



rare同义词三篇1冷僻的近义词英语:deserted, desolate, rare2半熟的近义词英语:doughy, half-baked, half-boiled, rare, soft-boiled3希奇的近义词英语:curious, rare, strange反义词汉语:普通的, 平凡的4希罕的近义词英语:rare, scarce, uncommon5珍近义词俄语:ценить, беречь法语:précieu某, rarissime英语:Jane, precious, rare, treasure, valuable6非常近义词汉语:非常, 异常, 特别, 格外, 分外, 十分, 十二分, 万分, 不胜, 百般, 百倍, 充分, 老大, 好生, 好不, 那个, 要命, 不行, 可怜, 了不得, 不得了, 够劲儿, 够呛, 很, 甚, 颇, 挺, 好, 老, 生, 深, 良, 殊, 煞, 大, 雅, 綦, 稀, 绷, 酷, 怪, 蛮, 杀, 死, 慌, 坏, 不可开交, 死去活来, 甚为, 煞是, 深深的俄语:чрезвычайный, необыкновенный英语:very, e某traordinary, greatly, highly, in the e某treme, rare, special, super, unusual法语:e某traordinaire, e某ceptionnel西班牙语:altamente, demasiado, doblemente, grandemente, mucho, muy反义词汉语:普通, 一般, 平常7个别近义词俄语:отдельный, индивидуальный,единичный法语:particulier, rare, très peu英语:e某ceptional, individual, one or two, specific, very few 德语:besonders, beziehungsweise, eigenwillig, individuell, vereinzeln, diskret, separat反义词汉语:全体, 一般, 多数, 集体8冷僻近义词法语:désert, solitaire, reculé, rare, peu familier, peu usité, étrange9稀少近义词汉语:稀少, 希少, 希罕, 希有, 鲜有, 少有, 希世, 罕见, 少见, 鲜见, 偶发, 难得, 铁树开花, 千载难逢, 千载一时, 百年不遇, 十年九不遇, 不可多得, 稀罕, 稀缺, 稀世, 罕, 荒无人烟, 难得一见, 阔阔的, 稀有, 万分之一, 千分之一, 斑斑, 薄薄, 层层法语:peu, rare德语:karg, rar, selten, spärlich, wenig英语:few and far between, like nothing on earth, sparsity, thin 葡萄牙语:escassez, escasso, e某íguo, e某igüidade反义词汉语:繁多, 稠密10难得近义词法语:précieu某, rare, peu fréquent德语:nicht leicht zu bekommen, selten反义词汉语:容易, 轻易11奇近义词俄语:нечётное число, нечётный法语:impair, étrange, e某traordinaire英语:astonish, odd, queer, rare, strange, surprise12瑰近义词俄语:диковинный, чудесный英语:marvellous, rare13稀近义词汉语:稀, 薄, 谈, 稀薄, 淡薄, 稀溜溜, 淡淡的俄语:малочисленный, редкий英语:rare, scarce, sparse, watery法语:rare, espacé, clairsemé, léger14稀少的近义词英语:e某iguous, few, infrequent, rare, scarce, seldom, slim 反义词汉语:繁多的, 稠密的15稀有的近义词英语:rare, unusual反义词汉语:常见的16稀罕的近义词英语:rare, scarce, unique反义词汉语:平常的17罕见的近义词英语:infrequent, peculiar, rare, seldom seen, unusual西班牙语:e某cepcional, raro反义词汉语:常见的, 习见的, 多见的18鲜近义词德语:wenig, wenige, frech, frisch法语:frais, éclatant, vif, délicieu某, e某quis英语:bright, delicacy, delicious, fresh, rare19僻近义词俄语:редкий, редко встречающийся法语:retiré, reculé, rare20珍奇近义词法语:rare, curieu某英语:like nothing on earth, newness, rareness21稀疏近义词西班牙语:raleza, rarefacción, rareza, raro法语:clairsemé, rare反义词汉语:茂密, 稠密, 茂盛, 密集, 繁茂, 浓密, 细密22绝无仅有近义词成语:旷古绝伦, 空前绝后, 绝无仅有, 无与伦比, 独一无二, 盖世无双, 举世无双, 亘古未有, 史无前例, 绝世无伦, 绝世超伦法语:rare, hors pair, unique en son genre反义词汉语:多如牛毛, 司空见惯23希近义词俄语:редкостный, редкий英语:hope, rare法语:espérer, désirer24珍贵的近义词西班牙语:precioso, real英语:infrequent, precious, rare, valuable反义词汉语:普通的, 平凡的, 低贱的25生僻的近义词英语:rare, uncommon反义词汉语:常见的, 熟悉的26难得到的近义词英语:rare, un-come-at-able, unattainable27罕有的近义词英语:rare, uncommon反义词汉语:常有的28珍奇的近义词英语:freakish, rare29名贵近义词法语:fameu某et précieu某, rare德语:berühmt und kostbar, e某klusiv反义词汉语:粗贱, 廉价30稀薄近义词葡萄牙语:tênue, tenuidade法语:raréfié, rare英语:rarefaction, rareness, rarity, tenuity, washiness31希罕近义词俄语:удивляться, удивительный法语:rare, peu commun英语:cherish, rarity32生僻近义词法语:peu commun, peu utilisé, rare反义词汉语:常见, 熟悉33稀薄的近义词英语:rare, subtle, tenuous, thin, washy, wateryrare同义词副词1.稀罕的2.珍贵的,极好的3.稀薄的(空气)4.半熟的(食物)词形变化形容词比较级 rarer,rarest名称 rareness英语解释marked by an uncommon quality; especially superlative or e某treme of its kindhaving low density(of meat) cooked a short time; still red insiderecurring only at long intervalsnot widely distributednot widely known; especially valued for its uncommonness 相似短语rare and ... 极其,很,非常rare and 非常, 很rare element 稀有元素rare gas 稀薄气体rare short 局部短路,局部短路rare edition 珍本rare volume 珍本rare materials 稀有文献资料rare visitor 稀客duty of rare 保管责任相似单词rare a. 1.稀罕的 2.珍贵的,极好的 3.稀薄的(空气) 4.半熟的(食物) RARE =European Association of Research Networks一个欧洲的学术网络rare roasted adj. 半熟的rare book 善本rare earth 稀土的;稀土元素rare earth(RE) 稀土最新单词dewaterizer的中文解释脱水器dewatering是什么意思及音标脱水; 疏水dewaterer什么意思及同义词脱水器; 除水器dewatered怎么翻译及发音去水的dewater是什么意思 vt. 使脱水Deward是什么意思德瓦特锰钼钢dewan什么意思及同义词 n. 州财政长官;首相dew是什么意思 n.[U] 露珠,露水 v. 1.[T]用露水沾湿 2.[I]结露水rare同义词rare的同义词辨析:occasional, uncommon, scare, rare这些形容词均含"稀罕的,很少发生"之意。




——列夫·托尔斯泰From the labor is a crime。


——高尔基Only man's labor is holy。


——米尔Good all existing things are created by the fruit。


——邓小平Value work, cherish talents, talents is rare。


——威廉·配第Labor is the father of wealth, land is the mother of wealth。


——列宾Inspiration, but is "tenacious labor for reward"。


——谢党哉The greatest happiness in life, is your own labor got results。


——卢梭Labor is the duty of everyone in the society inevitably。


——高尔基Labor makes people to establish confidence in his intellectual power。


——拉·封丹To work, and to hard-working, work is the wealth of the most reliable。


——涅克拉索夫The will of life and labor will create miracle of miracles。



treasure的用法总结大全treasure的用法总结大全treasure的意思n. 金银财宝,宝藏,珍宝,不可多得的人才vt. 重视,珍惜,珍视,储存变形:过去式: treasured; 现在分词:treasuring; 过去分词:treasured;treasure用法treasure可以用作动词treasure用作名词的意思是“珍宝”“珍品”,转化为动词则为“重视”“珍惜”,表示珍藏某物以防丢失,尤指珍贵的或富有精神价值的物品。




treasure用作动词的用法例句I shall always treasure the memory of our meetings.我将永远记住我们相聚的情景。

To treasure what you have is actually the beginning to own everything.珍惜,是拥有一切的开始。

treasure用法例句1、The societys archives are a treasure trove for scholars.该协会的档案对学者来说简直是宝藏。

2、This Islington shop is a treasure trove of beautiful bridalwear.这家位于伊斯灵顿区的商店里汇聚了各种漂亮的新娘服装。

3、We shall take the treasure away to a safe place.我们应该把这些宝物带到一个安全的地方。

好好珍藏:treasure综述One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When youfinally get your own happiness, you will understand the previoussadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love.——Titanic一个人一生可以爱上很多的人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白一起的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。





英语课外英文阅读材料(一)眼睛会说话Much meaning can be conveyed, clearly, with oureyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.Do you have such kind of experience? In a bus youmay look at stranger, but not too long. And if he issensing that he is being stared at, he may feeluncomfortable.The same in daily life. If you are looked at for morethan necessary, you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is anything wrong withyou. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry toward other’s stare with you that way. Eyes dospeak, right?Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive. But things are differentwhen it comes to stare at the opposite sex. If a man glances at a woman for more than 10 seconds and refuses to avert his gaze, his intentions are obvious, that is, he wishes to attracther attention, to make her understand that he is admiring her.However, the normal eye contact for two people engaged in conversation is that the speakerwill only look at the listener from time to time, in order to make sure that the listener does payattention to what the former is speaking, As for the listener, he will,to a certain extent,lookcontinously at the speaker to tell him that he is attentive.If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking, as if he tries to dominate you, you willfeel disconcerted. A poor liar usually exposes himself by looking too long at the victim, sincehe believes in the false idea that to look straight in the eye is a sign of honest communication. Quite the contrary.In fact, continuous eye contact is confined to lovers only, who will enjoy looking at each othertenderly for a long time, to show affection that words cannot express.Evidently, eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and thespecific situation.我们的眼睛能准确地传达一些信息,所以人们常说,眼睛会说话。



1.常用的英语口语900句摘抄1. What horrible weather! 这鬼天气!2. Which would you prefer? 你要选哪个?3. Does she like ice-cream? 她喜欢吃冰淇淋吗?4. First come first served. 先到先得。

5. Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。

6. He has a sense of humor. 他有幽默感。

7. He is acting an old man. 他正扮演一个老人。

8. He is looking for a job. 他正在找工作。

9. He doesn’t care about me. 他并不在乎我。

10. I develop films myself. 我自己冲洗照片。

11. I felt no regret for it. 对这件事我不觉得后悔。

12. I get up at six o’clock. 我六点起床。

13. I meet the boss himself. 我见到了老板本人。

14. I owe you for my dinner. 我欠你晚餐的钱。

15. I’m fed up with my work! 我对工作烦死了!16. It’s no use complaining. 发牢骚没什么用。

17. She’s under the weather. 她心情不好。

18. The child sobbed sadly. 小孩伤心地抽泣着。

19. The rumor had no basis. 那谣言没有根据。

20. They praised him highly. 他们大大地表扬了他。






Friendship is the union of the soul.2、人间岁月闲难得;天下知交老更亲。

Time and leisure are rare in the world.3、精诚所至,金石为开。

Sincerity is the key to success.4、友谊是一棵可以庇荫的树。

Friendship is a shady tree.5、选书如择友。

Choosing books is like choosing friends.6、广交不如择友,投师不访友。

It's better to choose friends than to make friends.7、挨金似金,挨玉似玉。

Gold is like gold, and jade is like jade.8、以仁会友,以友辅仁。

Benevolence makes friends, and friendship helps benevolence.9、万两黄金容易得,知心一个也难求。

Twelve thousand gold is easy to get, but one heart is hard to get.10、帮助别人要忘掉,别人帮助要记牢。

Help others to forget, help others to remember.11、友谊是个无垠的天地,它多么宽广啊!Friendship is a boundless world, how broad it is!12、朋友的眼睛是最好的镜子。

Friends'eyes are the best mirrors.13、什么人都可交,没有好心眼的人不可交。

No one can be handed in, no one can be handed in without good intentions.14、真金不怕火炼,患难考验友谊。



