
足球励志名言名句1、It's disappointed to me as you know what kind the World Cup means in football world. ——Rio Ferdinand, former captain of England national team无缘世界杯让我失望,世界杯在足坛有什么意义,你懂的。
——费迪南德,前英格兰国家队队长2、My job is to make it as difficult as possible for the coach to leave me after the rest. ——Landon Donovan, former captain of USA national team我的工作就是尽量用表现让教练无法把我排除在(参加世界杯的)阵容之外。
——多诺万,前美国国家队队长3、We need to go on fight hard, we need to work hard for each other. —Clint Dempsey, captain of USA national team 我们要继续努力战斗,要为彼此而努力工作。
—邓普西,美国国家队队长4、It's not about making the amazing saves, it's the little things and small things that made great gatekeepers great. ——Tim Howard, goalkeeper of USA national team伟大门将并不是靠神奇的扑救成就,而是因为注重小事、小细节才能成功。
——蒂姆·霍华德,美国国家队国门5、We have to talk about us, we have to improve. ——Fernando T orres, striker of Spain national team我们必须检讨自己,我们必须改进。

足球球星名言英文1.足球明星的名言乔丹:1、我可以接受失败,但我绝不放弃!2、如果他不选我,我会成为最让他头痛的敌人!科比:1、一天有24小时,每次进攻时间有24秒,我要充分利用每个24! 2、I LOVE THIS GAME(只要心够决)海耶斯:不是在沉默中爆发,就是在沉默中死去。
2.足球明星说的名言1 当我九岁时,我就开始为米兰做球童,还记得在圣西罗,在一场米兰的比赛中,当米兰射进制胜一球时,球门后一个九岁的小男孩,他的心在剧烈地跳动,那激动的情景和欣喜若狂的感受令他终身难忘,这个小男孩就是我。
------保罗马尔蒂尼 2 我会一直战斗到我会成为球队累赘的那一天。
----科斯塔库塔 3 米兰是一个充满了爱和尊敬的集体,让我心甘情愿的留在这里。
----赛尔吉尼奥 4 我的皮肤是黑色的,但我的血是红色的,我永远是米兰的人!-----维阿5 我是米兰的人,即使是在板凳上呆上一辈子,我也不会离开米兰,离开我的家。
---马萨罗6 米兰养育了我,她就是我的母亲,无论我有多困难,我都会坚持下去。
---安布罗西尼7 我永远不会忘记,一位俱乐部工作人员的孩子在我离开米兰时曾哭着对我说,马尔科,你别走,我会想你的!-----巴斯腾 8 我是AC米兰的队员,我决心留下来。
---巴雷西(1981年米兰降级时)9 从成为米兰人的那一天起,我就知道自己再也不可能忘记她了,她已成为我生命中不可抹去的一部分。
------里维拉10 能够穿上红黑剑条衫本身就是我的一种荣幸,就算是坐在场边,我也能和队友,球迷一样感到骄傲和自豪。
-----雷东多 11 我已做出决定,我将就此退役,尽管我不再为米兰效力,但我的心始终牵挂着她,直到永远---巴斯腾12 我很希望自己一生都披着红黑战袍为米兰效力。
足球文案 经典短句英文

"Football is not just a game, it's an art."(足球不仅仅是一场比赛,它是一门艺术。
"Football is a language that the whole world speaks."(足球是全世界都能理解的语言。
"Football is a game of opinions, and everyone has a voice."(足球是一个关于意见的游戏,每个人都有发声的权利。
"Football is a game of love."(足球是一项关于爱的游戏。

