Role of Pulsatile Hemodynamics in Acute Heart Failure Implications for Type 1 Cardiorenal Syndrome
roles in the multi drug resistance mechanism of Acinetobacter Bauman.Graduate student: Li Ting shenDirected by Prof. Yan Qu Key words: Drug resistance; Acinetobacter baumannii; bacterial biofilm; gene目录引言 (1)材料与方法 (3)1仪器、试剂和标本 (3)1.1主要仪器和设备 (3)1.2试剂和耗材 (4)1.3实验标本 (4)2对细菌进行鉴定的标准 (4)3相关抗生素药物敏感试验的操作 (4)3.1选取抗菌药物 (5)3.2进行药物敏感试验的具体步骤 (5)4基因的PCR检测 (6)4.1 DNA模板的制备 (6)4.2 PCR检测 (7)5统计学分析 (8)结果 (10)1 70株AB菌株的标本类型以及科室来源 (10)2 细菌耐药表型测定 (11)3 生物膜相关基因检测结果 (13)讨论 (20)结论 (26)参考文献 (27)综述 (32)综述参考文献 (41)攻读学位期间的研究成果 (48)缩略词表 (49)致谢 (50)学位论文独创性声明、学位论文知识产权权属声明 (51)引言引言鲍曼不动杆菌(Acinetobacter baumannii, AB) 属于临床工作环境中最常见的条件致病菌之一[1],为革兰氏阴性非发酵菌,在自然界、医院、人体皮肤及呼吸道中广泛存在。
主观社会地位的 致 ,
, 先的
身心健康相关的 。此,先的
2.2青 年SSS的
,这2个 与心理健康问
题 存独立的联系,对它 青年心理健康问题中
长期 -
更 的研究来了解SSS与长期
的 在 制,以
以促 较 SSS 吸
者的 -
1.4 SSS与心理健康的关系:心理健康困扰是低SSS的潜在
结果-SSS考虑了 SES法解释的社会和心理因-如果考
虑客观数据,社会弱势对健康的 影响可能会
究 合表 ,与其他人相比, 不 的社会地位的认
可能会导致相对 的 , 致
衡量方法所 的心理社会果和社会-例与 经
有 的社会心理因 可能会对他 的主观社会地位产生
受 , 社会 , 以及对生活的期
人的一项 研究中 冋,与高主观社会地位的情况下相
量 显下降-可能反映了主观社会地位与心理健康关系
观社会阶 ( 高,中 ) ,个人
的 质量
会 主观社会地位的
些具 高ses 主观社会地位的人比, ,
5.护患关系(nurse-patient relationship)是在护理过程中护士与患者之间产生和发展的一种工作性、专业性、帮助性的人际关系。
13.生理调节器(regulator subsystem)护理理论家罗伊的术语:指个体的适应系统的组成部分。
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作者:贾建平, 王荫华, 张振馨, 肖世富, 周爱红, 汪凯, 丁新生, 张晓君, 张朝东,李焰生, 杨莘, 陈晓春, 罗本燕, 唐牟尼, 徐江涛, 章军建, 彭丹涛, 蔡晓杰,
作者单位:贾建平,周爱红,魏翠柏(首都医科大学宣武医院神经科,北京,100053), 王荫华(北京大学第一医院神经科), 张振馨(北京协和医学院北京协和医院神经内科), 肖世富(上海市精神卫
生中心), 汪凯(安徽医科大学第一附属医院神经科), 丁新生(南京医科大学第一附属医院
神经内科), 张晓君(北京同仁医院神经内科), 张朝东(中国医科大学第一临床医学院神经
内科), 李焰生(上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院神经内科), 杨莘(首都医科大学宣武医
院护理部,北京,100053), 陈晓春(福建医科大学附属协和医院神经内科), 罗本燕(浙江大
学医学院附属第一医院神经内科), 唐牟尼(广州脑科医院精神科), 徐江涛(兰州军区乌鲁
木齐总医院神经内科), 章军建(武汉大学中南医院神经科), 彭丹涛,蔡晓杰(卫生部北京
一、定义和原理1. 蓝激光前列腺汽化术的定义作为一种高级、精确度较高的手术纪录的形式,蓝激光前列腺汽化术纪录模板可以用来记录蓝激光前列腺汽化术的全过程,包括患者基本信息、手术过程、术中并发症等重要信息。
2. 蓝激光前列腺汽化术的原理蓝激光前列腺汽化术是一种以激光光源作为切割工具,通过光能传输至病变组织,产生高温等离子体,使病变组织被汽化,从而达到治疗效果的一种方法。
1. 术前准备(1)对患者进行全面的身体检查,了解患者的病史和病情。
2. 麻醉(1)根据患者的具体情况,选择合适的麻醉方式,保证手术期间患者的舒适度和安全性。
3. 手术切口(1)对患者进行消毒,并铺设无菌巾。
4. 手术器械和设备准备(1)准备蓝激光设备和相应的手术器械。
5. 蓝激光前列腺汽化术操作过程(1)找准前列腺位置,并使用导向器引导激光器进入治疗区域。
6. 术中并发症和处理(1)记录术中出现的并发症,如出血、感染等情况。
7. 完成手术(1)对手术切口进行处理,包扎或缝合。
因此,应重点关注压力性损伤发生的高风险因素,针对危险因素采用适用于手术患者[7]Jada A,Mackel C E,Hwang S W,et al.Evaluation and management of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis:a review[J].Neu-rosurg Focus,2017,43(04):2.[8]黄忍,王星,李志军,等.青少年特发性脊柱侧弯的诊治进展[J].中国临床解剖学杂志,2016,04:472-475.[9]Lonstein J E.Scoliosis:surgical versus nonsurgical treatment[J].Clin Orthop Relat Res,2006,443:248-259.[10]Yamada K,Yamamoto H,Nakagawa Y,et al.Etiology Of Idiopathic scoliosis[J].Clin Orthop,1998,184(35*7):50-57.[11]Weiss H R,Weiss G,Pelermann F.Incidence of curvature progression in idiopathic scoliosis patients treated with scoliosis in-patient rehabilitation(SIR):an age-and sex-matchedcontrolled study[J].Pediatr Rehabil,2003,6(01):23-30. [12]Sanchez-Raya J,Bago J,Pellise F,et al.Does the lower instrumented vertebra have an effect on lumbar mobility,subjective perception of trunk flexibility,and quality of life in patients with idiopathic scoliosis treated by spinal fusion[J].JSpinal Disord Tech,2012,25(08):437-442.[13]Stone B,Beekman C,Hall V,et al.The effect of an exerciseprogram on change in curve in adolescents with minimal idiopathic scoliosis.A preliminary study[J].Phys Ther,1979,59(06):759-763.[14]田飞,丁桃,闫博,等•运动疗法治疗青少年特发性脊柱侧弯研究进展[J].中国康复,2017,05:425-427.[15]Zaina F,Donzelli S,Negrini A,et al.SpineCor,exercise andSPoRT rigid brace:what is the best for Adolescent IdiopathicScoliosis?Short term results from2retrospective studies[J].Stud Health Technol Inform,2012,176:361-364.[16]Pugacheva N.Corrective exercises in multimodality therapy ofidiopathic scoliosis in children-analysis of six weeks efficiency-pilot study[J].Stud Health Technol Inform,2012,176:365-371.[17]Alves D A M,Bezerra D S E,Bragade M D,et al.The effectiveness of the Pilates method:reducing the degree of non-structural scoliosis,and improving flexibility and pain in female college students[J].J Bodyw Mov Ther,2012,16(02):191-19&[18]Diab A A.The role of forward head correction in managementof adolescent idiopathic scoliotic patients:a randomized con-troUed trial[J].Clin Rehabil,2012,26(12):1123-1132.[19]陈青云,潘琼华,何燕玲,等.运动处方对糖尿病患者治疗后血压疗效的前瞻性研究[J].中华高血压杂志,2012,11:1076-1079.[20]傅涛,厉彦虎.功能性康复训练改善青少年特发性脊柱侧弯的研究[J].中国组织工程研究,2017,28:4462-446& [21]杨宁,徐盼.运动干预青少年脊柱侧弯Cobb角的变化[J].中国组织工程研究,2013,22:4161-4168.[22]Swain D P,Leutholtz B C.Heart rate reserve is equivalent to%VQ reserve,not to%V02max[J].Med Sci Sports Exerc,1997,29(03):410-414.[23]姚天富,厉彦虎.90s脊柱牵拉操干预青少年特发性脊柱侧弯的效果研究[J].当代体育科技,2015,35:13-15. [24]林伟锋,赵家友,李黎,等.手法结合运动干预治疗青少年特发性脊柱侧弯21例临床观察[J].新中医,2016,02:117-120.(本文编辑:王萍谭哲煜)的压力性损伤风险评估量表,来对手术患者发生压力性损伤的高危人群采取防护措施。
