Synthesis Self Assembling Properties







Rheological Behavior of Shear-Responsive Metallo Supramolecular Gels

Rheological Behavior of Shear-Responsive Metallo Supramolecular Gels

Rheological Behavior of Shear-Responsive Metallo-Supramolecular GelsYiqiang Zhao,J.Benjamin Beck,Stuart J.Rowan,*,†and Alex M.Jamieson*,‡Department of Macromolecular Science&Engineering, Case Western Reserve University,Cleveland,Ohio44106-7202Received February12,2004Revised Manuscript Received March16,2004Stimuli-responsive polymers(SRPs)exhibit a change in properties upon application of an external stimulus, such as a change in temperature,ionic strength,pH,or electric,magnetic,or mechanical fields or by chemical or biological analytes.Examples include liquid crystal polymers,1polymer solutions and gels,which undergo a change in phase morphology,2electro-and magne-torheological fluids,3and electroactive polymers(EAPs).4 SRPs have potential applications as smart films in sensors,actuators,electrooptic devices,etc.,where the rheological properties become important.Specifically, it is advantageous to have thixotropic character,i.e., under high shear stresses,typical of processing condi-tions,the film behaves as a free-flowing liquid,whereas at low stresses,relevant to postprocessing conditions, it exhibits high viscosity or gellike properties.One possible mechanism to achieve thixotropic properties is to utilize self-assembling monomers in which bindingsites are incorporated to promote formation of a su-pramolecular(noncovalent)network,weak enough to be destroyed under high stresses and yet able to re-form upon removal of stress.5,6Recently,some of us reported7the synthesis of a new class of responsive metallo-supramolecular polymers8 based on the use of metal-ligand interactions.The tridentate ligand,bis(2,6-bis(1′-methylbenzimidazolyl)-4-hydroxypyridine(HO-BIP)was used to create a bis-ligand functionalized compound,1,by reaction of HO-BIP with diiodopentaethylene glycol.7Since the BIP ligand can bind transition metal ions in a2:1ratio,and lanthanoid ions in a3:1ratio,it is possible to create gels by mixing compound1with combination of lan-thanoid(cross-linker)and transition metal(chain ex-tender)ions(Figure1).7Addition of3mol%La(III) nitrate to a CHCl3/CH3CN solution of1followed by97 mol%Zn(II)perchlorate,relative to the total number of BIP ligands,results in spontaneous formation of a gel.Thus,the metallo-supramolecular gel,1:Zn/La,can be prepared and,upon removal of solvent,can be reswollen with pure CH3CN.These metallo-supramo-lecular polymer gels are thixotropic,since,on shaking, they form a free-flowing liquid,which,upon standing, re-forms the gel state.In this communication,we report the first rheological analysis of the thixotropic properties of a typical metallo-supramolecular gel,namely1:Zn/ La.A dynamic controlled stress sweep was performed9on a1:Zn/La gel(11wt%solid swollen in acetonitrile). The stress was ramped at a frequency of1.0Hz,from 80to330Pa,during a time period of7min,and the storage and loss moduli,G′and G′′,were monitored.The storage modulus is a measure of elasticity and the lossmodulus a measure of viscous behavior.Figure2a showsthe variation of G′and G′′,as well as the shear strain,γ.At small stresses,the material exhibits the properties of a strong gel,i.e.,G′.G′′,with a storage modulus of1.2×104Pa.As the stress is increased,the strainincreases linearly,i.e.,G′remains constant,emblematicof linear viscoelastic behavior.The gel is highly respon-sive in the sense that,after only a small amount ofcreep,when the stress reaches∼155Pa,a catastrophicyield event occurs,the storage modulus drops to es-sentially zero,and the strain increases dramatically(to ∼40000%).The stress and strain at which the stress-strain relationship begins to deviate from linearity aredefined as the yield stress(σc)155.4Pa),and yieldstrain,(γc)1.3%),respectively.Beyond the yield event,the strain increases linearly,indicative that the gel hastransformed to a Newtonian sol.The dynamic viscosityfalls(Figure2b)to a steady-state value ofη*)0.0095Pa s,corresponding to a reduced specific viscosityηsp/c )250mL/g,indicative that the network has been degraded to non-cross-linked fragments.10It is interesting to compare the experimental valueof the storage modulus,G′)1.2×104Pa,against thatcalculated using the classical theory of rubber elasticity.For the latter,we may select the result obtained,assuming affine deformation of junction points:11where R is the gas constant,T is absolute temperature,νis the number of elastically effective network strands per unit volume of the dry network,andφis the volume fraction of the network at swelling equilibrium.Alter-†E-mail:stuart.rowan@.‡E-mail:alexander.jamieson@.Figure1.Schematic representation of the formation of ametallo-supramolecular gel using a combination of lanthanoidand transition metal ions mixed with monomer1.G′affine)RTνφ-1/3(1)3529 Macromolecules2004,37,3529-353110.1021/ma0497005CCC:$27.50©2004American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web04/15/2004natively,we may use the result derived for mobile cross-links:12,13where µis the number of network junction points.From the composition of the system,which is 0.0757M in 1and realizing that the number of cross-links amounts to 2%of the molar concentration of [1],we compute the theoretical cross-link density,µ)1.515×10-3M.Moreover,since each junction point is trifunc-tional,and each network strand is anchored at a junction point,it follows that there are 1.5network strands per junction point.Thus,ν)1.5×µ)2.273×10-3M.We compute the volume fraction of the swollen network to be φ)ing these results,we obtainG ′affine )2.74×104Pa,and G ′phantom )0.915×104Pa.Thus,the experimental result falls between the two theoretical values,consistent with a previous study of end-linked poly(ethylene oxide)networks.10In fact,at the small deformations used in our experiments,it is expected that the networks will deform affinely.The discrepancy indicates there are fewer elastically effec-tive chains than predicted for a perfect network.In general,this can be assigned to elastic losses because of incomplete reaction,giving rise to dangling ends,or the formation of loop structures,due to intramolecular binding events,14which are more likely to occur at low volume fractions.Often,however,such effects are offsetby increases due to chain interaction or topological entanglements.13,14In the present study,we deduce that the low modulus may arise because a substantial fraction of metal ions are not fully complexed,and/or because of elastic losses through macrocycle formation.The recovery of the gel state was monitored by subjecting the presheared gel to repeated dynamic shear sweeps,performed after increasing recovery periods,as shown in Figure work reconstitution begins almost instantaneously,since G ′reaches a substantial value after only 16s,at which point,moreover,G ′.G ′′.The results suggest two further regimes of struc-tural recovery,depicted in Figure 4,which summarizes the dependence on recovery time of G ′and G ′′,η*,σc ,and γc ,estimated as discussed for Figure 2a.Initially,up to ca.5min,G ′and G ′′change very little,whereas σc increases monotonically,because of an increase in yield strain,γc ,since σc )G *γc .Subsequently,G ′increases strongly,the yield stress also increases,while the yield strain decreases.As noted above,theory suggests G ′∼νkT ,where νis the number density of elastically effective strands.The yield stress is affected not only by νbut also by the ductility as measured by γc .Apparently,therefore,the cross-link density of the initially re-formed network remains approximately constant during the first phase,but the ductility in-creases with extent of reaction.This suggests the formation of a relatively loose network,with dangling ends rather than cross-links,in contact with a relatively large sol fraction.The sol phase may consist of molecules with free BIP ligands and/or some higher order self-assembled species.The next step involves incorporation of these elementary species from the sol phase into the network primarily via an increase in the number and length of the dangling ends,the number of elastically effective network strands remaining essentially con-stant.Subsequently,the cross-link density increases steeply,which involves binding of the dangling ends into the network.We note that the modulus of the fully reconstituted gel (measured after 18min recovery period)is slightly higher than the freshly formed gel (1.5×104vs 1.2×104Pa).This presumably reflects some loss of solvent through evaporation during this relatively protracted experiment (5h),coupled toanFigure 2.(a)Oscillatory shear stress sweep of the 11wt %1:Zn/La gel annealed in acetonitrile for 40min after pres-hearing into the sol state.The storage and loss moduli,and shear strain are monitored as a function of applied stress;(b)Viscous flow beyond the yield point for the gel.The dynamic viscosiy is plotted vs applied shear stress.The inset highlights the decrease of η*toward steady-state Newtonian flow.G ′phantom )RT (ν-µ)φ-1/3(2)Figure 3.Reconstitution of the presheared 11wt %1:Zn/La gel after yield is monitored by repeated oscillatory shear stress sweep as a function of increasing recovery time:(a)linear strain dependence indicates Newtonian flow after yield point;(b)the storage modulus increases with increased recovery time.3530Communications to the Editor Macromolecules,Vol.37,No.10,2004increase in the number of elastically effective strands.Thus,we do not extend the experiment further.To summarize,rheological analysis was performed on a metallosupramolecular gel formed via sequential binding of monomer 1with 3mol %La(III)nitrate followed by 97mol %Zn(II)perchlorate and swollen in acetonitrile.The system 1:Zn/La at a concentration of 11wt %,forms a shear-responsive gel,with a well-defined yield point at which it forms a Newtonian sol.Partial reconstitution of the network takes place in-stantaneously (within 16s),but complete regeneration of the preexisting gel requires ∼18min.Reassembly appears to be a three-step process.After initial forma-tion of a loose gel,the storage modulus remains es-sentially constant but the yield stress and strain increase linearly.Subsequently,the storage modulus increases strongly and the yield strain decreases.A possible interpretation is that the initial loose network is formed primarily via 2:1ligand:Ln(II)or ligand:Zn-(II)complex formation,with many dangling chain ends.The final phase could involve conversion of the 2:1Ln-(II)complexes into 3:1cross-linking sites and/or the formation 2:1Zn(II)complexes which tie up the loose chain ends.An alternative mechanism could involve the metal ion induced self-assembly of 1into hierarchical cross-linked species that subsequently form the gel upon aggregation.We are currently looking into these two possible mechanisms in more detail.Acknowledgment.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos.CAREER CHE-0133164and DMR-0080114and by the Case School of Engineering.References and Notes(1)Picken,S.J.Macromol.Symp.2000,154,95.(2)(a)Siegel,R.A.;Firestone,B.A.Macromolecules 1988,21,3254.(b)Kwon,I.C.;Bae,Y.H.;Kim,S.W.Nature (London)1991,354,291.(c)Kontturri,K.;Mafe,S.;Manzanares,J.A.;Svarfvar,B.L.;Viinikka,P.Macromolecules 1996,29,5740.(d)Holtz,J.H.;Asher,S.A.Nature (London)1997,389,829.(e)Miyata,Y.;Asami,N.;Uragami,T.Nature (London)1999,399,766.(3)(a)Lengalova, A.;Pavlinek,V.;Saha,P.;Quadrat,O.;Stejskal,J.Colloids Surf.A 2003,227,1.(b)Park,J.H.;Chin,B.D.;Park,O.O.J.Colloid Interface Sci.2001,240,349.(4)For example,see:Electroactive Polymers [EAP]Actuatorsas Artificial Muscles:Reality,Potential,and Challenges ;Bar-Cohen,Y.,Ed.;SPIE Press:Bellingham,WA,2001.(5)For example,see:(a)Nowak,A.P.;Breedveld,V.;Pakstis,L.;Ozbas,B.;Pine,D.J.;Pochan,D.;Deming,T.J.Nature (London)2002,417,424.(b)Elliott,P.T.;Xing,L.L.;Wetzel,W.H.;Glass,J.E.Macromolecules 2003,36,8449.(6)For some other previous examples of rheological studies onsupramolecular polymers,see:(a)Folmer,B.J.B.;Sijbes-ma,R.P.;Versteegen,R.M.;van der Rijt,J.A.J.;Meijer,E.W.Adv.Mater.2000,12,874.(b)Loontjens,T.;Put,J.;Coussens,B.;Lange,R.;Palmen,J.;Sleijpen,T.;Plum,B.Macromol.Symp.2001,174,357.(b)Ojelund,K.;Loontjens,T.;Steeman,P.;Palmans,A.;Maurer,F.Macromol.Chem.Phys.2003,204,52.(7)Beck,J.B.;Rowan,S.J.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2003,125,13922.(8)For other recent examples of metallo-supramolecular poly-mers,see:(a)Hofmeier,H.;Schmatloch,S.;Wouters,D.;Schubert,U.S.Macromol.Chem.Phys.2003,204,2197.(b)Lahn,B.;Rehahn,M.e-Polym.2002,1,1.(c)Kurth,D.G.;Meister,A.;Thuenemann,A.F.;Foerster,ngmuir 2003,19,4055.(d)Yount,W.C.;Juwarker,H.;Craig,S.L.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2003,125,15302.(9)Prior to running the rheological dynamic shear stressexperiment (parallel plate,4cm diameter,200µm gap)the gel was presheared at 180Pa for 10s,followed by equilibra-tion for 40min.(10)For reference,we note that a non-cross-linked solution 1:Zn ,which contains only zinc(II)perchlorate in a 1:1ratio with 1,exhibits a Newtonian viscosity with a very low intrinsic viscosity of ca.5.7mL/g,indicating the presence of very low molecular weight species (probably mainly macrocycles).(11)Flory,P.J.;Rehner,J.,Jr.J.Chem.Phys.1953,11,521.(12)Flory,P.J.Proc.R.Soc.London A 1976,351,351.(13)Gnanou,Y.;Hild,G.;Rempp,P.Macromolecules 1987,20,1662.(14)Stepto,R.F.T.;Cail,J.R.;Taylor,D.J.R.Mater.Res.Innov.2003,7,4.MA0497005Figure 4.Dependence on recovery time of (a)storage and loss moduli G ′and G ′′and dynamic viscosity η*and (b)yield stress σc and yield strain γc for the 11wt %.1:Zn/La gel prior to yield (data extracted from stress sweep curves shown in Figure 3).Macromolecules,Vol.37,No.10,2004Communications to the Editor 3531。



