Enemy of the State
将军语音翻译红卫兵 Red Guard建造:We stand together! 我们生死与共!选择:Yes? 什么?Defenders of peace和平的守护者。
The people's army人民的军队。
We are the Red Guard. 我们是红卫兵。
Standing attention! 立正!Ready for orders 随时待命。
移动:Understood. 明白。
Right away. 立即行动。
Yes, sir. 是的,长官。
Immediately. 马上。
Moving now, sir. 移动中,长官。
攻击:Attack! 开火!Enemy of the states! 祖国的敌人!For the republic! 为了共和国!We’ll shoot them down! 我们会击毙他们!Foreign devils. 外国鬼子They cannot destroy China! 他们无法摧毁中国!荣光前:China, save us! 中国,救救我们!Help! Heeelp! 救命!救命!China will not forget meee... 中国不会忘记我的……They're attacking... 他们在攻击……We are losing ground! 我们的领土在丢失!驻守:That building looks safe. 那个建筑看起来很安全。
We'll station there. 我们会驻扎在那里。
Hold up in that building. 进驻那座建筑。
We fight from high place. 我们在高处开火。
占领:We'll claim it for China. 我们会为中国占领它。
Rise the red flag! 升起红旗!Expanding China's border!扩张中国的领土!This building is ours. 这座建筑是我们的了。
ACT I0.一样的烂摊子,不一样的时代牧羊犬将军:事物变得越快,它们就越跟以前一样。
0. S.S.D.DGeneral Shepherd:The more things change, the more they stay the same. Boundaries shift, new players step in, but power always finds a place to rest its head. We fought and bled alongside the Russians. We shoulda known they’d hate us for it. History is written by the victors, and here I am, thinking we’d won. But you bring down one enemy and they find someone even worse to replace him.Locations change, the rationale, the objective. Yesterday’s enemy are today’s recruits. Train them to fight alongside you, and pray they don’t eventually decide to hate you for it, too. Same sxxt, different day. You know what I’m looking for, Sgt. Foley. Keep your eyes open.Sgt. Foley: Got a new batch hitting The Pit today, Sir. I’ll send you the best I find.1.团队精神牧羊犬将军:我们是人类历史上最强大的军事力量。
个人转载孙子兵法(中英对照)孙子兵法 The Art of War孙武 By Sun TzuTranslated by Lionel Giles始计第一Laying Plans孙子曰:兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。
Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.故经之以五事,校之以计,而索其情:一曰道,二曰天,三曰地,四曰将,五曰法。
The art of war, then, is governed by five constant factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations, when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.These are:(1) The Moral Law;(2) Heaven;(3) Earth;(4) The Commander;(5)Method and discipline.道者,令民于上同意,可与之死,可与之生,而不危也;The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.天者,阴阳、寒暑、时制也;Heaven signifies night and day, cold and heat, times and seasons.地者,远近、险易、广狭、死生也;Earth comprises distances, great and small; danger and security; open ground and narrow passes; the chances of life and death.将者,智、信、仁、勇、严也;The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerely, benevolence, courage and strictness.法者,曲制、官道、主用也。
我所看过和珍藏的的法律电影1.肖申克的救赎The Shawshank Redemption大多数法律人都看过这部影片并且评价极高,很多人都喜欢,深谙个中情节以及内涵,我个人也挺喜欢,肖申克让人心存希望。
3.《阿莲正传(永不妥协)》Erin Brockwich也是为因污染而导致白血病的居民起诉化工厂的故事,主力呀萝卜次主演,很值得一看,仅仅是黄色画面的西部风情就很赏心悦目。
关于战争残酷的名言英语1.英文的战争名言Come home with this shield or upon it -- A Spartan woman equips her son 回来的时候要么带着你的盾牌要么躺在上面——一位在给儿子整装的斯巴达的母亲Against danger it pays to be prepared -- Aesop 面对危险的时候只有有准备的人才会有所收获——伊索(古希腊寓言家) Brave men are a city's strongest tower of defence -- Alcaeus 勇敢的士兵是城市最好的防卫箭塔——阿尔凯奥斯(希腊抒情诗人)A dead enemy always smells good -- Alus Vitellus 敌人死亡的味道闻起来总是那么的好——Alus Vitellus War spares not the brave but the cowardly -- Anacreon 战争只会舍弃胆怯的人而不是勇敢的人——阿克那里翁(古希腊抒情诗人)We make war that we may live in peace -- Aristotle 战争才能带来和平——亚里斯多德(古希腊大哲学家,科学家) The sinews of war are infinite money -- Cicero 无穷的金钱是战争的原动力——西塞罗(古罗马政治家、雄辩家、著作家) T o lead untrained people to war is to throw them away -- Confucius 把没有训练的士兵带进战场等于把他们投入死亡——孔子(中国春秋末期思想家、政治家、教育家,儒家的创始者) All warfare is based on deception -- Sun Tzu 兵者,诡道也——孙子始计第一(这句没的说,绝对是所有战略名言中最精辟了) He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious -- Sun Tzu 知可以战与不可以战者胜——孙子谋攻第三Generally management of the many is the same as management of the few. It is a matter of organization -- Sun Tzu 凡治众如治寡,分数是也——孙子兵势第五 In war, numbers alone confer no advantage. Do not advance relying on sheer military power -- Sun Tzu 兵非贵益多也,惟无武进——孙子行军第九 Great empires are not maintained by timidity -- Tacitus 伟大的帝国不是建立在胆怯上!——塔西陀(古罗马元老院议员,历史学家)Eventhe bravest are frightened by sudden terrors -- Tacitus 即使是最勇敢的人也会被突然而至的恐怖所吓倒!——塔西佗 The proper arts of a general are judgement and prudence -- Tacitus 决断力与谨慎,是一个将军必备的才能!——塔西佗 A bad peace is even worse than war -- Tacitus 劣质的和平比战争更糟糕!——塔西佗The desire for safety stands against every great and noble enterprise -- Tacitus 过于的安分守己,会磨灭既伟大又高贵的进取心!——塔西佗 Valour is the contempt of death and pain -- Tacitus 英勇,即是蔑视死亡和痛苦!——塔西佗War is not so much a matter of weapons as of money -- Thucydides 战争中,金钱远比武器更重要。
美人计苦肉计走为上三十六计英文表达三十六计(Thirty-Six Stratagems)1.瞒天过海crossing the sea under camouflage2.围魏救赵relieving the state of Zhao by besieging the state of Wei3.借刀杀人killing someone with a borrowed knife4.以逸待劳waiting at one’s ease for the exhausted enemy5.趁火打劫plundering a burning house6.声东击西making a feint to the east and attacking in the west7.无中生有creating something out of nothing8.暗渡陈仓advancing secretly by an unknown path9.隔岸观火watching a fire from the other side of the river10.笑里藏刀covering the dagger with a smile11.李代桃僵palming off substitute for the real thing12.顺手牵羊picking up something in passing13.打草惊蛇beating the grass to frighten the snake14.借尸还魂resurrecting a dead soul by borrowing a corpse15.调虎离山luring the tiger out of his den16.欲擒故纵letting the enemy off in order to catch him17.抛砖引玉giving the enemy something to induce him to lose more valuable things18.擒贼擒王capturing the ringleader first in order to capture all the followers19.釜底抽薪extracting the firewood from under the cauldron20.混水摸鱼muddling the water to catch the fish; fishing in troubled waters21金蝉脱壳slipping away by casting off a cloak; getting away like the cicada sloughing its skin22.关门捉贼catching the thief by closing / blocking his escape route23.远交近攻befriending the distant enemy while attacking a nearby enemy24.假途伐虢attacking the enemy by passing through a common neighbor25.偷梁换柱stealing the beams and pillars and replacing them with rotten timbers26.指桑骂槐reviling/ abusing the locust tree while pointing to the mulberry27.假痴不癫feigning madness without becoming insane28.上屋抽梯removing the ladder after the enemy has climbed up the roof29.树上开花putting artificial flowers on trees30.反客为主turning from the guest into the host31.美人计using seductive women to corrupt the enemy32.空城计presenting a bold front to conceal unpreparedness33.反间计sowing discord among the enemy34.苦肉计deceiving the enemy by torturing one’s own man35.连环计coordinating one stratagem with another36.走为上decamping being the best; running away as the best choice。
All the past, all is overture.2、没有比正直更富的遗产。
No more than just rich heritage.3、女人,你的名字是弱者。
Woman, your name is weak.4、生存还是毁灭,这是个问题。
To be or not to be, that is the question.5、抛弃时间的人时间也抛弃他。
Abandoning time person time to abandon him.6、报复不是勇敢,忍受才是勇敢。
Retaliation is not brave, stand is brave.7、书籍若不常翻阅,则等于木片。
If don't often read books, is equal to the wood.8、读书可以帮助你忘记你的悲哀。
Reading can help you forget your sadness.9、多一些事实,少一些矫饰废话。
Some facts more and some less pretensions to nonsense.10、当星星不眨眼,你将为它闪耀。
When the stars don't blink, you will shine for it.11、太快和太慢,结果都不会美满。
