



上海市十二校2014届高三12月联考历史试卷(含答案)高考文综2014-12-16 1627给大家推荐一份好资料>上海市十二校2014届高三12月联考试卷(含答案)上海市十二校2014学年第一学期高三历史考试试卷命题人:陆兵峰学校:张堰中学 2014年12月审题人:顾月仙学校:朱家角中学审题人:檀新林学校:嘉定二中一、选择题(共75分;第1~30题每题2分,第31~35题每题3分;每题只有一个正确的选项。



”“中华”的主要内涵是()A.地域 B.文化 C.法律 D.种族2、某学者所著的历史论文中先后呈现如下材料:“芒芒禹迹,划为九州”(《左传》襄公四年);“夏有乱政,而作禹刑”(《左传》昭公六年);“鲧作城郭”(《世本·作篇》)。

据此推断,这位学者所引材料最有可能是为了说明()A.阶级的产生 B.王的出现 C.早期国家诞生 D.世袭制的确立3、观察中国古代的农耕经济中耕作方式演变的示意图,推断空缺方框中填写正确的是()A.农奴生产 B.集体劳动 C.自给自足 D.地主剥削4、当我们看到某最高一级地方行政长官向秦始皇汇报工作的场景时,我们能知这一地方行政长官是()A.诸侯 B.县令 C.郡守 D.太尉5、2014年初山东淄博陈庄遗址出土一件青铜器,上有“丰般作文祖甲齐公尊彝”(“丰”国名,“般”:人名,“作”:制作,“文祖甲”:对先辈的尊称,)该青铜器及铭文可用于研究()①西周分封制②当时的冶铸业③秦朝的郡县制④文字的特点A.①②B. ②③④C. ②③D. ①②④6、唐初以三省长官为宰相。


其目的是()A.重用人才,推行科举取士 B.分割相权,加强君主专制C.分工协作,提高行政效率 D.缓和矛盾,抑制权力斗争7、唐代文成公主远嫁他乡,留下了一段民族友谊的佳话。














血缘分封长期存在说明A.分封制有利于政权长期稳定 B.血缘分封是中央集权的基础C.分王子弟是皇权的一种体现 D.周代制度受到历代政权推崇4.《朱子语类》云:“唐事,每事先经由中书省,中书省做定将上,得旨,再下中书,中书以付门下。


”对此理解有误的是:A.体现三省分权制 B.完善中央监察机制C.减少行政决策失误 D.分散相权加强皇权5.有网友发表帖子讨论科举制时说:“自秦以来,科举兴于世,始以八股为试,学子彻夜秉读。

然科举追求功禄,令学子神经麻木,岂真学识耶?”对该帖最恰当的评价是A.对科举制的评价是完全正确的 B.仅从追求功禄评价科举制是片面的C.关于科举制的史实和评价都有问题 D.关于科举制和八股取士产生的时间都有错误8.清雍正年间,军机处设在皇宫内,与皇帝日常生活办公地毗邻。

上海市2014届高三普通高等学校招生全国统一模拟考试历史试题 含答案

上海市2014届高三普通高等学校招生全国统一模拟考试历史试题 含答案


‛以上材料译自A.古代埃及的象形文字 B.古代两河流域的楔形文字C.古代印度的《罗摩衍那》 D.殷墟出土的甲骨文2.伯利克里时代,雅典实施民主政治,但真正享有民主权利的只有A.城邦贵族和平民 B.城邦成年公民C.城邦男性公民 D.城邦成年男性公民3.“汉承秦制”,汉初承得走样的是A.皇帝制度 B.中央官制 C.郡县制度 D.监察制度4.“诏不得以北语言于朝廷。


从语意判断,该史料出自A.《魏书》 B.《汉书》C.《隋书》 D.《旧唐书》5.“莫道英雄起禁营,从前社稷赖屠城。


”诗中的“英雄”是A.秦始皇 B.汉武帝 C.唐太宗D.宋太祖6. “讲到中国的地方行政,只能说是汉代好,唐代比较还好,宋代就太差了。

”钱穆先生评判三代地方行政好坏的核心着眼点是A.行政效率 B.监督力度 C.忠诚程度 D.勘乱能力7. 元朝实行行省制度,从职能上看,元朝的中书省大致相当于A.唐朝的尚书省 B.宋朝的枢密院C.明代的内阁 D.清代的军机处8. 以下疆域轮廓示意图中,明朝疆域图是A B C D9. 《元史•卷202》载:“元起朔方,固已崇尚释教(佛教),及得西域,世祖以地广而险远,……思有以因其俗而柔其人,乃郡县土番之地,设官分职,而领之于帝师。

”这里 “官” 的管辖权属于A .宣政院B .腹里C .理藩院D .驻藏大臣10. 明人张瀚在《松窗梦语》中说:“且缘入贡为名,则中国之体愈尊,而四夷之情愈顺。





1.某学生对中华文明的起源作了如下归纳,其中符合史实的是A.距今约一万年前后,先人的食物主要依赖农耕生产B.早期农耕聚落时期,先人们实行共同耕作按劳分配C.中国人以炎黄子孙自居,因为炎黄传说已经被证实D.从史前墓葬品的差别中,可以透视到社会等级存在2. 某校历史兴趣小组对古代世界文明进行探究,形成了初步的认识。

对右图中黑色地区的认识正确的是……()A. 佛教产生于此地B. 西方文明发源于此地C. 闻名世界的金字塔建造于此地D. 世界现存最早的成文法典诞生于此地3. “国王在占卜者的帮助下向其祖先提问。



