


杨晓阔 蔡 黄宏图 理
( 军工 程 大 学 理 学 院 , 安 , 1 0 1 空 西 705 )
2 1 -I1 0 O O 一 5收 稿 . 0 0 0 — 6收 改 稿 2 1 —32
摘 要 : 子 元 胞 自动机 ( C 是 一 种 纳 米 范 围 内不 含 晶体 管 的 计 算 范 例 。基 于 Q A 提 出 了 QC 奇 偶 校 验 系 量 Q A) C A 统 电路 的 分 块 设 计 方 法 。 先 设 计 了异 或 门 、 偶 判 断 单 元 , 运 用 分 块 设 计 思 想 构 建 了 奇 数 产 生 电路 和奇 偶 校 验 首 奇 再 电路 的结 构 , 设 计 的 电路 拥 有 尺 寸 极 小 和 功 耗 极 低 等 优 点 , AD s n r 件 仿 真 结 果 验证 了 设 计 的 有 效 性 所 QC ei e 软 g
cnu t n o s mp i .S mu ain yQ CADe in rd mo sr t h aiiyo h r p s dcru t. o i lt sb o sg e e n ta et e v l t ft ep o o e ic i d s
Ke wor : qu nt m — t e l l r ut a a; e l s v — R ga e; m o ul r z to y ds a u do c lu a a om t xc u i e O t d a ia i n; pa iy rt
QCA.Fisl e cu ie OR aea dp rt u g n nta ed sg e a dt e d e e ain rty, x l sv — g t n a iyjd me tu i r e in d, n h no dg n rto

量子电路 超导量子电路

量子电路 超导量子电路

量子电路超导量子电路(原创实用版)目录1.量子电路的概述2.超导量子电路的定义和特点3.超导量子电路的组成部分4.超导量子电路的应用领域5.我国在超导量子电路领域的发展正文一、量子电路的概述量子电路是一种基于量子力学原理的计算模型,其基本单元是量子比特(qubit),与经典计算机的比特(0 或 1)不同,量子比特可以同时处于 0 和 1 的叠加态。



超导量子电路的核心元件是超导量子比特(superconducting qubit),其工作原理是在超导材料中产生电流,并通过调控电流实现量子比特的 0 和 1 状态。

三、超导量子电路的组成部分超导量子电路主要由以下几个部分组成:1.超导量子比特:是超导量子电路的基本单元,可以表示 0 和 1 状态,并通过调控电流实现状态转换。












基于量子细胞自动机的逻辑电路设计摘要:量子细胞自动机(Quantum Cellular Automata, QCA)的出现,让电子电路的器件的尺寸进一步缩小成为可能。











正因如此,基于量子细胞自动机(Quantum-dot Cellular Automata, QCA)的器件应运而生,QCA是于1993 年由Lent 等最先提出的,它提供了一种新的计算和信息转换方式,具有低功耗、高集成度和无引线等优点,将会成为利用量子点进行计算的新技术[4]。


2011年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
科研热词 量子元胞自动机(qca) 量子元胞自动机 缺陷 纳磁体 纳电子器件 电路设计 概率转移矩阵 数值比较器 多元线性回归 可靠性
推荐指数 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2012年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
2012年 科研热词 量子元胞自动机(qca) 磁力显微图 概率转移矩阵 可编程逻辑阵列(pla) 加法器 元胞缺陷 间距 量子细胞自动机(qca) 量子元胞自动机 逻辑电路 触发器 纳磁体 移位缺陷 磁性量子元胞自动机 磁化 电子束光刻 漂移电荷 未对准缺陷 时序逻辑电路 故障检测 故障分析 拐角 延迟 容错性 多数门 可靠性 单电子故障 元胞缺失 元胞数 串扰 frobenius范数 推荐指数 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2013年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
科研热词 量子元胞自动机(qca) 纳磁体 磁性量子元胞自动机 随机翻转 背景电荷 概率模型 择多逻辑门 形状工程 异或门 干支型交叉线 可靠性 双量子阱系统 倾斜边缘 信号分布网络 传输线 互连线 串扰 rs触发器 5输入择多逻辑门 3-8译码器
推荐指数 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2014年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
科研热词 推荐指数 量子元胞自动机(qca) 2 随机初始状态 1 遗传模拟退火法 1 转换特性 1 贝叶斯模型 1 计数器 1 正确概率 1 模可变 1 时钟布线 1 数值比较器 1 择多逻辑门 1 扇出 1 反相器 1 半经典模型 1 两点量子元胞自动机(qca) 1



基于改进五输入择多门的QCA全加器设计及应用刘帅;解光军;张永强;项云龙;吕洪君【摘要】Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) is an emerging nanotechnology .A full adder based on improved five-input majority gate is proposed .The full adder keeps correct logic function and dominates the previous results .Then it is applied to imple-ment adder andmultiplier .Results illustrate that they improve significantly in some performance .%量子元胞自动机(Quantum-dot cellular automata ,QCA )是一种新兴的纳米技术。



