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学号: 07412225 常州大学












Heavy gas leak dispersion modeling and emergency rescue

Abstract : As it is well-known, many industrial and domestic gases are toxic and flammable are stored in highly-pressurized vessels at liquefied state with ambient temperature. If there is by chance a sudden release, it often forms heavy-than-air vapour. The accident release and dispersion of toxic and flammable heavy gas can present a serious ris k to the public’s safety and to the environment. Disease may be caused when the flammable heavy gases are lit. Although great attention has been paid to the hazard of heavy gas dispersion, effective data of filed experiments are still insufficient to make risk assessment and precaution. Through the statistical analysis, draw a conclusion that chemical system in production, transportation and storage process, should first consideration and control of hazardous chemicals, and summarizes the characteristics of the leak diffusion process performance. Subjective factors, equipment inherent defect caused by leakage on China's chemical system is the main reason of the accident. In the process of production, should be strengthen management, strengthen the education of production safety producer. Analysis of the seven factors affecting diffusion of leakage accident, to extract and established the patterns of the leakage accident, and various and leakage accident modes mechanism and the conditions were studied and analyzed. Through the experimental study on practical environment atmosphere that dominated the wind, the wind of gas leakage direction spread concentration distribution, has enormous influence on the spread of gas leakage next wind fastest. Static, as time flies, the space increased concentration of the each point of the trend. In the stable romantic, space the concentration of each point does not change significantly over time, can be considered a steady. Leak gas diffusion next wind fastest, on the site once produce natural gas leak, should be taken into account in the direction and point source leaking the wind direction, wind speed at factors such as timely and accurate prediction leakage, gas may be spread to dangerous area, completes the countermeasures.

Key words:Theory of similarity; Leakage model;Leakage diffusion mode;Trace method; heavy gas;Emergency rescue
