bollinger-freedom of press and public access_122502971
《论出版自由》读后感英文回答:After reading "Areopagitica", John Milton's eloquent defense of freedom of the press, I was deeply moved by his passionate call for the unfettered exchange of ideas. Milton believed that a society that suppresses free speech stifles the progress of human knowledge and creativity.Milton's arguments are as relevant today as they were in the 17th century. In the modern digital age, where information can be disseminated instantly and widely, the threat to freedom of expression is not censorship by a few but rather the potential for surveillance, data mining, and suppression by powerful corporations, governments, and even individuals.Milton's belief that truth emerges from the clash of opposing viewpoints has not been proven wrong. Open debate and the free flow of ideas are essential for a healthy andjust society. Without them, we risk falling prey to dogma and blind obedience, which ultimately lead to stagnationand decline.中文回答:拜读完弥尔顿的《论出版自由》,我深受其对言论自由的热烈呼吁所感动。
Without formal agreement, firms can play a game of follow-the-leader that economists call price leadership. Price leadership is a pricing strategy in which a dominant firm sets the price for an industry and the other firms follow. Following this tactic, firms in an industry simply match the price of perhaps, but not necessarily, the biggest firm.
An oligopoly is characterized by: Few sellers; Either a homogeneous or a differentiated product; Difficult market entry. Oligopoly is found in real-world industries.
Another way to avoid price wars is for oligopolists to agree to a peace treaty. Instead of allowing mutual interdependence to lead to rivalry, firms openly or secretly conspire to form a monopoly called a cartel. A cartel is a group of firms that formally agree to control the price and the output of a product. The goal of a cartel is to reap monopoly profits by replacing competition with cooperation.
《论出版自由》读后感英文回答:On Liberty is one of the greatest books ever written on the subject of human freedom. Mill argues that the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His harm principle is one of the most important and influential ideas in the history of political thought.Mill's defense of individual liberty is based on several key arguments. First, he argues that individual liberty is essential for human progress. He believes that people are only able to develop their full potential when they are free to think and act for themselves. Second, Mill argues that individual liberty is necessary for the well-being of society. He believes that a society that is free and open is more likely to be prosperous and successful than a society that is repressive and authoritarian.Mill's arguments for individual liberty have been influential in the development of democratic societies around the world. His work has helped to shape our understanding of the relationship between individual rights and the common good.中文回答:读完《论出版自由》,我深受启发。
melting-pot or mosaic 地区差异
二、 “隔离但平等”
1、第十四条修正案(1868年) 第一款 所有在合众国出生或归化合众国并受其管 辖的人,都是合众国的和他们居住的州的公 民。……在州管辖范围内,也不得拒绝给予任何 人以平等法律保护。 第十五条修正案(1870年) 第一款 合众国公民的选举权,不得因种族、肤色 或以前是奴隶而被合众国或任何一州加以拒绝或 限制。 第二款 国会有权以适当立法实施本条。
4、1955年,公车事件,非暴力抵制公车运动。 5、1963年,伯明翰市反种族隔离运动 6、1963年,华盛顿游行,民权运动高潮,金 发表《我有一个梦想》 7、《1964年民权法》(Civil Rights Act of 1964)允许联邦司法部门对实行种族隔离的 公共设施和学校进行起诉,并对继续进行种 族歧视的公共性计划停发联邦资助。全面禁 止在公用设施(旅馆、饭店、戏院和体育场 所等)里实行歧视。禁止就业方面的歧视。
一、公民权利(civil rights)和公民 自由(civil liberty)
1、公民权利适用于群体的权利,而无论这种群体是种族的、 人种的或宗教的。公民自由通常适用于个体公民。 2 、民权运动 civil rights movement 《权利法案》美国宪法修正案第一条至第十条 civil liberties 1941年1月罗斯福提出四大自由:freedom of speech, freedom of religion/belief, freedom from want, freedom from fear.