1、阿根廷队大巴,口号是get up,argentina are on themove(起来,阿根廷在行动)2、安哥拉队大巴,口号是:angola lead the way,our team is our people(安哥拉领跑,我们全民皆兵)3、澳大利亚大巴,口号是australia's socceroos-bound for glory(足球袋鼠-注定辉煌)4、巴拉圭队大巴,口号是from the heart of america...this is the guarani spirit(来自美洲的心脏……这就是瓜拉尼人的精神)5、巴西队大巴,口号是vehicle monitored by 180 million brazilianhearts(被一亿八千万颗心关注的巴西战车)6、波兰队大巴,口号是white and red,dangerous and brave(白与红,威慑与勇气的象征)7、德国队大巴,口号是we are football(我们代表足球)8、多哥队大巴,口号是a passion to win and a thirst to succeed(对胜利的激情与对成功的渴望)9、厄瓜多尔队大巴,口号是ecuador my life,football my passion,the cup my goal(厄瓜多尔,我们的生命,足球,我的激情,奖杯,我们的目标)10、法国队大巴,口号是liberate,egalite,jules rimet!(自由、平等、儒勒斯-雷米特)11、哥斯达黎加队大巴,口号是Our army is the team,our weapon is the ball,let's get to germany and give it our all(球队是我们的`军队,足球是我们的武器。

c罗说过的励志名言英语翻译Cristiano Ronaldo, widely recognized as one of the greatest football players of all time, has shared numerousmotivational quotes throughout his career. Here are some ofhis most inspiring sayings translated into English:1. "Your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable." This quote reflects Ronaldo's resilience andhis ability to use criticism as fuel for his success.2. "I'm not perfect, but I'm always trying to be better."This statement shows his humility and his commitment to continuous self-improvement.3. "I'm here to fight, to give my best for the team and the country." Ronaldo's dedication to teamwork and his country is evident in this quote.4. "The best revenge is a great comeback." This quote speaksto his competitive spirit and his determination to overcome adversity.5. "I always look at myself in the mirror and say, 'Cristiano, you can do this.'" This is a testament to the power of self-belief and positive self-talk.6. "I don't have any regrets in my life. I think I've done everything the best way I could." Ronaldo's confidence in hisdecisions and actions is clear in this quote.7. "Pressure is something you feel when you don't know what you're doing." This quote highlights his preparation and confidence in his abilities.8. "I'm not a perfectionist, but I like to set high standards for myself." Here, Ronaldo emphasizes the importance of setting personal goals and striving for excellence.9. "I don't need to show my worth by shouting. I do it by playing." This quote underscores his preference for letting his performance on the field do the talking.10. "You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." This quote encourages us to focus on what we can control and to make the most of our current situation.These quotes from Cristiano Ronaldo serve as a reminder of the dedication, hard work, and mental strength required to achieve greatness in any field.。

c罗说过的励志名言c罗说过的励志名言如下:1. 以我的人生经验,我可以告知一些年轻球员,假如你想成为一位巨星,那么光有球技是不行的,你必需要懂得一些做人的道理!(年嘉实多邀请C罗与世界各地的一些怀揣幻想的孩子们沟通时,C罗说出的话)2. 你们(指球迷)的爱让我变强,你们的恨让我不行阻挡。
3. 假如有朝一日,人们会像崇敬贝斯特或者贝克汉姆那样崇敬我,我会感到特别傲慢,那正是我为之努力的目标。
4. 我是一个多愁善感的人,我每次获得胜利上台领奖的时候,我脑海里都会呈现出我父亲的身影,我想告知他,爸爸我胜利了,你知道吗?5. 我就是世界上最好的球员,我也是世界上第一其次第三的球员,(当时在曼联年说的那时岁)6. 人必须要有颗感恩的心,无论你取得多大的胜利,你都不能遗忘一些协助过你的人或者挚友,弗格森就像是我足球上的父亲,他在我心中的位置恒久是NO.7. 有些球迷不断嘘我,向我吹口哨,骂我的家人,我觉得他们就是嫉妒我,有钱,又帅气,还有超群的球技。
8. 有失败,就不会有胜利,失败并不行怕,可怕的是你因为失败而放弃自己的幻想。
9. 我与梅西的关系并不是你们想的那样糟糕,将来有一天或许你们会望见我们在一起喝酒谈心。
10. 终极幻想是为国效力,协助葡萄牙获得世界杯,假如明年能在巴西世界杯上夺冠,那么我的那么业生涯将没有缺憾,从今退役c罗说过的励志名言精选:1. 记得我以前说过,我是高富帅这样的话,其实那是一个错误。
此时此刻回过头想想,我特别的懊悔说了那句话,2. 人们有时并不能够理解我,说我花心,结交了好多女孩子,其实事实并不是这样,我是成年人,与挚友交往我能看出对方的真心,假如我发觉有个女孩子对我的爱意里面,不参杂任何的金钱因素,那么我想他就是我志向当中的女人。

