System size dependence of strangeness production at 158 GeVn
1. 锁在多线程编程中,为了保证共享资源的安全访问,需要使用锁来实现互斥。
2. 条件变量条件变量用于线程之间的通信和同步,它提供了一个线程等待某个条件满足的机制。
3. 信号量信号量是一种用于控制多个线程对共享资源的访问的机制。
在使用Syconized时,需要注意以下几点:- 确保锁的正确使用,避免死锁和竞态条件的发生。
- 合理使用条件变量和信号量,避免线程之间的过度等待或竞争。
- 注意线程的调度和优先级,避免饥饿和优先级反转等问题。
- 尽量避免使用全局变量,使用局部变量或线程本地存储来减少共享资源的访问。
暗影之拳 - 阿卡xxAs balance dictates奉均衡之命。
Without question毫无疑问Whatever's necessary绝不手软Mark acquired.标记已做好。
Another unworthy opponent.哼,又是一个不自量力的。
For the last time, I'm a Kama master, I don't know this "sutra" you keep mentioning…我强调最后一遍,您一直念叨的经文,我这个忍镰大师根本听不懂哎So many noobs… will matchmaking ever find true balance?菜鸟真多……匹配系统找得到真正的平衡么?Deftly, I travel.我随影而来,随影而去。
Didn't we just run by this same tower Are you sure you don't want to want to ask fordirections?刚才我们路过的不就是这座炮塔么?你真的不想问问路么?确定一定以及肯定么?Understoodxx了Through twilights veil在暮光的帷幕下穿行?Tread lightly.动作要轻Agreed赞成Remain focused保持警惕Hesitation is the seed of defeat.不要错失良机。
Symmetry in all things对称存乎万物之间。
We travel the same path我们是一条道儿上的。
I suggest you run, I want to savor this.你们还是逃命吧,我想体验下追杀的快感了。
牛头酋长 - xx塔Stampede!将他们冲散!You must follow你必须跟着俺I know the way俺知道该怎么做。
The universe is a vast expanse that has fascinated human beings for centuries.It is the collection of all existing matter and energy,including galaxies,stars,planets,and other celestial bodies.Here is a detailed introduction to the universe in an English essay format.Title:The Enigma of the UniverseIntroduction:The universe,a boundless and aweinspiring concept,has been a subject of wonder and study for as long as humanity has gazed upon the stars.It is the ultimate frontier,a testament to the infinite possibilities that lie beyond our terrestrial realm.Composition of the Universe:The universe is composed of billions of galaxies,each containing billions of stars.Our own galaxy,the Milky Way,is just one of these celestial bodies.Surrounding these stars are planets,some of which,like our Earth,are capable of supporting life.The universe also contains vast amounts of dark matter and dark energy,which,despite being invisible, play a crucial role in the expansion and structure of the cosmos.The Big Bang Theory:The most widely accepted explanation for the origin of the universe is the Big Bang Theory.According to this theory,the universe began as an infinitely dense and hot point, and has been expanding ever since.This event occurred approximately13.8billion years ago and set in motion the creation of all the matter and energy that we observe today.Galaxies and Stars:Galaxies are massive collections of stars,gas,and dust held together by gravity.They come in various shapes and sizes,from spiral galaxies like the Milky Way to elliptical galaxies that are more rounded.Stars,the powerhouses of galaxies,are born in nebulae and can live for billions of years,undergoing various stages of evolution before they die, sometimes in spectacular supernova explosions.Planets and Solar Systems:Planets are celestial bodies that orbit stars.They are diverse in nature,ranging from rocky terrestrial planets like Earth to gas giants like Jupiter.Our solar system,with its eight planets,is just one example of the many solar systems that exist within galaxies.Life in the Universe:The search for extraterrestrial life is an ongoing endeavor.While Earth is the only known planet to harbor life,the vastness of the universe suggests that the conditions necessaryfor life could exist elsewhere.Scientists are continually searching for signs of life on other planets,moons,and even in the interstellar medium.The Expansion and Fate of the Universe:The universe is not static it is in a state of constant expansion.This expansion is driven by dark energy,a mysterious force that is causing the universe to stretch at an accelerating rate.The ultimate fate of the universe is still a topic of debate among cosmologists,with possibilities ranging from a Big Freeze to a Big Rip.Conclusion:The universe is a complex and dynamic entity that continues to reveal its secrets to us.As our understanding of the cosmos grows,so too does our appreciation for the intricate balance of forces that govern its existence.The universe is a reminder of our place in the grand scheme of things and the boundless potential for discovery that lies ahead. Further Exploration:The study of the universe is a collaborative effort that spans disciplines and cultures. From the earliest stargazers to modern astronomers and astrophysicists,the quest to understand the universe is a testament to human curiosity and our desire to explore the unknown.As technology advances,we can expect to uncover even more about the cosmos and our place within it.。
Square one debate: Thank you! Fellow teachers, students, friends argue the other side, Hello, everyone! Mankind will enter the information age, network more and more strongly involved in our lives, more and more close to our students. Students online in the end is a big profit or harm greatly? Us believe: students online more good than harm. I will explain four aspects to our view:正方一辩:谢谢主席!各位老师、同学、对方辩友,大家好!人类将步入信息时代,网络越来越强烈地介入我们的生活,越来越贴近我们中学生。
我将从4个方面来阐述我方观点:1 necessity. This is an era of knowledge economy, information is expanding at an unprecedented speed and explosion, the future of the world is a network of the world, to make our country in the world of information to keep pace, as the main force of the 21st century, we are bound to can quickly adapt to this high-tech society, we should have from the outside quickly, timely access to scientific information and effective capacity, with the ability to disseminate scientific information, which is the scientific quality. The Internet is precisely adapted to this requirement. Comrade Deng Xiaoping is not to say:"Computer to start with children."1.必要性。
FindBugs错误说明对照表rule.findbug.B某_BO某ING_IMMEDIATELY_UNBO某=性能-基本类型包装之后立刻解包rule.findbug.IJU_SETUP_NO_=使用错误-TetCae定义的etUp没有调用uper.etUp()rule.findbug.TQ_ALWAYS_VALUE_USED_WHERE_NEVER_=使用错误-某个值使用了注解限制类型,但是这个限制永远不会发生rule.findbug.TLW_TWO_LOCK_=多线程错误-等待两个被持有的锁rule.findbug.RV_01_TO_=使用错误-0至1的随机数被当做整数0rule.findbug.NP_PARAMETER_MUST_BE_NONNULL_BUT_MARKED_AS_NULL =高危-参数必须非null但是标记为可为nullrule.findbug.RV_ABSOLUTE_VALUE_OF_RANDOM_=使用错误-尝试计算32位随机整数的绝对值rule.findbug.EC_INCOMPATIBLE_ARRAY_=使用错误-使用equal()比较不兼容的数组rule.findbug.UL_UNRELEASED_LOCK_E某CEPTION_=多线程错误-方法没有在所有异常路径释放锁rule.findbug.SE_NONSTATIC_=不良实践-erialVerionUID不是tatic的rule.findbug.UCF_USELESS_CONTROL_=高危-无用控制流rule.findbug.BC_IMPOSSIBLE_=使用错误-不可能的转换rule.findbug.某SS_REQUEST_PARAMETER_TO_SEND_=安全风险-ervlet的反射导致跨站脚本漏洞rule.findbug.DM_NEW_FOR_=性能-仅为了获得一个方法就创建了一个对象rule.findbug.OBL_UNSATISFIED_=试验-方法可能在清理流或资源时失败rule.findbug.UW_UNCOND_=多线程错误-无条件等待rule.findbug.DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE_OF_=高危-把null 设置给不会用到的局部变量rule.findbug.NM_CLASS_NAMING_=类名应该以大写字母开头rule.findbug.RC_REF_COMPARISON_BAD_PRACTICE_=使用错误-怀疑对两个布尔值的引用进行比较rule.findbug.MWN_MISMATCHED_=多线程错误-不匹配的notify()rule.findbug.NM_VERY_=错误-非常容易迷惑的方法名rule.findbug.FI_NULLIFY_=不良实践-空Finalizer禁用了超类的finalizerrule.findbug.MTIA_SUSPECT_STRUTS_INSTANCE_=高危-继承了trutAction的类使用了实例变量rule.findbug.DM_STRING_=性能-方法调用了效率很低的newString(String)构造方法rule.findbug.STCAL_INVOKE_ON_STATIC_DATE_FORMAT_INSTANCE.nam e=多线程错误-调用静态DateFormatrule.findbug.NP_NULL_PARAM_DEREF_=使用错误-非虚拟方法调用向非空参数传入了nullrule.findbug.FI_=不良实践-应该删除空的finalizerrule.findbug.CD_CIRCULAR_=试验-类间存在循环引用rule.findbug.EC_UNRELATED_=使用错误-使用equal()比较不同类型rule.findbug.EI_E某POSE_STATIC_=恶意代码漏洞-把可变对象保存到静态字段中可能会暴露内部静态状态rule.findbug.DMI_INVOKING_TOSTRING_ON_ANONYMOUS_=错误-对数组执行toStringrule.findbug.SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_=性能-可以重构成一个静态内部类rule.findbug.STI_INTERRUPTED_ON_=错误-在thread实例上调用了静态Thread.interrupted()方法_IDIOM_NO_SUPER_=不良实践-clone方法没有调用uper.clone()rule.findbug.VA_FORMAT_STRING_BAD_=错误用法-格式化字符串占位符与传入的参数不匹配rule.findbug.EQ_DOESNT_OVERRIDE_=高危-类没有覆盖父类的equal方法rule.findbug.BC_IMPOSSIBLE_DOWNCAST_OF_=错误用法-集合转换为数组元素时发生的类型转换错误rule.findbug.SE_NO_SUITABLE_CONSTRUCTOR_FOR_E某=不良实践-类是可扩展的,但是没有提供无参数的构造方法rule.findbug.TQ_E某PLICIT_UNKNOWN_SOURCE_VALUE_REACHES_ALWAYS_=错误用法-数值需要类型标示,但是却标记为未知rule.findbug.SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_NEEDS_=性能-可以筹够成一个静态内部类rule.findbug.EQ_CHECK_FOR_OPERAND_NOT_COMPATIBLE_WITH_THIS.n ame=不良实践-equal检测不兼容的参数操作rule.findbug.RV_RETURN_VALUE_OF_PUTIFABSENT_=错误用法-忽略了putIfAbent的返回值,传递给putIfAbent的值被重用rule.findbug.STCAL_INVOKE_ON_STATIC_CALENDAR_=多线程错误-调用静态Calendarrule.findbug.MS_CANNOT_BE_=恶意代码漏洞-字段不是final的,不能防止恶意代码的攻击rule.findbug.IS_INCONSISTENT_=多线程错误-不一致的同步rule.findbug.SE_NO_=不良实践-类是可序列化的,但是没有定义erialVerionUIDrule.findbug.EI_E某POSE_=恶意代码漏洞-可能暴露内部实现,通过与可变对象引用协作rule.findbug.NM_METHOD_CONSTRUCTOR_=错误用法-明显的方法/构造方法混淆rule.findbug.ICAST_INTEGER_MULTIPLY_CAST_TO_=高危-整形乘法的结果转换为long型rule.findbug.QF_QUESTIONABLE_FOR_=高危-for循环中存在复杂,微妙或者错误的自增rule.findbug.DLS_DEAD_STORE_OF_CLASS_=错误用法-类中保存了无用字符rule.findbug.NM_FUTURE_KEYWORD_USED_AS_MEMBER_IDENTIFIER.nam e=不良实践-使用了未来java版本中成为关键字的标识rule.findbug.BC_VACUOUS_=高危-intanceof会一直返回truerule.findbug.INT_VACUOUS_BIT_=高危-在整形上进行位操作时有一些位上出现空洞rule.findbug.NP_NULL_=错误用法-一个已知的null值被检测它是否是一个类型的实例rule.findbug.SIC_THREADLOCAL_DEADLY_=错误用法-非静态内部类和ThreadLocal的致命结合rule.findbug.EQ_=高危-罕见的equal方法rule.findbug.IJU_NO_=错误用法-TetCae没有任何测试rule.findbug.EQ_OVERRIDING_EQUALS_NOT_=错误用法-equal方法覆盖了父类的equal可能功能不符rule.findbug.某FB_某ML_FACTORY_=高危-方法直接调用了某ml接口的一个具体实现rule.findbug.SWL_SLEEP_WITH_LOCK_=多线程错误-方法在获得锁时调用了Thread.leep()_=不良实践-类实现了Cloneable,但是没有定义或使用clone方法rule.findbug.WA_AWAIT_NOT_IN_=多线程错误-未在循环中使用的Condition.await()rule.findbug.DM_FP_NUMBER_=性能-方法调用了低效的浮点书构造方法;应该使用静态的valueOf代替rule.findbug.SF_SWITCH_NO_=Switch语句中没有包含defaultrule.findbug.NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH_FROM_RETURN_=高危-调用返回返回值可能出现null值rule.findbug.NP_CLONE_COULD_RETURN_=不良实践-Clone 方法可能返回nullrule.findbug.MS_OOI_=恶意代码漏洞-属性应该从接口中移除并将访问权限设置为包保护rule.findbug.DM_BO某ED_PRIMITIVE_=性能-方法使用了装箱的基本类型只为了调用toStringrule.findbug.EQ_ABSTRACT_=不良实践-抽象类定义了协变的equal方法rule.findbug.DM_STRING_=性能-方法调用了String 的toString()方法rule.findbug.SE_METHOD_MUST_BE_=错误用法-方法必须是private的为了让序列化正常工作rule.findbug.DL_SYNCHRONIZATION_ON_=多线程错误-在Boolean上使用同步可能导致死锁rule.findbug.UWF_UNWRITTEN_=错误用法-未赋值属性rule.findbug.IS2_INCONSISTENT_=多线程错误-不一致的同步rule.findbug.IM_AVERAGE_COMPUTATION_COULD_=高危-计算平均值可能溢出rule.findbug.BIT_SIGNED_CHECK_HIGH_=错误用法-检查位运算的符号rule.findbug.FL_MATH_USING_FLOAT_=错误用法-方法进行数学运算时使用了浮点数的精度rule.findbug.WS_WRITEOBJECT_=多线程错误-类的writeObject()方法是同步的,但是没有做其他事情rule.findbug.RV_RETURN_VALUE_=错误用法-方法忽略了返回值rule.findbug.SQL_NONCONSTANT_STRING_PASSED_TO_E某=安全风险-非常量的字符串传递给方法执行SQL语句rule.findbug.JCIP_FIELD_ISNT_FINAL_IN_IMMUTABLE_=不良实践-不可变的类的属性应该是finalrule.findbug.AM_CREATES_EMPTY_ZIP_FILE_=不良实践-创建了一个空的zip文件的入口rule.findbug.DM_NE某TINT_VIA_NE某=性能-使用Random的ne某tInt方法来获得一个随机整数,而不是ne某tDoublerule.findbug.UI_INHERITANCE_UNSAFE_=不良实践-如果类被扩展,GetReource的使用可能就是不安全的rule.findbug.SIO_SUPERFLUOUS_=错误用法-不必要的类型检测使用intanceof操作符rule.findbug.EQ_OTHER_NO_=错误用法-equal()方法定义,但是没有覆盖equal(Object)M_USELESS_ABSTRACT_=试验-抽象方法已经在实现的接口中定义了rule.findbug.MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_=高危-扩展Servlet的类使用了实例变量rule.findbug.DM_USELESS_=多线程错误-使用默认的空run方法创建了一个线程rule.findbug.ML_SYNC_ON_UPDATED_=多线程错误-方法在一个修改了的属性上进行了同步rule.findbug.BC_UNCONFIRMED_=高危-未检查/未证实的类型转换rule.findbug.FI_FINALIZER_NULLS_=不良实践-Finalizer空属性rule.findbug.BIT_=错误用法-不兼容的位掩码(BIT_AND) rule.findbug.FE_FLOATING_POINT_=高危-测试浮点数相等rule.findbug.TQ_E某PLICIT_UNKNOWN_SOURCE_VALUE_REACHES_NEVER_=错误用法-值不要求有类型标示,但是标记为未知rule.findbug.NP_NULL_PARAM_=错误用法-方法调用把null传递给一个非null参数rule.findbug.FB_MISSING_E某PECTED_=试验-findbug 丢失了期待或需要的警告rule.findbug.DMI_INVOKING_HASHCODE_ON_=错误用法-在数组上调用了hahCoderule.findbug.QBA_QUESTIONABLE_BOOLEAN_=错误用法-方法在布尔表达式中分配了boolean文字rule.findbug.SA_FIELD_SELF_=错误用法-属性自己与自己进行了比较 me=错误用法-父类的构造方法调用未初始化属性的方法rule.findbug.ES_COMPARING_PARAMETER_STRING_WITH_=不良实践-比较字符串参数使用了==或!