8、1964年,第二十四条修正案获得批准生效。 取消以税收限制选举权 9、1965年8月,国会通过选举权法。 10、1968年,金被刺杀,民权运动进入低潮。
• 至此,报刊自由得到了美国法律的的确认 至此, 和保护。 和保护。 • 在西方各资本主义国家确立自由主义报刊 体制的历史进程中,贡献最大、 体制的历史进程中,贡献最大、影响最大 的当推杰弗逊。 的当推杰弗逊。 • 托马斯 杰弗逊是美国独立宣言的起草人, 托马斯·杰弗逊是美国独立宣言的起草人 杰弗逊是美国独立宣言的起草人, 曾任第三、第四届美国总统(1801— 曾任第三、第四届美国总统(1801 1809)。他是17世纪欧洲思想家们所创立 1809)。他是17世纪欧洲思想家们所创立 )。他是17 的一般自由主义理论的忠实信奉者和伟大 实践者。 实践者。
• 经过长达百余年的斗争,直到18世纪末, 经过长达百余年的斗争,直到18世纪末, 18世纪末 印花税法和其他限制新闻自由的规定才得 以取消,英国的新闻自由才得以实现。 以取消,英国的新闻自由才得以实现。正 如恩格斯所言: 诽谤罪、 如恩格斯所言:“诽谤罪、叛国罪和渎神 罪,都沉重地压在出版事业身上······英国的 都沉重地压在出版事业身上 英国的 出版自由一百年来苟延残喘, 出版自由一百年来苟延残喘,完全靠当局 的恩典。 的恩典。” • 法国被成为资产阶级革命最彻底的国家。 法国被成为资产阶级革命最彻底的国家。 1789年通过人权宣言 年通过人权宣言, 1789年通过人权宣言,取消了一切限制新 闻自由的封建王朝法规和任何形式的出版 许可证,获得了充分的新闻自由。 许可证,获得了充分的新闻自由。
• 他不但力争美国宪法第一修正案在国会的 通过, 通过,而且以总统的权利来确保自由主义 报刊体制的确立。1787年 报刊体制的确立。1787年,在给他朋友卡 林顿的一封信中,杰弗逊写道: 林顿的一封信中,杰弗逊写道:“民意是 我国政府存在的基础,所以我们先于一切 我国政府存在的基础, 的目标就是抱持这一权利; 的目标就是抱持这一权利;若由我来决定 我们是要一个没有报纸的政府, 我们是要一个没有报纸的政府,还是没有 政府的报纸,我会毫不迟疑地立即回答: 政府的报纸,我会毫不迟疑地立即回答: 我宁愿要后者。 我宁愿要后者。”
葡萄酒 日常葡萄酒的认识DailyKnowledgeOfGrapeWine-Menu
—— 中国谚语A thousand cups of wine do not suffice when true friends meet, but half a sentence is too much when there is no meeting of minds.—— Chinese Proverb通过葡萄酒了解世界Discover the world through wine中国C hina中国现代葡萄酒的历史要追溯到一百多年以前的1892年。
Chinese Modern wine history dates back more than a hundredyears to 1892. It is believed that Confucius drank the wines ofthe region that is currently Shandong Province, but when ZhangBishi, an overseas Chinese diplomat decided to start his winery inYantai there was little to be found there but a few edible grapes. Heimported 50,000 wine plants from U.S.A. and Europe. His companystill exists as a pioneer wine maker and it is the tenth largest wineryin the world.阿根廷 Argentina阿根廷是新世界最大葡萄酒生产国之一。
《论出版自由》读后感英文回答:In Milton's "Areopagitica," the eloquent defense of freedom of the press, he argues that the suppression of ideas, no matter how offensive or unorthodox, is a grave threat to the progress of human knowledge and the preservation of a free and just society.Milton believed that truth emerges from the clash of opposing viewpoints, and that the unfettered exchange of ideas is essential for the discovery of truth. He warned that when the government or any other power censors dissenting opinions, it creates a chilling effect that stifles creativity, innovation, and intellectual discourse.Milton's arguments for freedom of the press are as relevant today as they were in the 17th century. In an age of fake news, misinformation, and sophisticated propaganda, it is more important than ever to protect the free flow ofinformation and ideas.We must be vigilant in defending our freedom of speech and press, even when it is used to express views that wefind distasteful or offensive. The suppression of ideas, no matter how unpopular or controversial, sets a dangerous precedent that can lead to the erosion of our fundamental rights and freedoms.中文回答:在弥尔顿的《论出版自由》中,他对出版自由进行了雄辩的捍卫,他认为压制思想,无论多么冒犯或非正统,都严重威胁到人类知识的进步以及自由公正社会的保存。
on freedom of the press 论出版自由与审查制度 马克思
Free press
My interpretation : • it provides the truly public space in which social and political struggles can be articulated and debated, and with a consequently much better chance of their being understood and resolved. • Without a free press, there is little hope of meeting the challenges set by difficult and changing economic circumstances.
