牛津英语8B Unit 3 welcome to the unit 课件


译林牛津版八年级英语下册8B Unit 3 Online tours

译林牛津版八年级英语下册8B Unit 3 Online tours

8B Unit 3 Online toursWelcome to the unit1.在线旅行online tours 它在这。

Here it is.2看起来像台电视机look like a TV3.这个节目一小时前开始的。

This programme began an hour ago.4.看电视节目watch TV programmes5.遥控器the remote control 主机the main unit6.你以前用过电脑吗?不,从未。

Have you used the computer before? No, never.7.同意某人(的观点)agree with sb 同意做某事agree to do sth8.让我们用遥控器换频道吧。

L et’s change the channel with a remote control.9.在6频道on Channel 610.几百个鼠标hundreds of mice/ mouses 几千只老鼠thousands of mice11.在屏幕上on the screen 看屏幕look at the screen12.和朋友聊天chat with friends 看视频watch videos13.做文字处理do word processing14.收发邮件send and receive emails15.收到某人的来信receive/ get a letter from sb= hear from sb16.用它来查找信息又快又容易。

I t’s fast and easy to use it to search for information.17.用某物来做某事use sth to do/ for doing sth18.你经常用电脑做什么?What do you usually use your computer for/ to do?19.你隔多久用你的电脑做这个?How often do you use your computer for this?20.用鼠标和键盘来玩游戏use the mouse and the keyboard to play gamesReading1.八小时环游世界around the world in eight hours 导游the tour guide2.欢迎来到……welcome to sp. 欢迎回家/回来。



