

电路与电子技术课件(英文版)-第一章 电路的基本概念

电路与电子技术课件(英文版)-第一章 电路的基本概念

Topics Covered
Week 1
Week 2
Monday Nov. 25, 2019
Tuesday Nov. 26, 2019
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Friday Dec. 6, 2019
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits: Elements of electric circuits; Kirchhoff’s law; Voltage/Current divider laws; Series and parallel circuits
Alessandra Volta (1745 – 1827)
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law(KVL)
▪ The voltage, or potential difference, btw two points in a circuit indicates the energy required to move charge from one point to the other.
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law(KVL)
▪ The principle underlying KVL is that no energy is lost or created in an electric circuit; in circuit terms, the sum of all voltages associated with source must equal the sum of the load voltages, so that the net voltage around a closed circuit is _________?.



WHO INVENTED VON KOCH’S SNOWFLAKE CUR VE?YANN DEMICHEL †Abstract.A strange title,might you say:Answer is in the question!However,contrary to popular belief and numerous citations in the literature,the image of the snowflake curve is not present or even mentioned in von Koch’s original articles.So,where and when did the first snowflake fall?Unravel the mystery of the snowflake curve with us on a journey through time.Introduction In 2024we will commemorate the centenary of the death of Swedish mathematician Helge von Koch.We will also be celebrating the 120th anniversary of the birth of its famous curve.Less well known,von Koch was part of the first generation of mathematicians around Mittag-Leffler at the newly created Stockholms H¨o gskola (see [7]).While most of his work is now outdated,his name has gone down in history for having been given to one of the most emblematic geometric figures of the 20th century:the snowflake curve.Known for its a priori paradoxical property of possessing an infinite perimeter but delimiting a finite area,it owes its fame to its suggestive and particularly aesthetic shape.Yet a mystery remains.The snowflake curve is clearly based on von Koch’s construction but it does not appear in either the original 1904article or the extended 1906version (see [10,11]).In fact,it does not appear in any of the Swedish mathematician’s works.So,who is behind the snowflake curve?When and where did it first appear?That is what we will try to find out. 1.Follow tracks in the snow The starting point of our investigation is von Koch’s native Sweden.Chosen as the emblem of the Swedish Mathematical Society,the snowflake curve is the pride of the profession.In 2000,declared the World Mathematical Year,the Swedish Post Office honored it for Christmas celebration.Two stamps featuring the snowflake are issued,affixed to an envelope showing the first stages of the snowflake construction,and canceled with a special postmark (see Figure 1).The stamps are marked Helge von Kochs sn¨o flingekurva and the back of the envelope reads:“In 1904the Swedish mathematician Helge von Koch (1870–1924)constructedan early example of fractals,the snowflake curve.”Not surprisingly Sweden fully claims the property of the figure and its inventor,and invites us to follow the path of fractal geometry.A few years earlier it was in this context that the snowflake was twice the star of the science pages of the national daily newspaper Svenska Dagbladet (see[3,4]).In 1991it shared the bill with the original curve,demonstrating its obvious kinship.Two versions of the same curve,both attributed to von Koch.In the 1983article,it is presented as the archetypal image of the new geometry developed by Benoˆıt Mandelbrot.2020Mathematics Subject Classification.01A60,01A70,28A80.Key words and phrases.Snowflake curve,von Koch curve,Helge von Koch,Fractal curve.1a r X i v :2308.15093v 1 [m a t h .H O ] 29 A u g 20232YANN DEMICHELFigure1.The limited-edition First Day Cover envelope printed by the SwedishPost Office on November16,2000,featuring the snowflake curve.Mandelbrot said that von Koch’s curve was an inspiration to him throughout his life.In his masterpiece The Fractal Geometry of Nature,he devotes an entire chapter to it and cites it no less than200times(see[13]).Because of their different fractal properties he was the first to clearly distinguish between the original curve,the snowflake curve and the filled snowflake. Three different fractal sets,all by one man:von Koch.Mandelbrot did not invent the snowflake. If that were the case he would have made it known.Moreover,he finds the name inappropriate, preferring‘Koch Island’,largely because he originally used von Koch’s curve as a model for coastlines.This gives us an idea:What if the snowflake curve was born under a different name? An article published in1979in Le Petit Archim`e de,a French magazine for young people devoted to mathematical recreation,gives us such an indication(see[12]).The snowflake curve is also called van der Waerden’s Thistle because of its resemblance to the spiky flower,and may be the work of the Dutch mathematician.We have managed to trace this back to1968.In his book Stories About Sets,the Russian mathematician Naum Vilenkin reproduced the snowflake curve and also attributed it to van der Waerden(see[17,pp.101–102]).But in the same year in the Netherlands,the curve was presented in the mathematical journal for high school students Pythagoras only under the name sneeuwvlok-kurve van Von Koch(see[14]).We are on the wrong track here.The confusion probably stems from the proximity of the two family names due to the noble particle,and the fact that,in1930,van der Waerden had exhibited a continuous but nowhere differentiable function whose construction process is somewhat reminiscent of von Koch’s and whose graph does,indeed,closely resemble a thistle.We decide to leave Europe and continue our investigation in the United States going back before Mandelbrot’s work.Because Mandelbrot’s work is authoritative,and because the construction is essentially identical to that of the1904curve,the snowflake has been definitively attributed to von Koch.If we want to know more about its inventor,we have to go back before the era of fractal geometry and look outside the realm of theoretical research.Let us look at popularizing mathematics first.Martin Gardner,through his famous columns for the magazine Scientific American,has often described Mandelbrot’s fractal objects,especiallyWHO INVENTED VON KOCH’S SNOWFLAKE CURVE?3 the snowflake curve.He always attributed it to von Koch,except in his first article in1965, where the name is not mentioned(see[8]).Instead,he amusedly pointed out that the snowflake curve was at the heart of a science-fiction novel written in1956by the British physiologist William Grey Walter.Might it be a literary invention?The title of the novel,The Curve of the Snowflake,could not be more eloquent.One of the characters tells his friend(see[18,pp. 72–73]):“The boundary of a finite area can be a line of infinite length.[...]I can showyou in a minute on a piece of notepaper.The snowflake curve,they call it.Oneof a family of pathological curves.Look!”and goes on to detail how to build the figure.Who is designated as they?The author does not ter in the novel the heroes are confronted with a mysterious vessel shaped like a three-dimensional snowflake.Thanks to its infinite surface area it can travel through time.This is the machine we need!The novel and its strange spaceship fascinated many readers.Joel Schneider was one of them.He has often told the story of how he was puzzled by the strange machine he tried to draw when he was in junior high school.This led to his desire to become a mathematician.He made the generalization of the von Koch curve the subject of his first article, accepted in a mathematics journal when he was only22years old(see[15]).In his article,the snowflake curve is simply called von Koch’s curve,and the word snowflake is not used.Schneider cites von Koch’s second article and only one other reference,a popular science book entitled Mathematics and Imagination,published in1940.2.Let it snow,let it snowCo-authored by Edward Kasner,a professor at Columbia University,and James Newman,one of his students,the book is a potpourri of mathematical topics depicted and explained in an imaginative style.At the end of the last chapter on differential and integral calculus is an appendix entitled Pathological Curves.Precisely the expression used in Grey Walter’s novel. The first patient examined by Kasner and Newman is nothing but the snowflake curve(see [9,pp.344–355]).This gives its title to a subsection in which the authors give an explicit description of the iterative construction of the curve,starting with the equilateral triangle and illustrating it with the figure obtained after each of the first five stages.Then they ask the reader two questions:“Why is it called the snowflake curve and why is it called pathological?”Answers they gave are simple.The curve is named for its suggestive shape and its pathology is that it has an infinite perimeter although it can be drawn on a sheet of paper the size of a postage stamp.It is also mentioned that the curve has no tangent at any of its points.A footnote at the end of the chapter points out that the curve essentially provides a function that is continuous everywhere but differentiable nowhere.This clearly indicates that the authors were aware of von Koch’s articles whose aim was precisely to give a simple and intuitive example of such a function.However they do not mention von Koch and his work nor do they attribute to him the principle of construction.Authors continue with three examples:first another variant of von Koch’s curve they called Anti-Snowflake Curve,next a curve filling an entire cubical box, finally a curve called Crisscross Curve because of crossing itself at every one of its points.These two last curves copied Hilbert’s and Sierpi´n ski’s respectively but their names are not mentioned. These deliberate omissions can be explained by the desire to maintain a certain mystery around these curves and to appeal to the general reader by preferring poetic names to the names of4YANN DEMICHELmathematicians.But it is also very tempting to see this as a way for the authors of claiming they invented both these variant shapes and their names.This idea is attractive for at least two reasons.First,the book by Kasner and Newman made the snowflake widely known to teachers and the general public.Indeed,with the craze for mathematical popularization that emerged in those years,the book was a huge success in the United States,then in South America and Europe,including Sweden,where it was translated and widely distributed.Secondly,the book contains other terms that Kasner certainly invented, such as the word googol for the number formed by the digit1followed by100zeros.We decide to follow this track and investigate Columbia’s teaching faculty.In1951,Howard Fehr,head of the Mathematics Education Department at Teachers College,published a training manual for future teachers that explained how to teach the mathematical concepts included in the secondary school mathematics curricula.At the end of the chapter devoted to sequences, series and limits,Fehr argues that it is more relevant to give students concrete applications of exact computations rather than purely algebraic examples,and highlights the snowflake curve as a fun and valuable application(see[6,pp.140–142]).Fehr indicates that this example is taken from various sources but writes that“This particular type of limit was given its name by Professor Kasner of ColumbiaUniversity,but it was originally suggested by the work of Helge von Koch andpresented by Ludwig Boltzmann of Vienna in Mathematische Annalen,Volume50,1898,and called by him the H-curve.”At last,we have a proof that the snowflake curve was named by Kasner.But the invention of the shape is in doubt.Was Boltzmann who constructed the first snowflake-like curve before von Koch and Kasner?The reference to the Austrian physicist is somewhat strange.In his article, Boltzmann gives a model for that he called the H-curve,a continuous but non-differentiable function,but its construction is not based on von Koch’s geometric process.Moreover,von Koch makes no mention of this reference in his articles.This is clearly a wrong track again.3.The first snowTwo questions remain now that we have identified the inventor of the snowflake curve:When did Kasner make this discovery and how did he arrive at it?The story of the invention of the googol provides valuable clues.We know that the term was not coined by Kasner himself in 1940but by one of his young nephews during a walk in1920.The discovery of the snowflake may therefore be older,and the name may have been suggested by a child in the family or a particularly imaginative pupil of Kasner.Kasner completed his graduate studies at Columbia where he was one of the very first students to receive a doctorate in mathematics in1899.After a postdoctoral year spent with Klein and Hilbert in G¨o ttingen,he returned to the United States to embark on his teaching career at Barnard College,a liberal arts college affiliated with Columbia.Kasner’s pedagogical approach was rather unconventional.His main aim was to develop a taste for mathematics in his students by stimulating their curiosity.To this end he never hesitated to surprise his audience with amusing and puzzling questions taken from natural observations:How many grains of sand make up the beach at Coney Island?How many drops of water fall on New York City on a rainy day?How long is the east coast of the United States?Kasner wanted to elicit spontaneous and original answers.The ones he considered the most outstanding were displayed on an‘honorWHO INVENTED VON KOCH’S SNOWFLAKE CURVE?5 board’next to his office.This may be where the snowflake curve first appeared,as Jesse Douglas,another renowned student of Kasner’s,testified(see[5]):“On the mathematics bulletin board near his office would be posted samples ofhis students’work which he considered of special merit or interest.Here mightappear,for example,a carefully drawn figure of the‘snowflake curve’(a certaincontinuous curve without a tangent)approximated by a patiently constructedpolygon of3,072tiny sides.”There is no doubt that this is our famous snowflake,shown in the fifth stage of its construction with its number of sides exactly equal to3×45.The anecdote is undated but Douglas studied under Kasner from1916to1920and then taught at Columbia College from1920to1926.This suggests a ten-year period for the discovery of the snowflake curve.Kasner loved nature from which he drew his inspiration.Perhaps the idea of drawing a snowflake simply came to him during a walk in the snow.There is another less romantic but much more realistic hypothesis.Snowflakes were very fashionable in those years,popularized by the incredible photographs of a certain Wilson Bentley.Bentley was a farmer who lived in Jericho, Vermont,about250miles north of New York.Nicknamed‘Snowflake’,he had been fascinated by clouds,raindrops and snowflakes since childhood(see[2]).In January1885,at the age of 20,he became the first person to obtain a photomicrograph of a snow crystal.A self-taught researcher,Bentley has since accumulated hundreds of photographs which he has presented since 1902in various journals and at public lectures,notably in New York.The remarkable structures revealed by its images have made snowflakes ideal objects to modernize the teaching of geometry. Rapidly,the images produced by Bentley or stylized representations of snowflakes appeared in American geometry textbooks.For example,the geometric construction exercise that Kasner gave his pupils was included in the famous1916book by Stone and Millis(see[16,p.252]from which Figure2is taken).Figure2.Drawings of snow crystals inspired by Bentley photographs.They illustrate anexercise in a famous geometry textbook used in American secondary schools around1916.These exercises undoubtedly inspired Kasner.By asking his students to draw a more complicated figure than the conventional ones he could discuss his favorite topic:the manifestation of very large numbers in nature.By starting with an equilateral triangle instead of a segment,von Koch’s procedure made it possible to construct polygons with as many sides as desired still going with‘natural’shapes.Kasner must have been familiar with von Koch’s curve.Indeed,he was fascinated by all these so-called crinkly curves.In a lecture on geometry given on September24,1904,at the St.Louis6YANN DEMICHELCongress of Arts and Sciences,he devoted a part to such curves,citing the historical examples of Weierstrass and Peano.But he also talked about the curve that Osgood had constructed just the year before.This proves that Kasner was following this topic very closely.Thanks to Mittag-Leffler,von Koch’s articles quickly circulated in the mathematical community.Although he could not quote von Koch in his lecture–his paper was published the month after the congress –it is clear that Kasner subsequently discovered this new curve with great interest.It is therefore possible that Kasner’s snowflake could have been designed and used before1916. Several pieces of evidence are in favour of this.First Douglas may not have seen the snowflake drawing pinned on the famous board with his own eyes.Someone might have told him a story that happened a few years ago.Secondly,if the geometry exercise did not appear in the first edition of the Stone-Millis book in1910–it was added to the revised edition of1916–,a similar exercise can be found in another reference book published in1912(see[1,p.55]).This new date allows us to consider a final hypothesis,namely that Kasner and von Koch met and exchanged views on the snowflake curve.Indeed,the two men were both invited to address the 1912International Congress of Mathematicians in Cambridge,England.Although eight years younger than von Koch,Kasner has a lot in common with him.Professionally,he was a brilliant and precocious mathematician,influenced by the work and ideas of Poincar´e,who emphasized the value and importance of intuition,particularly in teaching.On a more personal level,Kasner and von Koch shared a passion for art,a love of nature and an affection for children.This had a major influence on their approach to mathematics and teaching.At the time,von Koch was Sweden’s delegate to the International Mathematical Instruction Commission.Reports from all the national commissions were to be presented in the didactic section of the congress.Even if the Swedish commission’s reports were not read by von Koch–he attended the analysis session held at the same time–,Kasner could not have been unaware of his colleague’s interest in teaching.Everything indicates that Kasner might have wanted to talk to von Koch.Could they have discussed the snowflake curve?Could it have been von Koch who suggested this variant to Kasner?We can only speculate here.At the end of our investigation,the snowflake curve finally did not reveal all its secrets...References[1]W.Betz and H.E.Webb,Plane geometry,Ginn and Company(1912)[2]D.C.Blanchard,The Snowflake Man:A Biography of Wilson A.Bentley,McDonald&Woodward Publ.Co.,Blacksburg,Virginia(1998)[3]H.B¨o kstedt,Svensk sn¨o flingekurva nyskapar matematiken,Svenska Dagbladet,28December1983[4]H.B¨o kstedt,Spara det fina i kr˚aks˚angen,Svenska Dagbladet,16Juni1991[5]J.Douglas,Edward Kasner1878–1955.A Biographical Memoir,National Academy of Sciences,WashingtonD.C.(1958)[6]H.F.Fehr,Secondary Mathematics:A Functional Approach for Teachers,D.C.Heath&Company,Boston(1951)[7]L.G˚arding,Mathematics and Mathematicians:Mathematics in Sweden before1950,co-published by Amer.Math.Soc.and Lond.Math.Soc.(1998)[8]M.Gardner,The infinite regress in philosophy,literature and mathematical proof,Scientific American,Vol.212,No.4,(Apr.1965)128–135[9]E.Kasner and J.R.Newman,Mathematics and Imagination,Simon&Schuster,New York(1940)[10]H.von Koch,Sur une courbe continue sans tangente,obtenue par une construction g´e om´e trique´e l´e mentaire,Ark.Mat.Astr.Fys.,Band1(1904)681–702.Reprinted in English as On a Continuous Curve withoutWHO INVENTED VON KOCH’S SNOWFLAKE CURVE?7 Tangent Constructible from Elementary Geometry,Classics on Fractals,G.A.Edgar,Addison-Wesley Publishing(1993)25–45[11]H.von Koch,Une m´e thode g´e om´e trique´e l´e mentaire pour l’´e tude de certaines questions de la th´e orie descourbes planes,Acta Math.,30(1)(1906)145–174[12]Les fractals,Le Petit Archim`e de,n°55-56(f´e vrier1979)28–32[13]B.B.Mandelbrot,The Fractal Geometry of Nature,W.H.Freeman and Co.,New York(1982)[14]De sneeuwvlok-kurve van Von Koch,Pythagoras,vol.7,n°4(1968)84–85[15]J.E.Schneider,A Generalization of the Von Koch Curves,Math.Mag.38(1965)144–147[16]J.C.Stone and lis,Plane geometry,Chicago:B.H.Sanborn&Co(1916)[17]N.Ya.Vilenkin,Stories About Sets,Academic Press,New York&London(1968)[18]W.Grey Walter,The Curve of the Snowflake,W.W.Norton&Company,Inc.,New York(1956)†Laboratoire MODAL’X,UMR CNRS9023,Universit´e Paris Nanterre,200avenue de la R´e pu-blique,92001Nanterre,France.Email address:******************************。