生长。所以当 CTAB 的加入量为 0.1M 和 0.2M 时,获
得 产 物 为 ZnO 棒 。 但 是 ,CTAB 的 浓 度 较 高 时 , C19H42N+ 形成的疏水膜的存在控制了纳米棒的生长 速率,限制了纳米棒长度[12]。由配位多面体生长习性 法则可知氧化锌各晶面生长速度的顺序为:ν[0001]
生长空间。本实验溶剂中加入了 CTAB,是一种阳离
子表面活性剂,易溶于乙醇,CTAB 在乙醇溶剂中会
离解形成带有疏水基的阳离子 C19H42N+,可以通过静 电和位阻效应影响 Zn4CO3(OH)6·H2O 的溶解和 ZnO
的形成过程.。在 ZnO 的成核初始阶段,这时 CTAB
《陶瓷学报》2009 年第 3 期
射率曲线可以发现,样品在可见光区域的反射率约为 90%,0.2M CTAB 条件下制备的氧化锌粉的反射率 略偏低,无 CTAB 时制备的样品在紫外光区域的反 射率小于 3%,说明该样品对紫外光吸收能力最强。 同时随着 CTAB 的浓度升高,氧化锌在紫外区域的 反射率逐渐增大,相应其紫外吸收能力降低。
10 20
40 50
60 70
图 2 不同浓度的 CTAB 得到的纳米氧化锌的 XRD 图谱 Fig.2 XRD patterns of ZnO nanopowders prepared with
different CTAB concentration
ZnO 为发育良好的六方双锥结构,颗粒大小均匀,晶 体粒径为 400~600nm,由此可以看 出 , 低 浓 度 的 CTAB 有利于棒状氧化锌纳米晶生成,但 CTAB 浓 度继续增加,样品的形貌由棒状变成了六方双锥,同 时长度降低。



DNA逻辑自组装体构建的研究进展李金城;孙军伟【摘要】The principles of the DNA self-assembly,the design of the DNA coding sequence,DNA essential assemble units,and the construction of the DNA self-assembly system have been reviewed.The construction of the DNA self-assembly system is a difficult problem in this field.Three aspects will be focused in future research:first,based on thermodynamic and physico-chemical properties of DNA,DNA essential assemble units and DNA self-assembly system will be constructed;second,high-throughput empirical data of DNA self-assembly will be integrated and mined,the model of the DNA self-assembly system will be designed according to data-driven;at last,the controllability,adaptability and applicability of drug delivery system DNA self-assem-bly will be analyzed.%对DNA自组装原理、DNA编码序列设计、DNA自组装基元和自组装体的构建等方面的研究现状进行了述评,提出构建复杂的DNA自组装体仍是该领域的研究难题,未来的研究将主要集中于三方面:1)基于DNA的热力学属性和物理化学属性,建立DNA自组装基元类型库和DNA自组装结构体;2)整合和挖掘高通量的DNA自组装实证数据,以数据为驱动,搭建适合描述DNA自组装体的系统模型;3)进行 DNA 自组装载药体系的可控性、适应性和应用性分析。


夹在禁带宽度较大的生长层中间的生长层能量状态相当于一维矩形 势阱。---量子阱 (具有定态能级) 在超晶格内部,GaAs中的局域电子波穿越barrier层LZ,与临近GaAs 层形成周期性结合,产生微能带。 超晶格的能带结构取决于LB、 ∆EC、周期结构层数、材料自身参数
通常可以分成两套制备方法: 1. 在气相的生长 2. 基于溶液的生长
1. 在气相的生长 ① 气相先趋物的形成:
以Silicon nanowires 为例
简单热蒸发、PLD、 硅烷CVD (热分解 silane) ② 以金属核 (Au, Zn, Fe等)为催化剂辅助生长 催化剂的引入例: 蒸发到衬底表面的金形成纳米岛 Zn沉积到电化学腐蚀的多孔硅衬底表面 以多孔Fe/SiO2凝胶为衬底
常用的模板材料:AAM 介孔硅 介孔碳 在酸形溶液中对铝膜作阳 极化处理,即可获得阳极 铝膜(anodic alumina membranes: AAMs) AAM由均匀尺寸的圆柱形空洞按六角形密排构成纳米孔规则 阵列
eg Au, Ag, Pt, TiO2, MnO2, ZnO, SnO2, In2O3, CdS, CdSe, CdTe, electronically conducting polymers, as well as carbon nanotubules. 问题:difficult to obtain materials that are single-crystalline.
纳米线本身也可用来作为获得其它材料的纳米线的模板。 模板可以包到纳米线上形成同轴纳米电缆,或与纳米线反应获得 新的材料。
Room-temperature dipole ferromagnetism in linear-self-assembling mesoscopic Fe particle arrays Akira Sugawara and M. R. Scheinfein PHYSICAL REVIEW B 56, R8499(1997) J. Appl. Phys. 82 , 5662(1997) Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 1043(1997)



1 高强度合金(high strength alloy)
• 日本仙台东北大学材料研究所用非晶晶化法制 备了高强、高延展性的纳米复合合金材料,其 中包括纳米Al-过渡族金属-镧化物合金, 纳米AlCe-过渡族金属合金复合材料,这类合金具有 比常规同类材料好得多的延展性和高的强度 (1340~1560MPa).这类材料结构上的特点是 在非晶基体上分布纳米粒子.
• 英国和日本各自也都制定了纳米复合材料的研 究计划.纳米复合材料研究的热潮已经形成.
(composite coating materials)
• 纳米涂层材料由于具有高强、高韧、高 硬度特性,在材料表面防护和改性上有 着广阔的应用前景.
• 近年来纳米涂层材料发展的趋势是由单 一纳米涂层材料向纳米复合涂层材料发 展.
• 大块金属玻璃(bulk metal glass-BMG)
1. Zr基块体非晶合金已做成新一代高尔夫球拍材料倍 受青睐。
动态韧性及自锐性 非晶合金在高速载荷作用下,具有非常高的动态断
裂韧性,同时在侵彻时具有自锐性,是一种适于制做 穿甲弹芯的特种材料。
3 超塑性 (superplasticity)
• 自20世纪80年代中期以来,超塑性陶瓷 材料相继在实验室问世.
• Wakai和Nieh等人在加Y2O3稳定化剂的 四方二氧化锆中(粒径小于300nm)观察到 了超塑性,他们在此材料基础上又加入 20%Al2O3,制成的陶瓷材料平均粒径约 500nm,超塑性达200%至500%.
• 一般磁盘存储密度达到106~107bit/in2 • 光盘的存储密度提高到109bit/in2 • 有人一度把1011bit/in2称之为不可愈越



Large-scale synthesis of double cauliflower-like Sb 2S 3microcrystallines by hydrothermalmethodLei Wu a ,Hanyue Xu b ,Qiaofeng Han a ,⇑,Xin Wang aa Key Laboratory for Soft Chemistry and Functional Materials,Ministry of Education,ChinabSchool of Electronic and Optical Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 21December 2012Received in revised form 20March 2013Accepted 21March 2013Available online 4April 2013Keywords:Cauliflower-like Assembled SurfactantsMicrocrystallinesa b s t r a c tThe double cauliflower-like Sb 2S 3superstructures assembled by nanorods were prepared using SbCl 3and Na 2S Á9H 2O as raw materials,dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB,C 15H 31BrN)as surfactant under acidic condition at 180°C for 30h.The structure,morphology and composition of the product were characterized by X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD),transmission electron microscopy (TEM),scanning elec-tron microscopy (SEM),X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)and energy diffraction spectroscopy (EDS).The effect of reaction conditions including temperature,reaction time and surfactants on the sam-ple morphology was discussed and a possible mechanism for the formation of cauliflower-like Sb 2S 3was proposed.The cauliflower-like Sb 2S 3microcrystallines revealed broad spectrum response,which may have a good application prospect in solar energy utilization and photoelectric conversion fields.Ó2013Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionAntimony trisulfide (stibnite),a kind of layer-structured V–VI semiconductor material with a direct band gap of 1.5–2.2eV,pos-sesses excellent photosensitivity as well as thermoelectricity,which is widely used in microwave devices,electronic equipment,solar,thermoelectric cooling devices [1–5].Compared with traditional materials,nanomaterials have re-ceived considerable attention due to their unique physical and chemical properties and wide applications in the fabrication of optical and electronic devices.Research on the controllable prepa-ration of nanomaterials with unique structures and morphologies has become an important field for developing nanomaterials.Spe-cially,a variety of self-assembling patterns of inorganic crystals with naturally inspired morphologies have been obtained.For example,Pilapong research group synthesized double-sheaves of Sb 2S 3crystals by using thiourea as sulfur source,antimony acetate as antimony source and copolymer as a crystal splitting agent un-der acidic condition at 200°C [6].Mo and co-workers prepared Sb 2S 3with nanorod,dentrites,straw-tied-like morphology via a precursor–solvothermal–pyrolysis route [7].Our group synthe-sized peanut-shaped Sb 2S 3superstructures by using xanthate asprecursors [8].A variety of novel morphologies of Sb 2S 3such as feather-like,radioactive dendrite-like,prism–sphere-like,prickly sphere-like,flower-like and plate–sphere-like aggregated by one-dimensional (1-D)building blocks were obtained by Hu et al.[9].Surfactants can effectively control morphologies and structures of nanoparticles because they can parcel at the particle surface through coordination or charge effect.Sb 2S 3nanoparticles with various morphologies have been prepared by using polyvinylpyr-rolidone (PVP)[10,11],macrogol 400(PEG-400)and emulsifier OP-10as the surfactants [12].Herein,we describe the synthesis of cauliflower-like Sb 2S 3microcrystallines via a surfactant (dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide DTAB)assisted hydrothermal route by using SbCl 3and Na 2S as raw materials.As compared to flower-like Sb 2S 3micro-structures obtained by using potassium antimony tartrate as anti-mony source [13]or triethanolamine as solvent [14],raw materials were simpler and the morphology of the products were more reg-ular in our work.The effect of reaction time,reaction temperature,surfactant and the ratio of raw materials on the structures and morphology of the products was carefully investigated.2.Experimental section 2.1.Synthetic procedureIn a typical experiment, 1.0g (4.4mmol)antimony trichloride (SbCl 3)was added to 20ml distilled water,and concentrated hydrochloric was added into the solution till white precipitate disappeared completely.4.2g (17.5mmol)so-0925-8388/$-see front matter Ó2013Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.03.199Corresponding author.Tel.:+862584315943.E-mail addresses:hanqiaofeng@ ,hanqiaofeng@ (Q.Han).dium sulfide(Na2SÁ9H2O)was added to20ml of distilled water followed by the addition of2.7g(8.8mmol)DTAB with stirring.Two solutions were mixed and put into a Teflon-liner autoclave of50ml capacity.Then,the autoclave was maintained constantly at180°C for30h.The resultant black precipitate wasfil-tered,washed with distilled water and ethanol several times,and dried sponta-neously in air.2.2.CharacterizationThe X-ray diffraction(XRD)pattern was recorded on a Bruker D8advanced X-ray diffractometer using Cu K a radiation(k=0.154186nm).Transmission electron microscopy(TEM)and the corresponding selected-area electron diffraction(SAED) were carried out on a JEM-2100(JEOL)microscope equipped with an X-ray energy dispersive spectrometer(EDS).Scanning electron microscopy(SEM)images were obtained with a JSM-5610LV microscope.Raman spectra were collected on a REN-ISHAW Invia Raman microscope equipped with Ar ion laser of wavelength 514.5nm.The X-ray photoelectron spectra(XPS)of the products were collected on a PHI QUANTERA II X-ray photoelectron spectrometer,using a monochromatic Al K a radiation(k=8.4Å)as the exciting source.The diffuse reflection spectra were obtained on a Shimadzu UV-2550spectrophotometer equipped with an integrating sphere,using BaSO4as a reference.3.Results and discussionTypical XRD patterns of the Sb2S3microcrystallines obtained after5h and30h of hydrothermal reaction are shown in Fig.1. All of the reflection peaks in the XRD patterns can be readily in-dexed to an orthorhombic Sb2S3(JCPDS,No.74-1046).No charac-teristic peaks for the impurities such as Sb2O3and SbOCl appeared.The reflection peaks of the Sb2S3microcrystallines for 30h and5h are both strong and sharp,indicating that Sb2S3was well crystalline.The calculated average size of the particles is about35nm based on the Debye–Scherrer formula.The Sb2S3microcrystallines for5h and30h of reaction were characterized by Raman spectroscopy and the results are displayed in Fig.2.The appearance of the sharp peaks at147,198,257cmÀ1 suggests the formation of well crystalline Sb2S3[15].No obvious difference is present between the products of5h and30h,which is consistent with XRD results.The peaks at292,305cmÀ1can be assigned to the vibration peaks of SbS3basic unit[16].The peak at 448cmÀ1may be due to the symmetric stretching of the Sb–S–S–Sb bond of Sb2S3[14].The purity and composition of double cauliflower-like Sb2S3are analyzed by using XPS.The core level spectra of S2p and Sb3d are shown in Fig.3.The peaks at529.5and539eV correspond to Sb 3d5/2and3d3/2,respectively[17],and the peaks at161.3and 162.1eV are assigned to the binding energies of S2p3/2and S 2p1/2,respectively[18].The atomic ratio of Sb and S existing in product is1.9:3through the computation of peak areas,which is close to stoichiometric ratio of Sb2S3.Fig.4a shows the SEM image of the double cauliflower-like Sb2S3.The product consists of double-cauliflowers with a diameterL.Wu et al./Journal of Alloys and Compounds572(2013)56–6157of about 10l m.A magnification SEM image indicates that the cau-liflower is composed of nanorods extending radially from the same center point (inset of Fig.4a).The surface of rods is smooth with polyhedral and even ends (Fig.4b).TEM image of double cauli-flower-like Sb 2S 3further confirms that cauliflower-like Sb 2S 3is made up of many individual nanorods with an average size of 40nm Â1.5l m (Fig.4c),which is in agreement with SEM observation.The HRTEM image of product displays the regular lattice,demonstrating the formation of well crystalline product (Fig.4d).The measured spacing of the crystallographic planes is 0.286nm,which corresponds to the (130)plane lattice dis-tance of orthorhombic Sb 2S 3.Spot patterns in the SAED image indicate that double cauliflower-like Sb 2S 3is single crystal (inset of Fig.4d).The EDS spectrum of double cauliflower-like Sb 2S 3microcrystal-lines shows that the as-prepared products consist of S and Sb ele-ments (Fig.5).C and Cu peaks in the spectra are due to carbon-coated Cu grid [19].Moreover,the content ratio of S and Sb in com-pound is 3:2through the quantification calculation of EDS peaks.The TEM images of Sb 2S 3microcrystallines prepared at 180°C for different reaction time are shown in Fig.6.When the reaction time was 5h,a little of bundle-like nanorods were formed (Fig.6a).If the reaction time was prolonged to 20h,massive cau-liflower-like Sb 2S 3particles appeared (Fig.6b).Double cauli-flower-like Sb 2S 3microcrystallines on a large scale were generated after 30h of reaction (Fig.4).When SbCl 3was added into water,SbCl 3was strongly hydro-lyzed to produce hydrogen chloride and a white precipitate (SbOCl).After adding proper hydrochloric acid,the white precipi-tate disappeared.When Na 2S solution was added,orange precipi-tates were firstly produced due to the formation of amorphous antimony sulfide.If the sulfides were insufficient,the product suf-fers from some impurities such as Sb 2O 3due to incomplete reac-tion.When excessive sulfide was present,Sb 3+firstly combined with S 2Àto generate amorphous antimony sulfide,which may combine with S 2Àto product SbS x y À.SbS x y Àdecomposed to gener-ate Sb 2S 3under the acidic condition,analogous to traditional recrystallization process [20].The crystal growth behavior is dom-inated by the internal structure,which conforms to the crystal growth law [21].Sb 2S 3belongs to orthorhombic system with lay-ered structures,which tends to form one dimensional (1D)struc-tures.Under the hydrothermal condition,the rods attached together to form bundles,finally self-assembled into doublecauli-of as-prepared double cauliflower-like Sb 2S 3,inset in (a)showing a SEM image of a single cauliflower-like Sb 2S 3;3and the inset showing rod-like structures;and (d)HRTEM images of Sb 2S 3and the corresponding SAED image 45678910Energy (keV)CuCuSbSbspectra of double cauliflower-like Sb 2S 3.flower-like superstructures,as displayed in Scheme1.DTAB can prevent the nanoparticles from gathering together due to the steric effect arising from the long carbon chain on the surface of particles, and direct Sb2S3nanorods to assemble into double cauliflower-like microstructures with orientation.The whole process can be de-scribed in Scheme1.The reaction temperature plays an important role in the growth of Sb2S3particles.When the reaction temperature was140°C,the nanorods were randomly aggregated(Fig.6c).The cauliflower-like and double cauliflower-like microcrystallines were produced if the reaction proceeded at160°C(Fig.6d).The influence of the surfactants including cationic surfactant (DTAB),anionic surfactant(SDS)and non-ionic surfactant(PEG-1500)on the morphology of Sb2S3was discussed.The morphology of the product was irregular when using PEG-1500as surfactant (Fig.7a).The thick nanorods were observed if the SDS was added (Fig.7b).The dendritic Sb2S3appeared(Fig.7c).The ratio of S and Sb obviously influencedof Sb2S3.The nanorods attached together(Fig.7d).With the ratio increasing to3:2,Sb2S3were formed except for the dispersedWhen the ratio of S/Sb was4:1,theSb2S3was generated(Fig.7f).The UV–Vis absorption spectrum is oneods for researching the band structuresemiconductor nanomaterials.The opticalcauliflower-like Sb2S3have been evaluatedabsorption spectroscopy.Fig.8a showsan edge extending to750nm.The energy of the band gap(E g)could be estimated following the formula a h m=A(h mÀE g)n/2,where a,h, m,E g,and A are the absorption,Plank constant,light frequency,band gap,and a constant,respectively.For Sb2S3,the value of n is 2.The band gap of the Sb2S3superstructure is about 1.63eV (Fig.8b)[22],which is close to the best photoelectric conversion value of the solar materials,indicating that the double cauli-flower-like Sb2S3superstructure has a very good application pros-pect in solar energy utilization and photoelectric conversionfields [23].4.ConclusionsIn summary,by selecting proper reaction conditions including surfactant,S/Sb ratio,reaction temperature and time,the double cauliflower-like Sb2S3were successfully prepared by hydrothermal method.A corresponding mechanism for the formation of double cauliflower-like Sb2S3microcrystallines was tentatively suggested.Scheme 1.Scheme of the formation for the double cauliflower-like Sb2S3microcrystalline.images of Sb2S3prepared at180°C for(a)5h,(b)20h;TEM images of Sb2S3prepared at(c)140°C,andmicrocrystallines prepared under different experiment conditions:(a)and(b)the PEG-1500and SDS were of S/Sb is1:1,3:2,4:1,respectively.400500600700800 Wavelength (nm)1.560 1.586 1.612 1.638 1.664 1.690 (eV)bUV–Vis absorption spectra of Sb2S3superstructure,and(b)(a h v)2versus hv plot for the double cauliflower-likeThe value of optical band gap of the double cauliflower-like Sb2S3 was evaluated as1.63eV,which mayfind good application in solar energy utilization.AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by Jiangsu Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists(BK2012035),Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(BK2011024)and the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions(PAPD). 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J. Mater. Chem., 2009, 19, 6649–6687

