Instructions to authors-EJMC
INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING MANUSCRIPTSTITLE OF THE PAPER–maximum3rows–Author(s)Personal(First)Name(s)and FAMILY(LAST)NAME(S)(for Serbian authors middle initial is obliged)Affiliation(s)of author(s)–Institution,Town,and CountryCorresponding author has to be labelled with mark*,if there are several authorsThe paper must have an abstract of maximum250words,supplying general infor-mation about the objectives of the paper,experimental techniques,methods ap-plied,significant results,and conclusions.Do not use abbreviations and acro-nyms.Key words:maximum10characteristic words explaining the subject of the pa-per(avoid,for example“of”,“and”...)1.IntroductionThis text contains instructions for preparing manuscripts for the journal.Each paper has to be written according to following order:–title,–author(s),–affiliation(s),–abstract,–key words,–body of the text with numerated sections and subsections,–conclusions,–acknowledgment(if necessary),–nomenclature,and–references.Pages must have page numbers.Before you submit your manuscript,please ensure that you can answer"yes"to all16 questions listed at the attached Check list for authors.2.InstructionsThe manuscript,MAXIMUM12PAGES including figures and tables,should be prepared on A4format(210×297mm)with margins of25mm.Review papers can have MAXIMUM20PAGES. Times New Roman font,11points,line spacing(exactly)16points,should be used and authors should obey the following rules:–title of the paper should be as short as possible and it should be easy to identify in bibliography:ALL CAPITAL LETTERS,bold,centered,with spacing one line after,–author(s):full personal(first)name(s),and full FAMILY(LAST)NAME(S),bold italic,centered(ful middle name,or middle initial,can be added according author's wish),with spacing one line after,–affiliation(s):regular letters,centered,with spacing one line after,–abstract:italic,justified,with indent20mm from left and right margin,with spacing one line after,–key words:italic,with indent20mm from left and right margin,with spacing one line after;the words “Key words:”regular letters,–titles of sections and sub sections:bold,left,numerated(decimal clasification)in Arabic numbers, with spacing one line before and one line after,–only English and Greek alphabet must be used in preparing the whole manuscript.2.1.Additional instructionsAuthors are obliged to use System International(SI)for Units(including Non/SI units accepted for use with the SI system)for all physical parameters and their units.Numerated figures and tables,have to be implemented in the text,and obviously behind para-graph in which they have been mentioned.Only black and white drawings and sharp photographs are ac-ceptable.The figures should be no wider than140mm in width and maximum190mm in high.In special cases,landscape position of pictures with height of minimum100mm and maximum130mm and width of200mm,can be used.Letters in the figures should be2mm high and the thinnest line thickness(for grid dimensions,arrows)should not be less than0.2mm.Figures have to be submitted also in separated files in a.TIF format.Figures and tables have to be prepared,as follows:–figure captions–below figures;bold,justified left;one line should be left blank below figure cap-tions,–table captions–above tables;bold,left justified with the table;one line should be left blank above captions and below tables.All tables and figures must be referred in the text,e.g.fig.1,tab.3.All equations,formulas,and expressions should be numbered in parentheses,e.g.(1),with right alignment,in the order of appearance in the text,and must be centered with one line left above and below. Also,equations,formulas,and expressions should be referred within the text with eq.,or formula,or ex-pression,with corresponding number in parentheses,e.g.eq.(5).2.1.1.Specific instructionsSymbols for variables,marks,labels,etc.must be identical in the text,equations,figures,tables, and nomenclature.Variables must be in italic style.Dimensions of variables in the text,if you need to use,put in brackets e.g.thermal conductivity [Wm–1K–1]not[W/m/K]or[W/mK],but,for example,the velocity as v=70km/h not[kmh–1].The vectors need to be written regular with arrows above,matrix mark with regular capital let-ters of alphabet in brackets,and tensors bold.Derivatives should be noted using Lagrange's notation,e.g.f',f'',f''',etc.Mean values should be noted by bar over the symbol.A point over a symbol denotes the flow rate.Do not use“letter el”instead of“number1”,letter“x”instead of“symbol´”,letter“O”instead of zero“0”,symbol“-”instead of minus(–,Alt0150).For symbol degree“°”(e.g.°C,a=45°)do not use letter“o”or zero.Mark“%”should be written close to number,without blank space.The complex equations do not write in sentences but write in separate rows.Such equations are not necessary to be numbered.For multiplication,if it is necessary,use “×”,e.g.“m ×s”,“mol ×K”,or Pa ×s,not “m ´s”,“mol ´K”,or Pa ´s,but for multiplication of dimensions and vectors use “´”e.g.“15´30´20cm”or “r r a b ´”.Scalars multiples of vectors mark with “×”like as multiples with 10n .The complex exponent on basis “e”in equations need to be written using “exp”e.g.k d =A exp (–E/R T ).The span of value “from to”,need to be written like 250-300°C.Except at the beginning of the sentence use abbreviation fig.for figure,tab.for table,and eq.for equation.Words and abbreviations from Latin language,names of enterprises,journals,character of con-ference or symposium publications (proceedings,transactions,book of abstracts,etc .),numbers of jour-nal volume,must be in italic style . for centered formulas.Examples of centered formulas are given below:f d f d p (,,)()(,,)()()z r S R z r r s R j j j j =éëêêùûúúòòòò12020d j (1)S R =ò[()],j j 2022d p (2) in the text.formulas or expressions in the text use character “/”for fraction mark and (...)1/n instead of The superscripts and subscripts near by the mark should be written like these:S 04,01ò,lim a ®¥,ment for use marks and symbols with regular setting.All mathematical operators (Ñ,d,¶,O,grad,...),mark of characteristic numbers (Re,Pr,...),constants (p ,e,g,R,...),logarithms (ln,log),trigonometrically functions (sin,sinh,cos,tg –not tan,arctg,...),mark for sum S ,mark for integral ò,mark “f”,and other marks for function e.g .f(x,y,z ),zero and all numbers except in text on italic style,chemical symbols except mol ratios like Ca/S,should be written with regular letters.In the subscript of variables for the letters which denote words do not use italic style,like as d p (diameter of particle).NomenclatureThe variables in nomenclature have to be written in alphabetical order and must have dimension in brackets e.g.[Jm 2s –1].The Greek symbols must be separated,and as well as sub-scripts and super-scripts,abbreviations,and acronyms.The mark of variables with dimensions i brackets used and explained only once in the text,do not include into the nomenclature.In nomenclature for mark of characteristic numbers give also the equation for that number e.g .Re –Reynolds number (=UD/n ),[–]ReferencesReferences should be numbered in brackets in the order of appearance in the text,e.g.[1],[3,4],[7-11],etc.The full references should be listed at the end of the paper (left alignment,hanging indenta-tion)in numerical order of citation in the text.For references having two authors,names of both authors should be given.For more then two authors,only name of the first author should be given,followed by latin ab-breviation et al.If necessary to mention names of authors of the documents given in the list of References,write only family(last)name of the first author(or both authors if there are two authors).For more then two au-thors only first author's family(last)name should be written,followed by et al.Original titles of the papers cited must be translated in English,followed by(n-guage).For books which are not written in English,title should be given on the original language(for languages not using latin alphabet,English transcription should be used),and original language have to be indicated.Title translated in English have to be added in brackets.Data in references should be given in the following form(according to the attached Reference list specification):–For Journals[1]Nazeer,W.A.,Picket,L.M.,Tree,D.R.,In-situ Species,Temperature and Velocity Measurementsin a Pulverized Coal Flame,Combustion Sciences and Technology,143(1999),2,pp.63-77–For Books[2]Gumz,W.,Gas Producers and Blast Furnaces,John Wiley and Sons Inc.,New York,USA,1950–For Chapters[3]Sinak,Y.,Models and Projections of Energy Use in the Soviet Union,in:International Energy Eco-nomics(Ed.T.Steiner),Champan and Hall,London,1998,pp.1-53–For Proceedings(Transactions,Book of abstracts,Proceedings on CD,etc.)[4]Gabrielsson,J.,Extract-Air Window:a Key to Better Heat Economy in Buildings,Proceedings(names of the editor(s),if exist,in parentheses,name of the publication if it is not the same as the name of the Meeting),10th World Energy Conference,Istanbul,Turkey,1997,Vol.1,pp.21-28–For Thesis[5]Rowe,V.M.,Some Secondary Flow Problems in Fluid Dynamics,Ph.D.thesis,Cambridge Univer-sity,Cambridge,UK,1966–For Reports[6]Tsuji,Y.,Shen,N.Y.,Numerical Simulation of Gas-Solid Flows:I–Particle-to-Wall Collision,Re-port No.62,Osaka University,Osaka,Japan,1989–For literature or data on web sites and documents without authors[7]***,Council of Industrial Boiler Owners,Remarks:Nearby the capital of the country do not write the name of the country.For the states in USA,Canada,and other countries use abbreviations(e.g.Penn.for Pennsylva-nia,Ont.for Ontario).The paper not prepared according to this instruction ruleswill be returned to the author for proper preparation.。
Your Paper's Title Starts Here: Please Centeruse Helvetica (Arial) 14FULL First Author1, a, FULL Second Author2,b and Last Author3,c1Full address of first author, including country2Full address of second author, including country3List all distinct addresses in the same waya email,b email,c emailKeywords:List the keywords covered in your paper. These keywords will also be used by the publisher to produce a keyword index.For the rest of the paper, please use Times Roman (Times New Roman) 12Abstract.This template explains and demonstrates how to prepare your camera-ready paper for Trans Tech Publications. The best is to read these instructions and follow the outline of this text. Please make the page settings of your word processor to A4 format (21 x 29,7 cm or 8 x 11 inches); with the margins: bottom 1.5 cm (0.59 in) and top 2.5 cm (0.98 in), right/left margins must be 2 cm (0.78 in).(We shall be able to publish your paper in electronic form on our web page , if the paper format and the margins are correct. If not, we will have to scan your paper which, when compared with an electronic version, results in very poor quality).IntroductionAll manuscripts must be in English, also the table and figure texts, otherwise we cannot publish your paper.Please keep a second copy of your manuscript in your office. When receiving the paper, we assume that the corresponding authors grant us the copyright to use the paper for the book or journal in question. Should authors use tables or figures from other Publications, they must ask the corresponding publishers to grant them the right to publish this material in their paper.Use italic for emphasizing a word or phrase. Do not use boldface typing or capital letters except for section headings (cf. remarks on section headings, below).Organization of the TextSection Headings. The section headings are in boldface capital and lowercase letters. Second level headings are typed as part of the succeeding paragraph (like the subsection heading of this paragraph).Page Numbers. Do not number your paper:Tables. Tables (refer with: Table 1, Table 2, ...) should be presented as part of the text, but in such a way as to avoid confusion with the text. A descriptive title should be placed above each table. Units in tables should be given in square brackets [meV]. If square brackets are not available, use curly {meV} or standard brackets (meV).Special Signs. for example , αγμΩ () ≥ ± ● Γ {1120}should always be written in with the fonts Times New Roman or Arial, especially also in the figures and tables.Macros. Do not use any macros for the figures and tables. (We will not be able to convert such papers into our system)Language. All text, figures and tables must be in English.Figures. Figures (refer with: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, ...) also should be presented as part of the text, leaving enough space so that the caption will not be confused with the text. The caption should beself-contained and placed below or beside the figure. Generally, only original drawings or photographic reproductions are acceptable. Only very good photocopies are acceptable. Utmost care must be taken to insert the figures in correct alignment with the text. Half-tone pictures should be in the form of glossy prints. If possible, please include your figures as graphic images in the electronic version. For best quality the pictures should have a resolution of 300 dpi(dots per inch).Color figures are welcome for the online version of the journal. Generally, these figures will be reduced to black and white for the print version.Equations. Equations (refer with: Eq. 1, Eq. 2, ...) should be indented 5 mm (0.2"). There should be one line of space above the equation and one line of space below it before the text continues. The equations have to be numbered sequentially, and the number put in parentheses at the right-hand edge of the text. Equations should be punctuated as if they were an ordinary part of the text. Punctuation appears after the equation but before the equation number, e.g.c2 = a2 + b2. (1)Literature ReferencesReferences are cited in the text just by square brackets [1]. (If square brackets are not available, slashes may be used instead, e.g. /2/.) Two or more references at a time may be put in one set of brackets [3,4]. The references are to be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text and are to be listed at the end of the contribution under a heading References, see our example below. SummaryIf you follow the “c hecklist”your paper will conform to the requirements of the publisher and facilitate a problem-free publication process.AcknowledgementsThis work was financially supported by the Shanghai Natural Science Foundation (0666666), Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (060000) and Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (0555555). References[1] Dj.M. Maric, P.F. Meier and S.K. Estreicher: Mater. Sci. Forum Vol. 83-87 (1992), p. 119[2] M.A. Green: High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells (Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland 1987).[3] Y. Mishing, in: Diffusion Processes in Advanced Technological Materials, edtied by D. GuptaNoyes Publications/William Andrew Publising, Norwich, NY (2004), in press.[4] G. Henkelman, G.Johannesson and H. Jónsson, in: Theoretical Methods in Condencsed PhaseChemistry, edited by S.D. Schwartz, volume 5 of Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics, chapter, 10, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2000).[5] R.J. Ong, J.T. Dawley and P.G. Clem: submitted to Journal of Materials Research (2003)[6] P.G. Clem, M. Rodriguez, J.A. Voigt and C.S. Ashley, U.S. Patent 6,231,666. (2001)[7] Information on 。
Organic Letters投稿模板说明书