该情景最有可能出现于A.夏朝B.商朝C.秦朝D.宋朝4. 法国学者费奈隆(1651—1715)对雅典民主制度进行的评价时说:“民众支配雅典,演说支配民众。

”对此观点理解正确的是①全体雅典居民对国家大事都享有决策权②民主制的需求促进了雅典雄辩术的发展③公民在演说诱导下做出的判断未必正确④雅典的民主政治促进了民众交流的频繁A ①②③B ②③④C ①②④D ①③④5. 西方古典作品《阿提卡之夜》记载,“一个审判官或仲裁官,受命于出庭辩论时(审讯案件),而他们被揭穿在(这个)案件中,接受金钱贿赂”,依据《十二铜表法》第九表第三条应被处以死刑。

由此判断,制定这一法律条文的目的是:A.强调法律面前人人平等B.充分保护平民权益C.限制贵族滥用权力D.确保私有财产不受侵犯6. 魏晋南北朝时期,我国北方少数民族入主中原,纷纷建立政权。




上海市2014届高三普通高等学校招生全国统一模拟考试化学试题 Word版含答案.pdf

上海市2014届高三普通高等学校招生全国统一模拟考试化学试题 Word版含答案.pdf

① M能被磁铁吸引;加入足量稀硫酸,振荡,固体全部溶解,未观察到有气体生成;
31.在一定条件下将2 mol CO和6 mol H2充入2 L的密闭容器中发生反应,5分钟后测得c(H2)=1.5 mol/L,则此段
时间内的反应速率(用CH3OH表达)________ mol/(L·min)。
步骤3:TiO2 + C + Cl2
TiCl4 + CO (未配平)
步骤4:TiCl4(g)+ Mg(g) → Ti(s) + MgCl2(l) (未配平)



虹口区2013学年度第一学期高三年级历史学科期终教学质量监控测试题2014.1 考生注意:1.考试时间120分钟,试卷满分150分。









‛这一规定出自于复兰高考名师在线,把全球名师带回家k6kt_翻转课堂()复兰高考名师在线,把全球名师带回家 k6kt_翻转课堂( )A 《十二铜表法》B 《公民法》C 《汉穆拉比法典》D 周公礼乐制度2.右边图例保存不善已有模糊,据你判断该图可能反映的是 A 希波战争形势图 B 丝绸之路沿线图 C 佛教传播路线路 D 西葡殖民东来图3.‚文字不是一种深思熟虑后的发明物,而是伴随对私有财产的强烈意识而产生的一种副产品。


‛这种文字是A 因宗教不断发展需要圣书体B 因国家社会发展而出现甲骨文C 因生产力进步发明楔形文字D 因大河农业发展发明印章文字4.关心死亡,为来世——尤其是国王的来世——做好物质方面的准备,是埃及宗教信仰的一个主要特征。

2014高考真题·(上海卷 历史)答案

2014高考真题·(上海卷 历史)答案

2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试历史试题(上海卷)1.【答案】C 【解析】四个选项之中,古代埃及、古代印度、古代中国,均为专制国家,只有臣民的概念而没有公民的概念,公民这一概念是与城邦联系在一起的,只有城邦林立的古希腊有公民的概念。


2.【答案】B 【解析】从图中可以看出,这一宗教兴起于印度,主要传播的路径为向中国、东南亚方向传播,由此判断为佛教。



3.【答案】A 【解析】因为是传说,所以不能作为研究历史的直接证据,排除B选项;传说也有一定的根据并非完全凭空想象,排除C选项;题干所给材料主要侧重于农业而不是炎帝是否存在,排除D选项。

4.【答案】B 【解析】柏拉图在雅典学院讲课,师生之间是一种平等的关系,图中反映不出,排除A选项;从图中人物的服饰可以看出不是教会事务,排除C选项;读图无法看出《荷马史诗》这一信息,排除D选项。



5.【答案】C 【解析】儒学成为官学是在汉武帝时期,董仲舒在这一时期提出的“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”被汉武帝所采纳,由此儒学成为官学。


6.【答案】A 【解析】题干强调马球的盛行,这与从西域地区广泛传入中国大量的马匹有关,A项正确。


7.【答案】D 【解析】从题干中学习“鲜卑语、弹琵琶”可知受到少数民族风俗的影响,而秦、西汉、唐均为统一的汉族王朝,加上“通晓这些技能之后,以此侍奉达官贵人,深得他们宠爱”可知这一时期占统治地位的是少数民族政权。


8.【答案】B 【解析】从题干可知,王安石要解决“生产少”的问题。




解析: 本 题 主 要 考 查 考 生 对 历 史 知 识 的 了 解 情 况 。 西 汉 董 仲舒 兼 采 阴 阳 五
行 学说 , 糅合改造 , 形 成新 的儒 学体 系。他系统 提 出“ 天人 感应 ” 、 “ 君权 神授 ” 、 “ 大一统” 等学说 , 建议“ 罢黜百家 , 独尊儒术 ” , 被汉武 帝采纳 , 使儒 学成为统 治
均属古希腊 时期 , 应排除 ; 中世 纪 的欧洲教 会实行 教 阶制度 , 等级 森严 , 不可 能
出现 主教 与教 士 讨 论 教会 事务 的场 景 , 据 此 排 除 C; 中世 纪 的大 学 比较 重 视 神 学
教育, 教师也多享有神职人员待遇 。正确答案为 B 。
5 . 儒 学 成 为 官 学 是 由哪 位 思 想 家 的 主 张 直 接 促 成 的 A. 孔 子 B . 孟 子 C . 董 仲 舒 D . 朱 熹 ( )
者 极 力推 崇 的官 方 意 识 形 态 。正 确 答 案 为 C 。 6 . 唐 朝 贵 族 的体 育 活 动广 泛 多样 , 马 球 运 动 尤 为 盛 行 。 下 列 与 此 现 象 有 关 的 史 实 是 ( )
A . 丝 绸 之 路 的繁 盛 使 西 域 的风 物 传 入 中 国 B . 海 上 丝 绸 之 路 带 来 了国 家 财 富 的 增 长 C . 朝 贡 贸 易 加 强 了与 南 洋 诸 国的 交 流
A. 柏 拉 图在 雅 典 学 园讲 课 B . 中世 纪 大 学教 师 在授 课 C . 主 教 与 教 士 讨 论 教 会 事 务 D. 民 间 艺人 吟诵 《 荷 马 史 诗》

