
电磁锁(磁力锁)的标准安装方法一.外开门的表面安装方法:(参照图一至图八)★ 安装注意事项在安装继铁板的时候,不要把它锁紧,让其能轻微摇摆以利于和锁主体自然的结合。
二、内开门的表面安装 (ZL 型支架的安装方法): 解决外装磁力锁的内装问题。
内开门做表面安装时需要有辅助配件来协助安装,我们选用富有装饰性的优质进口铝材来制做这种安装配件:Z&L 支架。
每套 Z&L 支架含三块铝材配件,其中较长的一块L1是配给锁主体使用;另外两块较短的 Z2、Z3配给继铁板用。
a. 先将Z&L 支架中的L1支架放在装锁的位置上,用M5*25的自攻螺丝固定于门框或墙面上。
b .用六角扳手将锁主体锁在L1支架上。
c. 对应于L1支架的位置把Z2支架固定在门上。
d. 将继铁板插入Z1的三个孔中假固定,然后门关好,使磁铁和继铁板紧密吻合,确定Z1、Z2 的衔接位置。
e. 将Z1、Z2锁紧,然后将继铁板用M8*25内六角螺丝固定于Z1上(将螺丝、铁板、垫圈、橡胶垫圈依次穿入)。
f. 如果是双扇门,可以用两个Z &L支架三、埋入式(内置式)安装法:内开门与外开门的埋入式安装方法一致对于木门来说,如果门挡边的尺寸够埋入锁主体的话,安装非常简单,只需挖一个合适的槽,锁埋进后锁上螺丝即可,一般的施工人员见锁就会安装。
磁力锁 、电插锁 、电动开门机说明书

产品优势:◆ 250KG±10%静态直线拉力◆ 可自行设定12VDC±10% 或24VDC±10%◆ 内置反向电流保护装置(MOV)◆ 防残磁设计,防磨损材料制造◆ 铝外壳采用高强度合金材料◆ 双重锁体绝缘处理◆ 完全电磁吸力工作,不存在机械故障技术参数:锁体尺寸:长250x宽47x厚26(mm) 吸板尺寸:长180x宽38x厚11(mm) 工作电压:DC12V±10%/DC24V±10% 工作电流:480mA±5%/240mA±5%信号输出:锁状态信号输出延时开门:无安全类型:断电开门适用门型:木门\玻璃门\金属门\防火门等质量认证:CE/FCC/CMA/ROHS 选配支架:DA-280L/280U/280ZL产品尺寸:产品规格书(DAIC-MJ-LXS)产品名称:灵性锁(电机锁)产品图片:产品概述:电机锁(或称灵性锁)的设计有效结合了传统电控锁及磁力锁的优点,克服了电控锁噪音过大、磁力锁耗电等方面的不足而开发的新产品,电机锁与电控锁和磁力锁相比较,它的性能更加的完善、优点更加明显,可与楼宇对讲、门禁等智能化系统配套使用。
LK-M012L MAGLOCK 1200 LBS 磁力锁说明书

LK-M012LMAGLOCK 1200 LBS with Lock Status and IndicatorJune 2012Installation Manual11. IntroductionThe LKM12L is a surface mounted magnetic lock series with 1200 lbs holding force. LKM12L has dual voltage (12 or 24 VDC) and lowcurrent consumption with anodized aluminum housing. LKM12L has a built-in voltage spike suppressor and no residual magnetism. Monitored status output and timer versions are available. Different types of bracket and housing are available to fit various mounting conditions.LKM12L is compatible with EN55011:1998: Class B, EN60601-1-2:2002, EN61000-4-2:1995, EN61000-4-3:2002 & UL-S5351.Figure 1: LKM012L2. Technical Specifications2.1Electrical Characteristics2.2 Physical Characteristics3. MountingBefore attempting to install magnetic lock: ▪ Handle the equipment with care. Damaging the mating surfaces of the magnet or armature plate may reduce locking efficiency. ▪The magnet mounts rigidly to the door frame. The armature plate mounts to the door with hardware. Kit provided that allows it to pivot about its center to compensate for door wear and misalignment.▪ Template use must take place with the door in its normally closed position.▪Before installing, please add the thread locker to all screws. Firmly tighten the screws to avoid fastening loosen.Typical mountings are shown in Figure 2.Figure 2: Surface MountingWhen fixing the armature plate: ▪ Do not fix the plate too tightly▪Make the rubber washer more flexible to make the armature plate automatically adjust its proper position with the magnetFigure 3 shows how to mount an armature plate/surface.Figure 3: Armature Plate/Surface Mounting4. W iring4.1I nputFor a 12 VDC input, a maximum of 0.5 A power is needed. For a 24 VDC input, a maximum of 0.25 A power is needed. The unit should only be powered by a UL listed power supply. If the power switch is not wired between the DC source voltage and magnet, it will take a longer time to de-energize the magnet simulating residual magnetism (see Figure 8).Figure 4: WiringTo wire input:1.Connect the ground (-) lead from the power source to Terminal 2. 