正确答案:Downlink Pilot TimeSlot4、多选LTE系统中,下列哪些PUCCH格式可用于传输周期CSI()A.PUCCH format1B.PUCCH format2C.PUCCH format 2aD.PUCCH format1a正确答案:B, C5、填空题列举T-MPLS之OAM中故障管理的主要工具及方法()、()、()。
正确答案:CC/CV_,_LB_,AISRDILCKLT6、多选有关缺省承载说法正确的是()A.保证客户在开始业务时具有更短的时延B.可提供基本的连接服务C.为PDN连接提供Always-on服务D.是Non-GBR(Non-Guaranteed Bit RatE.类型的承载正确答案:A, B, C, D7、单选PDCCH表示以下那个信道()A.物理下行数据信道B.随机接入信道C.物理上行控制信道D.物理下行控制信道正确答案:D8、多选PCRF网元可完成的控制功能包括哪几项()A.接入控制B.QOS控制C.计费控制D.加密控制正确答案:A, B, C9、单选E-UTRAN包括下列哪些节点()A.eNodeB和RNCB.S-GW和P-GWC.eNodeBD.eNodeB和S-GW 正确答案:C10、多选LTE中的RS包括以下哪几种()A.CRSB.SRSC.DRSD.PRS 正确答案:A, B, C, D11、单选有关SCTP协议说法不正确的是()A.是传输层协议B.数据在偶联中按序传递C.保证上层信令的可靠传递D.采用四次握手方式建立连接正确答案:B12、多选S-TMSI由哪些标识组成()A.MMECB.M-TMSIC.GUMMEID.MMEI正确答案:A, B13、单选RNC与SGW之间的接口名为()A.S3B.S12C.S5D.S8正确答案:B14、单选在网管上创建网元的操作过程中,下列哪项设置在6100上不需设置:()A、静态MAC配置B、永久ARP配置C、IP接口D、VLAN接口正确答案:A15、单选LTE/EPC网络中,手机完成业务请求后,状态变为()A.EMM-RegisteredB.ECMConnectedC.ECMIDLED.EMM-Deregisted正确答案:B16、多选下列物理信道中哪些属于LTE上行物理信道包括()A.PUCCHB.PRACHC.PUSCHD.PBCH正确答案:A, B, C17、填空题UE通过读取()信道得到相应的调度信息。
[ yw r s TutdPafr d l( P ;rs dc mp t g t s dmo e; rse tokCo nc( C)t s dmesr Ke o d ] rs l o Mo ueT M)t t o ui ;r t d lTutdNew r n et e tm ue n ue TN ;r t aue ue D O3 6/is.0 03 2 .0 11 4 Oh 1 .9 9 . n10 —4 82 1.1 0 js 0
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文献标识码: A
中 图分类号:T33 P9
种 基 于可信 平 台模 块 的可信 网络模 型
汤 建 ,宋顺林 ,赵 磊
( 江苏大学计算机学院 ,江苏 镇江 2 叭3 1 2 )
要 :针对 网络 中可信模 型的建 立问题 , 在现 有可信计算理论、可信网络接入技术基础上 ,提出一种基于 可信平台模块安全芯片的可信
第3 7卷 第 1 期 1
、0 -7 ,l3
关键词高端交流平台知识融合情报计算科学发现开放科学引用本文格式李广建,罗立群.国家科研论文和科技信息高端交流平台的战略定位与核心特征[J].图书馆论坛,2022,42(1):13-20.On the Positioning and Core Features of the National High-end Exchange Platform for Scientific and Technological Papers and InformationLI Guangjian &LUO LiqunAbstract The construction of the national high-end exchange platform for scientific and technological papers and information is among the top-level designs of the national scientific and technological information and intelligence system ,and it is vital for the strengthening of China ’s scientific strategic forces.With a view of global scientific andtechnological pattern and innovation ecology ,this paper discusses the positioning of such a national high-end exchange platform ,focusing on national scientific and technological security ,major national needs ,and scientific and technological innovation paradigms.It then makes an analysis of its three core features ,i.e.,openness ,fusion ,and computing.As for openness ,it should transfer from the one-way passive non-equivalent openness to the two-way active reciprocal open communication.As for fusion ,it should transfer from the singlerelease of scientific and technological findings to the fusion of such findings.As for computing ,it should not onlyact as a tool to assist scientific discovery ,but also become a main body of autonomous independent scientific discoveries.Keywords high-end exchange platform ;knowledge fusion ;intelligence computing ;scientific discovery ;open science0引言国家科研论文和科技信息高端交流平台(以下简称“高端交流平台”)已经被正式列入《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和2035年远景目标纲要》,这是党和国家在“百年未有之大变局”时代对我国国家科技创新体系的高瞻远瞩,是对国家科技信息和科技情报体系的顶层设计,也是新时期科技情报研究和工作的指导思想,为科技情报的未来指明了发展方向。
运营商5G NR资格认证题库(含标准答案)
C、Xn D、X2 答案:D 12.NOKIACU 的硬件采用 A、airframe B、airscale C、airsrame D、airfcale 答案:A 13.5G 无线产品系列不包含哪个产品形态:() A、MassiveMIMO B、AirScaleBBU C、ASiR 和 LpRRH 街道站 D、CMM 和 CMG 答案:D 14.NSAMode3x 双连接时,与核心网连接的信令面通过()实现,做为主基站存 在 A、5G 基站 B、BBU C、LTE 基站 D、RRU 答案:C
47.5G 每平方公里至少支持多少台设备() A、1000 B、1 万 C、10 万 D、100 万 答案:D 48.LTE 和 NR 组成双连接关系时,用户面应锚定在 A、NR B、LTE C、LTE 或 NR D、可同时锚定在 LTE 和 NR 答案:D 49.SCG 的主小区被称作() A、Primarycell B、MCGSecondarycell C、SCGSecondarycell D、PSCell 答案:D 50.CU 机柜 2+10 配置的供电需求是() A、1 路 160A B、2 路 160A C、1 路 100A
