
1.at one’s best 处于最佳状态,在全盛时期

2.be committed to doing sth/ sth=be dedicated to=be devoted to 献身于,致力于

commit oneself to=dedicate oneself to =devote oneself to

3.take…seriously 认真对待

4.be slow to do/in doing 不太情愿干某事

Despite such alarming numbers, the federal and state governments have been slow in implementing programs to stop the spread of AIDS.

5.catch AIDS/a cold 得…病

6.be infected with 感染疾病

Another 185,000 of the one million infected with the HIV virus are also expected to die.

7.sign up for sth 报名参加;签约参加工作(或组织)

8.feel comfortable doing sth/with sth 自在的

We simply cannot let people continue to die because we don’t feel comfortable talking about AIDS.

He feels more comfortable with computers than with people.

9.distract from 分心

10.far more 更加

People were worried about my head; I was worried about something far more threatening.

11.IV-positive 艾滋病检测阳性的gay 男同性恋lesbian 女同性恋partner 同伴

12. prior to 在…之前prior to the finals

13.for fear 唯恐,害怕

We all seem afraid to say what is in our minds for fear it might start trouble.

14.be confident in sth/sb对….有信心的

Bob was quite confident in his ability to manage a company.

15.be immune to 不受…影响,对…有免疫力的

Adults are often immune to German measles. 成人往往对风疹有免疫力。

No one in our society can really be immune to public notices or announcements.

16.define…as 把…界定为,定义为

The two mothers insisted that they wanted only the best for their children but they defined “the best” as staying home to help support the family.

17.mistake…for 误当作

It’s painful to mistake kindness for love.

18. restrain (sb) from sth/doing sth 抑制住不干某事

I can’t restrain myself from telling her about her boyfriend.

19.scan for 扫视,查看

The sick woman scanned the doctor’s face for a sign of hope before leaving the office.

20.stop to do 停下来干某事stop doing 停止干某事

21. nothing but只有,只

You are nothing but a trashman.你只不过是个垃圾工

We are nothing but slaves to time.

22.boast about 吹牛,吹嘘

23.contrary to 与…相反

24.look down on/upon 蔑视,看不起

25.get to one’s feet 站起来

26.hold dear 珍惜

We hold dear our freedom to move about; the fruits of labor; our own lives and those of people we value.

27.be out of control 失去控制

28. be in favor of 支持,提倡

She has a gun and is still in favor of gun control.

29.keep from 阻止

The government is considering further action to keep the dollar from falling in value.

30.at the sight of 一看见

At the sight of her mother, the little girl stopped crying and ran to meet her.

31.impose on 强加于

We should not impose our own will on others.

32.bill for 因…送交某人帐单或罚单

Cars will be billed for speeding on this highway.

33.on average 平均

34.under siege 被包围

Smoking cigarette is under siege as a habit. Smoking advertising is banned in many areas.

under attack 被攻击

35.at an alarming rate 以惊人的速度

36.involve in 使卷入,陷入

37. 拒绝decline, refuse, reject, turn down

38.提出问题pose a question

39.at hand 在考虑之中;即将到来,近在手边

The apartment is ideally located with all local public facilities close at hand.

40.in short supply缺货,短缺

Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today and getting scarcer.

41.the bottom line 重要因素,关键的东西

demand of 要求,期待

Integrity is the real bottom line in every area of society and a discipline we must demand of ourselves.

42.rely on =count/depend on /upon依赖,依靠

43.engage in 参与

44.at one’s earliest convenience 尽快

He wrote a letter to the company, asking them to send the goods at their earliest convenience. 45.ensure VS assure

ensure 确保,担保assure + sb告知某人某事一定会发生

The man, who had been assured that the plane would be on time, sighed with relief.

The general manager’s letter, which gave him credit(赞扬),ensure his promotion.

46.figure out 发现,决定,想出

47.be inclined to 倾向于,容易做(be likely to, intend to)

Students who are inclined to cheat are going to cheat regardless of the technology.

48.sort of 有点,有几分

49.make the most of 充分利用

We should make the most of our time.

50.result in 导致,造成…的结果

This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring.

51.under pressure 在压力下

52.in person 亲自,亲身

53.take sth personally 为某事针对自己而不悦

I am afraid he took your remarks personally.

54.recover from从…中恢复到正常状态

The country has not yet recovered from the effects of economic depression which hit t a few years ago.