2.Connect the positive (+) lead from the power source to Terminal 1.3.Set the jumper for either 12 or 24 VDC operation.4.2C ontactsThe relay dry contacts are rated 1 amp at 24 VDC for safe operation – do not exceed this ratingIf you require a normally open switch, connect the wires from the system to terminal 4 and terminal 3.If you require a normally closed switch, connect the wires from the system to terminal 4 and terminal 5.Figure 7 shows various PCB schematics with the jumper settings.Figure 5: PCB SchematicLimited WarrantyROSSLA RE ENTERPRISES LIMITED (ROSSLARE) ONE-YEAR LIMITED WA RRA NTY is applicable worldwide. This warranty supersedes any other warranty. ROSSLARE'S ONE-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY is subject to the following conditions:W ARRANTYWarranty of ROSSLARE'S products extends to the original purchaser (Customer) of the ROSSLARE product and is not transferable.P RODUCTS C OVERED B Y T HIS W ARRANTY AND D URATIONROSSLA RE ENTERPRISES LTD. AND/OR SUBSIDIA RIES (ROSSLA RE) warrants that the LK-M12L Maglock to be free from defects in materials and assembly in the course of normal use and service. The warranty period commences with the date of shipment to the original purchaser and extends for a period of 1 year (12 months).W ARRANTY R EMEDY C OVERAGEIn the event of a breach of warranty, ROSSLARE will credit Customer with the price of the Product paid by Customer, provided that the warranty claim is delivered to ROSSLARE by the Customer during the warranty period in accordance with the terms of this warranty. Unless otherwise requested by a ROSSLARE representative, return of the failed product(s) is not immediately required.If ROSSLA RE has not contacted the Customer within a sixty (60) day holding period following the delivery of the warranty claim, Customer will not be required to return the failed product(s). A ll returned Product(s), as may be requested at ROSSLA RE’S sole discretion, shall become the property of ROSSLARE.To exercise the warranty, the user must contact ROSSLARE Enterprises Ltd. to obtain an RMA number after which, the product must be returned to the Manufacturer freight prepaid and insured.In the event ROSSLARE chooses to perform a product evaluation within the sixty (60) day holding period and no defect is found, a minimum US$ 50.00 or equivalent charge will be applied to each Product for labor required in the evaluation.ROSSLARE will repair or replace, at its discretion, any product that under normal conditions of use and service proves to be defective in material or workmanship. No charge will be applied for labor or parts with respect to defects covered by this warranty, provided that the work is done by ROSSLARE or a ROSSLARE authorized service center. E XCLUSIONS