【期刊名称】《电子学报》【年(卷),期】2015(000)002【总页数】6页(P387-392)【关键词】量子元胞自动机;五输入择多门;全加器;加法器;乘法器【作者】刘帅;解光军;张永强;项云龙;吕洪君【作者单位】合肥工业大学电子科学与应用物理学院,安徽合肥230009;合肥工业大学电子科学与应用物理学院,安徽合肥230009;合肥工业大学电子科学与应用物理学院,安徽合肥230009;合肥工业大学电子科学与应用物理学院,安徽合肥230009;合肥工业大学电子科学与应用物理学院,安徽合肥230009【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN4021 引言随着晶体管技术的提高,器件尺寸越来越小,小尺寸效应逐渐显现出来,严重影响器件的性能,因此需要有新的技术来取代CMOS.Lent等[1]1993年第一次提出量子元胞自动机,基于QCA的电路具有高速、高集成度以及低功耗[2]等优点,能够解决传统CMOS器件的一些问题,因而获得广泛关注.全加器在数字电路中的重要性,使得其在QCA电路中获得比较多的研究.本文在改进五输入择多门的基础上,设计出一个全加器,该全加器在保持最小输出延迟的基础上,减少了元胞使用数目及占用面积,同时具有更高的稳定性.为了进一步探讨该全加器的性能,应用其设计加法器和乘法器.结果表明,均具有正确的逻辑功能,而且性能更加优越.2 量子元胞自动机原理2.1 QCA元胞QCA元胞由处于正方形顶点的四个量子点和两个可以自由移动的电子组成,由于库仑作用,电子只有处于对角线上的量子点时才能达到稳定状态,分别对应极化状态P=-1和P=1,如图1所示.定义当P=-1时对应二进制信息0,当P=1时对应二进制信息1.2.2 时钟时钟主要有两方面的作用:(1)同步控制信息传输;(2)提供电路所需能量[3].通常用四个相位差为90°的时钟来控制信息的传输,用四种不同颜色来区分表示,信息传输顺序为时钟0→时钟1→时钟2→时钟3,如图2所示.2.3 逻辑单元在QCA电路中最基本的逻辑单元是反相器和择多门.反相器如图3(a)所示;择多门主要有两种,一种是三输入择多门,一种是五输入择多门.三输入择多门如图3(b)所示.第一种五输入择多门由Azghadi等[4]提出,它由三维的元胞构成,但并不能应用到电路中;Navi等[5,6]提出两种择多门,文献[5]中的输出端位于内部,没有实用性;文献[6]中的由10个元胞构成,元胞用一个时钟控制;Akeela等[7]提出一种择多门,Hashemi等[8]提出两种择多门,但这三种使用的元胞比较多,而且都要用三个时钟控制.如图4所示(图4(d),(e),(f)中不同颜色的元胞表示处于不同的时钟).3 全加器设计3.1 改进的五输入择多门为了减少全加器的元胞数目、缩小面积,将图4(c)中的五输入择多门作出改进,如图5所示.在图4(c)中,元胞E作为一个输入端.在改进后,去掉元胞E,在原来的位置放置一个正常元胞,并且增加一个正常元胞使其与输入端C相连.这样,输入端C便起到两个输入端的作用,正好符合由五输入择多门构成的全加器中进位信号的需求,极大的简化了电路走线.另外,只有当输入信号同时进入具有表决作用的元胞时,择多门才能保持正确功能.因此,为了保证输出正确,输出端F以及中间四个元胞都用时钟1来控制.3.2 全加器数字电路中算术运算(加、减、乘、除)最终都可归结为加法运算,所以加法器的设计尤为重要,而全加器又是加法器的基础,因此性能优越的全加器有着举足轻重的作用.第一种全加器由Lent等[9]提出来,由五个三输入择多门和三个反相器组成,后来Wang等[10]将全加器“和”的表达式简化,逻辑结构随之缩减到三个三输入择多门和两个反相器.Cho等[11]在此基础上设计出一种全加器,元胞数目为86,“和”输出延迟周期,进位输出延迟周期.最近,Pudi等[12]进一步将全加器简化,只用到三个三输入择多门和一个反相器.我们提出的全加器,由一个三输入择多门、一个五输入择多门和一个反相器组成,逻辑表达式为其中A、B、C分别为加数和被加数以及进位输入,CO为进位输出,S为和.该全加器的结构图、元胞图及仿真结果如图6所示.该全加器由66个元胞构成,“和”输出与进位输出.与 Cho等[11]设计的全加器相比,在输出延迟保持一致的情况下,元胞数目减少了20;与 Pudi等[12]相比,进位输出延迟保持一致,“和”输周期.而且由于输出端不被其它元胞所包围,该全加器具有良好的扩展性.目前,也有文献提出以五输入择多门构成的全加器,如Navi等[6]设计的全加器由73个元胞组成,输出延迟与本文的全加器一致,但是由于该全加器的三个输入端位于全加器的内部,导致不具备可扩展性.Hashemi等[8]设计出两种全加器,其中一种虽然使用更少的元胞,但电路中的反相器不稳定,电路稳定性差,并且扩展性也不好;另外一种全加器使用79个元胞,输出延迟个周期,与本文全加器相比,输出延迟大大增加.3.3 全加器的稳定性元胞缺失、移位等缺陷会对电路的稳定性造成影响,本文设计的全加器和Pudi等[12]设计的全加器在结构上相似,可以通过概率转移矩阵[13]比较二者的稳定性.对于有m个输入、n个输出的电路,共有2m×2n种输入和输出组合,每种输入对应1种正确输出和2n-1种错误输出.假设正确的输出概率为p,每种错误输出概率相等且总和为q,则p+q=1.根据上述描述可以列出不同单元的概率转移矩阵,如下所示假设有两个逻辑单元A和B,概率转移矩阵分别为TA和TB.若A的输出为B的输入,则二者称为串联结构,总的概率转移矩阵为TA·TB;若A与B互不影响,则二者称为并联结构[14],总的概率转移矩阵为TA⊗TB(运算符和⊗的定义与文献[14]一致).Pudi等[12]设计的全加器和本文的全加器结构分别如图7(a)、(b)所示.图中虚线框为两种全加器的不同部分,由于其它部分相同,可以通过虚线框内的对比来计算两种全加器的稳定性,即基于上述表达式得出总体错误率Q随错误概率q的变化曲线,如图8所示.由上图可知,在错误概率q相等的情况下,图7(b)的总体错误率要比图7(a)小,因此图7(b)中的全加器稳定性更高,可以更好地应用到大规模的电路中.4 全加器的应用4.1 加法器Cho等[11]利用全加器设计出载流进位加法器(Carry Flow Adder,CFA),Pudi等[12]利用其设计的全加器实现了脉冲进位加法器(Ripple Carry Adder,RCA).本文的全加器具有良好的扩展性,只需将前一个全加器的进位输出端连接到下一个全加器的进位输入端,便可实现加法器.限于篇幅,图9只给出四位加法器的元胞图和仿真结果.与上述两种加法器进行对比,结果如表1所示(本文的加法器用Proposed来代表,后面的数字代表加法器的位数).由上述对比可知,基于本文全加器实现的加法器在保持最小时钟延迟的基础上,无论是元胞数目还是面积都较另外两种有很大的优势,而且优势随着加法器位数的增加不断扩大.4.2 乘法器实现乘法器的关键在于乘法器网络的构造,Cho等基于滤波网络提出一个乘法器网络,在此基础上设计出进位延迟乘法器[11](Carry Delay Multiplier,CDM).借助于该乘法器网络,本文的全加器也可以实现乘法器.首先将本文的全加器修改为内部进位全加器,如图10所示(图10(a)中D代表时钟延迟).根据乘法器网络,利用图10(b)所示内部进位全加器设计出乘法器.图11为四位乘法器的元胞图与仿真结果,输出延迟1个周期.将本文的乘法器与Cho等[11]设计的进位延迟乘法器进行对比,结果如表2所示(本文的乘法器用Multiplier表示,后面的数字代表乘法器的位数).表1 三种加法器的对比延迟Proposed4 279 0.58 ×0.24 0.139 1类型元胞数目长×宽(μm×μm)面积(μm2)clocks Proposed8 584 1.14 ×0.40 0.456 2 2 4clocks Proposed16 1356 2.26 ×0.56 1.266 4 2 4 clocks Proposed32 3476 4.50 ×0.88 3.960 8 2 4 clocks Proposed64 10020 8.98 ×1.54 13.829 16 2 4 clocks CFA4 371 0.90 ×0.45 0.405 1 2 4 clocks CFA8 789 1.79 ×0.53 0.948 2 2 4 clocks CFA16 1769 3.55 ×0.69 2.450 4 2 4 clocks CFA32 4305 7.09 ×1.303 7.300 8 2 4 clocks CFA64 11681 14.15 ×1.71 24.196 16 2 4 clocks RCA4 339 0.82 ×0.31 0.254 1 2 4 clocks RCA8 712 1.62×0.46 0.745 2 3 4 clocks RCA16 1602 3.22 ×0.62 1.996 4 3 4 clocks RCA32 3901 6.46 ×1.00 6.460 8 3 4 clocks RCA64 10926 12.9 ×1.66 20.916 16 3 43 4c locks表2 两种乘法器的对比延迟Multiplier 4 291 0.76 ×0.32 0.243 1clock Multiplier 8 679 1.68 ×0.34 0.571 1clock Multiplier16 1557 3.46 ×0.44 1.522 1clock Multiplier 32 3677 7.02 ×0.62 4.352 1clock Multiplier 64 9472 14.08 ×0.98 13.798 1clock CDM4 406 1.05 ×0.47 0.494 1clock CDM8 903 2.12 ×0.47 0.996 1clock CDM16 1999 4.19 ×0.47 1.9691clock CDM32 4575 8.47 ×0.65 5.506 1clock CDM64 11264 16.84 ×0.95 15.998 1clock类型元胞数目长×宽(μm×μm) 面积(μm2)通过对比可知,在输出延迟相同的情况下,本文的乘法器无论是元胞数目还是面积都较Cho等人设计的进位延迟乘法器有很大优势.5 结论本文在改进五输入择多门的基础上设计出一种全加器,该全加器具有正确的逻辑功能.在保持最小输出延迟的前提下,无论是元胞数目还是占用面积均较以往全加器有一定的减少,通过概率转移矩阵计算发现该全加器的结构更加稳定,有利于应用到大规模电路中.为进一步研究该全加器的性能,将其应用到加法器和乘法器中,结果表明,基于本文全加器实现的加法器和乘法器较以往使用更少的元胞,占用面积也进一步缩小,而且还保持最小的时钟延迟,因此性能更加优越.参考文献【相关文献】[1]C S Lent,P D Tougaw,W Porod.Bistable saturation in coupled quantum dots for quantum cellular 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DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF FAULT-TOLERANT QUANTUM-DOT CELLULAR AUTOMATA (QCA) NOT GATESA Thesis byMary Jean BeardBachelor of Science, California Institute of Technology, 2003 Submitted to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the faculty of the Graduate School ofWichita State University in partial fulfillment ofthe requirements for the degree ofMaster of ScienceJuly 2006DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF FAULT-TOLERANTQUANTUM-DOT CELLULAR AUTOMATA (QCA) NOT GATESI have examined the final copy of this Thesis for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science, with a major in Electrical Engineering._____________________________Fred J. Meyer, Committee ChairWe have read this thesisand recommend its acceptance:_____________________________Coskun Cetinkaya, Committee Member_____________________________Elizabeth Behrman, Committee MemberACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Fred Meyer, for his guidance and support throughout my studies at Wichita State University. I would also like to thank the members of my committee, Dr. Coskun Cetinkaya and Dr. Elizabeth Behrman, for their time, effort, and support of this project.I would not have been able to complete my studies without the love and understanding of my fiancé Garrett. I would like to thank my parents, Charles and Ann, and my sisters, Jennifer and Stephanie, for their help and ideas. I can’t even begin to thank all of my friends who have provided their own insight and ideas towards my work.ABSTRACTThis paper details the design and simulation of a fault-tolerant Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) NOT gate. A version of the standard NOT gate can be constructed to take advantage to the ability to easily integrate redundant structures into a QCA design. The fault-tolerant characteristics of this inverter are analyzed with QCADesigner v2.0.3 (Windows version) simulation software. These characteristics are then compared with the characteristics of two other non-redundant styles of NOT gates. The redundant version of the gate is more robust than the standard style for the inverter. However, another simple inverter style seems to be even more than this fault-tolerant design. Both versions of the gate will need to be studied further in the future to determine which design is most practical.TABLE OF CONTENTSChapter Page1. INTRODUCTION 12. BACKGROUND & LITERATURE REVIEW 22.1 QCA Basic Concepts 22.1.1 Quantum Cells 22.1.2 Binary Wires 32.1.3 Logic Gates 42.1.4 Clocking 52.1.5 Faults and Fault Tolerance 62.2 Advantages and Importance of QCA-Based Design 82.3 Difficulties of QCA-Based Design 93. PROPOSAL AND METHODOLOGY 113.1 Proposed Fault-Tolerant NOT Gate 113.2 Simulation Details 134. ANALYSYIS OF DIFFERENT INVERTER DESIGNS 174.1 A Standard Inverter 174.2 A Simple Inverter 184.3 A Fault-Tolerant Inverter 205. MANUAL CALCULATIONS 236. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS 28 REFERENCES 31Table Page 3-1: Maximum Output Polarization for Proposed Inverter Design 12 3-2: Maximum Output Polarization for Alternative Inverter Design 13 3-2: QCA Simulation Parameters 16 4-1: Maximum Range for Cells in Standard Inverter 18 4-2: Maximum Range for Cells in Fault-Tolerant Inverter 21 5-1: Distance Comparisons of Cells with Different States 23 5-2: Distance Comparisons of Cells with Different States 24 5-3: Distance Comparisons of Cells with Different States 25 5-4: Distance Comparisons of Cells with Different States 26 5-5: Calculations of Electron Displacement in Cell with +1 Polarization 27 6-1: Smallest Maximum Displacement 29Figure Page 2-1: Quantum Cell (2)2-2: Quantum Cells with Polarity +1 (left), Polarity -1 (right) (3)2-3: QCA Binary Wire (3)2-4: QCA Majority Voter Gate (4)2-5: QCA NOT Gate (4)2-6: Center Cell Displaced from Intended Location in Binary Wire (6)2-7: A Defective Cell in the Binary Wire (7)2-8: Fault-Tolerant QCA Majority Voter Block Gate (8)3-1: Proposed Fault-Tolerant Inverter (12)3-2: QCADesigner Bistable Simulation Engine Options (16)4-1: Standard QCA Inverter (17)4-2: Maximum Range for Cells in Standard Inverter (18)4-3: Simple NOT Gate (18)4-4: Maximum Range for All Cells in the Simple Inverter (19)4-5: Fault-Tolerant Inverter (20)4-6: Maximum Range for Cells in Fault-Tolerant Inverter (21)5-1: Simple Inversion with Input Polarity +1 (23)5-2: Simple Inversion with Input Polarity -1 (24)5-3: Two-Input Cell Inversion with Polarity +1 (25)5-4: Two-Input Cell Inversion with Polarity -1 (26)6-1: Faulty Simple Inverter (29)CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONSince the development of the integrated circuit, the microelectronics industry has constantly worked to achieve smaller feature size and higher computational density on electronic devices. This shrinkage of chip size allows for higher speeds within the devices and smaller electronic products that are much more powerful than their predecessors.Today, many PC processors are fabricated using a 90nm process, with some processors being fabricated at the 65nm level. The development of smaller-scale processors is hindered by many barriers. The lithographic techniques used to create the chips begin to break down at small scales because of the inability to focus light in such tiny detailed patterns. The doping process becomes irregular due to the statistical improbabilities of maintaining constant doping levels at such small concentrations. Once the devices have been constructed problems still exist such as electron tunneling and thermal noise.Currently research is being conducted into alternative computational paradigms that would allow for devices to be constructed at even smaller scales without the limitations faced by the traditional CMOS-based architectures. One promising new solution is Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA).This thesis is concerned with the design and simulation of fault-tolerant QCA NOT gates. Chapter 2 details the basics of QCA and QCA design. Chapter 3 discusses the design of a fault-tolerant NOT Gate and describes the methodology used in the