《 天演论 》 ( E v o l u t i o n a n d E t h i c s ) 等 。赫胥 黎 两位 同 父 异母 的哥 哥也非 常著 名 。朱 利安 ・ 赫胥 黎 ( J u l i a n H u x l e y ) 是一 位著 名进 化生 物 学 家 和 动物 行 为 学 先
出滑 动肌丝假 说 , 认 为肌 肉收缩 源于微 丝和微 管 的相 互滑 动 。赫胥 黎 曾担任 皇 家 学会会 长 和 剑桥
大学 三一学 院院长 。赫胥 黎是 神经冲 动研 究先驱 , 本文 对他 的生平 和成就进 行全 面介 绍。
关 键词 赫胥 黎 ; 神经冲 动 ; 动作 电位 ; 离子假 说 ; 诺贝 尔生理 学或 医学奖
家, 早期 坚定 支持 达尔 文 进化 论 , 曾 被誉 为 “ 达 尔 文 的斗犬 ” ( D a r w i n ' s B u l l d o g ) , 出版 大 量 科 学 著作 , 如
科研 历程 介绍 , 以能 对 这位 伟 大 科 学家 更 多 理解 的
同时 , 还 对离子假 说 和 滑 动肌 丝 假 说有 一 个 全 面 的
驱, 发 表 了大量有关 进化 论和科 普 的论文 、 书籍并 拍 摄 电视 , 此外 还指 导 了 曾获 得 奥斯 卡 奖1月 2 2日, 赫 胥 黎 出生 于英格 兰 伦 敦
北 部汉普 斯特 德 ( H a m p s t e a d ) 一 个 具 有显 赫 科 学 和 文 学背景 的家庭 , 祖 父 是 赫赫 有 名 的托 马斯 ・ 赫胥
组织应对电刺激机制及细胞传递电信号过程却知之 甚少 。二 十世 纪 三 十年 代末 , 英 国科 学 家安 德 鲁 ・
菲尔 丁 ・ 赫 胥 黎 爵士 ( S i r A n d r e w F i e l d i n g H u x l e y ) 和艾 伦 ・劳 埃 德 ・霍 奇 金 爵 士 ( S i r A l a n L l o y d
The Role of the Hemostatic System in Tumor Growth Metastasis, and Angiogenesis Tissue factor is a Bi
止血药在肿瘤生长的角色,转移,和血管发生:在癌症中,组织因子是一个能纤维素沉积,血纤蛋白沉积和血管发生诱导双功能的分子摘要癌症病人易患静脉血栓栓塞,高凝性的肿瘤生长和转移,简短的回顾一下癌症和静脉血栓栓塞的症状.我们讨论了在组织因子的作用下静脉血栓栓塞的发病机制.这个发现,除了肿瘤细胞外,组织因子的是通过与肿瘤相关的巨噬细胞和内皮细胞表达的.指引去研究在血管发生规律方面TF的角色.在人类的肺癌,黑素瘤,和乳腺癌中,TF和血管发生内皮增长因子在集中肿瘤细胞中.在肿瘤细胞系TF和血管内皮发生素是密切存在的.和血管发生在体外严格存在的.结合小鼠的模式,低产生人类肿瘤细胞系TF互补DNA的转染导致高生产的TF和内皮血管发生.TF互补DNA链缺乏细胞质的丝氨酸恢复了促凝活性物质而不是血管生长因子合成到细胞上的.这个结果暗示出TF细胞质尾区对于肿瘤细胞血管内皮因子生长时必须的.在肿瘤和肿瘤相关的TF 的作用是讨论给药和合理抗癌、抗血管发生的的药物治疗的一个策略。
转移性静脉血栓栓塞呈现出癌症的特性,已经被了解有综合症.是十分的不普遍的.然而,几个前瞻性的研究已经证明了静脉血栓栓塞的病人仔细的定义是和第二个诊断的病人相比具有十分高的冒险.2.1.2癌症和静脉血栓栓塞癌症病人外肠道和卵巢一定代表高危人群对于发展第二静脉血栓来说.因此美国的胸外科医生一致按照病情的高危程度将癌症病人进行了分类.在化学疗法和外科手术中,临床常使用这种方法作为短期的治疗方法,来防御静脉血栓栓塞的发生.对于癌症病人,已经经历了静脉血栓栓塞.之后的组内静脉血栓的形成还不清楚,但是在这些研究中已经报道了也接近50%.甚至癌症病人已经接受了适当的抗凝药物的剂量.凝固实验确定了有效的浓度范围.如此高的重现率,尽管目前已经促进了自由组合率,在高发癌症的病人中,控制的低剂量的肝素实验.2.2癌症病人静脉血栓的发病机制2.2.1三联实验癌症病人通过多种机制发展成静脉血栓栓塞.根据病理生理学机制,被德国著名的病理学家在1872年所提出.血管的阻塞,静脉的损害,血管的异常,癌症病人由于长时间的卧床休息,经常遭受血管的阻塞.或者来自于外源性压迫的阻塞,或直接的肿瘤血管阻塞.血管阻塞也可能发生在癌症的侵入中.由于长期的普通的使用静脉血管的抽取装置,静脉血管的阻塞更容易发生,加重了癌症化学药物疗法的管理.事实上,经常使用癌症化学疗法因子在体内激活血液的凝集.归因于血管损伤的诱导.最后,癌症病人有一个主要的易凝状态,发病机制是非常的复杂.2.2.2肿瘤的前促凝剂肿瘤细胞本身有形形色色的促凝血作用.包括TF表面的组成物质的表达,半胱氨酸蛋白酶的分泌.直接裂开因子X 癌性促凝物质,和释放促凝因子,例如白介素1,血管内皮生长因子。
糖皮质激素(GC )广泛应用于严重感染、血液病和自身免疫性疾病,发挥其抗炎、代谢调节和免疫抑制的作用[1]。
然而,超生理剂量GC 的应用可导致库欣综合征、骨质疏松和心血管反应等一系列的副作用。
激素性股骨头坏死(SANFH )是过量使用糖皮质激素的严重后α2-macroglobulin alleviates glucocorticoid-induced avascular necrosis of the femoral head in mice by promoting proliferation,migration and angiogenesis of vascular endothelial cellsZHU Qi,LU Yunxiang,PENG You,HE Jiale,WEI Zeyu,LI Zhiyong,CHEN YuxianDepartment of Joint Surgery,Third Affiliated Hospital,Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou 510630,China摘要:目的探讨α2-巨球蛋白(A2M )是否对激素性股骨头坏死(SANFH )具有保护作用。
方法体外实验:用梯度浓度(10-8~10-5mol/L )地塞米松(DEX )处理人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVECs )建立糖皮质激素(GC )诱导内皮细胞损伤体外模型,设置对照组、DEX 组、DEX+A2M (0.05mg/mL )和DEX+A2M (0.1mg/mL )4组,采用CCK-8法检测细胞活性,Transwell 实验和划痕愈合实验检测HUVECs 迁移,血管形成实验检测HUVECs 血管形成能力,Western blot 检测HUVECs 中CD31和VEGF-A 蛋白表达水平。
体内实验:将24只BALB/c 小鼠分为对照组、模型组(GC )和干预组(GC+A2M ),Micro-CT 检测骨小梁情况,HE 染色观察组织学特征,免疫组化染色检测CD31的表达。
医护英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the most common method of transmission for the common cold?A. AirborneB. FoodborneC. Direct contactD. Vector-borne答案:A2. Which of the following is not a vital sign?A. TemperatureB. PulseC. RespirationD. Blood pressure答案:C3. The abbreviation "IV" stands for:A. IntravenousB. IntramuscularC. IntraperitonealD. Intrathecal答案:A4. What does "ICU" refer to in a hospital setting?A. Intensive Care UnitB. Inpatient Care UnitC. International Care UnitD. Intermittent Care Unit答案:A5. Which of the following is a symptom of anemia?A. FatigueB. High feverC. Excessive sweatingD. Rapid weight gain答案:A6. The term "auscultation" refers to listening to sounds within the body using a:A. StethoscopeB. OtoscopeC. OphthalmoscopeD. Thermometer答案:A7. A patient is said to be in "shock" when:A. They are experiencing severe painB. They are unconsciousC. Their blood pressure is significantly lowD. They have a high fever答案:C8. What is the purpose of a "suture" in medical terms?A. To provide anesthesiaB. To close a woundC. To remove a foreign objectD. To diagnose a condition答案:B9. The "HCG" test is used to detect:A. DiabetesB. PregnancyC. AnemiaD. Infection答案:B10. Which of the following is a type of imaging technique used in medical diagnostics?A. X-rayB. Blood testC. BiopsyD. Electrocardiogram答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The medical term for a broken bone is ____________.答案:fracture2. A doctor's written instructions for the use of medication are called a ____________.答案:prescription3. The process of removing a damaged or diseased organ is called ____________.答案:surgery4. The study of the causes and control of diseases is known as ____________.答案:epidemiology5. A ____________ is a healthcare professional who specializes in the care of patients with mental disorders.答案:psychiatrist6. The medical term for a surgical incision is ____________. 