







世界上第一次实现人工合成胰岛素的国家是:;中国;730水烧开时,从壶嘴里冒出的"白气"是:;小水珠;731红外线的强度取决于物体的:;温度;732地球上重力加速度最小的是:;赤道;733进行光合作用时,植物不需要的外界条件是:;高温;734能有效阻挡太阳的紫外线辐射的气层是:;臭氧层;735 "神州六号"航天飞船在什么地方发射的?;青海;736DNA的主要成分是:;脱氧核糖核酸;737《水浒传》中"倒拔垂杨柳"人物是:;鲁智深;738举世闻名的的蟒蛇城是指哪个城市?;威达;739率军盗取东陵的东陵大盗是?;孙殿英;740张学良东北易帜发生于?;1928年;741青藏公路通车时间?;1954年;742南京长江大桥铁路桥全长多少米?;6700多米;743 陶潜是哪个时期的著名文学家、诗人?;东晋;744 结婚25年被称为银婚,60年时什么婚?;钻石;745 白金汉宫在哪国?;英国;746世界上出口羊毛最多的国家是:;澳大利亚;747接吻的风俗源于?;法国;748魏延是被谁杀死的?;马岱;749解放战争初期山东战场的领导人是谁?;刘伯承;750我国从什么时候开始造酒?;夏朝;751"烟台苹果莱阳梨,不如潍坊萝卜皮"。

潍坊萝卜是:;青萝卜;752六国中,哪国最先被秦所灭?;韩;753生产"甲壳虫"系列车型的国家是:;德国;754国际标准田径运动场是什么朝向?;南北;755天池是中国和哪个国家的界湖?;朝鲜;756著名的综艺节目主持人吴宗宪是哪里人?;台湾;757 人的身高是一天中的什么时候最高?;早上;758维生素类适合饭前服用对吗?;不对;759敬礼起源于哪个洲?;欧洲;760素有"火山国"之称的是哪个国家:;印度尼西亚;761 虎门硝烟发生在哪个城市?;东莞市;762诲疾忌医中的君王是:;蔡桓公;763能使加酶洗衣粉发挥出是佳效果的是:;温水;764世界上最早发明和使用麻醉剂的人是我国的:;华佗;765欧拉是哪国著名数学家:;瑞士;766最早发现汉字拼音的是:;西方人;767标准的中山装它的袖口有几个扣?;3个;768故宫是建于哪个朝代?;明朝;769每年的2月14日举行的情人节起源于:;古罗马;770新中国的第一个教师节是哪一年的9月10日?;1985;771艾菲尔铁塔是以什么命名的:;人名;772在1英镑纸币上,印着的人物是:;牛顿;773世界最高峰朱穆朗玛峰是被哪国人先征服的?;美国;774香港特别行政区规定汽车在道路的哪边行驶?;左;775windows98与windowsxp使用同样的内核对吗?;不对;776红细胞有没有细胞核?;没有;777是谁在洗澡时发现了浮力定律:;阿基米德;778古曲《高山流水》是用什么乐器演奏的?;古筝;779北京烤鸭是哪个朝代正式列入皇帝的御膳的?;元朝;780夏天容易疲倦乏力,这时人体最需要补充哪种元素?;钾;781衣带渐宽终不悔,为依消得人憔悴是谁得词?;柳永;782赵子龙最先是谁的手下?;公孙瓒;783世界上最大的水电站:;三峡大坝;784我国四大名著中,成书最晚的一部是:;《红楼梦》;785获得多项奥斯卡金像奖提名的华语影片《卧虎藏龙》的导演是:;李安;786一个正规的羽毛球上应有多少根羽毛?;16;787川菜中"宫保鸡丁"中"宫保"指什么?;人名;788目前世界上最大的网吧是在哪座城市?;纽约;789世界上第一个建立自然保护区的国家是哪个?;美国;790金鹰电视艺术节是在我国哪个城市举行的?;长沙;791婴儿学会走步晚,会对他的智力有什么影响呢?;没影响;792当电梯加速上升是,人会感觉到身体:;重了;793古代"十恶不赦"中的首恶是:;谋反;794人的牙齿一般共有多少枚?;32;795古人最初为什么要戴戒指?;警戒帝王宠幸;796中国的"国酒"是:;茅台;797有"果王"美称的水果是:;榴莲;798《史记》中的"列传"有多少篇?;70;799沏茶叶的最佳水温是:;80℃;800我国制定的冰箱标准分为几个星级?;4个星级;801 最宜钓鱼的季节是:;春季;802海拔每上升1000米,气温会下降:;6℃;803西气东输是把哪里的天然气输送到华东地区?;新疆;804广州又称"羊城",它指的是几只羊?;五只;805国际礼仪中,鸣放礼炮都是单数还是双数?;单数;806世界上流经国家最多的河是哪一条?;多瑙河;807迷踪拳的创始人是哪位武术家?;霍元甲;808日语中,"丈夫"指的是身体健康,哪"大丈夫"的意思是?;没关系;809南京历史上作过几个朝代的首都?;6朝;810世界上第一款网络游戏是?;子午线59;811"两人榻上卧",打一字:;麻;812第一届奥运会什么时候开始举行?;1896年;8132008年奥运会在哪个城市举行?;北京;814奥运会旗是"五色环"旗,其中黄色环代表:;亚洲;815第一届世界杯足球赛是在哪个国家举行?;乌拉圭;816素有"足球王国"之称国家是?;巴西;817名言"生命在于运动"是谁说的?;伏尔泰;818饱食后不宜做剧烈运动这是因为:;有障消化;819我国境内最早的人类是:;元谋人;820清朝晚期,被今人誉为"开眼看世界第一人"的是谁?;林则徐;821秦时开凿沟通湘江和漓江的运河是:;灵渠;822著名的亚欧间的海峡是:;土耳其海峡;823世界上最长的运河是哪一条?;中国京杭大运河;824我国少数民族分布最多的省份是?;云南;825泼水节是我国哪个少数民族的传统节日?;傣族;826著名画家擅长画虎的是:;张善子;827被称为"画圣"的古代画家是:;吴道子;828天下第一书《兰亭集序》是哪一位古代书法家的杰作?;王羲之;829"山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村"是谁的诗句?;陆游;830神话《白蛇传》中白娘娘盗仙草,盗的是:;灵芝;831奥运会每四年举办一次,会期不超过多少天?;16天;832亚洲第一个举办奥运会的国家?;日本;833奥运会上的马拉松比赛的起源与什么有关?;战争;834我国最大的瀑布"黄果树瀑布"位于哪个省?;贵州;835中国面积最大的省份是:;新疆;836看鱼鳞能识鱼龄,鱼鳞上的一圈是表示:;半岁;837 世界上最大的动物是:;水母;838五角大楼是美国哪个机构的代称?;国防部;839破釜沉舟这个成语出于哪次战争?;巨鹿之战;840 金屋藏娇的故事与哪一位皇帝有关?;汉武帝;841 坦克是哪个国家发明的?;英国;842五谷中的菽是指什么?;大豆;843"石头城"是对我国哪座城市的美称?;南京;844我国面积最大的湖泊是?;青海湖;845火车连续发出两声长鸣,这表示:;倒退;846我国有一个专门进行核试验的"原子城"它位于:;青海;847隐形飞机是指什么样的飞机?;雷达测不到;848"人不可有傲气,但不可无傲骨"是谁的座右铭?;徐悲鸿;849著名史书《史记》是属于哪一类历史?;正史;850史书《资治通鉴》是属于哪一类体例的历史?;编年体;851著名古迹"秦始皇兵马俑"位于我国哪个省份;陕西;852被称为"六朝古都"是:;南京;853洪秀全领导的农民起义是?;金田起义;854我国第一部纪传体通史是:;《史记》;855我国最早的一部医学理论著作是:;《黄帝内经》;856世界环境日是在每年的哪一天?;6月5日;857我国植树节定在每年的3月12日,这也是为纪念哪位人物而定的?;孙中山;858著有"农村三部曲"的著名作家是:;茅盾;859我国最早的神话小说是:;《搜神记》;860中国古代双手抱拳举过头顶"鞠躬"这是什么拜礼?;长揖;861"天下兴亡,匹夫有责"是哪位思想家的名言?;顾炎武;862好莱坞位于美国:;加利福尼亚州;863龙虾体内的血是什么颜色?;蓝色;864"中华人民共和国"这一国名最早是由谁提出的?;任弼时;865世界上是被称为"教育王国"的国家是:;以色列;866长江三峡闻名世界,其巫峡以什么而闻名?;幽深彩丽;867我国海拔最高的山峰是:;神农架的神农顶;868天气预报:"今天阴有小雨"你可知道小雨的降雨量为多少?;15毫米以下;869中国历史上有三次截流,其中两次是长江三峡,另一次是哪项工程?;葛洲坝;870有海化石之称的树是?;银杉;871中国历史上最后一个皇帝是:;宣统皇帝;872徐志摩的名诗《再别康桥》中的"康桥"是指:;剑桥大学;873"人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺"出自哪个时代:;北宋;874"但愿人长久,千里共婵娟"的作者是谁?;苏轼;875"天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来"出自哪首诗?;《将进酒》;876"文章本无成,妙手偶得之"出自谁之口?;陆游;877我国现有文献中最早引用勾股定理的是:;《周髀算经》;878。



梦幻西游灯谜答题器梦幻西游灯谜答题器 导语:梦幻西游元宵节活动持续到25⽇,⼤家通过在灯谜⽼⼈答题可以获得灯谜积分。

下⾯是⼩编整理的梦幻西游灯谜,请⼤家认真猜猜吧! 梦幻西游灯谜答题器 1 以下“不是”花茶中常⽤原料的是答案:君⼦兰 以下“不是”古代药酒常⽤原料的是答案:鸡尾 在梦幻西游⾥,哪项属性的点数分配对“灵⼒”的影响最⼤答案:魔⼒ 佛教所称“圆寂”是指答案:佛门中⼈去世 五岳中被称为“北岳”的是答案:恒⼭ 我国最⼤的佛像是下列哪⼀座答案:乐⼭⼤佛 道教名⼭武当⼭位于哪个省答案:湖北省 牌坊是我国古代传统建筑,梦幻西游⾥的“安定坊”位于哪⾥答案:建邺城 被称为“天下第⼀关”的是答案:⼭海关 “五禽戏”起源于汉代,它属于答案:强⾝健体的功法 古时发明的“云梯”按⽤途来讲属于答案:攻城器械 战国时期的兵器⼤多⽤哪种材料制成答案:青铜 “胄”是古代⼠兵使⽤的防护⽤具,⽤来保护哪个部位答案:头部 项⽻“破釜沉⾈”战胜秦军是在哪次战役答案:巨⿅之战 中国古代的“上元节”指的是哪个节⽇答案:元宵节 中国传统节⽇中秋节是指哪⼀天答案:农历⼋⽉⼗五 中国民间的“重阳节”是指哪⼀天答案:农历九⽉初九 梦幻西游⾥能够提⾼防御的宝⽯是答案:⽉亮⽯ 梦幻西游⾥能够提⾼躲避⼒的宝⽯是答案:神秘⽯ 梦幻西游⾥查看宠物界⾯的快捷键是答案:Alt+P 梦幻西游⾥阴曹地府的森罗殿有⼏个NPC 答案:11个 梦幻西游⾥麒麟⼭的太岁府有⼏个NPC 答案:3 梦幻西游⾥能提⾼活⼒上限的辅助技能是答案:养⽣之道 梦幻西游⾥能提⾼体⼒上限的辅助技能是答案:健⾝术 梦幻西游⾥乾坤盘对抗赛活动于每周星期⼏举⾏答案:星期三 梦幻西游⾥130级的武器和装备可以开运多少个孔数答案:5个 梦幻西游⾥不允许摆摊的地⽅是答案:宝象国 梦幻西游⾥哪个NPC处可以存储获得的普通藏宝图答案:宝⽯商⼈ 梦幻西游⾥⾄少达到多少级后才能结婚答案:30 古代“重阳节”⾥有饮酒的习俗,所饮的酒是答案:菊花酒 元宵节赏灯的习俗始于什么时期答案:东汉 我国古代所说的“醍醐”是⼀种答案:美酒 胭脂是古代⼥⼦常⽤的化妆品,⼀般⽤来装扮答案:腮部 被称为“花中四君⼦”的是答案:梅、兰、⽵、菊 梦幻西游⾥要兑换仙⽟可以找以下哪个NPC 答案:桃源仙⼦ 五岳之说⾃古就有,其中南岳是指答案:衡⼭ 明代针灸⼤师杨继洲是哪⾥⼈答案:浙江 古代有赏花灯的习俗,被成为“灯节”的是哪⼀天答案:元宵节 中国古代⼈们所说的“元旦”是指哪⼀天答案:春节 “众星拱⽉”是哪种坐骑的装饰答案:凌霄飞剑 古⼈泡茶注重⽤⽔,以下被视为上等茶⽔的是答案:⼭泉⽔ 梦幻西游⾥要提⾼召唤兽装备的能⼒可以镶嵌以下哪种物品答案:精魄灵⽯ 我国古代酿酒的主要原料是答案:粮⾷ 下列具有消肿⽌痛,凉肝定惊作⽤的⼀味中草药是答案:重楼 下列哪种草药能够治疗呕吐泻痢答案:黄连 中草药⾥“⽢草”的⼊药部分实际是植物的答案:根 古代所称的“杏林⾼⼿”是指答案:医术⾼明之⼈ 梦幻西游⾥熔炼技巧可以产出以下哪种材料答案:钨⾦ 喜好饮酒,⾃称“酒中仙”的著名诗⼈是答案:李⽩ “煮酒论英雄”的典故发⽣时间最接近哪个时期答案:三国时期 下⾯哪⼀种不属于装备特效答案:吸⾎ “交杯酒”⼀般出现在哪种场合答案:结婚喜宴 正⽉⼗五元宵节⼜称为“上元节”,那么“中元节”是指哪⼀天答案:七⽉⼗五 古代被称为建筑业的⿐祖的是答案:鲁班 以下哪个是古代著名“唐三彩”⼯艺中的基本⾊彩之⼀答案:⽩⾊ 被称为“⽟⽯之王”的是哪种⼯艺原料答案:翡翠 正⽉⼗五元宵节⼜称为“上元节”,那么“下元节”是指哪⼀天答案:⼗⽉⼗五 我国古代以产醋闻名的是哪个省答案:⼭西 “景泰蓝”⼯艺品的主要原料是答案:铜 梦幻西游⾥召唤兽仓库每间能存放最多⼏只召唤兽答案:10只 古诗名句“采菊东篱下”的下句是答案:悠然见南⼭ 古诗名句“郎骑⽵马来”的下句是答案:绕床弄青梅 “⼭城”是我国哪座城市的雅号答案:重庆 下列哪座⼭是我国四⼤佛教名⼭之⼀答案:峨眉⼭ 春秋时期“卧薪尝胆”最终灭掉吴国的是答案:越王勾践 三国时期“割须弃袍”的是答案:曹操 秦始皇统⼀全国后,规定国家通⽤的货币是哪⼀种答案:圆形⽅孔钱 中国古代最早的货币是由什么材料制成的答案:贝壳 古代战场上常见以马牵引的战车,这类战车均为答案:两轮车 中药⾥所说的“陈⽪”是指答案:晒⼲的橘⽪ 中药“胖⼤海”的主要功效是答案:润喉⽌咳 中药⾥的“雄黄”属于答案:矿物 梦幻西游灯谜答题器 2 “胄”是古代⼠兵使⽤的防护⽤具,⽤来保护哪个部位。

