华为FusionInsight LibrA方案白皮书


华为FusionInsight LibrA 2.8 技术主打胶片

华为FusionInsight LibrA 2.8 技术主打胶片

RSI 1979-1983
ORACLE 1983-
ORACLE Exadata x1~x6 2008
软硬件一体机,共享磁盘架构,最大支持8机柜x8计 算节点。从x6开始主推Oracle Exadata数据库云平台
NCR 1990-
Teradata 2009-
ORACLE Exadata x7 2017~
FusionInsight LibrA 在行业中的位置


&可靠性 Nhomakorabea要

Oracle Exadata
Aliyun HybridDB
Amazon Redshift Huawei DWS
Vertica 2005-
AsterDB 2007-
MySQL 1994-
SkySQL 2010MariaDB 2009-
MySQL5.5 2009~
云服务 AWS、Aliyun、HEC
➢ 关系型理论之初诞生 ➢ 商业数据库主流
➢ 大部闭源商业数据库选 择的道路
文档名称 目的 受众
华为FusionInsight LibrA 技术主打胶片(全球,通用) 作为一线向客户讲解LibrA主打胶片的素材
客户技术层早期拓展交流 客户战略规划部、技术规划部,业务运营部等的交流
1.数据库的发展线路图 2.FusionInsight概述 3.FusionInsight LibrA基础功能介绍 4. FusionInsight LibrA的竞争力特性 5. FusionInsight LibrA的典型场景 6. FusionInsight LibrA的规划



华为FusionSphere 6.5.0虚拟化套件存储虚拟化技术白皮书目录1简介/Introduction (3)2解决方案/Solution (4)2.1 FusionSphere 存储虚拟化解决方案 (4)2.1.1架构描述 (4)2.1.2特点描述 (5)2.2存储虚拟化的磁盘文件解决方案 (6)2.2.1厚置备磁盘技术 (6)2.2.2厚置备延时置零磁盘技术 (6)2.2.3精简置备磁盘技术 (6)2.2.4差分磁盘技术 (7)2.3存储虚拟化的业务管理解决方案 (7)2.3.1磁盘文件的写时重定向技术 (7)2.3.2磁盘文件的存储热迁移 (8)2.3.3磁盘文件高级业务 (8)2.4存储虚拟化的数据存储扩容解决方案 (9)2.4.1功能设计原理 (9)2.5存储虚拟化的数据存储修复解决方案 (10)2.5.1功能设计原理 (10)1 简介/Introduction存储设备的能力、接口协议等差异性很大,存储虚拟化技术可以将不同存储设备进行格式化,将各种存储资源转化为统一管理的数据存储资源,可以用来存储虚拟机磁盘、虚拟机配置信息、快照等信息。







2 解决方案/Solution2.1 FusionSphere 存储虚拟化解决方案FusionSphere存储虚拟化平台能够屏蔽存储设备差异,统一封装为文件级操作接口,并在虚拟化层提供了丰富的存储业务功能。

FusionInsight HD技术白皮书

FusionInsight HD技术白皮书

华为FusionInsight HD 技术白皮书目录1 简介 (1)1.1 FusionInsight概述 (1)1.2 FusionInsight HD组件介绍 (2)2 重点组件介绍 (4)2.1 集群管理Manager (4)2.2 分布式文件系统HDFS (6)2.3 统一资源管理和调度框架YARN (7)2.3.1 Yarn (7)2.3.2 Superior Scheduler (7)2.4 分布式批处理引擎MapReduce (12)2.5 分布式数据库HBase (13)2.6 数据仓库组件Hive (13)2.7 分布式内存计算引擎Spark (14)2.7.1 Spark (14)2.7.2 CarbonData (15)2.8 交互式SQL引擎Elk (16)2.9 全文检索组件Solr (19)2.10 全文检索组件Elasticsearch (21)2.11 批量数据集成Loader (22)2.12 实时数据采集Flume (25)2.13 流式事件处理(Storm) (26)2.13.1 Storm (26)2.13.2 StreamCQL (27)2.14 流处理引擎Flink (28)2.15 分布式高速缓存Redis (30)2.16 分布式消息队列Kafka (30)2.17 作业编排与调度Oozie (31)2.18 数据继承入口Hue (33)2.19 多租户 (34)2.20 安全增强 (36)2.21 可靠性增强 (37)2.22 滚动重启、滚动升级与滚动补丁 (39)1 简介1.1 FusionInsight概述FusionInsight是华为企业级大数据存储、查询、分析的统一平台,能够帮助企业快速构建海量数据信息处理系统,通过对巨量信息数据实时与非实时的分析挖掘,发现全新价值点和企业商机。