答案:incision7. The ____________ is the part of the hospital where critically ill patients are treated.答案:intensive care unit8. A ____________ is a healthcare professional who provides care to patients in their homes.答案:nurse9. The ____________ is a medical device used to measure blood pressure.答案:sphygmomanometer10. The term ____________ refers to the process of removing a patient's blood for analysis.答案:blood draw三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. Explain the difference between a "nurse" and a "nurse practitioner".答案:A nurse is a healthcare professional who provides care to patients under the supervision of a physician. A nurse practitioner (NP) is an advanced practice registered nurse who has completed additional education and training, allowingthem to diagnose and treat patients, prescribe medications, and often act as a primary care provider.2. Describe the role of a "physician assistant" in a medical setting.答案:A physician assistant (PA) is a healthcare professional who practices medicine under the supervision of a physician. They can perform physical exams, diagnose and treat illnesses, order and interpret tests, assist in surgery, and prescribe medications.3. What is the purpose of a "dialysis" treatment?答案:Dialysis is a medical treatment that removes waste products and excess fluids from the blood when the kidneysare unable to do so. It is used to treat patients with kidney failure or severe kidney disease.4. Explain the concept of "informed consent" in medical procedures.答案:Informed consent is the process by which a patient is given information about a medical procedure or treatment, including its risks and benefits, and then voluntarily agrees to undergo the procedure. It is a fundamental ethicalprinciple in healthcare that ensures the patient's autonomy and right to make decisions about their own medical care.。
罗伊适应模式辅以疼痛管理应用于股骨头坏死患者的效果分析陈姝珏 荣晓旭南京医科大学附属无锡第二医院骨科 214000通信作者:荣晓旭,Email:sousbzzx@ 【摘要】 目的 剖析将罗伊适应模式辅以疼痛管理应用于股骨头坏死患者对其疼痛程度及生存质量的影响,为这类群体的优质诊疗照护积累临床依据。
方法 将本院在2015年9月至2016年8月收治的41例股骨头坏死患者视为对照组,予以常规护理;将本院在2016年9月至2017年8月收治的40例股骨头坏死患者视为研究组,在对照组常规护理基础上予以罗伊适应模式辅以疼痛管理。
在干预前和干预后第7 d,对两组患者的疼痛程度、生存质量和适应性进行对比。
结果 研究组干预后的VAS评分较对照组低[(2.1±0.3)分比(3.8±0.6)分],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
结论 罗伊适应模式辅以疼痛管理应用于股骨头坏死患者,能减轻患者的躯体痛感,且能提高其生存质量和适应性。
【关键词】 股骨头坏死;罗伊适应;疼痛管理;生存质量;适应性 DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1007-1245.2019.02.049Effect of Roy's adaptation model combined with pain management in patients with osteonecrosis of femoral headChen Shujue, Rong XiaoxuDepartment of Orthopaedics, Wuxi Second Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University, Wuxi 214000, China Corresponding author: Rong Xiaoxu, Email: sousbzzx@ 【Abstract】Objective To analyze the effect of Roy's adaptation model assisted by pain management onthe degree of pain and quality of life in patients with osteonecrosis of femoral head, and to accumulate clinicalevidence for high quality treatment and care for these groups. Methods Forty-one patients with osteonecrosisof femoral head treated in our hospital from September 2015 to August 2016 were given traditional care (controlgroup), and 40 patients with osteonecrosis of femoral head treated in our hospital from September 2016 to August2017 were given Roy's adaptation model assisted by pain management on the basis of traditional care (studygroup). Before the intervention and on the 7th day after the intervention, the pain degree, quality of life, andadaptability of the two groups were compared. Results The V AS score of the study group after intervention waslower than that of the control group [(2.1±0.3) vs.(3.8±0.6)], with statistically significant difference (P<0.05). Thescores of somatic function, role physical, general health, somatic pain, vitality, social function, emotional function,and mental health in the study group were (78.5±4.7), (76.4±5.1), (72.4±5.1), (67.4±4.8), (64.2±4.6), (73.5±4.7),(79.5±6.3), (78.3±4.1), respectively, higher than (67.3±4.3), (67.8±4.6), (65.4±3.8), (56.4±3.6), (53.2±2.8),(66.3±3.7), (68.5±4.5), (64.2±3.5) in the control group, with statistically significant differences (P<0.05). After intervention, 22 cases in the study group had excellent adaptability, which was higher than 16 cases in the controlgroup (P<0.05). Conclusion For patients with osteonecrosis of femoral head, Roy's adaptation model assistedby pain management in this group can reduce the patients' somatic pain and improve their quality of life and adaptability. 【Key words】 Osteonecrosis of femoral head; Roy's adaptation; Pain management; Quality of life;Adaptability DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1007-1245.2019.02.049327328 股骨头坏死是骨科极为常见的病种,好发于老年人群[1]。
