Enhancement of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer to combat correlated channel errors



12 超 帧 .
IE 8 21 . Zg e E 0 .54 iB e协 议 的 MA E / C层 节点 能耗 分析 与研 究
刘 乐 群
( 肥师 范学 院计算机 系 , 肥 2 0 6 ) 合 合 3 0 1

要 : 耗是 无线传 感 网络性 能 的重要 参数 之一 , 对无线传 感 网络 WS 特 点 , 无线 传感 能 针 Ns 对
于 信标使 能方 式或 非信标使 能方式 。 在信标 使能方 式
中, 协调 者定期 广播信标 . 以达到同步及 其他 目的 。 在 非 信标使能方 式 中 . 协调 者在其他 节 点的请求 下也 会
l^ ) 胁 一 4 L i
1 b M i

发送 信标 帧。 时信 标帧 的功能是 辅助协 调者 向节 点 此
传输 数据 。在 信标使 能方式 中使用 超帧结 构 , 超帧 结 现
2 . 5 kb t 0- 0 i s . 2 /
代 计 ( ) 据帧 : 2数 用来传 输承 载上层 发到 MAC子层 的 算 数 据 .它 的 负载 字 段包 含 了上 层需 要 传 送 的数 据 机
关 键词 :无线传 感 网
( S ) iB e W Ns ;Z g e ;低 能耗 ;信 道
0 引 言
无 线通 信 技 术 近年 来 的发 展 主 要 针对 语 音 、 视
1 面 向 低 速 率 的 I E 8 21 ./ iBe EE 0 .54zg e标

I E 0 .5 /iB e协 议 是 I E 0 . E E 8 21 .Zg e 4 E E 8 21 5工 作 组 为低速率应 用专 门设 计 的一种无线 组 网技 术 。 于 用 低 速无 线个 人 域 网fR WP N 的 物理 层和 媒体 接 人 L— A 1 控 制层两个 规范 它能支持 两种 网络拓 扑 . 即单跳 星



IEEE802.15.4标准及其应⽤IEEE 802.15.4标准及其应⽤2002年,IEEE 802.15 ⼯作组成⽴,专门从事WPAN标准化⼯作。


⽬前,IEEE 802.15 WPAN共拥有4个⼯作组:蓝⽛WPAN⼯作组蓝⽛是⽆线个⼈局域⽹的先驱。









IEEE 802.15.4 标准及其技术特点IEEE 802.15.4 满⾜国际标准组织(ISO)开放系统互连(OSI)参考模式。



物理层IEEE 802.15.4 提供两种物理层的选择(868/915 MHz和2.4GHz),物理层与MAC 层的协作扩⼤了⽹络应⽤的范畴。




IEEE.802.15.4网络协议栈及物理层IEEE 802.15.4网络协议栈基于开放系统互连模型(OSI),如图5-4所示,每一层都;实现一部分通信功能,并向高层提供服务。

IEEE 802.15.4标准只定义了PHY层和数据链路层的MAC子层。



MAC子层以上的几个层次,包括特定服务的聚合子层(service specific convergence sublayer, SSCS),链路控制子层(logical link control , LLC)等,只是IEEE 802.15.4标准可能的上层协议,并不在IEEE 802.15.4标准的定义范围之内。

SSCS为IEEE 802.15.4的MAC层接入IEEE 802.2标准中定义的LLC子层提供聚合服务。

LLC子层可以使用SSCS的服务接口访问IEEE 802.15.4网络,为应用层提供链路层服务。



物理层数据服务包括以下五方面的功能:(1)激活和休眠射频收发器;(2)信道能量检测(energy detect);(3)检测接收数据包的链路质量指示(link quality indication , LQI);(4)空闲信道评估(clear channel assessment, CCA);(5)收发数据。






Ke o d :S M AC;I EE 0 . 5 4;I yw r s - E 82 1. EEE 8 2 1 ; h n e tl e fiin y 0 . l c a n 1 iz d e f e c u i c
EEACC: 5 P 61 0
SMA - C与 I E 8 2 1. E E 0 .5 4的 MA C层信道利用效率研究 *
无 线 传 感 网 络 ( rls esrnt r , wi es sno ewok e WS 做为 一种有 着广 泛应用 前 景 的新技 术 , N) 有 着 与 传 统 无 线 网络 不 同 的 特 点 , 得 其 他 无 线 网 使 络 的 协 议 不 能 直 接 应 用 于 其 中l . 线 传 感 网络 _ 无 1 ] 中 的 介 质 访 问 控 制 ( du acs cnrl meim ces o t , o MAC) 议 规 定 了无 线 信 道 的 使 用 方 式 , 定 如 协 决
(. co l _ 1S h o 厂hf r to cec n n iern 0 omainS inea d E gne ig,S a d n nvriy, ia 5 1 0 C ia h n o gU ies t Jn n2 0 0 , hn )
Ab ta t Pr s n e eh df r ac lt g t eM AC y rc a n l t i d ef in y, n lz d t r t - sr c : e e t dam t o o lu a i h c n l e h n e iz fi e c a ay e wop o o a u le c
1 无线传 感网络 MA C协议
1 1 SMAC协 议 .  ̄
S MAC协议是 在 I E 8 2 1 协 议 基础 上 , - E E 0. l 针



IEEE.802.15.4网络协议栈-MAC子层在IEEE 802系列标准中,OSI参考模型的数据链路层进一步划分为MAC和LLC两个子层。


MAC子层提供两种服务:MAC层数据服务和MAC层管理服务(MAC sublayer management en tity, MLME)。


MAC子层主要功能包括下面六个方面:(1)协调器产生并发送信标帧,普通设备根据协调器的信标帧与协议器同步;(2)支持PAN网络的关联(association)和取消关联(disassociation)操作;(3)支持无线信道通信安全;(4)使用CSMA-CA机制访问信道;(5)支持时槽保障(guaranteed time slot, GTS)机制;(6)支持不同设备的MAC层间可靠传输。