research for this document. The robustness of three different QCA inverters is tested in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 is a discussion of the results and the conclusions reached during this research.CHAPTER 2BACKGROUND & LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 QCA Basic ConceptsQCA is not quantum computing in its strictest sense, but rather a quantum implementation of classical computing. QCA is being explored as a method for stretching the limits of classical computation, and enabling a proven method of computation to be improved at the physical limitations of that method.2.1.1 Quantum CellsThe fundamental unit of a QCA circuit is the quantum cell, as shown below in Figure 2-1. Quantum cells typically contain four quantum dots, placed near the corners of the cell, where free electrons can reside. The QCA cells have two free electrons and two fixed protons to maintain cell charge neutrality. The electrons are free to tunnel among the quantum dots; however, a high inter-cell potential barrier ensures that the electrons do not tunnel between cells.Figure 2-1: Quantum CellQuantum cells have two distinct stable polarizations, as shown in Figure 2-2. These states allow the cells to represent binary data. By convention, a cell with +1 polarization is used to represent a Binary 1, while a cell with -1 polarization represents a Binary 0.Figure 2-2: Quantum Cells with Polarity +1 (left), Polarity -1 (right)2.1.2 Binary WiresBinary wires are the simplest QCA structures and consist of a series of quantum cells in close proximity to each other. The cells interact through Coulombic interactions with each other. In this manner, if the leftmost cell has its polarity fixed at +1, and the other cells have no other force influencing their polarities, all cells in the wire will take on the same polarization. It is important to note that no current flows during this process. Unlike CMOS technology, QCA relies on quantum configurations rather than voltage levels to indicate state, and Coulombic interactions rather than current flow for information propagation.Figure 2-3: QCA Binary WireBinary wires can also be constructed with the dots in each cell oriented at a 45 degree angle from the standard cell. This allows binary wires to cross in the same plane or layer without interacting with each other. This configuration causes an inversion to occur between each cell. Care must be taken to use the correct number of cells to prevent accidental signal inversion from occurring.2.1.3 Logic GatesThere are two logic gates that make up the fundamental set of logic in QCA: the Majority Voter and Inverter. All other logical functions can be computed from some combination of these two gates.The Majority Voter takes three inputs and outputs the value that occurs most frequently. The output of this gate is defined by MV(A,B,C) = AB + AC + BC. The Majority Voter can also be used to create AND and OR gates. If one input is held at 1, the Majority Voter functions as a standard 2-input OR gate. If one input is held at 0, the Majority Voter functions as a 2-input AND gate. Figure 2-3 depicts the standard Majority Voter gate.Figure 2-4: QCA Majority Voter GateThe NOT gate has a single input and output. It simply returns the opposite of the value that was put in.Figure 2-5: QCA NOT GateThese two logic gates, together with a hard-wired 1 or 0 signal can be used to create all logic functions used in traditional computation.2.1.4 ClockingQCA circuits require a multi-stage clocking mechanism. This clocking provides two major functions: synchronization of signals and restoration of energy levels within the system.In QCA a four-phase clocking mechanism is used. The sequence of states in this scheme is null state, switching state, locked state, and switching state. In the null state the quantum cells contain no binary data. In the switching state, the cells are free to undergo Coulombic interactions with their neighboring cells and take on the appropriate binary value. Sometimes the two switching states are differentiated as a ‘switching’ state and a ‘release’ state. In the first case, the cells are changing between a low entropy state to a high entropy state. In the other, the process is reversed. In the locked state, the electrons are prevented from tunneling within the quantum cell, so the cell remains in a fixed state.The clock zones can be generated by a series of wires that run parallel to the plane on which the QCA cells lie. These wires can be used to generate electric fields that restrict the tunneling of electrons within the cells, creating the null and switched states. Removal of the electric field would allow the QCA devices to enter into one of the switching states.The use of the clock as an energy restoring feature is vital to the success of any QCA circuits of useful size. Each cell dissipates energy as it interacts with neighboring cells. The clock provides a method to restore each cell to its original energy level. In a binary wire with a cell size of 18nm and intercellular spacing of 2nm, signal degradation may be observed after 5 cells.In this thesis, it is assumed that all the cells of a given QCA gate are in the same clocking zone. Further more, it is assumed that the binary wires that carry the input and output signals are in different clock zones than the gate itself. The input wire is in thezone before the gate, and the output wire is in the zone after the gate. These wires are not shown in the figures depicting the gates.2.1.5 Faults and Fault ToleranceTwo major categories of faults can occur during the assembly of a QCA circuit. First, faults may occur when quantum cells are displaced from their intended locations. These displacement faults may cause the cell to be outside the radius of effect of its neighbors, so that it is no longer contributing to the interactions among the cells. A typical radius of effect for a quantum cell is 65nm. The interactions between cells are due to the electrostatic quadrupole-quadrupole interactions between adjacent cells due to the two free electrons and two fixed protons in each cell. These forces fall off as the 5th power of distance, so the radius of effect will always remain relatively small. A cell that is displaced may have a polarity opposite what it should. Sometimes displaced cells have no impact on the effectiveness of a QCA circuit, and sometimes they can cause a circuit to cease functioning as expected.Figure 2-6: Center Cell Displaced from Intended Location in Binary WireA second type of fault occurs when the quantum cell itself is defective. Defective cells will not interact in the same way as ideal cells. The most obvious type of defective cell could be missing quantum dots or free electrons. In this case, the cell would be considered to be missing from the circuit, as it would have no influence on its neighbors. If the gap between ideal cells is large enough, the circuit will cease to function.Figure 2-7: A Defective Cell in the Binary WireSystems that are robust enough to function correctly in the presence of faults are very important. In QCA systems the small-scale nature of the system provides enormous potential for faults to occur. Even small manufacturing defects correspond to great relative offsets. Cells must be aligned on nanometer scales in order to work correctly. Currently the technology does not exist to reliably align cells within such narrow tolerances. One way to avoid this problem is to design logic gates that are robust enough to continue to function in the presence of some faults.Fijany and Toomarian designed and tested a fault-tolerant version of the Majority Voter gate. This gate uses an array of quantum cells (Figure 2-7) to provide redundancy. This cascaded array of Majority Voters allows some of the faults caused by positioning or defective cells to be ignored. It will always be possible that some set of defects will cause a gate to cease functioning or behave incorrectly. The hope is to design a gate that will continue to work under the widest set of potential defects.Figure 2-8: Fault-Tolerant QCA Majority Voter Block Gate2.2 Advantages and Importance of QCA-Based DesignQCA offers several distinct advantages over the traditional transistor-based design. This schema inherently allows for very small feature size and thus high computational density. Because the intercellular interactions are governed by the relatively weak Coulombic repulsion forces, QCA devices operate better in smaller scales where the electrostatic forces are no longer dominated by thermal energies.It has been projected that QCA circuits can achieve densities of 1012 devices/cm2 and THz switching frequencies. Because current does not flow through QCA-based circuits, these designs can operate at very low power levels. This low power cost is vital to being able to achieve the device densities mentioned above.QCA design supports massively parallel computational architectures, which can allow for more efficient information processing. In a QCA circuit that uses clocking torestore energy to the system, there is no “penalty” for branching out into parallel circuitsas there is with traditional CMOS architectures. In CMOS, current is divided between parallel branches of a circuit. This can quickly degrade the circuit if some sort of buffering mechanism is not used. In QCA, there is also energy loss, but it is the same energy loss that exists in a non-branching binary wire. As long as a mechanism is in place to restore this energy loss, a QCA circuit can be split into as many parallel branches as desired without negative effects from the branching. Clocking can be used to keep parallel branches synchronized with each other.2.3 Difficulties of QCA-Based DesignMany obstacles must be overcome before QCA-based circuits are available as a viable alternative to transistor-based technologies.First, quantum cells must be small, on the order of 20nm, to be efficient. Currently the technology does not exist to reliably manufacture quantum cells of this size and assemble them into particular structures. Fortunately much time and effort is being spent on these scale-related issues. The same technologies that allow transistors to be constructed at smaller and smaller scales will easily transfer to new technologies, such as QCA.Secondly, as with any technology on this scale, it is difficult to create interfaces between the computational circuits themselves and I/O devices such as monitors and keyboards that would allow the user to interact with the computer. Again, this limitation is faced by other technologies. It is possible that this will need to be overcome in a step-wise fashion, with a traditional CMOS circuit determining the state of an output quantum cell, and relaying that information to I/O devices.As in CMOS architectures, QCA structures also exhibit