=rule.findbug.INT_BAD_COMPARISON_WITH_NONNEGATIVE_=错误用法-错误比较非负值与负数rule.findbug.INT_BAD_COMPARISON_WITH_SIGNED_=错误用法-错误比较带符号的byterule.findbug.IO_APPENDING_TO_OBJECT_OUTPUT_=错误用法-尝试向一个对象输出流添加信息rule.findbug.FI_MISSING_SUPER_=不良实践-Finalizer 没有调用父类的finalizerrule.findbug.VA_FORMAT_STRING_E某TRA_ARGUMENTS_=错误用法-传递了多余实际使用的格式化字符串的参数rule.findbug.HE_EQUALS_USE_=不良实践-类定义了equal(),但使用了Object.hahCode()rule.findbug.IJU_BAD_SUITE_=错误用法-TetCae声明了一个错误的uite方法rule.findbug.DMI_CONSTANT_DB_=安全风险-硬编码了数据库密码rule.findbug.REC_CATCH_E某=高危-捕获了没有抛出的异常rule.findbug.PS_PUBLIC_=高危-类在公用接口中暴露了同步和信号rule.findbug.EC_UNRELATED_=错误用法-调用equal()比较不同的接口类型rule.findbug.UCF_USELESS_CONTROL_FLOW_NE某T_=错误用法-执行到下一行的无用流程控制rule.findbug.LG_LOST_LOGGER_DUE_TO_WEAK_=试验-OpenJDK中存在潜在的丢失logger的风险,因为弱引用rule.findbug.NP_UNWRITTEN_=错误用法-读取未初始化的属性rule.findbug.DMI_UNSUPPORTED_=高危-调用不支持的方法rule.findbug.RCN_REDUNDANT_COMPARISON_OF_NULL_AND_NONNULL_VA =高危-重复比较非空值和nullrule.findbug.EC_BAD_ARRAY_=错误用法-调用equal(),与==效果一样rule.findbug.EI_E某POSE_=恶意代码漏洞-可能通过返回一个可变对象的引用暴露了内部实现rule.findbug.NP_DEREFERENCE_OF_READLINE_=高危-没有判断readLine()的结果是否为空rule.findbug.UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_=性能-从未用到的私有方法rule.findbug.NP_NULL_ON_SOME_=错误用法-可能出现空指针引用rule.findbug.NP_EQUALS_SHOULD_HANDLE_NULL_=不良实践-equal()方法没有检测null参数rule.findbug.EC_NULL_=错误用法-使用空参数调用equal() rule.findbug.SE_BAD_FIELD_=不良实践-非序列化值保存在序列化类的实例变量中rule.findbug.VO_VOLATILE_REFERENCE_TO_=多线程错误-数组的volatile引用不会把数组元素也当做volatile来引用rule.findbug.NP_SYNC_AND_NULL_CHECK_=多线程错误-同步和空值检测发生在同一个属性上rule.findbug.DM_E某=不良实践-方法调用了Sytem.e某it(...)rule.findbug.RC_REF_=不良实践-怀疑进行了引用比较rule.findbug.SE_NO_SUITABLE_=不良实践-类是可序列化的,但是父类没有定义无参数构造方法rule.findbug.DC_=多线程错误-可能对属性进行了双重检测rule.findbug.DMI_LONG_BITS_TO_DOUBLE_INVOKED_ON_=错误用法-在int上调用了Double.longBitToDoublerule.findbug.RpC_REPEATED_CONDITIONAL_=错误用法-重复判断条件rule.findbug.WMI_WRONG_MAP_=性能-keySet迭代是低效的,使用entrySet代替rule.findbug.DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_=高危-未用的局部变量rule.findbug.INT_BAD_REM_BY_=错误用法-整数剩余模1 rule.findbug.RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED_BAD_=不良实践-方法忽略异常返回值rule.findbug.SA_LOCAL_SELF_=高危-局部变量的自我赋值rule.findbug.MS_SHOULD_BE_=恶意代码漏洞-属性不是final,但是应该设置成finalrule.findbug.SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_=性能-应该是一个静态内部类rule.findbug.NP_GUARANTEED_=错误用法-null值一定会被调用rule.findbug.SE_READ_RESOLVE_MUST_RETURN_=不良实践-readReolve方法必须返回Objectrule.findbug.NP_LOAD_OF_KNOWN_NULL_=高危-加载了已知的null值rule.findbug.B某_BO某ING_IMMEDIATELY_UNBO某ED_TO_PERFORM_=性能-基本数据被装箱又被拆箱_IMPLEMENTS_CLONE_BUT_NOT_=不良实践-类定义了clone()但没有实现Cloneablerule.findbug.BAC_BAD_APPLET_=试验-错误的Applet构造方法依赖未初始化的AppletStubrule.findbug.EQ_GETCLASS_AND_CLASS_=不良实践-equal方法因为子类失败rule.findbug.DB_DUPLICATE_SWITCH_=高危-在两个witch语句中使用了相同的代码rule.findbug.DB_DUPLICATE_=高危-在两个分支中使用了相同的代码rule.findbug.UOE_USE_OBJECT_=试验-在final类上调用了equal,但是没有覆盖Object的equal方法rule.findbug.FI_=不良实践-Finalizer除了调用父类的finalizer以外什么也没做rule.findbug.NP_ALWAYS_=错误用法-调用了null指针rule.findbug.DMI_VACUOUS_SELF_COLLECTION_=错误用法-集合的调用不能被感知rule.findbug.DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE_IN_=错误用法-返回语句中的无用的赋值rule.findbug.IJU_ASSERT_METHOD_INVOKED_FROM_RUN_=错误用法-在run方法中的JUnit检验不能报告给JUnitrule.findbug.DMI_EMPTY_DB_=安全风险-空的数据库密码rule.findbug.DM_BOOLEAN_=性能-方法调用了低效的Boolean构造方法;使用Boolean.valueOf(...)代替rule.findbug.BC_IMPOSSIBLE_=错误用法-不可能转型 me=不良实践-Equal方法不应该假设任何有关参数类型的事宜rule.findbug.RV_E某CEPTION_NOT_=错误用法-异常创建后就丢弃了,没有抛出rule.findbug.VA_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_PASSED_TO_OBJECT_ =错误用法-基本类型数组传递给一个期待可变对象类型参数的方法rule.findbug.LI_LAZY_INIT_UPDATE_=多线程错误-错误的延迟初始化和更新静态属性rule.findbug.SA_FIELD_SELF_=错误用法-属性自身赋值rule.findbug.EQ_ALWAYS_=错误用法-equal方法一直返回falerule.findbug.DMI_RANDOM_USED_ONLY_=不良实践-Random 对象创建后只用了一次rule.findbug.NM_CLASS_NOT_E某=不良实践-Cla没有继承E某ception,虽然名字像一个异常rule.findbug.SA_LOCAL_DOUBLE_=高危-给局部变量双重赋值rule.findbug.NP_NULL_PARAM_DEREF_ALL_TARGETS_=错误用法-方法调用传递null给非空参数(ALL_TARGETS_DANGEROUS) rule.findbug.NP_TOSTRING_COULD_RETURN_=不良实践-toString方法可能返回nullrule.findbug.BC_BAD_CAST_TO_ABSTRACT_=高危-转换成抽象集合值得怀疑rule.findbug.NM_LCASE_=类定义了hahcode();应该是hahCode()吧?rule.findbug.RU_INVOKE_=多线程错误-在线程中调用了run(你的意思是再启动一次么?)rule.findbug.DMI_INVOKING_TOSTRING_ON_=错误用法-调用了数组的toStringrule.findbug.NM_METHOD_NAMING_=方法名应该以小写字母开头rule.findbug.RCN_REDUNDANT_COMPARISON_TWO_NULL_=高危-重复比较两个null值rule.findbug.SA_LOCAL_SELF_=错误用法-对一个变量进行无意义的自我计算(比如某&某)rule.findbug.MS_MUTABLE_=恶意代码漏洞-属性是可变的Hahtablerule.findbug.RV_DONT_JUST_NULL_CHECK_=高危-方法丢掉了readLine的结果,在检测它是非空之后。
The story of the origin and growth of all things is a fascinating and age-old tale that has puzzled humans for centuries. Many different cultures and belief systems have their own interpretations of how the universe was created and how it has evolved over time. However, there is one common theme that runs throughout many of these stories: the importance of light, energy, and life itself.In the English translation of this story, it can be said that the universe was created by the power and beauty of the sun. As the sun gave life and energy to the world, all things began to grow and flourish. This is the story of the creation of the world, the source of all life, and the driving force behind the growth and development of the universe.In many cultures, the sun is seen as a symbol of hope, renewal, and growth. It is the source of light and warmth, and it is the catalyst for all life on Earth. The sun is also often associated with the cycles of nature, and the changing seasons and weather patterns that it brings.In conclusion, the story of the origin and growth of all things can be seen as a metaphor for the power and importance of light, energy, and life itself. It is a tale that has inspired many cultures and has been passed down from generation to generation, reminding us of the beauty and wonder of the world and the importance of taking care of it.。
新概念英语第二册第七课课文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1A Working DayYo wassup guys! Today I'm gonna give y'all the lowdown on this reading we did in class about a dude named Eric Walker's typical work day. At first it sounds like a total snoozefest, but trust me, this one's got some twists and turns that'll keep you on your toes!So it starts off with Eric waking up at 7 am to the sound of the radio blaring some tunes. Seems pretty standard so far, right? But get this - he leaves the radio on while he showers and gets ready! I can barely function without my morning playlist, but having an actual radio going while I'm trying to wake up sounds like a one-way ticket to Headache City.Anyway, after his sonic shower routine, he heads downstairs for a classic English brekky - eggs, bacon, toast and coffee. Again, nothing too crazy here. Buttttt then it takes a turn for the weird - Eric straight up reads his morning paper WHILE shoveling food into his mouth! How's my dude not choking or spilling crumbsand coffee all over those pristine newspaper pages? That's some serious multi-tasking skills right there.Once he's refueled, it's off to the office for Eric. But not before throwing on his suit and tie - talk about a blast from the past! I can count on one hand the number of times I've had to wear a full suit, and I'm sure most of you guys are the same. We're talking slacks, shirt, jacket, the whole nine yards. I'm sweating just thinking about having to get all dressed up like that for the daily grind.Eric's commute is pretty tame - he hops in his car and fights through the usual morning traffic. Sounds exactly like what my parents deal with on their way to work. No hoverboards or teleportation devices in sight. How retro!When he finally makes it to the office, Eric starts off by sorting through the mail and checking over any urgent documents. Mail? Like...physical letters and packages? What is this, the 1800s? I handle 99.9% of my communication digitally nowadays. Having to rifle through piles of paper mail sounds like such a hassle.After that riveting mail check, Eric spends a couple hours typing away at reports and memos on his computer. Okay, now we're finally in the 20th century! He took shorthand notes duringsome meetings too - I had to look that up, and it's basically super fast handwritten note-taking with a bunch of symbols and abbreviations. Sorry Eric, but we've got way more efficient technology for that these days. No more cramped up hands from furious pencil-scribbling required!At noon, Eric takes his lunch break. And you'll never guess what he does...he heads to the staff canteen and buys a salad! Cue the gasps of shock and horror! A salad?? For lunch Who does this madman think he is? Just thinking about eating a sad little pile of leaves and veggies in the middle of the day is making me lose my appetite. Where's the burgers? The pizza? The snack cakes from the vending machine? This is an outrage!Post-Sadness Salad, Eric spends the rest of the afternoon making phone calls, going to more meetings, and typing up more documents. I'm getting majorly bored just hearing about this stuff. Apparently he finally leaves around 5:30 pm - so much for that elusive "work-life balance" we're always being told about these days!The journey home is just as thrilling as the morning commute. Except this time, Eric swings by the grocery store on the way to grab some stuff for dinner. Let me get this straight - dDude went to the actual grocery store...after working a full dayat the office?I'm tired just from listening to this saga! Why didn't he just tap a couple buttons and have everything delivered right to his doorstep?Finally - FINALLY - Eric gets home around 6:30 pm. After being a corporate robot all day, you'd think the man would kick back and demolish a family-sized bag of chips while watching TVor something. But noooo, not Eric Walker! This absolute madman starts cooking an entire meal from scratch. We're talking veggies, meat, pots and pans - the full home-cooked experience!I don't know about you, but after a long day of classes and extracurriculars, the LAST thing I want to do is play Master Chef in the kitchen. My typical evening consists of nuking a frozen meal or ordering some delivery, not this kind of from-scratch cooking insanity!To be honest, I'm getting total Dorothy vibes from this mundane schedule: "...and you were there, and you were there..." Because by 9 pm, Eric has cleaned up after dinner, done some laundry, read a few chapters of a book, watched a bit of TV, and gotten ready for bed. How thrilling.I mean, I give Eric props for being so dutiful and responsible. But sheesh, talk about a total snoozefest of a day! No wonderthat new vidgame or social media app is always looking way more appealing than my homework. If having a "working day" means doing absolutely nothing out of the ordinary besides...working...then you can count me out.Give me something exiting! Give me adventure! A life filled with spontaneous road trips, viral videos to post, the latest tech to obsess over. Anything but Salad Man's oppressively normal routine. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk, fam!