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管道管件常用英语1 管道组成件Piping component1.1 管子Pipe管子(按照配管标准规格制造的) pipe管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管) tube钢管steel pipe铸铁管cast iron pipe衬里管lined pipe复合管clad pipe碳钢管carbon steel pipe合金钢管alloy steel pipe不锈钢stainless steel pipe奥氏体不锈钢管austenitic stainless steel pipe铁合金钢管ferritic alloy steel pipe轧制钢管wrought-steel pipe锻铁管wrought-iron pipe无缝钢管seamless (SMLS) steel pipe焊接钢管welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管electric-resistance welded steel pipe电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管electric-fusion (arc)-welded steel-plate pipe螺旋焊接钢管spiral welded steel pipe镀锌钢管galvanized steel pipe热轧无缝钢管hot-rolling seamless pipe冷拔无缝钢管cold-drawing seamless pipe水煤气钢管water-gas steel pipe塑料管plastic pipe玻璃管glass tube橡胶管rubber tube直管run pipe; straight pipe1.2 管件Fitting弯头elbow异径弯头reducing elbow带支座弯头base elbowk半径弯头long radius elbow短半径弯头short radius elbow长半径180°弯头long radius return短半径180°弯头short radius return带侧向口的弯头(右向或左向)side outlet elbow (right hand or left hand)双支管弯头(形)double branch elbow三通tee异径三通reducing tee等径三通straight tee带侧向口的三通(右向或左向)side outlet tee (right hand or 1eft hand)异径三通(分支口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on outlet)异径三通(一个直通口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on one run)带支座三通base tee异径三通(一个直通口及分支口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on one run and outlet)异径三通(两个直通口为异径,双头式)reducing tee (reducing on both runs, bull head)45°斜三通45° lateral45°斜三通(支管为异径)45° lateral (reducing on branch)45°斜三通(一个直通口为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on one run)45°斜三通(一个直通口及支管为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on one run and branch)Y型三通(俗称裤衩)true “Y”四通cross等径四通straight cross异径四通reducing cross异径四通(一个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one outlet)异径四通(一个直通口及分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one run and outlet)异径四通(两个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on both outlet)异径四通(一个直通口及两个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one run and both outlet) 异径管reducer同心异径管concentric reducer偏心异径管eccentric reducer锻制异径管reducing swage螺纹支管台threadolet焊接支管台weldolet承插支管台sockolet弯头支管台elbolet斜接支管台latrolet镶入式支管嘴sweepolet短管支管台nipolet支管台,插入式支管台boss管接头coupling, full coupling半管接头half coupling异径管接头reducing coupling活接头union内外螺纹缩接(俗称补芯)bushing管帽cap (C)堵头plug短节nipple异径短节reducing nipple; swage nipple预制弯管fabricated pipe bend跨越弯管(^ 形)cross-over bend偏置弯管(~ 形)offset bend90°弯管quarter bend环形弯管cirele bend单侧偏置90°弯管(? 形)single offset quarter bendS形弯管“S” bend单侧偏置U形膨胀弯管(| ?形)single offset “U” bendU形弯管“U” bend双偏置U膨胀弯管double offset expansion “U” bend斜接弯管mitre bend三节斜接弯管3-piece mitre bend折皱弯管corrugated bend圆度roundness1.4 法兰Flange (FLG)整体管法兰integral pipe flange钢管法兰steel pipe flange螺纹法兰threaded flange滑套法兰(包括平焊法兰)slip-on flange (SO); slip-on welding flange 承插焊法兰socket welding flange松套法兰lap joint flange (LJF)对焊法兰welding neckflange (WNF)法兰盖blind flange, blind孔板法兰orifice flange异径法兰reducing flange盘座式法兰pad type flange松套带颈法兰loose hubbed flange焊接板式法兰welding plate flange对焊环welding neck collar (与stub end相似)平焊环welding-on collar突缘短节stub end, lap翻边端lapped pipe end松套板式法兰loose plate flange压力级pressure rating, pressure rating class压力—温度等级pressure-temperature rating法兰密封面,法兰面flange facing突面raised face (RF)凸面male face (MF)凹面female face (FMF)榫面tongue face环连接面ring joint face全平面;满平面flat face; full face (FF)光滑突面smooth raised face (SRF)法兰面加工facing finish粗糙度roughness光滑的smooth齿形serrated均方根root mean square (RMS)算术平均粗糙高度arithmetical average roughness height (AARH)配对法兰companion-flange螺栓圆bolt circle (B.C.)1.5 垫片Gasket (GSKT)垫片的型式type of gasket平垫片flat gasket环形平垫片flat ring gasket平金属垫片flat metal gasket夹棉织物的橡胶elastomer with cotton fabric insertion夹石棉织物的橡胶elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion夹石棉织物及金属丝加强的橡胶elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion and with wire reinforcement 无石墨压缩白石棉垫片non graphited compressed white asbestos gasket天然白橡胶垫片natural white rubber gasket压缩石棉垫片compressed asbestos class gasket浸聚四氟乙烯的石棉垫片PTFE impregnated asbestos gasket夹石棉的缠绕金属垫片spiral-wound metal gasket with asbestos filler内环inner ring外环,外定位环outer ring波纹金属垫片corrugated metal gasket波纹金属包嵌石棉垫片corrugated metal gasket with asbestos inserted双夹套波纹金属包石棉垫片corrugated metal double jacketed asbestos filled gasket双夹套垫片double jacketed gasket金属包石棉平垫片flat metal jacketed asbestos filled gasket整体金属齿形垫片solid metal serrated gasket槽形金属垫片grooved metal gasket环形连接金属垫片ring joint metal gasket八角环形垫片octagonal ring gasket椭圆环形垫片oval ring gasket透镜式垫片lens gasket非金属垫片non-metallic gasket1.6 阀门Valve1.6.1 阀门结构、零件阀轭yoke外螺纹阀杆及阀轭outside screw and yoke (OS & Y) 阀杆stem内螺纹inside screw (IS)阀轭套yoke sleeve阀杆环stem ring阀座valve seat (body seat)阀座环、密封圈seat ring整体(阀)座integral seat堆焊(阀)座deposited seat阀芯(包括密封圈、杆等内件)trim阀盘disc阀盘密封圈disc seat阀体body阀盖bonnet阀盖衬套bonnet bush螺纹阀帽screw cap螺纹阀盖screw bonnet螺栓连接的阀盖bolted bonnet (BB)活接阀盖(帽)union bonnet (cap)螺栓连接的阀帽bolted cap (BC)焊接阀盖welded bonnet (WB)本体阀杆密封body stem seal石棉安全密封asbestos emenen seal倒密封back seal压力密封的阀盖pressure-tight bonnet动力操纵器powered operator电动操纵器electric motor operator气动操纵器pneumatic operator液压操纵器hydraulic operator快速操纵器quick-acting operator滑动阀杆sliding stem正齿轮传动spur gear operated伞齿轮传动bevel gear operated扳手操作wrench operated链轮chain wheel手轮hand wheel手柄hand lever (handle)气缸(或液压缸)操纵的cylinder operated链条操纵的chain operated等径孔道full bore; full port异径孔道reducing bore, reduced port,venturi port短型short pattern紧凑型(小型)compact type笼式环lantern ring压盖gland阀杆填料stem packing阀盖垫片bonnet gasket升杆式(明杆)rising stem (RS)非升杆式(暗杆)non-rising stem (NRS)指示器/限位器indicator/stopper注油器grease injector可更换的阀座环renewable seat ring1.6.2 常用阀(1)闸阀gate valve平行双闸板double disc parallel seat开口楔形闸板split wedge挠性整体楔形闸扳flexible solid wedge整体楔形闸板solid wedge塞型闸阀plug gate valve直通型闸阀through conduit gate valve(2) 截止阀globe valve球心型阀盘globe type disc塞型阀盘plug type disc可转动的阀盘swivel disc(3) 节流闪阀throttle valve针阀needle valve(4) 角阀angle valve(5) Y型阀(Y 型阀体截止阀)Y-valve (Y-body globe valve)(6) 球阀ball valve三通球阀3-way ball valve装有底轴的trunnion mounted耐火型fire safe type浮动球型floating ball type防脱出阀杆blowout proof stem(7) 蝶阀butterfly valve对夹式(薄片型)wafer type凸耳式lug type偏心阀板蝶阀offset disc burerfly valve; eccentric butterfly valve 斜阀盘蝶阀canted disc butterfly valve连杆式蝶阀link butterfly valve8) 柱塞阀piston type valve(9) 旋塞阀plug valve三通旋塞阀three-way plug valve四通旋塞阀four-way plug valve旋塞cock衬套旋塞sleeve cock(10) 隔膜阀diaphragm valve橡胶衬里隔膜阀rubber lined diaphragm valve直通式隔膜阀straight way diaphragm valve堰式隔膜阀weir diaphragm valve(11) 夹紧式胶管阀pinch valve(用于泥浆、粉尘等)(12) 止回阀check valve升降式止回阀lift check valve旋启式止回阀swing check valve, flap check valve落球式止回阀ball check valve弹簧球式止回阀spring ball check valve双板对夹式止回阀dual plate wafer type check valve无撞击声止回阀non-slam cheek valve底阀foot valve切断式止回阀stop check valve; non-return valve活塞式止回阀piston check valve斜翻盘止回阀tilting disc check valve蝶式止回阀butterfly check valve1.6.3 其它用途的阀安全泄气阀safety valve (SV)安全泄液阀relief valve (RV)安全泄压阀safety relief valve杠杆重锤式lever and weight type引导阀操纵的安全泄气阀pilot operated safety valve复式安全泄气阀twin type safety valve罐底排污阀flush-bottom tank valve电磁阀solenoid valve, solenoid operated valve电动阀electrically operated valve, electric-motor operated valve 气动阀pneumatic operated valve低温用阀cryogenic service valve蒸汽疏水阀steam trap机械式疏水阎mechanical trap浮桶式疏水阀open bucket trap, open top bucket trap浮球式疏水阀float trap倒吊桶式疏水阀inverted bucket trap自由浮球式疏水阀loose float trap恒温式疏水阀thermostatic trap金属膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀metal expansion steam trap液体膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀liquid expansion steam trap双金属膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀bimetallic expansion steam trap压力平衡式恒温疏水阀balanced pressure thermostatic trap热动力式疏水阀thermodynamic trap脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀impulse steam trap放气阀(自动放气阀)air vent valve (automatic air vent valve) (疏水阀用)平板式滑动闸阀slab type sliding gate valve盖阀flat valve换向阀diverting valve, reversing valve热膨胀阀thermo expansion valve自动关闭阀self-closing gate valve自动排液阀self-draining valve管道盲板阀line-blind valve挤压阀squeeze valve(用于泥浆及粉尘等)呼吸阀breather valve风门、挡板damper减压阀pressure reducing valve, reducing valve控制阀control valve膜式控制阀diaphragm operated control valve执行机构actuator背压调节阀back pressure regulating valve差压调节阀differential pressure regulating valve压力比例调节阀pressure ratio regulating valve1.6.4 未指明结构(或阀型)的阀切断阀block valve; shut-off valve; stop valve调节阀regulating valve快开阀quick opening valve快闭阀quick closing valve隔断阀isolating valve三通阀three way valve夹套阔jacketed valve非旋转式阀non-rotary valve排污阀blowdown valve集液排放阀drip valve排液阀drain valve放空阀vent valve卸载阀unloading valve排出阀discharge valve吸入阀suction valve多通路阀multiport valve取样阀sampling valve手动阀hand-operated valve; manually operated valve锻造阀forged valve铸造阀cast valve(水)龙头bibb; bib; faucet抽出液阀(小阀)bleed valve旁路阀by-pass valve软管阀hose valve混合阀mixing valve破真空阀vacuum breaker冲洗阀flush valve第一道阀;根部阀primary valve根部阀root valve总管阀header valve事故切断阀emergency valve1.7 管道特殊件Piping Specialty1.7.1 管道特殊件(组件)粗滤器strainer过滤器filter临时粗滤器(锥型)temporary strainer (cone type)y 型粗滤器y-type strainerT型粗滤器T-type strainer永久过滤器permanent filter丝网粗滤器gauze strainer洗眼器及淋浴器eye washer and shower视镜sight glass阻火器flame arrester喷嘴;喷头spray nozzle取样冷却器sample cooler消声器silencer膨胀节expansion joint波纹膨胀节bellow expansion joint单波single bellow双波double bellow多波multiple bellow压力平衡式膨胀节pressure balanced expansion带铰链膨胀节hinged expansion joint轴向位移型膨胀节axial movement type expansion joint 自均衡膨胀节(外加强环)self-equalizing expansion joint 带接杆膨胀节tied expansion joint万向型膨胀节universal type expansion joint球形补偿器ball type expansion joint填函式补偿器slip type (packed type) expansion joint单向滑动填料函补偿器single actionpacked slip joint1.7.2 管道特殊元件Piping Special Element软管接头hose connection (HC)快速接头quick coupling金属软管metal hose橡胶管rubber hose挠性管flexible tube鞍形补强板reinforcing saddles补强板reinforcement pad特殊法兰special flange漏斗funnel排液环drip ring排液漏斗drain funnel插板blank垫环spacer8字盲板spectacle blind; figure 8 blind限流孔板restriction orifice爆破片rupture disk法兰盖贴面protective disc费托立克接头victaulic coupling1.8 端部连接End Connection法兰端flanged end坡口端beveled end (BE)对焊端butt welded end平端plain end (PE)承插焊端socket welding end螺纹端threaded end (TE)承口bell end焊接端welding end法兰连接(接头)flanged joint对焊连接(接头)butt welded joint螺纹连接,管螺纹连接threaded joint, pipe threaded joint 锥管螺纹密封焊连接seal-welded taper pipe threaded joint 承插焊连接(接头)socket welded joint承插连接(接头)bell and spigot joint环垫接头ring joint (RJ)万向接头universal joint软钎焊连接(接头)soldered joint搭接接头,松套连接lapped joint外侧厚度切斜角bevel for outside thickncss内侧厚度切斜角bevel for inside thickness内外侧厚度切斜角bevel for combined thickness法兰式的flanged (FLGD)对焊的butt welded (BW)螺纹的threaded (THD)承插焊的socket welded (SW)小端为平的small end plain (SEP)大端为平的large end plain (LEP)两端平both ends plain (BEP)小端带螺纹small end thread (SET)大端带螺纹large end thread (LET)两端带螺纹both end thread (BET)一端带螺纹one end thread (OET)支管连接branch connection焊接支管branch pipe welded directly to the run pipe 2 管道用紧固件及螺纹2.1 紧固件螺栓bolt六角头螺栓hexagonal head bolt方头螺栓square head bolt螺柱,双头螺栓stud bolt环头螺检eye bolt沉头螺栓countersunk (head) screw地脚螺栓anchor bolt; foundation bolt松紧螺旋扣(花篮螺丝)turnbuckleU形螺栓U-boltT形螺栓T-bolt圆头螺钉round head bolt机螺栓,机螺钉maehine bolt顶开螺栓,顶起螺栓Jack screw自攻螺钉self tapping screw膨胀螺栓expansion bolt粗制的coarse精制的finished, fine螺母nut六角螺母hexagonal nut方螺母square nut蝶形螺母wing nut扁螺母flat nut锁紧螺母lock nut垫圈washer平垫圈plain washer球面垫圈spherical washer弹簧垫圈spring washer方垫圈square washer斜垫圈slant washer销轴pinned shan销pin开口销cotter pin定位销dowel pin带孔销pin with hole圆锥销taper pin铆钉rivet键key2.2 螺纹左螺纹left hand thread右螺纹right hand thread管螺纹pipe thread锥管螺纹taper pipe thread直管螺纹straight pipe thread梯形螺纹trapezoid thread螺距pitch of thread粗牙螺纹coarse thread细牙螺纹fine thread特细牙螺纹extra fine thread通长螺纹full thread惠氏螺纹whitworth thread公制螺纹metric ibread美国标准锥管螺纹American standard taper pipe thread (NPT) 螺孔tap3 材料、型钢及填料3.1 金属材料3.1.1 黑色金属Ferrous Metal碳素钢carbon steel (CS)低碳钢low-carbon steel中碳钢medium-carbon steel高碳钢high-carbon steel普通碳素钢general carbon steel优质碳素钢high-quality carbon steel普通低合金结构钢general structure low-alloy steel合金结构钢structural alloy steel合金钢alloy steel低合金钢low alloy steel中合金钢medium alloy steel高合金钢high alloy steel耐热钢heat resisting steel高强度钢high strength steel复合钢clad steel工具钢tool steel弹簧钢spring steel钼钢molybdenum steel镍钢nickel steel铬钢chromium steel铬钼钢chrome-molybdenum steel铬镍钢chromium-nickel steel,chrome-nickel steel 不锈钢stainless steel (S.S.)奥氏体不锈钢Austenitic stainless steel马氏体不锈钢Martensitic stainless steel司特来合金(钨铬钴台金)Stellite耐蚀耐热镍基合金Hastelloy铬镍铁合金inconel耐热铬镍铁合金incoloy20合金20 alloy平炉钢(马丁钢)Martin steel镇静钢killed steel半镇静钢semi-killed steel沸腾钢rimmed steel; rimming steel; open-steel锻钢forged steel铸钢cast steel铸铁cast iron (C.I.)灰铸铁grey cast iron可锻铸铁malleable iron (MI)球墨铸铁nodular cast iron; nodular graphite iron 生铁pig iron熟铁,锻铁wrought iron铸件casting高硅铸铁high silicon cast iron3.1.2 镀层及制造方法渗铬钢,镀铬钢chromized steel镀铬的chromium-plated, chrome-plated镀层plating锻造,型钢swage锻造的,锻造forging热轧hot rolling冷轧cold rolling挤压extruding冷加工cold working热加工hot working拔制drawing3.1.3 有色金属Non-ferrous Metal铝aluminum铜,紫铜copper黄铜brass青铜bronze铝青铜aluminum bronze磷青铜phosphor bronze铝镁合金aluminum magnesium锰青铜manganese bronze蒙乃尔(注:镍及铜合金)Monel镍铜台金nickel copper alloy非铁合金nonferrous alloy钛titanium铅lead硬铅hard lead3.1.4 材料性能极限强度ultimate strength抗拉强度tensile strength屈服极限yield limit屈服点yield point延伸率percentage elongation抗压强度compressive strength抗弯强度bending strength弹性极限elastic limit冲击值impact value疲劳极限fatigue limit蠕变极限creep limit持久极限endurance limit布氏硬度Brinell hardness洛氏硬度Rockwell hardness维氏硬度Vickers diamond hardness, diamond penetrator hardness 蠕变断裂强度creep rupture strength断面收缩率reduction of area脆性brittleness延性ductility冷脆cold shortness冷流cold flow3.2 非金属材料Non-metallic Material塑料plastic丙烯腈—丁二烯—苯乙烯acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) 聚乙烯polyethylene (PE)聚氯乙烯polyvinyl chloride (PVC)苯乙烯橡胶styrene-rubber (SR)聚丁烯polybutylene (PB)聚丙烯polypropylene (PP)聚苯乙烯polystyrene (PS)氯化聚醚chlorinated polyether (CPE)聚酰胺polyamide (PA)聚碳酸酯polycarbonate (PC)聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)醋酸丁酸纤维素cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB)氯化聚氯乙烯chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC)聚偏二氟乙烯polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)缩醛塑料acetal plastic尼龙塑料nylon plastic聚烯烃polyolefin (PO)石墨酚醛塑料graphite phenolic plastics聚四氟乙烯polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)纤维增强热塑性塑料fiber reinforced thermoplastics热塑性塑料thermoplastic热固性塑料thermosetting plastics胶粘剂adhesive溶剂胶接剂solvent cement树脂resin环氧树脂epoxy, epoxy resin聚酯树脂polyester resin聚酯纤维polyester fibers氟塑料fluoroplastics聚氨基甲酸酯polyurethane丙烯酸树脂acrylic resin脲醛树脂urea resin呋哺树脂furan resin乙烯丙烯二烃单体ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) 合成橡胶synthetic rubber丁腈橡胶nitrile butadiene rubber氯丁橡胶neoprene天然橡胶natural rubber乙丙橡胶ethylene propylene rubber (EPR)玻璃glass硼硅玻璃borosilicate glass耐火砖fire brick陶瓷ceramic搪瓷porcelain enamel木材wood3.3 型材型钢shaped steel, section steel, swage角钢angle steel槽钢channel工字钢I-beam宽缘工字钢或H钢wide flanged beamT型钢T-bar方钢square bar扁钢flat bar角钢hexagonal steel bar圆钢round steel; rod钢带strap steel钢板plate网纹钢板checkered plate腹板(指型钢的立板)web翼缘(指型钢的缘)wing3.4 填料及填料函填料packing石棉绳asbestos rope, asbestos cord.O形环O-ring自密封self-sealing四氟带Teflon tap带铬镍合金丝的石棉绳asbestos rope with inconel wire, inconel wire asbestos 浸聚四氟乙烯的石棉填料Teflon impregnated asbestos packing金属填料metallic stuffing填料箱,填料函packing box, stuffing box填料函压盖stuffing box gland4 管道等级及材料统计4.1 管道材料规定Piping Material Specification管道等级piping class; piping classification管道等级号class designation公称直径nominal diameter (DN); nominal (pipe) size公称压力nominal pressure (PN)压力级,等级,类别class (CL)低压low pressure (L.P.)中压medium pressure (M.P.)高压high pressure (H.P.)大气压atmosphere (ATM)真空vacuum工作压力operating pressure; working pressure设计压力design pressure工作温度operating temperature设计温度design temperature环境温度ambient temperature腐蚀裕量corrosion allowance管道附件piping attachment管道元件piping element壁厚wall thickness (WT)壁厚系列号schedule number (SCH. No.)加厚的,加强的extra heavy, extra strong双倍加厚的,双倍加强的double extra heavy, double extra strong通用连接组typieal installation分组(类)形式(如管道等级表)block form数据库data base文件file4.2 材料统计Material Take-off (MTO)汇总表summary sheet材料表bill of material (BM)综合管道材料表consolidated piping material summary sheet (CPMSS) 统计材料准确度accuracy of take-off材料情况报告material status report (MSR)散装材料bulk material编位号的itemized代码code number短代码short code数量quantity (QTY)重力weight净重net weight毛重gross weight5 设备布置及管道布置Plot Plan and Piping Layout,Equipment and Piping Arrangement 5.1 设备名称Equipment Name5.1.1 容器Vessel(1) 塔tower, column洗涤塔scrubber吸收塔absorber冷却塔cooling tower精馏塔fractionating tower蒸馏塔distillation tower再生塔regenering tower造粒塔prflling tower汽提塔stripper脱气塔degasifier合成塔synthesis tower(2) 反应器reactor聚台釜polymerizer转化器,变换器converter脱硫反应器desulphurization reactor甲烷化器methanator(3) 气柜gas-holder螺旋式气柜helical gas-holder湿式气柜wet gas-holder干式气柜dry gas-holder(4) 槽罐贮罐tank; storage tank缓冲罐knock out drum球罐spheroid, spherical tank罐drum接受槽receiver计量槽measuring tank加料槽feed tank排污罐blow down tank闪蒸罐flash drum汽包steam drum溶液贮槽solution storage tank地下槽sloptank(5) 其它设备分离器separator旋风分离器cyclone分子筛molecular sieve脱氧器deaerator搅拌器agitator干燥器dryer混合器mixer萃取器extractor结晶器crystallizer澄清器gravity settler净化器purifier气化器vaporizer吸附器adsorber融解槽melter减温器desuperheater升压器booster喷射器ejector喷头sprayer火炬flare消声器silencer(6) 换热器、加热器、冷却器换热器heat exchanger空冷器air cooler水冷却器water cooler冷凝器condenser螺旋板式换热器spiral plate heat exchanger 蒸发器evaporator再沸器reboiler急冷器quencher深冷器chiller预热器preheater再热器reheater加热器heater电加热器electric heater过热器super heater给水加热器feed water heater中间冷却器inter cooler后冷却器after cooler5.1.2 工业炉及锅炉炉子furnace烧嘴burner锅炉boiler烟囱stack废热锅炉waste heat boiler辅助锅炉auxiliary boiler省煤器economizer回热炉direct-fired heater辐射段radiant section对流段convection section裂化炉reformer焚烧炉incinerator回转窑rotary kiln炉管furnace tube吹灰器soot blower观察孔observation door, peep door防爆门explosion door5.2 辅助用房名称5.2.1 生产用房分析室analyzer room变压器室transformer room配电室,变电所substation, switch room蓄电池室battery room控制室control room通风室ventilating room贮藏室storage room维修间maintenance room办公室office5.2.2 生活用房更农室locker room盥洗室,厕所closet, lavatory, toilet5.3 图名管道布置平面piping arrangement plan (PAP)管道布置piping layout轴测图isometric drawing分区索引图key plan初版设备布置图(“A”版)preliminary plot plan ( “A” issue)内部审查版设备布置图(“B”版)inre rnal approval plot plan ( “B” issue)用户审查版设备布置图(“C”版) owner approval plot plan ( “C” issue)确认版设备布置图(“D”版)confirm plot plan ( “D” issue)研究版设备布置图(“e”版)planning plot plan ( “E” issue)设计版设备布置图(“F”)designing plot plan ( “F” issue)施工版设备布置图(“G”版)construct ion plot plan ( “G” issue) 5.4 厂房、站、单元压缩机房compressor house (room)泵房pump house (room)洗眼站eye washer station泡沫站foam station软管站,公用工程站hose station (HS), utility station成套设备package unit设施facilities罐区tank yard空分装置air separation facility5.5 设备布置设备位号equipment item number工厂plant工厂区界plant limit项目区界内侧inside battery limit (I.S.B.L.)项目区界batterylimit (BL)区界area limit区域边界zone iimit界外off site东east (E)西west (W)南south (S)北north (N)上up下down工厂北向plant north真实北向true north道路road小过道cat walk, cat way走道,过道walk way, gangway, access way污水坑(井)sump pit集水池catch basin沟槽through预留区trough场地future area铺砌区paving area非铺砌区unpaved area碎石铺面gravel paving橡皮铺面rubber paving面积,区域area体积,容积volume (VOL)5.6 管道布置管道设计piping design管道研究piping study走向研究routing study重要管道critical piping地上管道above ground piping地下管道under ground piping管网network of pipes管廊pipe rack管沟piping trench管间距line spacing管道跨距line span总管header, manifold旁路by pass排液drain放空vent上升管,垂直管riser导管canduit裸管bare iine管件直接fitting to fitting (FTF)管段,接口spool piece, spool取样接口sampling connection集液包drip leg伴热管tracing pipe蒸汽伴热steam tracing热水伴热hot-water tracing电伴热electrical tracing夹套管jacketed line, jacketed piping 全夹套的full jacketed平面plan详图detail“ ”视图X view “X”“ ”剖视A-A section “A-A”连接图hook up drawing接续图continue on drawing (COD) 接续线match line (M.L.)比例scale图例legend符号symbol管口表list of nozzles方位orientation管口方位nozzle orientation定位location相交intersection水平的horizontal垂直的,立式的vertical垂直,正交,垂直的perpendicular平行,平行的parallel水平安装horizontal installation垂直安装vertical installafion对称的symmetric相反(的),对面(的)opposite顺时针方向clock wise逆时针方向counter clock wise计算机辅助设计computer aided design (CAD) 5.7 图面标注绝对标高abselute elevation海平面标高over-sea mean level (OSL)标高,立面elevation (EL)混凝土顶面top of concrete架顶面top of support (TOS)钢结构顶面top of steel梁项面top of beam (TOB)支撑点point of suppon (POS)管顶top of pipe (TOP)管底bouom of pipe (BOP)沟底boaom of trench管子内底invert (inside bottom of pipe)底平flat on bottom (FOB)顶平flat on top (FOT)工作点working point (W.P.)面至面face to face (F-F)中心至端面center to end (C-E)中心至面center to face (C-F)中心至中心,中至中center to center (C-C)坐标coordinate坐标原点origin of coordinate出口中心线center line of discharge入口中心线center line of suction中心线centerline (CL)入口inlet, suction出口outlet, discharge排出口exhaust距离distance5.8 相关专业的专业词汇5.8.1 工艺(1) 图及表流程图flow diagram工艺流程图process flow diagram (PFD)管道及仪表流程图piping andinstrument flow diagram (PID)公用工程流程图utility flow diagram (UFD) 管线表line list; line schedule命名表;管道表nomenclature设备表equipment list (schedule)(2) 流体fluid空气air仪表空气instrument air工艺空气process air低压蒸汽low pressure steam中压蒸汽medium pressure steam高压蒸汽high pressure steam伴热蒸汽tracing steam饱和蒸汽saturated steam过热蒸汽superheated steam氧气oxygen氢气hydrogen氮气nitrogen燃料气fuel gas天然气natural gas火炬气flare gas酸性气sour gas液化石油气liquefired petroleum gas (LPG) 氨气ammonia gas冷却水cooling循环水circulating water锅炉给水boiler feed water热水hot water蒸汽冷凝水steam condensate盐水brine工艺水process water化学污水chemical sewage防腐剂corrosion inhibitor重油heavy oil石脑油naphtha燃料油fuel oil润滑油lubricating oil密封油sealing oil冷冻剂refrigerant载热体heating medium溶剂solvent溶液solution母液mother liquor单体monomer聚合物polymer均聚物homopolymer共聚物copolymer工艺液体process liquid工艺气体process gas硫酸sulphuric acid盐酸chlorhydric acid硝酸nitric acid烧碱caustic soda(3) 流体特性fluid characteristics 蒸汽压vapor pressure临界温度critical temperature临界点critical point临界压力critical pressure比热specific heat湿度humidity密度density比重specific gravity粘度viscosity闪点flash point融点melting point凝固点freezing point浓度concentration爆炸极限limit of explosion有毒的toxic可燃的;易燃的flammable(4) 其它回收recovery再生regeneration循环cireulatlon再循环;再生recycle补充make-up制备preparation蒸汽吹扫steaming out吹扫purge抽空;排空evacuation吹出blow-off排污blow down破真空vacuum breaker大气腿barometric leg备用stand-by化学清洗chemical cleaning净正吸入压头net positive suction head (NPSH) 进料feed成品product污染contamination大气污染atmospheric pollution环境温度ambient temperature5.8.2 建筑、结构建筑物building钢结构steel structure已有钢结构existing steel structure钢筋混凝土结构reinforced concrete construction 楼面floor平台platform (PF)地面ground level栏杆handrail楼梯stair; stair way直梯ladder柱column; post; stanchion基础foundation; footing粱beam斜撑;支撑bracing桁架;主粱girder构件member隔墙partition wall墙wall篦子板grate; grating吊装孔erection opening吊梁hoisting beam棚shelter窗window天窗skylight门door防火门fire door地漏floor drain防火层fire-proofing总图general plot plan路肩shoulder桩pile灌浆grouting风荷载wind load雪荷载snow load动力荷载dynamic load静荷载dead load活荷载live load风速wind velocity主导风向most frequent wind direction5.8.3 仪表盘(操作盘)panel就地盘local panel仪表盘instrument panel常开normally open常闭normally closed电缆槽(架)cable tray (channel); cable rack 仪表电缆槽(架)instrument cable tray (duct) 压力计manometer; pressure gauge热电偶thermocouple温度计thermometer液位计level gauge玻璃液位计gage glass温度计保护管thermowell流量计flow meter孔板orifice变送器transmitter联锁interlock仪器;设备apparatus仪器分析instrumental analysis自动分析automatic analysis气体分析gas analysis化学分析chemical analysis气相色谱仪gas chromatograph液相色谱仪liquid chromatograph质谱分析mass spectrometric analysis 5.8.4 电气危险区划分hazardous area classification 危险区平面图hazardous area plan电气盘electrical panel配电盘switch board电缆沟cable trench电流current直流direct current交流alternating current频率frequency相位phase功率因数power factor电压voltage电阻resistance电容capacitance静电static electricity接地grounding; easthing照明lighting; illumination避雷针lightning preventer电话telephone电线wire接线箱(盒)junction box导线管conduit tube5.8.5 设备固定鞍座fixed saddle滑动鞍座sliding saddle管口nozzle人孔manhole (MH)手孔handhole (HH)检查孔inspection hole吊柱davit切线tangent line焊接线weldingiine件号part humbet椭圆形封头ellipsoidal head加强圈reinforcing ring接地板earth lug吊耳lifting lug气缸cylinder轴shaft轴承bearing附件,附属设备accessory编位号设备itemized equipment无位号设备non-itemized equipment 5.8.6 水道(1) 流体原水raw water硬水hard water软水soft water饮用水potable water循环冷却水给水cooling water supply 循环冷却水回水cooling water return 脱盐水demineralized water苦咸水(碱性水)brackish water生活污水sanitary sewer工业废水industrial waste water雨水rain water污染雨水contaminated rain water消防水fire water(2) 装置、设施软化装置softener沉淀器settler沉淀池clarifier脱盐装置demineralizer水处理water traatment冷却塔cooling tower中和池neutralization tank化粪池septic tank渗滤井soak-away pit井well阀井valve pit清扫口clean out(3)消防消火栓hydrant水炮water monitor洒水器sprinkler水喷淋watering灭火器fire extinguisher消防水泵fire pump消防车fire fighting truck泡沫消防foam fire-fighting泡沫栓foam hydrant泡沫炮foam monitor消防软管接头fire hose connection6 管道支吊架Pipe Supports and Hangers 6.1 管架零部件Attachment of Support管托shoe管卡clampU形夹(卡)clevis锻制U形夹forged steel clevis支耳;吊耳lug; ear耳轴trunnion止动挡块shear lug托座stool托架cradle带状卡strap clamp夹板,导向板cleat可调夹板adjustable cleat角板;连接板gusset筋;肋rib支承环ring加强板stiffiener底板base plate顶板top plate翅片式导向板fin预埋件embedded part; inserted plate垫板(安装垫平用)shim锚固件;生根件clip预焊件(设备上) clip (on equipment)聚四氟乙烯滑动板PTFE sliding plate连接板tie plate连接杆tie rod限制杆limit rod带环头拉杆eye rod。



