note-taking听力原文【释义】note-takingn.记笔记,随手记【短语】1Note-taking Skills记录技巧;笔记技巧;笔记技能2Listening¬e-taking听讲与笔记记录3note taking in Interpreting第三单元4Note-taking Exercises记录练习5Note taking笔记记录;记录笔记;笔记备忘;是要熄火6Minutes and note taking会议记录与会议笔记7English Note-Taking Skills口译英文笔记训练8Chinese Note-Taking Skills口译中文笔记训练9Note-Making&Note-Taking充分利用笔记优势【例句】1They listened to the same lectures and were told to use their usual note-taking skills.他们听了相同讲座,并被告知要使用他们日常的笔记技巧。
2Evernote is the most ubiquitous digital note-taking tool.Evernote是使用最普遍的电子笔记记录工具。
3However,the class was primarily a lecture with note-taking.这个课程基本上都是传授,不用做笔记。
4Its content is in a form somewhere between note-taking and writing.其内容是一种介于笔记和书写之间的形式。
5Note-taking,cataloging,and bookmarking service Evernote divides people.集笔记,分类和书签功能于一身的服务Evernote将人划分成两类。
6You don’t need a computer to take notes—good note-taking is not transcribing.你根本不需要电脑来作笔记——好的记笔记的方法并不是抄录。
专八note-taking练习-答案 (10)
9。 答 案 为 u血Vo吨ant/useless/urlprofessionay“ 咄〃 undes屺 d,本 题 为 归 纳 题 。
文 中提到有 时间写博 客 的人 没有 什 么好说 的 ,而 有 东西 写 的人 又没有 足够 的时
间去写 ,因 此看博 客 的人也许 得 不 到想要 的专 门知 识 。从 这些 字 句 中我们 可 以
目的为表达 自己的思想并得到赞扬 ,使 外界 的人认 为他们是有 思想 的人 ,因 雨可 以得 出本题答案为 expressio11and reC叫
栖~替 案为 加凹ct/hⅡ uence,本 题 为 要 点 题"t。0n从。 原 文 (哂 ,let’ s切泗 a bok乱
mJe Lmact。 f personan blogs。 )可 以得 出答案 。但考生需注意 ,根 据题意不要 用 复 欺形式 。
拷 贝 型 ,也 可 做 适 当 总 结 。从 原 文 (Most people don’ t have vew much to sa,y
that’ s龇eres血g,and/or are unablO ω w五 te dowrlthek ideas h a∞ mpe⒒ ⒒g and
dear maJlner。 )可 以得 出答案 。
Jccε %叼
oNLy。 吼 仂 J话 J‘犰讠ηg, 哆d匕ε%oJ冫‘⒎so⒑ 汕刀 矽m,or圮 锡Jpo讠ηJs。 y。%r%。 ε6v讠rJ moε bε
欧盟口译教程note taking英汉互译
欧盟口译教程note taking英汉互译
1. 关键词记录法:尽量以关键词或短语的形式记录重要信息,包括核心概念、人名、地名、日期、数字等。
2. 缩写和符号:使用缩写和符号来加快记录速度。
例如:w/表示with,govt 表示government,≈表示大致等。
3. 分级和结构化:使用不同的缩进、编号或符号来表示主题和子主题之间的层次关系,以保持笔记的结构清晰。
4. 布局和标记:有效利用页面空间,使用箭头、圈圈、线条等标记或连接词来表示语义关系和逻辑连接。
5. 规范化和符号表:根据自己的习惯建立一套规范化的符号和缩写表,以确保笔记的一致性和易读性。
6. 监听重点:根据演讲者的重点或关注点,有选择性地记录关键信息,避免记录无关的细节。
7. 使用简洁的语言:使用简短的词语和短语快速记录,避免句子结构和语法。
8. 倾听和记录同时进行:尽量不要错过关键信息,努力实现听、思考和记录的同时进行。
Q 表示“通货膨胀”:inflation因为这个符号酷似一
个上升的气球。 A 表示农业: agriculture. agriculture经常用到,所以 用首字母代替。 B 表示商业:business。 C× 表示冲突,矛盾:conflict,confrontation“C×” 中的“×”表示反对,字母“C”将反对的概念缩小为 conflict 和 confrontation。 W 表示工作,职业: work, employ 等。它是work的 第一个字母。所以WZ就可以用来表示worker, 而 W(Z在字母上方表示employer, 在字母下方表示 employee)。
C.笔记的Байду номын сангаас则(考量口译的目的、译者的工
1. 口译为主,笔记为辅。 译者应以听看讲者,全面地吸收讯息、 组成口译讯息为工作主体,笔记只是辅助的 作用,不宜舍本逐末。
2. 笔记应呈现讯息的概念与结构。
无论用图标或文字与符号,都应将之组 成完整的讯息概念或组织结构。 3. 记下密度与难度高的讯息。 讯息负荷过量且不易记住的内容(如数 字、专有名词),一定要做笔记。 4. 笔记的内容与符号,以多重利用为原 则。 任何已记下的笔记内容与符号,都应尽 量拉线再次利用,或用不同颜色的笔在原来 的笔记上再做笔记,以最经济的方式发挥笔 记的作用到极限。
译笔记是记忆的延伸或补充,不应也不必取 代记忆。口译笔记的主要内容是概念、命题、 名称、数字、组织机构和逻辑关系(如大小、 先后、正反、上下、升降、因果关系等), 笔记单位以表达意群的词语和符号为主。 2.口译笔记求快求精,但不可潦草。
3. 少线多指。通用一小组线条/标记。否
则在自己本来熟悉的中英文之外,又编 出一套自己不熟悉的文码使用,会导致 需要想一想用哪个符号的情况,适得其 反。 4. 少横多竖。采取从上往下的阶梯结构 记录,尽量少用通常书写时的横向记录。 阶梯结构形象地体现出上下文的逻辑结 构,简化了译员的思维过程,方便出译 文。
进行科学的心理训练,充分调动主观能动性,是做 好口译的应变能力的有效方式。在这一层面上,译 者要尽可能地对双方的背景有深刻的了解,以真正 形成双语思维。让英语逐渐成为自己思维和血液中 的一部分,才能做到词意通达。在译者的意识中有 了两种语言、文化、社会、哲学思辩背景等充分交 流,就会在翻译实践中得到超我的发挥。配合以适 当的技巧训练,译者的沟通能力将得以大的提高。
信、达、雅为翻译的最高理论境界。但在口译的过程中,由于时间和可 查文字资料的高度限制,译者就需要相对的灵活措施来及时应对。因此, 除常用的语言结构和表达方式的训练外,结合本人的工作实践,简要归 纳如下: 1) 首尾呼应法,避免前后矛盾 2) 迂回翻译法,突破战术难点 3) 细节精确法,显示专业水准 4) 大意准确法,归纳突出重点 5) 左右逢源法,了解双方意图 6) 举例说明法,避开难缠尴尬 7) 故意中断法,组织思维逻辑 8) 动作语言法,弥补词汇缺陷 9) 明知故犯法,腾挪思考时间 10) 忙里偷闲法,预测后续大意 以上十法,在口译实践中可根据具体情况,灵活运用。但这一切均是建 立在良好的语言基本功和宽阔的知识面的基础上的。 译者必须适当地做些笔记,听为主,记为辅,需多多实践,获取较强的 边听边记能力。将期待、预知、分析、综合、推理和判断等一系列过程 在瞬间完成,同时快速记下几个关键词或符号,而在记笔记时,又要能 有效专注地去听,以获取和理解全面信息,并准确地传达出去。
note taking英文作文
note taking英文作文Note-Taking: An Essential Skill for Learning and DevelopmentNote-taking is an invaluable skill that plays a crucial role in enhancing our learning and development. Whether we are students, professionals, or lifelong learners, the ability to effectively capture and organize information is essential for success.Firstly, note-taking helps us to focus and retain information. When we take notes, we are actively engaging with the material, which improves our comprehension and memory. By writing down key points and summaries, we are able to condense vast amounts of information into a manageable format, making it easier to review and recall later.Secondly, note-taking facilitates critical thinking. As we take notes, we are forced to analyze and synthesize the information, which encourages us to question and understand the material more deeply. This process helps us to develop a better understanding of the subject matter and enhances our ability to apply the knowledge in practical situations.Moreover, note-taking is a valuable tool for organizing and retrieving information. By creating a structured system of notes, we can easily find and reference information when needed. This is particularly useful in academic and professional settings where we often need to refer back to previous studies or projects.In addition, note-taking can also serve as a personal learning diary. It allows us to capture our thoughts and insights as we learn, which can be helpful for reflecting on our progress and identifying areas for improvement.However, it is important to note that note-taking is not a replacement for active learning. While taking notes can enhance our understanding, it should be used in conjunction with other learning activities such as discussion, reflection, and practice.In conclusion, note-taking is a powerful skill that can significantly improve our learning and development. By actively engaging with the material, organizing information, and developing critical thinking skills, we can enhance our comprehension, retention, and ability to apply knowledge inpractical settings. Therefore, it is essential to cultivate this skill and make it a regular part of our learning process.。