Testking Lpi 201 117-201 Advanced Linux v2.1

Testking Lpi 201 117-201 Advanced Linux v2.1

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So don’t distribute this PDF file.QUESTION NO: 1Which two utilities can you use to set up a job to run at a specified time?A.at and crondB.atrun and crontabC.at and crontabD.atd and crondAnswer: CExplanation: The ‘at’ command is used to execute commands at a specified time and optional date.A cron job is a program or script scheduled at a specified time. The ‘crontab’ program is used to create user cron jobs.Reference:/linux/cmd/a/at.html/linux/cmd/c/crontab.htmlIncorrect Answers.A:The Cron daemon (crond) is the program that runs the cron job at the specified time. It is not used to set up a cron job.B:Atrun is used to run jobs scheduled by the ‘at’ program. It is not used to set up a job to run at a specified time.D:Atd is the ‘at’ deamon. Similar to the cron daemon, it is the program that runs the jobs scheduled with the ‘at’ command.QUESTION NO: 2After creating a backup of the users home directories called backup.cpio you are asked to restore a file called memo.ben. What command should you type?Answer: cpio –iF backup.cpio memo.benExplanation: The ‘cpio’ command is used to create backups or restore files from a backup. The –i option is to extract something. The F option is to specify a file. Here we are extracting memo.ben from a file named backup.cpio.Reference:/linux/cmd/c/cpio.htmlQUESTION NO: 3You wish to restore the file memo.ben which was backed up in the tarfile MyBackup.tar. What command should you type?Answer: tar xf MyBackup.tar memo.benExplanation: Tarfiles are created using the ‘tar’ utility. Therefore, you should use the ‘tar’ utility to extract the files. The x option is to extract and the f option is to specify a filename to extract from.Reference:/linux/cmd/t/tar.htmlQUESTION NO: 4When is the most important time to restore a file from your backup?A.On a regular scheduled basis to verify that the data is available.B.When the system crashes.C.When a user inadvertently loses a file.D.When your boss asks to see how restoring a file works.Answer: AExplanation: According to ‘best practice’, you should regularly restore files to verify that your backup procedures are working. It’s no good backing up files regularly if you are unable to restore files when needed.Incorrect Answers:B:When the system crashes, you may need to restore your whole system. However, this shouldn’t be the only time you restore files.C:When a user loses a file, it will need to be restored. However, you should prepare for this eventuality by regularly testing your backup/restore process to ensure you are able to restore a file when needed.D:When your boss asks to see how restoring a file works, you want it to work when you show him. This is why you should test your backup/restore processes.QUESTION NO: 5Which one of the following factors does not play a role in choosing the type of backup media to use?A.How frequently a file changes.B.How long you need to retain the backup.C.How much data needs to be backed up.D.How frequently the backed up data needs to be accessed.Answer: AExplanation: Your choice of backup media will depend on its capacity, its shelf life and the time it takes to access the data. The frequency of file changes is irrelevant.Incorrect Answers:B:Different backup media can be kept for varying periods of time. You should find out from the manufacturers how long a backup media can be kept without losing its data.C:Obviously, your choice of backup media will depend on the amount of data to be backed up. For example, a CD-ROM can hold around 700MB of data while tapes can hold up to hundreds of gigabytes of data.D:Your choice of backup media will also depend on the time it takes to retrieve data from the media.Reading data from a CD-ROM or DVD is much quicker than reading data from a tape.QUESTION NO: 6You attempt to log out but receive an error message that you cannot. When you issue the jobs command, you see a process that is running in the background. How can you fix thus so that you can logout?A.Issue the kill command with the PID of each running command of the pipeline as an argument.B.Issue the kill command with the job number as an argument.C.Issue the kill command with the PID of the last command as an argument.D.Issue the kill command without any arguments.Answer: CExplanation: The kill command is used to send a signal to kill one or more process IDs. You must own the process or be a privileged user, otherwise the kill command will be ignored.Reference:/linux/cmd/k/kill.htmlIncorrect AnswersA:You need to end the background process. You know its process ID; therefore you should issue the process ID with the kill command to kill the appropriate process.B:You cannot use the job number with the kill command. You should use the process ID or process name. D:The kill command won’t work if it doesn’t know what process you want it to kill.QUESTION NO: 7The top utility can be used to change the priority of a running process? Another utility that can also be used to change priority is_______?Answer: niceExplanation: The ‘nice’ command enables you to run a command with a different priority. Nice –n<adjustment> command, increments the priority of ‘command’ by <adjustment>. You can increase the priority of a command my specifying a negative adjustment. For example, ‘nice –n-5 command’ will run ‘command’ with the priority increased by 5.Reference:/linux/cmd/n/nice.htmlQUESTION NO: 8You need to search the entire directory structure to locate a specific file. How could you do this and still be able to run other commands while the find command is still searching for you file?A.find / -name filename &B.find / -name filenameC.bg find / -name filenameD.&find / -name filename &Answer: AExplanation: The find command is used to locate files. / is the root directory, so searching from / will search the entire directory tree. The –name <filename> enables you to search for a file named <filename>. The ampersand character (&) is used to return control of the shell returning you to the command prompt, without have to wait for the command to execute.Reference:/linux/cmd/f/find.htmlIncorrect AnswersB:With no ampersand (&) following the command, you will not be able to run other commands until the find command has completed its search.C:The bg command is used to run a suspended job in the background if job control is enabled. However, the program or command would have to started and then suspended for this to work.D:The ampersand (&) must follow the command, not precede it.QUESTION NO: 9In order to display the last five commands you have entered using the history command, you would type _______.Answer: history 5Explanation: The history command is used to display the previously entered commands. If you typed history with no arguments, you would likely get a long scrolling list of commands. By typing a number after ‘history’, you will display only the last <number> of commands.Reference:/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-7.3-Manual/getting-started-guide/s1-q-and-a-history-tips.htmlQUESTION NO: 10You telnet into several of your servers simultaneously. During the day, you sometimes get confused as to which telnet session is connected to which server.Which of the following commands in your .profile would make it obvious to which server you are attached?A.PS1=’\h: \w>’B.PS1=’\s: \W>’C.PS1=’\!: \t>’D.PS1=’\a: \n>’Answer: AExplanation: The PS1 environment variable controls the prompt on the command line, and can be used by users to tell what system they are on, the directory they are currently in, the current date and more depending on how this variable is configured. The \h option is used to specify the hostname and the \w option will give the full path of the current working directory.Reference:/os/linux/tips/tipsps1.htmlIncorrect Answers:B:The \s option is used to display the shell name. This won’t give any indication of which machine you are connected to.C:The \ option is used to display the history number of the current command. This won’t give any indication of which machine you are connected to.D:The \a option is used to display a new line. This won’t give any indication of which machine you are connected to.QUESTION NO: 11You have to type your name and title frequently throughout the day and would like to decrease the number of key strokes you use to type this. Which one of your configuration files would you edit to bind this information to one of the function keys?Answer: .inputrcExplanation: The inputrc file is used to map keystrokes to text or commands. You can use this file to make a function key display your name and title. Other common uses include mapping a function key to lock your computer or run a command.Reference:/view/cvs/postlfs/inputrc.htmlQUESTION NO: 12When typing at the command line, the default editor is the ________ library.Answer: readlineExplanation: The default command line editor is the Readline library. As with most text editor programs, it allows certain keystrokes to aid in the writing/editing of a command. For example, there are keystroke combinations that allow you to jump to the beginning or end of the line, or to jump to the start or end of a previous word.Reference:/dept/old/texinfo/bash/rlman.htmlQUESTION NO: 13What can you type at a command line to determine which shell you are using?Answer: echo $SHELLExplanation: The ‘echo’ command is used to echo a string to standard output. $shell is an environment variable that reflects the current shell in use. Therefore, the ‘echo $shell’ command will display the name and path of the shell you are using.Reference:/projects/echo/how-to/node30.htmlQUESTION NO: 14You have recently decided to convert from using a monolithic kernel to using a modular kernel. You have made the appropriate changes in your kernel configuration. Next you wish to compile your new kernel and modules and copy the modules to their proper location. What would you type to do this?A.make modules modules_installB.make bzImage modules modules_installC.make mrproper modules modules_installD.make dep clean modules modules_installE.make dep clean bzImage modules modules_installAnswer: EExplanation: This command consists of multiple make commands on the same line:The first part of the command, make dep, actually takes your configuration and builds the corresponding dependency tree. This process determines what gets compiled and what doesn't.The next step, make clean, erase all previous traces of a compilation so as to avoid any mistakes in which version of a feature gets tied into the kernel.The next step, make bzImage does the full compilation of the kernel.The next two steps, make modules and make modules_install will compile the modules and copy them to their appropriate location.Reference:/community/articles/security/v1.3-xml/chap7sec84.htmlIncorrect AnswersA:This command will compile the modules, but not the kernel.B: You need the make dep command to build the dependency tree.C:Make mrproper is similar to make clean except that it doesn’t delete any binaries. However, there is no kernel image specified in this command.D:There is no kernel image specified in this command.QUESTION NO: 15To allow a user to mount a CD and read from it, which entry should be put into /etc/fstab?A./dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto,user,ro 0 0B./dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto,uid=user,gid=group,ro 0 0C./dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto,User,ro 0 0D./dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto,usermap,ro 0 0E./dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto,owners,ro 0 0Answer: AExplanation: This entry in the fstab file allows any user to mount the CD-ROM (/dev/cdrom) in the/mnt/cdrom directory. Iso9660 is the file system for the CD-ROM. Noauto means that the CD-ROM won’t be automatically mounted when the system boots. The first ‘0’ means that the CD-ROM shouldn’t be backed up and the second ‘0’ means that the CD-ROM file system shouldn’t be checked for errors when the machine boots.Reference: Roderick W. Smith. Sybex Linux + Study Guide: Page 400/1.Incorrect Answers:B: The syntax of this entry is incorrect.C:The ‘user’ field should be lowercase.D:Usermap is an invalid entry for the user field.E:Owners is an invalid entry for the user field.QUESTION NO: 16What is the usable disk space of a RAID 5 array of five 18 GB drives with one drive dedicated as a spare?A.18GBB.34GBC.54GBD.72GBE.90GBAnswer: CExplanation: The question states that you have 5 18GB drives, but one is dedicated as a spare. Therefore, you have the use of 4 drives which equals 72GB. When using RAID 5, parity data is written across the disks, using the equivalent of one disk’s space (18GB). Therefore, the total useable space is 72 – 18 =54GB.Reference:/us/infobrf/raidfin.htmlIncorrect AnswersA:The total usable space is 54GB, not 18GB.B:The total usable space is 54GB, not 34GB.D: The equivalent of one drive is used for parity. Therefore, the total useable space is 72 – 18 = 54GB, not 72GB.E: One drive is spare and the equivalent of one drive is used for parity. Therefore, the total useable space is 72 – 18 = 54GB, not 90GB.QUESTION NO: 17You have to mount the /data filesystem from an NFS server (srv 1) that does not support locking. Which of the following mount commands should you use?A.mount –a –t nfsB.mount –o locking=off srv1:/data /mnt/dataC.mount –o nolocking srv1:/data /mnt/dataD.mount –o nolock srv1:/data /mnt/dataE.mount –o nolock/data@srv1 /mnt/dataAnswer: DExplanation: If you are mounting a volume that does not support locking, you need to use the nolock option with the mount command. The nolock option tells the system to not use the NFS locking protocol. Reference::8457/cgi-bin/info2html?