篇2An Eye-Opening Lesson on Appearance and RealityAs an eager student striving to improve my English proficiency, I found Lesson 7 from New Concept English Book 2 to be a truly thought-provoking experience. The passage delves into the intricate relationship between appearance and reality, challenging our preconceived notions and compelling us to question the very nature of our perceptions.The lesson begins with a seemingly innocuous conversation between two individuals, Tom and Jim, discussing a peculiar advertisement they stumbled upon in a newspaper. The advertisement, which promised a "priceless" experience for a mere fifty cents, piqued their curiosity, and they decided toinvestigate further. Little did they know that this decision would lead them on a journey of self-discovery and a profound understanding of the dichotomy between what we see and what truly lies beneath the surface.As Tom and Jim ventured to the address provided in the advertisement, they encountered a dilapidated building that hardly exuded the promise of a "priceless" experience. However, their skepticism was soon replaced by intrigue as they were guided through a series of rooms, each more perplexing than the last. The stark contrast between the outward appearance of the building and the captivating experiences within served as a potent metaphor for the central theme of the lesson.One of the most striking moments in the passage was the description of the room adorned with mirrors, where Tom and Jim found themselves surrounded by countless reflections of themselves. This experience forced them to confront their own perceptions of themselves and the world around them, challenging the very notion of what constitutes reality. The mirrors, symbolic of self-reflection and introspection, became a powerful tool for exploring the depths of human experience and understanding.As the passage progressed, Tom and Jim encountered a series of optical illusions and mind-bending exhibits that defied their expectations and challenged their senses. From distorted perspectives to impossible shapes, each room presented a new puzzle for them to unravel, forcing them to question the reliability of their own perceptions.The culmination of their journey was the final room, where they witnessed a breathtaking display of light and sound, a true spectacle that transcended the boundaries of what they had previously deemed possible. This experience served as a poignant reminder that reality often extends far beyond our limited understanding, and that the true essence of life lies in embracing the unknown and embracing the mysteries that surround us.Throughout the passage, the author skillfully weaves a narrative that seamlessly blends philosophical musings with engaging storytelling. The dialogue between Tom and Jim is not only entertaining but also serves as a vehicle for conveying profound insights into the human condition. Their reactions, ranging from bewilderment to awe, mirror the very journey that each reader embarks upon as they navigate the depths of this thought-provoking lesson.Ultimately, Lesson 7 from New Concept English Book 2 is a testament to the power of language and literature to transcend mere linguistic boundaries and delve into the very essence of what it means to be human. It challenges us to question our assumptions, to embrace the unknown, and to recognize that the true richness of life lies in the journey itself, not in the destinations we seek.As a student, this lesson has left an indelible mark on my understanding of the English language and the profound insights that can be conveyed through its mastery. It has inspired me to approach language not merely as a tool for communication but as a gateway to self-discovery and a deeper appreciation of the complexities that lie beneath the surface of our daily experiences.In conclusion, Lesson 7 from New Concept English Book 2 is a brilliant tapestry of storytelling, philosophy, and linguistic mastery, woven together to create a captivating and enlightening experience. It is a reminder that true knowledge extends far beyond the confines of textbooks and classrooms, and that the journey of learning is a lifelong pursuit that requires an open mind, a curious spirit, and a willingness to challenge our preconceived notions of reality.篇3Wow, Lesson 7 was a really intense one! The reading passage was all about the famous British explorer George Mallory and his attempts to climb Mount Everest back in the 1920s. I have to admit, before this lesson I didn't know much about Mallory or the early expeditions to scale the world's highest peak. But this text gave a really fascinating glimpse into that era of adventuring and mountain climbing.The passage starts by setting the scene - describing Mallory as ambitious and determined to be the first to reach the summit of Everest. It mentions how climbing the mountain had become almost an obsession for him after his first attempt in 1921. I can only imagine how driven and single-minded you'd have to be to keep trying to achieve something so incredibly difficult and dangerous, year after year.The narration then goes into some really vivid details about the 1924 expedition that Mallory took part in. I started feeling tense just reading about the grueling journey across the glaciers, climbing through deep snow, and having to hack out steps in the ice. The conditions they faced seemed brutally harsh - things like being blasted by -40C winds, having tents ripped apart, andrunning desperately low on supplies. It's hard to fathom dealing with that sort of extreme environment.What struck me most though was the climbing equipment and gear they had back then. In one part it describes them climbing while "pulling themselves up by leather ropes" and using tools like ice axes and crampons that sound medieval compared to today's high-tech mountaineering gear. Can you imagine trying to scale Everest's icy slopes in hiking boots tied to crude crampon spikes? Just the thought makes my feet go numb!The passage also doesn't shy away from the mortal dangers involved. It starkly states that seven climbers had already died on Everest before Mallory's attempts, which must have weighed heavily on their minds. And then the ominous final line about Mallory and his climbing partner being spotted for the last time only 800 feet from the summit before disappearing, leaving their fate unknown for decades. Chilling stuff.After learning about Mallory's struggles and the heroic spirit of those early Everest pioneers, I have so much more appreciation for what modern climbers go through at extreme altitudes. The passage said that above 25,000 feet, the lack of oxygen made even simple tasks like lighting a stove or tying ashoelace monumentally difficult. And Mallory's team had to climb without bottled oxygen or any of the specialized equipment we take for granted today. Just getting to the higher camps alone must have pushed their physical and mental limits.I'm also amazed by the sheer determination and acceptance of risk those early explorers embraced. As the reading states, when Mallory was asked why he wanted to climb Everest, he gave that famous quote: "Because it's there." A refreshingly simple answer that speaks volumes about the human drive to test our boundaries and achieve the seemingly impossible, regardless of the dangers.After reading this gripping tale, I feel inspired to learn more about Mallory, his ill-fated partner Sandy Irvine, and the other unsung adventurers who blazed the trail in Himalayan mountaineering. While their story didn't have a storybook ending, they embodied a bold pioneering spirit that made future expeditions possible. I have a newfound respect for the audacious dream chasers and frontier pushers of that era.I also couldn't help pondering what thoughts must have raced through Mallory's mind on that final push to the summit, knowing his wife and children were potentially watching him through a telescope back at base camp. Did he realize howfamous and mythologized his story would become? Or was he just utterly focused on overcoming that ultimate test of human endurance? The mystique surrounding his final hours will forever make him an enigmatic cult figure in the annals of exploration.In the end, while the passage doesn't flinch from depicting the grave risks of high-altitude alpinism, it left me feeling strangely inspired rather than discouraged. There's something remarkably vivid and life-affirming about people pushing themselves to the absolute brink of their physical capacities - all out of an innate yearning to discover, to achieve something monumental, or simply answer the human calling to adventure.Mallory's journey was one of grit, suffering, and unfortunately tragedy. But stories like his force us to re-evaluate the comfort zones we settle into and consider what unconquered summits still await the intrepid climbers of today. This lesson has me daydreaming about my own Everest - what's that one extraordinary, impossible-seeming life pursuit I could dedicate myself to, even if it pushes me to the limits? Mallory's legacy will endure as a testament to transcendent human resolve in the face of overwhelming adversity. Not a bad lesson to digest alongside grammar rules and vocab lists.。
高中英语文学体裁单选题80题(含答案)1.Which of the following is a characteristic of lyric poetry?A. Tells a long narrative storyB. Focuses on a single emotional momentC. Describes historical events in detailD. Presents arguments and debates答案:B。
选项A 是叙事诗的特点;选项C 更倾向于史诗的特点;选项D 不是诗歌常见的主要特点。
2.Poetry that uses regular rhyme and meter is called:A. Free verse poetryB. Blank verse poetryC. Sonnet poetryD. Rhymed poetry答案:D。
选项 A 自由诗不强调押韵和格律;选项 B 无韵诗虽有格律但不押韵;选项C 十四行诗只是一种特定形式的诗歌,不一定是所有押韵有格律的诗歌都叫十四行诗。
3.Which poet is known for his use of imagism in poetry?A. William WordsworthB. T.S. EliotC. Ezra PoundD. Robert Frost答案:C。
4.The form of poetry that consists of three lines with a specific syllable count is:A. HaikuB. SonnetC. LimerickD. Ballad答案:A。
诡秘之主英语作文Delving into the Enigmatic World of The Elusive LordThe Elusive Lord, a figure shrouded in mystery and intrigue, has captivated the imagination of countless individuals across the globe. This enigmatic character, whose true identity and motives remain cloaked in secrecy, has become the subject of intense fascination and speculation. Through the pages of literature and the lens of popular culture, the Elusive Lord has emerged as a complex and multifaceted entity, defying simple categorization and inviting us to delve deeper into the tangled web of his existence.At the heart of this enigmatic character lies a profound sense of duality. On one hand, the Elusive Lord is a figure of immense power and influence, wielding control over the fate of nations and the course of history. His reach extends far beyond the confines of the mortal realm, as he is rumored to possess supernatural abilities that defy the limitations of the human condition. Yet, despite this formidable presence, the Elusive Lord remains elusive, perpetually shrouded in a veil of mystery that only serves to heighten the intrigue surrounding him.Intrigued by the allure of the unknown, scholars and enthusiasts have long sought to unravel the mysteries that surround the Elusive Lord. Poring over ancient texts and deciphering cryptic clues, they have pieced together a fragmented narrative that offers tantalizing glimpses into the nature of this enigmatic being. Some believe the Elusive Lord to be a manifestation of a primordial force, a dark and primal entity that exists beyond the boundaries of the mortal realm. Others see him as a figure of immense power and influence, a master strategist who orchestrates the events of the world from the shadows, pulling the strings of fate with a deft and calculating touch.Regardless of the specific interpretations, the Elusive Lord has become a potent symbol of the unknown, a representation of the vast and unfathomable mysteries that lie beyond the reach of human understanding. His very existence challenges the boundaries of our perception, forcing us to confront the limits of our own knowledge and the vastness of the unexplored realms that lie beyond the confines of the tangible world.As we delve deeper into the enigmatic world of the Elusive Lord, we are confronted with a myriad of questions that defy easy answers. What are the true motivations that drive this enigmatic being? What are the forces that he seeks to harness, and what are the consequences of his actions? And perhaps most tantalizing of all, what is the true nature of the Elusive Lord, and how does hisexistence shape the very fabric of reality itself?These questions, and countless others, have fueled the endless fascination and speculation that surrounds the Elusive Lord. From the pages of literature to the silver screen, this enigmatic character has captured the imagination of countless individuals, inspiring them to explore the depths of the unknown and to confront the boundaries of their own understanding.Whether seen as a force of darkness or a harbinger of change, the Elusive Lord remains a captivating and enduring figure in the annals of human experience. His very existence serves as a testament to the power of the unknown, a reminder that even in the face of the most profound mysteries, there is always more to discover, more to explore, and more to uncover.As we continue to ponder the enigma of the Elusive Lord, let us embrace the wonder and the challenge that this enigmatic being presents. For in the pursuit of understanding the unknown, we may uncover truths that transcend the boundaries of our own perception, and unlock the secrets of a world that lies beyond the reach of our imagination.。
High Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions from RHIC to LHC:高能重离子碰撞从RHIC的大型强子对撞机
2003년 10월 8일
Present First Supernovae Galaxy & Star Formation
Atom Formation
He Formation
WI & QED Separate
Quark-Gluon Plasma
EW & QCD Separate (GUT )
Big Bang
2003년 10월 8일
서울대학교 콜로퀴움
Phases of Nuclear Matter
Early Universe (RHIC, LHC) Quark-Gluon Plasma
Phase Transition
1 MeV~1010 K n0=0.17/fm3 1 fm=10-15 m
• Hard Probes
– Formed in initial collisions with high Q2 – Calculable in pQCD given
• Parton strunture function
Hadron jet
• Hard scattering rate • Fragmentation function
✓Yields grow significantly faster than Npart ✓Evidence for the hard scattering (Nbin) term
英汉翻译教程 张培基 课后练习及答案
replace the capitalist system in the end. • 我们深信,社会主义制度终究会代替资本主义制度。 • 2. They were not content with their present
achievements. • 他们不满足于他们现有的成就。 • 3. They were suspicious and resentful of him. • 他们不信任他,讨厌他。 • 4. If we were ignorant of the structure of the atom,
it would be impossible for us to study nuclear physics. • 如果我们不知道原子的结构,我们就不能研究核子物理学。
• 七、 试译下列各句,将斜体的副词转译成动词: • 1. The successful fishermen of that day were already i • 那天交好运的渔人们都已回来。 • 2. When he went back, the radio was still on, for he
• 3. The judge sat in the dining-room amid his morning mail.
高一科学探索英语阅读理解25题1<背景文章>The Big Bang Theory is one of the most important scientific theories in modern cosmology. It attempts to explain the origin and evolution of the universe. According to the Big Bang theory, the universe began as an extremely hot and dense singularity. Then, a tremendous explosion occurred, releasing an enormous amount of energy and matter. This event marked the beginning of time and space.In the early moments after the Big Bang, the universe was filled with a hot, dense plasma of subatomic particles. As the universe expanded and cooled, these particles began to combine and form atoms. The first atoms to form were hydrogen and helium. Over time, gravity caused these atoms to clump together to form stars and galaxies.The discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation in 1964 provided strong evidence for the Big Bang theory. This radiation is thought to be the residual heat from the Big Bang and is uniformly distributed throughout the universe.The Big Bang theory has had a profound impact on modern science. It has helped us understand the origin and evolution of the universe, as well as the formation of stars and galaxies. It has also led to the development ofnew technologies, such as telescopes and satellites, that have allowed us to study the universe in greater detail.1. According to the Big Bang theory, the universe began as ___.A. a cold and empty spaceB. an extremely hot and dense singularityC. a collection of stars and galaxiesD. a large cloud of gas and dust答案:B。
《英汉对比研究》第8章 抽象与具体
第八章抽象与具体(Abstract vs.Concrete)英语的名词化往往导致表达的抽象化。
G.M.Young曾指出,“an excessive reliance on the noun at the expense of the verb will,in the end,detach the mind of the writer from the realities of here and now, from when and how and in what mood the thing was done.and insensibly induce a habit of abstraction, generalization and vagueness.”英语的抽象表达法(method of abstract diction)主要见于大量使用抽象名词。
如:1)The signs of the times point to the necessity of the modification of the system of administration.(“Times”)( =It is becoming clear that the administrative system must be,modified)管理体制需要改革,这已越来越清楚了。
2)No year passes now without evidence of the truth of the statement that the work of government is becoming increasingly difficult.(“Spectator”)(=Every year shows again h ow true it is that…)行政管理工作已变得越来越困难了,每年都证明确实如此。
Jason® Installation GuideApril 2, 2010C OPYRIGHT © F UGRO -J ASON 2010A LL NON -F UGRO -J ASON OR F UGRO NV TRADEMARKS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE HOLDERS . A LL R IGHTS R ESERVEDN O PART OF THE J ASON G EOSCIENCE W ORKBENCH DOCUMENTATION MAY BE REPRODUCED , STORED IN A RETRIEVAL SYSTEM , OR TRANSMITTED , IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS , ELECTRONIC , MECHANICAL , PHOTOCOPYING , RECORDING , OR OTHERWISE , WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM F UGRO -J ASON N ETHERLANDS BV.F UGRO -J ASON N ETHERLANDS BV ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITIES DIRECT OR INDIRECT FOR ANY ERRORS OR INACCURACIES THAT MAY APPEAR IN THIS DOCUMENT OR FROM THE USE OF THE J ASONG EOSCIENCE W ORKBENCH . T HE SOFTWARE DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FURNISHED UNDER LICENSE AND MAY ONLY BE USED OR COPIED IN ACCORDANCEFugro-Jason Please see our web site for a list of our offices, addresses, and contact numbers. For general information please send an email with your request to info@If you have any suggestions about this documentation, please contact us at ae.qatt@ .T ABLE OF CONTENTS (3)I NTRODUCTION (6)C ONVENTIONS USED IN THIS GUIDE (6)Q UICK START (7)L INUX (7)W INDOWS (7)H ARDWARE /S OFTWARE REQUIREMENTS (8)G ENERAL (8)DVD reader (8)OpenGL (8)Disk space requirements (8)H ARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: (8)Hardware Requirements (8)Additional Hardware Support (9)S OFTWARE REQUIREMENTS (10)Linux/x86, x86_64 (10)Windows (10)Nvidia drivers (10)C ALCULATION OF MEMORY REQUIREMENTS (11)Model Builder (11)EarthModel Model & Well Curve Generator and InverMod (11)EarthModel Model Interpolator (11)CSSI (InverTrace-Plus / RockTrace) (12)MCMC (StatMod MC / RockMod) (12)R EMOTE D ISPLAY (13)L INUX (13)No Machine (NX) (13)ThinAnywhere® (13)Exceed®/Exceed 3D® (13)CygWin-X (13)W INDOWS (13)C OMPATIBILITY (14)Hardware compatibility (14)Simultaneous usage of different versions (14)I NSTALLING J ASON ON L INUX (15)1:C REATE THE PRODUCT INSTALLATION ACCOUNT AND DIRECTORY (15)2:I NSTALLING J ASON (16)3:I NSTALL THE LICENSE FILE (16)4:C ONFIGURE THE INSTALLATION (17)5:E NABLE THE J ASON LICENSE MANAGER (18)Sharing the license between different release versions (19)6:T EST THE INSTALLATION (20)7:M AKING THE J ASON LAUNCHER AVAILABLE TO USERS (20)8:D EFINE LOCAL SETTINGS (21)Define local cache directory (21)Define global spool directory (22)Define site-wide CGM previewer (22)I NSTALLING J ASON ON W INDOWS (23)1:R UN THE INSTALLER (23)2:I NSTALL THE LICENSE FILE (23)3:C ONFIGURE THE LICENSE MANAGER (23)4:T EST THE INSTALLATION (23)C HANGING DEFAULT SETTINGS IN J ASON (25)C USTOMIZING LOCAL DEFAULTS (25)Rules (25)H ARDCOPY OUTPUT (26)D ISABLE SYSTEM ERROR REPORTING DIALOGUES (26)C ONFIGURING THE M ULTI CPU ENVIRONMENT (27)I NSTALLATION (27)1: Prepare the installation (28)2: Set up remote shell without a password (28)3: Enable RSH daemon on all hosts (29)4: Quick test (29)5: Configuring Jason to use Multi-CPU (29)6: Validation of the installation and setup (29)I MPLEMENTATION DETAILS (29)PVM version (30)Hints and Tips (30)E XTERNAL SCHEDULERS (30)Modifying the Jason installation to use an external scheduler (32)T ROUBLESHOOTING (33)U SING SSH (34)Getting PVM to work with passphrase-less SSH (34)A PPENDIX I-FLEX LM LICENSE MANAGER (35)O PERATION OF THE LICENSE MANAGER (35)Terms (35)Components of the license management system (36)Configuring the license management system (36)S TARTING THE LICENSE MANAGER FOR L INUX (37)Starting the license manager using the jason script (37)Starting the license manager manually (37)S TARTING THE LICENSE MANAGER FOR W INDOWS (37)T HE LICENSE REQUEST PROCESS (39)I F THE LICENSE MANAGER GOES DOWN (39)U PDATING THE LICENSE MANAGER FILE (39)Perpetual license (39)Lease, Rental, or Demo license (40)D EBUGGING THE SYSTEM (40)Where to start (40)FLEXlm error codes (40)More about the license manager (42)Troubleshooting checklist (42)F REQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (43)A PPENDIX II:J ASON DIRECTORY STRUCTURE (47)I NTRODUCTIONIn this version we renamed the main launcher Jason; this launchercombines all Fugro-Jason software modules: JGW, EarthModel FT andPowerLog.The 8.2 version of the Jason software is available both on Linux andWindows. PowerLog is available as an additional module on Windows only.For a simple or temporary installation you can refer to the Quick start onpage 7. Otherwise we recommend you follow the procedure that isdescribed from page 15 (Linux) or page 23 (Windows) onwards.This installation guide is meant for installing the Jason launcher and thelicensed modules, including EarthModel FT. PowerLog can be installed asan additional module for Windows; please refer to the PowerLog releasenotes for more detailed information on installing the software. Conventions used in this guideNotation conventions used in the command syntax and examples in thisguide:Notationterminal This font is used for user input, program output, or errormessages in text. Example: tar xv<topdir> Identifies a generic element that must be replaced by the valueappropriate for your installation.Italics To emphasize a statement.NOTE To indicate information that you should read before proceeding.B UTTON To indicate you have to look for a button with that name.Menu To indicate you have to select a menu option.M ODULE To indicate the name of a software module.Q UICK STARTThis installation sheet can be used for simple and/or temporary installations.Otherwise please follow the full instructions as described on page 8onwards.Linux1. Change to the directory where you want to install the software.2. Check available disk space; this should be 2 GB.3. Make a subdirectory where the software is to be installed.4. Change to the newly created directory.5. Mount the DVD. (See page 16 for more instructions.)6. Execute the install script from the root directory of the DVD and follow theon-screen instructions.7. When finished unmount the DVD.8. Change directory to the license directory and copy the license file into thatdirectory.9. Run the post-installation script (../jgsetup) and select option 1, configurethe installation. Use option 98 first, to set a network path so all necessarysystems can “see” the Jason installation.10. Make a symbolic link from the ‘system bin’ directory to the jason startupscript: type: ln -s <inst_dir>/jason /usr/local/bin where<inst_dir> is the directory where you installed the software.11. The software can now be started by typing: jason. It may be required totype ‘rehash’ to refresh the cached search path.NOTE:When starting the Jason launcher, the Jason license manager will be started automatically. This means you have to be logged-on tothe machine listed as the license server. We strongly recommendto add the Jason License Manager startup to the system bootsequence. See page , 5: Enable the Jason license manager. Windows1. Insert the Jason DVD in your computer.2. Double click the Jason setup icon and follow the on-screen instructions toinstall the software.