AND L IMITATIONSROSSLA RE shall not be responsible or liable for any damage or loss resulting from the operation or performance of any Product or any systems in which a Product is incorporated. This warranty shall not extend to any ancillary equipment not furnished by ROSSLARE, which is attached to or used in conjunction with a Product, nor to any Product that is used with any ancillary equipment, which is not furnished by ROSSLARE.This warranty does not cover expenses incurred in the transportation, freight cost to the repair center, removal or reinstallation of the product, whether or not proven defective.Specifically excluded from this warranty are any failures resulting from Customer's improper testing, operation, installation, or damage resulting from use of the Product in other than its normal and customary manner, or any maintenance, modification, alteration, or adjustment or any type of abuse, neglect, accident, misuse, improper operation, normal wear, defects or damage due to lightning or other electrical discharge. This warranty does not cover repair or replacement where normal use has exhausted the life of a part or instrument, or any modification or abuse of, or tampering with, the Product if Product disassembled or repaired in such a manner as to adversely affect performance or prevent adequate inspection and testing to verify any warranty claim.ROSSLARE does not warrant the installation, maintenance, or service of the Product. Service life of the product is dependent upon the care it receives and the conditions under which it has to operate.In no event shall ROSSLARE be liable for incidental or consequential damages.L IMITED W ARRANTY T ERMSTHIS WARRANTY SETS FORTH THE FULL EXTENT OF ROSSLARE’S WARRANTY.THE TERMS OF THIS WARRANTY MAY NOT BE VARIED BY ANY PERSON, WHETHER OR NOT PURPORTING TO REPRESENT OR ACT ON BEHALF OF ROSSLARE.THIS LIMITED WA RRA NTY IS PROVIDED IN LIEU OF A LL OTHER WA RRA NTIES.A LL OTHER WA RRA NTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WA RRA NTIES OF MERCHA NTA BILITY A ND FITNESS FOR A PA RTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED.IN NO EVENT SHA LL ROSSLARE BE LIA BLE FOR DA MA GES IN EXCESS OF THE PURCH A SE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT,OR FOR A NY OTHER INCIDENT A L, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF USE,LOSS OF TIME,COMMERCIA L LOSS,INCONVENIENCE,A ND LOSS OF PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE INSTALLATION, USE, OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH PRODUCT, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT THAT A NY SUCH LOSS OR DA MA GE MA Y BE DISCLA IMED BY LAW.THIS WARRANTY SHALL BECOME NULL AND VOID IN THE EVENT OF A VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY.Contact InformationAsia Pacific, Middle East, Africa Rosslare Enterprises Ltd.Kowloon Bay, Hong KongTel: +852 2795-5630Fax: +852 2795-1508********************************* United States and