J. Mater. Chem., 2009, 19, 6649–6687

Supramolecular gels ‘in action’†Supratim Banerjee,Rajat K.Das and Uday Maitra *Received 30th October 2008,Accepted 23rd April 2009First published as an Advance Article on the web 9th June 2009DOI:10.1039/b819218aIn recent years,self-assembly has emerged as a powerful tool for the construction of functional nanostructures.Myriad applications of these nanoscale architectures,especially the supramolecular gels derived from low molecular mass compounds,in fields such as optoelectronics,light harvesting,organic–inorganic hybrid materials,tissue engineering and regenerative medicine are being envisaged.This review attempts to present a succinct overview of the current state of research on functional nano-scale systems—the design,synthesis and applications of self-assembled nanomaterials‘‘engineered’’to carry out precise functions,with an emphasis on supramolecular gel phase materials.IntroductionHierarchical growth of self-assembled structures is ubiquitous in nature.Whether it is the ‘‘double strand’’of DNA or the triple helix of the structural protein collagen,the globular to fibrillar transition of the muscle protein actin or the intriguing structural features embedded in the tobacco mosaic virus,molecular recognition through self-complementary functions leading to complex superstructures has profound implications in life.The ease and efficiency with which nature constructs complex self-assembled architectures to carry out various biological processes has continuously provided inspiration towards the design and realization of engineered ‘‘materials’’based on simple molecular building blocks.In the present review,due to space limitations,we do not intend to discuss all aspects of self-assembled functional mate-rials.Instead,we shall concentrate on the importance and scope of molecular gels for applications.In this context,we shall specifically deal with self-assembled gels based on low molecular mass compounds.The ‘‘solid phase’’in these gels consists of a three dimensional fibrous network which is generated from the self-assembly of the gelator molecules through non-covalent interactions.The bulk phase,i.e.,the solvent,is immobilized within this network.The advantage of these gels over their polymeric counterparts stems from the reversibility of these interactions,so that the gels can be broken,generally,by the application of ‘‘heat’’,and are re-formed upon cooling the sol.The newly ‘‘rediscovered’’area of supramolecular gels has witnessed an enormous surge of activities in the past decade,owing to a growing interest in constructing nanomaterials that have potential applications in fields as diverse as optoelectronics,biomedicines,tissue engineering and light harvesting.Be it in wound healing,antimicrobial functions,as a matrix for cellDepartment of Organic Chemistry,Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore,560012,;Fax:+91(0)8023600529;Tel:+91(0)8023601968†Figures from cited journals have been reproduced with permission from the respective copyrightholders.Supratim Banerjee received his Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the Jadavpur University,Kolkata in 2002.In the same year he joined the Indian Insti-tute of Science,Bangalore as an Integrated PhD ter in 2004,he joined the Depart-ment of Organic Chemistry in the same institute to carry out his Master’s degree project under the supervision of Professor Uday Maitra and pursued research towards his PhD degree in the same lab.Hehas worked on supramolecular gels based on anthracene derivatives and bile acids.He spent five months (March–July,2007)as a visiting student in Professor Jean-Pierre Desvergne’s laboratoryat the Universit eBordeaux 1,France.Rajat K.Das received his BScdegree in Chemistry from the Jadavpur University,Kolkata,India in 2003.In the same year,he joined the Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore,as an Inte-grated PhD student in the Chemical Sciences Division and subsequently joined Professor Uday Maitra’s research group (in 2005)in the Department of Organic Chemistry,where he is currently pursuing his PhD work in the area of design,synthesisand applications of anthracene and pyrene based supramolecular organogelators.FEATURE ARTICLE /materials |Journal of Materials Chemistryproliferation,as a medium to carry out organic reactions with high specificity and selectivity,or as a sink to tap and funnel light energy,molecular self-assembly is being extensively utilized in ‘‘bottom up’’nanofabrication to obtain smart materials that can perform the desired functions.A number of comprehensive reviews and a book on molecular gels have appeared in the literature,which have outlined the evolution of this field in terms of the fundamental understanding of the gelation processes,the design of new gelators,1and towards their possible applications as functional materials.2This article highlights some of the recent advances in the field of molecular gels in terms of the myriad functions that they can be made to execute.Design and synthesis of self-assembling molecules leading to functional systemsTo generate a nanostructure with a desired function,it is of paramount importance that the constituent molecular blocks be designed so as to contain all the required structural features.The subsequent self-assembly should then lead to the expression of the required functions.In other words,we need to have a pro-grammed self-assembly process to achieve the material proper-ties.The concept is schematically represented in Fig.1.Several examples will be discussed in this review which will illustrate this principle.One such example of self-assembling molecules is a peptide amphiphile (PA).There are several features that can be built in such a PA.For example,specific peptide sequences can be introduced to carry out specific biological functions after the self-assembly has occurred.The shape and the hydrophobic–hydro-philic balance in the molecule is another parameter that should influence the shape of the supramolecular assembly and conse-quently their functions.How these key parameters can be manipulated will be showcased in the following sections with prototype examples of the construction of bone-like composites and spinal cord repair materials through self-assembly of peptide nanofibers.Another example demonstrating the principle of pre-pro-grammed synthesis leading to various functions is the utilization of chiral diaminocyclohexane-based organogelators to produce chiral silica by the transcription of the gel fibers.This chiral silica was further exploited as a chiral template in asymmetric synthesis.These two examples highlight the point that the proper programming of the structure of the molecular building blocks is a vital aspect for the conception and realization of a wide variety of self-assembled materials with useful functions.From the next section onwards this principle will be further elaborated through a thorough discussion of various kinds of functional supramolecular gels.1.Nanofibers of supramolecular gels as templates for the synthesis of inorganic nanostructuresThe self-assembly of organic building blocks can generate a variety of supramolecular structures having diversity in size,shape,chemical composition and function as found in many natural and artificial systems.The transcription of these struc-tures can lead to the development of novel inorganic materials.In the past different kinds of amphiphilic molecules have been utilized to create inorganic materials of varying morphologies.3During the past decade,the use of SAFIN’s of supramolecular gels as templates for the transcription of nanofibrous materials has also become one of the productive research fields.In this section,a few representative examples of gelators which have been used for this purpose are presented.An early report of using an organogel as a template to make hollow silica was by Ono et al.4Compound 1a was found to form gels in a number of organic solvents including tetraethyl ortho-silicate (TEOS).But when the polycondensation of TEOS was attempted in the presence of 1a ,it did not result in the tran-scription of the organogel structure to the silica.So another cholesterol based gelator 1b (Chart 1),which resembled the structure of the conventional cationic surfactants generallyusedFig.1A schematic representation of programmed self-assembly.The building block leads to pre-aggregates,and eventually to self-assembled fibrous network,exposing the functional motif on the surface of thenanofibers.Uday Maitra completed BSc and MSc from Presidency College,Calcutta IIT Kanpur,respectively.His PhD work at Columbia University was done in Prof.Ronald Breslow’s group.He also carried out postdoctoral work at the University of California,Berke-ley,with Prof.Paul A.Bartlett.He has been at the Indian Insti-tute of Science,Bangalore since 1989where he is currently a Professor.His research inter-ests include supramolecularchemistry,bile acid chemistry,and chemistry and physics of gels.He is also greatly interested in chemical education.for such polycondensation reaction,was employed.The sol–gel polymerization of TEOS was carried out in an acetic acid gel of 1b .After removal of the solvent,the material was calcined to remove the organic template and SEM of the resulting material clearly showed the presence of fibrous silica with the tube edges containing cavities.TEM also revealed that the fibers had a tubular structure (Fig.2)with inner diameter 10–200nm.The electrostatic interacation between the oligomeric anionic silica and the cationic gel fibers was believed to be the reason for the successful transcription with 1b .The previous example illustrated that the presence of cationic charge on the gel fibers is a prerequisite for transcription but at the same time,the modification of the gelator structure by incorporating cationic groups led to reduced gelation ability in several instances.To circumvent this problem,Shinkai’s group later designed another cholesterol based gelator (2,Chart 2)having a crown ether moiety capable of binding to metal ions.5Compound 2could be used for transcription in the presence of only K +ions,but not with other cations (Li +,Na +,Rb +,Cs +).Following this report,many other examples appeared in the literature utilizing cholesterol/crown ether based organogelators for transcription.6Though the organogelators discussed so far had the chiral cholesterol skeleton as the structural unit,they were unable to transcribe this chirality in the resulting inorganic fibers.But using organogelator (3,Chart 3)as template for the sol–gel polycondensation of TEOS,Shinkai’s group was able to produce the novel ‘‘chiral spiral silica’’in the presence of metal ions [The same reaction,carried out in the absence of metal salts showed a granular structure (similar to the conventional TEOS poly-condensation in solution)].7For example,the silica obtained in the presence of metal salts (AgNO 3/CsClO 4)showed a novel spiral structure with a right handed helical organization.Jung et al.have demonstrated the formation of right-and left-handed chiral silica structures by transcription of organogel fibers of chiral diaminocyclohexane-based gelators.8For the transcription process,mixtures of 4and 6(or 5and 7,Chart 4)were used to maintain an adequate amount of cationic charge on the gel fibers.After sol–gel polymerization of TEOS,it was found that the mixture of 4/6produced silica with left-handed helical structures whereas right-handed helical structures were obtained by using a mixture of 5/7(Fig.3).Shinkai’s group reported the creation of lotus shaped hollow silica fibers using the organogels of sugar derivatives 8and 10(Chart 5).9These two derivatives did not possess anycationicFig.2TEM image for the transcribed silica (after removal of the template by calcination).Reproduced with permission from ref.4,The Royal Society ofChemistry.Chart4Fig.3SEM pictures of the silica obtained by sol–gel transcription in (A)left-handed 4+6(1:1wt %),and (B)right-handed 5+7(1:1wt %)organogels.Reproduced with permission from ref.8,The American Chemical Society.charge,but the amino group present in both of these derivatives played a crucial role by binding to TEOS and other intermediate species through hydrogen bonding during the polycondensation.The importance of the amino group was further supported by the fact that the sugar derivative 9,containing a nitro group gave rise to granular silica under the same polycondensation conditions.A novel TiO 2material with macaroni like hollow-fiber struc-ture was synthesized by Kobayashi et ing the organogel fibers of compound 11(Chart 6)as template.10The sol–gel polymerization of titanium isopropoxide was carried out in the presence of 11using either a base or an acid as the catalyst.The SEM of the dried samples showed the presence of fibrous aggregates of similar diameters (150–600nm)in both cases (Fig.4).However when the dried samples were calcined to remove the gelator,it was found that the fibrous structure was preserved in the sample made under basic conditions whereas it was lost in the sample prepared with an acid catalyst.Cationic gemini surfactants (12and 13,Chart 7)having chiral tartarate counter ions were reported to form gels in chlorinatedand aromatic organic solvents.11The gelators 12and 13were used to make helical silica fibrils by transcription in 1:1pyri-dine–water.Interestingly,the helical shape and the handedness of the transcribed silica fibers could be controlled by varying the ee.For example,with a gel of pure 12(100%ee),right handed helical fibrils were obtained (SEM)whereas with lower ee (50%or below),the formation of double stranded helical structures was observed.Zhan have reported the generation of both right-and left-handed silver nanohelices using the organogel fibers of a racemic gelator 2-acrylamide-dodecane-1-sulfonic acid (ADSA).12The reduction of Ag(I )cations adsorbed on the gel of ADSA in chloroform was achieved with sodium borohydride and TEM images of the reultant material showed that opposite handed helices with widths of 100–200nm were present.More interest-ingly,a single nanohelix with both handedness was also observed.Sanchez and co-workers reported the preparation of double porous silica with pore sizes of two different length scales (nm and m m)using an organogelator 2,3-di-n -decyloxyanthracene (14,Chart 8).13The transcription was most successful when tet-ramethyl orthosilicate (TMOS)was first hydrolyzed by an acid catalyst in MeOH–water,followed by the addition of DDOA to gelify the system and finally the addition of NH 4OH to increase the pH to 12.6.The same molecule was also utilized later to make alumina-based porous materials having both meso and macroscale porosity.14A templated synthesis of CuS nanofibers using the organogel of a dicholesterol derivative (15,Chart 9)possessing two binding sites for Cu 2+was reported by Lu’s group.15The interesting aspect of this templated synthesis