



12 究院、长沙矿山研究院;
1978 年 1978 年
长沙矿山研究院;南昌通 大型抓岩机的研制---0.6m3 液压靠 全国科学大会
1978 年
用机械厂;有色井巷公司 壁式抓岩机
省 、部 级 科 技 进 步 奖
获奖等级 获奖时间 主要完成人员
地质、采矿、选矿、井建、冶炼、加工、化工、机电、装备制造、 医疗、文教类省部级奖共 221 项 地质、采选、井建类 129 项
工业科学技术 2007 年 方志普、王林、杨思德
94 有限公司安庆铜矿、长沙
2006 年
工业科学技术 2008 年

2008 年 工业科学技术
98 股份有限公司冬瓜山铜
安徽省科技进 2007 年 孟稳权、贾明涛、孙 浩、
郑学敏、赵继银、孙 浩、

2002年北京国际数学家大会(ICM 2002 北京)

2002年北京国际数学家大会(ICM 2002 北京)

2002年北京国际数学家大会(ICM 2002 北京)一 ICM2002 我国做45分钟报告的数学家第24 届国际数学家大会于2002 年8 月20 日至28 日在北京举行,有101 个国家和地区的4270 余名数学家参加了会议,其中1%来自澳洲,3%来自非洲,56%来自亚洲,16%来自美洲,24%来自欧洲。



邀请诺贝尔经济学奖获得者、美国普林斯顿大学纳什教授、纽约大学的Poovey 教授、着名量子宇宙学家霍金和首届中国国家最高科技奖获得者、本届大会主席吴文俊院士等中外着名数学家,以数学的作用和其他科学乃至对社会的影响为题作公众科普报告。


三 ICM2002 会议组织ICM2002组织委员会主席是中国数学会理事长马志明,他在大会上报告ICM2002的筹备工作与大会的有关情况。









第45卷 第9期 2010年9月钢铁Iron and Steel Vol.45,No.9September 2010X 100管线钢的热轧显微组织分析周 平1,2, 兰亮云1, 邱春林1,霍孝新2, 高秀华1, 刘相华1(1.东北大学轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室,辽宁沈阳110004;2.莱芜钢铁集团有限公司技术研发中心,山东莱芜271104)摘 要:通过热轧试验,利用扫描电镜,TEM 观察和EBSD 技术等分析显微组织与力学性能之间的关系。

研究结果表明:显微组织以G B +A F 组织为主,A F 组织呈典型的长条针状;以块状形式转变的准多边形铁素体为主,内部含有大量位错,高位错密度形成位错胞,位错线上分布着细小的析出相,具有高强度和良好冲击韧性;大角度晶界占整个分析区域内晶界的88%,大角度晶界主要分布在30°~60°,对冲击韧性非常有利。

关键词:X100;管线钢;针状铁素体;控轧控冷中图分类号:T G142.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:04492749X (2010)0920077205H ot 2R olled Microstructure Analysis of X 100Pipeline SteelZHOU Ping 1,2, L AN Liang 2yun 1, Q IU Chun 2lin 1,HUO Xiao 2xin 2, GAO Xiu 2hua 1, L IU Xiang 2hua 1(1.The State Key Lab of Rolling and Automation ,Northeastern University ,Shenyang 110004,Liaoning ,China ;2.Technical Research and Development Center ,Laiwu Steel Group ,Laiwu 271104,Shandong ,China )Abstract :The relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties were investigated through hot 2rolling tests ,scanning electron microscopy ,TEM observation and analysis of EBSD technology.The results show that G B +A F are the primary microstructures ,and A F is typical of long needle 2like structure.the quasi 2polygonal ferrite transformed f rom massive ferrite is the main structure ,containing a lot of interior dislocation and f urther forming the high dislocation density of dislocations cell ,and distributing small precipitates in dislocation lines with high strength and good impact toughness.The wide 2angle grain boundary is about 88%of the total grain boundary ob 2served ,wide 2angle grain boundary are mainly distributed in 30°260°,which is very beneficial to toughness.K ey w ords :X100;pipeline steel ;acicular ferrite ;thermomechanical control process (TMCP )作者简介:周 平(1973—),女,硕士生,高级工程师; E 2m ail :sdlgzp @ ; 收稿日期:2009211219 管线运输是长距离输送石油、天然气最经济、最合理的运输方式。