DIRECTIVE NUMBER: CPL 02-00-150 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 22, 2011 SUBJECT: Field Operations Manual (FOM)ABSTRACTPurpose: This instruction cancels and replaces OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148,Field Operations Manual (FOM), issued November 9, 2009, whichreplaced the September 26, 1994 Instruction that implemented the FieldInspection Reference Manual (FIRM). The FOM is a revision of OSHA’senforcement policies and procedures manual that provides the field officesa reference document for identifying the responsibilities associated withthe majority of their inspection duties. This Instruction also cancels OSHAInstruction FAP 01-00-003 Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs,May 17, 1996 and Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045,Revised Field Operations Manual, June 15, 1989.Scope: OSHA-wide.References: Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.6, Advance Notice ofInspections; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.14, Policy RegardingEmployee Rescue Activities; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.19,Abatement Verification; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1904.39,Reporting Fatalities and Multiple Hospitalizations to OSHA; and Housingfor Agricultural Workers: Final Rule, Federal Register, March 4, 1980 (45FR 14180).Cancellations: OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148, Field Operations Manual, November9, 2009.OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003, Federal Agency Safety and HealthPrograms, May 17, 1996.Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045, Revised FieldOperations Manual, June 15, 1989.State Impact: Notice of Intent and Adoption required. See paragraph VI.Action Offices: National, Regional, and Area OfficesOriginating Office: Directorate of Enforcement Programs Contact: Directorate of Enforcement ProgramsOffice of General Industry Enforcement200 Constitution Avenue, NW, N3 119Washington, DC 20210202-693-1850By and Under the Authority ofDavid Michaels, PhD, MPHAssistant SecretaryExecutive SummaryThis instruction cancels and replaces OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148, Field Operations Manual (FOM), issued November 9, 2009. The one remaining part of the prior Field Operations Manual, the chapter on Disclosure, will be added at a later date. This Instruction also cancels OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003 Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs, May 17, 1996 and Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045, Revised Field Operations Manual, June 15, 1989. This Instruction constitutes OSHA’s general enforcement policies and procedures manual for use by the field offices in conducting inspections, issuing citations and proposing penalties.Significant Changes∙A new Table of Contents for the entire FOM is added.∙ A new References section for the entire FOM is added∙ A new Cancellations section for the entire FOM is added.∙Adds a Maritime Industry Sector to Section III of Chapter 10, Industry Sectors.∙Revises sections referring to the Enhanced Enforcement Program (EEP) replacing the information with the Severe Violator Enforcement Program (SVEP).∙Adds Chapter 13, Federal Agency Field Activities.∙Cancels OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003, Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs, May 17, 1996.DisclaimerThis manual is intended to provide instruction regarding some of the internal operations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and is solely for the benefit of the Government. No duties, rights, or benefits, substantive or procedural, are created or implied by this manual. The contents of this manual are not enforceable by any person or entity against the Department of Labor or the United States. Statements which reflect current Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission or court precedents do not necessarily indicate acquiescence with those precedents.Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONI.PURPOSE. ........................................................................................................... 1-1 II.SCOPE. ................................................................................................................ 1-1 III.REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 1-1 IV.CANCELLATIONS............................................................................................. 1-8 V. ACTION INFORMATION ................................................................................. 1-8A.R ESPONSIBLE O FFICE.......................................................................................................................................... 1-8B.A CTION O FFICES. .................................................................................................................... 1-8C. I NFORMATION O FFICES............................................................................................................ 1-8 VI. STATE IMPACT. ................................................................................................ 1-8 VII.SIGNIFICANT CHANGES. ............................................................................... 1-9 VIII.BACKGROUND. ................................................................................................. 1-9 IX. DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY. ........................................................ 1-10A.T HE A CT................................................................................................................................................................. 1-10B. C OMPLIANCE S AFETY AND H EALTH O FFICER (CSHO). ...........................................................1-10B.H E/S HE AND H IS/H ERS ..................................................................................................................................... 1-10C.P ROFESSIONAL J UDGMENT............................................................................................................................... 1-10E. W ORKPLACE AND W ORKSITE ......................................................................................................................... 1-10CHAPTER 2PROGRAM PLANNINGI.INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 2-1 II.AREA OFFICE RESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................. 2-1A.P ROVIDING A SSISTANCE TO S MALL E MPLOYERS. ...................................................................................... 2-1B.A REA O FFICE O UTREACH P ROGRAM. ............................................................................................................. 2-1C. R ESPONDING TO R EQUESTS FOR A SSISTANCE. ............................................................................................ 2-2 III. OSHA COOPERATIVE PROGRAMS OVERVIEW. ...................................... 2-2A.V OLUNTARY P ROTECTION P ROGRAM (VPP). ........................................................................... 2-2B.O NSITE C ONSULTATION P ROGRAM. ................................................................................................................ 2-2C.S TRATEGIC P ARTNERSHIPS................................................................................................................................. 2-3D.A LLIANCE P ROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................... 2-3 IV. ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULING. ................................................ 2-4A.G ENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................. 2-4B.I NSPECTION P RIORITY C RITERIA. ..................................................................................................................... 2-4C.E FFECT OF C ONTEST ............................................................................................................................................ 2-5D.E NFORCEMENT E XEMPTIONS AND L IMITATIONS. ....................................................................................... 2-6E.P REEMPTION BY A NOTHER F EDERAL A GENCY ........................................................................................... 2-6F.U NITED S TATES P OSTAL S ERVICE. .................................................................................................................. 2-7G.H OME-B ASED W ORKSITES. ................................................................................................................................ 2-8H.I NSPECTION/I NVESTIGATION T YPES. ............................................................................................................... 2-8 V.UNPROGRAMMED ACTIVITY – HAZARD EVALUATION AND INSPECTION SCHEDULING ............................................................................ 2-9 VI.PROGRAMMED INSPECTIONS. ................................................................... 2-10A.S ITE-S PECIFIC T ARGETING (SST) P ROGRAM. ............................................................................................. 2-10B.S CHEDULING FOR C ONSTRUCTION I NSPECTIONS. ..................................................................................... 2-10C.S CHEDULING FOR M ARITIME I NSPECTIONS. ............................................................................. 2-11D.S PECIAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (SEP S). ................................................................................... 2-12E.N ATIONAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (NEP S) ............................................................................... 2-13F.L OCAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (LEP S) AND R EGIONAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (REP S) ............ 2-13G.O THER S PECIAL P ROGRAMS. ............................................................................................................................ 2-13H.I NSPECTION S CHEDULING AND I NTERFACE WITH C OOPERATIVE P ROGRAM P ARTICIPANTS ....... 2-13CHAPTER 3INSPECTION PROCEDURESI.INSPECTION PREPARATION. .......................................................................... 3-1 II.INSPECTION PLANNING. .................................................................................. 3-1A.R EVIEW OF I NSPECTION H ISTORY .................................................................................................................... 3-1B.R EVIEW OF C OOPERATIVE P ROGRAM P ARTICIPATION .............................................................................. 3-1C.OSHA D ATA I NITIATIVE (ODI) D ATA R EVIEW .......................................................................................... 3-2D.S AFETY AND H EALTH I SSUES R ELATING TO CSHO S.................................................................. 3-2E.A DVANCE N OTICE. ................................................................................................................................................ 3-3F.P RE-I NSPECTION C OMPULSORY P ROCESS ...................................................................................................... 3-5G.P ERSONAL S ECURITY C LEARANCE. ................................................................................................................. 3-5H.E XPERT A SSISTANCE. ........................................................................................................................................... 3-5 III. INSPECTION SCOPE. ......................................................................................... 3-6A.C OMPREHENSIVE ................................................................................................................................................... 3-6B.P ARTIAL. ................................................................................................................................................................... 3-6 IV. CONDUCT OF INSPECTION .............................................................................. 3-6A.T IME OF I NSPECTION............................................................................................................................................. 3-6B.P RESENTING C REDENTIALS. ............................................................................................................................... 3-6C.R EFUSAL TO P ERMIT I NSPECTION AND I NTERFERENCE ............................................................................. 3-7D.E MPLOYEE P ARTICIPATION. ............................................................................................................................... 3-9E.R ELEASE FOR E NTRY ............................................................................................................................................ 3-9F.B ANKRUPT OR O UT OF B USINESS. .................................................................................................................... 3-9G.E MPLOYEE R ESPONSIBILITIES. ................................................................................................. 3-10H.S TRIKE OR L ABOR D ISPUTE ............................................................................................................................. 3-10I. V ARIANCES. .......................................................................................................................................................... 3-11 V. OPENING CONFERENCE. ................................................................................ 3-11A.G ENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................ 3-11B.R EVIEW OF A PPROPRIATION A CT E XEMPTIONS AND L IMITATION. ..................................................... 3-13C.R EVIEW S CREENING FOR P ROCESS S AFETY M ANAGEMENT (PSM) C OVERAGE............................. 3-13D.R EVIEW OF V OLUNTARY C OMPLIANCE P ROGRAMS. ................................................................................ 3-14E.D ISRUPTIVE C ONDUCT. ...................................................................................................................................... 3-15F.C LASSIFIED A REAS ............................................................................................................................................. 3-16VI. REVIEW OF RECORDS. ................................................................................... 3-16A.I NJURY AND I LLNESS R ECORDS...................................................................................................................... 3-16B.R ECORDING C RITERIA. ...................................................................................................................................... 3-18C. R ECORDKEEPING D EFICIENCIES. .................................................................................................................. 3-18 VII. WALKAROUND INSPECTION. ....................................................................... 3-19A.W ALKAROUND R EPRESENTATIVES ............................................................................................................... 3-19B.E VALUATION OF S AFETY AND H EALTH M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM. ....................................................... 3-20C.R ECORD A LL F ACTS P ERTINENT TO A V IOLATION. ................................................................................. 3-20D.T ESTIFYING IN H EARINGS ................................................................................................................................ 3-21E.T RADE S ECRETS. ................................................................................................................................................. 3-21F.C OLLECTING S AMPLES. ..................................................................................................................................... 3-22G.P HOTOGRAPHS AND V IDEOTAPES.................................................................................................................. 3-22H.V IOLATIONS OF O THER L AWS. ....................................................................................................................... 3-23I.I NTERVIEWS OF N ON-M ANAGERIAL E MPLOYEES .................................................................................... 3-23J.M ULTI-E MPLOYER W ORKSITES ..................................................................................................................... 3-27 K.A DMINISTRATIVE S UBPOENA.......................................................................................................................... 3-27 L.E MPLOYER A BATEMENT A SSISTANCE. ........................................................................................................ 3-27 VIII. CLOSING CONFERENCE. .............................................................................. 3-28A.P ARTICIPANTS. ..................................................................................................................................................... 3-28B.D ISCUSSION I TEMS. ............................................................................................................................................ 3-28C.A DVICE TO A TTENDEES .................................................................................................................................... 3-29D.P ENALTIES............................................................................................................................................................. 3-30E.F EASIBLE A DMINISTRATIVE, W ORK P RACTICE AND E NGINEERING C ONTROLS. ............................ 3-30F.R EDUCING E MPLOYEE E XPOSURE. ................................................................................................................ 3-32G.A BATEMENT V ERIFICATION. ........................................................................................................................... 3-32H.E MPLOYEE D ISCRIMINATION .......................................................................................................................... 3-33 IX. SPECIAL INSPECTION PROCEDURES. ...................................................... 3-33A.F OLLOW-UP AND M ONITORING I NSPECTIONS............................................................................................ 3-33B.C ONSTRUCTION I NSPECTIONS ......................................................................................................................... 3-34C. F EDERAL A GENCY I NSPECTIONS. ................................................................................................................. 3-35CHAPTER 4VIOLATIONSI. BASIS OF VIOLATIONS ..................................................................................... 4-1A.S TANDARDS AND R EGULATIONS. .................................................................................................................... 4-1B.E MPLOYEE E XPOSURE. ........................................................................................................................................ 4-3C.R EGULATORY R EQUIREMENTS. ........................................................................................................................ 4-6D.H AZARD C OMMUNICATION. .............................................................................................................................. 4-6E. E MPLOYER/E MPLOYEE R ESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................... 4-6 II. SERIOUS VIOLATIONS. .................................................................................... 4-8A.S ECTION 17(K). ......................................................................................................................... 4-8B.E STABLISHING S ERIOUS V IOLATIONS ............................................................................................................ 4-8C. F OUR S TEPS TO BE D OCUMENTED. ................................................................................................................... 4-8 III. GENERAL DUTY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 4-14A.E VALUATION OF G ENERAL D UTY R EQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. 4-14B.E LEMENTS OF A G ENERAL D UTY R EQUIREMENT V IOLATION.............................................................. 4-14C. U SE OF THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE ........................................................................................................ 4-23D.L IMITATIONS OF U SE OF THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE. ..............................................................E.C LASSIFICATION OF V IOLATIONS C ITED U NDER THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE. ..................F. P ROCEDURES FOR I MPLEMENTATION OF S ECTION 5(A)(1) E NFORCEMENT ............................ 4-25 4-27 4-27IV.OTHER-THAN-SERIOUS VIOLATIONS ............................................... 4-28 V.WILLFUL VIOLATIONS. ......................................................................... 4-28A.I NTENTIONAL D ISREGARD V IOLATIONS. ..........................................................................................4-28B.P LAIN I NDIFFERENCE V IOLATIONS. ...................................................................................................4-29 VI. CRIMINAL/WILLFUL VIOLATIONS. ................................................... 4-30A.A REA D IRECTOR C OORDINATION ....................................................................................................... 4-31B.C RITERIA FOR I NVESTIGATING P OSSIBLE C RIMINAL/W ILLFUL V IOLATIONS ........................ 4-31C. W ILLFUL V IOLATIONS R ELATED TO A F ATALITY .......................................................................... 4-32 VII. REPEATED VIOLATIONS. ...................................................................... 4-32A.F EDERAL AND S TATE P LAN V IOLATIONS. ........................................................................................4-32B.I DENTICAL S TANDARDS. .......................................................................................................................4-32C.D IFFERENT S TANDARDS. .......................................................................................................................4-33D.O BTAINING I NSPECTION H ISTORY. .....................................................................................................4-33E.T IME L IMITATIONS..................................................................................................................................4-34F.R EPEATED V. F AILURE TO A BATE....................................................................................................... 4-34G. A REA D IRECTOR R ESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................................. 4-35 VIII. DE MINIMIS CONDITIONS. ................................................................... 4-36A.C RITERIA ................................................................................................................................................... 4-36B.P ROFESSIONAL J UDGMENT. ..................................................................................................................4-37C. A REA D IRECTOR R ESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................................. 4-37 IX. CITING IN THE ALTERNATIVE ............................................................ 4-37 X. COMBINING AND GROUPING VIOLATIONS. ................................... 4-37A.C OMBINING. ..............................................................................................................................................4-37B.G ROUPING. ................................................................................................................................................4-38C. W HEN N OT TO G ROUP OR C OMBINE. ................................................................................................4-38 XI. HEALTH STANDARD VIOLATIONS ....................................................... 4-39A.C ITATION OF V ENTILATION S TANDARDS ......................................................................................... 4-39B.V IOLATIONS OF THE N OISE S TANDARD. ...........................................................................................4-40 XII. VIOLATIONS OF THE RESPIRATORY PROTECTION STANDARD(§1910.134). ....................................................................................................... XIII. VIOLATIONS OF AIR CONTAMINANT STANDARDS (§1910.1000) ... 4-43 4-43A.R EQUIREMENTS UNDER THE STANDARD: .................................................................................................. 4-43B.C LASSIFICATION OF V IOLATIONS OF A IR C ONTAMINANT S TANDARDS. ......................................... 4-43 XIV. CITING IMPROPER PERSONAL HYGIENE PRACTICES. ................... 4-45A.I NGESTION H AZARDS. .................................................................................................................................... 4-45B.A BSORPTION H AZARDS. ................................................................................................................................ 4-46C.W IPE S AMPLING. ............................................................................................................................................. 4-46D.C ITATION P OLICY ............................................................................................................................................ 4-46 XV. BIOLOGICAL MONITORING. ...................................................................... 4-47CHAPTER 5CASE FILE PREPARATION AND DOCUMENTATIONI.INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 5-1 II.INSPECTION CONDUCTED, CITATIONS BEING ISSUED. .................... 5-1A.OSHA-1 ................................................................................................................................... 5-1B.OSHA-1A. ............................................................................................................................... 5-1C. OSHA-1B. ................................................................................................................................ 5-2 III.INSPECTION CONDUCTED BUT NO CITATIONS ISSUED .................... 5-5 IV.NO INSPECTION ............................................................................................... 5-5 V. HEALTH INSPECTIONS. ................................................................................. 5-6A.D OCUMENT P OTENTIAL E XPOSURE. ............................................................................................................... 5-6B.E MPLOYER’S O CCUPATIONAL S AFETY AND H EALTH S YSTEM. ............................................................. 5-6 VI. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES............................................................................. 5-8A.B URDEN OF P ROOF. .............................................................................................................................................. 5-8B.E XPLANATIONS. ..................................................................................................................................................... 5-8 VII. INTERVIEW STATEMENTS. ........................................................................ 5-10A.G ENERALLY. ......................................................................................................................................................... 5-10B.CSHO S SHALL OBTAIN WRITTEN STATEMENTS WHEN: .......................................................................... 5-10C.L ANGUAGE AND W ORDING OF S TATEMENT. ............................................................................................. 5-11D.R EFUSAL TO S IGN S TATEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 5-11E.V IDEO AND A UDIOTAPED S TATEMENTS. ..................................................................................................... 5-11F.A DMINISTRATIVE D EPOSITIONS. .............................................................................................5-11 VIII. PAPERWORK AND WRITTEN PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS. .......... 5-12 IX.GUIDELINES FOR CASE FILE DOCUMENTATION FOR USE WITH VIDEOTAPES AND AUDIOTAPES .............................................................. 5-12 X.CASE FILE ACTIVITY DIARY SHEET. ..................................................... 5-12 XI. CITATIONS. ..................................................................................................... 5-12A.S TATUTE OF L IMITATIONS. .............................................................................................................................. 5-13B.I SSUING C ITATIONS. ........................................................................................................................................... 5-13C.A MENDING/W ITHDRAWING C ITATIONS AND N OTIFICATION OF P ENALTIES. .................................. 5-13D.P ROCEDURES FOR A MENDING OR W ITHDRAWING C ITATIONS ............................................................ 5-14 XII. INSPECTION RECORDS. ............................................................................... 5-15A.G ENERALLY. ......................................................................................................................................................... 5-15B.R ELEASE OF I NSPECTION I NFORMATION ..................................................................................................... 5-15C. C LASSIFIED AND T RADE S ECRET I NFORMATION ...................................................................................... 5-16。