策略4 Note-taking
Note-taking in English Class1. A questionnaire on note-taking in English Class2. Need of note-takingNote-taking is a learning strategy and a way of language learning in English class. As an important classroom activity, it reflects the effectiveness of classroom teaching and learning and influences students’ language learning. Taking notes is a complex activity, involving combing the different skills of listening, selecting, summarizing and writing. Most students acknowledge that note-taking is an effective and indispensable activity in English learning in classroom. But from the questionnaire and observation, it can’t be denied that most of them fail in using note-taking fully in language learning. For this reason, you are required to learn how to take notes in class. In this lesson, I am going to focus on note-taking.3. Functions of note-takingNote-taking has many functions. First, it can draw one’s attention. Insufficient attention to the teacher may lead to failure in comprehension of texts. Advanced students tend to take notes for fear of distraction.Secondly, it is beneficial for understanding. To get main ideas and key points can promote understanding of the learning. Understanding before writing may ensure the validity of note-taking.Thirdly, taking notes enhances active listening, as students have to listen carefully and critically to what is being said so as to take notes.Fourthly, it improves one’s memory. Memory is a factor of learning a language. Note-taking is an eternal record. The eternal record helps us get over the limitation of our memory. It is convenient for one’s review. No wonder, Chinese sayings tell us, “好记性不如-烂笔头”and“眼过十遍-不如手过一遍”.Finally, it facilities the processing of information, as note-taking can bring our organs such as ear, eye, hand, and heart to work together. This not only increases one’s input, but also strengthens retention in the brain.4. Methods of note-takingApart from the introduction of need and functions of note-taking, it is necessary for me to show you some methods of taking notes.1) PreparationPreparation is a psychological factor that influences note-taking in class. At first, please have notebooks handy before a new course. Then, read or skims the texts prior to attending the lecture so that you may get the general overview of main ideas, secondary points, identify new words and look them up before class, and determine what is relevant and irrelevant. So please ask yourselves before new lessons: What is this lesson about? What is the most difficult?2) 3 dos and 2 don’tsDo get down the main points; do get down difficult points; do make outline notes, i.e. the necessary information or data in a clear form. Don’t get every word; don’t write down the headline only without any further information.3) Using markersSuch markers as underlining, circling, coloring or signs like triangles, crosses, and bracket and some codes like: ? – not clear at time of lecture, ! – important, Q – question, which may leave remarkable clues for their memory; ∵(because), ∴(therefore), &(and), %(percentage), <(more than), >(less than), =(equal), ≠(not equal), +(plus), -(minus), and web words.Figures, letters and dashes are very useful. The first form is main section (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.), sub-section (a, b, c, d, etc.), and sub-sub-section (I, ii, iii, iv, etc.). Another form is like this: main section (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.), sub-section (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, etc.) and sub-sub-section (1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, etc.)4) Using abbreviation(1) Using capitalized initial letters, e.g. UN, IBM; (2) using the first few letters of a word (if plural, add an “s”), e.g. pts (points), divs (divisions); (3) using incomplete words, e.g. gov’t (government), int’l (international), sb and sth, stm (sometime), swh (somewhere), nob (nobody), evb (everybody); (4) using incomplete sentences, e.g. there is a table in…. Attention, the main information cannot be omitted. For example, the in out of the question cannot be canceled, or else it will become out of question; a in a few, a in a little.5) Distribute your attention (kill two birds with one stone)(1) Pay 50% of one’s attention to listening to the teacher, and pay 50% of one’s attention to note-taking. Thus learners can understand nearly what they learn. (2) Devote 90% of one’s attention to listening to the teacher and thinking, and only 10% of one’s attention to taking notes. This kind of note-taking is not just the record, but the