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复仇者联盟2 经典台词下面小编为你揭秘。
上海口语课堂 为您翻译不一样的复联二
在网上的各大段子中,儒森小编择录下来一些经典吐槽桥段:1、美队说了一句“even if you get killed,just walk it off!“字幕显示:“有人要杀你,赶紧跑”网友吐槽:这是美队的灵魂格言,正确翻译是“即使你快死了,也必须咬紧牙关撑下去!”跑你全家啊赶紧跑!2、将日常会话过度演义的反面,就是用机翻水平抹杀趣味。
开头快银耍鹰眼时,和最后快银救鹰眼后,人物都说:“didn't see that coming.”字幕中规中矩:“你没看到他过来吗?”网友吐槽:这么紧张的时刻,这是谈心呢?3、危急关头,钢铁侠忧心忡忡说:“we may not make it out of this.”字幕显示:“我们可以全身而退了。
《复仇者联盟》中英文台词“An ant has no quarrel with a boot.” – Loki reminds us that effective leaders recognize things they can control vs. things they cannot.要有自知之明:“靴子和蚂蚁没有瓜葛。
”(蚂蚁暗指人类,靴子指天神,说的是人类的渺小) - 洛基提醒我们,有效力的领导者能认识到自己的可控因素和不可控因素。
“War isn’t won by sentiment. It’s won by soldiers.” –Al Capone once said, “You can get farther with a kind word and a gun than a kind word alone.”带上枪与玫瑰:“战争不能感情用事,是战士们的献血换来的。
”- 阿尔·卡彭曾经说过,“ 你带着一把枪和一张嘴比你只带着一张嘴要走得远”“Looks like Earth might need something a little old-fashioned.” – When trying times come, a return to the fundamentals is often the best course of action.回归传统:“看来地球可能需要一些传统的东西。
” - 在艰难时期来临时,回归到根本往往是最佳行动方案。
“We need a plan of attack.” –Rogers “I have a plan –ATTACK!” responds Tony Stark played by Robert Downey Jr. Leaders are people of action and make things happen.要制定计划:“我们需要进攻计划。
复仇者联盟2 英语
6、将日常会话过度演义的反面,就是用机翻水平抹杀趣味。开头快银耍鹰眼时,和最后快银救鹰眼后,人物都说: “didn't see that coming.” 字幕中规中矩:“你没看到他过来吗?”
7、托尼和班纳在试图改造未成形的幻视,托尼主张把贾维斯注入。于是说:“Help me put Jarvis into this.” 字幕显示:“我是想让你帮贾维斯介入此事。” 网友吐槽:这就是电影常识和生活常识撞车的时刻了,看懂原片的自然明白,这里是在说:“帮 我把贾维斯放入里面/帮我把贾维斯注入其中。”而字幕的“介入”,反而让人摸不到头脑啊。
4、寡姐跟Hulk做战前心理建设:“Go be a hero.” 字幕显示:“你真是“去,做一个英雄。”
5、旺达对寡姐施放了精神污染后,寡姐看到了以前在红房子进行特工训练的幻想,然后说:“I had a dream.” 字幕显示:“我有一个梦想。” 网友吐槽:从语境判断,只是日常会话:“我做了个梦。”字幕却说:“我有一个梦想。”译者真的好有文化。
美国队长 (Captain America) |演员 克里斯·埃 文斯 美国队长已成为复仇者们的精神领袖。《美 国队长2》中,神盾局的黑暗内幕浮出水面 ,史蒂夫·罗杰斯不得不直面现实,努力融入 全然陌生的现代社会。大战在即,他必须让 复仇者团结起来,设法打败邪恶反派奥创。
快银 (Quicksilver)|演员 亚伦·泰勒-约翰逊 本名皮特罗·马克西莫夫的快银拥有疾如闪电 的速度。快银对双胞胎妹妹旺达保护欲极强。 为了守卫战火频繁的家乡小城,他愿意付出任 何代价。他同妹妹均为西崔克尔男爵神秘实验 的志愿者,并从某种未知能量体中获得了非比 寻常的超能力
1立即向上面汇报你的情况Report to your stations immediately...2这不是演习this is not a drill.3我们遭到攻击We are under attack.4我们遭到攻击We are under attack.5日了狗了Shit.6注意言辞Language.7贾维斯从上面看状况如何Jarvis what's the view from upstairs.8中央的建筑被某种能量盾保护了The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. 9斯特拉克的科技水平Strucker's technology is10远远超出了我们已知的其他九头蛇基地well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken.11洛基的权杖一定在这里Loki's scepter must be here.12没有它斯特拉克没有它就安装不了这种防御系统Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it.13终于要结束了At long last.14结束的过程还真有点长男孩们At long last is lasting a little long, boys.15是呀我想我们还少点惊喜呢Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise.16等一下就没人想要吐槽一下Wait a second, no one else is gonna deal17队长刚才说了“注意言辞”这件事吗with the fact that Cap just said "Language"?18我就知道I know.10019手滑而已Just slipped out.20谁让你们进攻的Who gave the order to attack?21斯特拉克先生复仇者们Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers.22他们降落在远处的树林里那附近的警卫们惊慌失措They landed in the far woods, the perimeter guard panicked.23他们毫无疑问是为了权杖而来的They have to be after the scepter.24- 我们能搞定他们吗- 他们可是复仇者啊- Can we hold them? - They're the Avengers!!25把其余的坦克都部署过去集中火力攻击其中较弱的一个Deploy the rest of the tanks. Concentrate fire on the weak ones.26一次重创可以把他们集中起来A hit can make them close ranks.27我们所有的努力Everything we've accomplished.28我们马上就要到突破口了We're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough.29那就让他们见识一下我们的厉害Then lets show them what we've accomplished.30派出双胞胎Send out the twins.31太草率了It's too soon.32让他们来就是干这个的It's what they signed up for.33我的人能拖住他们My men can hold them.34长官城市受到攻击了Sir, the city is taking fire.35好吧我们都了解斯特拉克Well, we know Strucker36他才不会关心平民的伤亡isn't gonna worry about civilian casualties.37派钢铁军团过去Send in the Iron Legion.38这个地方不安全请赶快撤离This quadrant is unsafe, please back away.39我们来这是为了帮忙的We are here to help.40这个地方不安全请赶快撤离This quadrant is unsafe, please back away.41请赶快撤离Please back away.42我们希望避免间接伤害We wish to avoid collateral damage43当冲突结束之后我们会通知你们and will inform you when this current conflict is resolved.44我们来这是为了帮忙的We're here to help.45我们不会屈服We will not yield.46美国人把他们的马戏团小丑送过来考验我们The Americans send their... circus freaks to test us.47我们将会把他们的尸体送回去We will send them back in bags.48- 决不投降- 绝不投降- No surrender! - No surrender.49我要投降了I'm going to surrender.50你把所有的东西都删了You delete everything.51如果我们把武器给复仇者们他们也许就不会If we give the avengers the weapons they may not52- 深入调查我们在这这么久都在做些什么- 双胞胎- look too far into what we've been doing. - The twins53他们根本没有准备好They're not ready to take on...54不不我的意思是No, no, I mean...55双胞胎已经不见了The twins.56你没料到这招吧You didn't see that coming?57克林特Clint.58我们这有变种人We have enhanced in the field.59克林特受伤了Clint's hit.60得有人去搞定碉堡Someone wanna deal with that bunker.61谢了Thank you.62斯塔克Stark!我们真的得进去了We really need to get inside.64我在关闭它I'm closing in.65贾维斯我怎么才能关闭它Jarvis, am I... closing in?66你知道哪个能量盾的动力源在哪吗You see a power source for that shield?67在北边塔楼上的通道里There's a passageway above the north tower.68太棒了我想用什么东西远程击破它Great, I wanna poke it with something.69搞定了伙计们Drawbridge is down, people.70变种人吗The enhanced?71我看不清楚他He's a blur.72在我们遇到的所有新的敌人中,他们这样的我还是第一次见All the new players we've faced, I've never seen this.73事实上我到现在也没见到In fact I still haven't.74克林特伤的很重伙计们我们得撤了Clint's hit pretty bad, guys, we're gonna need evac.75我可以掩护巴顿上飞艇撤退的越早越好I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone the better.76你和斯塔克去把权杖夺回来You and Stark secure the scepter.77知道了Copy that.78看起来他们还是排着队过来的It look like they're lining up!!79嗯他们很激动呢Well, they're excited.80找到权杖Find the scepter.81看在上帝的份上注意点你的言辞And for gosh sake watch your language.82这一时半会是改不了了That's not going away any time soon.83伙计们停下来我们来谈谈Guys, stop, we gotta talk this through.84谈话很愉快It was a good talk.85不一点也不愉快No it wasn't.86哨兵模式Sentry mode.87好吧贾维斯Okay, Jarvis.88你知道的我想要所有的数据You know, I want it all.10089确保你会把所有的数据传到总部Make sure you copy whole to HQ.90我们把这里封锁了We're locked down out here.91该去找班纳了摇篮曲时间到Then get to Banner, time for a lullaby.92我知道你在藏匿的不只是这些文件I know you're hiding more than files.93嘿贾维斯快给我用红外线扫描这个房间Hey J, give me an IR scan of the room real quick.94你左边的那堵墙The wall to your left.95我在检测钢筋I'm reading steel reinforcement,96和气流and an air current.97拜托一定要是暗门Please be a secret door.98拜托一定要是暗门Please be a secret door.99耶Yay.100嘿大家伙Hey, big guy.101太阳快下山了Sun's getting real low.102斯特拉克男爵Baron Strucker.103九头蛇的头号暴徒Hydra's number one thug.104严格说来我是神盾局的暴徒Technically, I'm a thug for Shield.105好吧严格说来你被解雇了Well then technically you're unemployed.106洛基的权杖在哪儿Where's Loki's scepter?10107别着急我知道我一旦被打败Don't worry, I know when I'm beat.10108你会提到我是怎么配合你的希望我没错You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope.10109前提是你跟我说说那些非法的人体实验I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation. 110有多少人How many are there?10111我们又多了一个变种人We have a second enhanced.112女人别开火Female, do not engage.113你得比这个速度更快You'll have to be faster than...114兄弟们我抓到斯特拉克了Guys, I got Strucker.115嗯我这有Yeah, I got...116重要的事情...something bigger.117索尔Thor.118我的眼睛都被战利品吸引住了I got eyes on the prize.119你本来可以救我们的You... could've... saved... us.120你为什么没有再多做一点Why didn't you... do more?121你就这样让他们把它带走吗You're just gonna let them take it?!122嘿摇篮曲比以往更管用啊Hey, the lullaby worked better than ever. 10123只是没有想到会变身Just wasn't expecting the code green. 124如果没有你那就会两败俱伤了You hadn't been there, there would've been double the casualties. 125我最好的朋友将会成为一段珍贵的回忆。
《复仇者联盟》剧本中英对照:探索英语学习的全新途径一、剧情简介二、剧本片段中英对照1. 钢铁侠(Tony Stark)台词:中文:我是钢铁侠,有话直说,别藏着掖着。
English: I'm Iron Man. Speak directly, don't beat around the bush.2. 美国队长(Captain America)台词:中文:我们必须团结一致,才能战胜敌人。
English: We must stand united if we are to defeat the enemy.3. 雷神(Thor)台词:中文:为了阿斯加德,为了地球,战斗吧!English: For Asgard, for Earth, fight!4. 黑寡妇(Black Widow)台词:中文:我从不逃避战斗,因为我知道,逃避不能解决问题。
English: I never run from a fight, because I know that running won't solve anything.5. 绿巨人(Hulk)台词:中文:浩克砸!English: Hulk smash!三、英语学习要点提炼1. 学会表达直接观点:如钢铁侠的台词“有话直说,别藏着掖着”,我们可以学习如何用英语表达直接观点。
2. 团结协作的表达:美国队长的台词“我们必须团结一致,才能战胜敌人”,让我们学会如何在英语中表达团结协作的重要性。
3. 英雄气概的展现:雷神的台词“为了阿斯加德,为了地球,战斗吧!”展现了英雄的勇敢与担当,我们可以从中学习如何在英语中表达豪情壮志。
4. 坚定信念的表达:黑寡妇的台词“我从不逃避战斗,因为我知道,逃避不能解决问题”,让我们学会如何在英语中表达坚定的信念。
5. 简洁有力的表达:绿巨人的台词“浩克砸!”虽然简短,但充满力量,我们可以学习如何在英语中运用简洁有力的表达。
《复仇者联盟2》中国首映复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元《复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元》(Avengers: Age of Ultron)是漫威影业出品的一部科幻冒险电影,取材自漫威漫画,是漫威电影宇宙第11部电影。
[1]快速导航演员表职员表角色介绍最新新闻《复联2》连庄北美周五票房后劲略显不足2015-05-11 17:52《复仇者联盟2》在北美迎来第二个周五,几乎没有其他影片能给它带来威胁,轻松以2134万美元的成绩蝉联北美周五票房榜,影片上映8天的本地总票房已达到2.57亿美元,预计10天的总票房约在3亿美元左右。
...详情内容来自112内容来自凤凰网娱乐中文名复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元外文名Avengers: Age of Ultron其它译名复仇者联盟2,复仇者联盟:奥创时代出品时间2015年出品公司美国漫威影业公司发行公司华特·迪士尼电影工作室制片地区美国制片成本250,000,000美元(估)拍摄地点南非,意大利,英国伦敦、诺维奇,韩国首尔拍摄日期2014年2月- 2014年8月导演乔斯·韦登编剧乔斯·韦登制片人凯文·费奇类型科幻,动作,冒险主演小罗伯特·唐尼,克里斯·埃文斯,克里斯·海姆斯沃斯,马克·鲁法洛,斯嘉丽·约翰逊,杰瑞米·雷纳,詹姆斯·斯派德,亚伦·泰勒-约翰逊,伊丽莎白·奥尔森,托马斯·克莱舒曼片长141分钟上映时间2015年5月1日(美国),2015年5月12日(中国大陆)对白语言英语色彩彩色imdb编码tt2395427目录1剧情简介2演职员表▪演员表▪职员表3角色介绍4音乐原声5幕后花絮6幕后制作▪选角进展▪拍摄过程▪特效制作7发行信息▪上映日期▪电影票房8影片评价1剧情简介身经百战的超级英雄们产生了职业倦怠,已经卸下钢铁战甲的托尼·斯塔克因此发明了“奥创”——有自我意识、有学习能力的人工智能机器人,并将指挥机器人军团的重任交给奥创。
复仇者联盟2经典台词复仇者联盟2经典台词一1. 副局长希尔:they've gone their separate ways.他们都各奔东西了。
2. 局长尼克弗瑞:they'll come back.他们会回来的。
because we'll need them too.因为我们会需要他们。
3. 钢铁侠:i don't plawell with others.我不好相处。
4. 美国队长:are you here with a mission, sir?有任务找我?trto get me back in the world?让我融入新世界吗?( 书村网 mcqyy )5. 雷神:after all thitime, whreturn now?在经历着一切以后,为何又要回归?6. 浩克:we are not a tea we are a time bomb.我们不是一个团队,而是一个定时x弹。
复仇者联盟2经典台词二1、钢铁侠:i don't plawell with others.我不好相处。
2、美国队长:are you here with a mission, sir?有任务找我?trto get me back in the world?让我融入新世界吗?3、雷神:after all thitime, whreturn now?在经历着一切以后,为何又要回归?4、浩克:we are not a tea we are a time bomb.我们不是一个团队,而是一个定时x弹。
5、副局长希尔:they've gone their separate ways.他们都各奔东西了。
6、局长尼克弗瑞:they'll come back.他们会回来的。
because we'll need them too.因为我们会需要他们。
《复仇者联盟》中英文台词“An ant has no quarrel with a boot.” – Loki reminds us that effective leaders recognize things they can control vs. things they cannot.要有自知之明:“靴子和蚂蚁没有瓜葛。
”(蚂蚁暗指人类,靴子指天神,说的是人类的渺小) - 洛基提醒我们,有效力的领导者能认识到自己的可控因素和不可控因素。
“War isn’t won by sentiment. It’s won by soldiers.” –Al Capone once said, “You can get farther with a kind word and a gun than a kind word alone.”带上枪与玫瑰:“战争不能感情用事,是战士们的献血换来的。
”- 阿尔·卡彭曾经说过,“ 你带着一把枪和一张嘴比你只带着一张嘴要走得远”“Looks like Earth might need something a little old-fashioned.” – When trying times come, a return to the fundamentals is often the best course of action.回归传统:“看来地球可能需要一些传统的东西。
” - 在艰难时期来临时,回归到根本往往是最佳行动方案。
“We need a plan of attack.” –Rogers “I have a plan –ATTACK!” responds Tony Stark played by Robert Downey Jr. Leaders are people of action and make things happen.要制定计划:“我们需要进攻计划。
I Am Vengeance: Retaliation《我是复仇者2(2019)》完整中英文对照剧本