专利名称:GAMING SYSTEMS, GAMING DEVICES ANDMETHODS WITH NON-COMPETITIVE PLAYAND OPTIONAL COMPETITIVE PLAY发明人:Cameron A. Filipour,Dwayne A. Davis申请号:US13679524申请日:20121116公开号:US20130079072A1公开日:20130328专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:In an embodiment, a gaming system includes a plurality of gaming devices and a controller configured to communicate with the gaming devices. The gaming systemenables a plurality of players to play an interactive game in a non-competitive mode and in a competitive mode. If at least two players play the interactive game in the competitive mode, for a competitive wagering event, which includes a competition between two players, the gaming system determines a winning player and a losing player. The gaming system causes the winning player to contribute a winning player portion toward a wager associated with the competitive wagering event and causes the losing player to contribute a losing player portion toward the wager associated with the competitive wagering event. The losing player portion is less than the winning player portion. The gaming system randomly determines and provides any awards to the winning player based on the wager.申请人:IGT地址:Reno NV US国籍:US更多信息请下载全文后查看。



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Micromass UK Limited believes that the information in this publication is accurate. However the information is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a contractual undertaking by Micromass UK Limited. Despite the care that has been given to the preparation of this publication, Micromass UK Limited accepts no responsibility for any loss or any other matter that may arise from any error or inaccuracy that may inadvertently have been included. Copyright 1993-2002 Micromass Ltd. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be copied without the express written permission of Micromass UK Limited.
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MassLynx NT Users Guide
MassLynx NT User’s Guide............................................................................



In 1887, the German physicist Erwin Schrödinger proposed a radial solution to the Maxwell-Schrödinger equation. This equation describes the behavior of an electron in an atom and is used to calculate its energy levels. The radial solution was found to be valid for all values of angular momentum quantum number l, which means that it can describe any type of atomic orbital.The existence and multiplicity of this radial solution has been studied extensively since then. It has been shown that there are infinitely many solutions for each value of l, with each one corresponding to a different energy level. Furthermore, these solutions can be divided into two categories: bound states and scattering states. Bound states have negative energies and correspond to electrons that are trapped within the atom; scattering states have positive energies and correspond to electrons that escape from the atom after being excited by external radiation or collisions with other particles.The existence and multiplicity of these solutions is important because they provide insight into how atoms interact with their environment through electromagnetic radiation or collisions with other particles. They also help us understand why certain elements form molecules when combined together, as well as why some elements remain stable while others decay over time due to radioactive processes such as alpha decay or beta decay.。

英国文学 Anglo-Saxon时期

英国文学 Anglo-Saxon时期
• Chinese myths v.s. North-Euro myth • Chinese heroes v.s. Anglo-Saxon epic
Frigga 奥丁的妻子和女儿
• 家庭生活: curtain,chair,cushion,blanket,towel, closet,etc. 打猎: kennel,falcon,chase,warren,covert, quail,etc. 艺术与科学: art,painting,sculpture,cathedral,ma nsion,etc. 医药: medicine,physician,surgeon,plague ,pain,remedy,etc.
• Is the repetition of the same sound or sounds at the beginning of two or more words that are next to or close to each other.头韵
• End rhyme 尾韵
The origin of myths and legends
• 1. human v.s. nature: • sea, forest, animals • dense swamp fog • harsh winter • • 2. the blending of myth and legend
政府: government,authority,sovereign,parl iament,treaty,alliance,mayor,etc. 宗教: clergy,cardinal,parson,vicar,commu nion,faith,etc. 法律: bar,judge,suit,jury,evidence,defend ant,verdict,etc. 陆、海军: army,battle,spy,enemy,captain,arch er,etc.



兔胸腔内注射滑石粉致肺及肺外全身系统性播散廖槐;谢灿茂【摘要】[目的]观察不同颗粒大小滑石粉胸膜固定术后肺及肺外器官的播散变化,以初步探讨滑石粉相关急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的发生机制.[方法]建立滑石粉胸膜固定术的实验动物模型,将36只健康雄性清洁级新西兰白兔按随机数字表法分为3组:大滑石粉组(n=12)、小滑石粉组(n=12)和多西环素(Doxycycline)组(n=12).实验动物经胸腔导管各注入大、小滑石粉匀浆(400mg/kg)和多西环素(10 mg/kg),引起兔子右侧胸膜炎症及粘连.分别于胸膜粘连术后24 h和第7天处死半数实验动物,解剖留取双肺、肝、肾等器官,评价大体胸膜粘连程度、镜下病理变化及滑石粉播散情况.[结果]胸膜内注射粘连剂7d后,在大、小滑石粉组和Doxycycline组均可引起明显的脏层胸膜的纤维化.胸膜纤维化指数在大滑石粉组为2.5±0.8,小滑石粉组为1.8±0.8,Doxycycline组为2.2±0.4,三组之间没有统计学差异(P>0.05).滑石粉胸腔内注射后,在大、小滑石粉组均有双侧肺内滑石粉的播散,而Doxycycline组没有观察到滑石粉颗粒的播散.小滑石粉组的肺及肺外器官滑石粉颗粒数明显多于大滑石粉组.大、小滑石粉组的肺及肺外器官播散滑石粉颗粒同样为小直径的滑石粉颗粒.部分小滑石粉组实验动物可观察到滑石粉肺内播散伴有周围肺泡及间质的炎症改变.[结论]胸腔内注射小滑石粉较大滑石粉导致更显著的包括双肺、肾脏、脾脏等全身器官的小直径滑石粉颗粒播散.肺内滑石粉颗粒的沉积,可导致周围肺泡的炎症.【期刊名称】《中山大学学报(医学科学版)》【年(卷),期】2013(034)006【总页数】6页(P861-866)【关键词】滑石粉;胸膜固定术;副作用;急性呼吸窘迫综合征;肺;肝;肾;脾【作者】廖槐;谢灿茂【作者单位】中山大学附属第一医院呼吸内科,广东广州510080;中山大学附属第一医院呼吸内科,广东广州510080【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R561.1胸膜固定术(pleurodesis)是治疗复发性气胸和恶性胸腔积液的常用有效手段之一。