外研版初中八年级英语上册全套课堂同步精品笔记【难得的一份好资料】外研社初二上册Module 1 How to learn Englishadvise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事give sb. some advice on 给某人一些关于......的建议all the time 一直;始终;总是ask for 请求,要求be good for 对......有好处be good to ......对......好be good at ......擅长......borrow sth from sb 向某人借东西(借入)lend sth to sb将某物借给某人(借出)correct the mistake改正错误the correct answer 正确答案each other 彼此enjoy doing sth. 喜欢干某事enjoy oneself 玩得高兴;过得愉快finish doing sth 完成某事for example例如forget to do sth. 忘记做某事forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事help sb (to)do sth =help sb with sth帮某人做某事in class在课堂上in pairs成双;成对last term 上学期leave sth. at home把某物忘在家里learn......from...... 向...学习make a list列表;制表;编目录make a mistake犯错make friends 交朋友next term 下学期next to在......旁边practice doing sth 练习做某事read a newspaper读报纸remember to do sth. 记住要干某事remember doing sth. 记住干过某事show sb. around 带领某人参观speak English as much as possible尽可能多说英语speak English in class在课堂上说英语take a deep breath 深呼吸talk about 谈论think about 考虑this term这学期translate …into 把......译成try to do sth. 尽力做某事/试用做某事try not to do sth 尽量不要做某事/尝试不要做某事Welcome back to school欢迎回到学校【重点句型】1、Why don’t you write it down?这里的“Why don’t you do ...?”是用来表示提出某种建议,而不是询问为什么不做某事的原因。



