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Economic policy,tourism trade and productive diversification
Iza Lejárraga,Peter Walkenhorst
The broad lesson that can be inferred from the analysis is that promoting tourism linkages with the productive capabilities of a host country is a multi-faceted approach influenced by a variety of country conditions.Among these,fixed or semi-fixed factors of production,such as land,labor,or capital,seem to have a relatively minor influence.Within the domain of natural endowments,only agricultural capital emerged as significant.This is a result that corresponds to expectations,given that foods and beverages are the primary source of demand in the tourism economy.Hence,investments in agricultural technology may foment linkages with the tourism market.It is also worth mentioning that for significant backward linkages to emerge with local agriculture,a larger scale of tourism may be important. According to the regression results,a strong tourism–agriculture nexus will not necessarily develop at a small scale of tourism demand.
It appears that variables related to the entrepreneurial capital of the host economy are of notable explanatory significance.The human development index(HDI), which is used to measure a country's general level of development,is significantly and positively associated with tourism linkages.One plausible explanation for this is that international tourists,who often originate in high-income countries,may feel more comfortable and thus be inclined to consume more in a host country that has a life-style to which they can relate easily.Moreover,it is important to remember that the HDI also captures the relative achievements of countries in the level of health and education of the population.Therefore,a higher HDI reflects a healthier and more educated workforce,and thus,the quality of local entrepreneurship.Related to this point,it is important to underscore that the level of participation of women in the host economy also has a significantly positive effect on linkages.In sum, enhancing local entrepreneurial capital may expand the linkages between tourism and other sectors of the host country.
Formal institutions and their regulatory control of the market,proxied by the size of the government and price controls,were not found to have significant effects on linkages formation.Despite the importance of democratic governance,this was not identified as a key determinant either.On the other hand,the significance of informal institutions accords with the clustering dynamics inherent in tourism,in which linkages are formed on the basis of self-enforcing“relations-based”governance.Also,informal structures cost less than formal,rules-driven institutional frameworks for entrepreneurship.Therefore,highly formalized regulations can deter the spontaneous and cost-driven coordination among potential local suppliers and the potential buyers of the tourism economy.
One type of formal institutions that does matter is policing and vigilance.As would be expected,the results show that countries with higher incidence of violence or crime are significantly associated with lower levels of tourism linkages.Indeed, the coordination of providers in tourism clusters depends fundamentally on trust among local entrepreneurs and trust can hardly flourish in an environment characterized by social conflict.Equally important,the perception of violence on the part of tourists and hotels will dissuade tourists from venturing beyond the safe boundaries of the“enclave”hotel resort.Finally,hotel managers and other foreign investors in the tourism economy will be less inclined to maintain productive relations with the host economy in the absence of predictability and stability. Therefore,investments in institutions that maintain safety and a perception of safety,in the host economy appear critical for spawning coordination.
While all country domains may be playing a role in fostering or hindering linkages, the business environment seems to exert an overriding influence on linkages.After controlling for a country's natural endowments,level of development,and institutional maturity,the business environment on its own explains almost20%of cross-country variations in linkages.In particular,the level of corporate taxes in the host economy is associated with the most significant adverse effect on the formation of linkages,in conformity with the lower-cost motivation underlying tourism-led linkage creation.Also,a widespread usage of internet is also
significantly associated with a positive effect in the ability of suppliers to orchestrate coordination in tourism linkages.
Moreover,the results suggest that there could be a role for government in improving trade facilitation and reducing transportation costs.Also,maintaining an open trade regime seems to be critical for the emergence of linkages.This underscores the importance of not protecting inefficient economic activities and opening potential products for tourism demand to competition.Although trade barriers may indeed serve to prod investors in the tourism economy to procure domestic goods, they will also hinder the competitiveness of local producers.Shielded from imports, local producers will not have the incentives to meet the international quality standards of the products needed by the tourism economy.Yet,quality expectations, possibly more so than costs,will likely inform the procurement decisions of the tourism economy.
Concerning the relative magnitude of the effects of the different domains on linkages,the business environment and trade regulations stand out.The independent contributions of these domains,that is their ability to explain variations in the dependent variable when no controls for other domains are applied,amount to53%and 43%,respectively.The level-of-development domain follows with25%explanatory power,while the domains covering institutions and endowments provide an independent contribution of23%each.