(.gz)opts%2520Option Incorrect AnswersA:This answer has the wrong command options.B:‘Locking=off’ is the wrong option. It should be ‘nolock’.C:‘Nolocking’ is the wrong option. It should be ‘nolock’.E:/data@srv1 is the wrong syntax. It should be <servername>:/<foldername>.QUESTION NO: 18To list the filesystem available from the NFS server ‘castor’, the command” ____________ -e castor” can be used.Answer: showmountExplanation: The showmount is used to display information about NFS filesystems. The –e option is used to specify an exported filesystem.Reference:/linux/cmd/s/showmount.htmlQUESTION NO: 19You want to check what shares are offered by a Windows system. Which of the following commands could you use to perform this task?A.mmblookupB.showsharesC.smbclientD.smbstatusE.listsharesAnswer: CExplanation: The smbclient command with the -L can be used to display the shares on a Windows system. The syntax is smbclient –L //<servername>.Reference:/Articles/Index.cfm?ArticleID=8897Incorrect AnswersA:Mmblookup is the incorrect command to display shares on a Windows system.B:Showshares is the incorrect command to display shares on a Windows system.D:Smbstatus is the incorrect command to display shares on a Windows system.E:Listshares is the incorrect command to display shares on a Windows system.QUESTION NO: 20What file in the /proc file system will show you the parameters passed to your kernel at boot time?A./proc/apmB./proc/statC./proc/kmsgD./proc/sys/kernel/sysrqE./proc/cmdlineAnswer: EExplanation: The /proc/cmdline file contains parameters passed to the kernel at system boot time. Reference:/emblin/embhowto.htmIncorrect AnswersA:The kernel parameters are in the /proc/cmdline file, not the /proc/apm file.B:The kernel parameters are in the /proc/cmdline file, not the /proc/stat file.C:The kernel parameters are in the /proc/cmdline file, not the /proc/kmesg file.D:The kernel parameters are in the /proc/cmdline file, not the /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq file.QUESTION NO: 21When an ext2 partition is formatted, a fixed percentage of the blocks on the disk are reserved for use by the root user. After the filesystem has been created this percentage can be modified using which utility?A.tune2fsB.mke2fsC.e2fsckD.mountE.hdparmAnswer: AExplanation: The tune2fs utility can be used to modify the reserved blocks. For example, the tune2fs – u <username> command can be used to allow a user to use the reserved blocks.Reference:/linux/cmd/t/tune2fs.htmlIncorrect Answers:B:You need the tune2fs utility, not mke2fs.C:E2fsck is used to check a disk for bad blocks. It is not used for reserved blocks.D:The mount command is used to mount a filesystem. It is not used for reserved blocks.E:Hdparm is used for tuning a hard disk for performance. It is not used for reserved blocks. QUESTION NO: 22You are asked to provide access through your FTP server to a network share available from an NT server running on your local network- For this purpose, you will need ______ support in the kernel and to mount the NT share using the smbmount command line utility:Answer: smbfsExplanation: Windows NT uses SMB (Server Message Blocks) for network communications. In order to be able to use the smbmount command to mount a Windows NT share, your kernel must have smbfs (server message block file system) support.Reference:.au/~jn/linux/smbfs/QUESTION NO: 23On an ext2 filesystem, a running daemon has created a large logfile that is beginning to fill the disk. After deleting the file with an “rm-f” command as root, “df” shows that the space is still in use even though the file is not shown using “ls”. To reclaim this space you must:A.Restart the daemon.B.Unmount and remount the filesystem.e sync.D.Recreate the file.E.Run fsck.Answer: AExplanation: If you have a daemon which writes a log file and keeps that file open for writing then removing the file will not free up the disk space. The filesystem still sees the program as having a reference to it. Therefore the filesystem will not free up that disk space. The only way to free the space is to restart the daemonReference:/pipermail/bug-fileutils/2001-February/001495.htmlIncorrect Answers:B:Unmounting and remounting the filesystem is unnecessary and may not free the space.C:Sync is used to write the buffers to disk. It will not free the space.D:Recreating the file will not free the space because the daemon has a reference to the old file.E:Fsck is a file system checking tool. It won’t free the space because it won’t recognize it as corrupted. QUESTION NO: 24While checking the logfiles on your log server, you notice that all client machines are showing up by IP address rather than by hostname, although DNS is configured and running. How would you ensure that host entries show by name rather than by IP?A.Restart named and then syslogd on the log server.B.Add the central logging server to all inbound logging hosts’ /etc/hosts.C.Recompile syslogd to add remote logging support.D.Restart syslogd on the inbound logging clients to force DNS resolution.E.Add all inbound logging hosts to /etc/hosts on the log server, then restart syslogd.Answer: EExplanation: I don’t know why the DNS resolution isn’t working for the syslog daemon. It could be that there are lots of log entries and that the DNS requests are timing out. Therefore, adding the inbound logging hosts to /etc/hosts on the log server will enable local hostname resolution, thus negating the need to use DNS.Incorrect AnswersA:The question states that DNS is configured and running and therefore does not need to be restarted.B:This won’t work. The clients are able to contact the logging server. Adding the central logging server to all inbound logging hosts’ /etc/hosts files won’t affect how the logging server records the log entries. C:Remote logging support is already enabled because the IP addresses are being logged.D:DNS resolution needs to be forced on the server, not the clients.QUESTION NO: 25You are trying to boot a system and change the root password, which you do not know. What do you type at he LILO prompt?A.linux /etc/passwdB.linux norootpassC.linux disable passwordsD.linux init=/bin/bashE.linux passwd=0Answer: DExplanation: If you forget the root password, you can boot init into the shell and change the password using the following commands:boot: Linux init=/bin/shbash# mount –o remount / -rwbash# passwd rootReference: Michael J. Tobler. New Riders, Inside Linux: Page 466.Incorrect AnswersA: linux /etc/passwd is not a valid boot prompt command.B:linux norootpass is not a valid boot prompt command.C:linux disable passwords is not a valid boot prompt command.E:linux passwd=0 is not a valid boot prompt command.QUESTION NO: 26You need to use grep to search for specific log entries. Given the following three log entries, which grep command will match only one line? Assume that every pattern matches at least one line.Jun 16 01:46:18 hostname pumpd[10]: PUMP: got an offerJun 17 21:52:28 hostname kernel: SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00Jul 20 11:09:01 hostname /USR/SBIN/CRON[1800]: (mail) CMD runqA.grep “hostname\ [^\]*\[A-Z]*:”B.grep “Ju[I-Z]\[0-9].*:.1”C.grep “hostname,*[pumpd]*[10]”D.grep “[0-9]:[1-8]*\ host.*\(.*\)”E.grep “US*[^]]*]*:”Answer: D.QUESTION NO: 27How can you determine who has scheduled at jobs?A.at –lB.at –qC.at –dD.atwhoAnswer: AExplanation: The at –l command is the same as the atq command. It will list the user's pending jobs, unless the user is a privileged user; in which case, everybody's jobs are listedReference:/linux/cmd/a/at.htmlIncorrect AnswersB:The –q option is used to place the job in a specified queue. It does not display who has scheduled jobs. C:The –d option is used to delete a specified job. It does not display who has scheduled jobs.D:This is an invalid command.QUESTION NO: 28You want to create a compressed backup of the users home directories. What utility should you use? Answer: tarExplanation: The tar utility is used to archive multiple files into one ‘tarball’. The –z option invokes another utility called gzip and instructs it to compress the files before tar archives them.Reference:/linux/cmd/t/tar.htmlQUESTION NO: 29You are covering for another system administrator and one of the users asks you to restore a file for him. You locate the correct tarfile by checking the backup log but you do not know how the directory structure was stored. What command can you use to determine this?A.tar fx tarfile dirnameB.tar tvf tarfile filenameC.tar ctf tarfileD.tar tvf tarfileAnswer: DExplanation: You can list the contents of a ‘tarball’ with the tar tvf tarfile command. The t option is used to list the files and directories. The v option runs the command in verbose mode. The f option allows you to specify the name of the tarball (a tarball is a common name for an archive created with the tar utility) with the f <filename> option.Reference:/linux/cmd/t/tar.htmlIncorrect AnswersA:The syntax of this command is wrong. The x must come before the f. This also does not list the contents of the file.B:This command would list the path to ‘filename’. Although this would be required information to restorea file, the question states that you want to view the directory structure.C:The c option is used to create a tarball which isn’t required in this question.QUESTION NO: 30The easiest, most basic form of backing up a file is to _____ it to another location.Answer: copyExplanation: The easiest way to backup a file is to copy it to another location. Having a backup copy of a file is always recommended.QUESTION NO: 31When planning your backup strategy you need to consider how often you will perform a backup, how much time the backup takes and what media you will use.What other factor must you consider when planning your backup strategy?Answer: what to backupExplanation: The first thing to consider when planning a backup strategy is what you are going to back up. Then you can think about the amount of data this will be. This will affect your other decisions such as what media to use etc.QUESTION NO: 32What key combination can you press to suspend a running job and place it in the background? Answer: ctrl-zExplanation: You can suspend a currently running job by using the Ctrl + z keystroke. This will stop the job, but it won’t end it. The job will be available to be resumed. Note: you can only stop jobs that were started in your current shell.Reference:/library/weekly/aa072301b.htmQUESTION NO: 33Using command substitution, how would you display the value of the present working directory?A.echo $(pwd)B.echo pwdC.$pwdD.pwd | echoAnswer: AExplanation: The echo command can be used to display the contents of variables. The present working directory is held in the pwd variable. Echo $(pwd) will display the contents of the pwd variable. Other commands that would work are echo $ PWD and echo “$PWD”.Reference:/solaris/ksh-beforeyoustart.htmlIncorrect Answers:B:Echo pwd would display the text ‘pwd’.C:$pwd doesn’t do anything although $PWD would work.D:pwd | echo doesn’t do anything.QUESTION NO: 34Every time you attempt to delete a file using the rm utility, the operating system prompts you for confirmation. You know that this is not the customary behavior for the rm command. What is wrong?A.rm has been aliased as rm –iB.The version of rm installed on your system is incorrect.C.This is the normal behavior of the newest version of rm.D.There is an incorrect link on your system.Answer: AExplanation: The –i option with the rm command runs the command in ‘interactive’ mode. This will cause rm to prompt you for the deletion of a file.Reference:/linux/cmd/r/rm.htmlIncorrect AnswersB:The fact that rm is prompting for a confirmation indicates that the version of rm is compatible with your system.C:This is not the normal behaviour for rm although it will prompt you if you are attempting to delete a write protected file.D:The rm command is running the rm program so there is not an incorrect link.QUESTION NO: 35In your present working directory, you have the files.marylettermemo1MyTelephoneandAddressBookWhat is the fewest number of keys you can type to open the file MyTelephoneandAddressBook with vi?A.6B.28C.25D.4Answer: AExplanation: Tab completion is where you can type the first few letters of a command or filename then press tab to automatically complete the command or filename. You need to type enough letters so that there is only one command or filename starting with those letters. In this question you could type v then i then space then m then y then tab. This equals six keystrokes. There is only one filename starting with ‘my’ so this file will be opened.Reference:/misc/guide/linux_guide/node28.html。