was that depending on the sulfur source,CuS nanofibers of different morphologies couldbeChart5Fig.4SEM images of the dried samples prepared under acidic (A)and basic (B)conditions and the calcined samples prepared under acidic (C)and basic (D)conditions made from a gel of 11.Reproduced with permission from ref.10,The American ChemicalSociety.obtained.Straight and bent helical fibers (with helical pitch of 100–200nm)were obtained from butyl acetate and benzene–butanol gels,respectively by using H 2S as the sulfur source whereas the use of thioacetamide gave rise to bent helical CuS nanofibers (with helical pitch of 50nm)from gels in both the solvents (Fig.5).One limitation of using organogels as templates is that the necessary precursors that can be employed are restricted to metal alkoxides and this actually limits the number of metal oxides that can be synthesized by this template method.Metal salts can be used as precursors if hydrogels are employed as templates.Gundiah et al.have utilized this advantage of using the hydrogel fibers of a tripodal cholamide 16(Chart 10)as templates to synthesize nanotubes of various metal oxides like SiO 2,TiO 2,ZrO 2,ZnO,WO 3and also metal sulfates like ZnSO 4and BaSO 4.16Compound 16forms gel in 20%(v/v)AcOH–water at low concentrations.17So,the metal salt precursors were either added directly to the hot sol of gelator 16in AcOH–water or pre-made solutions/gels of the precursors in some suitable solventswere added to the sol of 16in AcOH–water.The TEM of the native gel showed that the fibers had diameters 8–10nm and after calcination the nanotubes were also found to have diameters in this range (Fig.6).This was also the first instance of synthesis of zirconia nanotubes using gel fibers as templates.A similar strategy with gelator 16was again utilized for the preparation of nanotubes of CdS,ZnS and CuS from the cor-responding metal acetates and Na 2S.18The nanotubes were polycrystalline in nature with inner diameters of $5nm.Depending on the concentration of Zn(OAc)2,bothZnSFig.5TEM micrographs of the CuS nanofibers using H 2S sulfur source obtained from (a)butyl acetate gel and (b)benzene–butanol gel of 15.Reproduced with permission from ref.15,The American ChemicalSociety.Fig.6Low magnification TEM images of the ZnSO 4nanotubes obtained after removal of the gel fibers of 16.Reproduced with permis-sion from ref.16,The Royal Society ofChemistry.Fig.7(a)and (b)TEM images showing nanotubes of ZnS obtained using 0.02mmol of Zn(OAc)2,(c)and (d)nanorods of ZnS obtained using a higher concentration (0.04mmol)of Zn(OAc)2using 16.Insets are the corresponding SAED patterns.Reproduced with permission from ref.18,Elsevier.nanotubes and nanorods were obtained (Fig.7)whereas the formation of nanowires was also observed in case of CuS.Stupp and co-workers demonstrated the self-assembly and mineralization of a peptide amphiphile (PA)to create a nano-structured composite material that resembles the structural orientation of collagen and hydroxyapatite (HA)observed in bone.19Five key structural features (Fig.8)were introduced in the peptide amphiphile such as a long hydrophobic alkyl tail (region 1),four cysteine residues (region 2)which can form disulfide bonds if oxidized,three glycine residues (region 3)as flexible linkers between the hydrophilic head group and more rigid cross-linked region,a phosphorylated serine residue (region 4)for interacting with calcium ions to direct the mineralization of hydroxyapatite and the cell adhesion ligand RGD (region 5).This peptide formed gels below pH 4(>2.5mg mL À1).The mineralization property of the PA nanofibers was investigated by directly coating the TEM grid with the PA solution,allowing it to self-assemble,oxidizing the cysteines and diffusing CaCl 2and Na 2HPO 4into the film from opposite sides.Preferential align-ment of crystallographic c axis of HA with PA long fiber axis was observed.So,the PA fibers were able to nucleate hydroxyapatite on their surfaces.This could be of interest in the design of materials for mineralized tissue repair.Stupp’s group later reported the mineralization of CdS using the helical nanoribbons of a ‘‘dendron rodcoils’’molecule.20The TEM image of gels of this molecule in solvents like ethyl meth-acrylate (EMA)and 2-ethylhexyl methacrylate (EHMA)revealed the presence of twisted ribbons.The mineralization was done by adding a solution of cadmium nitrate in THF to the gels of this molecule in EMA/EHMA and exposing to hydrogen sulfide gas.The hydrophilic hydroxy region of this dendron acted initially as the binding site of the Cd 2+ions and also as a nucleation centre for the growth of CdS crystals after exposure to H 2S gas.Nakano’s group has described the templated synthesis of fluorocarbon functionalized silica nanotubes by carrying out the sol–gel condensation of a mixture of TEOS and fluorocarbon functionalized triethoxysilanes (18a–d ,Chart 11)in the presence of a semi-fluorinated organogelator (17).21The presence of functionalized triethoxysilane was essential as the poly-condensation of only TEOS resulted in the formation of granular silica.The fluoroalkyl chain length of the functionalized tri-alkoxysilane also played a role in transcription.Tubular silica structures were obtained with F6-TEOS,F8-TEOS and F10-TEOS whereas granular silica was obtained with F4-TEOS.In this section,through several examples,it has been demon-strated that the synthesis of nanofibrous inorganic materials employing the fibrillar networks of supramolecular gels as templates is an efficient way to make different classes of materials (mainly oxide based but also of metals and chalcogenides)having a wide variety of morphologies (fibers,tubes,ribbons,helices,rods,etc.).However,to achieve a better control on the size and the morphologies of the nanomaterials,a deeper knowledge of the various complex interactions governing the transcription processes needs to be developed.We also hope that the tran-scribed inorganic structures will find use in nanotechnology in the coming years.2.Gel–nanoparticle hybrid materialsThe design of inorganic–organic hybrid materials using the matrix of supramolecular gels is another area closely related to templated synthesis.The tremendous interest in this type of materials in recent times stems from the fact that they are promising materials for potential applications in optics,elec-tronics,ionics,mechanics,biology,fuel and solar cells,catalyst,sensors,etc .22The basic criterion to develop materials for such applications is to organize the nanoparticles in two and three dimensional architectures.The supramolecular gel matrix has been used to synthesize and immobilize nanoparticles by modulating the gel structure with appropriated functionality.This section will highlight some examples of this kind of functionalized gels.Simmons et al.have described the incorporation of nano-particles into an organogel formed by the addition of 4-chlor-ophenol to a solution containing the reverse micellar aggregates of the well-known surfactant bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT,Chart 12).23Superparamagnetic ferrite and semi-conducting CdS nanoparticles were synthesized in AOT water-in-oil microemulsions,dried to remove the water and isooctane was added to reconstitute reverse micelles.Upon the addition of 1equivalent of 4-chlorophenol (Chart 12)thesystemFig.8(A)Chemical structure of the peptide amphiphile,highlighting five key structural features.(B)Molecular model of the PA showing the overall conical shape of the molecule going from the narrow hydrophobic tail to the bulkier peptide region.Color scheme:C,black;H,white;O,red;N,blue;P,cyan;S,yellow (C)Schematic showing the self-assembly of PA molecules into a cylindrical micelle.Reproduced with permission from ref.19,American Association for the Advancement ofScience.transformed into a gel,whose AFM images revealed the incor-poration of nanoparticles into the fibers of the gel network.Kimura et al.demonstrated the self-organization of gold nanoparticles into a network structure using organogelator 19a (Chart 13)containing two functional groups,a trans -1,2-bis (alkylamide)cyclohexane unit and two thiol groups.24Octane-thiol stabilized gold nanoparticles (having average diameter of 1.7nm)were prepared separately and these octanethiol residues were then replaced by the thiol groups of the gelator by site-exchange reactions.The resulting gel–NPs hybrid was stable for more than a month.An interlocked 3D structure of fibrous aggregates consisting of individual Au NPs with diameters of 10–30nm was observed from the TEM (Fig.9).The fiberdiameters are comparable to that of the organic fibers made from only 19a .The importance of the thiol groups in the stabilization of the nanoparticles was demonstrated by the fact that no fibrous aggregates were observed from the TEM image from a gel of structurally similar 19b lacking the thiol groups.A dendritic organogelator 20(Chart 14),containing a disulfide bridge,was utilized by Love et al.for the synthesis and stabili-zation of gold nanoparticles.25For the preparation of the hybrid material,a solution of HAuCl 4/n-(C 8H 17)4NBr in toluene was layered on a toluene gel of 20.After a few days the gel assumed a uniform yellow color and the excess of toluene was removed from the top of the gel.When this gel was irradiated with a 100W mercury vapor lamp,the color of the gel initially changed from orange–yellow to colorless and then after a few hours from colorless to purple.This is consistent with the initial reduction of Au(III )to Au(I )and then to Au(0).The process was monitored with absorption spectroscopy and the final gel sample appeared to have a purple band running through the gel.TEM images revealed that the synthesized Au NPs had an average diameter of 13nm.It was observed that when the gel was melted to form the sol,the purple nanoparticles separated from the medium to form a black precipitate.This indicated that the gel medium played a crucial role to prevent the aggregation of GNPs.Banerjee and co-workers reported in situ formation and stabilization of gold and silver nanoparticles (GNPs and SNPs)within supramolecular gel networks of tripeptide based orga-nogelators 21a ,21b and 21c (Chart 15).26These tripeptides contained tyrosine residues which were utilized to reduce Ag(I)Fig.9(a)TEM image and (b)magnified TEM image of fibrous aggre-gates of Au nanoparticles in the presence of 19a .(c)TEM image of aggregates of Au nanoparticles in the presence of 19b .Reproduced with permission from ref.24,WileyVCH.and Au(III )salts to generate SNPs and GNPs in the gel phase.Gelator 21a or 21b was added to HAuCl 4solution in toluene and heated above 100 C.After cooling,a gel was obtained which retained the yellow color for several days.When triethylamine was added to this gel and heated to make a clear solution,the yellow color initially disappeared.But within a few minutes the solution turned violet and after 1h it transformed into a gel.This indicates the formation of GNPs via the oxidation of the tyrosine residues.The authors also demonstrated the in situ formation of GNPs in a gel of peptide 21c in 1:1MeOH–water.A similar strategy has been employed recently by Mitra et al .to synthesize gold nanoparticles of different shapes in hydrogels of tryptophan containing peptide amphiphiles.27The influence of capping agents to tune the morphological features and the viscoelastic properties of gel–Au nanoparticles composites has been demonstrated by Bhattacharya and co-workers.28A fatty acid amide of L -alanine 22(Chart 16)which formed stable gels in both aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons was used as the gel component to make the composites.Different sets of capping agents were used to investigate the gel–NP interaction.The Au NPs were based on n -alkanethiols (AuC m +2,m ¼4,6and 10),a cholesterol based thiol (AuChol)and p -thi-ocresol (AuPhMe)and they had average diameter of 3–6nm depending on the nature of the capping agent used.The incor-poration of the NPs in the gel had a profound impact on the morphological features of the resulting composite as observed by SEM (Fig.10).The native gel had fibrous assemblies whereas the incorporation of AuC 12resulted in the coalescing of the fibers.On the other hand ‘‘rolled-tubular’’type and platelet-like aggregates were obtained in the case of AuChol and AuPhMe.The rheological characterization of composites revealedinteresting viscoelastic properties (Fig.11).The incorporation of alkanethiol and cholesterol thiol capped NPs improved the rigidity of the gel as revealed from the higher yield stress values of the gel composites.However incorporation of thiocresol based NPs in the gel network slightly decreased the rigidity of the resulting composite.So,the n -alkyl chain and the cholesteryl groups interdigitated better with the gel fibers compared to the thiocresol group and this led to mechanically more-rigid composites in those cases.Gelator 22has recently been exploited to make gel–CNT composites by incorporating SWNTs,MWNTs and SWNTs functionalized with amides of different chain lengths (in order to achieve more solubility in organic solvents)such as hexadecyl,dodecyl,octyl and benzyl in the gel phase.29Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)study of the nanocomposites showed that the incorporation of pristine SWNTs did not change the thermal stability of the nanocomposites but functionalized SWNTs especially those with longer chains caused depression in the thermal stability of the composites compared to that of the native gel indicating a better chain interdigitation of the pendant functions of the nanotubes with the organogel fibers.That the functionalized SWNTs were more efficiently dispersed in the gel matrix than the pristine SWNTs was also evidenced by SEM of the nanocomposites (thickening of fibers in the former case and formation of clusters for the latter)and from the rheological experiments performed on the nanocomposites (higher rigidity in the former case compared to that of the latter).The nano-composites were NIR responsive due to the characteristic van Hove transitions of the SWNTs in the NIR region and hence their gel–sol transition could be induced by NIR irradiation.The gel–nanocomposites in toluene upon NIR laser irradiation (1064nm)at 20 C underwent a gel-to-sol transition whereas the native gel of 22did not show this melting behavior even after irradiating for a longer time.The functionalized SWNTs,being more homogeneously dispersed in the gel,showedfasterFig.10SEM images of xerogels of (a)22,(b)22-AuC 12composite,(c)22-AuChol composite and d)22-AuPhMe composite.Reproduced with permission from ref.28,WileyVCH.Fig.11Plots of yield stress versus NP concentration.Inset:plots of storage modulus G 0and loss modulus G 00versus stress for a gel of 22in toluene and a 22-AuC 12composite containing 2.17wt%of NPs.Reproduced with permission from ref.28,Wiley VCH.。