• Controlling the public view on official affairs
Panama papers
The international consortium of investigative journalists
Thank you!
Free press
As Marx puts it: • the ubiquitous vigilant eye of a people's soul, • the embodiment of a people's faith in itself, • the eloquent link that connects the individual with the state and the world, • the embodied culture that transforms material struggles into intellectual struggles and idealizes their crude material form.
卡尔波普尔的语录卡尔波普尔,全名经济学家弗里德里希·奥古斯特·冯·哈耶克(Friedrich August von Hayek),是20世纪最重要的经济学家之一。
1. "I do not think it is an exaggeration to say history is largely a historyof inflation, and usually of inflations engineered by governments and for government purposes."(我认为这样说并不夸张,历史大部分都是一部通货膨胀的历史,而且通常是由政府为政府目的而操纵的通货膨胀。
)2. "If we wish to preserve a free society, it is essential that we recognize that the desirability of a particular object is not sufficient justification for the use of coercion."(如果我们希望保持一个自由社会,有必要认识到,对于某个特定物品的可取性并不足以正当使用强制手段。
)3. "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."(经济学的奇妙任务就是向人们展示他们对于他们设想的东西知之甚少。
1 Irrational exuberance - by Schiller“理性的繁荣”3.The return of depression of economics and the crisis of 2008 -by Krugman 克鲁格曼;萧条经济学的回归和2008年经济危机4.克鲁格曼的预言:美国经济迷失的背后5.A Random Walk Down Wall Street : by BurtonccMalkiel; 《漫步华尔街》伯顿·麦基尔6.The New Financial Order: Risk in the 21st Century by Shiller 《金融新秩序:二十一世纪的风险》希勒7.The Chinese Economy :transitions and growth; by Barry Naughton ;8.金融衍生品入门(美)迈克尔·德宾著,崔明香译中国青年出版社I S B N:97875006808029.统计套利(美)波尔著,陈雄兵,张海珊译机械工业出版社I S B N:978711132544410.金融工程原理(英文版第2版)(美)内夫茨著机械工业出版社I S B N:978711130290211.《非理性繁荣》(第二版), (美)希勒著,李心丹等译,人民大学出版社,2008年1月12.<经济学原理>第四版曼昆著梁小民译,北京大学出版社13.《投资学》第六版:(美)滋维·博迪ZVI Bodie 朱宝宪译;机械工业出版社14.《财务会计》概念、方法与运用;,第十版,Clyde P. Stickney 等著,刘华伶等译机械工业出版社15.《公司理财》第六版 A罗斯著吴世农译, 机械工业出版社16.《投资银行:财富天使VS金钱魔鬼》滕泰上海财经大学出版社17.《高盛帝国》上、下(美)查尔斯埃利斯中信出版社18.陈志武系列《金融的逻辑》《陈志武谈中国经济》《中国人为什么勤劳不富有》……19.投资股票系列:巴菲特、彼得林奇、《股市大作手回忆录》……20.管理系列:曾仕强系列《中国式管理》《齐家三部曲》……21.伯顿-麦基尔:《漫步华尔街》(A Random Walk on Wall Street)22.沃伦-巴菲特:《巴菲特致股东的信》(Letters to Shareholders)23.布鲁斯-格林威尔:《价值投资》(Value Investing)24.彼得-伯恩斯坦:《有效资产管理》(The Intelligent Asset Allocater)25.大卫-史文森:《机构投资与基金管理的创新》(Pioneering Portfolio Management)26.理查德-费里:《指数基金》(All About Index Funds)27.约翰-戈登:《伟大的博弈——华尔街金融帝国的崛起》(The Great Games)28.拉古-拉詹,路易-津加来斯:《从资本家手中拯救资本主义》(Saving Capitalism from The Capitalists)29.彼得-林奇,《战胜华尔街》(Beating the Street)30.彼得-伯恩斯坦:《金融简史》(A Primer On Money, Banking, And Gold)31.彼得-伯恩斯坦:《与天为敌-风险探索传奇》(Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk)32.《大外交》,亨利·基辛格,人民出版社33.《文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建》,塞缪尔•亨廷顿,新华出版社34.《牛奶可乐经济学》1,2,3,罗伯特·弗兰克,中国人民大学出版社35.《行为金融:洞察非理性心理和市场》,詹姆斯·蒙蒂尔,中国人民大学出版社36.《行为公司金融:创造价值的决策》,赫什·舍夫林,中国人民大学出版社37.《历史深处的忧虑》,林达,三联出版社(美国宪政丛书之一)38.《总统是靠不住的》,林达,三联出版社(美国宪政丛书之二)39.《我也有一个梦想》,林达,三联出版社(美国宪政丛书之三)40.《罗斯柴尔德家族:金钱的先知》,尼尔·弗格森,中信出版社41.《罗斯柴尔德家族:金融统治者》,尼尔·弗格森,中信出版社42.《罗斯柴尔德家族:动荡的年代》,尼尔·弗格森,中信出版社43.《罗斯柴尔德家族:世界的银行家》,尼尔·弗格森,中信出版社44.《1984》(堪称世界文坛上最著名的政治讽喻小说),乔治·奥威尔,上海译文出版社45.《动物农场》,乔治·奥威尔,上海译文出版社46.《资本的秘密—金融危机与大萧条经济周期的规律》,西奥多·伯顿,陕西师范大学出版社48.《美国怎么了?一个自由主义者的良知》,保罗·克鲁格曼(美国经济学家,2008年诺贝尔经济学奖得主,被称为“自凯恩斯以来,文章写得最好的经济学家”),中信出版社49.《克鲁格曼的预言》,保罗·克鲁格曼,机械工业出版社50.《麦肯锡工具》,By Paul N. Friga,机械工业出版社51.《麦肯锡意识》,By Ethan M. Rasiel and Paul N. Friga,机械工业出版社52.《麦肯锡方法》,By Ethan M. Rasiel,机械工业出版社53.《陈志武说中国经济》,陈志武(耶鲁大学管理学院金融经济学教授),山西经济出版社(此书被誉为对当前中国经济形势最透彻的分析)54.《摩根全传上》,罗恩·彻诺,重庆出版社55.《摩根全传下》,罗恩·彻诺,重庆出版社56.