解析 : 本题主要考 查考 生提取 图片 材料 信息 和









1. 以下是《大禹治水》课本剧中的剧情,不符合史实的是A. 禹带领部众耕战于中原大地B. 书吏们在甲骨上刻写治水报告C. 禹暗中授受儿子的领导策略D. 禹召集部落首领共商治水良策2. 随着外族的不断入侵,古代埃及文明逐渐消亡,象形文字也随之被人们遗忘,最后成为死文字。

这说明A. 文字是文明的重要载体之一B. 先进的文明征服了落后的文明C. 象形文字复杂难懂不易掌握D. 政权的更替影响着文字的存废3.《圣经·使徒行传》记载,地方行政长官命令鞭打使徒保罗,保罗声称自己是罗马公民后马上被释放了,并收到一封官方道歉信。

此事可印证P.F. Productions后期制作A. 基督徒能够受到公正平等对待B. 罗马法保护公民的权利C. 罗马公民地位高于地方行政官D. 罗马公民犯罪不受惩罚复兰高考名师在线,把全球名师带回家 k6kt_翻转课堂( ) ①② ③④4.“男人在田间劳动,女人操持家务;大家一起去教堂做弥撒,听牧师布道,做晚祷;享用一日三餐或领主为酬劳农奴的收割而提供的丰盛晚宴”。



2014年高考新课标全国Ⅰ卷文综历史答案24.【答案】B 【考点】专制主义中央集权制度【考查能力】考查学生对概念的理解与比较能力。






















2013学年第一学期徐汇区学习能力诊断卷高三年级历史学科2014.1 (考试时间120分钟,试卷总分150分)考生注意:本试卷分为选择题与非选择题,所有试题答案按照试题对应编号写在答题纸上,本试题卷不作为阅卷和评分依据。


1 .1934年《食货半月刊》创刊,其(编辑)指出:‚史学虽不是史料的单纯排列,史学却离不开史料。





要想确切了解西汉历史,最适当的方法是( )A .只需研读《史记》和《汉书》B .研读、考证出土的汉代简牍C .将文献和简牍进行综合研究D .向研究汉代历史的专家请教6 .某同学在研究性学习中摘录了伯利克里的一段话:“我们的政治制度之所以被称为是民主政治,是因为政权掌握在全体公民的手中,而不是在少数人手中”,还找到了下面的图片。

据此判断他研究的内容最适合的课题是( )A .雅典民主制度起源之研究B .雅典民主政治倒退之研究C .雅典民主政治确立之研究D .雅典民主政治利与弊研究7.下列是魏晋南北朝政权变迁简易示意图。

2014年高考真题上海卷(历史)解析版 (附答案)

2014年高考真题上海卷(历史)解析版 (附答案)




”这一规定最有可能出现在A.古代埃及B. 古代印度C. 古代希腊D. 古代中国【答案】C考察古代雅典的民主政治。




2.下图所示为某一宗教的发源地和传播路线,这一宗教是A. 犹太教B. 佛教C. 基督教D. 伊斯兰教【答案】B考察世界三大宗教的传播。







这些传说A.折射出中国农耕文明源远流长B.可以作为中国原始农耕的直接证据B.是一种没有史料价值的想象 D.证明了炎帝的真实存在【答案】A考察历史研究中史料的运用。

















