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Strain output
The total strain E is composed of the elastic(线性) strain EE, the inelastic (非线性)strain IE, and the thermal strain(热应变) THE. The inelastic strain IE consists of the plastic strain(塑性应变) PE and the creep strain (蠕变)CE.
For geometrically nonlinear analysis (几何非线性分析)Abaqus/Standard makes it possible to output different strain measures as well as elastic and various inelastic strains. The various total strain measures (integrated strain measure(总应变量度) E, nominal strain measure(名义应变) NE, and logarithmic strain measure(对数应变量度) LE) are described in “Conventions,” Section 1.2.2. The default strain measure for output to the data (.dat) and results (.fil) files is E. However, for geometrically nonlinear analysis using element formulations (公式化)that support finite strains, E is not available for output to the output database (.odb) file, and LE is the default strain measure.
Principal value output
Output of the principal(主要的) values can be requested for stresses, strains, and other material tensors(张量). Either all principal values or the minimum, maximum, or intermediate (中间的)values can
be obtained. All principal values of tensor ABC are obtained with the request ABC P. The minimum, intermediate, and maximum principal values are obtained with the requests ABC P1, ABC P2, and ABC P3.
For three-dimensional, (generalized) plane strain, and axisymmetric elements all three principal values are obtained. For plane stress, membrane(薄膜), and shell elements, the out-of-plane(平面外) principal value cannot be requested for history-type output. For field-type output, Abaqus/CAE always reports the out-of-plane principal value as zero. Principal values cannot be obtained for truss(桁架) elements or for any beam elements other than the three-dimensional beam elements with torsional(扭力的,扭转的)shear stresses.
If a principal value or an invariant(不变量)is requested for field-type output, the output request is replaced with an output request for the components of the corresponding tensor. Abaqus/CAE calculates all principal values and invariants from these components. If a principal value is desired as history-type output, it must be explicitly(明白的,明确的)requested since Abaqus/CAE does no calculations on history data.
Tensor output
Tensor variables that are written to the output database as field-type output are written as components in either the default directions defined by the convention(按照惯例) given in “Orientations,”
Section 2.2.5 (global directions for solid elements, surface directions for shell and membrane(薄膜) elements, and axial and transverse (横切的,横断的)directions for beam elements), or the user-defined local system. Abaqus/CAE calculates all principal values and invariants(不变量) from these components. See “Writing field output data,” Section 9.6.4 of the Abaqus Scripting User's Manual, for a description of the different types of tensor variables.
For plane stress, membrane, and shell elements, only the in-plane(平面内) tensor components (11, 22, and 12 components) are stored by Abaqus/Standard. The out-of-plane(平面外) direct component for stress (S33) is reported as zero to the output database as expected, and the out-of-plane component of strain (E33) is reported as zero even though it is not(此时E33值是失真的). This is because the thickness direction is computed based on section properties rather than at the material level. The out-of-plane components can be requested for field-type output and cannot be requested for history-type output. The out-of-plane stress components are not reported to the data (.dat) file or to the results (.fil) file.
For three-dimensional beam elements with torsional(扭力的,扭转的) shear stresses, only the axial and the torsional components (the 11 and 12 components) are stored by Abaqus/Standard. The other direct component (the 22 component) is reported as zero for field-type output
and cannot be requested for history-type output.
The components for tensor variables are written to the output database in single precision(单精度). Therefore, a small amount of precision roundoff error(舍入误差) may occur when calculating the variables' principal values. Such roundoff error may be observed(观察、研究), for example, when analytically zero values are calculated as relatively small nonzero values.
Element integration point variables
You can request element integration point variable output to the data, results, or output database file (see “Element output” in “Output to the data and results files,” Section 4.1.2, and “Element output” in “Output to the output database,” Section 4.1.3).
Tensors and associated principal values and invariants
All stress components.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
-component of stress ().
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All principal stresses (三个主应力).
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
SP n
Minimum, intermediate (中间的), and maximum principal stresses (SP1 SP2 SP3).(123σσσ≥≥)
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All stress invariant components (MISES, TRESC, PRESS, INV3). For field output SINV is converted to a request for the generic variable S. .dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
INV3(I 3):x 3x y x z x y
y y z x z y z z I στττστττσ⎛⎫ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭
MISES Mises equivalent stress, defined as
28222,k (
)3J J τ==畸变能条件参考《弹塑性力学引论》,
where is the deviatoric stress tensor (偏应力张量 ), defined as
where is the stress, p is the equivalent pressure stress (各向相等的压或拉应力) (defined below), and is a unit matrix (单位矩阵). In index notation
where , , and is the Kronecker delta
(柯氏σ). 1i 0ij j i j σ--=⎧=⎨
--≠⎩当当,x i x x m y x z j y y m y z x z y z z m S σστττσστττσσ⎡⎤-⎢⎥=-⎢
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Maximum Mises stress among all of the section points. For a shell element it represents the maximum Mises value among all the section points in the layer, for a beam element it is the maximum Mises stress among all the section points in the cross-section 横截面图, and for a solid element it represents the Mises stress at the integration points. .dat: no .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: no
Tresca equivalent stress, defined as the maximum difference between principal stresses (主应力).