英语常用句子大全1. i see.我明白了2. i quit! 我不干了!3. let go! 放手!4. me too.我也是。

5. my god! 天哪!6. no way! 不行!8. hold on.等一等。

9. i agree。


10. not bad.还不错。

11. not yet.还没。

12. see you.再见。

13. shut up! 闭嘴!14. so long.再见。

15. why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)16. allow me.让我来。

17. be quiet! 安静点!18. cheer up! 振作起来!19. good job! 做得好!20. have fun! 玩得开心!21. how much? 多少钱? 22. im full.我饱了。

23. im home.我回来了。

24. im lost.我迷路了。

25. my treat.我请客。

26. so do i.我也一样。

27. this way。


28. after you.您先。

29. bless you! 祝福你!30. follow me.跟我来。

31. forget it! 休想! (算了!)32. good luck! 祝好运!33. i decline! 我拒绝!34. i promise.我保证。

35. of course! 当然了!36. slow down! 慢点!37. take care! 保重!38. they hurt. (伤口)疼。

39. try again.再试试。

40. watch out! 当心。

41. whats up? 有什么事吗?42. be careful! 注意! 43. bottoms up! 干杯(见底)! 44. dont move! 不许动! 45.guess what? 猜猜看? 46. i doubt it 我怀疑。

47. i think so.我也这么想。


教材特色 贴近生活的情景对话,易学易懂!生动活泼的彩版插图,寓教于乐! 合理完善的语法体系,稳固基础!科学改编的双语版本,方便教学!
新英语口语教材·绿色通道(少儿版) 新英语口语教材 绿色通道(少儿版) 绿色通道
教材特色 语言实用、体例新颖、趣味性强,内容接近 中小学生的日常生活,易学、易记; 教材图文并茂,以图助学,以图带学,调动 开发少儿思维能力; 突出少儿语言学习的特点,重视语音训练; 主次分明安排教学内容,提供扩展词汇,促 进因材施教; 结合实际,注重应用,培养交际能力。
教材特色 学生用书——包括单元主题、语言要点、 语言功能、听力练习、会话联系、阅读练 习和写作练习。 教师用书——给教师提供全方位的教学参 考、充分的语言材料、各种活动设计和所 有练习答案。 练习册——每四个单元配有三套试卷,便 于教师及时检查学生的学习情况。 录音带——包括所有课文、听力理解练习 和发音练习,有助于学生提高听力水平。
“外教社新世纪中职英语”根据《上海市中等职业学 校英语课程标准(试用稿)》编写,供上海市中等职业学 校使用,也适用于全国其他同类学校。本套教材自2006年 问世以
教材组成 全套教材共分四册,每册包括学 生用书、教师用书和多媒体助学光盘。 前三册为基础部分,第四册为拓展部 分。第四册所选话题较前三册稍宽泛, 内容与前三册中已经提供的“更高要 求”相衔接,用于提高和拓展。
上海外语教育出版社 中小学图书目录
一、主干教材 二、外语培训教材 三、考试辅导 四、读物 五、语言知识与技能 六、工具书
《英语(新世纪版)》 英语(新世纪版)
教材特色 采用主题教学法、结构—功能法及任务型教学法相 结合的编写体系 每单元围绕一个主题,语法项目和语言功能与主题密 切结合,循序渐进,反复加深 有利于学生打好语言基本功,扩大词汇量,拓展思路, 开阔视野,提高综合语言交际能力和创新能力 每册配有录音磁带和多媒体助学光盘,有利于发挥教 师特长,采用探究式和发现式的教学方法。



[转载]effortless english ⼀套难得的绝好学习资料读完有收获: 1 Forget the idea of perfection and learn to be flexible. 这条是我最需要注意的。

2 Each and every time you study English, create a peak emotional state. 相信这条也是有科学根据的。

3 English is not a subject to be studied. English is a skill to be performed or “played”。

Seven Rules: to speak real English, you should: 1 Learn phrases not words. 2 Spoken grammar can be mastered without studying grammar rules. 3 Learn with your Ears, not with your eyes. Eighty percent of your tim ⼒是第⼀位要解决的。

4 Repetition is the key to spoken mastery. You need to repeat each audio every day for seven days.5 Learn grammar intuitively and unconsciously.6 Learn real English and trash your textbooks. ⼝语和书⾯语⾔有极⼤不同。

7 Learn English with compelling stories. This rule is the method that trains speed. Learn to think in English with listen-and-answer stories. 07/April/2016原⽂地址:effortless english ⼀套难得的绝好学习资料作者:珍惜每⼀天Effortless English - Complete All 5 CoursesA.J. Hoge | PDF | MP3 128 Kbps | 4.7 GB Total下载:/topics/2725116/1) Learn The 7 Rules For Excellent English2) Flow English (Intermediate Level Lessons)3) Success Business Lessons4) New method learning English5) Real English Conversation Pack推荐的理由:1、先看看作者的教英语的⽅法,7条忠告。



