07Beginning and Ending a Speech
Small Talk beginning and ending with 3 dialogs
Small Talk: Conversation StartersTalking about the weather ∙Beautiful day, isn't it?∙Can you believe all this rain we've been having?∙It looks like it's going to snow.∙It sure would be nice to be in Sanya right now.∙I hear they're calling for thunderstorms this weekend. ∙We couldn't ask for a nicer day, could we?∙How about this weather?∙Did you order this sunshine?Talking about current events ∙Did you catch the news today?∙Did you hear about that fire on Qingchun Lu?∙What do you think about this transportation strike?∙I read in the paper today that the Hangzhou Towers is closing.∙I saw on tv last night that they are finally going to start building the new subway.∙How about our local basketball team? Do you think they're going to win tonight?At the office∙Looking forward to the weekend?∙Have you worked here long?∙I can't believe how busy/quiet we are today, can you?∙Has it been a long week?∙You look like you could use a cup of coffee.∙What do you think of the new computers?At a social event ∙So, how do you know James?∙Have you tried the Baozhi that Sandy made?∙Are you enjoying yourself?∙Why don’t we get ourselves another drink.∙Pretty nice place, huh?∙I love your outfit. Can I ask where you got it?Out for a walk∙How old's your baby?∙What's your puppy's name?∙The tulips sure are beautiful this time of year, aren't they.∙How do you like this new park?∙Nice day to be outside, isn't it?Waiting somewhere∙I didn't think it would be so busy today.∙You look like you've got your hands full (with children orgoods).∙The bus must be running late today.∙It looks like we are going to be here a while, huh?∙I'll have to remember not to come here again onMondays.How long have you been waiting?Small Talk Practice 1: At a Bus StopRead the small talk below:Woman: We couldn’t ask for a better day, could we?Man: I know. There isn't a cloud in the sky. I love this time of year.Woman: Me too. The air is so fresh, don’t you think?Man: It sure it. But I heard it will rain all weekend.Woman: Really? Oh well. I have to work all weekend anyway. I'm a doctor.Man: Wow. You must work very long hours I am sure!Woman: Yes. Oh, this bus seems to be running late. How long have you been waiting?Man: I've been here for at least fifteen minutes now.Woman: Where are you heading today?Man: Actually, I'm going to InTime Department store. I have to buy a gift for my wife.Woman: Oh, what a coincidence. I am going there too! What are you shopping for?Man: Um, well...I'm still trying to decide on the perfect gift for her.Woman: Look, here comes a bus now.Man: Oh good. Wait, that's not the bus we want. That bus goes downtown.Woman: Well, it looks like we'll be waiting a little longer. I guess, I'll use this time to catch up on my reading.Man: I love reading. Right now I'm reading a Stephen King book. Do you like Stephen King?Woman: Not really.Man: Oh, here's our bus.Woman: Finally! Well, it was nice talking to you. Have a nice day.Man: You too!Small Talk Practice 1: At the OfficeRead the small talk below.Woman: Hi there.Man: Hi. I haven't seen you around here before. Have you been working here long?Woman: No, I've only been here a few months. I work in the Human Resources Department. Man: Oh, you must be on the 4th floor then; That’s why I haven’t seen you. I'm in Sales. Woman: Sales! Now, that sounds like an interesting job.Man: It's okay. Look, the tea is ready - would you like some?Woman: Thanks, it's been a really hectic week.Man: Tell me about it! At least it's supposed to be a nice weekend.Woman: Yes, I've heard they’re calling for blue skies and lots of sunshine.Man: Great. Listen, did you watch the basketball game last night on tv?Woman: No, I was working late.Man: It was a great game. We won in overtime.Woman: Actually, I don't even know who was playing. I don't really follow sports.Man: Oh, that’s too bad. Hangzhou has a really good team this year.Woman: Good to hear. Well, I better get back to my desk.Man: Speaking of desks, what do you think of the new office furniture?Woman: It's nice, but I would rather get paid for my overtime hours than have new furniture. Man: Good point! I agree with you. Well, I’d better get going. It might snow tonight.Woman: I can’t believe it – it’s supposed to be spring. I can't believe all this cold weather.Man: I can't wait until the weather warms up.Woman: Me neither! Spring is my favourite time of year!Small Talk Practice 3: At a PartyRead the small talk below:Woman 1: (Standing in a corner drinking a glass of wine by herself)Man: Hi there. Why aren't you dancing?Woman 1: (Smiles. No response.)Man: Hello. Have you tried the food yet?Woman 2: No, but I was just about to.Man: Try the spring rolls; they’re really tasty.Woman 2: Oh, thanks!Man: So, how do you know Rick, our host?Woman 2: Oh, Rick and I go way back. We studied in nursing school together.Man: Wow. Hey, I heard on the radio today that all of you nurses are on strike. Are they not paying you enough?Woman 2: Actually it's more about working conditions.Man: I see. So, have you had a chance to take a swim in the pool yet?Woman 2: No, not yet. How about you?Man: No,I don’t really like swimming, plus I didn’t bring a swimsuit.Woman 2: Well, I better go and mingle. There are a few people I haven't said hello to yet.Man: Wait! Can we talk again later?Woman 2: That would be nice.Man: Okay, enjoy your evening. I’ll catch up with you later.Woman 2: Thanks. I might even have that swim while I’m here.Man: You’d better hurry. I hear they’re calling for thunderstorms later on.Small Talk: Conversational Closing or TerminationPre-Closing ResponsesI'm afraid I have to be going........………….Take careIt's been a pleasure .......................…………Yes, I enjoyed talking with you Well, it's getting late....................…………..Maybe we can talk again some time. It was nice talking with you...........………..Yeah, I enjoyed it too.Nice to see you (again).................…………Nice to see you.Maybe we can get together sometime..........Sounds good!I've got to run...............................................See youEnding your Small Talk Conversation ∙Let the person know you’ll beleaving soon∙Express gratitude for theconversation∙Summarize some of the majorpoints∙Set the stage for futureconversationUse of appropriate conversational techniques including pauses, interruptions and applying active listening strategies.“I really must be going soon, but I had a great time chatting with you. I really appreciate your comments about that new movie. Here’s my card. Call me if you know of any other movies you think I might enjoy.”“It’s been great talking with you but I see someone on the other side of the room that I must speak with before I leave. Can I get your card and give you a call sometime? Thanks! It was a pleasure meeting you. Have a great evening.”Do you mind, I’d love to contact you about _____? Thanks, well, I best be moving along now. Again, I appreciate talking with you. I’ll be calling you.Conversation StrategiesOpeners and ClosersGreetings: Hello Hi!How's it going? Not bad.What's new? Nothing much.What's happening? Not much.Pre-closures: Well, it's getting late... Yeah, maybe we can talk again some time It was nice talking with you... Yeah, I've enjoyed it.Let's get together sometime... Sounds good.Well, I've got to run... OK. See you.Closing: Bye. Bye Good-bye.Have a nice weekend. You, too.Talk to you later. OK. Bye-bye.See you. Ok. So long.。
新编英语演讲与辩论 Chapter 3 Preparing a Speech
01 Warm-up Questions 02 Outlining the Speech 03 Beginning the Speech 04 Ending the Speech 05 Exercises
Outlining the Speech
Identifying Your Purpose: Write down a clear statement of what you want to achieve. Three general purposes: to inform, persuade, or entertain the audience • What are you informing the
Warm-up Questiones
What is the first step you take when you start
writing your speech?
How important do you think are the introduction
and conclusion of a speech?