王雪萍 女 1988.12 张燕 女 1988.04
大学 大学 大学 大专 大专 大专 大专 大专 大专 大学 大学 大专 硕士 大学 硕士 硕士 硕士 大学 大学 大学 大专 大学 大学 大学 大学 大学
园林工程 园林工程 园林工程 园林工程 园林工程 园林工程 园林工程 园林工程 园林工程 园林工程 园林工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 燃气工程 供热管理 园林工程 园林工程 园林工程 园林工程 园林工程 园林工程 园林工程
山东恒天阳光置业投资有限公 郑松苓 男 1983.07 司 山东鼎盛市政公路工程有限公 张海奎 男 1989.01 司 青州市世安市政建设养护有限 张源 男 1989.03 公司 青州市世安市政建设养护有限 高宾 男 1986.05 公司 青州市天虹路灯照明有限公司 高洁 女 1982.06
青州市天虹路灯照明有限公司 曾振华 男 1985.03 山东鼎诺工程有限公司 青州市水利建筑总公司 青州市水利建筑总公司 青州市水利建筑总公司 史伟 男 1982.06
辛丽丽 女 1983.11 韩琨 男 1987.05
大学 大专 大专 大专 大专 大专 大专 大学 大专 大专 大专 大专 大学 大学 大学 大学 大学 大学 大学 大专 大学 大学 大学 大学 大学 大学
市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程 市政工程
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部 位 的 力 学性 能
Fi g . 3 Me c h a n i c a l pr o pe r t i e s i n d i f f e r e nt po s i t i o ns o f TA1 5
[ 1 ]B r u n M,A n o s h k i n N,S h a k h a n o v a G .P h y s i c a l p r o c e s s e s
因此 杂波水 平更 低 。
表 3 经 3种工艺锻制的 6 4 0 0 m l n T A 1 5钛合金棒材的杂波水平
T a b l e 3 F l a w d e t e c t i o n l e v e l o f 6 4 O 0 m m T A 1 5 t i t a n i u m a l l o y
第 5期
安耀辉等 :超大规格 T A1 5钛合金棒材 锻造 工艺研究
A≥9 % ,z≥2 0 %) ,说 明在 两 相 区变 形 量 足够 的情
粒尺 寸细 小 的棒 材 探 伤水 平 更 高 。 由于 经 方 案 2锻 造 的棒材 的组 织 均 匀 性 更 好 且 晶 粒 尺 寸更 加 细 小 ,
进 行 超声 波检 验 ,结 果 见表 3 。从 表 3的探 伤结果 可
以看 出 ,经 3种 方案 锻制 的棒 材 均 未发 现 单,李兴 无 ,等.普 通退火 对 T A 1 5合 金
拉 伸性 能 的 影 响 [ J ] . 金 属 学 报 ,2 0 0 2 ,3 8 :8 1— 8 3 .
学性能 的影 响[ J ] .稀有金属 ,2 0 0 4 ,2 8 ( 2 ) :3 6 2— 3 6 4 .
b a r s pr o d uc e d b y t h r e e d i f f e r e nt f o r g i n g pr o c e s s e s



【摘要】@@ 有人说“时间面前人人平等”。


1.25,35,45——你的性健康 [J], 孙晓云;赖玲
2.含Nb的Cr35Ni45系和Cr25Ni35系离心铸管组织和高温性能对比 [J], 陈思;
3.25,35,45——男人健康未雨绸缪 [J], 西西
4.氧化对Cr25Ni35Nb与Cr35Ni45Nb合金组织和磁性的影响 [J], 郭景锋;曹铁山;程从前;王富岗;孟宪明;赵杰
5.Cr25Ni35Nb和Cr35Ni45Nb裂解炉管的抗高温渗碳能力 [J], 沈利民;巩建鸣;



1.辉煌的成就宝贵的经验--新中国经济50年的回顾与展望 [J], 逄锦聚
2.蓝帜:金属加工领域精耕细作的百年企业——访德国蓝帜金属加工技术有限公司总裁Alessandro Telesio、南京蓝帜金属加工技术有限公司总经理张明博士 [J], 邢立显;田付新;曹雪雷
3.实践经验最宝贵:新中国金属加工领域竞赛回顾 [J], 曾江
4.金属加工史话:中国金属加工60年(26) 新中国汽车铸造行业今昔 [J], 曾江
5.做金属加工细分领域的专家——访德国蓝帜金属加工技术有限公司总裁Alessandro Telesio与南京蓝帜金属加工技术有限公司总经理张明博士 [J], 邢立显;田付新;曹雪雷




王国生主持 [J], 陈家根;顾雷鸣;石小磊
2.中国首位奥运市长郭金龙:生长在江苏,成长在四川 [J], 赵德辉
保障局长会议上的讲话(摘要) [J],
4.叙事为媒,成长在线——“快乐劳动者叙事成长行动”的构建与实施 [J], 钱红雨
5.自愿自发的成长在这里发生——山东省德州市德开小学名师成长俱乐部介绍 [J],



1.纳米孪晶纯铜的极值强度及纳米孪晶提高金属材料综合强韧性 [J], 卢磊;陈先华;黄晓旭;卢柯
2.大块电沉积纳米Ni-Fe合金与纳米Ni拉伸性能对比研究 [J], 詹竞舟
3.中科院院士发现新型纳米层状结构为开发新纳米金属材料开辟新径 [J], 无
4.我国金属材料表面纳米化技术及全同金属纳米团簇研究取得突破性进展 [J], 耀星
5.表面纳米化技术制备梯度纳米结构金属材料的研究进展 [J], 贺琼瑶;吴桂林;刘聪;刘静;杨小奎;周堃;张伦武;项运良





1.两株嗜铁菌对土壤有效铁浓度及嗜铁素活性单位的影响 [J], 吴娟丽; 薛林贵; 牛军波; Brown Emaneghemi; 张璐; 武雯雯; 王韶梅
2.铁矾渣酸浸液磷酸除铁副产磷酸铁性能研究 [J], 高丽霞;戴子林;吴海鹰;孔振兴;吴长永
3.红土镍矿黄铵铁矾法除铁及杂质铁的高值化利用 [J], 梁栋;常龙娇;翟玉春
4.不同铁效率玉米品种苗期适应低铁胁迫的根系特征与铁积累差异 [J], 任云;刘静;李哲馨;李会合;李强
5.继承弘扬“铁信仰、铁规章、铁账本”的新时代“三铁精神” [J], 薛海涛



1.波纹金属软管代替分油器可行性研究 [J], 孟周银;成传诗;黄奎
2.波纹金属软管在海上风电水冷系统上的漏水失效分析 [J], 苏旭林;李志道;柳成
3.基于ANSYS的波纹金属软管疲劳寿命数值模拟 [J], 倪洪启;林思雨;李宝志;孟宪春
4.金属波纹软管渗漏原因分析 [J], 陈海;李振杰;季华建
5.航天用金属波纹软管清洗吹除一体化装置的研制 [J], 李慧;孔德斌;朱晓骅



