How to expose the corrupt 中英对照

一、职业enterprise(创业) career(一生为之奋斗的) job(用于谋生的)work occupation(占用时间精力做的) profession(教师什么的带有专业性的) entrepreneur二、下降减少减轻缓和eliminate (消除 eradicate)diminish decrease decline mitigate (减轻缓和 ease) alleviate soothe ease appease mollify deplete descend weaken lessen relieve defuse 三、超过exceed outstrip transcend leapfrog surpass overtake emulate四、收入earnings: 多指通过劳动或投资等手段所得到的收入。
allowance: 指收入中的补贴部分。
income: 与earnings含义很相近,但前者强调总收入。
salary: 指按年定下,按月或星期平均给予的报酬,指脑力劳动者的薪水。
wage: 多用复数形式,指按小时、日或星期的报酬,通常指体力劳动者的工资。
pay: 是个通用词,可取代salary与wage. fee: 指提供某种服务收取的固定费用五、基本的基础的最初的初级的primary prime rudimentary elementary六、原始的original rudimentary primitive primary七、考虑、思量consider thinkof contemplate ponder deliberate八、猜测推测guess speculate conjecture conclude九、可行的practical viable feasible十、degrade degenerate十一、推动推进促进propel promote advance(advance the process toward ……)motivate(激励)further (增进促进进一步发展)boost(使增长使兴旺)十二、引起造成pose incur cause spark trigger induce generate arouse(激起引起某种感情)be productive of ignite十三、组成成分ingredient component constituent composition comprise(包含包括)十四、花费开支expense expenditure outlay cost十五、阻碍阻塞妨碍obstruct hinder hamper block obstacle barrier intervene handicap interfere frustrate discourage inhibit stem quash禁止:forbid prohibit ban bar inhibit十六、延期推迟delay defer postpone extend extension put off十七、极好的marvelous superb splendid glorious awesome terrific fabulous fantastic十八、恢复复职restore rehabilitate还可恢复名誉recover revive revitalize rally十九、摇摆摇动swing sway waggle wobble vibrate(震动颤动)二十、倾斜tilt incline slope lean(人倾斜倚靠) bank(斜坡) slant hillside二十一、minute二十二、短暂的momentary temporary transient provisional二十三、建立建造build establish construct found二十四、撒把…布满strew sprinkle scatter 洒:spatter spray splash(飞溅泼洒)二十五、给予赠予授予accord grant render give bestow confer(confer citizenship to...) award二十六、理解掌握absorb grasp take in master understand comprehend grip(只有名词是理解的意思) digest (理解吸收)make sense of apprehend二十七、承认准许同意allow acknowledge admit grant concede二十八、翻译translate render二十九、使处于某种状态=makerender三十、修正改正amend modify revise三十一、补偿make amends for compensate for三十二、附属物appendix adjunct attachment三十三、背景background setting context backdrop三十四、繁荣发展flourish boom blossom prosper thrive bonanza三十五、轻率鲁莽的rash reckless abrupt foolhardy三十六、大胆的勇敢的brave bold fearless dauntless gallant audacious三十七、限制restrict constrain (constraint 限制限定约束)limit confine restrain三十八、必需的necessary indispensable integral essential三十九、地区地域zone area region district belt四十、条带belt band strip bar四十一、竞争斗争搏斗contend combat fight四十二、冲突名词:clash(动名) collision conflict(动名) discord(名词不一致不和纷争)四十三、微弱的昏暗的faint dim四十四、模糊的vague dim fuzzy四十五、满腔怒火的flaming raging四十六、侵犯入侵invasion incursion intrude(打扰侵入人生活) infest(侵扰) aggression assault四十七、职权范围权限remit purview四十八、有吸引力的吸引人的magnetic attractive tempting absorbing seductive名词:allure诱惑力吸引力 glamour intriguing enticing fascinating四十九、不重要的marginal trivial lesser五十、融合结合合并混合merge integrate combine blend(v&n 混合物)compound五十一、不公平的偏心的有偏见的biased prejudiced unjust unfair partial(bias prejudice) inequitable inexpedient 五十二、热情的狂热的fond enthusiastic zealous torrid intense(热情的强烈的) passionate五十三、有洞察力的insightful penetrating五十四、非凡的extraordinary phenomenal remarkable eminent五十五、确定的sure positive(completely sure)五十六、宣传publicity propaganda publicise advertise五十七、初级的初步的preliminary rudimentary elementary五十八、原始的未充分发展的落后的rudimentary primitive五十九、初等的elementary primary六十、基本的prime primary rudimentary elementary radical(激进的)fundamental ultimate六十一、问题question query六十二、击退抵抗抵制拒绝repel repulse resist reject六十四、使厌恶反感repel repulse disgust obnoxious(极讨厌的)六十五、取消cancel call off scrap六十六、碎片segment scrap shred chip fragment debris六十七、取回索回retrieve(挽回) reclaim六十八、搜寻search seek forage scour scout(某地) grope rummage六十九、结实的robust stout sturdy七十、纤细的苗条的slim slender delicate thin slight(瘦小的纤细的)七十一、壮丽的宏伟的magnificent splendid spectacular grand dazzling glorious epic七十二、经受住抵挡住耐热性resist withstandendure bear七十三、相似resemble similar alike analogous七十四、天才天资talent gift genius aptitude七十五、集会meeting gathering assembly rally七十六、立法机构legislature assembly七十七、燃烧v.或n.burn flame blaze combustion kindle combust七十八、使保持使稳定持续sustain maintain七十九、卷coil reel八十、浏览look through browse八十一、愉悦的宜人的pleasant agreeable八十二、一致的coherent consistent accord with be compatible with correspond(动词) uniform 八十三、遵守obey comply with conform八十四、结构structure configuration fabric framework八十五、“腐”腐败腐烂:decay decompose腐蚀:erode贪污腐败的:corrupt八十六、献身致力于devote dedicate be commited to doing八十七、缺点缺陷不足disadvantage weakness shortcoming defect fault deficiency handicap flaw drawback 八十八、缺乏的insufficient lacking deficient devoid of scarce deficit(名词缺少赤字)八十九、谴责condemn denounce censure九十、指责blame reproach scold(斥责)九十一、控诉控告accuse charge denounce prosecute indict sue九十二、支配命令指定command dictate appoint designate dominate prescribe assign specify九十三、分散split scatter disperse九十四、处理解决deal with cope with tackle handle dispose manipulate solve resolve confront九十五、证明demonstrate verify prove manifest substantiate testify sustain九十六、屈服认输succumb(抵挡不住诱惑攻击…屈服) give in back down (放弃认输自己观点)yield sell out submit subject(臣服服从)九十七、散布disperse(实的) disseminate(虚的) spread九十八、包含包括comprise include embrace encompass incorporate embody九十九、持久的lasting enduring durable perennial一百、全神贯注的absorbed buried engrossed be immersed in忙于:be busy doing be devoted to(致力于be dedicated to be commited to) doing be occupied in be engaged in一百零一、构想conceive formulate envisage(设想想象=envision)一百零二、仅仅only solely merely solitary(唯一的仅有的用于疑问句否定句)一百零三、断裂break crack fracture一百零四、模糊的vague blurred fuzzy nebulous hazy一百零五、无秩序的无计划的unplanned unsystematic chaotic random haphazard arbitrary indiscriminate(不加分析的随意的) disorderly一百零六、潮湿的wet damp humid moist dripping(湿淋淋的)一百零七、残废的disabled handicapped crippled一百零八、加剧exacerbate aggravate escalate intensify一百零九、区别distinguish discriminate一百一十、危害hazard jeopardy一百一十一、充满be filled with be laden with一百一十二、有害的harmful lethal detrimental adverse一百一十三、表明demonstrate manifest114.明了的clear manifest115.平常的普通的mundane mediocre ordinary116.假的仿制的fake false mock117.证实confirm verify corroborate substantiate sustain118.富饶的luxuriant prolific opulent fruitful(productive)119.骚乱混乱turmoil riot disorder ferment chaos disturbance uproar agitation无秩序的:disorderly haphazard120.困惑confuse bewilder muddle puzzle121.实施carry out implement enforce (enforcement authorities执法机构)put sth into practice122.强制迫使enforce compel oblige(be obliged to do)123.线索clue hint124.态度观点opinion point of view perspective outlookviewpoint125.繁殖breed reproduce multiply propagate bear126.明显的obvious bold conspicuous evident distinct apparent visible 127.撤退withdraw retreat128.批准approve sanction129.隐藏藏匿secrete conceal screen(掩藏庇护保护shield wrap)130.控告accuse prosecute indict impeach(弹劾)131.断言宣称assert allege affirm132.残忍的cruel ruthless vicious(残酷的)133.诱饵decoy bait134.指挥控制take command of in command of135.检查inspect examine scrutinize scan136.掩藏保护庇护screen shield shelter wrap conceal(隐藏藏匿)137.抓住grip grasp seize clasp(握紧)138.夺snatch grab139.抓住机会grab seize140.利用utilize seize on tap141.处罚discipline(动词) penalty punish(动词) sanction142.杰出的著名的outstanding famous eminent celebrated renowned well-known 143. 停止halt cease cessation stop drop144.致命的fatal lethal deadly145.代替取代substitute replace supersede146.监视scrutiny spy on surveillance147.支持back support underpin stand for uphold(支持维护(正义)uphold the law维护法律)sustain(bear 支撑)pro148.仓库storehouse depot warehouse storage store149.奇怪的古怪的eccentric weird odd strange grotesque(怪诞的奇形怪状的)150.infest interfere intervene intrude151.掩盖veil overshadow conceal152.强壮的stout(肥壮) sturdy153.初学者novice virgin rookie recruit(新兵新成员)154.使应接不暇淹没inundate overwhelm155.罢免oust unseat depose156.揭露unveil disclose reveal uncover expose157.控制rig curb rein back(严格控制) manipulate regulate(控制管理调节调整)handle manoeuvre158.分配Allot distribute allocate assign dispense(分配配药)159.评价评估appraise assess estimate evaluate160.把……归于 A with B =criedit B to A ascribe sth to sb accredit ;owe……to161.决心做Be bent on doing(通常指坏事) be determined to do162.承担责任shoulder/take/bear /assume /undertake the responsibility for hold sb accountable for 责任义务:liability obligation163.小册子booklet pamphlet brochure(介绍手册指南)leaflet(传单)164.运动campaign drive(有组织的运动)165.投,掷,抛cast (cast doubt on;cast one's vote for)throw fling hurl166.容量容积volume capacity167.分类classify categorise168.坟墓cemetery(坟地,公墓)tomb grave tabut(棺材坟墓)169.引用cite quote170.跟踪track trail trace171.著名的renowned famous celebrated distinguished (著名的杰出的 outstanding customer)well-known eminent prestigious(有名望的声誉高的 a prestigious university名牌大学branded名牌的)notable(著名的;名人)172.导致引起lead to ;cause incur breed raise induce173.养育抚养bring sb up ;raise rear ;upbringing(名词养育培养)foster nurture nurse(培养培育 cultivate)nourish174.仁慈的charitable clement (宽容仁慈的)benevolent(好心肠的慈善的仁慈的)175.与……一致accord with; in accord with;be consistent with ;be identical to/with be identified with;uniform 一致的统一的 coincide with176.拥抱hug(v&n) cuddle(v&n)embrace(v)177.私密的private(私人的私密的;n 列兵)intimate(私密的亲密的 intimacy亲密关系密切)178.动力刺激stimulus(刺激物促进因素复数stimuli)motivation impetus incentive spur179.(凭空)猜测hypothesis speculation180.假定假设hypothesis assumption presume(动词) presumption supposition181.详细阐述explicate(详细解释) elaborate specify articulate delineate182.复杂的complex complicated intricate(错综复杂)sophisticated183. 抑制suppress(镇压抑制控制)dampen(弄湿抑制控制感情、反应)inhibit(禁止抑制)crack down restrain(控制自己抑制压制)184.装饰装扮decorate adorn ornament(v&n 装饰品)trim(修剪修整 to trim your hair理发装饰(be trimmed with)185.剥夺deprive bereave(指丧失亲友) strip(还可指剥夺荣誉)dispossess186.规模dimensions size scale187.丢弃discard abandon desert(遗弃抛弃擅离部队 deserter逃兵)derelict(被遗弃的指土地/建筑物;无家可归者 vagrant)scrap188.