[单选]儿科中最先确认的染色体疾病是()A.先天愚型B.遗传性肾炎C.亚力山大病D.寻常型鱼鳞病E.异染体脑白质营养不良 [单选]气割的优点是()。A.设备简单灵活B.对切口两侧金属的成分和组织不会产生影响C.不会引起被割工件的变形D.对所有金属均可进行气割 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]《灵枢·天年》认为人体胚胎产生以母为()A.基B.本C.楯D.根E.标 [单选]方位投影大都是透视投影,视点在球外的方位投影称为()。A.心射投影B.极射投影C.外射投影D.日晷投影 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]小儿患小细胞贫血是由于缺乏()A.铁B.钙C.锌D.碘E.镁 [填空题]交流电动机可分为()步电动机和()电动机。 [填空题]高空作业的界限是距()垂直距离()。 [单选]预防风心病加重的根本措施是().A.积极治疗心力衰竭B.积极锻炼身体C.饮食清淡,避免妊娠D.预防和治疗感染E.卧床休息 [名词解释]共振吸声结构 [单选]下列哪项不是基础体温的临床应用()A.检查不孕原因B.指导避孕与受孕C.协助诊断妊娠D.协助诊断月经失调E.协助诊断胎盘功能 [单选]流体在流动时产生内摩擦力的性质叫做粘性,衡量粘性大小的物理量称为()。A、摩擦系数;B、粘度系数;C、粘度;D、运动粘度。 [多选]下面由收入决定的货币需求是()。A.投机需求B.交易需求C.预防性需求D.投资需求 [单选]在进行信访调查时,相关工作人员应当表明自己的身份,并且,对于一般的信访调查,信访调查人员不得少于()人。A.2B.3C.4D.5 [单选]下列()内容不属于我国行政诉讼受案范围。A.收容审查B.劳动教养C.行政拘留D.逮捕犯罪嫌疑人 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]原核细胞型微生物的结构特点是()A.无核膜核仁B.有核膜核仁C.有完整细胞器D.有染色体E.以上都不是 [单选]具备条件的快件运营人可பைடு நூலகம்通过()申请办理报检。A.电子邮件的方式B.电子数据交换的方式C.传真的方式D.电话的方式 [多选]高速公路路基土的干湿类型状态应处于()。A.超干燥B.干燥C.中湿D.潮湿E.过湿 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪种胃炎最常见()A.急性单纯性胃炎B.糜烂性胃炎C.化脓性胃炎D.腐蚀性胃炎E.慢性胃体炎 [问答题,简答题]如何点检空透主电机? [单选,A1型题]预防医学是研究()A.人体健康与环境的关系B.个体与群体的健康C.人群的健康D.社会环境与健康的关系E.健康和无症状患者 [多选]下列关于我国期货交易代码的说法,正确的是()。A.铜合约的交易代码是CUB.黄金合约的交易代码是GC.天然橡胶合约的交易代码是RUD.燃料油合约的交易代码是FU [单选]单纯疱疹与带状疱疹的皮损比较,最为突出的是()A.群集分布B.小水疱C.皮损是否跨越人体正中线D.疼痛E.疱疹破溃 [单选]关于鼻咽纤维血管瘤下列说法不相符的是()A.好发于10~25岁的男性青年B.肿瘤具有向邻近组织扩张能力C.肿瘤起源于枕骨底部、蝶骨体及翼突内侧的骨膜D.DSA及血管栓塞可减少术中出血E.活检确诊后手术切除 [单选]婴儿期保健预防传染病的最有效措施是()A.增加户外活动时间B.提倡母乳喂养C.补充各种微量元素、预防贫血D.及时添加辅食E.预防接种 [单选]()是利用油和水的密度差使油滴上浮进行分离的。按工作方式又可分为静置分离和机械分离。A.吸附分离B.自然分离C.重力分离D.化学分离 [单选]守时守信、()、勤奋好学、精益求精,是家政服务员的职业道德之一。A、自作主张B、得过且过C、马虎应付D、尊老爱幼 [名词解释]编制日期 [判断题]材料有受拉伸或压缩时,外力增加到一定数值时,应力不再增加,但应变却急剧增加的阶段为屈服阶段。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]惊厥性全身性癫痫持续状态必须从速控制发作,并保持不再复发的时间至少为()。A.6小时B.12小时C.24小时D.48小时E.72小时 [配伍题,B1型题]较大的鼻中隔血肿应采取的治疗是()。</br>较小的鼻中隔血肿应采取的治疗是()。</br>鼻中隔脓肿应采取的治疗是()。A.低位切开排淤,填塞双侧鼻腔B.切开引流,不填塞鼻腔C.鼻中隔矫正术D.穿刺抽液E.穿刺冲洗 [单选]一般情况下,灯光的默认颜色是什么:()A.黑色B.蓝色C.白色D.红色 [单选]在关系代数的专门关系运算中,从表中选出满足某种条件的元组的操作称为()A.选择B.投影C.连接D.扫描 [单选]在以下广告中,报纸、期刊可以发布的有()等。A.烟草广告B.药品广告C.使用国家级、最高级、最佳等用语的广告D.使用国家工作人员名义的广告 [问答题,简答题]什么是加工精度? [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]造成右心功能不全呼吸困难的原因是()。A.上呼吸道感染B.支气管狭窄及阻塞C.毛细血管阻力增加D.体循环静脉淤血E.过度劳累 [单选]义务教育法规定,自行实施义务教育的社会组织,应当经()批准。A、地市级人民政府B、县级人民政府C、县级人民政府教育行政部门D、省级人民政府 [填空题]观赏植物生长的环境条件主要是:温度、()、水分、土壤、空气、养分。 [单选,A1型题]阿片类麻醉药的解毒药是()A.解磷定B.阿托品C.纳洛酮D.亚甲蓝E.以上都错 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于前白蛋白叙述错误的是().A.营养不良敏感指标B.运载蛋白C.组织修补材料D.肝炎发病早期,浓度下降晚于其他血清蛋白E.运载维生素A [判断题]放射性脊髓炎和脑病病人,如有残余癌灶或局部复发,应再次使用放射治疗。A.正确B.错误

牛津译林版八年级英语上册:Unit 3 A day out 第一课时 ppt课件

牛津译林版八年级英语上册:Unit 3  A day out   第一课时 ppt课件

Unit 3
第一课时 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
( D )3.They will stay in France
A.for three days
B.for four days
C.for five days

D.for nine days
Unit 3
第一课时 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
Ⅱ.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1.There are a lot of tall buildings ( build ) in the modern town. 2.The big bridge is made ( make ) of steel. 3.Is your grandfather going to have ( have ) a walk with you? 4.That river is about 400 feet ( foot ) long. 5.Everybody enjoyed themselves ( they ) during the vacation.
( B )1.We should exercise to keep
A.quiet B.fit
C.clean D.happy
( D )2.Every morning,the old people enjoy
in the square,singing and dancing.
A.him B.them
How long is the Yangtze River? 3.This is a silk dress.( 改为同义句 ) This dress is made of silk. 4.Simon had a great time in Paris last Sunday.( 改为同义句 ) Simon enjoyed/had himself/fun in Paris last Sunday. 5.Judy,hurry up,or we’ll be late for the meeting.( 改为同义句 ) Judy, come on ,or we’ll be late for the meeting.