What football is round, the result can be kicked out.2、一个足球队就像一部机器,只有每个部件都运转起来,才能收到最大的效果。
A football team is like a machine, only each parts work and to receive the greatest effect.3、我太高兴了,皇马现在将有两个帅哥了。
I'm so glad, real Madrid will have two handsome boy now. In this so ugly team, I always feel lonely.4、小时候你进了很多球,然后你变得麻木了,于是成了一个门将。
When you scored many goals, and then you become numb, then became a goalkeeper.5、我所有的一切,我也要把我的一切献给足球。
All I am I, I also want to put my all to football.6、在足球场上不能有敌人。
In football there can be no enemies. I never hurt anyone. Is competing on the court, off the court is a friend.7、我自己认为,我是最出色的,压根就不需要金球奖来证明我是世界第一。
I believe myself, I am the best, didn't need to prove that I am the world's golden globes.8、有些人把足球等同与生死,我对此深表失望。

足球英语名言1. "Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win." — Gary Lineker2. "Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that." —Bill Shankly3. "A good footballer is someone who listens to the ball." —Pele4. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." — Winston Churchill5. "It's not the will to win that makes the difference, but the will to prepare to win." — Paul "Bear" Bryant6. "The only way to prove that your theory of the game is correct is by scoring goals." — Johan Cruyff7. "The harder I work, the luckier I get." — Gary Player8. "Y ou can't make a soufflé without cracking a few eggs." —Arsène Wenger9. "It's not about the size of the dog in the fight, it's about the size of the fight in the dog." — Mark Twain10. "The best time for you to do something is when no one else is." — John Wooden11. "The only thing that matters in football is the result." —José Mourinho12. "Football is the ballet of the masses." — Dmitri Shostakovich13. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." — WayneGretzky14. "It's not the size of the man in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the man." — Mark Twain15. "The beautiful game is not about the money, it's about the passion." — Zinedine Zidane16. "To score goals is a great feeling. To assist is even better because everyone can enjoy it." — Lionel Messi17. "Football is not a matter of life and death, it's much more important than that." — Bill Shankly (a slightvariation of his famous quote)18. "The only way to learn a new language is to practice the old language." — Unknown19. "Football is like life, it requires perseverance, self-denial, and hard work." — Pele20. "The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." — Oprah Winfrey请注意,上述名言中有些并非直接与足球相关,但它们所传达的精神和态度可以被应用于足球或其他任何领域。

足球人生感悟文案短句英文1. The beauty of football lies in its unpredictability.2. In football, every goal represents both struggle and triumph.3. Football teaches us that teamwork is the key to success.4. The pitch is where dreams are forged and hearts are tested.5. Football teaches us that failure is just a stepping stone towards success.6. The passion for football is what drives us to give our best on the field.7. Football is a universal language that bridges cultures and unites communities.8. The spirit of football teaches us to never give up, even when the odds are against us.9. Football teaches us to value dedication and discipline.10. The camaraderie in football is what makes the victories even sweeter.11. Football teaches us to be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.12. The love for football is a lifelong commitment, often passed down from generation to generation.13. Football teaches us that mistakes are part of the journey towards improvement.14. The thrill of scoring a goal is unmatched in any other sport.15. Football teaches us the importance of perseverance and resilience.16. The adrenaline rush on the field is an addictive feeling for anyfootball enthusiast.17. Football reminds us that success is a result of hard work and sacrifice.18. The beauty of football lies in the artistry displayed by players.19. Football teaches us to respect the rules and play fair.20. The joy of a well-struck pass or a perfectly timed tackle cannot be replicated.21. Football reveals the true character of individuals, both in victory and defeat.22. The strategy and tactics involved in football make it a mentally challenging sport.23. Football teaches us to embrace diversity and appreciate different playing styles.24. The bond between teammates extends beyond the field, creating lifelong friendships.25. Football teaches us that true strength lies in unity and solidarity.26. The memories made on the football pitch will be cherished for a lifetime.。

