UNIT 13 Construction and Application of D.C. Machines(兰州交通大学 电气工程专业英语翻译)




Table of ContentsUuit 1 What is Geomatics? (什么是测绘学) 2Unit 2 Geodetic Surveying and Plane Surveying(大地测量与平面测量) 6Unit 3 Distance Measurement(距离测量) 10Unit 4 Angle and Direction Measurement(角度和方向测量) 14Unit 5 Traversing (导线测量) 18Unit 6 Methods of Elevation Determination(高程测量方法) 22Unit 7 Robotic Total Station (智能型全站仪) 26Unit 8 Errors in Measurement(测量工作中的误差) 30Unit 9 Basic Statistical Analysis of Random Errors 34Unit 10 Accuracy and Precision (准确度和精度) 37Unit 11 Least-Squares Adjustment 40Unit 12 Geodesy Concepts 42Unit 13 Geoid and Reference Ellipsoid 44Unit 14 Datums, Coordinates and Conversions 46Unit 15 Map Projection 48Unit 16 Gravity Measurment 51Unit 17 Optimal Design of Geomatics Network 53Unit 18 Construction Layout (施工放样) 56Unit 19 Deformation Monitoring of Engineering Struvture 59Unit 20 Understan ding the GPS(认识 GPS) 62Uuit 21 Understanding the GPS (II) 认识 GPS(II) 65Unit 22 Competition in Space Orbit(太空轨道上的竞争) 68Unit 23 GIS Basics(GIS 的基础) 73Unit 24 Data Types and Models in GIS GIS中的数据类型和模型 79 Unit 25 Digital Terrain Modeling(数字地面模型) 83Unit 26 Applications of GIS 88Unit 27 Developments of photogrammetry 92Unit 28 Fundamentals of Remote Sensing (遥感的基础) 95Unit 29 Digital Image Processing and Its Applications in RS 99Unit 30 Airborne Laser Mapping Technology(机载激光测图技术) 104Unit 31 Interferometric SAR(InSAR) 108Unit 32 Brief Introduction toApplied Geophysics 110Unit 33 Origon of Induced Polarization 112Unit 34 International Geoscience Organization 115Unit 35 Prestigious Journals in Geomatics 118Unit 36 Relevant Surveying Instrument Companies 123Unit 37 Expression of Simple Equations and ScientificFormulsa 124Unit 38 Professional English Paper Writing 128Unit 39 Translation Techniques for EST 136Uuit 1 What is Geomatics? (什么是测绘学)Geomatics Defined(测绘学定义)Where does the word Geomatics come from?(Geomatics-测绘或地球空间信息学,这个名词是怎么来的呢?) GEODESY+GEOINFORMATICS=GEOMATICS or GEO- for earth and – MATICS for mathematical or GEO- for Geoscience and -MATICS for informatics. (大地测量学+地理信息学=GEOMATICS 测绘学或者geo 代表地球,matics 代表数学,或者 geo 代表地球科学,matics 代表信息学) It has been said that geomatics is many things to many people.(据说测绘学这个词对不同的人有不同的理解) The term geomatics emerged first in Canada and as an academic discipline; it has been introduced worldwide in a number of institutes of higher education during the past few years, mostly by renaming what was previously called “geodesy” or“surveying”, and by adding a number of computer scienceand/or GIS-oriented courses.(这个术语【term 术语】作为一个学科【academicdiscipline 学科】第一次形成【emerge】于加拿大;在过去的几年里被全世界的许多高等教育研究机构所熟知,通常是以前的“大地测量学” 或“测量学”在引入了许多计算机科学和 GIS 方向【或“基于GIS”】的课程后重新命名的。


• It should be obvious that since the primary winding also experiences flux changes, there is a primary e.m.f. self-induced this time. With winding 1 excited, the primary e.m.f. would be equal to N1dΦ 11/dt. This is practically in phase opposition to (与---反相 )the applied terminal voltage V1 and limits the current to a very much smaller value than V1/R1, where R1 is the primary resistance( 原边电阻).
• Looked at another way, the leakage flux Φ 1 which links N1 turns alone and “leaks” between the two windings without linking the N2 turns, is a much smaller fraction of the total, making for(有助于, 倾向于) more efficient energy transfer.
This e.m.f. would drive a load current through any circuit connected to the terminals of the second coil. Energy would then be transferred through the medium of the magnetic field(磁场媒介) from coil 1 toof component Φ 1 is unchanged, however, since it is produced by primary current alone and is therefore in phase with it. Further, even with an iron core the reluctance offered to Φ 1 is still predominantly due to its path in air so that the leakage flux remains virtually proportional to the primary current providing(=provided) the iron path is not greatly saturated(饱和). The e.m.f. -N1dΦ 1/dt may thus be treated as if it were due to an unsaturated inductance of magnitude N12∧1. The corresponding leakage reactance is a dominant factor in transformer behavior(characteristic).