A、138 B、139 C、838 D、839 答案:B 41.NSA 组网中,要达到下行 1000Mbps 峰值,以下哪个为 NR 小区下行速率的最 低要求? A、900ombps B、800mbps C、860Mbps D、700mbps 答案:C 42.在安装一套 NCIR 时,如果只安装控制节点与计算节点,没有存储节点,这时 建议安装的计算节点数目最多是()个 A、8 B、10 C、16 D、20 答案:B 43.如果 LTE 基站覆盖范围为 1200 米,5G 基站覆盖范围为 300 米,那么距离 LT E 基站()以内的 5G 基站应当作为候选邻区基站 A、500 米 D 37.LTE 和 NR 双连接采用 5GC 时,用户面协议栈相比使用 EPC+增加了哪个协议层 A、PDCP B、GTP C、DSAP D、SDAP 答案:D 38.gNB 可以通过哪种方式给 UE 发送 TimingAdvancemand() A、RRC 专用信令 B、MACCE C、系统消息 D、DCI 答案:B 39.PT-RS 信道 EPRE 与下面那个信道的 EPRE 相同:() A、CSI-RS B、PDCCH C、PDSCH D、SSB 答案:C 40.假如 Prachpreamble 格式为 formatA2,那么 preamble 序列的长度为
2024-0246(1)指挥控制与仿真CommandControl&Simulation131㊀引用格式:何伟,王凡,张永胜.海上通信中继平台阵位配置优化模型[J].指挥控制与仿真,2024,46(1):131⁃137.HEW,WANGF,ZHANGYS.OptimizationModelforArrayDeploymentofMarineCommunicationRelayPlatform[J].CommandControl&Simulation,2024,46(1):131⁃137.海上通信中继平台阵位配置优化模型何㊀伟,王㊀凡,张永胜(江苏自动化研究所,江苏连云港㊀222061)摘㊀要:针对海上通信中继装备的综合运用,结合最大通信距离㊁目标威胁分布等条件,提出中继平台阵位配置优化模型,解决通信中继平台阵位的最优部署问题㊂该模型基于中继平台航路起点到阵位点距离最短原则,对通信距离㊁目标威胁约束下的中继平台阵位配置问题进行建模,利用凸优化方法获得阵位配置最优解的解析形式㊂最优解具有较强的可解释性,并且求解过程避免使用传统的迭代式或启发式求解方法,具有计算量小的优点㊂算例分析表明,对任务平台和威胁目标的不同位置分布情况,可以快速获得阵位配置最优解㊂关键词:通信中继;阵位配置;优化方法;KKT条件中图分类号:E917;TN914㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀㊀㊀DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673⁃3819.2024.01.017OptimizationmodelforarraydeploymentofmarinecommunicationrelayplatformHEWei,WANGFan,ZHANGYongsheng(JiangsuAutomationResearchInstitute,Lianyungang222061,China)Abstract:Aimingatthecomprehensiveapplicationofmarinerelayequipment,combinedwiththemaximumcommunicationdistanceandtargetthreatdistributionandotherconditions,thispaperproposesanprogrammingmodeltosolvetheoptimaldeploymentofcommunicationrelayplatformarray.Thismodelisbasedontheprincipleoftheshortestdistancebetweentheroutestartingpointandthearraypostionpointoftherelayplatform.Itmodelsthearraydeploymentproblemoftherelayplat⁃formundertheconstraintsofcommunicationdistanceandtargetthreat,andusestheconvexoptimizationmethodtoobtaintheanalyticalformoftheoptimalsolution.Theoptimalsolutionhasstronginterpretability,andthesolutionprocessavoidsusingtraditionaliterativeorheuristicmethods,whichhasthecharacteristicsofsmallcalculation.Theexampleanalysisshowsthattheoptimalsolutionofthearraydeploymentcanbeobtainedquicklyforthedifferentpositiondistributionofthemissionplat⁃formandthethreattarget.Keywords:communicationrelay;platformdeployment;optimizationmethod;KKTcondition收稿日期:2023⁃02⁃15修回日期:2023⁃03⁃22作者简介:何㊀伟(1982 ),男,高级工程师,硕士,主要从事数据融合与辅助决策技术研究㊂㊀㊀近年来,由于通信隐蔽㊁作用距离远等特点的海上通信手段受到了广泛的关注,相关技术已趋于成熟,并逐渐开始投入使用㊂与此同时,海上通信手段的组织运用技术也在快速发展,其中通信中继平台(以下简称中继平台)的阵位配置优化已逐渐成为研究热点[1⁃2],具有广阔的应用前景㊂通过对中继平台的阵位进行配置优化,来确保通信保障的最大化效能㊂目前,中继平台的阵位配置优化技术已有一定基础,从近几年该领域的研究情况看,阵位部署模型研究主要关注于中继平台覆盖能力的静态部署[3]以及多中继平台的协同部署[4⁃5],但阵位配置建模要素未考虑存在目标威胁的情况,并且模型缺乏分析导致最优解可解释性较差[6],求解方法主要以现代智能算法为主[7⁃8],如遗传算法㊁粒子群优化算法等,这些算法计算量较大[9],若约束条件复杂[10⁃11],使用迭代法或启发法求解将耗费大量的计算代价,甚至难以求解㊂因此,本文面向单中继平台保障两个海上任务平台的使用场景,在考虑存在目标威胁的情况下,建立中继平台阵位配置模型,利用优化方法给出任务平台和威胁目标不同位置分布下的解析解,实现动态的中继阵位优化,满足任务平台遂行阵位伏击任务时的通信需要㊂1㊀海上通信中继平台阵位配置模型构建本文的阵位配置优化模型是指在单个通信中继平台航路起点已定情况下,基于航路起点到中继阵位点距离最短原则,计算中继平台在目标威胁半径外的最优阵位点,在航路代价最小的情况下达到同时保障多个任务平台的效能,实现中继平台阵位点的优化配置,如图1所示㊂设任务平台i的任务点坐标为(mi,ni),任务平台i对应的最大通信距离为ri,威胁目标的坐标为(p,q),到132㊀何㊀伟,等:海上通信中继平台阵位配置优化模型第46卷图1㊀海上通信中继平台阵位配置优化Fig 1㊀Optimizationforarraydeploymentofmarinecommunicationrelayplatform威胁目标的安全半径为rt,假设任务平台之间坐标位置不重合,任务平台和威胁目标之间的坐标位置不重合,中继平台的航路起点坐标为(u,v),中继平台的最优阵位点坐标为(x,y),根据中继平台的航路起点到阵位点路径最小原则建立阵位配置优化模型为minr(x,y)=(x-u)2+(y-v)2s.t.(x-m1)2+(y-n1)2ɤr21(x-m2)2+(y-n2)2ɤr22(x-mk)2+(y-nk)2ɤr2k(x-p)2+(y-q)2ȡr2tìîíïïïïïïï该模型为典型的带约束优化问题,由于最后一个约束条件的存在,该问题是一个非凸问题,因此使用传统优化迭代算法进行求解具有一定的困难㊂在常见的使用模式中,中继平台一般只需保障2个任务平台的通信,因此相应的阵位配置优化模型可简化为P:minr(x,y)=(x-u)2+(y-v)2s.t.