Instructions for Using the Organic Letters Manuscript TemplateWord 2010 for WindowsThe Organic Letters manuscript template is a guide to be used to prepare manuscripts for submission to Organic Letters. There are a number of paragraph styles available for use with this template to identify the different parts of your manuscript, i.e., Title, Author Names, Abstract, etc. In Microsoft Word, the name of the current paragraph style is displayed in the Styles section of the home tab. Use the styles provided in the template for each corresponding section of your paper. The template is designed to closely approximate a composed manuscript. A manuscript may not exceed 2200 words, including abstract, main text, and titles/footnotes of approximately five to eight graphics. Additional graphics will require areduced word count. To calculate the word count, select all text from the abstract through the end of the main text (excluding title, authors, affiliations, and content after main text) and view the word processor word count data NOTE: references are NOT included in the word count.. For best approximation, do not manipulate elements of the template such as font size, margins, spacing,etc. to suit your word processed draft. Formatting in the Organic Letters journal style will occur as part of the editorial production process.Authors should refer to the documentation for their individual word processor or graphics package for answers to questions directly related to those programs.Downloading the template1.From the Organic Letters Information for Authors page, click on the manuscripttemplate that corresponds to the version of word-processing software you will be using to prepare your manuscript.2.Save the template in the Templates folder. With the template open in Word, click Filethen Save As. Scroll to the top of the folder list, Click Microsoft Word, then clickTemplates. In the Save as type drop down list, select Word Template, then click Save.This places the template in the proper folder so it will be listed as an available template for manuscript preparation.Working with the templateThere are several ways to use this template to generate your final manuscript to be submitted for publication. Two of the most straightforward are to (a) type your manuscript directly in the template or (b) attach the template to a working document. Instructions are given below for each of these methods as well as general instructions for all methods. Be sure to frequently check the Organic Letters Information for Authors page to ensure that you are using the most recent version of the template.For best results, template method A is recommended.A.Typing directly into the template1.Open the saved OL template and create your manuscript directly in the template bychoosing File, New. Click My Templates to locate the OL template. NOTE: If it does not appear, open the template file from the location where you saved it and resave it as aDocument Template using the same file name. This should make it so that it does appear on the My Templates tab in the New dialog box.2.Select the OL template and make sure the option Create New: Document (not Template)is selected. Click OK. You will see a file containing sample text sections with tips forusing the template and guidelines for what each section contains. This text is formattedwith the paragraph style appropriate for the section. In addition, a Styles toolbar can bedisplayed listing the Word Styles available in the template. The Styles toolbar can beopened from the Styles menu on the ribbon or by the shortcut Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S. Whenyou use the template to create a document, the new document will be a document copy(.docx) of the template containing your manuscript text, and the original template file will remain unchanged.3.Select (highlight) the text of the template that you want to replace and begin typing yourmanuscript (i.e., select the Title section for typing in your title), ensuring that you haveselected text from the appropriate section (i.e., the Author Names section for typing inyour author names).B.Attaching the template to a documentIf you have prepared your document in a file not using the template, you can attach the template to your working document and apply the Word style tags. If attaching the template to your document, it is helpful to print a copy of the template first so that you can identify which Word style should be applied to the different sections of your manuscript (File, New, My Templates and select the OL template).1.Open your manuscript file.2.Select File on the toolbar and then Options. NOTE: There are several ways to importtemplates/styles into working documents within Word. See the "templates" section ofMicrosoft Word Help for further instructions.3.Choose Add-Ins in the Word Options dialog box.4.Select Templates from the Manage drop-down list, then click Go.5.Click the Attach button and choose the appropriate template, then select Open.6.Click Automatically update document styles, then clikc OK. This will return you to theworking document. The OL template styles will be available for this manuscript.7. A popup Styles toolbar has been generated that will display the different Word styles foreasier use. If you do not see this toolbar, do (Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S), and it should appear.You can close this at any time and reopen it when needed.8.Attaching the OL template sytles does not automatically change the page layout to matchthe template dimensions; you must make the following adjustments for the best fit. Under Page Layout, select the Margins drop down list. Select Custom Margins tab, type in the following dimensions: Top 0.5”, Bottom 0.5”, Left0.76”, Right 0.76”, Gutter 0”. On the Paper Size drop-down select More Paper Sizes,in Paper tab set size Letter, Width 8.5”, Height 11”, then on the Layout tab set the Header 0.5”, and Footer 0.5”.NOTE: Page layout settings other than those prescribed here will not give accurate layout estimates.9.Place the cursor in the title section of your document. Using the Word Style menu on theformatting toolbar, select Word Style “BA_Titl e”. This will apply the Word Style to the title.Do this for the author names and addresses using the appropriate style.10.Insert TOC/Abstract graphic (sized at desired publication size).11.Place the cursor in the abstract section of your document and apply the Word Style“BD_Abstract”.12.After the last word of the abstract, enter a continuous page break (Page Layout, Breaks,select Continuous from Breaks drop- down) then change the page format for the rest of the manuscript to two-column text. Click on the Columns drop-down from the Page Setupsection in Page Layout and select More Columns. Make the following changes in thiswindow: Number of Columns 2, Width 3.33”, Spacing 0.32”. Click OK. Assign theappropriate Word Styles to the remaining paragraphs/text of the manuscript.13.Insert figures, schemes, and tables by creating a blank line (style Normal) where you wanteach to appear, making sure the image is sized appropriately for desired reproduction in publication.Additional Guidelines (see Organic Letters Author Guidelines for complete details)1.Include a graphical entry for the Table of Contents (TOC) that, in conjunction with themanuscript title, should give the reader a representative idea of one of the following: akey structure, reaction, equation, concept, or theorem, etc., or an ingeniousrepresentation, thereof, that is discussed in the manuscript. Insert this graphic, atpublication size, above the abstract text on the first page of the template.2.Submit a concise, self-contained, one-paragraph abstract (75 words or less).Space for this is provided on the first page of the template.e paragraph returns to end headings and paragraphs only. Do not use paragraphreturns to break lines. Use a spell checker to detect any typos and eliminate any spacesbefore punctuation.4.Pay particular attention to the format of the references to ensure that they comply withjournal style. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references.5.Present tabular material by using the table-formatting feature in your word-processingpackage. Enter each data element in its own cell. Apply template table styles to tabletitles, footnotes, and table body text.6.Ensure all characters are correctly represented throughout the manuscript: for example, 1(one) and l (ell), 0 (zero) and O (oh). Use symbol font for all Greek letters and mathsymbols. Use only characters in your file that came with the character sets in your wordprocessor.Working with graphics in the templateTo insert a graphic within the text or as a figure, scheme, or table, create a new line (Wordstyle “Normal”) and insert the graphic where desired.Size and place the graphics at the size they should be in the journal. For best results, most artwork should be sized to fit in a single journal column. NOTE: If your artwork is larger than the width of a column, Word may reduce the size so that it fits within the column. This will alter the resolution of your graphic and may make it unacceptable for publication.For double column artwork, enter a continuous page break, change number of columns from 2 to 1, place the artwork, then insert another continuous page break and configure two columns with previous settings.If your artwork does not appear where you placed it and is floating over text, select the piece of artwork by clicking on it. Under Picture Tools, select Picture or Object and then select the Position tab. Make sure the Float over text box is NOT selected. If it is, deselect it and select OK. This should make your artwork appear where you originally placed it.ChemDraw directionsFollow the drawing settings in the ACS-1996 Style Sheet for preparing your artwork. It is best to copy the actual artwork and paste it into Word rather than saving it as a file and inserting the file. In addition, for versions later than 2.1.3, in the ChemDraw Preferences (File, Preferences), ensure that the Optimize for High-Resolution non-Postscript Printing, Include ChemDraw LaserPrep, and Include PostScript Preferences are ON. Use of ChemDraw versions 2.1.3 or below and any version of ChemDraw Plus is not encouraged, as they are not compatible with the process that generates the PDF file for your manuscript. If it is absolutely necessary to use one of these older versions of ChemDraw, deselect Include PostScript Atom Labels (File, Preferences). This will prevent incompatible PostScript information from being embedded in the structure. NOTE: this may result in structures of inferior quality; thus, the use of an updated version of ChemDraw is strongly encouraged.Saving your manuscript in the templateWhen you are finished and are ready to save your document, if necessary, delete all sections from the template that are not needed, including the first page of instructions. Assign the file a name that will identify your manuscript, one that is different than that of the template. Save the file with the graphics in place. In Microsoft Word, click Save As (File menu) and save it as a “docume nt” file (.docx).NOTE: To use the template with Microsoft Word 2007 (PC version) and Microsoft Word 2008 (Macintosh version), Save your Word files in the compatibility format (Word 97-2003) using the “Save As” option.Checking your manuscript for completenessReview a printout of the manuscript (from a 600 dpi or higher laser printer) to ensure that all parts of the manuscript are present and clearly legible.Submitting your manuscriptFollow the Author Guidelines link from the Organic Letters home page for the latest instructions on how to proceed with the submission of your manuscript. If submitting electronically, your manuscript will be converted to a PDF file. This file is used strictly for peer review. The length of the file when converted to the PDF version may change. Additional formatting changes may occur in prodouction. In addition, the appearance of footnote numbers does not need to be changed to match the journal style.Additional resourcesAuthors should refer to the User's Guides for their individual word processor and graphics programs for more specific instructions on how to use these packages. In addition, most software manufacturers maintain on-line help resources. Two good sources of additional information are the Microsoft Web site (/) and the ChemDraw Web site (/software/ChemDraw/).Appendix: ReferencesGiven below are the recommended formats to be used for the various reference types. Journals: Author 1; Author 2. Journal Abbreviation year, volume, pages. For example: Smith, J.A.; Jones, B. R. Article . Lett. 1999, 1, 1.Books with Editors: Author 1; Author 2. In Book Title; Editor 1, Editor 2, Eds.; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; volume, pages. For example: The ACS Style Guide, 2nd ed.; Dodd, J. S., Ed.; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1997.Books without Editors: Author 1; Author 2. Book Title; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; volume, chapter, pages. For example: Stothers, J. B. Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy; Academic: New York, 1972; Chapter 2.U.S. Government Publications: Author 1; Author 2. Document Title; Government Publication Number; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; pages. For example: National Handbook of Recommended Methods for Water Data Acquisition; Office of Water Data Coordination, U.S. Geological Survey: Reston, VA, 1977; Chapter 5.Technical Reports: Author 1; Author 2. Title; Technical Report Number; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; volume, pages. For example: Schneider, A. B. Expert Systems in Analytical Chemistry; Technical Report No. 1234-56; ABC Company: New York, 1985.Patents: Author. Patent number, year. (Patent number with reference to country granting the patent.) For example: Lyle, F. R. U.S. Patent 5 973 257, 1985; Chem. Abstr. 1985, 65, 2870.Thesis: Author. Level of Thesis, Degree-Granting University, Location of University, date. For example: Fleissner, W. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, 1984. Series: Author 1; Author 2. In Title; Editor 1, Editor 2, Eds.; Series Title and Number; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; volume, pages. For example: Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Polymeric Materials; Williams, D. J., Ed.; ACS Symposium Series 233; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1983.Citation to Meetings: Author 1; Author 2. Title of Presentation. Published Title of Collected Work, Proceedings of the Name of the Meeting, Location of the Meeting, Date of the Meeting; Editor 1, Editor 2, Eds.; Publisher: Place of Publication, year; abstract number, pages. For example: Baisden, P. A. Abstracts of Papers, 188th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1984; NUCL 9。
Your Paper's Title Starts Here: Please Centeruse Helvetica (Arial) 14FULL First Author1, a, FULL Second Author2,b and Last Author3,c1Full address of first author, including country2Full address of second author, including country3List all distinct addresses in the same waya email,b email,c emailKeywords:List the keywords covered in your paper. These keywords will also be used by the publisher to produce a keyword index.For the rest of the paper, please use Times Roman (Times New Roman) 12Abstract.This template explains and demonstrates how to prepare your camera-ready paper for Trans Tech Publications. The best is to read these instructions and follow the outline of this text. Please make the page settings of your word processor to A4 format (21 x 29,7 cm or 8 x 11 inches); with the margins: bottom 1.5 cm (0.59 in) and top 2.5 cm (0.98 in), right/left margins must be 2 cm (0.78 in).We shall be able to publish your paper in electronic form on our web page , if the paper format and the margins are correct.Your manuscript will be reduced by approximately 20% by the publisher. Please keep this in mind when designing your figures and tables etc.IntroductionAll manuscripts must be in English, also the table and figure texts, otherwise we cannot publish your paper.Please keep a second copy of your manuscript in your office. When receiving the paper, we assume that the corresponding authors grant us the copyright to use the paper for the book or journal in question. Should authors use tables or figures from other Publications, they must ask the corresponding publishers to grant them the right to publish this material in their paper.Use italic for emphasizing a word or phrase. Do not use boldface typing or capital letters except for section headings (cf. remarks on section headings, below).Organization of the TextSection Headings. The section headings are in boldface capital and lowercase letters. Second level headings are typed as part of the succeeding paragraph (like the subsection heading of this paragraph).Page Numbers. Do not number your paper:Tables. Tables (refer with: Table 1, Table 2, ...) should be presented as part of the text, but in such a way as to avoid confusion with the text. A descriptive title should be placed above each table. Units in tables should be given in square brackets [meV]. If square brackets are not available, use curly {meV} or standard brackets (meV).Special Signs. for example , αγμΩ () ≥ ±●Γ {1120}should always be written in with the fonts Times New Roman or Arial, especially also in the figures and tables.Macros. Do not use any macros for the figures and tables. (We will not be able to convert such papers into our system)Language. All text, figures and tables must be in English.Figures. Figures (refer with: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, ...) also should be presented as part of the text, leaving enough space so that the caption will not be confused with the text. The caption should be self-contained and placed below or beside the figure. Generally, only original drawings or photographic reproductions are acceptable. Only very good photocopies are acceptable. Utmost care must be taken to insert the figures in correct alignment with the text. Half-tone pictures should be in the form of glossy prints. If possible, please include your figures as graphic images in the electronic version. For best quality the pictures should have a resolution of 300 dpi(dots per inch).Color figures are welcome for the online version of the journal. Generally, these figures will be reduced to black and white for the print version. The author should indicate on the checklist if he wishes to have them printed in full color and make the necessary payments in advance.Equations. Equations (refer with: Eq. 1, Eq. 2, ...) should be indented 5 mm (0.2"). There should be one line of space above the equation and one line of space below it before the text continues. The equations have to be numbered sequentially, and the number put in parentheses at the right-hand edge of the text. Equations should be punctuated as if they were an ordinary part of the text. Punctuation appears after the equation but before the equation number, e.g.c2 = a2 + b2. (1)Literature ReferencesReferences are cited in the text just by square brackets [1]. (If square brackets are not available, slashes may be used instead, e.g. /2/.) Two or more references at a time may be put in one set of brackets [3,4]. The references are to be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text and are to be listed at the end of the contribution under a heading References, see our example below. SummaryIf you follow the “c hecklist”your paper will conform to the requirements of the publisher and facilitate a problem-free publication process.References[1] Dj.M. Maric, P.F. Meier and S.K. Estreicher: Mater. Sci. Forum Vol. 83-87 (1992), p. 119[2] M.A. Green: High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells (Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland 1987).[3] Y. Mishing, in: Diffusion Processes in Advanced Technological Materials, edtied by D. GuptaNoyes Publications/William Andrew Publising, Norwich, NY (2004), in press.[4] G. Henkelman, G.Johannesson and H. Jónsson, in: Theoretical Methods in Condencsed PhaseChemistry, edited by S.D. Schwartz, volume 5 of Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics, chapter, 10, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2000).[5] R.J. Ong, J.T. Dawley and P.G. Clem: submitted to Journal of Materials Research (2003)[6] P.G. Clem, M. Rodriguez, J.A. Voigt and C.S. Ashley, U.S. Patent 6,231,666. (2001)[7] Information on 。