工程建设地方标准编号:DBJ ××××—2020 建设工程施工现场远程视频监控系统建设应用标准(征求意见稿)Construction and application standard for remote video monitoring system of construction site2020—××—××发布 2020年—××—××实施福建省工程建设地方标准建设工程施工现场远程视频监控系统建设应用标准(征求意见稿)Construction and application standard for remote video monitoringsystem of construction site工程建设地方标准编号:DBJ ×××—2020住房和城乡建设部备案号:JXXX—2020主编单位:XXXXXXXX批准部门:福建省住房和城乡建设厅实施日期:2020年月2020 福州前言根据福建省住房和城乡建设厅XXX的文件要求,编制组经过深入调查研宄,认真总结实践经验,参考国内相关标准,在广泛征求意见的基础上,制定了本标准。



在执行过程中如有意见或建议,将有关意见或建议反馈给福建省住房和城乡建设厅(地址:福州市北大路242号,邮编:350001)或XXX公司(地址:XXX,邮编:XXX)本标准主编单位:XXXXXX本标准参编单位:本标准主要起草人:本标准主要审查人员:目录1 总则 (1)2 术语 (2)3 基本规定 (3)4 系统设计要求 (4)4.1 一般规定 (4)4.2 总体架构 (4)4.3 数据采集与存储要求 (5)4.4 数据传输与接口要求 (5)4.5 企业视频监控平台要求 (6)5 施工现场部署与设备要求 (8)5.1监控设备布设要求 (8)5.2主要设备的技术指标 (9)6 监控设备安装与维护 (12)7 远程视频监控系统应用要求 (13)1 总则1.0.1 为加强福建省建设工程重大危险源管控,规范施工现场远程视频监控系统应用,提高施工现场信息化管理水平,特制定本标准。




The level of laboratory construction and management is one of the key evaluation indicators.2.实验室科研成果产出能力是重要评估指标之一。

The output capacity of laboratory research achievements is an important evaluation indicator.3.实验室团队创新能力是评估指标之一。

The innovative ability of laboratory teams is one of the evaluation indicators.4.实验室资金使用效率是评估指标之一。

The efficiency of laboratory fund utilization is one of the evaluation indicators.5.实验室设备运行维护情况是评估指标之一。

The operation and maintenance of laboratory equipment is one of the evaluation indicators.6.实验室管理规范程度是重要评估指标之一。

The standardization of laboratory management is an important evaluation indicator.7.实验室成果转化能力是重点评估指标之一。

The ability of laboratory achievement transformation is one of the key evaluation indicators.8.实验室人才培养质量是评估指标之一。

The quality of talent training in the laboratory is one of the evaluation indicators.9.实验室国际交流合作水平是重要评估指标之一。