• Select Typical install when asked and click on I NSTALL.H ARDWARE /S OFTWARE REQUIREMENTSThe Jason modules can all be opened from the Jason launcher. The Jasonlauncher is available for Linux and Windows. This chapter informs you aboutthe hardware and software requirements for running the software. GeneralDVD readerThe software is being distributed on DVD, therefore the machine thesoftware has to be installed on, needs to be capable of reading DVDs. OpenGLJason uses hardware accelerated OpenGL graphics for all viewers.Therefore you are strongly recommended to use up-to-date graphicshardware and associated drivers.Disk space requirementsThe installed Jason software on Linux or Windows will take up 2 GB of diskspace.Hardware requirements:Jason runs on PC’s, laptops and servers running Intel/AMD CPUs with anNvidia graphics card.The Intel Itanium and Itanium2 architectures are not supported!Hardware RequirementsJason consists of various types of software modules, each with their ownhardware requirements. If a machine is used for a combination of thesemodules, the superset of recommended hardware should be used. Belowyou will find a description of the types.Jason Core/ViewersAs this environment is used for visualizing data, the recommended hardwareis geared towards fast data access, and good quality visualization hardware.Recommended configuration:• A dual-CPU (or dual-core) system, with 4GB of memory, 2x 500 GB SATA-II harddrive and an Nvidia quadro class graphis adapter.•For more efficient use we recommend to run Jason in a “dual screen”configuration (preferably 1600x1200 or 1680x1050 resolution).InverTrace-Plus/Rocktrace/StatModMC/RockModI NVERTRACE-P LUS, R OCK T RACE, S TAT M OD MC and R OCK M OD are gearedtowards processing large amounts of data, in a single-threaded fashion. Assuch, a fast, single core CPU will give better performance then a quad-coreCPU with lower clock-speed. Since these modules work on blocks of data inmemory, we recommend an available memory of 2 GB per core. Fast harddisks (SATA-II) will also improve processing speedRecommended configuration:• A fast CPU, 4GB of memory, 2 x 500 GB SATA-II harddisks.MCPU workers (Linux only)R OCK T RACE, I NVER T RACE-P LUS,S TAT M OD MC and R OCK M OD can be run inparallel mode and make use of additional machines in the network for extraCPU power. For this you need a seperate MCPU license.MCPU allows mixing and matching of different classes of machines tocooperate on the same task; for efficient use the machines should be ofcomparable specifications; they should have the same amount of memoryper thread (core or CPU) and the CPUs should be of roughly equalperformance.NetworkThe worker nodes will access their input data over the network (using NFS),and as such will benefit from having a high-speed, low-latency network(GigE or better).MemoryThe maximum amount of data a worker process can handle is determinedfor the whole process, and therefore the lowest amount of memory availableon any one of the workers, will determine the maximum amount available foreach process. Having 6 workers with 2GB available and 2 workers with 1GBwill usually lead to a longer overall runtime, then just using 6 workers with2GB of memory.CPUA good rule of thumb is that the speed difference between the fastest andslowest CPU should be less then 50%Multi-Threading (StatModMC/RockMod only)S TAT M OD MC and R OCK M OD can be run in multi-threaded mode. For thisyou need a separate MCMC-MT license. Multi-Threading makes use of allthe available cores in your machine.We recommend 2.4 GB of memory per thread.Additional Hardware SupportAs of JGW 8.0, all batch modules are available as native 64bit Linux for the64-bit Intel and AMD hardware.Please note that the Intel Itanium and Intel Itanium2 Processor architectureis not supported.Software requirementsLinux/x86, x86_64Fugro-Jason currently supports recent versions of both SuSE and RedHatEnterprise, both for x86 and x86_64 architectures, with the latest patchesinstalled. Xorg and Nvidia graphics drivers are also required.Commentwith latest updates appliedSuSE 10.X, 11.x, Enterprise(SLES10)RedHat Enterprise 4.8 or 5.4 with latest updates appliedKnown LimitationsThe known limitations specific for the Linux platform are listed below. KnownLimitations for each of the Jason modules are listed at the end of theirrespective sections in the help file (Help > Known limitations)Error!Bookmark not defined..•PowerLog does not run on Linux.WindowsFugro-Jason currently supports the English language versions of WindowsXP (professional), Windows Vista (business and ultimate) and Windows 7(professional and ultimate), both 32 and 64 bit versions, with the latestservice packs installed.Non-English language versions are not supported.Known LimitationsThe known limitations specific for the Windows platforms are listed below.Known Limitations for each of the Jason modules can be found under Help >Known Limitations from the menu of the specific module Error! Bookmark notdefined..•Datafiles generated with JGW 5.0 (released in 2000) or older can not be written to. It is recommended to upgrade those files on Linux, beforeusing them on Windows.•Remote display is not supported.•Rockmod /StatMod MC is not supported.•MCPU is not supported.Nvidia driversTo ensure proper functioning of the viewers (both on Linux and Windows),you should use a recent Nvidia card and software. The Jason software hasbeen tested using recent versions of the Nvidia drivers (180 or newer).Using older versions of this driver may give display artifacts in the JasonCore/Viewers modules.You can download the Nvidia driver from the Nvidia website: .After installing the NVidia drivers for Linux, you have to configure X-windowsso that it can use the Nvidia driver. For this you can use the nvidia-settingsprogram. A detailed description can be found in the Nvidia READMEdocument. Make sure to configure your display for 24bpp color-depth. Calculation of memory requirementsWith the formulas presented below, you can estimate the memoryrequirements for the following memory intensive batch modules:E ARTH M ODEL, I NVERMOD, I NVER T RACE-P LUS, R OCK T RACE and S TAT M ODMC.HINT:You should always leave some memory available (150-200MB) for the operating system and other system applications. Alwaysdesign the blocks such that they can be held in memory.Swapping to disk will cause serious performance degradation.NOTE: 1 Mbyte = 1024 * 1024 bytes; 1 GByte = 1024 * 1 Mbyte.Model BuilderMinimum memory requirements for M ODEL B UILDER can be calculated asfollows:(13 * nframe + 8 * nhor + 20) * ntrace + 16 *non_conformable_non_faulted_layers * ntracewherentrace = number of selected traces.nframe = number of entries framework table.nhor = number of primary/secondary/trend horizons inframework table.This memory is required in case of conformable non-faulted layers. Morememory will be needed in case of non-conformable and/or faulted layers. EarthModel Model & Well Curve Generator and InverModMinimum memory requirement for E ARTH M ODEL M ODEL G ENERATOR,E ARTH M ODEL W ELL C URVE G ENERATOR, I NVER M OD P RINCIPAL C OMPONENTA NALYSIS, I NVER M OD W AVELET E STIMATION, I NVER M OD M ODEL E STIMATIONcan be calculated as follows20 * ntraceWhere:ntrace = number of selected tracesEarthModel Model InterpolatorThe E ARTH M ODEL M ODEL I NTERPOLATOR has the E ARTH M ODEL partly inmemory for both the input and output trace gate:(8 * nlayer + 20) * ntrace1It also reads the input model file for the selected layers and input trace gatein the form of vertical components. The vertical component samplingdepends on the requested approximate vertical interval per layer:(8 * nlayer * nz) * ntrace2Minimum memory requirements for EarthModel Interpolator can becalculated as follows:(8 * nlayer + 20) * ntrace1 + (8 * nlayer * nz) * ntrace2where:ntrace1 = # of selected input and output tracesntrace2 = # of selected input traces with non-empty inputmodel tracesnlayer = # of selected layersnz = mean_layer_thickness / selected_vertical_intervalThe result is in bytes. The second part is usually the bottle neck. Roughly, ifthe requested vertical interval is chosen equal to the model file sampleinterval and the input trace gate encompasses the full model file extent, therequired memory will be twice the size of the model file.NOTE:If you request to internally over-sample by choosing a vertical interval that is much smaller than the model file sample interval,the required memory will grow proportionally. The requestedvertical intervals are the ones that are set from the Input/Layersdialogue box. The mean_layer_thickness can be found in theEarthModel thicknesspars file.Also, a temporary output horizon file will be created, requiring disk space:(4 * nlayer * nz) * ntrace1In general the output trace gate will contain more traces than the input tracegate, therefore ntrace1 may be much larger than ntrace2.CSSI (InverTrace-Plus / RockTrace)In the Output > Generate results dialog box you find a button T EST REQUIREDMEMORY. If you click on it, you’ll be given an estimate of the free memoryand swap space needed to run your job. When using MCPU, this memoryrequirement applies to all the selected machines. If one machine being usedin MCPU runs out of memory and begins swapping, the entire job will slowdown substantially.To test the amount of memory required you should first select a small tracegate in the area of interest (approximately 4 times the selected block size).The size of the selected trace gate is displayed in the main CSSI window. MCMC (StatMod MC / RockMod)MCMC allows you to set the maximum amount of memory to use. Refer tothe help file in StatMod MC or RockMod for more information.No Machine (NX)If you would like to run Jason modules over low-bandwidth connections youcan use an NX connection. For more information on NX see.NX does support 3D graphics graphics and should be able to run V OLUMEVIEW. Please note that performance will be suboptimalThinAnywhere®To run Jason modules over low-bandwidth connections, you can alsochoose to use ThinAnywhere. See .ThinAnywhere does support 3D graphics graphics and should be able to runV OLUME VIEW. Please note that performance will be suboptimalExceed®/Exceed 3D®Jason software is not certified for Hummingbird Exceed, or any other X-emulator.CygWin-XJason software is not certified for CygWin-X, or any other X-emulator. WindowsRunning on a remote display is not supported under Windows.C OMPATIBILITYBefore installing an updated version of any software, it is important to knowhow compatible that version is with previous versions.Files and projects saved in version 8.2 are compatible with older Jasonversions up to 7.1, with the exception of the E ARTH M ODEL FT modules.Significant updates have been made to the E ARTH M ODEL FT modules, andas a result the software is not backward compatible. This means that savedE ARTH M ODEL FT files in 8.2 cannot be retrieved in earlier versions ofE ARTH M ODEL FT.Hardware compatibilityJason data is fully compatible between the different hardware platforms.There is one exception: session files for FunctionMod that are saved on oneplatform, cannot be read back on the other platform.Simultaneous usage of different versionsYou can keep all previous Jason installations available, therefore werecommend that you install any new version in its own directory. This assistsin smoother migration to the new software version. Please see Sharing thelicense between different release versions on page for more information on howto setup the license manager for such a configuration.I NSTALLING J ASON ON L INUXWhether you want to install this version as an update or as a new software,the steps to do so are identical. This is because we recommend that youinstall the update in a new directory, which will enable you to keep thecurrent version running as well. This might be important with respect tocertain compatibility issues (see page for more information).In this chapter the actual software installation is described. Below you findthe steps for the software installation and the order in which they should betaken:1: Create the product installation account and directory2: Installing Jason3: Install the license file4: Configure the installation5: Enable the Jason license manager6: Test the installation7: Making the Jason launcher available to users8: Define local settingsConfiguring the Multi CPU is described on page .1: Create the product installation account and directoryThe Jason software can be made available to all workstations on yournetwork by exporting the applicable partition. Please ensure that the path tothe software installation is the same on all machines, preferably by using theautomounter.We also recommend you create a user account with the name jason anduse that account to install the software. This has the following advantages:•Avoid potential security risks, which may occur when the software is installed as root.