Advances in Clinical Medicine 临床医学进展, 2023, 13(10), 16425-16428Published Online October 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/acmhttps:///10.12677/acm.2023.13102299针灸治疗梅杰综合征验案一则徐璐1,陈超2*1黑龙江中医药大学第二临床医学院,黑龙江哈尔滨2哈尔滨市南岗区革新社区卫生服务中心,黑龙江哈尔滨收稿日期:2023年9月19日;录用日期:2023年10月13日;发布日期:2023年10月19日摘要梅杰综合症是由法国神经学家Henry Meige首先描述的一种锥体外系疾病,多数患者的症状表现为双眼睑痉挛合并口、下颌张力障碍导致的面部肌张力失调样不自主运动,患者通常伴有睡眠障碍、焦虑状态,严重影响患者生活质量。
关键词梅杰综合征,针灸,验案A Medical Case of Acupuncture andMoxibustion for Meige SyndromeLu Xu1, Chao Chen2*1Second Clinical Medical College, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Harbin Heilongjiang2Harbin Nangang District Innovation Community Health Service Center, Harbin HeilongjiangReceived: Sep. 19th, 2023; accepted: Oct. 13th, 2023; published: Oct. 19th, 2023AbstractMeige syndrome is an extrapyramidal disorder first described by French neurologist Henry Meige.The symptoms of most patients are characterized by bilateral blepharospasm combined with fa-cial muscle tone disorders such as involuntary movements caused by oral and mandibular tension *通讯作者。
古人的声波康复疗法是根据宫、商、角、徵、羽5 种民族调式音乐的特性与五脏五行的关系来进行康复治疗“百病生于气,止于音”,这一理论听起来有些夸张,但古老的音乐治疗在心理治疗以及疾病防御和康复方面的作用是毋庸置疑。
其中,黄冈(Franz Joseph Gall)提出了脑科学的基本原理,开创了神经科学的先河。
以下是几位在现代生理学领域有重要影响的科学家:1. 贝切雷尔1878年,法国生理学家贝切雷尔发现了蛹中的细胞减数分裂,即卵子的形成过程。
2. 巴维尔20世纪初,英国生理学家威廉·巴维尔提出了光电效应理论,为后来的光生物学研究奠定了基础。
3. 潘贝尔1952年,美国生理学家潘贝尔与赫丁顿合作发现了神经元内外钠和钾离子的浓度比例,并发展了著名的潘贝尔方程。
%The human body is mainly composed of a certain proportion of water, protein, fat and minerals. When the disease occurs, the human body compositions also appear abnormal. Therefore, the measurement of human body compositions plays an important role in clinical application. With the promotion of human body compositions analyzer in clinical practice, medical staff should not only master its operation method, but also should understand its working principle and clinical application, so as to obtain more accurate measurement results.【期刊名称】《中国医疗设备》【年(卷),期】2016(031)008【总页数】3页(P144-146)【关键词】人体成分分析仪;生物电阻抗分析法;生物电阻抗;营养支持治疗【作者】刘思彤;王新颖;彭南海【作者单位】南京军区南京总医院普外科,江苏南京210002;南京军区南京总医院普外科,江苏南京210002;南京军区南京总医院普外科,江苏南京210002【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TH789生物电阻抗分析法(Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis,BIA)是目前临床测量身体组成成分的常用技术,该方法可反映患者细胞内、外液和总体水分[1-2],以及脂肪组织和无脂组织,最新的人体组成分析仪还可测量内脏脂肪面积[3-4]。
人体生理学的英文名词解释Human Physiology: An Explanation of Key English TermsIntroductionHuman physiology encompasses the study of the functions and processes within the human body. It is a complex field that requires the understanding of various English terms. In this article, we will delve into the explanations of important English terms used in the context of human physiology.The Nervous SystemThe nervous system is a vital component of human physiology, responsible for transmitting signals and coordinating bodily functions. Key terms related to the nervous system include neurons, synapses, and neurotransmitters.Neurons are specialized cells that transmit electrochemical signals. These signals are transmitted across synapses, which are small gaps between neurons. Neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, are chemicals that allow for communication between neurons. These terms are essential for understanding how information flows within the nervous system and how it affects various bodily functions.Muscular SystemThe muscular system is responsible for body movement and maintaining posture. It consists of different types of muscles, such as skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscles.Skeletal muscles, attached to bones, enable voluntary movements like walking or picking up objects. Cardiac muscle is found in the heart and is responsible for its rhythmic contractions. Smooth muscles are found in organs, blood vessels, and the digestive tract, regulating involuntary movements. Understanding the distinction between these muscle types is crucial when studying human physiology.Respiratory SystemThe respiratory system facilitates the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body. Key English terms associated with the respiratory system include alveoli, diaphragm, and bronchioles.Alveoli are small air sacs in the lungs where the exchange of gases occurs. The diaphragm is a muscle that contracts and relaxes to control the process of breathing. Bronchioles are small airways that lead to the alveoli. Familiarity with these terms aids in comprehending the mechanisms behind respiration and gas exchange.Circulatory SystemThe circulatory system, comprising the heart, blood vessels, and blood, transports oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products throughout the body. Terms such as arteries, veins, and capillaries are fundamental to understanding this system.Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart, while veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart. Capillaries are tiny blood vessels where the exchange of nutrients and waste products occurs. With knowledge of these terms, one can explore the intricacies of circulation and its role in maintaining physiological homeostasis.Endocrine SystemThe endocrine system consists of glands that produce hormones and regulate bodily functions. Key terms within this system include glands, hormones, and feedback mechanisms.Glands, such as the pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands, secrete hormones into the bloodstream. Hormones act as chemical messengers, influencing various processes in the body. Feedback mechanisms, including negative and positive feedback, regulate hormone secretion. Understanding these terms elucidates the intricate interplay between hormones and bodily functions.Digestive SystemThe digestive system processes food, extracts nutrients, and eliminates waste products. Terms like enzymes, stomach, and intestines play a pivotal role in understanding this system.Enzymes are proteins that facilitate chemical reactions, aiding in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients. The stomach is a muscular organ where food is mixed with gastric acid to initiate digestion. The intestines, comprised of the small and large intestines, further break down food and absorb nutrients. Familiarity with these terms allows one to explore the complexities of digestion and nutrient absorption.ConclusionHuman physiology encompasses an extensive range of English terms that explain the functions and processes within the body. From the nervous and muscular systems to the circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, and digestive systems, each area presents its own set of important terms. Mastery of these terms enhances our understanding of how the human body operates. By unraveling the meaning behind these key English terms, we gain valuable insights into the intricate world of human physiology.。
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©2013 S. Karger AG, Basel 2235–8676/13/0012–0089$38.00/0R eviewP ulse 2013;1:89–96 Role of Pulsatile Hemodynamics in Acute Heart Failure: Implications for Type 1 Cardiorenal SyndromeS hih-Hsien Sunga, c, d Chen-Huan Chenb–dD epartments of aM edicine and bM edical Research and Education, Taipei Veterans GeneralHospital, and cD epartment of Medicine, anddI nstitute of Public Health and Community Medicine Research Center, National Yang-Ming University, T aipei , Taiwan, ROCKey WordsA cute heart failure syndrome · Cardiorenal syndrome · Vascular aging · Pulsatile hemodynamicsAbstractH eart failure has become a major health problem worldwide with a substantial financial burden mainly from hospitalization due to acute heart failure syndrome (AHFS). A considerable num-ber of patients hospitalized for the treatment of AHFS experience significant worsening of re-nal function, which is now recognized as type 1 cardiorenal syndrome (CRS) and is associated with worse outcomes. Currently known risk factors for acute CRS in AHFS include obesity, ca-chexia, hypertension, diabetes, proteinuria, uremic solute retention, anemia, and repeated subclinical acute kidney injury events. Venous renal congestion due to hemodynamic changes also contributes to type 1 CRS. Vascular aging and its aggravated pulsatile hemodynamics have been shown to be involved in the pathogenesis of AHFS. Suboptimal recovery of the perturba-tion of the pulsatile hemodynamics may predict 6-month post-discharge cardiovascular out-comes in patients hospitalized due to AHFS. Furthermore, on-admission pulsatile hemody-namics may also be helpful to identify and stratify patients with aggravated pulsatile hemodynamics who may benefit from customized therapy. There are close interplays and feedback loops between heart and kidney dysfunction. Increased arterial stiffness accelerates pulse wave velocity and causes an earlier return of the reflected wave, resulting in higher sys-tolic, lower diastolic, and higher pulse pressure in the central aorta and renal arteries. Increased pulsatile hemodynamics have been associated with deterioration of renal function in subjects with a high coronary risk and patients with hypertension or chronic kidney disease. Thus, there is a potential role of vascular aging/pulsatile hemodynamics in the pathophysiological path-ways of acute CRS in AHFS.