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Equivalent pressure stress, defined as
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Third stress invariant (第三应力不变量), defined as
where is the deviatoric stress(偏应力)defined in the context of Mises equivalent stress, above.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Stress triaxiality三轴应力, .
.dat: no .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
All total kinematic(运动学上的)hardening shift tensor components.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
-component of the total shift tensor ().
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All kinematic hardening shift tensor components (). .dat: no .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
ALPHA k_ij
-component of the kinematic hardening shift tensor (and ).
.dat: no .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All tensor components of all the kinematic hardening shift tensors,
except the total shift tensor, ALPHA.
.dat: no .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
All principal values of the total shift tensor(总位移张量).
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Minimum, intermediate, and maximum principal values of the total shift tensor (ALPHAP1 ALPHAP2 ALPHAP3).
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All strain components. For geometrically nonlinear analysis using element formulations that support finite strains(有限应变), E is not available for output to the output database (.odb) file.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
-component of strain ().
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All principal strains.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
EP n
Minimum, intermediate, and maximum principal strains (EP1 EP2 EP3).
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All nominal strain(名义应变)components.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
NE ij
-component of nominal strain ().
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All principal nominal strains.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Minimum, intermediate, and maximum principal nominal strains (NEP1 NEP2 NEP3).
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All logarithmic strain components. For geometrically nonlinear analysis using element formulations that support finite strains, LE is the default strain measure for output to the output database (.odb) file.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
LE ij
-component of logarithmic strain ().
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All principal logarithmic strains.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Minimum, intermediate, and maximum principal logarithmic(对数
的)strains (LEP1 LEP2 LEP3).
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All mechanical strain rate(机械应变率)components.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
ER ij
-component of strain rate ().
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All principal mechanical strain rates.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Minimum, intermediate, and maximum principal mechanical strain rates (ERP1 ERP2 ERP3).
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All components of the total deformation gradient(总变形梯度). Available only for hyperelasticity(超弹性), hyperfoam(泡沫橡胶), and material models defined in user subroutine UMAT. For fully integrated first-order quadrilaterals(一阶四边形)and hexahedra(六面体), the selectively reduced integration(缩减积分)technique is used. A modified(修正的)deformation gradient is output for these elements. .dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: no .odb History: no
DG ij
-component of the total deformation gradient ().
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: no
Principal stretches主伸长量.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: no .odb History: no
Minimum, intermediate, and maximum values of principal stretches
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: no
All elastic strain(弹性应变)components.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
EE ij
-component of elastic strain ().
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All principal elastic strains.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Minimum, intermediate, and maximum principal elastic strains (EEP1 EEP2 EEP3).
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All inelastic strain(非弹性应变)components.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
IE ij
-component of inelastic strain ().
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All principal inelastic strains.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Minimum, intermediate, and maximum principal inelastic strains (IEP1 IEP2 IEP3).
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All plastic strain components. This identifier also provides PEEQ, a
yes/no flag telling if the material is currently yielding(屈服)or not (AC YIELD: “actively yielding”; that is, the plastic strain changed during the increment), and PEMAG when PE is requested for the data or results files. When PE is requested for field output to the output database, PEEQ(等效塑性应变)is also provided.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
PE ij
-component of plastic strain ().
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Equivalent plastic strain. This identifier also provides a yes/no flag (1/0 on the output database) telling if the material is currently yielding or not (AC YIELD: “actively yielding”; that is, the plastic strain changed during the increment).
The equivalent plastic strain is defined as , where is the initial equivalent plastic strain.
The definition of depends on the material model. For classical metal (Mises) plasticity . For other plasticity models,
see the appropriate section in Part V, “Materials.”