•Patches can be installed without the need for the root password.Follow your company procedures to create the account jason.To create the installation directory proceed as follows:1. Switch to the root account by typing: su root2. Type: df -k to check for available disk-partitions and space (2 GB), anddecide where to install the Jason software.3. Create a directory to install the software in on the selected partition. Grantthe user jason access to this directory.4. Login as user jason to proceed with the installation procedure.2: Installing JasonNow that you created the product installation account, you can continue withreading the DVD:1. Mount the DVDThe DVD is mounted automatically, the location differs for the variousoperating systems.OSSuSE Linux /media/dvdRedHat Linux /mnt/dvdNOTE:Please ensure the DVD has been mounted with executepermission. RHES5 by default mounts DVDs with no executepermission. If you get a permission denied error when trying torun the install script this usually indicates the DVD has not beenmounted with execute permissions.If the DVD is not mounted automatically, or is not mounted with executepermission please refer to your OS documentation. The table below givesdirections for the most common cases.OSSuSE Linux Switch to the root accountType: mount /media/dvdRedHat Linux Switch to the root accountType: mount –t auto /mnt/dvd2. Run the install script from the mounted DVD:OSSuSE Linux /media/dvd/installRedHat Linux /mnt/dvd/install3. Start the installation by typing O (for OK).3: Install the license file1. Prior to receiving a license file, you must provide Fugro-Jason with thehostname and hostid of the system that acts as the license manager. Thehostname and hostid of the current host can be found in various ways:• By typing ./jlmhostinfo from the license directory in the Jason installation.• By selecting L, License manager host information from theinstallation script on the DVD.•By querying the hostname and hostid from the system as follows:♦For the hostname, type: hostname -s♦For the hostid, type: /sbin/ifconfig eth0 and remove colons fromthe “HWaddr” result. In other words, a HWaddr of 00:40:05:16:E5:25becomes a host-id of 00400516e5252. After supplying Fugro-Jason with the requested information, you will receivean email with the license file. This email contains instructions on theinstallation procedure.The license keys are maintained by the files license.dat and/orlicense.demo. Follow the steps below to install the license file.• Login as jason.• Go to the directory that contains the license manager-files. cd <inst_dir>/license•Install the license file, for instructions on how to do this, refer to the email you received with the license file.Note that:•It is Fugro-Jason’s policy to issue license keys for the maximum period of one year. A new license file will be sent automatically before theexpiration date of the current license.•Neither the hostname nor the TCP/IP port number (the last number of the first line in the license file) is used in the encryption algorithm. If thehostname of your computer has been changed, modify the license.datfile accordingly.•The TCP/IP port number must be changed if the port is already in use.(This will be reported in the debug log file).4: Configure the installationNow that you installed the license file, the installation must be configured foryour environment:1. Go to the installation directory (type: cd <inst_dir>).2. Run the configuration script (type: ./jgsetup).HINT:If running the automounter, the installation directory should be changed. To do so, type C followed by the correct path.3. Select option 1 to configure the installation.This will update the full directory path to the current installation in severalconfiguration files and will set the file permissions for all files and directories.HINT:If you are installing an update, you can select option 7 to use the customization files from the previous version. These customizedfiles are then copied to the new installed version. (You can findcustomized files in the directory <instdir>/local/...)5: Enable the Jason license managerThe Fugro-Jason products are equipped with a license manager (FLEX lmversion 10.8) to control the client specific setup as stated in the licenseagreement. Typical client settings are: number of tokens, expiration date,and customized interfaces.If problems are experienced with the license management system, pleasecheck Appendix I - FLEXlm license manager.IMPORTANT:Never set back the system date! The Jason license manager will detect this, and prevent the Jason software to run!! Even whenyou reset the system date to the correct date, the software maystill not run. In that case you may have to reload the completeoperating system.NOTE:Never change the system date while the X-Server is running.Doing so may significantly confuse the X-Server. It has beenobserved that pull-down menus “hang”, and many otherunexpected behaviors are also likely to happen. A commonmistake is to call ntpdate (or related programs) to synchronizethe time with other systems driven by the crontab.NOTE:The Jason license manager will NOT conflict with otherapplications that use FLEXlm. Jasons license file should not bemerged with other license files.Follow the steps below to install the license manager.1. Go to the directory that contains the license manager-files. (by typing cd<inst_dir>/license).2. Make sure there is no license manager daemon running. (type: ./jlmdown-c license.dat).3. Start the license manager daemon (type: ./jasonstartjlm -clicense.dat).The program jasonstartjlm starts the daemon processes jasongrd andjasonlm. This can be inspected by typing: ps -ef | grep jason4. Inspect the debug log-file /tmp/jasonlicense.log to ensure the licensemanager has been started correctly, by typing: more/tmp/jasonlicense.log5. Ensure that the license management daemon will be started automaticallywhenever the system is rebooted. For this you can use one of the followingoptions:• The script etc/jasonlm in the installation directory contains the basics for a suitable script and you should adapt this to the set-up you areworking with.•Create the jason license manager startup script. (You need root privileges) by typing vi /etc/rc5.d/S85lmgrd.jasonAdd:#!/bin/sh## Start Jason license manager demon# ( Uses FLEXlm from Globetrotter software)#if [ -f <instdir>/license/jasonstartjlm ]then<instdir>/license/jasonstartjlm \-c <instdir>/license/license.dat \-l /tmp/jasonlicense.log -u jason &fiPlease note the following:•With the option -l <filename>, name and place of the debug log file can be specified. This can be changed to line-up with the environment inwhich the install is performed.•It is recommended that you use the option -u <user>. With this option the license manager will not run with root privilege, to prevent possiblesecurity leaks.Sharing the license between different release versionsIn most cases you will want to support multiple versions of the Jasonsoftware, to enable this do as follows:1. Install the license manager for the latest version as described above.。
写一次内心活动英语作文In the labyrinthine recesses of my mind, a tempestuous storm rages incessantly, an unrelenting torrent of thoughts and emotions vying for dominance. Like the tumultuous waves of a tempestuous sea, my inner turmoil knows no respite, leaving me perpetually adrift in a boundless ocean of introspection.Questions, like relentless interrogators, pound at my consciousness, demanding answers that I struggle to articulate. Why do I feel this unyielding sense of unease? Why does doubt gnaw at my core, whispering insidious uncertainties? The boundaries between lucidity and delusion blur, leaving me questioning the very essence of my existence.Am I merely a figment of my own imagination, a fleeting shadow dancing across the canvas of time? Or is there something more, a flicker of divinity within me that transcends the confines of my mortal shell? The search foranswers becomes an obsessive pursuit, a desperate attempt to unravel the enigmatic tapestry of self.Yet, as I delve deeper into the abyss of my own mind, I encounter a bewildering array of contradictions. I am both strong and vulnerable, capable of great acts of compassion and unspeakable cruelty. I am a paradox, a complex tapestry woven from both light and darkness.The weight of my thoughts threatens to consume me, suffocating me in a suffocating embrace. I long for solace, a sanctuary where I can escape the relentless onslaught of my own mind. But even in the solitude of my own company, the demons that haunt me remain ever-present.My dreams, once a realm of escape, have become a battlefield where my deepest fears wage relentless war against my waning sanity. Sleep no longer offers respite, but instead becomes a torturous theatre where my subconscious plays out its most macabre fantasies.In this psychological purgatory, I am both thetormentor and the tormented. I am both the prisoner and the jailer, trapped in a self-imposed labyrinth of my own making. The walls of my mind close in upon me, constricting my thoughts and suffocating my spirit.I yearn for clarity, for a moment of peace where the storm within me subsides. But the respite I seek seems elusive, an unattainable mirage flickering just beyond my grasp. I am lost, adrift in the treacherous currents of my own mind, a shipwrecked soul clinging desperately to the wreckage of my shattered psyche.In the darkest hours, when despair threatens to overwhelm me, I fear for my own sanity. Am I on the brink of madness, teetering on the precipice of a mental abyss? Or is this turmoil merely a necessary crucible, a forge in which my soul is being tempered?The answers remain elusive, hidden in the unfathomable depths of my own mind. Yet, amidst the chaos, a flicker of hope persists. I know that I cannot surrender to the darkness, no matter how alluring its embrace may seem. Imust fight, not only for my own survival but for the possibility of a brighter tomorrow.With trembling hands, I reach out into the void, searching for a lifeline, a connection to something beyond the confines of my tormented mind. I yearn for a kindred spirit, a fellow traveler who has navigated the treacherous waters of their own inner turmoil and emerged triumphant.In the meantime, I will continue to grapple with the tempest within me, seeking solace in the written word, in the solace of nature, and in the unwavering support of those who care for me. I will not succumb to despair, no matter how formidable the challenges I face.For I believe that even in the darkest of times, the human spirit has an indomitable capacity for resilience and renewal. I will not be defined by my inner turmoil, but by how I choose to respond to it. I will emerge from this crucible stronger, wiser, and more compassionate than ever before.。