LR-WP AN网络中的设备有可能从一个网络切换到另一个网络,这时就需要进行关联和取消关联操作。

时槽保障机制和时分复用(time division multiple access, TDMA)机制相似,但它可以动态地为有收发请求的设备分配时槽。

使用时槽保障机制需要设备间的时间同步,IEEE 80 2.15.4中的时间同步通过下面介绍的“超帧”机制实现。

1.超帧在IEEE 802.15.4中,可以选用以超帧为周期组织LR-WPAN网络内设备间的通信。









} RFD只能做设备,FFD三种都能做。


PAN网络:星形拓扑结构[PAN协调器做为唯一的中心控制点] 或者对等(peer to peer)拓扑结构[除了RFD之外,设备之间可能进行通信]。





又称IEEE 地址。




PAN标识(PAN ID)16比特,PAN之间的通信,属性macPANId。




随机接入结束:载波监听多址接入-冲突避免(CSMA-CA)在CAP竞争接入期使用,TDMA在CFP 非竞争接入期使用(GTS保护时隙)MAC命令帧只能在CAP发送。



●868/915MHz DSSS(直接序列扩频)采用BPSK(二进制相移键控)调制●868/915MHz DSSS(直接序列扩频)采用O-QPSK调制
●868/915MHz PSSS(并行序列扩频)采用BPSK和ASK(幅移键控)调制●2450MHz DSSS(直接序列扩频)采用O-QPSK调制

●PHR:PHY帧头(包括Frame length和Reserved),帧的长度信息。

●PHY Payload:可变长度的有效载荷,携带MAC子层的数据帧。







802.15.4协议架构1.协议概述在LR WPAN(⽆线个⼈区域⽹)中,存在两种不同类型的设备,⼀种是完整功能设备(FFD),⼀种是简化功能设备(RFD)。


⼀个⽹络中⾄少有⼀个FFD作为PAN 主协调器。

LR WPAN⽹络中根据不同需要有两种⽹络拓扑结构:星型拓扑结构和对等拓扑结构。


在对等拓扑结构中,每⼀个设备都可以与在⽆线通信范围内的其他任何设备进⾏通信,任何⼀个设备都可以定义为PAN 主协调器。




在LR WPAN中,允许有选择性的使⽤超帧结构,超帧的格式由主协调器来定义,它分为16个⼤⼩相等的时隙,其中第⼀个时隙为PAN的信标帧。

任何从设备如果想在两个信标之间的竞争接⼊期间(CAP)进⾏通信,则需要使⽤具有时隙和免冲突载波检测多路接⼊(CSMA CA)机制同其他设备进⾏竞争通信。






timetime⽆GTS 的超帧有GTS 的超帧1.1数据传输LR WPAN 中,主要有3种数据传输模式:从设备向主协调器发送数据;主协调器向从设备发送数据;从设备之间传送数据。



ieee15.4标准IEEE 802.15.4标准是一种针对低速、低功耗无线个人局域网(WPAN)的通信技术标准。


IEEE 802.15.4标准的核心特性包括低功耗、低数据速率、低成本和简单的网络拓扑结构。



IEEE 802.15.4标准正是为这样的场景而设计的。

在IEEE 802.15.4标准中,定义了两种工作模式,非信标模式和信标模式。


这种灵活的工作模式设计,使得IEEE 802.15.4标准可以适应不同的应用场景,既可以满足实时性要求较高的应用,也可以满足对功耗要求较高的应用。

IEEE 802.15.4标准还定义了多种物理层和介质访问控制层的选择,包括2.4GHz频段和868/915MHz频段的物理层,以及CSMA/CA和时间分割多址访问的介质访问控制层。

这种灵活的选择机制,使得IEEE 802.15.4标准可以在不同的频段和不同的环境中工作,从而更好地适应不同的应用场景。

除了上述核心特性外,IEEE 802.15.4标准还定义了网络拓扑结构、数据格式、安全机制等内容,为用户提供了完整的通信解决方案。


总的来说,IEEE 802.15.4标准是一种非常适合于物联网、传感器网络、工业自动化等领域的无线通信技术标准。








物理层规范802.15.4协议使用ISM频段(Industrial, Scientific and Medical,工业、科学和医疗频段),包括2.4GHz频段和868/915MHz频段。




MAC层使用了CSMA/CA(Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance,载波监听多点接入/冲突避免)机制来实现多节点之间的无冲突数据传输。









IEEE802.15.4 协议规范

IEEE802.15.4 协议规范



一方面,无线传感器网络具有“无处不在”和节点数量庞大等特点,部署无线传感器网络需要数量巨大的IP地址资源,另一方面,由于无线传感器网络的应用领域往往对安全性要求较高,而无线传感器网络自组织的先天性缺乏应有的安全机制,IPv6作为下一代网络协议,具有地址资源丰富、地址自动配置、安全性高、移动性好等优点,可以满足无线传感器网络在地址和安全方面的需求,所以IETF于2004年11月成立了一个6LowPan(IPv6over IEEE802.15.4或IPv6over LR_PAN)工作组,它规定了6lowPan技术底层采取IEEE802.15.4,MAC层以上采取IPv6协议栈,致力于如何将Ipv6与IEEE802.15.4展开,实现Ipv6数据包在IEEE802.15.4上的传输,研究基于IPv6over IEEE802.15.4的无线传感器网络的关键问题。