足球人生语录英文作文1. "Soccer is my life. It's not just a game, it's a passion that drives me every single day."2. "When I step onto the field, nothing else matters. It's just me, the ball, and the goal. Everything else fades away."3. "The feeling of scoring a goal is like nothing else in the world. It's pure euphoria, pure joy. That's what keeps me coming back for more."4. "Soccer has taught me discipline, perseverance, and teamwork. It's not just about individual skill, it's about working together to achieve a common goal."5. "The bond you form with your teammates is unbreakable. You go through the highs and lows together, and that creates a special kind of camaraderie."6. "I've faced setbacks and failures, but soccer has taught me to always get back up and keep fighting. It's a metaphor for life, really."7. "The roar of the crowd, the adrenaline pumping through your veins, there's nothing quite like the atmosphere of a soccer match. It's electric."8. "I've been fortunate to travel the world through soccer, experiencing different cultures and meeting people from all walks of life. It's truly enriching."9. "Soccer has given me so much, and I hope to give back to the sport in any way I can. Whether it's coaching, mentoring, or simply spreading the love for the game."10. "At the end of the day, soccer is more than just a sport. It's a way of life, a community, a family. And I wouldn't have it any other way."。

足球人生语录情感文案英语1. Football is not just a game, it's a way of life. The emotions and experiences on and off the pitch define who we are.2. In football, you learn to accept defeat and cherish victory. It's the journey that matters, not just the destination.3. The roar of the crowd, the smell of the grass, the passion in the air - football is an addiction that I wouldn't trade for anything.4. Football is a language that transcends borders, cultures, and differences. It unites people and creates lifelong friendships.5. Every goal, every save, every tackle is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and love for the game. Football is an art, and we are the artists.6. When I step onto the pitch, all my worries and troubles disappear. It's just me, the ball, and the pure joy of playing the beautiful game.7. Football teaches us resilience and perseverance. No matter how many times we fall, we get back up, stronger and more determined than ever.8. Dreams are born on the football field. It's a place where we can chase our ambitions, overcome obstacles, and push beyond our limits.9. The feeling of scoring a goal is indescribable. In that moment, you become a hero, a legend, and all the hard work becomes worth it.10. Football is an escape, a refuge from the chaos of the world. It's a safe haven where we can forget our problems and just focus on the love of the game.11. The bond between teammates is unbreakable. We fight together, celebrate together, and lift each other up when we fall. Football is a brotherhood.12. Football teaches us the importance of teamwork and trust. It's not about individuals, but about a collective effort to achieve greatness.13. The anticipation before a match, the nerves, the excitement - football is an emotional rollercoaster that keeps us coming back for more.14. As footballers, we carry the hopes and dreams of our fans on ourshoulders. The responsibility to perform, to entertain, and to inspire is what drives us.15. Football is a game of passion, where every emotion is amplified. It's a love affair that can never be broken.16. The greatest achievements are often born from the deepest failures. Football teaches us to never give up, to keep pushing forward even when the odds are against us.17. The legacy we leave behind as footballers is not just about the medals or trophies. It's about the memories we create, the impact we have on the lives of others, and the love we share for the beautiful game.。