2.1 构建企业数据湖,提供统一高效数据服务 近年来,胜利油田加快推进两化融合及生产物
联网的全面建设,实现对生产前端的实时感知 [2], 勘探开发数据总量和数据类型均呈现快速增长的 趋势,给数据资源管理带来了新的挑战。大数据、 人工智能等建设与应用,对数据科学、有序管理 和共享应用提出了更高要求,需要通过加强数据 治理、构建油田数据湖,进一步提升数据资产化管 理能力。
油田勘探开发、生产运行、综合研究等业务 中,机器学习、图形识别、自然语言处理等新技术 应用已由试点摸索转向推广普及。油田精细化管理 的不断推进,业财融合、数据融合、数据联动等跨 专业、跨类型的数据共享应用需求也越来越迫切。 根据上述业务场景应用需求,需全面开展企业数据 治理,建成油田企业数据湖,运行不同类型大数据 工具,对海量数据进行大数据处理、实时分析和机 器学习等操作,将数据加工成信息、将信息加工成 知识,为业务提供知识化服务。
基金项目:中国石油化工股份有限公司科技项目“油田企业勘探开发服务云平台关键技术研究”(编号:P17019-6)。 作者简介:马承杰,1973 年生,1995 年毕业于大庆石油学院计算机软件专业,2013 年获中国石油大学(华东)石油与 天然气工程硕士学位,高级工程师,现任中国石化胜利油田分公司信息化管理中心油田专家,主要从事油田信息化规划、石化 智云平台运营与智能油田建设等工作。E-mail :machengjie.slyt@ 收稿日期:2021-03-27
2021 年第 2 期 73
upstream block. The new informatization model of “data + platform + application” was initially established to help bring about digital transformation of information work. Based on the new informatization construction model, Shengli Oilfield created a new environment for corporate informatization construction and operation, which can “internally maintain effective operation and externally promote development and interconnection”, providing support for the enterprise to bring about digital transformation and development. Key words: digital transformation, data governance, petrochemical intelligent cloud platform, industrial app, informatization, new environment



“互联” +“互通” +“互控” +“交互式管理”
占线转接 无人接听转接
如当值班室的寻呼对讲终端正 在通话或离开岗位、监控中心对 讲终端指定响铃次数后无人接听 或关机状态下,会自动转接到其 它值班室的对讲终端或托管至上 一级指挥中心。



建筑环境与能源应用工程英语英文回答:Building Environment and Energy Application Engineering is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses the design, construction, and operation of buildings with a focus on energy efficiency and sustainability. It combinesprinciples from architecture, engineering, and environmental science to create buildings that are comfortable, healthy, and environmentally responsible. Building Environment and Energy Application Engineering professionals work on a wide range of projects, from small-scale residential homes to large-scale commercial and industrial buildings. They are responsible for designing and implementing systems that control the indoor environment, including heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, and acoustics. They also work to reduce energy consumption and emissions, and to improve the overall sustainability of buildings.Building Environment and Energy Application Engineering is a growing field due to the increasing demand for energy-efficient and sustainable buildings. Building professionals who are trained in this field are in high demand, and they have the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects that make a real difference in the world.Here are some of the key challenges facing Building Environment and Energy Application Engineers:Designing buildings that are energy-efficient and sustainable.Reducing energy consumption and emissions.Improving occupant comfort and health.Creating buildings that are resilient to climate change.Developing new technologies and materials for building construction.Building Environment and Energy Application Engineers are working to meet these challenges by developing new and innovative solutions. They are also working to educate building professionals about the importance of energy efficiency and sustainability.中文回答:建筑环境与能源应用工程是一个多学科领域,涵盖了建筑物的规划、建造和运行,重点是能源效率和可持续性。


So, what is my job?
Yes ,you are right. I’m a lawyer.
I work in the hospital every day. My work is very hard but also very important. I help the doctor and look after the patients. So, what am I ?
Yes ,you are right. I’m a waiter!!
My job is very difficult but interesting. I help people on the court. If I succeed I will get lots of money, but if I fail, I get no money.
a nurse
a doctor
a thief
a shop assistant shop assistants
a bank clerk
bank clerks
a reporter reporters
a cook
a fireman
a postman
a dentist
Rules of some occupations
-er reporter waiter worker
-or actor doctor editor
-ist dentist scientist …
-ian musician librarian magician

unit 13双语阅读-建设有中国特色的社会主义

unit 13双语阅读-建设有中国特色的社会主义






























Unit 13

Unit 13

structural system of concrete building混凝土建筑结构体系Load transfer schemes荷载转移方式reinforced concrete buildings are three-dimensional structures ; however,they are generally constructed as an assemblage of more or less two-dimensional or planar subsystems lying primarily in the horizontal and vertical planes(e.g. floors,roofs,walls,plane frames,etc.).钢筋混凝土建筑物是三维结构;然而,他们通常被构造为更多或更少的二维或平面方向主要放在水平和垂直平面的组合(例如,楼板,屋顶,墙壁,平面框架,等等).As an integrated system,the structure must carry and transfer to the foundation and the ground below all gravity loads on it as well as all horizontal loads and associated overturning moments resulting from wind or earthquake or asymmetry.作为一个完整的体系,结构必须能承担并传递重力荷载、由风荷载或地震荷载或(结构)不对称引起的水平荷载和相关倾覆力矩到基础及其下的土体。