When plasticity occurs in the thickness direction(厚度方向)to a gasket垫圈element whose plastic behavior is specified as part of a gasket behavior definition, PEEQ is PE11.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Maximum equivalent plastic strain, PEEQ, among all of the section points. For a shell element it represents the maximumPEEQ value among all the section points in the layer, for a beam element it is the maximum PEEQ among all the section points in the cross-section(横断面), and for a solid element it represents thePEEQ at the integration points(积分点). .dat: no .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: no
Equivalent plastic strain in uniaxial tension单轴向张力for cast iron (铸铁,生铁), Mohr-Coulomb tension cutoff(抗拉伸强度), and concrete damaged plasticity, which is defined as . This identifier also provides a yes/no flag (1/0 on the output database) telling if the material is currently yielding or not (AC YIELDT: “actively yielding”; that is,
the plastic strain changed during the increment).
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Plastic strain magnitude, defined as .
For most materials, PEEQ and PEMAG are equal only for proportional loading比例加荷. When plasticity occurs in the thickness direction to a gasket(垫圈)element whose plastic behavior is specified as part of a gasket behavior definition, PEMAG is PE11.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
All principal plastic strains(主应变).
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Minimum, intermediate, and maximum principal plastic strains (PEP1 PEP2 PEP3).
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All creep strain(蠕变应变)components. This identifier also provides CEEQ, CESW, and CEMAG when CE is requested for the data or results files.
CE ij
-component of creep strain ().
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Equivalent creep strain, defined as .
The definition of depends on the material model. For classical metal (Mises) creep . For other creep models, see the appropriate section in Part V, “Materials.”
When creep occurs in the thickness direction to a gasket element whose creep behavior is specified as part of a gasket behavior definition, CEEQ is CE11.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Magnitude of swelling strain(膨胀应变).
For cap creep CESW gives the equivalent creep strain produced by the consolidation creep mechanism(蠕变机理), defined as , where is the equivalent creep pressure,
Magnitude of creep strain (defined by the same formula given above for PEMAG, applied to the creep strains).
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
All principal creep strains.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Minimum, intermediate, and maximum principal creep strains (CEP1 CEP2 CEP3).
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Additional element stresses
Average contact pressure(平均接触压力)for link and three-dimensional line gasket elements. Available only if the gasket contact area is specified; see “Defining the contact area for average contact pressure output” in “Defining the gasket behavior directly usi ng a gasket behavior model,” Section 29.6.6.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
All transverse shear stress(横向剪切应力)components. Available only for thick shell elements such as S3R, S4R, S8R, and S8RT. Contouring of this variable is supported in the Visualization module of Abaqus/CAE. .dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
-component of transverse shear stress (). Available only for thick shell elements(壳单元)such as S3R, S4R, S8R, and S8RT.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Transverse shear stress(横向剪切应力)components for stacked continuum shell elements. Available only for SC6R and SC8R elements. Contouring of this variable is supported in the Visualization module of Abaqus/CAE.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
-component of transverse shear stress (). Available only for SC6R and SC8R elements.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
All substresses. Available only for ITS elements.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: no .odb History: no
SS n
n th substress (). Available only for ITS elements.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: no
Vibration and acoustic quantities
Vibration intensity(震动强度). Available only for the steady-state dynamics procedure. For real-only steady-state dynamics analyses, the intensity is a pure imaginary(纯虚数)vector, but it is stored as real on the output database. Available for structural, solid, and acoustic(声学的)elements and for rebar(钢筋).
.dat: no .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Acoustic particle velocity声学的质点速度. Available only if the steady-state dynamic procedure is used, and available only for acoustic finite elements.
.dat: no .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Component n of the acoustic particle velocity vector (n= 1, 2, 3). Available only if the steady-state dynamic procedure is used, and available only for acoustic finite elements.
.dat: no .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Acoustic pressure gradient(声压梯度). Available only if the steady-state dynamic procedure is used, and available only for acoustic finite elements.
.dat: no .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Energy densities(密度)
All energy densities. None of the energy densities are available in mode-based procedures; a limited number of them are available for direct-solution steady-state dynamic and subspace-based steady-state dynamic analyses. In steady-state dynamics all energy quantities are net per-cycle values, unless otherwise noted (see “Energy balance,” Section 1.5.5 of the Abaqus Theory Manual).
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Elastic strain energy density (with respect to current volume). When the Mullins effect马林斯效应is modeled with hyperelastic materials超
弹性材料, this quantity represents only the recoverable(可重获的)part of energy per unit volume(每单位体积). This is the only energy density available in the data file for eigenvalue extraction procedures(特征值提取过程); to obtain this quantity for eigenvalue extraction procedures in the results file or as field output in the output database, request ENER. In steady-state dynamic analysis this is the cyclic mean value(周期平均值).