(演员:斯图班奈特)(演员:维尼琼斯)疾速追杀(港译:疾速追杀)(演员:马克格里芬)(导演:罗斯博亚斯克)(绅士俱乐部)住手Stop right there.趴在地上Get on the floor now.女士们Ladies.我可不会那么做I wouldn't do that.你是哪位?Who the fuck are you?你想做什么?What do you want?露西史汪森Lucy Swanson.露西一周前的晚上跟朋友来这里玩Lucy was here a week ago on a night out with her friends.而这里是她最后被目击地点Thing is, this is the last place she was seen.你知道有多少无聊的千金逃家吗?Do you know how many bored little rich girls run away from home? 这种事在大城市天天上演Happens every day in the big city.很不幸地Unfortunately,你们灭证的手法太粗糙了your boys did a terrible job of disposing of the evidence.警方昨天发现她的尸体The police found her body last night.露西的父母是我朋友Lucy's parents are friends of mine,所以我来了so here I am.所以你来了So here you are.那现在要怎样?So what now, then?去自首和认罪Now, turn yourselves in and confess.若我们不听你的呢?And what happens if we say fuck you?就会像那样That.杀了这家伙…Kill this fucking prick.看来你身手依旧Haven't lost your touch, I see.佛斯特,你怎么会在这里?Frost. What are you doing here?有事情要跟你说Got something to tell you.不Nope.你不想知道我是如何找到你的?Don't you want to know how I found you?肯定是卫星和监视器之类的Satellites, cameras, et cetera?约翰,听我说John, look,我必须当面跟你谈谈I needed to speak to you face to face.关于一项工作About a job.我得说多少次?How many times?没兴趣Not. Interested.这次不一样You will be this time.是提格It's Teague.尚恩提格死了Sean Teague is dead.这是昨天拍到的照片This was taken yesterday.寄照片的特务过去两年深度卧底The operative who sent it was deep undercover for the past two years.他本来即将拿下目标He was about to take his targets down有人介绍他一名军♥火♥商when he was introduced to an arms结果发现对方是提格dealer that turned out to be Teague.我正在召集捕捉提格的队伍I'm putting a team together to catch Teague,我希望由你来领队and I want you to lead it.你要我去抓提格You want me to bring Teague而且是活捉in... alive?我知道他对你和你的队伍做了什么I know what he did to you and your team,但我们需要提格活着but we need Teague breathing.光是他的情报和线人His intel and contacts alone are enough to就足以让我们拿下最邪恶的家伙bring down the baddest of the bad.别这样,当作是为了国家付出吧Come on, do it for your country.说得可真好听Oh, that's rich coming from you.好吧,那就当作是为了你自己Okay, do it for yourself, then.什么意思?Meaning?只要你把提格毫发无伤地抓来Meaning you bring Teague in,局里就会删掉你的纪录in one piece, the department wipes your slate clean. 一切都能赦免All is forgiven.你不必再逃跑No more running.考虑看看吧,约翰Think about it, John.活捉提格Bring Teague in alive,你就能重获新生and you get your life back again.先生们Gentlemen.女士们Ladies.你们都认识葛瑞森指挥官You all know Commander Grayson.大家早Morning, everyone.早安Morning.我们的目标Our target:尚恩提格Sean Teague.诚如各位所知,提格曾是出色特务As you all know, Teague was an elite operative,菁英中的菁英one of our best,直到他在几年前的东欧任务until he turned on his team during their final mission in Eastern 背叛自己的队伍Europe several years ago.导致其中许多人面临惨烈结局Many of them met with rather grisly ends.非常惨烈Quite.叛逃后,提格害死数十位人员After going rogue, Teague was responsible ,在全球许多雇佣任务中for the deaths of dozens of personnel as well as countless亦造成无数平民伤亡civilians in mercenary operations across the globe.军♥火♥交易Arms deals,走私国♥家♥机♥密♥和刺杀等smuggling state secrets, assassinations.你想得到的You name it,提格都曾从中获利Teague profited from it.这个嘛Well,确实是这样yeah, he did.直到据报两年前他在民♥主♥刚果遇害Until he was reported killed two years ago in the ?.R.C.我们都听过那个故事Yes, well, we've all heard that story.当地人员确认提格已遭杀害Authorities on the ground confirmed that Teague had been killed, 但如今他出现在这里,我们要活捉他but he's here now, and we're going to bring him in.那个猛♥男♥是哪位?Who's the tree trunk?我们追踪提格的行踪…We're tracking Tigger不是吧?You're kidding.是独一无二的约翰高德It's only John fucking Gold.别开玩笑了Get away.不知道他这周杀了几个人Wonder how many people he's killed this week.五个Five.到目前为止So far.幸会我也是Nice to meet you.林奇和夏佩洛,既然都已经认出来了Likewise.Lynch and Shapiro, you've somewhat preempted me.各位…Everybody,这位是约翰高德meet John Gold.没有人比高德更了解提格Nobody knows Teague better than Gold,尤其是在行动方面especially in the field.也没有人比他更有理由抓住他And nobody has a more compelling reason to bring him in.我听说的你应该更想一枪杀了提格From what I've heard, you'll more likely put a bullet behind Teague's ear 而不是让他坐牢than put him behind bars.人们都喜欢聊八卦People do like to talk, don't they?你们的任务是渗透提格的地点Your mission is breach Teague's location,将他带到机密空军基地transport him to an off-the-books airbase,再将他移送到最高机密安全机构then fly him to an ever-so-hush-hush black site secure facility,他将在那里的铁笼中度过余生where he'll live out his days in a steel box.老大,计划是什么?So what's the play, boss?高德会负责带队Gold here will lead,你们两个无赖负责地面支援with you two reprobates providing ground外加飞行和驾驶服务support and flying/driving services.一如往常的烂差事Shit work. Standard.毕竟收了钱That's what we get paid for.什么?他们有付你钱?What? They pay you for this?你们两个够了That's enough, you two.凯索,派屈奇和史戴尔斯Kelso, Plachecki and Stiles,你们在这里待命和支援you'll serve and support the operation from here.有任何问题吗?Any questions?当然没有'Course not.我们会合点见I'll see you at the R.V.约翰,很抱歉这次任务无法提供援助I'm sorry we can't give you the support you need for this one, John. 你知道我不能公开下令召集队伍You know I can't be seen to authorize a full team.若提格还活着的消息走漏If news about Teague being alive got out,上头绝对会非常不高兴top brass will have a major flap-on.但林奇和夏佩洛是最佳菁英But Lynch and Shapiro are two of the best.看起来不像就是了Believe it or not.团队可能是累赘A team can be a liability.这是提格教我的Teague taught me that.早安老大好Morning, lads.老大好很棒的早晨- Boss. - Nice morning for it.-珀尔来消息了吗? -还没- Heard from Pearl yet? - Not yet.我们同意她抵达时再进行联络We agreed on radio silence until she arrives.没错,以防万一Yeah, yeah, just in case.挺聪明的Pretty smart...以你们来说啦coming from you.在珀尔来讯前,我们在这里等待Okay, lads, we're here for the duration until we hear from Pearl.若遇上问题就全杀了Smoke 'em if you've got 'em.跟我来Come on.怎样?What's all this?什么怎样?What? Oh, uh,没什么nothing.你到底想干嘛?What is all this?我…[, uh...我真的得去尿尿I-1 really need a piss.那就去尿So go take a piss.当我是你妈妈?What am I, your mother?这比滚床单还赞Better than sex!那显然你根本没做对Then you're doing it wrong.可恶Fuck!不准动Steady!真没想到,约翰高德As I live and breathe. John Gold. 提格Teague.你要跟我走You're coming with me.想得美,动手Yeah, of course I am.班奈特,行动Bennett, move!走Go.快走…Go, go, go.提格Teague!提格Teague!手举起来Hands in the air!别阻止我们,好戏才正要开始Don't stop us now. We're just starting to have some fun. 给我待在原地Assume the position.不然呢?Or what?走着瞧吧To be continued.你确定赶得上?Are you sure you're going to make our window?让那架飞机升空的时间不多We've got a tight timeframe to get that plane in the air. 我们会搞定Yeah, we'll make it.预计60分钟后抵达Our E.T.A's about 60 minutes.把提格带到空军基地就好Okay, great. Just get Teague to that airbase,让大伙们都能松口气and we can all breathe out.收到Yep, copy that.林奇和夏佩洛正在看守提格Lynch and Shapiro are securing Teague,我们几分钟后就出发and we'll be on our way in a few.确保飞机准备起飞就好Just make sure that plane is good to go.这家伙准备好移送了Twat's ready for transport.你哪都别想去Hey, you're going nowhere, mate.万人迷来了,之后再跟你联♥系♥Here's Prince Charming now.I'll keep you updated.保持警戒Stay frosty.真幽默Yeah, funny,说得好像我能放松似的I've never heard that before.对了,这玩意真好喝This is excellent, by the way.我知道I know.可以出发了Good to go.信不信由你,但这么做是为了你好Believe it or not, Teague, this is all for your own good.你将被送到某个遥远机密地点You're being flown to a remote, black site prison因为外头有太多人想要你的命"cause there's too many people out here that want your head on a pike."像你这样的人吗?People like you?你是个叛徒You're a traitor,杀人凶手you're a murderer,还牺牲了自己的整个小组and you sacrificed our own team.你若不是这样偿还罪孽Now, you either pay for those crimes this way,就是有人会把你手脚一只只卸下来or someone's going to tear you limb from limb.那些罪行都只是传闻Alleged crimes.我该相信最希望我死的家伙说的话?And I'm supposed to believe all this from a man who wants to see me dead more than most? 这是为了我好?For my own good, eh?别开玩笑了That's bullshit.走吧Let's go.进车里进去Get in! Get in!我就知道你们想杀我I knew it... you're trying to kill me!别傻了,我们会让他自己来Don't be ridiculous, we'd just let him do it.有人看到枪手吗?Anyone got eyes on the shooter?需要有人自愿引起枪手注意Right, we need a volunteer to draw their fire.想都别想Fuck off.-可恶 -对方在哪?- Fucking...! - Where are they?三点钟方向的高塔Three o'clock, tower.大概是提格的人不对-Probably one of Teague's... - No,提格才是目标Teague's the target.怎么可能Bollocks.有可能Maybe. -立刻出发Let's go.知道了On it.我来开车Mine.你确定?Really?林奇,立刻出发Lynch! Step on it.坐稳了Hold onto your balls back there.汇报情况Talk to me.有意外访客,但我们已经出发了We had an unexpected guest, but we're on our way. 知道对方身分吗?Any idea who it was?不清楚Not a clue,但对方想要提格的命but they wanted Teague's head.而且差点得手了And nearly got it.我再跟你汇报I'll keep you posted.我们上路了We're on our way, people.好好开车Take it steady.约翰John.希望你有替我准备超辣空姐Hey, hope you've got some nice, hot stewardesses on this flight for me, 我可不会让你称心如意,提格I wouldn't get your hopes up, Teague.你是要去监狱,不是伊比萨岛You're going to prison, not Ibiza.而且现在不叫空姐,要叫"空服员"And they're called cabin crew these days.提到你的伤心事了吗?Touch a nerve there, did 1?有追兵来了Oh, for... We've got incoming.可恶Shit!林奇,踩油门Lynch, floor it!那就来吧Come on, then.可恶Shit.是死路Dead end!冲击来袭…Brace! Brace!立刻移♥动♥Move! Now!大家都还好吗?Everyone all right?别碰我Fuck off.林奇,你还好吗?Lynch, you okay?好极了Yeah, just great.我才不管外头那是谁Look, I don't give a shit about whoever's out there.但你要嘛给我枪,否则就带我离开But you either give me a gun or you get me the fuck out of here. 总算有人吓到硬汉尚恩提格了Someone's finally got to the big, bad, tough-as-fuck Sean Teague. 我可得跟他们握手致意I'll shake them by the hand.高德Gold.过来看看Check this out.你觉得我们能去工厂找掩护吗?You think we can make it over to that factory?可以Yeah,目前可行that'll do for now.现在Okay,我去吸引枪手,你们两个跟着林奇走I'll draw his fire, you two follow Lynch.等我处理好新朋友后就跟你们会合I'll catch up to you once I've dealt with our new friend.我们也能直接把提格交给对方Or we could just hand Teague over to whoever that is.你应该是要保护我You're supposed to protect me.再说一次我的工作是什么?Tell me again what my job is?夏佩洛Shapiro.约翰,看到了吗?You see, John?这就是结局That's what it comes down to.我和一颗子弹Me, and a quarter-ounce of lead.别怂恿我Don't tempt me.各位,若要走现在就得出发Guys, if we're going, we should go now.好吧Right, then.行动Move!你是哪位?Who the fuck are you?你好啊Greetings.这下子…Now this...肯定会很好玩了This is gonna be fun.情况如何?How are we doing?又被拖住了We got held up again.新朋友抢走了我们的车Our new friend took out our van.不仅如此There's something else.我们被另一组人攻击We were attacked by another team.你是说有另一组人攻击你们双方?As in a different team that attacked both of you?我刚才说的那句话就是这个意思That is what the sentence that I just said would mean, yes. 知道对方是谁吗?Any idea who they were?我没时间追问I didn't hang around to find out.现在要跟其他人会合I'm regrouping with the others now.好吧Okay.虽然没有获准We're not authorized,但不想管"静候指令"了but fuck this sitting on our thumbs shit.我要去支援I'm going in there to help our guys.有人想跟吗?Fancy it?你开口就行Just say the word.我就喜欢这句话That's what I like to hear.出动吧Let's get going, people.该等多久?How long should we give it?十分钟?Ten minutes?等待时间不能超过…I mean, we can't wait much longer.刚才那些人是谁?Who was that back there?没问出名字Didn't get a name.他们还在外头They're still out there.还有另一批人Some others too.另一批人是谁?Others like who?不知道No idea.你的人吗?You?我怎么可能知道?How the fuck do I know?所以可能是任何人So it could be anyone, then.好了,我们必须前往空军基地Right, we need to get to that airbase.去四处看看能否找到车辆Take a look around, see if we can find some wheels. 你们不知道自己扯进了什么事You lot don't know what you've got yourselves into. 安静Quiet!快走Move!(危险)高德Gold.高德Gold!很好,站起来That's it. Get up.跟我的弟兄和美丽未婚妻打声招呼Say hello to my boys, and my beautiful fiancée. 