《郎咸平说:公司的秘密》,郎咸平,东方出版社57.《金融学》滋维·博迪(Zvi bodie),罗伯特·莫顿(Robert Merton)58.《金融经济学》王江59.《金融经济学基础》黄奇辅(Chi-fu Huang),罗伯特·鲍勃·李兹森伯格(Robert H. Litzenberger)60.《投资学》滋维·博迪(Zvi bodie),亚历克斯·凯恩(Alex Kane),艾伦·马库斯(Alan Marcus)61.《投资学》威廉·F·夏普(William F.Sharpe),戈登·J·亚历山大(Gordon J.Alexander),杰弗里·V·贝利(Jeffery V.Bailey)62.《公司理财》斯蒂芬·A.罗斯(Stephen A.Ross),罗德尔福W.威斯特菲尔德(Radolph W.Wdsterfield),杰弗利F.杰富(JeffreyF.Jaffe)63.《公司金融理论》让•梯若尔(Jean Tirole)64.《期权、期货和其他衍生品》约翰·赫尔(John C.Hull)65.《连续时间金融》罗伯特·莫顿(Robert Merton)66.《金融计量经济学导论》克里斯·布鲁克斯(Chris Brooks)67.《金融时间序列分析》蔡瑞胸(Ruey S.Tsay)68.《数理金融初步》罗斯(Sheldon M.Ross)69.《金融工程原理》萨利赫.内福斯(Salih N.Neftci)70.货币金融学(第六版)(美)米什金 / 2005-1-1 / 中国人民大学出版社71.投资学:全球视角——金融学译丛(美)弗朗西斯 / 伊博森 / 2006-4-1 / 中国人民大学出版社72.管理金融风险:衍生产品、金融工程和价值最大化管理指南(第三版)(美)史密森 / 2003-9-1 / 中国人民大学出版社73.固定收益证券市场及其衍生产品(第二版)(美)桑德瑞森 / 2006-6-1 / 中国人民大学出版社74.机构投资者(英)斯泰尔 / (英)戴维斯 / 2005-11-1 / 中国人民大学出版社75.货币经济学(加)汉达 / 2005-4-1 / 中国人民大学出版社 / 84.0 / 平装 / 郭庆旺76.财务管理与分析(第二版)(美)彼得森 / (美)法博齐 / 2008-1-1 / 中国人民大学出版社 / 98.0 / 平装 / 詹正茂77.金融心理学:掌握市场波动的真谛(修订版译校 / 周为群 / [挪威]特维德 / 2003-11-1 / 中国人民大学出版社78.黄达文集79.曾康霖文集【金融经济学系列】79. Arrow, K., and G. Debreu, 1954, Existence of an equilibrium for a competitive economy, Econometrica, 22: 265-290.80.Markowitz, H., 1952, Portfolio selection, Journal of Finance, 77-91.81.Modigliani, F., and M. Miller, 1958, The cost of capital, corporation finance, and the theory of investment, American Economic Review, 48: 261-297.82.Sharpe, W., 1964, Capital asset prices: a theory of market equilibrium under conditions of risk, Journal of Finance, 19:425-442.83.Lintner, J., 1965, The valuation of risk assets and the selection of riskyinvestments in stock portfolios and capital budgets, Review of Economics and Statistics, 47:13-37.84.Mossin, J., 1966, Equilibrium in a capital asset market, Econometrica, 34: 768-783.85.Fama, E. F., 1965, Random walks in stock market prices, Financial Analysts Journal, September/October.86.Fama, E. F., 1970, Efficient Capital Markets: A review of theory and empirical work, Journal of Finance, 25: 383-417.87.Black, F., and M. Scholes, 1973, The pricing of options and corporate liabilities, Journal of Political Economy, 81: 637-654.88.Merton, R., 1973, The theory of rational option pricing, Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, 4: 141-183.89.Merton, R. C., 1992, Continuous-Time Finance, Rev. ed., Blackwell, Oxford.90.Ross, S. A., 1976, The arbitrage theory of capital asset pricing, Journal of Economic Theory, 13: 341-360.91.Ross, S. A., 1978, A simple approach to the valuation of risky streams, Journal of Business, 51: 453-475.【个人金融(家庭金融)】92.Mankiw, N. Gregory, and Stephen P. Zeldes, 1991, The consumption of stockholders and nonstockholders, Journal of Financial Economics 29,97–112.93.Hong, Harrison, Jeffrey D. Kubik, and Jeremy Stein, 2004, Social interaction and stock-market participation, Journal of Finance 59, 137–163.94.Cocco, Jo˜ao F., 2005, Portfolio choice in the presence of housing, Review of Financial Studies 18,535–567.95.Gomes, Francisco, and Alexander Michaelides, 2005, Optimal life-cycle asset allocation: Understanding the empirical evidence, Journal of Finance 60, 869–904. Household Finance 160196.Campbell, John Y., 2006, Household Finance, Journal of Finance 61,1553-1604.97.《Barbarians at the Gate》,by Bryan Burrough and John Helyar,Publisher: Arrow Books98.“Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings”, 4th edition, by Patrick Gaughan, publisher: Wiley, 2007. (by far the best textbook in M&A)99.“Creating Value From Mergers and Acquisitions--The Challenges”, by Sudi Sudarsanam, Publisher: FT Prentice Hall, 2003.100.Jensen, M. “Takeovers: Their Causes and Consequences”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, V olume 2, Number 1, 1988. Page 21-48.101.Jensen, M. “Agency Costs of Fr ee Cash Flow, Corporate Finance andTakeovers”, The American Economic Review, V olume 76, Number 2, 1986, pp 323-329.102.Jensen, M. and Meckling, W. “Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure”, Journal of Financial Economics, V olume 3, Issue 4, 1976, page 303-431.103.Hart, O. “Corporate Governance: Some Theory and Implications”, The Economic Journal, V olume 105, Number 430, 1995, pp. 678-689. 104.Roll, R. “The Hubris Hypothesis of Corporate Takeovers”, Journal of Business, V olume 59, Number 2, 1986, pp. 197-216.105.Shleifer, A. and Vishny, R. “Large Shareholders and Corporate Control”, Journal of Political Economy, V olume 94, Number 3, 1986, pp. 461-488.106.Shleifer, A. and Vishny, R. “Stock Market Driven Acquisitions”, Journal of Financial Economics, V olume 70, Issue 3, 2003, pp.295-311.。
入门读物亨利·赫茲利特:《一课经济学》Henry Hazlitt: Economics in One Lesson一部具有非常高可读性的介绍经济思考的读物,全书的焦点聚集在对“已察觉的与未察觉的”(经济现象)的关键洞察上米尔顿·弗里德曼和罗斯·弗里德曼:《自由选择》Free to Choose by Milton Friedman and Rose Friedman由两位强烈捍卫个人自由的学者写成的一部关于个人自由以及经济自由的强有力的说明查尔斯·穆雷:《追求幸福和好政府》In Pursuit of Happiness and Good Government by Charles Murray《脱离实际:美国1950-1980年的社会政策》(《Losing Ground: American Social Policy, 1950-1980》)的作者,以前一直在批评国家机构(statist institutions),现在则把他的注意力集中到了展示一个自由社会的形态上(the form of a free society)。
大卫·鲍兹:《古典自由主义:入门读物》Libertarianism: A Primer by David Boaz以权利为基础的放任自由主义思想(rights-based libertarian thinking)的入门读物。
(该书由铅笔社组织出版,译者为本社理事陈青蓝)大卫·鲍兹编辑:《古典自由主义读本》The Libertarian Reader by David Boaz在《古典自由主义的读本》一书中,David Boaz把大量构筑了放任自由主义理论的代表性作家以及他们的著作收集在了一起。
《论自由意志》英文版On the Freedom of Will.The concept of free will has been a subject of intense debate and speculation throughout the ages, occupying a central place in philosophy, theology, and even modern psychology. The question of whether human beings possess free will—the ability to make choices independently of external forces or predetermined factors—is fundamental to our understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe.In exploring the nature of free will, it is important to distinguish between two broad perspectives: compatibilism and incompatibilism. Compatibilists arguethat free will can coexist with determinism, the beliefthat all events, including human actions, are caused by previous events and are therefore inevitable. According to this view, people can still make meaningful choices even if their decisions are ultimately determined by a complex webof causes.In contrast, incompatibilists maintain that free will and determinism are incompatible. They argue that true freedom requires the ability to act outside of any causal chain, making choices that are not determined by past events or external forces. This view often finds support in the idea of an immortal soul or a transcendent aspect of human nature that can transcend the limitations of physical causality.The debate between compatibilism and incompatibilism has been激烈的 for centuries, with philosophers from various traditions offering differing perspectives. Some argue that free will is an