propagation delays. A long QCA wire will have a delay that is proportional to N1.22, where N is the number ofcells in the wire. This delay can be attributed to the finite amount of time that it takes for the electrons in a cell to tunnel to their new position.CHAPTER 3PROPOSAL AND METHODOLOGY3.1 Proposed Fault-Tolerant NOT GateThe design of a fault-tolerant inverter is crucial to the success of QCA architecture. A fault-tolerant inverter should be robust enough to continue to operate correctly in the event that one or more of the cells in the array are misaligned. The simplest way to do this is to introduce redundancy into the design. Redundancy can be difficult to implement because it requires the input signal be split among redundant blocks and the results from all the blocks need to be synthesized back to a single output. Fortunately, QCA architecture inherently supports both. QCA signals do not degrade as they fan out. The QCA cell additionally behaves as a majority voter, making it simple to 00combine results into a single output.I propose a redundant inverter, as shown below in Figure 3-1. This block inverter design is based on Fijany and Toomarian’s block Majority Voter design. The design allows several paths of information travel between input and output. The cells in the gate behave as Majority Voters, synthesizing the states of its neighbor cells into a single output. This design allows some faults to be cancelled out by other cells that are in the correct state. This design will work for a limited number of faults.Figure 3-1: Proposed Fault-Tolerant InverterThis design has four possible input positions (1, 2, 3, 4) and four possible output positions (5, 6, 7, 8). Simulations were run to determine the maximum output polarization for each of the input/output location combinations. The results are summarized below in Table 3-1. Output Position5 6 7 81 0.928 0.994 0.980 0.9872 0.928 0.994 0.980 0.9873 0.928 0.994 0.980 0.987I n p u t P o s4 0.928 0.994 0.980 0.987Table 3-1: Maximum Output Polarization for Proposed Inverter DesignThe simulations indicate that the input position to this inverter has no effect on the output results. This observation is counterintuitive. I suspect that the four possible input cells are probably so close in polarization to each other that the effects of using different locations as inputs are too small to be measured.The best output position is location 6. This site gives the strongest output signal. For symmetry, location 3 was selected as the input location to be used for analysis and simulation.The use of larger arrays was also considered in the design of the fault-tolerant inverter. Table 3-2 shows the polarization values for an array with six possible inputsand outputs. The polarizations at the outer-lying outputs were identical to the polarizations of the smaller array. To simplify the analysis, the smaller array was used for all simulations.Output Cell1 2 3 4 5 61 0.987 0.980 0.994 0.981 0.994 0.9282 0.987 0.980 0.994 0.981 0.994 0.9283 0.987 0.980 0.994 0.981 0.994 0.9284 0.987 0.980 0.994 0.981 0.994 0.9285 0.987 0.980 0.994 0.981 0.994 0.9286 0.987 0.980 0.994 0.981 0.994 0.928Table 3-2: Maximum Output Polarization for Alternative Inverter Design3.2 Simulation DetailsTo determine the tolerance of displacement faults in each design, each cell was moved independently to determine the maximum range of displacements for which the output was still correct. For these simulations, a valid value had to have a polarization magnitude of at least 0.400 (out of 1.000). It is assumed that values smaller than this will not be able to sufficiently “drive” an adjacent cell to the appropriate polarization.The simulations were run using QCADesigner v2.0.3 (Windows version). The Bistable Simulation Engine was used for all simulations. These basic simulations can be run on a PC with no additional equipment. More advanced simulations will require the ability to automate the generation of different circuits and the simulation process.QCADesigner’s Bistable Simulation Engine uses an iterative process to determine the steady state of the system. Each cell is assumed to have only two possible states that correspond to polarization values of +1 and -1. The energy of each state can be calculated by computing the electrostatic energy between each cell and its neighbor cells. Equation 3-1 shows the calculation of energy between an electron in a quantum dot in cell i and one in cell j. ε0 is the permittivity of free space and εr is therelative permittivity of the material of the quantum cell. The energy of the cell can be calculated by summing over all dots in each cell.j i j i r j i r r q q E −=επε0,41 (Equation 3-1) The kink energy between two adjacent cells is defined as the difference in electrostatic energy between the two polarization states. This kink energy between cells i and j , k j i E ,, is determined by keeping cell i in its fixed state and calculating the energy between the cells with cell j being in each of its two states. The kink energy is thus the difference between these two energies.For a two-state system, such as we have here, the Hamiltonian shown in Equation 3-2 can be constructed to describe the state of the system, where P j is the polarization value of cell j , and γi is the tunneling energy of electrons within cell i .∑⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡−−−=j k j i j i i k j i j i E P E P H ,,2121γγ (Equation 3-2)The time-independent Schrödinger equation (Equation 3-3) can be used to determine the states of the cells described by this Hamiltonian. The solution to the Schrödinger equation can be reduced to an expression to describe the polarization of each cell, as shown in Equation 3-4.i i i i E H ψψ=(Equation 3-3) ⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛+=∑∑j j kj i jj k ji i P E PE P γγ212,, (Equation 3-4)For all simulations the default values for the simulator are used, as seen in Figure 3-2. The Number of Samples parameter is used to fix the precision of the simulation. Each sample represents a data point on the resulting output waveform. This engine uses an iterative approach to determine the output values. For a given set of inputs, the entire system is allowed to converge to a stable state. The Convergence Tolerance defines at what value the system is assumed to converge. For some situations the system may not reach a steady state or may take a long time to settle into that state. In these situations, the Maximum Iterations per Sample is used to ensure that the simulations can continue. The Radius of Effect is used in calculating which cells contribute to the state of a neighbor cell. In multi-layer QCA circuits, the Radius of Effect determines which layers will affect the design. The Relative Permittivity is used for the calculation of the kink energy. This default value is for GaAs/AlGaAs, and is assumed to be sufficient for most calculations. QCADesigner uses a cosine signal to generate the clock signal. The Clock High and Clock Low parameters are used to set the cutoff positive and negative cutoff values for this cosine. The Clock Shift allows the clock signal to be shifted positive or negative. The Clock Amplitude factor will affect how quickly the clock signal transitions between low and high states. The Layer Separation parameter is used to define how much space exists between circuit layers. In these simulations, all circuits are entirely contained in a single layer, so the Layer Separation value has no effect.Figure 3-2: QCADesigner Bistable Simulation Engine Options Each cell has a length of 18nm and a quantum dot diameter of 5nm. The spacing between each cell is 2nm. The horizontal and vertical spacing between the dots in a cell is 9mn. These values are summarized below in Table 3-2.Parameter ValueCell Length 18nmCell Spacing 2nmDot Diameter5nmDot Spacing 9nmTable 3-3: QCA Simulation ParametersCHAPTER 4ANALYSYIS OF DIFFERENT INVERTER DESIGNS4.1 A Standard InverterWhen QCA literature references an inverter or NOT gate, it usually appears in the form depicted in Figure 4-1. This gate is sometimes shown with binary wires leading into and out of the input and output cells. These cells do not contribute to the signal inversion, so they are not modeled in these simulations.Figure 4-1: Standard QCA InverterSimulations revealed that, as expected, this design has a fairly low tolerance for displacement faults. The maximum range of each cell in nanometers is shown in Table 4-1, and shown visually in Figure 4-2. Some of the cells can be moved infinitely far in a given direction from their standard location. These are indicated as “inf” in the table and figure below. Cells whose movement is restricted by adjacent cells show maximum displacement as “-“ in the table below.Up Down Left Right1 4nm - 4nm -2 - 4nm 5nm -3 inf 14nm - -4 14nm inf - -5 inf 16nm - inf6 16nm inf - infIn - - 7nm 4nmOut9nm 9nm 11nm6nmTable 4-1: Maximum Range for Cells in Standard InverterFigure 4-2: Maximum Range for Cells in Standard Inverter4.2 A Simple InverterThe simplest inverter consists of five cells as shown below in Figure 4-3. For the purposes of analysis and discussion, the cells will be identified as Cell 1, Cell 2, Cell 3, Input Cell, and Output Cell. This NOT Gate relies on the output branch (Cell 3 and Output Cell) being positioned in such a way that it is offset by half a cell width from the input branch (Input Cell, Cell 1, Cell 2) of the gate.Figure 4-3: Simple NOT GateThis inverter model proved to be more robust in simulation than anticipated. The simulation results do not seem to agree with manual simulations. Of greatest concern is the case where Cell 2 is missing entirely. QCADesigner simulations show that the signal is inverted and the output remains well within the required tolerances.Figure 4-4 shows the results of the QCADesigner simulations. This diagram indicates the maximum range for each of the cells when moved independently.Figure 4-4: Maximum Range for All Cells in the Simple InverterThe simulations indicate that Cell 1 and Cell 2 can be in any position. In fact, these cells may be missing entirely from the design. If one of the two cells is in the appropriate location, the other cell no longer matters to the design.The Input Cell has the largest range in which it may lie. The green region indicates the input range. The Input Cell has the strongest polarization (magnitude 1), so it stands to reason that it will have influence over larger distances. In the simulations, the polarization of each successive cell is decreased. With the vertical position fixed, the Input Cell can be offset horizontally from its intended coordinates by up to 8nm. The cell can be located up to 48nm up from its designated coordinates. The asymmetry in the green region can be attributed to the influences of Cell 3 and the Output Cell.。



