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1 The principal legal systems that exist in various forms throughout the world are the Romano-Germanic[1 Romano-Germanic: “Romano” is the combining form (构词成分) of “Roman”, which takes this form when it is part of a word, eg Romano-British. “Germanic” is th e adjective form of “German”. ]1 (civil law), common law, socialist law, and Islamic law. The Romano-Germanic systems predominate in Europe, in most of the former colonies of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Belgium, and in countries that have westernized their legal systems in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Common-law systems are predominant in English-speaking countries. Islamic systems are found in the Middle East and some other parts of the world to which Islamic religion has spread. Socialist legal systems prevail in the People’s Republic of China, Vietnam, Cuba, and North Korea. Remnants of socialist systems are still found in the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries.
1的主要法律制度中存在的各种形式在世界各地是Romano-Germanic[1 Romano-Ger manic:“罗马”是组合形式(构词成分)的“罗马”,以这种形式时,它是一个词的一部分,比如罗马时期。
Romano-Germanic System
2 The Romano-Germanic, or civil, law refers to legal science that has developed on the basis of Roman civil law. The foundation of this system is the compilation of rules made in the sixth century A.D. under the Roman emperor Justinian[2 Roman emperor Justinian: Justinian I (483-565), called The Great, Byzantine emperor (527-65), who extended Byzantine rule (Byzantine: 拜占庭帝国的,即东罗马帝国的) in the West, beautified Constantinople (present-day Istanbul), and completed the codification of Roman law. His full name was Flavius Petrus Sabgatius Justinianus. The nephew of Emperor Justin I, Justinian was born in Illyria and educated in Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey). In 518 he became the administrator for Justin, who named Justinian as his successor. He married Theodora, a former actress, in 523. On the death of his uncle in 527, Justinian was elected emperor.]2. They are contained in the Code of Justinian[
3 Code of Justinian: (查士丁尼法典)In order to rule the empire under a uniform set of laws, Justinian collected Roman laws under one code. Called the Justinian Code, it formed the basis for modern law in many European countries. ]3 and have evolved essentially as private law, as means of regulating private relationships between individuals. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Code of Justinain competed with the customary law of the Germanic tribes that had invaded Europe. The code was reintroduced in law school curricula between A.D. 1100 and 1200 in northern Europe, then spread to other parts of the continent. Roman law thus coexisted with the local systems throughout Europe up to the seventeenth century. In the nineteenth century, the Napoleonic codes[
4 Napoleonic codes: (拿破仑法典)French civil code enacted in 1804 and still extant, with revisions; it has been the main influence in the 19th-century civil codes of most countries of continental Europe and Latin America. ]4, and subsequently, the code of the new German Empire[
5 Code of the new German Empire: the body of codified private law that went into effect in the German empire in 1900. ]5 of 1900 and the Swiss code[
6 Swiss code: (瑞士法
典)body of private law codified by the jurist Eugen Huber at the end of the 19th century; it was adopted in 1907 and went into effect in 1912, and it remains in force, with modifications, in present-day Switzerland. ]6 of 1907, are examples of the institutionalization of this legal system.
2 Romano-Germanic或公民,法律是指法律科学的基础上,开发了罗马民法。
3 - 565),称为伟大,拜占庭皇帝(527 - 65),他延长了拜占庭统治(拜占庭:拜占庭帝国的,即东罗马帝国的)在西方,美化君士坦丁堡(现在的伊斯坦布尔),并完成了罗马法的编纂。
他的全名是Flavius曾经Petrus Sabgatius Justinianus。
]5 1900和瑞士代码[瑞士代码:6(瑞士法典)身体私法编纂的法学家尤金胡贝尔在19世纪末,它是采用1907年和1912年生效,它仍然有效,与修改,在今天的瑞士。
3 Codified systems are basic laws that are set out in codes. A code is simply a body of laws. These are statutes enacted by national parliaments that arrange whole fields of law in an orderly, comprehensive, and logical way. Today, most European countries have national codes based on blend of customary and Roman law that makes the resulting systems members of the Romano-Germanic legal tradition.
Common-Law System
4 Common law is characteristic of the English system, which developed after the Norman Conquest[7 Norman Conquest: (诺曼征服)the military conquest of England by William, duke of Normandy, primarily effected by his decisive victory at the Battle of Hastings (Oct. 14, 1066), and resulting ultimately in profound political, administrative, and social changes in the British Isles. ]7 in 1066. The law of England, as well as those laws modeled on English law (such as the laws of the United States, Canada, Ireland, and India), resisted codification. Thus, it is “judge-made” law, as distinguished from legislation or “enacted” (statutory) law. The doctrine of “precedent” is strictly a common-law practice. The divisions of the common law, its concepts, substance, structure, legal culture, vocabulary, and the methods of the common-law lawyers and judges are very different from those of the Roman-Germanic, or civil, law systems.
Socialist Legal System
5 Although there are multiple versions of it, the origins of the socialist legal system can be traced back to the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution[8 Bolshevik Revolution: the revolution that occurred in Russia in November of 1917, and so called because it placed the Bolsheviks in power. ]8, which gave birth to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The objectives of classical socialist law are threefold, First, law must provide for national security. Ideally, the power of the state must be consolidated and increased to prevent attacks on the socialist state and to assure peaceful coexistence among nations. Second, law has the economic task of developing production and distribution of goods on the basis of socialist principles so that everyone will be provided for according to his needs. The third goal is that of education: to overcome selfish and antisocial tendencies that were brought about by a heritage of centuries of poor economic organization.
6 The source of socialist law is legislation. Socialist law rejects the idea of separation of powers. The central notion of socialist law is the notion of ownership. Socialist law is unique with respect to “socialist” ownership, of which there are two versions: collective and state. A typical example of collective ownership is the collective farm, which is based on nationalized land. State ownership prevails in the industrial sector in the form of installations, equipment, buildings, raw materials, and products. Versions of this type of legal system still exist in China, Cuba, North Korea, and Vietnam.
Islamic Legal System
7 Islamic law, unlike the previously discussed systems, is not an independent branch of knowledge. Law is integral to Islamic religion. Islam mea ns “submission” or “surrender” and implies that individuals should submit to the will of God. Islamic religion states what Muslims must believe, and includes the Shari’a[9 Shari’a: (伊斯兰教教法)or Shari’ah, the fundamental religious concept of Islam, namely its law, systematized during the 2nd and 3rd centuries of the Muslim era (8th-9th century AD). ]9 (“the way to follow”), which specifies the rules for believers based on divine command and revelation. Unlike other systems of law based on judicial decisions, precedents, and legislation, Islamic law is derived from four principal sources. They include the Koran[10 Koran: (古兰经)also spelled Qur'an (Arabic: "Recitation"), the sacred scripture of
Islam, regarded by Muslims as the infallible Word of God, a perfect transcription of an eternal tablet preserved in Heaven and revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over a period of 20 years. ]10, the word of God as given to the Prophet. This is the principal source of Islamic law. The second source is the Sunna[11 Sunna: (逊奈)also spelled SUNNAH (Arabic: "habitual practice"), the body of traditional social and legal custom and practice of the Muslim community. ]11, which are the sayings, acts, and allowances of the Prophet as recorded by reliable sources in the Tradition (Hadith[12 Hadith: (圣训)also spelled Hadit (Arabic: "news," or "story"), the spoken traditions attributed to the Prophet Muhammad, which are revered and received in Islam as a major source of religious law and moral guidance. The development of Hadith was a vital element during the first three centuries of Islamic history, and its study provides a broad index to the mind and ethos of Islam.