until I know all the facts.A.reserveB.observeC.preserveD.deserve12.—You know I dropped medicine and physics.—You made a right decision.A.took upB.took inC.took apartD.took off13.The ______, I think, he drew from his simple experiment is not scientific.A.conclusionB.chargeC.promiseD.Relation14.To our anger, many poverty-stricken counties build luxurious office buildings instead of money to improve the miserable conditions of local schools.A.announcingB.allocatingC.advocatingD.accumulating 15.Going on a trip into___ space must be quite____ exciting experience.A./; theB.the; theC.the; anD./; an二、完形填空:共20题每题2分共40分As I got up today, I smelt fresh coffee. I woke up to 16 a cup of it with some biscuits on my bedside table. This reminded me of 17, the old school and college days, when mom used to wake me up by serving a 18cup of coffee. The taste is still so 19in my memories.A 20thought hit me, "I was in bed, so who prepared this coffee for me? Is it a dream?"I pinched(掐)myself, ouch... that hurt, which meant I was not 21. I walked out of the room with the cup of coffee, 22my roommate. I asked him whether he prepared that for me, and the answer was YES.I was relaxed 23somehow my heart wanted him to say NO, because I wanted to be in a24that my mom prepared it for me. The whole 25reminded me of mom and I 26her at that moment.On my way to my office, I was thinking about those days when mom used to cook my 27 meal. I could not 28any single day when I slept without food. But now, I no longer 29 the food mom cooked.This very thought 30tears to my eyes and I decided to call up mom. I reached the office and gave her a call.The first thing she asked was, "Is everything all right?" I was31. And I thought, "How the time has 32."When I was with her, I used to call her after every hour when I was out with my friends. In those days she 33asked me what was wrong, as she knew that it was my habit. My call at this point of the day to her meant that I was in 34.Time has changed, she is still the same, and it is 35who have changed.16.A.drink B.find C.prepare D.cook17.A.home fort C.warmth D.kitchen18.A.smelling B.cooking C.steaming D.pouring19.A.deep B.heavy C.fresh D.recent20.A.funny B.possible C.realistic D.sudden21.A.thinking B.dreaming C.working D.reacting22.A.in place of B.in favor of C.in search of D.in case of23.A.and B.but C.or D.so24.A.sense B.relief C.sorrow D.belief25.A.scene B.loss C.care D.matter26.A.hated B.expected C.missed D.questioned27.st B.every C.tasty plete28.A.check B.count C.remember D.cover29.A.pack B.finish C.imagine D.enjoy30.A.brought B.caused C.pushed D.raised31.A.careless B.speechless C.rootless D.homeless32.A.influenced B.passed C.flied D.changed33.A.never B.still C.often D.almost34.A.peace B.surprise C.trouble D.progress35.A.my roommate B.she C.the situation D.I三、阅读理解:共20题每题2分共40分AShould parents ever hit their children?Research suggests many of us are likely to respond “no”, and pub lic support for spanking(打屁股) has been falling over the years.But surveys also show that 75 percent to nearly 90 percent of parents admit spanking their child at least once.I was raised in a zero-tolerance home for disrespect, and my parents often turned to physical punishment.And, no, I don't feel I was damaged by it.Nothing is more annoying than watching ill-mannered behavior from children.But there is data to suggest that a return to old-school spanking isn't the answer.Two years ago, Newsweek reported that it had found data suggesting that teens whose parents used physical punishment were more likely to become aggressive.Murray Straus, professor at the University of New Hampshire in America, has studied the topic of children and spanking for decades.He said that children who were physically punished have lower IQs than their peers.It may be that children with lower IQs were more likely to get spanked, but the punishment may have been counterproductive (反作用的) to their mental development, as well.Some researchers make the argument that occasional open-handed smacks (用巴掌打) on the bottom are not only harmless but can have some benefit.Last year, Marjorie Gunnoe, a psychologist at Calvin College, studied teens who have never spanked.There are a greater number of children growing up without ever having been physically punished.Gunnoe’s research suggests they don' t turn out any better than those who were sometimes spanked.There are some parents who simply cannot control their tempers(脾气).But I still believe that the best parents are the ones who are able to offer fair and firm discipline without ever turning to physical punishment.36.According to the first three paragraphs, the author was probably hit by her parentswhen_______.A.they were dissatisfied with her gradeB.she showed no respect for the elderC.they cannot control their temperD.their discipline turns out to be not strict enough37.According to Murray Straus, children who are physically punished _____.A.are less aggressive toward others when they get olderB.have slower physical developmentC.benefit from occasional spankingD.may develop lower IQs than their peer38.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?A.40 percent of children grow up without ever being spankedB.Children who suffer less physical punishment are better studentsC.Occasional open-handed spanking on the bottom are mentally harmfulD.Researchers disagree over whether smacking is mentally harmful to childrenB“ON a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?”Baymax, the plus-sized white robot, asks the question each time he detects (探测到) his patient’s pain. Considering that he is hardly like a typical Marvel superhero, how could this robotic caregiver from Big Hero 6 have stolen viewers’ hearts and taken home this year’s best animation Oscar?Set in fictional San Fransokyo, the film follows Hiro, a 14-year-old robotics genius (天才). After his brother dies, he goes on a journey to save his city from an evil masked man with his brother’s invention, Baymax.Baymax was named “Disney’s most straightforwardly adorable (萌的) character” in years by The Telegraph. He has a pure white pear-shaped body and stumpy elephant legs. And his eyes –just two black dots with a line through them – can blink (眨眼) quickly or slowly. Baymax’s physical appearance “works with his personality because he’s purely go od and naive (天真的),” co-director Don Hall told The Hollywood Reporter.Sometimes Baymax is awkward. Moving in tight spaces gets challenging with his potbelly (大肚子). And when his batteries