徐汇区2014届高三上学期期末考试(一模)英语试题第I 卷I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. In a drugstore. B. In a café. C. In a garage. D. In a grocery.2. A. 5 hours. B. 7 hours. C. 9 hours. D. 10 hours.3. A. To cancel his trip. B. To go to bed early.C. To catch the later flight.D. To ask for a morning call.4. A. Tom was killed in the accident. B. Someone saved Tom’s life.C. It did little damage to Tom’s car.D. Tom survived the accident.5. A. By air. B. By bus. C. By train. D. By car.6. A. Librarian and student. B. Boss and secretary.C. Customer and shop assistant.D. Publisher and salesman.7. A. It’s worth the price. B. It’s high in quality.C. Its price is too high.D. It’s well made.8. A. She is going to work in her brother’s firm.B. She plans to major in tax law.C. She studies in the same school as her brother.D. She isn’t going to work in her brother’s firm.9. A. Frank. B. Rude. C. Determined. D. Sensitive.10. A. The man has finished his project.B. The man is willing to help the woman.C. The man will let Bob chat with the woman.D. The man is losing patience with the woman.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. He learned it in a special school. B. He had a lot of practice in his spare time.C. He got it through constant watching.D. He was once caught by a signalman.12. A. In Kansas City. B. At Fillan. C. At Omar. D. At Missouri.13. A. Angry. B. Excited. C. Frightened. D. Surprised. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. The young Americans think reading less important than computer and science.B. The majority of young American find reading boring and old-fashioned.C. Most young Americans believe that reading is very important.D. The majority of Americans find reading more stimulating than computers and science.15. A. Novels and stories. B. Mysteries and detectives.C. Science fiction.D. Cultural and traditional books.16. A. Reading up-to-date books and magazines. B. Listening to music.C. Watching TV.D. Going to librariesSection CDirections: In section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you hear.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)Gordon was hungry. He opened the refrigerator, 25_____ there used to be much food before his wife left him. There must be 26_____ in here to eat, he thought. Now, however, there was a single hot dog.After 27_____ (take) it out of its package, he put a small frying pan onto the stove’s gas burner. He turned on the heat. Then he poured a little bit of vegetable oil into the pan. He sliced the hot dog in half lengthwise. 28_____ the oil got hot, he put the two halves in the pan. About 29_____ minute later, he flipped each half over. After another minute, he took the hot dog out of the pan.Gordon put two slices of bread into the toaster. This was tasty and healthy bread. The first ingredient 30_____ (list) was organic sprouted wheat. The first ingredient in ordinary bread is usually unbleached flour.When the toast popped up, he put mustard, mayonnaise, and ketchup on one slice. Then he added two slices of onion. 31_____ top of the onions, he placed the hot dog. On top of the hot dog, he put a couple of slices of apple. Then he added some bits of hot green chile, and then put the top piece of toast onto the chile bits. P.F. ProductionsAhh, 32_____ a sandwich, he thought, as he sat down 33_____ (eat).(B)Sara needed to see the doctor. She had an upset stomach. She felt bloated, and needed to pass gas every minute or so. This was terrible. She 34_____ hardly go anywhere in public.Her friends told her it was 35_____ she had moved to America. The air, water, and food in America weren't agreeing with her. They said she would have to return to her home country."No way," Sara said. She didn't want to go home. She liked America. This was a minor problem, she was sure. Any good doctor would solve it in no time. Two days later, she saw her doctor. He asked her if she drank milk. She said yes, three glasses a day."Don't drink any 36_____ (much) regular milk. Start drinking lactose-free milk, because lactose can upset your stomach.""Because your boyfriend 40_____ (give) you too much stress. He is probably the main cause of your upset stomach.""I don't think my boyfriend is going to like that." P.F. Productions"Just tell him if he really loves you, he should leave you."Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can onlybe used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. investmentsB. enoughC. unconditionalD. degreeE. loyaltyF. backG. relevantH. doublyI. commitmentJ. promotedK. demonstratefor classes that are 41_____ to their position. This is a very limiting policy. A company that repays employees for all college credit courses—whether job related or not—offers a service not only to the employees, but to the entire company.One good reason for giving employees 42 _____ tuition repayment is that it shows the company’s commitment to its employees. In today’s economy, where job security is a thing of the past and employees feel more and more expendable, it is important for a company to 43 _____ toits employees that it cares. The best way to do this is with concrete 44 _____ in them. In turn, this commitment to the betterment of company employees will create greater employee 45_____. A company that puts out funds to pay for the education of its employees will get its money 46_____by having employees stay with the company longer. It will reduce employee turnover, because even employees who don’t take advantage of the tuition repayment program will be more loyal to their company just knowing that their company cares 47_____ to pay for their education. Most importantly, the company that has an unrestricted tuition repayment program will have higher quality employees. Although these companies do indeed run the risk of losing money on employees who go on to another job in a different company as soon as they get their 48_____, more often than not, the employee will stay with the company.And even if employees do leave after graduation, it generally takes several years to complete any degree program. Thus, even if the employee leaves upon graduating, throughout those years, the employer will have a more sophisticated, more intelligent, and therefore more valuable and productive employee. And, if the employee stays, that education will 49_____ benefit the company: Not only is the employee more educated, but now that employee can be 50_____ so the company doesn’t have to fill a high-level vacancy from the outside. Open positions can be filledby people who already know the company well. Though unconditional tuition repayment requiresa significant investment on the employer’s part, it is perhaps one of the wisest investments a company can make.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Anyone planning to go camping or hiking should first learn to recognize poison ivy, 51_____ this plant can cause a rash resulting in reddened skin, an annoying itch, and painful blisters. A severe 52_____ can even force a person to remain in bed or become hospitalized. The best way to 53_____ these discomforts is to avoid the plant. P.F. ProductionsFortunately this plant is easy to 54_____. Whether it grows as a bush or a vine, the shape of it is always 55_____. Each leaf stalk has three glossy leaves, usually with jagged edges. In early spring the leaves are red, turning. And then the autumn comes, the leaves 56_____ to become bright red or orange. The poison ivy plant is found 57_____ everywhere in North America. Because many birds eat its berries, its seeds are 58_____ distributed. The plant loves the sun and flourishes along beaches, in fields, and by roadsides. It also grows 59_____ in light shade and is often found in parks and pine forests. However, in thick woods the story is different. It is not 60_____ there. That is because the leaves of the trees block out the sun, which the plant needs to grow.The poison in poison ivy is in the form of an oil that is in all parts of the plant. It is extremely 61_____. Merely touching the plant is enough contact for a person to be infected by the 62_____. Touching clothing or shoes that have brushed against the plant can also cause a rash and blisters. Even the smoke from a fire where poison ivy is burning can cause the skin poisoning.A person who makes 63_____ with the plant should wash all infected areas with a strong laundry soap as soon as possible. Clothes that have come in contact with the 64_____ should be dry cleaned or washed in soap and water. There is one good way to prevent the 65_____. Stay away from the plant!( )51. A. since B. so C. therefore D. then( )52. A. cold B. cough C. case D. accident ( )53. A. keep B. prevent C. protest D. cut( )54. A. forget B. grow C. fertilize D. recognize ( )55. A. the same B. various C. beautiful D. ugly( )56. A. become B. change C. get D. avoid( )57. A. barely B. always C. usually D. almost( )58. A. widely B. narrowly C. practically D. strongly ( )59. A. very poor B. very good C. quite well D. quite worse ( )60. A. supported B. discovered C. watered D. disturbed ( )61. A. deep B. high C. catching D. beautiful ( )62. A. oil B. part C. form D. contact( )63. A. combination B. contact C. access D. soap( )64. A. smoke B. fire C. plant D. clothing ( )65. A. poisoning B. weeding C. growing D. seedingSection BDirections:Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Dear Lee,As I told you, I’ll be gone until Wednesday morning. Thank you so much for taking on my “children” while I’m away. Like real children, they can be kind of irritating sometimes, but I’m going to enjoy myself so much more knowing they’re getting some kind human attention. Remember that Regina (the “queen” in Latin, and she acts like one) is teething. If you don’t watch her, she’ll chew anything, including her sister, the cat. There are plenty of chew toys around the house. Whenever she starts gnawing on anything illegal, just divert her with one of those. She generally settles right down to a good hour-long chew. Then you’ll see her wandering around whimpering with the remains of the toy in her mouth. She gets really frustrated because what she wants is to bury the thing. She’ll try to dig a hole between the cushions of the couch. Finding that unsati sfactory, she’ll wander some more, discontent, until you solve her problem for her. I usually show her the laundry basket, moving a few clothes so she can bury her toy beneath them. I do sound like a parent, don’t I? You have to understand, my own son is p ractically grown up.Regina’s food is the Puppy Chow in the utility room, where the other pet food is stored. Give her a bowl once in the morning and once in the evening. No more than that, no matter how much she begs. Beagles(猎犬) are notorious overeaters, according to her breeder, and I don’t want her to lose her girlish figure. She can share Rex (the King’s) water, but be sure it’s changed daily. She needs to go out several times a day, especially last thing at night and first thing in the morning. Let her stay out for about ten minutes each time, so she can do all her business. She also needs a walk in the afternoon, after which it’s important to romp with her for awhile in the yard. The game she loves most is fetch, but be sure to make her drop the ball. She’d rather play tug of war with it. Tell her, “Sit!” Then, when she does, say, “Drop it!” Be sure to tell her “good girl,” and then throw the ball for her. I hope you’ll enjoy these sessions as much as I do.Now, for the other two, Rex and Paws… (letter continues)66.The tone of this letter is best described as _____.A. chatty and humorousB. logical and preciseC. confident and trustingD. humble and preachy67.The information in the note is sufficient to determine that there are three animals. They are_____.A. two cats and a dogB. three dogsC. a dog, a cat, and an unspecified animalD. a cat, a dog, and a parrot68.From the context of the note, it is most likely that the name “Rex” is _____.A. SpanishB. EnglishC. FrenchD. Latin69.If the sitter is to follow the owner’s directions in playing fetch with Regina, at what point willhe or she tell Regina “good girl”?A. Every time Regina goes after the ball.B. After Regina finds the ball.C. When Regina brings the ball back.D. After Regina drops the ball.