【摘要】Ti 6 2 2 2 2S合金是 2 0世纪 70年代研制的α β型双相钛合金。

近年来 ,由于国外战斗机结构部位选材的需要 ,该合金重新受到关注。

文章评述了Ti 6 2 2 2 2S合金在制备、组织和性能方面的研究进展 ,对现存问题进行分析和讨论。

1.Ti-6-22-22S合金大棒的显微组织与力学性能 [J], 冯亮;赵永庆;曲恒磊;李辉;杨海瑛;朱知寿
2.Ti-6-22-22S合金步进轧制工艺加工棒材研究 [J], 李辉;赵永庆;曲恒磊;冯亮;张颖楠;郭红超;曾卫东
3.不同工艺制备的Ti-6-22-22S合金棒材组织与性能研究 [J], 李辉;赵永庆;曲恒磊;冯亮;张颖楠;郭红超;曾卫东
4.Zr对Ti-6-22-22S合金显微组织和室温拉伸性能的影响 [J], 张颖楠;赵永庆;曲
5.表面处理对Ti-6-22-22合金高温疲劳寿命的影响 [J], 虞忠良;李守新;刘羽寅;张庆瑜;雷家峰;牟忠信




1.晋获断裂带中、新生代构造应力场研究 [J], 关英斌;李海梅
2.南大巴山褶断带西段中新生代构造应力场的节理研究 [J], 刘顺;刘树根;李智武;雍自权;孙玮
3.中国大陆地壳应力场与构造运动区域特征研究 [J], 徐纪人;赵志新;石川有三
4.吉林四平山门银矿区中,新生代构造应力场及研究意义 [J], 冯明;郭华
5.中国大陆现今构造应力场的回归分析研究 [J], 杨树新;陈连旺;谢富仁



【摘要】@@ 由中国锻压协会主办的CMF'06中国国际金属板材成形展览会及会议于2006年3月14~17日在上海国际展览中心举行.江苏扬力集团有限公司副
1.热烈祝贺2006(上海)中国国际金属板材、管材、型材、线材切割、冲压、成形、制作技术设备展览会召开 [J],
2.2004中国国际金属板材成形展览会及会议专题报道 [J], 徐刚;鲁洁
3.中国国际金属板材成形展览会及会议进展顺利 [J], 刘明星
海举行 [J],
5.2004中国国际金属板材成形展览会及会议专题——访展会组委会负责人、中国锻压协会副秘书长齐俊河 [J],



1.安钢高炉炉壳用钢的研制开发 [J], 欧阳瑜;厚健龙;李力
2.高档热轧耐磨钢球用钢B2的研制与开发 [J], 陈健;朱林林;信霖
3.天钢Z向钢钢板的研制与开发 [J], 王佩鑫;刘浩;李仕力
4.首钢通钢TG380CL车轮钢的研制与开发 [J], 翟利伟;毕洪志
5.通钢生产齿轮钢20CrMnTiH产品研制与开发 [J], 秦绪华;张秀华