run low, he behaves like an amusing drunk. “This means that he is no t at all intimidating (令人生畏的) and is easy to like,” commented The Straits Times in Singapore. Baymax is a comforting friend, the kind that perhaps everyone needs.After he diagnoses (诊断) Hiro with feeling sorrow, he says: “Physical comfort helps too,” and pulls Hiro into a hug. He pats his head, saying: “There, there.”The team’s car crashes into the water at one point, and they have to walk shivering (颤抖) back home. Baymax notices that everyone’s body temperatures are low, so he turns on his internal heaters. Everyone cuddles (依偎) up with him. “This is like spooning (拥抱) with a warm marshmallow (棉花糖),” says Fred, one of the characters.One minute, he is used as a bouncy castle (充气城堡), and the next he transforms into a superhero.To fight against the villain, Hiro upgrades Baymax so that the robot can attack and fly. The robot has a hard time figuring out these new skills, but after he realizes that Hiro is happy with his improvement, he immediately becomes an expert. “The treatment is working,” he says.Tenc ent Entertainment calls the amazing Baymax a “perfect companion”. “He is quiet, clumsy, and adorable. But at important times, he steps up and stops at nothing to protect his friends fromharm, even if it means that he has to sacrifice his life. This is an idealized (理想化的) relationship in harsh reality,” the site commented.39.What does Baymax do when he discovers Hiro is sad?A.He tries to amuse him by behaving awkwardly.B.He leaves him alone.C.He comforts him with a hug.D.He advises him to go for a walk.40.Which of the following adjectives best describe Baymax?A.Considerate and selfless.B.Adorable and humorous.C.Clumsy and cautious.D.Brave and proud.41.What is the article mainly about?A.The plot and background of the movie Big Hero 6.B.The friendship between Hiro and Baymax in Big Hero 6.C.The reasons for the popularity of Baymax from Big Hero 6.D.What sets Big Hero 6 apart from other animation movies.42.Which of the following is TRUE about Baymax?A.Baymax’s awkwardness actually makes him m ore adorable and popular.B.Baymax was invented by Hiro, a robotics genius.C.Baymax’s physical appearance doesn’t quite match his personality.D.Baymax looks like a typical Marvel superhero.CIn New York, Ma witnessed the Alibaba Group opening on the New York stock exchange with the largest initial public offering (IPO,新股发行) in American history. “Alibaba, the world’s largest Internet commerce company makes China equal to the US in the rapidly increasing globalcompetition for technological innovation (创新) and economic transformation ” commented the South China Morning Post.It has also made Ma China’s richest man with a fortune of around $25 billion (153 billion yuan), reported Reuters.It’s reported that Ma’s rags-to-riches journey is just as spectacular as his Internet empire. Ma failed the national college entrance exams twice before he was finally in Hangzhou Normal University on his third attempt and failed in finding a suitable job several times. Also, Mr. Ma is a big believer in perseverance, which was proved in his English study experience.However, it was his vision and goals that launched his career.During a short trip to the US as an interpreter in 1995, Ma first experienced the Internet. He believed in the Internet’s business potential when few other Chinese people did. He started Alibaba in his Hangzhou apartment, with 17 friends and $60,000 of funds. At the time, whene-commerce was unheard of in China, “I called myself a blind man riding on the back of blind tigers,” he once said, according to The Guardian. His unusual ideas earned him the nickname “Crazy Jack Ma”.Indeed, Ma is different. Although he is very thin and about 160cm tall, “Ma is yet animated and forceful, said The Guardian. “He is funny, creative, and a compelling (引人注目的) speaker.Ma told Time magazine that he was “old for the Internet”. He star ted to slow down and looked around. According to The Wall Street Journal, Ma “plans to open a tai chi club with the actor Jet Li, build an entrepreneur (企业家) university in Hangzhou and continue to work on several environmental projects.”43.What made him into e-commerce industry?A.His foresight and ambitions.B.His English learning experience.C.His belief in perseverance.D.His 17 friends and $60,000 funds.44.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 mean?A.Ma is a blind man riding on a blind tiger.B.Ma had no confidence in his business future.C.Ma knew little about e-commerce.D.Ma had not enough money at that time.45.What’s the personality of Ma Yun according to the passage?A.Funny and competitive.B.Determined and creative.C.Rich and different.D.Attractive and believable.46.What’s the best title of the passage?A.The Development of Alibaba GroupB.Ma Yun’s Personal LifeC.Ma Yun’s Crazy SuccessD.E-commerce in ChinaDFive Booming Careers in Health CareLoving what you do is great, but knowing your career will be there tomorrow is even better. And when it comes to booming fields,the health care industry is one that's primed(准备好) for growth. Want to prepare to take your place in the health care field?Check out these five indemand health care careers.Career 1 Medical and Health Services ManagerIf you want to take your leadership skills into the growing health care field,consider pursuing a career as a medical and health services manager.As a medical and health services manager you might plan,direct,and organize health services in an entire health care facility,or a specific department or clinical area,says U.S. Department of Labor. Daily duties could include handling a facility's finances,creating work schedules,and making sure that health care services are delivered efficiently.Career 2 Medical AssistantIf you are interested in working in a doctor's office,consider preparing for a career in the in-demand field of medical assisting.As a medical assistant,you could play a role in helping patients' visits go smoothly from when they first walk in the door. Your duties might include measuring vital signs,assisting the physician with examinations,recording health information,and scheduling appointments,according to the U.S. Department of Labor.Career 3 Registered NurseReady to put your helpful nature to use in the largest health care field?Look into prepping(准备) to pursue a career in registered nursing.As a registered nurse,you could work closely with patients by providing care,education,and emotional support. You might