FusionInsight解决方案由产品:FusionInsight HD、FusionInsight LibrA、FusionInsightAthena和操作运维系统FusionInsight Manager,数据使能服务:数据集成开发工具、实时决策平台,及私有云服务:HDS大数据服务、ADS数据库服务、RDS数据库服务构成。



B 商业理解 数据分析师
传统分析方法面临大数据的挑战 海量数据分析的及时性、效率和实时应用 当前技能要求搞,需要业务驱动的一站式甚 至one-Click的闭环解决方案
开放、统一数据处理,混合负载 稳定、可靠、安全 高效、高可扩展
流式数据 刷卡事件
以业务问题为出发点,围绕商业理解-数据科学-技术实践才能形成系统的数据价 值发现,数据分析师是核心角色,平台/算法都是他的工具。
商业理解:分解业务问题/理解数据 数据科学:数据方法体系,算法和工具 技术实践:大数据相关平台技术
分布式存储+ 查询 + 批处理
网页搜索应用驱动Google建立低成本高扩展文件系 统、支持K/V网页数据的查询、批处理构建索引
Google大数据架构2.0 社交网络时代(2010)
Dremel 交互式分析
Search Page Indexing Google+
Travel Sky Ticket Booking
Core Banking System
传统数据平台 数据负载特征



华为FusionStorage技术白皮书1 执行摘要/Executive Summary本文从存储技术的发展趋势为切入点,结合用户需求,从高性能、高可靠、高扩展、易管理、兼容性等方面详细介绍了华为公司FusionStorage产品的功能及特点,旨在突出FusionStorage 产品独有的亮点、应用场景以及为客户带来的价值。

2 简介/Introduction虚拟化与云计算技术正在引领IT技术的发展方向,越来越多的企业采用虚拟化与云计算技术来构建新一代IT系统,以提升IT系统的资源利用率,并在保证服务级别水平的前提下降低成本;同时帮助业务更加具有敏捷性,加速新业务的上线时间。




3 解决方案/Solution随着企业面临的竞争环境越来越激烈、新业务上线时间要求越来越短,其IT系统需要从传统的成本中心转变为提升企业竞争力的利器,帮助企业提升竞争力并实现商业成功。


从IT业界发展来看,以下技术趋势正在影响存储行业的发展:l 虚拟化技术的广泛应用虚拟机技术给服务器带来更高的利用率、给业务带来更便捷的部署,降低了TCO,因而在众多行业得到了广泛的应用。


FusionInsight LibrA技术白皮书

FusionInsight LibrA技术白皮书

FusionInsight LibrA 技术白皮书目录1 FusionInsight LibrA产品简介 (1)1.1 产品定位 (1)1.2 应用场景 (2)1.3 技术特点 (3)2 FusionInsight LibrA软件架构 (4)3 FusionInsight LibrA支持平台和技术指标 (6)3.1 软件要求 (6)3.2 硬件及本地PC要求 (9)3.3 技术指标 (11)4 FusionInsight LibrA核心技术 (12)4.1 Share-nothing架构 (12)4.2 数据分布式存储 (13)4.3 数据分区 (14)4.4 数据并行导入 (15)4.5 全并行的数据查询处理 (17)4.6 向量化执行和行列混合引擎 (18)4.7 工作负载管理 (21)4.8 高可靠事务处理 (22)4.9 线性扩容 (23)4.10 分析查询HDFS数据 (25)4.11 三方工具兼容 (27)4.12 跨集群数据处理 (27)5 FusionInsight LibrA工具 (29)5.1 客户端工具 (29)5.1.1 Data Studio (29)5.1.2 gsql (30)5.2 管理、监控工具 (30)5.3 备份恢复工具 (32)6 FusionInsight Libra对外接口 (36)1 FusionInsight LibrA产品简介1.1 产品定位1.2 应用场景1.3 技术特点1.1 产品定位FusionInsight LibrA是企业级的大规模并行处理关系型数据库。

FusionInsight LibrA采用MPP(Massive Parallel Processing)架构,支持行存储与列存储,提供PB(Petabyte,2的50次方字节)级别数据量的处理能力。

FusionInsight LibrA在核心技术上跟传统数据库相比有巨大优势,可以解决很多行业用户的数据处理性能问题,可以为超大规模数据管理提供高性价比的通用计算平台,并可用于支撑各类数据仓库系统、BI(Business Intelligence)系统和决策支持系统,统一为上层应用的决策分析等提供服务。