illusion, pointing to the apparent deterministic nature of the universe and the influence of genetics, environment, and subconscious motives on human behavior. Others maintain that free will is a fundamental aspect of human dignity and morality, essential for responsible agency and moral accountability.Modern neuroscience and psychology have also enteredthe fray, offering new perspectives on the question of free will. Studies of brain function and decision-making processes suggest that choices may be influenced by factors outside of conscious awareness, leading some to argue that free will may be more limited than we previously believed. However, others argue that the complexity of the brain and the emergence of consciousness itself suggest thepossibility of true free will.At the heart of the debate lies a fundamental tension between the apparent deterministic nature of the universe and the subjective experience of making free choices. While the question of whether free will exists may never be fully resolved, it remains a crucial one for understanding our place in the world and the meaning of our actions.In conclusion, the debate over free will is a complex and multifaceted one, involving considerations frommultiple disciplines. It challenges our understanding of human nature and the nature of causality itself. While there may be no definitive answer, the question of freewill remains a vital one for human thought and inquiry.。
创刊于1924年的JOURNALISM & COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY, 于1999年邀大量学者评选出20世纪最重要的新闻与传播学著作。
1.All the President's Men (总统班底),Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1974.2.The Bias of Communication (传播的偏向), Harold Adams Innis, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1951.3.Content Analysis for the Social Sciences and Humanities (人文社会科学的内容分析法), Ole R. Holsti, Reading, MA:Addison-Wesley, 1969.4.Deciding What's News: A Study of CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News, Newsweek and Time, Herbert. J. Gans, New York: Pantheon Books, 1979.5.Diffusion of Innovations (创新的扩散), Everett M. Rogers, New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1962.6.Emergence of a Free Press (and) Legacy of Suppression: Freedom of Speech and Press in Early American History, Leonard Levy. Emergence, New York: Oxford, 1985, is a revision of Legacy, Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University, 1960.7.The Emergence of American Political Issues: The Agenda-Setting Fuction of the Press, Donald L. Shaw and Maxwell E. McCombs, in St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co., 1977.8.A Free and Responsible Press(一个自由而负责任的新闻界), The Commission on Freedom of the Press (The Hutchins Commission Report), Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1947.9.A History of American Magazines (5 vols.), Frank Luther Mott, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1930-68; vol.1 was published by New York, London, Appelton and Company.10.A History of the Black Press, Armistead S. Pride and Clint C.Wilson Ⅱ, Washington, DC: Howard University Press, 1997.11.The Kingdom and the Power, Gay Talese, New York: World Pub. Co.,1969.12.Knowlege Is Power: the Diffusion of Information in Early America, 1700-1865, New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.13.Making News: A Study in the Construction of Reality (制造新闻:真实的建构), Gaye Tuchman, New York: Free Press, 1978.14.Many