The structural system can,for the sake of convenience,be separated into gravity load resisting schemes and lateral load resisting schemes,although these two are mutually interacting and complementary.结构体系,为方便起见,可分为重力荷载抵抗方案以及抗侧力方案,虽然这两种相互作用和互补。

The Construction and Application of Employment

The Construction and Application of Employment

The Construction and Application of Employment — Oriented Practical Teaching System for English Majors作者:Dan Guo来源:《校园英语·上旬》2017年第01期【Abstract】This paper starts with the investigation of the employment market of English majors,carrys out a rational study of the problems in the teaching Process of English majors in colleges and universities, and an in-depth study of modern professional English teaching methods and means, explores how to establish a practical teaching system to meet the needs of the job market.【Key words】Practical Teaching System for English Majors; Service - Based English Llearning; Curriculum Construction; Teaching Staff ConstructionIntroductionThe employment-oriented teaching is an important development concept of the state according to China's economic development and the current situation of China's national conditions. English major education not only focuses on the teaching of students 'professional knowledge, but also strengthens students' comprehen sive employability training. So that to achieve “zero distance” docking with enterprise, and lay a solid foundation for the success of the entire career.Present Problems in Teaching System of English MajorsI. There are several problems in the traditional professional English teaching process, such as attach importance to teaching than learning, knowledge than ability, language than culture, input than output, written than spoken English, teaching than communication, result than process,and so on.II. Teaching model is single and still continuing the traditional spoon-fed teaching form,students accept the knowledge passively, teachers did not teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and they did not organise any social act ivities according to the students’ employment intention and the teaching materials, so they can not guarantee the effect of class.III. Students do not have a clear career plan. Teachers should help students do the phased industry analysis, plan their career goals on the basis of the employment statistics of previous graduates.IV. Students has not enough off-campus practice and in-depth study in view of the industry,“Internship” is not monitored, practice time is short. There is no guidance and management of the experienced school staff, which affects the quality of practice seriously.Solutions of These ProblemsI. Constructing the Practical Teaching Model of “Service -Based English Learning”The so-called “service learning” is “an educational experience based on the partnership between school and society. Through 'service', 'learning' can enable students to use academic knowledge and critical thinking skills to meet the real needs of society. By using reflection and evaluation, students have a more in-depth understanding of the course contents and civic awareness”(CELTS,2004:3)Z In other words, the service learning is the combining education methods between community service and academic knowledge goals, community work preparation and purposeful reflection. Students participate in service learning and regard direct and indirect community services as part of their academic programs; understand and reflect on the environment of the client, and further understand the close relationship between the service and the academic curriculum. Therefore,service-based learning is an effective learning method, the difference between service-based learning and other educational methods lies in the fact that service-based learning can not be realized within the confines of classroom, campus and subject. Service-based learning involves partnerships between institutions of higher learning and communities, and can influence students from multiple perspectives, service-based learning can help students understand the relationship between theoretical knowledge and practice. As Hale (1999) put it,“creating an experience of presence.”II. Strengthening the Construction of “Applicable Type” CurriculumCurriculum construction is the basic way to achieve the goal of professional training, and the characteristic specialty must be reflected in the course construction and teaching material construction. In reforming or changing the current situation of English teaching, we must keep in mind the real purpose of English learning: to give full play to its role as a tool, use English to communicate appropriately. For English majors, especially those who are sophomores and juniors, it is particularly necessary to have courses in English and American literature, English language culture, and linguistics. which is also the the strength or advantage for English majors to competite with other professional students. Through graduates’ internship experience, most of them are proposing to offer more teaching and practical courses; other students advocate the creation of practical courses such as business English, secretarial English or other disciplines related knowledge. At present, many domestic colleges and universities encourage students to learn English integrated with other disciplines such as education, journalism, international economic law, accounting,business administration, international relations at the same time. Therefore, taking into account the basic skills and vocational skills training, making clear the nature of English courses, taking employment as the orientation, taking job capabilities as the core, developing professional Englishcourse module, cultivate new talents with good skills comprehensive foreign language application skills for all walks of life.III. Strengthening the Construction of “Double - Qualified Teachers”Teaching staff is the root to guarantee the characteristics of the specialized construction, it is unnecessary to build the characteristics of professional teams without qualified teachers. Tilting to the characteristic specialty in the introduction of talent, personnel allocation and talent training. The main measures taken are “to introduce,go out”, that is, making full use of a variety of practical training conditions, professional teachers will be sent to the relevant enterprises for training. From the form, ask them to get the qualification certificate and teacher qualification certificate; in essence, they are required not only have a strong professional theoretical literacy, but also have the operation skills to teach as a skilled craftsman. In addition, employ a small number of part-time teachers from social production and service line. On the one hand, the introduction of their practical experience; on the other hand, they can also lead the professional teachers to build the capacity. To become a qualified English teacher, teachers must understand or master related disciplines such as linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, education, etc.IV. Effective EvaluationAssessment has two meanings: 1. As a means of teaching the examination; 2. As a means of evaluating the teaching reform.First, as a means of checking the effectiveness of teaching, assessment of specific performance for the test. While examining the effectiveness of teaching, the test helps to identify problems in the teaching process and feedback the existing teaching to improve it effectively. At the same time, the test has the feedback and the instruction function to the teaching. The role of testing is significant, people can adjust the content and form of examination to adjust or control the impact of testing on teaching. Assessments are also necessary to measure the effectiveness of certain changes. In the case of any change, no evaluation is incomplete. A two-pronged assessment method, that is, an assessment by internal participants and an assessment of the project results by external experts. Evaluation criteria will be consistent with its purpose, the key is to assess whether the English teaching division task in various stages is scientific; to cultivate and improve learners' communicative competence in English, to help improve the overall level of English teaching in China.Implications and ConclusionService learning is an effective learning method, the difference between service learning and other educational methods is that the service based learning can not be realized in the classroom, the campus and the subject. Service learning can make an inventory of the theory to help studentsunderstand the relationship between theoretical knowledge and practice. (Haiying Cao, 2009,p.57) Professional English teaching system is a three-dimensional language practice environment to meet the social and job needs, that is, context-based project teaching, extra-curricular self-training and off-campus practical training project. Enable students to recognize and build competencies in practice through simulated and real-world professional language applications.References:[1]CELTS.2004.(Center for Excellence in Learning Through Service),Faculty Service-Learning Handbook,p.3.http:///cells/servicelearning/resourees.asp.[2]Hale,A.Service-learning and Spanish:A missing link[A].Hellebrandt,J.&Varona,L.(eds.).Building bridges:Concepts and models for service-learning in Spanish[C].Washington,D.C.:American Association for Higher Education,1999,9-31.[3]Faereh,C.,& Kasper,G.(1983)Strategies in Interlanguage Communication.London:Longman.[4]Haiying Cao.(2009).Research on the relationship of second language acquisition and English learning.Journal of China Education Innovation Herald,57.*项目课题名称:以就业为导向的英语专业实践教学体系的构建与应用,项目类别:辽宁省教育科学“十二五”规划2014年度立项课题,批准号:JG14DB005。