IEEE802.15.4 协议规范

IEEE802.15.4 协议规范



一方面,无线传感器网络具有“无处不在”和节点数量庞大等特点,部署无线传感器网络需要数量巨大的IP地址资源,另一方面,由于无线传感器网络的应用领域往往对安全性要求较高,而无线传感器网络自组织的先天性缺乏应有的安全机制,IPv6作为下一代网络协议,具有地址资源丰富、地址自动配置、安全性高、移动性好等优点,可以满足无线传感器网络在地址和安全方面的需求,所以IETF于2004年11月成立了一个6LowPan(IPv6over IEEE802.15.4或IPv6over LR_PAN)工作组,它规定了6lowPan技术底层采取IEEE802.15.4,MAC层以上采取IPv6协议栈,致力于如何将Ipv6与IEEE802.15.4展开,实现Ipv6数据包在IEEE802.15.4上的传输,研究基于IPv6over IEEE802.15.4的无线传感器网络的关键问题。





IEEE802.15.4协议有何特点?●无线数据传输的速率包括250kb/s、100kb/s、40kb/s、20kb/s●支持星型和点对点两种网络拓扑●有16位和64位两种地址格式,其中64位地址是全球唯一的扩展地址●可选的有保证时隙((GTSs)●载波侦听多路访问/冲突避免(carrier sense multiple access with collisionavoidance,CSMA-CA)●支持确认(ACK)机制,保证传输可靠性●具备低功耗●具备信道能量检测(ED)●具备链路质量指示(LQI)工作于2.4G ISM频段的16个信道,915频段的30个信道,868频段的3个信道设备类型有哪些?在IEEE802.15.4网络中根据设备具备的通信能力可以分为,全功能设备(Full Function Device,FFD)和精简功能设备(Reduced Function Device,RFD)。




网络拓扑结构IEEE802.15.4网络包括星型和对等两种网络拓扑结构如下图所示:全功能设备(FullFunction Device,FFD)○精简功能设备(Reduced Function Device,RFD)←→通信流程在星型结构中,所有设备都与中心设备PAN网络协调器通信,这种网络中,网络协调器一般使用持续电力系统供电,而其他设备采用电池供电。



IEEE802.15.4标准的概念,应用,特征;1 IEEE802.15.4标准的概念2002年,IEEE 802.15 工作组成立,专门从事WPAN标准化工作。

目标是为在个人操作空间(personal operating space, POS)内相互通信的无线通信设备提供通信标准。


在IEEE 802.15工作组内有四个任务组(task group, TG),分别制定适合不同应用的标准。


下面是四个任务组各自的主要任务:(1)任务组TG1:制定IEEE 802.15.1标准,又称蓝牙无线个人区域网络标准。


(2)任务组TG2:制定IEEE 802.15.2标准,研究IEEE 802.15.1与IEEE 802.11(无线局域网标准,WLAN)的共存问题。

(3)任务组TG3:制定IEEE 802.15.3标准,研究高传输速率无线个人区域网络标准。


(4)任务组TG4:制定IEEE 802.15.4标准,针对低速无线个人区域网络(low-rate wireless personal area network, LR-WPAN)制定标准。







IEEE802.15.4中的安全研究及缺陷分析作者:马亲民戴光智来源:《电脑知识与技术》2013年第25期摘要:IEEE 802.15.4是无线传感器网络物理层和MAC层的工业标准,介绍了该协议中的安全体系:安全服务、安全模式、安全组件,并对CTR、CBC-MAC、CCM三种操作模式进行了详细的剖析,最后对该协议本身的缺陷造成容易受到的同nonce攻击、重发防止攻击、ACK攻击进行了分析,还提出了相应的对策。

关键词:WSN;IEEE 802.15.4;安全;CCM中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2013)25-5611-04无线传感器网络(WSN:Wireless Sensor Networks)是集成了传感器、微机电、现代网络和无线通信技术,具有信息感知、采集和处理功能的综合性智能通信系统,在工业、农业、军事、环境、医疗、交通等领域具有广泛的应用[1]。

2003年,IEEE标准委员会发布了WSN 方面的国际标准IEEE 802.15.4正式版,此后在应用领域取得了长足的进步。


1 IEEE 802.15.4 MAC层提供的安全IEEE 802.15.4的安全通过维护一个访问控制列表(ACL:Access Control List)和使用对称加密方式保护数据帧的方式得以保证。



1.1 安全服务1) Access Control即访问控制:WSN中的每个节点都维护着一个ACL,并按照该清单对接收到的数据帧进行过滤,只有来自ACL名单中的数据帧才被保留,否则一律丢弃,这个类似白名单的处理方式,不在白名单中的,一律视而不见。

IEEE 802.15.4无线传感器网络性能分析

IEEE 802.15.4无线传感器网络性能分析

IEEE 802.15.4无线传感器网络性能分析IEEE 802.15.4是一种低功耗、短距离的无线通信标准,被广泛应用于无线传感器网络中。

本文将对IEEE 802.15.4无线传感器网络的性能进行分析。

1. 数据传输速率IEEE 802.15.4的数据传输速率可以达到250kbps、100kbps、50kbps和20kbps。




2. 能耗IEEE 802.15.4标准对低功耗无线传感器网络应用非常友好。



3. 网络拓扑结构IEEE 802.15.4标准支持多种网络拓扑结构,包括星型拓扑、树型拓扑和网状拓扑。



4. 路由协议路由协议是无线传感器网络中的重要组成部分,它负责决定数据包的传输路径。

IEEE 802.15.4标准支持多种路由协议,例如基于距离的路由协议(如LEACH)和基于能量的路由协议(如TEEN)等。



5. 安全性IEEE 802.15.4标准提供了多种安全机制,包括加密、认证、密钥管理等。


同时,IEEE 802.15.4标准还支持多种认证方式,例如预共享密钥认证、公钥基础设施认证等。

综上所述,IEEE 802.15.4标准是无线传感器网络中非常重要的一部分。






在使⽤超帧结构的模式下,协调器会根据设置周期性的发送信标帧(beacon),⽽超帧正是由⽹络中的信标帧划分的,中间的区域称为竞争接⼊期(CAP,contention access period),如图1.1所⽰。