足球男孩文案短句英文1. The story of a young football prodigy.2. A tale of passion, skills, and dreams.3. Witness the rise of a football legend.4. One boy's journey to conquer the football world.5. Follow the footsteps of a football-mad teenager.6. When talent meets dedication, extraordinary things happen.7. From the playground to the stadium, his dream comes true.8. A story of tears, sweat, and unbeatable determination.9. Football is his life, and he's ready to give it his all.10. Watch him dribble, shoot, and score his way to victory.11. A heartwarming tale of camaraderie and teamwork on the pitch.12. The beautiful game takes center stage in his life.13. Be inspired by the determination of this young footballer.14. Cheer for the underdog as he overcomes obstacles to succeed.15. Football is more than just a game to him; it's his greatest passion.16. A story of chasing dreams, overcoming obstacles, and finding strength.17. Watch him kick off his journey to become a football superstar.18. The boy with the golden feet—his talent knows no bounds.19. Discover the power of football to transform lives and create hope.20. One boy's love for the game takes him to new heights.21. A story of triumph, defeat, and the indomitable spirit of a young footballer.22. Witness the magic unfold as this football prodigy takes the field.23. The road to success isn't easy, but his love for the game keeps him going.24. Aspiring to be the best, one match at a time.。

足球精神语录情感文案英语"In football, as in life, it's not about how hard you hit;it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - It's a reminder that resilience and perseverance are key to success, both on the field and off."Champions keep playing until they get it right."- This quote encourages continuous effort and thedetermination to achieve excellence."When you have no one to turn to, that's when you develop the strength to do things on your own."- Emphasizing self-reliance and the power that comes from overcoming challenges independently."The only way to prove that you're a good sport is to lose a game gracefully."- A lesson in sportsmanship and maintaining dignity in defeat, which is as important as celebrating victory."The game of football is a lot like life - it requires perseverance, self-confidence, teamwork, and respect for opponents."- Highlighting the valuable life skills that can be learned and developed through the sport."Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of whatyou are doing or learning to do."- Pele's words underline the importance of dedication and passion in achieving success."A good footballer is someone who can do the simple things well."- Sir Alex Ferguson's quote reminds us that mastery often lies in the execution of the basics."In my world, football has always been about passion and emotion."- José Mourinho's words reflect the deep emotional connection that many have with the game."The most important thing in football is to have a goal. It doesn't matter how far away it is, as long as you aim for it."- A metaphor for setting and pursuing goals in life with determination and focus."Football is a team game. No single player makes much of a difference by himself."- A quote that stresses the importance of unity and collaboration in achieving collective success."The beautiful thing about football is that every once in a while, it reminds you why you fell in love with it in the first place."- A sentiment that captures the enduring love and passion that fans have for the sport."The ultimate goal in football is not to defeat the opponent team but to win."- A perspective that differentiates between the means and the end, focusing on the ultimate objective of the game.。

关于足球的英文名言1.有没有关于足球的英语名言Bill Shankly : "Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that." 2 "If Everton were playing at the bottom of the garden, I'd pull the curtains." Bill Shankly 3 "The trouble with referees is that they know the rules, but they don't know the game." Bill Shankly 4 "A lot of football success is in the mind. You must believe that you are the best and then make sure that you are. In my time at Liverpool we always said we had the best two teams in Merseyside, Liverpool and Liverpool reserves." Bill Shankly 5 "If you're in the penalty area and don't know what to do with the ball, put it in the net and we'll discuss the options later." Bob Paisley 6 "Liverpool was made for me and I was made for Liverpool." Bill Shankly Roy Evans 7 "Liverpool without European football is like a banquet without wine." Roy Evans 8 "Mind you, I've been here during the bad times too - one year we came second." Bob Paisley 9 "I hate talking about football. I just do it, you know?" Robbie Fowler 10 "Sometimes I feel I'm hardly wanted in this Liverpool team. If I get two or three saves to make, I've had a busy day." Ray Clemence 11 "Anyone who doesn't learn from Ian Rush needs shooting." Robbie Fowler 12 "Liverpool are magic, Everton are tragic." Emlyn Hughes 13 "I'd kick my own brother if necessary。