Boeing:飞机每 个引擎3分钟产生 1TB数据,波音 787 6小时飞行产 生240TB数据
CERN: LHC对撞 产生1PB/s的数据 SKA:2015年存 储需要1EB
云化IDC建设 催生了数据大集中
Facebook:每天 产生50TB的日志 数据,衍生分析 数据超过100TB
obsolete before plateau
金融 运营商 零售
Activity Streams Internet TV NFC Payment Private Cloud Computing Augmented Reality Cloud Computing Media Tablet Virtual Assistants In-Memory Database Management Systems Gesture Recognition Machine-to-Machine Communication Services Mesh Networks:Sensor
•英国政府发布《英国数据能力发展战略规划》,旨在利用数据产生商业价值、提振经济增长,承诺2015年之前 开放交通、天气、医疗方面的核心数据库。 •安倍内阁正式公布新IT战略《创建最尖端IT国家宣言》,以开放大数据为核心的IT国家战略 •2015年3月的两会上,李克强总理明确表态,政府应该尽量的公开非涉密的数据,以便利用这些数 据更好的服务社会,也为政府决策和监管服务。


华为 FusionInsight 2.5
文档版本 发布日期
Hale Waihona Puke 01 2015-06-30
版权所有 © 华为技术有限公司 2015。 保留一切权利。 非经本公司书面许可,任何单位和个人不得擅自摘抄、复制本文档内容的部分或全部,并不得以任何形式传 播。
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地址: 网址:
文档版本 01 (2015-06-30)
版权所有 © 华为技术有限公司
华为 FusionInsight 2.5 安全技术白皮书
1 简介............................................................................................................................................ 1
4 应用安全 .................................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 身份鉴别和认证.................................................................................................................................................. 6 4.2 用户和权限管理.................................................................................................................................................. 7 4.3 Web 应用安全....................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.4 数据库加固.......................................................................................................................................................... 9 4.5 审计安全 ............................................................................................................................................................. 9 4.6 口令安全 ............................................................................................................................................................10 4.6.1 口令保存 .........................................................................................................................................................10 4.6.2 口令规则 .........................................................................................................................................................10



华为FusionCube HCI超融合平台技术白皮书前言概述本文档介绍了华为FusionCube 3.2 虚拟化超融合基础设施(FusionCube Hyper-converged Virtualization Infrastructure,以下简称FusionCube 3.2 HCI)的产品价值、产品架构、高性能、线性扩展、系统安全以及系统可靠性。

借助本手册,您可以全面了解FusionCube 产品。



目录前言 (ii)1产品概述 (1)2产品价值 (2)3产品架构 (4)3.1FusionSphere 场景架构 (5)3.1.1架构 (5)3.1.2典型配置 (6)3.1.3组网 (9)3.1.4工作原理 (9)3.2 Vmware 场景架构 (10)3.2.1 架构 (11)3.2.2 典型配置 (11)3.2.3 组网 (14)3.2.4 工作原理 (15)4分布式存储 (16)4.1架构概述 (17)4.2关键业务流程 (20)4.2.1数据路由 (20)4.2.2IO 路径 (21)4.2.3Cache 机制 (23)4.3存储管理 (25)4.3.1存储集群管理 (25)4.3.2存储服务化 (26)4.4数据冗余 (26)4.4.1多副本 (26)4.4.2Erasure Code (27)4.5特性介绍 (28)4.5.1SCSI/iSCSI 块接口 (28)4.5.3 快照 (31)4.5.4共享卷快照 (32)4.5.5一致性快照 (32)4.5.6链接克隆 (33)4.5.7多资源池 (34)4.5.8QoS (35)4.5.9存储双活 (35)4.5.10存储异步复制 (36)5硬件设备平台 (38)5.1机架服务器平台 (38)5.1.1RH1288 V3 机架服务器 (38)5.1.2RH2288H V3 机架服务器 (39)5.1.3RH5885H V3 机架服务器 (40)5.1.4 1288H V5 机架服务器 (41)5.1.5 2288H V5 机架服务器 (42)5.1.6 2488 V5 机架服务器 (43)5.1.7 2488H V5 机架服务器 (44)5.2 E9000 刀片服务器平台 (44)5.2.1 E9000 机框 (44)5.2.2 E9000 刀片 (45)5.2.3 高性能交换板 (50)5.3 高密服务器平台X6800/X6000 (53)5.3.1 X6800 机框 (53)5.3.2 X6800 服务器节点 (54)5.3.3 X6000 机箱 (58)5.3.4 X6000 服务器节点 (59)6安装部署和运维管理 (61)6.1自动化部署 (61)6.1.1FusionCube Builder (61)6.1.2系统初始化 (63)6.1.3设备自动发现 (64)6.2统一运维管理 (65)6.2.1业务发放管理 (66)6.2.2一键式运维 (67)6.2.3Call Home (70)7性能和可扩展性 (72)7.1系统高性能 (72)7.1.2分布式SSD Cache 加速 (73) Cache (74)大块Pass Throught (76)7.1.3硬件加速 (77)7.2线性扩展 (77)7.2.1存储平滑扩容 (78)7.2.2性能线性扩展 (78)7.2.3一键式扩容 (79)7.3FusionCube 分布式存储相对于传统SAN 的性能优势 (80)7.3.1更高的性能 (80)7.3.2线性Scale-up/Scale-out (81)7.3.3大池POOL (83)7.3.4SSD Cache vs SSD Tier (84)8系统可靠性 (86)8.1数据可靠性 (86)8.1.1块存储集群可靠性 (86)8.1.2数据一致性 (87)8.1.3数据冗余保护 (87)8.1.4快速数据重建 (88)8.1.5数据存储多路径 (88)8.2硬件可靠性 (89)8.3系统亚健康增强 (89)8.4备份与恢复 (93)8.5容灾恢复 (95)8.5.1双活解决方案 (96)8.5.2异步复制解决方案 (97)9系统安全 (98)9.1系统安全威胁 (98)9.2总体安全框架 (99)9.2.1网络安全 (100)9.2.2应用安全 (101)权限管理 (101) 安全 (101)数据库加固 (102)日志管理 (102)9.2.3 主机安全 (103) 操作系统加固 (103)1 产品概述随着数据不断增长以及互联网业务的兴起,新兴业务的激增、业务数据呈现几何倍数增加,传统服务器+存储的架构已经无法很好满足业务发展需求,分布式、云化技术应运而生。