55.be tired of 厌烦,讨厌

be tired from 干某事而劳累

56.clash with 与…冲突,不一致

Your views of beliefs, values and traditions may clash with that of another country/culture.

57.much less 更不用说let alone, not to mention

He couldn’t pick up the box, much less carry it upstairs.

58.spring up突然出现

As environmental damage has increased, signs of change have sprung up in various pockets(小块地区) around the world.

59.take measures to 采取方法,采取措施

If we do not take measures to reduce pollution, the environmental effect of this new factory could be a disaster.

60.as a result of=because of 因为

61.aim at=intend to do, try to do 试图做

62.set up 建立,创立establish

63.lead to 导致,The explosive growth has led to removal of forests in much of the country. lead into 通往,通向

A thousand miles of bike trails lead into the San Francisco Peaks.

64.为…提供资金fund, finance, sponsor

65.frown on/upon 反对

66.wage a campaign/ war发起运动/发动战争

67.coordinate one’s effort to 齐心努力

68.take care of 负责,处理

He is now taking care of marketing and public relationship.

care about 关心,担心

69.approach 处理deal/cope with sth =handle sth

Gail’s father approached our decision with a father-knows-best attitude.

70.reach a comprise妥协

https://www.360docs.net/doc/0019459099.html,e up with 想出,找到(答案或解决方法)

72.win over 争得(别人的)支持或恩惠

Mother is against the idea, but I’m sure I can win her over.

73.hold one’s breath 屏息

74.not have a clue 一无所知

He didn’t even have a clue about what he had done.

75.on behalf of sb=on sb’s behalf 代表某人

76.concerning 关于

Police were anxious to hear any information concerning his whereabouts.(下落,行踪)

77.at first glance 乍一看,最初看到时

78.live through 经历,经受住

79.as long as 只要

80.hit the target 达到目的

This year the company hit the target of doubling their domestic sales.

81.in the event of 如果…发生

In the event of illness, each student has a medical assistance card.

82.take on 承担工作

Don’t take on too much work at once, or you will make yourself too tired.

83.to (one’s ) capacity 满座的,满载的

One student succeeded in stuffing two enormous suitcases to their capacity.

84.economize on节省

We must economize on water because water resource is limited.

85.make a fortune 发财

His family has made a great fortune in the oil business.

86.be grateful for 感激

87.starve of 渴望,丧失

In the poor neighborhoods of the city, there are many uncared-for (无人照顾的)young children who starved if parental love.

88.struggle to do 挣扎,奋斗

89.gain pounds/weight 增肥,变胖

90.take…for granted 想当然认为

91.on demand 一经要求

Passengers must show their tickets as soon as they are on demand.

92.stand up to 勇敢面对,经受住

Spoiling a child also happens when parents are unable to stand up to their children’s unreasonable demands.

93.give in 认输,屈服

94.turn over a new leaf改过自新,重新做人

95.rob sb of sth 剥夺(某人所需或应得之物)

96.be bound to 一定会

You work so hard, and you are bound to succeed.

97for better or worse 不管结果好坏

98.convey to 转达,表达(思想,感情等)

99. free from 不具…的,不为危险伤害的

be guilty of对…有罪责

Though most of us would like to think ourselves free from such prejudiced notions, we are all guilty of name stereotyping to some extent.

100.take charge of =be in charge of 负责,管理

101.go to great lengths to do 竭尽全力去做

The famous actor went to great lengths to hide from reporters and photographers so that he wouldn’t be embarrassed to answer those sensitive questions.

102.be inappropriate for 不适当的,不合适的

103.up to sth 能做,胜任

Since he hasn’t even graduated from the junior high school, he is not up to that job.

104.out of character 不合..个性

When I asked her opinion of marrying a rich a man whim one didn’t love, the response she gave me was far out of character that it shocked me.

105.take sides 赞同,站在哪一边

When arguing about who would win the first place, David never took sides.

on sb’s side 对某人有利,赞同某人的意见

but next year, the weather may not be on their side.

106.follow one’s track 跟着

107.cut down 减少…数量

You can first make a list of 12 things, then cut it down to 6 and set your priority.

108.keep sth in mind 记住

109. attribute to 归因于,归咎于attribute vt

She attributed her broken marriage to her husband’s short temper.

owing to 由于,因为owing adj

Her broken marriage is owing to her husband’s short temper.