Too fast and too slow, the result won't be happy.12、不太热烈的爱情才会维持久远。
Not too passionate love will keep long.13、放弃时间的人,时间也放弃他。
关于二战的一些英文1. Battle of Stalingrad:斯大林格勒战役,指1942年至1943年苏联与德国之间在斯大林格勒市进行的决定性战役。
2. Luftwaffe:德国空军,二战期间的德国空军部队。
3. Kamikaze:神风特攻队,指日本在二战期间使用的自杀式飞行员,进行自杀性的空中袭击。
4. The Blitz:伦敦大轰炸,指德国对英国伦敦等城市进行的持续空袭。
5. Nazi Party:纳粹党,由希特勒领导的德国极右翼政党。
6. Battle of Midway:中途岛海战,指1942年美日之间在中途岛附近进行的重要海上战役。
7. Fascism:法西斯主义,一种极权主义政治意识形态,得到了意大利的墨索里尼和德国的希特勒的支持。
8. Concentration camps:集中营,纳粹德国在二战期间用于关押和迫害犹太人和其他政治犯的地方。
9. Battle of Normandy:诺曼底战役,指1944年盟军在法国诺曼底地区进行的大规模登陆行动。
10. Hiroshima and Nagasaki:广岛和长崎,指美国在二战期间投下原子弹的两个日本城市。
11. Axis occupation of Europe:轴心国占领欧洲,指德国、意大利和其他轴心国占领欧洲国家的行动。
12. Battle of the Bulge:阿登战役,指1944年至1945年德国在比利时阿登地区对盟军发起的最后一次大规模反攻。
13. Eastern Front:东线战场,指二战期间德国与苏联之间的战线。
14. Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day):欧洲胜利日,指1945年盟军正式宣布欧洲战争结束的日期。
15. Propaganda:宣传,指在战争期间使用各种媒体手段传播特定政治观点和信息的活动。
16. Resistance movements:抵抗运动,指在被占领国家中组织的反抗轴心国统治的地下组织和行动。
enemy单词enemy英[ˈenəmi] 美[ˈenəmi]n.敌人;仇人;反对者;敌国;敌军;敌兵;危害物;大敌adj.敌人的复数:enemies牛津词典noun【不规则形式】pl. -ies1.[C] 敌人;仇人;反对者a person who hates sb or who acts or speaks against sb/sthHe has a lot of enemies in the company.他在公司里有很多对头。
After just one day, she had already made an enemy of her manager.刚过一天她就已经与经理为敌了。
It is rare to find a prominent politician with few political enemies .没有什么政敌的杰出从政者是罕见的。
The state has a duty to protect its citizens against external enemies.国家有义务保护本国公民不受外敌侵犯。
Birds are the natural enemies of many insect pests (= they kill them) .鸟类是许多害虫的天敌。
2.the enemy[sing. + sing./pl. v.] 敌国;敌军;敌兵a country that you are fighting a war against; the soldiers, etc. of this countryThe enemy was/were forced to retreat.敌军被迫撤退了。
enemy forces/aircraft/territory敌军;敌机;敌方领土behind enemy lines (= the area controlled by the enemy)在敌后3.[C] ~ (of sth)(formal) 危害物;大敌anything that harms sth or prevents it from being successfulPoverty and ignorance are the enemies of progress.贫穷和愚昧阻碍进步。
《孙子兵法》《三十六计》汉英对照完整版首先,书名——《孙子兵法》,英文是:The Art of War这个翻译特别有艺术性,如果翻译成什么way、strategty 就太无聊了,art (艺术)一词非常灵性,把这本兵书的“妙用”体现得淋漓尽致。
(中国军事百科全书编审室)英文翻译是:When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard.语言点:1. surround:vt. 包围2. leave:vt.留出3. outlet:n.出口、活路4. press:vt.逼迫5. desperate:adj.穷途末路的6. foe:n.敌人再分享几个:1. 兵贵神速意为用兵的速度是战争中最重要的。
英文翻译是:Celerity is the soul of warfare.2. 上下同欲者胜这句话我印象很深刻,以前我在新东方当主管时,校长每次开会都会强调这句,意思是:上级和下级同心同德,才能取得成功。
英文翻译是:Triumph comes when leaders and followers share the same goal.3. 上兵伐谋,其次伐交,其次伐兵,其下攻城。
英文可以这样翻译:上兵伐谋:The preferred way is to foil the enemy’s plans;其次伐交:the next best to use diplomacy;其次伐兵:failing that, to attack the enemy’s forces;其下攻城:the least desirable is to assault the enemy’s cities.语言点:1. preferred:adj. 首选的;优先的2. foil:vt. 挫败3. failing that:不然的话;失败的话4. the least desirable:最不可取的5. assault:vt. 进攻很多人把《孙子兵法》和《三十六计》混为一谈,其实不是一回事。
二、与Enemy词根相关的词汇1. Enmity(敌意)Enmity是一种强烈的敌意或敌对关系,通常用来形容两个或多个个体之间的不和谐和冲突。
以下是一些使用”Enmity”的例句:•There has always been enmity between the two rival gangs in this neighborhood. (这个社区内的两个对立帮派之间一直存在着敌意。
)•The enmity between the two rival companies escalated into a fierce legal battle. (这两家竞争公司之间的敌意升级为一场激烈的法律战。
)2. Enemy(敌人)Enemy指的是对某个人、团体或事物持有敌意的人或物体。
以下是一些使用”Enemy”的例句:•Don’t underestimate your enemy, even if they seem weak. (不要低估你的敌人,即使他们看起来很弱。
)•The enemy forces launched a surprise attack on our troops. (敌军对我们的部队发动了突然袭击。
)3. Enmity(敌对状态)Enmity也可以用来描述两个国家或团体之间的敌对状态。
以下是一些使用”Enmity”的例句:•The two countries have been in a state of enmity for decades. (这两个国家几十年来一直处于敌对状态。
)•The enmity between the two political parties is hindering progress in the country. (这两个政党之间的敌意阻碍了国家的进步。
西线无战事经典名句英文1.The war is not the only one who fights on the battlefield.2.As long as you don't give up, you still have a chance.3.War is like a game of chess, with strategy and tactics determining the outcome.4.War may be cruel, but it teaches us the value of peace.5.In war, there are no winners, only survivors.6.Sometimes, the greatest battles are fought within oneself.7.Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to face it.8.The human spirit is resilient, even in the face of adversity.9.In war, there is both camaraderie and betrayal.10.War is the ultimate test of a nation's resolve.11.War changes people, for better or for worse.12.In war, innocence is often the first casualty.13.War is a reminder of the fragility of life.14.The battlefield is not a place for glory, but for survival.15.Victory in war comes at a high cost.16.War is a tragedy that should be avoided at all costs.17.War reveals the true nature of humanity.18.In war, heroes and villains are defined by their actions.19.The scars of war run deep, but so does the resilience of the human spirit.20.War may tear families apart, but it can also bring them closer together.21.It's time for everyone to fulfill their duties and fight bravely!22.Even if only one of us can survive today, we must survive!23.The hardships of war have taught me to cherish and value life even more.24.In the face of death, all our personal differences become insignificant.25.War strips away all the layers of humanity, leaving behind only raw survival instinct.26.No one truly wins in war, for lives are lost on both sides.27.Every gunshot reverberates through the hearts of countless families.28.The frontline is not just a place of battle, but also where friendships are forged and stories are written.29.In the darkest hours, hope still flickers like a candle in the wind.30.War is not just about fighting with weapons, but also about fighting with one's spirit.31.Victory may bring temporary satisfaction, but the scars of war last a lifetime.32.War doesn't discriminate; it affects both the powerful andthe vulnerable.33.War may ravage the land, but it can never destroy the bond of brotherhood among soldiers.34.The true heroes of war are not those who win battles, but those who sacrifice their lives for others.35.No matter how fierce the enemy, our will to protect what we hold dear will never waver.36.War is a constant reminder of the fragility and preciousness of peace.37.Amidst the chaos of war, love can still bloom and flourish.38.War reveals the true nature and character of individuals.39.In war, we fight not only for ourselves but also for the generations to come.40.War teaches us the futile nature of violence and the importance of seeking peaceful resolutions.41.Death is not the worst thing, cowardice is.42.The enemy is not a man but a system that makes men.43.Nobody was allowed to think. They only saw.44.The books of the martyrs of thought are rarely published in the official language.45.War has always been a breakage of good manners.46.The more we destroy, the less remains for them to destroy.47.We were not afraid of the future, we belonged to it.48.You might as well let a wounded man die in peace.49.It is terrible to awaken the terrible.50.Soldiers are not great men, they are only given a great responsibility.51.How young death is.52.The best sign of a good upbringing is punctuality.53.Peace is calm behind the three trains.54.At the end of the road, she would be waiting for him.55.War is never far away, it is only ever a wall away.56.Luck was not only a woman, but also an old army coat.57.Why did the wounded look at me accusingly?58.War is not won without sacrifices.59.Strength is in people, not in steel.60.The soul is a well. A well can be deepened indefinitely.61.Peace is our most valuable treasure.62.Death is the great leveler.63.Forward, regardless of the cost.64.The agony of war cannot be described in words.65.There is no glory in killing.66.Friendship is the only consolation in war.67.Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.68.War changes everything, even the strongest bonds.69.There is no honor in destroying lives.70.Time heals all wounds, but the scars remain.71.War is the ultimate test of humanity.72.The price of victory is paid in blood.73.In the chaos of war, compassion is a rare gem.74.Heroes are not born, they are made by circumstance.75.In war, there are no winners, only survivors.76.War reveals both the best and worst in people.77.The true cost of war is measured in shattered dreams.78.Every bullet fired takes a life, leaves a mark.79.Remembering the fallen is our duty.80.The scars of war run deeper than the surface.81.There is no such thing as being too careful in war.82.War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin, keep out of the way till you can.83.Men are more important than guns in the rating of a ship.84.The only way you can win a war is to achieve preparedness sooner than your enemies do.85.War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin, keep out of the way till you can.86.An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, and fights as a team.This individual hero stuff is a bunch of crap.87.I know war as few other men now living know it, and nothing to me is more revolting. I have long advocated its complete abolition, as its very destructiveness on both friend and foe has rendered it useless as a means of settling international disputes.88.A pint of sweat, saves a gallon of blood.89.War is a terrible thing! But it’s a triumph of minds over matter if we, by upholding our ideals of freedom and democracy, can come through this terrible time and make peace with the other men and women in the world.90.One must not let oneself be misled: they say 'war is over'; but in fact, open hostilities have ceased on only ground of outfields.91.The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.92.In the closing hours of the war in Europe, I received a message from the Secretary of War, ordering me to cease fire. Why? The other side had surrendered!93.The successful leader will be one who can sue the enemy for peace before his country is destroyed.94.In war, as in life, it is often necessary, when some cherished scheme has failed, to take up the best alternative open, and if so, itis folly not to work for it with all your might.95.In the past, the United States has fought for freedom across the world. We must continue to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.96.A war is not won if the defeated enemy has not been turned into a friend.97.A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others.98.Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.99.War is a series of catastrophes that results in a victory.100.In war, as in life, we must often take a chance, and when the tide comes in, we must act.101.Our faces are black with coal dust, our hands are covered with soil, and our bodies are drenched in sweat. We are the heroes of labor, making our contribution to the construction of socialism.102.The greatest weapon of the working class is not guns and cannons, but the revolutionary spirit and consciousness.103.Our strength comes from unity, solidarity, and the determination to fight for a better future.104.We work hard, we fight hard, and we never give up. We arethe vanguard of the revolution.105.The Western Front is not just a battlefield, but a symbol of the struggle for liberation and equality.106.Every step forward is a victory against imperialism and capitalism.107.We are the sons and daughters of the revolution, carrying on the legacy of our ancestors and fighting for a brighter tomorrow.108.The Western Front may be a place of hardship and sacrifice, but it is also a source of inspiration and solidarity.109.We may be outnumbered and outgunned, but we will never surrender. Our spirit is unbreakable.110.The sound of gunfire echoes through the mountains, carrying the message of resistance and defiance.111.In the face of adversity, we stand tall and strong, ready to defend our ideals and principles.112.The path to victory is paved with courage, determination, and unwavering faith in the cause of revolution.113.Through blood and sweat, we forge our destiny and shape the future of our nation.114.The struggle for liberation is not a sprint but a marathon. We must persevere and never lose sight of our ultimate goal.rades in arms, let us march forward with unwavering resolve and the spirit of unity.116.Our enemies may be powerful, but they are morally bankrupt. We fight not just for ourselves, but for justice and equality.117.The Western Front is a testament to the power of collective action and the strength of the working class.118.In the face of oppression and exploitation, we remain steadfast in our commitment to the cause of socialism.119.We fight not just for ourselves, but for future generations who deserve a world free from exploitation and inequality.120.The struggle for liberation knows no borders or boundaries. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve victory.。
三十六计的英语以下是关于三十六计中部分计谋的英语表述、释义、短语、单词、用法及双语例句:1. **瞒天过海**:Crossing the Sea under Camouflage- 释义:用伪装的手段瞒住对方,暗中行动。
- 短语:under camouflage(在伪装之下)- 单词:camouflage(伪装;掩饰)- 用法:“use the strategy of crossing the sea under camouflage”(使用瞒天过海的策略)- 例句:He managed to achieve his goal by crossing the sea under camouflage.(他通过瞒天过海成功实现了目标。
)2. **围魏救赵**:Relieving the State of Zhao by Besieging the State of Wei- 释义:指袭击敌人后方的据点以迫使进攻之敌撤退的战术。
- 短语:besiege...by...(通过...包围...)- 单词:besiege(包围;围攻);relieve(解除;缓解)- 用法:“adopt the tactic of relieving the state of Zhao by besieging the state of Wei”(采用围魏救赵的策略)- 例句:The general decided to relieve the besieged city by besieging the enemy's base. (将军决定通过围魏救赵来解救被围困的城市。
)3. **借刀杀人**:Killing Someone with a Borrowed Knife- 释义:比喻自己不出面,借别人的手去害人。
- 短语:borrowed knife(借来的刀)- 单词:borrow(借;借入)- 用法:“employ the strategy of killing someone with a borrowed knife”(运用借刀杀人的策略)- 例句:He achieved his purpose by killing someone with a borrowed knife. (他借刀杀人达到了自己的目的。
第十四编《尽心下》《尽心下- Jin Xin II》(共三十八章)本篇是《孟子》全书的最后一篇,内容仍然很丰富,其中有一些著名的章节和名言警句。
第一章仁者以其所爱及其所不爱孟子曰:“不仁哉梁惠王也!仁者以其所爱及其所不爱,不仁者以其所不爱及其所爱Mencius said, 'The opposite indeed of benevolent was the king Hui of Liang! The benevolent, beginning with what they care for, proceed to what they do not care for. Those who are the opposite of benevolent, beginning with what they do not care for, proceed to what they care for.'公孙丑问曰:“何谓也?”Gong Sun Chou said, 'What do you mean?'“梁惠王以土地之故,糜烂其民而战之,大败。