give patients medicines and treatments,observe their conditions,or perform diagnostic(诊断的)tests,says the U.S. Department of Labor.Career 4 Physical Therapist (理疗师)AssistantWant to enter an indemand health care field where you could really play a handson role in helping patients restore their physical functionality?If so,a career as a physical therapist assistant could be a good fit.Under the supervision of a physical therapist,you could help patients regain movement as they recover from injuries,illnesses, or surgery. Your role in the rehabilitation process could include assisting patients with techniques(massage[按摩],stretching)and therapeutic methods like electrical stimulation and mechanical traction,says the U.S. Department of Labor. Career 5 Pharmacy Technician(药剂师)Prefer a health care career that is less handsome? Consider pursuing a career in the growing pharmacy technician field.Pharmacy technicians can be responsible for counting pills,filling prescriptions,providing customer service,and fulfilling administrative tasks under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist,according to the U.S. Department of Labor.47.As a medical assistant,your duties might NOT include ________.A.scheduling appointmentsB.providing customer serviceC.assisting the physician with examinationsD.recording health information48.Which of the following is TRUE about a physical therapist assistant?A.His / Her duty might include measuring vital signs and recording health information.B.His / Her function includes assisting patients and providing customer service.C.He / She could play a practical role in helping patients restore their physical functionality.D.He / She can help patients gain movement as they are in the illness.49.What does the underlined word “rehabilitation” mean?A.The process of recording somebody's name on an official list.B.The process of cutting a part of a person's body in order to remove or repair a damaged part.C.The process of helping somebody to have a normal life again after they have been ill for a long time.D.The process of improving or becoming stronger.50.The author writes the passage mainly to ________.A.advocate five booming careers in health careB.persuade you to go into five booming careers in health careC.introduce five booming careers in health careD.classify health care into five careersEEverybody knows the saying “Two steps forward and three steps back”. That described my life pretty well as a single mom. I was raising two teenag ers on a teacher’s aide’s salary. It wasn’t nearly enough to cover the bills, so I moonlighted as a waitress. Every time I thought that I had found a solution to my money worries, something would fall through and I would end up feeling worse off than before.The next evening at the restaurant I tried on my apron, wishing I could be home with my kids. I walked up to my first table. Around it was a cheerful older couple. The woman gave me a smile that warmed me. I couldn’t help but notice her unusual glass ring. “What a beautiful ring,” I said.We chatted for a minute then I took their order and left. When I came back with their drinks, the woman held out her ring. “I would like to give this to you,” she said.“Oh, no, I couldn’t,” I said, embarrassed.She gen tly placed the ring in my hand and closed my fingers around it. “It’s yours,” she said. “Please accept it and your things are going to be okay.” Right there at their table in the middle of the restaurant I broke down in tears. “Thank you for giving me hope,” I said.Long after that night, that sense of peace stayed with me. I knew the right job would come in time. Nine months later it did. I got a better position at another school and I started waitressing at a restaurant where I was allowed to spend more time with my kids.Now in these tough times, I have money worries again, but they don’t get me down. I know things will turn out okay. And when I wear that unusual glass ring, I’m reminded I’m not alone. 51.From the saying “Two steps forward and three steps back”, it means the writer_______.A.liked stepping forward and backwardB.had difficulty raising her familyC.couldn’t walk regular like other peopleD.wanted to look for a better job52.The writer worked as a waitress in the restaurant in order to_______.A.live with her childrenB.serve the older coupleC.search for a glass ringD.make more money53.Hearing the woman’s words, the writer felt.A.movedB.embarrassedC.puzzledD.successful54.From the fifth paragraph we can know the writer believed that_______.A.her children loved her very muchB.she could find a better restaurantC.the glass ring would bring her good luckD.it was easy to get a right job55.Now the writer’s attitude toward her life is_______.A.positiveB.disappointedC.proudD.worried四、七选五:共5题每题2分共10分How to Be a Good TouristWe travel for work but also for fun and learning. New restaurants, galleries, temples and new architecture…Th ese places are homes for people like us who live and work there. How would you want visitors to behave in your own home? Think about it. 56There are many ways of doing this without sacrificing our own holiday.Do your homework. 57Guides will help you when you get to site, but is that the best place to go? Is it popular only because the one-day tourist can see it easily or because it is really a worthwhile place to visit? You’d better check it out.58Don’t go to your hotels for meals. Walk around, even if in the streets closest to your hotel. Eat in local restaurants.Talk to the locals. Learn a few in the local language and use them. You will surely get a smile from the hotel staff and street sellers .Help preserve the sites. Most of the sites you visit may be visited by millions of people a year, so care needs to be taken to allow others to enjoy them as well. Some of these monuments are so old and fragile that they are sensitive to the touch of hands or bags and shows. 59This way, you don’t encourage the use of those plastic bags that fly all over many sites.And here’s the big o ne—good manners are nearly universal. 60If that doesn’t sound like you, then give the world a break and stay home.A. Experience the place.B. Always have a cloth bag with you .C. R ead up on the places you want to visit.D. Try to buy something from the local stores.E.A good tourist is polite, positive and eco-sensitive.F. We’ve cleaned up after ourselves and taken only good memories.G. If we are good tourists, wherever we go, we try to make it a little be tter because of our visit.