α-胰凝乳蛋白酶能够促进疏水性Fmoc-氨基酸(如Fmoc-F,Fmoc-W)和氨基酸酯(如F-OMe,F-OEt、Y-OMe)自组装形成水凝胶,根据氨基酸结构的不同,将其成胶时间从8天(或2周内不能形成水凝胶)缩短到10 min-4 h。



(4)构建Fmoc-FF与魔芋葡甘聚糖(KGM)共组装体系,制备Fmoc-FF/KGM 复合气凝胶。




纳米尺度nanoscale纳米基元nano-unit纳米结构单元nanostructure unit纳米材料nanomaterial纳米技术nanotechnology纳米结构体系nanostructure system纳米组装体系nanostructure assembling syst em纳米器件nanodevice碳纳米管carbon nanotubes原子团簇atom cluster单分散颗粒[系] monodispersed particle纳米颗粒nanoparticle团粒aggregate纳米粉体nano-powder纳米纤维nano-fibre纳米薄膜nano-film纳米块体nano-bulk纳米孔nano-pore纳米晶体材料nanocrystalline material纳米非晶材料amorphous nanomaterial纳米准晶材料quasi-crystal nanomaterial金属纳米材料metallic nanomaterial无机非金属纳米材料inorganic non-metallic na nomaterial高分子纳米材料polymer nanomaterial纳米复合材料nanocomposites结构纳米材料structured nanomaterial功能纳米材料functional nanomaterial生物医用纳米材料biomedical nanomaterial 小尺寸效应small-size effect表面效应surface effect量子尺寸效应quantum size effect宏观量子隧道效应macroscopic quantum tun neling effect惰性气体沉积法inert gas deposition物理粉碎法physics grinding高能球磨法high energy ball mill溅射法sputtering物理粉碎法physics grinding爆炸法explosion喷雾法spraying冷冻干燥法freeze drying化学气相沉积法chemical vapor deposition沉淀法precipitation水热合成法hydrothermal synthesis溶胶-凝胶法sol-gel辐射化学合成法radiation chemical synthesis 快速凝固法rapidly quenching强烈塑性变形法severe(intense) plastic deform ationh非晶晶化法amorphous solid crystallizatio n溅射法sputtering非晶晶化法crystallization of amorphous soli d原位复合法in-situ composite插层复合法intercalation hybrids微乳液法micro emulsion模板合成法template synthesis自组装法self-assembly石墨电弧放电法graphite arc discharge快速凝固法rapidly quenching表面处理surface treatment表面修饰surface decoration稳定化处理passivating treatmentX射线衍射法X-ray diffractometry扫描探针显微镜scanning probe microscopy 扫描隧道显微镜scanning tunneling microscop y,扫描近场光学显微镜scanning near-field optica l microscopy,原子力显微镜atomic force microscopy扫描电容显微镜scanning capacitance microsc opy磁力显微镜magnetic force microscopy扫描热显微镜scanning thermal microscopy X射线衍射法X-ray diffractometryX射线衍射线宽化法X-ray diffractometry line b roadeningX射线小角度散射法small angle X-ray scatteri ng透射电子显微镜法transmission electron micro scopy ,TEM透射电镜法TEM method扫描电子显微镜法scanning electron microsco py , SEM扫描电镜法SEM method拉曼光谱法raman spectrometry红外吸收光谱法infrared absorption spectrosc opy穆斯堡尔谱法mossbauer spectrometry光子相关谱法photon correlation spectroscop yBET法BET压汞仪法mercury porosimetry纳米压痕仪nano impress扫描探针显微法scanning probe microscopy, 扫描隧道电子显微法scanning tunneling electr on microscopy,STM扫描近场光学显微法scanning near-field optica l microscopy,SNOM原子力显微法atomic force microscopy,AFM 扫描电容显微法scanning capacitance micros copy, SCM扫描热显微法scanning thermal microscopy, STHM场离子显微法field ion microscopy, FIM磁力显微法magnetic force microscopy, MFM 激光干涉仪laser interferometer激光衍射/散射法laser diffraction and scatterin g离心沉降法centrifugal sedimentation。



含有大位阻基团的烯烃或者炔烃是合成手性 [1 , 2 ] , 螺旋型聚合物的重要单体 由于大位阻基团 的影响, 能够使烯烃在手性引发剂或者手性环境 并且在溶液中也能 的诱导下聚合形成螺旋结构, , 因此近几年来, 这类化 合物 的 合 成 引 起 了 人 们 的 广 泛 兴 趣。 Okamoto 保持稳定的螺旋构象
表3 Tab. 3
t1 / min t2 / min 化合物 a 收率 / %
Effect of reaction time on the yields
20 60 24. 4 30 90 29. 8 40 120 41. 9 60 150 56. 2 80 180 56. 5 100 210 55. 8
由表中数据可知, 室温搅拌时间 t1 和 t2 对产 率的影响, 开始时随着搅拌时间的增长而提高 , 但 到了一定的时间段之后, 产率便不会再有明显变 化, 所以比较优化的条件是 t1 选 1 h 为宜, 而 t2 则 选取 2. 5 h。 参考文献:
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Publications:1 Mu Pan, Haolin Tang, San Ping Jiang, Zengcai Liu, Self-assembledmembrane-electrode-assembly of polymer electrolyte fuel cells, Electrochemistry Communication, 2005, 7(2):119~1242 Mu Pan, Haolin Tang, San Ping Jiang, Zengcai Liu, Fabrication and performanceof polymer electrolyte fuel cells by self-assembly of Pt nanoparticles, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2005, 152(6) A1081-A10883 Pan Mu, Tang Haolin, Mu Shichun and Yuan Runzhang. Synthesis ofPlatinum/Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotube Catalysts,Journal of Materials Research, 2004, 19(8): 2279~22844 Tang Haolin, Pan Mu, Mu Shichun and Yuan Runzhang, Electrostaticself-assembly Pd particles on NafionTM membrane surface to reduce methanol crossover, Chin. Sci. Bull. 2005, 50(4) 377-3795 Haolin Tang, Mu Pan, Sanping Jiang, Zhaohui Wan and Runzhang Yuan,Self-assembling multi-layer-Pd nanoparticles onto NafionTM membrane to reduce methanol crossover, Colloids and Surfaces A 262 (2005) 65–706 Haolin Tang, Mu Pan, San Ping Jiang, Zengcai Liu, Synthesis of Platinumnanoparticles and the self-assembled on Nafion membrane as catalyst coated membrane, Journal of chemical research 2005(7)449-4517 Haolin Tang, Mu Pan, San Ping Jiang and Yuan Runzhang, Modification ofNafionTM membrane to reduce methanol crossover via self-assembly Pd nano-particles, Mater. Lett. 59 (2005) 3766-37708 Tang Haolin, Pan Mu, Mu Shichun and Yuan Runzhang. Synthesis of PlatinumNanoparticles modified with Nafion and the Application in PEM Fuel Cell,Journal of wuhan university of technology, mater. Sci. Ed. 2004, 19(3): 7~99 Mu Shichun, Tang Haolin*, Wan Zhaohui., Pan Mu and Yuan Runzhang. Aunanoparticles self-assembled onto Nafion membranes for use as methanol-blocking barriers. Electrochem. Commun.,7 (2005) 1143–1147.10 San Ping Jiang, Lin Li, Zengcai Liu, Mu Pan, and Hao Lin Tang, Self-Assemblyof PDDA-Pt Nanoparticle/Nafion Membranes for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 2005, 8 (11) A574-A57611 Shi-chun Mu , Hao-lin Tang,Sheng-hao Qian, Mu Pan, Run-zhang Yuan,Hydrogen storage in carbon nanotubes modified by microwave plasma etching and Pd decoration, Carbon 44 (2006) 762–76712 Luo Zhiping, Li Daoxi, Tang Haolin*, Pan Mu and Ruan Runzhang, Degradationbehaviors of membrane-electrode-assembly materials in 10-cell PEMFC stack, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, in Press, Available online 4 May 200613 Mu Shichun, Wang Xiaoen Tang Haolin*, Li Peigang, Lei Ming, Pan Mu, YuanRunZhang. A Self-Humidifying Composite Membrane with Self-Assembled Pt Nanoparticles for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2006, 153 (10) A1868-A187214 San Ping Jiang, Zengcai Liu, Hao Lin Tang and Mu Pan, Synthesis andcharacterization of PDDA-stabilized Pt nanoparticles for direct methanol fuel cells , Electrochimica Acta,51 (2006) 5721–573015 Haolin Tang*, Mu Pan, Mu Shichun, Zhaohui Wan and Runzhang Yuan,Performance of Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cell with Self-assembled PEMs, Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, in press, 2006.16 Haolin Tang, Shenlong Wang, Mu Pan, San Ping Jiang and Yunzhang Ruan,Performance of direct methanol fuel cells prepared by hot-pressed MEA and catalyst-coated membrane (CCM), Electrochimica Acta, in press, now available at web.17 MU Shichun , Tang Haolin ,QIAN Shenghao, PAN Mu , YUAN Runzhang ,Performance of hydrogen storage of carbon nanotubes decorated with palladium, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. 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N-氨基吡啶席夫碱盐的合成孙家森;姚丙乾;赵海荣;任小明;顾大伟;沈临江【摘要】以取代苯甲醛和N-氨基吡啶碘盐为原料,设计并合成了5种新的席夫碱盐--N-取代亚苄基氨基吡啶碘化物,其结构经1H NMR,IR和元素分析表征.【期刊名称】《合成化学》【年(卷),期】2008(016)003【总页数】3页(P289-291)【关键词】苯甲醛;吡啶;席夫碱;合成【作者】孙家森;姚丙乾;赵海荣;任小明;顾大伟;沈临江【作者单位】南京工业大学,理学院,江苏,南京,210009;南京工业大学,理学院,江苏,南京,210009;南京工业大学,理学院,江苏,南京,210009;南京工业大学,理学院,江苏,南京,210009;南京工业大学,理学院,江苏,南京,210009;南京工业大学,理学院,江苏,南京,210009【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O625.63分子基功能材料是近年来迅速发展的一个新兴前沿领域,它是化学、物理、材料和生命科学等的交叉学科[1,2]。