(B)I was born under the Blue Ridge, and under that side which is blue in the evening light, in a wild land of game and forest and rushing waters. There, on the borders of a creek that runs into the Yadkin River, in a cabin that was chinked with red mud, I came into the world a subject of King George the Third, in that part of his realm known as the province of North Carolina.The cabin smelt very strongly of corn-pone and bacon, and the odor of pelts. It had two shakedowns(临时床铺), on one of which I slept under a bearskin. A rough stone chimney wasraised outside, and the fireplace was as long as my father was tall. There was a crane in it, and a bake kettle; and over it great buckhorns held my father’s rifle when it was no t in use. On other horns hung jerked bear’s meat and venison hams, and gourds for drinking cups, and bags of seed, and my father’s best hunting shirt; also, in a neglected corner, several articles of woman’s clothing. These once belonged to my mother. Among them was a gown of silk, of a fine, faded pattern, which I always wondered. The women at the Cross-Roads, twelve miles away, were dressed in coarse butternut wool and huge sunbonnets. But when I questioned my father on these matters he would give me no answers.My father was—how shall I say what he was? To this day I can only surmise many things of him. He was a Scotchman born, and I know now that he had a slight Scotch accent. At the time of which I write, my early childhood, he was a frontiersman and hunter. I can see him now, with his hunting shirt and leggins(绑腿) and moccasins(莫卡辛鞋); his powder horn, engraved with wondrous scenes; his bullet pouch and tomahawk and hunting knife. He was a tall, lean man with a strange, sad face. And he talked little except when he drank too many “horns,” as they were called in that country. These little bad behaviors of my father’s were a permanent source of wonder to me—and, I must say, of delight. They occurred only when a passing traveler who hit his fancy chanced that way, or, what was almost as rare, a neighbor. Many a winter night I have lain awake under the skins, listening to a flow of language that held me spellbound, though I understood scarce a word of it. P.F. Productions“Virtuous(有德行的) and vicious(罪恶的) every man must be,Few in the extreme, but all in a degree.”The chance neighbor or traveler was no less struck with wonder. And many the time have I heard the query, at the Cross-Roads and elsewhere, “Whar Alec Trimble got his larnin’?”70.The mention of the dress in the second paragraph is most likely meant to _____.A. show the similarity between its owner and other members of the communityB. show how warm the climate wasC. show the dissimilarity between its owner and other members of the communityD. give us insight into the way most of the women of the region dressed71.Judging by the sentences surrounding it, the underlined word “surmise” in the third paragraphmost nearly means _____.A. to form a negative opinionB. to praiseC. to desireD. to guess72.Why did the narrator enjoy it when his father drank too many “horns,” or drafts of liquor?A. The father spoke brilliantly at those times.B. The boy was then allowed to do as he pleased.C. These were the only times when the father was not abusive.D. The boy was allowed to sample the drink himself. P.F. Productions73.What is the meaning of the lines of verse (诗句) quoted in the passage?A. Men who pretend to be virtuous are actually vicious.B. Moderate amounts of virtuousness and viciousness are present in all men.C. Virtuous men cannot also be vicious.D. Whether men are virtuous or vicious depends on the difficulty of their circumstances.(C)Cultural Center Adds Classes for Young AdultsThe Allendale Cultural Center has expanded its arts program to include classes for young adults. Director Leah Martin announced Monday that beginning in September, three new classes will be offered to the Allendale community. The course titles will be Yoga for Teenagers; Hip Hop Dance: Learning the Latest Moves; and Creative Journaling for Teens: Discovering the Writer Within. The latter course will not be held at the Allendale Cultural Center but instead will meet at the Allendale Public Library.Staff member Tricia Cousins will teach the yoga and hip hop classes. Ms. Cousins is an accomplished choreographer(舞蹈教师) as well as an experienced dance educator. She has an MA in dance education from Teachers College, Columbia University, where she wrote a thesis on the pedagogical (教学法的) effectiveness of dance education. The journaling class will be taught by Betsy Milford. Ms. Milford is the head librarian at the Allendale Public Library as well as a columnist for the professional journal Library Focus.The courses are part of the Allendale Cultural Center’s Project Teen, which was initiated by Leah Martin, Director of the Cultural Center. According to Martin, this project is a direct result of her efforts to make the center a more essential part of the Allendale community. Over the last several years, the number of people who have visited the cultural center for classes or events has steadily declined. Project Teen is primarily funded by a generous grant from The McGee Arts Foundation, an organization devoted to bringing arts programs to young adults. Martin oversees the Project Teen board, which consists of five board members. Two board members are students at Allendale’s Brookdale High School; the other three are adults with backgrounds in education and the arts.The creative journaling class will be cosponsored by Brookdale High School, and students who complete the class will be given the opportunity to publish one of their journal entries in Pulse, Brookdale’s student literary magazine. Students who complete the hip hop class will be eligible to participate in the Allendale Review, an annual concert sponsored by the cultural center that features local actors, musicians, and dancers. All classes are scheduled to begin immediately following school dismissal, and transportation will be available from Brookdale High School to the Allendale Cultural Center and the Allendale Public Library. For more information about Project Teen, contact the cultural center’s programming office at 988-0099 or drop by the office after June 1 to pick up a fall course catalog. The office is located on the third floor of the Allendale Town Hall.74.Which of the following statements is correct?A. Tricia Cousins will teach two of the new classes.B. The new classes will begin on June 1.C. People who want a complete fall catalogue should stop by the Allendale Public Library.D. The cultural center’s annual concert is called Pulse.75.According to Leah Martin, what was the direct cause of Project Teen?A. Tricia Cousins was available to teach courses in the fall.B. Community organizations were ignoring local teenagers.C. The McGee Arts Foundation wanted to be more involved in Allendale’s arts programming.D. She wanted to make the cultural center a more important part of the Allendale community.76.Which of the following factors is implied as another reason for Project Teen?A. The number of people visiting the cultural center has declined over the last several years.B. The cultural center wanted a grant from The McGee Arts Foundation.C. The young people of Allendale have complained about the cultu ral center’s offerings.D. Leah Martin thinks classes for teenagers are more important than classes for adults.77.This article is organized in which of the following ways?A. In time order, from the past to the future.B. Most important information first, followed by background and details.C. Background first, followed by the most important information and details.D. As sensational news, with the most controversial topic first.Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Automation refers to the introduction of electronic control and automatic operation of productive machinery. It reduces the human factors, mental and physical, in production, and is designed to make possible the manufacture of more goods with fewer workers. The development of automation in American industry has been called the “Second Industrial Revolution”.Labour’s concern over automation arises from uncertainty about the effects on employment, and fears of major changes in jobs. In the main, labour has taken the view that resistance to technical change is unfruitful. Eventually, the result of automation may well be an increase in employment, since it is expected that vast industries will grow up around manufacturing, maintaining, and repairing automation equipment. The interest of labour lies in bringing about the transition with a minimum of inconvenience and distress to the workers involved. Also, union spokesmen emphasize that the benefit of the increased production and lower costs made possible by automation should be shared by workers in the form of higher wages, more leisure, and improved living standards.To protect the interests of their members in the era of automation, unions have adopted a number of new policies. One of these is the promotion of supplementary unemployment benefit plans. It is emphasized that since the employer involved in such a plan has a direct financial interest in preventing unemployment, he will have a strong drive for planning new installations so as to cause the least possible problems in jobs and job assignments. Some unions are working for dismissal pay agreements, requiring that permanently dismissed workers be paid a sum of money based on length of service. Another a pproach is the idea of the “improvement factor”, which calls for wage increases based on increases in productivity. It is possible, however, that labour will rely mainly on reduction in working hours in order to gain a full share in the fruits of automation. (in no more than 8 words)78.Automation makes it possible to ________________________________________.79.At first, two things people worried about automation were ____________________________.80.According to union spokesmen, the workers benefit from automation in terms of________________________________________________________.81.What is the last passage mainly talking about?________________________________. P.F. Productions(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in No More Than Ten Words.)第II 卷I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.格林先生本周日要去拜访一位朋友,此人精通理财之道。