第II卷(非选择题)五、语法填空:共10题每题1分共10分Last year, I was on a trip in Sanxiarenjia in Yichang, Hubei. I waited for the boat 61(take) me along the Yijiang River. Out of nowhere, a shirtless man ran up to me and asked to take a photo with me. 62both smiled as he said I was the first foreigner he had ever seen. He said “thank you” and ran off again.The experience was funny, and it wasn’t the first time this63(happen) to me. In fact, almost all the foreigners I know in China have experienced the 64thing. Girls with blonde hair seem to be the most 65(photograph). Most of them were surprised at first, but they now enjoy having their photo taken with happy students.Of course, many countries in the West are home to different ethnicities. So it is normal to see people 66look different. But it’s different in many areas of China.Personally, I think it’s fine to take photos with strangers. But try to ask first. Once I67 (wait) for my friend in an art district when a group of girls began giggling (咯咯地笑) at their phones. I noticed one of them was pointing the camera at me, 68(secret) taking photos. When I spotted them, they smiled and asked if they 69take a photo with me. Maybe it is shyness, but I prefer when people ask 70they take a photo. Most foreigners will say yes. 六、书面表达:共1题每题25分共25分71.假如你是李华,是某外语特色高中的学生会主席。

2014-2015学年四川省南充市营山回龙中学高一(上)9月月考数学试卷一、选择题:共12题每题5分共60分1.如果集合A={x|ax2+2x+1=0}中只有一个元素,则a的值是( )A.0B.0 或1C.1D.不能确定2.已知集合A={x|x2﹣1=0},集合B={x|(k+1)x2+(k+2)x+2=0},若集合A与集合B有元素相同,则实数k的取值的集合的子集的个数为( )A.2B.4C.8D.163.设集合,,则( )A.M=NB.M⊊NC.N⊊MD.M与N关系不确定4.设集合 A={x||x﹣|=},B={t|t2+2(a+1)t+(a2﹣5)=0}.若A∩B=B,则实数a的取值范围( )A.(﹣∞,﹣2]B.(﹣∞,﹣3]C.(﹣∞,﹣4]D.(﹣∞,﹣1]5.设集合M={1,2,3,4,5,6},S1、S2、…、S k都是M的含两个元素的子集,且满足:对任意的S i={a i,b i},S j={a j,b j}(i≠j,i、j∈{1,2,3,…,k}),都有min≠min(min{x,y}表示两个数x、y中的较小者).则k的最大值是( )A.10B.11C.12D.136.已知f(x)满足f(xy)=f(x)+f(y),且f(2)=p,f(3)=q,则f(18)=( )A.p+2qB.p+4qC.2p+4qD.2p+6q7.函数f(x)=x2﹣2tx﹣4(t∈R)在闭区间上的最小值记为g(t).则g(t)的函数解析式( )A.g(t)=.B.g(t)=﹣t2+2C.g(t)=﹣t2+2tD.g(t)=﹣t2+2t+28.设x+3y=2,则函数z=3x+27y的最小值是( )A.12B.27C.6D.309.若函数y=x2﹣3x﹣4的定义域为,值域为,则m的取值范围是( )A.(0,4]B.C.D.10.已知f(x)为偶函数,当x≥0时,f(x)=﹣(x﹣1)2+1,满足f=的实数a的个数为( )A.2B.4C.6D.811.若函数f(x)=x2+2(a﹣1)x+2在(﹣∞,4]上是递减的,则a的取值范围是( )A.a≥﹣3B.a≤﹣3C.a≤5D.a≥312.函数y=的值域是( )A.,且其最大值与最小值的差为2,求a的值.19.设全集U=R,集合A={x|x≤﹣2或x≥5},B={x|x≤2}.求(Ⅰ)∁U(A∪B);(Ⅱ)记∁U(A∪B)=D,C={x|2a﹣3≤x≤﹣a},且C∩D=C,求a的取值范围.20.已知集合A={1,2,3,…,2n(n∈N*)}.对于A的一个子集S,若存在不大于n的正整数m,使得对于S中的任意一对元素s1,s2,都有|s1﹣s2|≠m,则称S具有性质P.(Ⅰ)当n=10时,试判断集合B={x∈A|x>9}和C={x∈A|x=3k﹣1,k∈N*}是否具有性质P?并说明理由.(Ⅱ)若集合S具有性质P,试判断集合 T={(2n+1)﹣x|x∈S)}是否一定具有性质P?并说明理由.21.设定义在R上的函数f(x),对任意x,y∈R,有f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y),且当x>0时,恒有f(x)>0,(1)求f(0);(2)判断该函数的奇偶性;(3)求证:x∈R时 f(x)为单调递增函数.22.已知二次函数f(x)的最小值1,且f(0)=f(2)=3.(1)求f(x)的解析式;(2)若f(x)在区间上不单调,求实数a的取值范围;(3)在区间上,y=f(x)的图象恒在y=2x+2m+1的图象上方.2014-2015学年四川省南充市营山回龙中学高一(上)9月月考数学试卷一、选择题:共12题每题5分共60分1.如果集合A={x|ax2+2x+1=0}中只有一个元素,则a的值是( )A.0B.0 或1C.1D.不能确定考点:元素与集合关系的判断.专题:分类讨论.分析:从集合A只有一个元素入手,分为a=0与a≠0两种情况进行讨论,即可得到正确答案.解答:∵A={x|ax2+2x+1=0}中只有一个元素,当a=0时,A={x|2x+1=0},即A={}.当a≠0时,需满足△=b2﹣4ac=0,即22﹣4×a×1=0,a=1.∴当a=0或a=1时满足A中只有一个元素.故答案为:B点评:本题考查了元素与集合的关系,需分情况对问题进行讨论,为基础题.2.已知集合A={x|x2﹣1=0},集合B={x|(k+1)x2+(k+2)x+2=0},若集合A与集合B有元素相同,则实数k的取值的集合的子集的个数为( )A.2B.4C.8D.16考点:子集与真子集.专题:集合.分析:先求出结合A的元素,通过讨论集合B中所含的元素,从而得到k的取值的个数,进而得到答案.解答:解:集合A={1,﹣1}有2个元素,若集合B有1这个元素,得到2k+5=0,k=﹣,若集合B有﹣1这个元素,将x=﹣1代入,不合题意,∴实数k的取值有1个,满足条件的集合的子集的个数为2个,故选:A.点评:本题考查了方程问题,集合的概念问题,是一道基础题.3.设集合,,则( )A.M=NB.M⊊NC.N⊊MD.M与N关系不确定考点:集合的包含关系判断及应用.专题:综合题.分析:对集合M和N中的代数式化为统一的形式,再进行比较.解答:解:对于集合M:=,k∈Z,对于集合N:=,k∈Z,∵2k+1是奇数集,k+2是整数集,∴M⊊N,故选B.点评:本题考查了集合间的关系,以及转化思想,是基础题.4.设集合 A={x||x﹣|=},B={t|t2+2(a+1)t+(a2﹣5)=0}.若A∩B=B,则实数a的取值范围( )A.(﹣∞,﹣2]B.(﹣∞,﹣3]C.(﹣∞,﹣4]D.(﹣∞,﹣1]考点:交集及其运算;子集与交集、并集运算的转换.专题:集合.分析:求出A中方程的解确定出A,根据A与B的交集为B,得到B为A的子集,求出a的范围即可.解答:解:∵A={x||x﹣|=}={1,2},B={t|t2+2(a+1)t+(a2﹣5)=0}.由A∩B=B,得B⊆A.当4(a+1)2﹣4(a2﹣5)<0,即a<﹣3时,B=∅,符合题意;当4(a+1)2﹣4(a2﹣5)=0,即a=﹣3时,B={t|t2﹣4t+4=0}={2},符合题意;4(a+1)2﹣4(a2﹣5)>0,即a>﹣3时,要使B⊆A,则B=A,即,此方程组无解.∴实数a的取值范围是(﹣∞,﹣3].故选:B.点评:本题考查含绝对值方程的解法,考查了交集与子集间的相互转换,体现了分类讨论的首项思想方法,是中档题.5.设集合M={1,2,3,4,5,6},S1、S2、…、S k都是M的含两个元素的子集,且满足:对任意的S i={a i,b i},S j={a j,b j}(i≠j,i、j∈{1,2,3,…,k}),都有min≠min(min{x,y}表示两个数x、y中的较小者).则k的最大值是( )A.10B.11C.12D.13考点:集合的包含关系判断及应用.专题:压轴题.分析:根据题意,首先分析出M的所有含2个元素的子集数目,进而对其特殊的子集分析排除,注意对min≠min(min{x,y}表示两个数x、y中的较小者)的把握,即可得答案.解答:解:根据题意,对于M,含2个元素的子集有15个,但{1,2}、{2,4}、{3,6}只能取一个;{1,3}、{2,6}只能取一个;{2,3}、{4,6}只能取一个,故满足条件的两个元素的集合有11个;故选B.点评:本题考查学生对集合及其子集、元素的把握、运用,注意对题意的分析.6.已知f(x)满足f(xy)=f(x)+f(y),且f(2)=p,f(3)=q,则f(18)=( )A.p+2qB.p+4qC.2p+4qD.2p+6q考点:抽象函数及其应用.专题:函数的性质及应用.分析:直接利用抽象函数,通过分解18为3×6,结合已知条件化简求解即可.解答:解:f(x)满足f(xy)=f(x)+f(y),且f(2)=p,f(3)=q,则f(18)=f(3×6)=f(3)+f(6)=f(3)+f(2×3)=f(2)+2f(3)=p+2q.故选:A.点评:本题考查抽象函数的应用,函数值的求法,考查计算能力.7.函数f(x)=x2﹣2tx﹣4(t∈R)在闭区间上的最小值记为g(t).则g(t)的函数解析式( )A.g(t)=.B.g(t)=﹣t2+2C.g(t)=﹣t2+2tD.g(t)=﹣t2+2t+2考点:函数解析式的求解及常用方法.专题:函数的性质及应用.分析:求出对称轴x=t.分类讨论,得出当t≤0时,g(t)=g(0)当t>1时,g(t)=g(1)当0<t≤1时,g(t)=g(t)解答:解:∵函数f(x)=x2﹣2tx﹣4(t∈R)在闭区间上的最小值记为g(t).∴当t≤0时,g(t)=g(0)=﹣4,当t>1时,g(t)=g(1)=﹣3﹣2t,当0<t≤1时,g(t)=g(t)=﹣t2﹣4,综上:g(t)=故选:A点评:本题考查了二次函数的闭区间上的最值问题,属于中档题,关键是分类讨论.8.设x+3y=2,则函数z=3x+27y的最小值是( )A.12B.27C.6D.30考点:基本不等式.专题:不等式的解法及应用.分析:利用基本不等式的性质与指数运算的性质即可得出.解答:解:∵x+3y=2,∴函数z=3x+27y=≥2==6,当且仅当x=3y=1时取等号.∴函数z=3x+27y的最小值是6.故选:C.点评:本题考查了基本不等式的性质与指数运算的性质,属于基础题.9.若函数y=x2﹣3x﹣4的定义域为,值域为,则m的取值范围是( )A.(0,4]B.C.D.考点:二次函数的性质.专题:函数的性质及应用.分析:根据函数的函数值f()=﹣,f(0)=﹣4,结合函数的图象即可求解解答:解:∵f(x)=x2﹣3x﹣4=(x﹣)2﹣,∴f()=﹣,又f(0)=﹣4,故由二次函数图象可知:m的值最小为;最大为3.m的取值范围是:,故选:C点评:本题考查了二次函数的性质,特别是利用抛物线的对称特点进行解题,属于基础题.10.已知f(x)为偶函数,当x≥0时,f(x)=﹣(x﹣1)2+1,满足f=的实数a的个数为( )A.2B.4C.6D.8考点:函数奇偶性的性质.专题:计算题.分析:令f(a)=x,则f=转化为f(x)=.先解f(x)=在x≥0时的解,再利用偶函数的性质,求出f(x)=在x<0时的解,最后解方程f(a)=x即可.解答:解:令f(a)=x,则f=变形为f(x)=;当x≥0时,f(x)=﹣(x﹣1)2+1=,解得x1=1+,x2=1﹣;∵f(x)为偶函数,∴当x<0时,f(x)=的解为x3=﹣1﹣,x4=﹣1+;综上所述,f(a)=1+,1﹣,﹣1﹣,﹣1+;当a≥0时,f(a)=﹣(a﹣1)2+1=1+,方程无解;f(a)=﹣(a﹣1)2+1=1﹣,方程有2解;f(a)=﹣(a﹣1)2+1=﹣1﹣,方程有1解;f(a)=﹣(a﹣1)2+1=﹣1+,方程有1解;故当a≥0时,方程f(a)=x有4解,由偶函数的性质,易得当a<0时,方程f(a)=x也有4解,综上所述,满足f=的实数a的个数为8,故选D.点评:本题综合考查了函数的奇偶性和方程的解的个数问题,同时运用了函数与方程思想、转化思想和分类讨论等数学思想方法,对学生综合运用知识解决问题的能力要求较高,是高考的热点问题.11.若函数f(x)=x2+2(a﹣1)x+2在(﹣∞,4]上是递减的,则a的取值范围是( )A.a≥﹣3B.a≤﹣3C.a≤5D.a≥3考点:二次函数的性质;函数单调性的性质.专题:计算题;数形结合.分析:本题中的函数是一个二次函数,由于其在(﹣∞,4]上是递减的,可以得出此区间应该在对称轴的左侧,由此关系得到参数a的不等式,解之即得参数的取值范围.解答:解:函数f(x)=x2+2(a﹣1)x+2的对称轴是x=1﹣a又函数f(x)=x2+2(a﹣1)x+2在(﹣∞,4]上是递减的,∴4≤1﹣a∴a≤﹣3故选B点评:本题的考点是二次函数的性质,考查由二次函数的性质得到相关参数的不等式,求解析式中的参数的取值范围,属于二次函数的基础考查题.12.函数y=的值域是( )A.,且其最大值与最小值的差为2,求a的值.考点:指数函数单调性的应用.专题:计算题;分类讨论;函数的性质及应用.分析:对a进行分类讨论,再分别利用指数函数的单调性列出方程,求出a的值.解答:解:当a>1时,函数f(x)=a x在区间是增函数,所以a﹣a﹣1=2,即a2﹣2a﹣1=0,解得a=1+或a=1﹣(舍去);当0<a<1时,函数f(x)=a x在区间是减函数,所以a﹣1﹣a=2,即a2+2a﹣1=0,解得a=﹣1+或a=﹣1﹣(舍去).