Canada Rosslare Security Products, Inc. Southlake, TX, USA 76092Toll Free: +1-866-632-1101Local: +1-817-305-0006Fax: +1-817-305-0069*******************************EuropeRosslare Israel Ltd.Rosh HaAyin, Israel 48091Tel: +972 3 938-6838Fax: +972 3 938-6830*******************************Latin AmericaRosslare Latin AmericaBuenos Aires, Argentina 1642*******************************ChinaRosslare Electronics (Shenzhen) Ltd.Shenzhen, ChinaTel: +86 755 8610 6842Fax: +86 755 8610 6101******************************* 76-96448+2。
磁力锁 、电插锁 、电动开门机说明书

产品优势:◆ 250KG±10%静态直线拉力◆ 可自行设定12VDC±10% 或24VDC±10%◆ 内置反向电流保护装置(MOV)◆ 防残磁设计,防磨损材料制造◆ 铝外壳采用高强度合金材料◆ 双重锁体绝缘处理◆ 完全电磁吸力工作,不存在机械故障技术参数:锁体尺寸:长250x宽47x厚26(mm) 吸板尺寸:长180x宽38x厚11(mm) 工作电压:DC12V±10%/DC24V±10% 工作电流:480mA±5%/240mA±5%信号输出:锁状态信号输出延时开门:无安全类型:断电开门适用门型:木门\玻璃门\金属门\防火门等质量认证:CE/FCC/CMA/ROHS 选配支架:DA-280L/280U/280ZL产品尺寸:产品规格书(DAIC-MJ-LXS)产品名称:灵性锁(电机锁)产品图片:产品概述:电机锁(或称灵性锁)的设计有效结合了传统电控锁及磁力锁的优点,克服了电控锁噪音过大、磁力锁耗电等方面的不足而开发的新产品,电机锁与电控锁和磁力锁相比较,它的性能更加的完善、优点更加明显,可与楼宇对讲、门禁等智能化系统配套使用。
Forcelock 3000系列电磁锁说明书

TMSM•High Security• 12/24 VDC/VAC• One Piece Housing• FasTrak Mounting• Lifetime Warranty3000S e r i e s1500L b s.H o l d i n g F o r c eE l e c t r o m a g n e t i c L o c k sDescriptionThe 3000 Series is a full size 1500 lbs. holdingforce electromagnet. It is designed for lifesafety and high security on rated or nonrateddoors and frames. Specify for commercial,industrial, or institutional openings wheremaximum security and durability is required.All 3000 Series locks are designed for ease ofinstallation with DynaLock’s exclusive FasTrakmounting system, field selectable voltage, andconvenient wiring compartments. Optionalintegrated door and lock status sensors allowremote monitoring without the need to installseparate “door contacts”.The 3000 Series is offered in single, double, andsplit armature models for both outswinging andinswinging doors. The coil and housingassembly mounts rigidly to the door frame whilethe armature mounts to the door in a mannerthat allows it to pivot slightly to compensate fordoor irregularities. When the door is closed andthe lock is energized the armature ismagnetically bonded to the lock face, thussecuring the door without utilizing any movingparts.Standard Features• One Piece Housing made from high strengthaluminum. A seamless housing means maximumresistance to weather and tampering.• FasTrak Mounting: Speed up installation by mountingthe FasTrak channel to the frame first. Lock can then beattached and removed with ease.• Universal Design: Lock handing can easily be reversedin the field, allowing placement of the coil adjacent to thevertical jamb where it will exert the most efficient force.• Low power consumption conserves energy, reducesoperation cost, and extends battery backup time.• A totally plated coil and armature provides protectionagainst corrosion.• A narrow backset of 1-1/2” may mean the eliminationof other mounting brackets or filler plates.