灾难不幸misfortune tragedy disaster catastrophe mishap(小事故)adversity(逆境)doom(厄运)189.部门department section branch division faculty(院系)190.不同的distinct different dissimilar191.活力vigour vitality dynamism192.巨大的huge tremendous giant enormous immense colossal fabulous gigantic monstrous heroic 193.节约节省economize retrench economical(形容词)194.开始做着手commence ;embark on ;set about ;get down to sth/doing sth;initiate(发动 launch)195.核心要点坚果或子粒的核仁core kernel196.遭遇遇到meet run into(遇到困难途中遭遇)encounter(不期而遇;遭遇不好的事;n 邂逅相遇)come across偶然遇见;被理解197.危及损害endanger hazard jeopardize menace threaten intimidate harm impair(damage destroy ruin wreck)compromise198.加强提高enhance reinforce intensify heighten strengthen consolidate cement199.擅长be good at ;be expert in/on/at ;be adept at ;be skilled in ;excel in/at ;specialize in(专门从事专攻)200.最后at last ;ultimately;eventually; finally;in the end201.能力才能capability capacity ability faculty202.强制的义务的compulsory mandatory obligatory203.煽动鼓动agitate foment provocative(形容词) incite204.委员会commission council205.外国的异域的alien exotic206.加快加速expedite speed up quicken207.扩大enlarge expand extend amplify(扩大声音信号)208.短途旅行expedition(远征探险exploration 考察短途出行:a shopping expedition 外出购物)excursion(远足短途旅行)209.外部的outside external exterior 同理内部的210.编造make up fabricate fictitious(编造的)211.基本原理foundation basics212.脆弱的易碎的fragile delicate213.搜寻查找search for forage for seek for grope for rummage(乱翻)214.实现fulfill realize215.承认admit acknowledge grant216.机密的confidential classified undisclosed(秘密的未公开的)217.感动的touched moved affected218.使适应adapt to adjust to(微调) accommodate219.改变change alter convert(转变转换 shift)220.预期expect anticipate foresee(预知预见)forecast(预报)predict(预测预言)221.背叛betray rebel defect222.监禁关押imprison captivity take ……into custody(监禁监护权)detain ;confine sb in;jail sb for sth223.折磨使痛苦torture torment afflict224.约会appointment engagement date225.保证guarantee(动词&名词保证书担保品) assure ensure warrant(许可证使正当warranty 保修期)promise pledge(保证诺言誓约使保证使发誓)commitment(承诺许诺保证)226.小屋hut cabin cottage shanty(棚屋简陋小屋shed)227.忽视ignore overlook neglect disregard228.非法的illegal illicit illegitimate unlawful lawless229.生动的vivid graphic230. 任命委任commission appoint designate nominate install accredit231.接合处交叉点junction joint(接头关节)intersection connection232.幼稚的不成熟的childish juvenile(不成熟的未成年的 juvenile employment 童工的雇用)233.律师solicitor(初级律师推销员法务官)attorney(律师(代表当事人出庭)代理人)barrister (出庭律师大律师辩护律师在英国有资格出席上级法庭进行辩护)234.建立build establish found set up institute erect235.敏锐的acute sharp keen agile penetrating236.保持keep preserve maintain(保持保养) retain sustain(维持支撑)237.记住背诵recite memorize238.不朽的immortal monumental239.想法概念concept idea notion240.包裹bag package parcel pack packet241.阶段时期stage phase242.意识到注意到notice realize be aware of perceive(perception 知觉)be conscious of243.允许许可同意admission permission agreement authorization(批准授权)244.受害者victim casualty prey245.恰当的appropriate apt proper decent(得体的)246.很可能做Be liable to be apt to be inclined to be prone to sth/do sth be likely to 247. 资产财产property(财产房地产 estate) possessions belongings asset248.性质特性特征characteristic feature quality attribute property trait identity249.考虑预料到take into account take account of take into consideration reckon with250.依靠depend on rely on reckon on(指望依靠)rest on251.纺织品fabric textile252.老生常谈truism commonplace trite(老生常谈的) 可乐谁253.改正改进correct remedy refine254.代表stand for(代表参加竞选) represent on behalf of255.描绘描画describe depict represent portray(portrait肖像)256.竞争对手rival competitor opponent257.阴谋scheme plot(n&v) conspiracy(conspire)258.会议meeting congress conference convention (conventional 传统的墨守成规的习惯的常规的)assembly parliament session259.一连串a sequence of a succession of260.收缩contract shrink261.无声的寂静的silent soundless still(静止的安静的)placid(平静的安静的平和的)tranquil(安静的平静的安宁的)serene(安静的安详的)262.避难所 shelter refuge263.滑滑行slide slip slither264.留出抽出spare set aside put apart265.世故的sophisticated worldly266.多余的redundant surplus(a&n)267.种品种种类breed species category variety sort kind type268.样本specimen sample(n&v)269.起源于originate from derive from stem from arise from(arise out of由……引起proceed from)270.撒洒spray sprinkle spatter splash shower271.反省reflect (on oneself) introspect272.屈服屈从give in to succumb to yield to submit to sell out to surrender to(投降)273.药(片)medicine pill drug tablet274.补充(物)supplement compliment(v&n)replenishment275.利用开发exploit tap276.疗法remedy therapy277.临时的短暂的temporary temporal brief momentary transient short interim278.素食者vegetarian vegan279.消灭eradicate wipe(out)exterminate uproot(根除)280.解雇开除fire dismiss discharge sack281.大量的considerable substantial282.温和的(气候)mild temperate283.事业career enterprise undertaking cause284.明显的obvious bold visible apparent patent285.不利的adverse disadvantageous286.可信的可靠的trustworthy reliable authentic genuine(真的 true authentic)287.事先预先in advance beforehand288.爆炸explode blow up bomb(轰炸)blast289.一阵风a blast of /a gust of wind290.典礼仪式礼节(ritual)ceremony rite291.条约公约协议treaty pact convention accord292.技艺skill feat craft293.差异difference diversity variety discrepancy distinction discrimination nuance divide disparity 综英书294.直立的垂直的vertical erect295.夸大夸张exaggerate overstate296.坦率的直言的explicit frank straightforward direct297.统治rule govern dominate(主宰)control(控制)298.小路path trail lane track299.废除不再使用abolish(法律习俗)do away with sth dispense with sth(摒弃不再需要)300.努力竭力try one's best to do;endeavour to do ; exert oneself301.奇迹令人惊奇的事物奇观wonder spectacle marvel302.选择挑选choose select pick opt for303.许可证permit license warrant304.处罚惩罚discipline(动词)punishment penalty(惩罚刑罚)305.继续做continue to do proceed to do proceed with sth306.粉碎smash shatter crash(碰撞)mince(切碎 chop剁碎绞碎)307.上涨上升rise increase soar rocket skyrocket mount(准备安排组织开展 mount a protest)surge(v&n) upsurge(名词急剧上升)leap shoot up308."分"分裂分开split bisect(对半分二等分)crack;劈砍:cleave hack chop ;sever切开309.镇压压制crack down crush suppress quash squash310.忍耐忍受tolerate bear stand endure stomach(一般否定句)311.堆(v堆积 &n堆)pile stack heap mass312.压力stress pressure strain313.涌surge billow gush314.遭受经受undergo suffer sustain315.调整调节tune(机器)adjust adapt316.可行的行得通的viable workable feasible practicable practical317.示威游行demonstrate march318.剧烈的激烈的severe intense violent fierce acute raging furious319.流产abortion miscarriage320.模范model role model example321.足够的充裕的enough adequate abundant rich ample plentiful322.酸的sour acid323.获得get gain attain obtain acquire324.渴望desire be desperate for aspire to sth/to do be thirsty for be dying to do/for sth anxiety to do/for325.边界边境boundary border(n&v bound) frontier326.小心的谨慎的careful cautious wary discreet prudent327.小的small tiny little mini compact minute328.逮捕arrest apprehend329.宣言announcement declaration proclamation330.使成为必要entail necessitate331.疲劳tiredness weariness(weary疲劳的疲倦的)fatigue332.同盟联盟alliance federation333.香料spice flavour condiment seasoning flavouring334.味道flavour taste savor(好的气味scent)odour(难闻的气味)335.赞扬praise compliment hail glorify336.放牧graze herd337.免于keep from be immune from338.直觉instinct intuition339.跳jump skip hop spring leap bounce340.垃圾废弃物rubbish garbage litter waste341.危险的hazardous dangerous harmful342.裂缝crack split leak343.独裁的arbitrary dictatorial344.商品commodity merchandise345.模仿mimic imitate simulate impersonate346.反对object disapprove oppose347.貌似有理的似乎正确的plausible(花言巧语的有道理的) specious(事实上不对似是而非)348.促销推销promote merchandise349.闲逛wander roam stroll350.严重severity gravity351.严厉的severe rigorous harsh352.优点美德advantage virtue goodness merit asset353.彻底的utter exhaustive354.显著的notable striking noticeable prominent355.压碎crush squash356.收入收益income proceeds357.无装饰的朴素的simple plain358.使害怕frighten scare alarm panic(使惊慌)359.突然的意外的sudden abrupt360.滥用abuse(滥用虐待mistreat) misuse misapply361.诽谤辱骂侮辱insult defame slander362.芽bud germ363.使烦恼烦扰annoy bother plague(给……造成长时间的痛苦/麻烦)364.挖掘dig burrow365.陶瓷陶器chinaware pottery porcelain(瓷器)366. 粗糙的rough harsh crude coarse367.同时发生的simultaneous coincident concurrent368.合作cooperate collaborate369.同意agree concur370.建议劝告advise suggest counsel371.极重要的关键的vital critical crucial372.猛冲迅速行进匆忙完成dash rush373.使忧虑worry distress depress(frustrate使抑郁使沮丧)374.破环damage destroy ruin devastate(彻底摧毁)wreck destruct 375.分离part separate divorce376.恶化worsen deteriorate exacerbate aggravate377.专门知识expertise professionalism378.虚弱的体弱的weak feeble infirm379.暴怒狂怒fury(furious) rage380.快速的quick rapid fleet fast381.欺骗cheat fraud deceit deception deceive deceitful fool(欺骗愚弄)382.供给供应provide supply furnish383.温和的gentle mild384.独创性originality ingenuity inventiveness385.插入insert interpose……between……and……(sandwich……between and )386.完整的intact integral387.固有的内在的intrinsic inherent388.引用cite quote invoke389.穿透穿过penetrate pierce390.含蓄的implicit implied pregnant391.结合与……联合conjoin in conjunction with392.预备的preliminary preparatory393.抢救rescue salvage394.挽救挽回retrieve(取回拿回 reclaim recover) salvage395.傻的愚蠢的foolish silly stupid fool396.孤单的独自的单独的lone(a lone mother 单亲母亲 sole parent 单亲家庭) solitary 397.溢出spill overflow398.使旋转rotate spin399.挤进塞进jam squash squeeze cram stuff (塞进塞满overflow) fill 400.空缺的未被占用的vacant unoccupied401.热带地区the tropics = the torrid zone402.静的不发展的static still stagnant dormant inactive inert403.平坦的flat even404.邻近的neighboring in the vicinity of adjacent405.尽管in spite of ;in the face of ;albeit406.弄乱clutter muddle407.证书证明书certificate credential408.与……有关be identified with in reference to409.争论debate dispute argument quarrel410.变形distort deform411.电梯升降梯:lift elevator 扶梯:escalator412.时代era age epoch413.唤起summon invoke evoke414.同伴companion associate colleague comrade415.对半分bisect(一分为二)halve416.暗示hint implicate417.臭名远扬的notorious infamous418.不可避免的inevitable unavoidable inescapable419.。