平面型过渡金属双马来二腈基二硫烯配合物{[M(mnt)2]n-; M=Ni, Pd, Pt; mnt2-=双马来二腈基二硫烯;n=1, 2}具有离域π电子结构,被广泛地用于构筑分子导体和分子磁体[3,4],近年来倍受关注。








自述纳米机器人的作文400字英文回答:Nanorobots are microscopic robots that are designed to perform various tasks at the nanoscale level. These tiny machines are built using nanotechnology and are capable of carrying out complex tasks with precision and accuracy. They hold immense potential in fields such as medicine, manufacturing, and environmental monitoring.In the field of medicine, nanorobots can revolutionize healthcare by delivering targeted drug therapies. These robots can be programmed to navigate through the human body and specifically target cancer cells or deliver drugs directly to affected areas. This targeted approach minimizes side effects and increases the efficiency of treatment. For example, imagine a scenario where a nanorobot is injected into a patient's bloodstream and is programmed to seek out and destroy cancer cells. This would provide a more effective and less invasive treatment optionfor patients.Nanorobots also have the potential to improve manufacturing processes. They can be used in material synthesis, assembly, and quality control. For instance, imagine a nanorobot that is capable of assembling complex electronic components with utmost precision. This would significantly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of manufacturing processes, leading to higher quality products.Furthermore, nanorobots can play a crucial role in environmental monitoring. They can be deployed in ecosystems to monitor pollution levels, identify harmful substances, and clean up contaminated areas. For instance, imagine a swarm of nanorobots deployed in a polluted river. These robots can detect and remove harmful pollutants, restoring the ecosystem to its natural state. This would have a significant impact on environmental conservation efforts.中文回答:纳米机器人是微型机器人,旨在以纳米级别执行各种任务。

环氧丙烷环氧乙烷嵌段共聚物 英文

环氧丙烷环氧乙烷嵌段共聚物 英文

环氧丙烷环氧乙烷嵌段共聚物英文Epoxypropane-Epoxyethane Block Copolymer: Properties, Applications, and Synthesis.Introduction.Epoxypropane-epoxyethane block copolymers, commonly referred to as PEO-PPO block copolymers, are a unique class of polymers that exhibit remarkable properties due to their alternating blocks of ethylene oxide (EO) and propylene oxide (PO). These copolymers possess a diverse range of applications in various industries, including personal care, pharmaceuticals, and even the automotive sector. In this article, we delve into the properties, applications, and methods of synthesizing PEO-PPO block copolymers.Properties of PEO-PPO Block Copolymers.PEO-PPO block copolymers exhibit a range of interesting properties that make them highly desirable for numerousapplications. The EO blocks are hydrophilic, meaning they have a strong affinity for water, while the PO blocks are hydrophobic, preferring to avoid water. This amphiphilic nature gives PEO-PPO copolymers unique self-assembling properties, where they can form micelles in aqueous solutions.These micelles have a hydrophilic shell (composed of EO blocks) and a hydrophobic core (composed of PO blocks). This structure allows them to encapsulate hydrophobic molecules within their cores, making them useful for drug delivery and other pharmaceutical applications.Moreover, PEO-PPO block copolymers display good biocompatibility and low toxicity, making them suitable for use in medical devices and implants. They also exhibit excellent thermal stability and mechanical properties, which are essential for their use in coatings, adhesives, and other engineering applications.Applications of PEO-PPO Block Copolymers.Due to their unique properties, PEO-PPO block copolymers find applications in various industries. In the pharmaceutical industry, they are widely used as excipients in drug delivery systems. The amphiphilic nature of these copolymers allows them to encapsulate hydrophobic drugs within their micelles, increasing solubility and bioavailability.In personal care products, PEO-PPO block copolymers are used as emulsifiers and stabilizers in lotions, creams, and other cosmetics. They help maintain the stability of emulsions by preventing phase separation and providing a smooth, creamy texture.In the automotive industry, PEO-PPO block copolymers are used as components in coatings and adhesives. Their excellent thermal stability and mechanical properties make them suitable for use in high-temperature environments, such as engine compartments and exhaust systems.Additionally, these copolymers also find use in water treatment and oilfield chemicals. Their amphiphilic natureallows them to stabilize emulsions and dispersions in oil-water systems, making them useful for enhanced oil recovery and water treatment applications.Synthesis of PEO-PPO Block Copolymers.PEO-PPO block copolymers are typically synthesized using anionic polymerization techniques. In this process, a suitable initiator (such as potassium hydroxide) reacts with a small molecule (monomer) to form an anionically charged active species. This active species then sequentially adds monomers of EO and PO to form the desired block copolymer.The polymerization process is carefully controlled to ensure that the desired block lengths and ratios are achieved. The resulting copolymer is then purified and characterized using various techniques, such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and gel permeation chromatography (GPC).Conclusion.PEO-PPO block copolymers are a unique class of polymers that exhibit remarkable properties due to their alternating blocks of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide. Their amphiphilic nature, biocompatibility, and excellent thermal stability make them highly desirable for numerous applications in various industries. From drug delivery systems to personal care products and automotive coatings, PEO-PPO block copolymers play a crucial role in enhancing the performance and functionality of these products.With the continuous development of new synthesis techniques and the discovery of novel applications, the future of PEO-PPO block copolymers looks bright. Their unique properties and versatility make them promising candidates for addressing challenges in various fields, including biomedicine, materials science, and environmental engineering.。



学报Journal of China Pharmaceutical University2021,52(1):20-3020自组装型树形分子在生物医学领域的研究进展史康洁1,陈家轩1,2,刘潇璇1*,彭玲2**(1中国药科大学,天然药物活性组分与药效国家重点实验室,药物科学研究院高端药物制剂与材料研究中心,南京210009;2法国国家科学院马赛纳米交叉科学研究中心,艾克斯马赛大学,法国马赛13188)摘要树形分子因其具有独特的树枝状分子结构以及多价协同作用等特性在生物医学领域具有广阔的应用前景。




关键词聚酰胺-胺类树形分子;自组装型树形分子;树形分子合成;药物递送;基因递送中图分类号R944文献标志码A文章编号1000-5048(2021)01-0020-11doi:10.11665/j.issn.1000-5048.20210103引用本文史康洁,陈家轩,刘潇璇,等.自组装型树形分子在生物医学领域的研究进展[J].中国药科大学学报,2021,52(1):20–30. Cite this article as:SHI Kangjie,CHEN Jiaxuan,LIU Xiaoxuan,et al.Self-assembling dendrimers for biomedical applications[J].J China Pharm Univ,2021,52(1):20–30.Self-assembling dendrimers for biomedical applicationsSHI Kangjie1,CHEN Jiaxuan1,2,LIU Xiaoxuan1*,PENG Ling2**1State Key Laboratory of Natural Medicines,Center of Advanced Pharmaceuticals and Biomaterials,China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing210009,China;2Interdisciplinary Center of Nanoscience of Marseille,Aix-Marseille University,CNRS,Marseille13188, FranceAbstract Dendrimers,a special class of synthetic polymers known for their well-defined ramified structures and unique multivalent cooperativity,hold great promise for various biomedical applications.However,prepara⁃tion of defect-free dendrimers of high-generation on a large scale remains challenging because of the tedious and time-consuming synthesis as well as difficult purification.To overcome these limitations,an alternative strategy based on self-assembling approach has been developed to construct supramolecular dendrimers using small amphiphilic dendrimer-building units.By virtue of the amphiphilic nature,these small dendrimer-building units self-assemble and form large non-covalent supramolecular dendritic structures that mimic high-generation cova⁃lent dendrimers.Here,we present a brief overview of the supramolecular dendrimers developed in our group for the delivery of nucleic acid therapeutics,anticancer drug and imaging agents.Key words poly(amidoamine)dendrimer;self-assembling dendrimers;dendrimer synthesis;drug delivery;gene delivery收稿日期2020-06-02通信作者*Tel:************E-mail:xiaoxuanliucpu@**Tel:0033-6-17248164E-mail:ling.peng@univ-amu.fr基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.50773127,No.81701815);国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作/港澳台科技创新合作”重点专项资助项目(No.2018YFE0117800);江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(No.BK20170734);江苏省“高层次创新创业人才引进计划”资助项目;中国药科大学天然药物活性组分与药效国家重点实验室资助项目(No.SKLN⁃MZZ202007);法国外交部埃菲尔奖学金、法国国家癌症防治联盟资助项目第52卷第1期史康洁,等:自组装型树形分子在生物医学领域的研究进展This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.50773127,No.81701815),the Key Program for International S&T Cooperation Projects of China (No.2018YFE0117800),the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (No.BK20170734),the Program for Jiangsu Province Innovative Research Talents,the State Key Laboratory of Natural Medicines at ChinaPharmaceutical University (No.SKLNMZZ202007),Bourse d'Excellence Eiffel and Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer1树形分子1978年,Buhleier 等[1]第一次合成了树枝状分子,又称为“级联分子”。



胸腺五肽超分子水凝胶的制备及其免疫调节作用研究任春华;高阳;禇丽萍;刘鉴峰【摘要】目的制备胸腺五肽(RKDVY)超分子水凝胶,对其纳米形貌及力学性能进行表征,并研究其体外增强细胞摄取及免疫调节的性能.方法通过固相合成制备含有胸腺五肽的自组装多肽(NapGDFDFDYGRKDVY),纯化目的多肽后使用高效液相色谱和液质联用色谱分别对其分子质量和纯度进行分析鉴定.通过加热-冷却的方法制备胸腺五肽超分子水凝胶,并分别利用透射电镜和流变仪对其纳米形貌及其力学性能进行表征分析.FITC标记相应多肽后,通过荧光显微镜观察RAW 264.7细胞对RKDVY及NapGDFDFDYGRKDVY纳米纤维的细胞摄取行为.通过酶联免疫吸附试验测试RKDVY和NapGDFDFDYGRKDVY刺激RAW 264.7细胞产生肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)的能力.结果合成的自组装RKDVY能够在加热-冷却下形成宏观可见的超分子水凝胶,该水凝胶由交联的长纤维构成并且具有良好的力学延展性.相较于游离RKDVY,NapGDFDFDYGRKDVY能够更多地被RAW 264.7细胞摄取并刺激其分泌出较高含量的TNF-α.结论通过合理结构修饰后,形成纳米药物的RKDVY 的细胞摄取性能和免疫调节活性显著增强,本研究能够为改善RKDVY在临床应用中的疗效提供新的方法和指导.%Objective To prepare a thymopentin-contained supramolecular hydrogel, and characterize its micromorphology and mechanical property, and further investigate its effects on the cellular uptake and the immunomodulatory performance in vitro . Methods The self-assembling peptide containing thymopentin was prepared by solid phase synthesis method and identified using LC-MS after being purified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Supramolecular hydrogel was prepared through a heating-cooling process, and itsmicromorphology and mechanical property were characterized using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and rheology. The cellular uptake efficiencies of free thymopentin and thymopentin nanofibers were observed by inverted fluorescence microscope after FITC-labeling. The abilities of free thymopentin and thymopentin nanofibers to stimulate RAW 264.7 cells to secrete tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) were studied by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results A macroscopic visible supramolecular hydrogel was obtained by a heating-cooling process, composing with long cross-linked nanofibers and possessing good ductility of mechanics. Compared with free thymopentin, thymopentin nanofibers showed much more enhanced cellular uptake, and better immunomodulation property as stimulating the RAW 264.7 cells to produce much higher concentration of TNF-α in vitro . Conclusion After rational structural modification, the cellular uptake and immunomodulatory activity of thymopentin, which formed nanomedicine, were significantly enhanced. This study can provide new methods and guidance for improving the therapeutic effect of thymopentin in clinical application.【期刊名称】《天津医药》【年(卷),期】2018(046)006【总页数】5页(P615-619)【关键词】胸腺五肽;自组装;超分子水凝胶;纳米纤维;免疫调节【作者】任春华;高阳;禇丽萍;刘鉴峰【作者单位】中国医学科学院&北京协和医学院放射医学研究所,天津市放射医学与分子核医学重点实验室 300192;中国医学科学院&北京协和医学院放射医学研究所,天津市放射医学与分子核医学重点实验室 300192;中国医学科学院&北京协和医学院放射医学研究所,天津市放射医学与分子核医学重点实验室 300192;中国医学科学院&北京协和医学院放射医学研究所,天津市放射医学与分子核医学重点实验室 300192【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R318.08胸腺五肽是一种人工合成的短肽,来源于含49个氨基酸的促胸腺生成素的第32~36片段,其氨基酸组成为Arg-Lys-Asp-Val-Tyr(RKDVY)。