(x-m1)2+(y-n1)2ɤr21(x-m2)2+(y-n2)2ɤr22(x-p)2+(y-q)2ȡr2tìîíïïïï以上问题P包括三个约束条件,分别为阵位点可同时保证对任务平台1和2的通信,并在安全范围之内㊂2㊀海上通信中继平台阵位配置模型求解对通信中继平台保障2个任务平台情况下的阵位配置最优解进行分析,以获取最优解的解析形式,避免迭代法难以求解非凸优化的困难㊂问题P的求解需要引入拉格朗日函数L(x,y,λ1,λ2,λ3),即L(x,y,λ1,λ2,λ3)=r(x,y)+λ1((x-m1)2+(y-n1)2-r21)+λ2((x-m2)2+(y-n2)2-r22)+λ3(r2t-((x-p)2+(y-q)2))根据凸优化理论中的最优性条件即可求出问题P的解,问题P最优性条件为:∂L∂x=(x-u)+λ1(x-m1)+λ2(x-m2)-λ3(x-p)=0∂L∂y=(y-v)+λ1(y-n1)+λ2(y-n2)-λ3(y-q)=0λ1((x-m1)2+(y-n1)2-r21)=0,λ1ȡ0λ2((x-m2)2+(y-n2)2-r22)=0,λ2ȡ0λ3(r2t-(x-p)2+(y-q)2)=0,λ3ȡ0(x-m1)2+(y-n1)2ɤr21(x-m2)2+(y-n2)2ɤr22(x-p)2+(y-q)2ȡr2t根据最优性条件,按照3个约束条件是否起作用分为8种情况进行分析:1)假设任务平台参数㊁威胁目标参数和中继平台航路起点关系满足:(u-m1)2+(v-n1)2<r21(u-m2)2+(v-n2)2<r22(u-p)2+(v-q)2>r2t则最优性条件中的三个约束条件都不起作用,对应的λ1=0,λ2=0,λ3=0,最优性条件为:x-u=0(1)y-v=0(2)(x-m1)2+(y-n1)2<r21(3)(x-m2)2+(y-n2)2<r22(4)(x-p)2+(y-q)2>r2t(5)联立(1)㊁(2)解得x=u和y=v,若还满足(3)㊁(4)和(5),则求得问题解㊂2)假设任务平台参数㊁威胁目标参数和中继平台航路起点关系满足:(u-m1)2+(v-n1)2<r21(u-m2)2+(v-n2)2<r22(u-p)2+(v-q)2<r2t则最优性条件中的第一个和第二个约束条件不起第1期指挥控制与仿真133㊀作用,对应的λ1=0,λ2=0,λ3>0,最优性条件为:(x-u)+λ3(p-x)=0(6)(y-v)+λ3(q-y)=0(7)(x-p)2+(y-q)2=r2t(8)(x-m1)2+(y-n1)2<r21(9)(x-m2)2+(y-n2)2<r22(10)联立(6)㊁(7)和(8)求解得λ3=1ʃ(u-p)2+(v-q)2r2tx=u-λ3p1-λ3y=v-λ3q1-λ3若λ3>0,且满足(9)和(10),则求得问题解㊂3)假设任务平台参数㊁威胁目标参数和中继平台航路起点关系满足:(u-m1)2+(v-n1)2>r21(u-m2)2+(v-n2)2<(u-m1)2+(v-n1)2(u-p)2+(v-q)2>r2t则最优性条件中的第二个和第三个约束条件不起作用,对应的λ1>0,λ2=0,λ3=0,最优性条件为:(x-u)+λ1(x-m1)=0(11)(y-v)+λ1(y-n1)=0(12)(x-m1)2+(y-n1)2=r21(13)(x-m2)2+(y-n2)2<r22(14)(x-p)2+(y-q)2>r2t(15)联立(11)㊁(12)和(13)求解得λ1=(u-m1)2+(v-n1)2r21-1x=u+λ1m11+λ1y=v+λ1n11+λ1若λ1>0,且满足(14)和(15),则求得问题解㊂4)假设任务平台参数㊁威胁目标参数和中继平台航路起点关系满足:(u-m2)2+(v-n2)2<(u-m1)2+(v-n1)2(u-p)2+(v-q)2<r2t则最优性条件中的第二个约束条件不起作用,对应的λ1>0,λ2=0,λ3>0,最优性条件为:(x-u)+λ1(x-m1)-λ3(x-p)=0(16)(y-v)+λ1(y-n1)-λ3(y-q)=0(17)(x-m1)2+(y-n1)2-r21=0(18)(x-p)2+(y-q)2-r2t=0(19)(x-m2)2+(y-n2)2ɤr22(20)联立后两式(18)和(19)可得四组解㊂当n1=q时,解为:x=(r21-r2t)-(m21-p2)2(p-m1)y=n1+r21-(x-m1)2ìîíïïïï和x=(r21-r2t)-(m21-p2)2(p-m1)y=n1-r21-(x-m1)2ìîíïïïï当n1ʂq时,解为:x=-b+b2-4ac2ay=2(m1-p)x+p2-m21+q2-n21-(r2t-r21)2(q-n1)ìîíïïïïïx=-b-b2-4ac2ay=2(m1-p)x+p2-m21+q2-n21-(r2t-r21)2(q-n1)ìîíïïïïï这里要求b2-4acȡ0,其中a=4(m1-p)2+4(n1-q)2b=4(p-m1)Δ-8p(n1-q)2c=Δ2-4(n1-q)2r2t+4(n1-q)2p2Δ=m21-p2-(r21-r2t)+(n1-q2)2联立式(16)和(17)可得λ1=-(x-u)(y-q)-(y-v)(x-p)(x-m1)(y-q)-(y-n1)(x-p)λ3=-(x-u)(y-n1)-(y-v)(x-m1)(x-p)(y-n1)-(y-q)(x-m1)将求得的四组解带入λ1和λ3,满足λ1>0和λ3>0,且满足(20),则求得问题解㊂5)假设任务平台参数㊁威胁目标参数和中继平台航路起点关系满足:(u-m1)2+(v-n1)2<(u-m2)2+(v-n2)2(u-m2)2+(v-n2)2>r22(u-p)2+(v-q)2>r2t则最优性条件中的第一个和第三个约束条件不起作用,对应的λ1=0,λ2>0,λ3=0,最优性条件为:(x-u)+λ2(x-m2)=0(21)(y-v)+λ2(y-n2)=0(22)134㊀何㊀伟,等:海上通信中继平台阵位配置优化模型第46卷(x-m2)2+(y-n2)2=r22(23)(x-m1)2+(y-n1)2<r21(24)(x-p)2+(y-q)2>r2t(25)联立(21)㊁(22)和(23)求解得λ2=(u-m2)2+(v-n2)2r22-1x=u+λ2m21+λ2y=v+λ2n21+λ2若λ2>0,且满足(24)和(25),则求得问题解㊂6)假设任务平台参数㊁威胁目标参数和中继平台航路起点关系满足:(u-m1)2+(v-n1)2<(u-m2)2+(v-n2)2(u-p)2+(v-q)2<r2t则最优性条件中的第一个约束条件不起作用,对应的λ1=0,λ2>0,λ3>0,对应的最优性条件为:(x-u)+λ2(x-m2)-λ3(x-p)=0(26)(y-v)+λ2(y-n2)-λ3(y-q)=0(27)(x-m2)2+(y-n2)2-r22=0(28)(x-p)2+(y-q)2-r2t=0(29)(x-m1)2+(y-n1)2<r21(30)联立式(28)和(29)可得的四组解㊂当n2=q时,解为:x=(r22-r2t)-(m22-p2)2(p-m2)y=n2+r22-(x-m2)2ìîíïïïï和x=(r22-r2t)-(m22-p2)2(p-m2)y=n2-r22-(x-m2)2ìîíïïïï当n2ʂq时,解为:x=-b+b2-4ac2ay=2(m2-p)x+p2-m22+q2-n22-(r2t-r22)2(q-n2)ìîíïïïïï和x=-b-b2-4ac2ay=2(m2-p)x+p2-m22+q2-n22-(r2t-r22)2(q-n2)ìîíïïïïï这里要求b2-4acȡ0,其中a=4(m2-p)2+4(n2-q)2b=4(p-m2)Δ-8p(n2-q)2c=Δ2-4(n2-q)2r2t+4(n2-q)2p2Δ=m22-p2-(r22-r2t)+(n2-q2)2联立式(26)和(27)可得λ2=-(x-u)(y-q)-(y-v)(x-p)(x-m2)(y-q)-(y-n2)(x-p)λ3=-(x-u)(y-n2)-(y-v)(x-m2)(x-p)(y-n2)-(y-q)(x-m2)将求得的四组解带入λ2和λ3,满足λ2>0和λ3>0,且满足式(30),则求得问题解㊂7)假设任务平台参数㊁威胁目标参数和中继平台航路起点关系满足:(u-m1)2+(v-n1)2>r21(u-m2)2+(v-n2)2>r22(u-m1)2+(v-n1)2=(u-m2)2+(v-n2)2(u-p)2+(v-q)2>r2t则最优性条件中的只有第三个约束条件不起作用,对应的λ1>0,λ2>0,λ3=0,对应的最优性条件变为(x-u)+λ1(x-m1)+λ2(x-m2)=0(31)(y-v)+λ1(y-n1)+λ2(y-n2)=0(32)(x-m1)2+(y-n1)2-r21=0(33)(x-m2)2+(y-n2)2-r22=0(34)(x-p)2+(y-q)2>r2t(35)联立式(33)和(34)可得两组解㊂当n1=n2时,解为:x=(r21-r22)-(m21-m22)2(m2-m1)y=n1+r21-(x-m1)2ìîíïïïïx=(r21-r22)-(m21-m22)2(m2-m1)y=n1-r21-(x-m1)2ìîíïïïï当n1ʂn2时,解为x=-b+b2-4ac2ay=2(m2-m1)x+m21-m22+n21-n22-(r21-r22)2(n1-n2)ìîíïïïïïx=-b-b2-4ac2ay=2(m2-m1)x+m21-m22+n21-n22-(r21-r22)2(n1-