110. This is an important matter, so we must give it priority over all other business.

111. at risk 处于危险之中

112.tend to do sth 倾向于,易于,往往会

Jane tends to get angry if you annoy her.

113.rack one’s brains 绞尽脑汁

https://www.360docs.net/doc/0019459099.html,e in 出现,发生

But what is wrong is that these things often come in at a high price to their health and the welfare of their families.

115.bleak economic conditions 暗淡的经济状况

116. if only(表示强烈愿望)但愿,真希望,虚拟

If only I knew then what I know now.

If only I haven’t say those stupid things.

117.be well off 经济充裕,富裕

118.be fond of 很喜欢,很喜爱

119. arrive at 达成,得到

Most people finally arrive at the inevitable conclusion that they were meant to do more than serve a corporation, a government agency, or whatever.

120.be meant to do 应该做,意欲,打算

I smiled a smile that was meant to signify interest in this excursion.

121.go on strike 举行罢工

122. in the long/short run从长远/短期看来

123. be specialized in 擅长于,专攻specialist 专家

The 12-year-old boy’s goal is to become specialized in western history in the future.

124.play (it )safe 稳扎稳打,小心行事

Nevertheless, the wording of the document is not entirely clear and straightforward, and no doubt some officials decided to play it safe.

125.no wonder 不令人吃惊的,难怪

126.by comparison比较起来

By comparison, nearly half of the male high-school students express their preference for a traditional, male-headed, one provider and nuclear family.

127.protect sb/sth from 防御,保护

Economically dominant groups want to protect their assets and resources from the forces of change.


Her job as an columnist saves her from leading a dull married life..

128.sell sth at a loss 亏本出售

129. strike a deal 达成协议

130.arouse suspicion 引起怀疑

131. throw up 恶心,呕吐

132.be liable to do 可能作某事

And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency.

133.apply to 适用于

It is logical to make the inference that any effect found in rats may also apply to humans.

134.see sb/sth as 认为某人或某物是

135.prepare sb for sth 使做好准备

136. be scheduled to do 被安排,定于

This fall, the Fund is scheduled to begin a preliminary public school program.

behind schedule 比预定时间(晚),ahead of schedule on schedule

137.take responsibility for 对…负责

138. do one’s utmost 竭尽全力

Children tend to do their utmost when they see their parents making similar efforts.

139. kind of = sort of 有点,有几分

We kind of like that spirit.

140.claime success 宣告成功

141.in contrast to/with 对比,对照

It explains the greater job stability in Japan, in contrast to the great job mobility in America.

by contrast 对比之下in contrast with/to 与….形成对比

on the contrary 相反to the contrary 相反的(地)be contrary to 与…相反142. press for 反复请求,紧急要求

143. lag behind 落后

144. exert oneself 努力

Provided there is intelligence and a willingness to exert yourself, there is a place within the company to try and to succeed.

145.approve of sth 赞成,满意

146.for sale 出售,待售on sale 减价

147. rise to fame 成名

She rose to fame overnight from a reality show.

148. go against 与…相反,违背go against a tradition

Against 有相反,违背的意思,for有支持的意思

I am against/for the proposal.

149. be comprised of 有…组成be composed of / compose consist of The jury is composed/comprised of 12 people. 12 people compose the jury. The jury consists of 12 people. consist只能用主动,不能用被动

150. show up 出现show sb up 让某人出丑

151. date back to 始于(某时期)

She has many friends dating back to school years.

152.reach for 伸出手以触到或摸到

The young woman reached for her bag and pulled out a gun.

153.make an attempt to do sth 企图,尝试

154.make oneself understood 使他人明白自己的意思

155. on one’s own 单独,独立地

156. in vain 无结果地,徒劳地

157. be busy with sth/doing sth 忙于,忙碌

158.Make a/no/much difference (对某人或某物)有/没有/有很大影响159.in terms of 就…而论

160. bring about 使发生bring up 抚养bring in 引进

161. out of proportion to 与..极不成比例,大大超过的

in proportion to 与..成比例

162. survive on 靠…活下来,靠…生存

163. use up 用尽,用光

164. in harmony with 与…协调一致,与…相配

165. take advantage of 利用,占…的便宜

166. hunger for sth 得到某事物的渴望

As an outcome of their hunger for empires, the Earth was abused.