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量子自由电子在散射过程中,其波函数会受到障碍物的散射,导致电子的运动状态发生 改变。
通过求解薛定谔方程,可以得到散射态的波函数和散射振幅,进而计算出散射截面和散 射概率。
当两个或多个量子自由电子的波函数相 互叠加时,它们之间会发生干涉,导致 电子的分布出现明暗相间的干涉条纹。
该理论在微电子学、光电子学、半 导体技术等领域有广泛应用,对现 代科技发展做出了重要贡献。
起源量子自由电子理论起Fra bibliotek于20世纪 初,伴随着量子力学的兴起而发
在20世纪中期,该理论得到进一 步完善和扩展,应用于更多材料
目前,量子自由电子理论仍然是 凝聚态物理、材料科学等领域的 重要研究工具,随着实验技术的 进步,该理论仍有许多未解之谜
解释金属的电导、热导等现象,为金属材料 设计提供理论支持。
为量子计算提供理论基础,为量子计算机的 设计和实现提供指导。
散射与干涉是量子力学中的重要概念,它们不仅在理论上具有重要意义, 而且在实验技术和应用领域中也有广泛的应用价值。
量子自由电子理论的实 验验证与应用


Input X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Output
P( x1, x 2, x3, x 4, x5) P( x5 / x 4) P( x 4 / x3) P( x3 / x 2) P( x 2 / x1) P( x1)
四个时钟区域, 每个时钟都与 前一个时钟相 差90° 作用 1.控制信号同步 2.提供能量
Si ABC i i i A i BC i i AB i iC i A iB iC i M(M( Ai , Bi , Ci ), M(M( Ai , Bi , Ci ), Bi , Ci ), Ai )
P( x / pa( x))
ss P ( x 0 / pa( x)) 11 ( pa( x), ch* ( x)) ss P ( x 1 / pa( x)) 22 ( pa( x), ch* ( x))
QCA于1993年由CS Lent等人提出
1 E 1 tanh 2
ss 11
ss 22 1 tanh 2