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PREPRODYNORPHIN-,PREPROENKEPHALIN-,PREPROTACHYKININ A-AND PREPROTACHYKININ B-IMMUNOREACTIVE NEURONS INTHE ACCUMBENS NUCLEUS AND OLFACTORY TUBERCLE:DOUBLE-IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE ANALYSIST.FURUTA,a L.ZHOU a and T.KANEKO a ;b ÃaDepartment of Morphological Brain Science,Graduate School of Medicine,Kyoto University,Kyoto 606-8501,JapanbCREST,JST (Japan Science and Technology),Kyoto 606-8501,JapanAbstract öPreprodynorphin (PPD),preproenkephalin (PPE)and preprotachykinins A (PPTA)and B (PPTB)are known to be expressed by neostriatal projection neurons.In the present study,we investigated the distributions and colocaliza-tions of immunoreactivities for those prepropeptides in the ventral striatum,such as the accumbens nucleus (Acb)and olfactory tubercle (OT).Antibodies raised against C-terminal portions of the prepropeptides labeled cell bodies of neurons with diameters of 8^15W m.PPD-,PPE-and PPTA-immunoreactive neurons were distributed throughout the Acb and concentrated in the dense cell layer of the OT.PPTB-immunoreactive neurons were observed to form cell clusters,which were localized in W -opioid receptor-immunoreactive patchy regions in the Acb,but were very rarely found in the dense cell layerof the OT.Double-immuno£uor escence analysis r evealed that PPD,PPE and PPTB immuno-reactivities were shown in 69%,19%and 14%of PPTA-immunoreactive neurons,respectively,in the Acb core region,and in 92%,7%and 25%of PPTA-immunoreactive neurons,respectively,in the Acb shell region.In the olfactory bulb,51%,19%and 3%of PPTA-immunoreactive neurons showed PPD,PPE and PPTB immunoreactivities,respectively.PPD and PPE immunoreactivities were rarely coexpressed in single neurons of all striatal regions.The present results indicated that,although PPTA and PPE were occasionally coexpressed in single neurons of the ventral striatum,the segregated expression of PPD and PPE in the ventral striatum was similar to that in the dorsal striatum.The clustered localization of PPTB-expressing neurons in the Acb and near absence of PPTB-expressing neurons in the dense cell layer of the OT suggests that neurokinin B is a key substance in di¡erentiating between the ventral and dorsal striatal regions.ß2002IBRO.Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved.Key words:ventral striatum,prepropeptides,medium-sized neuron,opioids,tachykinins,rat.The striatal regions,such as the neostriatum,accumbens nucleus (Acb)and olfactory tubercle (OT),share com-mon elemental properties,such as intense immunoreac-tivity for tyrosine hydroxylase,and very high expression of mRNAs encoding dopamine receptors (Meador-Woodru¡et al.,1989;Mengod et al.,1989;Mansour et al.,1991),preprodynorphin (PPD,Merchenthaler et al.,1997),preproenkephalin (PPE,Harlan et al.,1987)and preprotachykinin A (PPTA,Warden and Young,1988;Harlan et al.,1989).However,the striatal regions are considered to play di¡erent roles with respective ana-tomical connections:the neostriatum is involved in thecontrol of voluntary movements,receiving inputs mainly from the neocortex and sending output to the globus pallidus,entopeduncularnucleus and substantia nigr a (SN)(forr eview,see Wilson,1998);the Acb plays a role in adaptive behavioral responses (Mogenson et al.,1980;Le Moal and Simon,1991),receiving inputs mainly from limbic structures such as the hippocampus,prefrontal cortex and amygdala and sending output to the ventral pallidum (VP),ventral tegmental area (VTA)and SN (forr eview,see Groenewegen et al.,1999;Zahm,1999);the OT takes part in the olfactory system,receiv-ing inputs mainly from the olfactory bulb and olfactory cortex (Newman and Winans,1980;Luskin and Price,1983;Price,1985;Josephson et al.,1997).The vast majority of neurons in all the striatal regions are medium-sized spiny cells (Wilson and Groves,1980;Millhouse and Heimer,1984;Chang and Kitai,1985).These medium-sized spiny cells are known to be GABAergic projection neurons and express at least one of the peptide neurotransmitters,i.e.dynorphins,enke-phalins,substance P and neurokinin B (for review,see Gerfen,1992;Kawaguchi,1997).Dynorphins,enkepha-lins,substance P and neurokinin B are encoded in the mRNAs for PPD,PPE,PPTA and preprotachykinin B (PPTB),respectively (for review,see Ho «llt,1983;Nawa611*Correspondence to:T.Kaneko,Department of Morphological Brain Science,Graduate School of Medicine,Kyoto University,Kyoto 606-8501,Japan.Tel.:+81-75-753-4331;fax:+81-75-753-4340.E-mail address:kaneko@mbs.med.kyoto-u.ac.jp (T.Kaneko).Abbreviations:Acb,accumbens nucleus;AcbC,core region of the accumbens nucleus;AcbS,shell region of the accumbens nucleus;DARPP32,dopamine-and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein of 32kDa;OT,olfactory tubercle;PPD,preprodynorphin;PPE,preproenkephalin;PPTA,preprotachykinin A;PPTB,prepro-tachykinin B;SN,substantia nigra;SNr,substantia nigra pars reticulata;VP,ventral pallidum;VTA,ventral tegmental area.Neuroscience Vol.114,No.3,pp.611^627,2002ß2002IBRO.Published by ElsevierScience LtdAll rights reserved.Printed in Great BritainPII:S 0306-4522(02)00312-30306-4522/02$22.00+0.00et al.,1983;Kawaguchi et al.,1986;Krause et al.,1987; Bonneret al.,1987).In the neostriatum,the expression pattern of these peptide neurotransmitter-encoding genes corresponds to classi¢cations of the neostriatal projec-tion neurons by their target areas:neostriatonigral and neostriato-entopeduncular neurons are characterized by co-production of PPTA and PPD;neostriatopallidal neurons are distinguished by expression