牛津英语 8A Unit3 welcome to the unit 教学课件 (共24张PPT)

牛津英语 8A Unit3 welcome to the unit  教学课件  (共24张PPT)

Well, this hill isn’t as high as a real one.
Eddie wants to e_x_e_rc_i_se__ today. He says that he will cl_im__b_ a hill. Hobo is very happy to hear that because he thinks that Eddie n_ee_d_s_ to do that and k_ee_p__ fi_t__. But Eddie says this hill isn’t as h_ig_h__ as a r_e_al__ one. Hobo can’t understand it, so he f_o_llo_w_s__ Eddie. To his surprise, he finds so much food like a h_il_l __ outside and Eddie is shouting nearby, “C_om__e_ on. Let’s enjoy o_ur_s_e_lv_e_s_!”
Francisco Paris London Beijing Sydney Washington
China France Britain America Australia
Fast reading:
What places did Nick visit? The Harbour Bridge and the Opera House.
What are you
I’m going to
going to do, Eddie? exercise. Hobo.
Are you going to climb the hill?
That’s good. You need to exercise and keep fit.


Unit 3
Online travel
Comic strip ﹠Welcome to
the unit
parts of the computer
main unit screen
Free talk:
• • • • Do you have a computer at home? What do you use your computer for? I usually use it to …… How often do you use your computer to…? • Do you know any other uses of computers?
do word processing文字处理
do word processing
New expressions chat with friends
play games
watch videos
search for information send and receive emails
do word processing
Make a similar conversation .
Comic strip
• Listen to the tape and follow it • Answer the following questions: 1. What do Eddie and Hobo think the computer look like? 2. Do you know what “the remote control” really is?
Listen and discuss
• Daniel and Simon are also talking about the uses of computers. Questions: What does Simon usually use his computer for? How often does he use his computer to do this ? Practice it by doing pair work

牛津译林英语8BUnit3 Welcome to the unit 课件

牛津译林英语8BUnit3 Welcome to the unit 课件
Unit 1 Past and present
Welcome to the unit
Read the new words in pairs and check the pronunciation for each other.
• • • • past n.过去 present n.目前 just adv.刚刚 used to 过去常常
1. Where was Hobo’s food an hour ago?
It was in the bowl. 2. Why has Eddie eaten the food? Because he was very hungry. 3. Is Hobo happy? No, he isn’t. 4. What does Hobo think of Eddie?
Read the following sentences and
guess which form of transport
they are describing:
1. It’s faster and more expensive than bus, if you are in a hurry, you prefer it. ( taxi) 2. There are many of them in our cities. Each one has four or more wheels and takes you to many places in and around your city. ( bus )
The transport for picking up the bride(新娘)

牛津英语八年级下 Unit3 Online tours Welcome to the unit

牛津英语八年级下 Unit3 Online tours Welcome to the unit

To know and talk about the different uses of computer.
the important words and
phrases; Recite the comic strip; Finish your exercise book.
What do you use your computer for? I usually use it to search for information. How often do you use your computer for this?
2. 技能目标:
1)了解并掌握电脑主要部件的英文名称。 2)了解并谈论电脑的基本用途 3. 情感目标:学会与别人交流,分享快乐, 增加同学间的友谊。
Unit 3
Online tours
Welcome to the unit
1.知识目标: 学习词汇:
programme, keyboard, unit, mouse, screen, receive, online, channel,Байду номын сангаасtelevision
look like, remote control, change the channel, main unit, search for information, send and receive e-mails

Language points.
turn on search for information send and receive e-mails play computer games use it to do sth. look like remote control change the channel main unit What do you use your computer for? I usually use it to search for information. How often do you use your computer for this?