processing of knowledge. In this way learners can not only grasp the learned knowledge, but also produce creative findings.5. Steps of note-takingHere, five steps of note-taking are suggested, that is, record, reduce, recite, reflect and review(the five “Rs”). The first step is to record useful information in class. The second step is to reduce the amount of notes. I’ve showed you some methods of how to reduce notes. The third one is to recite the notes you take, as recitation of notes means to catch main ideas of texts. The next step is to reflect the learning after class. For example, what is important, what is useful and what should be reviewed or gone over before class. The last step is to review notes after class. Frequent reviews provide repetition, keep information fresh and decrease the chances of forgetting what’s been learnt. Some experiments have showed that three quarters is forgotten in a week, and four fifths in a month. In general, students who review notes achieve more than those who don’t. It is reported that unless on reviews within 24 hours after a lecture or at least before the next lecture, retention drops sharply and one is relearning rather than reviewing. Therefore, students should go over the notes, check for errors and fill in missing information as soon as possible.6. Types of note-takingThere are two types of note-taking. One is a general note; the other is margin note. Normally, we take general notes on notebooks. This type is beneficial for recitation, reflection and review. And we often take margin notes in the margin of a book. Margin notes are not so convenient for review but they can facilitate the speedy location of specific information.7. Some suggestions for note-takingA different between advanced students ad low level students in note-taking does exists, which accords Rubin’s findings that in class excellent students can attend lectures activelyand can regulate their psychological factors such as motivation, emotion and interest proportionally with learning efficiently. Therefore, as college English students, you should establish an awareness of taking notes in class, and try to apply it into your learning practice. Here I’d like to give you some advice on how to take notes.1) Try not to take notes in books, but in notebooks, except for paraphrasing.2) Attention to both techniques and practice.3) Exchange notes after class. Try to learn from each other.4) Do not copy other’s notes. It is useless for one’s learning.5) Develop the habit of thinking after note taking.8. AssignmentNext week, you are required to show me a general note for a lecture. I am going to choose some best notes as models from all your notes.An Anonymous Questionnaire on English Note-taking1. In your opinion, note-taking in English class is .a. very importantb. importantc. averaged. of no use2. Which of the following do you think note-taking most facilitate?a. avoiding distractionb. developing the ability to responsec. remembering the reaching contentd. reviewing before exam3. In class when the teacher explains the text, she usually explains the words and phrases and gives some examples as well as the structures and the main ideas of the text. What do you choose to take down?a. words and phrases usage and examplesb. structures and main ideasc. both, but mainly words and phrased. both, but mainly the structures and mainideas4. During the lecture, you like to take down .a. all the teacher’s words as many as possibleb. those you feel unclear and those emphasized by the teacherc. those things that remind you of certain known knowledged. those you are interest in5. Usually you take notes on .a. a special notebookb. the notes of words and phrase are taken on the notebook and the notes of structures aretaken on the margins of the textbookc. all on the textbooks near the relevant contextd. on loose leaves6. You review your notes.a. usuallyb. sometimesc. seldomd. never7. How much do you think you can take down during a lecture?a. above 90%b. 70% -- 90%c. 50% -- 70%d. below 30%8. If you take less notes what do you think is the main reason?a. you don’t understand themb. you are lazy to writec. you are lazy to writed. other reasons9. Do you think taking notes interferes with listening to the lecture?a. Yes, a lotb. Yes, a bitc. No10. If you think taking notes interferes with listening, what is the reason?a. the teacher speaks fastb. you write slowlyc. No11. If your opinion, how dose your teacher handle the important and the secondary points?a. very wellb. just so soc. not well12. How do you think yourself handle the important and the secondary points?a. very wellb. just so soc. not well。
c Note-taking Practice
Note that the interpreter’s foremost concern should be concentrating on listening to grasp the idea of the original speaker, and on this basis, to complete the listening- transference-speaking process speedily and accurately. Note-taking, though very important, plays a supplementary role in this process. 1) Offer students some choices, short paragraphs three times and ask students to reduce their number of words. The teacher should demonstrate the notes on the blackboard.