Technical White PaperHigh Throughput Computing Data Center ArchitectureThinking of Data Center 3.0 AbstractIn the last few decades, data center (DC) technologies have kept evolving fromDC 1.0 (tightly-coupled silos) to DC 2.0 (computer virtualization) to enhance dataprocessing capability. Emerging big data analysis based business raiseshighly-diversified and time-varied demand for DCs. Due to the limitations onthroughput, resource utilization, manageability and energy efficiency, current DC2.0 shows its incompetence to provide higher throughput and seamlessintegration of heterogeneous resources for different big data applications. Byrethinking the demand for big data applications, Huawei proposes a highthroughput computing data center architecture (HTC-DC). Based on resourcedisaggregation and interface-unified interconnects, HTC-DC is enabled withPB-level data processing capability, intelligent manageability, high scalability andhigh energy efficiency. With competitive features, HTC-DC can be a promisingcandidate for DC3.0.ContentsEra of Big Data: New Data Center Architecture in Need 1⏹Needs on Big Data Processing 1⏹DC Evolution: Limitations and Strategies 1⏹Huawei’s Vision on Future DC 2DC3.0: Huawei HTC-DC 3⏹HTC-DC Overview 3⏹Key Features 4Summary 6June 2014ERA OF BIG DATA: NEW DATA CENTER ARCHITECTURE IN NEED⏹Needs on Big Data Processing During the past few years, applications which arebased on big data analysis have emerged, enrichinghuman life with more real-time and intelligentinteractions. Such applications have proven themselvesto become the next wave of mainstream of onlineservices. As the era of big data approaches, higher andhigher demand on data processing capability has beenraised. Being the major facilities to support highlyvaried big data processing tasks, future data centers(DCs) are expected to meet the following big datarequirements (Figure 1):▪PB/s-level data processing capability ensuring aggregated high-throughput computing, storage and networking; ▪Adaptability to highly-varied run-time resource demands; ▪Continuous availability providing 24x7 large-scaled service coverage, and supporting high-concurrency access; ▪ Rapid deployment allowing quick deployment and resource configuration for emerging applications.⏹ DC Evolution: Limitations and StrategiesDC technologies in the last decade have been evolved (Figure 2) from DC 1.0 (with tightly-coupled silos) to current DC 2.0 (with computer virtualization). Although data processing capability of DCs have been significantly enhanced, due to the limitations on throughput, resource utilization, manageability and energy efficiency, current DC 2.0 shows its incompetence to meet the demands of the future:Figure 2. DC Evolution- Throughput: Compared with technological improvement in computational capability of processors, improvement in I/O access performance has long been lagged behind. With the fact that computing within conventional DC architecture largely involves data movement between storage and CPU/memory via I/O ports, it is challenging for current DC architecture to provide PB-level high throughput for big data applications. The problem of I/O gap is resulted from low-speed characteristics of conventional transmission and storage mediums, and also from inefficient architecture design and data access mechanisms.To meet the requirement of future high throughput data processing capability, adopting new transmission technology (e.g. optical interconnects) and new storage medium can be feasible solutions. But a more fundamental approach is to re-design DC architecture as well as data access mechanisms for computing. If data access in computing process can avoid using conventional I/O mechanism, but use ultra-high-bandwidth network to serve as the new I/O functionality, DC throughput can be significantly improved.Figure 1. Needs Brought by Big DataJune 2014- Resource Utilization:Conventional DCs typically consist of individual servers which are specifically designed for individual applications with various pre-determined combinations of processors, memories and peripherals. Such design makes DC infrastructure very hard to adapt to emergence of various new applications, so computer virtualization technologies are introduced accordingly. Although virtualization in current DCs help improve hardware utilization, it cannot make use of the over-fractionalized resource, and thus making the improvement limited and typically under 30%1,2. As a cost, high overhead exists with hypervisor which is used as an essential element when implementing computer virtualization. In addition, in current DC architecture, logical pooling of resources is still restricted by the physical coupling of in-rack hardware devices. Thus, current DC with limited resource utilization cannot support big data applications in an effective and economical manner.One of the keystones to cope with such low utilization problem is to introduce resource disaggregation, i.e., decoupling processor, memory, and I/O from its original arrangements and organizing resources into shared pools. Based on disaggregation, on-demand resource allocation and flexible run-time application deployment can be realized with optimized resource utilization, reducing Total Cost of Operation (TCO) of infrastructure.- Manageability: Conventional DCs only provide limited dynamic management for application deployment, configuration and run-time resource allocation. When scaling is needed in large-scaled DCs, lots of complex operations still need to be completed manually.To avoid complex manual re-structuring and re-configuration, intelligent self-management with higher level of automation is needed in future DC. Furthermore, to speed up the application deployment, software defined approaches to monitor and allocate resources with higher flexibility and adaptability is needed.