我们要用这个追踪你We're going to use this to keep track of you.要多久才能运作?How long does it take to work?应该已经可以了Should already be up and running.顺利运作中We're good.别把手♥机♥弄丢了Just don't lose that phone.我说过我不会上飞机,不是吗?I told you there'd be no plane for me, didn't 1? 你就是不听You just wouldn't listen.提格,你哪里都别想去You're going nowhere, Teague.你该称他提格先生It's Mr. Teague to you.甘纳,把这玩意剪断Cut these, Gunnar.把他们留在这Keep them here.若遇上问题就先杀了那小妞Any trouble, you kill the chick first.你这家伙Fuck you!知道了,老大You got it, boss.等你搞定那家伙When you're all done with the womanfolk...就让我们见识你到底多强悍吧why don't you just come show us how tough you really are?我需要拿走这个I'm gonna need this.若你不介意就叫一声Moan feebly if that's okay.很好Good. Right.我去杀光其他人,你去追提格I'm gonna go kill those guys, while you go after Teague.好Right...但别跟他正面交锋But don't engage him.让我知道位置即可Just let me know where you are.等等,我… 高德Yeah, but hold on. I...我总是听说你是个杀戮机器I always heard you were some kind of one-man killing machine. 你还在等什么?So, what're you waiting for?先等等Hang on,我马上就去踹掉你的牙齿I'll be through in a second to kick your teeth in.去找提格Go find Teague,然后让我知道你的位置and let me know where you are.我们要一起逮住他We'll get him together.知道了Okay.顾好小命Don't get killed and stuff.你也是You too.好吧Right, then.兄弟,你还好吗?You all right, mate?Finally.幸会,高德先生Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Gold.我也是Likewise.那么…So...你就是约翰高德you're John Gold.传说中的约翰高德?The John Gold?没错Yep.提格讲过许多你有多嗜血的故事You know, Teague told us all these stories about how bloodthirsty you are. 但现在我们手上…Yet here we all are with...有这些玩意these.而你只有…And there you are with...那个玩意With that.你打算怎么…I mean, what're you even going to do with...-肯瑞克,去开车 -好的- Kendrick, get the car. - Okay.五分钟内离开Be out of here in five.我就知道你会来Knew you'd come through, babe.提格Teague!待在原地Stay where you are.我们还有地方要去Look, we've got somewhere to go.你要不要闪一边?Why don't you just back off?好吧应该不会花太多时间This shouldn't take long.没错,我大概30秒就能搞定你Yeah, you're right, it'll take me about 30 seconds. 也许我们该雇用她Maybe we should offer her a job.来啊可恶Fuck...开枪杀了他Shoot him!说再见吧,你这家伙Say goodbye, prick-hole.可恶Shit!史塔佩知道了…Stoppage.Okay, okay.起来来见血吧Let's get bloody.到我身后Get behind me.快想想办法Do something, then.后退Just stay back.让开Step aside.这跟你无关This isn't your fight.你是哪位?Who are you?她是谁?Who is she?说来话长Long story,但她理应死了but she should be dead.你的手下的确挺努力的Oh, your men tried all right.你这是在保护杀人凶手You're trying to save the life of a murderer,你顶多只是太过天真which makes you naive at best,但我的目标不是你but you're not my problem.让开,我不想伤害你Just get out of my way, I don't want to hurt you. 那就别开枪Then don't.但我哪里都不去But I'm not moving.我们要让提格去坐牢,接受制裁We're taking Teague to prison, to face justice. 这才是正义的制裁This is justice!快动手Well, come on, do it!别催我Don't rush me!我现在可是要杀英雄I'm killing a hero here.这对我来说可是重大时刻It's a big moment for me.有遗言吗?Any last words?准备好丢脸吧Prepare to be deeply embarrassed.他可真有活力He's a live one, all right!但不会太久了But not for long.受死吧Here it comes.别闹了,赶紧杀了他Well, stop dicking around and kill him!我正在努力I'm trying...最后警告,让开Last chance. Walk away.好吧Okay.我劝过你了I tried.好吧All right.这样应该可以领加班费吧?Getting paid overtime for this, right?还真是多谢帮忙Well, thanks for all your help.你还好吗?You okay?林奇人呢?Where's Lynch?我去处理那边,你去守住入口Right, I'll deal with that, you go cover the entrance. 我们不需要更多意外访客了We don't need any more unexpected guests.收到Roger that.用这个Use this.退后一点,宝贝Stand back, babe.来吧,宝贝Come on, babe! Let's go.如果你…If you...提格Teague!你想直接肉搏?You want to have a go hand-to-hand?我觉得我胜算蛮大的Yeah, I fancy my chances.小姐Hey.不管你是谁Whoever you are.我看得出来你有自己的理由I can see you've got your reasons,但我们必须用对的方式逮捕提格but let us bring Teague in the right way.你不懂,他…You don't understand, he...可恶的狗屎运Dumb fucking luck!你很厉害,但放弃吧You're amazing, but give it up.走开Get real!高德Gold!林奇,撑住Lynch! Hold on!你还好吗?You okay?我们意见不合We had a disagreement.那是她的专长That's her specialty.珍,好久不见Long time, no see, Jen.你认识她?You know her?珍奎德Jen Quaid.我跟她父亲是同事I served with her father.直到提格让一切画下句点Until Teague ended all that.让我离开,高德Let me go, Gold.我跟你无冤无仇I've got no problem with you.这次不行Not this time.我们要让提格坐牢We're taking Teague to prison.让他整天吃饱睡好,高枕无忧?Three square meals a day and a roof over his head? 即使他做了那些事?After everything he's done?你很清楚那根本称不上制裁That's not nearly enough, and you know it.我很讶异你还没杀了他I'm amazed you haven't killed him yourself.他也很想动手He's come close.但这比提格对我们做的事情更重要This is bigger than what Teague's done to either of us.你能洗刷罪名,是吗?You've got clean hands, is that it?我爸跟我说过每一场任务My dad told me about every mission.你们一起做的那些可怕坏事All the horrible, fucked-up shit you guys did together.这就是重点And that's my point.你想变得跟我们一样吗?Do you want to end up like us?我们都知道你♥爸♥不想你走上这条路We both know that's not the path your dad wanted for you. 所以别让情况变得更麻烦So don't make this harder than it has to be.他又跑了He's off again.你要我怎么做?What do you want me to do?联络佛斯特,确认夏佩洛的情况Call Frost. Check on Shapiro.然后跟我会合Then catch up with me.我待会跟上I'll catch you later.老大林奇Boss.Lynch?是我说吧Yeah, it's me.我们跟枪手见面了We caught up with the sniper.她叫珍奎德Name's Jen Quaid.天啊,真的?Christ, really?我和高德跟他爸爸是同事Gold and I worked with her old man.对,没错Yeah, that's right.若你想来接她的话She's tied up on the upper level of our她被绑在我们目前位置的楼上current location,if you want to pick her up.收到Copy that.我现在被高德和珍奎德追杀I've got Gold after me, and I've got Jen Quaid after me,立刻来接我so come and pick me up now.确认你的位置了We've got your position.继续移♥动♥,我们会去接你Just keep moving, and we'll come to you.甘纳,普莱斯Gunnar, Price.行动吧Let's get movin'.没关系的,孩子It's okay, chum.没事It's okay.就算你们真的让提格坐牢Even if you get Teague to that prison cell,你以为他能活多久?how long do you think he'll last?那不关我的事That's not my problem.他一进牢房♥,我的任务就完成了My mission ends once he's in that cell.提格握有政♥府♥一大堆的把柄All the shit Teague has on the government.他跟我爸和高德一起做的那些肮脏事All those black bag, disavowable jobs he did with my dad and Gold? 政♥府♥要他坐牢They just want him in只想确保他能按照他们要的方式死去there so that they can make sure he dies on their terms.既然你这么想要提格死Well, seeing as you want Teague dead so badly,那何不让我们带走他why don't you let us bring him in,他就会面临你认为该有的下场and he'll get what you think he deserves.不No!我必须亲手杀了他I have to kill him myself.珍Jen.珍Jen.你真的认为你♥爸♥爸Do you really think your dad would want you to go through 会希望你经历这些痛苦和暴♥力♥all this emotional agony and violence,好杀死这个人?just to murder this one man?没错Yes.好吧,也不能说不合理Okay, that's not crazy or anything.再见了See you around.也许不见最好Preferably not.你得跟我走You're coming with me.我哪都不会跟你去I'm going nowhere with you.我们没时间搞这套We don't have time for this.你没在听我说话You're not listening to me.还是要我揍到你听懂?Or do you want me to beat it into you?我说我们没时间搞这套I said we don't have time for this.我得再杀死你多少伙伴?How many of your mates did I have killed again?他们都是好人They were good men.但你为了冰冷的钱出♥卖♥♥♥他们And you sold them out for cold, hard cash.你很清楚我不是为了钱这么做I didn't do it for the money, and you know that!提格Teague!听我说Just listen...就跟以前一样Just like old times.你总是喜欢发号♥施令,对吧?Always did like giving the orders, didn't you, John?这是最后警告This is your last warning.若不是我,珍奎德早就杀了你If it wasn't for me, Jen Quaid would have killed you by now.若不是你出现拖累我,我早就杀了她If it weren't for you slowing me down, I'd have killed her!我为了这国家付出一切I put everything on the line for this country,我却得替犯错的上层当代罪羔羊and I get made the scapegoat for mistakes made over my head. 上层出错,下面的人倒霉Shit rolls downhill. You know that.你本来就知道这一点Years of loyal service,那么多年的忠诚,我就那么被抛弃and I get thrown on the scrapheap.那也不是背叛团队的理由Well, that's no excuse for betraying your own team.除非你亲自遇上,否则你不可能明白You wouldn't understand until it happened to you.承认吧,约翰Why don't you just admit it, John?你很享受这一切You're enjoying this.够了That's it.这才是我印象中的高德That's the Gold I remember.来吧Come on!林奇说奎德在楼上Lynch advised that Qaid is on the upper level.准备进入Be ready to move in.这就是你要的?Is this what you want?这真的就是你想要的?Is this what you fucking want?够了Enough...提格,你现在开心了吗?Are you fucking happy now, Teague?高德Gold!约翰Hey, John.你快弄死他了You're killing him.我去联络团队来接人I'll call the team to pick us up.不,我们自己前往空军基地No. Let's just get to the airbase ourselves.三人行动会让珍更难以追踪The three of us will be harder for Jen to track.你真的认为珍还会是个麻烦?You really think Jen's still gonna be a problem?关于珍奎德,你得知道一件事There's one thing you need to know about Jen Quaid. 她永远都会是个麻烦She's always going to be a problem.男孩们,你们好啊Hello, boys.佛斯特Frost.你知道规矩,珍You know the routine, Jen.跪下Down on the ground.手放到头后方Hands behind your head.还好吗?All right?我想讨论危害津贴的事,但除此之外I want a chat about hazard pay, but apart from that... 我很好I'm a-okay.珍,我一向敬重你父亲Jen, I had a lot of respect for your old man.但我们必须将你视为威胁But we have to treat you as an active threat,请你配合so just behave让我们带走你and let us bring you in.我们在等什么?What're we doing?她只是普通的女孩She's just some chick.甚至没被绑着She's not even strapped.那个"女孩"差点杀光我们所有人That "chick" nearly killed us all.而且是两次Twice.她超强的She's amazing.凯索Kelso.替她上铐Cuff her.找掩护Take cover!找辆车吧Let's find some wheels.这根本是白费力气This is a wild goose chase.我受够了,我不走了I'm done, I ain't going any further. 行啊Fine.你就待在这里You stay here, then,等珍追上你wait for Jen to catch up再赏你脑袋一颗子弹and shoot you in the head.你这个家伙You fucking arsehole.停火…Hold fire! Hold fire!珍Jen!这是你最后的机会This is your last chance!投降吧Surrender!立刻投降Right now!去确认情况Check it out.小心一点Be careful. She's much她比外表看起来还要危险more dangerous than she looks.现在听我指示Okay, on me.门口安全Foyer clear.你们两人去确认楼上情况You two, clear the upper floor.我们确认这层楼,之后这里会合We'll check this level.RV. back here. 收到,走吧Roger that. Let's go.保持通讯畅通Keep comms open.你们听到老大的话了,别逞英雄You heard the boss. Don't get brave.了解Understood.我只是普通的女孩?Just some chick?我的意思是…I didn't mean...可恶DAM请回报Someone talk to me.情况如何?What's going on?你还好吗?You okay?凯索?Kelso?史戴尔斯?Stiles?这辆如何?What about this one?这台可以Yeah. I can work with this.你能让它上路吗?You think you can get it running?真爱说笑Please.高德?Gold?谢了Cheers.直接前往基地Right, straight to the airbase.收到Roger that.提格,听到了吗?You hear that, Teague?我们很快就会飞上天了Very soon we'll be flying the friendly skies. 等着瞧吧We'll see about that.甘纳,我看起来如何?How's that, Gunnar babe?小姐,你看起来很漂亮You look quite lovely, miss.距离不远了Not far now.下个路口左转Take the next left.知道了You got it.好吧Okay.对,我是被她整了Okay. So she got one over on me.有人能拿个东西给我穿吗?Can one of you at least give me something to wear? 当然Sure.拿去吧Here.奎德破坏了车辆追踪系统Quaid deactivated the vehicle tracking system.她现在可能在任何地方She could be anywhere.真聪明Smart move.你们几个,准备移♥动♥Come on, you lot. Let's get moving.我们赶上了不少进度We're making good time. Not far now.离基地不远了Yeah, as long as前提是这辆破铜烂铁能撑到目的地this rust bucket makes it that far.天啊Jesus...!我们得行动了Come on, we've got to move.这边请,提格先生This way, Mr. Teague.真是一团糟That's fucked, innit?。