n2)ìîíïïïïï这里要求b2-4acȡ0,其中第1期指挥控制与仿真135㊀a=4(m1-m2)2+4(n1-n2)2b=4(m2-m1)Δ-8m2(n1-n2)2c=Δ2-4(n1-n2)2r22+4(n1-n2)2m22Δ=m21-m22-(r21-r22)+(n1-n2)2联立式(31)和(32)可得λ1=-(x-u)(y-n2)-(y-v)(x-m2)(x-m1)(y-n2)-(y-n1)(x-m2)λ2=-(x-u)(y-n1)-(y-v)(x-m1)(x-m2)(y-n1)-(y-n2)(x-m1)将求得的四组解带入λ1和λ2,满足λ1>0和λ2>0,且满足式(35),则求得问题解㊂8)假设任务平台参数㊁威胁目标参数和中继平台航路起点关系满足:(u-m1)2+(v-n1)2=r21(u-m2)2+(v-n2)2=r22(u-p)2+(v-q)2=r2t则最优性条件中的三个约束条件都起作用,对应的λ1>0,λ2>0,λ3>0,最优性条件为:(x-u)+λ1(x-m1)+λ2(x-m2)-λ3(x-p)=0(36)(y-v)+λ1(y-n1)+λ2(y-n2)-λ3(y-q)=0(37)(x-m1)2+(y-n1)2-r21=0(38)(x-m2)2+(y-n2)2-r22=0(39)(x-p)2+(y-q)2-r2t=0(40)联立式(38)和(39)得到四组解,且与情况7)的解一致,对四组解进行检验,满足式(40)的解为问题的解㊂由于中继平台阵位配置问题的解只要满足1) 8)中的一种即为KKT点,可以根据任务平台参数㊁威胁目标参数和中继平台航路起点关系的8种情况进行求解,获得中继平台阵位配置点㊂3㊀阵位配置模型算例分析假设任务平台1的任务点坐标为(-50,0),任务平台1的通信距离约束为100,任务平台2的任务点坐标为(0,50),任务平台2的通信距离约束为100,威胁目标的坐标为(0,150),威胁半径为100,由于情况4)㊁6)㊁8)和情况7)的求解类似,因此只给出情况1)㊁2)㊁3)㊁5)和7)5种场景的模型求解分析㊂1)水面通信中继平台航路起点坐标为(0,0),场景如图2所示㊂按情况1)计算后有(x,y)=(0,0),并且(x,y)满足(3)㊁(4)和(5),因此(0,0)为问题解㊂图2㊀中继平台阵位配置场景1Fig 2㊀Scenario1ofrelayplatformarraydeployment2)水面通信中继平台航路起点坐标为(0,75),场景如图3所示㊂图3㊀中继平台阵位配置场景2Fig 3㊀Scenario2ofrelayplatformarraydeployment按情况2)计算后有λ3=0.25>0,(x,y)=(0,50),并且(x,y)满足(9)和(10),因此(0,50)为问题解㊂3)水面通信中继平台航路起点坐标为(150,0),场景如图4所示㊂按情况3)计算后有λ1=1>0,(x,y)=(50,0),并且(x,y)满足(14)和(15),因此(50,0)为问题解㊂4)水面通信中继平台航路起点坐标为(-150,0),场景如图5所示㊂按情况5)计算后有λ2=1>0,(x,y)=(-50,0),并且(x,y)满足(24)和(25),因此(-50,0)为问题解㊂5)水面通信中继平台航路起点坐标为(0,-50),场景如图6所示㊂136㊀何㊀伟,等:海上通信中继平台阵位配置优化模型第46卷图4㊀中继平台阵位配置场景3Fig 4㊀Scenario3ofrelayplatformarraydeployment图5㊀中继平台阵位配置场景4Fig 5㊀Scenario4ofrelayplatformarraydeployment按情况7)计算后解为(0,253),(0,-253),第一个解不满足λ1>0,λ2>0,第二个解对应的λ1>0,λ2>0,并且对应的(x,y)满足(35),因此(0,-253)为问题解㊂4㊀结束语海上通信手段具有通信隐蔽㊁作用距离远等特点已成为保障任务平台的重要力量,在特定约束条件下,如何使用通信中继平台,实现部署阵位的优化配置,是实现高效通信保障亟须解决的问题㊂本文针对单个通信中继平台保障两个海上任务平台的使用背景,考虑了通信距离㊁威胁目标的约束条件,基于中继平台起点到阵位部署点距离最短原则提出了中继平台阵位配置模型,给出了解析解,求解速度比传统的迭代式或启发图6㊀中继平台阵位配置场景5Fig 6㊀scenario5ofrelayplatformarraydeployment式方法求要快㊂下一步作者将继续针对存在海上限制区域的保障情况,考虑中继平台航程㊁海洋环境㊁地球曲率因素,展开深入研究,提出其他使用场景下中继平台阵位配置的优化目标形式㊂参考文献:[1]㊀HANSI,BAEKJ,HANY.Deploymentofmulti-layerUAVrelaysystem[C]//2018IEEEWirelessCommunica⁃tionsandNetworkingConference(WCNC).Barcelona,2018:1⁃6.[2]㊀LYUJB,ZENGY,ZHANGR,etal.Placementoptimi⁃zationofUAV⁃mountedmobilebasestations[J].IEEECommunicationsLetters,2017,21(3):604⁃607.[3]㊀MERWADAYA,GUVENCI.UAVassistedheterogeneousnetworksforpublicsafetycommunications[C]//2015IEEEWirelessCommunicationsandNetworkingConferenceWorkshops(WCNCW).NewOr⁃leans,2015:329⁃334.[4]㊀ZHANGX,DUANLJ.FastdeploymentofUAVnetworksforoptimalwirelesscoverage[J].IEEETransactionsonMobileComputing,2019,18(3):588⁃601.[5]㊀MOZAFFARIM,SAADW,BENNISM,etal.Efficientdeploymentofmultipleunmannedaerialvehiclesforoptimalwirelesscoverage[J].IEEECommunicationsLet⁃ters,2016,20(8):1647⁃1650.[6]㊀LIUJY,SHENGM,LYURL,etal.Performanceanal⁃ysisandoptimizationofUAVintegratedterrestrialcellular⁃network[J].IEEEInternetofThingsJournal,2019,6(2):1841⁃1855.[7]㊀ZHAOHT,WANGHJ,WUWY,etal.Deploymental⁃gorithmsforUAVairbornenetworkstowardon⁃demand第1期指挥控制与仿真137㊀coverage[J].IEEEJournalonSelectedAreasinCommu⁃nications,2018,36(9):2015⁃2031.[8]㊀SAVKINAV,HUANGHL.Deploymentofunmannedaerialvehiclebasestationsforoptimalqualityofcoverage[J].IEEEWirelessCommunicationsLetters,2019,8(1):321⁃324.[9]㊀CUIJ,SHAKHATREHH,HUB,etal.Power⁃efficientdeploymentofaUAVforemergencyindoorwirelesscover⁃age[J].IEEEAccess,2018(6):73200⁃73209.[10]ABDEL⁃MALEKMA,IBRAHIMAS,MOKHTARM.OptimumUAVpositioningforbettercoverage⁃connectivitytradeoff[C]//2017IEEE28thAnnualInternationalSym⁃posiumonPersonal,Indoor,andMobileRadioCommuni⁃cations(PIMRC).Montreal,2018:1⁃5.[11]HUANGHL,SAVKINAV.Amethodforoptimizedde⁃ploymentofunmannedaerialvehiclesformaximumcoverageandminimuminterferenceincellularnetworks[J].IEEETransactionsonIndustrialInformatics,2019,15(5):2638⁃2647.(责任编辑:胡前进)。
计 算机科学 20V 1 3 1 06 o 3 №. .