Your Paper's Title Starts Here: Please Centeruse Helvetica (Arial) 14FULL First Author1, a, FULL Second Author2,b and Last Author3,c1Full address of first author, including country2Full address of second author, including country3List all distinct addresses in the same waya email,b email,c emailKeywords:List the keywords covered in your paper. These keywords will also be used by the publisher to produce a keyword index.For the rest of the paper, please use Times Roman (Times New Roman) 12Abstract.This template explains and demonstrates how to prepare your camera-ready paper for Trans Tech Publications. The best is to read these instructions and follow the outline of this text. Please make the page settings of your word processor to A4 format (21 x 29,7 cm or 8 x 11 inches); with the margins: bottom 1.5 cm (0.59 in) and top 2.5 cm (0.98 in), right/left margins must be 2 cm (0.78 in).(We shall be able to publish your paper in electronic form on our web page , if the paper format and the margins are correct. If not, we will have to scan your paper which, when compared with an electronic version, results in very poor quality) Your manuscript will be reduced by approximately 20% by the publisher. Please keep this in mind when designing your figures and tables etc.IntroductionAll manuscripts must be in English, also the table and figure texts, otherwise we cannot publish your paper.Please keep a second copy of your manuscript in your office. When receiving the paper, we assume that the corresponding authors grant us the copyright to use the paper for the book or journal in question. Should authors use tables or figures from other Publications, they must ask the corresponding publishers to grant them the right to publish this material in their paper.Use italic for emphasizing a word or phrase. Do not use boldface typing or capital letters except for section headings (cf. remarks on section headings, below).Organization of the TextSection Headings. The section headings are in boldface capital and lowercase letters. Second level headings are typed as part of the succeeding paragraph (like the subsection heading of this paragraph).Page Numbers. Do not number your paper:Tables. Tables (refer with: Table 1, Table 2, ...) should be presented as part of the text, but in such a way as to avoid confusion with the text. A descriptive title should be placed above each table. Units in tables should be given in square brackets [meV]. If square brackets are not available, use curly {meV} or standard brackets (meV).Special Signs. for example , αγμΩ () ≥ ± ● Γ {1120}should always be written in with the fonts Times New Roman or Arial, especially also in the figures and tables.Macros. Do not use any macros for the figures and tables. (We will not be able to convert such papers into our system)Language. All text, figures and tables must be in English.Figures. Figures (refer with: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, ...) also should be presented as part of the text, leaving enough space so that the caption will not be confused with the text. The caption should be self-contained and placed below or beside the figure. Generally, only original drawings or photographic reproductions are acceptable. Only very good photocopies are acceptable. Utmost care must be taken to insert the figures in correct alignment with the text. Half-tone pictures should be in the form of glossy prints. If possible, please include your figures as graphic images in the electronic version. For best quality the pictures should have a resolution of 300 dpi(dots per inch).Color figures are welcome for the online version of the journal. Generally, these figures will be reduced to black and white for the print version. The author should indicate on the checklist if he wishes to have them printed in full color and make the necessary payments in advance.Equations. Equations (refer with: Eq. 1, Eq. 2, ...) should be indented 5 mm (0.2"). There should be one line of space above the equation and one line of space below it before the text continues. The equations have to be numbered sequentially, and the number put in parentheses at the right-hand edge of the text. Equations should be punctuated as if they were an ordinary part of the text. Punctuation appears after the equation but before the equation number, e.g.c2 = a2 + b2. (1)Literature ReferencesReferences are cited in the text just by square brackets [1]. (If square brackets are not available, slashes may be used instead, e.g. /2/.) Two or more references at a time may be put in one set of brackets [3,4]. The references are to be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text and are to be listed at the end of the contribution under a heading References, see our example below. SummaryIf you follow the “checklist” your paper will conform to the requirements of the publisher and facilitate a problem-free publication process.References[1] Dj.M. Maric, P.F. Meier and S.K. Estreicher: Mater. Sci. Forum Vol. 83-87 (1992), p. 119[2] M.A. Green: High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells (Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland 1987).[3] Y. Mishing, in: Diffusion Processes in Advanced Technological Materials, edtied by D. GuptaNoyes Publications/William Andrew Publising, Norwich, NY (2004), in press.[4] G. Henkelman, G.Johannesson and H. Jónsson, in: Theoretical Methods in Condencsed PhaseChemistry, edited by S.D. Schwartz, volume 5 of Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics, chapter, 10, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2000).[5] R.J. Ong, J.T. Dawley and P.G. Clem: submitted to Journal of Materials Research (2003)[6] P.G. Clem, M. Rodriguez, J.A. Voigt and C.S. Ashley, U.S. Patent 6,231,666. (2001)[7] Information on 。
Instructions for authors - BMC - revised
Instructions for preparation of manuscripts for publication in supplementsto BioMed Central journalsGeneral informationThe Editor-in-Chief/Executive Editor of the journal retains editorial control at all times and is responsible for all final acceptance decisions. The Editor-in-Chief/Executive Editor may request changes, corrections, re-review or reject articles which do not meet journal standards.Manuscripts accepted by the journal will be published online in fully browseable web forms and formatted PDF files. Articles will be available through BioMed Central website and submitted for inclusion in PubMed where applicable. Conditions of submission and BioMed Central License AgreementBy submitting an article to a supplement to a BioMed Central journal, authors confirm that all authors of the manuscript have read and agreed to its content and are accountable for all aspects of the accuracy and integrity of the manuscript in accordance with ICMJE criteria. 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All articles should include the following sections (in order): Abstract; Background; Main text with appropriate subheadings (see onlineinstructions for authors - for research articles headings should include Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions); List of abbreviations used (if any); Competing interests; Ethics and consent; Declarations; Acknowledgements; References; Figure legends (if any); Tables (if any); Additional data files (if any). Do not number the sections.12. Please use sentence case for titles, headings and subheadings, with no unnecessary initial capital letters.13. Figures must be supplied as separate files (see below).14.Do not include footnotes or text boxes.15.Avoid including long URLs in the main body of the text, put them in the reference section with the name of the website.16. A competing interests section must be included17. A declarations section must be included18. 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英文国际普通期刊发表As an author of international academic journals, it is essential to understand the standards and requirements for publishing in English international journals. In this document, we will discuss the key points and guidelines for publishing in international journals, including the preparation of manuscripts, the submission process, and the importance of language proficiency.First and foremost, before submitting your manuscript to an international journal, it is crucial to ensure that your research is original, significant, and relevant to the scope of the journal. The research should contribute to the existing body of knowledge and address current issues in the field. Additionally, it is important to carefully read and adhere to the author guidelines provided by the journal. These guidelines often include specific formatting requirements, citation styles, and word limits.When preparing your manuscript, it is essential to pay attention to the language and writing style. The language used should be clear, concise, and free of grammatical errors. It is advisable to have your manuscript proofread by a native English speaker or a professional language editing service to ensure the language quality meets the standards of international journals.In terms of the structure of the manuscript, it should typically include the following sections: title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references. Each section should be well-organized and clearly present the research findings and their implications. The abstract is particularly important as it is often the first part of the manuscript that editors and reviewers read. It should succinctly summarize the research objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.When submitting your manuscript, it is important to select the most appropriate journal for your research. Consider factors such as the journal's scope, impact factor, and target audience. It is also advisable to suggest potential reviewers who are experts in the field and have no conflict of interest. This can help expedite the peer review process.After submission, the manuscript will undergo a peer review process where experts in the field evaluate the quality and validity of the research. It is important to respond to the reviewers' comments and revise the manuscript accordingly. This may involve clarifying certain points, providing additional data, or making revisions to the writing.In conclusion, publishing in English international journals requires careful preparation, attention to language quality, adherence to guidelines, and effective communication with editors and reviewers. By following these guidelines and best practices, researchers can increase their chances of successfully publishing in international journals and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.。
中国有色金属学报英文版投稿指南Title: Guidelines for Manuscript Submission to the English Edition of the Journal of Chinese Nonferrous Metals Introduction:The Journal of Chinese Nonferrous Metals (JCNM) publishes high-quality research in the field of nonferrous metals. Submission to the English edition of JCNM offers authors the opportunity to disseminate their research findings to an international audience. This document provides comprehensive guidelines for authors intending to submit their manuscripts to the English edition of JCNM.1. Manuscript Preparation:1.1 Title: The title of the manuscript should be concise, informative, and accurately reflect the content of the research.1.2 Abstract: A well-written abstract should summarize the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the study in a clear and concise manner.1.3 Keywords: Authors should provide a list of keywords that accurately represent the content of the manuscript, aiding in indexing and searchability.1.4 Text: The main body of the manuscript should be organized into sections such as Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion, as appropriate for the research type.1.5 Figures and Tables: All figures and tables should be numbered sequentially and accompanied by clear, descriptive captions. Authors should ensure that figures and tables are of high quality and effectively support the findings.1.6 References: Citations within the text and the reference list should follow a consistent style, preferablyAPA or IEEE format. Authors must ensure the accuracy and completeness of all references cited.2. Manuscript Submission:2.1 Language: Manuscripts must be written in clear, concise English, adhering to grammatical and syntactical conventions.2.2 Formatting: Authors should submit manuscripts in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx). Text should be double-spaced, with 1-inch margins and a readable font size (e.g., Times New Roman, 12-point).2.3 Cover Letter: Authors should include a cover letter with their submission, providing essential information such as the title of the manuscript, corresponding author details,a statement of originality, and any conflicts of interest.2.4 Ethical Considerations: Authors must adhere toethical standards in research conduct and manuscriptpreparation, including proper citation practices and avoidance of plagiarism or data fabrication.2.5 Submission Process: Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the JCNM online submission system. Authors are encouraged to carefully review the submission guidelines and requirements before initiating the submission process.3. Peer Review Process:3.1 Editorial Evaluation: Upon receipt, manuscripts undergo initial screening by the editorial team to assess suitability for peer review.3.2 Peer Review: Submissions deemed suitable are assigned to expert reviewers for thorough evaluation of scientific quality, originality, and significance.3.3 Decision: Based on reviewer feedback, the editorial team makes a decision regarding acceptance, revision, orrejection of the manuscript. Authors will be promptlynotified of the decision along with reviewer comments.3.4 Revision and Resubmission: If revisions are required, authors should address all reviewer comments and suggestionsin a timely manner before resubmitting the revised manuscript.4. Publication Policies:4.1 Copyright: Authors retain copyright of theirpublished work, granting JCNM the right to distribute and disseminate the manuscript.4.2 Open Access: JCNM offers authors the option topublish their work under open access, facilitating broader accessibility and visibility.4.3 Publication Fees: Authors may be required to payarticle processing charges (APCs) upon acceptance for publication, depending on the journal's policies and funding availability.4.4 Corrections and Retractions: In cases of errors or misconduct, JCNM follows established protocols for issuing corrections, retractions, or expressions of concern as necessary.Conclusion:Submission to the English edition of JCNM provides researchers with a platform to showcase their contributions to the field of nonferrous metals on an international scale. By adhering to the guidelines outlined in this document, authors can enhance the quality and impact of their manuscripts, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange within the scientific community.。
instruction for authors