”这一说法出现在A 古代埃及B 古代印度C 古代美洲D 古代两河流域2.“公民法”和“万民法”的统一适应了古罗马A 贵族的需求B 疆域的扩大C 文化的繁荣D 基督教的兴起3.三大世界性宗教创立的先后顺序是A 佛教—基督教——伊斯兰教B 基督教—佛教—伊斯兰教C 伊斯兰教—佛教—基督教D 佛教—伊斯兰教—基督教4.某一教育机构开设的主要课程有“神学”、“哲学”、“医学”、“法学”等,这一教育机构是A雅典学院B西汉大学C中世纪巴黎大学D京师同文馆5.下列图片反映中世纪城市经济活动的是ABC D6.下列材料中能印证商朝历史是信史的是A 《封神演义》B 殷墟甲骨卜辞C 剧本《妇好》D 《吕著中国通史》7.制定礼乐制度,维护社会秩序的是A 黄帝B 禹C 商纣王D 周公8.中国古代历史上第一次重大的社会转型发生在A 春秋战国B 秦朝C 西汉D 东汉9.中国古代从语言、姓氏等方面推动本民族与汉民族融合的统治者是A 北魏孝文帝改革B 松赞干布C 忽必烈D 努尔哈赤10.如果要了解唐史,可以选择下列哪一本书进行阅读?A 《从城市国家到中华》B 《绚烂的世界帝国》C 《分裂动荡的年代》D 《疾驰的草原帝国》11.下列制度中旨在限制地方割据势力的是A 西周封邦建国制B 汉初郡国并行制C 唐朝三省六部制D 宋朝文官体制12.欧洲人对中国文献大规模的翻译和介绍始于A 12~13世纪B 14~15世纪C 16~17世纪D18~19世纪13.18世纪,启蒙运动在法国蓬勃发展。