of PPE(Gerfen and Young,1988;Lee et al.,1997).In addition,we have recently reported that PPTB-producing neurons send axons predominantly to the substantia innominata (Furuta et al.,2000).Since PPD,PPE,PPTA and PPTB are not expressed in neostriatal interneurons (Lee et al.,1997;Furuta et al.,2000)which are charac-terized by expression of chemical markers such as choline acetyltransferase,somatostatin,calretinin or parvalbu-min(forr eview,see Kawaguchi et al.,1995),these pre-propeptides are selective markers for projection neurons in the dorsal striatum.It is thus expected that PPD,PPE, PPTA and PPTB are projection neuron markers in the ventral striatum as well as in the dorsal striatum. Single expression or coexpression of PPD,PPE,PPTA and PPTB in projection neurons of the ventral striatum is not well known,although many ventral striatal neu-rons are known to express PPD,PPE and PPTA as introduced above.Recently,Lee et al.(1997)and Kaneko et al.(1998)produced antibodies to the C-ter-minal portion of PPD,PPE,PPTA and PPTB,and suc-ceeded in visualizing cell bodies of neurons expressing those prepropeptide without colchicine treatment.In the present study,we analyzed the expression of those prepropeptides in single neurons of the ventral striatum by double-£uorescence immunocytochemistry with the antibodies against C-terminal portions of the prepropep-tides.In addition,immunoreactivities for the markers of striatal interneurons and immunoreactivity for dopa-mine-and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein of32kDa (DARPP32),which is known to be expressed in the vast majority of striatal medium-sized neurons(Ouimet et al.,1984;Walaas and Greengard,1984),were exam-ined in the ventral striatal neurons immunoreactive for PPD,PPE,PPTA and PPTB by the double-immuno£uo-rescence methods.EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURESThe procedures of the present experiments were in accordance with the rules of animal care by the Institute of Laboratory Animals,Graduate School of Medicine,Kyoto University (Japan).Fixation and immunoperoxidase stainingNine Wistarr ats(200^250g body weight;Japan SLC,Shi-zuoka,Japan)were deeply anesthetized by i.p.injection of35 mg chloral hydrate/100g body weight,and perfused transcar-dially with200ml of5mM phosphate-bu¡ered0.9%(w/v)sa-line(PBS;pH7.4),followed by300ml of3%(w/v) formaldehyde in75%saturated picric acid and0.1M sodium phosphate(pH7.4).After¢xation,rat brain blocks were cryo-protected with30%(w/w)sucrose in PBS,and cut into20-or 30-W m-thick frontal sections on a freezing microtome.The sections were incubated overnight with1W g/ml a⁄nity-puri¢ed guinea-pig antibody raised against the C-terminal ico-sapeptide of PPD,nonadecapeptide of PPE,pentadecapeptide of PPTA or docosapeptide of PPTB.The production and char-acterization of the anti-prepropeptide antibodies were reported in ourpr evious studies(Lee et al.,1997;Kaneko et al.,1998). Prepropeptide immunoreactivity was not detected with the absorbed antibodies.The incubations were carried out at room temperature in PBS containing0.3%(v/v)Triton X-100, 0.25%(w/v)V-carrageenan,1%(v/v)donkey serum and0.02% (w/v)sodium azide(PBS-XCD),and followed by a rinse with PBS containing0.3%(v/v)Triton X-100(PBS-X).The sections were further incubated for1h with10W g/ml biotinylated anti-guinea-pig IgG donkey antibody(Jackson,West Grove,PA, USA)and then for1h with avidin-biotinylated per oxidase com-plex(ABC-Elite kit;Vector,Burlingame,CA,USA)in PBS-X. Finally,the bound peroxidase was developed by reaction with 0.02%(w/v)diaminobenzidine^4HCl and0.001%(v/v)H2O2in 50mM Tris^HCl,pH7.6.The sections were mounted onto gelatin-coated glass slides,dehydrated in ethanol series,cleared in xylene,and coverslipped.Some sections were treated with Cresyl Violet for Nissl counterstain after peroxidase reaction. Double-immuno£uorescence histochemistryAll the following incubations were carried out in PBS-XCD at room temperature.The brain sections were incubated overnight with a mixture of a guinea-pig antibody and either rabbit or mouse antibody.The primary antibodies were selected from the antibodies listed in Table1.Aftera r inse with PBS-X,the sections were incubated for1h with10W g/ml biotinylated anti-guinea-pig IgG oranti-mouse IgG donkey antibody(Jackson). Finally,the sections were incubated with a mixture of1W g/ml Alexa594-conjugated streptavidin(Molecular Probes,Eugene, OR,USA)and10W g/ml dichlorotriazinylamino£uorescein-con-jugated anti-rabbit IgG donkey antibody(Chemicon)in PBS-XCD containing10%(v/v)normal guinea-pig or mouse serum. The sections were mounted onto gelatin-coated glass slides,air-dried,and coverslipped with50%(v/v)glycerol and2.5%(w/v) triethylenediamine(anti-fading agent)in PBS.Data analysisImmuno£uorescence was observed under an epi£uorescence microscope,Axiophot(Zeiss,Oberkochen,Germany),with appropriate¢lter sets for£uorescein(excitation,450^490nm; emission,514^565nm)and Alexa594(excitation,530^585nm; emission,v615nm).Immunopositive neurons were counted under the epi£uorescence microscope in two to four double-im-munostained frontal sections through the Acb and OT for each staining combination.The sections were also observed under a confocal laser-scanning microscope(LSM410;Zeiss)by using an appropriate excitation laser beam and an emission¢lter for Alexa594(excitation,543nm;emission,v570nm)and£uo-rescein(excitation,488nm;emission,510^525nm),and cap-tured by using a software(LSM;Zeiss).When one of the primary antibodies was omitted or replaced with normal IgG or serum,no immuno£uorescence