l ns t r uc t i on f or aut hor sA Im s a nd s copeC hi n es e B i r d s.1aunched f r o m M ar ch200,i s an i nt er-nat i onal j our nal of or ni t hol ogy j oi nt l y s pons or ed byBei j i ng For es t ry U ni ver s i t y and t he C hi na O rni t hol ogi—ca l Soci et y.T he J our nal i nt ent s t o publ i s h pri m ar i l ypeer-r evi ew ed or i gi na l art i cl es,r evi ew s and shor tcom m uni c at i o ns pr odu ced by aut hors a cr oss t he w or l d,coveri ng t he f ull s pect r um of subj ect s i n orni t hol ogy,i ncl udi ng r es ear ch j n f os si l bir ds.M a nusc r i pt r e qui r em ent sT i t l e pa ge T he t i le pa ge m u st SE P A R A T E L Y ac-c om pa ny each s ub m i s si on,i ndi cat i ng1)paper t i t l e,2)、r unni ng t i t l e,31aut h or nam e(s),4)a衔l i at ions and ad—dr es s(es),5)e-m ai l addr es s(es),6)T el e phone o r f axnum be r(s)(not m a ndat or y),7)one cor r es pondi ng a u—t hor t o w hom a11cor r es po ndence i s t o be addr ess ed.8)ac know l edgem ent f i ncl udi ng s ourc e s of fi na nc i a l sup—por tand gra t i t ude t o ot her s).Pl ease no t e t ha t pers on ali nf c)rm at i on i ndi c at i ve of aut hor s h i p s ho ul d be m i n usf r om t he t e xt of t he m anus cr i p t.Paper t it le s hou l d beexpl i c i t,de sc ri pt i ve and as bri ef as pos s i bl e—us ual l yno m or e t h an50w or ds i n l engt h.Th e l engt h of r unni ngt it le s ho ul d not exceed50char act er s.A ut ho r s s ho ul dha ve par t i ci pat ed suf f i c i cnt l y i n t he w or k t o t ake publ i cre s pons i bi l i t y f or t he c ont ent.C a pi t al i ze a11t he l et t er si n t he f am i l y nam e.f or exam pl e,Phi l i p pe C H O U T E A U,X i aom i ng Z H A N G.T he af f i l i at i on is t he uni ver si t y,i ns t i t u t e o r l abor at ory w her e t he w or k w a s done.A bs t r act a nd keyw or ds A t h an500w or ds w ri t t en i n asher t abs t ra c t not m or e s i ngl e par agraph,cl ear l yi ndi c a t i ng t he obj ect i ves,res ear ch m et hods,res ul t s a s w el l as con cl us i o ns ach i eved,s hou l d appear on t hc f i rs tpage.K ey w or ds,up t o8w or ds,s houl d be s ep ar at ed by com m aS.T ab l es A ut h or s s ho ul d avo i d l a r ge t abl e s.1f m any da t a ar e t o be pre s ent e d,an at t em pt s houl d be m a d e t o di vi de t h em over【w o o r m or e t ables.Fi gur e s G r a phs s hou l d be pr ac t i ca l l y s el f-e xpl a nat ory D i m ens i onal dr aw i ngs and di agr am s s ho ul d i ncl ude onl y t he es se nt i a l de t ai l s and a s l it t le l et t er i ng as possi—bl e.T hey s ho ul d pr es e nt m or e of a pi c t ure t h an a w or ki ng dr aw i ng.C i t at i o ns a nd r ef er ences I n—text ci t at i ons m us t agrce w i t h t he r cf erences i n nam es and year.T he r cf eF ences s hou l d be pr es ent ed com pl et el y and w i t h out m i st akes,and s ho ul d be t he or i gi na l publ i cat i on.R cf cr cn ccs s hou l d be ci t e d i n t he t ex t by t he aut hor’s sur nam e andye ar of publ i cat i on.G rouped ci t at i ons s ho ul d be sepa—r a t e d by s em i col ons and gi v en i n chronol ogi cal or dcr:e.g.,(Pet e r son,1984;J acks on and W hi t ehead,1991;Shum an et a1.,200l,2004).11f or i ournal sA r a gon S,M oi l er A P,Sol er J J,Sol er M.1999.M ol e—cul a r phy l oge ny of cuck oos s u ppor t s a pol yph yl et i cori gi n of br o od pa ra si t i sm.J E vel B i01.12:495506 21f or booksB a t t B D J,A f t on A D.A nder s on M G,A n kney CD,J ohn s on D H.K adl e c J A t K r apu G L.1992.Ecol ogyand M ana gem e nt of B r eedi ng W at er f ow l.U ni ver s i t y of M i nnes ot a Pr es s.M i nneapol i s31f or a chapt er i n a bookG os s-Cus t ar d J D.1985.For agi ng behavi our of w a di ngbi r ds and t he c ar ryi ng c apa ci t y of es t uar i es.I n:Si bl ey R M,S m i t h R H(eds)B e havi our al E c ol ogy.B l ackw el l S c i e nt i f i c Pub l i cat i o ns,O x f or d,pp6918841f or di s s er t a t i onsH a w ki ns A FA.1994.F or est deg r adat i on and t he W e st—em M a l agas y f or es t bi r ds c om m uni t y.D i s se r t a t i ons.U ni vers i t y of L ondon,London,l I o r pap er s i n pr es sSl i t ka M K.W hi t t on J L.2000.C l i ni c al i m pl i c a t i ons of dysr egul at ed cyt o ki ne produc t i on.J M ol M e d.doi:0.1007/s0010900000866、for onl i ne doc um e nt sD oe J.1999.T i t l e of s u bor d i nat e docum ent.I n:T hedi c t i ona ry of s ub s t ances and t he i r e ff ec t s.R oyal So—ci et y of C he m i st r t p://w w w.r sc.or g/dose/t i t l e of s ub or di nat e docu m ent.A cccs s ed5J an999C opyr i gh t t rans f erN o ar t i cl e c an be publ i s hed unl e ss ac com p ani e d by as i gn ed C opyr i ght Tr ans fer St at em en t,w hi ch e n s ur es a t r ansf e r of cop yr i g ht f r om aut h or t o pu bl i s h er.A cop y of t he C opyr i ght Trans f er St at em ent t o be us ed w i l l be pr ovi ded w i t h t he l et t er of accep t ance of t he m anus cr i pt T he s i g ned s t at em ent s ho ul d be r et urned t o t he edi t or i al of f i c c of C hi n es e B i rds at B e i j i ng For es t ry U ni ve r si t y.M a nus cr i pt subm i ss i onA ut h or s ar e encour aged t o s ubm i t t he i r pap er s el ec—t r oni ca l l y at t he w ebsi t e ht t p://m c03.m anus cr i ot c cnt r i r ds.D et ai l ed i nl brot at i on.i ncl udi ng t hi s i nst ruct i on f ur aut hor s.i s a va i l abl e at w w w.e hi nes ebi r t .。
INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORSA. General•The manuscript should be prepared in such a way that they are suitable for photo-offset reproduction. Please follow the instructions strictly so that the uniformity in appearance of papers in the Conference Proceedings can be assured.•Abstracts/Full Papers should be submitted electronically through TeMUS system.• O ne-Full-Page Abstracts are published in a Volume of Abstracts and Full-Length papers are included in a CD-ROM.1) LAYOUTSPlease try to match the font size and font style on the example paper. This is a somewhat larger text as the paper will be reduced by 15% when printed. In case the paper size is A4 size, the margines are as below:Margines: Top(3.5cm), Bottom(3.5cm), Left(2.3cm), Right(2.3cm)2) LENGTH• The length of Abstract for Volume of Abstracts should not exceed ONE full page.• The adequate length of paper is 4-20 pages.3) TYPING• The paper size is (210×297㎜). The text and artwork (incl. figure captions) produced in MS word format are preferred and should fall within this size. Do not leave any unnecessary space.• You may type on the white A4 sheets within the frames.• The text should be typed all in BLACK.• The text should be typed using ARIAL, or a similar font.• The use of 12 point font on 2-point space (If you use 12 point font, the line spacing will be 14 points.) is strongly recommended. Single spacing is acceptable if 2-point space is not possible.• Each paragraph should be indented 5 spaces. Do not leave extra apace between paragraphs.• The text must be ORIGINAL, not photo-copied, unless the copy is absolutely clear, not blurred or with portions of letters missing.B. DETAILS1) TITLEType the exact title of the paper in upper and lower case with 14 point bold font style. The title should be centered. The title should be brief and NOT longer than two title lines (approx. less than 85 characters).2) NAMES OF AUTHORSType the name(s) of authors (in the order of first, middle and last name) with 14 point plane font style and put an asterisk (*) in front of the presenting author’s name. For author(s) from a different institution, start a new list. Do not use titles (i.e., Prof., Ph.D., Mr., etc.). Title(s) of author(s) may be given as a footnote at the bottom of the first page of the paper. The list of author(s) should be centered.3) AFFILIATIONThe affiliation of author(s) (including city and country) should be given below the list of authors. Please use 12 point italic font style for the affiliation(s). The affiliation(s) should be centered.4) ABSTRACTThis is not the same one-full-page abstract for the Volume of Abstracts. Type to keep the abstract within 10 lines (or 200-400 words). Do not have references or displayed equations in the abstract.5) HEADING• Main HeadingThe text following a main heading should be indented (5 spaces). A main heading should be in upper case and have one line space above and below it.•Secondary HeadingThe text following a secondary heading should be indented (5 spaces). A secondary heading should have one line of space above it but no space below it.•Third grade headingThere is no full stop following the third grade heading, but leave three (3) spaces before starting a text. A third grade heading should have one line of space above it.6) TABLES AND FIGURESTables and figures should be consecutively numbered. Place the table title should appear above the table and the figure caption below the figure. Allow one line of spacebetween the table and its title and between the figure and its caption. Allow two lines of space between the table or figure and the adjacent text.7) EQUATIONAll equations must be set or clearly typed and consecutively numbered. Refer to equations in the text as Eq. (1), Eq. (2). All equations should be centered and have one line space between equations and text material. Displayed equations should be numbered simply as (1),(2),(3). The numbers should appear at the extreme right of the line in parentheses.8) REFERENCESReferences should be listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order of the last names of the first authors and referred in the text by the last name and the year of publications as (Choi 1989). The year of publication should be placed in parenthesis after the last author of the paper. Style the reference list according to the following examples. Use abbreviates on journal titles according to standard forms. References need not be numbered nor grouped by the category such as Journal articles, books, etc. Journal articles:Choi, C.K. and Kim, S.H. (1989), "Coupled use of reduced integration and nonconforming modes in improving quadratic plate element." Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., Vol. 28(4), 1909-1928.Books:Salvadori, M.G. and Baron, M.L. (1961), Numerical Methods in Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.Proceeding papers:Choi, C.K. and Kwak, H.G. (1989), "Optimum RC member design with discrete sections", Proceedings of '89 ASCE Structures Congress, San Francisco.。
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在科学论文出版中,规范表达历来备受重视。学会、协会专门 编著自己的体例指南,以规定其优先选择的文体。 不同领域的代表性体例指南几乎必不可少的内容大致有:缩写、 数字表达、参考文献著录、单词拼写、标点符号、图表的准备、 校样的检查等。另外,还对稿件的准备与投寄、语法、电子版 本、版权等做专门的规定。
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人文科学文体指南 [MLA]Gibaldi J. MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing. 2nd ed. New York:The Modern Language Association of America, 1998 ISBN: 0-87352-699-6 MLA文体手册和学术出版指南(第二版)美国现代语 言学会编辑、出版。全书包括8章和4个附录,其中对 版权问题、文献注释和学位论文的准备介绍得比较详 细。该体例的中译本已经出版。 MLA文体手册和学术 出版指南(第二版),北京大学出版社,2002年 相关的指南还有伦敦现代人类学研究协会(MHRA)编 辑的MHRA 文体指南,Modern Humanities Research Association. MHRA Style Book:Notes for Authors, Editors and Writers of Theses.5th ed. Leeds:W.S. Maney & Son Ltd,1996
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生物学 [CBE] CBE (Council of Biology Editors) Style Manual Committee. Scientific Style and Format: The CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. 6th ed. Cambridge University Press,1994 科技文体与格式:作者、编辑和出版者 手册(第6版),全书33章和3个附录, 不仅对通用的文体作介绍,还分章节对 化学、药学、植物学、地球科学等专业 领域的文体进行系统的介绍。
Please follow the Instructions to Authors carefully Fai
Please follow the Instructions to Authors carefully. Failure to follow these instructions may lead to delay in the review and subsequent publication of your manuscript. Use version 4.0 or higher of Netscape or Internet Explorer.We suggest that you print out both this Online Submission document and the Instructions to Authors so that you can refer to them both during the preparation and submission of your manuscript.If you require any assistance submitting a manuscript or creating/locating your account, please do not create second account but contact us by Email:jph.editorialoffice@To submit your manuscript:Go to manuscript submission website and login to your Author Centre. If you do not already have an account, click on “Create Account” in the top right hand corner of the screen.Login to your Author Centre and follow the onscreen instructions to enter all the papers information including the abstract.Move between screens by selecting the “Save and Continue” or ”Previous” buttons. Information you have entered will not be saved if you use your browser's Back or Forward buttons. You can stop or suspend submission at any stage by selecting “Return”.In the File Upload Centre:Select Browse to locate your files. Select the file type from the pull-down menu. An initial submission of the main manuscript should be uploaded as either a .doc or .rtf file. All figures should be uploaded as separate files.Select whether files should be considered for review, (default is Yes). If you select No, the editorial staff will still be able to view the file and make it available to an editor or reviewer if necessary.Select “Upload” to submit your files.When an upload is complete, you will see a confirmation window asking for a description of the file. Please enter the relevant description of the file, e.g. Main Text, Figure 1, Table 1 etc. For other supporting files indicate clearly what the file is as well as its format (MS Excel, MS Word, etc.).You can remove files and repeat the upload process at the File Upload screen, accessed by selecting Previous.You must now view and approve your proof before completing the submission process.When you are satisfied with the uploaded manuscript select Submit. It is not until this button is pushed that the manuscript and all of the associated information (i.e., contributing authors, institutions, etc.) is linked together and the manuscript is given a manuscript number. Once the manuscript is submitted it is not possible to undo the submission unless you contact the Editorial Office.After the manuscript has been submitted you will receive an e-mail confirmation stating that your manuscript was successfully submitted. This e-mail will also give the assigned manuscript number, which is used in all correspondence. If you do not receive this e-mail, your manuscript will not have been successfully submitted to the journal and the paper cannot progress to peer review. If this is the case, please return to the last screen of the submission process and check that you have completed all necessary tasks to submit.If you return to your Author Centre you will notice that your newly submitted manuscript can be found in the Submitted Manuscripts area. Among the information listed there, the Processing Status section provides information on the status of your manuscript as it moves through the review process.Submitting a Revised ManuscriptLog on to the submission website as before and enter your Author Center. Access your manuscript by selecting its title in the “Manuscripts to be Revised”section of the Author Centre.Upload your revised manuscript using the File Manager screen. It is essential that you upload your revised manuscript as a .doc .rtf or .ps file. PDF files cannot be used for production.Paste your response to reviewers' and editor's comments in the text areas at the bottom of the View Comments/Respond screenImportantIf your paper goes on to be accepted, your images will be required as high-resolution .tif files (1200 d.p.i. for line drawings and 350 d.p.i. for color and half-tone artwork) or high-quality printouts on glossy paper. There is useful information on preparing your figures for publication available. Please note that publication of your manuscript will not proceed until figures suitable for reproduction are received.Full instructions on how to prepare accepted manuscripts for submission are available.Getting HelpIf you experience any problems during the online submission process please use the Author Help function, which takes you to specific submission instructions, or Get Help Now, which takes you to the Frequently Asked Questions page. Alternatively, contact the Editorial Office by Emailjph.editorialoffice@.。
Instructions to authors