Making an Effective Introduction There are four effective ways to develop an introduction.
01 Asking a Question 02 Citing a Quotation 03 Employing Startling Facts or Statistics 04 Telling Stories
outline:leap over the great fire wall nickyspecific purpose: to make a simple explanation of the leap overthe great fire wall and indicate the great fire wall affectingstudents study and peoples daily life in some extent, thendemonstrate some personal solutions for the problems which causedby the great fire wall. central idea: the great fire wall has both sides effects on ourlife so that we should focus on the bad effects and figure out howto solve these problems. introduction ⅰ. what does leap over the great fire wall exactly mean by now inchina 1.explanation:we still cannot find any accurate definition onit; however, we could give a simple explanation: we think chinesegovernment considers that the internet should be blocked in some waysbecause it will multiply eroticism and violence without supervision;therefore, netizens named this phenomenon of searching the limitedwebsites as leap over the great fire wall, in chinese, fanqiang. body ⅰ.according to this phenomenon, people generated a heatingdebate.1. the pros:a).the great fire wall can help us stop spreading the negativeinformation b).provides a healthy and green network environment.2. the cons:a).it is on the pretext of spreading the negative informationbut for somepolitic profits: avoid spreading the information which isagainst the party. b).it is a good way for us to know how foreignfriends look at our china ⅱ.the great fire wall creates some bad impact on the universitystudents1.it is easy for students to lose their sense of right and wrong. 2.it obstructed students critical thinking and the objectiveworldview.4.it also obstructs the academic sources that students can beobtained, especially the external information.ⅲ.we have figured out some solutions based on the analysis anddiscussion.1.the government should publish a law that blocking the badinformation,while allowing the academic information for students; 2.we should appeal more and more netizens using their real nameson the internet for protecting the teenagers affected by the badinformation, while, it also can provide more privacy for the adultsto search the internet freely at the same time; 5.the designer of the great fire wall should be more confidentabout our netizen because we can distinguish most of the fake vediowhich is bad for our country. conclusion i. in a conclusion, we could have a deep understanding on thegreat fire wall from this problem-solving public speech. ii. moreover, we also found some bad influences of the great firewall.iii. nevertheless, we have figured out some personal solutionsfor it by intense discussions. iv. thus, we hope these bad influences can be improved anddeveloped well in the next long period.《英语演讲》教学大纲课程编号:课程类型:课程名称:英语演讲英文名称: public speaking in english 学分:适用专业:第一部分大纲说明一、课程的性质、目的和任务本课程向学生传授英语演讲的基本知识和演讲稿撰写技巧,通过对著名经典演讲词的学习鉴赏,了解英语演讲的目的、功能和修辞手段,通过对现代名人演讲词的赏析,了解当代演讲词的结构、风格和修辞特征;通过学习赏析和演讲实践,提高学生撰写演讲稿和进行即兴演讲的能力。
Beginning and ending the speech
7. Tell a Story
• Tell a story that is provocative, amusing, dramatic, or suspenseful • Tell stories relevant to the topic of the speech • Get the listeners emotionally involved in the speech • Use stories based on your personal experience • Deliver it with strong eye contact and expressive vocal variety
• Emphasize the importance of your topic and capture the attention of your audience. • Traffic jams are more than a nuisance. They are a worldwide economic problem. In Guangzhou alone, they cost 12 billion yuan each year. In major U.S. cities, they are responsible for more than 21 billion liters of wasted fuel and 68 billion dollars in lost productivity. Traffic jams will soon cost the British economy more than 20 billion pounds sterling a year.
Beginning and Ending the Speech
英语演讲 Unit 7 Beginning and Ending the Speech
1. Get the audience’s attention Choose a relevant yet interesting fact, statistic, quote or anecdote to begin your introduction. Don’t choose anything that’s common knowledge; rather, discuss something new that will hold the listeners’ attention immediately.
Unit 7 Beginning and Ending the Speech
1. Summarize The first step to ending a speech is to summarize it. This is where the speech presenter repeats the main points.
Unit 7 Beginning and Ending the Speech
3. Close with Impact quotation narrative appeal to action return to opening theme
Unit 7 Beginning and Ending the Speech
Public Speaking
Unit 7 Beginning and Ending the Speech
Introduction Conclusion
英语演讲与辩论各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢课程编号:100191英文名:The Art of English Public Speaking and debating课程类别:专业选修学分:2学分课时:32课时主讲教师:韩静等选定教材:Stephen E. Lucas,《演讲的艺术》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2004年课程概述:《英语演讲与辩论》课程是一门语言技能和专业知识相结合的课程,在一定程度上实现相关专业与外语专业之间的复合、交融和渗透,使学生从语言的单一性向知识的多元化、宽厚型方向转化.该课程有助于提高学生综合应用英语的能力,有助于学生综合素质的培养,是英语教学改革的新课型通过该课程的学习不仅能帮助学生进一步提高英语表达能力、英语口语交际能力,更有利于学生开拓思路、掌握沟通技巧;引导学生体会演讲魅力、提高演讲技巧、展示演讲才能,有利于他们早日掌握这门适用于各种领域的沟通艺术.这门课程的学习需要一定程度的语言技能以外的知识积累.通过这门课程的学习,学生能够系统地了解英语演讲的技巧,英语演讲稿的写作方法以及英语演讲技巧在现代交际中的作用.本课程采用理论传授与实际操练相结合;教师讲解和学生参与相结合;教师点评和学生试评相结合的教学方法.本课程授课内容主要包括两大块,均采用多媒体、互动式授课.第一部分包括英语演讲课程的理论教学,采用范例录像观摩和阐释理论知识点相结合的方法;第二部分包括学生操练并辅助以课堂讨论及对学生操练和作业进行评析等方法.考查方法采用课堂参与和考试相结合.教学目的:通过本课程的学习,使学生全面、系统地掌握英语演讲和辩论的理论知识与艺术特点以及在现实交际生活的作用及在一定程度上实现相关专业与外语专业之间的复合、交融和渗透,使学生从语言的单一性向知识的多元化、宽厚型方向转化,并且提高学生综合应用英语的能力和综合素质的培养.教学方法:本课程授课内容主要包括两大块,均采用多媒体、互动式授课.第一部分包括英语演讲辩论课程的理论教学,采用示范录像观摩和阐释理论知识点相结合的方法;第二部分包括学生操练并辅助以课堂讨论及对学生操练和作业进行评析等方法.考查采用课堂参与记录与考试相结合的方法,课堂参与记录占50%,考试占50%.1)教学原则a.教师为主导,学生为主体,训练为主线;b.运用激励策略,营造宽松型、学生友好型氛围;c.语境教学法;d.过程教学法.2)课堂组织形式a. 精讲多练,突出学生参与;b. 运用视听演示材料供学生观摩;c. 鼓励学生制作视觉辅助材料;d. 运用摄像设备拍录学生演讲实景;e. 先讲后评,组织讨论;f. 运用评估表分析学生演讲;g.大班与小班授课应有区别.各章教学要求及教学要点第一章Speaking And Listening教学要求:本章教学要求学生比较全面了解演讲的基本理论和概念,演讲中的道德准则以及倾听在言语交流中的重要性.教学内容:一、Speaking in Public1. The Power of Public Speaking2. The Tradition of Public Speaking3. Similarities Between Public Speaking and Conversation4. Differences Between Public Speaking and Conversation5. Developing Confidence: Your Speech Class6. Public Speaking and Critical Thinking7. The Speech Communication Process8. Public speaking in a Multicultural World二、Ethics and Public Speaking1. The Importance of Ethics2. Guidelines for Ethical Speaking3. Plagiarism4. Guidelines for Ethical Listening三、Listening1. Listening Is Important2. Listening and Critical Thinking3. Four Causes of Poor Listening4. How to Become a Better Listener思考题:1. In what way is public speaking likely to make a difference in your life?2. How is public speaking different from everyday conversation?3. How can you control your nervousness and make it work for you in your speeches?4. What are the seven elements of the speech communication process? How do they interact to determine the success or failure of a speech?第二章Speech Preparation: Getting Started教学要求:本章教学要求学生了解在演讲的准备阶段如何选题和立意,如何分析听众的特点,如何收集资料和如何规范地使用所搜集到的论据来说明自己的想法.