加勒比海盗2剧本原文(全英文)--DEAD MAN'S CHEST[Elizebeth]: Will! Why is this happening?[Will]: I don't know. You look beautiful.[Elizebeth]: It's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding.[Swann]: Make way! Let me through! How dare you! Satan your men down at once.Do you hear me?[Beckett]: Governor Weatherby Swann, it's been too long.[Swann]: Cutler Beckett?[Beckett]: It's Lord now, actually.[Swann]: Lord or not, you have no reason and no authority to arrest this man.[Beckett]: In fact, I do. Mr.Mercer? The warrant for the arrest of one WilliamTurner.[Swann]: This warrant is for Elizabeth Swann.[Beckett]: Is it? That's annoying. My mistake. Arrest her.[Elizebeth]: On what charges?[Will]: No![Beckett]: Aha. Here's the one for William Turner. And I have another one for aMr.James Norrington. Is he present?[Elizebeth]: What are the charges?[Swann]: Commodore Norrington resigned his commission some months ago.[Beckett]: That wasn't the answer to the question I asked.[Will]: Lord Beckett. In the category of questions not answered...[Elizebeth]: We are under the jurisdiction of the king's governor of Port Royaland you will tell us what we are charged with.[Swann]: The charge is "conspiring to set free a man convicted of crimes againstthe Crown and Empire and condemned to death,For whichthe..."[Beckett]: For which the punishment, regrettably, is also death. Perhaps youremember a certain pirate named Jack Sparrow.[Wi & El]: Captain.[Elizebeth]: Captain Jack Sparrow.[Beckett]: Captain Jack Sparrow. Yes, I thought you might.[Gibbs]: Fifteen men on a dead man's chest Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum Drink andthe devil had done for the rest Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum[MAN]: Prisoners, come on![Jack]: Sorry, mate. Mind if we make a little side trip? I didn't think so.[Gibbs]: Not quite according to plan.[Jack]: Complications arose, ensued, were overcome.[Gibbs]: You got what you went in for, then? Captain, I think the crew, meaningme as well, were expecting something a bit more shiny, with the lsla de Muertagoing pear-shaped, reclaimed by the sea with the treasure.[MAN]: And the Royal Navy chasing us around the Atlantic.[MAN#2]: And the hurricane.[MEN]: Aye.[Gibbs]: All in all, it seems some time since we did a speck of honest pirating.[Jack]: Shiny.[Gibbs]: Aye, shiny.[Jack]: Is that how you're all feeling?That perhaps dear old Jack is not servingyour best interests as captain?[Squawks]: Walk the plank.[Jack]: What did the bird say?[MAN]: Do not blame the bird.[MAN#2]: Show us what is on that piece of cloth there.[Gibbs]: You know that don't do no good.[Jack]: lt does me.[MAN]: lt's a key.[Jack]: No. Much more better. lt is a drawing of a key. Gentlemen, what do keysdo[MAN]: Keys, unlock things?[Gibbs]: And whatever this key unlocks, inside there's something valuable.So we're setting out to find whatever this key unlocks.[Jack]: No. lf we don't have the key, we can't open whatever we don't have thatit unlocks. So what purpose would be served in finding whatever need be unlocked,which we don't have, without first having found the key what unlocks it?[Gibbs]: So we're going after this key.[Jack]: You're not making any sense at all. Any more questions?[MAN]: So do we have a heading?[Jack]: A heading. Set sail in a... general... that-way direction.[Gibbs]: Captain?[Jack]: Come on, snap to and make sail. You know how this works. Go on.[MAN]: Have you noticed lately the captain seems to be acting a bit strange...er?[Gibbs]: Setting sail without knowing his own heading. Something's got Jackvexed, and mark my words, what bodes ill for Jack Sparrow bodes ill for us all.作者:拎壺蔥2007-6-21 14:29 回复此发言________________________________________2 回复:【完整版】加勒比海盗二全英文对白完整版[MAN]: Lord Beckett, the prisoner as ordered, sir.[Beckett]: Those won't be necessary. The East lndia TradingCompany has need ofyour services. We wish for you to act as our agent in a business transaction withour mutual friend Captain Sparrow.[Will]: More acquaintance. How do you know him?[Beckett]: We've had dealings in the past. And we've each left our mark on theother.[Will]: What mark did he leave on you?[Beckett]: By your efforts, Jack Sparrow was set free. l would like you to go tohim and recover a certain property in his possession.[Will]: Recover. At the point of a sword?[Beckett]: Bargain. Letters of marque. You will offer what amounts to a fullpardon. Jack will be free, a privateer in the employ of England.[Will]: Somehow l doubt Jack will consider employment the same as being free.[Beckett]: Freedom. Jack Sparrow is a dying breed. The world is shrinking,theblank edges of the map filled in. Jack must find his place in the New World orperish. Not unlike you, Mr. Turner. You and your fiancee face the hangman'snoose.[Will]: So you get Jack and the Black Pearl.[Beckett]: The Black Pearl?[Will]: The property you want that he possesses.[Beckett]: A ship? Hardly. The item in question is considerably smaller and farmore valuable, something Sparrow keeps on his person at all times.A compass? Youknow it. Bring back that compass or there's no deal.[Jack]: Why is the rum always gone? That's why. As you were, gents.[Bill]: Time's run out, Jack.[Jack]: Bootstrap. Bill Turner.[Bill]: You look good, Jack.[Jack]: ls this a dream?[Bill]: No.[Jack]: l thought not. lf it were, there'd be rum.[Bill]: You got the Pearl back, l see.[Jack]: l had some help retrieving the Pearl, by the way. Your son.[Bill]: William? He ended up a pirate after all.[Jack]: And to what do l owe the pleasure of your carbuncle?[Bill]: He sent me. Davy Jones.[Jack]: So it's you, then. He shanghaied you into service, eh?[Bill]: l chose it. l'm sorry for the part l played in the mutiny against you,Jack. l stood up for you. Everything went wrong after that. They strapped me to acannon. l ended up on the bottom of the ocean, the weight of the water crushingdown on me. Unable to move. Unable to die, Jack. And l thought that even thetiniest hope of escaping this fate, l would take it. l would trade anything forit.[Jack]: lt's funny what a man will do to forestall his final judgment.[Bill]: You made a deal with him too, Jack. He raised the Pearl from the depthsfor you. 13 years, you've been her captain.[Jack]: Technically...[Bill]: Jack. You won't be able to talk yourself out of this. The terms whatapplied to me apply to you as well. One soul bound to crew 100 years upon hisship.[Jack]: The Flying Dutchman already has a captain...[Bill]: Then it's the locker for you! Jones's terrible leviathan will find youand drag the Pearl back to the depths and you along with it.[Jack]: Any idea when Jones might release said terrible beastie?[Bill]: l already told you, Jack. Your time is up. lt comes now, drawn withravenous hunger to the man what bears the black spot.[Jack]: On deck, all hands! Make fast the bunt gasket! On deck! Scurry! Scurry! lwant movement! Movement! l want movement! Lift the skin up! Keep your loof! Haulthose sheets! Run them! Run! Keep running! Run as if the devil himself and itselfis upon us![Gibbs]: Do we have a heading?[Jack]: Run! Land.[Gibbs]: Which port?[Jack]: l didn't say ''port,'' l said ''land.'' Any land.[Gibbs]: Jack's hat! Bring her about![Jack]: No, no! Leave it! Run.[Gibbs]: Back to your stations, the lot of you!Jack? For the love of mother and child, Jack, what's coming after us?[Jack]: Nothing.作者:拎壺蔥2007-6-21 14:30 回复此发言________________________________________3 回复:【完整版】加勒比海盗二全英文对白完整版[MAN]: Here, now, you can't be here.[Swann]: l think you'll find he can.[MAN]: Mr. Swann![Swann]: Governor Swann, still. Do you think l wear this wig to keep my headwarm?[Elizabeth]: Jack's compass? What does Beckett want with that?[Will]: Does it matter? l'm to find Jack and convince him to return to PortRoyal. ln exchange, the charges against us will be dropped.[Swann]: No. We must find our own avenue to secure your freedom.[Will]: ls that a lack of faith in Jack or in me?[Swann]: That you would risk your life to save Sparrow does not mean he would dothe same for anyone else. Now, where is that dog with the keys?[Elizabeth]: l have faith in you. Both of you. Where will you find him?[Will]: Tortuga. l'll start there and l won't stop searching till l find him. Andthen l intend to return here to marry you.[Elizabeth]: Properly?[Will]: Eagerly, if you'll still have me.[Elizabeth]: lf it weren't for these bars, l'd have you already.l'll wait for you.[Will]: Keep a weather eye on the horizon.[MAN]: Captain Jack Sparrow? Owes me four doubloons. Heard he was dead.[MAN#2]: Singapore. That's what l heard. Drunk, with a smile on his face.Sure as the tide, Jack Sparrow turn up in Singapore.[Giselle]: Jack Sparrow?[Scarlett]: l haven't seen him in a month.[Giselle]: When you find him, will you give him a message?[MAN]: Can't say about Jack Sparrow, but there's an island just south of thestraits where l trade spice for delicious long pork. Cannot say about Jack,but you'll find a ship there. A ship with black sails.My brother will take you ashore.[Will]: What's wrong? The beach is there.[MAN]: C'est trop dangereux.[Will]: What?[MAN]: C'est trop dangereux. je vous l'avais dit. Bon voyage. monsieur.[Will]: Jack! Jack Sparrow! Marty! Cotton! Anybody?A familiar face.[Squawks]: Don't eat me.[Will]: l'm not going to eat you.[Squawks]: Don't eat me. No. Don't eat me.[Will]: Gibbs.Come on! Let's go! Come on! Who wants it? l can do this all day!Jack? Jack Sparrow! l can honestly say l'm glad to see you.Jack, it's me. Will Turner.Tell them to let me down!Jack, the compass. That's all l need. Elizabeth is in danger.We werearrested for helping you. She faces the gallows![Jack]: Savvy? Save me.[Will]: Jack, what did you tell them? No! What about Elizabeth? Jack![MAN]: That's a good girl. Come a little closer. We don't bite.Go on. We won'tbite you.[Swann]: Come quickly.[Elizabeth]: Tell me what's happening.[Swann]: Our name still has some standing. l've arranged passage to England.The captain is a friend of mine.[Elizabeth]: No! Will's gone to find Jack![Swann]: We cannot count on William Turner. Come![Elizabeth]: He's better than you give him credit for.[Swann]: This is no time for innocence. Beckett has offered one pardon only one,and that is promised to Jack Sparrow. Even if Will succeeds, do not ask me toendure the sight of my daughter walking to the gallows. Do not. Perhaps l canensure a fair trial for Will if he returns.[Elizabeth]: A fair trial for Will ends in a hanging.[Swann]: Then there is nothing left for you here.Wait inside. Captain? Captain.[Mercer]: Evening, Governor. Shame, that. He was carrying this. lt's a letter tothe king. lt's from you.[Swann]: No... Elizabeth. What are you doing?[Mercer]: Where is she?[Swann]: Who?作者:拎壺蔥2007-6-21 14:30 回复此发言________________________________________4 回复:【完整版】加勒比海盗二全英文对白完整版[Beckett]: No doubt you've discovered that loyalty is no longer the currency ofthe realm, as your father believes.