Instructions to authorsM anuscript should be submitted in word format through the website or by email ************.cn.The template of manuscript can be downloaded from the website homepage. There is no firmly established length, but entire paper (including tables and figures) exceeding 20 pages is discouraged. First name(s) in full and surname(s) (in capitals) of author(s), and complete addresses with superscript numbers should be given. The corresponding author must confirm by a letter that all co-authors agree to the submission.T he abstract is ca. 400-500 words. Authority names of taxa and citations of other papers must be omitted in the abstract. A maximum of 7 key words which not repeat the words of title should be listed. The editor may change the key words.T he contents should generally be arranged in the following order: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results (do not include parts of discussion), Discussion, Acknowledgements, References. Authority names of species and of infraspecific levels have to be mentioned when the taxa are used for the first time. Abbreviations of authority names should follow Kirk & Ansell (1992) or Brummitt & Powell (1992). All measurements must be in metric units. Abbreviations must be defined where they first appeared, except for common abbreviations, such as nm, |jm, mm, cm, mg, g, kg, jj L,mL, L, Da, kDa, U (enzyme unit), s, min, h, d, etc. When one unit appears in the denominator use the solidus; examples: pg/mL, mg/L, g/L, pmol/L, mmol/L, mol/L, U/pL, U/mL, etc. Words of Latin origin, like in vivo, et a/., ibid,and scientific names of genera, infrageneric levels (subgenus, section), species and infraspecific levels (subspecies, variety) should be italicized.F igures and tables must be submitted as electronic files and inserted into the text. Number tables consecutivelyand give a brief informative title. Each table should be self-explanatory and supplementary to the text. All abbreviations must be explained in the legends. Figures may be combined to a maximum plate size of 16cm high by 14.5cm wide. Electronic figures must be captured at or above 600dpi resolution. Designate all figures in a consecutive manner. Hand-written signs and letters are not acceptable. The captions should be self-explanatory and independent from the text. Include scale bars in the figures and explain the dimension of the scale in the legend. Color photo is costly and must be paid for by the author.A ll references should be cited in the text, and they are set in parentheses. Commas are not used to separatethe author's name from the date. When citing several references, these should be listed in chronological not alphabetical order. Examples: Ellis (1971), Ellis (1971, 1976), (Korf & Zhuang 1987), (Kirk eta/.2001), (Baral 1994; Webster e/a/. 1998; Kirk et a/.2001).The reference list should be in alphabetical order by the first author's name. Periodical titles should not be abbreviated. When several papers published in the same year by the same author(s) are listed, they should be distinguished by adding a, b, c to the year. Submitted or unpublished manuscripts may not be quoted as references (but may be quoted in the text as “unpubl.”). Master’s theses and Ph.D. dissertations may be cited, indicate as "PhD Dissertation", or "MS Thesis", provide full college, university or institutional name, city and country.C opyright on all papers including the figures is held by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing, China.Address: B-401, Institute of Microbiology, CAS, No.1 West Beichen Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, P. R. China, 100101 E-mail:**********.cnTel: +86-10-64807521Fax: +86-10-64807327《菌物学报》征稿简则《菌物学报》(曾用名《真菌学报》、《菌物系统》)1982年创刊,现为月刊,每月22曰出版,是中国科学院主管的菌物学学术期刊,报道菌物(真菌、粘菌、卵菌等)学硏究领域的最新研究成果,是中国自然科学核心期刊,也是国际菌物学界信赖的刊物,已被国内外多家权威检索系统收录。
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World Journal of Integrated traditional and western Medicine (WJIM) is a journal published bimonthly in English by China Association for Science and Technology, and sponsored by China Association of Chinese Medicine. WJIM aims to report the experience and achievements of Chinese medicine and integrative medicine in clinical, scientific research, etc., to explore the ideas and methods of the future development of Chinese and western integrative medicine, to introduce the latest progress at home and abroad in the related fields and to promote the international exchanges of Chinese medicine and integrative medicine.WJIM welcomes manuscripts from all over the world, on all aspects of medicine, such as traditional Chinese medicine, integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, acupuncture, ayurvedic medicine, herbal medicine, homeopathy, nutrition, chiropractic, mind-body medicine, Taichi, Qigong, meditation, and any other Chinese alternative medicine (CAM). Article types include reviews, systematic reviews and meta-analysis, randomized controlled and pragmatic trials, translational and patient-centered effectiveness outcome studies, case series and reports, clinical trial protocols, preclinical and basic science studies, papers on thinking and methodology, CAM history or education, editorials, global views, commentaries, short communications, book reviews, conference proceedings, and letters to the editor, as well as the manuscripts on the scientific evidence-based for Chinese medicine, focusing on studies that respect the theory of Chinese medicine, have high clinical efficacy, and use the highest standard of scientific methods. We particularly encourage submissions on the clinical standardization of Chinese medicine, individualized treatment and its possible mechanism of action, and studies that aim to elucidate the medical conditions for which Chinese medicine offers patients the greatest clinical efficacy, particularly in comparison to biomedical treatments.Manuscript SubmissionAll submitted manuscripts are not assumed to be published previously or concurrently submitted for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should be prepared for submission in doc or docx format (Word), single-columned, A4 size, 12pt, single spaced, with tables inserted in the text and figures provided in the original editable form. Authors should log in the Submission System through http://www. /EditorEN/index.aspx?t=1, and select "English manuscript" to proceed.Terms of SubmissionManuscripts containing original material are accepted for consideration if neither the article nor any part of its essential substance, tables, or figures has been or will be published or submitted elsewhere before appearing in the WJIM. This restriction does not apply to abstracts or press reports published in connection with scientific meetings. The submitting author is responsible for ensuring that the article's publication has been approved by all the other coauthors. It is also the authors' responsibility to ensure that the articles emanating from a particular institution are submitted with the approval of the necessary institution. Only an acknowledgment from the editorial office officially establishes the date of receipt. Further correspondence and proofs will be sent to the author(s) before publication unless otherwise indicated. It is a condition of submission of a paper that the authors permit editing of the paper for readability. All enquiries concerning the publication of accepted papers should be addressed PUBLICATION PROCESS Manuscript ReceiptUpon the receipt of the manuscript, the WJIM Editorial Office will assign a code number, which is to be used in all subsequent correspondence. Peer ReviewAll manuscripts are subject to peer reviewINSTRUCTION FOR AUTHORS INFORMATIONand are expected to meet standards of academic excellence. Submissions will be considered by an editor and "if not rejected right away" by peer-reviewers, whose identities will remain anonymous to the authors. Based on the comments of the reviewers, the journal editor determines whether the manuscript is accepted, rejected, or requires revision before publication, and the decision will be sent to the authors.RevisionIf revision is required, the authors should amend and resubmit the manuscript within 30 days. Resubmission after 30 days may be considered as a new submission. If the revision is not satisfactory to the reviewers, the author may be asked to make a second revision.ProofreadingThe submitting author or corresponding author of a manuscript to be published will receive proofs. Corrected proofs must be returned to the publisher within 2-3 days of receipt. The publisher will do everything possible to ensure prompt publication. It will therefore be appreciated if the manuscripts and figures conform from the outset to the style of the journal.MANUSCRIPT PREPARATIONTitle PageThe title page should carry the following information: 1) title of the article. 2) name and institutional affiliation of each author. 3) the designated corresponding author's name, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. 4) source(s) of financial support of the study.Original Research ArticlesAbstractThe abstract should be self-contained and citation- free and should not exceed 250 words.Abstracts of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) should consist of six paragraphs, labeled Background, Objective, Design, setting, participants and interventions, Main outcome measures, Results, and Conclusion. The trial registration number should be included as the last line of the abstract.Abstracts of original experimental research papers should consist of four paragraphs, labeled Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion. KeywordsOn the abstract page, authors should provide 3 to 8 keywords that capture the main topics of the article. Terms from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) list of MEDLINE/PubMed (http://www.ncbi. /mesh) should be used.Main textWord count for original research manuscripts should be not less than 4 000 words. The text is usually divided into sections with headings such as Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. For reports of RCTs authors should refer to the CONSORT 2010 Statement, which can be found at http://www.consort- .IntroductionThis section should be succinct, with no subheadings. The name of Chinese herbal medicine should be used in Latin instead of Pinyin. Materials and methodsThis part should contain sufficient detail so that all procedures can be repeated. It can be divided into subsections if several methods are described. ResultsEmphasize or summarize only the most important observations. When data are summarized in the Results section, give numeric results not only as derivatives (for example, percentages) but also as the absolute numbers from which the derivatives were calculated, and specify the statistical methods used to analyze them. Do not duplicate data in graphs and tables. Avoid nontechnical uses of technical terms in statistics, such as "random" (which implies a randomizing device), "normal" "significant" "correlations" and "sample."DiscussionEmphasize the new and important aspectsof the study and the conclusions that follow from them in the context of the totality of the best available evidence. Do not repeat in detail data or other information given in the Introduction or the Results section. For research articles, it is useful to begin the discussion by briefly summarizing the main findings, then explore possible mechanisms or explanations for these findings, compare and contrast the results with other relevant studies, state the limitations of the study, and explore the implications of the findings for future research and for clinical practice.ConclusionThis should clearly explain the main conclusions of the work highlighting its importance and relevance. EthicsWhen reporting experiments on human subjects or animals, the authors should include a statement in the Materials section. Human experiments must be performed in accordance with international ethical standards such as the Declaration of Helsinki, and the research protocol must be approved by an institutional review board (IRB) or equivalent human ethics committee. Documented informed consent must be obtained from all human subjects of clinical research prior to any experiment. The confidentiality of patients' information must be preserved and a statement to that effect must be included. Laboratory research involving animals must comply with guidelines for animal care and use. The experimental protocol must be approved by the institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC), and a statement to that effect must be included.Statistical methodsStatistical methods should be described in sufficient detail to enable a knowledgeable reader to assess the appropriateness of the statistical analysis used. Statistical terms, abbreviations, and symbols must be defined, and computer software must be specified. Lacunae in observations, such as dropouts from the study, should be reported, and the intend-to-treat method should be applied. Preparation of figuresUpon submission of an article, authors are supposed to include all figures and tables in the Word file of the manuscript. If the article is accepted, authors will be asked to provide the source files of the figures. All figures should be cited in the paper in a consecutive order.Legends for figures should be printed out with Arabic numerals corresponding to the illustrations. Explain the internal scale and identify the method of staining and magnification of photomicrographs. When symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters are used to identify parts of the illustrations, identify and explain each one clearly in the legend. Abbreviations must be explained.If photographs of people are used, either the subjects must not be identifiable or written permission from the depicted individuals must be included. If a figure has been published, acknowledge the original source and submit written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce the material.Preparation of tablesEvery table must have a descriptive title and if numerical measurements are given, the units should be included in the column heading. Vertical rules should not be used.AcknowledgmentsAll acknowledgments (if any) should be included at the very end of the paper before the references and may include supporting grants, presentations, and so forth.ReferencesAuthors should check the accuracy of all reference citations. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first cited in the text. The form of references should conform to the index Medicus. List all authors when there are three or fewer. When there are four or more, list the first three, followed by "et al". The following are sample references.1 Yamada K, Knoda Y, Nakayma S, et al. Role of nitric oxide in learning and memory and in monoamine metabolism in the rat brain. Br JPharmacol, 1995, 115(5): 852-858.2 Fang H, Xiao DS. Probing the definition of yin and yang in our body. World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, 2018, 4(1): 25-30.3 Lone S, Gupta S, Pervaiz Q, et al. Epimedium elatum: a potential anti-osteoporotic medicinal herb from northwestern himalayas. International Conference on Medicinal Plants, 2015.Other Types of ArticlesReview articlesResearch review and systematic review articles are welcome and undergo the same peer-review and editorial process as original research reports. A research review article discusses a focused topic of recent research in integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, with commentary and analysis concerning the topic. A single-paragraph summary of fewer than 250 words should be included. For systematic reviews authors should refer to the PRISMA Statement, which can be found at http:// . The author(s) of a review article should provide a comprehensive and critical but balanced view of the field. Review papers may be up to 5 000 words. Study protocolStudy protocol should be for a proposed or ongoing RCT. It should follow the CONSORT guidelines and must have a trial registration number. Study protocols will usually be published without peer review if the study has received ethics approval and a grant from a major funding body (proof will be required). Study protocols without funding or ethical approval will be peer reviewed. A manuscript for study protocol should be divided into the following sections: Title Page, Abstract (consists of 4 paragraphs, labeled as Background, Methods/Design, Discussion, and Trial Registration), Keywords, Background and Significance/ Preliminary Studies, Study Aims, Study Design/ Methods, Discussion, Competing Interests, Authors' Contributions, Acknowledgements and Funding, and References. Publishing your study protocol in WJIM does not commit you to submitting subsequent reports of the study to us, although we do, of course, welcome such submissions.Case reportsCase reports will be considered if of particular interest. These should be less than 2 000 words, do not include an abstract, and should include a brief introduction and concise discussion describing the value of the report.Short reportsShort communications should be no more than 2 000 words, including title, author affiliations, references, and one figure or table. They do not include an abstract.Letters to the editorLetters to the editor should be no more than 1 000 words. Preference is given to criticisms or comments related to articles published in WJIM.COPYRIGHTCopyright © 2015, World Journal of Integrated traditional and western Medicine Editorial office. All rights reserved.。
Chemistry Letter 投稿模版template