and therefore requires no refractory lining(耐火层) .
The hot gases make a single pass through the horizontal tube bank(集 合) before passing away to exhaust.
The name “tank boiler”(柜型锅炉) is sometimes used for fire tube boilers because of their large water capacity.
The terms(术语) "smoke tube" and "donkey boiler" are also in used.
There are two distinct(截然不同的) types of marine boilers in use on board ship ,the fire-tube boiler in which the hot gases from the furnaces pass through the tubes while the water is on the outside,
The use of small bore tubes fitted with retarders(阻流板) ensures better
heat transfer and cleaner tubes as a result of the turbulent(紊流的) gas
Spanner boilers(多回程式锅炉)
The spanner vertical fire tube boiler uses a patented(专利) design of tube known as “swirlyflo‘.(回旋流动)



Unit One-B
1.6 Some studies of animals and humans have suggested that vitamin A offers some protection against lung cancer.
Unit One-B
1.8 Animal studies show that garlic blocks carcinogens that have been linked to colon and stomach cancer.
Unit One-A
1.3 Vitamins are organic compounds that must be supplied in the diet or injected into the body to maintain health.
Unit One-A
1.4 Vitamins produce no energy but play an essential role in the transformation of energy and in the regulation of metabolism.
Unit One-B
1.1 Overwhelming statistical evidence shows that smokers are more likely to develop cancer of the lung, throat, and tongue than are non-smokers.
Unit One-A
1.5 Vitamins are classified/ distinguished by the letters of the alphabet, such as vitamin A, C,D, E, K and B-complex.