综上得,a的值是:+1或﹣1.点评:本题考查指数函数的单调性,以及分类讨论思想,考查运算能力.19.设全集U=R,集合A={x|x≤﹣2或x≥5},B={x|x≤2}.求(Ⅰ)∁U(A∪B);(Ⅱ)记∁U(A∪B)=D,C={x|2a﹣3≤x≤﹣a},且C∩D=C,求a的取值范围.考点:交、并、补集的混合运算.专题:集合.分析:(Ⅰ)根据题意和并集的运算求出A∪B,再由补集的运算求出∁U(A∪B);(Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)的集合D,由C∩D=C得C⊆D,根据子集的定义对C分类讨论,分别列出不等式求出a的范围.解答:解:(Ⅰ)由题意知,A={x|x≤﹣2或x≥5},B={x|x≤2}则A∪B={x|x≤2或x≥5}…又全集U=R,∁U(A∪B)={x|2<x<5}…(Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)得D={x|2<x<5},由C∩D=C得C⊆D…①当C=∅时,有﹣a<2a﹣3…解得a>1,…②当C≠∅时.有…解得a无解…综上:a的取值范围为(1,+∞)…点评:本题考查了交、并、补集的混合运算,以及利用子集的关系求出参数的范围,注意空集是任何集合的子集.20.已知集合A={1,2,3,…,2n(n∈N*)}.对于A的一个子集S,若存在不大于n的正整数m,使得对于S中的任意一对元素s1,s2,都有|s1﹣s2|≠m,则称S具有性质P.(Ⅰ)当n=10时,试判断集合B={x∈A|x>9}和C={x∈A|x=3k﹣1,k∈N*}是否具有性质P?并说明理由.(Ⅱ)若集合S具有性质P,试判断集合 T={(2n+1)﹣x|x∈S)}是否一定具有性质P?并说明理由.考点:子集与真子集.专题:计算题;新定义.分析:(Ⅰ)对于集合B,对任意不大于10的正整数m,都可以找到集合B中两个元素b1=10与b2=10+m,使得|b1﹣b2|=m成立,故B不具有性质P.对于集合C,可取m=1,对于该集合中任意一对元素c1=3k1﹣1,c2=3k2﹣1,都有|c1﹣c2|=≠m,故集合C 有性质 P.(Ⅱ)任取t=(2n+1)﹣x0∈T,其中x0∈S,可得t∈A,所以,T⊆A,对S中的任意一对元素s1,s2,都有|s1﹣s2|≠m,从集合T中任取元素t1=2n+1﹣x1,t2=2n+1﹣x2,都有|t1﹣t2|=|x1﹣x2|,由|x1﹣x2|≠m,可知|t1﹣t2|≠m,故集合T具有性质P.解答:解:(Ⅰ)当n=10时,集合A={1,2,3,,19,20},B={x∈A|x=10,11,12,,19,20}不具有性质P.因为对任意不大于10的正整数m,都可以找到集合B中两个元素b1=10与b2=10+m,使得|b1﹣b2|=m成立.集合C={x∈A|x=3k﹣1,k∈N*}具有性质 P.因为可取m=1<10,对于该集合中任意一对元素c1=3k1﹣1,c2=3k2﹣1,k1,k2∈N*都有|c1﹣c2|=3|k1﹣k2|≠1.(Ⅱ)若集合S具有性质P,那么集合T={(2n+1)﹣x|x∈S}一定具有性质P.首先因为T={(2n+1)﹣x|x∈S},任取t=(2n+1)﹣x0∈T,其中x0∈S,因为 S⊆A,所以,x0∈{1,2,3,,2n},从而,1≤(2n+1)﹣x0≤2n,即t∈A,所以T⊆A.由S具有性质P,可知存在不大于n的正整数m,使得对S中的任意一对元素s1,s2,都有|s1﹣s2|≠m,对上述取定的不大于n的正整数m,从集合T={(2n+1)﹣x|x∈S}中任取元素t1=2n+1﹣x1,t2=2n+1﹣x2,其中,x1,x2∈S,都有|t1﹣t2|=|x1﹣x2|;因为 x1,x2∈S,所以有|x1﹣x2|≠m,即|t1﹣t2|≠m,所以集合T={(2n+1)﹣x|x∈S}具有性质P.点评:本题考查了子集的概念,以及性质P的定义,运用了取特殊值的方法.21.设定义在R上的函数f(x),对任意x,y∈R,有f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y),且当x>0时,恒有f(x)>0,(1)求f(0);(2)判断该函数的奇偶性;(3)求证:x∈R时 f(x)为单调递增函数.考点:抽象函数及其应用;奇偶性与单调性的综合.专题:计算题;函数的性质及应用.分析:(1)由条件,令x=y=0,则f(0)=2f(0),即可得到f(0);(2)由条件可令y=﹣x,则f(0)=f(x)+f(﹣x)=0,由奇偶性的定义即可判断;(3)设x1<x2,则x2﹣x1>0,由于当x>0时,恒有f(x)>0,则f(x2﹣x1)>0,即有f (x2)+f(﹣x1)>0,再由(2)的结论和单调性的定义,即可判断.解答:(1)解:对任意x,y∈R,有f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y),令x=y=0,则f(0)=2f(0),即有f(0)=0;(2)解:函数的定义域为R,关于原点对称,令y=﹣x,则f(0)=f(x)+f(﹣x)=0,即有f(﹣x)=﹣f(x),则函数f(x)为奇函数;(3)证明:设x1<x2,则x2﹣x1>0,由于当x>0时,恒有f(x)>0,则f(x2﹣x1)>0,即有f(x2)+f(﹣x1)>0,即f(x2)﹣f(x1)>0,即f(x2)>f(x1),故x∈R时,f(x)为单调递增函数.点评:本题考查抽象函数及运用,考查函数的奇偶性、单调性的判断,考查解决抽象函数的常用方法:赋值法,属于中档题.22.已知二次函数f(x)的最小值1,且f(0)=f(2)=3.(1)求f(x)的解析式;(2)若f(x)在区间上不单调,求实数a的取值范围;(3)在区间上,y=f(x)的图象恒在y=2x+2m+1的图象上方.考点:函数恒成立问题;函数解析式的求解及常用方法;幂函数的性质.专题:函数的性质及应用.分析:(1)设出S(x)=f(x)﹣3,利用函数的最小值,求出f(x)的解析式;(2)通过f(x)在区间上不单调,说明对称轴在求解内部,然后求实数a的取值范围;(3)在区间上,y=f(x)的图象恒在y=2x+2m+1的图象上方,直接利用二次函数闭区间上的最值求解即可.解答:解:(1)设S(x)=f(x)﹣3=a(x﹣0)(x﹣2),∴f(x)=ax(x﹣3)+3,∴f(x)=ax2﹣2ax+3,又=3﹣a=1⇒a=2,∴f(x)=2x2﹣4x+3;(2)由对称轴x=1,∴⇒0<a<,(3)x∈时,2x2﹣4x+3>2x+2m+1,∴2m<2x2﹣6x+2,即﹣1≤x≤3,m<x2﹣3x+1,∴m<5.点评:本题考查函数的解析式的求法二次函数的最值,函数的恒成立条件的应用,考查分析问题解决问题的能。

四川省回龙中学2014-2015学年高二6月阶段测试英语试卷第I卷(选择题)一、单项选择:共15题每题1分共15分1.In Singapore, people who litter or dirty the streets are most likely .A.to fineB.finedC.to be finedD.being fined2.Lucy has_____all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.A.acquiredB.finishedC.concludedD.achieved3.I’m sure you will do better in the test because you so hard this year.A.studiedB.had studiedC.will studyD.have been studying 4.—Why? Tom,your skirt is so dirty!—Mum, I my storeroom downstairs.A.cleanedB.have cleanedC.was cleaningD.have been cleaning 5.that her mother would come back soon, the girl calmed down.A.Having convincedB.Being convincedC.ConvincingD.Convinced6.He kept a little notebook, in which the names and addresses of his friends.A.wroteB.was writingC.were writtenD.was written7.The students entered the classroom,smiling and________,and ______ down to have their lessons.A.talked;satB.talking;sittingC.talking;satD.talked;sitting 8.—What on earth makes you apply for the position as a guide?—This is the job that I .A.looked forB.had looked forC.will look forD.have been looking for9.Can you show me a case this phrase is often misused by Chinese students, Mr. Brown?A.whenB.thatC.whereD.what10.The drill in Antarctica dragged on slowly because of lack of money, equipment breakdowns, environmental _____ and severe cold.concernsB.assumptionC.occupationsD.ignorance11.I’d prefer to my judgement until I know all the facts.A.reserveB.observeC.preserveD.deserve12.—You know I dropped medicine and physics.—You made a right decision.A.took upB.took inC.took apartD.took off13.The ______, I think, he drew from his simple experiment is not scientific.A.conclusion B.charge C.promise D.Relation14.To our anger, many poverty-stricken counties build luxurious office buildings instead of money to improve the miserable conditions of local schools. A.announcing B.allocating C.advocating D.accumulating 15.Going on a trip into___ space must be quite____ exciting experience.A./; theB.the; theC.the; anD./; an二、完形填空:共20题每题2分共40分As I got up today, I smelt fresh coffee. I woke up to 16 a cup of it with some biscuits on my bedside table. This reminded me of 17 , the old school and college days, when mom used to wake me up by serving a 18 cup of coffee. The taste is still so 19 in my memories.A 20 thought hit me, "I was in bed, so who prepared this coffee for me? Is it a dream?"I pinched(掐)myself, ouch... that hurt, which meant I was not 21 . I walked out of the room with the cup of coffee, 22 my roommate. I asked him whether he prepared that for me, and the answer was YES.I was relaxed 23 somehow my heart wanted him to say NO, because I wanted to be in a 24 that my mom prepared it for me. The whole 25 reminded me of mom and I 26 her at that moment.On my way to my office, I was thinking about those days when mom used to cook my27 meal. I could not 28 any single day when I slept without food. But now,I no longer 29 the food mom cooked.This very thought 30 tears to my eyes and I decided to call up mom. I reached the office and gave her a call.The first thing she asked was, "Is everything all right?" I was 31 . And I thought, "How the time has 32 ."When I was with her, I used to call her after every hour when I was out with my friends. In those days she 33 asked me what was wrong, as she knew that it was my habit. My call at this point of the day to her meant that I was in 34 .Time has changed, she is still the same, and it is 35 who have changed. 