167. be ignorant of 不知道,不了解

168. go out of style 不再时兴,过时

169. offer sth to sb 主动向某人提供provide sb with sth

170. range from…to …在一定范围内变化或扩展

171. account for 占去;解释

In 1988, imports accounted for 34% for roses sold here.

How can you account for being late?

172.long for sth 渴望,极想

173.if not for 要不是

If not for the tunnel, England and France surely would have swallowed the other. 174. have sth in common 有共同之处

175. die out 消亡,逐渐灭绝

176. introduce sb to sth 使某人了解某事物

177. accuse sb of =charge sb with 控告某人干某事

178. in case 免得,以防in case of sth

Each train has two engines, in case one fails.

Just ring this bell in case of emergency.


1.at one’s best 处于最佳状态,在全盛时期 2.be committed to doing sth/ sth=be dedicated to=be devoted to 献身于,致力于 commit oneself to=dedicate oneself to =devote oneself to 3.take…seriously 认真对待 4.be slow to do/in doing 不太情愿干某事 Despite such alarming numbers, the federal and state governments have been slow in implementing programs to stop the spread of AIDS. 5.catch AIDS/a cold 得…病 6.be infected with 感染疾病 Another 185,000 of the one million infected with the HIV virus are also expected to die. 7.sign up for sth 报名参加;签约参加工作(或组织) 8.feel comfortable doing sth/with sth 自在的 We simply cannot let people continue to die because we don’t feel comfortable talking about AIDS. He feels more comfortable with computers than with people. 9.distract from 分心 10.far more 更加 People were worried about my head; I was worried about something far more threatening. 11.IV-positive 艾滋病检测阳性的gay 男同性恋lesbian 女同性恋partner 同伴 12. prior to 在…之前prior to the finals 13.for fear 唯恐,害怕 We all seem afraid to say what is in our minds for fear it might start trouble. 14.be confident in sth/sb对….有信心的 Bob was quite confident in his ability to manage a company. 15.be immune to 不受…影响,对…有免疫力的 Adults are often immune to German measles. 成人往往对风疹有免疫力。 No one in our society can really be immune to public notices or announcements. 16.define…as 把…界定为,定义为 The two mothers insisted that they wanted only the best for their children but they defined “the best” as staying home to help support the family. 17.mistake…for 误当作 It’s painful to mistake kindness for love. 18. restrain (sb) from sth/doing sth 抑制住不干某事 I can’t restrain myself from telling her about her boyfriend. 19.scan for 扫视,查看 The sick woman scanned the doctor’s face for a sign of hope before leaving the office. 20.stop to do 停下来干某事stop doing 停止干某事 21. nothing but只有,只 You are nothing but a trashman.你只不过是个垃圾工 We are nothing but slaves to time. 22.boast about 吹牛,吹嘘 23.contrary to 与…相反 24.look down on/upon 蔑视,看不起 25.get to one’s feet 站起来