财务共享模式在企业集团的应用研究 ——以海尔为例发布时间:2021-09-03T15:45:36.020Z 来源:《科学与技术》2021年4月第11期作者:陈珍俊[导读] 21世纪是信息时代,信息技术已逐渐融入社会活动的各个领域,众多工作都在陈珍俊山西师范大学经济与管理学院 041004摘要:21世纪是信息时代,信息技术已逐渐融入社会活动的各个领域,众多工作都在基于信息技术完成,信息技术融入财务管理工作中已成为必然趋势。




关键词:财务共享;集团企业;海尔集团AbstractThe?21st?century?is?the?information?age,?information?technology?has?gradually?integrated?into?all?fields?of?social?activities,?many?work?is? completed?based?on?information?technology,information?technology?into?financial?management?has?becomeaninevitable?rmation? technology?has?created?favorableconditions?forthe?construction?of?enterprise?financial?sharing?mode,?which?can?effectively?reduce?operating? costs,?standardiefinancial?processes,?improve?financial?management?efficiency and?enhance?the?competitive?advantage?of?enterprise?group? market.?To?some?extent,?many?enterprise?groups?are?actively?trying?to?build?a?financial?sharing?model?that?meets?the?needsof?enterprise? development.?The?construction?and?application?offinancial?sharing?mode?has?become?the?key?content?of?many?domestic?and?foreign?scholars.? Therefore,?this?paper?will?take?Haier?Group?as?the?research?object,?from?the?financial?sharing?model?application?advantage,?discusses? Haier?enterprise?group?financial?sharing?model?construction,?in?order?to?reduce?the?enterprise?group?operation?management?risk,?Further? improve?the?operational?efficiency?of?enterprises,?so?that?the?cost?of?supervision?can?bereduced,?rapid?development?of?enterprises,?and? provide?theory?and?reference?for?the?construction?and?application?of?other?enterprises'?financial?sharing?model. Key Words:Financial Sharing;group enterprise;haier group目录财务共享模式在企业集团的应用研究 I摘要 IAbstract II目录 1一、研究背景及意义 1(一)研究背景 1(二)研究意义 11、理论意义 12、现实意义 1二、财务共享相关理论 2(一)财务共享内涵 2(二)财务共享模式的发展 3三、企业集团应用财务共享模式的必要性 4(一)企业集团的经营特点 4(二)企业集团应用财务共享模式的优势 41、降低经营成本 42、规范财务流程 53、提升财务效率 5四、案例分析--以海尔集团为例 6 (一)海尔集团简介 6(三)海尔集团财务共享策略分析 6五、企业集团财务共享模式构建中的问题分析 8(一)监管难度大,存在信息泄露的风险 8(二)技术要求高,财务数据质量难以保证 8(三)构建成本高,综合效益有待提高 9六、对集团企业构建财务共享模式的建议 9(一)完善财务共享模式的配套制度,确保系统正常行 9(二)加强财务共享模式管控,主动防御各种风险发生 9(三)科学运用信息技术,节约系统维护成本 10结论 12参考文献 13一、研究背景及意义(一)研究背景从现代经济发展趋势来看,各大产业都在走向集约化、集团化,集团经营将成为主流方式趋势,这是行业发展需要,同时也是经济发展需要。


Machines • Unit 16 Three-Phase Induction (Asynchronous)
Machine with the Rotor at Standstill· • Unit 19 Armature Reaction of Salient-Pole
Synchronous Machine a Two-Reaction Theory
• Looked at another way, the leakage flux Φ 1 which links N1 turns alone and “leaks” between the two windings without linking the N2 turns, is a much smaller fraction of the total, making for(有助于, 倾向于) more efficient energy transfer.
Unit 11 The Transformer on No Load
• The Simple Two-Coil Transformer
The transformer is a straightforward application of Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction. The simple transformer consists of two coils in close proximity. One coil of N1 turns is excited with alternating current and therefore establishes a flux φ11 which alternates with the current (随时间交变). The other coil is linked by (与---交链)most of this flux and thus has a mutually induced e.m.f. of value e2=-N2dφ21/dt.