英语作文复述一个电影情节英文回答:The movie I want to talk about is "The Shawshank Redemption". It is a drama film directed by Frank Darabont, based on the novel by Stephen King. The story is set in Shawshank State Penitentiary, a fictional prison in Maine, and follows the life of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife and her lover.At the beginning of the movie, we see Andy being sentenced to life in prison and sent to Shawshank. He is a quiet and introverted man, but he soon becomes friends with Red, a long-term inmate who is known for his ability to get things from the outside world. Red becomes Andy's mentor and helps him adapt to prison life.As the story progresses, we see Andy facing numerous challenges and injustices within the prison system. He is subjected to abuse from the prison guards and the corruptwarden, but he never loses hope. Instead, he uses his intelligence and resourcefulness to make the best out of his situation.One of the most memorable scenes in the movie is when Andy starts a library in the prison. He writes letters to the government for funds and manages to get books donated to the prison. This library becomes a symbol of hope and redemption for the inmates, who find solace and escape within the world of books.Another significant event in the movie is when Andy escapes from Shawshank. He spends years secretly digging a tunnel through his cell wall, using a rock hammer he acquired over time. When the time is right, he crawls through the tunnel and escapes to freedom. This scene is filled with tension and excitement, as we root for Andy to succeed in his escape plan.In the end, Andy is able to expose the corruptionwithin Shawshank and clear his name. He also helps his friend Red find hope and redemption by leaving him clues tofind a hidden treasure. The movie ends with Red finally being released from prison and joining Andy in Mexico, where they can start a new life together."The Shawshank Redemption" is a powerful movie that explores themes of hope, friendship, and the resilience of the human spirit. It shows us that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope and a chance for redemption.中文回答:我想谈谈的电影是《肖申克的救赎》。

1.选修六Unit1 A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING西方绘画艺术简史Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people. 艺术是受着人民生活习俗和信仰的影响的。
Styles in Western art have changed many times. 西方的艺术风格经历了多次变革。
As there are so many different styles of Western art, it would be impossible to describe all of them in such a short text. 由于西方的艺术风格多种多样,在短短的一篇课文里不可能进行全面的描述。
Consequently, this text will describe only the most important ones, starting from the sixth century AD.因此,本文只谈及从公元6世纪以来最主要的几种艺术风格。
The Middle Ages (5th to the 15th century AD) 中世纪(公元5世纪到15世纪)During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes. 在中世纪,画家的主要任务是把宗教的主题表现出来。
A conventional artist of this period was not interested in showing nature and people as they really were. 一个传统的艺术家无意于如实地展现自然和人物。
A typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols, which created a feeling of respect and love for God. 那个时期的典型的绘画充满了宗教的(象)特征,体现出了对上帝的爱戴与敬重。

新视野大学英语第二册读写教程课文翻译Unit 1 Text A An impressive Engli lsesson标题: 一堂难忘的英语课1. 如果我是唯一一个还在纠正小孩英语的家长,那么我儿子也许是对的。
2. 我觉得我是在最近偶遇我以前的一位学生时,才开始对这个问题认真起来的。
我满怀着诚挚期待问她:“欧洲之行如何?”3. 她点了三四下头,绞尽脑汁,苦苦寻找恰当的词语,然后惊呼:“真是,哇!”4. 没了。
5. 关于正确使用英语能力下降的问题,有许多不同的故事。
学生的确本应该能够区分诸如 their/there/they're 之间的不同,或区别 complimentary 跟complementary 之间显而易见的差异。
6. 学生并不笨,他们只是被周围所看到和听到的语言误导了。
举例来说,杂货店的指示牌会把他们引向 stationary(静止处),虽然便笺本、相册、和笔记本等真正的 stationery(文具用品)并没有被钉在那儿。
朋友和亲人常宣称 They've just ate。
实际上,他们应该说 They've just eaten。
7. 对这种缺乏语言功底而引起的负面指责应归咎于我们的学校。

corruption英文版Corruption is a global issue that affects both developed and developing countries. It refers to the misuse of public power for personal gain and the abuse of entrusted authority to accumulate illicit wealth. Corruption can take various forms, including bribery, embezzlement, fraud, nepotism, and favoritism. It undermines trust in government institutions, erodes public confidence, impedes economic development, and hampers the efficient functioning of societies.One of the main reasons behind corruption is the lack of transparency and accountability in government institutions. When there are weak checks and balances, it creates an environment conducive to corrupt practices. Corrupt officials exploit this loophole and engage in acts of bribery and embezzlement without fear of being held accountable. Therefore, it is crucial to establish strong mechanisms for transparency, such as the freedom of information laws, whistleblower protections, and independent anti-corruption agencies. These measures can help expose corruption, encourage accountability, and deter future corrupt practices. Another factor contributing to corruption is poverty. In many developing countries, low salaries and inadequate social welfare programs make public officials more vulnerable to accepting bribes. Addressing poverty through inclusive economic growth, poverty reduction programs, and fair remuneration for public servants can help reduce the likelihood of corruption. Additionally, promoting education and raising awareness about the detrimental effects of corruption can create a culture of integrity that rejects corrupt practices.Combating corruption also requires international cooperation. Since corruption often involves cross-border transactions and money laundering, cooperation between countries is essential to investigate and prosecute corruption cases. International conventions, such as the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), provide a framework for countries to work together in preventing and combating corruption. Sharing resources, expertise, and best practices can effectively strengthen the fight against corruption on a global scale.Furthermore, the private sector has a responsibility to address corruption. Strong corporate governance, ethical business practices, and anti-corruption compliance programs can help prevent bribery and corruption within companies. Engaging in fair and transparent business dealings is not only morally right but also beneficial in the long term. Companies that are perceived as corrupt risk damaging their reputation and losing the trust of their customers and investors. Therefore, businesses should adopt a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption and actively promote integrity in all aspects of their operations.In conclusion, corruption is a complex and pervasive problem that requires a multifaceted approach to address. Governments must strengthen transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption measures within their institutions. Combating poverty, promoting education, and raising awareness can help reduce the likelihood of corrupt practices. International cooperation and conventions are crucial in investigating and prosecuting cross-border corrupt activities. Finally, the private sector must play its part bypromoting ethical business practices and adopting anti-corruption measures within companies. By collectively tackling corruption, societies can create a more just, equitable, and prosperous future.。