牛津版英语选修8 Unit3 The world of colours and light--Section 3 Words and expressions (Welcome to th

牛津版英语选修8 Unit3 The world of colours and light--Section 3 Words and expressions (Welcome to th

Unit 3 The world of colours and lightSection 3 Words and expressionsWelcome to the unit1. The art of painting has been around for many thousands of years. (P33) 绘画这门艺术已经存在许多年了。

aroundadv., prep. positioned or moving in or near a place, often without a clear direction, purpose or order:He always leaves his clothes lying around (on the floor).She went into town and spent two hours just walking around.I used to live around (= near) here.She's never around (= near here) when you need her.Will you be around (= here or somewhere near) next week?There's a lot of flu around (= a lot of people have it) at the moment. Mobile phones have been around (= existed) for quite a while.adv. about; approximately:around six feet tallaround two months agoaround four o'clockShe earns around forty thousand a year.prep., adv. (MAINLY UK round)in a position or direction surrounding, or in a direction going along the edge of or from one part to another (of):We sat around the table.He put his arm around her.A crowd had gathered around the scene of the accident.She had a woollen scarf around her neck.The moon goes around the Earth.As the bus left, she turned around (= so that she was facing in the opposite direction) and waved goodbye to us.2. Abstract art is about shapes, colours and textures rather than objects. (P33) 抽象艺术是有关形状,色彩和结构的,而不是实物。



Common rules on writing a summary
1. Focus on main ideas and l_e_a_ve__o_u_t examples and details. •2. When using the words and phrases in the original passage, do not include your own opinion, but be sure to use your own words
Florence Chadwick
• 2.What did the woman attempt to do at age 34?
to become the first woman to swim from Catalina Island to the California coast.
• 3.Why did she fail in her first attempt but succeed in her second attempt ?
out the topic sentences ,key words and phrases.
2.Tense: use the tense based on the passage. 3.Rewrite: Write in our own words.
4.Join: In our final draft, insert transitional words
polish and perfect the writing.
The song reminds us that all of us should have confidence in ourselves, be ready to challenge ourselves, and have a good dream ,with which you can make everything possible.

牛津译林版英语七年级上册Unit3 Welcome to the unit课件

牛津译林版英语七年级上册Unit3 Welcome to the unit课件
[‘feivərit] adj. 最喜爱的
回答为:I like … best. / My favourite … is …
1. I’m good at it! be good at 擅长于 我擅长于英语。 I’m good at English. Lisa 擅长于画画。 Lisa is good at drawing.
New words 1.哪一个 pron. 2. 因此,所以conj. 3. 生物 n. 4. 地理n. 5.历史 n. 6.日期n. 7.会议;集会n. 8.(表示整点)……点钟adv. 9.大门n. 10.最好的
which so biology geography history date meeting o’clock gate best
Unit 3 Welcome to our school!
Welcome to the Unit
Learing aims
➢掌握中学常见的几门课程的 名称
➢使用适当的语言谈论学校生 活
1我哥哥每周去游泳四次。 My brother _g__o_e_s_s_w__im__m_i_n_g_f_o_u_r_t_i_m_e_s a week.
--- What day is it today? --- It’s Thursday.
1. Our parents’ _m__e_e_t_in_g____ (meet)
begins at three o’clock in the afternoon.
2. Parents watch some of our
5.我姐空闲时间喜欢听音乐。 My sister e_n_j_o_ys__li_st_e_n_in_g__to__m_u_s_ic__in_h_e_r_f_re_e__ti_m_e. 6.这有趣的故事使得他感到很开心。 The interesting story m__a_k_e_s__h_im__f_e_e_l_v_e_r_y_h_a_p. p 7.我希望你的梦想能变成现实。 I hope _y_o_u__r _d_r_e_a_m__c_a_n_c_o_m__e_t_r_ue. 8.他真的想参加下届世界杯。 He _re_a_l_ly__w_a_n_t_s_t_o__p_la_y__in__th__e_n_e_x_t_W__o_r_ld__C_u_p_.

牛津英语 8A Unit3 welcome to the unit 公开课教学课件共45张PPT

牛津英语 8A Unit3 welcome to the unit 公开课教学课件共45张PPT
8A Unit3
A day out Comic strip& welcome
to the unit
Learning aims
01 To recognize the places of interest and their cities.
To talk about the facts of these places
A: Which ... ? B: …
◆1,149 metres long A: Where ... ?
◆134 metres tall B: …
◆ 49 metres wide ◆ 52,800 tons
A: How ... is …?
◆ made of steel B: …
◆97 metres tall ◆7 metres wide
◆ made of steel ◆13.5 tons ◆ 3 floors
A: How … is …? B: … A: … is made of …, isn’t it? B: Yes, ... weighs …
◆183 metres long A: What can ... do …?
◆118 metres wide ◆ 67 metres tall
1.7 miles(2735m) long 1 mile (mi)=1,609m
How wide ...?
90 feet (27.4m) wide
What ... made of?
How much ... weigh?
over 100,000 tons
Match each building with its city and country
☺ You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success. 人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。