”Mencius answered, 'The king Hui of Liang, for the matter of territory, tore and destroyed his people, leading them to battle. Sustaining a great defeat, he would engage again, and afraid lest they should not be able to secure the victory, urged his son whom he loved till he sacrificed him with them. This is what I call "beginning with what they do not care for, and proceeding to what they care for."'【译文】孟子说:“很不仁爱啊梁惠王!仁爱的人把所喜爱的推及到所不喜爱的,不仁爱的人把所不喜爱的推及到所喜爱的上面。
国家公敌(Enemy of the State)
Enemy of the State (1998)by David Marconi. Transcript, written by Kelvin Lam.FADE IN EXT.-OCCUQUAN PARK, MARYLAND, 0645hrs- DAYA car is parked by a boat ramp near a lake. A second car comes and has parked. PHIL HAMMERSLY exits his car with his dog. The camera shows two other people. HAMMERSLY: (to dog) Go on, look at that ball. Go on, go get that ball!HAMMERSLY throws a tennis ball and the dog chases after it. At the other car, the back window winds down to show THOMAS REYNOLDS on his mobile talking. REYNOLDS:....There's no problem with that!REYNOLDS gives HAMMERSLY a small wave. HAMMERSLY sees him. HAMMERSLY: God damn it!HAMMERSLY closes his car door and heads to REYNOLDS' car. HAMMERSLY'S dog comes back with the ball.HAMMERSLY: What the hell are you doing here, this is not the office, this is my private time.REYNOLDS: Five minutes!HAMMERSLY: No! I said no tuesday I said no last week and I'm gonna keep saying no till you hear me!REYNOLDS exits his car and stands up.REYNOLDS: Five minutes, Mr. Chairman. That's all I ask, five minutes.The two walk to the bank of the lake. They sit on a fence. REYNOLDS brings a flask. REYNOLDS: Want some coffee?HAMMERSLY: I don't want any coffee, l want to play with my dog!REYNOLDS opens his flask and pours coffee as they talk.REYNOLDS: Look, I'm not asking you to vote for it, I know you can't. Just release your people. Let them go the way they want.HAMMERSLY: Telecommunications Security and Privacy Act. Invasion of privacy is more like it. You read the post?REYNOLDS shakes his head NO.HAMMERSLY: (cont'd) This bill isn't the first step to the surveillance society, it is the surveillance society.REYNOLDS: Liberal histeria?HAMMERSLY: Look, I'm not gonna sit in congress and pass a law that lets the government point a camera and a microphone at anything they damn well please. HAMMERSLY leaves the wooden fence and walks along the river bank. REYNOLDS follows him.REYNOLDS: Phil!HAMMERSLY throws the tennis ball to the dog and the dog chases after it. REYNOLDS:(cont'd) Look, I don't care who bangs who, which cabinet officials get stoned. But this is the richest, most powerful nation on earth, and therefore the most hated,and you and I know what the average citizen does not, that we are at wartwenty-four hours of everyday.HAMMERSLY: Yeah, yeah, yeah...HAMMERSLY sits down on a bench.REYNOLDS: Do I have to itemise the number of American lives we've saved in the past twelve months alone with the judicious use of surveillance intelligence. HAMMERSLY: Thomas, cut the crap. I've got three major employers in the Seraquez area alone that are just gonna get killed by this bill.REYNOLDS then sits down on the bench.REYNOLDS: I promise you funds equal to or greater than whatever those companies gave you last campaign.HAMMERSLY: I'm not talking about campaign contributions, damn it. I'm talking about my constituence being out of work. Jesus man, wake up. National security isn't the only thing going on in this country. This conversation is over.HAMMERSLY gets up off the bench. REYNOLDS grabs his jacket arm.REYNOLDS: I beg you Phil, please don't.REYNOLDS lets go of the jacket arm.REYNOLDS:(cont'd) I've been there for you the past haven't I. There were times, personal situations where you needed my personal assistance and my confidence. HAMMERSLY: Are you blackmailing me you piece sof shit?REYNOLDS: I'm sorry, we can't find a common ground on this one congressman, your a good man, the people of your district are lucky have you representing them. REYNOLDS has a sip of coffee. HAMMERLSY walks away from the bench with his dog to his car. As he walks to the car another follows him. As HAMMERSLY opens the car door, PRATT comes from behind and stabs him with a needle behind the ear. The dog barks. REYNOLDS looks away, HICKS looks down.PRATT lays the body in the car, spreads pills on the floor, releases the hand brake and closes the door. The car rolls down the ramp and into the lake. The dog runs after the car. As the car sinks in the lake, the dog yawns.OPENING CREDITSINT- SILVERBERG & BLAKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1130hrs - DAYCut to conference room.In the conference room are three people. Two clients, EDDIE, and his son, LEO and a lawyer, MIKE.EDDIE: Let me fight management. Okay, I can accept that. But this is our own God damn union leadership trying to rail road us into signing some sweetheart contract. Look, everybody knows that the mob has been controlling these guys since as long as I remember. And now we got Pintero's goons turning up my people.As they talk, ROBERT DEAN enters the room.MIKE: First of all that's an object violation, probably Erico.As ROBERT DEAN enters, he gives EDDIE a friendly hug and greets LEO with a hand shake and an introduction.ROBERT DEAN: A Hobbs and Erico. Oooohh..baby don't stop.. Sounds like you guys need a laborlawyer. What happened?ROBERT DEAN pours a cup of tea from a fancy teapot.LEO: We were at Louie's two nights ago, I went to use the bathroom and these two fuckin?giedos jumped me.ROBERT DEAN: I prefer we use the term "Italian-Americans".LEO: Yeah, whatever. They were realy going to work on me, until Larry Cash came in and went after them.EDDIE: Larry Cash is in the hospital, with a broken jaw and a ruptured kidney.MIKE: Is this turning into a criminal investigation, Robert?ROBERT DEAN: Nah, it will take years to see that thing through. Besides, these people have families that are living through this everyday.ROBERT DEAN presses an intercom button as he talks. JULIE, his secretary, enters the room.ROBERT DEAN: Julie, can you send a case of cianti to a Larry Cash.JULIE: Larry Cash?ROBERT DEAN: Yes, he's at St. Lukes, and send some flowers to his wife, Brenda. They're both in the roladex.JULIE: Yes, Mr. Dean.JULIE exits the room. ROBERT DEAN puts his cup down and stands up.ROBERT DEAN: Well, why don't you head on home. I'm your lawyer, I抦in the process of dealing with these giedo mother-fuckers.MIKE smiles.ROBERT DEAN: ( cont'd ) Pintero doesn't stand a chance.ROBERT DEAN and MIKE leave the room, leaving EDDIE and LEO.INT - SAM'S DELI RESTURANT - DAYROBERT DEAN and RACHAEL BANKS have lunch with each other in the resturant. BANKS: So how's the trout?ROBERT DEAN: It tastes like fish.BANKS: It is fish.ROBERT DEAN: No, it tastes like every other fish i've ever had.BANKS: Okay..RACHAEL pulls out a yellow envelope with a tape inside.BANKS: Brill's note said that this is the video tape that you need to convince Pintero with and watch out for the FBI, Brill says that place is under surveillance.ROBERT DEAN takes the tape.ROBERT DEAN: So when do I get to meet him?BANKS: Pintero?ROBERT DEAN: Brill?BANKS: Never!ROBERT DEAN: Okay, um, wow, that's not exactly the answer I was hopin' for! BANKS: And what was the answer you were hoping for?ROBERT DEN: I don't know, soon, ahh. definitly sooner then never!BANKS: Bobby, why do we have to go through this every time? Brill talks to me, I talk to you. The way it works.ROBERT DEAN: Well, pardon me for being a little uncomfortable with hirin' someone that I don't know and I've never even met!BANKS: Then don't hire him.ROBERT DEAN takes a breath and takes out a thick envelope.ROBERT DEAN: Ten thousand dollars, and I'm also a little uncomfortable having to carry that kind for cash around.BANKS: Well that should lighten your load.ROBERT DEAN: I don't know if its Brill's prices going your or your commisson. BANKS: I take fifthteen percent as always. Brill's fee varies with the risk. Maybe you be more comfortable using someone else.ROBERT DEAN: Other than Brill?BANKS: Other than me!ROBERT DEAN: What's wrong with you?BANKS: Ohh, there's nothing wrong with me. Just you know someone whom you don't have a complex a history.ROBERT DEAN: I like our history, and I like you.BANKS: I like you too.ROBERT DEAN: I just want to make sure that I'm not breaking the law in any way. BANKS: You're not.ROBERT DEAN: And how can I be so sure?BANKS: Because I wouldn't let you.INT - PINTERO SOCIAL CLUB 1426hrs - AFTERNOONCut to kitchen.ROBERT DEAN, PINTERO and his goons are watching the video.ROBERT DEAN: So, Mr. Pintero, the guy on the left is Carl Matthew, president of local sixty-six fifty. And this is Dave Eurly, secretary treasurer of the National.PINTERO wipes his mouth with a napkin.ROBERT DEAN: (cont'd) Oh, right there, you see that guy! That's Hue Simmick, he administers the pension club. Your gonna recognise this fella right here...ROBERT DEAN pauses the tape with the screen showing PINTERO's face.ROBERT DEAN:(cont'd)... That's you, I'm a correct Mr. Pintero?PINTERO: That ain't me.PINTERO'S goons laugh.ROBERT DEAN: Lets watch a little more of this.ROBERT DEAN unpauses the tape.ROBERT DEAN: Ohh.... Here comes a great shot.ROBERT DEAN pauses the tape again.ROBERT DEAN: That's not you?PINTERO: That ain't me!ROBERT DEAN laughs.ROBERT DEAN: That's actually really good news for me, it lifts a huge weight offa my shoulders. Because the conditions of your paroll specifically forbid you from having any contact of any kind with any union officials.PINTERO: I know that!ROBERT DEAN: Well, I'm saying, so hypothetically, had that been you, I mean you would be heading back to prison fifthteen, I don't know, maybe twenty years, even more. But that ain't since you elequently put it.PINTERO: Are you fucking with me? Elequently? Look, that's not me.ROBERT DEAN: Oh that's not you. Well, I'm sorry that I've wasted your time gentlemen, since that's not you.ROBERT DEAN gets out of his seat and ejects the tape out of the player.ROBERT DEAN: Oh, you know what, maybe I'm thinking, maybe I'll just take this tape past the federal prosecuter, they got great vcrs down there, sometimes they can see things we can't see.PINTERO gets out of his seat and walks up to ROBERT DEAN. PINTERO takes the tape off him.PINTERO: You ain't gonna run this by nobody. What do you want?ROBERT DEAN: My clients want to vote up or down their contract as they see fit, without, shall we say outside influences.PINTERO: Okay, sit down!ROBERT DEAN: No, I'm fine thank you!PINTERO: No, you are not fine. Now sit your ass down.ROBERT DEAN sits back down in his seat and PINTERO sits back down.ROBERT DEAN: I would like my clients to be able to exercise their constitutional rights. And if that happens, that tape will disappear forever into my private collection. Including the Zuppruder film and the porno from Hitler's bunker.PINTERO'S goons laugh.PINTERO: You got any copies of this?ROBERT DEAN: Absolutley!PINTERO: Who make it, you make them?ROBERT DEAN: I'm an attorney. I don't make video tapes.PINTERO: Now you listen to me you fucking eggplant. This fucking video tape may save your clients asses, but you can be God damn sure it ain't gonna save yours. Now who made the fucking video tape?ROBERT DEAN: I don't know!PINTERO: How'd you get it?ROBERT DEAN: Through an aquantence!PINTERO and his goons laugh.PINTERO: Mr. Dean's got aqantences, me, I got friends I don't know. Go outside, see if there are any aqantences that are of the black persasion. Carlos, why don't you get out of the chair, to talk to Mr. Dean.PINTERO sends one of his goons outside and swaps seats with CARLOS. PINTERO: Who's your fucking aquantence?ROBERT DEAN doesn't answer.PINTERO: Listen to me, I want to know and I want ot know in a week, or I'll kill ya.EXT - PINTERO SOCIAL CLUB - AFTERNOONROBERT DEAN meets one of PINERO'S goons.GOON: Hey, smile!ROBERT DEAN: What?GOON: Smile for the FBI!The GOON puts up his middle finger and laughs. The FBI angents look through a window and taking photos. ROBERT DEAN enters his car.FBI AGENT #1: Who's the black guy?FBI AGENT #2: I don't know, but he doesn't look Italian to me. Does he?Another agent laughs.FBI AGENT #2: Table Hortas to one zero one, we got a blue over coat heading east. ROBERT DEAN looks out of his car window.FBI AGENT #2: Give me a loose one, see if we can get his plates.The FBI AGENTS take a photo of the plates.EXT - OCCUQUAN PARK, MARYLAND 1507hrs - AFTERNOONPolice, fire and ambulance vehicles surround the lake with reporters all over the place. FIELD REPORTER #1: I'm standing by, live at the Occuquan reservoir, where police and fire officials are in the process of removing a classic Mercedes, owned by congressman Phillip Hammersly of Seraquez, New York.FIELD REPORTER #2: This accident comes at a very untimely juncter since the congressman was working on a contreversial piece of legislation, Dale, opposing the Telecommunications Security and Privacy Act.The camera cuts to BINGHAM in officer gear. On the other side of the lake a van drives past.FIELD REPORTER #1: Fire officals do tell me the the congressman was by himself in the car, we have confirmed that but strangely enough, his favorite dog, Bod is currently with police.BINGHAM sees the van pull up to a box.FIELD REPORTER #3: I understand that there was a history of heart problems. DANIEL ZAVITZ exits the van and heads for the box. BINGHAM takes a sip of coffee. FIELD REPORTER #2: There was in fact a history of heart problems, in fact the congressman endured open heart surgery just a couple of years ago.ZAVITZ opens the box. BINGHAM is watches him.FIELD REPORTER #4: Homocide investigators have told that they did find a bottle of pill in his lap. That might mean that the congressman and I speculate here may have suffered a heart attack before going into the Occquan reservoir.FIELD REPORTER #3: He leaves behind a family of four.FIELD REPORTER #4: We'll have more details as the story develops.As the FIELD REPORTERS talk, ZAVITZ takes out a video camera and replaces the video tape inside the camera. BINGHAM is worried. ZAVITZ returns to his van and drives off. BINGHAM moves to get a view of the vans plates and dials a number a number on his mobile.BINGHAM: I need a ten twenty seven on a brown and tan seventy five DMC Jimmy, DC tags eight kilo six three nine four, I need a ten twenty eight on a registered owner.INT - National Security Agency - AFTERNOONWe see HICKS walking on a catwalk and down some stairs. The