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142 造纸技术的发明人是 蔡伦
145 著名的汝窑位于哪个省 河南
146 中华名酒汾酒产 山西杏花村
148 中国什么时候开始用砖瓦? 西周
149 在《淝水之战》战败的君主是 苻坚
783 古代成语“汗牛充栋”的意思是? 形容藏书繁多
784 古代成语“蜀犬吠日”的意思是什么? 少见多怪
785 古代成语“月怀一鸡”的寓意是什么? 知错却不改正
490 “枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家”出自宋词《天净沙秋思》,作者是? 马致远
99 “碧落黄泉”中的黄泉是指的是什么? 地下地府
325 古代成语“开门揖盗”的意思是? 引进坏人,招致祸患
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356 古诗“风、雅、颂”中的“风”是指? 国风
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289 《二十四品诗》的作者是谁? 司空图
387 “大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私语”描述的是哪种乐器? 琵琶





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1.《红楼梦》中葬花指的是谁?答:林黛玉2.雪莲花是什么颜色的?答:紫色3.明月几时有,把酒问青天,是谁的句子?答:苏东坡4.动物园里谁是百兽之王?答:园长5.大家都不想得到?答:得病6.人们最早是从那种动物身上得知咖啡的作用?答:羊7.门神一个是蔚迟恭,另一个是?答:秦琼8.宋词名句“天不老,情难绝心似双丝网,中有千千结”作者是?答:张生9.“冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲”是从谁的诗作中摘取的?答:黄巢.《红楼梦》中葬花指的是谁?答:林黛玉10.泰坦被问候一句什么话后选择了沉默?答:你可好 2.雪莲花是什么颜色的?答:紫色11.一把刀顺水漂,有眼睛,没眉毛是什么?答:鱼 3.明月几时有,把酒问青天,是谁的句子?答:12.地球上什么动物最大?答:蓝鲸 4.动物园里谁是百兽之王?答:园长13.一般金婚是纪念结婚?答:50年 5.大家都不想得到?答:得病14.“碧云天,黄叶地,北雁南飞”是语出?答:西厢记 6.人们最早是从那种动物身上得知咖啡的作用?15.和张旭齐名,被称“素狂”的是?答:素人7.门神一个是蔚迟恭,另一个是?答:秦琼16.人类最古老的绘画形式是?答:壁画8.宋词名句“天不老,情难绝心似双丝网,中有千17.什么东西不能用放大镜放大?答:角度9.“冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲”是从谁的18.人类创造的第一个超过音速的东西是?答:鞭子10.泰坦被问候一句什么话后选择了沉默?答:19以下哪种室内盆载植物是常年开花的?答:紫罗兰11.一把刀顺水漂,有眼睛,没眉毛是什么?答20.本身元素与金刚石一样的矿物质是?答:煤12.地球上什么动物最大?答:蓝鲸21.送给恋人三朵花表示?我爱你13.一般金婚是纪念结婚?答:50年22.好莱坞位于美国那个洲?答:加利福尼亚州14.“碧云天,黄叶地,北雁南飞”是语出?答:西23.飞机的机翼是用来?答:增加升级15.和张旭齐名,被称“素狂”的是?答:素人24.鲨鱼的皮肤是?答:粗糟的16.人类最古老的绘画形式是?答:壁画25.下列鱼种,对水中氧气要求最高的是?答:海水热带鱼17.什么东西不能用放大镜放大?答:角度26.人生果又名?答:长寿果18.人类创造的第一个超过音速的东西是?答:27.什么地方没有佛?答:南19以下哪种室内盆载植物是常年开花的?答:紫28.老天有了什么也会变老?答:有情20.本身元素与金刚石一样的矿物质是?答:煤29.“初出茅庐”的“茅庐”本意是指谁的住处?答:诸葛亮21.送给恋人三朵花表示?我爱你30.最不耐酸的织品是?答:棉织品22.好莱坞位于美国那个洲?答:加利福尼亚州31.鱼是用身体哪一部分保持平衡的?答:鱼鳍23.飞机的机翼是用来?答:增加升级32.“东山再起”的典故是出自于?答:谢安24.鲨鱼的皮肤是?答:粗糟的33.蟋蟀是靠什么发出鸣叫声的?答:翅膀25.下列鱼种,对水中氧气要求最高的是?答:34.和尚打着一把伞,是一个什么成语?答:无法无天26.人生果又名?答:长寿果35.屈原是春秋时代哪国人?答:楚国27.什么地方没有佛?答:南36.鸢又俗称是?答:老鹰28.老天有了什么也会变老?答:有情29.“初出茅庐”的“茅庐”本意是指谁的住处?答:37.一般来说治疗伤风感冒的解药以及清热药、芳香药宜用什么火煎?答:武火38.鸡蛋用哪种吃法最能保持维生素B2?答:白煮30.最不耐酸的织品是?答:棉织品39.果汁在什么温度饮用最适宜?答:10度31.鱼是用身体哪一部分保持平衡的?答:鱼鳍32.“东山再起”的典故是出自于?答:谢安40.一堆西瓜,一半的一半比一半的一半的一半少半个,请问这堆西瓜有多少个?答:2个41.饮酒时不宜多吃凉粉,是因为凉粉中含有?答:白矾33.蟋蟀是靠什么发出鸣叫声的?答:翅膀42.烹调海参不宜加什么?答:醋34.和尚打着一把伞,是一个什么成语?答:无43.万寿山五庄观的镇元子在自己的大殿之上供奉的是?答:天地二字35.屈原是春秋时代哪国人?答:楚国44.在三国中,诸葛亮欠了谁的东西没有还?答:东风36.鸢又俗称是?答:老鹰45.蚊订虫咬涂什么没用?答:黄酒37.一般来说治疗伤风感冒的解药以及清热药、46.用哪个季节的竹子做出的竹席质量最好?答:夏38.鸡蛋用哪种吃法最能保持维生素B2?答:白煮47.《三国演义》中,张颌的死因?答:中箭而死39.果汁在什么温度饮用最适宜?答:10度48.什么样的人见到阳光,会消失的无影无踪?答:雪人40.一堆西瓜,一半的一半比一半的一半的一半49.一个人想要在一夜里变成百万富翁,他应该马上怎么办?答:做梦41.饮酒时不宜多吃凉粉,是因为凉粉中含有?50.希腊神话中,战争女神和智慧女神是?答:雅迪娜42.烹调海参不宜加什么?答:醋51.热咖啡在多少度才香甜可口?答:70度43.万寿山五庄观的镇元子在自己的大殿之上供52.鲸是世界上最大的鱼,对吗?答:不对44.在三国中,诸葛亮欠了谁的东西没有还?答53.什么票最危险?答:绑票45.蚊订虫咬涂什么没用?答:黄酒46.用哪个季节的竹子做出的竹席质量最好?答54.钢铁工人在炼钢时,穿了一种不怕烧,不怕钢水,火星的衣服请问它是什么材质做成的?答:石棉55.什么门是打不开也关不上的?答:球门47.《三国演义》中,张颌的死因?答:中箭而56.现代第一届夏季运动会在哪举行?答:雅典48.什么样的人见到阳光,会消失的无影无踪?57.围棋棋盘共有几个交叉点?答:361.049.一个人想要在一夜里变成百万富翁,他应该58.狼来了——猜一水果名?答:杨桃50.希腊神话中,战争女神和智慧女神是?答:59.五个兄弟,住在一起,名字不同,高矮不同。


日照香炉生紫烟 遥看瀑布挂前川
漠漠水田飞白鹭 ——阴阴夏木啭黄鹂











一把刀顺水漂,有眼睛,没眉毛是什么?答:鱼一般金婚是纪念结婚?答:50年一般来说治疗伤风感冒的解药以及清热药、芳香药宜用什么火煎?答:武火一堆西瓜,一半的一半比一半的一半的一半少半个,请问这堆西瓜有多少个?答:2个 一般来说,声音在多少分贝以下为安静环境?答:50分贝一般情况下,用什么材质的桶贮藏葡萄酒 橡木一般古琴的琴面为?答:桐木一朵插在牛粪上的鲜花是什么花 牵牛花一个人想要在一夜里变成百万富翁,他应该马上怎么办?答:做梦一个黑孩,从不开口,要是开口,掉出舌头。

(打一植物果实)答:瓜子一骑红尘妃子笑,要吃荔枝的妃子指的是谁?答:杨贵妃以下哪种室内盆载植物是常年开花的?答:紫罗兰以草书见长,人称"草圣的书法家是谁?答:张旭以画竹子著称的书画家邓板桥是哪的朝代的? 清代以下不是参与玄武门事变的是?答:李元霸以下“不是”古代药酒常用原料的是 ::::鸡尾以下列作品中,哪幅画不属于徐悲鸿的作品 荷花以下哪项是加工绿茶时不会出现的步骤 ::::发酵以下不是玄武门之变的参与者? 李元霸以下三个皇帝按先后顺序依次是 康熙 雍正 乾隆以下哪个是湖南风味 东安子鸡鱼是用身体哪一部分保持平衡的?答:鱼鳍饮酒时不宜多吃凉粉,是因为凉粉中含有?答:白矾用哪个季节的竹子做出的竹席质量最好?答:夏用多少温度的水洗澡最好?答:40度用什么擦地最干净?答:用力眼镜王蛇的蛇毒结晶是什么颜色的? 黄色月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。

”指的是那一个节日?答:元宵衣包湿寒的意思?答:没有恒心(问题不清楚,待编辑)元旦指那一天节日?答:春节元曲四大家”除了关汉卿、白朴、马致远外还有 ::::郑光祖 “颜筋柳骨”是指那朝人?答:唐朝(问题不清楚,待编辑)有教无类是谁提出的观点?答:孔子药用兽皮统称什么?答:晒干的蝉蜕药酒是在哪个朝代出现的 唐代云雕”是指::::一种漆雕工艺誉为“书圣”的是哪位书法名家 :::王羲之有“画圣”美誉的吴道子是哪朝人 :::唐朝有一味中药名为“全虫”这里的虫指的是 蝎子有漏皆苦的漏是什么意思 烦恼与木兰辞 孔雀东南飞与针灸无关的是 顶针驿站在元代叫什么 站赤:2个。