图1.1 不包含GTSs的超帧结构针对⽹络负荷较低的情况或要求特定传输带宽的情况,协调器可以从超帧中划分出⼀部分时间,专门为这样的传输请求服务。

被划分出的时间称为保证时隙(GTSs.Guaranteed time slots)。

⼀个超帧中保证时隙的集合称为⾮竞争接⼊(CFP,contention-free period),它往往紧跟在竞争接⼊期的后⾯,如图1.2所⽰。



图1.2 包含GTSs的超帧结构超帧往往被分为活跃期(active)和⾮活跃期(inactive)。



图1.3 完整的超帧结构描述超帧结构的量为BO(Beacon Order)和SO(Superframe Order)。

其中,BO决定发送信标帧的周期,也即⼀个超帧的长度BI(beacon interval),见(1.1);SO决定⼀个超帧中活跃期持续的时间,即SD(superframe duration),见(1.2)。

IEEE 802.15.4 网关功能实验_无线传感器网络技术及应用_[共2页]

IEEE 802.15.4 网关功能实验_无线传感器网络技术及应用_[共2页]

第5章 6LoWPAN技术
图5-65 测试系统实物图
5.5.2 IEEE 802.15.4网关功能实验
本文设计的基于Contiki操作系统的6LoWPAN验证系统在MAC层使用IEEE802.15.4非信标网络,MAC层主要负责数据的封装/解析和数据通信功能,所以此项实验的主要目的是验证MAC 层的帧是否符合IEEE 802.15.4协议规定的格式和数据能否正常收发并传输给上层界面显示。

在此实验过程中,通过基于IEEE 802.15.4的Packet Sniffer软件捕获空中的数据包,能够看到边界路由设备发出的数据帧如图5-66所示,通过对抓取的数据帧进行分析,符合IEEE 802.15.4协议规范,证明IEEE 802.18.4网关能够正常工作。

图5-66 抓包器截图
在此实验过程中,将Packet Sniffer软件的信道设置为与IEEE 802.15.4网关相同的信道,。

基于IEEE 802.15.4 MAC协议电能

基于IEEE 802.15.4 MAC协议电能

基于IEEE 802.15.4 MAC协议电能
2.15.4MAC协议CSMA/CA优化算法研究 [J], 周林;陈扬扬
2.IEEE802.15.4MAC协议研究现状 [J], 姜智文;周熙;佘阳;黄磊;李广位
3.基于业务区分的IEEE802.15.4MAC协议分析及改进 [J], 乔冠华;毛剑琳;郭宁;胡宇杰;王乐
4.IEEE 802.1
5.4 MAC协议退避机制的改进 [J], 乔冠华;毛剑琳;郭宁;陈波;戴宁;张传龙
5.一种基于IEEE802.15.4的单信道全双工MAC协议 [J], 万成杰;张春;林进佳;彭琪