© 2013 S. Karger AG, BaselP ublished online: September 10, 2013 Chen-Huan Chen, MDD epartment of Medical Research and EducationT aipei Veterans General HospitalN o. 201, Sec. 2, Shih-Pai Road, Taipei, Taiwan (ROC)E -Mail chench @ v .tw /plsDOI: 10.1159/000354107 b y :- 12/26/2015 11:35:34 A MI ntroduction H eart failure (HF) affects over 5 million Americans and 15 million Europeans and is amajor health problem worldwide[1, 2] . The cost in the United States is over USD 34 billion per year, mainly related to hospitalizations, with similar financial burdens for many Europe-an countries[2, 3] . The incidence of HF increases sharply with age, and survival is dismal following the development of HF [4] . Optimal treatment of this disabling and fatal condition may require functional characterization of the failed left ventricle (LV) and its interactionwith the arterial system[5] . O ver the past decades, it has been demonstrated that there are close interplays and feedback loops between heart and kidney dysfunction. The kidneys are recognized as one of the organs that receive abundant blood supply. As much as 20% of cardiac output constitutes the renal blood flow, >90% of which is distributed to the renal cortex to maintain a high and stable glomerular filtration rate (GFR). There are efficient mechanisms of autoregulation in the cortex so that renal blood flow and GFR remain constant in the face of large variations insystemic blood pressure (BP)[6] . However, renal impairment in patients with HF is common and increasingly recognized as an independent risk factor for morbidity and mortality[7] . The Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry (ADHERE), a large database of 105,388 patients with HF requiring hospitalization in the United States, reported that 30% ofthe patients had an additional diagnosis consistent with chronic kidney disease (CKD)[8] . Several studies have established that >70% of the patients experience some increase in their creatinine (Cr) level during hospitalization for HF, with approximately 20–30% of HF patientsexperiencing an increase of >0.3 mg/dl[9, 10] . Any change in Cr has been shown to be asso-ciated with longer length of stay, increased costs, and increased short-term and long-termmortality[9–11] . However, the degree of Cr rise during the treatment of acute heart failure syndrome (AHFS), defined as new-onset or gradually or rapidly worsening HF signs andsymptoms requiring urgent therapy [12] , has a highly variable effect on mortality that is dependent on the population studied[13, 14] .H eart Failure and Vascular Aging I n subjects without HF, arterial load is increased among those with hypertension andis matched by increased end-systolic LV stiffness [15] . Increased end-systolic LV stiffness may be mediated by enhanced myocardial contractility or processes that increase passive myocardial stiffness, the latter may be responsible for the progression to preserved ejectionfraction (EF) HF[15] . In patients with HF and impaired LV contractility, the ventriculoar-terial coupling describes the efficiency of mechanical energetic transfer from the heart to the arteries [16] . Failure of an LV invariably generates reduced mechanical energy, and the efficiency of the transfer of the limited energy depends critically on whether or not the arterial tree is optimally adjusted to reduce loadings from its various segments. On the other hand, the ventriculoarterial coupling implies that afterloads generated from the various anatomical or physiological segments of the arterial tree may have an impact on the various components of the mechanical function of the failed LV during systole or diastole and may thus be involved in the deterioration of and decompensation into AHFS requiring hospitalization.b y : - 12/26/2015 11:35:34 A MA cute Heart Failure Syndrome and Vascular Aging O ver the past two decades, there have been significant advances in the treatment of chronic reduced EF HF with the application of drugs blocking the major neurohormonal responses to the initial injury as well as of cardiac devices such as biventricular pacing recti-fying the abnormal conduction and contraction in a failed LV. However, HF remains asso-ciated with a persistently high mortality and morbidity. The post-discharge mortality and re-hospitalization rates for AHFS reach 10–20 and 20–30%, respectively, within 3–6 months[17, 18] . We have also shown that about one third of the patients ever been admitted for AHFS would have post-discharge adverse events within 6 months[19] . While the majority of the patients appear to respond well to initial therapies consisting of loop diuretics and vasoactive agents, the management of AHFS is challenging given the heterogeneity of the patient popu-lation [12, 17, 18] , absence of a universally accepted definition, incomplete understanding of its pathophysiology, and lack of robust evidence-based guidelines. Furthermore, the hospital-ization for AHFS per se is one of the most important predictors for post-discharge mortalityand readmission in patients with chronic HF[20, 21] . C oronary artery disease (CAD), hypertension, valvular heart disease, and/or atrial fibril-lation, as well as noncardiac conditions such as renal dysfunction, diabetes, anemia, and medications (for example, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and/or glitazones) maycontribute to the occurrence of AHFS[2, 12] . Early vascular aging, a well-known cardiovas-cular risk factor, usually manifests