以下是一些经典的梅西金句,用英文表达:1. "I start early, and I stay late, day after day, year after year. It took me 17 years and 114 days to become an overnight success." This quote highlights Messi's dedication and perseverance, emphasizing the years of hard work behind his success.2. "I prefer to win titles with the team ahead of individual awards or scoring more goals than anyone else.I'm more worried about being a good person than being the best football player in the world." This quote showcases Messi's humility and team-oriented mindset, prioritizing collective success over personal accolades.3. "When the year starts, the objective is to win with all the team, personal records are secondary." Messi oftenemphasizes the importance of teamwork and collective achievements over individual glory.4. "I always thought I wanted to play professionally, and I always knew that to do that I'd have to make a lot of sacrifices. I made sacrifices by leaving Argentina, leaving my family to start a new life. I changed my friends, my people. Everything. But everything I did, I did for football, to achieve my dream." This quote reflects Messi's commitment to his passion for football, highlighting the sacrifices he made to pursue his dreams.5. "The best decisions aren't made with your mind, but with your instinct." Messi often attributes his success on the field to his intuition and instinct, showcasing the importance of natural talent and intuition in football.6. "There's nothing more satisfying than seeing a happy and smiling child. I always help in any way I can, even if it's just by signing an autograph. A child's smile is worth more than all the money in the world." This quoteillustrates Messi's philanthropic nature and his dedicationto making a positive impact off the field.7. "The day you think there's no improvements to be made is a sad one for any player." Messi's relentless pursuit of improvement and excellence is evident in this quote, emphasizing the importance of continuous growth and development.8. "I do it because I love it and that's all I care about." This simple yet powerful quote encapsulates Messi's pure love for the game of football, highlighting his passion and dedication.9. "You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it." Messi often emphasizes the importance of hard work and perseverance in achieving one's goals, inspiring others to pursue their dreams with determination.10. "I want to be remembered as a good person rather than a good football player." This quote reflects Messi's humility and values, emphasizing the significance ofcharacter and integrity beyond sporting achievements.These quotes capture different facets of Lionel Messi's personality, mindset, and approach to football, showcasing why he is not only one of the greatest players of all time but also a role model admired by many around the world.。

足球经典励志名言名句足球励志名言名句摘抄1. 我自己认为,我是最出色的,压根就不需要金球奖来证明我是世界第一。
——伊布2. 我脱衣服得到黄牌他们并不生气,他们看到了我的肌肉才感到嫉妒。
——巴神3. 比赛后我去找我妈妈,那是最美好的时刻。
——巴神4. Itsnotmyshirtnumber,itsmyIQ.——巴神5. 我生命中%的时间都在镁光灯下,所以通常情况下我是不苟言笑的,但凡看到过我其他%时间的人都觉得我是个蛮有幽默感的小伙子。
——巴神6. 我是一个AC米兰球迷。
——巴神7. 一个场均得分的人能有签名鞋本身就值得开心,我觉得喜欢我鞋子的人都喜欢我的为人。
——巴神8. 目前有三名球员比我更强,他们是梅西、C罗、伊布,我很佩服他们。
——巴神9. 进球时我不会庆祝,因为进球就是我的工作。
邮差送信,又何尝庆祝过呢?——巴神10. 对我来说穿上这件球衣有特殊的意义。
——梅西11. 现在这个世界有没有什么让我感到不舒服的?那就是为什么有的人的生活是一个样子,同时其他人却过着另外一种生活。
——梅西12. 那时我身体不佳,家庭分离,远离罗萨里奥,过的很清苦,最大的愿望就是能够踢出来,最大的快乐就是省出一点钱给妈妈和小妹妹带回去一点点礼物,最大的奢侈就是与队友合用电话卡与妈妈通话。
——梅西13. 当你在一座俱乐部成长起来,这就已经不仅仅是一家俱乐部了。
——梅西14. 我要说我想一生都留在巴塞罗那。

正文:1. "Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win." - Gary Lineker足球是一种简单的游戏;22个人追逐着一个球90分钟,最后,德国人总是获胜。
2. "Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that." - Bill Shankly有些人认为足球事关生死,我对那种态度非常失望。
3. "Football is like chess, only without the dice." - Lukas Podolski足球就像是没有骰子的棋局。
4. "Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do." - Pelé成功不是偶然的。

