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54 Cosmetic inspection
55 Cover Tape
56 CP (capability index)
57 CP (Control Plan)
58 CPAR (Corrective and Preventive Action Request)
9 Adhesion force
10 Adhesive Dimension
11 Adhesive Oozing/Overflow
12 Adhesive thickness
13 Aging
14 Alcohol
15 AOD (Accept On Deviation)
16 AOI (Automatic optical inspection)
59 CPI (continuous Process Improvement)
60 CPK (capability process index)
61 CQE (Customer Quality Engineering)
62 CR (Critical)
63 CRI (Color Rendering Index)
147 MES (Manufacturing Execution System) 148 MFG (Manufacturing) 149 Mid-Power 150 MIN (Minor) 151 Mixing 152 MP (Mass Production) 153 MPM (Manufacturing Project Management) 154 MRP (Material Requirement Plan) 155 MSA (Measurement System Analysis) 156 MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) 157 No light 158 NPI (New Production Introduction) 159 OA (Office Automation) 160 OCAP (Out of Control Action Procedure) 161 ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) 162 OEE(Overall Equipment Effectiveness) 163 OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) 164 OP (Operator) 165 Open 166 Operation Instruction 167 Optical test 168 Optoelectronic 169 OQC (Outgoing Quality Control) 170 ORT (Outgoing reliability test) 171 Oxidation 172 Packing 173 Panel Light 174 Part Number 175 Particle 176 Parto 177 PCB (Printed Circuit Board) 178 PCT 179 PE (Process Engineering) 180 peeling 181 Peeling force 182 PFMEA (Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) 183 phosphor 184 Physical de-cap/manual de-cap 185 Placement equipment 186 PLCC (Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier) 187 PM (Project Management) 188 PMC (Product Material control) 189 PME (Process and Manufacturing Engineering) 190 Po 191 PO (Purchase Order) 192 PPAP (Production Part Approval Process) 193 PPC (Production Plan Control) 194 PQC (passage quality control) 195 Pressure 196 Prevention 197 Probability density function 198 Procedure 199 Process 200 Process capability analysis 201 Process control and Process capability 202 Prohibit 203 Projection Lamp 204 Protective Film 205 QA (Quality Assurement) 206 QC (Quality Control) 207 QCC (Quality Control Circle) 208 QCP (Quality control plan) 209 QE (quality engineering) 210 QFN (Quad Flat No-lead) 211 QS (Quality System) 212 Quality/Reliability/Service 213 Random numbers 214 RD (Research&Develop) 215 Reel 216 Reflow 217 Reject 218 Repeatusility 219 Reproducibility 220 residual 221 Rework 222 RMA (Return Material Advice)
34 Cause and Effect Matrix
35 CCT ( Correlated Color Temperature)
36 CE (Component Engineering)
37 Celling Lamp
38 CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
39 Ceramic LED
凹痕 去湿 可制造性设计 设计失效模式及后果分析 设计可行性评估 直径 芯片 固晶 模切 尺寸 脏污 色差 点胶 试验设计 (玻璃中的)应力层深度 筒灯 每百万片产品不良率 日生产排程 灰尘 设计验证阶段 工程变更通知/临时工程变更通知书 电子行业行为准则
产品生产结束(寿命终结) 电流冲击 静电放电 外部失效,外部缺陷 失效分析 新品首件检查 毛屑 夹具 闪光灯 倒装芯片 助焊剂 每天生产的不良率 异物 终点质量管理人员 市场退回率 完全液化温度 分光 供参考 手套 拉胶 金线 网帽 卤化物 霧度 工矿灯 高光功率密度 高色彩饱和度 头罩 人力资源 湿度 正常电流 切割不完整 红外油墨(近红外光可透过) 少胶 内部失效、内部缺陷 庫存清单报告 制程质量控制 进货质量控制 反向电流 IV特性分析 刚好准时 结点 支架 管制下限 发光二极管 上线不良率 虚焊 点亮测试 撕膜強度 规格下限 主要的 口罩 设备工程
40 chemical de-cap
41 Chip
42 Chromaticity region