as increased arterial stiffness, wave reflection phenomenon,central BP, carotid intima-media thickness, and endothelial dysfunction[22] . Aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) is the well-acknowledged gold standard measurement of aortic stiffness associated with cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in patients with hypertension ordiabetes and in the elderly[23–25] . In addition, the wave reflection phenomenon and the local assessments of arterial stiffness such as distensibility, compliance, elastic modulus, and β stiffness index may also provide prognostic information. In brief, vascular aging impairs cardiac function through aggravated pulsatile hemodynamics and is associated with thedevelopment and the progression of HF[19, 26] . W e have investigated the interval changes of pulsatile hemodynamics in patients hospi-talized for AHFS[19] . We found that pulsatile hemodynamics result mainly from arterial stiff-ening and the wave reflection phenomenon, and both may be involved in the pathogenesis of AHFS. Suboptimal recovery of pulsatile hemodynamics may predict 6-month post-discharge cardiovascular outcomes in patients hospitalized for AHFS. While pre- or post-discharge pulsatile hemodynamics indicate the completeness of treatment for AHFS, on-admission pulsatile hemodynamics may also be helpful to identify and stratify patients with aggravated pulsatile hemodynamics who may benefit from customized therapies. Our further work have disclosed that on-admission measures of wave reflection intensity, including carotid augmented pressure, Pb (amplitude of the backward pressure from a decomposed carotid pressure wave), and carotid pulse pressure (PP), may be useful for predicting long-termoutcomes in AHFS patients with either systolic HF or preserved EF HF [27] .The results support a major role of vascular aging/pulsatile hemodynamics, increased wave reflections in particular, in the pathogenesis of AHFS [27].C ardiorenal Syndrome T he phenomenon that HF is accompanied by renal failure is termed the cardiorenalsyndrome (CRS)[28] . CRS has become a universal clinical challenge, implying both the devel-opment and worsening of renal insufficiency secondary to HF as well as harmful effects ofb y :- 12/26/2015 11:35:34 A Mimpaired renal function on the cardiovascular system [28] . CRS has recently been classified into five subtypes depending on the etiological and chronological interactions betweencardiac and renal dysfunction ( t able 1 )[28] . The mechanisms underlying CRS are multifac-torial, including hemodynamic alterations, neurohormonal effects, and inflammation[29] . However, despite the increased awareness of CRS, further elucidation of its mechanisms and appropriate treatment approaches are clearly warranted. A substantial number of patients hospitalized for the treatment of AHFS experience significant worsening of renal function,which is associated with worse outcomes[29–31] . It remains unclear whether worsening renal function specifically contributes to poor outcomes or whether it is merely a marker ofadvanced cardiac and renal dysfunction[32] . C RS in AHFS is a particularly difficult condition to manage as treatment to relieve congestive symptoms of HF may lead to a further decline in renal function, which is a majorindependent predictor of long-term cardiac morbidity[30] . Several treatment strategies for decongestion in AHFS patients who develop CRS are currently under investigation, including invasive hemodynamic monitoring to guide therapy, use of continuous diuretic infusions,ultrafiltration, or novel therapies with adenosine or vasopressin receptor antagonists[33] . Surprisingly, in a randomized trial[30] involving patients hospitalized for AHFS, worsened renal function, and persistent congestion, the use of a stepped pharmacological therapy algo-rithm was superior to a strategy of ultrafiltration for the preservation of renal function at 96 h, with a similar amount of weight loss with the two approaches. Furthermore, ultrafil-tration was associated with a higher rate of adverse events. Therefore, the underlying mech-anisms of CRS in AHFS are complex and not fully understood[29, 31, 34] . Thus, there is a pressing need to continue the search for better strategies to manage acute CRS based on the new findings of its pathophysiology [34].V ascular Aging – The Link between the Heart and Kidneys B P measured at the central aorta is usually lower than BP measured at the brachial artery due to the progressive amplification of PP along the arterial tree [35] . PP amplification indi-cates the effectiveness of energy transfer and the augmentation by the locally reflected pressure wave, and, in addition, is an evaluation of arterial compliance [36–38] . Increased arterial stiffness accelerates PWV and causes an earlier return of the reflected wave, resulting