I think I'm the best. I don't need the Golden Globe to prove that I'm the first in the world.2、进球时我不会庆祝,因为进球就是我的工作。
邮差送信,又何尝庆祝过呢?I don't celebrate when I score because it's my job to score. How did the mailman celebrate delivering letters?3、在足球场上不能有敌人。
There can be no enemies on the football field. I didn't hurt anyone. On the court is an opponent, off the court is a friend.4、我太高兴了,皇马现在将有两个帅哥了。
I'm so happy that Real Madrid will have two handsome guys now. I always feel lonely in such an ugly team.5、直到遇到足球,我的人生彻底改变,我很记得我第一个足球的样子,在我心里,它就像一颗糖果。
Until I met football, my life changed completely. I remember my first football. In my heart, it was like a candy.6、足球是圆的,什么结果都能踢出来。
Football is round and can be played with any result.7、一个足球队就像一部机器,只有每个部件都运转起来,才能收到最大的效果。

c罗十大惊人名言英语版Cristiano Ronaldo, widely recognized as one of the greatest football players of all time, has made numerous memorable statements throughout his career. Here are ten of his most impressive quotes in English:1. "Your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable."This quote reflects Ronaldo's resilience and determination, showing that he draws strength from both support andcriticism.2. "I'm not obsessed with goals. I don't think about breaking records. I just want to help my team."Ronaldo emphasizes his team-first mentality and his focus on contributing to the collective success rather thanpersonal milestones.3. "I always look at myself in the mirror and say, 'Cristiano, you are just an ordinary person.'"This quote demonstrates his humility, reminding himselfthat despite his fame and success, he remains grounded.4. "I know I am very special."Despite his humility, Ronaldo also has the self-confidence to acknowledge his extraordinary talent.5. "I'm here to be a professional, to play, to enjoy the game,to score goals, and to make the fans happy."Ronaldo's mission statement on the pitch is clear: to entertain and satisfy the fans with his performances.6. "I don't need a Hollywood lifestyle. I am from the people, and I want to be with the people."He expresses his connection to his roots and his preference for a life that is not overly extravagant.7. "All my life, I've tried to be the best player in the world. That's what motivates me."Ronaldo's ambition is evident in this quote, as he constantly strives to be the best.8. "I'm not perfect, but I'm always trying to improve."He acknowledges his imperfections while also showing a commitment to self-improvement.9. "Pressure is something you feel when you don't know what you're doing."This quote from Ronaldo suggests that confidence and preparation can alleviate the feeling of pressure.10. "I think football is an art, it depends how you think. When I have a ball, I feel that the ball is part of me."Ronaldo views football as a form of expression and believes that his connection with the ball is integral to his success.These quotes capture the essence of Cristiano Ronaldo'sphilosophy, work ethic, and attitude towards life and football.。
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What football is round, the result can be kicked out.
A football team is like a machine, only each parts work and to receive the greatest effect.
I'm so glad, real Madrid will have two handsome boy now. In this so ugly team, I always feel lonely.
When you scored many goals, and then you become numb, then became a goalkeeper.
All I am I, I also want to put my all to football.
In football there can be no enemies. I never hurt anyone.
Is competing on the court, off the court is a friend.
I believe myself, I am the best, didn't need to prove that I am the world's golden globes.
Some people equates football and life and death, I am deeply disappointed. I can assure you that football is far, far beyond the life and death.
Football saved a originally is the criminal of I, I never want to spend a day on the job, because I don't know what to do.
When you go to the supermarket shopping, the woman who accept money also wonder, 'mistakes goalkeeper, this feeling is not good.
11、中国足球之所以永远上不去,就是永远不承认外人先进的大脑,而只管亲吻亲戚的 ** 。
Chinese football is always couldn't get on, it is never admit that outsiders are advanced brain, relatives and just kiss ass.
In football there cannot be the enemy of my football is based on speed, make full use of my feet and head, and rely on the real technology to win.
Goals when I won't celebrate, because the goal is to my work. The letters, is it celebrated?
These great loss of white spirit, Santiago bernabeu
football stadium is just ordinary.
Until meet football, completely change my life, I
remember what it is like to be my first football very much, in my heart, it is like a candy.
World Cup let me down, what's the meaning of the World Cup in football, you know.。