遇见的难得的一个好老师英语写作文英文回答:In the tapestry of our educational journey, weencounter countless individuals who leave an enduring mark on our lives. Among them, there are those rare and exceptional beings who rise above the ordinary and ignite within us a passion for learning that burns brighter with each passing day. It is my profound privilege and honor to have crossed paths with such a remarkable educator, a beacon of knowledge who has profoundly shaped my academic and personal growth.From the moment I first stepped into their classroom, I was captivated by their infectious enthusiasm and unwavering commitment to their students. Their lessons were not mere recitals of facts and figures; they werecaptivating narratives that transported us to distant lands, introduced us to groundbreaking scientific discoveries, and challenged our preconceived notions. They possessed anuncanny ability to make complex concepts accessible and engaging, inspiring us to delve deeper into the subject matter.Beyond their academic prowess, what truly set this extraordinary teacher apart was their unwavering belief in our potential. They recognized the spark of curiositywithin each of us and tirelessly nurtured it. They encouraged us to question, to explore, and to never shy away from intellectual challenges. Their unwavering support and encouragement gave me the confidence to push the boundaries of my own abilities and to strive for excellence in all that I undertook.Their influence extended far beyond the classroom walls. They were a mentor, a guide, and a confidant. They took a genuine interest in our lives and went above and beyond to support our personal and professional aspirations. They taught us the importance of integrity, perseverance, and empathy, values that have guided me throughout my life.The impact of this exceptional teacher cannot beoverstated. They ignited a love of learning within me that has burned brightly over the years. Their passion for knowledge inspired me to pursue higher education and to dedicate my own life to the pursuit of intellectual growth. Their guidance and support have been instrumental in my professional success, and their values continue to shape my character and my contributions to my community.In the grand tapestry of educators, this extraordinary teacher stands out as a masterpiece. Their unwavering commitment to their students, their infectious enthusiasm for learning, and their unwavering belief in our potential have left an enduring legacy that will continue to inspire generations of students to come. I am eternally gratefulfor the privilege of having been guided by their wisdom and mentorship, and I will forever strive to embody the values and principles that they instilled in me.中文回答:在漫漫求学路上,我们邂逅无数良师益友。



努力工作好运和难得的机会英语作文题目Hard Work, Good Luck, and Rare OpportunitiesHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you about something really important - hard work, good luck, and rare opportunities. These three things can make a huge difference in our lives.First, let's talk about hard work. My parents are always telling me that nothing worthwhile comes easy. Whether it's learning to read, play soccer, or even tie my shoes - hard work is key. I've seen it myself too. In school, the kids who study hard and pay attention usually get better grades. The athletes who practice regularly perform better in games. Whenever I put in my best effort, I get better results. It's not always easy, but hard work really does pay off.Luck is kind of like a door opener. Hard work builds up your skills, but luck can suddenly open a door to a rare, valuable opportunity. Like the opportunity Amanda got to study under one of the best violinists in the world. Those lucky moments are pure chances that hard work can't make happen on its own.That brings me to rare opportunities. Even with hard work and good luck, some of the best opportunities in life areextremely rare and limited. Like being discovered by a talent scout, or getting accepted to an Ivy League university with a full scholarship. Those who recognize and make the most of rare opportunities are the ones whose lives can radically change for the better.My uncle is a great example of this. He worked incredibly hard in school, got amazing grades, and was really lucky to get a full scholarship to an excellent college. But his biggest breakthrough came during his senior year of college. One of his professors was friends with a big shot investor who was looking for a few top graduates to hire and train. It was an extremely rare opportunity that only a handful of students got access to. My uncle recognized how invaluable this chance could be, so he worked harder than anyone else to prove himself. A few years later, he was a hugely successful investor himself - all because he maximized that one rare opening.Hard work creates skills, good luck opens doors, but capitalizing on rare opportunities is what leads to the biggest achievements and successes in life. I try to always work really hard, be prepared for when luck shines my way, and keep my eyes peeled for those rare, golden opportunities that could change everything.Like most kids, I dream of something huge like becoming a famous athlete, scientist, artist or entrepreneur when I grow up. I know those are pretty rare and tough accomplishments. But hard work, good luck, and recognizing rare opportunities are exactly what it will take to turn my dreams into reality.With hard work, I'm doing my best in school, getting good at sports, practicing my artistic skills like drawing and music. I'm building up a strong foundation. Good luck has played a role too, like the time I accidentally met my favorite artist while walking down the street and she offered to mentor me! A lucky moment like that can make a big difference. As for rare opportunities, I always have my eyes peeled. Like when my school Principal announced a contest to get funding for an entrepreneurial kid business idea. Only a few kids would get that chance, so I jumped at that rare opportunity and entered my idea for a neighborhood service business.Hard work gives you the skills for success. Good luck can provide an extra boost with well-timed chance openings. But rare, limited opportunities are where the biggest dreams can be achieved when preparedness and good luck combine perfectly. I'm working hard every day to ensure I'll be ready when those life-changing opportunities inevitably arrive.So in summary, hard work, good luck, and rare opportunities are three keys that can unlock an amazing life full of achievements and fulfillment. With effort, fortunate timing, and a knack for seizing limited chances - anything is possible! I'm sure going to keep giving my best effort, staying optimistic about good luck, and being vigilant for those golden opportunities. Every kid should, because that's how the dreams of being a superstar, inventor or world-changer can actually come true. Hard work builds the base, luck provides openings, and rare opportunities are the moments that can make it all real. I can't wait to see what life has in store!。



2022年教材课本八年级英语下册人教版,英语单词,怎么读anyone ['eniwn] pron.任何人anywhere ['eniwe(r)] adv.任何地方 n.任何(一个)地方wonderful ['wndfl] adj.精彩的;极好的few [fju] adj.很少的;n.少量most [mst] adj.最多的;大多数的;something ['sm] pron.某事物;nothing(=notanything) ['n] pron.没有什么n.没有myself [ma'self] pron.我自己everyone ['evriwn] pron.每人;人人yourself [j'self] pron.你自己;你亲自hen [hen] n.母鸡;雌禽bored [bd] adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的pig n.猪diary ['dari] n.日记;日记簿(keep a diary)seem [sim] vi.似乎;好像someone ['smwn] pron.某人;有人quite a few相当多;不少(后接可数名词)of course [vks] 当然activity [k'tvti] n.活动;活跃decide [d'sad] v.决定;选定(decide to do sth.)try [tra] v.尝试;设法;努力 (try to do sth. /try doing sth.)bird [bd] n.鸟;禽paragliding ['prɡlad] n.空中滑翔跳伞bicycle ['baskl] n.自行车building ['bld] n.建筑物trader ['tred(r)] n.商人;商船wonder ['wnd(r)] v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑difference ['dfrns] n.差异;不同top [tp] n.顶部;顶wait [wet] v.等;等待(wait for)umbrella [m'brel] n.伞;雨伞wet [wet] adj.湿的;雨天的below [b'l] prep.低于;在...下面adv.在下面as [z] conj.如同;像...一样enough ['nf] adj.足够的adv.足够地;充分地duck [dk] n.鸭肉;鸭hungry(反full) ['hɡri] adj.饥饿的;渴望的feel like(doing sth.)想要dislike [ds'lak] v.不喜欢;厌恶 n.不喜爱;厌恶;反感because of因为;由于have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun(doing sth.)玩得痛快Unit2 How often do you exercise?housework ['haswk] n.家务劳动hardly ['hɑdli] adv.几乎不;简直不;刚刚ever ['ev(r)] adv.曾经;在任何时候once [wns] adv.一次;曾经twice [twas] adv.两倍;两次Internet ['ntnet] n.因特网program ['prɡrm] n.节目;程序;课程;节目单full [fl] adj.满的;充满的;完全的swing [sw] n.摇摆;秋千v.摇摆;旋转maybe ['mebi] adv.或许;也许;可能swing dance摇摆舞least [list] adj.最小的;最少的at least至少hardly ever很少;几乎从不;难得junk n.垃圾;废旧杂物coffee ['kfi] n.咖啡;咖啡色health [hel] n.健康;人的身体或精神状态result [r'zlt] .结果;后果percent [p'sent] adj.百分之...的online [n'lan] adj.在线的adv.在线地television ['telvn] n.电视机;电视节目although [l'] conj.虽然;尽管;然而;可是through [ru] prep.穿过;凭借;一直到body ['bdi] n.身体mind [mand] .头脑;想法;意见;心思such [st] adj.这样的;如此的together [t'ɡe(r)] adv.共同;一起die [da] v.死;枯竭;消失writer ['rat(r)] n.作者;作家dentist ['dentst] n.牙科医生magazine ['mɡzin] n.杂志however [ha'ev(r)] adv.然而;无论如何;不管多么than [ðn] conj.比almost ['lmst] adv.几乎;差不多none [nn] pron.没有人;没有任何东西,毫无less [les] adj.更少的;较少的point [pnt] n.看法;要点;重点;小数点;目标;分数such as例如;诸如junk food n.垃圾食品;无营养食品more than超过;多于;不仅仅;非常less than不到;少于Unit3 I'm more outgoing than my sister. outgoing ['atɡ] adj.外向的better ['bet(r)] adj.更好的;较好的 adv.更好地loudly ['ladli] adv.大声地;高声地;花俏地quietly ['kwatli] adv.安静地;悄悄地;平静地hard-working [hɑd'wk] adj.勤勉的;努力工作的competition [kmp'tn] n.竞争;比赛fantastic [fn'tstk] adj.极好的;了不起的which adj.哪一个;哪一些pron.哪一个;哪些clearly ['klli] adv.清楚地;显然地win [wn] v.赢;赢得;获胜;获得n.胜利though conj.虽然;尽管;adv.不过care about关心talented ['tlntd] adj.有才能的;有天赋的truly ['truli] adv.真实地;真诚地;正确地care [ke(r)] v.关心;担忧;照顾;在乎serious ['sris] adj.严肃的;严重的;庄重的mirror ['mr(r)] n.镜子;反映necessary ['nessri] adj.必要的;必然的both [bθ] adj.两者都pron.两者should [d] aux.应该;可能;应当;将要touch [tt] vt.触摸;感动reach [rit] v.到达;伸出;达成;取得联系;延伸;(伸手)去够heart [hɑt] n.心脏;内心fact [fkt] n.事实;真相;实际break [brek] v.打碎;折断;违背;解决;中断laugh [lɑf] v.发笑;笑;嘲笑 n.笑声;笑;笑料similar ['sml(r)] adj.类似的share [e(r)] vt.分享,共享;分配;共有loud [lad] adj.大声的;adv.大声地;响亮地primary ['pramri] adj.最初的,最早的be different from和...不同information [nf'men] n.信息;情报;资料;通知as long as只要bring out拿出;推出the same as与...同样的in fact事实上;实际上;确切地说be similar to类似于;与...相似Unit4 What's the best movie theater?theater ['θt] n.剧场;电影院;戏院comfortable ['kmftbl] adj.舒适的;充裕的seat [sit] n.座位;screen [skrin] n.屏幕;银幕close [kls] v.关;合拢;不开放;停业worst [wst] adj.最坏的;最差的cheaply ['tipli] adv.廉价地;粗俗地song [s] n.歌曲;歌唱choose [tuz] v.选择;决定carefully ['kefli] adv.小心地,认真地reporter [r'pt(r)] n.记者fresh [fre] adj.新鲜的;清新的comfortably ['kmftbli] adv.舒服地;容易地;充裕地worse [ws] adj.更坏的;更差的service ['svs] n.服务pretty ['prti] adv.相当地adj.漂亮的menu ['menju] n.菜单act [kt] v.行动;表演meal [mil] n.一餐;膳食so far到目前为止;迄今为止no problem没什么;不客气creative [kri'etv] adj.创造的,创造性的; performer [p'fm(r)] n.表演者;执行者talent ['tlnt] n.天赋;才能,才艺;common ['kmn] adj.常见的;共同的;普通的magician [m'dn] n.魔术师;术士beautifully ['bjutfli] adv.美丽地;完美地;role [rl] n.作用;角色winner ['wn(r)] n.获胜者prize [praz] n.奖品;奖金everybody ['evribdi] pron.每人;人人example [ɡ'zɑmpl] n.例子;榜样poor [p(r)] adj.可怜的;贫穷的seriously ['srisli] 严重地,严肃地give [ɡv] v.给;赠予;送crowded ['kradd] adj.拥挤的have in common有相同特征all kinds of各种各样;各种类型be up to是的职责;由决定play a role发挥作用;有影响makeup编造for example例如takeseriously认真对待Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? sitcom ['stkm] n.情景喜剧 (= situation comedy) news [njuz] n.新闻;消息soap [sp] n.肥皂;肥皂剧educational [edu'kenl] adj.教育的;有教育意义的plan [pln] n.计划;方法v.打算;计划hope [hp] .希望;期望;盼望n.希望discussion [d'skn] n.讨论;谈论stand [stnd] v.站立;忍受happen ['hpn] vi.发生;碰巧;出现;偶遇may [me] aux.可以,能够;可能,也许expect [k'spekt] v.预期;期待;盼望joke [dk] n.笑话;玩笑v.说笑话;开玩笑comedy ['kmdi] n.喜剧;滑稽;幽默事件find out查明、弄清meaningless ['minls] adj.无意义的;不重要的action ['kn] n.行为;活动cartoon [kɑ'tun] n.卡通;漫画culture ['klt(r)] n.栽培;文化;教养famous ['fems] adj.著名的;有名的appear ['p(r)] vi.出现;出版;显得become [b'km] v.变成;成为rich [rt] adj.富有的;富饶的;丰富的successful [sk'sesfl] adj.成功的;圆满的might [mat] aux.可能;也许;may的过去式main [men] adj.主要的;最重要的reason ['rizn] n.原因;理由film [flm] n.电影unlucky [n'lki] adj.倒霉的;不幸的;不吉利的lose [luz] vt.丢失;失败vi.失败ready ['redi] adj.准备好的;乐意的character ['krkt(r)] n.个性;品质;人物; simple ['smpl] adj.简单的;朴素的;单纯的;笨的army ['ɑmi] n.军队;陆军;一大批action movie动作片be ready to愿意迅速做某事dress up装扮;乔装打扮take sbs place代替;替换do a good job工作干得好;做得好Unit6 I'm going to study computer science. doctor ['dkt(r)]医生engineer [end'nr] 工程师violinist [va'lnst]小提琴手pilot ['palt] 飞行员pianist ['pnst] 钢琴家scientist['santst]科学家college ['kɑld] 大学education [edu'ken] 教育medicine ['medsn]药,医学university [jun'vrsti] 大学,高等学府article ['ɑrtkl]文章,论文send [send] 邮寄,发送grow up 长大成长computer programmer 计算机管理员be sure about 确信make sure 确保resolution [rez'lun] 决心,决定foreign ['frn] 外国的able [ebl] 能够discuss [dsks] 讨论,商量promise [prɑms] 承诺,诺言beginning [bɡn] 开头,开端improve [mpruv] 改进,改善physical ['fzkl]身体的selfimprovement [selfmp'ruvmnt]自我改进,自我提高hobby ['hɑbi] 业余爱好own [on] 自己的,本人的,拥有personal ['prsnl]个人的,私人的relationship [r'lenp] 关系write down 写下have to do with关于;与有关系take up学着做;开始做agree with 同意be able to 能够做某事。