The implications of the analysis should be considered in light of its limitations. Causal direction cannot be fully substantiated,because we use a cross-sectional approach due to data limitations.In the absence of time-series for the variables at hand,it is not possible to test for causation.While the explanatory variables concerning natural endowments are exogenous,some of the other explanatory variables could potentially be subject to reverse causality.That said,there do not seem to be a priori strong conceptual reasons that would lead us to believe that the degree of tourism linkages critically affects trade policy,the quality of institutions, and other variables of our model.
Moreover,the risk of encountering problems of reverse causality is mitigated by the observation that several longitudinal studies have established a causal relationship that runs from higher levels of economic development Eugenio-Martin et al.(2008)or a better business environment(Barrowclough,2007and Selvanathan et al.,2009)to the development of the tourism sector,rather than the other way around.
Finally,the construction of the dependent variable as a ratio of indirect to direct tourism expenditure makes the reverse causality hypothesis less compelling. While it might be expected that an expansion of the tourism sector that increases total revenues and employment opportunities might have an impact on the explanatory variables,it is less evident that a change in the composition of tourism revenues, as implied by a change in the LINK variable,would have such an effect.That said, the confidence in our findings would clearly be further enhanced,if supported by results from future studies based on longitudinal designs.
The scientific environmental ethics plays a key role in the recognition of the human—environment interactions.Modern environmental ethics is the philosophical rethinking of modern human race environmental behavior.The development of environmental ethics theory as well as its application in reality.determines the viewpoints of environmental ethics.Sustainable development implies harmony on human-environment interactions and intergeneration responsibility,with emphasis on a harmonious relationship among population,resources,environment and development,so as to lay a sustainable and healthy foundation of resources and environment for future generations.The harmonious society construction in China that is raised by the Chinese central government should be covered by environmental ethics.The connotation of open environmental ethics includes a respect for nature.care for the individual human race.and respect for the development of future generations,which means giving consideration to natural values.individual and human race benefits and welfare across generations.The role of environmental ethics in regional development consists of cognition,criticism,education,inspiration,adjusting,legislation and promoting environmental regulations.The major problems in regional development are extensive resource exploration,fast population growth irrational,industrial
structure.Unfair welfare distribution and the twofold effects of science and technology development.The formulation of environmental ethics that aims at regional sustainable development,can not only harmonize the relationship of population,resource,environment and economic development,but also guide behavior selection,push social and political system transformation.strengthen the legal system,and raise environmental awareness of the public.
Human races face severe global challenges in resources,environment,population and poverty.To solve these problems science and technology should be developed on one hand,and human-environment interactions should be adjusted on the other hand.Modem environmental ethics is the philosophical review on modem human race environmental behavior.
Environmental ethics can be a view point as the moral perception of the relationship between humankind and nature in general.The keystone of sustainable development is on harmonious human.environment interactions.with an emphasis on sustainable environmental ethics.Environmental ethics and sustainable development are key issues in the study of man.1and system,as well as a precondition to regional development(Zheng,2005a).
Though there exists theoretical divergence in different environmental ideologies.some general understandings can also be obtained:human races are the only ethical agents on earth;the essence of the environmental crisis is a cultural and value crisis;future generations have the same right as current generations,especially on survival space;differences should be made between human race and other entities on earth,at the same time they are an undivided union;the capability of the earth is limited.Based on the above general understandings.it is possible to form a more open and sustainable environmental ethics.
A more open and sustainable environmental ethics has some special connections.To respect and treat nature friendly means to acknowledge the value and right of nature,that is to say,minimum hurt criterion,basic benefit criterion and fair compensation criterion should be followed.To pay attention to both individuals and mankind should follow justice criterion,equity criterion and cooperation criterion.To have future
generation in mind Should follow responsibility criterion,saving criterion,and cautiousness criterion(Wang,2003;Wang,2004a).The conclusion to be drawn from the above is to give attention to both human race and natural value.to both individual and mankind’s benefit。
and to current and future generation’s rights.The system of environmental ethics norms has the following features:the human race is a product of the evolution of natural history and should maintain a relationship of harmonious co—existence and coordinated evolution with nature;other life.forms,species.ecological systems and all entities in the natural world have their intrinsic values other than their value as tools to human race,and ecological systems and the natural world have values as systems and therefore have the right to continue their existence.The human race is a part of nature and as the highest product of natural evolution;the human race is the spokesman of"natural rights”and is morally responsible to other life-forms and life support systems.The core of environmental ethics is to set up an equal and fair relationship between human races and between man and nature and to advocate harmonious development,co—existence and common prosperity;human races should perform their moral obligations to manage well the earth by respecting nature,cherishing life and taking good care of the natural environment.