[Elizabeth]: Then what is?[Beckett]: l'm afraid currency is the currency of the realm.[Elizabeth]: l expect, then, we can come to some sort ofunderstanding. l'm hereto negotiate.[Beckett]: l'm listening. l'm listening intently.[Elizabeth]: These letters of marque are signed by the king.[Beckett]: Yes, and they're not valid until they bear my signature and my seal.[Elizabeth]: Or else l would not still be here. You sent Will to get you thecompass owned by Jack Sparrow. lt will do you no good.[Beckett]: Do explain.[Elizabeth]: l have been to the lsla de Muerta. l have seen the treasure myself.There is something you need to know.[Beckett]: l see. You think the compass leads only to the lsla de Muerta and soyou hope to save me from an evil fate. But you mustn't worry. l care not forcursed Aztec gold. My desires are not so provincial. There's more than one chestof value in these waters. So perhaps you may wish to enhance your offer.[Elizabeth]: Consider into your calculations that you robbed me of my weddingnight.[Beckett]: So l did. A marriage interrupted or fate intervenes? You're makinggreat efforts to ensure Jack Sparrow's freedom.[Elizabeth]: These aren't going to Jack.[Beckett]: Really? T o ensure Mr. Turner's freedom, then, l'll still want thatcompass. Consider that in your calculations.[Ragetti]: l say it was Divine Providence what escaped us from jail.[Pintel]: And l say it was me being clever. Ain't that right, poochie?[Ragetti]: Well, how'd you know it weren't Divine Providence what inspired you tobe clever? Anyways, l ain't stealing no ship.[Pintel]: lt ain't stealing. lt's salvaging. And since when did you care?[Ragetti]: Since we're not immortal no more. We gotta take care of our immortalsouls.[Pintel]: You know you can't read.[Ragetti]: lt's the Bible. You get credit for trying.[Pintel]: Pretending to read the Bible's a lie. That's a mark against... Look.There it is.[Ragetti]: What's got into him?[Pintel]: Must have seen a catfish.[Ragetti]: Stupid mongrel![Pintel]: Come on! lt's ours for the taking.[Ragetti]: Tide's coming in. That should help. And salvaging is saving, in amanner of speaking.[Pintel]: There's the truth of it![Ragetti]: Suppose we better save it as soon as we can, what with our soulsin such a vulnerable state and all.[Pintel]: Amen to that.[Jack]: Thank you.[Will]: Why would he dothis to us? lf Jack is the chief...[Gibbs]: Aye, the Pelegostos made Jack their chief, but he only remains chiefas long as he acts like a chief.[Will]: So he had no choice. He's a captive as much as the rest of us.[Gibbs]: Worse, as it turns out. See, the Pelegostos believe that Jack is a godin human form, and they intend to do him the honor of releasing him from hisfleshy prison. They'll roast him and eat him.[Will]: Where's the rest of the crew?[Gibbs]: These cages we're in weren't built till after we got here. The feast isabout to begin. Jack's life will end when the drums stop.[Will]: Well, we can't just sit here and wait, then, can we?作者:拎壺蔥2007-6-21 14:31 回复此发言________________________________________5 回复:【完整版】加勒比海盗二全英文对白完整版[Jack]: No, no. Oi! No, no. More wood. Big fire. Big fire. l am Chief. Want bigfire. Come on. Tout de suite. Come on. More wood.Bugger. A little seasoning, eh?Well done.[Gibbs]: Put your legs through. Start to climb![Will]: Come on, men! lt'll take all of us to crew the Black Pearl![MAN]: Actually, you wouldn't need everyone. About six would do. Oh, dear.[Will]: Hurry![MAN]: Come on! Come on! ls that all you got?[Will]: Wait. Stop. Stop.[Marty]: What are they doing?[Will]: Stop.[MAN]: Snake![Will]: Move![Jack]: Well, go on, go get them. No, no. Oi! No, no! Not good. [Will]: Cut it loose! Find a rock! Roll the cage![MEN]: Come on![Will]: Lift the cage! Hurry![Gibbs]: Come on, lads. Lift it like a lady's skirt.[Will]: Run! This way, lads! Take cover![Jack]: Stop it! Bugger.[Pintel]: Haul loose the mooring line! The mooring line! [Ragetti]: Thief! Little hairy thief! Give it back! Don't bite it! [Pintel]: Haul loose the mooring line![Ragetti]: He's got me eye. He won't give it back.[Pintel]: How'd you get it back last time?[Gibbs]: Excellent! Our work's half done.[Pintel]: We done it for you, knowing you'd be coming back.[Gibbs]: Make ready to sail, boys![Will]: What about Jack? l won't leave without him. Time to go.[Gibbs]: Cast off those lines! Make ready to cast off![Jack]: Good doggy. Alas, my children, this is the day you shall always rememberas the day you almost... Captain Jack Sparrow.[Gibbs]: Let's get away from this island and head out to open sea.[Jack]: Yes to the first. Yes to the second, but only insofar as we keep to theshallows.[Gibbs]: That seems a bit contradictory, Captain.[Jack]: l have faith in your reconciliatory navigational skills. Now, where isthat monkey? l want to shoot something.[Will]: Jack. Elizabeth is in danger.[Jack]: Have you considered just locking her up somewhere?[Will]: She is locked up, bound to hang for helping you.[Jack]: There comes a time when one must take responsibility for one's mistakes.[Will]: l need that compass of yours, Jack. l must trade it for her freedom.[Jack]: Mr. Gibbs.[Gibbs]: Captain.[Jack]: We have a need to travel upriver.[Gibbs]: By need, do you mean a trifling need? Fleeting? As in, say, a passingfancy?[Jack]: No, a resolute and unyielding need.[Will]: What we need to do is make sail for Port Royal with all haste.[Jack]: William, l shall trade you the compass if you will help me to find this.[Will]: You want me to find this?[Jack]: No. You want you to find this, because the finding of this finds youincapacitorially finding and/or locating in your discovering a way to save yourdolly belle, ol' what's-her-face. Savvy?[Will]: This is going to save Elizabeth?[Jack]: How much do you know about Davy Jones?[Will]: Not much.[Jack]: Yeah, it's going to save Elizabeth.作者:拎壺蔥2007-6-21 14:31 回复此发言________________________________________6 回复:【完整版】加勒比海盗二全英文对白完整版[CAPTAIN]: What's all this? lf you both fancy the dress, you'll just have toshare and wear it one after the other.[MAN]: lt's not like that, sir. This ship is haunted.[CAPTAIN]: ls it, now? And you?[MAN#2]: There's a female presence amongst us here, sir. All the men, they canfeel it.[MAN#3]: lt's the ghost of a lady widowed before her marriage, l figure it,searching for her husband, lost at sea.[MAN#4]: A virgin too, likely as not. And that bodes ill by all accounts.[MAN]: l say that we throw the dress overboard and we hope the spirit follows it.[MAN#2]: No! That will just anger the spirit, sir. What we need to do is find outwhat the spirit needs, and then get it back to her.[CAPTAIN]: Enough! Enough! You're a pair of superstitious goats and it's got thebest of you. Now, this appears to be no more as we have a stowaway on board. Ayoung woman, by the look of it. l want you to search the ship and find her. Oh,and she's probably naked.[Will]: Why is Jack afraid of the open ocean?[Gibbs]: Well, if you believe such things, there's a beast does the bidding ofDavy Jones - a fearsome creature with giant tentacles that'll suction your faceclean off and drag an entire ship down to the crushing darkness. The kraken. Theysay the stench of its breath is like... lmagine, the last thing you know on God'sgreen earth is the roar of the kraken and the reeking odor of a thousand rottingcorpses. lf you believe such things.[Will]: And the key will spare him that?[Gibbs]: Well, that's the very question Jack wants answered. Bad enough even togo visit her.[Will]: Her?[Gibbs]: Aye.[Jack]: No worries, mates. Tia Dalma and l go way back. Thic k as thieves. Nighinseparable, we are. Were. Have been. Before.[Gibbs]: l'll watch your back.[Jack]: lt's me front l'm worried about.[Gibbs]: Mind the boat.[Will]: Mind the boat.[Ragetti]: Mind the boat.[Pintel]: Mind the boat.[Marty]: Mind the boat.[Squawks]: Mind the boat.[Dalma]: Jack Sparrow.[Jack]: Tia Dalma.[Dalma]: l always knew the wind was going to blow you back to me one day. You...You have a touch of destiny about you, William Turner.[Will]: You know me?[Dalma]: You want to know me.[Jack]: There'll be no knowing here. We've come for help and we're not leavingwithout it. l thought l knew you.[Dalma]: Not so well as l had hoped. Come.[Jack]: Come.[Dalma]: What service may l do you? You know l demand payment.[Jack]: l brought payment. Look. An undead monkey. Top that.[Gibbs]: Don't! You've no idea how long it took us to catch that.[Dalma]: The payment is fair.[Will]: We're looking for this. And what it goes to.[Dalma]: The compass you bartered from me, it cannot lead you to this?[Jack]: Maybe. Why?[Dalma]: Jack Sparrow does not know what he wants. Or do you know, but are loathto claim it as your own? Your key go to a chest. And it is what lay inside thechest you seek, don't it?[Gibbs]: What is inside?[Pintel]: Gold? Jewels? Unclaimed properties of a valuable nature?[Ragetti]: Nothing bad, l hope?[Dalma]: You know of Davy Jones, yes? A man of the sea. A great sailor, until herun afoul of that which vex all men.[Will]: What vexes all men?[Dalma]: What indeed?[Gibbs]: The sea.[Pintel]: Sums.[Ragetti]: The dichotomy of good and evil.[Jack]: A woman.[Dalma]: A woman. He fell in love.[Gibbs]: No, no, no, no. l heard it was the sea he fell in love with.[Dalma]: Same story, different versions, and all are true. See, it was a womanas changing and harsh and untamable as the sea. Him never stopped loving her. Butthe pain it cause him was too much to live with but not enough to cause him todie.[Will]: What exactly did he put into the chest?[Dalma]: Him heart.[Ragetti]: Literally or figuratively?[Pintel]: He couldn't literally put his heart in a chest. Could he?作者:拎壺蔥2007-6-21 14:31 回复此发言________________________________________7 回复:【完整版】加勒比海盗二全英文对白完整版[Dalma]: lt was not worth feeling what small, fleeting joy life brings. And sohim carve out him heart, lock it away in a chest and hide the chest from theworld. The key he keep with him at all times.[Will]: You knew this.[Jack]: l did not. l didn't know where the key was. But now we do. All that'sleft is to climb aboard the Flying Dutchman, grab the key, you go back to PortRoyal and save your bonnie lass, eh?[Dalma]: Let me see your hand.[Gibbs]: The black spot![Ragetti]: The black spot![Pintel]: Black spot![Jack]: My eyesight's as good as ever, just so you know.[Dalma]: l have just the thing. Now, where did l put it? My little beauty, whereare you? Such a long time in such a mess. Davy Jones cannot make port. Cannotstep on land but once every ten years. Land is where you are safe, Jack Sparrow,and so you will carry land with you.