教学内容:Selecting a Topic and Purpose1. Choosing a Topic2. Determining the General Purpose3. Determining the Specific Purpose4. Phrasing the Central Idea二、Analyzing the Audience1. Audience-Centeredness2. Your Classmates as an Audience3. The Psychology of Audiences4. Demographic Audience Analysis5. Situational Audience Analysis6. Getting Information About the Audience7. Adapting to the Audience三、Gathering Materials1. Using Your Own Knowledge and Experience2. Doing Library Research3. Searching the Internet4. Interviewing5. Tips for Doing Research四、Supporting Your Ideas1. Supporting Materials and CriticalThinking2. Examples3. Statistics4. Testimony5. Sample Speech with Commentary思考题:1. What is the difference between the specific purpose and the central idea of a speech? What are four guidelines for an effective central idea?2. What methods can you use to adapt your speech to your audience before the speech? During the speech?3. What five things should you do to take research notes efficiently?4. What are five tips for using examples in your speeches?第三章Speech Preparation: Organizing and Outlining教学要求:本章教学要求学生系统掌握英语演讲稿的写作方法和写作规范.教学内容:Organizing the Body of the Speech1. Organization Is Important2. Main Points3. Supporting Materials4. Connectives二、Beginning and Ending the Speech1. The Introduction2. The Conclusion三、Outlining the Speech1. The Preparation Outline2. The Speaking Outline思考题:1. What are the five basic patterns of organizing main points in a speech? Which are appropriate forinformative speeches? Which is used only in persuasive speeches? Which is used most often?2. What are seven methods you can use in the introduction to get the attention and interest of your audience?3. What are four ways to reinforce the central idea when concluding your speech?4. What is a preparation outline? What are the eight guidelines discussed in the chapter for writing a preparation outline?5. What is a speaking outline? What are four guidelines for your speaking outline?第四章Presenting The Speech教学要求:本章教学要求学生基本掌握演讲写作中的语言技巧,演讲的不同形式,以及直观教具的制作和用法. 教学内容:一、Using Language1. Language Is Important2. Meanings of Words3. Using Language Accurately4. Using Language Clearly5. Using Language Vividly6. A Note on Inclusive Language二、Delivery1. What is a Good Delivery?2. Methods of Delivery3. The Speaker’s V oice4. The Speaker’s Body5. Practicing Delivery6. Answering Audience Questions三、Using Visual Aids1. Advantages of Visual Aids2. Kinds of Visual Aids3. Guidelines for Preparing Visual Aids4. Guidelines for Presenting Visual Aids思考题:1. What are three things you should do to use language clearly in your speeches?2. Why is it important for a public speaker to use inclusive language? What are five usages of inclusive language which have become so widely accepted that no speaker can afford to ignore them?3. What are the eight aspects of voice usage you should concentrate on in your speeches?4. What are the five steps you should follow when practicing your speech delivery?5. What steps should you take when preparing for a question-and-answer session? What should you concentrate on when responding to questions during the session?6. What are the major advantages of using visual aids in your speeches?第五章Varieties of Public Speaking教学要求:本章教学要求学生掌握演讲的几种主要的体裁,能够在不同的场合选择不同的方式进行有效演讲. 教学内容:教学内容:Speaking to Inform1. Types of Informative Speeches: Analysis and Organization2. Guidelines for Informative Speaking3. Sample Speech with Commentary4. The Importance of Persuasion5. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Fact6. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Value7. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Policy二、Methods of Persuasion1. Building Credibility2. Using Evidence3. Reasoning4. Appealing to emotions三、Speaking on Special Occasions1. Speeches of Introduction2. Speeches of Presentation3. Speeches of Acceptance4. Commemorative Speeches5. After-Dinner Speeches四、Speaking in Small Groups1. What Is a Small Group?2. Leadership in Small Groups3. responsibilities in a Small Group4. The Reflective-Thinking Method5. Presenting the Recommendations of the Groups思考题:1. Why must informative speakers be careful not to overestimate what the audience knows about the topic? What can you do to make sure your ideas don’t pass over the heads of your listeners?2. What are three methods you can use to avoid abstractions in your informative speech?3. Explain the difference between passive agreement and immediate action as goals for persuasive speeches on questions of policy.4. What four methods of organization are used most often in persuasive speeches on questions of policy?5. What are four tips for using evidence effectively in a persuasive speech?6. What are the three major traits of a good acceptance speech?7. What are the five major responsibilities of every participant in a small group?参考书目:1)Lucas, Stephen E. The Art of Public Speaking. 8th Ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2004. 配有Instructor’s Manual.2)Verderber, Rudolph F. The Challenge of Effective Speaking. 10th Ed. Boston: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1997.3) Collins, Patrick. Say It with Power & Confidence. Paramus: Prentice Hall, 1998.4)Kay, Sue:《实用演讲技巧》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2004.5)亚历山大,《英语辩论手册》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999.Chinese universities should/should not allow mix-genderdormitories.Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a shortI will argue from the following two aspects about Chinese universities should not allow mix-gender dormitories.First of all,we should seriously think about the existence value of mix-gender dormitories. According to the published study of Journal of American College Health, they investigated more than 500 students of five American universities,and about 90% of which living in the mix-gender dormitories. In the dormitory, men and women are not necessarily in the same room, many of them just live on the different floors. The results of the survey show that 41% of the students,living in the mix-gender dormitories,admit that they arepromiscuity in astudents,living in a single gender dormitory,of the ratio is 17%.The study also points that living in the mix-gender dormitory is easier to promiscuity. The proportion of having three or more sexual partners in the past year is three times as much as students who live in the single-gender ,with the number increasing,the account of promiscuity will be make us more embarrassed in the future. Secondly, it also has a great effect on students’ living. For example,when I want to take a bath after busy work and have a deep sleep wearing pajamas,I find that I can’t do it because I have a maleI was a man,I would even worried If I would be sued for obscene or not ,just because I wear a short pants and my shake-feathering is too long. And all this is the embarrassment due to allow mix-genderwhen you live with the students in common sex,girls could not worry aboutthe position which underwear hang on, let alone whether they are less wear at night. Meanwhile boys can play games loudly and don’t have to worry about the girl. Some privacy is able to accept by the people,having common sex,but the opposite sex ismany students aren’t lover in min-gender dorm. Therefore privacy protection has become an embarrassing problem,but also making life into inconvenience.新课程标准/ 演讲/ 辩论/ 教学设计英语演讲与辩论是英语语言综合能力的体现。
6. Don't start talking too soon.
Topic: What are the hidden dangers of social networking websites? Please use one or two methods introduced above to begin your speech.