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Enhancement of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer to Combat Correlated Channel ErrorsJasvinder Singh & Dirk PeschNimbus Centre for Embedded System ResearchCork Institute of TechnologyCork, Ireland{jasvinder.singh, dirk.pesch}@cit.ieAbstract- In indoor environment, the IEEE 802.15.4 low-rate, low-power packet transmissions experience statistical correlation between channel errors due to interference and multipath fading. The 802.15.4 MAC layer implements an ARQ (Automatic Repeat-Request) mechanism for error recovery. In this work, we investigate the impact of correlated errors on the ARQ mechanism. The MAC layer back-off strategy employs a uniform random distribution to choose back-off values; which often reduces retransmission resolution time when packets confront collisions or transmission errors. We therefore propose the application of non-uniform (skewed) distribution which improves the system performance. Furthermore, an adaptive back off strategy, fast EI-slow ED is developed for IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol to combat channel errors in time varying conditions. A detailed comparative analysis is presented employing accurate models of wireless channel and MAC protocol. Numerical results indicate that proposed scheme performs better, especially in worst channel conditions, when long duration error bursts are more frequent.Keywords-IEEE802.15.4; MAC; fading; skewed distributionI.I NTRODUCTIONThe IEEE802.15.4 standard [1] is increasingly being usedin various critical applications [2] to implement energy efficient low-rate, low-power wireless personal area networks (LR-WPANs). In these application environments, the quality of low-power communication is severely affected by multi-path fading and external interferences dueto devices or machineries operating in same frequency band. As a result, packet transmissions more often encounter temporally correlated channel errors. The standard does not facilitate any error correction schemes at lower link/physical layer; it incorporates error detection codes at the receiver asa part of MAC layer ARQ (Automatic Retransmission Request) mechanism to examine the received packet integrity and erroneous packets are requested to be retransmitted. The wireless channel irregularities have a significant influence on communication energy consumption, and it has been ignored in most of existing state-of-the-art low-power protocols. In present work, we examine 802.15.4 MAC protocol to ensure reliable data transport against correlated channel errors being modelled using first order Markovian approximation [3]. The transition probabilities are derived from physical channel parameters, e.g. Doppler frequency, data rate, fading margin, etc [4]. It is observed that MAC layer CSMA/CA (carrier sense multiple access/collision avoidance) algorithm doesn’t perform well for parameters settings allowed in standard. Therefore, we suggest some improvements in back-off procedure. After getting transmission error, probability of larger resolution in retransmission time is achieved by drawing random back-off units from the window with non-uniform distribution (left or negatively skewed) instead of uniform derivates. The rationale is to defer retransmission by pulling large back-off value to curb the impact of stochastic burst errors. This mechanism is efficient from energy management perspective of battery operated nodes as temporarily bad link quality may result in excessive energy expenditure due to unnecessary transmissions. The Kumarswamy distribution [5] (similar to Beta distribution) has been employed to approximate the desired shapes of non-uniform distributions as it offers simplified closed form distribution function. Later, an adaptive back-off procedure (fast EI-slow ED) is proposed; the BW size (back- off window) is adjusted by taking into account the history of previously transmitted packets. The comparative analysis is presented with other strategies using IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol. Numerical results reveal that proposed scheme offers better trade-off in terms of packet deliveries, energy consumption and delay when long duration error bursts are frequent.In next section, we discuss the related work. Section III gives the overview of IEEE802.15.4 standard. In Section IV, Markov channel model is explained. The numerical evaluations are presented in Section V along with results. Section VI introduces proposed back off mechanism and comparative analysis with other schemes. In the final section, we conclude the paper with discussion.II.R ELATED W ORKThe IEEE 802.15.4 is the de-facto standard for LR-WPAN based sensor network applications. The suitability of IEEE802.15.4 MAC protocol, especially with a focus on transmissions over noisy wireless medium has never been worked out extensively. Many efforts have been undertaken focusing on different aspects [6]-[10]. In [6], impact of network node densities has been discussed with conclusion of achieving desired reliability using MAC parameters values not allowed by 802.15.4. To minimize packet collisions, a novel non-persistent CSMA/p* protocol is proposed [7] that employs unique non-uniform probability distribution to select the contention slots. Similarly, IEEE802.15.4 MAC layer parameter values are proposed to978-1-4577-0351-5/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEEdifferentiate packet transmission frequencies of network nodes [8]. The Memorized Back-off Scheme (MBS) with Exponential Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) is suggested [9] that works well for smaller range of parameters values and becomes inefficient otherwise. An adaptive back exponent algorithm [10] is aimed to improve performance against packet collisions. Most of the above work assumes error free transmissions without any noise or interference. Recently, the empirical study [11] using IEEE 802.15.4 standard has concluded that the assumption of an ideal error-free wireless channel is not always true and low power transmissions often encounter correlated channel errors. The IEEE802.11 MAC protocol for wireless local area network (WLAN) has been evaluated extensively against the fading and noisy environment [12]-[13]. The work [12] focuses on the influence of retry limits; while double increment-double decrement [DIDD] back-off algorithm is proposed in [13]. In present work, IEEE 802.15.4MAC performance is analyzed when correlated packet errors (burst errors) are apparent due to interference and other obstacles between the communicating nodes.III. IEEE802.15.4 MAC O VERVIEWThe IEEE802.15.4 MAC layer supports two operating modes: beacon-enabled mode (slotted CSMA/CA) and non beacon-enabled mode (unslotted CSMA/CA). In this work,we use non beacon-enabled version due to low overheadsassociated with it. The time axis is discretized into