Manahan, Stanley E. "FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY" Environmental ChemistryBoca Raton: CRC Press LLC,200028FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY__________________________28.1.INTRODUCTIONThis chapter is designed to give those readers who have had little exposure to chemistry the basic knowledge needed to understand the material in the rest of the book. Although it is helpful for the reader to have had several courses in chemistry, including organic chemistry and quantitative chemical analysis, most of the material in this book can be understood with less. Indeed, a reader willing to do some inde-pendent study on the fundamentals of chemistry can understand much of the material in this book without ever having had any formal chemistry course work.Chapter 28, “Fundamentals of Chemistry,” can serve two purposes. For the reader who has had no chemistry, it provides the concepts and terms basic to general chemistry. A larger category of reader consists of those who have had at least one chemistry course, but whose chemistry background, for various reasons, is inadequate. By learning the material in this chapter, plus the subject matter of Chapter 29, “Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry,” these readers can comprehend the rest of the material in the book. For a more complete coverage of basic chemistry readers should consult one of a number of basic chemistry books, such as Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry1 and other supplementary references listed at the end of the chapter.Chemistry is the science of matter. Therefore, it deals with all of the things that surround humankind, and with all aspects of the environment. Chemical properties and processes are central to environmental science. A vast variety of chemical reactions occur in water, for example, including acid-base reactions, precipitation reactions, and oxidation-reduction reactions largely mediated by microorganisms. Atmospheric chemical phenomena are largely determined by photochemical processes and chain reactions. A large number of organic chemical processes occur in the atmosphere. The geosphere, including soil, is the site of many chemical processes, particularly those that involve solids. The biosphere obviously is where the many biochemical processes crucial to the environment and to the toxic effects of chemicals occur.This chapter emphasizes several aspects of chemistry. It begins with a discussion of the fundamental subatomic particles that make up all matter, and explains how these are assembled to produce atoms. In turn, atoms join together to make com-pounds. Chemical reactions and chemical equations that represent them are discussed. Solution chemistry is especially important to aquatic chemistry and is addressed in a separate section. The important, vast discipline of organic chemistry is crucial to all parts of the environment and is addressed in Chapter 29.28.2.ELEMENTSAll substances are composed of only about a hundred fundamental kinds of matter called elements. Elements, themselves, may be of environmental concern. The “heavy metals,” including lead, cadmium, and mercury, are well recognized as toxic substances in the environment. Elemental forms of otherwise essential elements may be very toxic or cause environmental damage. Oxygen in the form of ozone, O3, is the agent most commonly associated with atmospheric smog pollution and is very toxic to plants and animals. Elemental white phosphorus is highly flammable and toxic.Each element is made up of very small entities called atoms; all atoms of the same element behave identically chemically. The study of chemistry, therefore, can logically begin with elements and the atoms of which they are composed. Each element is designated by an atomic number, a name, and a chemical symbol, such as carbon, C; potassium, K (for its Latin name kalium); or cadmium, Cd. Each element has a characteristic atomic mass (atomic weight), which is the average mass of all atoms of the element. Atomic numbers of the elements are integrals ranging from 1 for hydrogen, H, to somewhat more than 100 for some of the transuranic elements (those beyond uranium). Atomic number is a unique, important way of designating each element, and it is equal to the number of protons in the nuclei of each atom of the element (see discussion of subatomic particles and atoms, below). Subatomic Particles and AtomsFigure 28.1 represents an atom of deuterium, a form of hydrogen. It is seen that such an atom is made up of even smaller subatomic particles—positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons, and uncharged (neutral) neutrons. Subatomic ParticlesThe subatomic particles differ in mass and charge. Their masses are expressed by the atomic mass unit, u (also called the dalton), which is also used to express the masses of individual atoms and molecules (aggregates of atoms). The atomic mass unit is defined as a mass equal to exactly 1/12 that of an atom of carbon-12, the isotope of carbon that contains 6 protons and 6 neutrons in its nucleus.The proton, p, has a mass of 1.007277 u and a unit charge of +1. This charge is equal to 1.6022 x 10-19 coulombs, where a coulomb is the amount of electrical charge involved in a flow of electrical current of 1 ampere for 1 second. The neutron, n, has no electrical charge and a mass of 1.009665 u. The proton and neu-neutron (n). The electron (-) is in constant, rapid motion around the nucleus forming a cloud of negative electrical charge, the density of which drops off with increasing distance from the nucleus.tron each have a mass of essentially 1 u and are said to have a mass number of 1. (Mass number is a useful concept expressing the total number of protons and neutrons, as well as the approximate mass, of a nucleus or subatomic particle.) The electron, e, has a unit electrical charge of -1. It is very light, however, with a mass of only 0.00054859 u, about 1/1840 that of the proton or neutron. Its mass number is 0. The properties of protons, neutrons, and electrons are summarized in Table 28.1. Table 28.1. Properties of Protons, Neutrons, and ElectronsSubatomic Unit Massparticle Symbol charge number Mass in u Mass in grams Proton1p+11 1.007277 1.6726 x 10-24 Neutron1n01 1.008665 1.6749 x 10-24 Electron1e-100.0005499.1096 x 10-28 1The mass number and charge of each of these kinds of particles may be indicated by a supersciptand subscript, respectively, as in the symbols1p, 1n, and 0e.1-1Although it is convenient to think of the proton and neutron as having the same mass, and each is assigned a mass number of 1, it is seen in Table 28.1 that their exact masses differ slightly from each other. Furthermore, the mass of an atom is not exactly equal to the sum of the masses of subatomic particles composing the atom. This is because of the energy relationships involved in holding the subatomic particles together in atoms so that the masses of the atom’s constituent subatomic particles do not add up to exactly the mass of the atom.Atom Nucleus and Electron CloudProtons and neutrons, which have relatively high masses compared to electrons, are contained in the positively charged nucleus of the atom. The nucleus has essen-tially all of the mass, but occupies virtually none of the volume, of the atom. An uncharged atom has the same number of electrons as protons. The electrons in an atom are contained in a cloud of negative charge around the nucleus that occupies most of the volume of the atom. These concepts are emphasized in Figure 28.2. IsotopesAtoms with the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei are called isotopes. They are chemically identical atoms of the same element, but have different masses and may differ in their nuclear properties. Some isotopes are radioactive isotopes or radionuclides, which have unstable nuclei that give off charged particles and gamma rays in the form of radioactivity. Radioactivity may have detrimental, or even fatal, health effects; a number of hazardous substances are radioactive and they can cause major environmental problems. The most striking example of such contamination resulted from a massiveEach C atom has 6 protons (+) in its nucleus, so the atomic number of C is 6. The atomic mass of C is 12.Each N atom has 7 protons (+) in its nucleus, so the atomic number of N is 7. The atomic mass of N is 14.Figure 28.2. Atoms of carbon and nitrogenImportant ElementsAn abbreviated list of a few of the most important elements that the reader should learn at this point is given in Table 28.2. A complete list of elements is given on the inside back cover of the book.The Periodic TableWhen elements are considered in order of increasing atomic number, it is observed that their properties are repeated in a periodic manner.For example,ele-Table 28.2. List of Some of the More Important Common ElementsElement Symbol Atomic number Atomic mass SignificanceAluminum Al1326.9815Abundant in Earth’s crustArgon Ar1839.948Noble gasArsenic As3374.9216Toxic metalloidBromine Br3579.904Toxic halogenCadmium Cd48112.40Toxic heavy metalCalcium Ca2040.08Abundant essential element Carbon C612.011“Life element”Chlorine Cl1735.453HalogenCopper Cu2963.54Useful metalFluorine F918.998HalogenHelium He2 4.00260Lightest noble gasHydrogen H1 1.008Lightest elementIodine I53126.904HalogenIron Fe2655.847Important metalLead Pb82207.19Toxic heavy metalMagnesium Mg1224.305Light metalMercury Hg80200.59Toxic heavy metalNeon Ne1020.179Noble gasNitrogen N714.0067Important nonmetalOxygen O815.9994Abundant, essential nonmetal Phosphorus P1530.9738Essential nonmetalPotassium K1939.0983Alkali metalSilicon Si1428.0855Abundant metalloidSilver Ag47107.87Valuable, reaction-resistant metal Sulfur S1632.064Essential element,occurs in airpollutant SO2Sodium Na1122.9898Essential, abundant alkali metal Tin Sn50118.69Useful metalUranium U92238.03Fissionable metal used for nuclearfuelZinc Zn3065.37 Useful metalments with atomic numbers 2, 10, and 18 are gases that do not undergo chemical reactions and consist of individual atoms, whereas those with atomic numbers larger by 1—elements with atomic numbers 3, 11, and 19—are unstable, highly reactive metals. An arrangement of the elements in a manner that reflects this recurring behavior is known as the periodic table (Figure 28.3). The periodic table is extremely useful in understanding chemistry and predicting chemical behavior. As shown in Figure 28.3, the entry for each element in the periodic table gives the element’s atomic number, name, symbol, and atomic mass. More detailed versions of the table include other information as well.Features of the Periodic TableGroups of elements having similar chemical behavior are contained in vertical columns in the periodic table. Main group elements may be designated as A groups (1A and 2A on the left, 3A through 8A on the right). Transition elements are those between main groups 2A and 3A. Noble gases (group 8A), a group of gaseous ele-ments that are virtually chemically unreactive, are in the far right column. The chemical similarities of elements in the same group are especially pronounced for groups 1A, 2A, 7A, and 8A.Horizontal rows of elements in the periodic table are called periods, the first of which consists of only hydrogen (H) and helium (He). The second period begins with atomic number 3 (lithium) and terminates with atomic number 10 (neon), whereas the third goes from atomic number 11 (sodium) through 18 (argon). The fourth period includes the first row of transition elements, whereas lanthanides and actinides are listed separately at the bottom of the table.Electrons in AtomsAlthough a detailed discussion of the placement of electrons in atoms determines how the atoms behave chemically and, therefore, the chemical properties of each element, it is beyond the scope of this chapter to discuss electronic structure in detail. Several key points pertaining to this subject are mentioned here.Electrons in atoms are present in orbitals in which the electrons have different energies, orientations in space, and average distances from the nucleus. Each orbital may contain a maximum of 2 electrons. The placement of electrons in their orbitals determines the chemical behavior of an atom; in this respect the outermost orbitals and the electrons contained in them are the most important. These outer electrons are the ones beyond those of the immediately preceding noble gas in the periodic table. They are of particular importance because they become involved in the sharing and transfer of electrons through which chemical bonding occurs that results in the formation of huge numbers of different substances from only a few elements.Much of environmental chemistry is concerned with electrons in atoms. In Chapters 9 and 13 are discussed examples in which the absorption of electro-magnetic radiation promotes electrons to higher energy levels, forming reactive excited species and reactive free radicals with unpaired electrons. Atomic absorption and emission methods of elemental analysis involve transitions of electrons between energy levels.Lewis Structures and Symbols of AtomsOuter electrons are called valence electrons and are represented by dots in Lewis symbols , as shown for carbon and argon in Figure 28.4, below:Lewis symbol of argon........::C Ar Lewis symbol of carbonFigure 28.4. Lewis symbols of carbon and argon.The four electrons shown for the carbon atom are those added beyond the electrons possessed by the noble gas that immediately precedes carbon in the periodic table (helium, atomic number 2). Eight electrons are shown around the symbol of argon. This is an especially stable electron configuration for noble gases known as an octet . (Helium is the exception among noble gases in that it has a stable shell of only two electrons.) When atoms interact through the sharing, loss, or gain of electrons to form molecules and chemical compounds (see Section 28.3) many attain an octet of outer shell electrons. This tendency is the basis of the octet rule of chemical bonding. (Two or three of the lightest elements, most notably hydrogen,attain stable helium-like electron configurations containing two electrons when they become chemically bonded.)Metals, Nonmetals, and MetalloidsElements are divided between metals and nonmetals; a few elements with intermediate character are called metalloids. Metals are elements that are generally solid, shiny in appearance, electrically conducting, and malleable—that is, they can be pounded into flat sheets without disintegrating. They tend to have only 1–3 outer electrons, which they may lose in forming chemical compounds. Examples of metals are iron, copper, and silver. Most metallic objects that are commonly encountered are not composed of just one kind of elemental metal, but are alloys consisting of homogeneous mixtures of two or more metals. Nonmetals often have a dull appearance, are not at all malleable, and frequently occur as gases or liquids. Color-less oxygen gas, green chlorine gas (transported and stored as a liquid under pressure), and brown bromine liquid are common nonmetals. Nonmetals tend to have close to a full octet of outer-shell electrons, and in forming chemical compounds they gain or share electrons. Metalloids , such as silicon or arsenic, are elements with properties intermediate between those of metals and nonmetals. Under some conditions, a metalloid may exhibit properties of metals, and under other conditions, properties of nonmetals.28.3. CHEMICAL BONDINGOnly a few elements, particularly the noble gases, exist as individual atoms;most atoms are joined by chemical bonds to other atoms. For example, elementalhydrogen exists as molecules , each consisting of 2 H atoms linked by a chemical bond as shown in Figure 28.5. Because hydrogen molecules contain 2 H atoms, they are said to be diatomic and are denoted by the chemical formula , H 2. The H atoms in the H 2 molecule are held together by a covalent bond made up of 2 electrons,each contributed by one of the H atoms, and shared between the atoms. (Bonds formed by transferring electrons between atoms are described later in this section.)The shared electrons in the covalent bonds holding the H 2 molecule together are represented by two dots between the H atoms in Figure 28.5. By analogy with Lewis symbols defined in the preceding section, such a representation of molecules showing outer-shell and bonding electrons as dots is called a Lewis formula .H H H H ..H HLewis structure of H 2The H atoms in ele-mental hydrogen are held together by chem-ical bonds in moleculesThat have the chemical formula H 2.H 2+.H H Figure 28.5. Molecule and Lewis formula of H 2.Chemical CompoundsMost substances consist of two or more elements joined by chemical bonds. As an example consider the chemical combination of hydrogen and oxygen shown in Figure 28.6. Oxygen, chemical symbol O, has an atomic number of 8 and an atomic mass of 16.00, and it exists in the elemental form as diatomic molecules of O 2.Hydrogen atoms combine with oxygen atoms to form molecules in which 2 H atoms are bonded to 1 O atom in a substance with a chemical formula of H 2O (water). A substance such as H 2O that consists of a chemically bonded combination of two or more elements is called a chemical compound . In the chemical formula for water the letters H and O are the chemical symbols of the two elements in the compound and the subscript 2 indicates that there are 2 H atoms per O atom. (The absence of a subscript after the O denotes the presence of just 1 O atom in the molecule.).As shown in Figure 28.6, each of the hydrogen atoms in the water molecule is connected to the oxygen atom by a chemical bond composed of two electrons shared between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. For each bond one electron is contributed by the hydrogen and one by oxygen.The two dots located between each H and O in the Lewis formula of H 2O represent the two electrons in the covalent bond joining these atoms. Four of the electrons in the octet of electrons surrounding O are involved in H-O bonds and are called bonding electrons. The other four electrons shown around the oxygen that are not shared with H are nonbonding outer electrons.Molecular StructureAs implied by the representations of the water molecule in Figure 28.6, the atoms and bonds in H 2O form an angle somewhat greater than 90 degrees. Theshapes of molecules are referred to as their molecular geometry , which is crucial in determining the chemical and toxicological activity of a compound and structure-activity relationships.H 2O O O HH H H ........O H H Lewis structure of waterHydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms bond together The chemical formula of the product, water,is H form molecules in which 2 H atoms are attached to 1 O atom.Figure 28.6. Formation and Lewis formula of a chemical compound, water.Ionic BondsAs shown in Figure 28.7, the transfer of electrons from one atom to another produces charged species called ions . Positively charged ions are called cations and negatively charged ions are called anions . Ions that make up a solid compound are held together by ionic bonds in a crystalline lattice consisting of an ordered arrangement of the ions in which each cation is largely surrounded by anions and each anion by cations. The attracting forces of the oppositely charged ions in the crystalline lattice constitute ionic bonds in the compound.e -e -1010Mg 12+O 8+MgO The transfer of 2 electrons from amagnesium atom to an oxygen atom Mg 2+...........O 2-Formation of ionic MgO as shown by Lewis structures and symbols. In MgO, Mg has lost 2 electrons and is in the +2 oxidation state {Mg(II)}and O has gained 2 electrons and is in the -2 oxidation state.yields Mg 2+ and O 2- ions that are bonded together by ionic bonds in the compound MgO.Mg 2+ ion O 2- ion Figure 28.7. Ionic bonds are formed by the transfer of electrons and the mutual attraction of oppositely charged ions in a crystalline lattice.The formation of magnesium oxide is shown in Figure 28.7. In naming this compound, the cation is simply given the name of the element from which it was formed, magnesium. However, the ending of the name of the anion, ox ide , is different from that of the element from which it was formed, ox ygen .Rather than individual atoms that have lost or gained electrons, many ions are groups of atoms bonded together covalently and having a net charge. A common example of such an ion is the ammonium ion, NH 4+,:....:H N H H H +Lewis formula of the ammonium ionwhich consists of 4 hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to a single nitrogen (N) atom and having a net electrical charge of +1 for the whole cation, as shown by its Lewis formula above.Summary of Chemical Compounds and the Ionic BondThe preceding several pages have just covered some material on chemical com-pounds and bonds that are essential to understand chemistry. To summarize, these are the following:•Atoms of two or more different elements can form chemical bonds with each other to yield a product that is entirely different from the elements.•Such a substance is called a chemical compound .•The formula of a chemical compound gives the symbols of the elements and uses subscripts to show the relative numbers of atoms of each element in the compound.•Molecules of some compounds are held together by covalent bonds consisting of shared electrons.•Another kind of compound consists of ions composed of electrically charged atoms or groups of atoms held together by ionic bonds that exist because of the mutual attraction of oppositely charged ions.Molecular MassThe average mass of all molecules of a compound is its molecular mass (formerly called molecular weight). The molecular mass of a compound is calculated by multiplying the atomic mass of each element by the relative number of atoms of the element, then adding all the values obtained for each element in the compound.For example, the molecular mass of NH 3 is 14.0 + 3 x 1.0 = 17.0. As another example consider the following calculation of the molecular mass of ethylene, C 2H 4.1.The chemical formula of the compound is C 2H 4.2.Each molecule of C 2H 4 consists of 2 C atoms and 4 H atoms.3.From the periodic table or Table 28.2, the atomic mass of C is 12.0 andthat of H is 1.0.4.Therefore, the molecular mass of C2H4 is12.0 + 12.0 + 1.0 + 1.0 + 1.0 + 1.0 = 28.0.From 2 C atoms From 4 H atomsOxidation StateThe loss of two electrons from the magnesium atom as shown in Figure 28.7 is an example of oxidation, and the Mg2+ ion product is said to be in the +2 oxidation state. (A positive oxidation state or oxidation number is conventionally denoted by a Roman numeral in parentheses following the name or symbol of an element as in magnesium(II) and Mg(II)). In gaining 2 negatively charged electrons in the reaction that produces magnesium oxide, the oxygen atom is reduced and is in the -2 oxidation state. (Unlike positive oxidation numbers, negative ones are not conventionally shown by Roman numerals in parentheses.) In chemical terms an oxidizer is a species that takes electrons from a reducing agent in a chemical reaction. Many hazardous waste substances are oxidizers or strong reducers and oxidation/reduction is the driving force behind many dangerous chemical reactions. For example, the reducing tendencies of the carbon and hydrogen atoms in propane cause it to burn violently or explode in the presence of oxidizing oxygen in air. The oxidizing ability of concentrated nitric acid, HNO3, enables it to react destructively with organic matter, such as cellulose or skin.Covalently bonded atoms that have not actually lost or gained electrons to produce ions are also assigned oxidation states. This can be done because in covalent compounds electrons are not shared equally. Therefore, an atom of an element with a greater tendency to attract electrons is assigned a negative oxidation number compared to the positive oxidation number assigned to an element with a lesser tendency to attract electrons. For example, Cl atoms attract electrons more strongly than do H atoms so that in hydrogen chloride gas, HCl, the Cl atom is in the -1 oxidation state and the H atoms are in the +1 oxidation state. Electronegativity values are assigned to elements on the basis of their tendencies to attract electrons.The oxidation state (oxidation number) of an element in a compound may have a strong influence on the hazards posed by the compound. For example, chromium from which each atom has lost 3 electrons to form a chemical compound, designated as chromium(III) or Cr(III), is not toxic, whereas chromium in the +6 oxidation state (CrO42-, chromate) is regarded as a cancer-causing chemical when inhaled.28.4. CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONSChemical reactions occur when substances are changed to other substances through the breaking and formation of chemical bonds. For example, water is produced by the chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen:Hydrogen plus oxygen yields waterChemical reactions are written as chemical equations. The chemical reaction between hydrogen and water is written as the balanced chemical equation2H2 + O2→ 2H2O(28.4.1)in which the arrow is read as “yields” and separates the hydrogen and oxygen reactants from the water product. Note that because elemental hydrogen and elemental oxygen occur as diatomic molecules of H2 and O2, respectively, it is necessary to write the equation in a way that reflects these correct chemical formulas of the elemental form. All correctly written chemical equations are balanced in that the same number of each kind of atom must be shown on both sides of the equation. The equation above is balanced because of the following:On the left•There are 2 H2molecules each containing 2 H atoms for a total of 4 Hatoms on the left.•There is 1 O2molecule containing 2 O atoms for a total of 2 O atoms onthe left.On the right•There are 2 H2O molecules each containing 2 H atoms and 1 O atom fora total of 4 H atoms and 2 O atoms on the right.Reaction RatesMost chemical reactions give off heat and are classified as exothermic reactions. The rate of a reaction may be calculated by the Arrhenius equation, which contains absolute temperature (K = ˚C + 273) in an exponential term. As a general rule the speed of a reaction doubles for each 10˚C increase in temperature. Reaction rate factors are important factors in fires or explosions involving hazardous chemicals.28.5. SOLUTIONSA liquid solution is formed when a substance in contact with a liquid becomes dispersed homogeneously throughout the liquid in a molecular form. The substance, called a solute, is said to dissolve. The liquid is called a solvent. There may be no readily visible evidence that a solute is present in the solvent; for example, a deadly poisonous solution of sodium cyanide in water looks like pure water. The solution may have a strong color, as is the case for intensely purple solutions of potassium permanganate, KMnO4. It may have a strong odor, such as that of ammonia, NH3, dissolved in water. Solutions may consist of solids, liquids, or gases dissolved in a solvent. Technically, it is even possible to have solutions in which a solid is a solvent, although such solutions are not discussed in this book.Solution ConcentrationThe quantity of solute relative to that of solvent or solution is called the solution concentration . Concentrations are expressed in numerous ways. Very high concen-trations are often given as percent by weight. For example, commercial concentrated hydrochloric acid is 36% HCl, meaning that 36% of the weight has come from dissolved HCl and 64% from water solvent. Concentrations of very dilute solutions,such as those of hazardous waste leachate containing low levels of contaminants, are expressed as weight of solute per unit volume of solution. Common units are milli-grams per liter (mg/L) or micrograms per liter (µg/L). Since a liter of water weighs essentially 1,000 grams, a concentration of 1 mg/L is equal to 1 part per million (ppm) and a concentration of 1 µg/L is equal to l part per billion (ppb).Chemists often express concentrations in moles per liter, or molarity , M. Molar-ity is given by the relationshipM = Number of moles of solute (28.5.1)Number of liters of solution The number of moles of a substance is its mass in grams divided by its molar mass.For example, the molecular mass of ammonia, NH 3, is 14 + 1 + 1 +1, so a mole of ammonia has a mass of 17 g. Therefore, 17 g of NH 3 in 1 L of solution has a value of M equal to 1 mole/L.Water as a SolventMost liquid wastes are solutions or suspensions of waste materials in water.Water has some unique properties as a solvent which arise from its molecular structure as represented by the Lewis structure of water below:(-)(+)HH O ........The H atoms are not on opposite sides of the O atom and the two H–O bonds form an angle of 105˚. Furthermore, the O atom (-2 oxidation state) is able to attract electrons more strongly than the 2 H atoms (each in the +1 oxidation state) so that the molecule is polar , with the O atom having a partial negative charge and the end of the molecule with the 2 H atoms having a partial positive charge. This means that water molecules can cluster around ions with the positive ends of the water molecules attracted to negatively charged anions and the negative end to positively charged cations. This kind of interaction is part of the general phenomenon of solvation . It is specifically called hydration when water is the solvent and is partially responsible for water’s excellent ability to dissolve ionic compounds including acids, bases, and salts.Water molecules form a special kind of bond called a hydrogen bond with each other and with solute molecules that contain O, N, or S atoms. As its name implies, a hydrogen bond involves a hydrogen atom held between two other atoms of O, N, or S. Hydrogen bonding is partly responsible for water’s ability to solvate and dissolve chemical compounds capable of hydrogen bonding.。