一听辨信息---how to get the meaning/information? 口译中的听并不是停留在语言层面,而是要听懂说话人大意思,并在听懂的基础上对信息的整体和细节有全面的把握, 同时能推断和预测说话人的意图,思路和目的. 1 听辨句子关键词 关键词是讲话者的强调对象和信息焦点.句子的关键词可以从词汇,句法,语意和语气四方面判断. 词汇层面上,名词,动词,形容词和代词等. 在句法侧面上,关键词可以是主语或宾语或表语. 如,the advantage of such a discussion is obvious 中advantage 是话题的基础I feel especially happy and honored to be here 中happy honor 是关键词。在语意层面,根据句子的新旧信息来判断,如now, let’s welcome the next speaker, Mr. 前半部分是主持套语,是已知信息,关注的是嘉宾的职位,名字等。在语气层面上,关键词是重点表达的词。如,我现在的心情可以说是既惶恐又高兴。惶恐又高兴是关键词。 口译基础LESSON 01. MP3(要求是能听辨句子关键词) 2 听辨句子主干结构 听辨句子的主干就是听辨句子中的关键词是如何组织起来的。方法包括词语顺序,经验模式和信息结构。 1)SVO结构即主谓宾结构。 2)对于被动句,形式主语句,PO 结构,就是participant参与者+ process过程如,it gives me a great pleasure to be here. 3)主位和述位主位是已知信息,述位是信息 口译基础LESSON 02. MP3(要求是能辨别句子主干) 3 听辨句子逻辑线索 掌握英语中常见的逻辑线索标识词是正确听辨逻辑线索的关键。 口译基础LESSON 03. MP3 (找出每句的逻辑线索词,并判断该举的逻辑关系) 4 借助语境推测词义 借助定语从句,同位语等推测;借助逻辑关系词推测;成对出现的意思相对的词;依据非语言环境,如讲话的主题,内容,顺序,语气等。 口译基础LESSON 04. MP3 (要求是能猜测各句中的难词,分别是:1 debilities 2 unilateral 3 heinous 4 pixel number 5 anthologies 6 Esperanto 7 subsidized housing 8 anintern 9 incompatible 10 biomechanics ) 听辨练习方法: 选择一些有声资料或请搭档模拟现场发言。听过后,在不记笔记的情况下用源语进行复述。复述时不要拘泥于原文语句,而是原文的意思和逻辑结构。 初级阶段可以就所听的内容提问的方式建立逻辑关系:如WHAT,WHO,WHEN,WHERE,HOW,WHY 等几个要素。 尽量选不同主题,不同口音的资料练习。 二怎样记忆信息—how to remember the information? 1 逻辑记忆一逻辑分层记忆 人的记忆有长时记忆和短时记忆。前者储存的是平时积累的各种知识经历,容量无限,记忆时间长。而后者只储存刚收到的信息,容量仅为7个左右的信息单位,,很容易配遗忘。口译记忆是长时记忆和短时记忆的结合。以短时记忆为主,结合长时记忆中被激活的部分。逻辑记忆就是对信息的点(具体的信息),线(各点之间的联系),和面(整体概念)进行全面的纵向的把握。 如从我国的旅游业的发展实践来看,旅游业完全有条件成为一个重要的经济产业。首先是我国具有发展旅游业的明显的资源优势。我国地域辽阔,历史悠久。灿烂的中华文化,秀美的山川。独特的景观,成为我国旅游业发展的十分重要的资源;二是我国具有进一步发展旅游业的广阔市场空间。随着改革开放的不断深入,我国国内旅游,入境旅游和出境旅游三大市场得到全面发展。 三是我国具有发展旅游业的坚实产业基础。旅游交通得到极大改善,住宿餐饮服务设施齐全,旅

上外中级口译第三版听力教程原文及讲解--Unit 10

Unit ten. Part one. We are surrounded by news. 2. Exercises. 1. This is a talk about the work of a journalist. Listen and supply the missing words you hear from the talk. Nowadays more than ever before we are surrounded by news. You can get the news on radio, on television, in newspapers, and on the internet. In fact so many new stories appear everyday that is impossible to keep up with them. And behind all of these stories there is a journalist. First of all there are different kinds of journalists like entertainment journalists, sports journalists, and crime journalists. And they all work hard to deliver the news 24 hours a day. So how exactly do they find and write stories? Let’s look at the work of one type of journalist, a city reporter. Sometimes journalists are called reporters because they report the news. So a city reporter is a person assigned to find and write stories about local news. How does the reporter do her work? Well, to begin with she should be in contact with lots of different organizations, the local police, and fire apartments, the offices of local politicians, and religious and civic organizations in the neighborhood. Once the reporter had a good relationship with th ese organizations she can call them to see what’s happening or they might call her to tell her about something that’s going on. There are two kinds of story she could write about. The first is a planned event for which the reporter can anticipate many of the details. For example, a politician could be opening a new department store. The second is an unplanned event. For example, a fire or a crime. Usually unplanned events are more exciting. 2. Listen to a talk about the types of news and then provide the missing information in the spaces given below. Let’s look at one kind of unplanned event, a crime. Imagine that a fight breaks up between 4 men in a neighborhood bar, and one of the men threatens another with a knife. The reporter will probably see a few lines about the crime in the police log. When she knows what happened she can go to the scene of the crime and interview people. The first person she will want to interview is a police officer. So that she can get the facts. There are four very important facts that every reader wants to know at the beginning of every story. One, what happened? Two, when did it happen? Three, where did it happen? And four, who was involved? Once the reporter has the basic facts of the story she can begin to interview