16.A.drink B.find C.prepare D.cook17.A.home fort C.warmth D.kitchen18.A.smelling B.cooking C.steaming D.pouring19.A.deep B.heavy C.fresh D.recent20.A.funny B.possible C.realistic D.sudden21.A.thinking B.dreaming C.working D.reacting22.A.in place of B.in favor of C.in search of D.in case of23.A.and B.but C.or D.so24.A.sense B.relief C.sorrow D.belief25.A.scene B.loss C.care D.matter26.A.hated B.expected C.missed D.questioned27.st B.every C.tasty plete28.A.check B.count C.remember D.cover29.A.pack B.finish C.imagine D.enjoy30.A.brought B.caused C.pushed D.raised31.A.careless B.speechless C.rootless D.homeless32.A.influenced B.passed C.flied D.changed33.A.never B.still C.often D.almost34.A.peace B.surprise C.trouble D.progress35.A.my roommate B.she C.the situation D.I三、阅读理解:共20题每题2分共40分AShould parents ever hit their children?Research suggests many of us are likely to respond “no”, and publi c support for spanking(打屁股) has been falling over the years.But surveys also show that 75 percent to nearly 90 percent of parents admit spanking their child at least once.I was raised in a zero-tolerance home for disrespect, and my parents often turned to physical punishment.And, no, I don't feel I was damaged by it.Nothing is more annoying than watching ill-mannered behavior from children.But there is data to suggest that a return to old-school spanking isn't the answer.Two years ago, Newsweek reported that it had found data suggesting that teens whose parents used physical punishment were more likely to become aggressive.Murray Straus, professor at the University of New Hampshire in America, has studied the topic of children and spanking for decades.He said that children who were physically punished have lower IQs than their peers.It may be that children with lower IQs were more likely to get spanked, but the punishment may have been counterproductive (反作用的) to their mental development, as well.Some researchers make the argument that occasional open-handed smacks (用巴掌打) on the bottom are not only harmless but can have some benefit.Last year, Marjorie Gunnoe, a psychologist at Calvin College, studied teens who have never spanked.There are a greater number of children growing up without ever having been physically punished.Gunnoe’s research suggests they don' t turn out any better than those who were sometimes spanked.There are some parents who simply cannot control their tempers(脾气).But I still believe that the best parents are the ones who are able to offer fair and firm discipline without ever turning to physical punishment.36.According to the first three paragraphs, the author was probably hit by her parents when_______.A.they were dissatisfied with her gradeB.she showed no respect for the elderC.they cannot control their temperD.their discipline turns out to be not strict enough37.According to Murray Straus, children who are physically punished _____.A.are less aggressive toward others when they get olderB.have slower physical developmentC.benefit from occasional spankingD.may develop lower IQs than their peer38.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?A.40 percent of children grow up without ever being spankedB.Children who suffer less physical punishment are better studentsC.Occasional open-handed spanking on the bottom are mentally harmfulD.Researchers disagree over whether smacking is mentally harmful to childrenB“ON a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?”Baymax, the plus-sized white robot, asks the question each time he detects (探测到) his patient’s pain. Considering that he is hardly like a typical Marvel superhero, how could this robotic caregiver from Big Hero 6 have stolen viewers’ hearts and taken home this year’s best animation Oscar?Set in fictional San Fransokyo, the film follows Hiro, a 14-year-old robotics genius (天才). After his brother dies, he goes on a journey to save his city from an evil masked man with his brother’s invention, Baymax.Baymax was named “Disney’s most straightforwardly adorable (萌的) character” in years by The Telegraph. He has a pure white pear-shaped body and stumpy elephant legs. And his eyes –just two black dots with a line through them – can blink (眨眼) quickly or slowly. Bay max’s physical appearance “works with his personality because he’s purely good and naive (天真的),” co-director Don Hall told The Hollywood Reporter.Sometimes Baymax is awkward. Moving in tight spaces gets challenging with his potbelly (大肚子). And when his batteries run low, he behaves like an amusing drunk. “This means that he is not at all intimidating (令人生畏的) and is easy to like,” commented The Straits Times in Singapore.Baymax is a comforting friend, the kind that perhaps everyone needs.After he diagnoses (诊断) Hiro with feeling sorrow, he says: “Physical comfort helps too,” and pulls Hiro into a hug. He pats his head, saying: “There, there.”The team’s car crashes into the water at one point, and they have to walk shivering (颤抖) back home. Baymax notices that everyone’s body temperatures are low, so he turns on his internal heaters. Everyone cuddles (依偎) up with him. “This is like spooning (拥抱) with a warm marshmallow (棉花糖),” says Fred, one of the characters. One minute, he is used as a bouncy castle (充气城堡), and the next he transforms into a superhero.To fight against the villain, Hiro upgrades Baymax so that the robot can attack and fly. The robot has a hard time figuring out these new skills, but after he realizesthat Hiro is happy with his improvement, he immediately becomes an expert. “The treatment is working,” he says.Tencent Entertainment calls the amazing Baymax a “perfect companion”. “He is quiet, clumsy, and adorable. But at important times, he steps up and stops at nothing to protect his friends from harm, even if it means that he has to sacrifice his life. This is an idealized (理想化的) relationship in harsh reality,” the site commented. 