面 向对 等 网信 息 语 义 共 享 的 元 数 据模 型 框 架研 究 )
刘 震 邓 苏 罗雪山 黄 宏斌
( 国防科 技 大学信 息 系统 与管理 学院 长沙 4 07 ) 10 3
1 引 言
在一些大型企事业 团体和虚 拟组 织环境 中 , 在着 大量 存
基于本体 的元数据将 有效地 促进 领域知 识的共享 , 能够为用 户和应用提供语义 查询的能力 。在现有 的基于本体 的信息检
索方法 中, 乎都 假设共享一个集 中的全局本体 , 几 用来访 问信 息资源 , 这样的维护开销 比较 大 在对 等网络环境下 , 这种 假
摘 要 对等网‘ 系统作为一种新型 的信 息共 享模 式, 往往缺 乏对信 息语 义管理 的支持 。本文提 出了一种基 于对等 网
的信息资源语 义共享 系统框架 , 重点对其一体化元数据描述模 型进 行 了设计 , 合本体 和对等 网的相 关特征 对分 布、 结 异 ̄4 息资源的语义和相 关管理元素进行 了封装 , - g - 并且从元数据 知识库的构建 、 查询处理和信任机 制几个方面介 绍 了
LI Z e DE U h n NG u L S UO eS a HUANG n - n Xu h n Ho g Bi
( l g fI fr t n S se a d Ma a e n ,Nain l i est f e e s n c n lg ,C a g h 1 0 3 Col e no mai y t m n n g me t e o o t a Unv r i o fn ea dTe h oo y h n s a4 0 7 ) o y D
正确答案:(江南博哥)初始数据配置;动态数据配置;数据浏览3、多选下面属于空间分集技术的有()A、主分集接收B、软切换C、均衡技术D、扩频通信E、发射分集正确答案:A, B, C, E4、填空题将一个小区由不跳频改为射频跳频小区,小区内的频点、频点数不变,此时需要修改BSC数据配置中的以下表跳频数据表、无线信道配置表、()、()。
()A、E1接口B、HDSL接口C、SDH接口D、ADSL接口E、HW接口正确答案:A, C6、填空题ATM采用()字节的定长信元,其中()字节为信元头。
A、CCCH配置B、用户数C、话务模型D、MSC侧寻呼策略正确答案:A, B, C, D11、填空题在BTS3X基站近端获取基站工作日志时,必须先进入超级用户状态,具体步骤操作如下:打开基站维护台,点击“SITE”,按()键,在工具栏上出现一个方框“cf--”其中--表示当前两位时间的小时数字,使用()小时制,填写后即可。
3.我国汽车工程学会牵头制定的LTE-V2X标准定义了5大类V2X消息,分别是BSM 、RSM、RS I、SPAT 、MAP。
8.全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satellite System , GNSS)包括四大卫星导航系统,分别是:全球定位系统(GPS)、格洛纳斯卫星导航系统(GLONASS)、伽利略系统(GALILEO)和北斗系统(BDS)9.车联网中常见的结构数据序列化格式包括Protocol Buffer 和XML、JSON 等。
10.C-V2X 和DSRC是目前业界主流的两种车联网标准。
13.3GPP Rel-15标准中对LTE-V2X直通链路进行了增强,增加了包括多载波操作、高阶调制(64QAM)、发送分集和时延缩减等新技术特性。
14.为促进智能网联汽车在我国的应用和发展,满足车联网等使用无线电频率的需要,2018年工信部发布规定,我国C-V2X直连通信使用的频段范围5905 MHz ~5925 MHz。
A.正确B.错误答案:A第5题问题:5G网络部署方式Option 3系优势不包括哪个?A.对NR覆盖无要求B.支持5G 5GC引入的新业务C.改动小,投资少,建网速度快D.语音业务连续性有保障答案:A第6题问题:NSA架构下的UE网络时,可以直接ATTACH到NR网络上A.正确B.错误答案:B问题:为了解决NE网络深度覆盖的问题,以下哪项措施是不可取的?A.增加AAU发射功率B.增加NR系统带宽C.采用低须段组网D.使用Lampsite提供室内覆盖答案:B第8题问题:PBCH的DMRS的频域位置和以下哪个参数相关A.SI-RNTIB.Cell IDC.PCID.Bandwidth答案:C第9题问题:如果NR广播波束配置成水平3dB为65°波束,则对64T64R的AAU来说,它支持的方位角调测的范围是以下A.-42°~42°B.-22°~22°C.-10°~10°D.0°答案:B第10题问题:SgNB站内的辅小区变更使用SgNB Modification流程。
A.正确B.错误答案:A第11题问题:gNodeb根据UE上报的CQI,将其转换为几位长的MCS?A.2bitB.5bitC.4bitD.3bit答案:C第12题问题:NR中一个CCE的带宽是3个RBA正确B.错误答案:B第13题问题:一NR小区SSB波束采用默认模式,天线挂高35米,机械下倾角为3°,数字下倾角配置为0°,则此小区主覆盖波瓣的下沿(近点)距离基站大约是多少米?A.1200米B.150米C.330米D.670米答案:C第14题问题:NR测量控制消息通过eNodeB的哪条消息下发给UE?A.RRC连接建立B.RRC连接重配置C.RRC连接重建立D.RRC连接重配完成答案:B第15题问题:NR中一个CCE的带宽是3个RBA.正确B.错误答案:B第16题问题:以下哪条信令消息可以判断PScell变更为站间辅站小区变更准备成功?A.SgNB Addition Request AcknowledgeB.SgNB Modification Request AcknowledgeC.SgNB Change RequiredD.SgNB Modification Required答案:B第17题问题:NSA网络中,在以下哪条消息之后标示着UE完全接入5G网络?A.RPC Connection Reconfi guration之后B.UE完成在SgNodeB上的RA之后C.SgNodeB Addition Request之后D.SgNodeB Addition Complete 之后答案:B第18题问题:NSA组网时添加SCG小区后UE的随机接入方式属于哪种?A.基于非竞争的随机接入B.基于竞争的随机接入第19题问题:Pscell变更失败时,UE会发生RRC重建的流程。
最近的学术期刊中,关于功能对等理论的研究主要集中在以下几个方面:1. 功能对等网络的建模与分析:研究者们致力于将功能对等网络抽象为数学模型,并通过理论分析和仿真实验来揭示其性能和特性。
2. 功能对等网络的应用:功能对等理论在各种网络应用中得到了广泛应用。
3. 功能对等网络的安全性研究:功能对等网络的安全性一直是研究的重点之一。
4. 功能对等网络的性能优化:为了提高功能对等网络的性能,研究者们探索了一些优化方法和策略。
摘 要 :由 于 无 线 链 路 状 态 的 高 度 时 变 性 ,终 端 任 务 的 卸 载 存 在 失 败 的 可 能 性 ,导 致 任 务 时 延 恶 化 ,甚 至 任 务 失 败 .
针 对 上 述 问 题 ,提 出 了 面 向 可 靠 端 边 协 同 的 时 延 保 障 模 型 . 首 先 ,基 于 嵌 人 式 马 尔 可 夫 理 论 分 析 了 任 务 卸 载 时 延 的
Apr. 2021 Vol.44 No. 2
杨 鹏 1’2’3’4 , 张 义 富 2’3’4, 李 职 杜 2’3’4 , 吴 大 鹏 2’3’4 , 王 汝 言 2’3-4
( 1 . 重 庆 信 息 通 信 研 究 院 ,重 庆 400065; 2 . 重 庆 邮 电 大 学 通 信 与 信 息 工 程 学 院 ,重 庆 400065; 3 . 重 庆 高 校 市 级 光 通 信 与 网 络 重 点 实 验 室 ,重 庆 400065; 4 . 泛 在 感 知 与 互 联 重 庆 市 重 点 实 验 室 ,重 庆 400065)
2021年 4 月 第44卷 第 2 期
北京邮电大学学报 Journal of Beijing University of Posts a n d Telecommunications
文 章 编 号 :1 0 0 7 - 5 3 2 1 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 0 2 4 0 4 /j. jbupt. 2 0 2 0 - 1 3 9
器的任务与留在本地计算的任务的到达过程分别服 从 参 数 为 a A 与 (1 - 〇〇A 的泊松分布.
图 I 端边协同任务处理过程示意图
考虑任务卸载的信道小尺度衰落增益/K 0 服
3 eerhIs.fNe ep nyT cnlg .R s c nto w W a or eh ooy& A piain a p l t ,Na a nv f n ier g W u a 30 3 C ia c o v l i.o E gne n , h n4 0 3 , hn ) U i
me t he tme c ii a n y mi e u r me s e s t i rtc la d d na cr q i e nt .