P. Crutzen
R. F. Curl
R. E. Smalley
H. W. Kroto
P. Boyer
J. Skou
T. Cech切赫
S. Altman
E. J. Corey
R. R. Ernst
R. A. Marcus



cavanillesia英文介绍Cavanillesia, also known as the tree of jewels or the sapphire tower, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Malvaceae. This genus consists of only one recognized species, Cavanillesia platanifolia, which is native to the tropical rainforests of Central and South America.Cavanillesia platanifolia is a large tree that can reach heights of up to 30 meters. It has a distinctive feature of a thick, straight trunk that supports a spreading crown of large, palmate leaves. The leaves are deeply lobed and can measure up to 1 meter in diameter. They are green on the upper surface and a lighter shade of green underneath.The most striking feature of Cavanillesia platanifolia is its large, showy flowers. These flowers are bell-shaped and can measure up to 30 centimeters in length. They occur in clusters at the ends of the branches and have a vibrant purple color, earning it the name "sapphire tower". The flowers are pollinated by bats and attract a variety of insects and birds with their sweet nectar.After the flowers, Cavanillesia platanifolia produces large, woody capsules containing numerous seeds. These capsules are about the size of a human fist and are protected by a tough outer layer. When ripe, thecapsules split open and release the seeds, which are then dispersed by wind or water.Cavanillesia platanifolia is highly valued for its timber, which is used in construction and for making furniture. However, due to deforestation and habitat loss, this species is considered vulnerable in its natural habitat. Efforts are being made to conserve and protect the remaining populations of Cavanillesia platanifolia.In conclusion, Cavanillesia is a genus that consists of one recognized species, Cavanillesia platanifolia. It is a large tree with distinctive palmate leaves and produces large, showy purple flowers. This species is valued for its timber but is threatened by habitat loss. Conservation efforts are important to ensure the survival of Cavanillesia platanifolia.。



历届诺贝尔化学奖得主及研究项目一览【建筑工程类独家文档首发】2016年,让-皮埃尔?索维奇(Jean-Pierre Sauvage),J?弗雷泽?斯托达特(J. Fraser Stoddart)和伯纳德?L?费林加三位科学家因设计和合成分子机器获得这一奖项。
















● In cardiac myocytes, the release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum is induced by Ca2+ influx into the cell through voltage-gated calcium channels.
Bers DM. Nature, 2002, 415(6868): 198-205.
The cardiac action potential
● A notable difference between skeletal and cardiac myocytes is how each elevates the myoplasmic Ca2+ to induce contraction.
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Jeffery D Molkentin. Nature Medicine 11, 1284 - 1285 (2005)


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The Father of the Age of Electricity
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水果 角质膜