back-off units, each with duration of aUnitBackoffPeriod (320µsec) [1]. The back-off exponent (BE ) parameter is boundedbetween macMinBE (default=3, range: 0-7), macMaxBE (default=5, range: 3-8). During transmission, random numberof complete aUnitBackoffPeriods are selected between 0 and 2 1, where 2 1 represents BW size to determine the channel access time. The random back-off period is pulled from uniform distribution, where probabilityof all values in the interval being selected is equal. In ARQ scheme, the corrective actions (packet retransmissions) depend upon the macMaxFrameRetries parameter, (default=3, range: 0-7). Beyond this limit, MAC layer drops the packet. Each retransmission is attempted when acknowledgement is not received within macAckWaitDuration (~ 864 us ). In present work, we assume zero packets collision probability to study the impact of channel errors, which is realistic case for time slotted system when same frequency band is time shared among several nodes. At any instant, only one node is in dialogue with sink node over fading channel which is valid, if nodes are deployed between several obstacles. According to default MAC CSMA/CA procedure, on transmission error, the retransmission of same packet occurs after 2.24ms (assuming minimum value of back-off parameter, BE = macMinBE = 3)[1]. In case of larger value, i.e. BE = 5 or 8, resolution of retransmission time becomes 9.9ms and 81.6ms respectively. In real-world scenario, channel temporarily becomes bad for random durations (coherence time) on the scale of few hundred milliseconds [11][14]. Therefore, attempt for packetretransmissions might again suffer from poor channel conditions, if inappropriate retransmission resolution time is selected. Therefore, new strategy related to back-off procedure is proposed to ensure transmission reliability in energy-constrained sensor network.IV. C HANNEL M ODELThe wireless links are highly non-deterministic due to link burstiness [11]. The channel models that generate independent and identical distributed (iid ) errors, don’t represent the realistic scenario. We have considered the channel model that explicitly accounts for statistically correlated packet errors. The packet level errors can be modelled as first order Gilbert-Elliot (GE) Markov chain [3, 4], with two states, e.g. “good” (no packet error) and “bad” (packet error). The state transition probability matrix for the Markov process is given by;(1) Where p 00 and p 01 represents the probabilities that j th packet transmission is successful, if (j-1)th packet transmission was successful or unsuccessful, respectively. The steady state packet error probability (P e ) is given as;(2) The transition matrix of the Markov model is derived from physical channel and transmission parameters, for e.g.channel Doppler frequency (f d ), data rate, fading margin (G). The average packet error rate (PER) is given by; 1 ⁄ (3) The transition probability matrix parameter, p 00 is given by;1, , ⁄ (4) Where ⁄ , and 2 is the Gaussian correlation coefficient of two samples of the complex amplitude of a fading channel taken at time distance T . . is the Bessel function of first kind and zero order [2],and .,. is the Marcum Q function. ,(5) Where H 0 is modified Bessel function of first kind and zero-th order. We apply Markov model at IEEE802.15.4 packet level (127 bytes) with 250Kbps data rate. The channel state changes from good to bad, or vice versa and a particular state (good/bad) remains same for one time slot which corresponds to round-trip time (RTT ≈ 4.8ms )* assuming negligible propagation and processing delays. Therefore, the sequence of channel values experienced by packet transmissions can be seen as a sampled version of continuous channel taken at RTT distance. The states transition rate and states duration depends on the degree of temporal correlation, which is related to f d , for e.g. f dvalue <10 Hz aretypical of slow moving pedestrians. The packet errors in such scenarios tend to be more bursty. The large values of f d (80 Hz) are typical of fast moving vehicular users and packet errors are nearly independent in such scenarios. For the given parameters G , f d and T , transition matrix (M ) of the Markov process is derived. For further details, please refer [4]. *The round trip time (RTT) includes the time duration for transmittinga IEEE802.15.4 data frame (127 bytes of MAC protocol data unit + 6-byte packet overhead (Preamble and Start of Frame Delimiter [SHR], and Frame Length [PHR]) plus the duration in which the acknowledgment of thatframe (11 bytes) is received. Therefore, RTT is obtained by adding the dataframe transmission time (4.256ms), device turnaround time (0.192ms) and acknowledgement frame receiving time (0.352ms) [1].V.P ERFORMANCE E VALUATIONFor performance evaluations, OPNET-Modeler tool [15] is used due to availability of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC library. We assume zero packets collision probability to study the impact of channel errors, which is realistic case for time slotted system when same frequency band is time shared among several nodes [16]. At any instant, only one node is in dialogue with sink node over fading channel which is valid, if nodes are deployed between several obstacles. The sending node is always backlogged with the new packet to be transmitted. Each collected data point is averaged over 25 simulation tests using different random seed over 105 packets. The performance emulations are carried out based on three metrics. First, packet reception ratio (PRR), measures the network reliability; defined by the ratio of number of unique packets received to total number of packets transmitted. Second, Energy-Tax, the average energy consumption for each successfully delivered packet; is calculated as total transmission energy divided by energy consumption of successful packets. Third, average packet delay, measures the network responsiveness; average time of the packet measured from the beginning of its first transmission to the time, it is received successfully.A.IEEE802.15.4 MAC PerformanceFirst, the different parameter settings related to back-off mechanism, for e.g. BW size (BE), maximum number of retransmissions (macMax-FrameRetries) is applied. The battery operated nodes generally operate at lower noise margins and in dynamic channel conditions, a small variation in signal-to-noise ratio often turns good link to poor link [11]. As per channel model, the degree of correlation among random errors depends upon the product f d T (normalized Doppler bandwidth). Smaller f d T increases the long duration probability of the particular state or vice- versa. The impact of different degrees of correlated channel errors on PRR and Energy-Tax is studied, assuming G = 2.5dB (P e≈0.4) for different BE (range 3-8) allowed in standard keeping default settings of other parameters (Fig.1 a,b). The MAC protocol with