1999.9 上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试 参考答案: SECTION1: LISTENING TEST Part A: Spot Dictation 1. the only way 2. signal 3. mean the same 4. the whole truth 5. head movements 6. up and down 7. almost everywhere 8. a yes sign 9. blind people 10. meaning no 11.from side to side 12. negative reply 13. I disagree 14. same way 15. gesture 16. use to refuse 17. tries to persuade 18. to one side 19. moving the head 20. misunderstanding and embarrassment Part B: Listening Comprehension 1-5 D B C B A 6-10 A C D D B 11-15 C A B B C 16-20 A C B B D 21-25 A C C A C 16-30 A B D A B Part C: Listening and Translation Ⅰ.Sentence Translation 1.这也许花费很大,但从长计议,你会看到现在这样做的好处。 2.我们让秘书负责安排董事会议。 3.经理说,在他看来,这个项目几乎没有成功的机会。 4.警察准备在失踪商人汤姆·格林曾住过的地方查问当地居民。这将意味要查问多达7000人。 5.请让我介绍比德库林先生。他为本公司做管理咨询工作。 Ⅱ.Passage Translation 1.昨天上午10点在北方高速公路上,一辆卡车翻了车。卡车上的电子产品散落在路上。司机受了伤, 被送进医院。事故使交通大大拥挤,用了两小时才清理好路面。后来报道说那位司机两条腿都断了。 2.申请就读研究生是一个既费时又无法预测的举措(冒险/投资)。本科毕业生必须根据要求参加研究生 (入学)考试,在决定申请后,还要向学校索取申请表格。他们必须请三至四位教授写推荐信,并且所毕业学校寄出他们的大学成绩。但是(即便这样),也不敢保证被录取。

2014年9月中级口译真题答案:听力(Spot Dictation)

2014年9月中级口译真题答案:听力Spot Dictation 第一部分听力(Spot Dictation) SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (45 minutes) Part A: Spot Dictation Direction:In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. 参考答案及解析 1.the special meaning 2.the individual words 3.more colorful 4.idiomatic expression 5.not related to 6.vividly described 7.several common theories 8.long ago in England 9.thatch-roofed houses 10.no wood underneath 11.get warm 12.other small animals

13.it became slippery 14.fall off the roof 15.down the streets 16.carry along 17.floating by 18.Northern European myth 19.as symbol for wind 20.a heavy rainstorm 【详细解析】 本文的主题是谚语及其渊源,主要介绍了“raining cats and dogs”(倾盆大雨)几种可能的起源。考生在听之前应该按课上要求的预览全文三分之二左右,了解主题和文章大意并对空格进行适当预测。 难词出现的不多,第4格的“idiomatic”可能会让有些考生措手不及,但若能够按照我们所教的处理方式,听时先纪录“idiom”并在右上角写上“a”的上标表示形容词性,便能从容应对,听完整理答案再写全“idiomatic”。第9格“thatch-roofed houses”是最难的,其中的“thatch”很多考生闻所未闻,但若能够事先预读过文章,便会发现此格正下方————下一行最后一个字即是“thatch”;或者听时先根据发音大致记个样子比如“sach”或“satch”,下文听见“thatch”再次出现,听完再补上,并根据语法写成“thatch-roofed”。第18格“Northern European myth”也有难度,前两个字就很长,最后一个很多考生一下子又反应不过来。其实,完全可以根据课上我们所讲的纪录地理方位的方式,写出Eu并在正上方画上一根横线,即表示了“北欧”。接着继续根据发音,大致写出“mis”,听完根据上下文猜出应该是北欧的“神话”——“myth”。 另外,有些同音异意词不能搞错。比如第14格“fall off the roof”中不能写“of”,第16格“carry along”中不能写“alone”,第17格“floating by”中不能写“buy”或“bye”,这些应该在整理答案时根据上下文进行纠正。