1Manabu Kagaku, *1 Keiko Gakujutsu, 1 and Jeffery Haakason21CSJ Editorial Office, 1-5, Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-83072Mainichi Glass Company, 7-1-4 Nippori, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo 116-0013(Received <Month> <Date>, <Year>; CL-<No>; E-mail: <insert corresponding e-mail address>)These instructions provide guidelines for preparing manuscripts for Chemistry Letters. They also contain a set of “Styles-Setting”which should be used to prepare the manuscripts for the Chemistry Letters. In this Abstract part, define all the symbols and abbreviations at first use in the abstract, and again at first use in the text. Do not delete the blank line immediately below this section.This document is a template for Microsoft Word version 6.0 or a later version. These instructions provide guidelines for preparing manuscripts for Chemistry Letters. If you are using Microsoft Word ver. 6.0 or a later version, use this document as a template. Otherwise, simply follow the instructions given in this document as a reference.Please note that some of the instructions described in this document are divided into sections. However, your completed body text of manuscript should not be divided into sections.For details on the manuscript style, please consult the Manuscript Preparation ( chem-lett/submission) or a recent issue of Chemistry Letters.Use of this template will benefit the author in that the entire manuscript (text, tables, and artworks) may be submitted in one file and expedite publication, allow authors to indicate preferences for placement of artwork, and enable authors to determine whether their manuscript is within the 2-page limitation. Inserting artworks and tables close to the point at which they are discussed in the text of the manuscript can also be a benefit for the reviewer.You may also get a better feel for your final page count, although it will only be an approximation. An attempt has been made to approximate the desired look-and-feel of the manuscript style of Chemistry Letters. However, the final version of a manuscript is typeset using composition software that allows greater control over layout and fonts than is possible in Microsoft Word. The look-and-feel of a manuscript using this template is offered for aesthetic reasons and to emphasize that your manuscript will be set in two-column format, which may be an important aspect in the design of schemes and equations. This template is to be used to prepare a new submission to Chemistry Letters. If the manuscript has been accepted for publication, the final version should be prepared also in accordance with other instructions.How to Use the TemplateTo get started: select “Page Layout”from the “View”menu in the menu bar (View < Page Layout), which allows you to see part of the header. Then cut and paste the text and artworks from your own documents that contain your manuscript data, and use “Styles”in order to add the Word tags. The pull-down “Style menu”is at the left of the Formatting Toolbar at the top of your Word window (in fact, the “Style” being used here is that of “Text_body”). Highlight the part of the manuscript to which you want to apply a certain “Style,”and then select the appropriate name on the “Style menu.”The “Style”will adjust your fonts and line spacing. If you type your manuscript directly into the template, select (highlight) the part of the text of the template that you want to replace and begin typing your manuscript (e.g. select the “Title”section for typing in your title). The authors’template offers alternative methods for applying certain “Styles,” but keep in mind that highlighting, then selecting a “Style”from the “Styles menu”can always be used to re-apply the correct “Style.”Do not change the font sizes or line spacing to squeeze more text into a limited number of pages. Please observe the 3-page limitation.Artworks should be embedded. To indicate where artworks should be positioned in the text, point the cursor at the insertion point and use either Insert < Picture < From File, or copy the image to the Windows clipboard, and Edit < Paste Special < Picture (with “Float over text” unchecked).Please submit high-resolution images. The size of the artwork will be adjusted for use in the journal during the editorial process. For your reference, maximum size of single column width is 84.0 mm; double column width is 176.0 mm. Some manuscripts will have certain electronic problems. In such cases, please contact the CSJ Editorial Office.Prior to the transmission of your submission, proofread a printout of the manuscript to ensure that all parts of the manuscript are present and clearly legible. On receipt of your manuscript, CSJ Editorial Office will check the formatting, and in case your manuscript does not follow these instructions, we will ask you to rearrange it and submit a corrected version to us.Manuscript’s StylesThese instructions are typical for the implementation of the requirements.➢JP Letter-size paper (210 mm 285.5 mm);➢Single-spaced text in two columns of 84.0 mm, with an 8 mm gutter.➢The text must be located within the margins as specified in Table 1 to facilitate electronic conversion to AdobeAcrobat PDF (Portable Document Format) file.The layout of the manuscript Style is illustrated in Figure 1. Note that the manuscript’s title and authors’ names shouldInstructions to Authors---- How to Use the Author's Template of Chemistry Letters ----2be centered across the full page. Tables and figures may span the whole page (176.0 mm), if necessary.Table 1. Margin specificationsMargin Left Right Top BottomSize 18.0 mm 16.0 mm 27.0 mm 29.5 mmFigure 1. Layout of manuscripts for publication.Style ReferenceThe following Styles should be used in Chemistry Letters manuscripts. Some of them are unique to this authors’template.Table 2. Summary of style usageTitle Manuscript TitleAuthor Authors’ namesAffiliation Authors’ affiliations, addressesReceived_date Manuscript Received DateCaption_heading Header of captionsCaption Caption for Figures, Tables, etc.Figure Figure, Chart, Scheme, etc.Equation Equations, formula, etc.Margin MarginsText_body Normal TextAbstract AbstractReferences References➢Title– The title should be the first item in the manuscript.It appears in 12-pt Times New Roman, bold type withina frame and is to be centered in the column. In titles,authors should capitalize the main words, which arenouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions, regardless of the number of letters. Do not capitalize coordinating conjunctions, (and,but, or, nor, yet, so), articles (a, an, the), or prepositions,unless they appear as the first word in the title. The title should be grammatically correct, and reflect the content of the manuscript briefly with informative words.➢Author–The authors’names should appear below the title. The entire author list, with names delimited bycomma, should appear under the title. Specifications ofdescription of authors’ names are as follows:(i)First name, initial of middle name, and surname(e.g., Robert W. Atkinson)(ii)Initial of first name, middle name, and surname(e.g., R. William Atkinson)Do not use only initials with surnames (e.g., R. W.Atkinson) because it may make specific identification of an author difficult and cause confusion in the indexingand retrieval. Do not include professional/official titles or academic degrees. At least one author must be designated with an asterisk as the author to whom correspondence should be sent.➢Affiliation–This line contains the authors' affiliation information. Please give affiliations and addresses forpersonal communications. The affiliation is the institution(s) where the work was conducted. Below the section of Authors’Names, give the business or school (university) affiliation, and complete mailing addressusing upper and lower case letters and being centred.Dagger marks (†, ††, †††, and so forth) should be used for indicating multiple affiliations. All other informationabout the authors should be given in the section of “References and Notes”and the normal numeric sequencing should be used.➢Abstract–The abstract formatting is by 9.5-pt Times New Roman. An abstract (40-80 words) should summarize the major objects, results, and conclusions ofthe research briefly. The Abstract allows the reader to identify the nature and scope of the manuscript and helps editors recognize key features for indexing and retrieval.In the abstract part, do not cite references, tables, andfigures included in the manuscript. The abstract must be concise, self-contained, and complete enough to appear separately in abstract publication. Use symbols,abbreviations and acronyms only when it is necessary to prevent awkward construction or needless repetition.➢Figures, Tables, and Equations–Place figures and tables as close to the position of their mention in the text as possible. Letters and symbols in figures and tables should be large enough to be clearly reproduced. All figures and tables must be given sequential numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) and have a caption placed below the figure orabove the table being described. Remove all color from graphics, except for those graphics that you would like to have considered for publication in color. Color printing of figures is available, but is billed to the authors (approximately 40000 JPY/page depending on the number of figures and number of pages containing color).3Please include a note with your submission indicating that you request color printing.For best results, submit artworks in the actual size at which they should appear in the journal. Original artworks, which do not need to be reduced to fit a single or double column, will yield the best quality. Letters should be no smaller than 4.5 points. (Helvetica or Arial type works well for lettering.) Lines should be no thinner than 0.5 point. Lettering and lines should be of uniform density. If you must submit artworks that need to be reduced, use larger lettering and thicker lines so that, when reduced, the artwork meets the prescribed parameters. Avoid using complex textures and shading that are sometimes used to achieve a 3-D effect. To show a pattern, choose a simple cross-hatch design. Submit only original artwork or high-quality photographic prints of originals; Xerographic photocopies do not reproduce well.➢ Equation – Number equations consecutively withequation numbers in parentheses flush with the right margin, as in (1).)()()()()()(1*1N b N r N b N b N w N y n m n i n m n n n i ⋅==∑∑-=-= (1)First use the equation editor to create the equation. Then select the “Equation” markup Style. Press the tab key and write the equation number in parentheses. Use parentheses to avoid ambiguities in denominators. Punctuate equations when they are part of a sentence, as in (2).)()()||(exp )]2(/[),(021100202λλλλλμσϕϕd r J r J z z r d dr r F i i j r -∞--⋅=⎰⎰(2)Be sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before the equation appears or immediately following it. Italicize symbols (T might refer to temperature, but T is the unit tesla). Refer to “eq 1,” not “(1)” or “equation (1).”➢ References and Notes – All bibliographical referencesshould be numbered and listed at the end of the manuscript in a section called “References (and Notes).” Authors should consult the Journal Web site available via as a guide to the proper format. References should be typed in the format of Chemistry Letters and referenced in the text by superscript numbers without parentheses or spaces. The superscript numbers appear outside the punctuation if the citation applies to a whole sentence or clause.# When more than one reference is cited in one place, separate the numbers by commas without spaces. Journals should be abbreviated as in Chemical Abstracts . The use of “ibid.” and “idem” in references is not allowed. In references, the journal title and the volume number (or year, if there is no volume number) should be typed in italic and bold-face, respectively.References to articles in Journals should be given in a manner shown below in Refs. 1-6, references to Books as in Refs. 7-9, and references to Proceedings as in Refs. 10-12. For Patents, the Chemical Abstracts reference is recommended to be given like the manner demonstrated in Refs. 13-16. References to Computer Programs should be given as inRefs.18 and 19. If your manuscript has Electronic Supporting Information,a statement of the availability should be placed in this section as in Ref.20 .➢ Graphical Abstract – The Graphical abstract shouldcontain a small diagram or other informative illustration that shows the most important aspect of your manuscript so that the readers can understand the purpose, methods, and conclusions without referring to the body of the text.Units and AbbreviationsUse metric and the International System of Units (SI units) as primary units. (SI units are strongly encouraged.) The following conventions apply to all units of measure: Abbreviate units of measure when they accompany numerals and do not use a period after an abbreviated unit of measure (Exception: in. for inch). For example, commonly used abbreviated units are as follows; s, min, h, g, mg, mL, cm, nm, Hz, ppm, and so forth. Put a space between a numeral and its unit of measure, except when they form a unit modifier, in which case use a hyphen between them in simple situations. (Exception: no space between a number and the percent “50%,” degree “90︒,” angular minute, or angular second symbols.) Use the center dot to separate compound units, e.g., “A ⋅m 2.” Common symbols denoting some physical quantities such as mp, bp, pH etc should be given in Roman type instead of italic type.FontsFor Electronic Submission, use of the following Adobe Type 1 fonts is recommended: Times Roman, Helvetica, Courier, Symbol, Palatino, Avant Garde, Bookman, and Zapf Dingbats. In order to produce properly generated PDF files which have good performance, use only Times (in roman, bold or italic), Symbol, and Zapf Dingbats fonts from the standard PostScript set of fonts. Some critical problems have arisen when using Cyrillic and Asian fonts. In the case that these kinds of fonts are used in graphics, please take great care.Page NumbersDO NOT input any page numbers. They will be added by the staff of CSJ Editorial Office.References and Notes1 N. P. Balsara, L. J. Fetters, N. Hadjichristidis, D. J. Lohse, C. C. Han, W. W. Graessley, R. Krishnamoorti, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 1999, 32, 6137.2F. Minisci, Synthesis 1973, 1;G. A. Olah, T. D. Ernst, J. Org. Chem. 1989, 54, 1203;H. Takeuchi, T. Adachi, H. Nishiguchi, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1991, 1524; S. Seko, N. Kawamura, J. Org. Chem. 1996, 62, 442.3a) H. Tsutsui, Y. Hayashi, K. Narasaka, Chem. Lett. 1997, 317. b) K. Uchiyama, M. Yoshida, Y. Hayashi, K. Narasaka, Chem. Lett. 2004, 33, 607; 2004, 33, 609. c) M. Kitamura, S. Chiba, K. Narasaka, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., in press.4 S. Mori, K. Uchiyama, Y. Hayashi, K. Narasaka, E. Nakamura, Chem. Lett. 1998, 111.5 R. Hearn, M. K. R. G. Russell, Ann. Rheum. Dis. 1983, 42, Suppl. 1, 39.6 R. Hearn, Jr., M. K. R. G. Russell, Org. Synth. 1983, Coll. Vol. III , 39.7G. D. Wignall, in Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering , 2nd ed., ed. by H. F. Mark, N. M. Bikales, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1999, Vol. 10, Chap. 6, pp. 112–150.4 8J. K. Stille, in The Chemistry of the Metal-Carbon Bond, ed. by F.R. Hartley, Wiley, Chichester, 1985, p. 9.9Endofullerenes, ed. by T. Akasaka, S. Nagase, Kluwer Academic,Dordrecht, 2002.10Presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society ofJapan, Higashi-Osaka, March 23–27, 1992, Abstr., No. 2171.11 D.-Y. Zhou, L.-B. Zhang, M. Minato, M. Yamasaki, T. Ito, 44thSymposium on Organometallic Chemistry, Hiroshima, Japan,September, 1997, Abstr., No. A203.12J. J. Weldon, S. Schmidt, W. F. M. Debboun, Abstracts of Papers,225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, U.S.A., March23–27, 2003.13H. F. Lockwood, U.S. Patent 3759835, 1965; Chem. Abstr.1970,73, 46241q.14H. Tsutsui, Y. Hayashi, K. Narasaka, Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho 8781,417, 1987; Chem. Abstr.1991, 114, 216542.15G. Belton, PCT Int. Appl. WO 90 13,124,21, 1989.16L. Bagnulo, Eur. Pat. Appl. EP 402,988, 1990.17H. Tsutsui, Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 1987; A.Sawada, M.S. Thesis, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1995.18J. Frisch, G. W. Trucks, H. B. Schlegel, G. E. Scuseria, M. A.Robb, J. R. Cheeseman, J. B. Foresman, J. Cioslowski, J. V. Ortiz,B. B. Stefanov, G. Liu, A. Liashenko,C. Gonzalez, M.Challacombe, P. M. W. Gill, B. G. Johnson, W. C. M. Head-Gordon, E. S. Replogle, J. A. Pople, Gaussian 98 (Revision A.7),Gaussian, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, 2001.19 A. M. Sheldrick, SHELX 97-Programs for Crystal StructureAnalysis, Göttingen, Germany, 1998.20Supporting Information is also available electronically on the CSJ-Journal Web site, diagram is acceptable in a colored form. Publication of the colored G.A. is free of charge.If the data of your G.A. is "bit-mapped image" data (not "vector data"), note that its print-resolution should be 300 dpi.You are requested to put a brief abstract (50-60words, one paragraph style) with the graphical abstract you provided, so thatreaders can easily understand the graphic shows.6。