[Jack]: Dirt. This is a jar of dirt.[Dalma]: Yes.[Jack]: ls the jar of dirt going to help?[Dalma]: lf you don't want it, give it back.[Jack]: No.[Dalma]:Then it helps.[Will]: lt seems we have a need to find the Flying Dutchman.[Dalma]: A touch of destiny.[Will]: That's the Flying Dutchman? She doesn't look like much.[Jack]: Neither do you. Do not underestimate her.[Gibbs]: Must have run afoul of the reef.[Jack]: So, what's your plan, then?[Will]: l row over, search the ship until l find your bloody key.[Jack]: And if there are crewmen?[Will]: l cut down anyone in my path.[Jack]: l like it. Simple, easy to remember.[Ragetti]: Your chariot awaits you, Sire.[Jack]: lf you do happen to get captured, just say Jack Sparrow sent you tosettle his debt. lt might save your life.[Ragetti]: Bon voyage![Jack]: Douse the lamps.[Will]: Sailor.[MAN]: Hoisting the jib, Captain's orders.[Will]: Sailor![MAN]: Hoisting the jib. Bring up with a round turn.[Will]: There's no use. You've run aground.[MAN]: No. Beneath us. Foul breath.[MAN]: Down on your marrowbones and pray.[Will]: Get back! Get back![MAN]: Five men still alive. The rest have moved on.[D.J]: Do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare.All your sins punished. l can offer you an escape.[MAN]: Don't listen to him![D.J]: Do you not fear death?[MAN]: l'll take my chances, sir.[D.J]: To the depths.[MAN]: Cruel blackguard![D.J]: Life is cruel.Why should the afterlife be any different? l offer you achoice. Join my crew and postpone the judgment. One hundred years before themast. Will ye serve?[MAN]: l will serve.[D.J]: You are neither dead nor dying. What is your purpose here?[Will]: Jack Sparrow sent me to settle his debt.[D.J]: What is your purpose here?[Will]: Jack Sparrow sent me to settle his debt.[D.J]: Did he, now? l'm sorely tempted to accept that offer.You have a debt to pay. You've been captain of the Black Pearl for 13years. That was our agreement.[Jack]: Technically l was only captain for two years, then l was mutinied upon.[D.J]: Then you were a poor captain, but a captain nonetheless. Have you notintroduced yourself all these years as Captain Jack Sparrow?[Jack]: You havemy payment. One soul to serve on your ship.[D.J]: One soul is not equal to another.[Jack]: We've established my proposal is sound in principle. Now we're hagglingover price.[D.J]: Price?[Jack]: Just how many souls do you think my soul is worth?[D.J]: One hundred souls. Three days.[Jack]: You're a diamond, mate. Send me back the boy. l'll get started right off.[D.J]: l keep the boy. A good-faith payment. That leaves you only 99 more to go.[Jack]: Have you not met Will Turner? He's noble, heroic, a terrific soprano.Worth at least four. Maybe three and a half. And did l happen to mention he's inlove? With a girl. Due to be married. Betrothed. Dividing him from her and herfrom him would only be half as cruel as actually allowing them to be joined inholy matrimony. Eh?[D.J]: l keep the boy. 99 souls. But l wonder, Sparrow, can you live with this?Can you condemn an innocent man, a friend, to a lifetime of servitude in yourname while you roam free?[Jack]: Yep. l'm good with it. Shall we seal it in blood? l mean ink.[D.J]: Three days. Three days.作者:拎壺蔥2007-6-21 14:32 回复此发言________________________________________8 回复:【完整版】加勒比海盗二全英文对白完整版[Jack]: Mr. Gibbs.[Gibbs]: Aye.[Jack]: l feel sullied and unusual.[Gibbs]: And how do you intend to harvest these 99 souls in three days?[Jack]: Fortunately, he was mum as to the condition in which these souls need be.[Gibbs]: T ortuga.[Jack]: Tortuga.[CAPTAIN]: lt's an outrage. Port tariffs, berthing fees, wharf handling and,heaven help us, pilotage. Are we all to work for the East lndia Trading Company,then?[MAN]: l'm afraid, sir, Tortuga is the only free port left in these waters.[CAPTAIN]: A pirate port is what you mean. Well, l'm sorry. An honest sailor iswhat l am. l make my living fair and l sleep well each night.。
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Die Hard 2: Die Harder《虎胆龙威2(1990)》完整中英文对照剧本
Hey, wow, yo! False alarm. Hold it! It's Ok,喂等等别拖I'm here. Here we are. It's all right.我来了没问题了Set it down, nice and easy, hum?慢慢放下来Yeah, sure. At the impound.行那是当然不过要在扣押存放处Next time, read the sign.下次看看路牌You don't understand.不你没搞清楚I'm here to meet my wife's plane.我是来接我老婆的飞机You gotta let me have this car.你把车还给我好吗?Sure. Tomorrow, 8.00 to 4.00. Pay 40 bucks, we give it back. 明早8点至下午4点交40元罚款就可以取回Don't write it up!别别开罚单Come on, man. This is my mother-in-law's car.这是我丈母娘的车She's already mad at me cos I'm not a dentist.她已经嫌我不是个牙医了Look, I'm a cop. LAPD. How about a little teach experience? 我是洛杉矶警♥察♥ 不如给点口头警告算了?I was in LA once. Hated it.我去过洛杉矶讨厌那个地方I can understand. I don't like it much...理解其实我也不喜欢洛杉矶That's a plastic fender up there. Take it easy!那就是块塑胶档板轻点Cut me some slack, will you?别那么认真行吗?I was a cop in New York City. I only moved to LA...我曾在纽约当警♥察♥ 后来搬到洛杉矶cos my wife took a job there. Come on, what do you say?是因为我妻子在那儿找到份工作Here we are, Washington, DC, the heart of democracy.你瞧咱们在首都这里是民♥主♥中心One hand washes the other. Come on, man. It's Christmas.要互相帮助过圣诞节呢算了吧So ask Santa Claus to give you another car.叫圣诞老人送你辆车子吧Merry Christmas, pal.圣诞快乐朋友It's all yours, Murray.交给你了默里You got it, Bill.放心吧比尔Son of a bitch.小样儿的You go ahead.你先请Hi. Where are the telephones?请问公用电♥话♥在哪儿?Right over there. Thank you.在那边谢谢Leonard Adkins has a story that grows hotter by the minute.伦纳德·阿德金斯有最新的热门消息Security was tight today at Escalan airport in Valverde,瓦维特国的机场今日保卫森严where it is reported that deposed general, Ram Esperanza,被免职的拉姆·埃斯佩兰萨将军will be delivered for extradition to the United States.将被引渡到美国Only two years ago, the general led his country's army against communist insurgents.两年前拉姆将军在美国金钱的帮助和建议下A campaign fought with American money and advisers.用本国♥军♥队镇♥压♥国内共♥产♥主义起义Esperanza's fall from power caused ripples not only in his country's recent election,当五角大楼以违反国会禁令出♥售♥武器给拉姆but closer to home as well. When Pentagon officials were charged with...被正式起诉时拉姆很快失势supplying him with weapons, despite the Congressional ban.这不但影响到近期的选举也影响到了他的家庭Evidence that Esperanza's forces violated the neutrality of neighbouring countries...有证据显示拉姆使用国会基金暴♥力♥干涉别国的中立made Congress withhold funds. Funds which Esperanza is accused of replacing by...同时拉姆也被指责用国会基金从事可♥卡♥因♥走私going into cocaine smuggling. Although Esperanza was removed as commander in chief this year,虽然今年拉姆被免去总司令的职务the agreement to extradite him was only reached untill yesterday.但引渡他受审的协议昨天才达成Washington insiders say it's a phone call made it happen, a phone call from a... 华府消息称是一个来自... 的电♥话♥All right, all right!好了好了If I could find a phone, I'd call you, whoever you are.我找到电♥话♥就打给你不管你是谁Excuse me. I can't...对不起我不能...This is Lieutenant McClane. Somebody beep me?我是麦克莱恩有人传呼我吗?I'd like to think I'm somebody.我就是那个人Honey! What are you doing? Where are you? Did you land yet?老婆你在干嘛呢在哪儿降落了吗?Honey, it's the nineties, remember?现在是九十年代记得吗?Microchips, microwaves, faxes, air phones.微芯片微波传真卫星电♥话♥As far as I'm concerned, progress peaked with frozen pizza.对我自巍然不动Listen now, we're gonna be about half an hour late landing.我们会延误半小时降落I just wanted to let you know. The kids OK?我是告诉你一下孩子好吗?They're about to lose their minds from all the sugar your parents are giving them. 他们快被你父母的糖弄疯了Did Mom give you a hard time about borrowing her car?妈借车给你时有为难你吗?No. Not yet.不还没有Listen, honey, when you land, can we just rent a car,你下机时不如我们租辆车子check into a hotel, leave the kids with your parents?把孩子留在父母那我们住旅店Order some room service, a bottle of champagne? What do you say?订个房♥间点瓶香槟怎么样?You're on, Lieutenant.一言为定I'll see you in half an hour, honey. I love you. Bye.半小时后见爱你Isn't technology wonderful?科技真奇妙不是吗My husband doesn't think so. I do.我丈夫不这么认为我觉得是I used to carry around those awful Mace things.我以前常带着这种砖头到处走Now...现在...I zap any bastard that screws with me.我电那些惹我的家伙I tried it on my little dog.我用家里的小狗试过Poor thing limped for a week.可怜的小东西跛了一周Excuse me.对不起You look really familiar to me.你看着很脸熟I get that a lot. I've been on TV.很理解因为我上过电视Yeah. Me too.对我也是Grab the tools, will you?拿工具去吧You got it.好的This is Amy Nichole, live from Escalan airport,免职的拉姆将军where deposed general, Ram Esperanza, has just arrived under heavy guard.在严密保安下抵达机场Strangely the deposed dictator's mood seems jubilant.奇怪的是这个独♥裁♥者看起来心情不错He is smiling and waving to the crowd, like a man running for political office.他象名政客那样对着群众微笑及挥手Thousands of political prisoners, including the new president.过去十年有数千政♥治♥犯And there's no doubt he still has some ardent supporters, both here and abroad. 包括新总统不论国内国外他仍有支持者Rumours abound on Capitol Hill that there were...有传言说有另一个Yeah?什么事?Sorry to bother you, Sir. We're checking our equipment.抱歉打扰你我们要检查设备Any problems with the conduit line?后院的电线有问题吗?Do you know anything about that.你知道吗Would you mind if we take a look?介意我们看看吗Help yourself.你自便吧It don't seem right somehow, closing down this church.关闭这教堂似乎不妥The parish is gonna keep on using it, but it won't be the same.我知道教区会继续使用它Been here a lot of years, and I've been right here with it.这儿已有很多年历史我一直在这Yeah, I kind of feel like a piece of me is dying with this church.象是要和教堂一起老死似的You're right about that.你说得对cocaine, smuggling and bribing government officials.贩毒走私和收买♥♥政♥府♥官员He certainly doesn't show it,他掩饰得很高明但...but no matter how high his spirits,不管他多轻松也掩盖不了they can't hide the fact that the US war on drugs has taken its first prisoner.美国毒品战令他成为阶下囚的事实This is Buckwheat. The clubhouse is open.这是巴克威特会所已开放Here at Dallas, the men from the Justice Department在杜利机场司法部的人员...wait to handcuff the man who symbolises the enemy in America's fight against cocaine. 等着把这个人绳之以法That battle may be almost won, but the war is still in doubt.这场毒品之战仍会打下去Samantha Coleman, WNTW, for Night-Time News.萨曼莎·科尔曼 WNTW 晚间新闻Roger that, Colonel. Out.收到上校通话完毕That was the Colonel.那是上校Everyone's in position.大家各就各位了How's the weather?天气怎样?We got flurries all along the Virginia coast.到处是雪New storm front coming in from the northeast.东北有暴风雨God loves the infantry.上帝保佑步兵团Amen.阿门Carry out your assignments.继续你们的任务15.51. Mark.15点51分对时Check.对好了It's cold out there, man!外面很冷I stomped my feet for five minutes.我跺了五分钟脚Yeah, yeah.当然当然Two cappuccinos. Make it fast.两杯咖啡快点Excuse me, officers.对不起警官This may sound like a wild-goose chase, but I think I saw...听来似乎很无聊但我刚看见Saw what?看见什么?Elvis. Elvis Presley.猫王Fucking tourists. Ought to be a law. Can I get you something else?游客也应该守法还要点什么?Excuse me, sir. There's a lot of you from the Justice Department here.打扰一下司法部今天有很多人来Is there any particular reason for that?有什么特别理由吗?Just routine.只是例行公事Just routine? Yes.只是例行公事? 是Any comment, sir?有什么想说的?Errr, no. Not right now, thank you.没有谢谢Thank you, sir. Thanks.