Jane’s problem
Jane’s problem
We are at __d_i_ff_er_e_n_t__ high schools, and I __m_i_ss__ my best friend from junior high.
We used to stick together, and s_h_a_r_e___ everything with one another.
Harry is too shy other boys in his
Almost everyone wants to make good friends and maintain friendship with others. But we all have different problems about friendship.Have you ever argued with your good friend(s)? For what reason(s)?
We used to be crazy about comics, and we always read _c_o_m_i_c___ books together.
Whenever I suggest reading a comic book, he always
• Harry don't know how to start a

苏教版牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit 3 Welcome to the unit课件

苏教版牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit 3 Welcome to the unit课件

Hi Amy,
We’re sitting in a little coffee shop by the River Seine. We’re going to the top of the Eiffel Tower this afternoon! All the best,
Amy and Simon are reading some postcards from their friends. Read the back of the postcards and answer the questions.
Hi Amy,
Yesterday I took a boat trip under the famous Habour Bridge and went past the Sydney Opera House. I’m having a great time in Australia! Take care! Nick
Who sent this postcard? Nick. Which city did he go to? He went to Sydney. What did he see there? He saw the famous Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House.
The Eiffel Tower is in _____, Paris France. The River _____ Seine is in Paris, France.
The White House is in Washington __________ D.C.,
the USA.
Where are they?
Language Practice

牛津译林英语八年级上册 unit3 Welcome (共22张PPT)

牛津译林英语八年级上册 unit3  Welcome (共22张PPT)

What is Eddie going to do? He is going to exercise. He is going to climb a hill. Is it a real hill? No, it isn’t.
Do you like travelling ?Why?
We are sitting in a __l_it_t_le__ _c_o_f_f_e_e_ __s_h_o_p_ near the
Qinhuai River.
country: France
the Eiffel Tower
/'aifəl /
the River Seine
/sein /
San Francisco (旧金山) the USA
the Golden Gate Bridge (金门大桥)
Washington DC the USA
the White House The President of the USA lives there. It’s a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees.
3. My dad told me that China_h_a_s___(have) the third largest area in the world.
4. 过去农村生活是怎样的?
What was the life in the country like in the past?
5. 你坚持用英语记录你的日常生活吗?
2. What’s the bridge made of ? It’s made of steel.

牛津英语 8A Unit3 welcome to the unit 公开课教学课件共37张PPT

牛津英语 8A Unit3 welcome to the unit 公开课教学课件共37张PPT

Russia France Japan
He is the President of
The capital of the country is
Moscow Tokyo
The Running man is choosing the place for the next season .As the assistants, you should know well about these places first.
2. What does Eddie need to do? He needs to exercise and keep fit.
3. What is Eddie going to do?
He is going to eat.
I hope you can read more books, and see more beautiful
the Opera House
Sydney Australia
the White House the Harbour Bridge
A:Which foreign country do you want to visit?
B:I want to visit __A_u_s_t_r_a_li_a__.
A:Which city do you want to go to?
B:I want to go to__S_y_d_n_e_y____. A:Why do you want to go there?
the Opera House and B:Because I want to see_t_h_e__H_a_r_bo_u_r__B_ri_d.ge



牛津译林版英语8BUnit3精品教学案(Word版共10课时)8B Unit3 Online travel课题8B Unit 3 Comic strip& Welcome to the unit 学习目标知识目标 1. 生词: online, television, channel. 2. 短语: remote control, turn on, look like 能力目标 1. 引出本单元主题 2. 激活现有词汇并掌握与主题有关的生词情感目标谈论电脑的用途学习重点 1. 引出本单元主题2. 激活现有词汇并掌握与主题有关的生词学习难点谈论电脑的用途课前自学 1. 预习生词和短语remote control / turn on / channel / online / television. 读Comic strip三遍.2. 讨论Do you like playing computer games? What kind of computer games do you like to play? Can you give some examples? Why do you like it? Do you think these games are good or bad for you? 3. 学习电脑用途(41页A部分)阅读并抄写两遍 4. 读41页B部分三遍课堂交流展示 1. 组内检查生词和短语的学习情况remote control/ turn on / channel/ online/television/ look like 2. 听录音跟读Comic strip 3. 小组分角色朗读并表演Comic strip 回答问题What do Eddie and Hobo think the computer look like? Do you know what the remote control really is?4. 根据课本40页对话填空。