The price of shame主讲人:莫妮卡莱温斯基主题:耻辱的代价You're looking at a woman who was publicly silent for a decade. Obviously, that's changed, but only r ecently.站在你们面前的是一个在大众面前沉默了十年之久的女人。
It was several months ago that I gave my very first major public talk at the Forbes 30 Under 3 0 summit:1,500 brilliant people, all under the age of 30. That meant that in 1998, the oldest among the group were only 14, and theyoungest, just four. I joked with them that some m ight only have heard of me from rap songs. Yes, I 'm in rap songs. Almost 40 rap songs.几个月前,我在《福布斯》杂志举办的“30岁以下”峰会(Under 30 Summit)上发表了首次公开演讲。
But the night of my speech, a surprising thing happened. At the age of 41, I was hit on by a 27-year-old guy. I know, right? He was charming a nd I was flattered, and I declined. You know what his unsuccessful pickup line was? He could make m e feel 22 again. I realized later that night, I'm probably the only person over 40 who does not wa nt to be 22 again. 但是,在我演讲当晚,发生了一件令人吃惊的事——我作为一个41岁的女人,被一个27岁的男孩示爱。

exposure英语词汇【原创实用版】目录1.Exposure 的含义和词性2.Exposure 的常见用法和短语3.Exposure 的例句正文【Exposure 的含义和词性】Exposure 是一个英语单词,既可以作名词,也可以作动词。
【Exposure 的常见用法和短语】Exposure 有一些常见的用法和短语,例如:1.曝光(摄影术语):指摄影过程中,光线照射感光材料的时间,用来控制照片的亮度和对比度。
【Exposure 的例句】以下是一些 Exposure 的例句,帮助您更好地理解这个词汇:1.The scandal caused a great deal of exposure for the company"s corrupt practices.(丑闻让公司的腐败行为曝光在大众面前。
)2.The photographer adjusted the exposure to capture the perfect sunset.(摄影师调整曝光,捕捉到完美的日落。
)3.The government is trying to expose the truth behind the allegations.(政府试图揭露指控背后的真相。
)4.The painting was exposed to the public for the first time at the art gallery.(这幅画在艺术画廊首次对公众展出。

Structure of Text
bribery n./bribe v.n.
Bribery n. 贿赂;受贿;行贿
例:He was jailed on charges of bribery. 他因贿赂指控被监禁。
Bribery in various forms is on the increase in many countries, and even away of life for centuries. I fan official clearly tells that if you offer him a substanti bribe, you’ll easily get an import license and avoid “procedure delays”, do you pay up or stand by your principles? Bribery and other questionable payments indeed have become a fact of commercial life. We divide these payments into three broad categories. The first category consists of substantial payments made for political purposes or to secure major contracts. The second category covers payments made to obtain quicker official approval of some project, to speed up the wheel government.