多谢先生们That's Colonel Stuart over there.那边是斯图尔特上校Got a little problem with personnel. Last-minute replacement. 人事方面有点问题最后换人How's the security around this place?这地方的保安如何?Like we figured... a joke.如我们所想不堪一击Colonel Stuart, could we have a few words?施上校能说几句话吗?You can have two: "fuck" and "you".两个字操你No pictures, you pinko bitch.别拍照你个左倾份子Old news.旧闻Hey, man.伙计What is it? You got a key for this door?什么事你有这门的锁匙吗?Yeah. Why?有怎么了?Because I want you to open it up, that's why.因为我想让你打开它Is there a cop on duty around here?附近有警♥察♥当值吗?The airport police.机场警♥察♥找他们来Hand me the wrench.把板手给我Let's get to the work overtime.谁让你当管工?Ok, it's a good idea.对好主意OK, hold that end.好拿着那边Watch it, man.小心那儿All right. Perfect.做得好完美Perfect, good to go.太好了搞定It's a restricted area. What's the matter? 这是禁区怎么回事Couldn't wait for a skycap?等不及搬运工人来?We work here.我们在这工作Let's see some ID.给我看证件Sure. No problem.当然没问题Jeez. Fuck!天This is a tag team?是标帖组吗?He came in here and flashed a badge?你说他进来后亮出警徽?Yeah. He said to bring you guys back here. 对他说带你们来Freeze!不许动Nice guess, asshole.猜的不错混球I'm a cop. That was the bad guy.我是警♥察♥ 那才是坏蛋Where's your ID?On its way to Cleveland?运往克里夫兰途中了?You did not explain anything.你什么都没解释You just shoved me back here into this cattle car.你只是把我扫来这儿Sir, you were told we were overbooked.你上机时已知道飞机满座Fine, done. I accept that.好我接受But why can't I get the first-class meal my network paid for?但为什么不能享用头等的餐Do you know who I am?你知道我是谁吗?Yes. We all seen your programme.是我们都看过你的节目Your episode "Flying Junkyards" was an objective look at air-traffic safety. 你那篇"飞行的垃圾场"真是对飞行安全的客观反映It wasn't nearly as edifying as "Bimbos of the Sky", was it, Connie?至少不如"空中的荡♥妇♥"报道真实对吗康妮?You think you're funny.你以为很有趣You think you're funny.自以为很有趣Fine.好I've got your number.我有你的号♥码And I've got yours.我也有你的So park it, sir.你坐好吧Fine.好Stewardess.空中小姐Mr Thornberg. You cannot monopolise my time.索恩博格先生你不能霸占我的时间You cannot put me near that woman.你不能让我接近那女人什么?He means he's filed a restraining order against me.他向法庭申请了禁制令I'm not allowed within 50 feet of him.我不能接近他五十英尺之内50 yards.五十码So by keeping me in this section, you are violating a court order. 让我坐在这里你们已经违反了法庭命令I can sue you and this airline.我可以告你们和航♥空♥公♥司♥ That woman assaulted me, and she humiliated me in public.那女人殴打我并在公开场合羞辱于我What did you do?你干了什么?Knocked out two of his teeth.打掉他两颗牙齿Would you like some champagne?想来点香槟吗?Sorry, Officer McClane. I had to check.抱歉麦克莱恩警官必须检查Here's your piece and shield back.这是你的枪和警徽Thanks.谢谢Jesus! Christ!老天What the fuck are you people? What are you doing here, man? 你们是谁在干什么?This is a crime scene. You gotta seal this area off. Christ sick!这是犯罪现场你要封锁这里That's up to the captain. What's up to the captain?这要由队长决定队长决定什么Maybe you better take me up to the captain now.你最好带我去见队长Where's Cochrane?科克伦呢?He didn't make it.他死了You're late.你迟到了We ran into trouble, Colonel.我们遇到麻烦上校Some cop killed Cochrane. I barely got away, sir.警♥察♥杀了科克伦我逃了出来Did you accomplish your mission?你完成任务了?Yes, sir, but... Cochrane, sir.是但是科克伦Then the damage is minimal. The penalty could be severe.损害已最少惩罚可以很重You fail me again, and the chamber won't be empty.你再让我失望的话枪膛可就不会是空的了Dismissed.解散Who is it? Come in.谁? 进来Captain Lorenzo? Yeah.洛伦索队长是我I'm John McClane.我是约翰·麦克莱恩Yeah, yeah. I know who you are.对我知你是谁You're the asshole that just broke seven FAA...你就是那个违反了7项美国联邦航♥空♥局and five District of Columbia regulations和5项哥伦比亚特区调控规定running around my airport with a gun, shooting at people.在我机场持枪到处射人的那个混♥蛋♥What do you call that shit?你认为那是什么行为?Self-defence.自卫You think that LA badge is gonna get you a free lunch or something around here? 你以为戴了警徽就很了不起?No. Maybe a little professional courtesy.不是不过也许会受到同行的礼遇In an airport on Christmas week? You gotta be kidding.在圣诞节的机场里? 你真会开玩笑OK, fuck courtesy. How about being professional?不说礼貌拿出点专业精神如何?Your boys just walked away from a crime scene.你手下在罪案现场随意出入You can't wrap this up in ten minutes, you know.你知道这种事不可能10分钟就解决You got to seal the area off, dust for prints...要封锁现场拍照套指模Don't lecture me, hotshot.别对我说教你个自命不凡的家伙I know what I'm doing.我知道我在干什么We're gonna dust it down.我们会清理现场We'll take all the pictures. We'll sweep for fibres.拍摄现场大面♥积♥搜索When will you do this? After three four hundred people go through there? 什么时候做? 在三四百人穿过之后You'd be lucky to get a print from one of your people.你会取到你手下的指纹Just shut down that area and send your people in...你只要封闭现场和派人进去Oh! Shut the area down?只要封闭现场?It's that simple, huh? Just shut the area down?就那么简单只要封闭机场?Yeah, and I got everybody from the Shriners' convention...对我把从童子军到儿童权利委员会的to the goddamn Boy Scouts in here!每个人都找来I got lost kids, lost dogs.我还会有走失的孩子走丢的狗Not now. Later!现在不行等会儿I got international diplomats.我这还有国际外交人员I got a fuckin' reindeer flying in here from the fuckin' petting zoo.还有只从动物园送来的驯鹿But John McClane, he's got a little problem.然而约翰·麦克莱恩有个小问题Let's shut down the whole fuckin' airport.就要让我关掉他妈的整个机场What do you think they'll gonna say upstairs when I tell them there?你知道他们楼上的人会怎样说Just pick up the phone and find out.为何你不打个电♥话♥去问?Because I don't need fucking forensics that to tell me...因为我不需要取证人员告诉我说this was some punk stealing luggage!这不过是一群贼在偷行李Luggage? That punk pulled a Glock 7 on me.行李? 那人用格洛克7向我开枪You know what that it is?你知那是什么?That's a porcelain gun made in Germany.是德国制的瓷制枪♥械♥It doesn't show up on X-ray machines...金属探测器也探不出来and it costs more than you make in a month.比你一个月的工资还贵You'd be surprised what I make in a month.知道我一个月的工资是多少会惊住你的If it's more than $1.98, I'll be suprised...高过一万九千八我才惊奇Hey, McClane, don't start believing your own press.麦克莱恩别自以为是Yeah, I know all about you and that Nakatomi thing in LA.我知你在洛杉矶的事迹But just cos the TV thinks you're hot shit, that don't make it so. 别以为电视捧你做英雄就得瑟我不买♥♥账Look, you are in my little pond now,你现在在我这一亩三分地里and I am the big fish that runs it.我是管事的So you capped some lowlife. Fine.你抓获一些小人物行I'll send your fuckin' captain in LA a fuckin' commendation.我会向你上司通报嘉奖Now, in the mean time you get the hell out of my office...现在在我撵你出机场之前before I have you thrown out of my goddamn airport.立即离开我的办公室Hey, Carmine, let me ask you something.娘娘腔我问你点事What sets off the metal detectors first?什么会触发金属探测器报♥警♥?The lead in your ass or the shit in your brains?你屁♥眼♥的铅还是你脑袋里的粪?Fat fuck.死肥佬Any ID on this guy?这个家伙有身份证明吗That's somebody else's problem.那是别人的问题Ok. Your car's ready. Could you just sign right here.你的车子准备好了签名吧I need to borrow this and this. I'll bring it right back.我需要借用这2样东西马上还你Hey! Yo! Hold up!等等Hold up, boys. We gotta check something.等一下有问题要查查What are you doing?你干什么?Pretty gruesome fuckin' job.讨厌的公事程序All the confusion in there, forgot to get this clown's prints.忘了取他的指纹Can you believe that?相信吗Christ!真恶心You're supposed to do that at the morgue.你应该在验尸房♥做的Not any more. Got a new SOP for DOAs from the FAA.现在不是了联邦航♥空♥局有新的验证方案I don't think this one's gonna make it, boys. Thanks a lot.这人活不成了谢谢你们Powell here.我是鲍威尔Take that Twinkie out of your mouth and grab a pencil, will you? 你去拿支铅笔来Hey, John, how you doing?约翰你好吗?Holly stood me up a day, and I'm here alone in DC with my in-laws.荷莉还没到我跟岳父母在华府Eh, the old in-laws, huh? Man, they do love their policemen son-in-laws. Don't they? 他们喜欢警♥察♥女婿吧?Listen, Al, what is the fax machine telephone number there at the station?听着你那儿传真号♥码是什么?3212. Hold on a second, all right?3212 稍等I wanna send you something.我要传点东西给你Excuse me.抱歉You and faxes?你用传真?This is a first.还是第一次呢Holly told me I should wake up and smell the nineties.对荷莉说我应该跟上时代This way?这面是正面?No. That way.不那面是It's upside down. It doesn't matter.上下有关系吗不要紧Ok, here it comes.开始了I'm sending you something now.传点东西给你Hold on a second, cowboy.等一下Fingerprints?指纹?We've got an unidentified stiff here.这里有不明身份的尸体I've circled the whorls in case the transmission's fuzzy.我用笔圈起了以免看不清Run it through State and Federal, and maybe Interpol.你查一下国内和国际刑♥警♥档案Will do. What's this about?好的是怎么回事?Only it's a feeling I have.只是我的直觉Ouch. When you get those feelings, insurance companies start to go bankrupt.你一有直觉保险公♥司♥就要破产了Listen, the fax number is...听着传真号♥码是?is on the top of the transmission you just got.在他收到的文件上角Oh, an airport, huh?在机场吗?Listen, you're not pissing in somebody's pool, are you?你不会又去人家地盘惹事了吧?Yeah, and I'm fresh out of chlorine.正是被喷了一脸口水Thank you. You're welcome.谢谢别客气Just as this storm starts breaking,暴风雨刚开始的时候the satellite-feed up and drops the other shoe on us.就把卫星通讯系统破坏了Look at this new front moving in.看这新袭来的气流Makes its baby brother look like chicken shit.先前的简直不算一回事I can sand down the runways and run the ploughs between landings可以在跑道上铺沙在飞机降落间隔期铲雪but you gotta downshift them, give me time to work.但你要放缓着陆频率给我时间去做You got it.没问题All right, everyone.好了各位Let's call over our birds and slow them down before we get a parking lot over heads. 通知所有飞机放慢进场速度The line starts at the Mississippi, and they better start taking numbers.从密西西比开始他们最好排队进场Can I get you another?还要吗?No, thank you. I only have to look at his face for another 20 minutes.不用了谢谢再过20分钟就不用看他那张脸了Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain speaking.各位乘客这是机长广播I've just been informed by Dallas traffic control我刚收到达拉斯空中交通管制的通知that there's a weather front ahead of us.说前方有恶劣天气We may be up here a little while longer.我们可能要在空中多耽搁一会儿Thank you.多谢On second thought...想再来一杯...Powell鲍威尔I'm right here, partner. Your stiff's dossier is coming through right now. 是我那尸体的档案现在送来What can you tell me about him?有什么资料He's dead.他死了You needed a computer to figure that out?得用电脑才知道?No, you don't follow me.不不不你不明白According to the Department of Defense, he's been dead for two years. 根据国防部资料他已经死去两年What?什么?That's right. Sergeant Oswald Cochrane.你没听错奥斯瓦尔德·科克伦中士American adviser in Honduras.美国驻洪都拉斯的顾问Killed in a helicopter accident, 5-11-88.88年5月11号♥在直升机事故中身亡Officer.警官Read between the lines and it looks like a lot of black-bag stuff to me. 你看一下就知道这事蹊跷Yeah, I see it.看到了All right, Powell. Thanks a lot.那行鲍威尔谢谢你Any time. OK.乐意效劳好See I close in about an hour. Maybe we can go get a drink?我还有半小时下班去喝一杯怎么样?Just the fax, ma'am.只是传真女士Hey, Wait a second, wait. I see somebody.等一下我见到个人I'll call you back, ok?我回头打给你好吗?Now, hold on, hold on.等着等着The ghost of Christmas past.圣诞节的幽灵Nakatomi? LA? You're John McClane, right?你是约翰·麦克莱恩吧?Who are you?你是谁?Sam Coleman. WNTW News.山姆·科尔曼 WNTW新闻Excuse me.失陪Hey, comeon. Give me a break. I saw the stiff.别这样我看见那些尸体了Word is that was your handiwork.是你的杰作No. I only do needlepoint.不我只会做针线Great. National just shut down. Totally iced.国家机场刚关闭全冰封了They'll send us their planes.他们会把飞机转来我们这儿Happy happy holiday.真是快乐的节日The worst part, Mr Trudeau, is the press.最糟糕的还是那些记者They were here anyways for the Esperanza story...他们追拉姆将军的新闻so they get it right on the fucking news, you know. Bloodstains and all. 