for the omitted or replaced antibody was detected.Numbers of neurons immunopositive for the prepropeptides, DARPP32or interneuron markers were counted under the epi£uorescence microscope in visual¢elds(40U objective)not overlapping one another,but covering most areas of the core or shell region of the Acb(AcbC and AcbS,respectively)or OT in the frontal sections.Three rats were used for double-immuno-£uorescence staining of each combination of the prepropeptides. At least two rats were used for double-immuno£uorescence staining for DARPP32or interneuron markers and the prepro-peptides,and sections from the rat showing the best staining were selected for counting.The data were statistically compared by M2test with2U3contingency tables between the fourstr iatal regions,AcbC,AcbS,OT and neostriatum.All the black and white photographs were printed in a usual way,and digitized with a scannerat300dpi r esolution.TheT.Furuta et al. 612digital images were arranged in software Canvas(Deneba Sys-tems,Miami,FL,USA)without contrast change,and saved as TIFF¢les.The delineation of cytoarchitectonic regions was determined according to Paxinos and Watson(1998).Further-more,the borders between the core and shell regions in the Acb were demarcated with calbindin-D28k immunoreactivity in adjacent sections(Zahm and Brog,1992;Jongen-Re“lo et al., 1994).Table1.Primary antibodies used in double-immuno£uorescence histochemistryAntibody ConcentrationGuinea-pig antibody to C-terminal icosapeptide of rat PPD11W g/mlGuinea-pig antibody to C-terminal nonadecapeptide of rat PPE11W g/mlRabbit antibody to C-terminal nonadecapeptide of rat PPE11W g/mlGuinea-pig antibody to C-terminal pentadecapeptide of rat PPTA11W g/mlRabbit antibody to C-terminal pentadecapeptide of rat PPTA11W g/mlRabbit antibody to C-terminal docosapeptide of rat PPTB21W g/mlGuinea-pig antibody to C-terminal docosapeptide of rat PPTB21W g/mlGuinea-pig antibody to W-opioid receptor31W g/mlMouse antibody to DARPP3241:20000Mouse anti-parvalbumin ascites(IgG)51:2000Rabbit anti-calretinin antiserum61:2000Rabbit anti-choline acetyltransferase antiserum61:2000Rabbit anti-somatostatin antiserum71:5000Rabbit anti-calbindin-D28k61W g/mlThe sources of antibodies are as follows:1Lee et al.,1997;2Kaneko et al.,1998;3Kaneko et al.,1995,4generous gift from Dr.Nishi;Depart-ment of Physiology,Kurume University(Ouimet et al.,1984);5Sigma,St.Louis,MO,USA;6Chemicon,Temecula,CA,USA;7Peninsula, Belmont,CA,USA.Fig.1.Distributions of immunoreactivities for PPD,PPE,PPTA and PPTB in the Acb.PPD,PPE and PPTA immunoreac-tivities were observed throughout the Acb,showing heterogeneous distributions in density.Arrows in a and c indicate intenseimmunoreactivity for PPD and PPTA,respectively,in the dorsomedial part of the shell region of the Acb.PPTB immunore-activity was located in a patch-like manner(arrows in d)and in the lateral stripe of the striatum(LSS).ac,anterior commis-sure;CPu,caudate^putamen;VP,ventral pallidum.The calibration bar is applied to all the photographs.Expression pattern for prepropeptides in the ventral striatum613T.Furuta et al. 614Fig.2.RESULTSDistributions of prepropeptide immunoreactivities in the Acb and OTPPD,PPE and PPTA immunoreactivities were observed throughout the AcbC and AcbS,though these immunoreactivities were not distributed homogeneously.PPD immunoreactivity was intense in a patch-like man-ner(Fig.1a )and especially in the dorsomedial portion of the AcbS (arrow in Fig.1a )where intense PPTA immu-noreactivity was also found (arrow in Fig.1c ).PPE im-munoreactivity was weaker in the AcbS than in the AcbC (Fig.1b ).PPTB immunoreactivity was distributed in a patch-like manner (arrows in Fig.1d ),while PPD,PPE and PPTA immunoreactivities were distributedthroughout the Acb.In addition,PPTB immunoreactiv-ity was intense in the lateral stripe of the striatum.In the OT,PPD,PPE and PPTA immunoreactivities were densely distributed in the dense cell layer,and relatively weak immunoreactivities were observed in the multiform layer(Fig.2a^c ).It was interesting that only a little PPTB immunoreactivity was observed in the OT (Fig.2d ).Immunoreactivities for PPD,PPE,PPTA and PPTB were observed mainly in neuronal cell bodies with diam-eters of 8^15W m in the Acb and OT (Fig.3).The immu-noreaction products appeared to be associated with some membraneous structures in the perikarya similarly to those of the neostriatum.In the counterstained sections,PPD,PPE,PPTA and PPTB immunoreactivities were shown in 47.1%(1139/2417),29.0%(710/2450),61.4%Fig.2.Distributions of immunoreactivities for PPD,PPE,PPTA and PPTB in the OT.PPD,PPE and PPTA immunoreactiv-ities were dense in the dense cell layer,and weak in the multiform layer (a^c).Very little PPTB immunoreactivity was found in the OT.Arrows indicate the ventral convolution (‘cap-regions’)of the dense cell layer where PPD,PPTA and PPTB immunoreactivities were observed but PPE immunoreactivity was absent.An open arrow in c indicates neuropil showing im-munoreactivity for PPTA in the multiform layer associated with the ‘cap-regions’.A double arrow in d indicates PPTB-im-munoreactive cell cluster in the multiform layer of the OT.VP,ventral pallidum.The calibration bar is applied to all thephotographs.Fig.3.PPD-,PPE-,PPTA-and PPTB-immunoreactive cell bodies in the Acb (a^d)and OT (e^g).PPD,PPE,PPTA and PPTB immunoreactivities were observed in medium-sized neurons with diameters of 8^15W m (measured in 50neurons for each prepropeptide).No signi¢cant di¡erence in size between PPD-,PPE-,PPTA-and PPTB-immunoreactive neurons