牛津译林版八年级英语上Unit3 Welcome to the unit课件

牛津译林版八年级英语上Unit3 Welcome to the unit课件

Answer the questions
1. Is Eddie going to climb the hill?
Yes, hehink Eddie should do?
Eddie needs to exercise and keep fit.
1. 外出(旅行)一天 a day out
2. 锻炼
3. 爬山
do exercise=exercise
climb a hill
4. 保持身材
5. 一样高 6. 一个真实的… 7. 来吧,赶快 8. 玩得高兴
keep fit / keep healthy
as high as a real one come on enjoy oneself have a great time
Q: What did Jane think of the White House? It’s a beautiful building with a big
garden and many trees.
Listen and choose the right picture.
1. Which foreign country did Leo go?
the White house
◆has an area of (占地面
积)73,000 square meters ◆26 meters tall ◆52 meters wide ◆3 floors, over13 rooms
the Sydney Opera House
◆185 meters long ◆120 meters wide ◆ weigh 15 tons ◆ 1000 rooms in it ◆200,000 people visit it every year

牛津英语 8A Unit3 welcome to the unit 教学课件 (共31张PPT)

牛津英语 8A Unit3 welcome to the unit  教学课件  (共31张PPT)

Harbour bridge
Australia Sydney
Opera house
Mount Fuji Tokyo Japan
The Great wall Beijing China
Tower Bridge London The UK
The White House Washington the USA
Welcome to China!
• 1.Make some flash cards to remember the names of foreign countries, cities and great places of interest around the world.
McDonald's eat some food
movie theatre watch a movie
Mirror Lake
go boating
the bus station
go home
A day out in Wuhu Walking Street
I want to visit the Walking Street in Wuhu. It is a beautiful shopping centre. I think I can take some beautiful photos there. I can go shopping, eat some fast food, buy some books, and watch a movie here. I heard that “Baby Plan” is very funny, I want to watch it. If the weather is fine, I also want to go boating in the Mirror Lake. Do you want to go with me?
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Exercise A:
Exercise B:
Eddie and Hobo do not know what the computer is. Hobo thinks it looks ____ a ____ like television. Eddie thinks the mouse is remote control turn on the______ ______. They ____ ___ the “television”, and want to use the mouse to change the channel ______ ___ ______, because they think that one is boring.
Unit 3
Online travel
The uses of computers
Free talk:
• Do you have a computer at home? • What do you use your computer for? • How often do you use your computer to…? • Do you know any other uses of computers?
We use computers to do sth. We use computers for doing sth.
chatting chat with sb.
listening to music
watching films & TV plays
playingபைடு நூலகம்games
sending & receiving e-mails
Comic strip
• Listen to the tape and follow it • Answer the following questions: 1. What do Eddie and Hobo think the computer look like? (They think it looks like a television.) 2. Do you know what “the remote control” really is? (It is a mouse.)
drawing and designing
searching for information
writing computer programs
word processing
Finish part A
Key words:
• • • • • • drawing and designing playing games searching for information sending and receiving e-mails word processing writing computer programs
Part B
• Daniel and Simon are also talking about the uses of computers. • Read part B • What does Simon usually use his computer for? Why? How often? • Practice it by doing pair work
Important expressions:
I have no idea.= I don’t know. 我不知道 agree with sb. 同意某人的说法 remote control 遥控器 turn on/ off 打开/ 关上 change the channel 更换频道 search for information 搜索信息 send and receive e-mails 收发邮件 word processing 文字处理 write computer programs 编写电脑程序 use sth. to do sth.= use sth. for doing sth. 用...来做某事
1. 你通常用电脑来干什么? use for What do you usually ___ your computer ___ ? 2. 王老师经常用电脑搜索信息。 uses search ___ Miss Wang often ____ computer to ______ for __________? information 3. 请打开电视机,我想看电视。 Please____ ___ the television. I’d like to watch it. turn on 4. 你能告诉我那是什么吗?我不知道。 Could you tell me what that is? ___ _____ ___ _____. I have no idea 5. 你喜欢编写电脑程序吗? writing _______ programs Do you like______ computer ________? 6. 你会用电脑收发邮件吗? to ____ receive Can you use computer__ send and______ e-mails?