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科研热词 推荐指数 元胞自动机 4 改进的元胞自动机 3 枝晶生长 2 黄河源区 1 镁合金 1 跟驰约束 1 行人布局 1 虚拟车间距 1 自推动粒子模型 1 能量 1 背景场 1 群体行为 1 绿波 1 纯铝 1 疏散行人流 1 瓶颈隧道 1 瓶颈 1 汽车轮毂 1 案例推理 1 格子气模型 1 枝晶形貌 1 无线传感器网络 1 数值模拟 1 改进vdr模型 1 振荡不稳定性 1 择优生长取向 1 拓扑控制 1 微观组织演化模型 1 层-棒状转变 1 土地覆盖变化模拟 1 双辊连续铸轧 1 动态参数 1 力学性能模型 1 凝固微观组织模拟 1 共晶层片稳定性 1 元胞自动机模型 1 元胞自动机-有限元方法 1 三维空间 1 三元合金 1
2011年 科研热词 元胞自动机 数值模拟 疏散模拟 港区 深圳市 时空模拟 扩展元胞自动机 房地产投资信托基金 开放性边界 定向凝固 安全评价 基本价值 土地利用 变形温度 双向行人流 协调控制 动态再结晶 凸多边形区域 凝固过程 元胞遗传算法 元胞自动机模型 位错密度 仿真 人员疏散 交通流 交通惯例 交通冲突 交叉口 二维元胞自动机 主干路 nh4c1-h2o透明合金 推荐指数 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



元胞自动机在人工智能中的应用研究第一章介绍元胞自动机(Cellular Automaton,CA)是20世纪60年代提出的一种数学模型,它可被看作是由大量的离散单元组成的动态系统。






第三章元胞自动机在人工智能中的应用1. 计算机模拟元胞自动机的一大应用是计算机模拟。



2. 模式识别元胞自动机在模式识别中也有广泛的应用。




3. 人工智能交互在人工智能交互中,元胞自动机也有很大的应用空间。



4. 智能机器人元胞自动机也可以应用于智能机器人的控制中。






目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 元胞自动机的历史进程 (1)1.2 元胞自动机的应用 (1)1.2.1格子气自动机 (2)1.2.2人工生命研究 (3)第二章元胞自动机的简要介绍 (5)2.1元胞自动机的定义 (5)2.1.1物理学定义 (5)2.1.2数学定义 (5)2.2元胞自动机的组成部分 (6)2.3元胞自动机的特征和分类 (7)2.4元胞自动机理论 (8)第三章初等元胞自动机的实现 (9)第四章仿真实现 (11)3.1仿真工具简介 (11)3.2 Matlab实验模拟 (11)第五章 Game Of Life的实现 (17)结论 (20)参考文献 (21)致谢 (23)第一章绪论1.1 元胞自动机的历史进程元胞自动机(Cellular Automata,简称 CA),亦被称为细胞自动机,它起源于Von.Neumann和A.Turing的数值计算,乃至更早一些的时期。

计算机鼻祖——Von Neumann等人给出了元胞自动机的基本概念和初等模型,在美国计算机科学家S.Wolfram 写的《A New Kind of Science 》书中,把元胞自动机提升到了一个新的科学层面。


到了上个世纪70年代,由于计算机的飞速发展,剑桥的数学家J.H.Conway[2]编写了“生命游戏”(Game of life)——这一十分典型的元胞自动机。

Game of life的基本原理是制定一个简单的规则,在这种规则下,通过元胞在空间网格中运行和演化,使得元胞的状态在生与死之间进行改变,最后的可以得出复杂的图形。






关键词:量子元胞自动机、数据选择器和数据分配器、QCADesigner仿真1、引言有研究认为,当电子器件的尺寸达到70 nm 时, 由于功率耗散和相互连接等问题使得基于传统CMOS 技术的器件尺寸的进一步减小变得不太可能[1],这就需要发展一种不同于传统CMOS 的器件技术来使电子器件能继续朝纳米级方向发展。

近年来,有些学者提出量子元胞自动机(Quantum Cellular Automaton,QCA)的结构,它通过电子在量子元胞自动机上占据的位置来携带二进制信息而不是通过传统的电流开关来表示二进制信息。

量子细胞自动机的结构, 在用分子实现时, 其特征尺寸仅为几纳米,具有低功耗、高集成度和无引线集成等优点, 将是新一代的电子元件之一。









基于量子元胞自动机的存储器的实现摘要根据量子元胞的双稳态特性以及传统CMOS工艺设计存储器的思想,设计了2*2bit带有控制端的存储器两种,4*2bit带有控制端的存储器一种以及4*4bit 带有控制端的存储器一种。


关键词量子信息、存储器、量子元胞自动机存储器(QCAMemory)、使能端A Memory Design Using Quantum Cellular AutomataAbstract: Based on the bistable saturation in quantum cellular automata and the concepts of memory constructed by traditional CMOS technology, a Memory with enable of 2*2bit、4*2bit、4*4bit is constructed which composed of quantum cellular automata ,and with the QCADesigner simulation software to its simulated, and the results show the correctness of memory.Key words:Quantum Information;Memory;Quantum cellular automata memory;Enable1 引言微电子器件的集成度和运算速度已经呈指数持续增长了40年。