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复兰高考名师在线:( )复兰高考名师在线,把全球名师带回家 k6kt_翻转课堂( ) 2013学年第一学期徐汇区学习能力诊断卷高三年级历史学科2014.1(考试时间120分钟,试卷总分150分)考生注意:本试卷分为选择题与非选择题,所有试题答案按照试题对应编号写在答题纸上,本试题卷不作为阅卷和评分依据。



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1 .1934年《食货半月刊》创刊,其(编辑)指出:‚史学虽不是史料的单纯排列,史学却离不开史料。



但是如不经一番史料的搜求,特殊问题的提出和解决,那复兰高考名师在线:( )复兰高考名师在线,把全球名师带回家 k6kt_翻转课堂( ) 进一步的理论争斗,断断是不能出现的。

‛这位编辑要表达的是( )A .史学研究即是史料学B .史料学可以取代理论C .理论无益于史学研究D .理论建构离不开史料2.观察右边的原始村落示意图,从中我们不能获取....的信息是( ) A .开始了定居生活 B .有原始农业和畜牧业C .已经懂得了用火D .已经出现了阶级分化3.在中国古代历史上,‚齐人‛、‚鲁人‛、‚楚人‛、‚燕人‛等名称的出现,主要是因为( )A .内外朝制B .封邦建国制度C .郡县制D .行省制4.古代东方文明在政治上都出现过君主专制的中央集权的统一国家,这一政治形态在下图中数字所示地区出现的先后顺序是( )A .①②③B .①③②C .②③①D .③②①5.《史记》和《汉书》是研究汉代历史的重要文献,近年来出土的大量简牍更是汉代的珍贵史料。

要想确切了解西汉历史,最适当的方法是( )A .只需研读《史记》和《汉书》B .研读、考证出土的汉代简牍C .将文献和简牍进行综合研究D .向研究汉代历史的专家请教6 .某同学在研究性学习中摘录了伯利克里的一段话:“我们的政治制度之所以被称为是民主政治,是因为政权掌握在全体公民的手中,而不是在少数人手中”,还找到了下面的图片。

据此判断他研究的内容最适合的课题是( )A .雅典民主制度起源之研究B .雅典民主政治倒退之研究C .雅典民主政治确立之研究D .雅典民主政治利与弊研究7.下列是魏晋南北朝政权变迁简易示意图。

按照时间发生先后排列,正确的是( )② ①③成年男性公民其他居民复兰高考名师在线:( )复兰高考名师在线,把全球名师带回家 k6kt_翻转课堂( )甲 乙 丙 丁A .甲丙乙丁B .乙甲丙丁C .甲乙丁丙D .甲乙丙丁8.科举制通过考试成绩选拔人才,扩大了统治阶级的政治基础。

以下能证明这一观点的是( )A .“上品无寒门,下品无高士。

”B .“书中自有言如玉、书中自有黄金屋。

”C .“朝为田舍郎,暮登天子堂。

”D .“两耳不闻窗外事、一心只读圣贤书。

”9.在唐代的文学和艺术作品中,骆驼和胡人逐渐成为流行的文化符号,造成这一现象的原因有( )①民族融合的加强 ②丝绸之路的畅通 ③文化政策的开放 ④三省制度的盛行A .①②③B .①②④C .①③④D .②③④10.一位学者评论他所处的朝代,认为当时地方州郡之所以‚日就困弱‛,是因为朝廷把各州的‚兵也收了,财也收了,赏罚政刑一切收了。

‛该学者所处的朝代是( )A .秦朝B .西汉C .宋朝D .清朝11.‚丞相纷纷诏敕多,绍兴天子只酣歌。



文中‚绍兴天子‛是指( )A .唐太宗B .宋太祖C .明太祖D .宋高宗12.中国古代历史上,外来文化主要通过两个方向传入中国(如右图)。

其中,明末清初后,主要是通过方向②传入中国的外来文化是( )A .佛教B .伊斯兰教C .道教D .基督教13.乾隆《嘉定县志》称:‚男耕得食,女织得衣,普天所同。




‛嘉定经济与‚普天所同‛经济的根本区别是( )A .男女分工不同B .种植作物不同C .经济规模不同D .经济形态不同14.乔尔•科特金在《全球城市史》中说:‚城市商人和手工业者躲在安全的城墙后面,他们享受到的独立性是东方城市居民所无法想象的。