高中词汇2姓名:convenient adj. 方便的battle n. & vi. 战斗pattern n. 花纹;模式,方式drag vt. (使劲地)拖,拉practical adj. 实用的thus adv. 如此;因此,从而typewriter n. 打字机version n. 版本Unit 3civilization n. 文明lecture n. 讲座found vt. 兴建,创建take over 夺取;接管volcano n. 火山erupt vi. (火山等)爆发ash n. 灰,灰烬pour vi. 涌流 vt. 倒出(液体)unfortunate adj. 不幸的mud n. 泥浆,烂泥decorate vt. 装饰,装潢flee 逃避,逃跑;迅速离开researcher n. 研究者,调查者true-to-life adj. 逼真的disaster n. 灾难destroy vt. 毁坏,摧毁commercial 商业的,贸易的wealthy adj. 富有的,富裕的gradually adv. 渐渐地sandstorm n. 沙尘暴,风沙scholar n. 学者cultural adj. 文化的institute n. 机构,研究所ruin n. 废墟 vt. 破坏,毁坏remains n. 遗物,遗迹,遗骸beneath prep. 在……之下pot n. 罐,壶material n. 材料 adj. 物质的document n. 文献,文件workshop n. 作坊,车间explode vi. 爆炸nearby adv. & adj. 在附近(的) extreme adj. 极度的;极端的complain vi. 抱怨的bone n. 骨骼,骨头wooden adj. 木制的leather n. 皮革的historical adj. 历史的solution n. 解决办法,解答expression n. 表达;表情,神色audience n. 观众,听众cave n. 洞穴ceremony n. 仪式,典礼chairman n. 主席pearl n. 珍珠harbor n. 港口navy n. 海军,海军部队powerful adj. 强有力的airfield n. (军用)机场bomb vt. 轰炸 n. 炸弹sailor n. 水手,海员fortunate adj. 幸运的aircraft n. 飞机declare vt. 宣布,宣称in memory of 纪念memorial n. 纪念碑 adj. 纪念的educate vt. 教育stature n. 雕塑,雕像no doubt 无疑,确实rise up against 起义,反抗troop n. 士兵;军队,部队stand in one's path 阻碍(某人)march vi. & n. 前进;游行glory n. 辉煌;荣耀,光荣ahead adv. 在前面;预先;领先come down with 患(病)vast adj. 辽阔的;巨大的philosophy n. 哲学salary n. 薪金,薪水aware adj. 意识到的;察觉到的basis n. 基础;基准;原因court n. 法院;球场;宫庭corrupt vt. 使堕落 adj. 贪污的trial n. 审讯,审理;试验;考验judge n. 法官,审判员;裁判员poison n. 毒药 vt. 毒害,下毒模块四Unit 1airline n. 航空公司drug n. 毒品;药,药物shine n. 光亮,光泽shampoo n. 洗发精advertisement n.(ad)广告;persuade vt. 说服,劝说advertise vt. & vi. 做广告be meant to 旨在,目的是welfare福利cheat vt. & vi. 欺骗 n. 骗子skilful adj. 有技巧的;熟练的even if / though 虽然,即使innocent adj. 清白的;纯真的breath n. 气息;呼吸fool vt. 欺骗,愚弄 n. 傻瓜cure vt. 治愈 n. 药物,疗法grocery n. 杂货店pleased adj. 高兴,满意comment n. 评论vi. 评论mental adj . 心理的;思想的,fall for 上…的当,受…的骗play trick on 欺骗,欺诈aim 以…为目标,目的nationwide 全国范围的(地)deal with 关于;处理,应付motto n. 座右铭;格言,箴言cigarette n.香烟,卷烟benefit 使受益n. 益处promote vt. 推广,促销intelligence n. 智力,才智slave n. 奴隶consult vt. 咨询;请教comprehension n. 理解力latest adj. 最新的best-seller n. 畅销书;畅销品amazed adj. 大为惊奇recommend vt. 推荐;介绍publisher n. 出版社,发行人purchase vt. 购买 n. 采购designer n. 设计者,设计师software n. 软件tip n. 建议;顶端;小费logo n. 标识slogan n. 标语;口号corporation n. (大)公司multiply 成倍增加;乘,乘以design vt. & n. 设计update vt. & n. 更新youth n. 年轻人;青春,朝气aspect n. 方面;层面yummy adj . 味道好的bargain 便宜货;协议bonus n. 意外收获;奖金fancy adj . 精致的;想象figure out 弄清楚;计算出media n. 媒体poster n. 海报target n. 目标;靶子 vt. 瞄准determine vt. 决定;裁决analysis n. 分析,分析结果appeal to 吸引,;呼吁react vi. 做出反应,回应personally adv. 个别地;本人get sth across 把…表达清楚 packet n. 小包,小盒poisonous adj. 有毒的lung n. 肺cancer n. 癌症smoker n.吸烟者fingernail n. 手指甲urge vt. 敦促n. 强烈的欲望tobacco n. 烟草,烟叶essay n. 论说文,小品文shock 使震惊;震惊Unit 2committee n 委员会delighted adj. 愉快的,高兴的significance n. 重要性,意义wrestling n. 摔跤运动tradition n. 传统;风俗compete vi. 比赛;竞争in honour of 为向…表示敬意male n. & adj. 男性(的)nation n. 国家,民族contemporary adj. 现代的well-known adj. 著名的medal n. 奖牌,奖章,勋章boxing n. 拳击运动championship n. 竞标赛flame n. 火焰opening n. 开幕式;小孔absence n. 缺席;不存在hurdle n. 跨栏;难关,障碍lead the way 领先gymnastics n. 体操,体操训练champion n. 冠军,优胜者hang on 坚持final adj. 最终的n. 决赛joy n. 喜悦,欢乐attempt n. & vt. 尝试,努力boundary n. 边界,界限movement n. 社会运动;移动,nest n. 鸟巢;巢穴,窝torch n. 火炬;手电筒stadium n. 体育场,运动场transport 交通工具;运输citizen n. 公民;居民vest n. 背心,汗衫;坎肩underwear n. 内衣kettle n. (烧水用的)壶,水壶otherwise adv. 否则,不然association n. 协会;关联;联想grain n. 谷物;颗粒routine n. & adj. 常规(的)toast n. 烤面包片;干杯net n. 网origin n. 起源,起因;出身outdoors adv. 往户外的,在户外frequent adj. 频繁的technique n. 技术,工艺,技巧continent n. 洲,大陆budget n. 预算remove vt. 去除;免除,解除unusual adj. 特别的,不寻常的power n. 力量;权力;统治make way for 给……让路,让位goal n. 射门,进球得分;目标shot n. 射门;射击;药物注射referee n. 裁判;推荐人whistle n. 哨子 vi. 吹口哨Unit 3virtual adj. 虚拟的,模拟的;reality n. 现实,事实presentation n. 展示;颁发amaze vt. 使惊奇,使惊passive adj. 被动的user n. 使用者sightseeing n. 观光,游览happiness n. 幸福,快乐headset n. 头戴式耳机add to 使增强,使增加network n. (互联)网络studio 演播室,制作室social adj. 社交的;社会的winning adj. 制胜的,获胜的confident adj. 自信的put forward 提出,提议disappointed adj. 失望的disabled adj. 有残疾的convenience n. 方便,便利secure adj. 安全的;稳固的firefighter n. 消防队员injure vt. 伤害,损害biology n. 生物学whale n. 鲸squirrel n. 松鼠urban adj. 城市的,城镇的planning n. 规划;制定计划neighbourhood n. 街区邻居as to 至于,关于operator n. 操作人员fee n. 费用disadvantage n. 缺点;障碍electric adj. 电的,电动的built-in adj. 内置的Clay n. 黏土,陶土liquid adj. & n. 液体(的)powder n. 粉末;火药last but not least 最后但同样重要的programming n. 编程accuse vt. 控诉,控告;谴责piracy n. 盗版;海上抢劫fade vi. 逐渐消失;衰落editor n. 编辑constant adj 连续发生的modern n. 调制解调器monitor n.显示器;监视function vi. 起作用;作用printer n. 打印机;印刷厂button n. 按钮;扣上纽扣chief adj 最重要的n. 首领importance n. 重要性pack vt. 收拾,纸袋,一包nephew n. 侄子,外甥hire vt. 聘用,雇用;租用shore n. 岸,滨mushroom n. 蘑菇;伞菌gas n. 气体;天然气,煤气dinosaur n. 恐龙exit n. 出口;出去ceiling n. 天花板;顶棚float vi.漂浮,漂流escape 逃跑,逃离,被忽视terror n. 惊恐,恐惧upward adv. 向上,向高处sunlight n. 阳光,目光worn adj. 破旧的;疲惫的mankind n. 人类evolve vt. 进化;逐渐形成beast n. 动物,野兽impression n. 印象,感想master 主人;大师;精通frost n. 霜;霜冻模块五Unit 1betray vt. 出卖,背叛quiz n. 小测验pretend 假装;装扮,扮作cheerful adj. 愉快的,高兴的washroom n. 洗手间,厕所admit vt. & vi. 承认;接纳beg vt. & vi. 请求,恳求swear 发誓;咒骂,说脏话spy on 暗中监视,窥探truly adv. 真诚地,衷心地forgive vt. 原谅,宽恕sincerely adv. 真诚地childhood n. 童年,幼年superb adj. 极佳的;卓越的focus 集中注意力于…焦点pace n. 速度;步伐;节奏manner n. 方式;态度,举止horrible adj. 极坏的,糟糕的guilty adj. 内疚的;有罪的cruel adj. 伤人的;残酷的remark n. & vi. 评论,谈论dislike vt. 不喜欢,厌恶argue vi. 争吵,争论awkward adj. 令人尴尬的apologize vi. 道歉quarrel n. & vi. 争吵,争执sensitive 易生气的;敏感的athletic 擅长运动的;健壮的envy vt. & n. 羡慕,忌妒blame vt. 责备,指责;责任gifted adj. 有天赋的disagreement n. 分歧,争论before long 不久,很快mailbox n. 邮箱algebra n. 代数arithmetic n. 算术amusement n. 娱乐,消遣amusement park n. 游乐场circus n. 马戏表演;马戏团online adv. & adj. 在线(的)identity n. 身份absurd adj. 荒唐的,怪诞的hopeless adj. 无望的;糟透的overcome vt. 克服,解决get through (用电话)接通acquaintance n. 泛泛之交,熟人apartment n. 公寓套房topic n. 话题attitude n. 态度,看法anchor 扎根于;下锚;n. 锚be based on 以……为基础,cautious adj. 小心的,谨慎的eager adj. 热切的,急不可待的worldwide 全世界(的)adolescent 青春期的;青少年respond vi. 做出反应,回应pause vi. & n. 停顿,暂停regardless adv. 不顾;不管怎样regardless of 不管,不顾security n. 平安,安全end up 最后成为;最终处于waiting room n. 候车室rely on 依靠,依赖trolleybus n. 无轨电车revision n. 复习;修订,修改thanks to 幸亏;由于committed adj. 尽心尽力的mercy n. 宽恕;仁慈apology n. 道歉Unit 2economy n. 经济;经济体spokeswoman n. 女发言人consultant n. 顾问debate n. & vi. 辩论,讨论open the floor 自由发言flow 流动;连贯billion n. 十亿duty n. 责任,义务,本分cut back on 减少,削减,缩减production n. 产量;生产recycle vt. & vi. 回收利用pipe n. 管子,管道greedy adj 贪婪的,贪心的businessman n. 企业家responsibility n. 责任,职责belief n. 看法;信念environmental adj. 环境的operate 经营;动手术credit n. 赞扬,认可;信用quantity n. 数量raw adj. 原始的raw material n. 原材料seafood n. 海味,海鲜willing adj. 愿意的,乐意的tax n. 税,税款goods n. 商品,货品use up 用尽run out (of) 用完,耗尽madam n. 女士,夫人arrival n.抵达;到达者clean up 打扫(或清除)干净arrest vt. & n. 逮捕illegally adv. 非法地customs n. 海关;关税feather n. 羽毛tortoise n. 陆龟blanket n. 毯子,厚的覆盖层impress vt. 使印象深刻clap vt. & vi. 鼓掌,抬手economic adj. 经济的conflict vi. 冲突 n. 冲突queue vi. 排队 n. 行列queue up 排队等候desertification n. 沙漠化crop n. 庄稼,农作物fence n. 栅栏,篱笆,围栏soil n. 土壤bush n. 灌木decrease 减少 n. 减少drill 钻,打(眼) n. 操练measure 措施;尺度;测量administration 管理;管理部门satellite n. 人造卫星pick out 找出,挑选typhoon n. 台风flood 洪水;大量;淹没range n. 范围;一系列;山脉 vi. 变化;包括;排序illegal adj. 违法的,非法的under way 进行中conservation(自然环境)保护dolphin n. 海豚in /with regard to 关于,至于appreciate vt. 赞赏;感谢climate n. 气流low-carbon adj. 低碳的carbon n. 碳carbon dioxide n. 二氧化碳let off 排放vehicle n. 交通工具,车辆petrol n. 汽油engine n. 发动机,引擎electrical adj. 电的,用电的plant n. 工厂;发电厂fuel 燃料;加油consume vt. 消耗,耗费;消费in particular 尤其,特别absorb vt. 吸收;理解oxygen n. 氧气decade n. 十年do one's part 尽自己的职责Unit 3clone 克隆tissue n. 组织;纸巾toy with 戏弄,摆弄real-life adj. 真实的monster n. 怪物exact adj. 精确的,准确的cell n. 细胞;小隔间;电池mammal n. 哺乳动物Intention n. 意图,目的;企图anxiety n. 忧虑,焦虑,不安adopt vt. 收养,领养;采纳legal adj. 合法的push ahead with 努力推进physician n. 医师,内科医生goat n. 山羊consequence n. 结果,后果harvest vt. & vi. 收割n. 收获for sale 供出售,待出售transform vt. 使改变形态concept n. 概念;观念crime n. 罪,罪行fellow n. 男子,家伙;同事profession n. 职业,行业radiation n. 辐射,放射线breakthrough n. 突破original adj. 原来的judgment n. 判断力,判决be/ get burnt out 耗尽体力relation n. 关系;亲戚public relation n. 公共关系follow in one's footsteps效仿某人conduct vt. 实施;指挥乐队majority n. 多数,大多数summary n. 总结;概括,概要consideration n. 仔细考虑;顾及take…into consideration认真考虑hunger n. 饥饿;饥荒tasty adj. 美味的,可口的nutrition n. 营养ordinary adj. 普通的,一般的reliable adj. 可信赖的accurate adj. 准确的,精确的brief adj. 短暂的;简洁的actual adj. 真实的,实际的confirm vt. & vi. 证实;确认agriculture n. 农业channel n. 水道;航道;隧道favour n. 赞同;帮助;偏爱in favor of 赞同,支持point of view n. 观点catastrophe n. 灾难,灾祸resource n. 资源acre n. 英亩rainforest n. 雨林income n. 收入,收益genetics n. 遗传学frighten vt. 使惊讶,使惊恐genetically adv. 从基因上modify vt. 调整,修改;修饰insert vt. 插入,嵌入pest n. 害虫profit n. 利润 vt. & vi. 获益chain n. 一系列;一连串food chain n. 食物链permission n. 准许,批准高中词汇2姓名:adj. 方便的n. & vi. 战斗patterndragadj. 实用的thus typewriter versionUnit 3文明讲座兴建,创建take over volcano eruptashpour不幸的mud装饰,装潢flee研究者,调查者true-to-life灾难毁坏,摧毁商业的,贸易的富有的,富裕的渐渐地sandstorm scholar文化的instituteruinremains beneathpot材料物质的文献,文件作坊,车间explode nearby 极度的;极端的抱怨的bone木制的皮革的历史的解决办法,解答表达;表情,神色观众,听众洞穴ceremony主席pearlharbornavy强有力的airfieldbomb水手,海员幸运的aircraft宣布,宣称纪念纪念碑 adj. 纪念的vt. 教育stature无疑,确实rise up againsttroopstand in one's pathmarchgloryaheadcome down withadj. 辽阔的;巨大的philosophyn. 薪金,薪水adj. 意识到的;察觉到的n. 基础;基准;原因courtcorrupttrialjudgepoison n. 毒药 vt. 毒害,下毒模块四Unit 1airlinen. 毒品;药,药物n. 光亮,光泽shampoon.(ad)广告;vt. 说服,劝说vt. & vi. 做广告旨在,目的是福利vt. & vi. 欺骗 n. 骗子adj. 有技巧的;熟练的虽然,即使innocentn. 气息;呼吸foolvt. 治愈 n. 药物,疗法groceryadj. 高兴,满意n. 评论vi. 评论mentalfall forplay trick on以…为目标,目的全国范围的(地)关于;处理,应付座右铭;格言,箴言香烟,卷烟使受益n. 益处vt. 推广,促销n. 智力,才智n. 奴隶vt. 咨询;请教n. 理解力adj. 最新的n. 畅销书;畅销品adj. 大为惊奇推荐;介绍publisherpurchasen. 设计者,设计师n. 软件tiplogoslogancorporationmultiplyvt. & n. 设计vt. & n. 更新n. 年轻人;青春,朝气n. 方面;层面adj . 味道好的bargainbonusfancy弄清楚;计算出n. 媒体n. 海报n. 目标;靶子 vt. 瞄准vt. 决定;裁决n. 分析,分析结果吸引,;呼吁vi. 做出反应,回应adv. 个别地;本人把…表达清楚n. 小包,小盒adj. 有毒的lungn. 癌症n.吸烟者fingernailvt. 敦促n. 强烈的欲望tobacco论说文,小品文使震惊;震惊Unit 2committeeadj. 愉快的,高兴的n. 重要性,意义wrestlingn. 传统;风俗vi. 比赛;竞争in honour ofn. & adj. 男性(的)n. 国家,民族adj. 现代的adj. 著名的medalboxingn. 竞标赛flameopeningn. 缺席;不存在hurdlelead the waygymnasticsn. 冠军,优胜者hang onadj. 最终的n. 决赛n. 喜悦,欢乐n. & vt. 尝试,努力boundary社会运动;移动,nesttorchstadium交通工具;运输n. 公民;居民vestunderwearkettleotherwiseassociationgrainroutinetoastnetoriginadv. 往户外的,在户外adj. 频繁的技术,工艺,技巧continentbudgetvt. 去除;免除,解除adj. 特别的,不寻常的n. 力量;权力;统治make way forn. 射门,进球得分;目标n. 射门;射击;药物注射refereewhistleUnit 3virtualn. 现实,事实n. 展示;颁发vt. 使惊奇,使惊adj. 被动的n. 使用者n. 观光,游览n. 幸福,快乐n. 头戴式耳机add tonetworkstudio社交的;社会的adj. 制胜的,获胜的adj. 自信的put forwardadj. 失望的adj. 有残疾的n. 方便,便利adj. 安全的;稳固的firefighterinjurebiologywhalesquirrelurbann. 规划;制定计划neighbourhoodas ton. 操作人员n. 费用n. 缺点;障碍adj. 电的,电动的built-in adjClayliquidpowder最后但同样重要的programmingaccusepiracyfadeeditoradj 连续发生的modernn.显示器;监视vi. 起作用;作用n. 打印机;印刷厂按钮;扣上纽扣chiefimportancevt. 收拾,纸袋,一包nephewvt. 聘用,雇用;租用shoremushroomgasdinosaurn. 出口;出去ceilingfloat逃跑,逃离,被忽视terroradv. 向上,向高处n. 阳光,目光adj. 破旧的;疲惫的mankindevolvebeastn. 印象,感想masterfrost模块五Unit 1vt. 出卖,背叛n. 小测验假装;装扮,扮作adj. 愉快的,高兴的washroomvt. & vi. 承认;接纳vt. & vi. 请求,恳求发誓;咒骂,说脏话spy ontrulyvt. 原谅,宽恕adv. 真诚地n. 童年,幼年superb集中注意力于…焦点n. 速度;步伐;节奏n. 方式;态度,举止adj. 极坏的,糟糕的adj. 内疚的;有罪的adj. 伤人的;残酷的n. & vi. 评论,谈论vt. 不喜欢,厌恶vi. 争吵,争论dj. 令人尴尬的vi. 道歉n. & vi. 争吵,争执易生气的;敏感的擅长运动的;健壮的envy责备,指责;责任adj. 有天赋的n. 分歧,争论before longmailboxalgebraarithmeticn. 娱乐,消遣amusement parkcircusonlineidentityabsurd无望的;糟透的vt. 克服,解决(用电话)接通acquaintanceapartmentn. 话题n. 态度,看法anchorbe based on ,adj. 小心的,谨慎的adj. 热切的,急不可待的全世界(的)adolescentvi. 做出反应,回应vi. & n. 停顿,暂停regardless不管,不顾n. 平安,安全end upwaiting room依靠,依赖trolleybusrevisionthanks tocommittedmercyn. 道歉Unit 2n. 经济;经济体n. 女发言人n. 顾问n. & vi. 辩论,讨论open the floor流动;连贯n. 十亿n. 责任,义务,本分cut back onn. 产量;生产recyclepipegreedyn. 企业家n. 责任,职责n. 看法;信念adj. 环境的经营;动手术creditn. 数量rawraw materialseafoodadj. 愿意的,乐意的n. 税,税款n. 商品,货品用尽用完,耗尽女士,夫人抵达;到达者clean uparrestadv. 非法地customsfeathertortoiseblanketvt. 使印象深刻clapeconomicvi. 冲突 n. 冲突vi. 排队 n. 行列排队等候desertification cropfencen. 土壤bush减少 n. 减少drill措施;尺度;测量administrationn. 人造卫星pick outtyphoon水;大量;淹没rangeadj. 违法的,非法的under way conservation dolphinin /with regard to vt. 赞赏;感谢climatelow-carbon carboncarbon dioxidelet off交通工具,车辆petrolengineadj. 电的,用电的plant燃料;加油vt. 消耗,耗费;消费in particular吸收;理解oxygenn. 十年尽自己的职责Unit 3clonetissuetoy with真实的monsteradj. 精确的,准确的cellmammaln. 意图,目的;企图n. 忧虑,焦虑,不安vt. 收养,领养;采纳adj. 合法的push ahead withphysiciangoatconsequencevt. & vi. 收割n. 收获for salevt. 使改变形态概念;观念crimefellown. 职业,行业n. 辐射,放射线n. 突破adj. 原来的n. 判断力,判决be/ get burnt outn. 关系;亲戚public relationfollow in one's footsteps实施;指挥乐队n. 多数,大多数n. 总结;概括,概要n. 仔细考虑;顾及认真考虑n. 饥饿;饥荒adj. 美味的,可口的nutritionadj. 普通的,一般的adj. 可信赖的adj. 准确的,精确的adj. 短暂的;简洁的adj. 真实的,实际的vt. & vi. 证实;确认agriculturechannel赞同;帮助;偏爱赞同,支持point of viewcatastrophen. 资源acren. 雨林n. 收入,收益geneticsvt. 使惊讶,使惊恐geneticallymodifyinsertn. 害虫n. 利润 vt. & vi. 获益chainfood chainn. 准许,批准。