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Physiologia Plantarum 2013©2013Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society,ISSN 0031-9317Portions of this article were written and prepared by officers and/or employees of the ernment as part of their official duties and are not copyrightableFruit cuticle lipid composition and water loss in a diverse collection of pepper (Capsicum )Eugene P.Parsons a ,Sigal Popopvsky b,c ,Gregory T.Lohrey a ,Sharon Alkalai-Tuvia b ,Yaacov Perzelan b ,Paul Bosland d ,Penelope J.Bebeli e ,Ilan Paran c ,Elazar Fallik b and Matthew A.Jenks f,∗aDepartment of Horticulture,Purdue University,West Lafayette,IN,47907,USA bDepartment of Postharvest Science,Volcani Center,Bet Dagan,50250,Israel cDepartment of Vegetable Research,Volcani Center,Bet Dagan,50250,Israel dDepartment of Plant and Environmental Sciences,New Mexico State University,Las Cruces,NM,88003,USA eDepartment of Plant Breeding and Biometry,Agricultural University of Athens,Iera Odos 75,Athens,11855,Greece fUnited States Department of Agriculture,Agriculture Research Service,US Arid Land Agricultural Research Center,Maricopa,AZ,85138,USACorrespondence*Corresponding author,e-mail:matt.jenks@ Received 29November 2012;revised 24January 2013doi:10.1111/ppl.12035Pepper (Capsicum spp.)fruits are covered by a relatively thick coating of cuticle that limits fruit water loss,a trait previously associated with maintenance of postharvest fruit quality during commercial marketing.To shed light on the chemical-compositional diversity of cuticles in pepper,the fruit cuticles from 50diverse pepper genotypes from a world collection were screened for both wax and cutin monomer amount and composition.These same genotypes were also screened for fruit water loss rate and this was tested for associations with cuticle composition.Our results revealed an unexpectedly large amount of variation for the fruit cuticle lipids,with a more than 14-fold range for total wax amounts and a more than 16-fold range for cutin monomer amounts between the most extreme accessions.Within the major wax constituents fatty acids varied from 1to 46%,primary alcohols from 2to 19%,n -alkanes from 13to 74%and triterpenoids and sterols from 10to 77%.Within the cutin monomers,total hexadecanoic acids ranged from 54to 87%,total octadecanoic acids ranged from 10to 38%and coumaric acids ranged from 0.2to 8%of the total.We also observed considerable differences in water loss among the accessions,and unique correlations between water loss and cuticle constituents.The resources described here will be valuable for future studies of the physiological function of fruit cuticle,for the identification of genes and QTLs associated with fruit cuticle synthesis in pepper fruit,and as a starting point for breeding improved fruit quality in pepper.IntroductionPepper (Capsicum spp.)is a member of the nightshade or Solanaceae family.The Capsicum genus likely originated in Bolivia and now consists of at least 32species (Bosland and Votava 2012).Five of these species wereAbbreviations –BSTFA,N ,O ,-bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide;FID,flame ionization detector;GC-MS,gaschromatography–mass spectrometry;Me-OH-HCl,methanolic hydrochloride;RH,relative humidity.domesticated and are the basis for modern commercial peppers:Capsicum annuum ,Capsicum baccatum ,Capsicum chinense ,Capsicum frutescens and Capsicum pubescens (Paran and van der Knaap 2007).Capsicum domestication was likely to have occurred over the course of thousands of years (Perry et al.2007),withremains of peppers in Mexico dating back to7000B.C. (Andrews1984,Crosby2008).Capsicum annuum is one of the most diverse species among the Solanaceae,and continues to be the primary subject of selection to this day,mainly focused on increasing fruit yield and quality (Paran and van der Knaap2007).Relative to leaves,the cuticles of pepper fruit have much greater thickness and amount per surface area, a trait thought to play a role in fruit water loss and the associated maintenance of commercial postharvest fruit quality(Sch¨onherr1982,Sch¨onherr and Riederer, 1989,Saladie et al.2007),as well as resistance to pathogens and insects(Jenks and Ashworth1999,Saladie et al.2007,Isaacson et al.2009).Although fruit cuticle development is under both genetic and environmental control(Albrigo1973,Giese1975,Kosma et al.2009), and many cuticle-associated genes have been identified and their functions explored,very few studies have examined gene control over fruit cuticle(Isaacson et al. 2009,Kosma et al.2010).To better improve fruits using breeding approaches,it is necessary to identify the genetic determinants of fruit cuticle synthesis,and also to gain a better understanding of the role of the cuticle in the establishment and maintenance of fruit quality.Pepper fruit is an excellent scientific model for these studies as it has abundant fruit cuticle compared to many other crops,making cuticle analysis more efficient(Johnson et al.2007).Fruits also lack stomata,a condition that aids physiological studies of fruit cuticle permeability properties(Lownds et al.1993,Vogg et al. 2004).Pepper belongs to the Solanaceae,a family of highly syntenous species(including tomato,Solanum lycopersicon,and tobacco,Nicotiana tabacum),and has extensively characterized genomic resources available through the Sol Genomics Network(Lownds et al.1993, Vogg et al.2004,).Furthermore, pepper has a hollow fruit with limited water holding capacity,and so postharvest water loss and subsequent wilting is an acute issue for the marketing of pepper fruit. Recent studies report that pepper fruit cuticle varies among commercial cultivars,and that this variation likely influences fruit quality traits,especially postharvest water loss(Riederer and Schreiber,2001,Maalekuu et al. 2003).However,previous studies have been limited to just a few pepper genotypes(Riederer and Schreiber, 2001,Maalekuu et al.2003).We present here an analysis of the fruit cuticle lipids of50Capsicum accessions from diverse sources worldwide,as well as their postharvest water loss rates,as a means to assess the amount of variability available for future studies of fruit-cuticle biology,and for use in breeding programs targeting improvement of pepper fruit quality.Materials and methodsPlant materialsFruit from a total of50different genotypes,chosen to represent broad genotypic diversity from a collection of pepper,were obtained from the Chile Pepper Institute’s Teaching and Demonstration Garden at New Mexico State University,from Dr Ilan Paran’s breeding lines from The Volcani Center in Israel,from Dr Bebeli’s Leros accessions from the Agricultural University of Athens in Greece and from the USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network(GRIN).The collection was comprised of C.annuum,C.chinense,C.baccatum, C.pubescens and C.frutescens,and encompassed fruit of different shapes,sizes and pungency(Table1).The New Mexico lines were started in the greenhouse in New Mexico in Metro seedling mix,watered daily, and fertilized with osmocote®15-15-15slow release fertilizer.Seedlings were then transplanted using a mechanical transplanter(when there was no chance of frost)to sandy loam soils in thefield on1m furrows, 0.3m apart.Plants were irrigated when needed and fertilized every2weeks with liquid fertilizer(uran®-32) added to the irrigation water.Weeding was carried out when needed.All cuticle extractions were performed on fruits harvested at full maturity in late September through October when ripe with viable seeds.Coloration was also used to guide selection of the mature fruits,except in the case of green fruits whose maturity was based only on the presence of viable seeds in germination tests. Three plants from each of the GRIN,Israel and Greece accessions were grown in the greenhouse on the Purdue University campus according to Parsons et al.(2012). Briefly,seeds were sown in25cm pots in a Promix®PGX soil-less media(Premier Horticulture,Toronto)at a density of1seed per pot and grown in the greenhouse under a controlled environment of minimum16◦C,an average relative humidity(RH)of68%,and ambient sun-light under drip irrigation and watered twice daily with a fertilizer solution of Miracle Gro©Excel©Cal-Mag(The Scotts Co.,Marysville,OH)at80ppm until maturity.For fruit sampling,fruits were collected from29accessions grown in the greenhouse,and21accessions grown in thefield.All data tables presented below indicate whether the accession’s fruit was harvested fromfield or greenhouse grown plants.The rankings for total wax and cutin monomer amounts and constituent values as discussed below were randomly distributed,indicating that there was little(if any)effect on the cuticle profiles under the similarfield and greenhouse conditions provided in this study.Some effect of environment on fruit cuticles between these two groups of peppers (field or greenhouse grown)however cannot be ruledTable 1.Accessions used in this study.The table includes accession numbers,species,cultivar/trade name/plant ID,source and origin.Numbers in the last column are those used in the following tables.NMSU,New Mexico State University;GRIN,Germplasm Resources Information Network.a Indicates fruits sampled fromfield grown peppers,all others were sampled from greenhouse grown plants.b var.pendulum.Accession Species Cultivar/Trade name/Plant ID Origin Source#08C608a C.annuum NuMex Jalmundo New Mexico Chile Pepper NMSU1 08C609a C.annuum Jalapeno M Mexico Chile Pepper NMSU2 08C610a C.annuum Early Jalapeno Mexico Chile Pepper NMSU3 08C611a C.annuum Grande Jalapeno New Mexico Chile Pepper NMSU4 08C829a C.annuum NMSU Breeding Line New Mexico Chile Pepper NMSU5 09C374a C.annuum NMRIL-S New Mexico Chile Pepper NMSU6 09C375a C.annuum NuMex Las Cruces Cayenne New Mexico Chile Pepper NMSU7 09C392a C.annuum NMSU Breeding Line New Mexico Chile Pepper NMSU8 09C395a C.annuum NMSU Breeding Line New Mexico Chile Pepper NMSU9 09C426a C.annuum Carolina Cayenne New Mexico Chile Pepper NMSU10 PI357531 C.annuum Recica Babura Serbia/Montenegro USDA-GRIN11 09C434a C.annuum Cascabel Mexico Chile Pepper NMSU12 09C520a C.annuum NMSU Breeding Line New Mexico Chile Pepper NMSU13 PI1154 C.annuum A44750157The Netherlands The Volcani Center14 09C773a C.annuum Ixtapa Jalapeno Mexico Chile Pepper NMSU15 09C978a C.annuum Marconi Red Italy Chile Pepper NMSU16 Grif9094 C.annuum GRC-GGB-4488Greece USDA-GRIN17 PI785 C.annuum Israel The Volcani Center18 PI339001 C.annuum Sweet Bell Pepper Turkey USDA-GRIN19 PI357539 C.annuum Belozolta Babura Serbia/Montenegro USDA-GRIN20 PI357576 C.annuum Vezena Slatka Serbia/Montenegro USDA-GRIN21 PI224421 C.annuum No.1582Nicaragua USDA-GRIN22 PI379211 C.annuum Vezena Sr Ljuta Serbia/Montenegro USDA-GRIN23 PI368066 C.annuum China,Hong Kong USDA-GRIN24 PI385960 C.annuum Jet-Set Kenya USDA-GRIN25 PI432802 C.annuum Qie Men30China USDA-GRIN26 PI586669 C.annuum Wonder Giant California USDA-GRIN27 PI592825 C.annuum King Of The North Michigan USDA-GRIN28 PI592831 C.annuum Sweet Chocolate Michigan USDA-GRIN29 PI592834 C.annuum Titan California USDA-GRIN30 PI631126 C.annuum Grif974China,Beijing USDA-GRIN31 09C270a C.baccatum b Christmas Bell South America Chile Pepper NMSU32 09C271a C.baccatum Escabeche Bolivia Chile Pepper NMSU33 09C272a C.baccatum Aji Orchid Brazil Chile Pepper NMSU34 09C274a C.baccatum Pucomucho Peru Chile Pepper NMSU35 09C278a C.baccatum b Omnicolor Peru Chile Pepper NMSU36 09C261a C.chinense Habanero New Mexico Chile Pepper NMSU37 09C322a C.chinense Caribbean Red Habanero Mexico Chile Pepper NMSU38 Grif9325 C.frutescens Peru-5411Costa Rica USDA-GRIN39 Grif9327 C.frutescens Peru-5490Costa Rica USDA-GRIN40 PI195299 C.frutescens2645Guatemala USDA-GRIN41 PI370007 C.frutescens India USDA-GRIN42 PI585276 C.pubescens Ecu6225Ecuador,Napo USDA-GRIN43 PI593621 C.pubescens80038Guatemala USDA-GRIN44 PI257104 C.frutescens ISCA Colombia USDA-GRIN45 PI257046Capsicum spp.Aji Dulce Colombia USDA-GRIN46 PI439450Capsicum spp.2102Peru USDA-GRIN47 Leros Long Capsicum spp.Greece,Leros P.J.Bebeli48 Leros Round1Capsicum spp.Greece,Leros P.J.Bebeli49 Leros Round2Capsicum spp.Greece,Leros P.J.Bebeli50out.Fruits were selected from individual plants and either used immediately for chemical analysis of cuticle lipid profiles or rapidly frozen and stored at−80◦C until cuticle lipids were analyzed.Preliminary studies showed that fresh and rapidly frozen fruit cuticle lipid extractions did not differ in their chemical composition. Wax analysisThe wax analysis was carried out on at least three replicate fruit per individual accession to establish a mean fruit value.Cuticular wax analysis was performed as described by Parsons et al.(2012), total chloroform-soluble cuticular wax was extracted by rinsing the whole fruit in chloroform(GC grade), and hexadecane was added to the extract as an internal standard(Jenks et al.2005).The extracts were then evaporated under nitrogen gas and derivatized with N,O,-bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide(BSTFA) followed by analysis on a Hewlett-Packard5890series II gas chromatograph(GC)with aflame ionization detector (FID).GC/FID analysis was carried out with temperature-programmed automatic injection at80◦C,the oven temperature was held at80◦C for2min,then raised by 40◦C min–1to200◦C,held for2min at200◦C,raised by 3◦C min–1to320◦C and held at320◦C for30min.Select subsamples from diverse genotypes were analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry(GC-MS).GC-MS analysis was conducted on an Agilent5975C with an HP-5MS column(30m,0.25mm ID,0.25μmfilm) using a similar temperature program to confirm peak identities.Wax constituents were identified based on published spectra and quantified by comparing their GC peak areas to that of the internal standard and multi-level calibrations using external standards(Bauer2002. Thesis,Westf¨a lischen Wilhelms-Universit¨a t,M¨unster, Germany,Bauer et al.2004a,2004b,Jenks et al.2005, Kosma et al.2009).Unidentified peaks(accounting for approximately10%or less of the total wax extract) were present in all samples in similar proportions(data not shown).Sample surface areas were calculated from scanned digital images offlattened fruit surfaces using IMAGEJ software(/ij/).Wax amounts were normalized to these surface areas.All values represent the mean of three biological replicates.Cutin analysisThe cutin analysis was carried out in triplicate for each accession examined,as described for the wax analysis. When possible the same fruits were used for both wax and cutin analysis.Cutin monomer analysis was carried out following a modified protocol of Xiao et al.