- Energy Efficiency: Nowadays DCs collectively consume about 1.3% of all Array global power supply3. As workload of big data drastically grows, future DCswill become extremely power-hungry. Energy has become a top-lineoperational expense, making energy efficiency become a critical issue in greenDC design. However, the current DC architecture fails to achieve high energyefficiency, with the fact that a large portion of energy is consumed for coolingother than for IT devices.With deep insight into the composition of DC power consumption (Figure3), design of each part in a DC can be more energy-efficient. To identify andeliminate inefficiencies and then radically cut energy costs, energy-savingdesign of DC should be top-to-bottom, not only at the system level but also atFigure 3. DC Power Consumption the level of individual components, servers and applications.Huawei’s Vision on Future DCIn Huawei’s vision, to support future big data applications, future DCs should be enabled with the following features:- Big-Data-Oriented: Different from conventional computing-centric DCs, data-centric should be the key design concept of DC3.0. Big data analysis based applications have highly varied characteristics, based on which DC 3.0 should provide optimizedmechanisms for rapid transmission, highly concurrent processing of massive data, and also for application-diversified acceleration.- Adaptation for Task Variation: Big data analysis brings a booming of new applications, raising different resource demands that vary with time. In addition, applications have different need for resource usage priority. To meet such demand variation with highadaptability and efficiency, disaggregation of hardware devices to eliminate the in-rack coupling can be a key stone. Such a methodenables flexible run-time configuration on resource allocation, ensuring the satisfactory of varied resource demand of different applications.- Intelligent Management: DC 3.0 involves massive hardware resource and high density run-time computation, requiring higher intelligent management with less need for manual operations. Application deployment and resource partitioning/allocation, even system diagnosis need to be conducted in automated approaches based on run-time monitoring and self-learning. Further, Service Level Agreement (SLA) guaranteeing in complex DC computing also requires a low-overhead run-time self-manageable solution.1./index.cfm?c=power_mgt.datacenter_efficiency_consolidation2./system-optimization/a-data-center-conundrum/3./green/bigpicture/#/datacenters/infographicsJune 2014- High Scalability: Big data applications require high throughput low-latency data access within DCs. At the same time, extremely high concentration of data will be brought into DC facilities, driving DCs to grow into super-large-scaled with sufficient processing capability. It is essential to enable DCs to maintain acceptable performance level when ultra-large-scaling is conducted.Therefore, high scalability should be a critical feature that makes a DC design competitive for the big data era.- Open, Standard based and Flexible Service Layer: With the fact that there exists no unified enterprise design for dynamical resource management at different architecture or protocol layers, from IO, storage to UI. Resources cannot be dynamically allocated based on the time and location sensitive characteristics of the application or tenant workloads. Based on the common principles of abstraction and layering, open and standard based service-oriented architecture (SOA) has been proven effective and efficient and has enabled enterprises of all sizes to design and develop enterprise applications that can be easily integrated and orchestrated to match their ever-growing business and continuous process improvement needs, while software defined networking (SDN) has also been proven in helping industry giants such as Google to improve its DC network resource utilization with decoupling of control and data forwarding, and centralized resource optimization and scheduling. To provide competitive big data related service, an open, standard based service layer should be enabled in future DC to perform application driven optimization and dynamic scheduling of the pooled resources across various platforms.- Green: For future large-scale DC application in a green and environment friendly approach, energy efficient components, architectures and intelligent power management should be included in DC 3.0. The use of new mediums for computing, memory, storage and interconnects with intelligent on-demand power supply based on resource disaggregation help achieving fine-grained energy saving. In addition, essential intelligent energy management strategies should be included: 1) Tracking the operational energy costs associated with individual application-related transactions; 2) Figuring out key factors leading to energy costs and conduct energy-saving scheduling; 3) Tuning energy allocation according to actual demands; 4) Allowing DCs to dynamically adjust the power state of servers, and etc.DC3.0: HUAWEI HTC-DCHTC-DC OverviewTo meet the demands of high throughput in the big data era, current DC architecture suffers from critical bottlenecks, one of which is the difficulty to bridge the I/O performance gap between processor and memory/peripherals. To overcome such problem and enable DCs with full big-data processing capability, Huawei proposes a new high throughput computing DC architecture (HTC-DC), which avoids using conventional I/O mechanism, but uses ultra-high-bandwidth network to serve as the new I/O functionality. HTC-DC integrates newly-designed infrastructures based on resource disaggregation, interface-unified