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Energy dissipated(能量消耗)by rate-independent(率不相关)and rate-dependent plasticity, per unit volume. Not available for steady-state dynamic analysis.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Energy dissipated by creep, swelling, and viscoelasticity, per unit volume. Not available for steady-state dynamic analysis.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Energy dissipated by viscous effects(粘滞效应)(except those from viscoelasticity粘弹性and static静电dissipation), per unit volume.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Electrostatic energy density. Not available for steady-state dynamic analysis.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Electrical energy dissipated as a result of the flow of current电流、水流, per unit volume. Not available for steady-state dynamic analysis. .dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Energy dissipated by damage, per unit volume. Not available for steady-state dynamic analysis.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
State, field, and user-defined output variables
Solution-dependent state variables.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Solution-dependent state variable n.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Predefined field variables(预定义场变量). .dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
FV n
Predefined field variable n.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Predefined mass flow rates.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Component n of predefined mass flow rate ().
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
User-defined output variables(自定义输出变量). .dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
User-defined output variable n.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Composite failure measures
All failure measure components.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Maximum stress theory(最大应力理论)failure measure. .dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Tsai-Hill theory failure measure.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Tsai-Wu theory failure measure.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Azzi-Tsai-Hill theory failure measure.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Maximum strain theory(最大变形理论)failure measure. .dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Fluid link(流体连接器)quantities
Current value of the mass flow rate.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Current value of the total mass flow.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Fracture mechanics(断裂理论学)quantities
J-integral, stress intensity factors. Available only for line spring elements. Output is in the following order for LS3S elements: J, K, , and . Output is in the following order for LS6 elements: J, , , , , and .
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Concrete cracking and additional plasticity
Unit normal to cracks in concrete.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: no .odb History: no
Number of cracks at a concrete material point.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: no .odb History: no
All equivalent plastic strains when the model has more than one yield/failure surface.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
n th equivalent plastic strain ().
For jointed materials: PEQC provides equivalent plastic strains for all four possible systems (three joints - PEQC1, PEQC2, PEQC3, and bulk material - PEQC4). This identifier also provides a yes/no flag (1/0 on the output database) telling if each individual system is currently yiel ding or not (AC YIELD: “actively yielding”; that is, the plastic strain changed during the increment).
For cap plasticity: PEQC provides equivalent plastic strains for all three possible yield/failure surfaces (Drucker-Prager failure surface - PEQC1, cap surface - PEQC2, and transition surface - PEQC3) and the total volumetric inelastic strain (PEQC4). All identifiers also provide a yes/no flag (1/0 on the output database) telling whether the yield surface
is currently active or not (AC YIELD: “actively yielding”, that is, the plastic strain changed during the increment).
When PEQC is requested as output to the output database, the active yield flags for each component are named AC YIELD1, AC YIELD2, etc. and take the value 1 or 0.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Concrete damaged plasticity
Compressive damage variable, .
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Tensile damage variable, .
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Scalar stiffness degradation variable, d.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Equivalent plastic strain in uniaxial compression, which is defined as . This identifier
also provides a yes/no flag (1/0 on the output database) telling if the material is currently undergoing compressive failure or not (AC YIELD: “actively yielding”; that is, the plastic strain changed during the increment).
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Rebar quantities
Force in rebar.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Angle in degrees between rebar and the user-specified isoparametric direction. Available only for
shell, membrane, and surface elements.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Change in angle in degrees between rebar and the user-specified isoparametric direction. Available only for shell, membrane, and surface elements.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Heat transfer(热传递)analysis
Current magnitude and components of the heat flux per unit area vector. The integration points for these values are located at the Gauss points.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Current magnitude of heat flux per unit area vector.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Component n of the heat flux vector ().
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Mass diffusion(质量扩散)analysis
Mass concentration.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Amount of solute at an integration point, calculated as the product of the mass concentration (CONC) and the integration point volume (IVOL).
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Current magnitude and components of the concentration flux vector.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Current magnitude of the concentration flux vector.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Component n of the concentration flux vector ().
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Elements with electrical potential degrees of freedom
Current magnitude and components of the electrical potential gradient vector. .dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Current magnitude of the electrical potential gradient vector.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Component n of the electrical potential gradient vector ().
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Piezoelectric analysis
Current magnitude and components of the electrical flux vector.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Current magnitude of the electrical flux vector.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Component n of the electrical flux vector ().
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Coupled thermal-electrical elements
Current magnitude and components of the electrical current density.
.dat: yes .fil: yes .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Current magnitude of the electrical current density.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Component n of the electrical current density vector ().
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: no .odb History: yes
Cohesive elements(有黏着力的单元)
Maximum nominal stress(最大公称应力)damage initiation criterion初始应力损伤准则.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes
Maximum nominal strain damage initiation criterion.
.dat: yes .fil: no .odb Field: yes .odb History: yes。