14-Xu et al., 2016

14-Xu et al., 2016

Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at/action/journalInformation?journalCode=koni20Download by: [Hong Kong Baptist University]Date:16 August 2017, At: 23:13OncoImmunologyISSN: (Print) 2162-402X (Online) Journal homepage: /loi/koni20Comprehensive molecular profiling of the B7family of immune-regulatory ligands in breast cancerZhenyu Xu, Jing Shen, Maggie Haitian Wang, Tao Yi, Yangyang Yu, Yinxin Zhu,Bo Chen, Jianping Chen, Longfei Li, Minxing Li, Jian Zuo, Hui Jiang, Dexi Zhou,Jiajie Luan & Zhangang XiaoTo cite this article: Zhenyu Xu, Jing Shen, Maggie Haitian Wang, Tao Yi, Yangyang Yu, Yinxin Zhu, Bo Chen, Jianping Chen, Longfei Li, Minxing Li, Jian Zuo, Hui Jiang, Dexi Zhou, Jiajie Luan & Zhangang Xiao (2016) Comprehensive molecular profiling of the B7 family of immune-regulatory ligands in breast cancer, OncoImmunology, 5:8, e1207841, DOI: 10.1080/2162402X.2016.1207841To link to this article:/10.1080/2162402X.2016.1207841View supplementary materialAccepted author version posted online: 11Jul 2016.Published online: 11 Jul 2016.Submit your article to this journalArticle views: 275View related articlesView Crossmark dataCiting articles: 1 View citing articlesORIGINAL RESEARCHComprehensive molecular pro filing of the B7family of immune-regulatory ligands in breast cancerZhenyu Xu a ,*,Jing Shen b ,*,Maggie Haitian Wang c ,Tao Yi d ,Yangyang Yu e ,Yinxin Zhu f ,Bo Chen g ,Jianping Chen h ,Longfei Li b ,Minxing Li b ,Jian Zuo a ,Hui Jiang a ,Dexi Zhou a ,Jiajie Luan a ,and Zhangang Xiao baDepartment of Pharmacy,Yijishan Af filiated Hospital of Wannan Medical College,Wuhu,Anhui Province,P.R.China;b Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology,Department of Pharmacology,School of Pharmacy,Southwest Medical University,Luzhou,Sichuan,P.R.China;c JC School of Public Health and Primary Care,Chinese University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong,P.R.China;d School of Chinese Medicine,Hong Kong Baptist University,Hong Kong,P.R.China;e Center for Diabetes,Obesity and Metabolism,Department of Physiology,Shenzhen University Health Science Center,Shenzhen,Guangdong,P.R.China;f Department of Gastroenterology,the Third Af filiated Hospital of Soochow University,Changzhou,P.R.China;g Experiment Center for Medical Science Research,Kunming Medical University,Kunming,Yunnan,P.R.China;h Department of Breast and Thyroid Surgery,Yijishan Af filiated Hospital of Wannan Medical College,Wuhu,Anhui Province,P.R.ChinaARTICLE HISTORYReceived 15April 2015Revised 23June 2016Accepted 24June 2016ABSTRACT The B7gene family has crucial roles in the regulation of adaptive cellular immunity.In cancer,deregulation of co-inhibitory B7molecules is associated with reduced antitumor immunity and cancer immune evasion.FDA approval of cancer immunotherapy antibodies against cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated protein 4(CTLA-4)and programmed cell death-1(PD-1)—both ligands of the B7family —demonstrate the impact of these checkpoint regulators in ing data from cBioPortal,we performed comprehensive molecular pro filing of the 10currently known B7family proteins in 105different cancers.B7family members were ampli fied in breast cancer:with B7mRNA levels upregulated in a cohort of 1,098patients with all types of breast cancer and in 82patients with triple-negative breast cancer.Promoter methylation analysis indicated an epigenetic basis for deregulation of certain B7family genes in breast cancer.Moreover,patients with B7-H6genomic alterations had signi ficantly worse overall survival,and certain clinical attributes were associated with B7-H6expression,which indicates that B7-H6may be a potential target for breast cancer immunotherapy.Finally,using network analysis (based on data from cBioportal),we identi fied BTLA,MARCH8,PLSCR1and SMAD3as potentially involved in T cell signaling under regulation of B7family proteins.KEYWORDSB7family;breast cancer;cancer immunotherapy;CD28family;check pointIntroductionAn effective immune response involves activation of both innate and adaptive immunity (which requires an array of immunocytes)followed by dampening of the immune response to avoid unnecessary damage to the host.T cells are essential to adaptive immunity,and are activated by two classical signals:antigen recognition (signal one),where peptides presented by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)are recognized by T cell receptors (TCRs);and co-stimulation (signal two),which involves the combination of co-regulators such as B7proteins,which consist of co-stimulatory and co-inhibitory molecules expressed on anti-gen-presenting cells (APC),with their corresponding recep-tors on T cells.Co-stimulation is balanced by co-inhibitory signals,which ultimately determines whether the T cell response is activating or inhibitory.1The B7family of immunoglobulins has 10reported mem-bers,which function as important secondary signals to either co-stimulate or co-inhibit T cells by selectively binding to T cellligands,with B7-H2,B7-H6and B7-H7stimulating activation of naive T cells;2-4B7-DC,B7-H4and B7-H5inhibiting T cell responses;5-7and B7-1and B7-2providing both stimulatory and inhibitory signals.8-10Under normal circumstances,co-stimulators facilitate the development of protective immunity via receptors such as CD28and CD28H,9,11whereas co-inhibi-tors including CTLA-4and PD-1inhibit in flammation to avoid over-activation.12Co-inhibitory signaling pathways,including B7/CTLA-4and PD-L1(B7-H1)-PD-1,have over the past decade proven to be important targets in cancer immune checkpoint therapy,13as evidenced by the clinical success of anti-CTLA-4and anti-PD-1antibodies (Ab)in various cancers.Drugs like atezolizu-mab that target PD-L1,which is highly expressed in many cancers,have been effective in clinical trials in the treatment of several different cancers.The B7family and their receptors therefore have great potential as therapeutic targets in cancer immune checkpoint therapy.CONTACT Jiajie Luan luanjiajie757@ Department of Pharmacy,Yijishan Af filiated Hospital of Wannan Medical College,Wuhu,Anhui,China;Zhangang Xiao xzg555898@ Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology,Department of Pharmacology,School of Pharmacy,Southwest Medical Univer-sity,Luzhou,646000,P.R.China.Supplemental data for this article can be accessed on the publisher ’s website .*Zhenyu Xu and Jing Shen contributed equally to this article.©2016Southwest Medical UniversityONCOIMMUNOLOGY2016,VOL.5,NO.8,e1207841(10pages)/10.1080/2162402X.2016.1207841D o w n l o a d e d b y [H o n g K o n g B a p t i s t U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:14 16 A u g u s t 2017In this study,we used existing,publically available data from cBioPortal,to investigate various aspects of B7family members and their corresponding receptors in various cancers.Based on these results,we selected breast cancer for further analyses of B7gene alterations,mRNA expression and DNA methylation as well as relevant clinical data.We identi fied speci fic B7family members with therapeutic and prognostic potential and report several putative ligands or targets of the B7family with so far unknown receptors through network analysis.ResultsB7family co-signaling moleculesTo date,10B7family proteins have been identi fied,which,unfortunately,have not been consistently named between stud-ies.We therefore propose a uni fied nomenclature by using the gene names as listed in NCBI (Fig.1A ).The ten members of the B7family:B7-1,B7-2,B7-DC,B7-H1,B7-H2,B7-H3,B7-H4,B7-H5,B7-H6and B7-H7are mainly expressed by APCs and tumor cells.B7proteins function as secondary signals that co-stimulate or co-inhibit T-cells by selectively binding to CD28proteins expressed on T-cells (Fig.1B ).Alignment of B7family amino acid sequences indicated that each of the 10B7proteins shared at least 15%identity with all other B7family members (Table S1).To further analyze the relationship among B7family members,a phylogenetic tree was constructed (Fig.1C ).Our phylogenetic tree of human B7was generated using MEGA and was divided into three groups,which shows that B7-H7is the least similar to any of the other proteins (B7-1,B7-2,B7-DC,B7-H1,B7-H2,B7-H3,B7-H7,B7-H4,B7-H6)with high bootstrap probability.Determination of B7family gene alterations across different cancersThe frequencies of B7family gene alterations (including muta-tions,deletions and ampli fications)across various cancers are shown in Fig.2.B7mutations and deletions were less frequent than ampli fications in cancer patients.B7family genes were notably ampli fied in several cancers,including breast,lung,ovarian and stomach cancer.In breast cancer,all 10B7proteins were ampli fied,with no mutations in 29of the patients;in this dataset more than 50%of cases had B7ampli fications,which suggests important roles for these proteins in breast cancer.B7family proteins are over-expressed in breast cancer Given the high frequency of B7gene ampli fication in breast cancer,B7expression was likely also dysregulated.We there-fore assessed B7genetic alterations in breast cancer data from TCGA,queried with cBioPortal.14For each of the 10B7genes,mutations were either not observed in any of 1,098breast can-cer patients,or present at less than 1%in the case of B7-2and B7-H2(Fig.3A ).Interestingly,B7mRNA levels were upregu-lated in about 10%(»100/1,098)of breast cancer cases.Nota-bly,B7-1,B7-DC,B7-H4,B7-H6and B7-H7were exclusively upregulated with no downregulation in any of the cases(Fig.3B ).We also evaluated B7family expression in a cohort of 82patients with triple-negative breast cancer,which has limited therapeutic options;several B7family members were upregu-lated to a greater extent in triple-negative breast cancer com-pared with the full cohort of 1,098patients with all types of breast cancer.B7-H3was the only B7protein that was downre-gulated in (only 2/82)triple-negative breast cancer cases (Fig.3C ).Although B7proteins are constitutively expressed in breast cancer,15the underlying mechanism thereof remains unknown.We therefore investigated the correlation between B7promoter DNA methylation with their mRNA expression levels.Intrigu-ingly,B7-1,B7-2,B7-DC,B7-H3,B7-H4and B7-H5mRNA levels were negatively correlated with promoter methylation status in the 1,098breast cancer cases (Fig.4A )as well as in the 82patients with triple-negative breast cancer (Fig.4B ).These results indicate that B7family expression may be epigenetically regulated in breast cancer.B7-H6as a potential prognostic biomarker in breast cancerOverall survival was compared between tumor samples with or without alterations in each of the B7family members using cBioPortal.Notably,patients with B7-H6alterations had signif-icantly worse overall survival (Fig.5A ).We also determined whether B7-H6was altered in four different data sets from cBioPortal,and found B7-H6gene ampli fications in each of the four data sets,albeit at varying frequencies (Fig.5B ).Mean-while,B7-H6expression was associated with positive surgical margins (Fig.5C ),which suggests that B7-H6expression may be associated with severe local invasion.These results suggest that B7-H6may be a promising target for breast cancer immu-notherapy.Finally,to elucidate the underlying mechanism of B7-H6overexpression,mRNA levels (which were not signi fi-cantly correlated with promoter methylation)were compared by B7-H6gene alteration (shallow deletions,diploid,copy number gains,ampli fications)in cBioPortal.Not surprisingly,B7-H6mRNA was increased in cases with B7-H6relative to all the other groups (Fig.5D ).Network analysis of B7family proteins in breast cancer The genomic alterations in B7family signaling networks in breast cancer are listed in Fig.6A .CD28,PD1and CTLA4,ICOS were ampli fied together with their ligands B7-1,B7-2,B7-H1and B7-H2.Interestingly,we identi fied four putative B7receptors within this network —MARCH8(Membrane-associ-ated RING-CH 8),BTLA (B and T lymphocyte attenuator),SMAD3and PLSCR1(Phospholipid Scramblase 1)—that had similar genomic alterations to B7-2,B7-H4and B7-H5,respec-tively.We are the first to report these putative interactions (B7-2/MARCH8,B7-H4/BTLA,B7-H5/SMAD3,B7-H5/PLSCR1).Alignment of the amino acid sequences of MARCH8,BTLA,SMAD3and PLSCR1to other CD28family members indicates that these proteins share at least 10%identity with all other CD28family members (Table S2).Phylogenic analysis further revealed that MARCH8and PLSCR1formed an exclusivee1207841-2Z.XU ET AL.D o w n l o a d e d b y [H o n g K o n g B a p t i s t U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:14 16 A u g u s t 2017group,while SMAD3clustered with ICOS,CTLA-4and CD28,and BTLA clustered with NKp30,PD-1and TMIGD2(Fig.6B ).Domain analysis showed that N-terminal signaling peptides,V-set domains and transmembrane regions were present in most CD28molecules (Fig.6C ).The newly identi fied B7-H4-interacting protein BTLA has domains similar to that of the CD28family,which indicates that BTLA may well be a novel B7-H4receptor.MARCH8,PLSCR1and SMAD3do notcontain any v-set domains,suggesting that these proteins may be involved in T cell signaling under the regulation of B7family.DiscussionCo-stimulation comprises a complex molecular network princi-pally including the B7and CD28protein families,whichFigure 1.B7family co-signaling molecules.