agency is full of people and computers. HICKS presses his thumb on a scanner and enters REYNOLDS' office, REYNOLDS is on the phone.REYNOLDS: Dick, please do not give me optimistic numbers, I hate optimism, I want to know how many votes we have in the bank aren't going to change our minds everytime the wind blows... Thank you!REYNOLDS hangs up the phone. HICKS picks up a remote and points it to a screen. He pulls up a file on ZAVITZ.HICKS: We may have a problem down at the lake. This is Daniel Zavitz, he's a nature photographer with some government grants, one of them is for monitoring migratory patterns of Canadian Geese or lack thereof. The box is called a 'hide', It contains a motion-activated digital video camera with a compound lense, It was aimed directly at the boat ramp across the lake.REYNOLDS gets out of his seat and looks out his window. There is a reflection of a big TV screen outside.REYNOLDS: We need two taxies with full electronic capabilities, two Humpdy Dumbdies. Get Fiedler to organise it, and call Kramer to get us some ex-military cutouts.HICKS: How do I discribe the project?REYNOLDS turns around and sits back down.REYNOLDS: Call it a training op, post adhere, setup a link with the NRO.HICKS: That's good.REYNOLDS: Ballsify FBI approval and none of this goes behind our team and get that video tape.HICKS: Of course!REYNOLDS: Get a wire on our bird watcher.HICKS: You got it!REYNOLDS makes another phone call.HICKS leaves the office.INT - KENT ISLAND INTERCEPT STATION - SAME DAYThe camera cuts between HICKS and FIEDLER.HICKS:(VO) Fiedler, it's Hicks. I need an intercept on a Daniel Leon Zavitz, two zero two, five five five, zero one zero eight.FIEDLER writes the number down.FIEDLER: What's our authorisation?HICKS: We're callin' it a P one training op, FBI approval.INT - NSA DEBRIEFING ROOM 1533hrs - AFTERNOONBINGHAM, HICKS AND PRATT are interviewing two people, KRUG and JONES. KRUG: Krug and Jones sir. We were with the twenty-second marine expeditionary unit, Kramer sent us.BINGHAM: Nice hair cut!HICKS:(to JONES) Thirty months at a federal penetenary in Maryland, Illonis for a DVH one on your denary, what's all that about, sergent?JONES: The guy was an asshole sir and he deserved it. If you'll excuse me.INT - ZAVITZ apartment - AFTERNOONZAVITZ is on his computer, watching his conservation video. He over hears a news report and finds footage of something interesting.ZAVITZ: Fuck a duck. Holy shit!ZAVITZ picks up his phone and dials a number. The camera cuts between ZAVITZ and BLOOM.BLOOM: News desk!ZAVITZ: Lenny, you are not going to believe what I have in my possession.BLOOM: Zavitz, long time.ZAVITZ: Lenny, I've go the Phil Hammersly murder on video tape.BLOOM: Phil Hammersly died of a heart attack.ZAVITZ: Negative, Hammersly was professionaly wasted under the direction of some anal retentive with what looks like a serious viatmin D defiency.HICKS is easily angered by it. FIEDLER listens in.BLOOM: How did you get the tape?ZAVITZ: My conservation study at the lake photographed the murder.BLOOM: You're kidding me!ZAVITZ: The camera was aimed straight at the peir, right where Phil Hammersly was killed.FIEDLER picks up a mobile and dials.BLOOM: How fast can you get that tape over here?ZAVITZ: I'm making a copy right now!INT. - REYNOLDS' office - DAYREYNOLDS is on the phone, talking and hears his mobile go off.REYNOLDS: Mark, I have to take this, good, thank you. Call if you need anything. REYNOLDS presses a button and then suddenly a series of beeps then followed by a long beep.REYNOLDS: Fiedler, is this line secure?FIEDLER: Yes it is sir!REYNOLDS: Go ahead.FIEDLER: Zavitz is speaking to a Lenny Bloom, a former anti-war activist. He publishes a variety of left-wing newsletters on various political subjects. He's taking the tape to Bloom's office, over.REYNOLDS: Put a tap on Bloom, and give us a dedicated satellite for this operation. FIEDLER: It's already done.FIEDLER hangs up on the mobile.EXT. - STREET - DAYROBERT DEAN is doing some shopping. He is on his cell phone.ROBERT DEAN: Yeah, so Julie I'll be taking the rest of the day off. I'm gonna finish up my christmas shopping, take my mind off things.ROBERT DEAN sees some lingerie in a window of a store called 'RUBY'S'.ROBERT DEAN: Hey, do chick dig lingerie? (laughs) Alright then, see you in the morning.ROBERT DEAN enters the store.INT. - 'RUBY'S' - DAYIn the store, the sales clerks are dressed in lingerie and the store is playing exotic music. SALES CLERK 1: Hi!SALES CLERK 2: Hi!ROBERT DEAN: How you doin'.He sees another sales clerk and his eye follows her.SALES CLERK 3: Hi!ROBERT DEAN is taken by surprise and turns around.ROBERT DEAN: Hey, hi!SALES CLERK 3: Can I help you?ROBERT DEAN: Yes!SALES CLERK 3: Do you see something you like?ROBERT DEAN: Ahh... I'm married.Shows his wedding ring.SALES CLERK 3: That's allowed!ROBERT DEAN: I just need a christmas present.SALES CLERK 3: For your wife?ROBERT DEAN: Yes, yes, of several years, yes!SALES CLERK 3: So you want some lingerie for your wife?ROBERT DEAN: Yes, yes, I would!SALES CLERK 3: Do you like Christian Dior?ROBERT DEAN: Ya know, I have to be really honest with you, um, I'm not really experienced in this.SALES CLERK 3: Get out of town!ROBERT DEAN: I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm experienced...SALES CLERK 3: Yeah!ROBERT DEAN: ...from a certain perspective...SALES CLERK 3: Right!ROBERT DEAN: ...I just don't want to come in here and look stupid...SALES CLERK 3 laughs.ROBERT DEAN: Too late!SALES CLERK 3: Hahahahahaha, yeah, what size?ROBERT DEAN: I'm sorry?SALES CLERK 3 stares at him.ROBERT DEAN: Oh, my wife. She's about...Points to a woman's butt.SALES CLERK 3: Size six!ROBERT DEAN: Yeah, right, shhhhhe's a six.SALES CLERK 3: Right, and what about cup size?ROBERT DEAN: Um!The SALES CLERK points to her breasts. ROBERT DEAN looks at them.ROBERT DEAN: Ohh, she's way bigger than that! I mean not noticably!SALES CLERK 3: Opps!ROBERT DEAN: Shoulda gotten her a watch!INT - ZAVITZ's apartment - DAYZAVITZ is in the middle of making a copy of the video. His next door neighbour, RUTHIE knocks on the door.RUTHIE: Hello! It's me Ruthie...ZAVITZ: Shit!RUTHIE:... they've disconnected my phone again.ZAVITZ: Mine's not working either, I think it's a problem with the line.On the other side of the door, RUTHIE turns around to PRATT and KRUG. PRATT tells RUTHIE to continue.RUTHIE: Umm, let me borrow some change for the payphone, man!ZAVITZ grabs some coins and heads to a door. He opens the door to see RUTHIE on the other side and bellow her PRATT and KRUG. The two load their guns. ZAVITZ quietly closes the door andlooks out the window to see BINGHAM and RYMES.He picks up his phone and it is disconnected, he tries his fax phone and it is also disconnected.RUTHIE: Danny! Open the door!ZAVITZ puts on a jacket and a beanie.RUTHIE: Come on, man!ZAVITZ: Ahhh, one minute!KRUG: I'm goin'KRUG begins to pick the door lock.ZAVITZ: Come on! Come on!The camera cuts to the computer screen saying COPY COMPLETE.ZAVITZ takes out the disk and inserts it into a portable player. KRUG is still picking the lock. ZAVITZ runs out the