大学体验英语项目组《大学体验英语综合教程(1)》学习指南(Unit 2)【圣才出品】

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Unit 2
Passage A
shredded [5Fredid] adj. 切碎的
【例句】I think Mapo beancurd and shredded meat in chilli sauce are quite special.

fervent [5fE:vEnt] adj. 炽热的
【例句】Lots of men and women in the West are fervent supporters of bloodstained setups.

hollow [5hClEu] n. 洞,窟窿,山谷
adj. 空的,空腹的;空洞的,空虚的
v. 挖空,弄凹
【例句】①A water pipe is hollow. 水管是空心的。

②River banks are hollowed out by rushing water 河岸由于激流冲刷而凹陷了。

【词组】hollow out挖空(挖洞;开凿)
【助记】hollow 音“好漏”→中空的管子好漏水
【派生】hollowness n. 空旷;空虚;凹陷
lyricist [5lirisist] n. 抒情诗人
【例句】Mr. Sharp is a gifted lyricist who does something good in every song.

flickering [`flIkErIN] adj. 闪烁的;摇曳的;忽隐忽现的,一闪一闪的
【例句】The flickering insect halo began to drift slowly away,keeping a constant six feet above the earth.

commitment [kE5mitmEnt] n. 委托事项;许诺;承担义务
【例句】We made a commitment to keep working together. 我们作了承诺要继续在一起工作。

insurmountable [7insE5mauntEbl] adj. 不能克服的;不能超越的
【例句】The crisis doesn't seem like an insurmountable problem. 这场危机不像是无法克服的。

hurdle [5hE:dl] n. 篱笆,栏,障碍,跨栏,活动篱笆
v. 用篱笆围住,跳过(栏栅),克服(障碍)
【例句】Two-thirds of candidates fail at this first hurdle and are sent home.

deliberate [di5libEreit] adj. 慎重的,深思熟虑的;故意的,有准备的
v. 商讨
【例句】①His actions were clearly the result of deliberate calculatio n. 他的行动显然是精心策划过的
②They deliberated on whether to continue with the talk. 他们仔细考虑了是否继续谈判的话题。

【词组】deliberate on 审议;仔细研究,考虑
【派生】deliberation n. 审议;考虑;从容;熟思
prominent [5prCminEnt] adj. 突出的,杰出的;突起的,凸出的
【例句】A single tree in a field is prominent. 田地里一棵孤零零的树是很显眼的。

【派生】prominence n. 突出;显著;突出物;卓越
prophecy [5prCfisi] n. 预言,预言能力
【例句】Will the teacher's prophecy be fulfilled? 那位老师的预言会实现吗?
unveil [Qn5veil] vt. 使公诸于众;揭开;揭幕,除去…的面纱
vi. 显露;除去面纱
【例句】Mr. Werner unveiled his new strategy this week. 沃纳先生本周公布了他的新策略。

Passage B
detour [5di:tJE(r); (?@) dI5tJEr] n. 便道,绕路
vi. 绕路而行
vt. 使绕道
【例句】He did not take the direct route to his home,but made a detour around the outskirts of the city.

mundane [5mQndein] adj. 世界的,世俗的,平凡的
【例句】It's an attitude that turns the mundane into something more interesting and exciting.

sculptor [`skQlptE(r)] n. 雕刻家
【例句】Many of the works of the sculptor were on display this time. 这次展出了这位雕刻家的许多作品。

mediocre [7mi:di5EukE; 5mi:diEukE] adj. 普普通通的,平庸的
【例句】His school record was mediocre. 他的学业成绩一般。

relinquish [ri5liNkwiF] v. 放弃
【例句】He does not intend to relinquish power. 他不打算放弃权力。

demise [di5maiz] n. 死亡,君权的转移或授与,让位,禅让
vt. 让渡,遗赠,转让
【例句】He was captured and executed shortly after her demise. 在她的死亡后不久,他被抓获并被处死。

attain [E5tein] vt. 获得;达到,完成
vi. 达到
n. 成就
【例句】Leo Ioacoco attained the position of President of the Ford Motors.

【派生】attainable adj. 可得到的;可达到的;可到达的
attainment n. 达到;成就;学识
attainability n. 可达到;可获得
diminish [di5miniF] vt. 使减少;使变小
vi. 减少,缩小;变小
【例句】His illness diminished his strength. 他的病削弱了他的体力。

【派生】diminution n. 减少,降低;缩小
resentment [ri5zentmEnt] n. 怨恨,愤恨
【例句】She harboured resentment against her stepmother. 她对继母怀有怨恨。

merit [5merit] n. 优点,价值;功绩;功过
vt. 值得
vi. 应受报答
【例句】She was awarded a certificate of merit for her piano playing. 她获得一张钢琴演奏荣誉奖状。

【词组】on its merits 根据事物本身的优缺点;按照事情的是非曲直
【助记】marry it 嫁给他是因为他的长处与优点。

fruition [fru(:) 5iFEn] n. 享用,结果实,成就,实现
【例句】Now,however,my thesis from 1992 has really come to fruition.

legacy [5le^Esi] n. 遗赠(物),遗产;先人(或过去)留下的东西
【例句】One proviso attaches to the legacy. 这个遗赠附带一项限制性条款。

【助记】源自legate 遗赠;legal+音:死,法律上讲人死了后这人的东西与财产就成为遗。