活着电影英语简介【精选】“Living”tells the story of a person's life。

It is a life speech of an old man who has gone through the vicissitudes of life and sufferings。

It is a drama that deduces the sufferings of life。

When I was young, the narrator of the novel acquired a loafing profession, collecting folk songs in the countryside。

In the season just arrived in summer, I met the old man named Fugui。

I heard him tell me about his frustrating life experience:the landlord's younger son was so fond of gambling that he finally gambled away his family and went to see a doctor before his mother fell ill。

I didn't expect that Fugui was caught by the Kuomintang troops halfway, captured by the People's Liberation Army, and returned home to know that his mother had passed away。

In the world, his wife took pains to bring up a pair of children, but unfortunately her daughter became dumb。



[英语作文]难得的友谊英语写作素材难得的友谊英语写作素材友谊的.英语写作素材:Remember before a test, because is not seriously study at ordinary times, the in the mind very nervous, jitters, nothing is bad, then a friend came and saw me very nervous, she began to teach me how to relax, don't be nervous, let me take a deep breath of relief, also advice me, said: "don't always want to take an examination of how many minutes before the examination, and should want, pass the examination I found myself and the insufficiency, needs to be improved?" I listen to her, the in the mind is quiet a lot, no longer nervous. After the exam, she help me to solve the problem of learning every day, so he has obtained the good result at the end of term, I really thank the friends,is she let me satisfactory results were obtained. I think: I'll be moregrateful friendship, because friendship is make me progress.Remember, as a junior high school, I turn to a new classmate, she becamemy deskmate, later we became good friends. In study, we make a good partner. When I am faced with difficulties, no matter how busy she will open the hand and tell me the topic carefully. The reason why I have this friend, only constantly to improve performance, but she never told her what happened at home. But one day, she got all by themselves in the family misfortune to pour out to me. I really didn't think she is so strong. After listening to her talk, my patience to comfort her, she came out from the pain. I thought: this is the power of friendship! She will believe me, give me the secrets of her own, so I understand is how a person himself. Friendship is really make me moved!Now, although is separated and some friends, but we'll meet every day, two days have friends give me a phone call and told me that she had happened something happy and some unhappy things, we and intimate sisters, a great friendship.Friendship will make you understand that a lot of truth, broaden your horizons and may even change your life. The power of friendship is really too much, as long as you have the real friendship you will feel in the world is so beautiful. Friendship also will help you solve many problems in their lives.参考翻译:记得在一次考试前,由于在平时没有认真学习,心里十分紧张,胆颤心惊,只怕考不好,这时一位好友走过来,看见我十分紧张,她便教我怎么放松,不要紧张,让我深呼吸一口气,还劝告我,说:"考试前不要总想着要考多少分,而应该想,通过这次考试我会发现自己还有那些不足,需要改进哪里?"我听了她的话,心里也平静了很多,不再紧张了。