39.What does Baymax do when he discovers Hiro is sad?A.He tries to amuse him by behaving awkwardly.B.He leaves him alone.C.He comforts him with a hug.D.He advises him to go for a walk.40.Which of the following adjectives best describe Baymax?A.Considerate and selfless.B.Adorable and humorous.C.Clumsy and cautious.D.Brave and proud.41.What is the article mainly about?A.The plot and background of the movie Big Hero 6.B.The friendship between Hiro and Baymax in Big Hero 6.C.The reasons for the popularity of Baymax from Big Hero 6.D.What sets Big Hero 6 apart from other animation movies.42.Which of the following is TRUE about Baymax?A.Baymax’s awkwardness actually makes him more adorable and popular.B.Baymax was invented by Hiro, a robotics genius.C.Baymax’s physical appearance doesn’t quite match his personality.D.Baymax looks like a typical Marvel superhero.CIn New York, Ma witnessed the Alibaba Group opening on the New York stock exchange with the largest initial public offering (IPO,新股发行) in American history. “Alibaba, the world’s largest Internet commerce company makes China equal to the US in the rapidly increasing global competition for technological innovation (创新) and economic transformation ” commented the South China Morning Post.It has also made Ma China’s richest man with a fortune of around $25 billion (153 billion yuan), reported Reuters.It’s reported that Ma’s rags-to-riches journey is just as spectacular as his Internet empire. Ma failed the national college entrance exams twice before he wasfinally in Hangzhou Normal University on his third attempt and failed in finding a suitable job several times. Also, Mr. Ma is a big believer in perseverance, which was proved in his English study experience.However, it was his vision and goals that launched his career.During a short trip to the US as an interpreter in 1995, Ma first experienced the Intern et. He believed in the Internet’s business potential when few other Chinese people did. He started Alibaba in his Hangzhou apartment, with 17 friends and $60,000 of funds. At the time, when e-commerce was unheard of in China, “I called myself a blind man r iding on the back of blind tigers,” he once said, according to The Guardian. His unusual ideas earned him the nickname “Crazy Jack Ma”.Indeed, Ma is different. Although he is very thin and about 160cm tall, “Ma is yet animated and forceful, said The Guard ian. “He is funny, creative, and a compelling (引人注目的) speaker.Ma told Time magazine that he was “old for the Internet”. He started to slow down and looked around. According to The Wall Street Journal, Ma “plans to open a tai chi club with the actor Jet Li, build an entrepreneur (企业家) university in Hangzhou and continue to work on several environmental projects.”43.What made him into e-commerce industry?A.His foresight and ambitions.B.His English learning experience.C.His belief in perseverance.D.His 17 friends and $60,000 funds. 44.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 mean?A.Ma is a blind man riding on a blind tiger.B.Ma had no confidence in his business future.C.Ma knew little about e-commerce.D.Ma had not enough money at that time.45.What’s the personality of Ma Yun according to the passage?A.Funny and competitive.B.Determined and creative.C.Rich and different.D.Attractive and believable.46.What’s the best title of the passage?A.The Development of Alibaba GroupB.Ma Yun’s Person al LifeC.Ma Yun’s Crazy SuccessD.E-commerce in ChinaDFive Booming Careers in Health CareLoving what you do is great, but knowing your career will be there tomorrow is even better. And when it comes to booming fields,the health care industry is one that's primed(准备好) for growth.Want to prepare to take your place in the health care field?Check out these five indemand health care careers.Career 1 Medical and Health Services ManagerIf you want to take your leadership skills into the growing health care field,consider pursuing a career as a medical and health services manager.As a medical and health services manager you might plan,direct,and organize health services in an entire health care facility,or a specific department or clinical area,says U.S. Department of Labor. Daily duties could include handling a facility's finances,creating work schedules,and making sure that health care services are delivered efficiently.Career 2 Medical AssistantIf you are interested in working in a doctor's office,consider preparing for a career in the indemand field of medical assisting.As a medical assistant,you could play a role in helping patients' visits go smoothly from when they first walk in the door. Your duties might include measuring vital signs,assisting the physician with examinations,recording health information,and scheduling appointments,according to the U.S. Department of Labor.Career 3 Registered NurseReady to put your helpful nature to use in the largest health care field?Look into prepping(准备) to pursue a career in registered nursing.As a registered nurse,you could work closely with patients by providing care,education,and emotional support. You might give patients medicines and treatments,observe their conditions,or perform diagnostic(诊断的)tests,says the U.S. Department of Labor.Career 4 Physical Therapist (理疗师)AssistantWant to enter an indemand health care field where you could really play a handson role in helping patients restore their physical functionality?If so,a career as a physical therapist assistant could be a good fit.Under the supervision of a physical therapist,you could help patients regain movement as they recover from injuries,illnesses, or surgery. Your role in the rehabilitation process could include assisting patients with techniques(massage[按摩],stretching)and therapeutic methods like electrical stimulation and mechanical traction,says the U.S. Department of Labor. Career 5 Pharmacy Technician(药剂师)Prefer a health care career that is less handsome? Consider pursuing a career in the growing pharmacy technician field.Pharmacy technicians can be responsible for counting pills,filling prescriptions,providing customer service,and fulfilling administrative tasks under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist,according to the U.S. Department of Labor. 47.As a medical assistant,your duties might NOT include ________.A.scheduling appointmentsB.providing customer serviceC.assisting the physician with examinationsD.recording health information 48.Which of the following is TRUE about a physical therapist assistant?A.His / Her duty might include measuring vital signs and recording health information.B.His / Her function includes assisting patients and providing customer service.C.He / She could play a practical role in helping patients restore their physical functionality.D.He / She can help patients gain movement as they are in the illness. 