• No residual magnetism - the door releases withoutdelay when lock is de-energized.• Built-in spike suppression protects other solid statecomponents within the system from damage when the lockis de-energized.•Lifetime Warranty - American Made in the USA byDynaLock, with over 20 years experience in themanufacture of electromagnetic locks.NYC Mea #23-92-ECSFM23000 Single Outswinging DoorSingle coil. Mounts to the underside of the frame header .1500 Lbs. Holding Force.3001 Double Outswinging DoorSingle coil with double (split) armature. Mounts to the underside of the frame header . Recommended for traffic control only. 750 Lbs. holding force per leaf.3002Double Outswinging DoorDouble coil. Mounts to the underside of the frame header .1500 Lbs. holding force per leaf.3002-TJ32 Double Inswinging DoorDouble coil. Mounts to the face of the frame header .1500 Lbs. holding force per leaf.3000-TJ30 Single Inswinging DoorSingle coil. Mounts to the face of the frame header .1500 Lbs. holding force.3001-TJ31 Double Inswinging DoorSingle coil with double (split) armature. Mounts to the face of the frame header . Recommended for traffic control only.750 Lbs. holding force per leaf.TM SM3Options23/4”SEXNUT LOCK11/2”23/16”MountingINSWINGING DOOR SIDE VIEW OUTSWINGING DOOR SIDE VIEWARMATURELOCK11/2”SEX NUT27/16”ADJUSTABLE23/4”ARMATUREMOUNTINGBRACKET WiringConnectionsShown with all options.CLHDSMDSM2HSMHSM2VOPVOP2LCLCBLEDLED2LPLP2OFAS FCUSTOM LENGTH HOUSING - See back page.DOOR STATUS SWITCH - Signals door closed or ajar. SPDT contacts.DOOR STATUS SWITCH - For the 3002 models.HIGH SECURITY MONITOR - Includes the following:HIGH SECURITY MONITOR - For the 3002 models.VALUE OPTION PACKAGE - Includes the following:VALUE OPTION PACKAGE - For the 3002 models.A 3000 Series coil assembly supplied in a 2000 Series multi-piece housing.BASIC LOCK LESS CIRCUIT BOARD - Coil and housing with flying leads.BI-COLOR LED - For local signaling of lock status. (Requires HSM or VOP option)BI-COLOR LED’S(2) - For the 3002 models. (Requires HSM2 or VOP2 option)*****************************(SingleLock)******************************(DoubleLock)OFFSET ARMATURE - For aluminum storefront doors. Mounting hole is higher to avoid top rail drilling problems.SPECIAL FINISH - Standard finish is US28 Satin Aluminum. Special anodized finishes, see price book. Notes: DSM, HSM, VOP and LED options not available on 3001 split armature models or with LCB option.5”DOOR STATUS SWITCH - Signals door closed or ajar. SPDT contacts.DYNASTAT FORCE SENSOR - Indicates efficient magnetic bond. SPDT contacts.DOOR STATUS SWITCH - Signals door closed or ajar. SPDT contacts.DYNASTAT FORCE SENSOR - Indicates efficient magnetic bond. SPDT contacts.ANTI-TAMPER SWITCH - Signals removal of the housing cover. SPDT contacts.RELOCK TIME DELAY - Adjustable 1-80 seconds.ARMATURESpecifications3000S e r i e s E l e c t r o m a g n e t i c L o c kHolding Force:Lock Size:3002, 3002TJ32 All othersArmature Size:3001, 3001TJ31 All othersLock