(A)Uni fied nomenclatures of each B7family member.(B)Interactions between co-stimulatory and co-inhibitory B7and CD28family members.(C)Phylogenetic analysis of B7family members.Neighbor-joining tree was constructed with Mega3.1program.The numbers on the branches represent the con fidence level of 10,000bootstrap replications.ONCOIMMUNOLOGY e1207841-3D o w n l o a d e d b y [H o n g K o n g B a p t i s t U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:14 16 A u g u s t 2017modulate T cell responses.Recent efforts have led to the identi-fication of novel B7family members and their corresponding receptors,which has deepened our understanding of their role in the immune system and in cancer.Given the promising results obtained with second-generation antibodies like anti-PD-L1in the treatment of advanced,treatment-refractory can-cers in recent clinical trials,the B7family of co-inhibitory molecules are being closely watched as potential immune checkpoint cancer therapeutic targets,particularly B7-H5and B7-H7.7,10,11Here,we provide an overview of the 10currently known B7family members,under a uni fied nomenclature based on previous studies.Our phylogenetic tree of human B7was generated using MEGA and was divided into three groups:B7-H1and B7-DC (which is consistent with reports from Zhao et al.16);B7-H5;and the remaining members as the third group.Different phylogenetic classi fications could be ascribed to dif-ferent clustering algorithms.Additionally,there has been some confusion in the literature regarding the naming of B7-H5and B7-H7.11,17Here,we present a uni fied nomenclature of the B7family according to the NCBI database.Several B7family members,including B7-H1,B7-H3and B7-H4,are over-expressed in cancer,and their expression is signi ficantly associated with cancer progression and progno-sis.18-24We assessed genomic alterations in the 10B7family members across multiple cancer types using cBioPortal and TCGA.B7family members showed higher levels of ampli fica-tion in lung and ovarian cancer,but particularly in breast can-cer,with more than 50%of patients having at least one B7family gene ampli fication.We therefore analyzed B7family expression in 1,098patients with breast cancer and 82patients with triple-negative breast cancer.Consistent with the ampli fi-cation results,most B7family members had increased levels of mRNA expression at varying frequencies,while a few members (including B7-2,B7-H2,B7-H3and B7-H5)were downregu-lated in a small proportion of breast cancer patients.Among triple-negative breast cancer cases,only B7-H3was downregu-lated,in two cases.Intriguingly,the results of DNA methylation analysis showed that the expression of B7-1,B7-2,B7-DC,B7-H3,B7-H4and B7-H5,but not that of B7-H1,B7-H2,B7-H6and B7-H7,were negatively correlated with methylation of their respective promoters in both breast cancer and triple-negative breast cancer.Taken together with the gene ampli fication results (Fig.2),we speculate that the expression of B7-1,B7-2,B7-DC,B7-H3,B7-H4and B7-H5might be regulated by both gene ampli fication and promoter methylation,while the expression of B7-H1,B7-H2,B7-H6and B7-H7might be more strongly regulated by gene ampli fication.Of the B7family,only B7-H6alterations (primarily gene ampli fications)were signi ficantly associated with worse overall survival in a large cohort of breast cancer patients.Moreover,B7-H6expression was associated with positive surgical margins.However,other studies have reported that B7-H6has limited value as a prognostic marker in lung and gastric cancers.25,26Interestingly,however,Zhou et al.found that overall survival was signi ficantly improved in ovarian cancer patients with rela-tively lower B7-H6expression.27Semeraro M et al.demon-strated that serum concentration of soluble B7-H6correlated with the downregulation of NKp30,bone marrow metastases and chemoresistance of high-risk neuroblastoma (HR-NB),and they also indicated that soluble B7-H6contained in the serum of HR-NB patients inhibited NK cell functions in vitro .28Together,our results support a notorious role of B7-H6in the progression of certain types of cancer.Hence,we conclude that theoutcomeFigure 2.The alteration frequencies of B7family across 105different cancer studies.B7family ampli fication frequencies are the highest in breast cancer.For the alteration frequencies of B7family across 105different cancer sets,the red bars indicate gene ampli fications,blue bars are homozygous deletions,green bars are non-synonymous mutations,gray bars indicate multiple alterations.For the alteration frequencies of B7family in breast cancer,red bars indicate gene ampli fications,blue bars are homozy-gous deletions,gray bars indicate no changes.e1207841-4Z.XU ET AL.D o w n l o a d e d b y [H o n g K o n g B a p t i s t U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:14 16 A u g u s t 2017of B7-H6expression might vary by cancer type.B7-H6report-edly alerts the innate immune system to cellular transformation by binding its corresponding receptor,NKp30,on natural killer cells.4B7-H6has consistently been detected in various cancers but not in normal tissues.4,29It was recently reported that defec-tive expression and function of NKp30might be induced by B7-H6in ovarian cancer,which results in impaired NK cell-depen-dent interferon-gamma (IFN g )production and cytolytic func-tion.B7-H6-mediated downregulation of NKp30in NK cells might therefore contribute to immune evasion in ovarian can-cer.30Although this mechanism has not been investigated in breast cancer,it may well explain the clinical signi ficance of increased B7-H6expression in breast cancer,since B7-H6is involved in the progression of human breast cancer and could function as a signi ficant prognostic biomarker.The B7-CD28family is the major driving force of T cell co-stimulation and co-inhibition.Manipulation of co-stimulatory or co-inhibitory checkpoints facilitates reversal of tumor-induced T-cell anergy observed in many cancers.Some of these family members have been well studied for their clinical impact on tumors,especially with regard to PDL1(B7-H1)-PD1and CD80(B7-1)/CD86(B7-2)-CTLA4.Immune checkpointtherapyFigure 3.The mRNA expression of B7family are upregulated in breast cancer.(A)Mutation alterations of B7family in 1,098breast cancer cases.(B)The dysregulation of B7family mRNA levels in 1,093breast cancer cases.(C)The dysregulation of B7family mRNA levels in 82patients with triple-negative breast cancer.Green bars indicate gene mutations,red bars indicate mRNA upregulation,blue bars indicate mRNA downregulation.ONCOIMMUNOLOGY e1207841-5D o w n l o a d e d b y [H o n g K o n g B a p t i s t U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:14 16 A u g u s t 2017Figure 4.The correlation between the promoter DNA methylation status and the mRNA expression levels of B7family in breast cancer.(A)The mRNA levels of B7-1,B7-2,B7-DC,B7-H3,B7-H4and B7-H5are negative correlated with their promoter methylated status respectively in 1,098breast cancer cases.(B)The mRNA levels of B7family are negative correlated with their promoter methylated status,respectively,in 82patients with triple-negative breast cancer.e1207841-6Z.XU ET AL.D o w n l o a d e d b y [H o n g K o n g B a p t i s t U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:14 16 A u g u s t 2017with monoclonal antibodies directed at CTLA-4,PD-1and PD-L1has emerged as a successful treatment for advanced mela-noma.31-33Other ligands or receptors of the B7-CD28family have subsequently been investigated,with B7-H1,34B7-H3,35,36B7-H4,37B7-H5,38B7-H627,39and B7-H717,40found to be aber-rantly expressed in various cancers.However,B7receptors are still poorly studied.Although the B7-H7receptor was recently identi fied,17other B7receptors,including B7-H3,B7-H4,B7-H5,remain ing the network derived from cBioPor-tal,which consists of pathways and interactions from several databases,we identi fied BTLA as a putative receptor for B7-H4,which is consistent with a previous report.41Moreover,BTLA is co-expressed with certain B7family members including B7-H4.42However,almost none of the relevant review articles include BTLA as a B7-H4receptor.10,43-50Our findings provide additional support for the role of BTLA as a B7-H4receptor.In summary,all 10B7family members were over-expressed in breast cancer,at varying frequencies,and their upregulation is plausibly related to gene ampli fication and/or DNA methylation.Importantly,only B7-H6gene ampli fication was signi ficantly associated with worse overall survival in breast cancer patients.MethodsBioinformatics analysesThe NCBI database was queried for human B7,CD28and B7-interacting proteins (Supplementary File 1);their corre-sponding sequences were analyzed by SMART and CBS to locate protein domains,including signaling peptides,IgV-like domains and transmembrane regions.Amino acid sequences were analyzed for similarity with otherknownFigure 5.B7-H6is a potential biomarker in breast cancer.(A)The overall survival of breast cancer patients with B7family alteration.(B)The genetic alteration of B7-H6in four different data sets from cBioPortal.(C)The higher expression of B7-H6in positive surgical margin when compared that in negative surgical margin.(D)B7-H6mRNA was increased in the breast cancer tissues in which B7-H6was ampli fied.ONCOIMMUNOLOGY e1207841-7D o w n l o a d e d b y [H o n g K o n g B a p t i s t U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:14 16 A u g u s t 2017sequences by BLAST and multiple sequence alignments were generated using CLUSTALW.The protein family sig-nature was identi fied by InterPro.51A phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the full-length amino acid sequences of B7family proteins and their corresponding ligands using the neighbor-joining algorithm within MEGA version 3.1.52Determination of B7family alterations across different cancersThe frequency of B7family gene alterations (including mutations,deletions,copy number gains and ampli fications)were assessed across multiple cancer types using the cBio-Portal for Cancer Genomics database and TCGA which contains 105common cancer studies with almost 23,000patients ’details.Genetic and clinical pro files of B7family proteins in breast cancerGenomic alterations,including mRNA expression and pro-moter methylation were assessed across 1,105sequenced breast cancer samples from cBioPortal,which had clinical pro files,including survival work analysisTo identify genomic alterations in B7family signaling networks in breast cancer,we used all B7family members as query genes in cBioPortal and explored the resulting network,which was based on pathways and interactions from various databases including Human Reference Protein Database (HPRD),Reac-tome,National Cancer Insititue (NCI),and the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC)Cancer Cell Map.14Figure work analysis of B7family networks in breast cancer.(A)The genomic alterations in B7family signaling networks in breast cancer.(B)Phylogenetic analysis of B7reacting proteins.Neighbor-joining tree was constructed with Mega3.1program.The numbers on the branches represent the con fidence level of 10,000bootstrap replications.(C)The domain analysis of B7family reacting proteins.e1207841-8Z.XU ET AL.D o w n l o a d e d b y [H o n g K o n g B a p t i s t U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:14 16 A u g u s t 2017Statistical analysesGraphPad Prism 5(GraphPad Software,La Jolla,CA)was used for statistical analyses.Student ’s t-test (two-tailed)was used to compare the means between two groups.Overall survival data are displayed as Kaplan –Meier plots with p values calculated using the log-rank test.mRNA expression data were presented as mean §SD.p values less than 0.05were considered statisti-cally signi ficant.Disclosure of potential con flicts of interestNo potential con flicts of interest were disclosed.AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank Prof.Chi Hin CHO and Prof.Herbert H F Loong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)for valuable advices.FundingThis work was supported by Grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.81503093),the University Natural Sci-ence Research Project of Anhui Province (Grant No.KJ2016A732)and the Talent Scienti fic Research Foundation of Yijishan Af filiated Hospital of Wannan Medical College (Grant No.YR201504).References1.Saleh S,Johnston A,Turner P.Medifoxamine:oral tolerance and phar-macokinetic study in healthy human volunteers.Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1990;39:169-71;PMID:2253668;/10.1007/BF002800532.Kopf M,Coyle AJ,Schmitz N,Barner M,Oxenius A,Gallimore A,Gutierrez-Ramos JC,Bachmann MF.Inducible costimulator protein (ICOS)controls T helper cell subset polarization after virus and para-site infection.J Exp Med 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忘仙OL答题题库及答案全集以题目开头字母排序A安徽众多的茶中什么茶最出名?答:毛峰按古代兄弟排行的顺序,次子应该称为? 仲按照一般市场行情鹿茸按图索骥中“骥”本意是指马熬制中药一般常用什么器具砂锅B.“碧云天,黄叶地,北雁南飞”是语出?答:西厢记碧落黄泉中"的黄泉是指的是什么?答:地下碧螺春属于什么茶绿茶不宜钓鱼的天气是?答:太阳辐射,水面光线很强不为五斗米折腰陶渊明本身元素与金刚石一样的矿物质是?答:煤比利时著名的撒尿小孩铜像,平时他尿的是自来水,那狂欢节他尿的是?答:啤酒被誉为“万园之园”,后被焚毁的是?答:圆明园被广大百姓推崇为“国酒”是?答:茅台被称为文房四宝的是?答:笔、墨、纸、砚被称为七绝圣手的唐代诗人是谁?答:王昌龄被称为“天下第一行书”的是兰亭序被称为“脉学之宗”的古代医者是谁扁鹊被称为“书圣”的是谁王羲之兵马俑”体现了工匠的哪项技艺::::制陶工步辇图”的作者是:::阎立本北宋建国时:(首都)是::::开封北宋的两个著名词人晏殊和晏几道是什么关系父子白马寺在那个地区?答:河南白发三千丈,缘愁似个长。