英文反腐败警句English: "Corruption corrodes the very fabric of society, eroding trust in institutions and fostering a culture of impunity. It is a cancer that thrives in the darkness of secrecy and greed, undermining the rule of law and hindering economic development. To combat corruption effectively, we must uphold transparency, accountability, and ethical leadership at all levels of governance. As individuals, we must refuse to be complicit in corruption, and instead, champion integrity and justice. Only through collective action and unwavering commitmentto integrity can we purge corruption from our societies and build a future of fairness and prosperity for all."中文翻译:"腐败腐蚀着社会的根基,侵蚀着对制度的信任,培育了一种滥权文化。

儒林外史续写600字作文英文回答:In the annals of Chinese literature, "The Scholars," penned by Wu Jingzi, stands as a towering classic, renowned for its incisive satire and vivid portrayal of the foibles and eccentricities of the literati. The novel's success has inspired countless readers to imagine its possible sequels, and I offer my own humble attempt to continue the tale.The story unfolds in the twilight years of the Qing Dynasty, as the waves of change lap at the shores of the scholarly world. Wang Mingshi, the enigmatic protagonist of Wu's original work, has long since passed away, but his legacy lingers in the hearts and minds of those who follow in his footsteps.Enter Zhou Rui, a young scholar from a humble background, who possesses an unyielding determination to rise above his circumstances. With his razor-sharp wit andunquenchable thirst for knowledge, he sets out on a journey to the bustling metropolis of Beijing, where he hopes to make his mark.In the labyrinthine alleys and crowded streets of the capital, Zhou Rui encounters a kaleidoscope of characters, each with their own unique quirks and ambitions. There is the pompous and self-important Master Yu, whose shallow learning is surpassed only by his unyielding egotism; the cunning and manipulative Madam Wang, who wields her seductive charms to ensnare unsuspecting scholars; and the enigmatic Old Man Fang, a retired official who possesses a wealth of wisdom and experience.As Zhou Rui navigates this treacherous landscape, he finds himself torn between his ideals and the reality of the corrupt and venal world that surrounds him. He witnesses the rampant nepotism and favoritism that permeate the halls of power, and he despairs at the rampant commercialization that has infected the once-sacred world of scholarship.Yet, amidst the darkness, Zhou Rui also encounters kindred spirits who share his passion for truth and justice. Among them is Chen Nan, a fellow scholar who has dedicated his life to promoting social reforms; and the beautiful and virtuous Li Qing, who offers Zhou Rui both intellectual companionship and unwavering support.As the story progresses, Zhou Rui's path intersectswith that of Wang Mingzhe, the long-lost son of Wang Mingshi. Wang Mingzhe, unlike his father, is a man ofaction rather than contemplation. He has embarked on a perilous quest to expose the corruption that has rotted the Qing Dynasty from within.Together, Zhou Rui and Wang Mingzhe form an unlikely alliance, determined to right the wrongs they witness. They infiltrate the corridors of power, outwitting their adversaries and exposing their nefarious deeds. In the end, their efforts lead to a dramatic confrontation that shakes the very foundations of the empire.The sequel to "The Scholars" is a tale of ambition,idealism, and the indomitable spirit of those who dare to challenge the status quo. It is a story that speaks to the human condition, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, hope can prevail.中文回答:在中华文学的长河中,吴敬梓笔下的《儒林外史》堪称一座巍峨的高峰,以其辛辣的讽刺和对文人雅士的生动刻画而著称。