interconnects and a top-to-bottom optimized software stack. Big data oriented computing is supported by series of top-to-bottom accelerated data operations, light weighted management actions and the separation of data and management.Figure 4. Huawei HTC-DC ArchitectureFigure 4 shows the architecture overview of HTC-DC. Hardware resources are organized into different pools, which are links up together via interconnects. Management plane provides DC-level monitoring and coordination via DC Operating System (OS), while business-related data access operations are mainly conducted in data plane. In the management plane, a centralized ResourceJune 2014Figure 5. Hardware Architecture of Huawei HTC-DC Management Center (RMC) conducts global resource partitioning/allocation and coordination/scheduling of the related tasks, with intelligent management functionalities such as load balancing, SLA guaranteeing, etc. Light-hypervisor provides abstract of pooled resources, and performs lightweight management that focuses on execution of hardware partitioning and resource allocation but not get involved in data access. Different from conventional hypervisor which includes data access functions in virtualization, light-hypervisor focuses on resource management, reducing complexity and overhead significantly. As a systematical DC3.0 design, HTC-DC also provides a complete software stack to support various DC applications. A programming framework with abundant APIs is designed to enable intelligent run-time self-management.Key FeaturesResource Disaggregated Hardware SystemFigure 5 illustrates the hardwarearchitecture of HTC-DC, which isbased on completely-disaggregatedresource pooling. The computing poolis designed with heterogeneity. Eachcomputing node (i.e. a board) carriesmultiple processors (e.g., x86, Atom,Power and ARM, etc.) for application-diversified data processing. Nodes inmemory pool adopt hybrid memorysuch as DRAM and non-volatilememory (NVM) for optimized high-throughput access. In I/O pool,general-purposed extension (GPU,massive storage, external networking,etc.) can be supported via differenttypes of ports on each I/O node. Eachnode in the three pools is equippedwith a cloud controller which canconduct diversified on-board manage-ment for different types of nodes. Pooled Resource Access Protocol (PRAP)To form a complete DC, all nodes in the three pools are interconnected via a network based on a new designed Pooled Resource Access Protocol (PRAP). To reduce the complexity of DC computing, HTC-DC introduces PRAP which has low-overhead packet format, RDMA-enabled simplified protocol stack, unifying the different interfaces among processor, memory and I/O. PRAP is implemented in the cloud controller of each node to provide interface-unified interconnects. PRAP supports hybrid flow/packet switching for inter-pool transmission acceleration, with near-to-ns latency. QoS can be guaranteed via run-time bandwidth allocation and priority-based scheduling. With simplified sequencing and data restoring mechanisms, light-weight lossless node-to-node transmission can be achieved.With resource disaggregation and unified interconnects, on-demand resource allocation can be supported by hardware with fine-granularity, and intelligent management can be conducted to achieve high resource utilization (Figure 6). RMC in the management plane provides per-minute based monitoring, on-demand coordination and allocation over hardware resources. Required resources from the pools can be appropriately allocated according to the characteristics of applications (e.g. Hadoop). Optimized algorithm assigns and schedules tasks on specific resource partitions where customized OSs are hosted. Thus, accessibility and bandwidth of remote memory and peripherals can be ensured within the partition, and hence end-to-end SLA can be guaranteed. Enabled with self-learning mechanisms, resource allocation and management in HTC-DC requires minimal manual operation, bringing intelligence and efficiency.June 2014Figure 6. On-demand Resource Allocation Based on DisaggregationHuawei Many-Core Data Processing UnitTo increase computing density, uplift data throughput and reduce communication latency, Huawei initializes Data Processing Unit (DPU, Figure 7) which adopts lightweight-core based many-core architecture, heterogeneous 3D stacking and Through-Silicon Vias (TSV) technologies. In HTC-DC, DPU can be used as the main computing component. The basic element of DPU is Processor-On-Die (POD), which consists of NoC, embedded NVM, clusters with heavy/light cores, and computing accelerators. With software-defined technologies, DPU supports resource partitioning and QoS-guaranteed local/remote resource sharing that allow application to directly access resources within its assigned partition. With decoupled multi-threading support, DPU executes speculative tasks off the critical path, resulting in enhanced overall performance. Therefore static power consumptions can be significantly reduced. Especially, some of the silicon chip area can be saved by using the optimal combinations of the number of synchronization and execution pipelines, while maintaining the same performance.Figure 7. Many-Core ProcessorNVM Based StorageEmerging NVM (including MRAM or STT-RAM, RRAM and PCM, etc.) has been demonstrated with superior performance over flash memories. Compared to conventional storage mediums (hard-disk, SSD, etc.), NVM provides more flattened data hierarchy with simplified layers, being essential to provide sufficient I/O bandwidth. In HTC-DC, NVMs are employed both as memory and storage. NVM is a promising candidate for DRAM replacement with competitive performance but lower power consumption. When used as storage, NVM provides 10 times higher IOPS than