是出自哪位诗人李白C“冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲”是从谁的诗作中摘取的?答:黄巢初出茅庐”的“茅庐”本意是指谁的住处?答:诸葛亮川贝母属于什么类型?答:野生词语“同气”是指什么关系?答:兄弟词语"芊芊"代表着什么颜色碧绿色词语"司空见惯"的司空指古代官名“长安”两个字共有多少笔画组成?答:10茶叶依发酵程度不同分类是乌龙茶、绿茶和什么?答:红茶茶居的“居”字什么意思隐传说中文谁发明的仓颉成语“碧落黄泉”中“黄泉”是指_ 地府成语"鸡鸣狗盗"与战国四君子哪位有所关联? 孟尝君称为两榜出身的是进士吃海鲜最好不要喝啤酒床前明月光的床是啥意思井栏从我国古代神话传说中,与月亮无关的是夸父沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花中的闭月指的是貂蝉D动物园里谁是百兽之王?答:园长大家都不想得到?答:得病大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私语”描述的是哪种乐器::::琵琶地球上什么动物最大?答:蓝鲸地球自转方向是自西向什么方向转的?答:东地球自转一圈需要多长时间?答:24小时地壳中含量最高的元素是?答:氧.“东山再起”的典故是出自于?答:谢安杜甫曾任工部待郎,被后人称作什么?答:杜工部杜康是哪个朝代的人物? 夏朝打狗看主人,打虎看什么?答:武松豆蔻桥头二月初十三东汉时期的“黄巾起义”领导者是::::张角得道多助,失道寡助是谁的观点孟子E《二十四品诗》的作者是谁司空图F飞机的机翼是用来?答:增加升级蜂王浆中含量最高的是什么?答:蛋白质翡翠是材质上属于::::矿物佛门戒律中“三聚净戒”是指:::菩萨戒福建名茶大红袍是什么茶乌龙茶G果汁在什么温度饮用最适宜?答:10度钢铁工人在炼钢时,穿了一种不怕烧,不怕钢水,火星的衣服请问它是什么材质做成的?答:石棉狗眼睛里的世界是什么颜色的?答:黑白灰宫城正门被称为?答:午门胄是古代士兵的护具,是保护那个部位的?答:头部古琴的音色除了散音、泛音,还有那一种?答:按音古琴琴面镶嵌的十三个螺钿的圆点叫什么徽古时用“十二生肖”对应十二地支,其中与“辰”对应的是::::龙古诗"风、雅、颂"中的"风"是指: 《国风》古人常用松鹤延年图祝寿,鹤是生长在?沼泽古人泡茶注重用水,以下被视为上等茶水的是::::山泉水古代有一种名为“佩”的首饰,一般是佩带在哪里?腰部古代“重阳节”里有饮酒的习俗,所饮的酒是?菊花酒古代诗词常用 “折柳”,折柳的意思是?答:送别古代军队调兵遣将的信物是?答:虎符古代对厨师的称呼是?答:庖古代发明一工具“耒耜”,是用在那个行业?答:农业古代成语中 “不分皂白”中的皂是什么颜色?答:黑色古代用 “ 沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花” 中的“沉鱼”指答:西施古代称 “杏林高手”指什么职业答:医生古代六艺礼、乐、射、御、书、数中的“御”是指的是?驾驭马车的技术古代医学著作《伤寒杂病论》的作者是::::张仲景古代著名的抒情诗《离骚》的作者是::::屈原古代名画《魏征进谏图》的作者是? 阎立本古代名画《洛神赋图》的作者是谁?顾恺之古代名画《步辈图》作者是谁阎立本古代人参有多种雅称,以下不属于人参雅称的是什么?? 赤箭古代将中草药按药性分为"四气"指的是寒热温凉古代成语 “ 剖腹藏珠 ” 的意思是比喻爱财如命古代成语 “ 瓜田李下 ” 的意思是容易引起误会古代成语 “ 一日三秋 ” 的意思是形容思慕心切古代成语 “ 投桃报李 ” 的意思是礼尚往来古代成语 “ 含沙射影 ” 的意思是造谣陷害古代成语 “ 一曝十寒 ” 的意思是形容没有恒心古代成语 “ 门可罗雀 ” 的意思是形容门庭冷落古代成语 “ 噤若寒蝉 ” 的意思是形容沉默不语古代成语 “ 一衣带水 ” 的意思是形容一水之隔古代成语 “ 沐猴而冠 ” 的意思是形容虚有其表古代成语 “ 开门揖盗” 的意思是爱财如命古代成语 “ 白龙鱼服” 的意思是形容微服出行的危险古代成语 “ 汗牛充栋” 的意思是形容藏书繁多古代成语 “ 蜀犬吠日”的意思是什么?少见多怪古代成语 “ 月怀一鸡”的寓意是什么?知错却不改正古代成语 “ 碧落黄泉”的“碧落”是天界古代 “ 含沙射影”是什么意思??? 造谣陷害枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家”出自宋词《天净沙?秋思》,作者是::::马致远古代成语“望其项背”的近义词望其肩项古代的“走马灯”是指能够旋转的装饰灯H.《红楼梦》中葬花指的是谁?答:林黛玉和张旭齐名,被称“素狂”的是?答:怀素好莱坞位于美国那个洲?答:加利福尼亚州和尚打着一把伞,是一个什么成语?答:无法无天海明威的小说《丧钟为谁而鸣》是以哪次战争为背景的?答:西班牙内战“海内存知己,天涯若比邻 ”是出自哪位作者之手王勃猴子最讨厌什么线?答:平行线“户抠不蠹”的“不蠹”是什么意思?答:不生虫“胡蓝之狱”发生在那个朝代?答:明朝活字印刷技术发明人是?答:毕昇红娘是那部作品的人物?答:西厢记华夏名族在那里诞生的?答:黄河流域寒蝉凄切,骤雨初歇,烟波千里,暮蔼楚天答:柳永候风地动仪”,它的发明者是::::张衡《韩熙载夜宴图》的作者是谁?_ 顾闳中黄酒名品“加饭酒”的产地在哪?浙江何以解忧,唯有社康作者是谁曹操火把节的日期哪天六月二十四J鸢又俗称是?答:老鹰鸡蛋用哪种吃法最能保持维生素12?答:白煮鲸是世界上最大的鱼,对吗?答:不对“将相和”中讲的蔺相如和廉颇是战国时期的哪国人?答:赵国进入挂机地图要跟那个?Ρ?对话?答:王城挂机传送(沙布丸)进行京剧表演的戏院,在清朝最早叫什么?茶园景泰蓝”主要原料是::::铜甲的嫂子是乙的姑姑,则以下两人属于“亲家”关系的是:::甲的父亲与乙的祖母郑板桥是哪个朝代的人:::清朝健胃类中药一般怎样服用利于发挥药效饭前服用K笄礼是古代女子几岁的成人礼?答:15岁康熙和乾隆所题名的《七十二景》位于哪里::::避暑山庄L老天有了什么也会变老?答:有情狼来了——猜一水果名?答:杨桃六炫琴是什么乐器的别称?答:吉他六书指的是?答:造字方法罗丹是伟大的什么?答:雕塑家《离骚》诗词的作者是谁?答:屈原珑塔塔一层传送点在什么地图内?答:小隐寺阑尾的作用是?答:没用龙井茶属于::::绿茶洛神赋图”的作者是:::顾恺之洛阳纸贵”指的作品是下面哪一部《三都赋》洛阳白马寺创建于东汉蜡染是哪个民族苗族唐朝古琴有几根弦? 7嫘祖为我们所养蚕抽丝历史上著名的胡蓝之狱发生在什么朝代明朝历史知识不鸣则已一鸣惊人出自楚庄王柳公权是哪个朝代的唐朝M明月几时有,把酒问青天,是谁的句子?答:苏东坡明代的小说有很高的艺术成就,著成《三国演义》的是::::罗贯中明朝开国皇帝朱元璋《明堂人形图》作者是谁? 甄权门神一个是蔚迟恭,另一个是?答:秦琼马谡在街亭之战中败给了魏国那个大将?答:张合“名不正则言不顺”是那家的思想?答:儒家民族乐器“葫芦丝”按演奏方式划分属于::::吹奏类乐器茅台酒原料,,,,高粱N2002年大学生运动会的吉祥物是什么?答:扬子鳄牛黄在中药里指的是?答:牛的胆囊结石你衣服的姐姐的堂弟的表哥的爸爸是你的什么人?答:亲戚泥娃娃“大阿福”产地是?答:无锡年画,画中的鲤鱼代表哪种寓意::::连年有余哪一个是象棋中不会出现的走法::::象四进五哪一类茶属于发酵茶?红茶哪位君主汉武帝“农田水利法”是历史上哪次变法中提出的兴农措施? 王安石变法南宋的都城临安,是现今何处?杭州...O藕是莲花的什么?答:根茎p琵琶顶部的“弦轴”作用是::::调节音高普洱茶是哪里出产的?云南配制世界上最早的麻醉药剂麻沸散的是谁华佗娉娉袅袅十三馀,豆蔻梢头二月初Q泰坦被问候一句什么话后选择了沉默?答:你可好屈原是春秋时代哪国人?答:楚国《清明上河图》是出之于那个朝代?答:北宋清代著名小说《儒林外史》的作者是?答:吴敬梓清末商人胡雪岩创建的著名药铺叫什么?答:胡庆余堂乞巧节指的是农历的?答:七月初七清朝推行 “ 摊丁入亩 ” 制度的皇帝是::::雍正清朝入关后的第一位皇帝是::::顺治“清明寒食”是吴王为了纪念哪一个大臣设的规矩? 介之推清代一品文官的补子的图案是什么?仙鹤...清朝一品武官的补子是什么? 麒麟清初四画僧“八大山人”是指的谁朱耷R人们最早是从那种动物身上得知咖啡的作用?答:羊人类最古老的绘画形式是?答:壁画人类创造的第一个超过音速的东西是?答:鞭子人生果又名?答:长寿果人一生说的最多的三个字是什么?答:不知道人参在古代的称为下列哪个不是?答:赤剑热咖啡在多少度才香甜可口?答:70度人们国酒茅台s宋词名句“天不老,情难绝心似双丝网,中有千千结”作者是?答:张生宋代大型酒店、食店在门前用木枋扎彩楼,加种种装饰,施朱绿彩画,称为:欢门宋代五大名窑除定窑、哥窑、钧窑、官窑外,还有::::汝窑什么东西不能用放大镜放大?答:角度什么地方没有佛?答:南什么地方盖了章才能过去?答:印度什么样的人见到阳光,会消失的无影无踪?答:雪人什么票最危险?答:绑票什么门是打不开也关不上的?答:球门什么牛不吃草?答:蜗牛什么东西别人请你吃,但还要你自己掏钱?答:吃官司什么鸡没有翅膀?答:田鸡什么人一年只上一天班?答:圣诞老人什么动物天天熬夜?答:熊猫什么季节的茶最好喝?答:秋季什么蛋中看不中吃?答:笨蛋什么球不能踢火球什么数字最听话 100送给恋人三朵花表示?我爱你鲨鱼的皮肤是?答:粗糟的《三国演义》中,张颌的死因?答:中箭而死三国历史中被关羽用眼读过的是什么?答:春秋三国时期,“火烧连营一战对阵的双方是?答:陆逊和刘备三国时代建造“铜雀台”的是谁?答:曹操三国马超是那个名族?答:羌族三国时期马稷曾在街亭一战败给哪个魏国大将张合三师指的是太师,太傅和什么?太保适量合理地饮用葡萄酒,对人体有什么好处?防止心血管病蔬菜,水果主要向人提供什么营养?答: .膳食纤纬算珠的梁上一珠代表几?答:5.0算盘发明后,人们用珠算口诀帮助记忆,以下口诀错误的是::::四上二去五算盘是古代计算工具分为上下两栏下栏算珠个数为 5《史记》的作者是?答:司马迁属于少数民族乐器的是::::马头琴苏轼《赤壁怀古》中的“遥想公瑾当年”一句所指人物是::::周瑜世界上最早记载“哈雷彗星”的书是::::春秋世界上最早由国家颁发的药典是唐本草世界上发现的最大的青铜器是司母戊大方鼎世称“颜筋柳骨”的书法大家柳公权唐代宋太祖赵匡胤通过哪个事件夺取政权建立宋朝::::陈桥兵变四书五经中的“五经”是::::指诗、书、礼、易、春秋四羊方尊是哪个朝代的物品?商朝诗歌《鹅》的作者骆宾王苏州评弹是哪两种表演形式的统称?评话和弹词神医扁鹊是哪个朝代人战国山西洪洞县的明代监狱,因谁的故事而著名?苏三T偷什么不犯法?答:偷笑唐朝的“朝”是由多少比划构成的?答:十二唐朝古琴有几 7条唐朝灭亡后,中原一带先后出现了五个朝代,史称“五代”,除后梁、后唐、后晋外还有? 后周唐朝高等学府国子监唐太宗李世民的年号是?答:贞观唐太宗精擅书法,经常以什么字体写碑?行楷书法。
