It is a conclusion in which the speech builds to a zenith of power and intensity. 渐强式尾声
Martin Luther King's I've been to the Mountaintop
Like anybody, I'd like to live a long life. Longevity has its place, but I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will, and he's allowed me to go up to the mountain, and I've looked over and I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you, but I want to know tonight that we as a people will get to the Promised Land. So I'm happy tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.
英语演讲的开头和结尾范文1When it comes to giving an English speech, the beginning and ending are crucial parts that can either capture the audience's attention or leave them indifferent. Let's explore some fascinating examples of both.A humorous story can be an excellent way to start a speech. For instance, "Once upon a time, I found myself in a rather amusing situation.I was on my way to an important event, but I ended up getting lost in the most unexpected place. And that's when I realized how important it is to be prepared for any adventure life throws at us." This kind of opening not only brings a smile to the listeners' faces but also sets a lighthearted tone for the entire speech.Another effective opening is to pose a thought-provoking question. Something like, "Have you ever wondered why we constantly strive for success but often forget to enjoy the journey along the way?" This immediately engages the audience and makes them reflect on the topic.Now, for the endings. Summarizing the main points and calling for action is a powerful approach. For example, "In conclusion, we have explored the various aspects of this issue. Now, it's time for us to take action and make a positive change. Let's not wait any longer but step forward together with determination and commitment."Or, you can end with an emotionally charged expression of gratitude. Say, "I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to listen and for sharing this moment with me. Your presence and attention have made this experience truly unforgettable."With these diverse and captivating openings and endings, your English speeches are sure to leave a lasting impression on the audience.2When it comes to giving an English speech, the beginning and ending are crucial parts that can either captivate the audience or leave them unimpressed. Let's explore some distinctive and effective ways to start and conclude a speech.To commence, one could quote a famous aphorism like, "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams," which immediately sparks the listeners' interest and sets a positive tone. Another option is to share a personal anecdote that relates to the topic, for instance, "I once faced a challenging situation that taught me the value of perseverance, and today I want to share that with you all." This creates an emotional connection and makes the speech more relatable.For the ending, envisioning a bright future can be highly inspiring. For example, "Let us work together towards a future where our dreams become reality and our efforts bear fruit." Or, one could quote a touching poem such as, "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul andsings the tune without the words and never stops at all." This adds a poetic and memorable touch to the conclusion.In conclusion, a well-crafted beginning and ending can make an English speech truly memorable and impactful, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.3When it comes to giving an English speech, the beginning and the ending play crucial roles in captivating the audience and leaving a lasting impression. A compelling beginning can be achieved by creating suspense to arouse curiosity. For instance, one could start by saying, "Imagine a world where language barriers cease to exist, and communication flows freely among all people. Today, I'm here to explore the possibilities that lie within this utopian vision." This kind of opening immediately grabs the listeners' attention and makes them eager to know more.Another effective approach is to present a shocking fact. Say, "Did you know that over 70% of people are afraid of public speaking, but here we are, ready to break that barrier together!" This statement not only shocks the audience but also builds a connection as they realize they are part of a shared challenge.At the end of the speech, reinforcing the main theme and expressing confidence is essential. One might say, "Throughout this speech, we've delved into the importance of [the topic]. I firmly believe that with ourdetermination and efforts, we can make a significant difference in this area." This statement reaffirms the core message and instills a sense of belief in the listeners.A warm blessing can also be a touching conclusion. For example, "As we part ways today, I wish each and every one of you a journey filled with love, joy, and success. May all your dreams come true and your lives be filled with countless beautiful moments." Such a blessing leaves the audience with a positive and heartwarming feeling.In conclusion, a well-crafted beginning and ending can transform an ordinary speech into an extraordinary one, making it memorable and impactful for the audience.4When it comes to giving an English speech, the beginning and the ending are of utmost importance. They can make or break your entire presentation.To start a speech effectively, one common approach is to engage the audience through an interesting interactive session. For instance, you could ask a thought-provoking question related to the topic, such as "Have you ever wondered why we dream at night?" This not only grabs the attention of the listeners but also gets them involved in the speech from the very beginning. Another option is to directly state the main theme of your speech. Say something like, "Today, I'm here to talk about the power ofperseverance and how it can change our lives."As for the ending, a touching story can leave a lasting impression on the audience. Let's say you're giving a speech about friendship, and you end with a story about two friends who supported each other through thick and thin. Their unwavering bond and the challenges they overcame can touch the hearts of your listeners. Or, you could use humor to make your speech memorable. For example, you might say, "So, as I wrap up this speech, I hope you all remember the key points and don't forget to share them with your friends - or else I might just show up in your dreams to remind you!"In conclusion, a well-crafted beginning and ending can enhance the impact of your English speech and make it truly unforgettable.5When it comes to giving an excellent English speech, the beginning and the ending play crucial roles in captivating the audience and leaving a lasting impression. A remarkable beginning can set the tone and draw the listeners in immediately. For instance, one can start by presenting a contrast that highlights the core idea. Consider a speech about environmental protection. One could say, "While most people are focused on short-term economic gains, we should be alarmed by the long-term damage our actions are causing to the planet." Such a contrast catches attention and makes the audience eager to hear more. Another effective approach is tosupport the main point with solid data. Say, "Recent studies show that 80% of our forests have been depleted in the past two decades. This alarming fact demands our immediate action."The ending of a speech is equally important as it leaves a final impact. One can pose a new thought-provoking question that encourages the audience to reflect. For example, "As we move forward, let's ask ourselves: How can we ensure that our progress doesn't come at the expense of future generations?" Or, one can employ a series of powerful排比to enhance the momentum. "Let us act with determination, let us act with passion, let us act with a sense of responsibility to create a better world."In conclusion, a well-structured beginning and a thought-provoking ending are essential elements of a successful English speech. By mastering these techniques, speakers can effectively convey their messages and inspire their audiences.。
The ending and the beginning
结束与开始 1993天空我早该以此开始:天空。
A10-Test-Bank-Part-II-Chapt er-8-Begining-and-Ending-th e-Speech_NewA10-Test-Bank-Part-II-Chapt er-8-Begining-and-Ending-th e-SpeechChapter 8 Beginning and Ending the SpeechTrue-False QuestionsStudents are to indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false by circling the appropriate letter.Multiple Choice QuestionsStudents are to indicate the best answer for each question by circling the correct letter.1.All of the following are basic objectives of a speech introduction EXCEPT__________.a.establishing credibility and goodwillb.supporting your main pointsc.revealing the topic of the speech3d.previewing the body of the speech2.According to your textbook, which of the following is one of the four majorobjectives of a speech introduction?a.Reveal the topic.b.Identify the audience.c.Reinforce the central idea.d.Make a call to action.3.Even when you use other interest-arousing lures in a speech introduction, youshould always __________.a.startle the audiencee a rhetorical questionc.tell an interesting storyd.relate the topic to the audience4.Which of the following would you be most likely to find in a speech introduction?a. A visual aid.b. A preview statement.c.An internal summary.d. A research citation.5.Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech introduction?a.An internal summary.b. A lengthy quotation.c. A startling statement.d. A causal argument.6.Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech introduction?a. a transitionb. a credibility statementc. a causal argumentd.an internal summary7.If you were giving an informative speech to your classmates on the subject ofzoology, you would probably include a __________ in your introduction.a.quotationb.startling statementc.definitiond.rhetorical question8.