was noticed.Almost no PPTB-immunopositive neurons were found in the dense cell layer of the OT (h).The calibration bar isapplied to all the photographs.Expression pattern for prepropeptides in the ventral striatum 615(1463/2384)and 11.0%(294/2684),respectively,of neu-rons in the Acb,and 44.8%(602/1343),49.2%(586/1192),62.0%(623/1005)and 1.3%(18/1348),respectively,of neurons of the OT.Furthermore,in the counterstained sections which were immunostained with a mixture of primary antibodies for PPD,PPE,PPTA and PPTB,the vast majority of medium-sized neurons in the Acb and OT showed immunoreactivity for at least one of those prepropeptides.PPD-,PPE-or PPTA-immunore-active neurons were distributed throughout the Acb and densely packed in the dense cell layerof the OT (Fig.4).It should be noted that the distribution of PPD-immu-noreactive neurons was not so patchy as that of PPD immunoreactivity (Fig.1a ),since many weakly PPD-pos-itive neurons were distributed in the weakly PPD-immu-noreactive regions.Although no rostrocaudal di¡erence in occurrence of immunoreactive neurons was noticed,distributions of these neurons were sparser in the inter-mediate part of the AcbS than in the medial and lateral parts of the AcbS.In addition,PPD-and PPTA-immu-noreactive neurons were frequently found in the dorso-medial part of the AcbS (arrows in Fig.1a,c ).In the islands of Calleja which are composed of densely packed granule cells,mRNA encoding PPTA has been reported to be expressed (Warden and Young,1988;Harlan et al.,1989).In the sections stained forPPTA,we obser vedsmall punctate immunoreactivity for PPTA in the islandsof Calleja.This PPTA immunoreactivity did not show clearimages of cell body,but it was localized in the cell bodies in the counterstained sections.No PPD,PPE or PPTB immunoreactivity was observed in the islands of Calleja.In the OT,almost no neurons showed PPTB immunoreactivity in the dense cell layer and molecular layer,although a few PPTB-immunoreactive neurons were distributed in the multiform layer (double arrow in Fig.2d ).Colocalizations of immunoreactivities for PPD,PPE,PPTA and PPTB in single neurons of the Acb and OT We next investigated how immunoreactivities for PPD,PPE,PPTA and PPTB were colocalized in single neurons of the Acb and OT,using the double-immuno£uores-cence method (Tables 2and 3,Figs.5^7).Using three rats,we obtained the numbers of neurons that were immunopositive for the prepropeptides.The data from the three rats were added up and presented in Table 2,whereas the percentages of colocalization were averaged among the three rats in Table 3.Coexpression percen-tages of PPD,PPE and PPTA immunoreactivities in PPTB-immunoreactive neurons were noticed to be the most variable of thedata.Fig. 4.Distribution of PPD-,PPE-,PPTA-and PPTB-immunoreactive neurons in the ventral striatum.Each ¢lled circle represents 10immunoreactive neuronal cell bodies in a,b and c.Arrows in b indicate the ventral convolutions of dense cell layer where PPE-immunoreactive neuron was not found.In d,each small ¢lled circle represents a PPTB-immunoreactive neuronal cell body.ac,anterior commissure;AcbC,core region of the Acb;AcbS,shell region of the Acb;CPu,caudate^putamen;LSS,lateral stripe of the striatum;OT,olfactory tubercle;VP,ventral pallidum.The calibration bar is applied toall the photographs.T.Furuta et al.616In the AcbC,only a few PPE-immunoreactive neurons showed PPD (2%)orPPTB immunor eactivities (2%),whereas a considerable number of PPE-immunoreactive neurons displayed PPTA immunoreactivity (27^32%).PPTA immunoreactivity was observed in the vast major-ity of PPD-(94%)or PPTB-immunoreactive neurons (82^83%).Furthermore,79^80%of PPTB-immunoreac-tive AcbC neurons were immunopositive for PPD.AcbS neurons showed mostly the same results of co-localization of prepropeptide immunoreactivities as AcbC neurons except that PPTB-immunoreactive neu-rons in the AcbS were less frequently immunoreactive forPPTA (47^50%)and PPD (61^62%),and that PPE-immunoreactive neurons were less frequently immunore-active forPPTA (13^15%)than those in the AcbC.In the OT,immunoreactivities for PPD and PPE were rarely colocalized in single neurons (2^3%)similarly to those in the neostriatum and Acb.More than 90%of PPD-immunoreactive neurons and 21^22%of PPE-immunopositive neurons showed PPTA immunoreactivi-ty.About half or18^19%of PPTA-immunoreactive neu-rons were immunoreactive for PPD or PPE,respectively.PPTB-immunoreactive neurons that were observed only in the multiform layer of the OT frequently coexpressed PPD (67^71%)orPPTA (76^80%),but did not show PPE immunoreactivity.Table 3.Mean percentages of colocalization of prepropeptide immunoreactivity in medium-sized neurons of the ventral striatumSitesNeurons positive for:Coexisting prepropeptide (numerator)(denominator)PPTA PPD PPE PPTB Accumbens PPTA ^73.6þ3.9%a 13.0þ5.6%15.1þ0.9%Core regionPPD 94.4þ2.6%^1.1þ0.4%18.2þ1.7%PPE 26.9þ11.7% 1.9þ0.7%^1.9þ1.0%PPTB 82.5þ2.3%78.7þ10.0% 5.0þ2.4%^Accumbens PPTA ^88.0þ3.4% 6.1þ1.0%22.9þ3.6%Shell regionPPD 84.2þ4.4%^3.0þ0.7%14.5þ2.7%PPE 14.5þ3.9% 6.4þ2.3%^2.4þ1.3%PPTB 46.7þ15.8%60.9þ11.5% 6.7þ3.6%^Olfactory tuberclePPTA ^51.5þ4.9%18.3þ1.2% 4.0þ2.3%PPD 93.2þ2.2%^2.8þ0.9% 5.7þ3.7%PPE 20.5þ2.3% 2.1þ0.9%^0%PPTB75.6þ23.0%66.9þ15.3%0%^Three rats were used for double-immuno£uorescence staining of each combination of the prepropeptides.The counting was done in every rat as that in Table 2and percentages of colocalization of the prepropeptides in single neurons were calculated in each rat.aMean þS.D.Table 2.Numbers of neurons coexpressing