(2004).Cuticles were isolated from equator-punched discs of pepper fruit through enzymatic digestion with a mixture of 2.0%(w/v)pectinase and0.1%(w/v) cellulase in0.2m M citrate buffer,pH3.7,using0.001% phenylmercuric nitrate to prevent microbial growth. The digestion was carried out in an incubator-shaker set at35◦C and100rpm for several days changing the enzyme solution every3rd day until the discs had little or no cellular debris attached to them.The isolated cuticle discs were then rinsed three times in acetone with50mg l–1butylated hydroxytoluene(an antioxidant)after which the discs were delipidated by refluxing with chloroform:methanol(1:1,v/v),and then depolymerized in3N methanolic hydrochloride(Me-OH-HCl)following a protocol based on Kosma et al. (2009).A total volume of6.5ml of3N Me-OH-HCl was used in each depolymerization reaction.After16h at 60◦C,reaction vials were allowed to cool to room temperature and the depolymerization reaction was stopped by the addition of6ml saturated,aqueous NaCl. Distilled dichloromethane was used in two extractions (10ml each)to remove cutin monomers as methyl ester monomers(Bonaventure et al.2004).Phase separation was achieved by centrifugation at3000rpm for3min, and the organic phase was washed three times with 0.9%aqueous NaCl(w/v),then incubated with2,2-dimethoxypropane at60◦C(to remove water dissolved in the organic phase)and dried under nitrogen gas. Derivatization with BSTFA and subsequent GC/FID analysis was performed according to Saladie et al. (2007).Internal standards used in this analysis were methyl heptadecanoate and methyl tricosanoate.Select subsamples were analyzed by GC-MS on an Agilent 5975C GC-MS with an HP-5MS column(30m, 0.25mm ID,0.25μmfilm)using a similar temperature program to confirm peak identities.Cutin monomers were identified from published mass spectra of methyl ester,trimethyl silyl derivatives(Eglinton and Hunneman 1968,Holloway1982;/).All values represent the mean of three biological replicates. Water loss assayOf the50pepper accessions,36were assayed for 5-day water loss.Six plants,in a randomized block in the greenhouse,were grown for each accession.The plants were grown in2.5l pots in a heated glasshouse at the Volcani Center in Israel(winter2010–2011) under a controlled environment of minimum16◦C until maturity.Mature fruits were harvested twice a week from well-watered plants,immediately upon harvesting, and then after5days storage at20◦C and75%RH, the fruit was weighed and total water loss over5dayswas calculated for each plant and normalized for fruit surface area according to Maalekuu et al.(2005).Fruits were weighed without seeds and then four discs(10mm in diameter)were punched out,and the surface area calculated using the following formula:Fruit surface=(X×D)/Ywhere X was the weight of the fruit without seeds,D was the area of the four discs and Y was the weight of the four 10mm discs(Maalekuu et al.2005).Previous studies on water loss in fruit cuticles have not shown correlations between pericarp thickness or cuticle thickness and fruit water loss,as such measurement of these parameters was not included in this study(Maalekuu et al.2005). Statistical analysesStatistical analyses were performed using MICROSOFT EXCEL software.The correlation coefficient(Pearson’s r)was calculated using the CORREL function in MICROSOFT EXCEL and the significance of the correlations was then determined using the Student’s t test.The two-tailedprobability(P-value)was taken from statistical t-tables. ResultsWax profilesThere was large variation in wax amounts amongst the50accessions,from96.8μg dm–2for PI432802 (#26,C.annuum)to1377μg dm–2for PI379211(#23, C.annuum)with an average wax load of530μg dm–2 (Table2).Pepper fruit waxes consist of long chain fatty acids(C20to C32),aldehydes(C24,C26,C28and C32), primary alcohols(1-alcohols,C20to C32),normal alka-nes(n-alkanes,C20to C35),branched methyl iso-alkanes (i-alkanes,C27,C29,C30,C31and C32),cyclic triter-penoids,and sterols(Bauer et al.2005).Consistent with the reports by Bauer et al.2005and Maalekuu et al. 2005,the major wax constituents in this study were the n-alkanes(with the C29and C31n-alkanes being most abundant)as well as the triterpenoids and phytosterols (combined nonaliphatic compounds).Together these constituents accounted for up to99%of the total waxes (Table2).Acids ranged from1(09C274,#35)to46% (PI439450,#47),aldehydes ranged from trace amounts (09C274,#35)to5%(PI1785,#18),primary alcohols ranged from2(PI195299,#41)to19%(09C278,#36),n-alkanes ranged from13(PI1154,#14)to74%(09C322, #38),the combined nonaliphatic compounds ranged from∼10%(09C274,#35)to∼76%(PI1154,#14) (Table2).Similarly there were significant differences in the amounts of major constituents within the different wax classes.09C274(#35)and09C322(#38)had the lowest C24and C26free fatty acids amounts(between 1.3and5.6μg dm–2)while PI379211(#23)and PI 439450(#26)had the highest(130.1and97.4μg dm–2 for PI439450,#47;and232.2and110.4μg dm–2for PI 379211,#23)(Table3).09C272(#34)had the highest C27,and C29n-alkanes at∼59.0and387.0μg dm–2 (respectively)while these n-alkanes amounts were lowest in PI339001(#19)at∼2.0,4.0and11.0μg dm–2 (respectively,Table3).The major components of the triterpenoids were the class of amyrins(α-and β-amyrins)which varied from trace amounts in09C274 (#35)to141.0and144.5μg dm–2(respectively)in PI 1154(#14),glutinol which ranged from0.2μg dm–2in Grif9327(#40)to108.7μg dm–2in09C270(#32)and lupeol which ranged from trace amounts in09C274 (#35)to112.4μg dm–2in PI592825(#28)(Table3). Cutin profilesPepper cutin is a mixture of C16and C18monomers,their oxygenated derivatives,as well as p-and m-coumaric acids.Pepper cutin differs from tomato cutin in that there are epoxy acids present in it,i.e.the9,10-epoxy-18-hydroxy octadecanoic and9,10-epoxy octadecenoic acids(Shafer and Bukovac1987,Maalekuu et al.2005). Both the total amount of cutin monomers and the relative proportions(%of total)of individual cutin monomer constituents varied greatly among the different lines. The total amount of cutin ranged from254.6μg cm–2 for593621(#44)to4104μg dm–2for09C434(#12), which represented a nearly16-fold difference(Table4). The total hexadecanoic acids ranged from54to87% while the total octadecanoic acids ranged from10to 38%of the total cutin(Table4).There were also notable differences in the proportions of individual cutin monomers.Similar to the report by Maalekuu et al.2005,for all lines studied,the cutin monomers were dominated by dihydroxy palmitic acid(9[10],16-hydroxy hexadecanoic acid)which comprised from50% to82%of total cutin.PI593621had the lowest amount of dihydroxy palmitic acid at approx.154.0μg cm–2 while09C434(#12)had the highest at3320μg cm–2. Within the octadecanoic acids the highest range was observed for the18-hydroxy octadecanoic acid,which ranged from trace amounts to29%.Coumaric acid percentages ranged from∼0.2to8%among the lines examined.Regression analysis showed a correlation of −0.14(P<0.25)between total wax and total cutin amounts(data not shown).Although29fruits were collected from greenhouse grown plants,and21fromfield grown,the rankings for total wax and cutin monomer amounts and constituentTable 2.Cuticular wax composition of pepper fruit extracted from selected Capsicum accessions.Wax amounts were expressed asμg dm–2of fruit surface area±SE(n=3).Individual wax classes include:free fatty acids(Acids),aldehydes,1-alcohols(1-Alc.),n-alkanes,iso-alkanes(i-Alkanes), combined nonaliphatic compounds(T&S).Classes present in only trace amounts or not detected are indicated by‘nd’.Standard errors for the wax classes in this table are not shown,but were comparable in proportions those of the total wax amounts shown.a Indicates fruits sampled fromfield grown peppers,all others were sampled from greenhouse grown plants.Code#Total Acids Aldehydes1-Alc.n-Alkanes i-Alkanes T&S2696.8±5.926.1 1997.7±16.518. 25105.8±11.822.4 1.04.347.93.331.9 39129.5± 33a221.1± 10a244.4± 35a284.4±57.41.9nd25.7182.65.327.6 6a295.2±5.163.2 4.425.190.94.0107.7 7a348.9±32.574.70.58.8100.412.5152.1 15a354.9±26.342.9 2.115.0192.14.498.4 2a358.2±31.256.5 1.615.3144.35.6114.9 38a390.6±35.419.98.58.5288.75.958.2 45401.6±20.274.5nd10.9179.31.4141.2 3a402.8±26.276.2 2.325.6159.98.1121.6 12a417.7±5.462.0 5.511.984.32.0249.5 4a420.1±23.167.1 2.133.4163.614.7124.0 48425.4±7.342.4 1.415.5203.618.1144.7 41430.9±31.176.6 1.57.4136.82.0245.9 36a438.6±85.860.4 2.182.3156.52.251.5 37a451.2±8.933.3 4.239.2296.64.773.2 40462.8±61.283.6 1.825.5151.05.9231.8 1a487.9±47.289.1 2.025.2186.28.1177.4 8a503.0±6.267.5 6.724.3293.68.7102.3 46508.2±10.575.00.812.9220.02.0200.1 27519.3±51.694.9 3.514.4171.911.2178.6 42522.3±49.334.7 1.024.9207.922.7287.9 47545.9±14.5252.2 1.19.7186.99.886.2 11546.9±8.490.7 2.719.8148.69.7275.4 24565.2±37.688.7 1.215.5130.07.4320.7 5a571.1±65.5105.79.844.7279.421.6116.7 49578.0±17.267.3 2.217.0188.615.2289.0 16a579.1±38.472.0 3.613.1291.820.7177.9 30593.7±17.5125.67.724.0213.123.1200.3 9a599.8±16.7140.110.217.6201.911.5218.6 43611.0±85.6107.29.441.2142.114.8296.4 31624.1±19.9133.5 6.930.6244.618.5174.0 14632.4±22.829.1 5.342.473.59.0471.3 50651.5±28.487.1 2.618.2222.015.3306.2 17651.5±67.4117.323.825.5184.519.6280.9 44687.2±23.673.731.131.8273.79.7267.5 22691.8±9.6186.9 1.214.7171.310.8305.5 13a717.6±17.4144.57.641.5364.58.7168.5 20754.3±39.8162.4 6.236.6237.121.9290.1 21765.7±108.5192.7 2.743.5264.315.5258.0 18766.4±37.8159.336.144.2217.910.2295.6 28786.2±39.788.2 2.425.2184.618.5470.4 29794.4± 32a1022.9±34.675.57.790.6546.82.6299.8 34a1093.7±62.173.711.5156.8502.07.0300.1 231377.0±49.7462.3 4.7164.0307.38.1425.6Table 3.Major carbon chain lengths of individual classes of pepper fruit cuticular waxes extracted from selected lines.Wax amounts are expressed asμg dm–2of fruit surface area(n=3).Acids include C24,C26and C30;n-Alkanes include C27,C29and C31;cyclic Triterpenoids includeα,andβamyrins glutinol and ponents present in only trace amounts or not detected are indicated by‘nd’.Standard errors for the chain lengths in this table are not shown,but were comparable in proportion those of the total wax amounts shown in Table2.a Indicates fruits sampled fromfield grown peppers,all others were sampled from greenhouse grown plants.Acids n-Alkanes TriterpenoidsCode#242630272931αβGlutinol Lupeol2610.310.8 6.0 6.03.5 3.2 194.89.7 257.810.0 1.72.810.626.3 6.2 3.37.0 6.4 3922.117.4 2.44.313.325.6 2.311.00.2 1.9 33a23.347. 1.90.427.80.5 10a17. 35a1.35.6nd2.448.0147.0nd nd26.2nd 6a9.621.8 7a21.434.6 4.712.519.049.938.331.317.732.2 15a5.59.2 1.69.329.877.927.220.325.410.6 2a11.215.5 3.211.828.354.624.422.423.729.9 38a2.13.6 2.313.451.7151. 5.8 4543.123.6 2.714.561.678.369.532.020.412.0 3a1139.4 3.511.526. 12a12.513.3 3.9 4a11.416.7 4.313.821.377.025.821.722.322.6 4815.015.9 4.621.175.672.332.728.119.328.1 4133.827.1 4.333.963.417.6107.251.339.612.3 36a11.434.1 3.111.921.588.616.111.525.20.8 37a4.37.6 1.410.438.7191.3 2.5 1.644.6 5.9 4030.830.9 3.79.429.150.8 3.268.580.826.3 1a11.330.1 8a9.121.9 2.418.145.7118.616.515.325.917.3 4633.430.6 1.422.271.995.270.645.446.710.8 2728.337.6 4.817.538.172.941. 427.015.4 2.721.749.910553.268.327.752.8 47130.197.40.636.551.374.5nd 1.651.719.2 1121.941.712.619.527.770.667.567.522.356.7 2417.720.523.77.222.658.882.669.825.569.0 5a29.629.2 4918.827.7 6.527.050.364.373.965.121.252.1 16a9.224.6 4.221.929.991.914.715.851.033.4 3041.659.47.927.152.574.247.548.625.418.9 9a19.643.17.813.223.771.042.435.662.636.2 4329.555.99.415.123.352.172.974.349.339.8 3130.547.18.524.049.591.030.632.727.126.4 145.115.3 3.01.912.141.5141.0144.533.294.3 5026.133.0 5.927.358.077.758.053.125.356.6 1732.959.810.724.738.159.856.264.732.351.0 4412.825.219.515.553.2153.163.253.742.617.3 2272.256.612.13.639.165.964.057.536.961.0 13a16.834.112.417.938.1168.120.920.059.232.2 2044.173.410.134.849.193.080.464.531.829.3 2192.562.58.09.944.295.051.651.130.652.5 1884.178.47.316.661.895. 2829.926.010.216.850.163.160.9109.466.1112.4 2932.837.57.429.289.7111.052.567.051.466.3 32a31.381.719.224.162.6428.144.4 5.6108.746.4 34a5.162.913.659.4386.5192.936.196.826.053.6 23232.2110.412.110.761.3102.794.480.332.789.2Table 4.Cutin monomer composition of pepper fruit cuticle extracted from selected Capsicum accessions.Total monomer amounts were expressed asμg cm–2of fruit surface area±SE(n=3).Cutin monomers includedω-hydroxy hexadecanoic acid(C16:0ω-OH);10,16-di-hydroxy hexadecanoic acid(C16:0di-OH);hexadecane-1,16-dicarboxylic acid(C16:0diC);18-hydroxy octadecanoic acid(C18:0ω-OH);18-hydroxy octadecenoic acid(C18:1ω-OH);9,18-dihydroxy octadecanoic acid(C18:0di-OH);9,10,18-trihydroxy octadecanoic acid(C18:0tri-OH);9,10-epoxy-octadecanoic acid(Epω-OH); 9,10-epoxy-octadecenoic acid(Ep18:1);p-and m-coumaric acids(CA).Monomers present in only trace amounts or not detected are indicated by ‘nd’.a Indicates fruits sampled fromfield grown peppers,all others were sampled from greenhouse grown plants.Standard errors for individual cutin monomers in this table were not shown,but are comparable in proportions to those of the total cutin monomer amounts shown.Code#Total Cutin C16:0ω-OH C16:0di-OH C16:0diC C18:0ω-OH C18:1ω-OH C18:0di-OH C18:0tri-OH Epω-OH Ep18:1CA44254.6±44.07.2153.91.925. 16a357.6±10.59.4180.22.974.711.510.29.427.012.420.0 30380.0±13.510.0263.77.2nd10.25.627.928.37.220.0 15a404.7±49.412.2275.32.533. 29429.8±1.613.1294.84.428.115.64.318.327.15.219.7 43469.2±15.17.5360.812.6nd5. 31482.6±41.615.9333.34.1nd9.411.736.235.05.831.3 42612.6±5.424.2475.45.0nd5.913.148.324.76.39.7 1a615.9±38.816.9392.46.0nd11. 26638.0±55.921.9457.34.4nd11.411.338.848.817.127.0 49662.7±63.117.9445.12.9nd12.710.955.946.010.824.1 4a749.6±40.826.2561.97.3nd13.611.855.334.619.716.3 46755.0±115.222.4584.76.2nd14.713.441.419.39.343.7 13a807.0±34.822.9547. 18834.5±104.128.8595.66.4 6.719.314.373.857.47.223.1 50846.3±54.526.7630.24.5nd13.814.363.457.811.923.8 37a873.0±81.737.4683.94.040.312.313.540.424.55.614.4 8a875.2±51.323.0545.85.2113.014.413.651.552.311.045.4 2a882.2±63.128.7652.812.8nd14.516.564.248.320.818.4 38a910.3±73.829.6745.73.0nd18.810.560. 3a916.0±44.031.3648.68.5nd17.518.957.889.112.428.7 9a954.1±28.324.1554.25.8152.517.112.860.074.011.941.7 111089.8±15.237.2778.57.8nd17.118.260.4117.719.133.8 251144.1±47.829.7805.79.8nd33.826.977.481.118.071.8 191144.7±45.041.8834.56.8nd25.526.496.669.813.735.1 281159.2±60.430.6817.15.4nd21.127.2106.598.117.635.6 36a1163.0±74.545.9885.014.0nd10.620.559.373.318.935.5 471176.7±173.535.1966.75.6nd37. 271217.0±54.843.0835.713.7nd43.125.191.8101.116.347.2 35a1255.3±54.261.71028.67.6nd19.89.663.130.67.427.0 201266.1±29.746.2982.315.6nd16.712.874.365.516.835.7 34a1267.0±43.457.51002.95.6nd30.713.346.762.29.338.8 231272.1±26.937.5797.415.9120.318.910.187.7118.620.345.2 141290.0±73.421.4928.212.419.820.221.766.1122.527.82.0 6a1332.4±24.745.6988.311.0nd17. 241478.9±43.059.7806.715.3424.521.612.965.623.67.941.2 451485.2±154.834.71220.96.5nd29.022.684.735.810.32.3 10a1535.7±80.239.7995.211.1150.919.29.6123.8107.022.057.2 221550.9±8.245.4986.014.0247.919.927.959.787.024.738.3 481558.9±39.343.51167.76.9nd22.823.0128.7113.321.531.5 171578.7±92.952.91132.510.2nd46.329.7113.5119.628.346.4 211621.4±417.138.51029.616.2173.719.727.490.4117.929.070.3 401628.1±31.046.51251.28.882.222.921.989.259.513.632.2 32a1737.9±339.852.61387.68.9nd10.414.077.3105.516.852.3 391798.5±131.554.61394.75.773.836.731.2106.460.114.021.3 5a1838.2±118.573.91450.527.6nd21.325.8104.875.415.341.3 7a1842.5±83.439.31269.97.5nd16.342.8180.6199.132.354.7 411877.1±377.151.81496.516.9nd33.834.994.260.414.574.1 33a3293.7±183.1107.42521.47.5108.718.725.3161.5155.366.5121.5 12a4104.3±33.580.13319.349.849.124.991.2179.5101.541.3167.7。