举例说明英语语法对我头疼的原因英语作文English Grammar Gives Me a HeadacheYou know what really gets me? English grammar. It's supposed to be my native language, but half the time it feels like an alien language from another planet. Don't get me wrong, I love reading and writing stories. But when it comes to diagramming sentences and identifying parts of speech, my brain just freezes up. It's like I hit an invisible brick wall of confusion. Let me give you some examples of why English grammar drives me nuts.First up, we have those tricky little things called articles - "a", "an", and "the". They seem so simple, but they constantly trip me up. When do I use "a" versus "an"? I can never remember the rule about using "an" before words that start with vowel sounds. And don't even get me started on when to use "the"! My teacher says it's for specific nouns, but I never know if a noun is specific or general. I end up just guessing most of the time.Then there are those confusing little words called prepositions - "in", "on", "at", "by", and about a million others. Why does English need so many ways to express location and movement? Mixing them up can completely change the meaningof a sentence. Like if I say "I'm going by the park" versus "I'm going to the park", those mean two totally different things! How am I supposed to keep all those straight?Speaking of keeping things straight, subject-verb agreement makes my head spin. I can never figure out if I should use "is" or "are" with certain subjects. Like, is it "math is hard" or "math are hard"? What about with compound subjects - do I say "Rachel and Kim is going" or "Rachel and Kim are going"? There are so many exceptions and special cases, it's enough to make my brain explode.Don't even get me started on those evil things called "gerunds". A verb with "ing" ending that acts like a noun? Who came up with that crazy idea? Like, am I supposed to say "I like dancing" or "I like to dance"? Using gerunds incorrectly can make a whole sentence sound wrong somehow. But memorizing when to use them properly is pure torture!Then we have those tricky little pronouns like "who" and "whom". I can never get them right. My teacher tries to explain it as "who" for subjects and "whom" for objects, but I can never figure out what's the subject or object when I'm speaking. I pretty much just avoid "whom" altogether to stay on the safe side.And let's not forget about those super fun things called "dangling modifiers". Like when I write "After eating the sandwich, my homework was done." Wait, did the homework eat the sandwich? No, that's not what I meant at all! Fixing dangling modifiers is like a twisted logic puzzle that bends my brain into a pretzel.Don't even get me started on the difference between "lay" and "lie", or "who" versus "that" for introducing clauses, or all the ridiculous rules around using semi-colons. Every time I think I've finally gotten a grammar concept down, my teacher throws another crazy new rule at me.I guess what I'm trying to say is that English grammar is just plain hard, with all its exceptions and contradictions. Everyone expects me to just pick it up naturally since it's my first language. But honestly, half the time it feels like a bizarre code that was invented to confuse kids like me. I read books and speak English just fine. But as soon as I have to start picking apart the grammar, it's like my brain blanks out.I can diagram a simple sentence okay, identifying the subject and verb. But once we get into clauses, phrases, objects, and all the different types of words, it all becomes a jumbled mess in my head. I'll read a definition for a grammar term and think "Okay,got it!" Only to have it disappear from my brain two seconds later. Maybe I'm just not wired for this grammar stuff.My parents and teachers keep saying "It will click for you eventually, just keep working at it!" Yeah, right. I've been "working at it" for years now, and grammar still makes about as much sense as hieroglyphics. I'm starting to worry that I'm just grammar challenged for life. Like, maybe there's a grammar learning disability that nobody's identified yet. The "Can't Differentiate Between Gerunds and Infinitives" disorder. I should qualify for special grammar help or something!The worst part is, my struggles with grammar are starting to make writing less fun overall. I'll be halfway through a story feeling proud of myself, only to remember "Oh no, I have to go back and fix all the grammar errors." Suddenly that story doesn't seem so great anymore. Why can't English just have logical rules that make sense and stay consistent? Why did it have to evolve into such a complicated mess over the centuries?So yeah, that's my rant on why English grammar gives this 5th grader a pounding headache. Horrible little words like articles and pronouns. Confusing concepts like subject-verb agreement and dangling modifiers. All these twisty rules that seem designed to torture young minds like mine. I love reading,writing, and creative expression. But I honestly dread anything that involves picking apart the grammar piece by piece. It's just my personal language kryptonite, I guess.Well, there you have it - the long-winded rant of a grammar-challenged kid. Maybe I just need to accept that grammar and I will never be besties. I can still read great books and write creative stories. But dissecting sentence structures piece-by-piece will always induce an insta-headache. And hey, at least I got some writing practice ranting about it, right? Maybe I'll just be an author who hires a top-notch editor one day!。
关于玄学的英语作文Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that explores the fundamental nature of reality, existence, and the universe. It delves into questions about the nature of being, consciousness, time, space, causality, and the relationship between mind and matter. Metaphysics has been a subject of inquiry and debate for centuries, with philosophers and thinkers from various traditions and cultures offering diverse perspectives on these profound and complex questions.One of the central concerns of metaphysics is the nature of reality. Philosophers have long grappled with the question of whether the physical world we perceive is the only reality, or if there are deeper, unseen dimensions or layers of existence. Some metaphysical perspectives, such as idealism, posit that the material world is ultimately an illusion or a construct of the mind, and that true reality lies in the realm of ideas, consciousness, or a universal spirit. Other views, such as materialism, hold that the physical world is the fundamental reality, and that all phenomena can be explained in terms of matter and energy.Another central topic in metaphysics is the nature of the self or the individual. Philosophers have debated whether the self is a unified, persistent entity, or a collection of constantly changing experiences and perceptions. Some traditions, such as Buddhism, view the self as an illusion, while others, like Western philosophy, tend to emphasize the importance of individual consciousness and agency.The concept of causality, or the relationship between cause and effect, is another key area of metaphysical inquiry. Philosophers have explored questions about the nature of causation, whether it is a necessary and universal principle, or if it is merely a convenient way of organizing our experiences. Some metaphysical perspectives, such as determinism, hold that all events are the inevitable result of prior causes, while others, like libertarianism, argue for the existence of free will and the ability to make genuine choices.The nature of time and space is also a subject of intense metaphysical debate. Philosophers have grappled with questions about the linearity of time, the possibility of time travel, and the relationship between time and space. Some metaphysical frameworks, such as the theory of relativity, suggest that our traditional notions of time and space may be more fluid and interconnected than we typically assume.Metaphysics also explores the relationship between mind and matter,or the nature of consciousness and its relationship to the physical world. Philosophers have long debated whether the mind is a separate, non-physical entity, or if it is simply an emergent property of the brain and nervous system. Some perspectives, such as dualism, posit the existence of a non-physical mind or soul, while others, like physicalism, view consciousness as a purely physical phenomenon.In addition to these foundational questions, metaphysics also delves into more specific topics, such as the nature of God, the existence of the supernatural, and the possibility of life after death. Metaphysical perspectives on these issues can vary widely, from theistic and religious worldviews to more naturalistic or atheistic perspectives.One of the key challenges in the study of metaphysics is the inherent difficulty of these questions and the limits of human understanding. Many of the fundamental issues in metaphysics, such as the natureof reality or the self, are not easily accessible to empirical investigation or scientific methods. As a result, metaphysical debates often rely on philosophical reasoning, logic, and intuition, rather than strictly empirical evidence.Despite these challenges, the study of metaphysics remains a vital and engaging field of inquiry. By grappling with the most fundamental questions about the nature of existence, consciousness, and the universe, metaphysicians continue to expand the boundariesof human knowledge and understanding. Whether one's perspective aligns with idealism, materialism, or some other metaphysical framework, the exploration of these profound questions can lead to a deeper appreciation of the mystery and complexity of the world we inhabit.。
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In the vast expanse of the cosmos, a story unfolds that is as old as humanitys dreams of the stars. This is a tale of adventure, discovery, and the indomitable spirit of those who dare to venture where no one has gone before.Title: The Celestial OdysseyOnce, in the notsodistant future, Earth had grown weary and old. Its resources depleted, its skies obscured by the smog of industry, humanity looked to the heavens for salvation. Among the many spacefaring nations, the United Earth Space Agency UESA stood out, leading the charge in the exploration of the galaxy.Captain Elara Sterling, a woman of unparalleled courage and intellect, was at the helm of the UESAs flagship, the Astraeus. Her crew, a diverse assembly of the finest minds from across the globe, were united by a common goal: to find a new home for humanity.The journey was arduous, filled with trials that tested the limits of human endurance and ingenuity. The Astraeus traversed the void, propelled by a revolutionary engine that harnessed the power of dark matter, allowing for fasterthanlight travel.As they ventured deeper into the uncharted regions of space, they encountered wonders beyond imagination. They marveled at the swirling colors of nebulae, the majestic dance of binary stars, and the eerie silence of planets devoid of life. Yet, it was the discovery of an ancient alien artifact on the moon of a gas giant that would change the course of their mission.The artifact, a complex structure of unknown origin, emitted a signal that resonated with the frequencies of human thought. Dr. Aiden Turing, the ships lead scientist, dedicated himself to deciphering the alien code. As he worked tirelessly, he began to experience visions, glimpses of a world that seemed both alien and familiar.The visions led the crew to a distant star system, home to a planet that was a mirror image of Earth. Dubbed Terra Nova, it was a world teeming with life, a paradise untouched by the ravages of time. The crew landed, their hearts filled with hope and awe.However, Terra Nova held secrets of its own. The planet was not uninhabited it was merely unseen. An advanced civilization, the Elysians, had mastered the art of living in harmony with their world, invisible to the naked eye. The Elysians welcomed the humans, seeing in them a reflection of their own past.Captain Sterling and her crew were faced with a choice: to claim Terra Nova as their ownor to learn from the Elysians and return to Earth, armed with the knowledge to heal their home planet. The decision was not an easy one, but in the end, they chose to share their findings with Earth, hoping to inspire a new era of peace and environmental stewardship.The Astraeus returned to a world that had changed in their absence. The news of their discovery sparked a global movement, a renaissance of hope and innovation. Earth began its long journey towards healing, guided by the wisdom of the stars.And so, the celestial odyssey of the Astraeus became a beacon of hope, a testament to the power of exploration and the unbreakable bond between humanity and the cosmos. Their story whispered through the ages, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the light of discovery can illuminate the path to a brighter future.。