量子电路是一种用于处理量子信息的电路模型,它由量子比特(qubit)和量子门(quantum gate)组成。




















2010年度江西省科学技术奖名单附件:2010年度江西省科学技术奖名单一、自然科学奖(11项)一等奖(2项)1.项目名称:布里渊散射激光雷达的物理基础及其应用基础研究主要完成人:刘大禾(南昌航空大学),何兴道(南昌航空大学),石锦卫(北京师范大学),弓文平(北京师范大学)2.项目名称:稀土萃取过程建模与优化控制主要完成人:杨辉(华东交通大学),柴天佑(东北大学),王昕(华东交通大学),陆荣秀(华东交通大学)二等奖(3项)1.项目名称:量子信息的传输与量子态制备的研究主要完成人:陈爱喜(华东交通大学),程广玲(华东交通大学),张建松(华东交通大学),邓黎(华东交通大学)2.项目名称:高效有机电致发光材料及器件性能研究主要完成人:彭强(南昌航空大学),彭俊彪(华南理工大学),邹德春(北京大学),邹建平(南昌航空大学)3.项目名称:基于卵磷脂特性的天然产物新型“导向型”脂质递药系统的设计、组装与评价研究主要完成人:朱卫丰(江西中医学院),袁海龙(中国人民解放军第三○二医院),岳鹏飞(江西中医学院),杨明(江西中医学院)三等奖(6项)1.项目名称:半固态金属微观特性与形成机理研究主要完成人:杨湘杰(南昌大学),郭洪民(南昌大学),刘勇(南昌大学),谢水生(北京有色金属研究总院)2.项目名称:向量均衡问题主要完成人:龚循华(南昌大学),傅俊义(南昌大学)3.项目名称:介电体非心金属-有机超分子及光电磁超分子的组装合成主要完成人:唐云志(江西理工大学),温和瑞(江西理工大学),谭育慧(江西理工大学)4.项目名称:加成-还原策略与具有重要生物活性哌啶类化合物的不对称合成主要完成人:刘良先(赣南师范学院),柳忠全(赣南师范学院)5.项目名称:蛋白质元胞自动机图的构建及其应用研究主要完成人:肖绚(景德镇陶瓷学院),林卫中(景德镇陶瓷学院),邵世煌(东华大学)6.稀土镧化合物拮抗内毒素效应的分子机制主要完成人:汪泱(南昌大学第一附属医院),郭菲(南昌大学第一附属医院),王共先(南昌大学第一附属医院),娄远蕾(南昌大学第一附属医院)二、技术发明奖(5项)一等奖(1项)1.项目名称:仔猪断奶前腹泻抗病基因育种技术的创建及应用主要完成人:黄路生(江西农业大学),任军(江西农业大学),晏学明(江西科技师范学院),艾华水(江西农业大学),肖石军(江西农业大学)二等奖(1项)1.项目名称:果品品质光电子智能探测技术与分选装备主要完成人:刘燕德(华东交通大学),欧阳爱国(华东交通大学),马文烈(江西农业大学),孙旭东(华东交通大学),龚志远(华东交通大学)三等奖(3项)1.项目名称:循环流化床锅炉用高强耐磨电弧喷涂丝材主要完成人:李建敏(江西恒大高新技术股份有限公司),赵容兵(江西恒大高新技术股份有限公司),周华荣(江西恒大高新技术股份有限公司),周珍一(江西恒大高新技术股份有限公司),李红洲(江西恒大高新技术股份有限公司)2.项目名称:基于物联网的药品安全监管系统主要完成人:胡汉平(华中科技大学),王祖喜(华中科技大学),程孟凡(华中科技大学),梁川(江西江中制药(集团)有限责任公司)3.项目名称:环境友好型陶瓷透水砖的研制和开发主要完成人:江伟辉(景德镇陶瓷学院),缪松兰(景德镇陶瓷学院),周健儿(景德镇陶瓷学院),顾幸勇(景德镇陶瓷学院),刘健敏(景德镇陶瓷学院)三、科技进步奖(86项)一等奖(5项)1.项目名称:飞行器轻合金构件低变形连接的关键技术、成套装备及应用主要完成人:柯黎明,冀春涛,邢丽,罗贤星,刘鸽平,陈玉华,杨成刚,邓黎鹏,张晨曙,黄春平,黄永德主要完成单位:南昌航空大学2.项目名称:沥青混合料冷再生上基层在高速公路大修中的应用研究主要完成人:孙斌,孙立军,江涛,谭生光,刘黎萍,刘辉明,黄铮,曾赟,胡宗林,吴志青,王斯倩主要完成单位:江西赣粤高速公路股份有限公司,同济大学,江西嘉和工程咨询监理有限公司,江西赣粤高速公路工程有限责任公司3.项目名称:过敏性疾病尘螨变应原的基础研究及其诊断试剂盒的研制主要完成人:刘志刚,朱清仙,雷均平,吉坤美,刘晓宇,杨慧,黄海珍,李国平,国华,黄志坚主要完成单位:南昌大学,深圳大学,深圳市博卡生物技术有限公司4.项目名称:通信用聚甲基烯酸甲酯(PMMA)塑料光纤主要完成人:陈明,马素德,陈利平,陈伟,胡卫明主要完成单位:江西大圣塑料光纤有限公司,长春工业大学5.项目名称:中药大片、异形片为核心的中药片剂现代产业化关键技术主要完成人:刘红宁,易敏之,刘旭海,罗晓健,卢建中,杨世林,乐渝宁,李诒光,陈小荣,龚晓英主要完成单位:江西中医学院,江中药业股份有限公司二等奖(19项)1.项目名称:江西省超级稻示范推广主要完成人:刘毅,陈大洲,潘晓华,孙火喜,肖叶青,赵梅,邱兵余,邬文昌主要完成单位:江西省农业科学院水稻研究所,江西农业大学2.项目名称:水稻两用核不育系田丰S-2的创制与应用主要完成人:张红林,张瑞祥,刘跃清,钟晓英,刘海平,廖万琪,谢远玉,钟家富主要完成单位:赣州市农业科学研究所3.项目名称:南方湿热地区主要农业废弃资源利用技术研究与示范主要完成人:杨兰根,刘秀梅,李祖章,张爱民,刘益仁,张灿权,郑立平,谢金防主要完成单位:江西省农业科学院4.项目名称:重组草鱼干扰素对草鱼的免疫保护作用主要完成人:胡成钰,林刚,吴初新,辜清,龚贵如主要完成单位:南昌大学5.项目名称:油茶平衡施肥关键技术及效应研究主要完成人:郭晓敏,牛德奎,胡冬南,刘苑秋,涂淑萍,张文元,郭圣茂,杜天真主要完成单位:江西农业大学,鹰潭市林业局,新余市渝水区林业局,景德镇市林业科学研究所,宜春市袁州区油茶局6.项目名称:手机气象服务系统研究与应用主要完成人:金勇根,黄芬根,雷桂莲,殷剑敏,王冠华,邓卫华,龙余良,龚敏主要完成单位:江西省气象科技服务中心7.项目名称:高效低耗4S-MBR污水处理技术研究与应用主要完成人:廖志民,熊建中,袁志华,周佳琳,杨圣云,万爱国,蒋幸福,陶琨主要完成单位:江西金达莱环保研发中心有限公司,深圳市金达莱环保股份有限公司8.项目名称:选矿过程综合自动化系统研究与应用主要完成人:周俊武,詹健,王明江,张冬松,袁源平,洪建华,王焕钢,李伟主要完成单位:江西铜业集团公司,北京矿冶研究总院,清华大学9.项目名称:雷贝拉唑羟基物盐酸盐主要完成人:陈英奇,王晓钟,程杰兵,戴立言,李永进,刘冰,俞农,陈卫星主要完成单位:抚州三和医药化工有限公司,浙江大学10.项目名称:快速上升的高效环保稀土节能灯的开发研究主要完成人:叶想发,万新建,宋振良,陈功文,张永城,曾军,李建武,江涟主要完成单位:江西索普信实业有限公司11.项目名称:骨髓间充质干细胞移植修复缺血性脑损伤的机制及其应用研究主要完成人:邓志锋,汪泱,王共先,赖贤良,涂伟,娄远蕾,谢安,宋书欣主要完成单位:南昌大学第二附属医院,南昌大学第一附属医院12.项目名称:肠内免疫营养联合生长激素对严重烧伤免疫紊乱的调理作用研究主要完成人:郭光华,蔡晨,李国辉,邢娟娟,王艳霞,詹剑华,张红艳,付忠华主要完成单位:南昌大学第一附属医院13.项目名称:新能源汽车整车控制系统及电池管理系统的研制主要完成人:黄菊花,万晓凤,黄绍刚,曾群,郑超美,古宁宇,刘泽文,张庭芳主要完成单位:南昌大学14.项目名称:焊轨基地生产线综合监控管理系统主要完成人:王冈,康新平,李昕,曾刚,裘宏,魏洪华,钟海峰,赖流芳主要完成单位:南昌路通高新技术有限责任公司15.项目名称:高纯度甜菊甙提取技术研究及产品开发主要完成人:李尚汪,林冲,陈家红主要完成单位:谱赛科(江西)生物技术有限公司16.项目名称:基于D-STATCOM的配网动态电能质量综合控制技术研究及其应用主要完成人:范瑞祥,孙旻,吴素农,宋强,罗安,沈斐,郑蜀江,黄祥伟主要完成单位:江西省电力科学研究院17.项目名称:三维立体卷铁心树脂绝缘干式变压器研制主要完成人:丁友源,周朝明,邓秋兰,吴泉,江志峰,舒建华,罗群英,熊永梅主要完成单位:江西大族电源科技有限公司18.项目名称:高效制备超纯高性能钽铌氧化物成套技术研究及其产业化主要完成人:匡国珍,周火根,杨继红,戴和平,廖丹,唐德胜,张浩,冯美兵主要完成单位:九江钽铌有限责任公司19.项目名称:环保型系列硫硒化镉包裹颜料及其产业化主要完成人:孙国梁,欧阳小胜,邓美兰,周曙光,唐燕超,王艳香,刘阳,李月明主要完成单位:景德镇陶瓷学院,湖南金环颜料有限公司三等奖(62项)1.项目名称:江西棉花除草剂安全使用技术研究主要完成人:张兴华,田绍仁,李捷,乔艳艳,汤建国,陈前武主要完成单位:江西省棉花研究所2.项目名称:东野胞质不育系东B11A及杂交晚稻先农40号(东优13)选育与应用主要完成人:肖晓春,王云基,肖诗锦,熊翔宇,周城勇,雷雪芳主要完成单位:宜春市农业科学研究所3.项目名称:机械化双季杂交稻育插秧配套技术研究与示范主要完成人:叶厚专,周韧金,曹晓林,罗来贵,药林桃,申琪凤主要完成单位:江西省农业科学院农业工程研究所,南昌市农机化管理站4.项目名称:双季水稻免耕抛秧高产栽培技术体系研究与应用主要完成人:潘晓华,吴建富,石庆华,程飞虎,王璐主要完成单位:江西农业大学5.项目名称:杂交有色稻“天丰优紫红”(武功紫红米0801)主要完成人:钱怀璞,张清华,许鹏声,邱友祥,朱福文,刘跃萍主要完成单位:芦溪县农业科学研究所,芦溪县一村食品有限责任公司6.项目名称:乌鳢产业化技术开发与研究主要完成人:吴小平,戴银根,邹胜员,欧阳珊,胡火根,黄滨主要完成单位:南昌大学,江西省水产技术推广站,江西益人生态农业发展有限公司7.项目名称:赣中南地区生态养猪循环经济模式研究主要完成人:谢金防,蔡华东,李祖章,曾观红,严由南,邹志恒主要完成单位:江西省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所,江西省农业科学院土壤肥料与资源环境研究所,赣州市畜牧兽医局8.项目名称:草鱼疫苗免疫技术示范与推广应用研究主要完成人:欧阳敏,黄滨,邓玉梅,邓爱国,徐保明,陈道印主要完成单位:江西省水产技术推广站,泰和县水产技术推广站,金溪县水产技术推广站,贵溪市水产技术推广站9.项目名称:克氏原螯虾繁育及养殖技术研究主要完成人:肖鸣鹤,胡火根,雷晓青,许亮清,严保华,杜淑玫主要完成单位:南昌市农业科学院,江西省水产技术推广站,南昌市民盛农业发展有限公司,南昌市水产技术推广站10.项目名称:毛竹新品种—厚壁毛竹繁育与推广主要完成人:杨光耀,郭起荣,杜天真,施建敏,黎祖尧,胡宜柏主要完成单位:江西农业大学,宜丰县林业局,国际竹藤网络中心11.项目名称:全国主要农作物病虫害发生发展气象预报研究与应用主要完成人:魏丽,霍治国,陈怀亮,张玉书,杜筱玲,殷剑敏主要完成单位:江西省气象台,中国气象科学研究院,河南省气象科学研究所,中国气象局沈阳大气环境研究所12.项目名称:县级农业气象业务服务系统开发与推广应用主要完成人:杜筱玲,刘文英,胡磊,胡新华,郭瑞鸽,杨爱萍主要完成单位:江西省气象台13.项目名称:铜矿山酸性废水防治及铜资源回收技术与应用主要完成人:兰秋平,杨晓松,魏立安,罗良德,黄羽飞,周少兵主要完成单位:江西铜业集团公司,北京矿冶研究总院,南昌航空大学14.项目名称:船用七氟丙烷灭火系统主要完成人:李明,莫英华,王飞,周卫萍,王国彬,邱波主要完成单位:九江中船长安消防设备有限公司15.项目名称:高硫金属矿井矿尘爆炸灾害防治主要完成人:饶运章,黄苏锦,许永健,段小华,肖广哲,张虹主要完成单位:江西理工大学,江西铜业集团公司16.项目名称:氨基磺酸镍制备新工艺主要完成人:汤森进,刘元生,蒋良华,徐辉,胡昌文,陈小娟主要完成单位:江西核工业兴中科技有限公司17.项目名称:从野漆树籽中分离提取野漆树蜡的研究主要完成人:汤小林,王成章,李小荣,刘桂生,周新生,魏易生主要完成单位:江西宁都宇林生物科技开发有限公司18.项目名称:利用现代中药技术降低金圣卷烟危害研究及其应用主要完成人:郑伟,王迪汗,蔡继宝,周会舜,廖坤,邓宇主要完成单位:江西中烟工业有限责任公司19.项目名称:改良FOLFOX方案一线治疗晚期胃肠癌的临床应用主要完成人:熊建萍,项晓军,张凌,况晶茹,余锋,赵建国主要完成单位:南昌大学第一附属医院,南昌市第一医院20.项目名称:肝硬化门脉高压食管胃静脉曲张的内镜治疗研究主要完成人:朱萱,李弼民,刘志坚,王崇文,喻国花,郭贵海主要完成单位:南昌大学第一附属医院21.项目名称:抗髓过氧化物酶抗体检测对诊断自身免疫性肝炎的临床研究主要完成人:谭立明,彭卫华,桂炳东,徐建民,刘宁,吕娇凤主要完成单位:南昌大学第二附属医院,南昌大学第一附属医院22.项目名称:组合型人工肝对重型肝炎及其并发症的临床应用主要完成人:刘燕,何金秋,梁青,吕定英,闫蔚,熊墨龙主要完成单位:南昌市第九医院23.项目名称:二尖瓣成形术的临床应用研究主要完成人:章春泉,徐建军,刘燕娜,吴永兵,李沿江,黄敏主要完成单位:南昌大学第二附属医院24.项目名称:疼痛评估记录方法与临床管理研究主要完成人:熊根玉,张达颖,曾秀娟,刘炎玲,孙小平,陈春梅主要完成单位:南昌大学第一附属医院25.项目名称:离心性静脉穿刺抽血技术及配套采血针的研究及临床应用主要完成人:张翀旎,郭治彬,王霞,张永成,刘琴,程捷主要完成单位:南昌大学第一附属医院,井冈山大学附属医院26.项目名称:蝮蛇咬伤中医药干预综合治疗规范化研究主要完成人:喻文球,王万春,刁军成,龚丽萍,李金娥,谌丽媚主要完成单位:江西中医学院附属医院,修水县中医院,湘雅萍矿合作医院27.项目名称:后腹腔镜上尿路切开取石术治疗上尿路结石的临床应用研究主要完成人:邹晓峰,黄明,袁源湖,肖日海,伍耿青,王晓宁主要完成单位:赣南医学院第一附属医院28.项目名称:儿童股骨头缺血坏死(Perthes)的临床研究主要完成人:任德胜,熊斌,卢文青,王保利,易申德,林智峰主要完成单位:江西省儿童医院29.项目名称:胆管血液供应的研究及临床应用主要完成人:黄长文,傅华群,方路,邬林泉主要完成单位:南昌大学第二附属医院30.项目名称:新生儿、婴幼儿危重先心病外科急诊手术的应用研究主要完成人:明腾,邹勇主要完成单位:南昌弘益药业31 项目名称:生物-心理-社会-环境医学模式在妇科良性疾病治疗中的应用主要完成人:张晓玲,黄欧平,刘淮,罗华国,王佳春,王旭菲主要完成单位:南昌百特生物高新技术股份有限公司32.项目名称:黄芩苷与特异性IgY抗白色念珠菌感染免疫机制及应用研究主要完成人:傅颖媛,况南珍,曾小平,熊英,陈晓勇,丁务高主要完成单位:南昌大学33.项目名称:子宫颈癌防治与筛查技术研究主要完成人:李隆玉,曾四元,敖梅红,李凌,安云婷,乔志强主要完成单位:江西省妇幼保健院,中国医学科学院肿瘤研究所,靖安县子宫颈癌防治研究所,修水县第一人民医院34.项目名称:阪崎肠杆菌检测方法及其应用研究主要完成人:高建新,陈海婴,卢兆芸,吴越,倪贤生,刘志勇主要完成单位:南昌市疾病预防控制中心,江西省职业病防治研究院35.项目名称:选煤厂车间环境职业危害分析与控制技术研究主要完成人:刘小真,黄海潮,汪月华,彭呈喜,梁越,刘烈刚主要完成单位:南昌航空大学,江西省煤炭工业科学研究所,华中科技大学36.项目名称:微孔聚四氟乙烯绝缘大功率高温稳相电缆主要完成人:钱琳,曾文有,李孝容,丁敏慧,周崇祥,麻银谦主要完成单位:江西联创电缆科技有限公司37.项目名称:通信基站节能技术综合应用的研究主要完成人:简勤,万懿,刘宏志,许杨,翁细鸿,欧阳峰主要完成单位:中国移动通信集团江西有限公司38.项目名称:全业务在线处理系统主要完成人:卢耀辉,黄晓庆,刘志强,石永革,高胜保,罗军主要完成单位:中国电信股份有限公司江西分公司,南昌大学39.项目名称:计算机环保竹键盘主要完成人:冯绪泉,张小轲,王玉,冯先书,张丽娜,冯春主要完成单位:江西铜鼓江桥竹木业有限责任公司40.项目名称:江中JZCMES方药嵌入式信息系统主要完成人:杜建强,李国徽,傅华荣,程春雷,刘英锋,朱彦陈主要完成单位:江西中医学院,华中科技大学41.项目名称:基于Web挖掘的个性化出版物信息服务系统主要完成人:段隆振,涂华,邱桃荣,赵希和,黄建平,段文影主要完成单位:南昌大学,江西蓝海物流科技公司,江西新华发行集团有限公司42.项目名称:一体化农电生产管理系统主要完成人:万钢勇,余建福,刘显明,邱志伟,杨坚,叶敏华主要完成单位:江西省电力公司信息通信中心,泰豪软件股份有限公司43.项目名称:血液分析仪主要完成人:龙伟,赵雄锋,练新廷,彭祝宪,文玲梅,聂子坤主要完成单位:南昌百特生物高新技术股份有限公司44.项目名称:常用紧缺中药化学对照品的开发应用主要完成人:杨世林,王跃生,简晖,冯育林,饶毅,范玫玫主要完成单位:江西本草天工科技有限责任公司45.项目名称:五酯滴丸主要完成人:刘孝乐,朱丹,钱进,林亚伦,颜锋主要完成单位:南昌弘益药业有限公司,南昌弘益科技有限公司46.项目名称:现代中药提取干燥集成技术在肠炎宁片中的研究与应用主要完成人:徐发红,艾样开,吴安明,余德发,严建良,靳利军主要完成单位:江西天施康中药股份有限公司47.项目名称:复方尿维氨滴眼液主要完成人:朱样根,徐文英,龚楚良,辛继跃,危雪晖,黄志元主要完成单位:江西珍视明药业有限公司48.项目名称:调理食品加工中原料减菌化工艺技术研究主要完成人:张泓,刘玉芳,许杨,黄志兵,罗勇泉,谭小妹主要完成单位:南昌大学49.项目名称:超高速CBN随动数控磨床主要完成人:胡惜时,陈琪,胡建华,彭灵辉,邱卫明主要完成单位:江西杰克机床有限公司,湖南杰克数控磨床有限公司,湖南大学50.项目名称:绿萌电脑果蔬重量分选机研究与应用主要完成人:朱壹,朱二,李贵森,胡淼宏,傅升,王海主要完成单位:江西信丰绿萌农业发展有限公司51.项目名称:深井双螺杆泵主要完成人:赵育基,廖秋根,周新坤,汤小明主要完成单位:江西新德工业泵有限责任公司52.项目名称:超轻型、高效制冷技术在HYE60MTU压缩机中的应用主要完成人:吴景华,钱建明,何四发,黄卫华,陈永安,杨任平主要完成单位:华意压缩机股份有限公司53.项目名称:大型火电机组远程能耗监测和节能发电决策支持中心主要完成人:李海山,李久华,林显敏,吴素农,陈林国,林中达主要完成单位:江西省电力科学研究院,江西科晨高新技术发展有限公司54.项目名称:数字化继电保护装置测试系统研究与应用主要完成人:谌争鸣,陈卫,陈德树,熊华强,陈辉,王治主要完成单位:江西省电力科学研究院,华中科技大学55.项目名称:风力发电用电缆主要完成人:陈虎啸,李礼会,张文华,肖克俭,饶林珍,陈生云主要完成单位:江西电缆有限责任公司56.项目名称:高压循环羰基铁粉生产技术的研发与应用主要完成人:王兵,李上奎,李显信,罗永弟,杜国权,李博主要完成单位:江西悦安超细金属有限公司57.项目名称:常温常压酸浸工艺电解镍主要完成人:付舒宏,郑国忠,李莉,黄一峰,罗明友,王荣生主要完成单位:江西江锂科技有限公司58.项目名称:转炉溅渣护炉条件下的顶底复吹工艺的研究与应用主要完成人:涂建民,刘建勋,谢华光,朱德强,邓卫东,邹节忠主要完成单位:江西萍钢实业股份有限公司59.项目名称:复合优溶无氨皂化工艺回收利用稀土荧光粉废料中的稀土元素主要完成人:廖爱阳,陈文渊,陈金清,刘科腾,陈胜鹏,郭升主要完成单位:江西华科稀土新材料有限公司,国家钨与稀土产品质量监督检验中心60.项目名称:冷等静压干法技术制造550kV耐污型棒形支柱及电气化铁路接触网用瓷绝缘子的研究与应用主要完成人:刘小兴,吴启和,黎谦,彭永烽,曾明求,廖汉江主要完成单位:江西强联电瓷股份有限公司61.项目名称:新型缆索结构体系桥梁应用技术研究主要完成人:钟继卫,毛顺茂,黄展军,何祖发,康苏斌,王戒躁主要完成单位:南昌市政建设投资发展有限公司,中铁大桥局集团武汉桥梁科学研究院有限公司,上海市政工程设计研究总院,中交第二公路勘察设计研究院有限公司62.项目名称:在役混凝土梁桥安全评估与加固成套技术研究及其工程示范主要完成人:胡钊芳,江祥林,胡志坚,颜杏生,丁青,吴后选主要完成单位:江西省交通科学研究院,武汉理工大学,江西赣粤高速公路股份有限公司昌樟高速公路管理处,江西公路开发总公司梨温高速公路公司。