Ke r s mu t~ l to m , o p r tv u d n e t s s i n n , o p r t e g i a c a a e n y wo d : lip a f r c o e a i e g i a c , a k a s g me t c o e a i u d n e m n g me t v
Co ta tn tp o o o s e ly d t h s in e to h o p rtv o to — n - ud a k , wh c n r c e r t c li mp o e o t e a sg m n ft e c o ea ie c n r la d g ie t s s ih
中 图分 类 号 : 2 , 9 TP 4V1 文献 标 识 码 : A
Re e r h o h sg s a c n t e As i nm e f t u t- l t o m o e a i e nto he M lip a f r Co p r tv
Gu d nc s s Ba e n Co t a t Ne o o o i a e Ta k s d o n r c tPr t c l
合 同网 多平 台协 同制ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 任 务分 配模 型
基于网络编码的对等网流媒体网络中优化的带宽分配策略陈卓;周江【摘要】针对采用了网络编码技术的对等网(P2P)流媒体系统应用,提出一种基于负载转移的节点带宽资源均衡策略,尽可能避免节点选择邻居节点并请求带宽资源的随意性形成的节点过载.在策略中,当某些节点过载后将选取部分带宽资源负载较轻的节点作为负载转移节点,同时将请求节点所需数据通过阶梯型带宽分配方式推送给这些选择出的负载转移节点.数值仿真表明,这种负载转移的策略能够有效降低过载节点的带宽资源占用,避免网络热区的出现.【期刊名称】《计算机应用》【年(卷),期】2015(035)006【总页数】6页(P1509-1513,1551)【关键词】资源过载;网络编码;负载转移;对等网【作者】陈卓;周江【作者单位】重庆理工大学计算机科学与工程学院,重庆400054;通信抗干扰技术国家重点实验室(电子科技大学),成都611731;通信抗干扰技术国家重点实验室(电子科技大学),成都611731【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393.030 引言基于对等网(Peer-to-Peer,P2P)技术的视频流媒体应用已成为当今互联网中最为重要的应用[1]。
在这类系统中,观看视频的节点自组织成一个独立于物理网络拓扑的重叠网络(Overlay Network)。
正因为P2P流媒体系统的诸多优点,众多商用流媒体系统都采用了 P2P 技术实现,如:PPLive[2]、UUSee[3]、Coolstreaming[4]等。
电力通信异构多网共存网络发现与识别算法吴维农;韩培培;冯文江;唐夲【摘要】Electric power wireless communication network supports enormous quantity wide users, high concurrent services, and complex operating environment, which is represented as heterogeneous networks with different complementary cover scope coexistences. In order to support intelligent power terminals to select access network, network discovery and identi-fication must be performed firstly. Based on TD-LTE, WiMAX, Smart Grid NAN and 230 MHz heterogeneous networks coexistence scenario, a network identification algorithm is proposed by integrating physical signal time-frequency charac-teristics with MAC layer protocol characteristics to discover and identify coexisting wireless networks. This algorithm combines the modified window-sliding energy detection with cyclostationary feature detection to execute network discovery and identification, and multicycle characteristics are used in cyclostationary feature detection to improve the signal identi-fication precision. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively identify various heterogeneous cognitive wireless networks.%电力无线通信网支撑用户量大面广、业务高并发、运行环境复杂,表现为异构多网混合共存.为了支持智能电力终端动态选择网络接入,必须首先执行网络发现与识别.针对TD-LTE无线通信专网、WiMAX无线通信专网、智能电网邻域网和230 MHz 电力无线专网异构多网共存场景,提出一种融合物理层信号时频特征和MAC层协议特征的网络识别算法.该算法结合改进的窗口滑动能量检测和多周期特性加权循环平稳特征检测执行网络发现与识别.仿真结果表明,该算法能有效识别异构的多种电力无线通信网络.【期刊名称】《计算机工程与应用》【年(卷),期】2016(052)011【总页数】5页(P131-135)【关键词】异构多网共存;网络发现与识别;能量检测;循环平稳特征检测【作者】吴维农;韩培培;冯文江;唐夲【作者单位】国网重庆市电力公司信通分公司,重庆 401123;重庆大学通信工程学院,重庆 400044;重庆大学通信工程学院,重庆 400044;国网重庆市电力公司信通分公司,重庆 401123;重庆大学通信工程学院,重庆 400044【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN915智能电网通过对基础信息流分层分级,实现海量信息的纵向贯通与横向集成,需要利用电力通信网[1-2]对发电、输变电、配用电和管理等环节实施全方位、动态智能监测、分析和调控,要求电力通信网能支持电力业务的灵活接入;为电力智能化系统提供即插即用的通信保障;为分布式能源提供信息交互的通信管道;为源荷互动等业务提供安全通信手段,如在输变电环节,执行动态增容、柔性输电、安全防护等上下行业务和指令交互[3];在配用电环节,支撑分布式能源管理、微网、充电桩、智能小区等配用电自动化信息交互[4]。
万方数据万方数据万方数据万方数据可信硬件平台的设计与实现作者:郭灵儿, 蒋志翔, GUO Ling-er, JIANG Zhi-xiang作者单位:中国航天科工集团第二研究院706所,北京,100854刊名:计算机工程与设计英文刊名:COMPUTER ENGINEERING AND DESIGN年,卷(期):2011,32(2)被引用次数:2次1.黄校勇;黄小平Windows Rootkit技术原理及防御策略[期刊论文]-微型电脑应用 2006(07)2.TCG TPMsdesign principles V1.2 20033.刘威鹏;胡俊;方艳湘基于可信计算的终端安全体系结构研究与进展[期刊论文]-计算机科学 2007(10)4.TCG TCG specification architecture overview revision 1.4 20075.叶宾增强可信计算平台模块的可信度[期刊论文]-信息安全与通信保密 2009(07)6.张兴;沈昌样一种新的可信平台控制模块设计方案[期刊论文]-武汉大学学报(信息科学版) 2008(10)7.David Challener;赵波可信计算 20098.Seam W Smith;冯登国可信计算平台:设计与应用 20069.邓晓军可信计算的研究与发展[期刊论文]-计算机安全 2008(02)10.Intel Intel trusted execution technology architectural overview 200911.谭良;周明天基于可信计算平台的可信引导过程研究[期刊论文]-计算机应用研究 2008(01)1.田丽.TIAN Li改革动物学实验教学提高学生综合技能[期刊论文]-实验室研究与探索2009,28(7)2.陆卫杰.张荣君.陈一鸣.郑玉祥.程序.李传文.陈良尧.Lu Weijie.Zhang Rongjun.Chen Yiming.Zheng Yuxiang. Cheng Xu.Li Chuanwen.Chen Liangyao可扩展光学薄膜Mapping测量平台的设计与实现[期刊论文]-中国激光2009,36(6)3.方恺晴.文建国.张洪杰.FANG Kai-qing.WEN Jian-guo.ZHANG Hong-jie信息技术实验教学示范中心的建设与改革[期刊论文]-实验室研究与探索2009,28(4)4.于向博.韩进.罗昱基于OpenGL的通用虚拟场景展示平台的设计与实现[会议论文]-20095.李靖.戴翠萍显微互动系统在《血液学检验》教学中的应用[期刊论文]-中国科教创新导刊2010(19)6.胡国元.胡婧.朱雄伟.孙炜.HU Guo-yuan.HU Jing.ZHU Xiong-wei.SUN Wei显微数码互动实验室系统在微生物实验教学中的应用[期刊论文]-武汉工程大学学报2010,32(10)7.黄海明.刘金刚.马云鹏.Huang Haiming.Liu Jingang.Ma Yunpeng一种人体运动展示平台的设计与实现[期刊论文]-计算机工程与应用2005,41(9)8.傅川.陈云高校科研信息多维展示平台的设计与实现[期刊论文]-中国教育信息化·高教职教2010(4)9.马峰.李国华.曹洪治.MA Feng.LI Guo-hua.CAO Hong-zhi材料科学与工程专业实验教学的改革[期刊论文]-实验室研究与探索2010,29(12)10.白广梅.王小逸.BAI Guang-mei.WANG Xiao-yi改革实验教学培养创新人才[期刊论文]-实验室研究与探索2009,28(4)1.任福佳基于可信计算的智能监控系统设计[期刊论文]-电子商务 2012(8)2.吴悠.李光.刘绍方.张鹏嵌入式TPM及信任链的研究与实现[期刊论文]-计算机工程与设计 2012(6)引用本文格式:郭灵儿.蒋志翔.GUO Ling-er.JIANG Zhi-xiang可信硬件平台的设计与实现[期刊论文]-计算机工程与设计 2011(2)。
1.一种改进的对等网络信誉模型 [J], 罗慧慧
2.一个对等网络拓扑精确获取系统 [J], 王勇;云晓春;李奕飞
3.一个建立在JXTA平台上的对等网络游戏框架的设计 [J], 叶绿
4.一个用户行为相关的结构化对等网络维护代价削减协议 [J], 张昱;靳军;曹元大;成保栋
5.一个有效的对等网络搜索机制 [J], 李振武;杨舰;石明宏;白英彩
无线移动网络通信用户节点跟踪监测仿真刘建友;李代平【期刊名称】《计算机仿真》【年(卷),期】2018(035)005【摘要】A node selection method of wireless mobile network communication user based on tracking quality assurance is proposed.The life-cycle function of wireless mobile network node is established.On the premise of satisfying the reliability of target tracking,the node which can maximize lifetime of wireless mobile network is selected to participate in target ing the weighted least squares method,the initialization of target state is completed by the node of communication user in wireless mobile network.Based on dynamic clustering mechanism,the tracking process is periodically selected,and the detection task of target node in key sequence is wakened up.Finally,average consensus filtering strategy is performed to complete state estimation of target tracking.Simulation proves that the proposed method has less energy consumption,long lifetime of network node and high accuracy in target tracking.%对无线移动网络通信用户节点进行准确跟踪,能够有效提高网络运行稳定性.对通信用户节点的跟踪监测,能够建立节点生存期函数,选取生存期最大化节点作为跟踪目标,完成对用户节点的跟踪监测.传统方法结合加权质心定位算法,优化网络簇头节点调度,但忽略了对最优跟踪节点的选取,导致跟踪监测精度偏低.提出具有跟踪质量保证的无线移动网络通信用户节点选择方法.建立无线移动网络节点生存期函数,在满足目标跟踪可靠度要求的前提下选取使无线移动网络生存期最大化的节点参与目标跟踪,目标状态初始化由无线移动网络通信用户节点利用加权最小二乘法完成,整个跟踪过程依据动态成簇机制分阶段选取并唤醒关键序列任务节点检测目标,执行平均一致性滤波策略完成跟踪目标的状态估计.实验结果表明,上述方法进行目标跟踪的能量消耗小、网络节点生存期长、目标跟踪精度高.【总页数】4页(P448-451)【作者】刘建友;李代平【作者单位】广东理工学院,广东肇庆526100;广东理工学院,广东肇庆526100【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP311【相关文献】1.关于网络通信安全防御节点路径选择仿真 [J], 杨茹;王俊2.无线网络通信节点传输快速性优化研究仿真 [J], 李树军3.无线电网络通信中用户信息节点定位仿真 [J], 申礼斌4.移动网络通信节点抗干扰方法的研究与仿真 [J], 周晶5.无线移动传感器网络节点自定位控制仿真研究 [J], 丁松阳;梁雪因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
1.一种新型P2P网络信任模型研究 [J], 王帅
2.一种对等网络P2P信任模型研究 [J], 苟红玲;孙卫喜
3.一种新型对等网信任模型研究 [J], 尹叶青
4.一种基于优先度推荐的新型P2P网络信任模型 [J], 魏锋;李杰;胡江明
5.一种对等网中基于相互信任的两层信任模型 [J], 金瑜;古志民;顾进广;赵红武
1.基于AHP的社交网络信息可信度评价模型构建 [J], 刘银萍;李光强;余容;尹健
2.基于第三方视角的电子商务网站可信度评价模型 [J], 潘勇
3.一种基于信誉的对等网推荐信任模型 [J], 陆国浩;汤建龙
4.一种结合用户可信度与相似度的鲁棒性推荐算法 [J], 潘骏驰;张兴明;汪欣
5.一种基于节点推荐可信度的P2P信任模型 [J], 周岩;何如龙;吴学智
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I.J.Wireless and Microwave Technologies 2012, 4, 1-7Published Online August 2012 in MECS ()DOI: 10.5815/ijwmt.2012. 04.01Available online at /ijwmtSecuring Peer-to-Peer Distributions with Trusted Platform ModulesHao Li, Yu Qin, Qianying Zhang, Shijun ZhaoState Key Laboratory of Information Security, Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing, ChinaAbstractWe present a novel solution that allows one platform to securely distribute or redistribute digital contents to another in P2P networks. The solution is based on platforms with Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs). It maintains the confidentiality and freshness of digital contents during the processes of distribution. Given an ideal (tamper-proof) trusted platform, the solution can even withstand attacks by dishonest users during the processes of usage. Moreover, it can also be used to redistribute n-time-use digital content offline, so it is more flexible and scalable than other related distribution solutions to enable widespread deployment. Lastly, by adding a few simple features to TPMs, our solution can easily prevent the malicious sender and receiver from colluding when the redistribution takes place, so we can ensure that they can not gain more than a previously defined amount of rights without contacting the content provider.Index Terms: Trusted Computing, TPM, peer-to-peer, redistribution, n-time-use digital content.© 2012 Published by MECS Publisher. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of the Research Association of Modern Education and Computer Science1.IntroductionIn the traditional client-server architectures, there is always a trusted server and a client that connects to the server to acquire certain contents. The contents in the server can be protected by various effective security mechanisms, but it is difficult to protect them when they are beyond the control of a server. Since clients are often devices that are logically and physically under the control of their owners, client users can attack and circumvent the protection mechanisms easily. It will be more complex in the P2P distribution architectures because the party can be both client and server at the same time. That is, all the interests of different parties should be reflected in the P2P architectures.Fortunately, the Trusted Computing Group (TCG) has specified a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) acting as a trusted third party which can be used to build trust relationships between users in the P2P networks. Nowadays, TPMs have been embedded in many personal computers. So we can get an ideal trusted platform based on such a chip. And the technologies of building such platforms have been focused on for several years, such as [1-6]. In this paper, we need such trusted platforms to provide secure environments in which our solution runs. However, how to build such a platform is beyond the scope of this paper (the reader can get more Corresponding author:E-mail address:lihao@2Securing Peer-to-Peer Distributions with Trusted Platform Modulesabout how we build a trusted platform in [3, 5]).Contribution. W e present a solution for offline, peer-to-peer content sharing which allows redistribution of n-time-use content. The basic principle is to use TPM migratable keys with transport session logs (acting, in essence, as use-count certificates) in order to prevent replay and a man-in-the-middle style attack. A further process is described for preventing collusion by two parties in the P2P networks which need a modification to the TPM. F inally, we give an informal analysis of our solution’s security, and the results of performance experiments.2.Related WorkSecuring P2P distribution using trusted computing has already been introduced by [7] for several years. And some concrete schemes of distribution have been proposed based on different models and assumptions [4,8,9,10].In [8], Sandhu and Zhang present an architecture that provides access control using a trusted hardware component such as a TPM, a secure kernel, sealed storage, and a trusted reference monitor that interacts with applications through secure channel. However, the secure distribution is just described in a high-level, and replay attacks are neglected. In [4], Kyle and Brustoloni implement a novel Linux Security Module (UCLinux) . In order to distribute secrets, UCLinux just uses a version of TLS v1.0 protocol, extended to include attestation during its handshake. However the distributions of digital contents are not discussed and the security analysis of the solution is not presented.The authors of [9] present a protocol that allows servers to securely distribute secrets to trusted platforms. However the distribution model in [9] is based on traditional client-server architectures. So it can not support offline redistributions in P2P architectures.In [10], the authors identify characteristic P2P scenarios and demonstrate how distributions between peers can be realized by applying a few basic licensing operations. Then, they present a security architecture to realize these basic license operations. However, the distributions of n-time-use digital contents are not discussed, which are common scenarios in P2P architectures.3.Security RequirementsConsider a user, Bob, who downloads a song from a content provider called Alice. Bob has paid for the song, and he can only use it for 10 times. Unfortunately, Bob will not follow the rules voluntarily because he has different interests. This is a typical scenario which usage control has focused on for several years. As we just focus on the processes of (re)distributing digital contents in this paper, we suppose that there is a usage-control system in each peer’s platform and Alice can define the values of platform configuration registers (PCRs) in a TPM which reflect the usage-control system.Our setting is shown in Figure 1. Alice provides the song s that it will be downloaded to untrusted storage in Bob’s platform over an open channel. And later Bob wants to share s with Dave, so he redistributes it to Dave over another open channel. Hence, our solution should protect s from the man-in-middle attacks (as shown in Figure2). Furthermore, Bob may not respect the rules of Alice (as shown in Figure 2, Bob may be dishonest). In any case, Alice is willing to distribute s to Bob’s platform which is known to meet her security requirements (i.e., if Bob’s platform meets Alice’s security requirements, it will allow Bob to use s following Alice’s rules).Securing Peer-to-Peer Distributions with Trusted Platform Modules 3Figure 1. SettingFigure 2. AttacksW e consider that Bob has listened to s for 5 times, and then he redistributes it to Dave. Thereby, Dave can still listen to s for 5 times. Our solution should protect the interests of them (i.e., the 5 use times of s transferred form Bob to Dave should be acknowledged by both of them). In addition, Bob and Dave may collude in order to get more rights lawlessly as shown in Figure 2. So our solution should prevent them from colluding.From the setting and possible attacks described above, we identify the following security requirements:1. Trust verifi cation of peers’ platform s, so that the digital content provider can believe that his or her interests can be insured.2. Confidentiality of digital contents in transit between and in storage on the peers’ platforms, so that unauthorized reading can be prevented.3. Freshness of n-time-use digital contents in transit between and in storage on the peers’ platforms, so that replay attacks can be prevented and therefore peers can not get more use times than they are permitted.4.Solution4. 1Trust Verification of Platforms and Confidentiality of ContentsThe protected storage feature of a TPM allows for the secure storage of TPM keys, as described in [11,12]. W e can only use the private key created by a TPM when the current environment is the one stated while creating it. Therefore we can provide confidentiality of the digital contents, and verify the state of peers’ platforms by encrypting the contents with the private key created by a TPM (sometimes, the content is encrypted by a symmetric key, which is protected by the private key in a TPM). As shown in [9], the distribution method based on protection of private keys has already existed. However, this method needs the content provider always online to verify that the binding key created by receiver is a non-migratable key and it is sealed to a set of PCRs required by the provider. For our setting in which offline redistributions usually take4Securing Peer-to-Peer Distributions with Trusted Platform Modulesplace between peers, this method is not appropriate. So we use another approach founded upon both the TCG key migration [12] and protection of private keys, as shown in Figure 3.Figure 3. An approach for the digital content (re)distribution with TPMFigure 3 illustrates the process of our approach. In the first step, Platform B sends a request for the digital content to Platform A. And in the second step, Platform B generates a non-migratable key pair K B, and certifies public K B using its private AIK B. By verifying the AIK-certified public K B, Platform A ensures that K B is a non-migratable key. And then, Platform A generates a key pair K which is used to encrypt the digital content. And the state of platforms in which K can be used is specified at the same time (by specifying the PCR values). Therefore, Platform B can use K to decrypt the digital content only if its state matches that bound to K. After that, K is migrated from Platform A to Platform B under the protection of public K B (for more details, the reader is referred to TCG key migration [12]). Finally, Platform A encrypts the digital content with public K, and sends it to Platform B. Because of the protection of private keys provided by TPMs, this approach can prevent the dishonest user and man in the middle from getting the digital content. And moreover, the security state of platforms in which the content can be decrypted is specified by the content provider. So when redistributions take place between peers, the Step 3 can be omitted (i.e., redistributions can take place between peers without contacting the content provider).4. 