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DOI:10.1002/chem.200701302Synthesis,Self-Assembling Properties,and Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization of an Alkylated l -Phenylalanine-Derived MonomericOrganogel from Silica:A New Approach To Prepare Packing Materials for High-Performance Liquid ChromatographyM.Mizanur Rahman,Miklós Czaun,Makoto Takafuji,and Hirotaka Ihara*[a]IntroductionIn recent years,there has been renewed interest in synthetic polypeptides because of their potential application as biode-gradable and biomedical polymers,[1]as well as their ability to form highly ordered hierarchical structures through non-covalent forces such as hydrogen bonding.[2]Incorporation of a high degree of amino acid functionality and chirality in polymer chains can enhance the potential to form secondary structures (a helix and b sheet)and higher-ordered struc-tures.[3]These synthetic polymers can be useful as chiral rec-ognition stationary phases for HPLC,[4]metal-ion absorb-ents,[5]drug-delivery agents,[6]and biocompatible materials.[7]Such characteristic self-assembled structures and the poten-tial applications of polymers derived from amino acids have attracted researchers to develop new synthetic routes to pre-pare a wide variety of amino acid based polymers by using various polymerization techniques.[8]In principle,the formation of polymer-grafted inorganic particles can be approached in two ways.1)The “grafting to”technique [9]consists of the synthesis of end-functional-ized polymers followed by the immobilization of these poly-mers onto the surface through anchoring groups.The “graft-ing to”method is experimentally simple but it has a limita-tion,namely the difficulty in achieving high grafting density because of the steric crowding of the surface by the already grafted polymers.[10]2)On the contrary,in surface-initiated polymerization (“grafting from”)polymer chains grow in situ from initiator molecules that have been pregrafted to the surface of inorganic particles.[11]The “grafting from”ap-proach is considered to give higher densities because only monomer molecules have to diffuse to the active species.“Living”/controlled radical polymerization (CRP)meth-ods,such as nitroxide-mediated polymerization (NMP),atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP),reversible ad-Abstract:The monomer N ’-octadecyl-N a -(4-vinyl)-benzoyl-l -phenylalaninea-mide (4)based on l -phenylalanine has been simply but effectively synthesized,and its self-assembling properties have been investigated.FTIR and a varia-ble-temperature 1H NMR spectroscopic investigation demonstrated that the ag-gregation of compound 4in various or-ganic solvents is due to the formation of intermolecular hydrogen bonds among the amide moieties.UV/Vis measurements indicated that the multi-ple p –p interactions of the phenylgroups also contribute to the self-as-sembly.As was observed by 13C cross-polarization magic-angle spinning (CP/MAS)NMR and variable-temperature 1H NMR measurements,the ordered alkyl chains also played an important role in the molecular aggregation by van der Waals pound 4was polymerized by surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization from porous silica gel to prepare a packing material for HPLC.The results of thermogravimetric analysis showed that a relatively large amount of poly-mer was grafted onto the silica surface.The organic phase on silica was in a noncrystalline solid form in which the long alkyl chain exists in a less-ordered gauche conformation.Analysis of chro-matographic performance for polyaro-matic hydrocarbon samples showed higher selectivity than conventional re-versed-phase HPLC packing materials.Keywords:gels ·liquid chromatog-raphy ·polyaromatic hydrocarbons ·polymerization ·self-assembly[a]Dr.M.M.Rahman,Dr.M.Czaun,Dr.M.Takafuji,Prof.H.IharaApplied Chemistry and Biochemistry Kumamoto University2-39-1Kurokami,Kumamoto 860-8555(Japan)Fax:(+81) Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,Weinheim Chem.Eur.J.2008,14,1312–13211312dition–fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT)polymerization,living anionic polymerization (LAP),and living cationic polymerization (LCP),provide an ability to produce particu-lar polymer architectures with controlled molecular weight and molecular weight distributions.[12]The major difference between the conventional radical polymerization techniques and CRP is the lifetime of the propagating radicals.While radicals derived from the thermal decomposition of conven-tional radical polymerization initiators (azobisisobutyroni-trile type)may undergo termination reactions within a few seconds,the lifetime of the propagating radicals can be ex-tended to several hours in controlled processes.[13]Among the CRP processes,increasing attention has been paid to ATRP since its discovery by Matyjaszewski and Sawamo-to,[14]because this method does not require rigorous experi-mental conditions like LAP or LCP .The reaction between the activator complex (often CuBr-chelated by N-donor ligands)and the dormant initiator re-sults in the formation of a propagating radical and deactiva-tor complex by a reversible halogen-atom transfer reaction (Scheme 1).A low stationary concentration of propagatingradical (<10À8m )is maintained by the dynamic equilibrium which is established after a short period of time (in a few seconds).[13]Recent advances in controlled/living polymeri-zation processes have encouraged the preparation of a mul-titude of macromolecules with controllable architecture,functionality,composition,and topology.[15]The use of amino acid based assemblies as delivery vehi-cles is induced principally by their ability to incorporate and release poorly water-soluble,hydrophobic,and/or highly toxic compounds,while also minimizing drug degradation and wastage,and hence increasing bioavailability.[16]To date there is no report on the synthesis,self-assembling proper-ties,and surface-initiated ATRP of alkyl l -phenylalanine-de-rived monomers.Herein,we present the synthesis,charac-terization,and subsequent polymerization of an alkyl l -phe-nylalanine monomer from ATRP initiator-grafted silica par-ticles.Furthermore,an application of these polymer-coated silica particles as a stationary phase for HPLC is introduced.Results and DiscussionSynthesis of N ’-octadecyl-N a -(4-vinyl)-benzoyl-l -phenylala-nineamide :We selected l -phenylalanine as chiral origin due to its neutral character to avoid synthetic difficulty and be-cause of its high hydrophobicity.Scheme 2illustrates the synthetic process of the l -phenylalanine derivatives.N -Ben-zyloxycarbonyl-l -phenylalanine (1),derived from l -phenyla-lanine and Z-Cl,was reacted with stearylamine in THF in the presence of a peptide synthesis coupling agent DEPC,affording N ’-octadecyl-N a -carbobenzoyl-l -phenylalaninea-mide (2).Deprotection of the a -amino group of 2by hydro-genation (catalyzed by Pd/carbon black)resulted in N ’-octa-decyl-l -phenylalanineamide (3).The acylation of the a -amino group was carried out with 4-vinylbenzoic acid in al-kaline medium in the presence of DEPC in THF at 08C,to give the octadecylated l -phenylalanine-derived monomer 4as a white powder.The characterization of 1–4was carried out by elemental analysis and different spectroscopic meth-ods (see Figures S1and S2in the Supporting Information).Compound 4was then used for surface-initiated living radi-cal polymerization from a silica surface to produce a high-density chromatographic stationary phase.Self-assembling properties of compound 4:It is well known that hydrogen bonding is one of the driving forces for self-assembly of organogelators in organic solvents.[17]IR and 1H NMR spectroscopies are powerful tools to study hydro-gen-bonding interactions.Extensive precedent indicates that secondary amide groups (NH)engaged in the standard amide–amide hydrogen bonds (C =O ···H ÀN)display stretch-ing bands in the range 3370–3250cm À1,while stretching bands in the range 3500–3400cm À1are attributed to “free”secondary amide groups that are not involved in hydrogen bonding.[18]The FTIR spectrum of compound 4in CHCl 3,in which no self-assembly occurs,showed an absorption band at 3434cm À1attributed to free N ÀH groups [19](Figure S3,Supporting Information).On the other hand,the FTIR spectrum of 4in a cyclohexane gel ([4]=30m m )showed ab-sorption bands at 3302cm À1as well as 1658and 1631cm À1,arising from the intermolecular hydrogen-bonded amide moieties (Figure S4,Supporting Information).The FTIR measurements also provide information on the alkyl groups.The absorption bands of the antisymmetric (n as )andsym-Scheme 1.Mechanism of ATRP.1313FULL PAPERmetric(n s)CH2stretching vibrations of4appeared at2927 (n as,CH2)and2855cmÀ1(n s,CH2)in CHCl3,while in the benzene gel they shifted to2919and2850cmÀ1,respectively (Figure S5,Supporting Information).Such a frequency shift to lower wavenumbers is induced by the restricted mobility of the alkyl chains in4,thus indicating that van der Waals interactions among the alkyl chains also plays an important role in the self-assembly of4molecules.[20]Figure1shows variable-temperature1H NMR measure-ments of compound4in[D12]cyclohexane gel from30to708C with the assignments of key amide protons:N-alkyla-mide(H1)and the a-amide(H2).As the temperature in-creased,the peaks for amide protons were consistently visi-ble as representative of the associated amide function.Upon increasing the temperature,the intensity of the two bands increased and shifted upfield,demonstrating the presence of one-mode association alternation between the free and the associated species.The intensity of the peaks ascribed to the aliphatic moieties at d=1.2ppm also increased within the temperature range of30to708C and became sharper gradu-ally,which suggests that the mobility of the alkyl chain in-creases as a function of temperature(Figure S6,Supporting Information).The ordered structural conformation of the alkyl chain of4was evaluated by13C cross-polarization magic-angle spinning(CP/MAS)NMR measurements (Figure2).The higher intensity of the peak at d=33.4ppm attributed to the trans conformation indicates that most of the alkyl chains are in an ordered structure at ambient tem-perature.[21]To monitor the interaction between the phenyl groups of 4,UV/Vis spectra were collected in cyclohexane at variable temperature(80–08C).The intensity of the absorption band at262nm decreased as the temperature fell,providing clear evidence that the aromatic moieties also aggregate through p–p interactions(Figure S7,Supporting Information).The FTIR,NMR,and UV/Vis measurements demonstrated that intermolecular hydrogen bonding among the amide moiet-ies,van der Waals interaction between the alkyl chains,and p–p interactions of the aromatic groups played the most im-portant roles in the self-assembly of compound4.The mo-lecular packing model of compound4was estimated by Hy-perChem version5.1with molecular mechanics by using the semiempirical AM1method(Figure3).CalculationswereFigure3.Molecular packing model of compound4. 2008Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim Chem.Eur.J.2008,14,1312–13211314H.Ihara et al.stopped when the difference in the energy level after two consecutive iterations was less than 0.001kcal mol À1.The computer simulation confirmed the experimental results,namely the driving force for the self-assembly of 4is partly based on the intermolecular hydrogen bonding between the oxygen atom derived from the carbonyl group and the nitro-gen atom of the amide moiety.Indeed,it can be described by the two symmetrical hydrogen bonds between the amide nitrogen and carbonyl oxygen atoms of the l -phenylalanine moiety,and furthermore between the a -amide nitrogen and the carbonyl oxygen atoms of the 4-vinylbenzoyl moiety.Chromatographic application of molecular gels :We have re-ported the development of a poly(octadecyl acrylate)deriv-ative as a lipid membrane analogue and its successful appli-cation as a HPLC stationary phase after immobilization onto silica.Our detailed investigations revealed that the highly ordered structure induced the orientation of the car-bonyl groups that work as a source of p –p interaction be-tween the stationary phase and the solute molecules.The aligned carbonyl groups provide effective recognition of the molecular planarity and linearity of polyaromatic hydrocar-bons (PAHs)through multiple p –p interactions.[22]We have also reported that dialkyl l -glutamide-derived amphiphilic lipids form nanotubes,nanohelices,and nanofibers induced by the bilayer structures in water or organic solvents,and by intermolecular hydrogen bonds among the amide moieties that also contribute to self-assembly.[23]Successful applica-tion of a dialkyl l -glutamide-derived organogel as a HPLC stationary phase revealed that the highly ordered molecules form a condensed thin layer over the silica surface by inter-molecular hydrogen bonding among the amide moieties,which keeps the carbonyl groups in an ordered form favora-ble for multiple p –p interactions with the guest molecule.Enhanced molecular shape selectivity was observed through p –p interactions between the carbonyl groups and the delo-calized electrons of PAHs for the glutamide-derived station-ary phase.[24]As similar noncovalent interactions,namely hy-drogen bonding among the amide moieties and aromatic p –p interactions,were found to contribute to the self-assembly of compound 4,Sil-poly 4(Scheme 3)could be considered as a novel stationary phase for HPLC applications.Polymerization of 4from silica by surface-initiated ATRP :To synthesize polymer-grafted silica particles we broke the process down into two steps (Scheme 3):1)immobilization of ATRP initiator on silica particles and 2)polymerization from initiator-grafted silica.Radical polymerization initiator [11-(2-bromo-2-methyl)propionyloxy]undecyltrichlorosilane (5)was synthesized according to a method reported in the literature.