back door. But is seen by JONES.JONES: I got him, I got him. He's running.PRATT and KRUG enter the apartment and head for the back. ZAVITZ is climbing a short ladder and onto the roof.JONES: Give me real-time imagery coverage at lat thirty eight fifty five, long seventy seven zero zero.The camera cuts to BEN and SELBY in a Humpdy Dumbdy and FIEDLER at the NSA. BEN: Got it. Base, this is local patrol, requesting immediate key hole visual tasking, maximum resolution lat thirty eight fifty five, log seventy seven zero zero, over. FIEDLER types in the co-ordinates into the computer.FIEDLER: Roger that, I'll need a minute on satellite visual, over.The camera shows the screen with the words KEY HOLE VISUAL TASKING and TASKING. The camera cuts back on RUTHIE, who is screaming.RUTHIE: Run, run. Danny, they got guns! RUUUUUNNN!!!!!PRATT and KRUG are at the back of the apartment with ZAVITZ getting onto the roof. The two see JONES.KRUG: Where is he?JONES: He's right there, on the roof!The camera cuts to a satellite in space, orbiting the earth.FIEDLER: Okay, satellite imagery coming through.The camera suddenly show pictures of streets and buildings at high speed. Then cuts to BEN and SELBY.SELBY: Roger that. Patch visual to my location!SELBY flicks a switch.SELBY: Confirm visual. Thank you Mike.BEN: Air one there?SELBY: All units, target heading northbound on roof top.The camera cuts between the sat imagery, the street and the Humpdy Dumbdy. SELBY: Columbia and Eighteenth requesting immediate visual support, over.The camera shows a blue helicopter and heads to where ZAVITZ is.PILOT: Roger that, we have visual.The camera shows ZAVITZ running across the roof tops with PRATT and KRUG behind him. ZAVITZ jumps onto a stair well on the next building.SELBY: Everyone he just jumped to the adjacent building.PRATT and KRUG jump onto te same stair well beind him.SELBY: All units, he is entering rear entrance of...BEN : Rear entrance of Captain Ike's.SELBY: ...Captain Ike's.PILOT: Roger.ZAVITZ enters the kitchen where chefs are taming out-of-control fires in their pans. PRATT and KRUG enter at the same place. ZAVITZ enters a double door and through a pool table room. PRATT and KRUG are still behind him. ZAVITZ runs down a flight of stairs, with PRATT and KRUGfollowing behind him.SELBY: Air one, Be advised subject exiting front entrance on Columbia.ZAVITZ runs out of the store and onto the street. He slides over a car bonnet and makes it to the other side. The camera still cuts between the street, sat visual and the H.D. PRATT: I got him, I got him!The helicopter zooms past.SELBY: Target entering, a barber shop.ZAVITZ enters the barber shop and heads for the back, with PRATT and BINGHAM on his tail. ZAVITZ enters the back and closes a door with the sign KEEP OUT. BINGHAM can't open it and PRATT tries to budge it.PRATT: Bullshit! We lost him, we lost him!SELBY: Target seen exiting rear of barber shop, in alley. Follow.ZAVITZ is now being chased by JONES in an alley. He pushes open a fence door and enter. The fence door closes on JONES, KRUG follows JONES. ZAVITZ enters a door. KRUG and JONES are stuck becase of a barking dog.BEN: I can't see anything!SELBY: Air One, we've lost your visual.Suddenly the sat visual quickly zooms out.SELBY: We got him!INT - RUBY'S - DAYZAVITZ enters the store from the rear exit. But ROBERT DEAN recognises him. ROBERT DEAN: Zavitz, Daniel Zavitz.ZAVITZ looks outside and sees PRATT and BINGHAM. ZAVITZ only way out is the front door.ROBERT DEAN: It's me, Bobby Dean, we were at Georgetown together. Are you okay? ZAVITZ: Help me!ROBERT DEAN hands him a business card. ZAVITZ takes it. The SALES CLERK comes out with a women and has gotten ROBERT DEAN's attention.SALES CLERK 3: What do think about this one sir?The women undoes her robe to show the desired lingerie. During that, ZAVITZ puts the portable player into ROBERT DEAN's shopping bag and leaves.SALES CLERK 3: Yeah, this is Becky. Becky say hi!ROBERT DEAN: Sorry, can l have one second.ROBERT DEAN turns around but he can't see ZAVITZ.EXT - Street - DAYZAVITZ runs out of the store and is on the foot path. He heads into PRATT and BINGHAM.SELBY: Pratt, he's on you at six o'clock. Turn around.PRATT turns around. When he turns back, he sees ZAVITZ and begins to run. PRATT: Got him, move, move!ZAVITZ heads to a person chaining their bike. He pushes the person away and takes the bike and begins to pedal on the road.BEN: Target northbound, northbound on Cineticut!PILOT: Okay, got him.ZAVITZ turns around to a lower part of the road and continues pedaling.PRATT: Go. Go!Now PRATT, KRUG, BINGHAM and JONES are chasing him.BEN: Target switching, target switching. Now heading southbound.As ZAVITZ pedals down the road, JONES is running on foot behind him. ZAVITZ turns and jumps into another lane with an approaching fire truck. The truck honks at ZAVITZ, but he is ran over by the truck. All traffic stops. Onlookers gather.BEN: Target is down on Cineticut Avenue, Air One confirmed!SELBY: Target is down. Target is down permanently.PRATT and the others head to ZAVITZ body and search for the copy. ROBERT DEAN joins the onlookers.ROBERT DEAN: What happened?OLD LADY: A guy on a bike got creamed.ROBERT DEAN recognizes that it is ZAVITZ.ROBERT DEAN: Jesus!ROBERT DEAN leaves.PRATT can not find the copy. The only thing he finds is ROBERT DEAN's business card. The sat visual zooms out slowly.EXT - DEAN RESIDENCE, GEORGETOWN, 1705hrs - NIGHTROBERT DEAN's car enters the garage. He stops the engine and thinks.INT - of house - NIGHTIn the house, ROBERT DEAN's son ERIC and his friend DYLAN are playing video games.DYLAN: I'm beating you!ERIC: Yeah right! Ohhh...you are!ROBERT DEAN enters.ROBERT DEAN: Hey, hey!DYLAN: I'm beating you!ERIC: No,no. I'm beating you.ROBERT DEAN wonders why the kids aren't responding.DYLAN: Hi Mr. Dean!ROBERT DEAN enters the living area.ROBERT DEAN: Am I in the wrong house? I'm looking for an eight-year-old boy 'bout yeahy high, kinda looking alledgadly ny son.ERIC: Nope!ROBERT DEAN: Mmm..., maybe he's behind the TV?ROBERT DEAN stands in front of the TV. ERIC and DYLAN are hitting his legs. ROBERT DEAN: Eric!ERIC: Dad!DYLAN: Mr. Dean!DYLAN and DYLAN continue to hit ROBERT DEAN's legs.ROBERT DEAN: Eric!DYLAN: Get out of the way!ERIC: Get out of the way.ROBERT DEAN moves out of their way.。