43 CIP (Continuous Improving Plan)
44 Clave/Auto clave
45 CLCA (Closed Loop Corrective Action)
46 Clean room
7M1I(Manpower , Machine , Material , Method, Market , Management , Money , Information)
5 Abnormal cutting
6 ACC(Accept)
7 Acetone
8 ACF (Anisotropic Conductive Film)
1 4M1E(Man,Material,Machine,Method,Environment)
2 5M(Man , Machine , Material , Method , Measurement)
3 5W1H(When , Where , Who , What , Why , How)
Clean shoes (dust-free shoes, boots)
Clean suit (bunny suit, dust-free garment)
49 COB LED (Chip on Board)
50 CoC (Certificate of Conformance)
51 Color shift
23 Backlight
24 Black spot
25 BOM (Bill of Material)
26 Bonding layer
27 Brainstorming Techniques
28 Bubble
29 Bump
30 Candle Lamp
31 Capillary
32 Car Light
33 Carrier Tape
17 AQC (Advanced quality control)
18 AQE (Advanced quality engineering)
19 AQL (Acceptable Quality Level)
20 AS film (Anti squib film)
21 Assembly
22 AV (Appraiser Variation)
64 CS (Customer Satisfaction)
65 CSP (Chip Scale Packaging)
66 CTP (Critical to process)
67 CTQ (Critical to Quality)
68 Cure
69 Debris
70 Dehumidification
人、料、机、法、环 人、机、料、法、测量 何时、何地、谁、什么、为什么、怎么 人力, 机器, 材料, 方法, 市场, 管理, 资金, 资讯 切割不良 允收 丙酮 异方性导电薄膜 附着力 膠體尺寸 溢膠 膠體厚度 老化 酒精 特采 自动光学检查 先期品质管控 先期品质工程 允收质量水平 防爆膜 组装 (评价)人员变差 背光板/背光 黑点 物料清单 粘结层 脑力风暴法 氣泡/球泡灯 凸点 蜡烛灯 瓷嘴 车用灯 承載膜/载带 因果图(鱼骨图) 色温 材料工程 天花灯 首席执行官 陶瓷发光二极管 化学溶胶 芯片 打靶图 持续改善计划 脱泡 闭环纠正措施 洁净室
板上芯片发光二极管 合格证明 色漂 零件 围堵措施 外观检查 上带 能力指数 控制计划 纠正预防措施 连续工序改善 制程能力指数 客户品质保证 关键 显指 客户服务 芯片级封装 关键过程特性 关键质量特性 烘焙固化 碎屑 除湿
71 Dent 72 Dewetting 73 DFM (Design for Manufacturing) 74 DFMEA (Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) 75 DFR (Design Feasibility Review) 76 Diameter 77 Die 78 Die bonding 79 Die cut 80 Dimension 81 Dirty 82 Discoloration 83 Dispensing 84 DOE (Design of Experiment) 85 DOL (Depth of Layer) 86 Down Light 87 DPPM (Defect Percentage Per Million) 88 DPS (Daily Production Schedule) 89 Dust 90 DVT (Design Verification Testing) 91 ECN/TECN (Engineering Change notice/Temporary…) 92 EICC(Electronic Industry Code of Conduct) 93 EMC LED(light-emitting diode) 94 EOL (End Of Life) 95 EOS (Electronic Of Surge) 96 ESD (Electro-Static discharge) 97 External Failure 98 FA (Failure Analysis) 99 FAI (first article inspection) 100 Fiber 101 Fixture 102 Flash Light 103 Flip chip 104 Flux 105 FOR (Fall-off Rate) 106 foreign material 107 FQC (Final Quality Control) 108 FRR (Field Return Rate) 109 Full liquidus temperature 110 Functional Testing/sorting 111 FYI (For Your Inference) 112 Glove 113 Glue Pick-up 114 Gold Wire 115 Hairnet 116 Halides 117 Haze 118 High Bay 119 High Optical Power Denstity 120 High Saturation 121 Hood 122 HR (Human Resources) 123 Humidity 124 IF (Forward Current) 125 Incomplete cut 126 Infra-red Ink 127 Insufficent Silicone encapsulant 128 Internal Failure 129 Inventory stock report 130 IPQC (In-Process Quality Control) 131 IQC (Incoming Quality Control) 132 IR (Reverse/Inverse Current) 133 IV characteristic analysisi 134 JIT (Just-in-time) 135 Junction 136 L/F (Lead Frame) 137 LCL (Lower Control limit) 138 LED (Light Emitting Diode) 139 LFR (Line Failure Rate) 140 Lift ball 141 Light up test 142 Liner Release Sterngth 143 LSL (Lower Spec. Limit) 144 MAJ (Major) 145 Mask 146 ME (Machine Engineering)