default settings of BE (3-5) is not able to handle burst errors. At particular f d, large BE value enhances PRR along with significant reduction in Energy-Tax metric. However, performance degrades at lower f d values due to long duration bad channel states. For channel with uncorrelated errors (f d =80Hz), performance remains constant. The effect of macMaxFrameRetries parameter on PRR at different BW sizes is also studied at f d T = 0.024 (f d =5Hz) (Fig.1c). At BE=3(default), larger macMax-FrameRetries parameter value doesn’t improve PRR significantly due to lower retransmission resolution time (not shown). Therefore, window sizes, BE=5 and 7 are selected. More retransmissions improve packet delivery but it isn’t an appropriate strategy to ensure reliability in energy constrained sensor network. Therefore, we propose to improve the performance by limiting macMaxFrameRetries parameter to the default value (=3) in following sections. B.Skewed DistributionAfter packet transmission, the sending node waits for macAcknowledgewait (0.864ms) time duration for acknowledgement. In case of no acknowledgement, random back-off value is selected from the pool of uniformly distributed values in a particular window interval (BE=3 to 8). As, the probability of all values in the interval being selected is equal in case of uniform distribution, that often leads to poor retransmission resolution time with more frequent retransmission attempts during temporarily bad channel state. The reasons are twofold; first, the inappropriate window size and the other is contribution of uniform distribution towards it. Selecting the back-off value from the uniform distribution yields the effect of reduced window size, even at larger window sizes. Leaving the decision of window size adjustment for next section; here we focus on non-uniform distributions as they offer greater control over probabilistic weight adjustment of the back-off values in tails and at the centre of the generated distribution. For non-uniform distribution (skewed) of random back-off units, we employ kumaraswamy distribution as it is much simpler to use due to simple closed-form of both probability density and cumulative distribution function. For detailed information, please refer [5]. The double-bounded probability density function (DB-PDF) has following form;1 (6), (7) The cumulative distribution function (cdf) is defined by;1 1 (8)Where λ > 0, >0 are shape parameters. Depending on λ and , DB-PDF can take any shapes to approximate single modal distributions. Beside uniform distribution, five different shape distributions are considered which are characterized by statistical properties such as mean, mode and shape parameters. Two symmetrical distributions (sym1, sym2) have same mean (=0.5) and mode (=0.5) but different shape parameters (λ=1.63, =1.8) and (λ=2.87, =5.0) respectively. For non-uniform skewed left/right (negatively/positively skewed), the probability of obtaining values in the right/left of the interval increases due to high mass of the distribution. Therefore, right skewed distribution (mean=0.32, mode=0.25,λ=1.71, =5.0) generates random values most likely from lower half interval. The left skewed1 (mean=0.65, mode=0.75,λ=3.14, =2.0) and left skewed2 (mean=0.82, mode=0.90, λ=7.35, =2.0) produce the most likely values in upper-half interval. The two left skewed distributions have been considered to see the influence of more weights of the higher values in the interval. All these distributions (Fig. 2) are employed in CSMA/CA back-off procedure corresponding to back-off windows (BE=5,7). The performance results are shown for channel f d T=0.024 (Fig.3). Both types of the symmetrical distributions don’t offer any improvement like uniform distribution. The probability of the values being selected from the middle of window is very high. The left skewed distributions probabilistically yield greater retransmission resolution time. Consequently, higher PRR with lower(a)(b) (c)Figure 1. Impact of f d on PRR (a), Energy-Tax (b), G=2.5dB, macMaxFrameRetries=3, Impact of macMaxFrameRetries on PRR (c), f d T=0.024Energy-Tax is achieved. Moreover, they also eliminate the problem of reduced window size as back-off values are stochastically selected from specific interval inside the window. The effect is more pronounced, if the weight of higher values of the window interval is increased but it comes at the expense of small increment in average delay (~10 ms) if larger size BW is considered (Fig.3c).Figure 2: DB-PDF for Different Values of λ and , Mean and Mode VI. P ROPOSED B ACKOFF M ECHANISMThe wireless channel dynamics is generally unpredictable.Therefore, an adaptive back-off strategy is required to adaptto changing conditions. Comparatively, fewer efforts havebeen undertaken in context of IEEE802.15.4 MAC ascompared to IEEE802.11 in non-ideal environmentconditions. We propose fastEI-slowED (fast-Exponential-Increase slow-Exponential-Decrease) back-off mechanismfor IEEE802.15.4 MAC layer. The fastEI-slowED is avariant of Exponential Increase-Exponential Decrease(EIED) back-off procedure; suggested for distributed co-ordinated function of IEEE 802.11 to deal with differenttraffic load conditions [18]. But here, our focus is to ensurereliable data transport against correlated random errors. Thebasic EIED mechanism for IEEE802.11 is as follows;BW=min [α.BW, BW max ]if No-Ack BW=max [BW/β, BW min ] if Ack In case of no acknowledgment, BW size is multiplied by factor α for next transmission; while on receiving acknowledgement, it is reduced by β. The performance of EIED is highly affected by the choice of α and β. Moreover, it also suffers from the dominant usage of greater BW size as window size increases quickly in case of transmission failures and decreases gradually on successful transmission. In our proposed fast EI-slow ED strategy, instead of changing BW size during retransmission attempts of the same packet, the skewness of distribution is altered to increase the probability of larger retransmission resolution time. For newpacket, BW is adjusted based on the history of previously transmitted two packets as during experiments it is observed that retaining memory larger than two packets does not affect the performance. In case of packet failure after all attempts, the BW is step-up by the factor α (after two consecutivepacket drops, α = 4 while after single drop, α=2). The number of transmission efforts not only yields an idea aboutthe state of the channel but also its longevity. Therefore, aftersuccessful packet delivery, the reduction factor β isdetermined based on transmission attempts made for previous packet. The fastEI-slowED mechanism is shown inFig. 