2Freshness of n-time-use Digital ContentConsidering the P2P networks, we can not provide an online server to record the most recent version of the digital content (e.g., remaining use times). So it can only be recorded in the untrusted storage of the user’s platform. That is, what we need is some form of trusted memory on the machine that is somehow changed irreversibly during usage processes, such that it would be infeasible for attacker to revert the machine to a previous state. Therefore in this paper, we present an approach based on the TPM monotonic counters, which is a kind of irreversible memory provided by TPM, in order to guarantee the freshness of n-time-use digital contents. However, there is a limit to the number of physical counters in TPMs. So we have to use the transport sessions of TPM to bind lots of digital contents to one physical counter.As shown in Figure 4, we suppose that there is already a physical counter in the TPM, which is called Counter A. Then, we establish a transport session, and execute the increment of Counter A, which returns its current value Value(Counter A) after increment. At last we execute TPM_ReleaseTransportSigned in order to get the log. Note that, we replace its input parameter AntiReplay with a hash value Hash(public K|flag|nonce). Public K is the encryption key of a digital content, and nonce is a random number. And the flag can be “created”, “used” or “migrated”, which indicates that Value(Counter A) is bound to the creation, use or migration operation of K respectively. Therefore, the transport session log includes Counter A, Value(Counter A), encryption key of the digital content, flag and a random nonce nonce, and then the association between digital contents and TPM counter values can be built directly. W e denote this log with TransLog AIK (Counter A,Securing Peer-to-Peer Distributions with Trusted Platform Modules 5 Value(Counter A), public K,flag, nonce). If we find a change of the counter’s value without a transport session log, we consider it as a replay attack. Hence, offline (re)distributions of n-time-use digital contents can be built with these transport session logs.Figure 4. An approach for the freshness protection of n-time-use digital content4. 3Anti-collusion ApproachIn P2P scenarios, two dishonest users may collude in order to get more use times. For example, Dave may not verify Bob’s transport session logs.W e propose an approach to prevent dishonest users from colluding by adding a few simple features to the TPM. TPM specification 1.2 has provided two key migration approaches, but none of them executes the verification of platform state when migration takes place [12]. So we add two sets of PCRs when generating a key with TPM_CreateWrapKey. The first one is called Migration PCRs, which specifies the state of the source platform. Then the key can be migrated only if the state of the source platform matches Migration PCRs. The other one is called Conversion PCRs, which specifies the state of the destination platform. Then the migrated key can be converted to the TCG storage form only if the state of the destination platform matches Conversion PCRs. Alice can specify the two new sets of PCRs when she create K in order to ensure that there is a security software which executes all the steps of redistribution which include verifying of these session logs. And if Dave does not verify the logs, the PCR values of his platform would not match PCR Req specified by Alice. Hence he cannot decrypt the migrated key. Then he cannot get the digital content. Therefore our solution can prevent Bob and Dave from colluding by adding the new feature.5.Security AnalysisSince the communication channels are all open between peers, a man in the middle can get all the messages exchanged in the distribution and redistribution processes. However, the digital content is encrypted by Alice using public K. And the private K is protected by TPM. Moreover, K is protected by the public key of a non-migratable key from destination platform, when it is migrated to other platforms. And the non-migratable key is also protected by the TPM of the destination platform, which can be certified to the sender’s platform. Hence, the man in the middle can only get the digital content or private K by breaking the cryptographic system, which we assume to be infeasible. Thus our solution is secure against a passive man-in-the-middle attack. And the active man in middle may replace the messages exchanged in the open channel. There are two kinds of messages which can be replaced. The first kind of messages is the certifications of keys or the transport session logs. These messages are all signed with AIKs, and AIKs are all protected by TPMs. So the man in the middle can not fool the peers because he can not forge the signatures. The other kind of messages is the encrypted migration blob of a key or the encrypted digital content. The replacement of this kind of messages amounts to the Denial of Service attacks, which is beyond our scope of this paper.After the digital content reaches the destination platforms, the dishonest user may want to use the content6Securing Peer-to-Peer Distributions with Trusted Platform Moduleswithout following the provider’s rules. However, he could put his platform into a dishonest state (by launching another process or rebooting another stack) which results in different PCR values. Hence, he can not decrypt the content using private K in the dishonest state of his platform. And if the platform state is honest, it will execute all the steps of usage in order to get the content. Then the replay attacks can be detected by the verification of transport session logs.Finally, we add two sets of PCRs when generating a key with TPM_CreateWrapKey as described in the former section. The content provider can specify two new sets of PCRs when he creates the encryption key in order to ensure that the states of the source and destination platforms are trusted when the migration takes place. The dishonest peers could redistribute contents without following the right steps of redistribution, which will result in different PCR values. Hence, they can not generate a migration blob of the encryption key or convert it into the TCG storage form. Thus our solution can prevent the malicious peers from colluding.6.Performance AnalysisW e do the performance tests on a PC, with a 2.00 GHZ Pentium 4, and 1 GB main memory. The TPM chip is from National Semiconductor Corporation. Figure 5 shows the experimental performance results of key operations in our solution.Although the performance of our solution may not be good enough, we believe that it is acceptable in the P2P distribution architectures because there is not an online server which has to execute lots of these operations i n a short time. All these operations are executed in the respective peers’ platforms. For example, the cost of several seconds is acceptable for a peer who wants to get a large movie file by running our solution. So our solution is usable in P2P distribution architectures.Figure 5. Performance Measurements7.ConclusionIn this paper, we present a TPM-based solution that allows one platform to securely distribute or redistribute digital contents to another. We identify characteristic P2P distribution settings and list the security requirements which our solution should satisfy. After that we describe our solution in details. That is, we explain why our solution can support the offline redistribution of n-time-use digital contents, and how it does. Moreover, we propose some changes to the TPM that can make our distribution solution simply prevent peers from colluding. Then we provide an informal analysis of the security of our solution. Finally, we present the performance results of some key operations, which can be acceptable in P2P architectures.AcknowledgmentThis paper is supported by the National Key Technology R&D Program of China (2008BAH22B06), and the CAS Innovation Program (ISCAS2009-DR14, ISCAS2009-GR03).Securing Peer-to-Peer Distributions with Trusted Platform Modules 7 References[1]Sailer R, Zhange XL, Jaeger T, and Doorn LV. Design and implementation of a TCG-based integritymeasurement architecture. //Proceedings of the 13th USENIX Security Symposium, San Diego, 2004. San Diego: USENIX Security Symposium, 2004: 223-238[2]Alam M, Seifert MP, Li Q, Zhang XW. 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