__________ is the audience’s perception of whether the speaker is qualified tospeak on a given topic.a.Credibilityb.Goodwillc.Connectivityd.Egocentrism49.Which objective of a good speech introduction is fulfilled by the followingstatement?Today we will explore the three most important forms of intellectualproperty protection—copyrights, trademarks, and patents.a.Relate to the audience.b.Preview the body.c.E stablish the speaker’s goodwill.d.State the importance of the topic.10.Wang Lin began his informative speech by saying:You hear a noise under the hood of your car, so you pull over to the sideof the road. Your engine goes dead; you try to start the car, but it justsits there. Then you see a lot of black smoke. What’s happened? Whywon’t your car go anywhere?What method for gaining attention and interest did Tobias use?a.Establishing his credibility as a speaker.b.Establishing goodwill with the audience.c.Arousing the curiosity of the audience.d.Stating the importance of the topic.11.In the introduction to his speech on the art of digital photography, Li Qiangmentioned that he works part-time at a camera shop and has had some of hispictures printed in the newspaper. By sharing this information with his audience, Li Qiang was seeking to accomplish which goal of a speech introduction?a.Reveal the topic.b.Establish credibility.c.Preview the speech.d.Relate to the audience.12.If Bill Gates were to deliver a speech about antique appraisal, his main task in theintroduction of his speech would probably be to __________.a.gain attentionb.preview the bodyc.establish credibilityd.reveal the topic13.According to your textbook, the following passage from a speech introduction is anexample of a(n) __________ .I became interested in canine companions two years ago when my oldersister, who was paralyzed in a car accident, received a caninecompanion named Lucky. Since then I have learned more about thesubject by watching Lucky, by talking with my sister, and by reading anumber of articles and pamphlets.5a.narrative statementb.credibility statementc.attention statementd.thesis statement14.What does your textbook say about preparing effective speech introductions?a.The best introduction is likely to be the one that comes to mind first.b.Make your introduction no more than 10 to 20 percent of the entire speech.c. A lengthy quotation can gain attention and help build credibility.d.Determine the exact wording of the introduction before preparing the body.15.According to your textbook, the following passage from a speech introduction isan example of a(n) __________ .In my speech today, I will show you the serious health dangersposed by the flu, and I will urge each of you to get a flu shot everyyear without fail.a.transition statementb.credibility statementc.preview statementd.summary statement16.When used in a speech introduction, telling a story, asking a question, making astartling statement, and arousing curiosity are all methods of __________.a.previewing the body of the speechb.gaining the attention of the audiencec.enhancing the speaker’s credibilityd.revealing the topic of the speech17.According to your textbook, a speaker who attempts to establish goodwill in theintroduction of a speech is aiming to convince the audience that she or he__________.a.is willing to take questions at the end of the speechb.has the best interest of the audience in mindc.will avoid using illogical argumentsd.is qualified to speak on the topic18.Creating goodwill is especially important in the introduction of a(n) __________speech.memorativeb.acceptancec.persuasivermative19.The best time to work out the exact wording of a speech introduction is __________.a.shortly after you determine the central idea6b.after you prepare the body of the speechc.before you work out the conclusiond.when you prepare your speaking outline20.Which of the following does your textbook mention as a means of reinforcing thecentral idea in the conclusion of a speech?a.End with a rhetorical question.b.End with a quotation.c.End with a visual aid.d.End with thanking the audience.21.Which of the following is recommended in your textbook as a way to reinforce thecentral idea in a speech conclusion?a.Speed up your rate of delivery.b.Ask for questions from the audience.c.Repeat the introduction verbatim.d.Refer back to the introduction.22.According to your textbook, in addition to reinforcing the central idea, a speechconclusion should also __________.a.signal the end of the speechb.secure the audience’s attentionc.build your credibility as a speakerd.reveal the topic of the speech23.According to your textbook, which of the following statements about speechconclusions is true?a.The conclusion should take up about 25 percent of a speech.b.All four methods of reinforcing the central idea can be combined in a singleconclusion.c.Ending a speech abruptly is an excellent way to reinforce the speaker’s centralidea.d.The last sentence of a speech should usually offer to answer questions from theaudience.24.Which of the following would you least likely find in a speech conclusion?a.Dramatic statement.b.Summary of the main points.c. A statement to arouse curiosity.d. A reference to the introduction.25.Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech conclusion?a. A causal argument.b. A provocative quotation.c.An internal preview.d.An extended example.26.Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech conclusion?7a. A reference to the introduction.b. A statement of goodwill.c. A preview statement.d.An announcement of the topic.27.Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech conclusion?a.An announcement of the topic.b. A gesture of goodwill.c. A restatement of the central idea.d. A credibility statement.28.Which of the following would you least likely find in a speech conclusion?a. A provocative quotation.b. A reference to the introduction.c. A credibility statement.d. A call to action.29.The conclusion of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech is an example of a__________.a.dissolve endingb.crescendo endingc.cascade endingd.connective ending30.According to your textbook, when a speaker concludes a speech by fading out on anemotional note, she or he is using a __________ ending.a.crescendob.cascadec.dissolved.descending31.According to your textbook, a(n) __________ ending is a conclusion that buildsforce until reaching a peak of power and intensity.a.reflectiveb.ascendingc.crescendod.dissolve32.Referring back to your introduction in the conclusion of your speech isrecommended as a way to __________.a.secure the audience’s attentionb.give the speech psychological unityc.reinforce your credibility as a speakerd.move the audience to action33.An appeal to action is most appropriate in the conclusion of a(n) __________ speech.rmativeb.persuasive8c.acceptancememorative34.In her persuasive speech, Wei Ling concluded with the following statement:So the next time you see flyers around campus announcing a blood drive,decide that this will be your moment to get involved—to do somethingworthwhile, to take a step that may help save someone’s life.What method of concluding her speech did Wei Ling use?a.Extended example.b.Appeal to action.c.Internal summary.d.Reference to the introduction.Short Answer Questions1.What are the four major objectives of a speech introduction?a.Get the attention and interest of the audience.b.Create a positive relationship with the audience.c.Establish the speaker’s credibility and goodwill.d.Preview the body of the speech.2.When you use a rhetorical question in the introduction of a speech, you expectthe audience to answer mentally rather than out loud.3.According to your textbook, no matter what other methods of gaining attentionyou use in a speech introduction, you should always relate the topic to theaudience.4.Establishing credibility in a speech introduction is a matter of getting youraudience to perceive you as qualified to speak on the topic.5. A statement in the introduction of a speech that identifies the main points to bediscussed in the body is called a preview statement.6.The two major functions of a speech conclusion are to signal the end of thespeech and to reinforce the central idea.7.One way to let an audience know that you are coming to the end of a speech is bysaying something like “In conclusion.” Another way is by your manner ofdelivery.8.When you use a(n) crescendo ending, the speech builds in force until it reaches azenith of power and intensity in the conclusion.99.List six methods you can use to gain the attention and interest of an audience inthe introduction of a speech.1)2)3)4)5)6)The textbook discusses seven methods:1)Relate the topic to the audience.2)State the importance of the topic.3)Startle the audience.4)Arouse the curiosity of the audience.5)Question the audience.6)Begin with a quotation.7)Tell a story.The textbook also mentions five additional methods:1)Refer to the occasion.2)Invite audience participation.3)Use audio equipment or visual aids.4)Relate to a previous speaker.5)Begin with humor.Any six of these twelve methods should constitute a satisfactory answer.10.The four methods discussed in the text for reinforcing the central idea in aspeech conclusion are:a.Summarize the main points.b.End with a quotation.c.Make a dramatic statement.d.Refer to the introduction.Essay Questions1.What are six methods a speaker can use in a speech introduction to gain theattention and interest of an audience? Identify each and offer a brief explanation.2.List and explain the four methods presented in your textbook for reinforcing thecentral idea in the conclusion of a speech.10Test Bank for The Art of Public Speaking FLTRP Book Development ProjectStephen Lucas & Suya Yin3.List and explain the four objectives of a speech introduction discussed in yourtextbook.4.What are the requirements of a good speech introduction? Evaluate the followingcomplete introduction to a classroom speech in light of those requirements. Bespecific in your answer.The body as we know it was not designed to participate in athletic eventsunder the high demands that athletes face today. This leads to injuries andcreates a need for trained professionals to deal with these injuries. I havetaken several classes in my pursuit of an athletic training certificate. TodayI will talk about what athletic trainers do to prevent injuries, how theyassess injuries, and how they work with injuries in rehabilitation.5.What are the requirements of a good speech introduction? Evaluate the followingcomplete introduction to a classroom speech in light of those requirements. Bespecific in your answer.A brain aneurysm has been described as “the worst headache you canimagine.” But the outcome is much worse than a headache. Here are thestatistics: one-third of the people with a ruptured aneurysm die before theyget to the hospital; another third of the people with a ruptured aneurysmdie after they get to the hospital. The final third? They survive, but 40percent of them suffer long-term neurological damage. Today I would liketo explore this subject with you.11。
07Beginning and Ending a Speech
2. Controlling the voice. 1). Volume (Loudness) 2). Speech Rate Speak neither too fast nor too slowly with the normal rate of 120-150words/min 3). Intonation/stress Unlike the reading of literary works, the presenter of an academic paper tends to avoid radical changes of intonation and too flavorful performance. Generally, speakers assume a rather plain intonation in such situations. Loudness, rate, enunciation (发音方法), and pronunciation interact to determine intelligibility. Changing rate, pitch, stress, and pauses provide a variety for presentation and help eliminate monotonous delivery.