生活中应该执着探求真相的例子英文回答:In life, there are numerous examples where it is important to persistently seek the truth. One such exampleis in the field of journalism. As a journalist, it is my duty to uncover the truth and present it to the public. I remember a particular incident where I was investigating a corruption scandal involving a high-ranking government official. Despite facing numerous obstacles and threats, I remained steadfast in my pursuit of the truth. Through extensive research, interviews, and gathering of evidence,I was able to expose the corrupt practices of this official. This not only led to his removal from office but also brought about significant changes in the government's policies to prevent future corruption. This experience taught me the importance of perseverance and the impactthat seeking the truth can have on society.Another example of the importance of seeking the truthcan be seen in personal relationships. Let's take the example of a close friend who is behaving strangely and avoiding contact. Instead of jumping to conclusions or accepting their excuses, it is crucial to dig deeper and find out the real reason behind their behavior. By having an open and honest conversation, we can uncover any underlying issues or conflicts that may be causing the distance. This pursuit of truth can help strengthen the friendship and resolve any misunderstandings or grievances. It is only through seeking the truth that we can truly understand and support each other.中文回答:生活中有很多例子表明,执着地追求真相是非常重要的。

正能量惩治罪恶的句子英文1. Justice will prevail over evil.2. Positivity is the driving force to eradicate crime.3. Good will always triumph over wickedness.4. The light of positive energy will dispel the darkness of evil.5. Empowering goodness is the solution to punish the wicked.6. Positive vibes will eradicate the seeds of crime.7. The power of positivity will cleanse society from wrongdoing.8. With positive energy, we will conquer the realm of evil.9. Goodness will overpower the deeds of the corrupt.10. By spreading positivity, we can deter criminal behavior.11. The strength of positive actions will bring justice to the wicked.12. Combating crime requires the infusion of positive energy.13. The force of positive attitudes will deter criminal acts.14. With positive values, we can eliminate the plague of crime.15. Positivity is the catalyst to purge society from wrongdoing.16. Empowering kindness will eradicate the deeds of the malicious.17. By promoting positive actions, we can curb criminal activities.18. Goodness shines brighter than the darkness of crime.19. Positive energy will restore justice and punish the evil-doers.20. The power of positivity will eliminate the source of wickedness.21. Through embracing positive values, we will overcome criminality.22. Goodness will prevail in the face of evil.23. The strength of positive actions will extinguish the flames of crime.24. By promoting a positive mindset, we can deter criminal behavior.25. With the power of positivity, we can bring the wicked to justice.26. Positivity is the weapon of choice to combat wrongdoing.27. The force of positive thinking will expose the malice of criminals.28. Good deeds will triumph over the malevolence of criminals.。

什么是不诚实的行为英语作文Honesty is a fundamental virtue that underpins the fabric of our society. It is the cornerstone of trust, respect, and integrity, enabling us to build meaningful relationships and navigate the complexities of life with clarity and purpose. Dishonest behavior, on the other hand, erodes these essential foundations, leading to a breakdown in communication, a loss of credibility, and a deterioration of the social fabric.At its core, dishonesty is the act of intentionally misrepresenting the truth, whether through deception, lying, or the concealment of relevant information. It can manifest in various forms, from the seemingly harmless white lie to the more egregious acts of fraud, theft, or betrayal. Regardless of the scale or context, dishonest behavior undermines the trust and goodwill that are essential for healthy and productive relationships, both personal and professional.One of the most insidious aspects of dishonesty is its ability to spread like a virus, infecting and corrupting the individuals and institutions it touches. When people engage in dishonest practices, it sets a precedent that can be difficult to reverse, as others may feel compelled to follow suit in order to level the playing field or protecttheir own interests. This creates a vicious cycle of mistrust, where everyone is constantly on guard, unable to rely on the honesty and integrity of those around them.The consequences of dishonest behavior can be far-reaching and severe. On a personal level, it can damage one's reputation, erode self-esteem, and lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and isolation. In professional settings, dishonesty can result in the loss of job opportunities, the breakdown of business relationships, and even legal repercussions. In the broader societal context, dishonest practices can undermine the stability of institutions, corrupt the democratic process, and contribute to the erosion of public trust in government, the media, and other important pillars of society.Ultimately, the pursuit of honesty and integrity is not just a matter of moral obligation; it is a fundamental requirement for the healthy functioning of our communities and the realization of our collective aspirations. By cultivating a culture of truthfulness and accountability, we can foster an environment where individuals and organizations are held to the highest standards of ethical conduct, and where the inherent worth and dignity of every person is respected and upheld.To achieve this, we must be willing to confront dishonest behavior head-on, both within ourselves and in the world around us. This may require the courage to speak up, the humility to acknowledge ourown mistakes, and the resilience to withstand the social and professional pressures that can tempt us to compromise our values. It may also involve the development of robust systems and institutions that promote transparency, accountability, and the protection of whistleblowers who have the courage to expose wrongdoing.By embracing honesty as a guiding principle, we can build a society that is more just, equitable, and resilient – one where the pursuit of truth and the protection of the common good are the driving forces behind our collective endeavors. It is a noble and challenging task, but one that is essential for the well-being of ourselves, our communities, and the generations that will follow in our footsteps.。

86版西游记英语Corruption in the Heavenly PalaceIn the Heavenly Palace, corruption is rampant. Many gods have become selfish and greedy, using their powers for personal gain. The Jade Emperor, who rules the palace, turns a blind eye to this corruption, as he is more interested in his own pleasures.One god, named Nezha, stands up against this corruption. He is a brave and courageous god, and he believes in justice and fairness. Nezha tries to expose the corrupt practices of the gods, but they have powerful allies who protect them.Nezha decides to go on a journey to gather evidence against the corrupt gods. On his journey, he faces numerous challenges and battles, but he never gives up. Along the way, Nezha meets and befriends other gods who are also against the corruption.Together, they form a powerful force against the corrupt gods. They expose their illegal activities and bring them to justice. The Jade Emperor finally realizes the extent of the corruption and takes action to clean up the Heavenly Palace.With the corrupt gods removed from power, the Heavenly Palace becomes a fair and just place once again. Nezha is hailed as a hero and a symbol of courage and integrity. He is admired by gods and humans alike for his bravery and determination.The 86 version of "Journey to the West" highlights the issue of corruption and the importance of standing up against it. It portraysa society where those in power abuse their authority for personal gain, and the consequences of such behavior.。

My favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption, a timeless classic that has captivated audiences since its release in 1994. Directed by Frank Darabont and based on a novella by Stephen King, the film tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is wrongly convicted of the murder of his wife and her lover.The movies narrative unfolds within the confines of Shawshank State Penitentiary, where Andy forms an unlikely friendship with a fellow inmate named Ellis Red Redding. The two men bond over their shared experiences of injustice and the harsh realities of prison life. Through their friendship, they find solace and hope in a place where both are in short supply.One of the reasons I love The Shawshank Redemption is its powerful portrayal of the human spirits resilience. Despite the oppressive environment, Andy never loses hope and uses his intelligence and resourcefulness to improve the lives of his fellow inmates. He brings music into the prison, helps other prisoners earn their high school diplomas, and even manages to expose the corrupt wardens illegal activities.Another aspect of the film that resonates with me is its exploration of redemption and the possibility of change. Andys unwavering determination to prove his innocence and his ultimate escape from Shawshank symbolize the triumph of good over evil. The movie shows that even in the darkest of circumstances, there is always a chance for redemption and a better future.The performances in The Shawshank Redemption are nothing short of phenomenal. Tim Robbins delivers a nuanced portrayal of Andy, capturing his quiet strength and dignity. Morgan Freemans portrayal of Red is equally compelling, providing the film with its emotional core and serving as the perfect narrative device.The cinematography and score of the movie also contribute to its enduring appeal. The bleak, gray palette of the prison contrasted with the vibrant colors of the outside world emphasizes the characters longing for freedom. Thomas Newmans haunting score adds an emotional depth that complements the films themes of hope and perseverance.In conclusion, The Shawshank Redemption is my favorite movie because of its compelling story, unforgettable characters, and powerful themes. It is a testament to the indomitable human spirit and a reminder that even in the face of adversity, hope can be found. This film has left an indelible mark on my heart and continues to inspire me whenever I watch it.。

新视野大学英语第三版B4U4TextA课文中英对照版unit4 TextAAchieving sustainable environmentalism 实现可持续性发展的环保主义1 Environmental sensitivity is now as required an attitude in polite society as is, say, belief in democracy or disapproval of plastic surgery. But now that everyone from Ted Turner to George H. W.Bush has claimed love for Mother Earth, how are we to choose among the dozens of conflicting proposals, regulations and laws advanced by congressmen and constituents alike in the name of the environment? Clearly, not everything with an environmental claim is worth doing. How do we segregate the best options and consolidate our varying interests into a single, sound policy?在上流社会,对环境的敏感就如同信仰民主、反对整容一样,是一种不可或缺的态度。
新世纪阅读教程3 unit5~6课文翻译