ISHVAC2011INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORSDEADLINESThe deadline for submitting electronic manuscripts is April 1st, 2011.Reviewer’s comm ents will be sent to the corresponding author by May 1st, 2011.Paper in final format is due by June 1st, 2011.INTRODUCTIONThese instructions are intended to guide authors in preparing papers for the 7th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning – ISHVAC 2011. The Proceedings of ISHVAC 2011will be produced from the electronic originals sent by the authors. The production of the Proceedings requires high-quality images as well as a standardized format. In preparing manuscripts, these instructions and the sample paper must be used as a guide. Failure to conform to the format requirements may result in rejection of a manuscript.During the conference, attendees will receive a copy of booklet that contains all the accepted abstracts. They will also receive a compact disk (CD) containing Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2011), which contains a full set of conference papers. Printed paper proceedings can be ordered in the conference at an additional cost.PAPER LENGTH AND MARGINSPapers are limited to six pages (maximum), including references, figures, and tables. Shorter papers are welcome. Please do not number the manuscript.Margin requirements must be followed (see Table 1).Table 1. Margin requirements for papers in ISHVAC 2011.Margin ISO A4 (210 ⨯ 297 mm) U.S. (8.5 ⨯ 11 inches)Top Bottom Left Right 25 mm2525250.7 inches0.61.11.1FONT AND LINE SPACINGThe text of the paper must be in 12 pt Times or 12 pt Times New Roman font. Use “single spaced” line spacing throughout. As shown in the sample paper, leave a blank line before titles, headings and captions and leave a blank line before and after equations. Also, leave a blank line between paragraphs in the text. However, please do not leave a blank line between references.SPELLING AND GRAMMARPlease check English grammar and spelling carefully before submitting your paper. MS Word permits the selection of the dictionary used. Select <English (U.S.)> or <English (U.K.)>. If you are not accustomed to preparing technical writing in English, it is highly recommended that you obtain editorial assistance with your manuscript before submitting it. MATHEMATICAL SYMBOLS AND EQUATIONSFor equations that cannot be entered on a single line, use the Equation Editor in MS Word. In equations and in the text, italicize symbols that are used to represent variables or parameters, including subscripts and superscripts. Only use characters and symbols that are available in the Equation Editor, in the Symbol font or in Times New Roman.UNITS OF MEASUREThe SI (metric) units should be used for papers submitted to ISHVAC 2011. In cases where other units of measure would facilitate communication, they may be placed in parentheses after the SI measure.SUBMITTING YOUR PAPERAuthors should submit the paper as an MS Word (Windows or Macintosh) file online (). The electronic copy of your file should be named according to this convention: <ID>.doc, where “ID” represents the unique abstract identification number that was assigned at the time the abstract was submitted. All future correspondences, including assignment to sessions for presentation, will be based on your abstract identification number. MANUSCRIPT REVIEWMembers of the ISHVAC 2011 International Scientific Committee and other invited reviewers will review all submitted manuscripts. Results of the reviews will be communicated by email by May 1st, 2011 to the corresponding author. If your paper requires revision, the final revised paper is due by June 1st, 2011, and should be submitted following the same manuscript submittal instructions specified above.PRIOR PUBLICATION AND COPYRIGHTThe agreement to publish(see the last page of this document) must be emailed to ishvac2011@ after full paper is submitted.COMMERCIALISMCommercialism will not be acceptable in the presentation materials, whether oral, poster, or printed paper.SAMPLE PAPER FOR ISHVAC 2011[use Times or Times New Roman font throughout the paper; all text, except for the title, is 12 pt; title style: Bold 14 pt UPPERCASE] [leave two blank lines following the title line]X. Zhang1,*, Y.X. Zhu2 and Y.G. Li3[leave one blank line between the authors and their affiliations]1Institute of HVAC and Gas Engineering, Tongji University,Shanghai 200092, China2Department of Building Science, Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084, China3Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong, China[leave two blank lines between author affiliations and “abstract”]ABSTRACT [major heading style: Bold 12 pt, UPPERCASE]Prepare an informative abstract of up to 150 words based on the completed paper. The abstract should provide a concise synthesis of the entire paper, including the purpose of the study, approach, main findings, and interpretation of their significance. The abstract should be a self-contained statement that summarizes the entire paper. Please do not use references and figures in the abstract.[leave one blank line between the abstract and “keywords”]KEYWORDSISHVAC 2011, Paper instruction, Paper number, Deadlines, Agreement to publish[select up to five terms or brief phrases, which describe the contents of your paper. Phrases should not contain more than three words.][leave one blank line between keywords and “introduction”]INTRODUCTIONThe introduction should start with problem statements. It should present the current state-of-the art, and finish with the objective of studies.[leave one blank line before major heading]RESEARCH METHODSThis section should describe the study design and procedures. Measurement and statistical methods should be mentioned, but for routine methods a reference rather than a description of the method is recommended. If the studies are carried out computationally, it is essential to provide the numerical models used or to refer to a source with which the reader can find more details.[leave one blank line before major heading]* Corresponding author email: ishvac2011@ [give email address of the corresponding author in footnote]RESULTSISHVAC has been successfully hosted six times, which was held every four years from 1991 to 2007. From the year 2007, the scientific committee decided to change the interval into two years. ISHVAC2011 was jointly organized by Tongji University, Tsinghua University and The University of Hong Kong. So, welcome to ISHVAC 2011, and welcome to Shanghai, the modern city of China.[leave one blank line between paragraphs throughout]Figure 1. The number of accepted papers in ISHVAC history[leave one blank line between a figure and a table]Table 1. The number of accepted papers in ISHVAC historyNumber of accepted papers Year150 1999170 2003180 2007270 2009[leave one blank line between a table and the following text]Figures and tablesIn general, figures and other illustrations should be used when they are shorter, clearer, or more effective than explanations in words. Avoid tables and figures that duplicate each other or present superfluous data. Tables and figures should be inserted in the text near the place they are first mentioned.[leave one blank line between text and a subheading]EquationsEquations should be numbered at the right margin, as in the example below:[leave one blank line before an equation]E(n)=1πσTexp-12T-μT()2σT2⎛⎝⎫⎭⎪⎪ (1)[leave one blank line after an equation ]where T μ and σT are the mean value and standard deviation, respectively, of the temperature, T , and n is the number of level crossings. Define all symbols the first time they are used.Names and units [keep the subheading with the text next ]The metric system (SI units) should be used. For clarity of communication, other units may be used to supplement SI units, but must be placed in parentheses. Names of microorganisms should be in italic (e.g ., E. coli). Frequently used technical terms may be abbreviated after the first time they are mentioned: e.g., “semivolatile organic compounds (SVOC) can …”.DISCUSSIONThe most important findings of the paper should be put into perspective with prior knowledge. Possible sources of error that may affect the interpretation of the results should also be discussed.CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONSDo not simply repeat results or discussion, but provide some overall comments on the findings and their applicability in other settings or applications. The discussion of implications should tell the reader what the importance of the work is for others including researchers, building designers, owners and operators, or occupants.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSA short section may acknowledge assistance. Sources of financial aid should always be noted. For example, “The sample paper is modified from the author’s instructions of ISHVAC 2011.”REFERENCESCite the source by enclosing the author's name and the date of the paper in parentheses and inserting this in the text within parentheses. (NOTE : there is no comma between name and date). Two authors' names may be included; for three or more, use "et al". For example.... a feeling of thermal comfort is related to air speed (Kimura and Tanabe 1993, Hanzawa et al. 1982). ... of such effect were clearly defined (Fanger 1970); however, ...If the author's name has just been mentioned, only the date need be inserted within parentheses. For example.... were clearly defined by Fanger (1970); however, ...If the "author" is an organization, use initials. For exampleASHRAE (1992) has used the work from other people (Fanger 1970, Hanzawa et al. 1982) in its standard….If web links are used and no author ’s name and date are available, use (Anon, Anon A, AnonB) and place those weblinks on the top of the references. For exampleIf you want to know more about ISHVAC 2011 conference, please look at their web site (Anon.) The conference is sponsored by Tongji University (Anon. A)Do not use blank lines between references. Instead, use a hanging indent of 0.6 cm (0.25 inches), as in the examples below.Anonymity /, last accessed on 5 March 2011.Anonymity A /, last accessed on 5 March 2011.ASHRAE. 1992. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-1992,Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy, Atlanta: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.Chen Q. 1988. Indoor airflow, air quality and energy consumption of buildings, Ph.D. Thesis, Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands).Chen Q. and Wang L. 2004. Coupling of multizone program CONTAM with simplified CFD program CFD0-C, Final Report for NIST RFQ-03-Q-9537, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University (USA).Fanger PO. 1970. Thermal Comfort. Copenhagen: Danish Technical Press.Hanzawa H, Melikov AK, and Fanger PO. 1987. Air flow characteristics in the occupied zone of ventilated spaces, ASHRAE Transactions. 93 : 10-20.Kimura K. and Tanabe S. 1993. Recommended air velocity against combinations of temperature and humidity for sedentary occupants in summer clothing, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate –Indoor Air ’93, Helsinki: Indoor Air ’93, Vol 6, pp 61-66.The following text must be emailed to ishvac2011@ after full paper is submitted. Please do not send the following text as an attachment, but cut and paste the following text into your email. Failure to email the text may delay in reviewing your paper.Agreement to PublishPublication:Proceedings of ISHVAC 2011, the 7th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air ConditioningPlease complete the information requested as follows:Corresponding author:Affiliation:Email address:Co-author(s):Paper (abstract) ID:Manuscript title:Paper topic:Index words:Please do not change the text below:The author who sends this email represents and warrants that he/she (with the co-authors listed above) is the author of the manuscript and its future revisions named above. By signing this form electronically through sending this document to ishvac2011@, the author, on behave of all the co-authors if any, affirms that their paper has not been published elsewhere and that there will be no violation of copyright by its publication in the ISHVAC 2011Conference Proceedings (CD or print version); and, grants to ISHVAC 2011 nonexclusive copyright permission to include their paper in the CD and print proceedings. The “nonexclusive” permission means that ISHVAC 2011 would not restrict any future use of the material by the author for any other publication purposes.The author assigns to ISHVAC 2011the right to publish, reproduce, sell, reprint, and translate the manuscript, in whole or in part, in this and other publications. ISHVAC 2011 reserves these rights in print, digital, and all forms of electronic media, whether now known or hereafter invented. The author also acknowledges that ISHVAC 2011 has the right to abstract or index the manuscript and the right to offer the manuscript to abstracting or indexing services. The author also agrees that the paper abstract will be published in a booklet of ISHVAC 2011.It is understood by the author that ISHVAC 2011, in accepting the manuscript for publication, does not accept any responsibility for the manuscript’s content and accuracy nor for the manuscript containing matter that is libelous or otherwise unlawful, that invades individual privacy, or that infringes on proprietary rights.ISHVAC 2011 agrees that, if the manuscript and its future revisions are not accepted by ISHVAC 2011, all rights to the manuscript revert to the author.。
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1. Aims and scopeThe European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry publishes studies on all aspects of medicinal chemistry, including organic synthesis; biological behaviour; pharmacological activity; drug design; QSAR; molecular modelling; drug-receptor interactions; molecular aspects of drug metabolism; prodrug synthesis and drug targeting. The journal accepts papers from any country, European or otherwise, and provides a medium for publication of the following articles:Original papers are full papers describing original research of high scientific level and timeliness. They are definitive reports on a full study.Short communications are shorter pieces of work and report limited studies of the same level as described in original papers.Preliminary Communications are also limited studies but describe particu-larly novel and significant new findings which shall be developed further in the future.Laboratory notes are focused on practical aspects. They may deal with an original synthesis of a series of compounds or with new pharmacological methods.Review articles are specially commissioned by the Editors and may embrace the results of various workers in a given area or may feature recent develop-ments from the author’s own laboratory. A review that is distinguished by a novel interpretation or representation of earlier findings is especially suitable. The Editors welcome inquiries concerning the suitability of a particular topic for a review article.In addition, a book review section appears in the journal from time to time. 2. Submission of manuscripts2.1 GeneralManuscripts must be written in English. It is essential to give a fax number and e-mail address for the corresponding author when submitting a manuscript. Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the Publisher.Manuscripts will be evaluated by the Reading Committee which maintains the option of requesting that the authors modify their texts. Their originality and quality are determined by at least two independent referees. To insure a timely publication process, authors are requested to read the following instructions carefully and to prepare their manuscript accordingly.There are no submission fees or page charges for papers published in The European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.Articles and any other material published in The European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry represent the opinions of the author(s) and should not be construed to reflect the opinions of the Editor and the Publisher.2.2 Submission of manuscriptsEuropean Journal of Medicinal Chemistry uses a Web-based online manuscript submission and review system. Authors must submit their manuscript to one of the Editors (see below) via the online submission page / ejmech.Editor-in-ChiefProfessor Olivier Lafont, Châtenay-Malabry Cedex, France.Associate Editors:Dr Salvatore Guccione, Catania, Italy.Prof. Antonio Monge-Vega, Pamplona, Spain.Authors will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of the various files. The system automatically converts source files to a single Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the article, which is used in the peer-review process. Please note that even though manuscript source files are converted to PDF at submission for the review process, these source files are needed for further processing after acceptance. All correspondence, including notification of the editor’s decision and requests for revision, takes place by e-mail and via the author’s home page. A printed copy of the manuscript is not required at any stage of the process.Manuscripts should be accompanied by a graphical abstract (submitted as a separate document) for the contents list and a cover letter outlining the basic findings of the paper and their significance, as well as the names and contact details of 4–6 potential referees.3. Copyright guidelinesUpon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to transfer copyright (for more information on copyright see /copyright). This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information. An e-mail will be sent to the corresponding author confirming receipt of the manuscript.A form facilitating transfer of copyright will be provided. If excerpts from other copyrighted works are included, the author(s) must obtain written permission from the copyright owners and credit the source(s) in the article. Elsevier Science has preprinted forms for use by authors in these cases: contact ES Global Rights Department, P.O. Box 800, Oxford, OX5 1DX, UK; phone: (+ 44) 1865 843830, fax: (+ 44) 1865 853333, e-mail: permissions@ 4. Presentation of manuscriptManuscripts should be written in good English. Italics are not to be used for expressions of Latin origin, for example, in vivo, et al., per se. Use decimal points (not commas); use a space for thousands (10 000 and above).Ensure that each new paragraph is clearly indicated. Manuscript pages should be numbered consecutively and organized as follows : Title Page, Main text, Acknowledgement, References, Figure captions, Tables, Figures and Schemes.I f possible, consult a recent issue of the journal to become familiar with layout and conventions. For a free online sample copy, please go to www. .Graphical abstracts:Authors must supply a graphical abstract for inclusion in the journal’s graphical table of contents. The abstract should summarise the contents of the paper in a concise, pictorial form designed to capture the atten-tion of a wide readership. Carefully drawn chemical structures are desired that serve to illustrate the theme of the paper. Authors may also provide appropriate text, not exceeding 30 words. The content of the graphical abstract will be type-set and should be kept within an area of 5 cm by 17 cm. Authors must supply the graphical abstract separately as an electronic file.Title page: Provide the following data on the title page (in the order given). Title. Concise and informative. Avoid abbreviations and formulae wherepossible.Author names and affiliations.Where the family name may be ambiguous(e.g., a double name), please indicate this clearly. Present the authors’affili-ation addresses (where the actual work was done) below the names. Indicate all affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author’s name and in front of the appropriate address. Provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name, and, if available, the e-mail address of each author.Corresponding author.Clearly indicate who is willing to handle correspon-dence at all stages of refereeing and publication, also post-publication.European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Instructions to authorsEnsure that telephone and fax numbers (with country and area code) are provided in addition to the e-mail address and the complete postal address.Abstract.A concise and factual abstract of no more than 120 words is required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. An abstract is often presented sepa-rate from the article, so it must be able to stand alone.Keywords. Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 3–6 key-words, avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for example, ‘and’, ‘of’). Be sparing with abbreviations: only abbreviations firmly established in the field may be eligible. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes.Abbreviations.Define abbreviations that are not standard in this field in a footnote to be placed on the first page of the article. Such abbreviations that are unavoidable in the abstract must be defined at their first mention there, as well as in the footnote. Ensure consistency of abbreviations throughout the article.Main text:The manuscript should be written as clearly and concisely as possi-ble. The author is responsible for providing the correct nomenclature which must be consistent and unambiguous. The use of chemical names for drugs is preferred. The text should be arranged in the following order: Introduction, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Experimental protocols. Each section should be clearly marked with a separate, numbered heading and may be numbered down to the fourth order.Footnotes should be designated in the text by superscript numbers and listed on a separate sheet, starting with the title; in tables they should be noted by super-script letters and placed at the bottom of the page containing the table. Analytical data should be included for examination by the editor and referees. However, these data will not be printed if they agree within ±0.4 % with calculatedvalues, but may be noted as follows: ‘Anal. C14H15NO3(C, H, N, O)’,with thementioning under Experimental protocols: ‘Analyses indicated by the symbols of the elements or functions were within ±0.4 % of the theoretical values’. Instructions regarding GenBank/DNA Sequence Linking:DNA sequences and GenBank Accesion numbers:Many Elsevier journals cite “gene accession numbers” in their running text and footnotes. Gene accession numbers refer to genes or DNA sequences about which further information can be found in the database at the National Center for Biotechnical Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine. Elsevier authors wishing to enable other scien-tists to use the accession numbers cited in their papers via links to these sources, should type this information in the following manner: For each and every accession number cited in an article, authors should type the accession number in bold, underlined text. Letters in the accession number should always be capitalised. (See Example 1 below). This combination of letters and format will enable Elsevier’s typesetters to recognize the relevant texts as accession numbers and add the required link to GenBank’s sequences. Example 1:“GenBank accession nos. AI631510, AI631511, AI632198, and BF223228, a B-cell tumor from a chronic lymphatic leukemia (GenBank accession no. BE675048), and a T-cell lymphoma (GenBank accession no. AA361117)”.Authors are encouraged to check accession numbers used very carefully. An error in a letter or number can result in a dead link.In the final version of the printed article, the accession number text will not appear bold or under-lined (see Example 2 below).Example 2:“GenBank accession nos. AI631510, AI631511, AI632198, and BF223228, a B-cell tumor from a chronic lymphatic leukemia (GenBank accession no. BE675048), and a T-cell lymphoma (GenBank accession no. AA361117)”.In the final version of the electronic copy, the accession number text will be linked to the appropriate source in the NCBI databases enabling readers to go directly to that source from the article.Acknowledgments:Place acknowledgements, including information on grants received, before the references, in a separate section, and not as a footnote on the title page. References:Responsibility for the accuracy of bibliographic citations lies entirely with the authors. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Any references cited in the abstract must be given in full. Unpublished results and personal communica-tions should not be in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text. Citation of a reference as ‘in press’implies that the item has been accepted for publication.Text:Indicate references by number(s) in square brackets in line with the text. The actual authors can be referred to, but the reference number(s) must always be given.Example: “... as demonstrated [3,6]. Barnaby and Jones [8] obtained a different result...”List:Number the references (numbers in square brackets) in the list in the order in which they appear in the text.Examples:Reference to a journal publication:[1]H. Ulbrich, B. Fiebich, G. Dannhardt, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 37 (2002)953–959.Reference to a book:[2] C. Melchiorre, M. Giannella (Eds.), Highlights in Receptor Chemistry,Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984.Reference to a chapter in an edited book:[3] J.P. Buyniski, R.L. Cavanagh, A.W. Pircio, A.A. Algieri, R.R. Crenshaw,in: C. Melchiorre, M. Giannella (Eds.), Highlights in Receptor Chemistry, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984, pp. 195–215.Figure legends, tables, figures, schemes:Present these, in this order, at the end of the article. They are described in more detail below. High-resolution graphics files must always be provided separate from the main text file (see Preparation of illustrations).Captions:Ensure that each illustration has a caption. Supply captions on a separate sheet, not attached to the figure. A caption should comprise a brief title (not on the figure itself) and a description of the illustration. Keep text in the illustrations themselves to a minimum but explain all symbols and abbrevia-tions used.Tables:Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Place footnotes to tables below the table body and indicate them with superscript lowercase letters. Avoid vertical rules. Be sparing in the use of tables and ensure that the data presented in tables do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article.Figures and Schemes: Figures and Schemes should be consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals, according to their order of appearance in the main text. Any lettering (symbols, numbers, etc.) in the illustrations should be used in a consistent way and be of consistent size. Mark the appropriate position of a figure/scheme in the text.Text graphics:Present incidental graphics not suitable for mention as figures, plates or schemes at the end of the article and number them ‘Graphic 1’, etc. Their precise position in the text can then be defined similarly (both on the manuscript and in the file). Ensure that high-resolution graphics files are pro-vided, even if the graphic appears as part of your normal wordprocessed text file.5. Illustrations5.1 Preparation of electronic illustrationsSubmitting your artwork in an electronic format helps us to produce your work to the best possible standards, ensuring accuracy, clarity and a high level of detail.General pointsAlways supply high-quality printouts of your artwork, in case conversion of the electronic artwork is problematic.Make sure you use uniform lettering and sizing of your original artwork.Only use the following fonts in your illustrations: Arial, Courier, Helvetica, Times, Symbol.Number the illustrations according to their sequence in the text.Use a logical naming convention for your artwork files, and supply a separate listing of the files and the software used.Provide all illustrations as separate files and as hardcopy printouts on separate sheets.Provide captions to illustrations separately.Produce images near to the desired size of the printed version or larger. If providing larger than intended publication size, please scale text such that it will remain readable after reduction.To help authors provide actual size graphics, it is suggested that the following settings be used with CSC ChemDraw TM and I SI S Draw TM: font 10 pt Helvetica, chain angle 120°, bond spacing 18 % of length, fixed length 14.4 pt (0.508 cm), bold width 2.0 pt (0.071 cm), line width 0.6 pt (0.021 cm), margin width 1.6 pt (0.056 cm), and hash spacing 2.5 pt (0.088 cm). Compound num-bers should be in boldface. With these settings, to ensure a proper size, the graphic must be printed at 70 %. In order to accurately design schematics to print out at the proper width with the reduction, the original drawing cannot exceed a column width of 12.0 cm (for single column) and 25.0 cm (for double column). To produce a double column width landscape mode will need to be used.A detailed guide on electronic artwork is available on our website: /artworkinstructionsYou are urged to visit this site; some excerpts from the detailed informa-tion are given here.FormatsRegardless of the application used, when your electronic artwork is finalised, please “save as” or convert the images to one of the following formats (Note the resolution requirements for line drawings, halftones, and line/halftone com-binations given below.):EPS: Vector drawings. Embed the font or save the text as “graphics”. TIFF: Colour or greyscale photographs (halftones): always use a minimum of 300 dpi. For colour images always use CMYK.TIFF: Bitmapped line drawings: use a minimum of 1000 dpi.TIFF: Combinations bitmapped line/half-tone (colour or greyscale): a mini-mum of 500 dpi is required.DOC, XLS or PPT: I f your electronic artwork is created in any of these Microsoft Office applications please supply “as is”.Please do not:Supply embedded graphics in your wordprocessor (spreadsheet, presenta-tion) document;Supply files that are optimised for screen use (like GIF, BMP, PICT, WPG);the resolution is too low;Supply files that are too low in resolution;Submit graphics that are disproportionately large for the content.5.2 Preparation of non-electronic illustrationsProvide all illustrations as high-quality printouts, suitable for reproduction (which may include reduction) without retouching. Submit colour illustrations as original photographs, high-quality computer prints or transparencies, close to the size expected in publication, or as 35 mm slides. Number illustrations consecutively in the order in which they are referred to in the text. They should accompany the manuscript, but should not be included within the text. Clearly mark all illustrations on the back (or – in case of line drawings – on the lower front side) with the figure number and the author’s name and, in cases of ambi-guity, the correct orientation.Line drawingsSupply high-quality printouts on white paper produced with black ink. The lettering and symbols, as well as other details, should have proportionate dimensions, so as not to become illegible or unclear after possible reduction; in general, the figures should be designed for a reduction factor of two to three. The degree of reduction will be determined by the Publisher. Illustrations will not be enlarged. Consider the page format of the journal when designing the illustrations. Photocopies are not suitable for reproduction. Do not use any type of shading on computer-generated illustrations.Photographs (halftones)Please supply original photographs for reproduction, printed on glossy paper, very sharp and with good contrast. Remove non-essential areas of a photo-graph. Do not mount photographs unless they form part of a composite figure.Where necessary, insert a scale bar in the illustration (not below it), as opposed to giving a magnification factor in the legend.Note that photocopies of photographs are not acceptable.5.3. Colourfigure chargesColour in print:Colour figures may be printed in the journal at no charge to the author, provided that the Editor considers the colour necessary to convey sci-entific information. In all other instances, costs of colour reproduction will be entirely charged to the authors.Colour on the Web:as a new feature any figure can appear free of charge in colour in the web version of your article (e.g. on ScienceDirect), regardless of whether or not this is reproduced in colour in the printed version. Please note that if you do not opt for colour in print, you should submit relevant figures in both colour (for the web) and black and white (for print).5.4. Supplementary materialElsevier accepts electronic supplementary material to support and enhance your scientific research. Supplementary files offer the author additional possibilities to publish supporting applications, movies, animation sequences, high-resolution images, background datasets, sound clips, and more. Supplementary files supplied will be published online alongside the electronic version of your article in Elsevier web products, including ScienceDirect . 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ProofsOne set of page proofs in PDF format will be sent by e-mail to the correspon-ding author and should be returned with corrections as quickly as possible, normally within 48 hours of receipt of the proofs. Should there be no corrections, please confirm this. The Publisher reserves the right to proceed with publication if corrections are not communicated.Elsevier will do everything possible to get your article corrected and published as quickly and accurately as possible. In order to do this we need your help. When you receive the (PDF) proof of your article for correction, it is important to ensure that all of your corrections are sent back to us in one communication. Subsequent corrections will not be possible, so please ensure your first sending is complete. Note that this does not mean you have any less time to make your corrections, just that only one set of corrections will be accepted.7. ReprintsThe corresponding author, at no cost, will be provided with a PDF file of the article via e-mail or, alternatively, with twenty-five free paper offprints. The PDF file is a watermarked version of the published article and includes a cover sheet with the journal cover image and a disclaimer outlining the terms and conditions of use.8. Author enquiriesVisit the /trackarticle for the facility to track accepted articles and set up e-mail alerts to inform you of when an article’s status has changed.Contact details for questions arising after acceptance of an article, especially those relating to proofs, are provided after registration of an article for publication.April 2007。