英语翻译中级口译听力-4 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Part A: Spot Dictation Direction:In this part of the test, you will hear ten passages and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the words you have heard on the tape. (总题数:1,分数:20.00) Breakfast is supposed to be (1) of the day. But on average we spend just three minutes and (2) on a weekday breakfast- and we're so pressed for time that we often eat it (3) . In fact, only half of us eat breakfast at all, (4) . Many prefer to have a lie-in, while others blame the growing pressure to (5) . Only a third of us now (6) in the kitchen. Some resort to eating it in the bedroom, or even the bathroom, with (7) getting dressed at the same time. Around a fifth manage to eat only (8) because they have so little time, while more than a third say they (9) of the day on the bus or train. In Birmingham, (10) said they were too busy on the internet or watching TV in the morning to eat breakfast. In London 57 percent said the same, and (11) from Bristol and 51 percent of Mancunian agreed. One in seven eat at their desk at least (12) —and one in five confess to grabbing something as they (13) and eating it while they walk down the street. But (14) it was the most important meal of the day, and seven in ten always have (15) according to the survey commissioned by Weetabix. Sian Porter, a company (16) , said; "Encouragingly, the research indicated that possibly 1.2 million of us find time to eat a hot breakfast (17) and demonstrates that Brits do understand (18) breakfast, even going as far as (19) it on the bus, or (20) , to try and fit it in. / Breakfast is supposed to be (1) of the day. But on average we spend just three minutes and (2) on a weekday breakfast- and we're so pressed for time that we often eat it (3) . In fact, only half of us eat breakfast at all, (4) . Many prefer to have a lie-in, while others blame the growing pressure to (5) . Only a third of us now (6) in the kitchen. Some resort to eating it in the bedroom, or even the bathroom, with (7) getting dressed at the same time. Around a fifth manage to eat only (8) because they have so little time, while more than a third say they (9) of the day on the bus or train. In Birmingham, (10) said they were too busy on the internet or watching TV in the morning to eat breakfast. In London 57 percent said the same, and (11) from Bristol and 51 percent of Mancunian agreed. One in seven eat at their desk at least (12) —and one in five confess to grabbing something as they (13) and eating it while they walk down the street. But (14) it was the most important meal of the day, and seven in ten always have (15) according to the survey commissioned by Weetabix. Sian Porter, a company (16) , said; "Encouragingly, the research indicated that possibly 1.2 million of us find time to eat a hot breakfast (17) and demonstrates that Brits do understand


中级口译听力篇主讲:杨文杰 教程内容提纲 1.中级口译概述以及中级口译听力题型分类讲解(题型,评分标准,难点,技巧)2.听力能力提高的4个有效途径 3.缩写与Spot Dictation 4.听力中的音变现象和美语发音学习 5.听力微技巧与Listening Comprehension 6.笔记系统与Listening Translation 上课必备书籍:《英语中级口译全真试题集》 前言:教师介绍与课程风格 一、教师介绍与课程介绍 (一)、是语音速成班、高级听力预备班、高级口译预备班的结合 口语于听力相结合,听力的好坏取决于口语 举几个例子,考察一下听力: 1、ice or water lose aim same area your own 2、高级口语例子:ill at ease crude oil sleep and eat 3、段子:Boys of American A helicopter carrying 8 people was reported missing. After it unloaded a cargo of foods, some crude oil and other provisions for workers digging a major tunnel for a water project for Manila, an official said yesterday. A helicopter carrying eight people was reported 老师读两遍,第一遍语速180词/分,第二遍130词/分(中口考试难度) (二)、要听懂各个国家的发音,中级口译分为美式发音和英式发音两种,各占50% 问题: Who is presenter; Who is keynote speaker. Good morning, it is a unique honor to act as a whole city, I also understand it is an honor which comes with a great responsibility, and which requires the highest levels of cooperation with the IOC. My promise to you is that we will be your very best partners all of us who made guarantees to you are ready to deliver them now, on security, on finance, on every single undertaking we have given. If you award the game to us, I pledge to you personally, we will continue to give the highest levels of support. My entire government and the main opposition parties, too, are united behind this bid. It has total political support, I can't think of a better place than London to hold an event that unites the world. London will inspire the young people around the world and ensure the Olympic Game will remain the dream for future generation. 有关伦敦申奥的短文,以美式和英式发音各读一遍,注意区别。