他们说得对血淋淋的新闻Personally, I'd like to lock every damn reporter out of the airport,就个人来说我真想把记者们都挡在门外but they'd pull that freedom-of-speech crap on us,但他们会嚷嚷言论自♥由♥then the ACLU would be all over us.然后公民自♥由♥联盟就会来找麻烦Murder on television. Hell of a start for Christmas week.圣诞周从电视上的谋杀案开始What is it? A gang thing like last time?什么上次那种仇杀?Only if your gangs get their training at Fort Bragg.除非仇杀者在柏加堡受训Who the hell is this?这是什么人?McClane. I'm a police officer...麦克莱恩我是警♥察♥In an unauthorised area. LA, Mr Trudeau, don't mean shit.这是禁区特鲁多先生别听他胡说That's what I said about my last cholesterol test.对我上次验胆固醇时也这样说So what's your problem, Lieutenant McClane?有什么问题麦克莱恩警官I'm sure Captain Lorenzo has explained to you the minor fracas with the minor thieves. 洛伦索队长已向你解释那蠢贼的事了吧Maybe he can explain this.也许他也能解释这个All systems tapped, Colonel.所有系统已接上上校Fire it up.开动H minus five minutes. Stand by.减掉5分钟待命We've got a body in the morgue that seems to have died twice.验尸房♥有一个死了两次的尸体Assuming it's not an computer error, what do we assume?假如不是电脑出错会是什么?Somebody's about to fuck with this airport.有人要在机场制♥造♥大混乱What the hell is that suppose to mean?那是什么意思?I mean I know we're dummies up here, McClane.我明白这里的事情处理的不好麦克莱恩So give us a taste of your brilliant genius.让我们见识一下你的天才想法A hijacking, a robbery or what?你是说有劫机打劫还是什么?I'm not sure, all I only know is...我不肯定我只知道...He's not sure. Well, I'm stunned.他不肯定真不敢相信I gotta lie down.我要晕倒了The only people that got this much trouble are professionals.惹出这么多麻烦的人是行家里手Not luggage thieves or punks.不是来偷行李的贼或捣乱的人Professional at what?哪方面的行家?What the fuck do you think this is?你以为呢The safety patrol here?安全巡逻?This is the resume of a professional mercenary.这是职业雇佣兵的履历You got world's biggest drug dealer on its way here now.贩毒大王正在来这途中What do you need? A slide rule to figure this out?你需要什么一套解决问题的标准办法?or maybe another body in a zip bag before you ask questions?还是再多一具尸体才行?You're the one that gave us that fucking body. Remember that.别忘了是你制♥造♥的尸体Yeah, I remember that.我当然记得Lorenzo, have all your shift commanders report in. Now.洛伦佐叫你当班的手下立即汇报What? You are not buying into this.什么你该不会买♥♥他账了吧?I want them report anything out of ordinary, no matter how trivial, yot got that? 事无巨细都要报告听明白了?Yeah, I got it.我明白了My God.我的天What?什么?The runways. Look.跑道看What the hell?怎么回事They're shutting down. Jesus Christ.跑道灯正在关闭天Go to emergency lighting. Now.启用后备光源Emergency. We are in a code yellow.紧急呼叫黄色警报Backup systems won't come up.后备系统无法启动Shunt to another terminal.转到另一个控制塔Bobby, what have you got?鲍比你那里怎么样?Please response, please response.请回答请回答Nothing, whole network is down.没反应整个系统瘫痪了Should we call the power company?也许该打去电力公♥司♥We're on the same grid and we're hot.我们有麻烦了Dallas, what's going on? I'm on approach.达拉斯怎么回事? 我正在进场Maintain position. Repeat.保持高度重复This TWA23. What's going on down there?这是TWA23航♥班♥ 下面怎么回事?Roger, we're on it, we're on it!收到我们正在解决We're unable right now. Please delay landing.现在无法引导入场请推迟降落Fuji 604. Execute published missed-approach procedure and hold. 富士604 请执行入场失败程序然后等待TWA 23, unable to clear you for approach at this time.TWA23 现在无法让你继续进场Climb to and maintain one zero thousand.请爬升至3公里高空并维持高度I've checked all systems. It ain't happening.检查所有系统全没反应What's it look like?什么情况?Approach control. It's gone.进场控制系统失灵了Jesus. Instrument landing system is down.天呐仪表着陆系统失灵Confirmed. ILS is dead.确认仪表着陆系统丧失功能Every goddamn system's dead. And Inmac monitors are down. 所有系统都失效连监测系统也完了Attention all controllers. We have a code-red alert.所有指挥人员请注意警报升级为红色Every aircraft approaching our sector,所有准备进场的飞机you are not already in our landing pattern,如果你还没有进入我们的空管区域gets diverted to their alternate airport now.请立刻转往其它机场Everyone already on approach, or inside our pattern,已经进场或进入我们空管区域的holds at the outer markers.用外标点位引导Stack 'em, pack 'em and rack 'em.想尽办法也要让他们着陆Move.行动We are work on it.我们正在想办法Not a word of this leaves this room.关于目前的情况一个字也不要透露出去There must be 15,000 people in this airport,机场里有1万5千人and we don't need panic on our heads.不要让大家恐慌We just bought ourselves maybe two hours.我们只有两小时After that, those planes low on fuel aren't got be circle.之后没油的飞机没法继续盘旋They'll be dropping on the White House lawn.会坠毁在白宫草地上McClane, this what you expected?麦克莱恩这就是你期望的?No.不是This is just the beginning.这才刚开始FAA hot line.联邦航♥空♥局专线How could they know already?他们怎么会知道?They can't.不可能Maybe it's the boys who pulled your plugs.也许是闹事的那些人Put it on speaker.接到扬声器上Attention, Dallas tower. Attention.注意达拉斯控制塔注意They say blind men become very attentive by way of compensation.听说盲人的注意力非常集中Now that you're blind and deaf,现在你又盲又聋I think I've got your attention.这样就能注意我了I'm aware your recorders are active, so I'll be quick.我知道你在录音我长话短说吧You can play me back to your heart's content.你可以一会再重复听回放How did you get on this line? Who is this?你怎么能接通这条线你是谁?Who I am is unimportant. What I want...我是谁并不重要至于我想要的...Well, If you don't want those planes to start splash into the Potomac 'cause... 如果你不想那些飞机因耗尽燃油而坠毁的话they run out of fuel, what I want is very important.就一定要满足我的要求A plane will be landing at this airport in 58 minutes.58分钟后有一架飞机要降落It is FM-1: Foreign Military One.是FM-1 外国♥军♥用机1号♥。
WORLD VISION 2013.NO.05Culture 文化·专题汤姆·克鲁斯主演的《侠探杰克》最近已在国内上映,这部影片是由好莱坞六大电影公司之一的派拉蒙影业同其他三家电影公司联合出品的,其中一家便是S k yd an c e Production(天空之舞影业)。
彼特·丁拉基 矮个子巨人
影艺巨星国际·港台P ERFORMING STAR彼特·丁拉基矮个子巨人曾经他自认一生中最美好的时候,当数他的婴儿时期。
文:寒一一 图片:来源于网络208彼特·丁拉基,一九六九年六月十一日出生于美国新泽西州。
虽然彼特心目中最理想的角色,是浪漫爱情片的主演,但能在电影《13 moons》里饰演配角的机会,对他来说已经弥足珍贵。
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电影复仇者联盟2剧本中英文对照完整版1立即向上面汇报你的情况Report to your stations immediately (2)这不是演习this is not a drill.3我们遭到攻击We are under attack.4我们遭到攻击We are under attack.5日了狗了Shit.6注意言辞Language.7贾维斯从上面看状况如何Jarvis what's the view from upstairs.8中央的建筑被某种能量盾保护了The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield.9斯特拉克的科技水平Strucker's technology is10远远超出了我们已知的其他九头蛇基地well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken.11洛基的权杖一定在这里Loki's scepter must be here.12没有它斯特拉克没有它就安装不了这种防御系统Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it.13终于要结束了At long last.14结束的过程还真有点长男孩们At long last is lasting a little long, boys.15是呀我想我们还少点惊喜呢Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise.16等一下就没人想要吐槽一下Wait a second, no one else is gonna deal17队长刚才说了“注意言辞”这件事吗with the fact that Cap just said "Language"?18我就知道I know.10019手滑而已Just slipped out.20谁让你们进攻的Who gave the order to attack?21斯特拉克先生复仇者们Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers.22他们降落在远处的树林里那附近的警卫们惊慌失措They landed in the far woods, the perimeterguard panicked.23他们毫无疑问是为了权杖而来的They have to be after the scepter.24- 我们能搞定他们吗- 他们可是复仇者啊- Can we hold them? - They're the Avengers!!25把其余的坦克都部署过去集中火力攻击其中较弱的一个Deploy the rest of the tanks. Concentrate fire on the weak ones.26一次重创可以把他们集中起来A hit can make them close ranks.27我们所有的努力Everything we've accomplished.28我们马上就要到突破口了We're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough.29那就让他们见识一下我们的厉害Then lets show them what we've accomplished.30派出双胞胎Send out the twins.31太草率了It's too soon.32让他们来就是干这个的It's what they signed up for.33我的人能拖住他们My men can hold them.34长官城市受到攻击了Sir, the city is taking fire.35好吧我们都了解斯特拉克Well, we know Strucker36他才不会关心平民的伤亡isn't gonna worry about civilian casualties.37派钢铁军团过去Send in the Iron Legion.38这个地方不安全请赶快撤离This quadrant is unsafe, please back away.39我们来这是为了帮忙的We are here to help.40这个地方不安全请赶快撤离This quadrant is unsafe, please back away.41请赶快撤离Please back away.42我们希望避免间接伤害We wish to avoid collateral damage43当冲突结束之后我们会通知你们and will inform you when this current conflict is resolved.44我们来这是为了帮忙的We're here to help.45我们不会屈服We will not yield.46美国人把他们的马戏团小丑送过来考验我们The Americans send their... circus freaks to test us.47我们将会把他们的尸体送回去We will send them back in bags.48- 决不投降- 绝不投降- No surrender! - No surrender.49我要投降了I'm going to surrender.50你把所有的东西都删了You delete everything.51如果我们把武器给复仇者们他们也许就不会If we give the avengers the weapons they may not52- 深入调查我们在这这么久都在做些什么- 双胞胎- look too far into what we've been doing. - The twins!!!53他们根本没有准备好They're not ready to take on...54不不我的意思是No, no, I mean...55双胞胎已经不见了The twins.56你没料到这招吧You didn't see that coming? 57克林特Clint.58我们这有变种人We have enhanced in the field.59克林特受伤了Clint's hit.60得有人去搞定碉堡Someone wanna deal with that bunker.61谢了Thank you.62斯塔克Stark!63我们真的得进去了We really need to get inside.64我在关闭它I'm closing in.65贾维斯我怎么才能关闭它Jarvis, am I... closing in?66你知道哪个能量盾的动力源在哪吗You see a power source for that shield?67在北边塔楼上的通道里There's a passageway above the north tower.68太棒了我想用什么东西远程击破它Great, I wanna poke it with something.69搞定了伙计们Drawbridge is down, people.70变种人吗The enhanced?71我看不清楚他He's a blur.72在我们遇到的所有新的敌人中,他们这样的我还是第一次见All the new players we've faced, I've never seen this.73事实上我到现在也没见到In fact I still haven't.74克林特伤的很重伙计们我们得撤了Clint's hit pretty bad, guys, we're gonna need evac.75我可以掩护巴顿上飞艇撤退的越早越好I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone the better.76你和斯塔克去把权杖夺回来You and Stark secure the scepter.77知道了Copy that.78看起来他们还是排着队过来的It look like they're lining up!!79嗯他们很激动呢Well, they're excited.80找到权杖Find the scepter.81看在上帝的份上注意点你的言辞And for gosh sake watch your language.82这一时半会是改不了了That's not going away any time soon.83伙计们停下来我们来谈谈Guys, stop, we gotta talk this through.84谈话很愉快It was a good talk.85不一点也不愉快No it wasn't.86哨兵模式Sentry mode.87好吧贾维斯Okay, Jarvis.88你知道的我想要所有的数据You know, I want it all.10089确保你会把所有的数据传到总部Make sure you copy whole to HQ.90我们把这里封锁了We're locked down out here.91该去找班纳了摇篮曲时间到Then get to Banner, time for a lullaby.92我知道你在藏匿的不只是这些文件I know you're hiding more than files.93嘿贾维斯快给我用红外线扫描这个房间Hey J, give me an IR scan of the room real quick.94你左边的那堵墙The wall to your left.95我在检测钢筋I'm reading steel reinforcement, 96和气流and an air current.97拜托一定要是暗门Please be a secret door.98拜托一定要是暗门Please be a secret door.99耶Yay.100嘿大家伙Hey, big guy.101太阳快下山了Sun's getting real low. 102斯特拉克男爵Baron Strucker.103九头蛇的头号暴徒Hydra's number one thug.104严格说来我是神盾局的暴徒Technically, I'm a thug for Shield.105好吧严格说来你被解雇了Well then technically you're unemployed.106洛基的权杖在哪儿Where's Loki's scepter?10107别着急我知道我一旦被打败Don't worry, I know when I'm beat.10108你会提到我是怎么配合你的希望我没错You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope.10109前提是你跟我说说那些非法的人体实验I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation.110有多少人How many are there?10111我们又多了一个变种人We have a second enhanced.112女人别开火Female, do not engage.113你得比这个速度更快You'll have to be faster than...114兄弟们我抓到斯特拉克了Guys, I got Strucker.115嗯我这有Yeah, I got...116重要的事情...something bigger.117索尔Thor.118我的眼睛都被战利品吸引住了I got eyes on the prize.119你本来可以救我们的You... could've... saved... us.120你为什么没有再多做一点Why didn't you... do more?121你就这样让他们把它带走吗You're just gonna let them take it?!122嘿摇篮曲比以往更管用啊Hey, the lullaby worked better than ever.10123只是没有想到会变身Just wasn't expecting the code green.124如果没有你那就会两败俱伤了You hadn't been there, there would've been double the casualties.125我最好的朋友将会成为一段珍贵的回忆。