Weight:1500 Lbs. Each Coil11/2”D x 23/4”H x 22”L11/2”D x 23/4”H x 11”L1/2”D x 23/8”H x 35/8”L1/2”D x 23/8”H x 73/8”L3000, 3001 10Lbs. / 3002 19Lbs. 3000TJ30, 3001TJ31 12Lbs. 3002TJ32 23Lbs.MECHANICALInput Voltage: Current Draw:Contact Ratings: Coil Resistance:12 or 24 VDC/VAC (Field Selectable)0.42A @ 12V Each Coil0.21A @ 24V Each CoilDSM - 0.25A @ 24VDC/VACDYN - 1A @ 24VDC/VACATS - 0.5A @ 24VDC/VAC53.2 Ohms (+/- 10%) Wht/Wht, Blk/BlkFeaturingDyna LifeLifetime WarrantyAccessories• 4000 Series Installation AccessoriesFiller Plates: Extend the door stopAngle Brackets: Extend the header• 5000 Series Power SuppliesSolid state power supplies provide propervoltage, time delay and battery backup ifrequired.• 6000 Series Exit ControlsPush-buttons in a variety of switchingconfigurations and exit sensor bars.• 7000 Series Keyswitches and KeypadsKeyswitches accept most mortise cylinders for controlled access.Rugged digital entry keypads.• 8000 Series ConsolesDesktop, slope front and rack mount fabricated to customer specifications.Custom Length HousingsOptional custom length housings are ordered in addition to the lock itself. They are used to provide an unbroken sight line across the header or vertical jamb, for a less conspicuous installation.3500 Single door. One horizontal lock LHR 30” to 48”.3600 Single door. One horizontal lock RHR 30” to 48”.3700 Single door. Two vertical locks up to 96”.3800 Double door. Two horizontal locks up to 96”.ELECTRICALFinish:US28 Satin Aluminum with clear anodizeOther Finishes AvailableELECTRICAL3500360038003700。


页次பைடு நூலகம்
电 源:四节5号“AA”碱性电池 功 耗:<10uA
工作温度:-10℃-+70℃ 工作湿度:10%-90%RH

★ 安装注意事项在安装继铁板的时候,不要把它锁紧,让其能轻微摇摆以利于和锁主体自然的结合。
二、内开门的表面安装 (ZL 型支架的安装方法): 解决外装磁力锁的内装问题。
内开门做表面安装时需要有辅助配件来协助安装,我们选用富有装饰性的优质进口铝材来制做这种安装配件:Z&L 支架。
每套 Z&L 支架含三块铝材配件,其中较长的一块L1是配给锁主体使用;另外两块较短的 Z2、Z3配给继铁板用。
a. 先将Z&L支架中的L1支架放在装锁的位置上,用M5*25的自攻螺丝固定于门框或墙面上。
b .用六角扳手将锁主体锁在L1支架上。
c. 对应于L1支架的位置把Z2支架固定在门上。
d. 将继铁板插入Z1的三个孔中假固定,然后门关好,使磁铁和继铁板紧密吻合,确定Z1、Z2 的衔接位置。
e. 将Z1、Z2锁紧,然后将继铁板用M8*25内六角螺丝固定于Z1上(将螺丝、铁板、垫圈、橡胶垫圈依次穿入)。
f. 如果是双扇门,可以用两个Z &L 支架三、埋入式(内置式)安装法:内开门与外开门的埋入式安装方法一致对于木门来说,如果门挡边的尺寸够埋入锁主体的话,安装非常简单,只需挖一个合适的槽,锁埋进后锁上螺丝即可,一般的施工人员见锁就会安装。

第五步:盖上盖板,把小铝柱体塞进锁主体(参见图五) 的螺丝孔中。
内开门做表面安装时需要有辅助配件来协助安装,我们选用富有装饰性的优质进口铝材来制做这种安装配件:Z&L 支架。
a. 先将Z&L支架中的L1支架放在装锁的位置上,用M5*25的自攻螺丝固定于门框或墙面上。

○ 1
15 ○
步驟 1
14 15 用○將○跟○鎖緊固定之。 1
14 ○
16 ○
15 ○ 13 ○
步驟 2 16 13 15 將○放置到○之內側並用○固定到玻璃門框上。(安 注意玻璃保護膜面向玻璃面,以保護玻璃不受破壞
1.○BR-100 大鋁框 x 1 1 2.○BR-100側板(大鋁框用) x 2 2 3.○BR-100 大鋁框面板 x 1 3 4.○BR-100 小鋁框 x 1 4 5.○BR-100 側板 (小鋁框用) x 2 5 6.○BR-100 小鋁框面板 x 1 6 7.○陽極鎖 x 1 7 8.○磁鐵面板 x 1 8
○ 7
10 ○
木質、鋁質或 鋼質門 ○ 5 12 ○ ○ 4 ○ 5 ○ 9 ○ 11 ○ 8
步驟 3
12 8 4 ○ 用○將○按圖示方式鎖緊固定於○上。 9
將小鋁框按照步驟 1 的方式拆開,再用 11 ○將○鎖緊固定於門上,並使其與○位 1 4 置相互對應。
○ 6
再將○與○按照拆解順序反向裝回。 5 6
玻璃門 ○ 1
○ 1
步驟 1 首先將○固定到欲安裝門框上之位置。 1
○ 2 ○ 4 ○ 3
步驟 2 將○放置到○之內側(螺絲孔側)並用○固定到 4 2 3 玻璃門上與○相對之位置。(安裝時需注意玻 1 璃保護膜面向玻璃面,以保護玻璃不受破壞)
○ 5 ○ 6 ○ 8
○ 2
步驟 3
將○放置到○上,用○鎖上並調整 5 2 6 ○之位置使其與○之位置相對應, 1 5 用○鎖緊固定之。 6 將○連同橡膠墊片 ○放置到○上 5 8 7 相對應位置,並用○鎖緊固定之。 9