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”是出自哪位诗人李白 C“冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲”是从谁的诗作中摘取的?黄巢“初出茅庐”的“茅庐”本意是指谁的住处?诸葛亮川贝母属于什么类型?野生词语“同气”是指什么关系?兄弟词语“芊芊”代表着什么颜色碧绿色词语“司空见惯”的司空指古代官名“长安”两个字共有多少笔画组成? 10茶叶依发酵程度不同分类是乌龙茶、绿茶和什么?红茶茶居的“居”字什么意思隐传说中文谁发明的仓颉成语“碧落黄泉”中“黄泉”是指地府成语“鸡鸣狗盗”与战国四君子哪位有所关联?孟尝君称为两榜出身的是进士吃海鲜最好不要喝啤酒床前明月光的床是啥意思井栏从我国古代神话传说中,与月亮无关的是夸父沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花中的闭月指的是貂蝉D动物园里谁是百兽之王?园长大家都不想得到?得病“大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私语”描述的是哪种乐器琵琶地球上什么动物最大?蓝鲸地球自转方向是自西向什么方向转的?东地球自转一圈需要多长时间? 24小时地壳中含量最高的元素是?氧“东山再起”的典故是出自于?谢安杜甫曾任工部待郎,被后人称作什么?杜工部杜康是哪个朝代的人物?夏朝打狗看主人,打虎看什么?武松豆蔻桥头二月初十三东汉时期的“黄巾起义”领导者是张角“得道多助,失道寡助”是谁的观点孟子E《二十四品诗》的作者是谁司空图F飞机的机翼是用来?增加升级蜂王浆中含量最高的是什么?蛋白质翡翠是材质上属于矿物佛门戒律中“三聚净戒”是指菩萨戒福建名茶大红袍是什么茶乌龙茶G果汁在什么温度饮用最适宜? 10度钢铁工人在炼钢时,穿了一种不怕烧,不怕钢水,火星的衣服请问它是什么材质做成的?石棉狗眼睛里的世界是什么颜色的?黑白灰宫城正门被称为?午门胄是古代士兵的护具,是保护那个部位的?头部古琴的音色除了散音、泛音,还有那一种?按音古琴琴面镶嵌的十三个螺钿的圆点叫什么徽古时用“十二生肖”对应十二地支,其中与“辰”对应的是龙古诗“风、雅、颂”中的“风”是指:《国风》古人常用松鹤延年图祝寿,鹤是生长在?沼泽古人泡茶注重用水,以下被视为上等茶水的是山泉水古代有一种名为“佩”的首饰,一般是佩带在哪里?腰部古代“重阳节”里有饮酒的习俗,所饮的酒是?菊花酒古代诗词常用“折柳”,折柳的意思是?送别古代军队调兵遣将的信物是?虎符古代对厨师的称呼是?庖古代发明一工具“耒耜”,是用在那个行业?农业古代成语中“不分皂白”中的皂是什么颜色?黑色古代用“沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花”中的“沉鱼”指西施古代称“杏林高手”指什么职业医生古代六艺礼、乐、射、御、书、数中的“御”是指的是?驾驭马车的技术古代医学着作《伤寒杂病论》的作者是张仲景古代着名的抒情诗《离骚》的作者是屈原古代名画《魏征进谏图》的作者是?阎立本古代名画《洛神赋图》的作者是谁?顾恺之古代名画《步辈图》作者是谁阎立本古代人参有多种雅称,以下不属于人参雅称的是什么??赤箭古代将中草药按药性分为“四气”指的是寒热温凉古代成语“剖腹藏珠”的意思是比喻爱财如命古代成语“瓜田李下”的意思是容易引起误会古代成语“一日三秋”的意思是形容思慕心切古代成语“投桃报李”的意思是礼尚往来古代成语“含沙射影”的意思是造谣陷害古代成语“一曝十寒”的意思是形容没有恒心古代成语“门可罗雀”的意思是形容门庭冷落古代成语“噤若寒蝉”的意思是形容沉默不语古代成语“一衣带水”的意思是形容一水之隔古代成语“沐猴而冠”的意思是形容虚有其表古代成语“开门揖盗”的意思是爱财如命古代成语“白龙鱼服”的意思是形容微服出行的危险古代成语“汗牛充栋”的意思是形容藏书繁多古代成语“蜀犬吠日”的意思是什么?少见多怪古代成语“月怀一鸡”的寓意是什么?知错却不改正古代成语“碧落黄泉”的“碧落”是天界“枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家”出自宋词《天净沙?秋思》,作者是马致远古代成语“望其项背”的近义词望其肩项古代的“走马灯”是指能够旋转的装饰灯H《红楼梦》中葬花指的是谁?林黛玉和张旭齐名,被称“素狂”的是?怀素好莱坞位于美国那个洲?加利福尼亚州和尚打着一把伞,是一个什么成语?无法无天海明威的小说《丧钟为谁而鸣》是以哪次战争为背景的?西班牙内战“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”是出自哪位作者之手王勃猴子最讨厌什么线?平行线“户抠不蠹”的“不蠹”是什么意思?不生虫“胡蓝之狱”发生在那个朝代?明朝活字印刷技术发明人是?毕昇红娘是那部作品的人物?西厢记华夏名族在那里诞生的?黄河流域寒蝉凄切,骤雨初歇,烟波千里,暮蔼楚天柳永候风地动仪,它的发明者是张衡《韩熙载夜宴图》的作者是谁?顾闳中黄酒名品“加饭酒”的产地在哪?浙江何以解忧,唯有社康作者是谁曹操火把节的日期哪天六月二十四J鸢又俗称是?老鹰鸡蛋用哪种吃法最能保持维生素12? 白煮鲸是世界上最大的鱼,对吗?不对“将相和”中讲的蔺相如和廉颇是战国时期的哪国人?赵国进入挂机地图要跟那个NPC对话?王城挂机传送(沙布丸)进行京剧表演的戏院,在清朝最早叫什么?茶园“景泰蓝”主要原料是铜甲的嫂子是乙的姑姑,则以下两人属于“亲家”关系的是甲的父亲与乙的祖母郑板桥是哪个朝代的人清朝健胃类中药一般怎样服用利于发挥药效饭前服用K笄礼是古代女子几岁的成人礼? 15岁康熙和乾隆所题名的《七十二景》位于哪里避暑山庄 L老天有了什么也会变老?有情狼来了——猜一水果名?杨桃六炫琴是什么乐器的别称?吉他六书指的是?造字方法罗丹是伟大的什么?雕塑家《离骚》诗词的作者是谁?屈原珑塔塔一层传送点在什么地图内?小隐寺阑尾的作用是?没用龙井茶属于绿茶“洛神赋图”的作者是顾恺之“洛阳纸贵”指的作品是下面哪一部《三都赋》洛阳白马寺创建于东汉蜡染是哪个民族苗族唐朝古琴有几根弦? 5嫘祖为我们所养蚕抽丝历史上着名的胡蓝之狱发生在什么朝代明朝历史知识不鸣则已一鸣惊人出自楚庄王柳公权是哪个朝代的唐朝M“明月几时有,把酒问青天”是谁的句子?苏东坡明代的小说有很高的艺术成就,着成《三国演义》的是罗贯中明朝开国皇帝朱元璋《明堂人形图》作者是谁?甄权门神一个是蔚迟恭,另一个是?秦琼马谡在街亭之战中败给了魏国那个大将?张合“名不正则言不顺”是那家的思想?儒家民族乐器“葫芦丝”按演奏方式划分属于吹奏类乐器茅台酒原料高粱N2002年大学生运动会的吉祥物是什么?扬子鳄牛黄在中药里指的是?牛的胆囊结石你衣服的姐姐的堂弟的表哥的爸爸是你的什么人?亲戚泥娃娃“大阿福”产地是?无锡年画,画中的鲤鱼代表哪种寓意连年有余哪一个是象棋中不会出现的走法象四进五哪一类茶属于发酵茶?红茶哪位君主汉武帝“农田水利法”是历史上哪次变法中提出的兴农措施?王安石变法南宋的都城临安,是现今何处?杭州O藕是莲花的什么?根茎p琵琶顶部的“弦轴”作用是调节音高普洱茶是哪里出产的?云南配制世界上最早的麻醉药剂麻沸散的是谁华佗娉娉袅袅十三馀,豆蔻梢头二月初Q泰坦被问候一句什么话后选择了沉默?你可好屈原是春秋时代哪国人?楚国《清明上河图》是出之于那个朝代?北宋清代着名小说《儒林外史》的作者是?吴敬梓清末商人胡雪岩创建的着名药铺叫什么?胡庆余堂乞巧节指的是农历的?七月初七清朝推行“摊丁入亩”制度的皇帝是雍正清朝入关后的第一位皇帝是顺治“清明寒食”是吴王为了纪念哪一个大臣设的规矩?介之推清代一品文官的补子的图案是什么?仙鹤清朝一品武官的补子是什么?麒麟清初四画僧“八大山人”是指的谁朱耷R人们最早是从那种动物身上得知咖啡的作用?羊人类最古老的绘画形式是?壁画人类创造的第一个超过音速的东西是?鞭子人生果又名?长寿果人一生说的最多的三个字是什么?不知道人参在古代的称为下列哪个不是?赤剑热咖啡在多少度才香甜可口? 70度人们国酒茅台S宋词名句“天不老,情难绝心似双丝网,中有千千结”作者是?张生宋代大型酒店、食店在门前用木枋扎彩楼,加种种装饰,施朱绿彩画,称为:欢门宋代五大名窑除定窑、哥窑、钧窑、官窑外,还有汝窑什么东西不能用放大镜放大?角度什么地方没有佛?南什么地方盖了章才能过去?印度什么样的人见到阳光,会消失的无影无踪?雪人什么票最危险?绑票什么门是打不开也关不上的?球门什么牛不吃草?蜗牛什么东西别人请你吃,但还要你自己掏钱?吃官司什么鸡没有翅膀?田鸡什么人一年只上一天班?圣诞老人什么动物天天熬夜?熊猫什么季节的茶最好喝?秋季什么蛋中看不中吃?笨蛋什么球不能踢火球什么数字最听话 100送给恋人三朵花表示?我爱你鲨鱼的皮肤是?粗糟的《三国演义》中,张颌的死因?中箭而死三国历史中被关羽用眼读过的是什么?春秋三国时期,“火烧连营”一战对阵的双方是?陆逊和刘备三国时代建造“铜雀台”的是谁?曹操三国马超是那个名族?羌族三国时期马稷曾在街亭一战败给哪个魏国大将张合三师指的是太师,太傅和什么?太保适量合理地饮用葡萄酒,对人体有什么好处?防止心血管病蔬菜,水果主要向人提供什么营养?膳食纤纬算珠的梁上一珠代表几? 5.0算盘发明后,人们用珠算口诀帮助记忆,以下口诀错误的是四上二去五算盘是古代计算工具,分为上下两栏,下栏算珠个数为5《史记》的作者是?司马迁属于少数民族乐器的是马头琴苏轼《赤壁怀古》中的“遥想公瑾当年”一句所指人物是周瑜世界上最早记载“哈雷彗星”的书是春秋世界上最早由国家颁发的药典是唐本草世界上发现的最大的青铜器是司母戊大方鼎宋太祖赵匡胤通过哪个事件夺取政权建立宋朝陈桥兵变四书五经中的“五经”是指诗、书、礼、易、春秋四羊方尊是哪个朝代的物品?商朝诗歌《鹅》的作者骆宾王苏州评弹是哪两种表演形式的统称?评话和弹词神医扁鹊是哪个朝代人战国山西洪洞县的明代监狱,因谁的故事而着名?苏三 T偷什么不犯法?偷笑唐朝的“朝”是由多少比划构成的?十二唐朝古琴有几条 7条唐朝灭亡后,中原一带先后出现了五个朝代,史称“五代”,除后梁、后唐、后晋外还有?后周唐朝高等学府国子监唐太宗李世民的年号是?贞观唐太宗精擅书法,经常以什么字体写碑?行楷书法行书唐代长安城大街上种植的树是什么槐树《天王送子图》是何人所作吴道子太平天国起义的核心领导人中,冯云山被封为南王太平天国起义的核心领导人中,封为“西王”的是萧朝贵太平天国起义只的核心人物“北王”是谁?韦昌辉提出“心外无物、心外无理”之说的明朝思想家是王守仁提出望闻问切的是谁扁鹊“铜权”是古代常见的金属器物,后来被俗称为秤砣通往帝王陵墓去的神道上,石头动物后面的石人又叫做?石翁仲W万寿山五庄观的镇元子在自己的大殿之上供奉的是?天地二字1蚊订虫咬涂什么没用?黄酒围棋棋盘共有几个交叉点? 361围棋棋盘的图案是横竖各十九条线五个兄弟,住在一起,名字不同,高矮不同。