Ways to overcome stage fright:
(1)Realize that tension and nervousness are normal and even beneficial to speaker; (2)Take comfort in the fact that tension is physiologically reduced by the act of speaking. A careful preparation will work; the situation will be under control. (3)Analyze both the situation and the audience. (4)Careful preparation must be matched with a calm mood, and fear only results in even worse presentation. (5)We may lack confidence in English. Actually, most speakers use English as a foreign language at an international conference, the audience are likely to forgive the occasional mistakes made due to difficulties in the foreign language.
Brief Introduction of Conference
Meeting Conference Symposium
Workshop Colloquium Forum
Meeting——会议,最一般的用词,规模可大可小,层 次可高可低,可以是正式或非正式的聚会,如告别会 议、联席会议、首脑会议、紧急会议等。 6
International Conference on Smart Materials 等
Brief Introduction of Conference
Conference Symposium
Brief Introduction of Conference
先有后; 有明确的议题,反映共同关心的问题; 有一定的目的,而不是无意识的活动; 有一定的结果; 一种临时性的行为,世界上不存在永无止境的会议。
组织信息 Organizational Information
与会人员信息 会议日程信息 Participants Conference Program Information Information
Abstract:最终期限、长度、格式 participants:与会名额 Agenda:议程 Name Sponsors & Organizers:发起人,主办方 (会议名称) Number of Full Text:最终期限、长度、格式、 for Arrangement of paper presentation:报告安排 Organizing Committee:组委会 attendances:与会资格要求 Date (会议日期) Requirements 影印以及其它一些要求。 Academic Committee:学术委员会 Material distribution:材料发放 Location (会议地点) Conference VIPs (Very Important Persons):特 Model of Presentation:口头报告、 约嘉宾 Secretariat:大会秘书处 Secretarial sections:秘书处办公地点 Topics for Discussion 墙报,报告时间,报告所需条件, Other Members: other facilities: 版权问题等。 Other Committee:如协作单位、赞助单位等 (会议主题)
国际会议交流英语2--beginning and ending the speech
Solicitation of comments
请您提出您宝贵的意见和建议! 请您提出您宝贵的意见和建议! 还请不吝赐教!让我获得提高和进步。 还请不吝赐教!让我获得提高和进步。……
Now that I have finished my speech, I hope you’ll give me your comments and suggestions. They’ll help me improve my work. That’s all for my talk. Please don’t hesitate to put forward your suggestions and advice, if you have any. Thank you.
Approaches of ending the speech
Direct wind-up Brief summary Solicitation of comments
Direct wind-up
short, brief and conclusive
1. That’s all. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you. 2. I think that is all there is to say at present. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. 3. Well, I think this might be a good place for me to wind up my talk. Thank you everyone.
Begin with background introduction
Examples: 1. Your friend fell ill and …. 2. Your colleague is busy and can not come, thus ask you to present paper for him.
opening speech and closing speech
Distinguished guests , delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends:Good morning.As 2014 draws to an end, in this grand hall of the beautiful campus, SEU, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, the third international conference on traffic development will be open. Please allow me on behalf of the Organizing Committee to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you, for your friendly coming.We all know that traffic is very much tied to daily life and economic development. Nowadays, traffic sy stem develops rapidly, but it still exists some problems. We’d like and are trying our best to make it more advantageous to us. That’s just why we are here. I believe our cooperative efforts are sure to be productive.In the end, I wish all of you enjoy yourselves during the conference and hope the above information will help you. Thank you for your attention. May the conference a great success. Thank you!Distinguished guests , delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends:Good morning.Today, we come to the end of the conference of which the significance is very extraordinary.Please accept my congratulations on this conference. We’ve listened 5 splendid presentations and discussed these interesting and innovative ideas which are raised from so many different parts of the world by these leading figures in traffic field. Great thanks to the Organizing Committee, all the guests, delegates, ladies and gentlemen for your actively participating in this conference to make it such asuccess.Now, I declare the third international conference on traffic development closed, and I hope the next conference will have a greater success. Thank you!。
作文最好的开头与结尾英语Best Beginnings and Endings for English Composition。
As we all know, a good beginning and ending are crucial for any piece of writing, especially for an English composition. A strong opening can grab the reader's attention and set the tone for the rest of the essay, while a memorable conclusion can leave a lasting impression on the reader. In this essay, I will discuss some of the best ways to start and end an English composition, with examples and tips for effective writing.Best Beginnings。
1. Start with a quote or a question。
Using a quote or a question can be a great way to start an essay, as it immediately engages the reader and encourages them to think about the topic. For example:"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." Steve Jobs。
"Have you ever wondered why some people are successful while others are not?"2. Use an anecdote or a personal story。
A10-Test-Bank-Pa...A10-Test-Bank-Part-II-Chapt er-8-Begining-and-Ending-th e-Speech_NewA10-Test-Bank-Part-II-Chapt er-8-Begining-and-Ending-th e-SpeechChapter 8 Beginning and Ending the SpeechTrue-False QuestionsStudents are to indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false by circling the appropriate letter.Multiple Choice QuestionsStudents are to indicate the best answer for each question by circling the correct letter.1.All of the following are basic objectives of a speech introduction EXCEPT__________.a.establishing credibility and goodwillb.supporting your main pointsc.revealing the topic of the speech3d.previewing the body of the speech2.According to your textbook, which of the following is one of the four majorobjectives of a speech introduction?a.Reveal the topic.b.Identify the audience.c.Reinforce the central idea.d.Make a call to action.3.Even when you use other interest-arousing lures in aspeech introduction, youshould always __________.a.startle the audience/doc/a62d0252bf64783e0912a216147 91711cd79795b.html e a rhetorical questionc.tell an interesting storyd.relate the topic to the audience4.Which of the following would you be most likely to find ina speech introduction?a. A visual aid.b. A preview statement.c.An internal summary.d. A research citation.5.Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech introduction?a.An internal summary.b. A lengthy quotation.c. A startling statement.d. A causal argument.6.Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech introduction?a. a transitionb. a credibility statementc. a causal argumentd.an internal summary7.If you were giving an informative speech to your classmates on the subject ofzoology, you would probably include a __________ in your introduction.a.quotationb.startling statementc.definitiond.rhetorical question8.__________ is the audience’s perception of whether the speaker is qualified tospeak on a given topic.a.Credibilityb.Goodwillc.Connectivityd.Egocentrism49.Which objective of a good speech introduction is fulfilled by the followingstatement?Today we will explore the three most important forms of intellectualproperty protection—copyrights, trademarks, and patents.a.Relate to the audience.b.Preview the body.c.E stablish the speaker’s goodwill.d.State the importance of the topic.10.Wang Lin began his informative speech by saying:You hear a noise under the hood of your car, so you pull over to the sideof the road. Your engine goes dead; you try to start the car, but it justsits there. Then you see a lot of black smoke. What’s happened? Whywon’t your car go anywhere?What method for gaining attention and interest did Tobiasuse?a.Establishing his credibility as a speaker.b.Establishing goodwill with the audience.c.Arousing the curiosity of the audience.d.Stating the importance of the topic.11.In the introduction to his speech on the art of digital photography, Li Qiangmentioned that he works part-time at a camera shop and has had some of hispictures printed in the newspaper. By sharing this information with his audience, Li Qiang was seeking to accomplish which goal of a speech