e.g1. Mr. speaker, I think it is deplorable that the Premier has gone on a trip to Europe. Not only is the timing for such a trip wrong, it is too expensive. Furthermore, I understand he is now planning to go on to America. This will also turn out to be an absolute waste of money.
英汉口译笔记法训练 note-taking
NOTE-TAKINGNOTE-TAKINGWhy shall we take notes?为什么要记笔记?What instrument does an interpreter need?口译工具What shall we take?记什么?How shall we take?怎样记?What makes note-taking different from other kinds of text recording?口译笔记特点?Why shall we take notes?为什么要记笔记?Watch video 4.1, 4.2WHY TAKE NOTES?记不全;记不住;记不准。
Very short consecutive:sentence by sentence;clause by clause for interpretingShort consecutive(30-40s):business interpreting,community interpretingMedium-length consecutive (45-90s):more developed note-taking techniqueLong or full consecutive(2mins)Very long consecutive(over5mins) aid to supplement memory(有助于储存记忆) delivery, as clues for recalling(提示)3. to help visualise the structure and logic of source WHY TAKE NOTES?language speech(有助于理清原文结构与逻辑) to organise target language reproduction(有助于组织目标语)WHAT INSTRUMENT DOES AN INTERPRETER NEED?口译工具VIDEO 4.2 ( -4’45)INSTRUMENTA spiral notepad/steno pad(上翻式线圈本)15.24cm-22.86cm two retractable pen(按压式圆珠笔)What Shall we write on notepad? WATCH VIDEO 4.4 (1)WHAT SHALL WE WRITE ON NOTES?Listen/read to the following passage for interpreting,take notes when you feel necessaryA human baby produces its first real words at about eighteen months of age.By the age of two,it has become quite vocal and has a vocabulary of some fifty words. Over the next year it learns new words daily,and by the age of three it can use about1000words.It is now stringing words together in short sentences of two or three words,calling your attention to objects,requesting this and that.Its command of grammar is already nearly as competent as an adult’s,though it will make amusing yet plainly logical mistakes,saying‘eated’instead of‘ate’,‘mouses’instead of‘mice’, and so on.Then the floodgates open.By the age of six,the average child has learned to use and understand around13,000words;by eighteen,it will have a working vocabulary of around60,000words.WHAT SHALL WE WRITE ON NOTEPAD?cue words(information capture)➢keywords/elements➢Transcodable elements(numbers;names;technical terms,list, motivated expressions)➢Links and transition➢Grammatic elements✓LogicHOW TO TAKE NOTES?HOW TO TAKE NOTES?✓How to illustrate logic?(layout格式)✓How to write down the cue words?(Information capture) simplification, abbreviation and symbolswatching the video and observe what the interpreter wrote on pad and how she wrote the information.So traditionally, semester upon semester, for the past several years,this course, again, a hard course, had a failure rate of about 40 to41 percent every semester. With this blended class late last year, thefailure rate fell to nine percent. So the results can be extremely,extremely good. Now before we go too far into this, I‘d like to spendsome time discussing some key ideas. What are some key ideas thatmakes all of this work? One idea is active learning. The idea here is,rather than have students walk into class and watch lectures,wereplace this with what we call lessons. Lessons are interleavedsequences of videos and interactive exercises. So a student mightwatch a five-, seven-minute video and follow that with an interactiveexercise. Think of this as the ultimate Socratization (Socrates,socratic) of education. You teach by asking questions. And this is aform of learning called active learning, and really promoted by avery early paper, in 1972, by Craik and Lockhart, where they saidand discovered that learning and retention really relates strongly tothe depth of mental processing. Students learn much better when theyare interacting with the material.EXAMPLE✓How to illustrate logic?(layout) Watch video 4.2 (4’45-end)❖纵向VERTICALISATION:上下安排,多分行,每行一个意群,易于快速读取,不费眼神。
托福听力技巧:note taking众所周知,托福听力考试的语速较快,内容涉及范围广且专业性强,因此不少考生难以立即选出答案。
下面教你托福听力记笔记Note taking 的五大技巧:第一招:记关键词所谓关键词,是指与听力中心内容有密切关系的词汇和短语,是考点的主要出处。
托福中出现的逻辑关系(Barron P75):DefinitionDescription and exampleClassificationSequenceComparision and contrastCause and effectProblem and solutionPersuation and evaluation对于逻辑词和短语的总结,delta和barron上面都有提及,这里就不再累述了。
新托福的语速还是跟老托差不多,比barron 的快。
Note Taking的训练
Note Taking的训练TEM-8听力第一部分是一个将听力和做笔记填空结合的题型。
综观TEM-8的听力考题,我们可以发现所有的试题类型都基于由what, who, where, when, why 和how所包括的内容,即事件、人物、地点、时间、原因和方式。
Note-taking 口译速记笔记本大小以自己感觉舒服为准。
Key points :1.少写多划。
2. 少字多意。
3. 少横多竖。
4. 汉字快速书写。
5. Use as many symbols as you feel comfortable with + 还有,和,此外,而且,以及 - 减少, 不会,没有 = 等于, 相当于 > 大过,超过,优越于 < 少于,小于,比不上 ↓ 减少,下降 ↑ 增加,上升,上报 ↗ 逐步增加 ↘ 逐步下降,减少 → 向前发展e abbreviations “Prof” for “professor”, “dept” for “department”, “std” for “standard”. “ref” for “reference”, “eg” for “for example”, “ie” for “that is”, “esp” for “especially”, “min” for “minimum”, “max” for “maximum”, and “usu” for “usually” cf for compare std standard SH shanghai GDP (gross domestic product), GNP (gross national product), 5yr P (five year plan), SOE (state owned enterprise), FIE (foreign invested enterprise), JV (joint venture), SEZ (special economic zone), trd (trade), invt (investment), respon (responsibility), memo (memorandum), demo (demonstration), Ad (advertisement), TQC (total quality control 全面质量管理), CI (corporate image 企业形象), Attn (attention), dept (department), Exch (exchange), coop (cooperation), prodc (production), ref (reference), info (information), IT indy (information industry), telcom (telecommunication), IDD (international direct dialing), R&D (research and development), CAD( computer assisted design), agrd(agreed). CEO(chief executive officer), Govt(government), FOB (free on board), CIF(cost, insurance, fright)。