上外中级口译第三版听力教程原文及讲解--Unit 3

Unit 3. Part one. Crime and punishment. 2. Exercises. 1. Listen to someone talking about prison and then answer the following questions. About 7 out of 10 people released from prison end up in prison again sooner or later. A lot of people think this simply indicates that once a person becomes a criminal he will probably remain a criminal. But of course it doesn’t necessarily mean that at al l. On the contrary it could equally suggest that being in prison actually makes people more likely to commit crimes. After all prisons are full of criminals, and this means that someone going to prison for the first time is going to meet a lot more crimina ls than he’s met before, so he will probably learn a lot about crime during his stay there. The fact that so many people get rearrested also suggests that prisons aren’t doing enough to train people for jobs they can do when they get out. If they were given this training ex-prisoners wouldn’t need to turn to crime again to make a living. 2. Listen again and then supply the missing information in the following passage. Part 2. Statements. 2. Exercises. Listen and then choose the answer which is closest in meaning to each statement you hear. 1) After considering an interviewing a dozen or so of candidates, finally I have selected Mr. Stock to assume the position of company secretary. 2) In the office Tom likes people to let him have his own way, never allowing himself to be ordered about by someone else. 3) As I lived far away from the school and thought of buying a second hand car, I would have bought Sam’s car if I had known he was selling it. 4) I am not sure whether the whole class is going on the trip to Cambridge over the weekend, not everyone has paid the transportation fee. 5) John lives quite near here, and he told me that he would come early. I don’t understand why John hasn’t arrived yet. 6) The plane was due at 7:15, but it was delayed two and a half hours because of the bad weather in this area. 7) With the final exams being only 2 weeks away, Emily should have studied instead of going to the party on Saturday night. 8) After the tennis match Brown went to the locker room to take a shower and White who lives nearby went home. 9) My father has always supported what I am going to do. I have no idea why he objected so strongly to this plan of mine. 10) I am considering buying my own car and driving to work, but I don't get a study menu for my drivers test. I will have someone pick up one for me. 11) I heard that Peter was not in class today. What I want to know is if he still coming to my party tonight. 12) His topic was very interesting. And that’s why the attendance was great at first. Bu t he spoke so badly that everyone got up and left in the middle of his speech. 13) Our plane has been circling for a long time. I am told that the airport was closed for a while and the things still aren’t back to normal. 14) Although we arrived early the line was so long that there were no seats left when we


IIC Spot Dictation In the early 1970s, Citibank of New York City became one of the first financial institutions to install ATMs on a large scale. Since then, the popularity of Automated Teller Machines has increased dramatically. At the time, the bank hoped simply to reduce their operating costs by replacing human tellers with machines. Little did they suspect that the cash machines would become so successful. However, as more banks added round-the-clock automated service through ATMs, the machines mushroomed all over the world. To use an ATM, all you need is a plastic card issued by your bank. Your bank may also offer ATM service through a credit card, such as MasterCard or Visa. To begin a transaction, you need to insert the card into an ATM, and punch in a personal identification number on the machine?s keypad. The personal ID number may consist of four or six digits, and can prevent anyone from using the card. The ATM next flashes instructions on its display screen for carrying out transaction. To get cash, for example, you are instructed to press buttons that indicate …Whether the Money Should Be Withdrawn from a Checking or a Savings Account??, and …The Amount to be Withdrawn?. This request is then displayed on the screen. After you press a button to verify that the information is correct, the ATM goes to work on the request. How safe, you may ask, is banking by ATM? The personal ID number is meant to prevent anyone, no matter who you are, from using a cash card without authorization. If you enter the wrong ID number for a card, a message on the screen will ask you to try again. If you fail to produce the correct number for three times, most machines will keep the card. As another precaution against card theft, the bank generally limits the amount that may be withdrawn by cash card in a single day, say, to $200 . Statements: 1.Up to now, none of the candidates who applied for the position has the required credentials, we?d better let our ad in the Help-Wanted Section run for more weeks. 2.Originally Florence was only asked to make some introductory remarks, but she ended up giving a speech herself when the speaker came down with the flu. 3.You know what? I?ve got to finish that evaluation report for the board meeting next week. A 10-page report within the week! There goes my social life this weekend. 4.The director is kind of busy now and has no time to read over your proposal. How about dropping in tomorrow morning to see if I have something definite. 5.We don?t have enough information for our financial plan, but it is due tomorrow. So I?m afraid we?ll just have to make do with what we have got. 6.Americans use a variety of strategies to avoid silence. They keep on talking, especially during business negotiations. Because they think that silence makes a bad impression. 7.We have enjoyed a relationship with China for more than half a century. But I do not believe there has ever been a more exciting time to do business here. 8.I?ve already mentioned to the director about the signing of the agreement three times this month. Each time he said he was ready, but nothing happens. 9.We are a new and growing firm in the area. And we?re willing to do our best to attract customers away from our competitors with more favorable terms. https://www.360docs.net/doc/0019459099.html,pared to a meat-centered diet, meatless meals can easily supply all the essential