every bush and tree looks like an enemyduring the eastern jin dynasty, fu jian, king of thestate of qin, controlled northern china. in the year383, fujian led 900,000 infantry and cavalry troops to assault the state of jin which was south of the yangtze river. xie shiand xie xuan, senior generals of the jin army, led 80,000 troops to offer resistance. knowing that the jin army wasshort of men, fu jian wanted to seize this opportunity ofbeing much more numerous in armed forces to stage a quick attack.unexpectedly, the van of fu jian's army of 250,000 troops was defeated in the shouchun area by an ingenious military move of the jin army and suffered heavy losses. the senior general of the van of fu jian's army was killed, and there were heavy casualties of more than 10,000 soldiers. fu jian's army was dispirited and its morale was shaken. many soldiers were in such a great panic that they waited for opportunities to run away. standing on the city wall of the shouchun city,fu jian and his brother fu rong saw that the ranks of the jin army were in good order and that the morale of the jin army was high. turning to his brother, fu jian said, "what a powerful enemy this is! why did people say that the jin army was short of men?" he deeply regretted that he had taken the enemy too lightly.overshadowed by the disastrous defeat, fu jian orderedhis troops to be deployed in battle formation on the northside of the feishui river, in an attempt to regain theinitiative by relying on the superior geographical conditions. then xie shi and xie xuan, the senior generals of the jin army, suggested that fu jian's army retreat a little bit, leaving some space, so that the jin army could cross theriver to conduct ooperations. fu jian thought that his chance had come, believing that the senior generals of the jin army did not have the elementary knowledge of warfare. it was his plan to stage a sudden attack while the troops of the jinarmy was busy crossing the river, and he was sure that his plan would word. so he willingly accepted the suggestion of the jin army.unexpectedly, the moment the order to retreat was given, fu jian's troops were utterly routed and could by no means be controlled. taking advantage of this favorable situation, the jin army crossed the river, pursuing and attacking the enemy. the trooops of fu jian's army threw away everything in headlong flight, and the field was littered with the corpses of the soldiers of fu jian's army. fu rong was killed in the tangled fighting, and fu jian was hit by an arrow and ran away. the jin army won a brilliant victory by defeating a big army with its limited armed forces.this story comes from "the life of fu jian" in the volume "records" of the history of the jin dynasty. the set phrase "every bush and tree looks like an enemy" is subsequently used to refer to a state of extreme nervousness.。
I Am Legend date:12.14.2007
• My name is Robert Neville. I am a survivor living in New York City. If there is anybody out there…anybody. Please. You are not alone. • 我叫罗伯特· 奈维尔,我是一个生活在纽约市的幸存者,如果这 里还有其他人……任何人。请回答我,因为你不是孤单一个人
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
He is an American actor, producer, and rapper. He has enjoyed success in television, film and music. In April 2007, Newsweek called him the most powerful actor in Hollywood. Smith has been nominated for four Golden Globe Awards, two Academy Awards, and has won multiple Grammy Awards.
• I, Robot • Date:7.16.2004
• Human beings have dreams. Even dogs have dreams, but not you, you are just a machine.
• 人类有梦想,甚至狗 都有梦想,但你没有, 你只是个机器
1996 Independence Day 1998 Enemy of the State 1999 Wild Wild West 2000 The Legend of Bagger Vance 2001 Ali 2004 I, Robot 2008 Seven Pounds 2012 Men in Black III 2012 Leagues Under the Sea: Captain Nemo
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Government Surveillance VS Personal Privacy?
• Lyle contacts Reynolds to tell him that he has the video of the Hammersley murder and asks to meet. Dean tells them that the Hammersley murder footage is in the hands of Mafia boss Joey Pintero, whose office is under FBI surveillance. Dean, Reynolds, and the NSA team head into Pintero's restaurant, causing a gunfight that kills the mobsters, Reynolds, and several of his NSA team.
• Zavitz discovers the murder, and alerts an underground journalist, at the same time transferring the video to a computer disc. Reynolds learns of Zavitz's problem, and sends a team to recover the video. While fleeing, Zavitz runs into an old college friend, labor lawyer Robert yton Dean, Zavitz secretly passes the computer disc into Dean's shopping bag. Zavitz flees and is killed when hit by a car.
• Dean, trailed by the NSA, meets with Banks, who offers to set up a meeting with "Brill", one of her secret contacts. After meeting an NSA agent posing as Brill, Dean realizes his error, only to have the real Brill, retired NSA agent Edward Lyle, ferry him to temporary safety, helping rid Dean of all the tracking devices he is unwittingly carrying. With Dean and Lyle in hiding, the NSA agents kill Banks and frame Dean for the murder.
• While Lyle is able to find evidence that the NSA executed the murder, it is destroyed during an escape from an NSA raid. It is then revealed that Lyle was an expert in communications for the NSA. He was stationed in Iran before. When the Iranian Revolution occurred, Lyle made it out of the country, but his partner, Rachel's father, was killed. Since then he has been in hiding. Lyle tries to coax Dean into trying to run away, but Dean is adamant about clearing his name.
• As the U.S. Congress moves to pass new legislation that dramatically expands the surveillance powers of intelligence agencies, Congressman Phil Hammersley remains firmly opposed to its passage. To ensure the bill's passage, National Security Agency official Thomas Reynolds kills Hammersley, but he is unaware of a video camera set up by wildlife researcher Daniel Zavitz that has captured the entire incident.
• When the NSA discovers that Dean may have the video, a team raids his house and plants surveillance devices. Unable to find the video, the NSA proceeds to falsely incriminate Dean of passing classified information to Rachel Banks, a former girlfriend. The track-down destroys Dean's life: he is fired from his job, his bank accounts are frozen, and his wife throws him out of the house.
Enemy of the State
• A lawyer, Dean, is inexplicably involved in a Congressman-murder case, the National Security Agency starts to track down Dean to get back a tape which recorded the Congressman-murder committed by NSA official. The track-down by NSA destroys Dean's life: he is fired from his job, his bank accounts are frozen, and his wife throws him out of the house. Under the help of the former expert in communications for the NSA, Dean decided to fight back in order to clear his name.
• Dean and Lyle escape, with Lyle quickly disappearing from the authorities. The FBI discovers the plot behind the legislation, causing it to fail, though they cover up the NSA's involvement. Dean is cleared of all charges and is reunited with his wife. Lyle escapes to a tropical location, but sends a "goodbye" message to Dean.
• Dean and Lyle blackmail another supporter of the surveillance bill, Congressman Sam Albert by videotaping him having an affair with his aide. Dean and Lyle "hide" bugs that Reynolds had used on Dean in Albert's room so Albert will find them and have the NSA start an investigation. Lyle also deposits $140,000 into Reynolds' bank account to make it appear that he is taking bribes.
Story Retelling
• Enemy of the State is a 1998 spy-thriller film about a group of rogue NSA agents who kill a US Congressman and try to cover up the murder. It was written by David Marconi, directed by Tony Scott, and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. It stars Will Smith and Gene Hackman, with Jon Voight, Lisa Bonet, and Regina King in supporting roles.