In accordance with the theory of CO-integration and the error-correction model,this paper measures the relationship between China’s GDP and the import and export of tourism service trade.The result shows that there are several long-time equilibrium relationships between them separately.In the short run,the speed of the
Correction is very quick from the short departure to long—term equilibrium between economic growth and the export and import of tourism trade,and the export fluctuation on economic growth fluctuation is significant.Export of the tourism trade is Granger reason to economic growth.
After China’s accession to the WTO.China’s service trade is continuously increasing.The proportion of total world exports is rising.and the size of services trade deficit has been narrowing.
As one of the largest surplus in trade.t11e balance of the tourism is close to 100billion U.S.dollars.According to data published by the WTO,China has topped the world’s fifth-largest travel trade country.On the face of it.the development of the tourism trade leads the development of trade in services and promotes economic growth.However how is the cause relation between the tourism trade and economic growth in the end?Among them whether exists a long—term.Stable relationship?If there is a long-term relationship between them.what about the short term impact?
This article attempts to answer these questions by empirical approaches.and gives the suggestions about the development of China’s tourism trade.With the emergence of the international division of labor and the formation of the world market.international trade is increasing.The relation between the international trade and a country economic growth has been continuously improved.From the theory of mercantilism,classical trade theory.the theory about the international trade and economic growth has been continuously improved.Domestic and foreign issues related to the researches are rich.Researches on both the overall relationship between trade and economic growth and specifically on the relationship between export or import and economic growth are all concerned.Its methods have diverted from the initial qualitative research to quantitative and qualitative combining study.
In recent years.the domestic research on trade in services continues to deepen,especially on relationship between trade in service and the economic growth.Research on trade in services and economic growth focuses on the qualitative and quantitative aspects.In qualitative aspects,Gong Feng(2003)pointed out that trade in services had an important supporting role of China's sustained and rapid economic growth.It improved economic efficiency,promoted technological progress,transferred the surplus labor,offered a growing market,strengthened the stability of the economy growth,and so on.Quantitative aspects can be summed up establishment of the
mathematics model of trade in services and economic in three ways:firstly establishment of the mathematical model of trade in services and economic growth;secondly using least squares regression analysis;thirdly the use of co-integration analysis,vector error correction model,and other methods.The use of the third method In time series analysis.traditionally the time series ale required to be stable.That is there is not random trend or uncertainty wend.Or it will be a regression.However.in the real economy the time series are usually non-stable.In 1987Engle and Granger proposed the co-integration theory and methods,provided all alternative way for non—stable time series.Although some economic variables ale not stable.their linear combination is likely to be smooth.This smooth combination is known as the co—integration.And it can interpret variables relations as the long-term,stable and balanced ones together.Based on this theory the paper examines the existence of long-term and stable relations.So first of all the time series data of the volume of the tourism industry import and export and GDP hold up a smooth test.The most common test of time series is the unit root test.The methods of unit root test for a variety are such as the DF test(Dickey~Fuller Test),ADF test(Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test),PP test,KPSS test.The paper adopts ADF test.Non.stationary variables need to test the stability of the difference degree.If the variables of the n-order difference are stable.they are called n—order co-integration.All variables With the same order co-integration are necessary conditions for co-integration and causal relationship.
Firstly.smooth test shows that there is a long—term balanced relationship among the import and export of China’s tourism trade and GDP.Co—integration tests further reveals that the exports of tourism trade have positive impact on GDP,while imports have a negative effect on GDP.Tourism export growing by one percentage leads to GDP growing by the promotion of0.376percentages.If changes in the import are l%。
GDP changes would be3.007%.It can be seen that the impact the tourism imports on GDP is greater than that exports on GDP.Therefore,it's necessary to encourage inbound tourism and at the same time strengthen management of outbound tourism.
Secondly.Granger causality test shows that there is unilateral causal relationship between the exports of tourism and GDP,and causal relationship between the exports of tourism and economic growth does not exist.This shows that exports of tourism provide the source of power for China's growth.Therefore it should be China’s long—term strategy of opening up the tourism sector and increasing its exports.
Thirdly.in the short term imports and exports of tourism impact on GDP at the rate of0.144and0.211.And the relationship from their short.term deviation to the long—run equilibrium is very quickly,finally trend to balance.
资料来源:International Economics Volumes135–136,October–December2013,
作者:Iza Lejárraga,Peter Walkenhorst
资料来源:International Economics Volumes135–136,