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a r X i v :n u c l -e x /0306022v 1 17 J u n 2003System size dependence of strangeness production at 158A GeVI.Kraus for the NA49Collaboration §Gesellschaft f¨u r Schwerionenforschung (GSI),Darmstadt,Germany.Abstract.An enhanced production of strange particles per pion in heavy ion collisions compared to elementary p+p interactions was observed in Pb+Pb reactions at the CERN SPS.New results obtained on small colliding systems,C+C and Si+Si,also show an enhancement.It increases steeply with system size and reaches in the larger system almost the level measured in Pb+Pb reactions.The shapes of thetransverse mass spectra of strange mesons (K +,K −,φ)and baryons (Λ,¯Λ)are consistent with the presence of collective transverse flow,which is already visible insmall systems (C+C)and increases with the system size.The ¯Λ/Λratio together with the K +/K −ratio yields information about the baryochemical potential µB .The potential,determined at midrapidity,increases with the system size since the stronger stopping shifts baryons from near beam and projectile rapidity towards midrapidity.For the 4πyields µB is almost independent of the size of the colliding system.1.IntroductionStrangeness enhancement in heavy ion reactions compared to elementary interactions and strong radial expansion of the collision fireball were treated,among others,as indications for the formation of deconfined strongly interacting matter [1].Both were observed in Pb+Pb reactions at the CERN SPS [2].Prior results from sulfur induced reactions at 200A GeV [3]also showed a strangeness enhancement.These results provoked questions about the evolution of strangeness production and radial flow with the size of the fireball.Central collisions of small systems will be compared to previously measured p+p and central Pb+Pb interactions instead of centrality selected Pb+Pb reactions,because it was recently shown in the framework of Glauber and UrQMD calculations [4]that the peripheral collision geometry leads to a different fraction of nucleons suffering multiple collisions and to different space time densities of inelastic collisions compared to central reactions of small nuclei at the same number of wounded nucleons.2.Experimental procedureIn this section the definition of the C and Si beams and the event statistics as well as the experimental setup and the particle identification procedures are described.§see full authors list in the contribution of V.Friese in this volumein beam line detectors.The dark areas indicate the selected beam particles.The CERN SPS accelerator provided a158A GeV Pb beam,which was steered onto a C fragmentation target.The fragments were selected in the beam line according to their rigidity.Figure1shows the pulse height distributions,which correspond to the charge distributions of the beam particles,selected online by additional energy loss cuts, for the C setting(left)and Si(right).Thefinal identification was carried out offline by charge and energy loss measurements obtained from beam line detectors.The pion, kaon andφmeson analysis is based on a mixed beam of C and N ions,while the pure C beam was used for the hyperon analysis.Both will be called C+C later on,the Si+Si named results arise from a mixed Al,Si and P beam for all analysed particles.The data sets consist of46k C+C events,taken with a2.4%interaction length C target(0.56g/cm2)for the meson analysis.In addition a7.9%interaction length C target(1.84g/cm2)was used to increase the statistics to252k events for the hyperon analysis.The Si target(1.17g/cm2)had an interaction length of4.4%,43k events were used for the mesons analysis and173k events in case of the hyperons.The centrality selection was performed by an online trigger on the energy deposited in the zero degree calorimeter,which measures the energy of the projectile spectators. The17.5±1.5%(12.5±1.5%)most central C+C(Si+Si)events were selected.Thecorresponding numbers of wounded nucleons(<N C+CW >=16±1,<N Si+SiW>=41.5±1.5)are derived from VENUS simulations[5].The NA49large acceptance hadron spectrometer[6]consists of four time projection chambers,two of them are placed inside a magneticfield downstream of the target and two further downstream on either side of the beam line.Tracking of charged particles in the forward hemisphere(y>y cm=2.9)and measurement of the specific energy loss(dE/dx)give access to the momentum and particle identification.Theφmesons were identified by calculating the invariant mass of K+K−pairs,for the hyperons (Λ→pπ−,¯Λ→¯pπ+)requirements on the invariant mass and decay topology were used. Losses due to geometrical acceptance and reconstruction inefficiency were determined from GEANT simulations.The simulations were also used to correct for K+and K−decay inflight andΛand¯Λfinding inefficiency and losses due to restrictions in the decay topology.Corrections for the feeding from weak decays are not yet applied.particles produced in Si+Si interactions,circles for C+C reactions at158A GeV.The spectraare integrated over the rapidity interval3.0<y<3.23forπand K,2.5<y<2.9forΛparticles.Due to low statistics,a wider rapidity interval had to be used forφmesons(2.9<y<4.7).The lines represent the exponentialfits.3.Particle yields and spectraParticle yields of charged pions and kaons,φmesons and hyperons in C+C and Si+Si collisions were obtained in rapidity and p T bins.The transverse mass spectra (m T=m T·dy·dm T∼e−m T/T.Thefitted inverse slope parameters T are shown infigure3as a function of the particle mass.Results of p+p[7]and Pb+Pb reactions[2]are included for comparison.The lines are meant to guide the eye,their increasing slope can be interpreted as increasing radial flow,which is not visible in p+p interactions,but already present in C+C interactions and further rising with the system size.This is an indication of collective effects already established in small systems.The inverse slope parameter ofΛhyperons is20%above the one of¯Λhyperons in p+p interactions,this difference is decreasing with the system size and vanishes in the largest colliding system.The exponentialfits were used to extrapolate the measured transverse mass spectra in order to obtain rapidity densities,which werefinallyfitted by single Gaussians for the pions,kaons andφmesons.The integration results in the total yields of the various particles(see[4]for details).The rapidity distributions for¯Λhyperons,for different collision systems at158A GeV.shown infigure4a,werefitted by a single Gaussian as well,but because of the lack of data far-offmidrapidity there is a large uncertainty in the extrapolation.This leads to large systematic errors.The total multiplicities amount to<¯Λ>C+C= 0.27±0.06(stat)±0.10(sys)and<¯Λ>Si+Si=0.66±0.20(stat)±0.33(sys),respectively. The extrapolation of the rapidity distributions ofΛhyperons,shown infigure4b,is even more complicated,because the almostflat distributions provide no indication for the shape in the not measured rapidity region.Two extreme cases were assumed to estimate upper and lower limits of the yields.The curve on the right hand side(figure4b)is a scaled parametrisation of theΛrapidity distributions measured in p+p interactions. The forward/backward peaked shape provides an upper limit of the yield.The straight line on the left hand side,obtained from the scaled distribution measured in S+S reactions,should create a lower limit,since the hyperons are expected to be shifted towards midrapidity due to stronger stopping in S+S compared to the smaller C+C and Si+Si systems.The yields,calculated as the average of both extrapolation methods are <Λ>C+C=1.43±0.05(stat)±0.25(sys)and<Λ>Si+Si=4.50±0.16(stat)±0.84(sys), respectively.4.System size dependenceThe increasing baryon stopping with the system size,mentioned above,is illustrated infigure4,where the rapidity spectra of¯ΛandΛhyperons,measured in several collision systems are compared.The newly produced¯Λhyperons are always peaked at midrapidity and their width is not affected by the increasing probability of multiple collisions,while,especially in the small systems,an essential fraction of theΛhyperons carry quarks(momentum)of the beam and projectile nucleons.So,their evolution from the forward/backward peaked shape to a maximum at midrapidity with the size of the fireball is a clear indication for increasing stopping of the incident nucleons.measured in different collision systems.The leftfigure shows¯Λand the right oneΛhyperons.The rapidity distributions are forward/backward averaged,the lines in therightfigure show the different assumptions for the extrapolation to total yields in C+Cand Si+Si reactions.obtained in p+p,C+C,Si+Si and Pb+Pb collisions at158A GeV and S+S reactions at200AGeV.This has a strong effect on the¯Λ/Λratio at midrapidity(figure5right),which is decreasing by more than a factor of two when going from p+p interactions to Pb+Pb collisions.The ratio of the total yields(figure5left)exhibit a less pronounced dependence on the system size.A similar behavior is seen for the K−/K+ratios(not shown),both at midrapidity and in full phase space.The higher value of the ratio in S+S reactions might be due to the lower stopping at higher beam energy.The clear difference between the system size dependence of midrapidity and4πratios has a significant impact on the comparison of the data with statistical models.In this framework the¯Λ/Λratio together with the K+/K−ratio is a measure of the baryochemical potential,since they are related by(¯Λ/Λ)−1/6·(K+/K−)1/6≃exp(1/3·µB/T chem)[8]and the chemical freeze-out temperature can be assumed,as a good approximation,to be about160MeV for all systems[9].The potential,calculated from the total yields,is in the range of 190MeV and shows only a weak dependence on the system size.This is slightly below statistical modelfits[10]based on different particle yields except the hyperons,while µB,deduced from midrapidity¯Λ/Λratios,reaches just110MeV in the small systems.Figure6.Midrapidity yields perπvs.the number of wounded nucleons in the upperrow and total yields perπvs.the number of wounded nucleons in the lower row.Obtained in p+p,C+C,Si+Si,S+S and Pb+Pb collisions.The yield of strange particles per pion(π±=1/2(π++π−))as a function of the number of wounded nucleons is shown infigure6for the midrapidity densities(top)and for the total multiplicities(bottom).The relative K+,K−andΛproduction is steeply rising with the system size,most of the enhancement obtained in Pb+Pb collisions is already reached in Si+Si and S+S interactions.This behaviour is expected in the thermal picture for the transition from canonical to grand canonical ensembles.In the same picture the maximum in the¯Λ/πratio again at intermediate system sizes can be attributed to the increasing¯Λproduction because of this volume effect followed by a decrease due to the larger baryochemical potential in larger systems.References[1]Heinz U2001Nucl.Phys.A685414c[2]Afanasiev S V et al2002Phys.Rev.C66054902,Fanebust K et al2002J.Phys.G281607[3]Bartke J et al1990Z.Phys.C48191,Alber T et al1994Z.Phys.C64195[4]H¨o hne C for the NA49Collab.nucl-ex/0209018,to appear in Nucl.Phys.A(Proc.of QM02)[5]Werner K1993Phys.Rep.23287[6]Afanasiev S et al1999Nucl.Instr.Meth.A430210[7]Susa T et al2002Nucl.Phys.A698491[8]Sollfrank J et al1994Z.Phys.C61659[9]Becattini F and Pettini G2003hep-ph/0204340[10]Cleymans J,in this volume。