two of the prepropeptides in the dorsal and ventral striatumSitesNeurons positive for:Coexisting prepropeptide (numerator)(denominator)PPTAPPDPPEPPTB Accumbens PPTA ^657/908(72.4%)111/725(15.3)142/952(14.9)Core regionPPD 657/702(93.6)*2#^6/570(1.1)168/914(18.4)PPE 111/352(31.5)*2#6/354(1.7)2#^9/449(2.0)PPTB 142/173(82.1)*2#168/211(79.6)2#9/171(5.3)2#^Accumbens PPTA ^535/6.4(88.6)29/473(6.1)116/492(23.6)Shell regionPPD 535/642(83.3)2#^15/503(3.0)82/558(14.7)PPE 29/229(12.7)2#15/281(5.3)2#^11/455(2.4)PPTB 116/233(49.8)2#82/132(62.1)2#11/157(7.0)2#^Olfactory PPTA ^501/971(51.6)139/733(19.0)36/976(3.7)TuberclePPD 501/540(92.8)#^10/415(2.4)27/512(5.3)PPE 139/632(22.0)#10/612(1.6)#^0/651(0.0)PPTB 36/45(80.0)#27/38(71.1)#0/29(0.0)#^Neostriatum aPPTA ^1578/1657(95.2)28/1479(1.9)109/1613(6.8)PPD 1578/1645(95.9)^4/1570(0.3)42/1031(4.1)PPE 28/1594(1.8)4/1830(0.2)^41/1010(4.1)PPTB109/167(65.3)42/166(25.3)41/137(29.9)^For each double-immunostaining,striatal neurons were counted under the epi£uorescence microscope in visual ¢elds (40U objective)not over-lapping one another,but covering most areas of the OT and core and shell region of the Acb in three frontal sections from every rat.The data from three rats were added up to the total numbers for each combination.Asterisks (*),crosses (2)and sharps (.)indicate that the expression pattern for the two prepropeptides in the region is signi¢cantly di¡erent (P 60.001;M 2test)from that in the shell region,OT and neostriatum,respectively.For further detail,see Results .aThe data of the neostriatum were obtained from the results of Lee et al.(1997)and Furuta et al.(2000)forcompar ison.Expression pattern for prepropeptides in the ventral striatum617The expression patterns for each combination of the prepropeptides were statistically compared by M 2test with 2U 3contingency tables between the fourstr iatal regions (Table 2).The expression pattern for PPE/PPTB was not signi¢cantly di¡erent (P s 0.05)between the AcbC and AcbS.The di¡erence in the expression pattern for PPD/PPE was weakly signi¢cant between the AcbC and AcbS (0.016P 60.05).The di¡erence in the expression pattern for PPD/PPTB was signi¢cant between the AcbC and AcbS (0.0016P 60.01).All the other expression patterns showed highly signi¢cant dif-ferences (P 60.001)between the four striatal regions.PPTA-immunoreactive neurons in the islands of Calleja were not counted in the double-staining study because the immunoreactivity was not shown with a clear image of single cell bodies.However,no PPTA immu-noreactivity was thought to be colocalized with PPD,PPE or PPTB immunoreactivity in single neurons ofthe islands of Calleja,since neurons in the islands of Calleja did not show immunoreactivity for PPD,PPE orPPTB.Colocalization of PPD,PPE,PPTA and PPTB immunoreactivities with immunoreactivities for DARPP32and striatal interneuron markersWe further investigated immunoreactivity for DARPP32in the PPD-,PPE-,PPTA-orPPTB-immu-noreactive neurons of the ventral striatum by double-im-munostaining (Table 4).DARPP32immunoreactivity was observed in 74%,85%,81%and 47%of medium-sized neurons immunoreactive for PPD,PPE,PPTA and PPTB,respectively,in the AcbC.In the AcbS,80%of PPD-immunoreactive neurons,77%of PPE-im-munoreactive neurons,82%of PPTA-immunoreactive neurons and 22%of PPTB-immunoreactiveneuronsFig.5.Double-immuno£uorescence staining of PPTA and PPE (a,a P ),PPTA and PPD (b,b P )and PPD and PPE (c,c P ,c Q )in the Acb.Photomicrographs in each row were taken from the same site under di¡erent excitations:a^c for £uorescein;a P ,b P and c Q forAlexa594.c P was taken by double exposure.Arrows indicate PPTA-immunoreactive neurons coexpressing PPE (a,a P )orPPD (b,b P ).Arrowheads indicate single-labeled neurons.The calibration bar is applied to all the photographs.T.Furuta et al.618showed DARPP32immunoreactivity.The vast majority of PPD-(93%),PPE-(95%)and PPTA-(89%)immuno-reactive neurons were immunopositive for DARPP32in the OT.When the sections were doubly stained with one of the antibodies for striatal interneuron markers and the mix-ture of the guinea-pig antibodies to PPD,PPE,PPTA and PPTB,no neurons immunoreactive for the prepro-peptides showed immunoreactivity for the interneuron markers in the AcbC,AcbS or OT (Table 5).Thus,PPD,PPE,PPTA and PPTB were suggested to be spe-ci¢cally expressed in projection neurons.Table 4.DARPP32immunoreactivity in PPD-,PPE-,PPTA-and PPTB-producing neuronsNeurons positive for (denominator)DARPP32-immunopositive neurons (%)Accumbens Accumbens Olfactory tubercle Core regionShell region PPD 142/192(74.0)136/170(80.0)98/106(92.5)PPE 158/186(84.9)85/111(76.7)101/106(95.3)PPTA 117/144(81.3)95/116(81.9)109/122(89.3)PPTB33/70(47.1)17/78(21.8)^For each double-immunostaining,striatal neurons were counted under the epi£uorescence microscope in visual ¢elds not overlapping one another and covering almost the whole area of the core or shell region of the Acb or OT in the four 20-W m-thick frontalsections.Fig.6.Double-immuno£uorescence staining of PPTB and PPTA (a,a P ),PPTB and PPD (b,b P )and PPTB and PPE (c,c P ,c Q )in the Acb.Photomicrographs in each row were taken from the same site under di¡erent excitations:a^c for £uorescein;a P ,b P and c Q forAlexa594.c P was taken by double exposure.Arrows indicate PPTB-immunoreactive neurons coexpressing PPTA (a,a P )orPPD (b,b P ).Arrowheads in c,c P and c Q indicate PPTB-immunoreactive neurons not showing PPE immuno-reactivity.The calibration bar is applied to all the photographs.Expression pattern for prepropeptides in the ventral striatum 619。