Voices, One World: Communication and Society, Today and Tomorrow; Towards a New More Just and More Efficient World (The MacBride Report)(多种声音,一个世界), International Commission for the study of Communication Problems, UNESCO, 1980.15.Mediating the Message: Theories of Influence on Mass Media Content, 2d ed., Pamela J. Shoemaker and Stephen D. Reese, White Plains, NY: Longman, 1996.estones in Mass Communication Research (大众传播效果研究的里程碑), Shearon Lowery and Melvin L. deFleur, New York: Longman, 1983.17.The Medium is the Message (媒介即讯息), Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, coordinated by Jerome Agel, New York: Bantam Books, 1967.18.The Mirror Makers: A History of American Advertising and Its Creators, Stephen R. Fox, 1984.19.News That Matters: Television and American Opinions, Shanto Iyengar, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987.20.Out of Order, Thomas E. Patterson, New York: A. Knopf, 1993.21.The People's Choice: How a Voter Makes Up His Mind in a Presidential Campaign (人民的选择), 2d ed., Paul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet, New York: Dodd-Mead, 1988.22.A Placein the News: From the Women's Pages to the Front Pages, Kay Mills, New York: Dodd-Mead, 1988.23.The Powers That Be, David Halberstam, New York: Knopf, 1979.24.The Process and Effects of Mass Communication(大众传播的过程与效果), rev. ed., Wilbur Schramm and Donald F. Roberts, eds., Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1971.25.Public Opinion (公共舆论), Walter Lippmann, New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1922.26.Precision Journalism: A Reporter's Introduction To Social Science Methods, Philip Meyer, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1973.27.Prelude to Independence: The Newspaper Waron Britain, 1764-1776, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1958.28.Printers and Press Freedom: The Ideology of Early American Journalism, Jeffery Alan Smith, New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.29.Split Image: African-Americans in the Mass Media, Jannette L. Dates and William Barlow, eds., Howard University Press, 1990.30.A Question of Sedition: The Federal Government's Investigation of the Black Press During World War Ⅱ, Patrick S. Wshburn, New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.31.Television and Human Behavior (电视与人类行为), George Comstock, Steven Chaffee, Natan Katzman, Maxwell McCombs, And Donald Roberts, New York: Columbia University Press, 1978.32.Television in the Lives of Our Children(儿童生活中的电视), Wilbur Schramm, Jack Lyle, and Edwin B. Parker, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1961.33.Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man (理解媒介:论人的延伸), Marshall McLuhan, New York: McGraw Hill, 1964.34.The Uses of Mass Communication(大众传播的使用), Jay Blumler and Elihu Katz, Beverly Hills: Sage, 1974.35.The Whole World is Watching: Mass Media in the Making & Unmaking of the New Left (整个世界都在看), Todd Gitlin, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980.。
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Freedom of the Press and Public Access: Toward a Theory of Partial Regulation of the Mass Media
Author(s): Lee C. Bollinger, Jr.
Source: Michigan Law Review, Vol. 75, No. 1 (Nov., 1976), pp. 1-42
Published by: The Michigan Law Review Association
Stable URL: /stable/1287849
Accessed: 26/03/2009 02:17
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