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中图分类号:TM914.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-4776(2011)12-0767-06
Latest Progress of Semiconductor Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells
Gu Xiuquan, Chen Fan, Zhang Jiazheng, Wang Mingyue (School of Materials Science and Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China) Abstract:Solar cells receive much attention as a hot research aera, which exhibits promising application value in the field of new energy in future. Firstly, several techniques for the preparation of quantum dot sensitized electrodes are introduced. Then, recent research progresses on the CdS, CdSe and PbS sensitized solar cells are emphatically reviewed. Through the review on a great number of latest related papers, it is found that the cell performance mainly depends on the assembly technology, band structure, substrate materials and other factors of quantum dots. Finally, current problems in the field are analysed, and a few solution methods are proposed. The solution includes the co-sensitization for two kinds of quantum dots to improve the light harvesting efficiency and the deposition of passivation layers to suppress the recombination rate of the carriers. Key words: quantum dot; solar cell; TiO2; photon-to-electricity conversion;photocatalytic DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4776.2011.12.003EEACC:8420
中图分类号:O471.1;TN4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-4776(2011)12-0754-07
Research Progress of Quantum Dot Cellular AutomataDevices and Circuits
Yang Xiaokuo, Cai Li, Li Zhengcao, Chen Xiangye (College of Science, Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an 710051, China) Abstract: Quantum dot cellular automata (QCA) is a novel nanotechnology, the information of QCA is calculated and transferred not by the voltage or current, but by the field interaction. The computation principles, basic logic gates and clockings of two kinds of QCA(EQCA and MQCA) devices are introduced firstly. It shows that different wire structures comprised of QCA cells could realize planar crossover and transmit signals in a single layer independently. Furthermore, the experiment methods and materials to fabricate QCA devices and function arrays or circuits are summarized, and the conclusion is obtained that the development of MQCA and molecular EQCA devices would bring QCA up to the actual application level gradually. The research progresses and existent issues of QCA devices and circuits (particularly memory cell architecture) are discussed in detail. The open projects and directions in theory and application research of QCA are presented. Key words:quantum dot cellular automata(QCA);nanoelectronic device;nanomagnet;circuit design;defect DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4776.2011.12.001EEACC:2530C; 2560
P767- 半导体量子点敏化太阳电池的最新进展
顾修全,陈凡,张家正,王明月 (中国矿业大学材料科学与工程学院,江苏徐州 221116)
摘要:半导体量子点太阳电池目前是一个十分热门的研究领域,在未 来新能源利用领域具有潜在的应用价值。 首先, 介绍了几种量子点敏 化电极的制备技术。然后, 着重评述了 CdS, CdSe 和 PdS 量子点敏化 太阳电池近年的研究进展。通过对大量最新的相关文献进行总结发 现,电池的性能主要受量子点的组装技术、能带结构以及基体材料等 因素的影响。最后, 分析了该领域中目前存在的问题,并提出了今后 研究的对策,包括采用两种量子点共敏化方法以提高光俘获效率,采 用沉积钝化层的方法以降低载流子复合。 关键词:量子点;太阳电池;TiO2;光电转换;光催化
微纳电子技术 2011 年第十二期
P754- 量子元胞自动机器件Байду номын сангаас电路的研究进展
P761- 石墨烯/Si 晶体管的研究进展 P767- 半导体量子点敏化太阳电池的最新进展
P773- Ti-Al-V-O 纳米管阵列的制备与 P777- C20富勒烯分子及C20±富勒烯离子特性分析与比较 P782- 用于 OLED 的碳纳米管
中图分类号:TB383,TN304.18 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-4776(2011)12-0761-06

Ding Lan1 2,Ma Xiying2 (1.School of Mathematics, Suzhou University of Science & Technology, Suzhou 215011, China; 2. School of Mathematics-Physics and Information, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 310002, China) Abstract:Graphene presents many wonderful mechanics, electric and structure characteristics that can be used to fabricate semiconductor electronic devices and integrated circuit chips with super speed and low power. Three kinds of preparation methods for the graphite/Si transistor are briefly introduced, i.e. the stripped method, epitaxial method and grapheme-on-demand by cut and choose transfer printing(DCT). Among the methods above the epitaxial method is believed to be the only way to achieve the integrated circuits of grapheme. Then the electric properties of the graphite/Si transistors prepared by above methods are viewed, such as the resistance, mag resistance, carrier mobility and transport property, and quantum Hall effect. It is found that the highest frequency of graphene/Si transistor is 155 GHz, and at room temperature it is with exceptional quantum Hall effect and fractional quantum Hall effect. Besides that, the charge carrier concentration changes continuously between electrons and holes, and can be as high as 1013 cm-2 and the migration rate can be up to 2×105 cm2/(V·s). Key words:graphene;graphite/Si transistor;fabrication method;electric property;magnetic property DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-4776.2011.12.002EEACC:0587