introduction?a.Reveal the topic.b.Establish credibility.c.Preview the speech.d.Relate to the audience.12.If Bill Gates were to deliver a speech about antique appraisal, his main task in theintroduction of his speech would probably be to __________.a.gain attentionb.preview the bodyc.establish credibilityd.reveal the topic13.According to your textbook, the following passage froma speech introduction is anexample of a(n) __________ .I became interested in canine companions two years ago when my oldersister, who was paralyzed in a car accident, received a caninecompanion named Lucky. Since then I have learned more about thesubject by watching Lucky, by talking with my sister, and by reading anumber of articles and pamphlets.5a.narrative statementb.credibility statementc.attention statementd.thesis statement14.What does your textbook say about preparing effective speech introductions?a.The best introduction is likely to be the one that comes to mind first.b.Make your introduction no more than 10 to 20 percent of the entire speech.c. A lengthy quotation can gain attention and help build credibility.d.Determine the exact wording of the introduction before preparing the body.15.According to your textbook, the following passage froma speech introduction isan example of a(n) __________ .In my speech today, I will show you the serious health dangersposed by the flu, and I will urge each of you to get a flu shot everyyear without fail.a.transition statementb.credibility statementc.preview statementd.summary statement16.When used in a speech introduction, telling a story, askinga question, making astartling statement, and arousing curiosity are all methods of __________.a.previewing the body of the speechb.gaining the attention of the audiencec.enhancing the speaker’s credibilityd.revealing the topic of the speech17.According to your textbook, a speaker who attempts to establish goodwill in theintroduction of a speech is aiming to convince the audience that she or he__________.a.is willing to take questions at the end of the speechb.has the best interest of the audience in mindc.will avoid using illogical argumentsd.is qualified to speak on the topic18.Creating goodwill is especially important in the introduction of a(n) __________speech./doc/a62d0252bf64783e0912a216147 91711cd79795b.html memorativeb.acceptancec.persuasive/doc/a62d0252bf64783e0912a216147 91711cd79795b.html rmative19.The best time to work out the exact wording of a speech introduction is __________.a.shortly after you determine the central idea6b.after you prepare the body of the speechc.before you work out the conclusiond.when you prepare your speaking outline20.Which of the following does your textbook mention as a means of reinforcing thecentral idea in the conclusion of a speech?a.End with a rhetorical question.b.End with a quotation.c.End with a visual aid.d.End with thanking the audience.21.Which of the following is recommended in your textbook as a way to reinforce thecentral idea in a speech conclusion?a.Speed up your rate of delivery.b.Ask for questions from the audience.c.Repeat the introduction verbatim.d.Refer back to the introduction.22.According to your textbook, in addition to reinforcing the central idea, a speechconclusion should also __________.a.signal the end of the speechb.secure the audience’s attentionc.build your credibility as a speakerd.reveal the topic of the speech23.According to your textbook, which of the following statements about speechconclusions is true?a.The conclusion should take up about 25 percent of a speech.b.All four methods of reinforcing the central idea can be combined in a singleconclusion.c.Ending a speech abruptly is an excellent way to reinforce the speaker’s centralidea.d.The last sentence of a speech should usually offer to answer questions from theaudience.24.Which of the following would you least likely find in a speech conclusion?a.Dramatic statement.b.Summary of the main points.c. A statement to arouse curiosity.d. A reference to the introduction.25.Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech conclusion?a. A causal argument.b. A provocative quotation.c.An internal preview.d.An extended example.26.Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech conclusion?7a. A reference to the introduction.b. A statement of goodwill.c. A preview statement.d.An announcement of the topic.27.Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech conclusion?a.An announcement of the topic.b. A gesture of goodwill.c. A restatement of the central idea.d. A credibility statement.28.Which of the following would you least likely find in a speech conclusion?a. A provocative quotation.b. A reference to the introduction.c. A credibility statement.d. A call to action.29.The conclusion of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech is an example of a__________.a.dissolve endingb.crescendo endingc.cascade endingd.connective ending30.According to your textbook, when a speaker concludes a speech by fading out on anemotional note, she or he is using a __________ ending.a.crescendob.cascadec.dissolved.descending31.According to your textbook, a(n) __________ ending is a conclusion that buildsforce until reaching a peak of power and intensity.a.reflectiveb.ascendingc.crescendod.dissolve32.Referring back to your introduction in the conclusion of your speech isrecommended as a way to __________.a.secure the audience’s attentionb.give the speech psychological unityc.reinforce your credibility as a speakerd.move the audience to action33.An appeal to action is most appropriate in the conclusion of a(n) __________ speech./doc/a62d0252bf64783e0912a216147 91711cd79795b.html rmativeb.persuasive8c.acceptance/doc/a62d0252bf64783e0912a216147 91711cd79795b.html memorative34.In her persuasive speech, Wei Ling concluded with the following statement:So the next time you see flyers around campus announcing a blood drive,decide that this will be your moment to get involved—to do somethingworthwhile, to take a step that may help save someone’s life.What method of concluding her speech did Wei Ling use?a.Extended example.b.Appeal to action.c.Internal summary.d.Reference to the introduction.Short Answer Questions1.What are the four major objectives of a speech introduction?a.Get the attention and interest of the audience.b.Create a positive relationship with the audience.c.Establish the speaker’s credibility and goodwill.d.Preview the body of the speech.2.When you use a rhetorical question in the introduction ofa speech, you expectthe audience to answer mentally rather than out loud.3.According to your textbook, no matter what other methods of gaining attentionyou use in a speech introduction, you should always relate the topic to theaudience.4.Establishing credibility in a speech introduction is a matter of getting youraudience to perceive you as qualified to speak on the topic.5. A statement in the introduction of a speech that identifies the main points to bediscussed in the body is called a preview statement.6.The two major functions of a speech conclusion are to signal the end of thespeech and to reinforce the central idea.7.One way to let an audience know that you are coming to the end of a speech is bysaying something like “In conclusion.” Another way is byyour manner ofdelivery.8.When you use a(n) crescendo ending, the speech builds in force until it reaches azenith of power and intensity in the conclusion.99.List six methods you can use to gain the attention and interest of an audience inthe introduction of a speech.1)2)3)4)5)6)The textbook discusses seven methods:1)Relate the topic to the audience.2)State the importance of the topic.3)Startle the audience.4)Arouse the curiosity of the audience.5)Question the audience.6)Begin with a quotation.7)Tell a story.The textbook also mentions five additional methods:1)Refer to the occasion.2)Invite audience participation.3)Use audio equipment or visual aids.4)Relate to a previous speaker.5)Begin with humor.Any six of these twelve methods should constitute asatisfactory answer.10.The four methods discussed in the text for reinforcing the central idea in aspeech conclusion are:a.Summarize the main points.b.End with a quotation.c.Make a dramatic statement.d.Refer to the introduction.Essay Questions1.What are six methods a speaker can use in a speech introduction to gain theattention and interest of an