管道管件常用英语1 管道组成件Piping component1.1 管子Pipe管子(按照配管标准规格制造的) pipe管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管) tube钢管steel pipe铸铁管cast iron pipe衬里管lined pipe复合管clad pipe碳钢管carbon steel pipe合金钢管alloy steel pipe不锈钢stainless steel pipe奥氏体不锈钢管austenitic stainless steel pipe铁合金钢管ferritic alloy steel pipe轧制钢管wrought-steel pipe锻铁管wrought-iron pipe无缝钢管seamless (SMLS) steel pipe焊接钢管welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管electric-resistance welded steel pipe电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管electric-fusion (arc)-welded steel-plate pipe螺旋焊接钢管spiral welded steel pipe镀锌钢管galvanized steel pipe热轧无缝钢管hot-rolling seamless pipe冷拔无缝钢管cold-drawing seamless pipe水煤气钢管water-gas steel pipe塑料管plastic pipe玻璃管glass tube橡胶管rubber tube直管run pipe; straight pipe1.2 管件Fitting弯头elbow异径弯头reducing elbow带支座弯头base elbowk半径弯头long radius elbow短半径弯头short radius elbow长半径180°弯头long radius return短半径180°弯头short radius return带侧向口的弯头(右向或左向)side outlet elbow (right hand or left hand)双支管弯头(形)double branch elbow三通tee异径三通reducing tee等径三通straight tee带侧向口的三通(右向或左向)side outlet tee (right hand or 1eft hand)异径三通(分支口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on outlet)异径三通(一个直通口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on one run)带支座三通base tee异径三通(一个直通口及分支口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on one run and outlet)异径三通(两个直通口为异径,双头式)reducing tee (reducing on both runs, bull head)45°斜三通45° lateral45°斜三通(支管为异径)45° lateral (reducing on branch)45°斜三通(一个直通口为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on one run)45°斜三通(一个直通口及支管为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on one run and branch)Y型三通(俗称裤衩)true “Y”四通cross等径四通straight cross异径四通reducing cross异径四通(一个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one outlet)异径四通(一个直通口及分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one run and outlet)异径四通(两个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on both outlet)异径四通(一个直通口及两个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one run and both outlet) 异径管reducer同心异径管concentric reducer偏心异径管eccentric reducer锻制异径管reducing swage螺纹支管台threadolet焊接支管台weldolet承插支管台sockolet弯头支管台elbolet斜接支管台latrolet镶入式支管嘴sweepolet短管支管台nipolet支管台,插入式支管台boss管接头coupling, full coupling半管接头half coupling异径管接头reducing coupling活接头union内外螺纹缩接(俗称补芯)bushing管帽cap (C)堵头plug短节nipple异径短节reducing nipple; swage nipple预制弯管fabricated pipe bend跨越弯管(^ 形)cross-over bend偏置弯管(~ 形)offset bend90°弯管quarter bend环形弯管cirele bend单侧偏置90°弯管(? 形)single offset quarter bendS形弯管“S” bend单侧偏置U形膨胀弯管(| ?形)single offset “U” bendU形弯管“U” bend双偏置U膨胀弯管double offset expansion “U” bend斜接弯管mitre bend三节斜接弯管3-piece mitre bend折皱弯管corrugated bend圆度roundness1.4 法兰Flange (FLG)整体管法兰integral pipe flange钢管法兰steel pipe flange螺纹法兰threaded flange滑套法兰(包括平焊法兰)slip-on flange (SO); slip-on welding flange 承插焊法兰socket welding flange松套法兰lap joint flange (LJF)对焊法兰welding neckflange (WNF)法兰盖blind flange, blind孔板法兰orifice flange异径法兰reducing flange盘座式法兰pad type flange松套带颈法兰loose hubbed flange焊接板式法兰welding plate flange对焊环welding neck collar (与stub end相似)平焊环welding-on collar突缘短节stub end, lap翻边端lapped pipe end松套板式法兰loose plate flange压力级pressure rating, pressure rating class压力—温度等级pressure-temperature rating法兰密封面,法兰面flange facing突面raised face (RF)凸面male face (MF)凹面female face (FMF)榫面tongue face环连接面ring joint face全平面;满平面flat face; full face (FF)光滑突面smooth raised face (SRF)法兰面加工facing finish粗糙度roughness光滑的smooth齿形serrated均方根root mean square (RMS)算术平均粗糙高度arithmetical average roughness height (AARH)配对法兰companion-flange螺栓圆bolt circle (B.C.)1.5 垫片Gasket (GSKT)垫片的型式type of gasket平垫片flat gasket环形平垫片flat ring gasket平金属垫片flat metal gasket夹棉织物的橡胶elastomer with cotton fabric insertion夹石棉织物的橡胶elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion夹石棉织物及金属丝加强的橡胶elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion and with wire reinforcement 无石墨压缩白石棉垫片non graphited compressed white asbestos gasket天然白橡胶垫片natural white rubber gasket压缩石棉垫片compressed asbestos class gasket浸聚四氟乙烯的石棉垫片PTFE impregnated asbestos gasket夹石棉的缠绕金属垫片spiral-wound metal gasket with asbestos filler内环inner ring外环,外定位环outer ring波纹金属垫片corrugated metal gasket波纹金属包嵌石棉垫片corrugated metal gasket with asbestos inserted双夹套波纹金属包石棉垫片corrugated metal double jacketed asbestos filled gasket双夹套垫片double jacketed gasket金属包石棉平垫片flat metal jacketed asbestos filled gasket整体金属齿形垫片solid metal serrated gasket槽形金属垫片grooved metal gasket环形连接金属垫片ring joint metal gasket八角环形垫片octagonal ring gasket椭圆环形垫片oval ring gasket透镜式垫片lens gasket非金属垫片non-metallic gasket1.6 阀门Valve1.6.1 阀门结构、零件阀轭yoke外螺纹阀杆及阀轭outside screw and yoke (OS & Y) 阀杆stem内螺纹inside screw (IS)阀轭套yoke sleeve阀杆环stem ring阀座valve seat (body seat)阀座环、密封圈seat ring整体(阀)座integral seat堆焊(阀)座deposited seat阀芯(包括密封圈、杆等内件)trim阀盘disc阀盘密封圈disc seat阀体body阀盖bonnet阀盖衬套bonnet bush螺纹阀帽screw cap螺纹阀盖screw bonnet螺栓连接的阀盖bolted bonnet (BB)活接阀盖(帽)union bonnet (cap)螺栓连接的阀帽bolted cap (BC)焊接阀盖welded bonnet (WB)本体阀杆密封body stem seal石棉安全密封asbestos emenen seal倒密封back seal压力密封的阀盖pressure-tight bonnet动力操纵器powered operator电动操纵器electric motor operator气动操纵器pneumatic operator液压操纵器hydraulic operator快速操纵器quick-acting operator滑动阀杆sliding stem正齿轮传动spur gear operated伞齿轮传动bevel gear operated扳手操作wrench operated链轮chain wheel手轮hand wheel手柄hand lever (handle)气缸(或液压缸)操纵的cylinder operated链条操纵的chain operated等径孔道full bore; full port异径孔道reducing bore, reduced port,venturi port短型short pattern紧凑型(小型)compact type笼式环lantern ring压盖gland阀杆填料stem packing阀盖垫片bonnet gasket升杆式(明杆)rising stem (RS)非升杆式(暗杆)non-rising stem (NRS)指示器/限位器indicator/stopper注油器grease injector可更换的阀座环renewable seat ring1.6.2 常用阀(1)闸阀gate valve平行双闸板double disc parallel seat开口楔形闸板split wedge挠性整体楔形闸扳flexible solid wedge整体楔形闸板solid wedge塞型闸阀plug gate valve直通型闸阀through conduit gate valve(2) 截止阀globe valve球心型阀盘globe type disc塞型阀盘plug type disc可转动的阀盘swivel disc(3) 节流闪阀throttle valve针阀needle valve(4) 角阀angle valve(5) Y型阀(Y 型阀体截止阀)Y-valve (Y-body globe valve)(6) 球阀ball valve三通球阀3-way ball valve装有底轴的trunnion mounted耐火型fire safe type浮动球型floating ball type防脱出阀杆blowout proof stem(7) 蝶阀butterfly valve对夹式(薄片型)wafer type凸耳式lug type偏心阀板蝶阀offset disc burerfly valve; eccentric butterfly valve 斜阀盘蝶阀canted disc butterfly valve连杆式蝶阀link butterfly valve8) 柱塞阀piston type valve(9) 旋塞阀plug valve三通旋塞阀three-way plug valve四通旋塞阀four-way plug valve旋塞cock衬套旋塞sleeve cock(10) 隔膜阀diaphragm valve橡胶衬里隔膜阀rubber lined diaphragm valve直通式隔膜阀straight way diaphragm valve堰式隔膜阀weir diaphragm valve(11) 夹紧式胶管阀pinch valve(用于泥浆、粉尘等)(12) 止回阀check valve升降式止回阀lift check valve旋启式止回阀swing check valve, flap check valve落球式止回阀ball check valve弹簧球式止回阀spring ball check valve双板对夹式止回阀dual plate wafer type check valve无撞击声止回阀non-slam cheek valve底阀foot valve切断式止回阀stop check valve; non-return valve活塞式止回阀piston check valve斜翻盘止回阀tilting disc check valve蝶式止回阀butterfly check valve1.6.3 其它用途的阀安全泄气阀safety valve (SV)安全泄液阀relief valve (RV)安全泄压阀safety relief valve杠杆重锤式lever and weight type引导阀操纵的安全泄气阀pilot operated safety valve复式安全泄气阀twin type safety valve罐底排污阀flush-bottom tank valve电磁阀solenoid valve, solenoid operated valve电动阀electrically operated valve, electric-motor operated valve 气动阀pneumatic operated valve低温用阀cryogenic service valve蒸汽疏水阀steam trap机械式疏水阎mechanical trap浮桶式疏水阀open bucket trap, open top bucket trap浮球式疏水阀float trap倒吊桶式疏水阀inverted bucket trap自由浮球式疏水阀loose float trap恒温式疏水阀thermostatic trap金属膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀metal expansion steam trap液体膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀liquid expansion steam trap双金属膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀bimetallic expansion steam trap压力平衡式恒温疏水阀balanced pressure thermostatic trap热动力式疏水阀thermodynamic trap脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀impulse steam trap放气阀(自动放气阀)air vent valve (automatic air vent valve) (疏水阀用)平板式滑动闸阀slab type sliding gate valve盖阀flat valve换向阀diverting valve, reversing valve热膨胀阀thermo expansion valve自动关闭阀self-closing gate valve自动排液阀self-draining valve管道盲板阀line-blind valve挤压阀squeeze valve(用于泥浆及粉尘等)呼吸阀breather valve风门、挡板damper减压阀pressure reducing valve, reducing valve控制阀control valve膜式控制阀diaphragm operated control valve执行机构actuator背压调节阀back pressure regulating valve差压调节阀differential pressure regulating valve压力比例调节阀pressure ratio regulating valve1.6.4 未指明结构(或阀型)的阀切断阀block valve; shut-off valve; stop valve调节阀regulating valve快开阀quick opening valve快闭阀quick closing valve隔断阀isolating valve三通阀three way valve夹套阔jacketed valve非旋转式阀non-rotary valve排污阀blowdown valve集液排放阀drip valve排液阀drain valve放空阀vent valve卸载阀unloading valve排出阀discharge valve吸入阀suction valve多通路阀multiport valve取样阀sampling valve手动阀hand-operated valve; manually operated valve锻造阀forged valve铸造阀cast valve(水)龙头bibb; bib; faucet抽出液阀(小阀)bleed valve旁路阀by-pass valve软管阀hose valve混合阀mixing valve破真空阀vacuum breaker冲洗阀flush valve第一道阀;根部阀primary valve根部阀root valve总管阀header valve事故切断阀emergency valve1.7 管道特殊件Piping Specialty1.7.1 管道特殊件(组件)粗滤器strainer过滤器filter临时粗滤器(锥型)temporary strainer (cone type)y 型粗滤器y-type strainerT型粗滤器T-type strainer永久过滤器permanent filter丝网粗滤器gauze strainer洗眼器及淋浴器eye washer and shower视镜sight glass阻火器flame arrester喷嘴;喷头spray nozzle取样冷却器sample cooler消声器silencer膨胀节expansion joint波纹膨胀节bellow expansion joint单波single bellow双波double bellow多波multiple bellow压力平衡式膨胀节pressure balanced expansion带铰链膨胀节hinged expansion joint轴向位移型膨胀节axial movement type expansion joint 自均衡膨胀节(外加强环)self-equalizing expansion joint 带接杆膨胀节tied expansion joint万向型膨胀节universal type expansion joint球形补偿器ball type expansion joint填函式补偿器slip type (packed type) expansion joint单向滑动填料函补偿器single actionpacked slip joint1.7.2 管道特殊元件Piping Special Element软管接头hose connection (HC)快速接头quick coupling金属软管metal hose橡胶管rubber hose挠性管flexible tube鞍形补强板reinforcing saddles补强板reinforcement pad特殊法兰special flange漏斗funnel排液环drip ring排液漏斗drain funnel插板blank垫环spacer8字盲板spectacle blind; figure 8 blind限流孔板restriction orifice爆破片rupture disk法兰盖贴面protective disc费托立克接头victaulic coupling1.8 端部连接End Connection法兰端flanged end坡口端beveled end (BE)对焊端butt welded end平端plain end (PE)承插焊端socket welding end螺纹端threaded end (TE)承口bell end焊接端welding end法兰连接(接头)flanged joint对焊连接(接头)butt welded joint螺纹连接,管螺纹连接threaded joint, pipe threaded joint 锥管螺纹密封焊连接seal-welded taper pipe threaded joint 承插焊连接(接头)socket welded joint承插连接(接头)bell and spigot joint环垫接头ring joint (RJ)万向接头universal joint软钎焊连接(接头)soldered joint搭接接头,松套连接lapped joint外侧厚度切斜角bevel for outside thickncss内侧厚度切斜角bevel for inside thickness内外侧厚度切斜角bevel for combined thickness法兰式的flanged (FLGD)对焊的butt welded (BW)螺纹的threaded (THD)承插焊的socket welded (SW)小端为平的small end plain (SEP)大端为平的large end plain (LEP)两端平both ends plain (BEP)小端带螺纹small end thread (SET)大端带螺纹large end thread (LET)两端带螺纹both end thread (BET)一端带螺纹one end thread (OET)支管连接branch connection焊接支管branch pipe welded directly to the run pipe 2 管道用紧固件及螺纹2.1 紧固件螺栓bolt六角头螺栓hexagonal head bolt方头螺栓square head bolt螺柱,双头螺栓stud bolt环头螺检eye bolt沉头螺栓countersunk (head) screw地脚螺栓anchor bolt; foundation bolt松紧螺旋扣(花篮螺丝)turnbuckleU形螺栓U-boltT形螺栓T-bolt圆头螺钉round head bolt机螺栓,机螺钉maehine bolt顶开螺栓,顶起螺栓Jack screw自攻螺钉self tapping screw膨胀螺栓expansion bolt粗制的coarse精制的finished, fine螺母nut六角螺母hexagonal nut方螺母square nut蝶形螺母wing nut扁螺母flat nut锁紧螺母lock nut垫圈washer平垫圈plain washer球面垫圈spherical washer弹簧垫圈spring washer方垫圈square washer斜垫圈slant washer销轴pinned shan销pin开口销cotter pin定位销dowel pin带孔销pin with hole圆锥销taper pin铆钉rivet键key2.2 螺纹左螺纹left hand thread右螺纹right hand thread管螺纹pipe thread锥管螺纹taper pipe thread直管螺纹straight pipe thread梯形螺纹trapezoid thread螺距pitch of thread粗牙螺纹coarse thread细牙螺纹fine thread特细牙螺纹extra fine thread通长螺纹full thread惠氏螺纹whitworth thread公制螺纹metric ibread美国标准锥管螺纹American standard taper pipe thread (NPT) 螺孔tap3 材料、型钢及填料3.1 金属材料3.1.1 黑色金属Ferrous Metal碳素钢carbon steel (CS)低碳钢low-carbon steel中碳钢medium-carbon steel高碳钢high-carbon steel普通碳素钢general carbon steel优质碳素钢high-quality carbon steel普通低合金结构钢general structure low-alloy steel合金结构钢structural alloy steel合金钢alloy steel低合金钢low alloy steel中合金钢medium alloy steel高合金钢high alloy steel耐热钢heat resisting steel高强度钢high strength steel复合钢clad steel工具钢tool steel弹簧钢spring steel钼钢molybdenum steel镍钢nickel steel铬钢chromium steel铬钼钢chrome-molybdenum steel铬镍钢chromium-nickel steel,chrome-nickel steel 不锈钢stainless steel (S.S.)奥氏体不锈钢Austenitic stainless steel马氏体不锈钢Martensitic stainless steel司特来合金(钨铬钴台金)Stellite耐蚀耐热镍基合金Hastelloy铬镍铁合金inconel耐热铬镍铁合金incoloy20合金20 alloy平炉钢(马丁钢)Martin steel镇静钢killed steel半镇静钢semi-killed steel沸腾钢rimmed steel; rimming steel; open-steel锻钢forged steel铸钢cast steel铸铁cast iron (C.I.)