英文note作文模板Essay Template: The Importance of Note-taking。
Note-taking is a crucial skill that every student should master. Whether in a classroom setting, during a meeting, or while conducting research, the ability to effectively take notes is essential for retaining information and staying organized. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of note-taking and provide tips for improving this skill.First and foremost, note-taking helps to reinforce learning. When we actively engage with the material by summarizing, paraphrasing, and organizing key points, we are more likely to remember and understand the information. This is especially important in educational settings, where students are required to absorb and retain large amounts of information. By taking notes during lectures or while reading, students can better process and internalize the material, leading to improved academic performance.In addition to aiding in retention, note-taking also serves as a valuable reference tool. When studying for exams or working on assignments, having well-organized and comprehensive notes can make the review process much more efficient. Instead of having to sift through textbooks or lecture slides, students can simply refer to their notes to find the information they need. This not only saves time but also helps to reduce stress and anxiety associated with academic tasks.Furthermore, note-taking promotes active listening and critical thinking. When we are required to distill information into concise and relevant points, we are forced to engage with the material on a deeper level. This process encourages us to think critically about the content and identify the most important concepts. As a result, note-taking can improve our analytical and problem-solving skills, which are valuable in both academic and professional settings.Effective note-taking also facilitates communication and collaboration. In a meeting or group discussion, taking notes allows participants to capture key ideas, action items,and decisions. These notes can then be shared with others to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that important information is not overlooked. Additionally, when working on group projects, having clear and organized notes can help to streamline the collaboration process and ensure that everyone is contributing effectively.To improve note-taking skills, there are several strategies that can be employed. First, it is important to find a note-taking method that works best for you. Some people prefer traditional handwritten notes, while others may find that typing on a laptop or tablet is more efficient. Experiment with different techniques to determine which one allows you to capture and process information most effectively.Additionally, it is important to be selective about what you choose to include in your notes. Instead of trying to write down every word that is spoken or read, focus on identifying key points, examples, and explanations. This will help to keep your notes concise and relevant, making them easier to review later on.Furthermore, consider using visual aids such as diagrams, charts, or mind maps to supplement your notes. These tools can help to illustrate relationships between different concepts and make complex information more digestible. Additionally, incorporating color-coding or highlighting can help to emphasize important points and make your notes more visually engaging.Finally, make it a habit to review and revise your notes regularly. This will help to reinforce your memory of the material and identify any gaps or areas that require further clarification. By staying organized and proactive in your note-taking approach, you can maximize the benefits of this valuable skill.In conclusion, note-taking is a fundamental skill that has numerous benefits for students, professionals, and lifelong learners. By actively engaging with the material, organizing key points, and creating a valuable reference tool, note-taking can enhance retention, promote critical thinking, and facilitate communication and collaboration. By employing effective note-taking strategies and making it a regular practice, individuals can improve their learning outcomes and overall success.。
Some useful abbreviations and symbols for note-taking
• Cf. compare with • E.g. for example • Etc.and so on • Et al.and others • the same place(in a book or article) • i.e. that is • N.B.note well(something important) • Viz. namely(naming someone or something you
• 这样,当问题一一提出时,考生便可根据笔记轻 松地作出选择:①A②B③C④D。
• For Americans, time is money. They say, “you only get so much time in this life; you’d better use it wisely.” The (36) ________ will not be better than the past or present, as American are (37) ________ to see things, unless people use their time for constructive activities. Thus Americans (38) ________ a “well-organized” person, one who has a written list of things to do and a (39) ________ for doing them. The ideal person is punctual and is (40) ________ of other people’s time. They do not (41) ________ people’s time with conversation or other activity that has no (42) ________ beneficial outcome.