54 Cosmetic inspection
55 Cover Tape
56 CP (capability index)
57 CP (Control Plan)
58 CPAR (Corrective and Preventive Action Request)
9 Adhesion force
10 Adhesive Dimension
11 Adhesive Oozing/Overflow
12 Adhesive thickness
13 Aging
14 Alcohol
15 AOD (Accept On Deviation)
16 AOI (Automatic optical inspection)
59 CPI (continuous Process Improvement)
60 CPK (capability process index)
61 CQE (Customer Quality Engineering)
62 CR (Critical)
63 CRI (Color Rendering Index)
147 MES (Manufacturing Execution System) 148 MFG (Manufacturing) 149 Mid-Power 150 MIN (Minor) 151 Mixing 152 MP (Mass Production) 153 MPM (Manufacturing Project Management) 154 MRP (Material Requirement Plan) 155 MSA (Measurement System Analysis) 156 MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) 157 No light 158 NPI (New Production Introduction) 159 OA (Office Automation) 160 OCAP (Out of Control Action Procedure) 161 ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) 162 OEE(Overall Equipment Effectiveness) 163 OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) 164 OP (Operator) 165 Open 166 Operation Instruction 167 Optical test 168 Optoelectronic 169 OQC (Outgoing Quality Control) 170 ORT (Outgoing reliability test) 171 Oxidation 172 Packing 173 Panel Light 174 Part Number 175 Particle 176 Parto 177 PCB (Printed Circuit Board) 178 PCT 179 PE (Process Engineering) 180 peeling 181 Peeling force 182 PFMEA (Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) 183 phosphor 184 Physical de-cap/manual de-cap 185 Placement equipment 186 PLCC (Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier) 187 PM (Project Management) 188 PMC (Product Material control) 189 PME (Process and Manufacturing Engineering) 190 Po 191 PO (Purchase Order) 192 PPAP (Production Part Approval Process) 193 PPC (Production Plan Control) 194 PQC (passage quality control) 195 Pressure 196 Prevention 197 Probability density function 198 Procedure 199 Process 200 Process capability analysis 201 Process control and Process capability 202 Prohibit 203 Projection Lamp 204 Protective Film 205 QA (Quality Assurement) 206 QC (Quality Control) 207 QCC (Quality Control Circle) 208 QCP (Quality control plan) 209 QE (quality engineering) 210 QFN (Quad Flat No-lead) 211 QS (Quality System) 212 Quality/Reliability/Service 213 Random numbers 214 RD (Research&Develop) 215 Reel 216 Reflow 217 Reject 218 Repeatusility 219 Reproducibility 220 residual 221 Rework 222 RMA (Return Material Advice)
34 Cause and Effect Matrix
35 CCT ( Correlated Color Temperature)
36 CE (Component Engineering)
37 Celling Lamp
38 CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
39 Ceramic LED
凹痕 去湿 可制造性设计 设计失效模式及后果分析 设计可行性评估 直径 芯片 固晶 模切 尺寸 脏污 色差 点胶 试验设计 (玻璃中的)应力层深度 筒灯 每百万片产品不良率 日生产排程 灰尘 设计验证阶段 工程变更通知/临时工程变更通知书 电子行业行为准则
产品生产结束(寿命终结) 电流冲击 静电放电 外部失效,外部缺陷 失效分析 新品首件检查 毛屑 夹具 闪光灯 倒装芯片 助焊剂 每天生产的不良率 异物 终点质量管理人员 市场退回率 完全液化温度 分光 供参考 手套 拉胶 金线 网帽 卤化物 霧度 工矿灯 高光功率密度 高色彩饱和度 头罩 人力资源 湿度 正常电流 切割不完整 红外油墨(近红外光可透过) 少胶 内部失效、内部缺陷 庫存清单报告 制程质量控制 进货质量控制 反向电流 IV特性分析 刚好准时 结点 支架 管制下限 发光二极管 上线不良率 虚焊 点亮测试 撕膜強度 规格下限 主要的 口罩 设备工程
40 chemical de-cap
41 Chip
42 Chromaticity region
43 CIP (Continuous Improving Plan)