unit13英语作文Unit 13英语作文。

As we all know, environmental protection is a global issue that concerns everyone. In recent years, the world has witnessed the devastating effects of environmental degradation, from the melting of polar ice caps to the extinction of species. Therefore, it is crucial for us to take action to protect our planet.To begin with, individuals can make a significant difference by adopting eco-friendly habits. For instance, we can reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or carpooling instead of driving alone. We can also save energy by turning off lights and unplugging electronics when not in use. Furthermore, we can reduce waste by recycling and composting, as well as by choosing products with minimal packaging.In addition to individual actions, governments andbusinesses must also take responsibility for environmental protection. Governments can enact laws and regulations to limit pollution and encourage sustainable practices. For example, they can impose taxes on carbon emissions and provide incentives for renewable energy development. Businesses can also play a role by adopting sustainable practices, such as using renewable energy sources and reducing waste.Moreover, education is crucial for promoting environmental awareness and action. Schools and universities can incorporate environmental education into their curricula, teaching students about the importance of environmental protection and providing them with the knowledge and skills to make a difference. Media outlets can also raise awareness and inspire action through news coverage, documentaries, and other forms of media.In conclusion, environmental protection is a global issue that requires collective action. By adopting eco-friendly habits, promoting sustainable practices, and educating ourselves and others, we can make a positiveimpact on our planet and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.。



Construction and Application of Eight-Round and Three-Stage Method in Table Tennis DoublesTechniques and Tactics作者: 肖丹丹[1];钱磊[2];张兴林[3]作者机构: [1]国家体育总局体育科学研究所,北京100061;[2]西安工业大学体育学院,陕西西安710021;[3]韩山师范学院体育学院,广东潮州521041出版物刊名: 北京体育大学学报页码: 53-60页年卷期: 2019年 第12期主题词: 乒乓球;双打技战术;八轮次三段法摘要:背景:2020年东京奥运会乒乓球项目加入了混双比赛,且在赛制方面将乒乓球团体比赛中双打场次提前,加之日、韩等国双打项目的崛起,对中国乒乓球队续写奥运辉煌成绩造成了极大的威胁。







英语作文-生态文明建设与绿色发展评估指标与方法研究与应用案例探讨The construction of an ecological civilization and the pursuit of green development are pivotal in the contemporary era, where environmental concerns are at the forefront of global discourse. The assessment indicators and methods for evaluating the progress in these areas are as crucial as the implementation of the practices themselves. This essay delves into the research and application cases related to these indicators and methods, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic.Ecological civilization is a concept that integrates environmental health with cultural and societal well-being. It emphasizes the harmony between humans and nature, advocating for sustainable development that does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs. To assess the construction of an ecological civilization, various indicators are employed. These include measures of biodiversity, the efficiency of resource use, energy consumption patterns, and the ecological footprint. Each indicator provides insights into different aspects of the ecological balance and helps policymakers to identify areas that require attention.Green development, on the other hand, focuses on economic growth that is environmentally sustainable. It promotes the use of renewable energy sources, reduction of waste, and the conservation of natural resources. The evaluation of green development is often conducted through indicators such as green GDP, which adjusts the traditional GDP by accounting for environmental costs, and the green investment ratio, which reflects the proportion of investments directed towards environmentally friendly projects.The methodologies for assessing these indicators vary, ranging from quantitative models that analyze statistical data to qualitative approaches that consider the socio-cultural context. One common method is the use of life cycle assessment (LCA), which evaluates the environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product's life from cradle to grave. Another method is the ecological footprint analysis, which measures theamount of biologically productive land and water area required to support a population's consumption and absorb its wastes.Application cases of these assessment methods can be found worldwide. For instance, in China, the "River Chief System" has been implemented to protect water resources. Officials are assigned as 'river chiefs' to oversee the management and conservation of rivers and lakes, with their performance evaluated based on water quality indicators. Similarly, in Germany, the "Energiewende" policy aims to transition to a more sustainable energy system. The success of this policy is monitored through indicators such as the share of renewable energy in the total energy mix and the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.In conclusion, the study and application of assessment indicators and methods for ecological civilization construction and green development are essential for guiding the transition towards a more sustainable future. These indicators not only help in monitoring progress but also in setting targets and formulating policies that align with environmental objectives. As the world continues to grapple with ecological challenges, the role of these assessment tools becomes increasingly significant, providing a pathway for achieving harmony between human activities and the natural world.This essay has explored the various dimensions of ecological civilization and green development, highlighting the importance of robust assessment mechanisms. Through the examination of different indicators and methodologies, as well as the discussion of application cases, it is evident that a concerted effort is necessary to advance towards a greener and more sustainable future. The journey is complex and multifaceted, but with the right tools and commitment, it is a goal that is well within reach.。