note taking英文作文
note taking英文作文Note taking is an essential skill that helps us organize and retain information from various sources such as lectures, meetings, and books. It allows us to capture important points, key ideas, and relevant details, enabling us to review and study effectively. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits of note-taking and share some strategies that can enhance this skill.英文回答,Note taking is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps us stay focused and engaged during a lecture or meeting. When we actively listen and jot down important points, we are more likely to remember the information. Additionally, note-taking allows us to highlight key ideas and concepts, making it easier to review and revise later. It serves as a reference point, enabling us to recall information quickly and accurately. Moreover, note-taking encourages active learning as it requires us to process and summarize information in our own words. This process enhances our understanding andretention of the material.中文回答,记笔记有很多好处。
IV. After-class assignment
• Listen to a Chinese and an English passage and then retell them by referring to your notes.
How to take notes?
• Notepads and pens • Top-opening notepads (竖翻式
笔记本) • Knock gel pens (按压式水笔) /
pens with no caps
• When to start? Do we start as soon as the speaker begins to talk?
• Note-taking in interpreting: words of different languages, symbols, lines and abbreviations, which is the result of active analysis of the interpreter.
• Draw a line across when one chunk of speech ends
• What to write, characters (Chinese), letters (English), or symbols?
• 工厂: 图画/工o (工o) • ← → ↗ ↘ ⊙ ◎ ¥ $ ∈ £!< >
策略4 Note-taking
Note-taking in English Class1. A questionnaire on note-taking in English Class2. Need of note-takingNote-taking is a learning strategy and a way of language learning in English class. As an important classroom activity, it reflects the effectiveness of classroom teaching and learning and influences students’ language learning. Taking notes is a complex activity, involving combing the different skills of listening, selecting, summarizing and writing. Most students acknowledge that note-taking is an effective and indispensable activity in English learning in classroom. But from the questionnaire and observation, it can’t be denied that most of them fail in using note-taking fully in language learning. For this reason, you are required to learn how to take notes in class. In this lesson, I am going to focus on note-taking.3. Functions of note-takingNote-taking has many functions. First, it can draw one’s attention. Insufficient attention to the teacher may lead to failure in comprehension of texts. Advanced students tend to take notes for fear of distraction.Secondly, it is beneficial for understanding. To get main ideas and key points can promote understanding of the learning. Understanding before writing may ensure the validity of note-taking.Thirdly, taking notes enhances active listening, as students have to listen carefully and critically to what is being said so as to take notes.Fourthly, it improves one’s memory. Memory is a factor of learning a language. Note-taking is an eternal record. The eternal record helps us get over the limitation of our memory. It is convenient for one’s review. No wonder, Chinese sayings tell us, “好记性不如-烂笔头”and“眼过十遍-不如手过一遍”.Finally, it facilities the processing of information, as note-taking can bring our organs such as ear, eye, hand, and heart to work together. This not only increases one’s input, but also strengthens retention in the brain.4. Methods of note-takingApart from the introduction of need and functions of note-taking, it is necessary for me to show you some methods of taking notes.1) PreparationPreparation is a psychological factor that influences note-taking in class. At first, please have notebooks handy before a new course. Then, read or skims the texts prior to attending the lecture so that you may get the general overview of main ideas, secondary points, identify new words and look them up before class, and determine what is relevant and irrelevant. So please ask yourselves before new lessons: What is this lesson about? What is the most difficult?2) 3 dos and 2 don’tsDo get down the main points; do get down difficult points; do make outline notes, i.e. the necessary information or data in a clear form. Don’t get every word; don’t write down the headline only without any further information.3) Using markersSuch markers as underlining, circling, coloring or signs like triangles, crosses, and bracket and some codes like: ? – not clear at time of lecture, ! – important, Q – question, which may leave remarkable clues for their memory; ∵(because), ∴(therefore), &(and), %(percentage), <(more than), >(less than), =(equal), ≠(not equal), +(plus), -(minus), and web words.Figures, letters and dashes are very useful. The first form is main section (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.), sub-section (a, b, c, d, etc.), and sub-sub-section (I, ii, iii, iv, etc.). Another form is like this: main section (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.), sub-section (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, etc.) and sub-sub-section (1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, etc.)4) Using abbreviation(1) Using capitalized initial letters, e.g. UN, IBM; (2) using the first few letters of a word (if plural, add an “s”), e.g. pts (points), divs (divisions); (3) using incomplete words, e.g. gov’t (government), int’l (international), sb and sth, stm (sometime), swh (somewhere), nob (nobody), evb (everybody); (4) using incomplete sentences, e.g. there is a table in…. Attention, the main information cannot be omitted. For example, the in out of the question cannot be canceled, or else it will become out of question; a in a few, a in a little.5) Distribute your attention (kill two birds with one stone)(1) Pay 50% of one’s attention to listening to the teacher, and pay 50% of one’s attention to note-taking. Thus learners can understand nearly what they learn. (2) Devote 90% of one’s attention to listening to the teacher and thinking, and only 10% of one’s attention to taking notes. This kind of note-taking is not just the record, but the processing of knowledge. In this way learners can not only grasp the learned knowledge, but also produce creative findings.5. Steps of note-takingHere, five steps of note-taking are suggested, that is, record, reduce, recite, reflect and review(the five “Rs”). The first step is to record useful information in class. The second step is to reduce the amount of notes. I’ve showed you some methods of how to reduce notes. The third one is to recite the notes you take, as recitation of notes means to catch main ideas of texts. The next step is to reflect the learning after class. For example, what is important, what is useful and what should be reviewed or gone over before class. The last step is to review notes after class. Frequent reviews provide repetition, keep information fresh and decrease the chances of forgetting what’s been learnt. Some experiments have showed that three quarters is forgotten in a week, and four fifths in a month. In general, students who review notes achieve more than those who don’t. It is reported that unless on reviews within 24 hours after a lecture or at least before the next lecture, retention drops sharply and one is relearning rather than reviewing. Therefore, students should go over the notes, check for errors and fill in missing information as soon as possible.6. Types of note-takingThere are two types of note-taking. One is a general note; the other is margin note. Normally, we take general notes on notebooks. This type is beneficial for recitation, reflection and review. And we often take margin notes in the margin of a book. Margin notes are not so convenient for review but they can facilitate the speedy location of specific information.7. Some suggestions for note-takingA different between advanced students ad low level students in note-taking does exists, which accords Rubin’s findings that in class excellent students can attend lectures activelyand can regulate their psychological factors such as motivation, emotion and interest proportionally with learning efficiently. Therefore, as college English students, you should establish an awareness of taking notes in class, and try to apply it into your learning practice. Here I’d like to give you some advice on how to take notes.1) Try not to take notes in books, but in notebooks, except for paraphrasing.2) Attention to both techniques and practice.3) Exchange notes after class. Try to learn from each other.4) Do not copy other’s notes. It is useless for one’s learning.5) Develop the habit of thinking after note taking.8. AssignmentNext week, you are required to show me a general note for a lecture. I am going to choose some best notes as models from all your notes.An Anonymous Questionnaire on English Note-taking1. In your opinion, note-taking in English class is .a. very importantb. importantc. averaged. of no use2. Which of the following do you think note-taking most facilitate?a. avoiding distractionb. developing the ability to responsec. remembering the reaching contentd. reviewing before exam3. In class when the teacher explains the text, she usually explains the words and phrases and gives some examples as well as the structures and the main ideas of the text. What do you choose to take down?a. words and phrases usage and examplesb. structures and main ideasc. both, but mainly words and phrased. both, but mainly the structures and mainideas4. During the lecture, you like to take down .a. all the teacher’s words as many as possibleb. those you feel unclear and those emphasized by the teacherc. those things that remind you of certain known knowledged. those you are interest in5. Usually you take notes on .a. a special notebookb. the notes of words and phrase are taken on the notebook and the notes of structures aretaken on the margins of the textbookc. all on the textbooks near the relevant contextd. on loose leaves6. You review your notes.a. usuallyb. sometimesc. seldomd. never7. How much do you think you can take down during a lecture?a. above 90%b. 70% -- 90%c. 50% -- 70%d. below 30%8. If you take less notes what do you think is the main reason?a. you don’t understand themb. you are lazy to writec. you are lazy to writed. other reasons9. Do you think taking notes interferes with listening to the lecture?a. Yes, a lotb. Yes, a bitc. No10. If you think taking notes interferes with listening, what is the reason?a. the teacher speaks fastb. you write slowlyc. No11. If your opinion, how dose your teacher handle the important and the secondary points?a. very wellb. just so soc. not well12. How do you think yourself handle the important and the secondary points?a. very wellb. just so soc. not well。