44 Clave/Auto clave
45 CLCA (Closed Loop Corrective Action)
46 Clean room
7M1I(Manpower , Machine , Material , Method, Market , Management , Money , Information)
5 Abnormal cutting
6 ACC(Accept)
7 Acetone
8 ACF (Anisotropic Conductive Film)
1 4M1E(Man,Material,Machine,Method,Environment)
2 5M(Man , Machine , Material , Method , Measurement)
3 5W1H(When , Where , Who , What , Why , How)
Clean shoes (dust-free shoes, boots)
Clean suit (bunny suit, dust-free garment)
49 COB LED (Chip on Board)
50 CoC (Certificate of Conformance)
51 Color shift
23 Backlight
24 Black spot
25 BOM (Bill of Material)
26 Bonding layer
27 Brainstorming Techniques
28 Bubble
29 Bump
30 Candle Lamp
31 Capillary
32 Car Light
33 Carrier Tape
17 AQC (Advanced quality control)
18 AQE (Advanced quality engineering)
19 AQL (Acceptable Quality Level)
20 AS film (Anti squib film)
21 Assembly
22 AV (Appraiser Variation)
64 CS (Customer Satisfaction)
65 CSP (Chip Scale Packaging)
66 CTP (Critical to process)
67 CTQ (Critical to Quality)
68 Cure
69 Debris
70 Dehumidification
人、料、机、法、环 人、机、料、法、测量 何时、何地、谁、什么、为什么、怎么 人力, 机器, 材料, 方法, 市场, 管理, 资金, 资讯 切割不良 允收 丙酮 异方性导电薄膜 附着力 膠體尺寸 溢膠 膠體厚度 老化 酒精 特采 自动光学检查 先期品质管控 先期品质工程 允收质量水平 防爆膜 组装 (评价)人员变差 背光板/背光 黑点 物料清单 粘结层 脑力风暴法 氣泡/球泡灯 凸点 蜡烛灯 瓷嘴 车用灯 承載膜/载带 因果图(鱼骨图) 色温 材料工程 天花灯 首席执行官 陶瓷发光二极管 化学溶胶 芯片 打靶图 持续改善计划 脱泡 闭环纠正措施 洁净室
板上芯片发光二极管 合格证明 色漂 零件 围堵措施 外观检查 上带 能力指数 控制计划 纠正预防措施 连续工序改善 制程能力指数 客户品质保证 关键 显指 客户服务 芯片级封装 关键过程特性 关键质量特性 烘焙固化 碎屑 除湿
71 Dent 72 Dewetting 73 DFM (Design for Manufacturing) 74 DFMEA (Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) 75 DFR (Design Feasibility Review) 76 Diameter 77 Die 78 Die bonding 79 Die cut 80 Dimension 81 Dirty 82 Discoloration 83 Dispensing 84 DOE (Design of Experiment) 85 DOL (Depth of Layer) 86 Down Light 87 DPPM (Defect Percentage Per Million) 88 DPS (Daily Production Schedule) 89 Dust 90 DVT (Design Verification Testing) 91 ECN/TECN (Engineering Change notice/Temporary…) 92 EICC(Electronic Industry Code of Conduct) 93 EMC LED(light-emitting diode) 94 EOL (End Of Life) 95 EOS (Electronic Of Surge) 96 ESD (Electro-Static discharge) 97 External Failure 98 FA (Failure Analysis) 99 FAI (first article inspection) 100 Fiber 101 Fixture 102 Flash Light 103 Flip chip 104 Flux 105 FOR (Fall-off Rate) 106 foreign material 107 FQC (Final Quality Control) 108 FRR (Field Return Rate) 109 Full liquidus temperature 110 Functional Testing/sorting 111 FYI (For Your Inference) 112 Glove 113 Glue Pick-up 114 Gold Wire 115 Hairnet 116 Halides 117 Haze 118 High Bay 119 High Optical Power Denstity 120 High Saturation 121 Hood 122 HR (Human Resources) 123 Humidity 124 IF (Forward Current) 125 Incomplete cut 126 Infra-red Ink 127 Insufficent Silicone encapsulant 128 Internal Failure 129 Inventory stock report 130 IPQC (In-Process Quality Control) 131 IQC (Incoming Quality Control) 132 IR (Reverse/Inverse Current) 133 IV characteristic analysisi 134 JIT (Just-in-time) 135 Junction 136 L/F (Lead Frame) 137 LCL (Lower Control limit) 138 LED (Light Emitting Diode) 139 LFR (Line Failure Rate) 140 Lift ball 141 Light up test 142 Liner Release Sterngth 143 LSL (Lower Spec. Limit) 144 MAJ (Major) 145 Mask 146 ME (Machine Engineering)