SSD4, bringing higher data processing capability with enhanced I/O performance.Being less hindered by leakage problems with technology scaling and meanwhile having a lower cost of area, NVM is being explored extensively to be the complementary medium for the conventional SDRAM memory, even in L1 caches. Appropriately tuning of selective architecture parameters can reduce the performance penalty introduced by the NVM to extremely tolerable levels while obtaining over 30% of energy gains.54./global/business/semiconductor/news-events/press-releases/detail?newsId=129615.M. Komalan et.al., “Feasibility exploration of NVM based I-cache through MSHR enhancements”, Proceeding in DATE’14June 2014Optical InterconnectsTo meet the demand brought by big data applications, DCs are driven to increase the data rate on links (>10Gbps) while enlarging the scale of interconnects (>1m) to host high-density components with low latency. However due to non-linear power consumption and signal attenuation, conventional copper based DC interconnects cannot have competitive performance with optical interconnects on signal integrity, power consumption, form factor and cost6. In particular, optical interconnect has the advantage of offering large bandwidth density with low attenuation and crosstalk. Therefore a re-design of DC architecture is needed to fully utilize advantages of optical interconnects. HTC-DC enables high-throughput low-latency transmission with the support of interface-unified optical interconnects. The interconnection network of HTC-DC employs low-cost Tb/s-level throughput optical transceiver and co-packaged ASIC module, with tens of pJ/bit energy consumption and low bit error rate for hundred-meter transmission. In addition, with using intra/inter-chip optical interconnects and balanced space-time-wavelength design, physical layer scalability and the overall power consumption can be enhanced. Using optical transmission that needs no signal synchronization, PRAP-based interconnects provide higher degree of freedom on topology choosing, and is enabled to host ultra-large-scale nodes.DC-Level Efficient Programming FrameworkTo fully exploit the architectural advantages and provide flexible interface for service layer to facilitate better utilization of underlying hardware resource, HTC-DC provides a new programming framework at DC-level. Such a framework includes abundant APIs, bringing new programming methodologies. Via these APIs, applications can issue requests for hardware resource based on their demands. Through this, optimized OS interactions and self-learning-based run-time resource allocation/scheduling are enabled.In addition, the framework supports automatically moving computing operations to near-data nodes while keeping data transmission locality. DC overhead is minimized by introducing topology-aware resource scheduler and limiting massive data movement within the memory pool.In addition, Huawei has developed the Domain Specific Language (HDSL) as part of the framework to reduce the complexity of programming in HTC-DC for parallelism. HDSL includes a set of optimized data structures with operations (such as Parray, parallel processing the data in array) and a parallel processing library. One of the typical applications of HDSL is for graph computing. HDSL can enable efficient programming with competitive performance. Automated generation of distributed codes is also supported.SUMMARYWith the increasing growth of data consumption, the age of big data brings new opportunities as well as great challenges for future DCs. DC technologies have been evolved from DC 1.0 (tightly-coupled server) to DC 2.0 (software virtualization) with the data processing capability being largely enhanced. However, the limited I/O throughput, energy inefficiency, low resource utilization and limited scalability of DC 2.0 become the bottlenecks to fulfill big data application demand. Therefore, a new, green and intelligent DC 3.0 architecture fitting different resource demands of various big-data applications is in need.With the design avoiding data access via conventional I/O but using ultra-high-bandwidth network to serve as the new I/O functionality, Huawei proposes HTC-DC as a new generation of DC design for future big data applications. HTC-DC architecture enables a DC to compute as a high throughput computer. Based on the resource disaggregated architecture and interface-unified PRAP network, HTC-DC integrates many-core processor, NVM, optical interconnects and DC-level efficient programming framework.Such a DC ensures PB-level data processing capability, supporting intelligent management, being easy and efficient to scale, and significantly saves energy.HTC-DC architecture is still being developed. Using Huawei’s cutting-edge technologies, HTC-DC can be a promising candidate design for the future, ensuring a firm step for DCs to head for the big data era.■6.“Silicon Photonics Market & Technologies 2011-2017: Big Investments, Small Business”, Yole Development, 2012Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2014. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders.NoticeThe information in this document may contain predictive statements including, without limitation, statements regarding the future financial and operating results, future product portfolio, new technology, etc. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the predictive statements. Therefore, such information is provided for reference purpose only and constitutes neither an offer nor an acceptance. Huawei may change the information at any time without notice.Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Address: Huawei Industrial BaseBantian, LonggangShenzhen 518129People's Republic of ChinaWebsite: Tel: 0086-755-28780808。