弗朗西斯·威廉·阿斯顿 Francis William Aston
弗 朗 西 斯 ·阿 斯 顿 1 8 7 7 年 9 月 1 日 出 生 于 英 国 伯 明 翰 。 1 8 9 4 年 , 他 在 梅 森 学 院 ( 后 并 入 伯 明 翰 大 学 ) 开 始 大 学 生 活 , 师 从 约 翰 ·亨 利 ·波 因 廷 学 习 物 理 , 师 从 弗 兰 克 兰 和 威 廉 ·蒂 尔 登 学 习 化 学 。 1 8 9 6 年 起 , 他 还 在 父 亲 家 中 的 私人实验室里进行有机化学研究。1898年,他获得福斯特奖学金赞助,成为弗兰克兰的学生,主要研究酒石酸化 合 物 的 光 学 性 质 。 1 9 0 0 年 起 , 他 在 伯 明 翰 的 酿 酒 学 校 研 究 发 酵 学 , 并 被 W ·巴 特 勒 酿 酒 厂 雇 佣 , 直 到 1 9 0 3 年 返 回 伯明翰大学担任波因廷的助理研究员。
1 9 0 9 年 , 阿 斯 顿 成 为 伯 明 翰 大 学 讲 师 。 一 年 后 , 受 J ·J ·汤 姆 孙 的 邀 请 , 转 投 剑 桥 大 学 卡 文 迪 许 实 验 室 。 第 一 次世界大战爆发后,他的研究被迫中断,期间被征募为皇家空军服务。战争结束后,他重新回到卡文迪许实验室。
01 人物生平
03 个人生活
02 研究贡献
弗朗西斯·阿斯顿(Francis William Aston; 1877年9月1日-1945年11月20日),英国化学家。由于“借助自 己发明的质谱仪发现了大量非放射性元素的同位素,以及阐明了整数法则”,他被授予1922年诺贝尔化学奖。
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56 • 2014 Quarter 1MA TTEUCCI A W ARDSEditor’s Note: The following paper won the 2013 John Matteucci Technical Excellence Award for Web Coating at the AIMCAL Web Coating & Handling Conference in Charleston, SC. An expanded abstract and PDF of the full paper is available for download on our Website: AbstractSlot coating is one of the preferred, precision coating methods in the manufacturing of single- and two-layer coated products. The thickness of the coated liquid layer, in principle, is set by the flow rate fed to the die and the speed of the substrate moving past, and is independent of other process variables, being ideal for high-precision coating. The region in the space of operating parameters where the delivered liquid layer is adequately uniform is referred to as a coating window . The coating window can be determined by extensive pilot-plant experiments or by a complete analysis of the coating flow and its stability limits. A summary of the fundamentals of the slot-coating process and its operability limits is discussed, together with some aspects of advanced research being pursued.IntroductionIn earlier days, coating technology was developed as an art. However, the coating process is a complex, multidisciplinary science that involves wetting, adhesion, fluid mechanics, rheology, chemistry, interfacial science and heat, and mass transfer. Competitive pressure reduces the time available to bring new products into the market, and process development through extensive pilot-plant trials may delay production. Thus, it is important to analyze the physical mechanisms responsible for the success or failure of manufacturing processes. Process engineers should not pursue only process know-how, but also process know-why .Fundamental understanding of basic mechanisms involved in all phases of the manufacturing of coated films, including liquid preparation, coating and solidification requires long-term investment in process research and development, and specially-designed experimental and numerical analysis tools.Fundamentals ofthe slot-coating processBy Professor Marcio Carvalho, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Pontifica Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)Slot coating process has been deeply studied and understood. Here, we will discuss some of the fundamental aspects of this process and recent developments related to coating flow of particulate suspensions.Slot-coating operability windowIn slot coating, the liquid ispumped to a coating die in which an elongated chamber distributes it across the width of a narrow slot, through which the flow-rate-per-unit width at the slot exit is made uniform. Exiting the slot, the liquid fills – wholly or partially – the gap between the adjacent die lips while the substrate translates rapidly past them. The liquid in the gap – bound upstream and downstream by gas-liquid interfaces, or menisci – forms the coating bead (seeFigure 1). The competition among viscous, capillary and pressure forces – and in some cases inertial and elastic forces – sets the range of operating parameters in which the viscous-free surface flow of the liquid can be two-dimensional and steady, which is the desired state. To sustain the coating bead at higher substrate speeds, the gas pressure of the upstream meniscus is made lower than ambient, i.e.: a slight vacuum is applied to the upstream meniscus (Beguin, 1954).Slot coating belongs to a class of coating methods known as pre-metered coating: the thickness of the coated liquid layer is set bythe flow rate fed to the coatingFIGURE 1. Sketch of the slot-coating bead2014 Quarter 1 • 57continued on page 58 udie, and the speed of the moving substrate and is independent of other process variables. Thus, pre-metered methods are ideal for high-precision coating. However, the nature of the flow in the coating bead and, therefore, the uniformity of the liquid layer it delivers can be affected by the substrate speed, the viscosity and any non-Newtonian properties ofthe liquid, as well as the configuration of the die lips immediately upstream and downstream of the slot exit. The region in the space of operating parameters of a coating process – where the delivered liquid layer is adequately uniform – is usually referred to as a coating window. Refined flow visualization through a glass backup roll and finite-element modeling of the flow were used toanalyze the limits of operability and flow stability within those limits by Carvalho and Kheshgi (2000) and Romero,Scriven and Carvalho (2004; 2006). The failure modes (shown in Figure 2) show that the coating window is bounded by three modes of failure:High-vacuum limit: When the coated layer is thicker than the thinnest that can be produced at a fixed gap and by substrate speed (i.e.: t > t min in Figure 2), too great a vacuum at the upstreamFIGURE 2. Sketch of the slot-coating process window as a function of coating thickness, gap and vacuum pressuret continued from page 57MA TTEUCCI A W ARDSfree surface causes liquid to be drawn along the diesurface into the vacuum chamber. This diversion ofliquid destroys pre-metering.Low-vacuum limit: Too little vacuum at the upstreamfree surface leaves the net viscous drag force on theupstream part of the bead unbalanced by the pressuregradient that is imposed by capillary-pressure forcesin the menisci upstream and downstream and thedifference in external pressure on those menisci (i.e.: vacuum). As a response, the upstream meniscusshifts toward the feed slot until the bead drasticallyrearranges into a three-dimensional form thatdelivers separate rivulets to the substrate. Betweenthe rivulets are dry lanes that extend upstreamthrough the bead. Along those lanes, air is suckedinto the vacuum chamber. It is in this regime that – atgiven vacuum (ambient pressure downstream minusair pressure exerted on upstream meniscus) – there isa lower limit to the thickness of a continuous, liquidlayer that can be coated from a downstream gap ofspecified clearance. As Figure 2 shows, the limit canbe lowered by applying greater vacuum and, thereby,shifting the upstream meniscus away from the edgeof the feed slot.Low-flow limit: At a given substrate speed, toolow a flow-rate-per-unit width from the slot causes the downstream meniscus to curve so much that it cannot bridge the gap’s clearance. Consequently, the meniscus becomes progressively three-dimensional, alternate parts of it invading the gap until the bead takes a form that delivers separate rivulets or chains of droplets to the substrate moving past. This transition from a continuous, coated liquid layer is called the low-flow limit: the minimum thickness of liquid that can be deposited from a gap of specified clearance at a given substrate speed. As Figure 2 makes clear, it is independent of the vacuum applied, given that the vacuum is great enough to draw the upstream meniscus away from the feed slot.By understanding the physical mechanisms related to the low-flow limit, Carvalho and Kheshgi (2000) were able to propose a way to delay the onset of this process failure, enabling the slot-coating of thin films at high speeds. Liquid inertia was used to push the downstream meniscus such that it does not invade the coating bead, delaying the breakup into rivulets. Pilot-plant data together with the finite-element simulation in the high-speed regime is shown in Figure 3.Slot-coating of particulate suspensionsThe analysis presented considered the liquid as a Newtonian fluid. However, the liquids coated in practice are polymer solutions, particle suspensions or a combination of both. The complex flow in a coating bead may create a non-uniform particle distribution in the flow, leading to strong viscosity changes within the coating bead, which may affect process limits. Moreover, the flow may have a strong influence on the final particle distribution in the coated liquid that may be related directly to the microstructure and final product performance.Recent developments from our group have combined the solution of fluid-flow equations that considers the liquid properties as a function of the local particle concentration coupled with a particle-transport equation to study how the process parameters affect the particle distribution in the coated film. Figure 4 shows how the flow affects the particle concentration on the coated layer. Through the feed slot, the particles move from the high-shear toward the low-shear region of the flow, leading to high particle concentration in the middle of the feed slot.When the coating thickness is equal to half of the gap, the pressure gradient under the downstream die lip is negligible and the particle transport is weak, leading to a high particle concentration layer in the middle of the coated film. At lower values of the wet thickness, an adverse pressure gradient is created under the die lip. At a thickness close to one-third of the coating gap, the region of zero shear rate is located near the die lip. Particles move toward that area, leading to a high concentration near the die-lip surface and, consequently, on top of the coated film.ConclusionThe examples discussed here show how fundamental understanding of coating flows and the physical mechanisms associated with different failure modes lead to better-designed processes and can drastically reduce theprocess development and production scaleup time required to bring new FIGURE 3. Onset of the low-flow limit at different conditions. The blue shaded area represents the augmented process window associated with inertial effects. • 2014 Quarter 12014 Quarter 1 • 59Turn up the energy. Turn down the heat.XENON Corporation 37 Upton DriveWilmington, MA 01887 1-800-936-6695Leaders in Pulsed LightLet’s fi nd a solution to your sintering challenges.Go to /sinter1to learn more about Xenon’s sintering solutions.Only pulsed light provides the high peak-powerpulses necessary to sinter conductive inks while keeping temperatures cool enough to avoid damage to heat-sensitive substrates — the key challenge when printing on paper and plastic. When you need to turn up the energy and turn down the heat, turn to the leaders in pulsed light.FIGURE 4. Particle concentration under the downstream die lip and near the downstream meniscus for two different coating thicknesses products to market. Fundamental understanding of coatingprocesses is not easy. It requires collaboration between expertsfrom different disciplines; it is a result of a continuous effort and, therefore, requires time, investment and commitment. nMarcio Carvalho, a professor in the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Pontifica Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), holds a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Minnesota. He has worked as senior process development engineer at 3M Co. and Imation Corp. in the areas of pre-metered coating, roll coating and drying technologies. Marcio also is a member of the Graduate Faculty in the Dept. of Chemical Engineering &Materials Science at the University of Minnesota. His research isfocused on several aspects of coatingprocess, non-Newtonian fluid mechanics in small-scale flows, asymptotic methods and flow of emulsions in porous media. In 2004, he received the Young Investigator Award from the Intl.Society for Coating Science and Technology (ISCST). Marcio can be reached at +55-21-3527-1174, email:;。