灰铸铁grey cast iron可锻铸铁malleable iron (MI)球墨铸铁nodular cast iron; nodular graphite iron 生铁pig iron熟铁,锻铁wrought iron铸件casting高硅铸铁high silicon cast iron3.1.2 镀层及制造方法渗铬钢,镀铬钢chromized steel镀铬的chromium-plated, chrome-plated镀层plating锻造,型钢swage锻造的,锻造forging热轧hot rolling冷轧cold rolling挤压extruding冷加工cold working热加工hot working拔制drawing3.1.3 有色金属Non-ferrous Metal铝aluminum铜,紫铜copper黄铜brass青铜bronze铝青铜aluminum bronze磷青铜phosphor bronze铝镁合金aluminum magnesium锰青铜manganese bronze蒙乃尔(注:镍及铜合金)Monel镍铜台金nickel copper alloy非铁合金nonferrous alloy钛titanium铅lead硬铅hard lead3.1.4 材料性能极限强度ultimate strength抗拉强度tensile strength屈服极限yield limit屈服点yield point延伸率percentage elongation抗压强度compressive strength抗弯强度bending strength弹性极限elastic limit冲击值impact value疲劳极限fatigue limit蠕变极限creep limit持久极限endurance limit布氏硬度Brinell hardness洛氏硬度Rockwell hardness维氏硬度Vickers diamond hardness, diamond penetrator hardness 蠕变断裂强度creep rupture strength断面收缩率reduction of area脆性brittleness延性ductility冷脆cold shortness冷流cold flow3.2 非金属材料Non-metallic Material塑料plastic丙烯腈—丁二烯—苯乙烯acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) 聚乙烯polyethylene (PE)聚氯乙烯polyvinyl chloride (PVC)苯乙烯橡胶styrene-rubber (SR)聚丁烯polybutylene (PB)聚丙烯polypropylene (PP)聚苯乙烯polystyrene (PS)氯化聚醚chlorinated polyether (CPE)聚酰胺polyamide (PA)聚碳酸酯polycarbonate (PC)聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)醋酸丁酸纤维素cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB)氯化聚氯乙烯chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC)聚偏二氟乙烯polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)缩醛塑料acetal plastic尼龙塑料nylon plastic聚烯烃polyolefin (PO)石墨酚醛塑料graphite phenolic plastics聚四氟乙烯polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)纤维增强热塑性塑料fiber reinforced thermoplastics热塑性塑料thermoplastic热固性塑料thermosetting plastics胶粘剂adhesive溶剂胶接剂solvent cement树脂resin环氧树脂epoxy, epoxy resin聚酯树脂polyester resin聚酯纤维polyester fibers氟塑料fluoroplastics聚氨基甲酸酯polyurethane丙烯酸树脂acrylic resin脲醛树脂urea resin呋哺树脂furan resin乙烯丙烯二烃单体ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) 合成橡胶synthetic rubber丁腈橡胶nitrile butadiene rubber氯丁橡胶neoprene天然橡胶natural rubber乙丙橡胶ethylene propylene rubber (EPR)玻璃glass硼硅玻璃borosilicate glass耐火砖fire brick陶瓷ceramic搪瓷porcelain enamel木材wood3.3 型材型钢shaped steel, section steel, swage角钢angle steel槽钢channel工字钢I-beam宽缘工字钢或H钢wide flanged beamT型钢T-bar方钢square bar扁钢flat bar角钢hexagonal steel bar圆钢round steel; rod钢带strap steel钢板plate网纹钢板checkered plate腹板(指型钢的立板)web翼缘(指型钢的缘)wing3.4 填料及填料函填料packing石棉绳asbestos rope, asbestos cord.O形环O-ring自密封self-sealing四氟带Teflon tap带铬镍合金丝的石棉绳asbestos rope with inconel wire, inconel wire asbestos 浸聚四氟乙烯的石棉填料Teflon impregnated asbestos packing金属填料metallic stuffing填料箱,填料函packing box, stuffing box填料函压盖stuffing box gland4 管道等级及材料统计4.1 管道材料规定Piping Material Specification管道等级piping class; piping classification管道等级号class designation公称直径nominal diameter (DN); nominal (pipe) size公称压力nominal pressure (PN)压力级,等级,类别class (CL)低压low pressure (L.P.)中压medium pressure (M.P.)高压high pressure (H.P.)大气压atmosphere (ATM)真空vacuum工作压力operating pressure; working pressure设计压力design pressure工作温度operating temperature设计温度design temperature环境温度ambient temperature腐蚀裕量corrosion allowance管道附件piping attachment管道元件piping element壁厚wall thickness (WT)壁厚系列号schedule number (SCH. No.)加厚的,加强的extra heavy, extra strong双倍加厚的,双倍加强的double extra heavy, double extra strong通用连接组typieal installation分组(类)形式(如管道等级表)block form数据库data base文件file4.2 材料统计Material Take-off (MTO)汇总表summary sheet材料表bill of material (BM)综合管道材料表consolidated piping material summary sheet (CPMSS) 统计材料准确度accuracy of take-off材料情况报告material status report (MSR)散装材料bulk material编位号的itemized代码code number短代码short code数量quantity (QTY)重力weight净重net weight毛重gross weight5 设备布置及管道布置Plot Plan and Piping Layout,Equipment and Piping Arrangement 5.1 设备名称Equipment Name5.1.1 容器Vessel(1) 塔tower, column洗涤塔scrubber吸收塔absorber冷却塔cooling tower精馏塔fractionating tower蒸馏塔distillation tower再生塔regenering tower造粒塔prflling tower汽提塔stripper脱气塔degasifier合成塔synthesis tower(2) 反应器reactor聚台釜polymerizer转化器,变换器converter脱硫反应器desulphurization reactor甲烷化器methanator(3) 气柜gas-holder螺旋式气柜helical gas-holder湿式气柜wet gas-holder干式气柜dry gas-holder(4) 槽罐贮罐tank; storage tank缓冲罐knock out drum球罐spheroid, spherical tank罐drum接受槽receiver计量槽measuring tank加料槽feed tank排污罐blow down tank闪蒸罐flash drum汽包steam drum溶液贮槽solution storage tank地下槽sloptank(5) 其它设备分离器separator旋风分离器cyclone分子筛molecular sieve脱氧器deaerator搅拌器agitator干燥器dryer混合器mixer萃取器extractor结晶器crystallizer澄清器gravity settler净化器purifier气化器vaporizer吸附器adsorber融解槽melter减温器desuperheater升压器booster喷射器ejector喷头sprayer火炬flare消声器silencer(6) 换热器、加热器、冷却器换热器heat exchanger空冷器air cooler水冷却器water cooler冷凝器condenser螺旋板式换热器spiral plate heat exchanger 蒸发器evaporator再沸器reboiler急冷器quencher深冷器chiller预热器preheater再热器reheater加热器heater电加热器electric heater过热器super heater给水加热器feed water heater中间冷却器inter cooler后冷却器after cooler5.1.2 工业炉及锅炉炉子furnace烧嘴burner锅炉boiler烟囱stack废热锅炉waste heat boiler辅助锅炉auxiliary boiler省煤器economizer回热炉direct-fired heater辐射段radiant section对流段convection section裂化炉reformer焚烧炉incinerator回转窑rotary kiln炉管furnace tube吹灰器soot blower观察孔observation door, peep door防爆门explosion door5.2 辅助用房名称5.2.1 生产用房分析室analyzer room变压器室transformer room配电室,变电所substation, switch room蓄电池室battery room控制室control room通风室ventilating room贮藏室storage room维修间maintenance room办公室office5.2.2 生活用房更农室locker room盥洗室,厕所closet, lavatory, toilet5.3 图名管道布置平面piping arrangement plan (PAP)管道布置piping layout轴测图isometric drawing分区索引图key plan初版设备布置图(“A”版)preliminary plot plan ( “A” issue)内部审查版设备布置图(“B”版)inre rnal approval plot plan ( “B” issue)用户审查版设备布置图(“C”版) owner approval plot plan ( “C” issue)确认版设备布置图(“D”版)confirm plot plan ( “D” issue)研究版设备布置图(“e”版)planning plot plan ( “E” issue)设计版设备布置图(“F”)designing plot plan ( “F” issue)施工版设备布置图(“G”版)construct ion plot plan ( “G” issue) 5.4 厂房、站、单元压缩机房compressor house (room)泵房pump house (room)洗眼站eye washer station泡沫站foam station软管站,公用工程站hose station (HS), utility station成套设备package unit设施facilities罐区tank yard空分装置air separation facility5.5 设备布置设备位号equipment item number工厂plant工厂区界plant limit项目区界内侧inside battery limit (I.S.B.L.)项目区界batterylimit (BL)区界area limit区域边界zone iimit界外off site东east (E)西west (W)南south (S)北north (N)上up下down工厂北向plant north真实北向true north道路road小过道cat walk, cat way走道,过道walk way, gangway, access way污水坑(井)sump pit集水池catch basin沟槽through预留区trough场地future area铺砌区paving area非铺砌区unpaved area碎石铺面gravel paving橡皮铺面rubber paving面积,区域area体积,容积volume (VOL)5.6 管道布置管道设计piping design管道研究piping study走向研究routing study重要管道critical piping地上管道above ground piping地下管道under ground piping管网network of pipes管廊pipe rack管沟piping trench管间距line spacing管道跨距line span总管header, manifold旁路by pass排液drain放空vent上升管,垂直管riser导管canduit裸管bare iine管件直接fitting to fitting (FTF)管段,接口spool piece, spool取样接口sampling connection集液包drip leg伴热管tracing pipe蒸汽伴热steam tracing热水伴热hot-water tracing电伴热electrical tracing夹套管jacketed line, jacketed piping 全夹套的full jacketed平面plan详图detail“ ”视图X view “X”“ ”剖视A-A section “A-A”连接图hook up drawing接续图continue on drawing (COD) 接续线match line (M.L.)比例scale图例legend符号symbol管口表list of nozzles方位orientation管口方位nozzle orientation定位location相交intersection水平的horizontal垂直的,立式的vertical垂直,正交,垂直的perpendicular平行,平行的parallel水平安装horizontal installation垂直安装vertical installafion对称的symmetric相反(的),对面(的)opposite顺时针方向clock wise逆时针方向counter clock wise计算机辅助设计computer aided design (CAD) 5.7 图面标注绝对标高abselute elevation海平面标高over-sea mean level (OSL)标高,立面elevation (EL)混凝土顶面top of concrete架顶面top of support (TOS)钢结构顶面top of steel梁项面top of beam (TOB)支撑点point of suppon (POS)管顶top of pipe (TOP)管底bouom of pipe (BOP)沟底boaom of trench管子内底invert (inside bottom of pipe)底平flat on bottom (FOB)顶平flat on top (FOT)工作点working point (W.P.)面至面face to face (F-F)中心至端面center to end (C-E)中心至面center to face (C-F)中心至中心,中至中center to center (C-C)坐标coordinate坐标原点origin of coordinate出口中心线center line of discharge入口中心线center line of suction中心线centerline (CL)入口inlet, suction出口outlet, discharge排出口exhaust距离distance5.8 相关专业的专业词汇5.8.1 工艺(1) 图及表流程图flow diagram工艺流程图process flow diagram (PFD)管道及仪表流程图piping andinstrument flow diagram (PID)公用工程流程图utility flow diagram (UFD) 管线表line list; line schedule命名表;管道表nomenclature设备表equipment list (schedule)(2) 流体fluid空气air仪表空气instrument air工艺空气process air低压蒸汽low pressure steam中压蒸汽medium pressure steam高压蒸汽high pressure steam伴热蒸汽tracing steam饱和蒸汽saturated steam过热蒸汽superheated steam氧气oxygen氢气hydrogen氮气nitrogen燃料气fuel gas天然气natural gas火炬气flare gas酸性气sour gas液化石油气liquefired petroleum gas (LPG) 氨气ammonia gas冷却水cooling循环水circulating water锅炉给水boiler feed water热水hot water蒸汽冷凝水steam condensate盐水brine工艺水process water化学污水chemical sewage防腐剂corrosion inhibitor重油heavy oil石脑油naphtha燃料油fuel oil润滑油lubricating oil密封油sealing oil冷冻剂refrigerant载热体heating medium溶剂solvent溶液solution母液mother liquor单体monomer聚合物polymer均聚物homopolymer共聚物copolymer工艺液体process liquid工艺气体process gas硫酸sulphuric acid盐酸chlorhydric acid硝酸nitric acid烧碱caustic soda(3) 流体特性fluid characteristics 蒸汽压vapor pressure临界温度critical temperature临界点critical point临界压力critical pressure比热specific heat湿度humidity密度density比重specific gravity粘度viscosity闪点flash point融点melting point凝固点freezing point浓度concentration爆炸极限limit of explosion有毒的toxic可燃的;易燃的flammable(4) 其它回收recovery再生regeneration循环cireulatlon再循环;再生recycle补充make-up制备preparation蒸汽吹扫steaming out吹扫purge抽空;排空evacuation吹出blow-off排污blow down破真空vacuum breaker大气腿barometric leg备用stand-by化学清洗chemical cleaning净正吸入压头net positive suction head (NPSH) 进料feed成品product污染contamination大气污染atmospheric pollution环境温度ambient temperature5.8.2 建筑、结构建筑物building钢结构steel structure已有钢结构existing steel structure钢筋混凝土结构reinforced concrete construction 楼面floor平台platform (PF)地面ground level栏杆handrail楼梯stair; stair way直梯ladder柱column; post; stanchion基础foundation; footing粱beam斜撑;支撑bracing桁架;主粱girder构件member隔墙partition wall墙wall篦子板grate; grating吊装孔erection opening吊梁hoisting beam棚shelter窗window天窗skylight门door防火门fire door地漏floor drain防火层fire-proofing总图general plot plan路肩shoulder桩pile灌浆grouting风荷载wind load雪荷载snow load动力荷载dynamic load静荷载dead load活荷载live load风速wind velocity主导风向most frequent wind direction5.8.3 仪表盘(操作盘)panel就地盘local panel仪表盘instrument panel常开normally open常闭normally closed电缆槽(架)cable tray (channel); cable rack 仪表电缆槽(架)instrument cable tray (duct) 压力计manometer; pressure gauge热电偶thermocouple温度计thermometer液位计level gauge玻璃液位计gage glass温度计保护管thermowell流量计flow meter孔板orifice变送器transmitter联锁interlock仪器;设备apparatus仪器分析instrumental analysis自动分析automatic analysis气体分析gas analysis化学分析chemical analysis气相色谱仪gas chromatograph液相色谱仪liquid chromatograph质谱分析mass spectrometric analysis 5.8.4 电气危险区划分hazardous area classification 危险区平面图hazardous area plan电气盘electrical panel配电盘switch board电缆沟cable trench电流current直流direct current交流alternating current频率frequency相位phase功率因数power factor电压voltage电阻resistance电容capacitance静电static electricity接地grounding; easthing照明lighting; illumination避雷针lightning preventer电话telephone电线wire接线箱(盒)junction box导线管conduit tube5.8.5 设备固定鞍座fixed saddle滑动鞍座sliding saddle管口nozzle人孔manhole (MH)手孔handhole (HH)检查孔inspection hole吊柱davit切线tangent line焊接线weldingiine件号part humbet椭圆形封头ellipsoidal head加强圈reinforcing ring接地板earth lug吊耳lifting lug气缸cylinder轴shaft轴承bearing附件,附属设备accessory编位号设备itemized equipment无位号设备non-itemized equipment 5.8.6 水道(1) 流体原水raw water硬水hard water软水soft water饮用水potable water循环冷却水给水cooling water supply 循环冷却水回水cooling water return 脱盐水demineralized water苦咸水(碱性水)brackish water生活污水sanitary sewer工业废水industrial waste water雨水rain water污染雨水contaminated rain water消防水fire water(2) 装置、设施软化装置softener沉淀器settler沉淀池clarifier脱盐装置demineralizer水处理water traatment冷却塔cooling tower中和池neutralization tank化粪池septic tank渗滤井soak-away pit井well阀井valve pit清扫口clean out(3)消防消火栓hydrant水炮water monitor洒水器sprinkler水喷淋watering灭火器fire extinguisher消防水泵fire pump消防车fire fighting truck泡沫消防foam fire-fighting泡沫栓foam hydrant泡沫炮foam monitor消防软管接头fire hose connection6 管道支吊架Pipe Supports and Hangers 6.1 管架零部件Attachment of Support管托shoe管卡clampU形夹(卡)clevis锻制U形夹forged steel clevis支耳;吊耳lug; ear耳轴trunnion止动挡块shear lug托座stool托架cradle带状卡strap clamp夹板,导向板cleat可调夹板adjustable cleat角板;连接板gusset筋;肋rib支承环ring加强板stiffiener底板base plate顶板top plate翅片式导向板fin预埋件embedded part; inserted plate垫板(安装垫平用)shim锚固件;生根件clip预焊件(设备上) clip (on equipment)聚四氟乙烯滑动板PTFE sliding plate连接板tie plate连接杆tie rod限制杆limit rod带环头拉杆eye rod。

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