这里既没有皇帝、哈里发和苏丹限制私有财产权,① ②复兰高考名师在线:( )复兰高考名师在线,把全球名师带回家 k6kt_翻转课堂( ) 也没有商人阶层的行业协会特权‛。

材料所述现象的出现是由于( )A .等级君主制的形成B .君主专制的形成C .城市自治斗争结果D .地方割据的结果15.意大利建筑师布鲁内莱斯基在1420—1436年间为佛罗伦萨大教堂建造一个41米宽,106米高的大圆顶,不再完全封闭,而是在上面开有让阳光照射进来的窗洞。

该设计反映( )A .近代自然科学兴起建筑技术进步B .理性主义光辉照耀人们前进C .新兴宗教理念开始支配人类行为D .人类渴望摆脱宗教奔向自由16.15世纪中期,某西亚商人到意大利经商,他发现当地人热衷于讨论的主要话题是( )A .王权与教权的关系B .教会与上帝的关系C .人性与神性的关系D .民主与法制的关系17.‚他们迎来了另一个国王——即奥兰治亲王威廉——来代替詹姆斯。


材料反映的史实是( )A .英国革命的爆发B .斯图亚特王朝复辟C .英国的光荣革命D .君主立宪制的确立18.布拉德肖法官曾在审判英王查理一世的法庭上向查理一世宣示:“在国王和他的人民之间存在一个契约协定……这就好像一条纽带,纽带的一头是君主对国民应尽的保护义务,另一头是国民对君主应尽的义务。

先生,一旦这条纽带被切断,那么只能说,别了,君主统治!”上述材料表明,布拉德肖比法国启蒙思想家更早提出了( )A .君主立宪的观点B .革命权利的学说C .社会契约的理念D .天赋人权的思想19 .马克思、恩格斯说:“由于阶级对立的发展是同工业的发展步调一致的,所以这些发明家也不可能看到无产阶级解放的物质条件,于是他们就去探求某些社会科学、社会规律,以便创造这些条件。

”“发明家”是指( )A .人文主义者B .启蒙思想家C .达尔文进化论D .马克思主义者20 .下边两图是1820年—1840年间,中国海关一项进口物品的统计图。

根据你的历史知识,该项物品指的是( )进口总数变迁统计图 进口单价变迁统计图复兰高考名师在线:( )复兰高考名师在线,把全球名师带回家 k6kt_翻转课堂( )A .茶叶B .纺织品C .鸦片D .工艺品21 .1861年俄国改革前,工业资本家雇佣的30%是农奴身份,财产随时有可能被地主侵占。

这些现象反映了农奴制度对俄国资本主义发展的不利影响是( )A .自由劳动力缺乏与国内市场狭小B .自由劳动力与国内资金的缺乏C .国内资金缺乏与科学技术的落后D .国内资金缺乏与国内市场狭小22.著名学者汉斯·科恩认为,普鲁士19世纪60、70年代的胜利,‚为1918年和1945年的失败打下了基础‛。

以下各项可以作为科恩论断依据的是( )A .德国继承了普鲁士军国主义传统B .德国结束了四分五裂的政治局面C .德国宰相俾斯麦实行“铁血政策”D .德国不断推行海外殖民扩张政策23.日本启蒙思想家福泽谕吉强调说:‚一国之独立,基于一身之独立;一身之独立,及学问为急务。

‛在此思想指导下,日本明治政府推行了( )A .“殖产兴业”政策B .废除旧的体制C .“文明开化”政策D .进行军事改革24.1876年葛元煦在《游沪杂记》记载:“向称天下繁华有四大镇,曰朱仙,曰佛山,曰汉口,曰景德。


”与“香港兴”、“上海兴”直接有关的是( )A .《南京条约》B .《北京条约》C .《马关条约》D .《辛丑条约》25.右图为洋务派创办的新式学堂——京师同文馆1879年列出的课程计划。

该课程( )①体现中体西用思想 ②重在培养翻译人才③要求学生文理兼修 ④注重近代思想启蒙A .①②③B .②③④C .①③④D .①②④26.经济学家马歇尔指出:在美国西北部,农业机械如果受损,农民用电报告知机械商店受损部件的号码,下一班火车就能带来新部件,农民自己就能安装。

马歇尔所描绘的情景最早可能出现于( )A .18世纪中后期B .19世纪初期C .19世纪中后期D .20世纪前期27.史学家陈旭麓认为:‚民族的反思,是在遭遇极大的困难中产生的。




…… 四年:数理启蒙。



…… 六年:讲求机器。



复兰高考名师在线:( )复兰高考名师在线,把全球名师带回家 k6kt_翻转课堂( ) 民族的第一次反思是在鸦片战争后,渐知诸事不如人,只有学习西方。


‛ 其中引发‚第二次反思‛的历史事件是( )A .第二次鸦片战争后B .甲午战争后C .八国联军侵华战争后D .抗日战争后28.以下有关‚预备立宪‛的表述,正确的是( )A .实现了从专制政治向宪政体制的转变B .实质上是“中体西用”政治上的尝试C .解决了社会矛盾和清政府统治的危机D .实现了维新变法运动提出的改革目标29.鲁迅说:‚至于中国所谓的手段,在我看来,有时也应该说有的,但绝非‘以夷制夷’,倒是想‘以夷制华’。


中国近代史上最能体现‚以华制华‛策略的历史事件是( )A .鸦片战争B .《北京条约》C .甲午战争D .《辛丑条约》30.右图为1600—1913年西班牙、荷兰、英国和美国(自殖民地时代起)人均国内生产总值变化曲线图。

其中,代表英国的曲线是( )A .①B .②C .③D .④以下每小题3分,共15分,每—选项的分值可能为0、1、1、3分。