高口听力Note-taking & Gap-filling 考前抢分刘寒露倒计时Day 8(1)一.答题技巧各位同学们大家好,马上又到了2012年春季口译考试的时间了,在3.18 日这一次的口译考试中,我们同样为大家准备了应考必读栏目,提醒考生需要注意的事项,包括对考试的流程的熟悉和对各种题型解题技巧的掌握。
今天刘寒露老师要为大家讲解的,是高级口译听力考试中的Note-taking & Gap-filling 题型(以下简称NTGF)。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
≠ 不同、不公平、有差距 difference, disparity, gap ≈ 大约、大概 about, almost, nearly, approximately > 大于、超过、高于 surpass, exceed, more than, superior to < 小于、低于 less than, inferior to + 另外、多 plus, add, moreover, besides, furthermore additionally, what’s more
• Memory triggers
• • • • • • •
Numbers Proper names Subject Main idea Links (but, maybe, if, because, so) Viewpoints (doubt, believe, confident) Tense (sometimes)
c 世纪 century e 经济 economy f 金融 finance, financial g 政府 government n 很多 many, much, several p 政党、政治 party, politics r 改革 reform, change, revolution s 科学、社会 science, society, community t 想、认为 think, consider, ponder, imagine, reckon Q 说、演讲、评论 speak, say, talk, discuss, comment
: 看 、观察 see, look, watch, notice, observe ? 疑问、疑惑、问题 question, problem, issue, inquiry ! 危险、警告、当心、值得注意的是、肯 定、当然 dangerous, warning, alarming, alert, watch out, sure, certainly, of course 删除、废除、放弃、去世、死亡 delete, discard, give up, die, pass away
- 减去、除去、除了 minus, deduct, except ∈ 属于 belong to [ ] 在……之中(之内) √ 对的、好的、积极的 correct, good, positive, affirmative, right × 错的、不好的、负面的、乘 wrong, mistake, bad, notorious, negative multiply
bz 商业 business fz 财政 finance tx 税收 tax, taxation APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经合组织 EU European Union 欧盟 IMF International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织
□ 出口 export □ 进口 import △ 城市 city, urban, metropolitan, cosmopolitan ▽ 农村 village, rural, countryside, farm, suburb, outskirt ☆ 重点、重心、重视、重要的、主要的、杰 出的 important, significant, key, crucial, critical, meaningful, essential, decisive, outstanding, remarkable, excellent, glorious, grand, stress, focus, highlight, pay attention to, attach great importance to
• • • • • • • Signs Symbols Abbreviations Parts of words Chinese characters Pinyin Figure
∵ 因为、由于、幸亏 because, due to, owing to, thanks to ∴ 所以、因此、结果是 so, therefore, hence, thus, consequently, as a result = 相同、一致、公平、是、即 the same as, equal to, similar to, is, namely
al 虽然、尽管 although co 公司 company edu 教育 education info 信息、消息 information infra 基础建设 infrastructure tr 贸易 trade ag 农业 agriculture rec 娱乐 recreation gym 体育馆 gymnasium demo 示范、表演 demonstration
Note-Taking in Interpreting
Stationery Function Skills Examples Exercises
A workman must first sharpen his tools if he is to do his work well. • a handy bag • a spiral bound pad with hard covers • ball-pens
• pattern
/荣/ 已/变↑ → ↑影/S/ Q “变& e” w/应/记 史/ phi/Q t /※ / 主 “ A/ / / / wo t / =/存/ord ↑变 / / 交 ※ / pol comm I/
What should we record?
• Major information (when, where, who, what, why & how) • Keywolated components
referring to the repeated content
the directions
• ASSIST memory • Properly taken notes will be a great help for an interpreter, while bad notes will do the opposite.
• • • • Create a personal style No universal standards Impossible to record everything Your own habits
~ /∞ 交换、交流、关于、关联、替代 exchange, communication, relationship __ 这个、强调 emphasize e.g. 例如、比如 for example, for instance, such as 高兴、激动 happy, pleased, excited 生气、不满意、失望 angry, unhappy, unsatisfied ⊙ 会议、聚会 conference, symposium, convention, session, forum, seminar, council, congress
中:中国 亚:亚洲 朋:朋友 友:友好的、友谊 学:学校、学习、学生 家:家庭 史:历史 餐:吃饭、餐馆、食品 信:信息、信件
é俄罗斯 Russia, Russian ū 污染 pollution, pollutant dé德国 Germany, German xie 谢谢 thank, gratitude
﹡ 特点、特征、代表 feature, character, symbol, sign, nature, specialty, represent, embody, stand for V 胜利、凯旋 victory, triumph $美元、钱、富裕的、利益 dollar, money, well-off, interests U 协议、决议、合约、条约 agreement, treaty, contract, convention resolution × × 结束、停止、完成 halt, stop, complete 渠道 channel, tunnel, pipe
发展 development, growth, advancement 过去 in the past, long before 将来 in the future 压力、影响、负担 pressure, burden, load, influence, impact, affect, effect, have bearing on → 去、到、走 to, go (there) ← 邀请、需要、访问、来到 be invited, needed, come (here) ↑ 增加、提高 increase, improve, enhance, grow, rise, raise, boost, promote
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织 OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织 UN 联合国 GB 英国 US 美国 HK 香港特别行政区
Chinese characters
hospital, medical institution, start, initiate ○ 全部的、所有的、整个的、全面的 all, complete, whole, comprehensive □ 国家、民族 nation, state, republic, kingdom ∧ 领导、顶点、顶级 leader, director, officer, commander, governor, minister, at most, maximum ♀ 女性 woman, female ♂ 男性 man, male