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兰州交通大学电气工程及其自动化专业英语UNIT 13 Construction and Applicationof D.C. MachinesA D.C. Machines is made up of two basic components:一个直流电机是由两个基本元素组成:—The stator which is the stationary part of the machine. It consists of the following elements: a yoke inside a frame; excitation poles and winding; commutating pole (compoles) and winding; end shield with ball or sliding bearing; brushes and brush holders; the terminal box.-定子是电机固定的部分。


—The rotor which is the moving part of the machine. It is made up of a core mounted on the machine shaft. This core has uniformly spaced slots into which the armature winding is fitted. A commutator, and often a fan, are also located on the machine shaft.-转子是电机旋转的部分。



The frame is fixed to the floor by means of a bedplate and bolts. On low-power machine the frame and yoke are one and the same components, through which the magnetic flux produced by the excitation poles closes. The frame and the yoke are built of cast iron or cast steel or sometimes from welded steel plates.它用螺栓和底座固定在地板上。



In low-power and controlled rectifier-supplied machine the yoke is built up of (0.5~1mm) laminated iron sheets. The yoke is usually mounted inside a non-ferromagnetic frame(usually made of alumininum alloys, to keep down the weight). To either side of the frame there are bolted two end shields, which contain the ball or sliding bearing.在低压和可控补偿整流器电机中,磁轭是由0.5~1毫米的薄铁板制成的。



The (main) excitation poles are built from 0.5~1mm iron sheets held together by riveted bolts. The poles are fixed into the frame by means of bolts. They support the windings carrying the excitation current.励磁磁极由用0.5~1mm的铁片通过用螺栓钉牢互相支撑。



On the rotor side, at the end of the pole core is the so-called pole-shoe which is meant to facilitate a given distribution of the magnetic flux through the air gap. The winding is placed inside an insulated frame mounted on the core, and secured by the pole-shoe.在电枢上,磁极铁心的末端是极靴,它通过气隙有助于磁通量的分布。


The excitation winding are made of insulated round or rectangular conductors, and are connected either in series or in parallel. The windings are linked in such a way that the magnetic flux of one pole crossing the air gap is directed from thepole-shoe towards the armature (north pole ) , which the flux of the next pole is directed from the armature to the pole-shoe (south pole) .励磁绕组是由绝热的圆形物或矩形的导体制成,并且和另一个连续或平行的相连接。


The commutating poles, like the main poles, consist of a core ending in the pole-shoe and a winding wound round the core. They are located on the symmetry (neutral) axis between two main poles, and bolted on the yoke. Commutating poles are built either of cast-iron or iron sheets.换向极的磁极就像主磁极,它组成了一个中心,末端在极靴中并且一个绕组绕在中心周围。



The windings of the commutating poles are also made from insulated round or rectangular conductors. They are connected either in series or in parallel and carry the machine’s main current.换向极的绕组是由周围绝缘的或垂直的导线制成。


The rotor core is built of 0.5-1mm silicon-alloy sheets. The sheets are insulated from one another by a thin film of varnish or by an oxide coating, both some 0.03-0.05mm thick. The purpose is to ensure a reduction of the eddy currents which arise in the core when it rotates inside the magnetic field. These currents cause energy losses which turn into heat. In solid cores, these losses could become very high, reducing machine efficiency and producing intense heating.转子的中心是由0.5~1毫米硅合金薄板制成。






The rotor core consists of a few packets of metal sheet. Redial or axial cooling ducts (8-10mm inside) are inserted between the packets to give better cooling. Pressure is exerted to both sides of the core by pressing devices foxed on to the shaft. The length of the rotor usually exceeds that of the poles by 2-5mm on either side-the effect being to minimize the variations in magnetic permeability caused by axial armature displacement. The periphery of the rotor is provided with teeth and slots into which the armature winding is inserted.转子的中心包含了一些金属薄片。