in higher systolic BP, lower diastolic BP, and higher PP in the central aorta. Such changes incentral hemodynamics would adversely have an impact on renal perfusion[39] . In normal individuals, the amplitude of wave reflection but not aortic PWV may be associated with filtration fraction and urinary albumin-creatinine ratio independently of systemic BP; both are signs of increased glomerular pressure [40] . In patients with a high risk of CAD, plasmaTable 1. D efinitions of CRS subtypesType 1Acute decompensated HF that leads to acute kidney injury Type 2Chronic HF that leads to chronic kidney diseaseType 3Acute kidney injury that leads to acute cardiac dysfunction such as arrhythmia or HF Type 4Primary CKD contributes to cardiac dysfunctionType 5Secondary CRS, combined heart and kidney dysfunction due to systemic disorders such assepsis and systemic lupus erythematosusb y :- 12/26/2015 11:35:34 A MCr was significantly related to PP in the ascending aorta and the abdominal aorta on the levelof renal arteries, and to aortic PWV[41] . In a cohort of 133 patients with CKD stages 3 and 4, aortic PWV was independently associated with the rate of change in renal function[42] . In another cohort of 145 CKD stage 3–5 patients, an independent association between brachial-ankle PWV and renal function decline and progression to commencement of dialysis or deathwas shown[43] . In addition to brachial-ankle PWV, LVEF was also negatively associated with the GFR slope, and higher brachial-ankle PWV and LVEF <40% were independently asso-ciated with progression to the renal end point [44] . Thus, central pulsatile hemodynamics may be a common basis for the associations among CKD, stroke, and CAD [39] . The underlying mechanism linking aortic stiffening and renal microvascular damage has been recently suggested by Hashimoto and Ito [36, 45] . In 133 patients with hypertension, central PP was closely related to changes in renal hemodynamics (resistive index of renal segmental artery) and urinary albumin excretion. It is likely that increased central PP causes renal microvas-cular damage through altered renal hemodynamics resulting from increased peripheral resis-tance and/or increased flow pulsation [36, 45].P erspective: Potential Role of Pulsatile Hemodynamics in Type 1 Cardiorenal SyndromeB ased on the current understanding of the risk factors for acute CRS in AHFS, these include obesity, cachexia, hypertension, diabetes, proteinuria, uremic solute retention, anemia, and repeated subclinical acute kidney injury events [29] . In the hospitalized patient,F ig. 1. Hypothetical framework for the role of pulsatile hemodynamics (PH) in the pathogenesis of CRS in patients hospitalized for AHFS. The first hypothesis states that the perturbation of PH causes both AHFS and CRS. The second hypothesis states that the development of type 1 CRS accelerates the occurrence of post-discharge cardiovascular (CV) events, including myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, mortality, and rehospi-talization due to AHFS. Arrows point from cause to effect. CHF = Chronic heart failure.b y : - 12/26/2015 11:35:34 A Mhemodynamic changes leading to venous renal congestion, neurohormonal activation, hypo-thalamic-pituitary stress reaction, inflammation and immune cell signaling, systemic endo-toxemic exposure from the gut, superimposed infection, and iatrogenesis all may contributeto acute CRS[29] . However, the potential role of vascular aging/pulsatile hemodynamics in the pathophysiological pathways of acute CRS in AHFS has not been explored[29] . I n perspective, we propose that vascular aging/pulsatile hemodynamics may be a major independent determinant of the deterioration of renal function and the development of CRS in patients with AHFS. We further hypothesize that CRS independently accelerates the clinical aggravation and development of post-discharge adverse events. The hypothetical framework is shown in f igure 1 . Future studies are definitely needed to prove the concept and expand our armament to target type 1 CRS.A cknowledgments T his work was supported by a grant from the National Science Council (NSC 99-2314-B-010-034-MY3) and intramural grants (V99C1-091, V100C-145, V101C-092, VN99-01, VN100-01, and VN101-01) from the Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan, ROC.D isclosure Statement T he authors have no conflicts of interest to declared.R eferences 1 Jessup M, Abraham WT, Casey DE, Feldman AM, Francis GS, Ganiats TG, Konstam MA, Mancini DM, Rahko PS, Silver MA, Stevenson LW, Yancy CW: 2009 focused update: ACCF/AHA Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Heart Failure in Adults: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines: developed in collaboration with the International Societyfor Heart and Lung Transplantation. 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