4, where N l is number of transmission attempts forsuccessful packet delivery, N max is maximum allowed attempts, defined by macMaxFrameRetries +1. The thresholdBE th (real value) indicates the stage at which current windowsize is reduced to integer BE value as BE may have any real value during BW size reduction. If current BE value is lessthan or equal to BE th , it is step down to integer BE value. Formore insight, the behaviour of proposed scheme is presented(Fig.5). The number of stages experienced by the node to getwindow size reduced by factor 2 with corresponding windowsizes at each stage is shown assuming successfultransmission at n th attempt (≤macMaxFrameRetries ). Fig.5adisplays stages counts incurred at different macMax-FrameRetries parameter values. At particular macMax-FrameRetries value (>1), larger value of n th attemptincreases the stages count due to reduced BW size. On theother hand, window size gets reduced by a large amountwhen n th attempt value is small (i.e. n=1). At any stage, theBW size (Fig.5b, normalized on scale) depends upon thevalue of n. The successful transmissions at every 1st attemptresults in 31% size reduction in consecutive stages; whilesuccessful transmission at every 3rd attempt yields the 26%size reduction respectively. Therefore, it indicates that our approach offers sufficient nonlinearities in adjusting BW size to efficiently adapt to the irregularities of wireless medium in addition to flexibility in selecting any range of parameters0. a c k e t R e c e p t i o n R a t i o (P R R )BEfd =1.0 Hz fd=2.5 Hz fd=5.0 Hz fd=10 Hz fd=80 Hz0246810121416182022345678E n e r g y T a xBEfd=1.0 Hz fd=2.5 Hz fd=5.0 Hz fd=10 Hz fd=80 Hz0. a c k e t R e c e p t i o n R a t i o (P R R )Error Probability (P e )No ReTx,BE=5No ReTx,BE=73 Retx,BE=53 ReTx,BE=77 Retx,BE=57 ReTx,BE=7Normalized Variable P r o b a b i l i t y D e n s i t y F u n c t i o n (P D F )Figure 3: Impact of Non-Uniform Distributions on Performance Metrics (a,b,c) f d T=0.024(BEmin, BEmax, macMaxFrameRetries ). Furthermore, it can easily be integrated in IEEE 802.15.4 MAC without any significant modification in the communication procedure.A. Comparative EvaluationsThe fastEI-slowED scheme is analyzed for BE parameter settings allowed in IEEE802.15.4 MAC (BE min = 3 to BE max = 8) keeping macMaxFrameRetries at default value (=3). During 3 retransmission attempts of the same packet, non-uniform distribution mean is shifted towards higher values (for e.g. 0.65, 0.75, 0.90) that increases the probability of larger retransmission resolution time with increase in attempts. For comparisons, three other back- off schemes are considered; simple binary exponential back-off(BEB) which is inherently being used in 802.11, Double Increment-Double Decrement (DIDD) [13], and the memorized back-off scheme with exponential weighted moving average (EWMA) [18]. In BEB, BW size is doubled for each retry until packet is successfully transmitted or maximum allowed retry attempts is reached. After successful transmission, window size is reset to minimum (BE min =3). In case of DIDD scheme proposed for 802.11 MAC to deal with burst or correlated errors; window size increases like BEB during retransmission attempt but steps-Figure 4. fastEI-slowED Back-off Scheme Flow Diagram(a) (b)Figure 5: Effect of Transmission Attempts on Window Size Reduction (by factor 2); (a) Stages Counts at Consecutive Successful Retransmission at n th attempt (b) Window Sizes ( Normalized value) at Each Stage for Different n th Attempt Values (macMaxFrameRetries =3)down by factor of 2 after successful packet delivery. In case of EWMA back-off procedure proposed to adapt to dynamic traffic load conditions; BW size used for last few packets transmissions is applied to predict window size for current transmission [18]. The 802.15.4 MAC parameters settings is applied for comparative evaluations; for e.g BE parameter values (BE min =3 to BE max =8), macMaxFrameRetries =3. At channel f d T=0.024, legacy BEB scheme doesn’t perform well as compared to other schemes at different P e , while EWMA scheme outperforms in terms of PRR when P e <0.5 (Fig.6a). Although, fastEI-slowED (skewed) offers packet delivery lower than DIDD when P e < 0.3, but it is more than 90%. At lower fading margin (P e ≥ 0.3), correlated errors occur more frequently; our approach starts performing well. Similar trend is observed for Energy-Tax metric (Fig.6b). The EWMA scheme outperforms ( in terms of PRR and Energy-Tax) but exhibits very high average packet delay (Fig.6c) due to rapid increase and gradual decrease in BW size, resulting in dominant usage of large BW size. The average packet delay for our approach is higher than DIDD, which is due to better adaptation to combat long duration error bursts to avoid energy intensive retransmissions. In Fig. 7, fine-grain view of BW sizes (each data point averaged over 5 values) adopted by back-off schemes are shown. Both (fastEI-slowED , DIDD) strategies adapt well to channel dynamics. At low fading margin, our approach adapts to higher window sizes while DIDD scheme exhibits oscillatory behaviour resulting in comparatively lower PRR and more Energy-Tax . The results conclude that fastEI-slowED back-off mechanism adapts well to channel dynamics and is more energy efficient due to less retransmission attempts, especially when long duration error bursts are dominant. a c k e t R e c e p t i o n R a t i o (P R R )Error Probability (P e )BE=5,Uni,Sym1,Sym2BE=5,Right Skewed BE=5,Left Skewed1BE=5,Left Skewed2BE=7,Uni,Sym1,Sym2BE=7,Right Skewed BE=7,Left Skewed1 BE=7,Left Skewed2024681012141600. n e r g y T a xError Probability (P e )BE=5,Uni,Sym1,Sym2BE=5,Right Skewed BE=5,Left Skewed1BE=5,Left Skewed2BE=7,Uni,Sym1,Sym2BE=7,Right Skewed BE=7,Left Skewed1 BE=7,Left Skewed2-5.55E-170.0050.010.0150.020.0250.030.0350.040.0450.050.0550.060.0650.0700. v e r a g e P a c k e t D e l a y (S e c )Error Probability (P e )BE=5,Uni,Sym1,Sym2BE=5,Right Skewed BE=5,Left Skewed1BE=5,Left Skewed2BE=7,Uni,Sym1,Sym2BE=7,Right Skewed BE=7,Left Skewed1 BE=7,Left Skewed232222223322224332253336437481234567macMaxFrameRetriesn=1n=2n=3n=4n=5n=6n=7n=1n=2n=300. i n d o w S i z e (2x )Stage Number n=1n=2n=3(a)(b) (c)Figure 6. Comparative Performance of Back-off Strategies (a,b,c) f d T=0.024Figure 7. Back-off Window Sizes Against Channel Dynamics (f d =5Hz )VII. C ONCLUSIONWe have studied the IEEE802.15.4 MAC protocol performance in noisy wireless environment where statistical correlation exists between channel errors. The MAC layer back-off procedure is investigated for different set of parameter settings. The application of simple non-uniform distribution (left skewed) not only improves the performance but also offers flexibility for selecting back-off values stochastically without changing the default structure of CSMA/CA algorithm. The proposed fastEI-slowED back-off mechanism adapts well to wireless channel dynamics. In future work, we will increase the robustness of our scheme in the network conditions where packet collisions are also inherent in addition to channel errors. 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