Unit 5 My Journey to the Top1 女人对权力和成为领导人所必须具备的品质仍旧心存芥蒂。
2 就我本人而言,我认为这种担心可能给我带来的麻烦较小,因为我非常幸运,我初次尝到做领导者滋味的时候,是个懵懂无知的局外人。
3 同样的情况发生在我的第一本书《温柔女人》出版的时候。
4 就这样,我在家乡以外的地方开始了自己的事业,这是一件庆幸之事。
5 从某种角度来看,我似乎做过不少行当,不过其核心一直是思想交流,不管是以前通过我的著作、专栏还是现在通过《哈芬顿邮报》这家网络报纸。
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I am going to speak about corruption, but I would like to juxtapose two different things. One is the large global economy, the large globalized economy, and the other one is the small, and very limited, capacity of our traditional governments and their international institutions to govern, to shape, this economy. Because there is this asymmetry, which creates, basically, failing governance. Failing governance in many areas, in the area of corruption and the area of destruction of the environment, in the area of exploitation of women and children, in the area of climate change. In all the areas in which we really need a capacity to reintroduce the primacy of politics into the economy, which is operating in a worldwide arena. And I think corruption, and the fight against corruption, and the impact of corruption, is probably one of the most interesting ways to illustrate what I mean with this failure of governance.Let me talk about my own experience. I used to work as the director of the World Bank office in Nairobi for East Africa At that time, I noticed that corruption, that grand corruption, that systematic corruption, was undermining everything we were trying to do. And therefore, I began to not only try to protect the work of the World Bank, our own projects, our own programs against corruption, but in general, I thought, we need a system to protect the people in this part of the world from the ravages of corruption. And, as soon as I started this work, I received a memorandum from the World Bank, from the legal department first, in which they said, you're not allowed to do this. You are meddling in the internal affairs of our partner countries. This is forbidden by the charter of the World Bank. So I want you to stop your doings.In the mean time, I was chairing donor meetings for instance, in which the various donors, and many of them like to be in Nairobi -- it is true, it is one of the unsafest cities of the world, but they like to be there because the other cities are even less comfortable. And in these donor meetings, I noticed that many of the worst projects which were put forward by our clients, by the governments, by promoters, many of them representing suppliers from the north, that the worst projects were realized first. Let me give you an example. A huge power project, 300 million dollars, to be built smack into one of the most vulnerable, and one of the most beautiful areas of western Kenya. And we all noticed immediately that this project had no economic benefits. It had no clients. Nobody would buy the electricity there. Nobody was interested in irrigation projects. To the contrary, we knew that this project would destroy the environment, it would destroy riparian forests, which were the basis for the survival of nomadic groups, the Samburu and the Tokana in this area. So everybody knew this is a, not a useless project, this is an absolute damaging, a terrible project, not to speak about the future indebtedness of the country for these hundreds of millions of dollars, and the siphoning off of the scarce resources of the economy from much more important activities like schools, like hospitals and so on. And yet, we all rejected this project. None of the donors was willing to have their name connected with it, and it was the first project to be implemented.The good projects, which we as a donor community would take under our wings,they took years, you know, you had too many studies, and very often they didn't succeed. But these bad projects, which were absolutely damaging for the economy, for many generations, for the environment, for thousands of families who had to be resettled. They were suddenly put together by consortia of banks, of supplier agencies, of insurance agencies, like in Germany, Hermes, and so on, And they came back very, very quickly, driven by an unholy alliance between the powerful elites in the countries there, and the suppliers from the north. Now, these suppliers were our big companies. They were the actors of this global market, which I mentioned in the beginning. They were the Siemenses of this world, coming from France, from the UK, from Japan, from Canada, from Germany, and they were systematically driven by systematic, large-scale corruption. We are not talking about 50,000 dollars here, or 100,000 dollars there, or one million dollars there. No, we are talking about 10 million, 20 million dollars, on the Swiss bank accounts, on the bank accounts of Liechtenstein, of the president's ministers, the high officials in the para-statal sectors.This was the reality which I saw, and not only one project like that, I saw, I would say, over the years I worked in Africa, I saw hundreds of projects like this. And so, I became convinced that this systematic corruption, which is perverting economic policy making in these countries, which is the main reason for the misery, for the poverty, for the conflicts, for the violence, for the desperation in many of these countries. That we have today, more than a billion people below the absolute poverty line, that we have more than a billion people without proper drinking water in the world, twice that number, more than two billion people without sanitation and so on, and the consequent illnesses of mothers and children, still, child mortality of more than 10 million people every year, children dying before they are five years-old. The cause of this, is to a large extent grand corruption.Now, why did the World Bank not let me do this work? I found out afterwards, after I left, under a big fight, the World Bank. The reason was that the members of the World Bank thought that foreign bribery was okay, including Germany. In Germany, foreign bribery was allowed. It was even tax-deductible. No wonder that most of the most important international operators in Germany, but also in France and UK and Scandinavia, everywhere, systematically bribed. Not all of them, but most of them. And this is the phenomenon which I call failing governance, because when I then came to Germany and started this little NGO here in Berlin, at the Villa Borsig, we were told, you cannot stop our German exporters from bribing, because we will lose our contracts. We will lose to the French, we will lose to the Swedes, we'll lose to the Japanese, and therefore, there was a indeed a prisoner's dilemma, which made it very difficult for an individual company, an individual exporting country to say, we are not going to continue this deadly, disastrous habit of large companies to bribe.So this is what I mean with a failing governance structure because, even the powerful government, which we have in Germany, comparatively, was not able tosay, we will not allow our companies to bribe abroad. They needed help, and the large companies themselves have this dilemma. Many of them didn't want to bribe. Many of the German companies, for instance, believe that they are really producing a high quality product at a good price, so they are very competitive. They are not as good at bribing as many of their international competitors are, but they were not allowed to show their strengths, because the world was eaten up by grand corruption.And this is why I'm telling you this, civil society rose to the occasion. We had a small NGO, Transparency International. They began to think of an escape route from this prisoner's dilemma, and we developed concepts of collective action, basically, trying to bring various competitors together around the table, explaining to all of them how much it would be in their interests if they simultaneously would stop bribing, and to make a long story short, we managed to eventually get Germany to sign together with the other OECD countries and a few other exporters.In 1997, a convention, under the auspices of the OECD, which obliged everybody to change their laws and criminalize foreign bribery. (Applause) Well, thank you, I mean it's interesting, in doing this, we had to sit together with the companies. We had here in Berlin at the Aspen institute on the Wannsee, we had sessions with about 20 captains of industry, and we discussed with them what to do about international bribery. In the first session, we had three sessions over the course of two years. And President von Weizsäcker, by the way, chaired one of the sessions, the first one, to take the fear away from the entrepreneurs, who were not used to deal with non-governmental organizations. And in the first session, they all said, this is not bribery, what we are doing. This is customary there. This is what these other cultures demand. They even applaud it. In fact, [unclear] still says this today. And so thereare still a lot of people who are not convinced that who have to stop bribing. But in the second session, they admitted already that they would never do this, what they are doing in these other countries, here in Germany or in the UK and so on. Cabinet ministers would admit this. And in the final session, at the Aspen Institute, we had them all sign an open letter to the Kohl government, at the time, requesting that they participate in the OECD convention.And this is, in my opinion, an example of soft power, because we were able to convince them that they had to go with us. We had a longer term time perspective. We had a broader, geographically much wider, constituency we were trying to defend. And that's why the law has changed. That's why Siemens is now in the trouble they are in. And that's why MIN is in the trouble they are in. In some other countries, the OECD convention is not yet properly enforced. And, again, civil societies breathing down the neck of the establishment.In London, for instance, where the BAE got away with a huge corruption case, which the Serious Fraud Office tried to prosecute, 100 million British pounds, every year for ten years, to one particular official of one particular friendly country, who then boughtfor 44 billion pounds of military equipment. This case, they are not prosecuting in the UK. Why? Because they consider this as contrary to the security interest of the people of Great Britain. Civil society is pushing, civil society is trying to get a solution to this problem and also in the UK and also in Japan, which is not properly enforcing, and so on.In Germany, we are pushing the ratification of the UN convention, which is a subsequent convention. We are, Germany, is not ratifying. Why? Because it would make it necessary to criminalize the corruption of deputies. In Germany, we have a system where you are not allowed to bribe a civil servant, but you are allowed to bribe a deputy. This is, under German law, allowed. And the members of parliament don't want to change this, and this is why they can't sign the UN convention against foreign bribery, one of they very, very few countries which is preaching honesty and good governance everywhere in the world, but not able to ratify they convention, which we managed to get on the books with about 160 countries all over the world.I see my time is ticking. Let me just try to draw some conclusions from what has happened. I believe that what we managed to achieve in fighting corruption, one can also achieve in other areas of failing governance. By now, the United Nations is totally on our side. The World Bank has turned from Saulus to Paulus under Wolfensohn, and they became, I would say, the strongest anti-corruption agency in the world. Most of the large companies are now totally convinced that they have to put in place very strong policies against bribery and so on. And this is possible because civil society joined the companies and joined the government in the analysis of the problem, in the development of remedies, in the implementation of reforms, and then later, in the monitoring of reforms.Of course, if civil society organizations want to play that role, they have to grow into this responsibility. Not all civil society organizations are good. The Ku Klux Klan is an NGO. So, we must be aware that civil society has to shape up itself. They have to have a much more transparent financial governance. They have to have a much more participatory governance in many civil society organizations. We also need much more competence of civil society leaders. This is why we have set up the governance school and the Center for Civil Society here in Berlin. Because we believe most of our educational and research institutions in Germany and continental Europe in general, do not focus enough, yet, empowering civil society and training the leadership of civil society.But what I'm saying from my very practical experience, if civil society does it right and joins the other actors, in particular, governments, governments and their international institutions, but also large international actors, in particular, those who have committed themselves to corporate social responsibility, then, in this magical triangle, between civil society, government and private sector, there is a tremendous chance for all of us to create a better world.Thank you.(Applause)我将要谈论腐败的问题,但是我想先将两件不同的事情放在一起讲讲。