[25]Initiator 5was grafted onto silica in dry toluene in the presence of TEA under a nitrogen atmosphere (see Experimental Section).The reaction between the surface-ac-cessible OH group of silica and the anchoring group of the initiator (ÀSiCl 3)resulted in the formation of a chemical bond between the silica surface and initiator 5(Sil-5).ATRP processes were carried out by using Sil-5as a macroi-nitiator suspended in the mixture of monomer and toluene in the presence of CuBr and PMDETA as catalyst precur-sors (see the Supporting Information).After the ATRP pro-cess,Sil-poly 4was purified by repeated washing in different solvents to remove the nongrafted polymers from the sur-face.Structural characterization of Sil-5and Sil-poly 4was carried out by different spectroscopic (diffuse reflectance in-frared Fourier transform (DRIFT),NMR)and thermoana-lytic methods (thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)).Thermogravimetric analysis of Sil-poly4:To assess the or-ganic content of the initiator-functionalized and polymer-modified silica,repeated TGA runs were conducted and almost identical curves were obtained.As the good reprodu-cibility does not prove that significant errors are not incur-red,control TGA experiments with nongrafted poly 4were needed.Before measurements,each sample was first kept under vacuum at 358C for 5h to remove solvent traces,then TGA measurements were run at a constant heating rate of 108C min À1in air by using an empty crucible as a reference.The heating process was carried out up to 8008C,which has been demonstrated to be sufficiently high to degrade all sur-face-bonded organosilanes.[26]Typical TGA curves for the bare silica,Sil-5,and Sil-poly 4are depicted in Figure 4.The weight retention profile of Sil-5reached a plateau at 1108C (drying period),indicating the removal of surface water.After the thermal degradation of the initiator the weight of the sample was constant from 650to 8008C.A plateau in the weight retention curve of Sil-poly 4was also observed as the temperature reached 6008C,confirming that there is no polymer material remaining on the silica at 8008C.Considering the TGA curve of Sil-5as reference,the weight of the immobilized initiator can be calculated as 9.6wt %of the total mass.Similarly,TGA revealedthatScheme 3.Synthetic steps for the preparation of poly 4-grafted silica parti-cles (Sil-poly 4).PMDETA:1,1,4,7,7-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine.Chem.Eur.J.2008,14,1312–1321 2008Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,Weinheim 1315FULL PAPERPacking Materials for HPLC25.5wt %poly 4is grafted on the silica surface if the weight retention of Sil-5was considered as reference at 8008C.The former weight difference (9.6%)was translated into an average grafting density of 0.61initiator molecules per nm 2.However,this value is one order of magnitude lower than the generally accepted silica surface hydroxyl group density (five OH groups per nm 2)[27]but slightly higher than that demonstrated in other reports.[28]From the results of TGA measurements it can be concluded that a fairly large amount of polymer was grafted onto the silica surface by the ATRP process,and Sil-poly 4can be considered as a high-density organic phase for HPLC.IR analysis :Immobilization of ATRP initiator 5and sur-face-initiated polymerization of 4were also confirmed by DRIFT spectroscopy.The absorbance spectra for bare silica particles,Sil-5,and Sil-poly 4in the region from 3700to1500cm À1are shown in Figure 5.In spectrum b,the ester group introduced by initiator 5is clearly noticeable,as indi-cated by the C =O bond stretching at 1717cm À1.A group of peaks at 2931and 2859cm À1is attributed to the CH bond stretching of the long alkyl chain in initiator 5.The FTIR spectrum of 4(Figure 5,spectrum d)shows intense bands at 1659and 1630cm À1corresponding to the carbonyl stretching of the two amide bonds,respectively (the latter overlapped with the C =C stretching band of the vinyl moiety).A broad signal (Figure 5,spectrum c)could be observed at 1634cm À1,indicating the presence of grafted polymer.The spectrum of Sil-poly 4also displays a peak at 1719cm À1due to the carbonyl stretching of initiator 5,but the intensity in this case is not as strong as that detected in the spectrum of Sil-5.Equally important is the appearance of N ÀH stretch-ing (3293cm À1)in spectrum c derived from poly 4,providing further evidence that monomer 4was successfully polymer-ized from the silica surface.The Si ÀOH bonds of the pure silica show an absorption band at 3652cm À1,indicating that some surface OH groups remained unfunctionalized (Fig-ure 5a and c).These results clearly proved that a considera-bly large amount of poly 4could be immobilized on the silica surface.NMR studies of Sil-poly4:In liquid-or suspended-state NMR spectroscopy,only those molecules or parts of mole-cules are detectable that have very fast rotational mo-tions.[29]The motion must be in such a fast range that it can average out dipolar coupling and chemical shift anisotropy until the related NMR peaks become narrow enough to be detected.The suspension-state 1H NMR spectroscopy of Sil-poly 4was measured from 25to 508C.Neither the half-height width (line width)of methylene groups nor the spin–spin relaxation time (T 2)showed any significant change with temperature (20–508C).We observed that the intensity of the NMR peaks representing terminal methyl and methyl-ene groups of octadecyl moieties increased slightly and were detectable when a very high vertical scale was used for graphical presentation.These results indicate that the organ-ic phase on the silica surface is in the solid state at room temperature.Solid-state 13C CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy is a powerful tool for evaluation of the chemical composition of modified surfaces and for confirming the integrity of the immobilized alkyl groups.13C CP/MAS NMR spectra of Sil-poly 4were acquired at variable temperature (25–508C).It is well known that the 13C NMR signals for (CH 2)n carbon atoms appear at two resonances,one at d =32.2ppm due to the trans conformation,indicating the presence of rigid and or-dered chains,and the other at d =30.0ppm due to the gauche conformation.[21]The intense signal at d =29.9ppm in the 13C CP/MAS NMR spectra,attributed to the methyl-ene carbon atoms of the octadecyl groups,indicates that the N -alkyl chains of Sil-poly 4are arranged in a less ordered gauche conformational form,and no alteration to the or-dered trans conformation could be observed in the tempera-ture range 25–508C (Figure S8,SupportingInformation).Figure 5.DRIFT spectra of a)bare silica particles,b)Sil-5,and c)Sil-poly 4;d)FTIR spectrum of 4. 2008Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,Weinheim Chem.Eur.J.2008,14,1312–13211316H.Ihara et al.29Si CP/MAS NMR investigation shows the differentiation between geminal silanol groups(Q2)and free silanol groups (Q3)besides the siloxane groups(Q4),which are indicated by signals at d=À92,À102,andÀ111ppm,respectively.In initiator-and polymer-grafted silica the signal corresponding to residual geminal silanols is not seen.When the initiator was reacted with the silica surface,a large amount of cross-linked T2-type silicon species(d=À57ppm)was observed while polymer grafting increased the cross-linked surface,as indicated by the appearance of T3signals(d=À65ppm)and the absence of a signal for T1[30](29Si CP/MAS NMR spectra are given in Figure S9in the Supporting Information).To demonstrate an application of the new amino acid de-rived monomer,Sil-poly4was suspended in chloroform/hex-anol and packed in a stainless-steel column of length25cm and internal diameter(i.d.)4.6mm by using methanol as packing solvent.The packed column was used for chromato-graphic analysis and the results are described in the follow-ing sections.Retention mode:It is known that conventional octadecylsi-lane(ODS)or alkyl phases can recognize the hydrophobici-ty of analytes in HPLC,and this hydrophobicity is measured by the methylene activity of the stationary phases.This ac-tivity reflects the possibility of the phase being able to sepa-rate two molecules that differ only in methylene groups,for example,amylbenzene and butylbenzene or ethylbenzene and toluene.The retention mode,as well as the extent of hy-drophobic interaction among the analytes and the packing materials in HPLC,can be determined by retention studies of alkylbenzenes.[31]To evaluate the retention mode and chromatographic per-formance,Sil-poly4was packed in a stainless-steel column and separation experiments were carried out.Figure6 shows the correlation between log k and log P for Sil-poly4 and a conventional ODS phase.Notably,the retention mode of Sil-poly4showed a reversed-phase mode compared to that of the conventional ODS phase.As indicated in Figure6,this phase showed a much higher retention for both alkylbenzenes and PAHs.It was also observed that log k and log P plots of alkylbenzenes and PAHs in ODS were parallel and almost coincided with each other,provid-ing evidence that ODS can recognize only the hydrophobici-ty of analytes.It was found that Sil-poly4showed a higher retention for PAHs compared to its values for alkylbenzenes.For in-stance,the log P of naphthacene(5.71)is smaller than that of octylbenzene(6.30),while the log k value of naphthacene (2.95)is higher than that of octylbenzene(2.09).The in-crease of log k for PAHs was accompanied by selectivity en-hancement,which provides specific interactive sites for PAHs that can recognize aromaticity as well as molecular hydrophobicity.Chromatographic performance of Sil-poly4:The first chro-matographic evaluation was performed by using the Tanaka test mixture containing hydrophobic probes.[32]Figure7 shows the chromatogram obtained,in which it can be ob-served that all compounds were separated with good effi-ciencies and good peak shapes.This characterization proto-col is a well-developed approach that is recommended to obtain information about the functionality of the silyl re-agent and the methylene selectivity,as well as to establish the repeatability and reproducibility of the separation be-havior of commercially available reversed phases.[32]The most relevant properties,which are measured by the chro-matographic parameters for the separation of seven com-pounds,are shape and methylene selectivities,hydrogen bonding,and ion-exchange capacities in neutral media.The chromatogram(Figure7)shows the separation of two homologous alkylbenzenes and nonplanar PAHs,and it was observed that all four compounds are well resolved.The re-tention of some PAH isomers and aromatic positional iso-mers was examined to assess the shape selectivity bySil-1317FULL PAPER Packing Materials for HPLCpoly4,and the retention data were compared with those for the conventional ODS phase.Several size and shape param-eters for PAHs were introduced for systematic investigations of retention behavior.The retention data for PAH isomers on Sil-poly4and their comparison with ODS are given in Table1.To evaluate the planarity recognition capability of ODS phases,Tanaka et al.[33]introduced the selectivity for two solutes,o-terphenyl(F=9,L/B=1.11)and triphenylene (F=9,L/B=1.12).(Definitions of F and L/B are given in the Supporting Information.)We observed that Sil-poly4 (a triphenylene/o-terphenyl=3.23)showed extremely enhanced mo-lecular planarity recognition compared to ODS(a triphenylene/o-terphenyl=1.4).A typical example for selectivity towards PAHs on Sil-poly4is shown in Figure8.The retention data show that Sil-poly4yielded higher separation for all sets of PAHs and geometrical isomers than the conventional re-versed-phase HPLC stationary phase,regardless of the fact that the alkyl chain in Sil-poly4yielded a disordered gauche transformation and no inversion to ordered transformation was seen up to a temperature of508C.ConclusionA new polymerizable N’-octadecyl-l-phenylalanine-derived monomer has been synthesized and found to be self-assem-bled by intermolecular hydrogen bonding.Structurally well-defined silica–polymer hybrid materials were prepared by initiator immobilization on a silica surface and subsequent surface-initiated ATRP by using initiator-modified particles as macroinitiators.The octadecyl chains on the polymer-grafted silica parti-cles were a disordered,solid,and noncrystalline form that did not show any phase-transition behavior.Sil-poly4was used as a HPLC packing material and showed a reversed-phase retention mode.The chromatographic results for PAH isomers showed better separation behavior than with a conventional ODS phase.This new polymer-grafted silica could be efficiently used for the separation of PAHs in re-versed-phase HPLC.Furthermore,compound4may also be applied towards the functionalization of magnetic particles, and the magneto-responsive composite materials ultimately could be used for magnetic hyperthermia.By introducing cationic functional groups,the4molecule could be a poten-tial candidate for the preparation of carriers that can deliver nucleic acids into cells to investigate the properties of gene sequences.Experimental SectionGeneral methods and materials:TEA(Wako,99+%)was distilled over potassium hydroxide.Trichlorosilane(TCA,97%),2-bromoisobutyryl bromide(Aldrich,98%),10-undecene-1-ol(Aldrich,98%),platinum(0)-1,3-divinyl-1,1,3,3-tetramethyldisiloxane(Karstedt catalyst;Aldrich,0.1m in xylenes),PMDETA(Wako,98.0%),and copper(I)bromide(Aldrich, 99.999%)were used as received.Toluene(Wako,99+%)and diethyl ether(Wako,99.5+%)were distilled from sodium/benzophenone and stored under argon when not used.Porous silica particles(YMC-GEL) were purchased from YMC(Kyoto,Japan);their average diameter,pore size,and surface area were5m m,12nm,and300m2gÀ1,respectively. HPLC-grade methanol and PAH samples were obtained from Nacalai Tesque(Japan).Analytical thin-layer chromatography was performed on 0.25mm silica gel plates,and silica gel column chromatography was car-Table1.Retention and separation factors of PAHs for Sil-poly4and ODS stationary phases.Analyte[a]Sil-poly4Sil-ODSk a k a benzene0.9740.742.36 1.78 naphthalene 2.30 1.326.30 3.55 anthracene 6.141 2.63pyrene10.28 3.761.41 1.21 triphenylene14.42 4.571.23 1.29 benzo[a]anthracene12.64 4.871.43 1.30 chrysene14.70 4.891.90 1.49 naphthacene19.10 5.60cis-stilbene 3.22 2.081.44 1.05 trans-stilbene 4.632.20o-terphenyl 4.468 3.071.95 1.44 m-terphenyl8.71 4.453.10 1.44 p-terphenyl13.814.45[a]Mobile phase:methanol/water(90:10);column temperature:308C; flow rate:1.00mL minÀ1;UV detection(254nm).1318H.Ihara et al.。