audience? Identify each and offera brief explanation.2.List and explain the four methods presented in your textbook for reinforcing thecentral idea in the conclusion of a speech.103.List and explain the four objectives of a speech introduction discussed in yourtextbook.4.What are the requirements of a good speech introduction? Evaluate the followingcomplete introduction to a classroom speech in light of those requirements. Bespecific in your answer.The body as we know it was not designed to participate in athletic eventsunder the high demands that athletes face today. This leads to injuries andcreates a need for trained professionals to deal with theseinjuries. I havetaken several classes in my pursuit of an athletic training certificate. TodayI will talk about what athletic trainers do to prevent injuries, how theyassess injuries, and how they work with injuries in rehabilitation.5.What are the requirements of a good speech introduction? Evaluate the followingcomplete introduction to a classroom speech in light of those requirements. Bespecific in your answer.A brain aneurysm has been described as “the worst headache you canimagine.” But the outcome is much worse than a headache. Here are thestatistics: one-third of the people with a ruptured aneurysm die before theyget to the hospital; another third of the people with a ruptured aneurysmdie after they get to the hospital. The final third? They survive, but 40percent of them suffer long-term neurological damage. Today I would liketo explore this subject with you.11。
An English Speech: Beginning and Ending Introduction:Good morning everyone, teachers and fellow classmates. Today, I stand before you to deliver a speech on a topic that is close to my heart - the power of communication through the English language. English is not just a subject in school but a tool that can open doors to new opportunities and connections in the globalized world we live in today.Body:English, as one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, serves as a bridge that connects people from different cultures and backgrounds. It is the lingua franca of international business, diplomacy, and academia, making it essential for success in our increasingly interconnected world. Through learning English, we gain access to a vast wealth of knowledge and information that is predominantly available in this language. It allows us to communicate with people from diverse backgrounds, fostering understanding and cooperation on a global scale.Moreover, the ability to speak English proficiently can greatly enhance our career prospects. Many multinational companies require their employees to be fluent in English, as it facilitates communication with colleagues, clients, and partners from around the world. By mastering English, we not only improve our job prospects but also increase our earning potential and professional growth.In addition to its practical benefits, English also offers personal enrichment. It allows us to explore literature, music, films, and other forms of cultural expression that are created in English. By immersing ourselves in the English language, we can gain insights into different societies and perspectives, broadening our horizons and enriching our lives.Conclusion:In conclusion, the English language plays a crucial role in our personal, academic, and professional lives. It is a key that can unlock countless opportunities and experiences for those who are willing to embrace it. As we continue to hone our skills in English, let us remember the power of this language to connect us with the world and each other. Let us strive to use it not just as a means of communication but as a means of understanding, empathy, and collaboration. Thank you.一段英语演讲的开头和结束引言:大家早上好,老师们和亲爱的同学们。
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1. Beginning by straightforwardness To come straight to the point without any roundabout statement is the most common way of speaking. e.g. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, The title of my presentation is…
Well-prepared introductions and conclusions must satisfy the following purposes: (1)Allow a speaker and the audience to enter into and then depart from a clear relationship; (2)Orient the audience to his purposes and ideas and clarify both at the end; (3)Signal clearly when a speech starts and ends so as to keep the audience as comfortable as possible.
e.g. Mr. Chairman, fellow colleagues, First, I'd like to tell you briefly the background of my paper, and then present my three Hypotheses. e.g. Good morning, what I would like to talk about is mainly ... Now. I'm going to briefly list a number of its basic characteristics. They are…
2. Controlling the voice. 1). Volume (Loudness) 2). Speech Rate Speak neither too fast nor too slowly with the normal rate of 120-150words/min 3). Intonation/stress Unlike the reading of literary works, the presenter of an academic paper tends to avoid radical changes of intonation and too flavorful performance. Generally, speakers assume a rather plain intonation in such situations. Loudness, rate, enunciation (发音方法), and pronunciation interact to determine intelligibility. Changing rate, pitch, stress, and pauses provide a variety for presentation and help eliminate monotonous delivery.
I. General Requirements 1. Optimizing psychology and building up confidence Think of ways to overcome and avoid Stage Fright—overestimation of the audience Question: How to overcome nervousness?
2. Beginning by appreciation Before the speaker comes to the platform, the chairperson of the conference (or the session) usually makes a brief complementary introduction about him or her. Prior to the presentation, it is appropriate for the speaker to express thanks to the chairperson and send greetings to the participants. e.g. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Ladies and gentlemen, what I am going to say can be roughly summed up into the following three points. First, let's see PPT No. 1. (Turning to the computer) Please !
Ways to overcome stage fright:
(1)Realize that tension and nervousness are normal and even beneficial to speaker; (2)Take comfort in the fact that tension is physiologically reduced by the act of speaking. A careful preparation will work; the situation will be under control. (3)Analyze both the situation and the audience. (4)Careful preparation must be matched with a calm mood, and fear only results in even worse presentation. (5)We may lack confidence in English. Actually, most speakers use English as a foreign language at an international conference, the audience are likely to forgive the occasional mistakes made due to difficulties in the foreign language.
3. Beginning with background introduction When the author cannot be present at the conference, three measures can be taken: (1)Cancel the particular presentation from the agenda; (2)Change the oral presentation into poster display; (3)Be presented by someone else. While making a presentation on behalf of someone else, the speaker should first ask for permission from the chairperson and explain to the audience about the background when necessary.
e.g. Dear colleagues, First of all, I would like to thank our Mr. Chairman and our generous hosts, for providing many professionals who have come from all over the world with such a pleasant atmosphere to meet, exchange views, and share thoughts and findings. What I like to talk about is… e.g. Mr. Chairman, Thank you for your warm introduction and also for your efforts in making the opening of the conference so successful. Just now the over-praised introduction you have given me, I think, is meant for the study on "..." that I have been carrying on in recent years. Now I would like to say something about the study, I will welcome your comments at the end....
e.g. Ladies and gentlemen. Professor Jin Weihung of Donghu University of Wuhan may be known to not a few present. He's been engaged in the study on ABC for many years, and a number of his papers have been published. But today he couldn't come for health reasons though he's been invited to attend the conference. At the kind recommendation of our chairman, and as once an assistant of professor Huang, I feel very much honored to be permitted to present the following paper on his behalf. Well, now, in recent yews, Professor Hung has been working on ...