2017年10月,IDC发布的《IDC MarketScape:中国大数据管理平台厂商评估,2017》报告中,华为FusionInsight 大数据平台位居领导者象限第一。

2017~2019年华为FusionInsight大数据连续3年入围Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Management Solutions for Analytics,中国区厂商排名第一。






公共安全警务大数据:融合不同警种和各级单位数据,由“事后打”向“事前防”转变,汗水警务 向 智慧警务演进,实现协同研判和作战,提升办案效率。


FusionInsight LibrA企业级数据仓库白皮书

FusionInsight LibrA企业级数据仓库白皮书

PB 级企业数据仓库FusionInsight LibrA 是采用Shared-nothing 架 构的MPP 系统,它是由众多拥有独立且互不共享 CPU 、内存、存储等系统资源的逻辑节点组成。

在这 样的系统架构中,业务数据被分散存储在多个物理节 点上,数据分析任务被推送到数据所在位置就近执行, 通过控制模块的协调,并行地完成大规模的数据处理 工作,实现对数据处理的快速响应。

产品特性简单易用● 应用快速迁移/上线,兼容标准ANSI SQL ,提供快速数据迁移工具。

● 简化运维,提供可视化集群部署、运维管理工具。

● 快速升级:版本升级性能提升至2小时完成,且和数据库元数据和用户数据的数量无关。

弹性扩展● Shared-nothing 架构,具备超强的Scale-out 横向扩展能力。

● 1024物理节点,扩展线性比为1。

● 基于通用X86架构,扩容成本低。

无缝对接Hadoop● 对应用透明,完全支持SQL2003标准访问Hadoop 原生数据。

● 高性能交互查询:支持向量引擎访问HDFS 存储层,支持高效率查询ORC 文件,Smart Scan 技术减少网络数据交换。

● 与华为大数据生态(Hadoop )体系无缝连接。

极致性能,高效交互SQL 分析●列存向量化引擎,利用向量化+SIMD 提供极致分析性能。

● 并行 Bulk Load 加载技术,旁路协调节点,数据节点直连,充分利用各节点的计算能力及网络带宽。

● 大规模集群通讯技术,集群网络通信分层解耦,实现数据中心内大规模节点的高通量无阻塞通信。

● 弹性集群:通过NodeGroup 技术支持一套集群划分为多个逻辑子集群,不同Node Group 之间计算资源可以弹性共享,满足子集群业务峰值时的计算需求。

电信级高可靠● 无单节点故障:全组件HA ,无单点故障。

数据节点 HA + Handoff 技术,协调节点多活,GTM 全局事务节点HA 。


















V288HCIE云计算-华为FusionSphere 5.1北向接口SDK技术白皮书(服务器虚拟化

V288HCIE云计算-华为FusionSphere 5.1北向接口SDK技术白皮书(服务器虚拟化

华为FusionSphere 5.1北向接口SDK技术白皮书文档版本V2.0发布日期2015-05-30版权所有© 华为技术有限公司2015。














文档版本V1.0 (2015-05-30)第一次正式发布。

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FusionInsight LibrA是采用Shared-nothing架


●应用快速迁移/上线,兼容标准ANSI SQL,提供



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支持高效率查询ORC文件,Smart Scan技术减少网络数据交换。



●并行 Bulk Load 加载技术,旁路协调节点,数据节


分为多个逻辑子集群,不同Node Group之间计算资源可以弹性共享,满足子集群业务峰值时的计算需求。


点 HA + Handoff 技术,协调节点多活,GTM

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