49.What does the underlined word “rehabilitation” mean?A.The process of recording somebody's name on an official list.B.The process of cutting a part of a person's body in order to remove or repair a damaged part.C.The process of helping somebody to have a normal life again after they have been ill for a long time.D.The process of improving or becoming stronger.50.The author writes the passage mainly to ________.A.advocate five booming careers in health careB.persuade you to go into five booming careers in health careC.introduce five booming careers in health careD.classify health care into five careersEEverybody knows the saying “Two steps forward and three steps back”. That described my life pretty well as a single mom. I was raising two teenagers on a teacher’saide’s salary. It wasn’t nearly enough to cover the bills, so I moonlighted as a waitress. Every time I thought that I had found a solution to my money worries, something would fall through and I would end up feeling worse off than before. The next evening at the restaurant I tried on my apron, wishing I could be home with my kids. I walked up to my first table. Around it was a cheerful older couple. The woman gave me a smile that warmed me. I couldn’t help but notice her unusual glass ring. “What a beautiful ring,” I said. We chatted for a minute then I took their order and left. When I came back with their drinks, the woman held out her ring. “I would like to give this to you,” she said.“Oh, no, I couldn’t,” I said, embarrassed.She gently placed the ring in my hand and closed my fingers around it. “It’s yours,” she said. “Please accept it and your things are going to be okay.” Right there at their table in the middle of the restaurant I broke down in tears. “Thank you for giving me hope,” I said.Long after that night, that sense of peace stayed with me. I knew the right job would come in time. Nine months later it did. I got a better position at another school and I started waitressing at a restaurant where I was allowed to spend more time with my kids.Now in these tough times, I have money worries again, but they don’t get me down.I know things will turn out okay. And when I wear that unusual glass ring, I’m reminded I’m not alone.51.From the saying “Two steps forward and three steps back”, it means the writer_______.A.liked stepping forward and backwardB.had difficulty raising her familyC.couldn’t walk regular lik e other peopleD.wanted to look for a better job 52.The writer worked as a waitress in the restaurant in order to_______.A.live with her childrenB.serve the older coupleC.search for a glass ringD.make more money53.Hearing the woman’s words, the writer felt .A.movedB.embarrassedC.puzzledD.successful54.From the fifth paragraph we can know the writer believed that_______.A.her children loved her very muchB.she could find a better restaurantC.the glass ring would bring her good luckD.it was easy to get a right job 55.Now the writer’s attitude toward her life is_______.A.positiveB.disappointedC.proudD.worried四、七选五:共5题每题2分共10分How to Be a Good TouristWe travel for work but also for fun and learning. New restaurants, galleries, temples and new architecture…These places are homes for people like us who live and work there. How would you want visitors to behave in your own home? Think about it. 56 There are many ways of doing this without sacrificing our own holiday.Do your homework. 57 Guides will help you when you get to site, but is that the best place to go? Is it popular only because the one-day tourist can see it easily or because it is really a worthwhile place to visit? You’d better check it out.58 Don’t go to your hotels fo r meals. Walk around, even if in the streets closest to your hotel. Eat in local restaurants.Talk to the locals. Learn a few in the local language and use them. You will surely get a smile from the hotel staff and street sellers .Help preserve the sites. Most of the sites you visit may be visited by millions of people a year, so care needs to be taken to allow others to enjoy them as well. Some of these monuments are so old and fragile that they are sensitive to the touch of hands or bags and shows. 59 This way, you don’t encourage the use of those plastic bags that fly all over many sites.And here’s the big one—good manners are nearly universal. 60 If that doesn’t sound like you, then give the world a break and stay home.A. Experience the place.B. Always have a cloth bag with you .C. Read up on the places you want to visit.D. Try to buy something from the local stores.E.A good tourist is polite, positive and eco-sensitive.F. We’ve cleaned up after ourselves and taken only good memories.G. If we are good tourists, wherever we go, we try to make it a little better because of our visit.第II卷(非选择题)五、语法填空:共10题每题1分共10分Last year, I was on a trip in Sanxiarenjia in Yichang, Hubei. I waited for the boat 61 (take) me along the Yijiang River. Out of nowhere, a shirtless man ran up to me and asked to take a photo with me. 62 both smiled as he said I was the first foreigner he had ever seen. He said “thank you” and ran off again. The experience was funny, and it wasn’t the first time this63 (happen) to me. In fact, almost all the foreigners I know in China have experiencedthe 64 thing. Girls with blonde hair seem to be the most 65 (photograph). Most of them were surprised at first, but they now enjoy having their photo taken with happy students. Of course, many countries in the West are home to different ethnicities. So it is normal to see people 66 look different. But it’s different in many areas of China.Personally, I think it’s fine to take photos with strangers. But try to ask first. Once I 67 (wait) for my friend in an art district when a group of girls began giggling (咯咯地笑) at their phones. I noticed one of them was pointing the camera at me, 68 (secret) taking photos. When I spotted them, they smiled and asked if they 69 take a photo with me. Maybe it is shyness, but I prefer when people ask 70 they take a photo. Most foreigners will say yes. 六、书面表达:共1题每题25分共25分71.假如你是李华,是某外语特色高中的学生会主席。
四川省营山县回龙中学2015-2016学年高二5月检测数学试题 无答案

或4 B。
或2 C。
0 B.1 C。
2 D。
3:4 B。
9:16 C.4:3 D.16:94.若直线过点(1,2)、(4,2+),则此直线的倾斜角是A。
24 C.3π D.36.如图,若是长方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1被平面EFGH截去几何体EFGHB1C1后得到的几何体,其中E为线段A1B1上异于B1的点,F 为线段BB1上异于B1的点,且EH∥A1D1,则下列结论中不正确的是A。
EH∥FG B.四边形EFGH不是矩形C.是棱柱D。
C. D。
B. C。
5 B。
6 C。
7 D。
811.点关于直线的对称点的坐标是A. B. C。
直角三角形 B.等腰三角形C。
等边三角形 D.等腰直角三角形第II卷(非选择题)二、填空题:共4题每题5分共20分13.若向量a=(x-1,2),b=(4,y)相互垂直,则9x+3y的最小值为__________.14.如图,在△中,D是边AC上的点,且AB=AD,2AB=BD,BC=2BD,则sin C=________。
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1.已知全集U={0,1,2,3,4,5,6},集合A={0,1,2,3},B={3,4,5},则(∁U A)∩B=
A. B. C. D.,大小不定
④过M点有且只有一个平面与直线AB,B1C1都平行. 其中真命题是________.
19.如图,在四棱锥P-ABC D中,PA丄平面ABCD,AB丄BC,∠BCA=45°PA=AD=2,AC =1,DC=
(Ⅰ) 证明PC丄AD;
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